



concentrate vt. 集中;聚集 vi. 集中;聚集,全神贯注 (教材 P8)...concentrate on other courses. 把精力集中在其他课程上。 [归纳拓展] (1)concentrate on (2)concentration n. keep one's concentration 集中于……;专注于…… 专心;专注 保持注意力
believed 这场比赛的胜利。 that...句 It is believed that our 型 team will win the match.
2.Supported by his academic research, Professor Salovey suggests that when predicting someone's future success,their 李蕾得知母亲生病了,
charactht 过去分 马上赶回了家。 actually matter more than their IQ. 词作状 Told that her mother was ill,Li Lei hurried home quickly. 萨洛维教授以自己的学术研究作为依据, 语 认为预测一个人未来的成功,其性格(可用 EQ 来测量), 实际上比其智力(可用 IQ 测量) 的作用更为重要。
提出,想出 集中于;专注于 劝服某人做某事 起草 最后落得……的结局(下场)
on the other hand 6.______ of in terms____ 7.___
另一方面 就某事来说;从某个角度上看 乐意做某事 对于……的态度 指责,控告
willing do sth. 8.be ________to



Unit13 people一. 本周教学内容:Unit 13 People(I)Teaching aims:知识目标:1. 掌握本单元出现的重要词汇及其用法。

2. 通过阅读本单元的阅读材料掌握一些有用的句型,提高阅读能力。

3. 锻炼学生的听说能力。

4. 学习和掌握Past Participles的用法并学习使用情态动词表示猜测的用法。



Teaching important and difficult points:1. Learn about Past Participles and model verbs to make guesses.2. Write a description of a person.本课时教学目标:掌握本单元出现的重要词汇及其用法.beard n.(下巴上的)胡须moustache 髭须whiskers 颊须,连鬓胡子blond n. 金发碧眼的人,尤其指女人adj. 浅黄色的,金色的blond hair 金色的头发teenager n. 青少年,十几岁的孩子adj. teenage 十几岁的,青少年的from side to sidefrom all sides / from every side 从各个方面e.g. We must study this problem from all sides.我们必须全方面地研究这个问题。

side by side 肩并肩stand by one’s side 站在某人旁边,从道义上支持某人take sides with sb. / take the side of sb. 同意某人的观点,支持某人pay attention (to) 注意pay little / no / much attention to不注意/很注意e.g. Much attention has been paid to the question.come up with 提出The question that they came up with is very important.请对比put up withcatch up withgifted adj. = talented 有天分的,有才华的a gifted singer / studentbe gifted in / at sth.n. 天份,才华,礼物have a gift for sth. 对……有天份a man of many gifts 一个多才多艺的人a birthday gift 一份生日礼物vt. 赠送gift sb. with sth. / gift sth. to sb.promise n. 诺言keep one’s promise / break one’s promisev. 许诺,答应He promised to support me.I want you to promise me one thing .She promised me to see the film.It promises to be warm this afternoon.promising adj. 有前途的She is a promising singer .matter n. 物质,事物vi. 重要—I forgot to bring you the dictionary.—It doesn’t matter.It matters that you haven’t finished your work on time.concentrate 集中,专心致志于vi. We should concentrate on / upon how to prevent water pollution . vt. I always concentrate my attention on what the teacher says in class . concentration n.a boy of little concentration 一个不专心的男孩注意比较center on / focus ontalk sb. into doing sth. ask / beg / try to persuade sb. to do sth. solution n. 解决方法常与介词to连用the solution to this matter同类的词还有:the key to the lockthe answer to the questionthe entrance to the buildingthe index to the bookdescribe vt. 描述,形容,叙述Words can’t describe my joy .We don’t agree to describe him as a hero .description n. 描述beyond description 难以形容种类of all descriptions 各种各样的disabled adj. 残疾的He was disabled in the accident .the disabled 残疾人(总称)The disabled are taken good care of in that city .disability n.His disability prevents him from getting a job .( 无能,不可数)People with physical disabilities are called the disabled .(残疾,可数)fail v. fail to do sth. 忘记做,没能做Don’t fail to ring me .fail in doing sth. 做某事失败了Tom failed in passing the driving test .failure n. 失败Failure is the mother of success .失败是成功之母。

