

Flowmaster V7 中文技术手册

Flowmaster V7 中文技术手册

Flowmaster V7中文技术手册第一章Flowmaster的图形用户界面 (1)1.1启动Flowmaster (1)1.1.1数据库管理概述 (2)1.2工程视图 (4)1.2.1网络模型 (5)1.2.2目录选项卡 (6)1.2.3用户选项卡 (7)1.2.4共享选项卡 (8)1.3组件网络模型 (8)1.3.1单击,拖拽和释放 (8)1.3.2连接 (9)1.3.3工具栏功能 (9)1.3.4过滤器 (10)1.3.5调色板 (10)实例1 (10)1.4网络模型视图 (11)1.4.1数据收集 (11)1.4.2数据输入 (13)1.4.3数据复制 (14)1.4.4选择单位设置 (15)1.4.5曲线数据 (16)实例2 (18)实例3 (19)1.4.6曲面数据 (19)1.4.7方程编辑器 (19)实例4 (20)1.4.8模拟类型过滤器 (20)1.5运行模拟计算 (21)1.5.1模拟类型和选项 (21)实例5 (22)1.5.2错误和警告 (23)1.6查看模拟结果 (23)1.6.1查看组件和节点模拟结果 (23)1.6.2结果绘制表格 (24)1.6.3结果绘图 (25)1.6.4生成报告 (26)第二章稳态分析 (27)2.1每个组件家族信息内容 (27)2.1.1管道类 (27)2.1.2弯头类 (28)2.1.3控制阀类 (29)2.1.4单向阀 (29)2.1.5方向控制阀 (30)2.1.7接头类 (30)2.1.8过渡接头类 (30)2.1.9节流孔类 (31)2.1.10泵类 (31)2.1.11发动机 (31)2.1.12蓄水箱类 (32)2.1.13稳压器类 (32)2.1.14边界源类 (33)2.1.15控制器类 (33)2.1.16汽缸类 (34)2.1.17负载类 (34)第三章稳态分析算例 (35)3.1稳态分析算例1 (35)3.2稳态分析算例2 (36)3.3稳态分析算例3 (39)3.4稳态分析算例4(飞机燃油系统) (41)第四章瞬态分析 (44)4.1引起剧烈压力波动的原因 (44)4.2流体瞬态特性的抑制 (44)4.3波的传递和最大压力变化估计 (44)4.4流动的“快速”,“缓慢”和“极慢”变化 (45)4.5压力波传播速度 (45)4.6水管中的波速 (46)4.7瞬态管道模型 (47)4.7.1刚性管道模型 (47)4.7.2弹性管道模型 (47)算例6 (47)4.8瞬态阀门模型 (49)4.9瞬态水泵模型 (49)4.10控制器的使用 (51)第五章瞬态分析算例 (52)5.1瞬态算例1 (52)5.2瞬态算例2――压力波分析 (54)5.3瞬态算例3——Rising Main (56)5.4瞬态算例4――PID控件 (60)5.5瞬态算例5——水力瞬态特性 (62)5.6瞬态算例6——水力瞬态特性 (64)第六章自定义目录基础操作 (66)6.1材料 (66)6.1.1利用模板创建新材料 (66)6.2子系统和子网络 (67)6.3符号和符号设置 (68)6.4自定义目录 (71)6.4.1快捷目录 (72)6.4.2复制组件到目录 (72)第七章附加功能 (73)7.1示意图配置和背景 (73)7.1.1添加背景图片 (74)7.2目录搜索功能 (74)7.3动态着色 (75)7.4图层 (77)算例7 (78)7.5压缩与解压缩 (80)第八章GUI高级功能 (83)8.1添加/替换组件 (83)8.2说明子窗体 (84)算例8 (84)8.3添加用户帮助 (86)8.4组件模板 (89)8.5复合组件 (97)算例9 (97)8.6逐步追踪 (103)8.7可变参数 (106)8.7分析模型——简要介绍 (108)第九章服务和支持 (111)其他课程 (112)附录——算例结果 (114)第一章Flowmaster的图形用户界面Flowmaster的图形用户界面(GUI)使用户能够快捷有效地进行系统设计和测试工作。



