



2003年考研数学(三)真题答案1.【分析】当≠x 0可直接按公式求导,当x=0时要求用定义求导.【详解】当1>λ时,有,0,0,0,1sin 1cos )(21=≠⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧+='--x x xx x x x f 若若λλλ显然当2>λ时,有)0(0)(lim 0f x f x '=='→,即其导函数在x=0处连续.2. 【分析】 曲线在切点的斜率为 0,即 y = ′0 ,由此可确定切点的坐标应满足的条件,再根据在切点处纵坐标为零,即可找到2b 与a 的关系.【详解】由题设,在切点处有03322=-='a x y ,有.22a x =又在此点y 坐标为0,于是有0300230=+-=b x a x ,故.44)3(6422202202a a a x a x b =⋅=-=3. 【分析】 本题积分区域为全平面,但只有当0 ≤x ≤1,0 ≤y −x ≤1时,被积函数才不为零,因此实际上只需在满足此不等式的区域内积分即可.【详解】⎰⎰-=Ddxdy x y g x f I )()(=dxdya x y x ⎰⎰≤-≤≤≤10,102=.])1[(212112a dx x x a dy dx ax x=-+=⎰⎰⎰+4. 【分析】 这里 ααT为 n 阶矩阵,而 αT= α2a 2为数,直接通过 AB =E 进行计算并注意利用乘法的结合律即可.【详解】由题设,有)1)((T T a E E AB αααα+-==TT T T aa E αααααααα⋅-+-11=T T T Ta a E αααααααα)(11-+-=TT T a a E αααααα21-+-=E aa E T=+--+αα)121(,于是有0121=+--a a ,即0122=-+a a ,解得.1,21-==a a 由于A<0,故a=-1.5.. 【分析】 利用相关系数的计算公式即可.【详解】 因为)4.0()()]4.0([()4.0,cov(),cov(---=-=X E Y E X Y E X Y Z Y =)(4.0)()()(4.0)(Y E X E Y E Y E XY E +--=E(XY)–E(X)E(Y)=cov(X,Y),且.DX DZ =于是有cov(Y,Z)=DZDY Z Y ),cov(=.9.0),cov(==XY DYDX Y X ρ【评注】 注意以下运算公式:D (X +a ) =DX ,cov(X ,Y +a ) =cov(X ,Y ).6.. 【分析】 本题考查大数定律:一组相互独立且具有有限期望与方差的随机变量n X X X ,,,21 ,当方差一致有界时,其算术平均值依概率收敛于其数学期望的算术平均值:).(1111∞→→∑∑==n EX n X n ni i p n i i 【详解】这里22221,,,n X X X 满足大数定律的条件,且22)(i i i EX DX EX +==21)21(412=+,因此根据大数定律有∑==n i i n X n Y 121依概率收敛于.21112=∑=n i i EX n 二、选择题(本题共 6 小题,每小题 4 分,满分 24 分. 每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项符合题目要求,把所选项前的字母填在题后的括号内)7.【分析】由题设,可推出f(0)=0,再利用在点x=0处的导数定义进行讨论即可.【详解】显然x=0为g(x)的间断点,且由f(x)为不恒等于零的奇函数知,f(0)=0.于是有)0(0)0()(lim )(lim)(lim 00f x f x f x x f xg x x x '=--==→→→存在,故x=0为可去间断点.【评注1】本题也可用反例排除,例如f(x)=x,则此时g(x)=,0,0,0,1=≠⎩⎨⎧=x x x x 可排除(A),(B),(C)三项,故应选(D).【评注2】若f(x)在0x x =处连续,则.)(,0)()(lim000A x f x f A x x x f x x ='=⇔=-→.8..【分析】可微必有偏导数存在,再根据取极值的必要条件即可得结论.【详解】可微函数f(x,y)在点),(00y x 取得极小值,根据取极值的必要条件知0),(00='y x f y ,即),(0y x f 在0y y =处的导数等于零,故应选(A).【评注1】本题考查了偏导数的定义,),(0y x f 在0y y =处的导数即),(00y x f y ';而),(0y x f 在0x x =处的导数即).,(00y x f x '【评注2】本题也可用排除法分析,取22),(y x y x f +=,在(0,0)处可微且取得极小值,并且有2),0(y y f =,可排除(B),(C),(D),故正确选项为(A).9.【分析】根据绝对收敛与条件收敛的关系以及收敛级数的运算性质即可找出答案.【详解】若∑∞=1n na绝对收敛,即∑∞=1n na收敛,当然也有级数∑∞=1n na收敛,再根据nn n a a p +=,nn n a a q -=及收敛级数的运算性质知,∑∞=1n np与∑∞=1n nq都收敛,故应选(B).10.. 【分析】 A 的伴随矩阵的秩为 1, 说明 A 的秩为 2,由此可确定 a,b 应满足的条件.【详解】 根据A 与其伴随矩阵 A*秩之间的关系知,秩(A)=2,故有0))(2(2=-+=b a b a ab b b a b bb a ,即有02=+b a 或a=b.但当a=b 时,显然秩(A)2≠,故必有a ≠b 且a+2b=0.应选(C).【评注】n (n )2≥阶矩阵A 与其伴随矩阵A*的秩之间有下列关系:.1)(,1)(,)(,0,1,*)(-<-==⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧=n A r n A r n A r n A r 11..【分析】本题涉及到线性相关、线性无关概念的理解,以及线性相关、线性无关的等价表现形式.应注意是寻找不正确的命题.【详解】(A):若对于任意一组不全为零的数s k k k ,,,21 ,都有02211≠+++s s k k k ααα ,则s ααα,,,21 必线性无关,因为若s ααα,,,21 线性相关,则存在一组不全为零的数s k k k ,,,21 ,使得02211=+++s s k k k ααα ,矛盾.可见(A )成立.(B):若s ααα,,,21 线性相关,则存在一组,而不是对任意一组不全为零的数s k k k ,,,21 ,都有.02211=+++s s k k k ααα (B)不成立.(C)s ααα,,,21 线性无关,则此向量组的秩为s ;反过来,若向量组s ααα,,,21 的秩为s ,则s ααα,,,21 线性无关,因此(C)成立.(D)s ααα,,,21 线性无关,则其任一部分组线性无关,当然其中任意两个向量线性无关,可见(D)也成立.综上所述,应选(B).【评注】原命题与其逆否命题是等价的.例如,原命题:若存在一组不全为零的数s k k k ,,,21 ,使得02211=+++s s k k k ααα 成立,则s ααα,,,21 线性相关.其逆否命题为:若对于任意一组不全为零的数s k k k ,,,21 ,都有02211≠+++s s k k k ααα ,则s ααα,,,21 线性无关.在平时的学习过程中,应经常注意这种原命题与其逆否命题的等价性.12.. 【分析】按照相互独立与两两独立的定义进行验算即可,注意应先检查两两独立,若成立,再检验是否相互独立.【详解】因为21)(1=A P ,21)(2=A P ,21)(3=A P ,41)(4=A P ,且41)(21=A A P ,41)(31=A A P ,41)(32=A A P ,41)(42=A A P 0)(321=A A A P ,可见有)()()(2121A P A P A A P =,)()()(3131A P A P A A P =,)()()(3232A P A P A A P =,)()()()(321321A P A P A P A A A P ≠,)()()(4242A P A P A A P ≠.故321,,A A A 两两独立但不相互独立;432,,A A A 不两两独立更不相互独立,应选(C).【评注】本题严格地说应假定硬币是均匀的,否则结论不一定成立.13..【分析】只需求出极限)(lim 1x f x -→,然后定义f(1)为此极限值即可.【详解】因为)(lim 1x f x -→=)1(1sin 11[lim 1x x x x --+-→πππ=xx xx x πππππsin )1(sin )1(lim 111---+-→=xx x xx ππππππππcos )1(sin cos lim 111-+---+-→=xx x x xx ππππππππππsin )1(cos cos sin lim11221----+-→=.1π由于f(x)在)1,21[上连续,因此定义π1)1(=f ,使f(x)在]1,21[上连续.【评注】 本题实质上是一求极限问题,但以这种形式表现出来,还考查了连续的概念.在计算过程中,也可先作变量代换 y=1-x ,转化为求 y →0 +的极限,可以适当简化.14..