
高中英语师范生技能大赛说课稿范文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Title: Sample Lecture Script for High School English Teacher Skills CompetitionIntroduction:Good morning/afternoon, everyone. Today, I am going to present my sample lecture script for the High School English Teacher Skills Competition. The topic of my lecture will be on the theme of "Teaching Reading Comprehension Strategies to High School Students."1. Introduction to the Topic:Reading comprehension is a crucial skill for high school students as it helps them to understand and analyze texts in a deeper way. In today's lecture, I will discuss various strategies that can help students improve their reading comprehension skills.2. Pre-reading Activities:Before reading a text, it is important to engage students in pre-reading activities to activate their prior knowledge and build their interest. In this part of the lesson, I will introduce a short video or a picture related to the topic of the text to stimulate students' curiosity and motivation.3. Reading the Text:During the reading process, it is essential to provide students with guidance on how to approach the text. I will model the reading process by reading aloud a paragraph and demonstrating how to identify key information, make inferences, and connect ideas within the text.4. Post-reading Activities:After reading the text, I will engage students in post-reading activities to deepen their understanding of the text. These activities may include discussion questions, writing prompts, or group activities that require students to analyze the text further and make connections to their own experiences.5. Assessment:To assess students' comprehension skills, I will design an assessment task that requires students to demonstrate their understanding of the text through various means, such as writinga summary, answering comprehension questions, or participating in a class discussion.6. Conclusion:In conclusion, teaching reading comprehension strategies to high school students is essential for their academic success and overall literacy development. By incorporating pre-reading, during-reading, and post-reading activities, teachers can help students build their comprehension skills and become more critical readers.Thank you for listening to my sample lecture script for the High School English Teacher Skills Competition. I hope you found it informative and engaging.篇2Title: The Art of Teaching: A Sample Lesson Plan for High School English Teacher Training CompetitionGood morning, ladies and gentleman. Today, I am excited to present my lesson plan for the High School English Teacher Training Competition. This lesson is designed for a class of high school seniors and focuses on the theme of literature analysis.1. Introduction:- Greet the students.- Engage in a warm-up activity to introduce the theme of literature analysis.- Introduce the objectives of the lesson: to analyze a literary text in depth, focusing on character development, plot structure, and theme.2. Pre-reading Activity:- Show a short video clip related to the text (e.g. movie trailer, author interview).- Discuss the video clip and make predictions about the text.- Provide background information about the author and the historical context of the text.3. Reading Activity:- Have students read an excerpt from the text silently.- Discuss the main characters, setting, and plot points.- Analyze the author's writing style and any literary devices used.4. Post-reading Activity:- Assign students to small groups to analyze a specific aspect of the text (e.g. character development, symbolism, themes).- Have groups present their findings to the class.- Lead a discussion on the overall meaning and significance of the text.5. Extension Activities:- Have students write a short essay analyzing a different aspect of the text.- Assign a creative project (e.g. creating a storyboard, writing a modern adaptation).- Encourage students to share their work in a class showcase.6. Conclusion:- Review the key concepts covered in the lesson.- Provide feedback and offer suggestions for improvement.- Thank the students for their participation and enthusiasm.In conclusion, this lesson plan is designed to engage students in a deep analysis of a literary text while fostering critical thinking and creativity. I believe that this lesson will challenge and inspire students to explore the complexities ofliterature and become more skilled and passionate readers. Thank you for your attention.篇3High School English Teacher Skills Competition Demonstration ScriptGood morning, ladies and gentlemen. Today, I am honored to present my teaching demonstration for the High School English Teacher Skills Competition.The topic of my lesson is "Analyzing Character Development in Literature". This topic is essential as it helps students develop critical thinking skills and deeper understanding of the text.To begin the lesson, I will engage students with a short video clip from a popular TV series. This will serve as a hook to grab students' attention and pique their interest in character analysis.Next, I will introduce the key vocabulary and concepts related to character development, such as protagonist, antagonist, round character, flat character, dynamic character, and static character. I will use examples from classic literature to illustrate these concepts and allow students to identify them in the text.After discussing the key vocabulary, I will lead a group discussion on the character development of the protagonist in the selected text. Students will be encouraged to share their ideas and observations, and I will facilitate the discussion by asking probing questions to guide their analysis.To further deepen students' understanding, I will assign a writing task where students have to analyze the character development of another character from the same text. This task will allow students to apply the concepts they have learned and demonstrate their analytical skills.In conclusion, I will wrap up the lesson by summarizing the key points and highlighting the importance of character analysis in understanding literature. I will also encourage students to continue exploring the complexities of characters in different texts to enhance their literary appreciation.Thank you for your attention. I look forward to your feedback and questions. Let's continue to inspire and empower our students through the power of literature. Thank you.。