高一英语 上学期Unit13lesson1教学课件

高一英语 上学期Unit13lesson1教学课件
8. _____ (do) well in the final exams, lucky children will be sent to holiday camps.
repaired 9 . W e m u s t h a ve o u r wi n d ows _ _ _ __ ( r e pair) b e fo re wi n te r c o m es, o r we ’ l l fr e e ze.
2. predict:
v. to see or describe in advance as a result of knowledge, experience, thought etc.预言,预见 经济学家预言通货膨胀(inflation)率将会增长.
The economists predicted an increase in the rate of inflation. 算命先生预言我会同一名医生结婚.
7. end up v. to be in the end(in the stated place,
condition, etc.) 最后成为(处于) 他最后成了公司的主管人. He ended up (as) head of the firm. 我们动身去北京, 可最后却去了新疆. We set off for Beijing, but ended up in Xinjiang. 一开始我们并不喜欢它,可最后我们却为之欢呼.
Language points:
1. promote: (1) to give someone a higher position
or rank; (demote) 提升 (2). to bring goods to public notice in order to encourage people to buy; 推销货物 (3). To help in the growth or development of 促进 这个年轻军官被提升为上尉.


3. Use some new words to complete the summary of the text
正课:1)5分钟自学,核对答案并浏览、 思考、理解相关知识,标记出疑难。
( ) 2. Whether we can succeed or not more depends on IQ than EQ.
( ) 3. High EQ can make people get along well with other people.
( ) 4. A person can’t have both high EQs and IQs.
Book5 Unit 13 Lesson 1 EQ:IQ阅读导学案
Learning Objective:
1. Be familiar with the new words in EQ:IQ
2. Go through the text and use some reading skills to finish the exercise.
1.get promoted升迁
2.end up doing以……告终
3.be open to向……开放;易 于接受……
4.have sth. to do with与……有关
5.in terms of从……角度;在……方面
6.be willing to do乐于做
7.be involved ___n.可能性→__________ adj.可能的→_____________adv.可能地
5. ____________n.残疾;无能→____________adj.残疾的

人教版 高二英语Unit13 People 教案

人教版 高二英语Unit13 People 教案

Uniit13 peopleLesson 1 EQ: IQThe first period : 90 minutes1.Teaching aims1)Knowledge objectives :Help students to grasp the new words and expressions;Help students to learn the functions of Past Participles;Help students to know something about EQ and IQ.2)Ability objects :Help students to pronounce and use the new words and expressionscorrectly;Help students to use the Past Participles to make sentences correctly;Help students to develop the ability of teamwork and thinking alone.3 Teaching important and difficult points1)The new words and expressions2)Grammar : Past Participles founction as attributte , adverbial,predicate and object complement .4.Teaching approaches : listening and disscussion5.Teaching aids :tape, recorder , blackboard6Teaching processStep one : Lead in (6 minutes )Ask students to list some qualities of a successful person .Thenclassify them into IQ and EQ and introduce more information.And then ask students to disscuss which one is more important for one'ssuccess.Step two : Teach sdudents how to prounce he new words and phrasesand explain them generally. (6 minutes)aircraft ['εəkrɑ:ft] n. 飞机航空器emergency [i'mə:dʒənsi] n.紧急情况pray [prei] vt/vi祈祷祷告gifted ['ɡiftid] adj.有天赋的accurately adv.精确地准确地draw up 起草description n.描述形容academic [,ækə'demik] adj 学术的predict[pri'dikt] vt 预言预测deserve [di'zə:v] vt. 应受,应得failure n.失败mistaken [mi'steikən] adj.错误的association [ə,səusi'eiʃən] n. 协会,联想thus [ðʌs] adv. 因此;如此possibility [,pɔsə'biləti] n. 可能性disability [,disə'biləti] n. 残疾;无能entirely [in'taiəli] adv. 完全地hers [hə:z] pron. 她的(所有格)theirs [ðεəz] pron. 他们的;她们的;它们的Easter n. [宗]复活节embassy ['embəsi] n. 大使馆accuse [ə'kju:z] vt. 控告,指控;谴责Step three :Learn the passage in details1) Ask students to listen to the tape and answer tne questions in thebook.(8 minutes)2)learn tne passage paragraph by paragraph (30minutes)A impotant words and expressionspredict vt. 预报,预言eg:How do people predict the future in your country?人们是怎样预料你们国家未来的?eg:So don't predict, just measure.记住,不要预测,要实测。