【分析】本题是典型的复合函数求偏导问题:),(v u f g =,)(21,22y x v xy u -==,直接利用复合函数求偏导公式即可,注意利用.22uv f v u f ∂∂∂=∂∂∂【详解】vfx u f y x g ∂∂+∂∂=∂∂,.vf y u f x yg ∂∂-∂∂=∂∂故v f v f xv u f xy u f y x g ∂∂+∂∂+∂∂∂+∂∂=∂∂2222222222,.2222222222v f v f y u v f xy u f x y g ∂∂-∂∂+∂∂∂-∂∂=∂∂所以222222222222)()(vf y x u f y x yg x g ∂∂++∂∂+=∂∂+∂∂=.22y x +【评注】 本题考查半抽象复合函数求二阶偏导.15.. 【分析】 从被积函数与积分区域可以看出,应该利用极坐标进行计算.【详解】 作极坐标变换:x =r cos θ, y =r sin θ,有dxdyy x e e I Dy x)sin(22)(22+=⎰⎰+-π=.sin 2022dr r re d er ⎰⎰-πππθ令2r t =,则tdt e e I t sin 0⎰-=πππ.记tdt e A t sin 0⎰-=π,则tt de e A --⎰-=int 0π=]cos sin [0⎰----ππtdt e t e t t=⎰--πcos ttde =]sin cos [0tdt e te t t⎰--+-ππ=.1A e-+-π因此)1(21π-+=e A ,).1(2)1(2πππππe e e I +=+=-【评注】本题属常规题型,明显地应该选用极坐标进行计算,在将二重积分化为定积分后,再通过换元与分步积分(均为最基础的要求),即可得出结果,综合考查了二重积分、换元积分与分步积分等多个基础知识点.16..【分析】先通过逐项求导后求和,再积分即可得和函数,注意当x=0时和为1.求出和函数后,再按通常方法求极值.【详解】.1)1()(1212∑∞=-+-=-='n n n xx x x f 上式两边从0到x 积分,得).1ln(211)0()(202x dt t t f x f x+-=+-=-⎰由f(0)=1,得).1(),1ln(211)(2<+-=x x x f 令0)(='x f ,求得唯一驻点x=0.由于,)1(1)(222x x x f +--=''01)0(<-=''f ,可见f(x)在x=0处取得极大值,且极大值为f(0)=1.【评注】 求和函数一般都是先通过逐项求导、逐项积分等转化为可直接求和的几何级数情形,然后再通过逐项积分、逐项求导等逆运算最终确定和函数.17.. 【分析】 F(x)所满足的微分方程自然应含有其导函数,提示应先对 F(x)求导,并将其余部分转化为用 F(x)表示,导出相应的微分方程,然后再求解相应的微分方程.【详解】(1)由)()()()()(x g x f x g x f x F '+'='=)()(22x f x g +=)()(2)]()([2x g x f x g x f -+=(22)x e -2F(x),可见F(x)所满足的一阶微分方程为.4)(2)(2x e x F x F =+'(2)]4[)(222C dx e e e x F dx xdx +⎰⋅⎰=⎰-=]4[42C dx e e x x+⎰-=.22x xCe e-+将F(0)=f(0)g(0)=0代入上式,得C=-1.于是.)(22x x e e x F --=【评注】本题没有直接告知微分方程,要求先通过求导以及恒等变形引出微分方程的形式,从题型来说比较新颖,但具体到微分方程的求解则并不复杂,仍然是基本要求的范围.18..【分析】根据罗尔定理,只需再证明存在一点c )3,0[∈,使得)3(1)(f c f ==,然后在[c,3]上应用罗尔定理即可.条件f(0)+f(1)+f(2)=3等价于13)2()1()0(=++f f f ,问题转化为1介于f(x)的最值之间,最终用介值定理可以达到目的.【详解】因为f(x)在[0,3]上连续,所以f(x)在[0,2]上连续,且在[0,2]上必有最大值M 和最小值m ,于是M f m ≤≤)0(,M f m ≤≤)1(,M f m ≤≤)2(.故.3)2()1()0(M f f f m ≤++≤由介值定理知,至少存在一点]2,0[∈c ,使.13)2()1()0()(=++=f f f c f 因为f(c)=1=f(3),且f(x)在[c,3]上连续,在(c,3)内可导,所以由罗尔定理知,必存在)3,0()3,(⊂∈c ξ,使.0)(='ξf 【评注】介值定理、微分中值定理与积分中值定理都是常考知识点,且一般是两两结合起来考.本题是典型的结合介值定理与微分中值定理的情形.19..【分析】方程的个数与未知量的个数相同,问题转化为系数矩阵行列式是否为零,而系数行列式的计算具有明显的特征:所有列对应元素相加后相等.可先将所有列对应元素相加,然后提出公因式,再将第一行的(-1)倍加到其余各行,即可计算出行列式的值.【详解】方程组的系数行列式ba a a a ab a a a a a b a a a a a b a A n n n n ++++=321321321321=).(11∑=-+ni i n a b b(1)当0≠b 时且01≠+∑=ni iab 时,秩(A)=n ,方程组仅有零解.(2)当b=0时,原方程组的同解方程组为.02211=+++n n x a x a x a 由01≠∑=ni ia可知,),,2,1(n i a i =不全为零.不妨设01≠a ,得原方程组的一个基础解系为T a a )0,,0,1,(121 -=α,T a a )0,,1,0,(132 -=α,.)1,,0,0,(,1T n n a a -=α当∑=-=ni iab 1时,有0≠b ,原方程组的系数矩阵可化为⎥⎥⎥⎥⎥⎥⎥⎥⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎢⎢⎢⎢⎢⎢⎢⎢⎣⎡----∑∑∑∑====n i i n nni inni inni ia a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a 1321132131213211(将第1行的-1倍加到其余各行,再从第2行到第n 行同乘以∑=-ni ia11倍)→⎥⎥⎥⎥⎥⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎢⎢⎢⎢⎢⎣⎡----∑=1001010100113211 n ni ia a a a a (将第n 行n a -倍到第2行的2a -倍加到第1行,再将第1行移到最后一行)→.0000100101010011⎥⎥⎥⎥⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎢⎢⎢⎢⎣⎡--- 由此得原方程组的同解方程组为12x x =,13x x =,1,x x n = .原方程组的一个基础解系为.)1,,1,1(T =α【评注】本题的难点在∑=-=ni iab 1时的讨论,事实上也可这样分析:此时系数矩阵的秩为n-1(存在n-1阶子式不为零),且显然T)1,,1,1( =α为方程组的一个非零解,即可作为基础解系.20..【分析】特征值之和为A 的主对角线上元素之和,特征值之积为A 的行列式,由此可求出a,b 的值;进一步求出A 的特征值和特征向量,并将相同特征值的特征向量正交化(若有必要),然后将特征向量单位化并以此为列所构造的矩阵即为所求的正交矩阵.【详解】(1)二次型f 的矩阵为.200200⎥⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎢⎣⎡-=b b a A 设A 的特征值为).3,2,1(=i i λ由题设,有1)2(2321=-++=++a λλλ,.12242002002321-=--=-=b a b ba λλλ解得a=1,b=-2.(2)由矩阵A 的特征多项式)3()2(2020202012+-=+----=-λλλλλλA E ,得A 的特征值.3,2321-===λλλ对于,221==λλ解齐次线性方程组0)2(=-x A E ,得其基础解系T )1,0,2(1=ξ,.)0,1,0(2T =ξ对于33-=λ,解齐次线性方程组0)3(=--x A E ,得基础解系.)2,0,1(3T -=ξ由于321,,ξξξ已是正交向量组,为了得到规范正交向量组,只需将321,,ξξξ单位化,由此得T 51,0,52(1=η,T )0,1,0(2=η,.)52,0,51(3T -=η令矩阵[]⎥⎥⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎢⎢⎢⎣⎡-==5205101051052321ηηηQ ,则Q 为正交矩阵.在正交变换X=QY 下,有⎥⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎢⎣⎡-=300020002AQ Q T ,且二次型的标准形为.322232221y y y f -+=【评注】本题求a,b ,也可先计算特征多项式,再利用根与系数的关系确定:二次型f 的矩阵A 对应特征多项式为)].2()2()[2(20020022b a a b b a A E +----=+----=-λλλλλλλ设A 的特征值为321,,λλλ,则).2(,2,2232321b a a +-=-=+=λλλλλ由题设得1)2(2321=-+=++a λλλ,.12)2(22321-=+-=b a λλλ解得 a=1,b=2.21..【分析】先求出分布函数F(x)的具体形式,从而可确定Y=F(X),然后按定义求Y 的分布函数即可。