高师技能大赛二级教案一、教案背景和目标1.1 教案背景高师技能大赛是一项重要的教育活动,旨在提高教师的教学技能和教学质量。
1.2 教案目标本教案的目标是通过课堂教学,帮助学生提高对某一主题的理解和掌握。
二、教学内容和重难点2.1 教学内容本教案的教学内容为某一主题,例如“环保”。
2.2 教学重点和难点本教案的教学重点在于培养学生的合作意识和创新意识,通过活动设计和教学方法的运用,帮助学生提高对环保的理解和掌握。
三、教学准备和教学步骤3.1 教学准备准备课堂教学所需的课件、教具、参考资料等。
3.2 教学步骤第一步:导入通过引发学生对环保的思考和讨论,激发他们对环保问题的兴趣。
四、教学评价和改进措施4.1 教学评价在教学活动中,教师可以通过观察学生的参与度、表现、作品质量等方面来评价教学效果。
4.2 改进措施根据教学评价的结果,教师可以针对学生的不足之处,进行个别辅导和提升。

根据课程标准和学生的认知水平,我设定了以下三个目标:1. 知识与技能:学生能够理解并掌握[具体知识点]的概念、原理或方法。
2. 过程与方法:通过[教学活动],培养学生的[思考、分析、解决问题等]能力。
3. 情感态度与价值观:激发学生对[课题相关领域]的兴趣,培养[相关价值观或态度]。
为了突破这些难点,我设计了以下几个教学环节:1. 导入新课:通过[导入方式]激发学生兴趣,为新课内容做铺垫。
2. 知识讲授:采用[讲授方法],清晰、系统地传授新知识。
3. 互动探究:组织学生进行[小组讨论、角色扮演、实验操作等],引导学生主动探究和应用知识。
4. 巩固练习:设计针对性的练习题,帮助学生巩固和深化理解。
5. 总结反馈:对本节课的知识点进行总结,并收集学生的反馈,为后续教学提供参考。