高中英语课件unit 13 people 13.1

高中英语课件unit 13 people 13.1

译文 我们总认为智商是衡量个人潜力的最佳方式。然而,在过去十年 里,研究者发现,一个人的成功80%取决于情商的高低。 我们先有感觉才有思想。例如,我们感到愤怒、幸福、爱、惊讶 和悲伤时会有强烈的肢体反应,这就说明了情感比大脑活动来得更 快。智商对于学习和智力发展尤为重要。情商是人们了解自身和 他人情感、并据此来调整自己行为的能力。情商对获得幸福和成 功更为重要。我们都听说过那些并未完成大学教育却能纵横商场 的成功人士的故事。人们称这类人为“街头人才”。我们还听说过 那些积极向上、擅长交际、令人愉悦和乐于助人的人,这些人所共 有的特点就是情商高。个人在社会中取得的成功很大程度上取决 于非智商因素,这些包括从社会阶层到运气因素等。情商就是这些 因素之一。下列特点说明你拥有高情商。
•You have enough emotional vocabulary and you’re curious about people.
•You accept change and know your strengths and weaknesses. •You’re a good judge of character and you’re difficult to get angry. •You know how to say no(to yourself and others)and let go of mistakes. •You give and expect nothing in return and you don’t hold hatred. •You don’t seek perfection and you appreciate what you have.
个人在社会中取得的成功很大程度上取决于非智商因素,这些包 括从社会阶层到运气因素等。



_T_o_l_d_t_h_at_h_e_r_m__o_th_e_r _w__as__il_l ______,Li
Lei hurried home
一个人未来的成功,其性格(可用 EQ
来测量),实际上比其智力(可用 IQ
3.At work,it is IQ that gets you hired
认为,高情商的人易于接受新 that...句型 _I_t _is__b_e_li_e_v_ed__th_a_t__
our team will win the
2.Supported by his academic
research, Professor Salovey suggests
=The boy persuaded his sister into _t_ea_c_h_in_g__(teach) him the
English song. 那个男孩说服了他姐姐教他那首英文歌曲。
draw up 草拟,制订;(使)车、马等停住
(教材 P8)Draw up an agenda and discuss it with the group. 起草一个日程表,并同组员讨论。
②Don't get drawn _i_n_to_ colleagues' personal lives.
③The nights are drawing _in_.
(教材 P8)For example,have you ever wondered why some of the smartest students in your class,who you think deserve good grades,sometimes end up failing exams?



蜂蜜 咀嚼 皱纹 额,前额 大厦;街区 (人坐着时的)大腿部 胡萝卜 豌豆 永远
1. assessment n. 2. strength n. 3. weakness n. 4. gain vt. 5. appropriately adv. 6. concentrate vi. 7. previous adj.
获得;增加 积极的 不安的,不快的 躲避 怒视,瞪 瞥一眼 相像的 不安的;有罪的
19. part-time adv. 20. section n. 21. pray vi.& vt. 22. clerk n. 23. sunglasses n. 24. satellite n.
部分时间地 部分 祈祷,祷告 职员 墨镜 卫星;人造卫星
10.The most pleasant thing of the rainy season is that one can be entirely (完全地) free from dust.
自我评估 被动的,消极的 高级的 高中 物理学家 胡须 淡黄色的;毛发及皮肤浅色的 墨镜
9.uniform n. 10.moustache n. 11.heel n. 12.sleeve n. 13.facial adj. 14.chain n. 15.aircraft n. 16.Easter n.
7.My connection (联系) with pandas goes back to my days on a TV show in the mid-1980s.
8.He reacquired an academic (学术的) reputation after five years of hard work.