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项目一 用电的认知与安全用电

项目一 用电的认知与安全用电
电工包和电工工具套用来放置电工随身携带的 常用工具或零星电工器材
2)钳形电流表的作用。通常用普通电流表测量电流 时,需要将电路切断停机后才能将电流表接入进行测 量,这是很麻烦的,有时正常运行的电动机不允许这 样做。此时,使用钳形电流表就显得方便多了,可以 在不切断电路的情况下来测量电流。
图1-7 钳形电流表的实物图和测量示意图
3)钳形电流表的正确使用方法。钳形电流表分高、 低压两种。钳形电流表与普通电流表不同,它由电流 互感器和电流表组成。可在不断开电路的情况下测量 负荷电流,但只限于在被测线路电压不超过500V的情 况下使用,必须遵循以下几点要求。
(4)测量5A以下电流时,为得到较为准确的读数, 在条件许可时,可将导线多绕几圈,放进钳口测量, 其实际电流值应为仪表读数除以放进钳口内的导线根 数。
(5)每次测量前后,要把调节电流量程的切换开关 放在最高挡位,以免下次使用时,因未经选择量程就 进行测量而损坏仪表。
常用电工工具是我们在安装和维修工作中,需要使 用的各种用具。正确选择和合理使用工具能在一定程 度上提高工作效率。在电工维修工作中,常用的工具 有电工刀、钢丝钳、螺丝刀、剥线钳、尖嘴钳等。在 维修工作中,有时还要对机械部分进行必要的安装和 维修,经常使用一些钳工工具,例如:钢锯、扳手、 榔头、钢锉(锉刀)、手枪电钻等。
(1)将电源开关置于ON状态,显示器应有,数应字立 或即符更号换显 内示置。的若9V显电示池器。出现低电压符号 电(压2不)得表超笔过插量孔程旁规的定符值号,,否表则示将测损量坏时内输部入测电量流线、 路。
(3)测量前旋转开关应置于所需量程。测量交、 直流电压或交、直流电流时,若不知被测数值的高 低,可将转换开关置于最大量程挡,根据测量值再



MF47型万用表使用一,MF47万用表基本功能MF47型是设计新颖的磁电系整流式便携式多量程万用电表.可供侧量直流电流,交直流电压,直流电阻等,具有26个基本量程和电平,电容,电感,晶体管直流参数等7个附加参考量程. 二,刻度盘与档位盘刻度盘与档位盘印制成红,绿,黑三色.表盘颜色分别按交流红色,晶体管绿色,其余黑色对应制成,使用时读数便捷.刻度盘共有六条刻度,第一条专供测电阻用;第二条供测交直流电压,直流电流之用;第三条供测晶体管放大倍数用;第四条供测量电容之用;第五条供测电感之用;第六条供测音频电平.刻度盘上装有反光镜,以消除视差.除交直流2500V和直流5A分别有单独插座之外,其余各档只须转动一个选择开关,使用方便. 三,使用方法在使用前应检查指针是否指在机械零位上,如不指在零位时,可旋转表盖的调零器使指针指示在零位上.将测试棒红黑插头分别插入"+" "-"插座中,如测量交流直流2500V或直流5A时,红插头则应分别插到标有2500或"5A"的插座中.1,直流电流测量测量0.05~500mA时,转动开关至所需电流档,测量5A时,转动开关可放在500mA直流电流量限上而后将测试棒串接于被测电路中.2,交直流电压测量测量交流10~1000V或直流0.25~1000V时,转动开关至所需电压档.测量交直流2500V时,开关应分别旋转至交流1000V或直流1000V 位置上,而后将测试棒跨接于被测电路两端. 3,直流电阻测量装上电池(R14型2#1.5V及6F22型9V各一只).转动开关至所需测量的电阻档,将测试棒二端短接,调整零欧姆调整旋钮,使指针对准欧姆"0"位上,(若不能指示欧姆零位,则说明电池电压不足,应更换电池),然后将测试棒跨接于被测电路的两端进行测量.准确测量电阻时,应选择合适的电阻档位,使指针尽量能够指向表刻度盘中间三分之一区域. 测量电路中的电阻时,应先切断电路电源,如电路中有电容应先行放电.当检查电解电容器漏电电阻时,可转动开关到R×1K档,测试棒红杆必须接电容器负极,黑杆接电容器正极.4,音频电平测量在一定的负荷阻抗上,用以测量放大极的增益和线路输送的损耗,测量单位以分贝表示音频电平与功率电压的关系式是:NdB=10log10P2/P1 =20log10V2/V1音频电平的刻度系数按0dB=1mW600Ω输送线标准设计.即V1=(PZ)1/2=(0.001*600)1/2=0.775VP2V2分别为被测功率或被测电压音频电平是以交流10V为基准刻度,如指示值大于+22 dB时可以在50V以上各量限测量,其示值可按下表所示值修正.量限按电平刻度增加值电平的测量范围10V-10~+22 dB50V14 dB+4~+36 dB250V28 dB+18~+50 dB500V34 dB+24~+56 dB测量方法与交流电压基本相似,转动开关至相应的交流电压档,并使指针有较大的偏转.如被测电路中带有直流电压成份时,可在"+"插座中串接一个0.1μf的隔离电容器.5,电容测量转动开关至交流10V位置,被测量电容串接于任一测试棒,而后跨接于10V交流电压电路中进行测量.6,电感测量与电容测量方法相同.7,晶体管直流参数的测量(1)直流放大倍数hFE的测量先转动开关至晶体管调节ADJ位置上,将红黑测试棒短接,调节欧姆电位器,使指针对准300 hFE刻度线上,然后转动开关到hFE位置,将要测的晶体管脚分别插入晶体管测试座的ebc 管座内,指针偏转所示数值约为晶体管的直流放大倍数值.N型晶体管应插入N型管孔内,P 型晶体管应插入P型管孔内.(2)反向截止电流Iceo,Icbo的测量Iceo为集电极与发射极间的反向截止电流(基极开路).Icbo为集电极与基极间的反向截止电流(发射极开路)转动开关Ω×1K档将测试棒二端短路,调节零欧姆上,(此时满度电流值约90uA).分开测试棒,然后将欲测的晶体管插入管座内,此时指针的数值约为晶体管的反向截止电流值.