高师职业技能大赛说课教案版1[5篇]第一篇:高师职业技能大赛说课教案版1No.16Lesson Design Presentation Text analysis A reading material of senior grade 2, Unit 2 PoemsLearners’ analysisSenior grade 2 English level is overall medium Teaching objectives 1.Knowledge objectives λ Vocabulary and Expressions: Convey, concrete, nursery rhymes, take it easy etc.λ Topic: Enable students to know how to analyze poetry according to the emotions to convey and to describe something in it.2.Ability objectives λ Listening: Enable students to improve their ability of listening.λ Speaking: Enable students to improve their ability of oral English.λReading: Enable students to consolidate their ability of scanning and skimmingλWriting: Enable students to improve their ability of autonomous learning by collecting the sonnet 18 of Shakespeare.3.Emotion or moral objectives Cultivate learners cooperating awareness by working in groups.Focus and difficulties λ Enable students to master the usage of some useful words, expressions and sentences.λEnable the students to grasp and remember the detailed information of the reading material.Teaching method Communicative Approach Teaching aids A projector and a computerTeaching procedures Pre-reading(10 min)Lead inBrainstorm: ask the Ss to call out one of Chinese or English poems they’ve learnt as possible as they can and say out whatemotions did the poem convey or describe something in it.No.16 • Listening: play the listening material of reading.Provide authentic language input.It will be helpful to improve Ss’ listening ability.While-reading-work in groups(25 min) Scanning and skimming with questions enable the Ss to use learning strategies benefiting their study.And improve their cooperating awareness.E.g1...What’s the main idea of the 1st paragraph?(Skimming)……E.g2..Some of the first poetry a young child learns in English is _________.these ____like the one on the right(A)is still _________________________.the language is _________but __________.and they ________small children because they _________, have strong rhythm and a lot of ________…(Scanning)……Post-reading: work in groups(8min)Discussion: I will ask Ss to retell the story as possible as they can.They must use the following sentences:1.There are various reasons why people write poetry.2.Some of the first poetry a young child learns in English is nursery rhymes.3.One of the simple list kinds of poems is list poems.4.Another simple form of poem is the cinquain.λ Purpose of my design: it will be helpful for improving Ss’ abilities of oral English and language organizationHomework(2min)Ask the Ss to collect the sonnet 18 of Shakespeare, write it down and recite it.(the first sentence have been given out)S hall I compare thee to a summer’s day?……λPurpose of my design: Enable students to improve theirability of autonomous learning by collecting the sonnet 18 of Shakespeare.Assessment νKeep encouraging the Ss to speak English and correct their mistakes deliberately.νAlways pay attention to the progress and achievement the Ss have made.Self-reflectionNo.16Maybe I will ignore some students in the activities.So I should make them fully involved in, not only the individuals but the whole.That’s all for my p resentation.Thank you for your appreciation!第二篇:高师职业技能大赛说课教案版No.16Lesson Design Presentation Text analysis A reading material of senior grade 2, Unit 2 PoemsLearners’ analysisSenior grade 2 English level is overall medium Teaching objectives 1.Knowledge objectives λ Vocabulary and Expressions: Convey, concrete, nursery rhymes, take it easy etc.λ Topic: Enable students to know how to analyze poetry according to the emotions to convey and to describe something in it.2.Ability objectives λ Listening: Enable students to improve their ability of listening.λ Speaking: Enable students to improve their ability of oral English.λReading: Enable students to consolidate their ability of scanning and skimmingλWriting: Enable students to improve their ability of autonomous learning by collecting the sonnet 18 of Shakespeare.3.Emotion or moral objectives Cultivate learners cooperating awareness by working in groups.Focus and difficulties λ Enable students to master the usage of some useful words, expressions and sentences.λ Enable the students to graspand remember the detailed information of the reading material.Teaching method Communicative Approach Teaching aids A projector and a computerTeaching procedures Pre-reading(10 min)Lead inBrainstorm: ask the Ss to call out one of Chinese or English poems they’ve learnt as possible as they can and say out what emotions did the poem convey or describe something in it.No.16 • Listening: play the listening material of reading.Provide authentic language input.It will be he lpful to improve Ss’ listening ability.While-reading-work in groups(25 min) Scanning and skimming with questions enable the Ss to use learning strategies benefiting their study.And improve their cooperating awareness.E.g1...What’s the main idea of the 1st paragraph?(Skimming)……E.g2..Some of the first poetry a young child learns in English is _________.these ____like the one on the right(A)is still _________________________.the language is _________but __________.and they ________small children because they _________, have strong rhythm and a lot of ________…(Scanning)……Post-reading: work in groups(8min)Discussion: I will ask Ss to retell the story as possible as they can.They must use the following sentences:1.There are various reasons why people write poetry.2.Some of the first poetry a young child learns in English is nursery rhymes.3.One of the simple list kinds of poems is list poems.4.Another simple form of poem is the cinquain. Purpose of my design: it will be helpful for improving Ss’ abilities of oralEnglish and language organization.And make sure that they have a general perception.Homework(2min)Ask the Ss to collect the sonnet 18 of Shakespeare from Internet, write it down and recite it.(the first sentence have been given out)Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?……λ Purpose of my design: to cultivate ability of autonomous learning, broaden their cultural eyes and arouse their interest in poetry by collecting the sonnet 18 of Shakespeare.Assessment νKeep encouraging the Ss to speak English and correct their mistakes deliberately.ν Always pay attention to the progress and achievement the Ss have made.No.16Self-reflectionMaybe I will ignore some students in the activities.So I should make them fully involved in, not only the individuals but the whole.That’s all for my presentation.Thank you for your appreciation!第三篇:说课,高师大学生职业技能形成的突破口专题说课,高师大学生职业技能形成的突破口—写在高师大学生参加全国中学化学优质课说课观摩评比之后今年暑期,8月16日至20日中国教育学会化学教学专业委员会在内蒙古包头一机一中成功举办了“2010年全国中学化学优质课(华北区)观摩评比暨教学改革研讨会”。

• 说课内容概述 • 教学策略与方法 • 教学过程设计 • 教师技能展示 • 说课总结与反思
01 说课内容概述
• 课程名称:《基于项目的学习:创新与协作》
学生将掌握项目管理的原 理、方法和工具,提高团 队协作和沟通能力。
通过实际项目操作,学生 将学会如何制定计划、执 行任务、解决问题和评估 成果。
教师在说课时应充分展示其课堂管理能力,包括调动学生的 积极性、应对课堂突发状况、合理安排课堂时间等。同时, 教师还应注重课堂氛围的营造,建立和谐的师生关系,提高 课堂效率。
教师在说课时应充分展示其教学创新能力,包括创新教学方法、优化教学流程、开发教 学资源等。同时,教师还应关注学生的学习需求和发展特点,针对性地设计教学方案,
将现代教育技术与传统教学方法相结 合,实现优势互补,提高教学质量。
未来的教学应更加注重个性化,根据 学生的特点和需求进行差异化教学, 提高教学效果。
部分课件制作技术不够精细,如字体 大小、颜色搭配等,需要进一步完善 。
虽然课件介绍了一些教学方法,但缺 乏具体的案例分析,参赛教师可能难 以完全理解其应用。
随着教育技术的不断发展和教学理念 的创新,说课课件应持续更新,以适 应时代发展的需求。
关注学生学习过程,及时发现 和解决学生学习中的问题。

