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• 4. Election: General election—the voters across the nation go to the polls. (全国选民投
Electoral College—wFra Baidu biblioteknnertake-all feature, majority of electors. (选举团
• 2. National Representatives Conference: party’s official candidate for the presidency is selected by casting votes (各党确定正式候选人)
• 3. Running: nation-wide presidential campaigns by the candidates. (总统竞选运动)
High-income voters Hispanic and Asian American voters
Low-income voters Native, African, Jewish, Arab and Muslim Americans
Be born in the USA live in the U.S.A for 14 years
introduce They began to
Formal presidental election
Formal presidental election start on the first Monday of september make campaign speeches across the country interview voters debate in public with their rivals
To be elected
• candidates for president and vicepresident must receive a majority of the votes in Electoral College. If no candidate receives a majority.
Presidential Inauguration
January 20, by holding the formal inauguration , the President takes office. He took the presidential declaration : "I solemnly swear: I will faithfully implement the duties of the President of the United States of America and will do my best to uphold, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America. “
Republican Party
Democratic Party
Economic policies Social policies
Voter base
Economic policies
• Favor a higher minimum wage, and more regular increases • Oppose tax cuts and incentives to oil companies, favor a policy of developing domestic renewable energy • Support more government spending on social services while spending less on the military • Call for "affordable and quality health care," and many advocate an expansion of government intervention in this area.
选举人团制度规定,除了缅因和内布拉斯加 两个州是按普选票得票比例分配选举人票外, 其余48个州和华盛顿均实行“胜者全得” 制度,即将其选举人票全部给予获得相对多 数选民票的总统候选人。
• 5. Inaugural address: the inauguration
ceremony (总统宣誓就职仪式) held in front of the U.S. Capital.
Debates: Four debates (2008)
• September 26: • 1st presidential debate at the University of Mississippi. The central issues: foreign policy and national security. • October 2: • The vice-presidential debate was hosted at Washington University in St. Louis. • October 7: 2nd presidential debate at Belmont University. The addressed issues: raised by members of the audience, particularly the economy. • October 15: The third and final presidential debate at Hofstra University. It focused on domestic and economic policy.
Super Tuesday
In the United States, Super Tuesday, in general, refers to the Tuesday in February or March of a presidential election year when the greatest number of states hold primary elections to select delegates to national conventions at which each party's presidential candidates are officially nominated.
Voter base
Gender Age Family status
Men Older Americans
Whites from married couples with children living at home
Women Younger voters
Single, separated, or divorced
National Representatives Conference
After National Representatives Conference, someone is elected as party’s official candidate their own party’s political claims voters their own political programs give promises Serve the people voters get more support
The Procedure
National Representatives Conference
January June July August November
Primary election
Inaugural address
• 1. Primary election: for the nomination of candidates at national party conventions (提名候
Some people even take direct actions make political programme make political feeler
Call at states
Meet keyman and donators build relationship with main interest groups and media state their view in public and TV programs
Nowadays, competition of president is gradually turning into competition of money.
Five ways to get election fund 1 special funds from federal government 2 their own party’s financial aid 3 their family and their own money 4 populace(百姓)’s individual contribution 5 contribution from consortium, enterprise and other interest groups
choose a suitable occasion to declare that they will run for nomination of presidential candidates
set up a committee to reelect the president
raise money
The House of Representatives
3 candidates
美国宪法还规定,如果所有总统候选人都未获得半数 以上的选举人票,由国会众议院从得票最多的前三名 候选人中选出总统。
Primary election
Someone who has intention of the position of president begin to save political capital several years before the election. The year berore presidential year