衣服袖子 面部的 链条;一连串的事物 飞机,航空器 复活节
17.embassy n. 18.lightning n. 19.conductor n. 20.butcher n. 21.athletic adj. 22.harvest n. 23.biology n. 24.pineapple n.
积极的 联想,联系 内心的;精神病的 表情;词语 联系;连接 紧急情况 有天赋的
15. accurately adv. 16. draw up 17. description n. 18. academic adj. 19. predict vt. 20. deserve vt. 21. failure n.
评估 长处,优势 弱点,缺点,缺陷 获得;增加 适当地 集中(思想、注意力等) 以前的,过去的
8. positive adj. 9. associate vt. 10. mental adj. 11. expression n. 12. connection n. 13. emergency n. 14. gifted adj.
大使馆 闪电 售票员;指挥 屠夫;肉商 喜爱运动的 收获 生物学 菠萝
25.peach n. 26.airline n. 27.aboard prep. 28.assistant n. 29.tutor n. 30.tear n. 31.cheek n. 32.hug n.
桃子 航空公司 在(上)船(飞机、火车、公共汽车)上 助手,助理 家庭教师;导师 眼泪 脸颊 拥抱
错误的 联想;协会 可能性 残疾;无能力 完全地 控告,谴责 个性,性格
29. independent adj. 30. neat adj. 31. selfish adj. 32. sharp adj. 33. characteristic n. 34. desire n. 35. satisfaction n.


(accurate) explain the phenomenon.
Ⅲ.单句改错 1.Air is necessary for people; it is necessary for plants as well as.
2.Let me give you some advice that you have to pay attention when travelling.
Independence when the United States broke away from Britain?
6.Many suspects have been questioned __in__c_o_n_n_e_c_ti_o_n__w_i_th__the
7.I wanted to ____t_a_l_k______ my father _____in_t_o______ giving
grow by three percent in 2016. 3 . I thought I saw him in the park but I guess I was
___m_i_s_ta_k_e_n____ (mistake). 4.She said she was not ____e_n_t_ir_e_ly____ (entire) satisfied with
1.He likes the job, but __o_n_t_h_e_o_t_h_e_r_h_a_n_d___he wants more free
2.Many of the scientists are judged __i_n_t_e_rm__s_o_f___how great

高中英语 Unit 13 People language points Lesson 1 EQ IQ

高中英语 Unit 13 People language points Lesson 1 EQ IQ
注:另附word文 档,点此链接 (liàn jiē)
用方框内所给短语(duǎnyǔ)的正确形式填 空(每个短语(duǎnyǔ)只能用一次)。
come up with compared to
get ahead
be determined to
concentrate on be open to
There is no doubt that we will win the
Translate the phrases
compared to/with sth compare sth/sb to
与……相比 (xiānɡ bǐ) 把……比作
Fill in the blanks
1._C_o_m__p_a_r_e_d_ __t_o__ our small apartment, our
uncle’s house seems like a palace. 2. 跟我们(wǒ men)的小公寓比起来,叔叔的
2. Life is poetically ___co_m__p_a_r_e_d__ ___t_othe
今年(jīnnián)的电影无论从数量上还 是质量上都说不上好。
It was a bad year for films, in terms of both quantity and quality.
有些大学课程(kèchéng)按及格或不及格 评分。
Some college courses are graded in terms of either a pass or a fail.