1. 知识目标,能够听、说、认读与动物相关的单词和句子;2. 能力目标,能够听懂老师简单的指令,能够用英语简单地介绍自己喜欢的动物;3. 情感目标,培养学生对英语学习的兴趣,增强他们的自信心。
1. 重点,学习与动物相关的单词和句子;2. 难点,能够用英语简单地介绍自己喜欢的动物。
1. 创设情境,导入话题。
2. 学习新知识。
3. 启发思考,激发表达。
4. 活动设计。

全国教师技能大赛一等奖《自由落体运动》说课稿精选文档《自由落体运动》说课稿恭敬的各位评委教师、学生们,大家好!我是来自*** 的** ,我说课的课题是《自由落体运动》。

高中英语说课稿模板Good afternoon, my dear teachers and ss. I’m …from…Middle School. It’s my great honor to be here sharing my lesson analysis/interpretation with you. The content of my lesson is Senior English Book 5 Unit 5(First Aid)I am to analyze this lesson from five perspectives:Analysis of the teaching material, the teaching methods, the studying methods, the teaching procedures, and reflection. .First, let me talk about the teaching material.Part 1 The Interpretation of Teaching Material:1. Introduction of the teaching aims of this unitThis unit is about the necessary knowledge about first aid.By learning this unit, The students will be enabled to know what measures should be taken in a first aid. Undoubtedly, such knowledge will be helpful in the students’ daily life.The unit provides all-around practice about listening, speaking, reading and writing on this topic. And it provides a real situation in which students can improve their comprehensive ability of using English language.2. The status that this specific lesson plays in the unitAs we all know, reading belongs to the input during the process of the language learning. The input has great effect on output , such as speaking and writing. This is a reading lesson that plays an important role in this unit. It provides the primary knowledge and necessary words and expressions for the learning of other parts. According to the New Standard Curriculum and the Syllabus (新课程标准和教学大纲), I design the teaching aims as follows: 3. Teaching aims:(1).Knowledge objects:A. Enable the students to know the new words and the main sentence patterns.B. Enable the students to get the main idea of the text and understand the content of it.(2)Ability objects:A. Improve the Ss’ extensive reading abilities such as skimming and scanning.B. Enable the students to express their ideas based on the understanding of the text.(3).affection objects:Cultivate the students’compassion to others and their awareness of coping with emergencies.4. Difficult points:How to ensure the students to understand the text by fast-reading.What is the most difficult in teaching process? I think the most difficult is how to enable the students to understand the text by fast-reading. Of course the students may also find it difficult to express their own experience and their understanding based on the learning of the text. Well, how to achieve the teaching objects better, how to stress the important points and break through the difficult points? According to the analysis of the teaching material and the students’learning background, I will use the following methods strongly recommended in the New Standard Curriculum .5. Teaching aids:Part 2 The Interpretation of Teaching Methods:The Task-Based Language Teaching method as well as Communicative Approach is employed to fulfill the teaching aims.That is to say, I’ll let the Ss to get a better understanding of first aid for burns by means of a series of tasks and a number of interactions. According to the modern social communicative teaching theories(现代社会交际教学理论), I adopt the Situational Language Teaching method(情景教学) Task-Based Language Teaching method (语言任务教学)in my teaching. Part 3 The Interpretation of Studying Methods:Students of this stage are quick in thought and they are eager to show what they know and they have a certain ability to read .But they are lack of the cultural knowledge and the background knowledge of what they are going to learn. They are not familiar enough to the reading strategies. And they lack courage to express their ideas. Therefore, a teacher should care for their learning strategy,in this lesson. I will teach my students to master the following strategy;1 Basic learning strategy;The students can get the meaning of the words and phrase2 Practice strategy;Practice can help the students get the general idea and have a better understanding of the language.3 Communication strategyIn a ward, I’ll teach the students how to be a successful language learner and let them study language through “Observation—Imitation—Practice-produce”.Part 4 Teaching ProceduresAccording to the new standard curriculum and the syllabus, the students are the subject of learning and teachers should act as a guider, an organizer and a director in the learning process. So I design the teaching procedures like this:Step 1 Warming -up(I think the most useful method to lead the students to learn is interest stimulating and discussion by themselves.1. At the beginning I will ask the Ss to narrate one of their experiences to get through an emergency, including the measures they took to get through it. Then I will tell them what kind of emergency we are to experience and what to do.)Task1 Pair work: Ss are supposed to narrate in pairs one of their experiences to get through an emergency, including the measures they took to get through it.Step 2 Pre-readingPresentation of difficult words and expressions:….Step 3 While-reading(1) Task2 Scanning: Students should read the passage in 3 minutes to find out the main idea. First aid is a very important first step in the treatment of burns, causes of burns, types of burns, characteristics of burns and first aid measures.(2) Task3 skimming: Students reread the whole text in 7 minutes to answer the given questions:A True or Falsea.The skin is an essential part of your body and your body’s smallest organ.b.There are four types of bourns.c.B Answer the questions:4个(3) Task4 Fast reading: Students read the whole text again in 5 minutes to get the detailed information and fulfill the 2 exercises on P35Step 4 After-readingTask5 Group work: Interview. Ask the 6 ss to form a groups. In each group, there must be an interviewer who interviews another student who acts as a nurse or doctor. There must be a character who is being burnt. Others as recorders to note down the important tips and report what they note to the whole group. And then ask several groups to perform it in class. Step 5 SummaryToday we learnt some knowledge about first aid. By learning the text, we know causes of burns, characteristics of burns and first aid procedures. Apart from that, we learnt some useful words and phrases and some medical terminologies which are very useful in our daily life. Special attention should be paid to the extensive reading strategies such as skimming and scanning.Step6 Homework(Purpose of my design: I think homework is so important that the students should use English as much as they can in class and after class. It is necessary for the students to master the knowledge they learned. This contents is an extension of the previous lesson, to meet the need of increasing communicating and writing demands of some students and form their personality as well.)Collect information and knowledge on other kind of first aids and write a short composition in about 120 words to introduce it.Psboard writingPart 5 ReflectionStrengths: New teaching strategies have been adopted.Weakness: More effort should be made to enhance students’formal accuracy in their communication.Most students can involve them in the classroom activities. Especially for the Ss who have trouble in English, they can still find their roles in the group activities. Without doubt, this will encourage them to learn English. A famous educator says:” In one’s mind ,there is always a kind of deeply rooted demand. It is the hope to make oneself a finder and explorer. Such demand is specially strong in a student’ s mind,.” So I always involve every student into my English class by applying the Task-Based Language Teaching method and Communicative Approach into my class to help create a vivid and real situation to stimulate ss’ enthusiasm for learning. Thus I can achieve the teaching aims effectively.附:说学法部分共参考的学习策略:认知策略:1、根据需要进行预习;2、在学习中集中注意力;3、在学习中积极思索4、在学习中善于记要点;5、在学习中善于利用图画等非语言信息理解主题;6、借助联想学习和记忆词语;7、对所学内容能主动复习并加以整理和归纳8、注意发现语言的规律并能运用规律举一反三;9、在使用英语中,能意识到错误并进行适当的纠正10、必要时,有效的借助母语知识理解英语;11、尝试阅读英语故事以及其他英语课外读物交际策略:1、在课内外学习活动中能够用英语与他人交流;2、善于抓住用英语交际的机会;3、在交际中,把注意力集中在意思的表达上4、在交际中,必要时借助手势表情等进行交流;5、交际中遇到困难时,有效的寻求帮助;5、交际中遇到困难时,有效的寻求帮助;资源策略:l、注意通过音像资料丰富自己的学习;2、使用简单工具书查找信息;3、注意生活中和媒体上所使用的英语;4、能初步利用图书馆或网络上的学习资料。