洛基英语,中国在线英语教育领导品牌2004年职称英语等级考试综合类(B级)答案满分100分,其中:1—15每题1分;16—30每题1分3I--45每题3分46-_50每题2分51--65每题1分1.D2.C3.B4.A5.B6.B7.A8.C9.A 10.D11.A 12.B 13.C 14.C 15.A16.A 17.C 18.C 19.B 20.B 21.A 22.A23.E 24.C 25.B 26.D27.C 28.B 29.E 30.A31.C 32.C 33.A 34.B 35.D36.D 37.A 38.D 39.A 40.B41.A 42.B 43.C 44.D 45.D46.E 47.C 48.F 49.A 50.D51.A 52.C 53.B 54.C 55.A56.B 57.D 58.D 59.A 60.B61.C 62.A 63.B 64.D 65.A2004年职称英语等级考试试题题解综合类(B级)第1部分:词汇选项1.D “lately”和“recently”都有“最近”的意思。

2.C “while”在这个句子中引起的是一个让步从旬,所起的作用是跟“although”一样的。

3.B “take into consideration”和“take into account”都是“考虑”的意思,是固定的说法。


5.B “details”是“细节”的意思。


6.B content:满意的。


二者都需要与介词with 连用,可以用satisfied替代content。





7.A durable:耐用的。




















11. 和称己之名作用的不同在于,尊人和自谦。









2003年12 月B级真题

2003年12 月B级真题

高等学校英语应用能力考试PRACTICAL ENGLISH TEST FOR COLLEGES考生注意事项一、将校名、姓名、学校代号、准考证号和试卷代号填写在答题纸上。

