Unit 13
The annual World Economic Forum (经济论坛) took place in Davos, Switzerland, in Jan. 23—26, 2018. What did Chinese entrepreneurs (企业家) speak in the forum? Are there some quotable quotes for you?
3.while作并列连词 _____W_h_i_le_____ your IQ tells you how intelligent you are, your EQ tells you how well you use your intelligence. 你的智商表明你的聪明程度,而你的情商告诉你怎样能很 好地利用自己的聪明才智。 4.It is believed that...人们相信…… __I_t _is_g_e_n_e_r_al_l_y_b_e_li_e_v_ed__th_a_t_____ people with high EQs are open to new ideas and have positive attitudes towards life. 人们普遍相信,拥有高情商的人易于接受新思想,并且对 生活有着积极的态度。
★Jack Ma, founder and executive chairman of Alibaba Group

高一英语 上学期Unit13Lesson1教学课件

高一英语 上学期Unit13Lesson1教学课件

1. Precisely 2. Recruitment 3. Agenda 4. Quick-witted 5. Geneticist 6. Release 7. Obstacle 8. Adaptability 9. Psychologist
a. List of things to be done b. Specialist in the science of genes c. Expert in people’s mental processes d. Allow to be known;set free e. Sth in the way that stops progress f. Intelligent;smart;bright;clever g. Employment h. Exactly i. Power of making suitable for a
Group 4: Do you think EQ and IQ tests should be a part of job recruitment? Why?
Some Quotes
Emotional Intelligence is a way of recognizing, understanding, and choosing how we think, feel, and act. It shapes our interactions with others and our understanding of ourselves. It defines how and what we learn; it allows us to set priorities; it determines the majority of our daily actions. Research suggests it is responsible for as much as 80% of the "success" in our lives. Intelligence quotient or IQ, is a score derived from a set of standardized tests that were developed with the purpose of measuring a person's cognitive abilities ("intelligence") in relation to their age group. It is expressed as a number normalized so that the average IQ in an age group is 100 — in other words an individual scoring 115 is above-average when compared to similarly aged people. It is common, but not invariable, practice to standardise so that the standard deviation



Unit 13 PeopleWang Yuan was appointed as Special Advocate for EducationTFBOYS成员王源被任命为联合国儿童基金会青年教育使者,呼吁人们关心偏远山区儿童的教育问题。


The well­kno wn Chinese singer and actor,a member of the pop band TFBOYS,Wang Yuan was today appointed by United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF) as Special Advocate for Education.“I am very proud to join UNICEF China as Special Advocate for Ed ucation.It's not only an honour but also a responsibility.From now on,I will be more active in promoting education and development for China's children,and do as much practical work as I cation is a right,we should never allow it to be a privilege.Let's work hard to make education even better in the future.”Wang Yuan remarked at the announcement event at UNICEF's Beijing office.UNICEF works with the Government of China to promote and support high quality education for all of China's children.It works with partners to implement (实施) Child Friendly School model in remote and disadvantaged areas of China.A child friendly school is one that is designed for the best interest of the child.UNICEF believes that children come first and every child,no matter who they are,no matter what part of China they come from,has a right to receive high quality education.“It is my great pleasure to welcome Wang Yuan as a Special Advocate for Education for UNICEF China,”said Dr.Douglas Noble.“We are thankful to Wang Yuan fo r joining us in this important endeavor (尝试) to promote high quality education for every child.We look forward to continued collaboration with our partners,with all the hard­working teachers and students,in promoting,protecting and fulfilling the rights of all children in China.”Wang Yuan will visit the UNICEF­supported Child Friendly School project in the remote rural communities in China,support awareness­raising programmes and appear at key public events.[诱思导读]阅读短文,回答下列问题。



2018-2019学年高中英语Unit 13 People Section ⅡLanguage Points (Ⅰ)学案北师大版必修5编辑整理:尊敬的读者朋友们:这里是精品文档编辑中心,本文档内容是由我和我的同事精心编辑整理后发布的,发布之前我们对文中内容进行仔细校对,但是难免会有疏漏的地方,但是任然希望(2018-2019学年高中英语Unit 13 People Section ⅡLanguage Points (Ⅰ)学案北师大版必修5)的内容能够给您的工作和学习带来便利。