高师技能大赛教案模板第1篇:高师技能大赛教案选修八 Unit 1 A Land of DiversityTeacher: Liu RongSubject: English reading Time: 45 minisDate: 2014.12.13.Three main parts: Teaching material analysis;Studying analysis;Teaching procedure analysis. Teaching material analysisA.Reading material:1.The topic of this unit is “a land of diversity”——USA,the multicultural country.So the reading material chooses “California”, the most multicultural state, as a typical case to embody the special characteristic “diversification”.2.The reading material is closely related to the knowledge of geography and history which the students have learnt during their senior period.So with the aist of what they have known, I believe they will have a better understanding about the material.B Teaching aims:The knowledge aim: to help students learn the immigrant culture in thehistory of California;The ability aim:Enable the students to retell the important events in thehistory of CaliforniaThe emotional aim: to broaden their horizons and cultivate thecro-culture communication awarene of the students.C.Teaching important points and difficult points:1, help my students master the reading skills skimming and scanning to get information quickly;2, enable my students to talk about the important events in California history using the information they get from the text.Of course, the latter is also the teaching difficult points.D.Teaching methods:Communicative teaching methods;task-based teaching method;computer-aisted method;situational teaching method.E.Teaching aids:The multimedia;the text book;a quiz paper;the blackboard.λStudying analysis.As senior students, they have known more about the background information and have a better language foundation, so it is not so difficult for them to learn the content of the paage and master the reading skills.However, they are not so active to speak in cla.So the design of my cla is to combine the reading with thinking and speaking.λTeaching procedure analysisStep1.Warming upDivide the students into three or four parts and then start a competition by racing to answer my questions about American which relevant to the background information of the content.The purpose is to create a relaxing and active atmosphere and recall the students’ memory about the knowledge they have learnt before, making better preparation for the next part——reading。