2003年12月试卷(PRETCO)及试题详解Part I Listening Comprehension (15minutes) Directions : This part is to test your listening ability .It consists of 3 sections.Section A (1×5=5分)Directions: This section is to test your ability to give proper answers to questions.There are 5 recorded questions in it .After each question , there is a pause.The questions will be spoken two times .When you hear a question , you shoulddecide on the correct answer 5 from the 4 choices marked A),B),C)and D)givenin your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the AnswerSheet with a single line through the center.Example :You will hear : Mr. Smith is not in , could you please give him a message?You will read :A) I’m not sure.B) You’re right.C) Yes , certainly.D)That’s interesting.From the question we learn that the speaker is asking the listener to leave a message .Therefore ,C)Yes ,certainly is the correct answer .You should mark C)on the Answer Sheet.[A] [B] [C] [D]Now the test will begin.1. A)He is working as a lawyer. C)He is living in a small town.B)He has a big family. D)He is leaving by bus .2. A)Yes ,please give it to me. C)No ,I can take it myself.B)Sorry ,I can't help you. D)Sure .Here you are.3. A)Yes ,you can drive it. C)Should I go with you?B)No .Everything is fine. D)Take your time .There is no hurry.4. A)Yes ,I got it. C)It's interesting.B)No ,I don't have it . D)It begins at 6:00.5. A)I don't like taking a taxi. C)I came here by bus.B)It's difficult to park here. D)I agree with you.Section B (1x5=5分)Directions : This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 5 recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue , there is a recorded question .The dialogues and questions will be spoken two times .When you hear a question ,you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A),B),C)and D)give in your test paper .Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.6. A)He had a class. C)He broke a glass .B)He accepted a task. D)He took a bath.7. A)She was happy. C)She was tired.B)She was sad. D)She was sick.8. A)It's hot . C)It's snowing.B)It's cold. D)It's raining.9. A)Different. C)Boring.B)Exciting. D)Interesting10.A)Go to work. C)See a doctor.B)Visit a friend. D)Take a rest.Section C (1X5=5分)Directions: In this section you will hear a recorded short passage. The passage is printed in the test paper, but with some words or phrases missing. The passage will be read three times. Duringthe second reading, you are required to put the words or phrases that you hear on the Answer Sheet in order of the numbered blanks. The third reading is for you to check your writing. Now the passage will begin.Many cultures have different ideas about why people catch colds. For example, in the United States, some people think that you catch cold if your __11_ get cold. So, mothers tell small children to wear ____12__boots (靴子)in the winter. In other places, including parts of the Middle East, some people believe that strong winds cause cold. So, on trains and buses, people usually don't like to sit __13___ open windows. In parts of Europe, some people think that wearing wet clothes will give you a cold. They say that after you go ___14__, you should quickly put on dry clothes. Today, scientists know that colds are caused by viruses(病毒). But the old ideas are still very strong, and many people still follow them to __15___getting ill.Patr11 Vocabulary &Structure (15 minutes) Directions:This part is to test your ability to use words and phrases correctly to construct meaningful and grammatically correct sentences .It consists of 2 sections.Section A (0.5X10=5分)Direction:There are 10 incomplete statements here, each with a blank. You are required to complete each statement by choosing the appropriate answer from the 4 choices marked A),B),C),and D).You Should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre .16.It was in China ______the agreement was signed .A)what C)whereB)which D)that17.When the old lady is alone in the house ,her dog makes her feel ___and relaxed.A)safe C)healthyB)lonely D)angry18.It makes no difference to me _____ Mr. Smith will come or not .A)when C)thatB)whether D)how19.I't reported that the police are _____the area for the criminal(罪犯).A)processing C)searchingB)operating D)handling20.He bought an expensive coat _____he had no job .A)although C)unlessB)since D)till21.She has _____her mind and is going to Canada instead of Japan.A)exchanges C)decidedB) changed D)made22.The ____the proposal is considered ,the worse it appears .A)carefully C)more carefullyB)much carefully D)most carefully23.When applying for a job, you have to ____a resume .A) get off C) put outB) take away D) hand in24.It is important that the committee _____ about the project at once .A) be informed C) will be informedB) is informed D) being informed25.He ______several jackets and finally picked out a blue one .A) went on C)tried onB) took on D)got onSection B (1x10=10分)Directions: There are also 10 incomplete statements here. You should fill in each blank with the proper form of the word given in the brackets. Write the word or words in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet.26. It is never too late for anyone (learn) ________.27. I want to rent a new apartment that is (comfortable) _______than this one.28. Did you have any difficulty (get) _______a visa to Britain?29. I have decided to accept their (invite) ________to pay a visit to their factory.30. Give the application to the man (sit) _______at that desk, please.31. He seemed very young, but he was (real)_______older than all of us.32. As soon as I (get) ______home, it started to rain heavily.33. John's performance in this exam made us feel rather (disappoint) ______.34. If I (not drink) _______so much coffee yesterday afternoon, I would have been able to sleepwell last night .35. It was (luck) _______indeed for Mr. Fox to have changed his flight and arrived safe.Part III Reading Comprehension (40 minutes) Directions: This part is to test you reading ability. There are 5 tasks for you to fulfill .You should read the reading materials carefully and do the tasks as you are instructed.Task I (2x5=10分)Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered 36 to 40. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A), B), C), D). You should make the correct choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Tokyo (东京)is one of the most confusing cities in the world . Over 20 million people live and work in the Tokyo area, and many world-famous companies have their offices there .But most streets don't have names .So how can you find your way in Tokyo?Most people in Tokyo are very good at giving directions. They can usually explain how toget to their home or their office from the nearest train station. People in Tokyo often use maps when they give directions. Advertisements in newspapers or magazines, for example, usually have a small map to help you find the company. If you're going to visit someone's house, it's a good idea to go ask the person to draw, or fax you, a map of the local area. If you get lost, the best idea is to go to a police station. In Japan, each neighborhood has a small police station, and the police officers there have a map of all the buildings in the area . Giving directions is an important part of their job.36. Tokyo is a confusing city mainly because ______.A) it has a very large populationB)most streets don't have namesC)people in Tokyo are bad at giving directionsD)too many famous companies have their offices there37. What can do if one is going to visit a Japanese in Tokyo?A) One can wait for him at the nearest railway station.B) One can put on an advertisement to inform him .C) One can look at the newspaper for his address.D) One can ask him to draw or send a map .38. In Tokyo, the best way for you to find out directions is to _____.A) ask a police officer for helpB) buy a map in a bookstoreC) go into someone's house and askD) get someone to draw a map for you39. Why can the police help you to find out directions within a neighborhood?A) They can fax you a map of the neighborhood.B) They often visit each house in the neighborhood.C) They know the name of each street in the neighborhood.D) They have a map of all the buildings in the neighborhood.40. What is the best title for this passage?A) Traveling in Japan C) Finding Your Way in TokyoB) How to Draw a Map D) The Largest City in the WorldTask 2 (2x5=10分)Directions:This task is the same as Task 1. The 5 questions or unfinished statements are numbered 41 to 45.An e-book, also known as an electronic (电子的)book ,is an electronic version (版本) of a print book that you can download (下载)and read . What you need in order to read an e-book is an E-book Reader, which is a kind of free software used by your computer. Make sure you have the proper Reader before you download your e-book from the Internet .The software allows you to turn the words on the screen into proper size you like .It also helps you turn pages and change your choice of viewing .E-books are a fun alternative to regular books .You can download them to any computer , including your portable (便携式)computer so you can take them with you when you travel ,and create your own library of hundreds of titles. Best of all, when you order ane-book ,there is no waiting and no shipping or handling charges .The amount of time it takes to download your e-book depends on the speed of your connection and the size your e-book .41. From this passage, we know that an e-book ______A) can be read by any reader who has a computerB) should be read with the help of a special kind of softwareC) is a print form of a book often found in librariesD) can be downloaded by turning on the computer42. The E-book Reader is useful for _______.A) turning a print book into an electronic versionB) developing an e-book in a portable computerC) downloading an e-book from the InternetD) finding fun alternatives to an e-book43. From this passage, we can learn that _______.A) reading an e-book involves a lot of troubleB) the ordered e-book have to be shipped to youC) you can order an e-book from the E-book ReaderD) travelers can create an e-book on a portable computer44.Which of the following statements is TRUE?A) An e-book can be obtained through the Internet.B) The size of the words in an e-book cannot be changed.C) An e-book is ordered in the same way as a print book.D) One has to pay some money to get an E-book Reader.45. Which of the following would be the best TITLE of the passage?A) Choices of E-booksB) Advantages of E-booksC) Introduction to E-booksD) Importance of E-booksTask3 (1x5=5分)Directions: The following is a passage about how to write a business memo .After reading it ,you should complete the information by filing in the blanks (in no more than 3words )marked 46 through 50 in the table below.The business memo (备忘录)is probably the most frequently used communication within a company. It is called an intra-company communication because it is used by people in their own company or organization. They change to letters, however, when they write message to people who do not work for their company. A memo creates a written record that may or may not be filed, depending on the receiver and the subject. As you know ,spoken messages may be misunderstood or forgotten. A memo, however, becomes a record that does much to ensure the complete communication between the sender and the receiver. The standard form of a memo frequently carries a pre-printed series of items :To , From ,Date, and Subject .The first two items include the names of the receiver and the sender. A well-written subject line tells the reader the key topic or topics the memo is about.Business MemoFunction: for communication within a ___46_____Purpose: 1) to keep a ___47_____2) to ___48____the complete communicationItems involved: 1) Receiver2) ____49____3) Date4) ____50_____Task 4 (0.5x10=5分)Directions: The following is a list of Sign Language .After reading it ,you are required to find the items equivalent to (与.....等同)those given in Chinese in the table below .Then you should put the corresponding letters in the brackets on the Answer Sheet ,numbered 51 through 55.DirectoryA. .........................................................BankingB. .........................................................Business OpportunityC. .........................................................CareerD. ........................................................Continuing EducationE. puterF. ..........................................................Customer ServiceG. ...........................................................DriversH. ..........................................................Employment AgenciesI. ...........................................................GeneralJ. ernment OpportunitiesK. .........................................................InsuranceL. ..........................................................ManagementM. .........................................................Medical TreatmentN. ..........................................................OfficeO. ........................................................Restaurant/HotelP. ...........................................................SalesQ. ..........................................................ServiceR. .........................................................Skilled/TechnicalExample: (R)熟练的/技术性的(K)保险51、()销售()医疗52、()就业机构()客户服务53、()商业机会()管理54、()饭店/旅馆()银行业55、()继续教育()概述Task 5 (1x5=5分)Directions: The following is an advertisement .After reading it, you are required to complete the statements that follow (No.56 through No. 60). You should write your answers briefly (in no more than 3 words )on the Answer Sheet correspondingly.REA's Problem Solver Books. Designed to save students hours of time in finding solutions to problems .. Include every type of problems that might be given in exams.. All problems are worked out with detailed step-by-step illustrations(说明).Over 1,000 pages in each book.. Each book is the first of its kind ever produced in its field .Outlines of each book are givenon the inside pages of this announcement.If books cannot be ordered through your teacher, use the ordering form attached to this announcement and mail it directly to us at REA ( Research &Education Association ). REA makes it a point to fill orders from teachers and students immediately. If you are not satisfied, for any reason, you may return the book within 30 days after you receive it ,and we will give you a full refund(退款)。