本文可编辑可修改,如果觉得对您有帮助请收藏以便随时查阅,最后祝您生活愉快业绩进步,以下为2018-2019学年高中英语Unit 13 People Section ⅡLanguage Points (Ⅰ)学案北师大版必修5的全部内容。

Section ⅡLanguage Points (Ⅰ)(Warm.up & Lesson 1)[语言基础自测][高频词汇必会]Ⅰ.单词拼写根据汉语或首字母提示,写出下列单词1.His success is entirely(完全的) due to hard work。

2.You left out the possibility(可能性) that the train might be late。

3.If I’m not mistaken(错误的),that’s the man we saw on the bus。

4.Failure(失败) is the only highroad to success.5.You can never predict(预测) what would happen next.6.She has the ability to keep calm in an emergency.7.The gifted young scientist was much in the public eye。

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[拓展]:in the long term从长远观点来看
in the short term从眼前观点来看
Sentence structure:
10. At work, it is IQ that gets you hired but it is EQ that gets you promoted.在职场上,智商使你被录取,而情商则促进你的发展。
Unit 13 less on 1 EQ: IQ语言运用导学案
1.熟记5个单词gain, associate, concentrate, deserve, accuse;4个短语talk sb into doing sth, draw up, end up, in terms of; 3个句型:强调句型,it be Ved that……疯狂背诵、大胆质疑探究、构建知识树,在语境中恰当表达。
eg. (1)Draw upan agenda and discuss it with the group.制定一份会议议程并与小组成员讨论。
(2) The taxidrew upat the gate .出租车在大门口停了下来。
[拓展]:draw back移开,退却,撤回
draw a conclusion得出结论
e. g.(1)These proposalsdeserve serious consideration.
(2)The teamdeserves to win.
(3)Hedeserved to be punished.= Hedeserved punishing.
e.g. (1) We mustconcentrateour attentiononstudy.
(2)Tom is doing his translating workwith concentration.
4. deserve vt.应得,值得,应受
(5) The speechended up with a famous poem.
9. in terms of
eg.The job is greatin terms of salary, but it has disadvantages.
draw one’s attention to使……注意……
8. end up
eg. (1)If you try to remember everything you willend up rememberin gnothing.
(2) Heended up as head of the firm.
Step One预习自学(20分钟)
1. gain vt.获得,增加;赢得,赚得;
e.g. (er honestygainedher the trust of her teacher.
2. associate vt.联想,联系
(2)____+ (3)______+被强调部分+(4)________+ 剩余部分
eg.Theyoften help me with my lessons.
强调they:(5)__ ________________________________________
e.g. (1) Iassociatedthe seawiththe summer vacation.
(2) Don’tassociate withhim.
in association with与……合作
3. concentrate v集中(思想,注意力等)
2)特殊疑问句中只有疑问词可以被强调,结构是“疑问词+ is/was + it + that-clause ?”
6.talk sb into doing
eg. (1)Try totalk him into giving up smoking.尽量说服他戒烟。
(2) Can’t youtalk them out of selling the house?难道你不能说服他们不要卖掉那幢房子吗?
7. draw up
(3) Be careful with your gun or you’llend up deadyourself.
(4) If you d rive like that, you’llend up in hospital.
在使用过程中应注意以下 几点:
1)原句:He didn’t reali ze the importance of Englishuntil then.
对not……until……结构中由until引导的短语或从句进行强调时,需要用it is/was no t until……that……这一固定句型,that从句中谓语动词用肯定形式。
eg.The man was accused of stealing money.
[辨析]:accuse可以是一般意义上的谴责、责备;charge则是强调根据法律在法庭上控告。都表示控告时,用于不同的句型中: accuse sb of sth(doing sth) charge sb with sth(doing sth)