一、教学目标1. 知识与技能:掌握高师竞赛初赛的基本规则、题型及解题方法。
2. 过程与方法:通过案例分析、小组讨论等方式,提高参赛者的竞赛能力和综合素质。
3. 情感态度与价值观:培养学生团队合作精神,增强自信心,激发对竞赛的热情。
二、教学重点与难点1. 教学重点:高师竞赛初赛的基本规则、题型及解题方法。
2. 教学难点:如何将理论知识与实践相结合,提高参赛者的竞赛能力。
三、教学过程1. 导入新课(1)介绍高师竞赛初赛的意义和背景。
2. 讲解竞赛规则(1)讲解竞赛的基本规则,如时间限制、答题格式等。
3. 案例分析(1)展示典型的高师竞赛初赛案例,引导学生分析案例中的问题。
4. 小组讨论(1)将学生分成若干小组,每组选取一个典型案例进行讨论。
5. 实践演练(1)提供若干高师竞赛初赛题目,让学生进行实战演练。
6. 总结与反思(1)总结本次课程的主要内容,强调重点和难点。
四、教学评价1. 课堂表现:观察学生在课堂上的参与度、讨论积极性和回答问题的准确性。
2. 实践演练:评估学生在实际操作中的解题能力。
3. 反思总结:检查学生对竞赛规则、题型及解题方法的掌握程度。
五、教学资源1. 教学课件:包括竞赛规则、题型及解题方法等内容。
2. 案例分析资料:提供典型的高师竞赛初赛案例。
3. 实践演练题目:提供若干高师竞赛初赛题目。
六、教学反思1. 教师应根据学生的实际情况,调整教学内容和方法。
2. 注重培养学生的团队合作精神,提高学生的综合素质。
3. 关注学生在竞赛中的心理变化,给予适当的心理辅导。
4. 鼓励学生积极参与竞赛,提高学生的竞赛意识和能力。

全国高师职业技能大赛获一等奖英文说课稿Good afternoon。
XXX and students。
My name is [name] and I am from [school name] Middle School。
I am honored to be here today to share my analysis and n of r English Book 5 Unit 5.which focuses on First Aid。
In my n。
I will be discussing five key perspectives: the teaching material。
teaching methods。
studying methods。
teaching res。
XXX's begin with an analysis of the XXX.Part 1: XXX1.n of the Teaching Aims of this UnitThe main objective of this unit is to provide students with essential knowledge about first aid。
Through this unit。
students will learn the XXX to take in case of an emergency。
This knowledge will XXX。
and writing on thistopic。
It presents real-XXX that enable students to improve their English language skills.The role of this particular lesson in the unit is to provide input for language learning。

结合教学大纲和学生特点,我们将本节课的教学目标确定为:1. 掌握急性阑尾炎的症状、体征和护理措施;2. 熟悉阑尾的解剖学特点、阑尾炎的病理分型、护理评估内容和治疗原则;3. 了解特殊类型阑尾炎病人的护理;本课的教学重点为:急性阑尾炎的诊断、临床病理分型和护理措施;难点在于阑尾的解剖特点与临床体征的关系,以及所采取的护理措施。

本次说课的内容是《人教版高中英语必修一 Unit 2 English around the world Section A 3a-3c》的教学设计。
1. 知识与能力目标。
2. 过程与方法目标。
3. 情感态度价值观目标。
1. 教学重点。
2. 教学难点。
1. 创设情境,导入新课。
2. 学习新课。
3. 活动设计。

本次说课内容为《人教版小学英语三年级上册Unit 3 My School》中的Lesson 15部分,主要包括教学内容、教学目标、教学重点、教学难点、教学过程、教学方法、教学手段等方面的介绍。
1. 教学内容。
Lesson 15主要围绕学校的地理位置和学校周围的环境展开,通过学习地理位置的表达方式和学校周围的景物来帮助学生掌握相关的英语知识。
2. 教学目标。
(1)语言知识目标,学生能够掌握并运用表示地理位置的词汇和句型,如on, in, near等;学生能够理解并运用表示学校周围环境的词汇和句型,如tree, river, mountain等。
3. 教学重点和难点。
1. 创设情境,导入新课。
2. 学习新知识。
3. 活动设计。
4. 作业布置。
1. 情境导入法,通过图片、视频等情境创设引入新课。
2. 听说结合法,通过听力训练和口语练习提高学生的听说能力。
3. 小组合作法,设计小组活动,培养学生的合作意识和团队精神。

本专业岗位群是模具设计和模具制作,根据岗位群,我们又把人才培养方向定位为 autoCAD绘图员、PROE绘图员、UG工程师、电切削工、数控机床操作工、模具钳工六大块。