2004年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试英语B卷试题答案与解析第一部分:听力部分1--5 ABCBA 6--10 CBCAC 11--15 ACABB 16--20 CBAAB解析(略)第二部分第一节:单项填空答案21-25 DBADC 26-30 BDACA 31-35 CDBAC解析21.本题考查交际英语的有关知识。

D选项Take your time译为“不急”“慢慢来”符合上文语境。


题干中的语意是: 产品首次投放市场时,即获得成功。

产品是被引进市场的,强调的是被动语意,选项A introducing和选项C introduce 不表示被动,可排除;选项D being introduced表示“正在被引进”和题干语意不符;选项B introduced 表示“被引进”符合题意。


连词有:when,while,if though,after, before, as.但分词的主语和主句的主语必须为同一个。

例如:While waiting there, he saw two pretty girls come out of thebuilding.等在那儿时,他看见两个靓妹走出大楼。

(waiting 和saw 的主语相同)23.本题考查定语从句的用法。



例如:This is the mountain village where I stayed last year. 这是我去年呆过的山村。

I'll never forget the days when I worked together with you.我永远不会忘记与你共事的日子。



2005学年第2学期期末《植物生理学》课程试题(A)卷考试时间120分钟考试方式闭卷学生类别本科人数690 适用专业或科类全校各专业年级03 题号一二三四五六七八九十总分得分签名所有答案做在答题纸上一、单项选择题(各0.5分,共10分)1. 在筛管内运输的有机物质中,()的含量最高。

A、葡萄糖B、蔗糖C、苹果酸D、磷酸丙糖2. 如果细胞的水势为-15MPa,压力势为5MPa,其渗透势是():A、-20MPaB、-10MPaC、-15MPaD、-30MPa3. 愈伤组织在适宜条件下能形成根、芽、胚状体或完整植株的过程称为()。

A 分化B 脱分化C 再分化D 再生4. 促进莴苣种子萌发的光是():A 黄光B 蓝光C 绿光D 红光5. 在茎的整个生长过程中,生长速率都表现出():A 慢快慢 B慢慢快 C 快慢快 D 快快慢6. 由于外界不利条件引起的休眠称为():A 强迫休眠B 生理休眠C 自发休眠D 深休眠7. 引起气孔关闭的物质是():A、GAB、ETHC、ABAD、CTK8. 植物干旱时,体内的游离氨基酸积累最多的是()。

A 精氨酸B 蛋氨酸C 脯氨酸D 天冬氨酸9.光敏色素有两个组成部分,它们是:()A 酚和蛋白质B 脂和糖C 生色团和多肽链D 吲哚和蛋白质10. CTK/IAA比值高时,诱导愈伤组织形成()。

A 木质部B 韧皮部C 根D 芽11. 酸雨的主要成因是由于空气污染物中有()。

A.乙烯B.SO2C.O3 D.氟化物12. 植物在幼嫩部位首先表现缺()症状。

A、NB、PC、CaD、K13.在光合作用中最先形成的三碳糖是():A、磷酸甘油B、磷酸甘油醛C、磷酸甘油酸D、磷酸丙酮酸14.光合作用释放的O2来源于:()A、H2OB、CO2C、NADPD、RuBP15.用不同波长的光来间断暗期的实验表明,最有效的光是():A 黄光B 蓝光C 绿光D 红光16.光系统Ⅱ的中心色素分子是( ):A、叶绿素a680B、叶绿素a700C、叶绿素bD、类胡萝卜素17.葡萄糖的R.Q应为( ):A、R.Q<1B、R.Q>1C、R.Q=1D、都不是18. 调节气孔开闭的矿质元素是():A、PB、KC、CaD、Mg19. 下列物质中()不是光合电子传递链的成员A、PQB、PCC、CoQD、Cytf20. 线粒体的末端氧化酶是():A、抗坏血酸氧化酶B、酚氧化酶C、乙醇酸氧化酶D、细胞色素氧化酶二、填空题(每空0.5分,共20分)1. 促进器官衰老脱落的激素是()和();已知种数最多的植物激素是( );具有极性运输的植物激素是 ( )。



2003 一2004 学年第二学期合同法第二学期试卷一、单项选择题(每题只有一项正确答案。

每题1 . 5 分.共15 分)1、乙公司向甲公司发出一份要约,不久又发出一份“要约作废”的函件,甲公司的董事长先收到乙公司的要约函件,正在考虑之际.第二天又收到乙公司“要约作废”的函件.第三天,甲公司董事长发函给乙公司,提出只要将交货日期推迟两个星期.其他条件都可接受。

后甲、乙公司未能缔约.双方缔约没能成功的原因是什么?A.要约己被撤回 B .要约己被撤销C .甲公司对要约作了实质性改变D .甲公司承诺超过了有效期间2 、甲商场向乙企业发出采购100 台电冰箱的要约,乙于6 月1 日寄出承诺信件,6 月8 日信件寄至甲商场,时逢其总经理外出,6 月9 日总经理知悉了该信内容,遂于6月10日电传告知乙收到承诺。

该承诺何时生效?A . 6 月1 日B .6月8 日C . 6 月9 日D . 6 月10 日3 、北京碧溪公司与上海浦东公司订立了一份书面合同,碧溪公司签字、盖章后邮寄给浦东公司签字、盖章。

该合同于何时成立?A .自碧溪公司与浦东公司口头协商一致并签订备忘录时成立B .自碧溪公司签字盖章时成立C .自碧溪公司将签字、盖章的合同交付邮寄时成立D .自浦东公司笼字、盖章时成立4、在一份保险合同履行过程中.当事人就合同所规定的“意外伤害”条款的含义产生了不同理解,投保人认为其所受伤害应属于赔付范围.保险公司则认为投保人所受份害不属于赔付范围.两种理解各有其理.在此情形下,法官应当如何解释条款的含义?A.按照通常含义进行解释B.按照公平原则进行解释C.按照法理进行解释 D.按照对保险公司不利的原则进行解释5、甲是乙企业的销售人员,随身携带盖有乙企业公章的空白合同书,便于随时对外签约,后甲因收取回扣被乙企业除名,但空白合同书未收回。

甲以此合同书与丙签订买卖合同,而并在订立合同时已经知悉丙被乙企业除名,在乙企业不追认的情况下,该买卖合同的效力应如何认定?A.不成立B.无效 C .效力待定 D .有效6 、甲公司欠乙公司100万元,后甲公司被乙公司兼并。


