Lesson Design PresentationText analysisA reading material of senior grade 2, Unit 2 PoemsLearners’ analysisSenior grade 2English level is overall mediumTeaching objectives1. Knowledge objectives●V ocabulary and Expressions: Convey, concrete, nursery rhymes, take it easy etc.●Topic: Enable students to know how to analyze poetry according to the emotions toconvey and to describe something in it.2. Ability objectives●Listening: Enable students to improve their ability of listening.●Speaking: Enable students to improve their ability of oral English.●Reading: Enable students to consolidate their ability of scanning and skimming●Writing: Enable students to improve their ability of autonomous learning by collectingthe sonnet 18 of Shakespeare.3. Emotion or moral objectivesCultivate learners cooperating awareness by working in groups.Focus and difficulties●Enable students to master the usage of some useful words, expressions and sentences.●Enable the students to grasp and remember the detailed information of the readingmaterial.Teaching methodCommunicative ApproachTeaching aidsA projector and a computerTeaching proceduresPre-reading (10 min)Lead in•Brainstorm: ask the Ss to call out one of Chinese or English poems they’ve learn t as possible as they can and say out what emotions did the poem convey or describe something in it.•Listening: play the listening material of reading. Provide authentic language input. It will be helpful to improve Ss’ listening ability.While-reading- work in groups (25 min)Scanning and skimming with questions enable the Ss to use learning strategies benefiting their study. And improve their cooperating awareness.E.g1... What’s the main idea of the 1st paragraph? (Skimming)……E.g2.. Some of the first poetry a young child learns in English is _________. these ____like the one on the right (A) is still _________________________.the language is _________but __________.and they ________small children because they _________, have strong rhythm and a lot of ________…(Scanning)……Post- reading: work in groups (8min)Discussion: I will ask Ss to retell the story as possible as they can. They must use the following sentences:1.There are various reasons why people write poetry.2.Some of the first poetry a young child learns in English is nursery rhymes.3.One of the simple list kinds of poems is list poems.4.Another simple form of poem is the cinquain.●Purpose of my design: it will be helpful for improving Ss’abilities of oralEnglish and language organization. And make sure that they have a generalperception.Homework (2min)Ask the Ss to collect the sonnet 18 of Shakespeare from Internet, write it down and recite it.(the first sentence have been given out)Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?……●Purpose of my design:to cultivate ability of autonomous learning, broaden theircultural eyes and arouse their interest in poetry by collecting the sonnet 18 of Shakespeare.Assessment⏹Keep encouraging the Ss to speak English and correct their mistakes deliberately.⏹Always pay attention to the progress and achievement the Ss have made.Self-reflectionMaybe I will ignore some students in the activities. So I should make them fully involved in, not only the individuals but the whole.That’s all for my presentation. Thank you for your appreciation!。

Lesson Overview我所教授的课程是一个关于英语口语表达的课程。
Lesson PlanWarm-up (5 minutes)为了激发学生的兴趣和准备他们进入课程,我会设计一个有趣的热身活动。
Presentation (10 minutes)在这一部分,我将介绍本节课的主题,并给学生提供一些相关的词汇和表达。
Practice (20 minutes)在这个环节中,我将设计一些互动练来帮助学生运用新学到的词汇和表达。
Production (15 minutes)在这个部分,我会给学生一个任务,让他们运用所学知识来完成,例如写一个简短的对话或演讲。
Wrap-up (5 minutes)最后,我会通过一个小结来帮助学生复所学内容,并鼓励他们提出问题和反馈。