【例题】1. 2 8 0 9 1 4 5 7 9 0A.0B.2C.3D.4正确答案为B。


2. 了木本口天日本大子日太禾中夫A.0B.1C.2D.3正确答案为A。



请开始答题:1. 49872. 98753. 23454. 75215. 3721正确答案分别为:1.D;2.C;3.A;4.B;5.A。




人工智能试题参考答案(2004年)一、单项选择题1、(C)2、(C)3、(D)4、(A)5、(D)二、用线性归结法证明子句集为:A3:(1)¬ H(x) ∨¬G(x)¬B:(2)¬ E(x) ∨¬G(x)A2:(3) D(a)(4) G(a)(5)¬F(a, y)∨ G(y)A1:(6)¬D(x) ∨E(x) ∨F(x, f(x))(7)¬D(x) ∨E(x) ∨H(f(x))顶子句可以有多种选择,如果选择(2)作为顶子句,可以归结如下:(8)¬ E(a) (2)(4)(9)¬D(a) ∨H(f(a)) (8)(7)(10) H(f(a)) (9)(3)(11)¬G(f(a)) (10)(1)(12)¬F(a, f(a)) (11)(5)(13)¬D(a) ∨E(a) (12)(6)(14)E(a) (13)(4)(15) (14)(8)归结顺序可能有更好的,这里只是做参考。

三、1、基于范例的推理系统与基于规则的专家系统做一比较答:传统的专家系统一般采用的是基于规则的推理,即RBR(Rule-based Reasoning),它是通过前因后果链(如规则链)演绎出结论的过程。









郑州大学医学院2003~2004学年第一学期期末考试试卷2002级七年制本硕《组织学与胚胎学》试题(A)一、单项选择题(将1个正确答案编码填入括号中,每题1分,共15分))A.桥粒 B.缝隙连接 C.中间连接 D.紧密连接2.软骨囊是指()A.软骨细胞所在的小腔 B.软骨细胞周围的软骨基质C.软骨细胞的细胞膜 D.软骨周围的结缔组织3.血液中数量最少的白细胞是()A.嗜碱性粒细胞 B.嗜酸性粒细胞C.中性粒细胞 D.单核细胞4.夜盲症是因为()A.维生素A缺乏 B.视紫红质缺乏C.视色素缺乏 D.晶状体混浊5. 内皮细胞的特征性结构是()A.发达的高尔基复合体 B.细胞间有10~20nm的间隙C.丰富的紧密连接 D.W-P小体6.感受头部旋转运动的结构是()A.椭圆囊斑 B.球囊斑 C.壶腹嵴 D.螺旋器7.卵巢门细胞可分泌()A.雌激素 B.孕激素 C.雄激素 D.催乳素8.检测组织细胞内的多糖用()A.免疫组化方法 B.PAS反应 C.HE染色 D.放射自显影9. 上皮细胞游离面有刷状缘的是()A.近端小管 B.远端小管 C.细段 D.集合管10.睾丸内产生雄激素的细胞是()A.初级精母细胞 B.支持细胞D.肌样细胞二、多项选择题(将若干个正确答案编码填入括号,每题1分,共10分))A.细胞排列紧密 B.细胞有极性C.上皮组织内大都无血管 D.上皮组织内大都有血管17.血小板()A.呈双凹圆盘状 B.呈双凸圆盘状C.无核,无细胞器 D.无核,有细胞器18.长骨密质骨的骨板排列形式有()A.骨单位 B.间骨板C.内环骨板 D.外环骨板19.生精小管的生精上皮由下列哪些细胞组成()A.生精细胞 B.支持细胞C.间质细胞 D.纤毛细胞20.血窦()A.管腔大而不规则 B.内皮细胞可有窗孔C.细胞间隙较大 D.也称窦状毛细血管21.脾的功能包括()A.清除衰老的血细胞 B.免疫应答C.产生浆细胞 D.贮血22.垂体神经部贮存和释放()A.催乳激素 B.催产素 C.生长激素 D.抗利尿激素23.粘膜下层中含有腺体的是()A.食管 B.胃 C.十二指肠 D.回肠24.Ⅰ型肺泡细胞()A.能分泌肺泡表面活性物质 B.基底面有基膜C.参与组成气血屏障 D.能胞吞表面活性物质25. 滤过膜的组成包括()A.毛细血管有孔内皮 B.基膜D.裂孔膜三、填空题(每空0.5分,共30分).疏松结缔组织中的纤维包括、和。






公共政策是( )为管理社会公共事务而制定的政策。

A 企业B 社会组织C 政府D 个人2。


A 深人B 内化C 反映D 响应3。

完全理性思维中存在——个基本的假定是:()A 人类的行动是或者应当是合乎感性的,或者能够从实用主义的观点把人类的行动解释为合乎理性的。

B 人类的行动是或者应当是合乎理性的,或者能够从实用主义的观点把人类的行动解释为合乎理性的。

C 即人类的行动是或者应当是合乎理性的,或者无法从实用主义的观点把人类的行动解释为合乎理性的。



4 “系统分析”最早是由( )提出并加以使用的。

A 久美国国防部B 麦克纳马拉C 贝塔朗菲D 兰德公司5。

下列关于知识经济基本特征的说法中,不正确的有( )。

A 入社会组织层级化B。

社会主体知识化C 民主参与大众化D。



公共决策体系包含着( )等系统。

A 智囊B 信息C 监控D 决断2。

确定决策目标的标准是( )。

A 目标具体明确B 目标有效协调C 目标具有可操作性D 目标与手段的统一3。

在知识经济时代,公共政策呈观出的新特点包括( )。

A 多变化B 民主化C 高效化D 科学化4。

以下选项属于公共问题横向性质维度的内容包括( )。

A 管制性公共问题B 国际性公共问题C 全国性公共问题D 服务性公共问题5.立体思维的内在特征表现在( )。























这段话主要支持了这样一种观点,即( )。





2003年职称英语考试综合类B 级试题及答案2003年职称英语考试综合类B级试题及答案第1部分:词汇选项(第1~15题,每题1分,共15分)下面共有15个句子,每个句子中均有1个词或短语画有底横线,请从每个句子后面所给的4个选项中选择1个与画线部分意义最相近的词或短语。


1 The high-speed trains can have a major impact on travel preferences.A forceB influenceC surpriseD power2 Can you follow the plot?A changeB investigateC writeD understand3 Even in a highly modernized country, manual work is stil l needed.A physicalB mentalC naturalD hard4 In the latter case the outcome can be serious indeedA resultB judgmentC decisionD event5 Norman Blamey is an artist of deep convictions.A statementsB beliefsC suggestionsD claims6 Up to now, the work has been easy.A SoB So longC So thatD So far7 The report advocated setting up day training colleges.A supposedB excitedC suggestedD discussed8 Accordingly, a number of other methods have been employe dA ThereforeB AfterwardsC HoweverD Furthermorend he liked the town he lived in, but his wife kept telling him t hat his pay was not enough to meet the needs of the family. That was why he was thinking of taking a job in Birmingham, a nearby c ity about 50 miles away. He had been offered a job in a factory t here, and the pay was far better.George lived in Wyeford, a medium-sized town. He really li ked the place and didn’t like the idea of moving somewhere else, but if he took the job in Birmingham, he would have to move his f amily there.Henry Manley was the manager of a small company manufactur ing electric motors. The company was in deep trouble because, amo ng other reasons, the Japanese were selling such things at very l ow prices. As a result, Manley had to cut his own prices and prof its as well. Otherwise he would not get any orders at all. Even t hen, orders were still not coming in fast enough, so that there w as no money for raises(加工资) for his workers. Somehow, he had t o struggle along and keep his best workers as well. He sighed. Ju st then the phone rang.His secretary told him that George Strong wanted to see hi m as soon as possible. Manley sighed again. He could guess what i t was about. George Strong was a very young engineer. The company had no future unless it could attract and keep men like him. Man ley rubbed his forehead(前额); his problems seemed endless.16 Henry Manley was already deeply in debt.A rightB WrongC Not mentioned17 The job that had been offered to George Strong in Birmi ngham paid better.A rightB WrongC Not mentioned18 If George Strong took the job in Birmingham, he would h ave to leave his family in Wyeford.A rightB WrongC Not mentioned19 Henry Manley’s company was in deep trouble.A rightB WrongC Not mentioned20 Henry Manley’s company was making enough profi ts to rai se the workers’ wages.A rightB WrongC Not mentioned21 Henry Manley had no idea at all why George Strong wanted to see him.A rightB WrongC Not mentioned22 George Strong was a very creative engineer.A rightB WrongC Not mentioned第3部分:概括大意与完成句子(第23~ 30题,每题1分,共8分)阅读下面这篇短文,短文后有2项测试任务:(1)第23~26题要求从所给的6个选项中为第2,3,5和6段每段选择1个正确的小标题;(2)第27~30题要求从所给的6个选项中选择4个正确选项,分别完成每个句子。



重庆大学试题单 B 2003-2004年第一学期课程:建筑构造(二)专业:班级:姓名;考试时间:120分钟一、单项选择题(每小题1分,共30分)1.抹灰层的总厚度应符合设计要求;当抹灰总厚度大于或等于( C )时,应采取加强措施。

A、15B、20C、35D、502.在不同基体材料相接处表面抹灰时应先铺钉金属网,金属网与各基体的搭接宽度不应小于( A )A、100B、150C、250D、30093.当设计条件相同时,下列吊顶中,哪一种的耐火极限最高?A.厚1.5cm的板条抹灰B.钢丝网抹灰(1:4水泥石棉浆,厚2cm)C.各厚0.8cm的双层石膏板D.1cm厚的石棉板答案:(D)4.抹灰层的总厚度应符合设计要求;当抹灰总厚度大于或等于()时,应采取加强措施。


答案:D7顶棚抹灰最大允许平均总厚度的表述,哪一条是错误的( )A.现浇混凝土顶棚15mm B.预制混凝土板顶棚18mmC.金属网抹灰顶棚20mm D.板条抹灰顶棚22mm答案:D8.涂料工程基层的含水率要求,哪一条是不恰当的( )A.混凝土表面施涂溶剂型涂料时,含水率不得大于8%B.抹灰表面施涂溶剂型涂料时,含水率不得大于8%C.乳液涂料时,含水率不得大于12%D.木料制品含水率不得大于12%答案:C9.外墙面贴釉面砖做法的表述,哪一条是不恰当的( )A.选用面砖应坚实平整,表面光洁,尺寸、色泽一致,吸水率不大于12%B.砖墙用水湿透,用1:3水泥砂浆打底,木抹搓平,隔天用水养护C.用厚6一lOmm的1:2水泥砂浆镶贴D.用水泥浆或水泥砂浆勾缝答案:A10.以下关于装饰抹灰的说法错误的是()A.装饰抹灰主要包括干粘石、水刷石、拉毛、扫毛、假面砖、喷涂等。

2003 2004年综合素质评价

2003 2004年综合素质评价

2003 2004年综合素质评价The comprehensive quality evaluation in 2003 and 2004 was a significant initiative in the education system in China. It aimed to assess students' overall development and quality of education, rather than just focusing on academic achievements. This evaluation system was designed to encourage a more holistic approach to education, emphasizing the importance of moral, intellectual, physical, and aesthetic development. It was a response to the growing concern about the overemphasis on academic performance and the neglect of other important aspects of a student'sgrowth and development.The comprehensive quality evaluation in 2003 and 2004 was a step towards recognizing the importance of a well-rounded education. It sought to assess students' abilitiesin various areas, including their moral character, creativity, and physical fitness. This approach was a departure from the traditional emphasis on exam scores and academic achievements as the sole indicators of a student'ssuccess. By evaluating students' overall development, the education system aimed to foster a more balanced and holistic approach to learning, nurturing students'potential in all aspects of their lives.The comprehensive quality evaluation in 2003 and 2004 also aimed to promote a more inclusive and equitable education system. By assessing students' overall development, it sought to recognize and celebrate diverse talents and abilities. This approach was a departure from the one-size-fits-all model of education, which often marginalized students with non-academic talents. By acknowledging and valuing students' diverse strengths, the evaluation system aimed to create a more inclusive and supportive learning environment, where every student's potential could be nurtured and celebrated.The comprehensive quality evaluation in 2003 and 2004 also had a significant impact on teaching practices. It encouraged educators to adopt a more holistic approach to teaching, focusing not only on academic content but also on students' moral, physical, and aesthetic development. Thisapproach required educators to pay attention to students' overall well-being and growth, fostering a more nurturing and supportive learning environment. It also prompted educators to explore new teaching methods and strategies that could cater to students' diverse needs and talents, promoting a more personalized and inclusive approach to education.The comprehensive quality evaluation in 2003 and 2004 also had a profound impact on students' attitudes towards learning. By recognizing and valuing students' diverse talents and abilities, it instilled a sense of confidence and self-worth in students. It encouraged them to explore and develop their potential in various areas, fostering a more positive and inclusive learning environment. This approach also helped students develop a more balanced and well-rounded perspective on education, recognizing the importance of moral, physical, and aesthetic development alongside academic achievements.In conclusion, the comprehensive quality evaluation in 2003 and 2004 was a significant initiative in the educationsystem in China. It aimed to assess students' overall development and quality of education, promoting a more holistic and inclusive approach to learning. This evaluation system had a profound impact on teaching practices and students' attitudes towards learning, fostering a more nurturing and supportive learning environment. It was a step towards recognizing and celebrating students' diverse talents and abilities, promoting a more balanced and well-rounded approach to education.。



三、考试时间与对象 本考试每年一次,于当年5月份进行。考试对象为高校英语专业二 年级本科生。 四、考试形式 本考试采用录音形式,考生在语言实验室内根据录音考题的要求回 答问题,并将答题的内容录制下来。考试结束后,各考点将考生的磁带 封存,并在规定的时间内寄到指定评分点。
六、评分标准 评分项目为五项:复述、即席讲话、交谈、 语音语调及语法与词汇,各100分,总分再整 体折算为百分制。前三项的得分反映三项任 务完成的情况,后两项的得分是对考生在三 项任务中的语音语调及语法与词汇的总体评 价。口试成绩分为优秀、良好、合格与不及 格四个等级。凡是成绩在合格(含合格)以 上的考生均可获得全国高等学校外语专业教 学指导委员会颁发的证书。
By the time Jane brought her son home, her mother was sitting in her chair, dressed and ready to welcome the baby. For two weeks, Mother clucked, smiled and held the new-born baby. Then she quietly became unconscious and, after visits from all her children, was finally free of the pain. For Jane, memories of her son’s birth will always be bittersweet, but it was at this time that she learned an important truth about living. While both joy and sorrow pass quickly, and often come together at the same time, love has the power to overcome both. And love can last forever. (371 words)