师范技能大赛说课稿(总3页)--本页仅作为文档封面,使用时请直接删除即可----内页可以根据需求调整合适字体及大小--说课稿尊敬的评委老师、亲爱的同学们,大家晚上好!我是来自09级3班的黄佩,很高兴能站在这个讲台上将这节I'm going to be a basketball player 与大家交流与分享。
本教材注重培养学生的英语学习兴趣以及自主探究的能力,因此,在我的教学中,设置了合作学习,情景展示以及游戏等环节,引导学生完成pair work和group work,让他们在情境中将所学知识运用到实际中去。
我认为本课有两个基本的知识目标:One is To learn some new jobs,the other is To learn how to use "be going to" structure to express future tense.当然,本课的知识目标比较简单,所以重点应放在能力目标以及情感目标上,通过训练他们听说读写的能力,使学生树立自己的人生理想,并且为理想而努力奋斗。
The first step is Revision.首先我会播放一首英文歌曲来考察同学们的听力,看他们能否听出歌词中我们已经学过的关于职业的单词,这些单词在后面的教学中会用到。
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Ladies and Gentlemen, I appreciate having this chance to be here sharing my lesson plan with you.The content of my lesson is from FLTRP for senior grade 1 students. Today I’ll show the grammar part and there are 7 parts in my lesson plan. Analysis of Teaching materialAnalysis of SudentsTeaching objectives:Focal points and difficult pointsTeaching methodsTeaching proceduresTeaching reflectionThe Analysis of Teaching MaterialNow, let me talk about the first part, the analysis of teaching material. This class mainly focuses on the grammar, verb-noun as object. In this unit, it is based on the reading passage we learnt last class. By learning this grammar, students can have a better understanding of the reading passage and prepare students for the speaking part linguistically. Before this class, students have already learnt verbs that can have verb-noun as object such as like, enjoy, dislike etc. But they can only use nouns as their object, so it is necessary to learn the grammar point, verb-nouns as object, which will lay a good foundation for the learning of the next units.The Analysis of StudentsAs for the students, generally speaking, they have a good command of English. As cooperative activities are often used in class, they are good at cooperating with each other. But students easily felt under pressure and not active in grammar class, so it is very important to organize activities to arouse their interest in learning grammar.Teaching ObjectivesBased on the analysis of the teaching material and students, I put forward the teaching objectives according to National English Curriculum and I will talk about it from Knowledge objectives, Ability objectives and Emotional objectives:First, the knowledge objectives:1. After this class, students will be able to memorize the verbs in the verb-noun as object structure2. Students will be able to understand the grammar rule, verb-noun as objectSecond, the ability objectives:Students will be able to use the grammar rule to speak and communicate to exchange informationThird, the emotional objectives:1. Students will be interested in learning the grammar point by taking part in activities2. Students will understand each other better by finishing a task tocommunicate and exchange information with othersFocal Point and Difficult PointThen it comes to my focal point and difficult point. The focal point of this class will be the learning, understanding and using of grammar point, verb-noun as object. The difficult point is that students use the grammar rule to communicate and exchange information.Teaching MethodWell, how to achieve the teaching objectives better, to stress the focal point and break through the difficult point? The key is how to make use of the proper teaching methods; I’ll talk about my t eaching methods below.According to recent Linguistic research results and based on my own understanding of English teaching, teachers should help students to know how to combine the grammatical rules and vocabulary to express notions that perform functions and teachers need to design environments and interact with learners to foster inventive, creative and critical learners. So I am going to use PPP teaching method for the whole grammar learning process, and Communicative approach in an activity and TBLT in a task. The activity and task have communicative purposes for students to focus on the meaning of the grammar rule. In the whole process, the role of the teacher is a facilitator.Teaching ProcedureIn order to realize the teaching process systematically, properly and efficiently, I divide the teaching process into 3 stages, presentation, practice, production.PresentationThere are three steps in my presentation stage.Step 1: Warming up and lead inIn order to achieve a relaxed and agreeable atmosphere, I begin my class with a daily conversation. By telling them I am excited because I am going to play tennis with my friends after class, I turn to ask them the following questions naturally and lead in the grammar point by guided discovery method.Q1: What do you often do in your spare time?Q2: Do you enjoy yourself?By interacting with my students, 3 sentences will be selected and written on the blackboard. With the purpose to discover the structure, I underline the verb and the noun-verb structure and draw students’ attention to that part.Step 2 Form Discovery:In order to let students find and get familiar with the form, they are asked to underline the sentences containing verb and verb-noun structure in the reading passage, My New Teachers. Aiming at making students to remember the form of this grammar, some of them are asked to writethose sentences on the blackboard and reading aloud.Step 3Since students have been familiar with the form, let’s come to the third step. An interesting activity is giv en to draw students’ attention to the meaning. By doing this activity, students can also know what other verbs we can use in this grammar structure. First, I will draw a small boy on the blackboard to arouse students’ interest. Next, I’ll write the first s entence from exercise 2 on the blackboard. With the purpose to focus more attention on the meaning, students are asked to work in pairs and group the verbs into two groups that can make the boy on the blackboard to be an honest student or dishonest student. Last, in order to let students speak and practice the meaningful sentences, several pairs are asked to share their answers.PracticeAfter the discovery of the grammar rule, let’s come to the practice stage.A mechanical practice is given to achieve form accuracy, give students repeated attention and finally make the ‘leap’ from form-focused accuracy to meaning-focused fluency. Students will be asked to finish practice 2 and use the verbs from the box.ProductionIn order to practice the target structure while negotiating meaning, a task is given in the production stage. The purpose of doing the task is to letstudents learn how to communicate and exchange information with each other using the grammar point. Besides, students’ interest for grammar class will be increased, which is very important for English learning. The name of the task is ‘Do you know me’. First, students are asked to take out a piece of paper and write 3 sentences about themselves. In order to carry out the task better, I will demonstrate it first. I will write the following three sentences on the blackboard.I enjoy listening to music when I am tired.I avoid looking at other people’s eyes because I am shy.I hate wearing high heals.The third sentence is not true about me.Next, the students are divided into 2 groups and compete to get their points by guessing the information on the paper so as to make the task more interesting. During the whole process, the teacher is an organizer. Students are free to use their language.Homework:After the three stages, the objectives of the class will be achieved and the knowledge can be turned into function.Teaching Reflection。