2004级试题-期末考试标准答案及评分标准B四川大学期末考试试题(B)标准答案及评分标准(2005 ——2006 学年第下学期)课程号:30014530 课序号:0-3 课程名称:材料科学与工程基础适用专业年级:高分子材料与工程2004级学生人数:326 印题份数:340一、判断下列说法是否正确,如果你认为是正确的,请在括号内填(T),反之,则填(F)。

(15分)计分方法每题1分1. 电介质材料在低频下的介电常数低于在高频下的介电常数。

(F)2. 碳钢中含碳量越大,则其屈服强度越高。

( F )3. 材料的刚性越大,材料就越脆。

( F )4. 疲劳破坏是由于裂纹扩展引起的。

( T )5. 在同样的加热条件下,材料的热容量越大,材料的温度上升得越慢。

( T )6. PTFE的摩擦系数很小,所以磨耗也小。

( F )7. 聚氯乙烯可以用作高频绝缘材料。

(F )8. 玻璃化转变温度是橡胶使用的上限温度(F)9. 一般情况下,非晶态材料比晶态材料的强度低、硬度小、导电性差。

(T)10. 键能越高硬度越大,高分子是由共价键连接的,所以高分子材料硬度大。

(F)11. 金属的导电性随着金属中的杂质的增加而下降。

(T)12. 随着离子电荷量增加离子性固体的电导率增加。

(F)13. 软磁材料被外磁场磁化后,去掉外磁场仍然保持较强剩磁。

(F)14. For pure metals, heat is only transported by free electrons. (F)15.n型半导体指在Si、Ge等四价元素中掺入少量五价元素P、Sb、Bi、As (T)二、多选题(15分)计分方法每题1分1.金属材料的弹性模量随温度的升高而(B)。

A. 上升;B. 降低;C. 不变。

2、在面心立方晶体中,塑性形变的滑移面为(B)A、(110)晶面B、(111)晶面C、(010)晶面3、格列菲斯公式a c =2Eγ s / (π.σc 2 ) 中,a c 是( B )A 裂纹失稳状态的临界应力;B 临界半裂纹长度;C 裂纹失稳状态的临界半应力4、决定材料硬度的三个主要影响因素是(B)A、键能、温度、测试方法、B、键能、密度、温度、C、电子结构、密度、温度、5、以下关于腐蚀的哪种说法是错误的。




1.D 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.B 6.B 7.A 8.B 9.B 10.C11.A 12.B 13.A 14.C 15.D 16.B 17.A 18.B 19.B 20.C 21.A 22.C 23.F 24.B 25.E 26.C 27.D 28.E 29.C 30.A31.B 32.D 33.A 34.C 35.D 36.A 37.C 38.D 39.B 40.C41.A 42.B 43.C 44.D 45.D 46.F 47.C 48.E 49.B 50.A51.C 52.A 53.B 54.D 55.A 56.B 57.C 58.D 59.A 60.D 61.D 62.C 63.A 64.B65.D2004年职称英语等级考试理工类(B级)题解第1部分:词汇选项1.答案为D。







’“annually”就是“every year”的意思。





take…into consideration与take…into account这两个短语意思相同,故选B。


limited:数量有限的,a limited number of books:有限的一些书籍。

这里limitednumber与small number意思相同,故选A。

2004年职称英语考试理工类B级考试试题 答案及解析

2004年职称英语考试理工类B级考试试题 答案及解析



l Have you talked to her lately?A lastlyB finallyC shortlyD recently2 While we don’t agree,we continue to befriendsA whoeverB whereC AlthoughD Whatever3 Enormous sums of money have been spent on space exploration.A MuchB LargeC SmallD Fixed t4 About one million Americans are diagnosed annually with skin cancer.A every yearB severelyC activelyD every month5 The policeman wrote down all the particulars of the accidentA secretsB detailsC benefitsD words6 We will take your recent illness into consideration when marking your examsA effectB accountC effortD discount7 There are a limited number of books on this subject in the library.A smallB totalC goodD great8 The chairman proposed that we should stop the meetingA showedB suggestedC agreedD believed9 Mary has blended the ingredients.A madeB mixedC cookedD eaten10 They agreed to modify their policy.A clarifyB defineC changeD develop11 The dentist has decided to extract her bad tooth.A take outB break offC push inD dig up12 The economy continued to exhibit signs of decline in September.A playB showC sendD tell13 This table is strong and durable.A long-lastingB extensiveC far-reachingD eternal14 He endured great pain before he finally expired.A firedB resignedC diedD retreated15 The girl is gazing at herself the mirror.A smilingB laughingC shoutingD staring第2部分:阅读判断(第16—22题,每题1分,共7分)阅读下面这篇短文,短文后列出了7个句子,请根据短文的内容对每个句子做出判断。



2004高教社杯全国大学生数学建模竞赛B题评阅要点[说明] 根据各赛区的建议,从2004年起全国组委会不再提供赛题参考解答,只给评阅要点。


一. 理解题目应注意以下几点:1. 每条线路上的有功潮流是各发电机组出力的函数,于是有6个函数,每个函数有8个相同的自变量。


2. 输电阻塞的定义是某条线路上的有功潮流的绝对值超出限值(表6),当出现输电阻塞时按照以下顺序依次优先处理:调整各机组出力消除输电阻塞;使用线路安全裕度(表6),但要使每条线路上潮流的绝对值超过限值的百分比尽量小;在用电侧拉闸限电。

3. 电力市场交易结果(调度计划)的制订规则和步骤:1)各机组的出力分配预案及清算价(最高段价)由三个条件决定:a)各机组的出力之和等于下一时段的负荷预报(题目中的982.4MW或1052.8MW)。








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故 .......................................(1)
同理可得 .......................................(1)
2.解:1)由于 既正定又是对称, ..............(1)
故 得 ..................(1)
一.填空(2 )
4. ,-
6. 或 ,s-m
7. ,2
8.2,0 ,2, 1/2
1.解:D=4 .................................. (3)
= ............................................. (3)
= .............................................. (2)
故 。...................................................(3)
=4 ................................... (3)
=4 .................................... (2)
2.解:由A可逆, 也可逆
两边左乘 ,化简得(A+I)X=B .......................... (3)
将其正交化得 .........(3)
令T= 即可..................................................(3)
1.证明:由 ......................................(3)
解:1系数矩阵为 ............................................(3)
2 =0
解得 ...................................... (3)
当 时,
当 时, ........................................(3)
当 时,有解Leabharlann 当 时,无解....................................................(4)
2.通解为 ................................(5)
故 .............................(4)
三、(14)解:1. ......................................(1)
又有正惯性指数为 ,故有 , .........(1)
2) 的特征值为 ,即为1,1,1,3 ...... (1)
故 3 ...................................................(1)