指针指示的刻度值乘上1.2即为实际值.当Iceo电流值大于90μA时可换用Ω×100档进行测量(此时满度电流值约为900μA).N型晶体管应插入N型管座,P型晶体管应插入P型管座.(3)三极管管脚极性的辨别(将万用表置于Ω×1K档)①判定基极b.由于b到c――b 至e分别是二个PN结,它的反向电阻很大,而正向电阻很小.测试时可任意取晶体管一脚假定为基极.将红测试棒接"基极", 黑测试棒分别去接触另二个管脚,如此时测得都是低阻值,则红测试棒所接触的管脚即为基极b,并且是P型管,(如用上法测得均为高阻值.则为N型管).如测量时二个管脚的阻值差异很大,可另选一个管脚为假定基极,直至满足上述条件为止.②判定集电极c.对于PNP型三极管,当集电极接负电压,发射极接正电压时,电流放大倍数才比较大,而NPN型管则相反.测试时假定红测试棒接集电极c,黑测试棒接发射极e,记下其阻值,而后红黑测试棒交换测试,将测得的阻值与第一次阻值相比,阻值小的红测试棒接的是集电极c,黑的是发射极e,而且可判定是P型管(N型管则相反).(4)二极管极性判别测试时选R×10K档,黑测试棒一端测得阻值小的一极为正极.万用表在欧姆电路中,红测试棒为电池负极,黑的为电池正极.注意:以上介绍的的测试方法,一般都用R×100,R×1K档,如果用R×10K档,则因该档用15V 的较高电压供电,可能将被测三极管的PN结击穿,若用R×1档测量,因电流过大(约90mA),也可能损坏被测三极管.四,技术规范量限范围灵敏度及电压降精度误差表示度直流电流0-0.05mA-0.5mA-5mA--50mA -500 mA-5A0.3V2.5以上量限的百分数计算直流电压0-0.25V-1V-2.5V-10V-50V-250V-500V-1000V-2500V20KΩ/V2.55以上量限的百分数计算交流电压0-10V-50V-250V(45-65-500Hz) -500V-1000V-2500V(45-65Hz) 4KΩ/V5以上量限的百分数计算直流电阻R×1,R×10, R×100,R×1K,R×10KR×1中心刻度为16.5Ω2.5以标度尺弧长的百分数计算10以指示值的百分数计算音频电平-10d B~+22 d B0dB=1mw 600ΩhFE0~300hFE晶体管直流放大倍数电感20~1000H电容0.001~0.3uf五,注意事项1. 万用表虽有双重保护装置,但使用时仍应遵守下列规程,避免意外损失.(1)测量高压或大电流时,为避免烧坏开关,应在切断电源情况下,变换量限.(2) 测未知量的电压或电流时,应先选择最高数,待第一次读取数值后,方可逐渐转至适当位置以取得较准读数并避免烧坏电路.(3)偶然发生因过载而烧断保险丝时,可打开表盒换上相同型号的保险丝(0.5A/250V).2.测量高压时,要站在干燥绝缘板上,并一手操作,防止意外事故.3.电阻各档用干电池应定期检查,更换,以保证测量精度.平时不用万用表应将档位盘打到交流250V档;如长期不用应取出电池,以防止电液溢出腐蚀而损坏其它零件.。



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•McAfee 杀毒软件
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•主动式防窥摄像头 通过主动式摄像头盖的开关设计有效防止个人隐私的意外泄漏
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昭阳K47 14英寸全功能商用笔记本
•新品定位 昭阳K47A和K47G是采用Sandy Bridge处理器计算技术的商用笔记本产品。主
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S E R I E S K S O L E N O I D V A L V E SSeries Kdirect acting solenoid valves2/2-way - Normally Closed (NC)3/2-way - Normally Closed (NC) and Normally Open (NO)The Series K direct acting solenoid valves can be mounted on single sub-bases or manifolds.Thanks to the same mounting pad 2/2-way and 3/2-way versions can be installed on the same manifold.The manual override is available only for the 3/2-way versions.»Low power consumption »Compact design »Version for use with oxygen availableGENERAL DATATECHNICAL FEATURES Function OperationPneumatic connections Orifice diameterFlow coefficient kv (l/min) Operating pressure Operating temperature MediaResponse time Manual override Installation2/2 NC - 3/2 NC - 3/2 NO direct acting poppet type on subbase 0.6 ... 1 mm 0.12 ... 0.30 0 ÷ 3 ... 7 bar 0 ÷ 50 °Cfiltered compressed air, unlubricated, according to ISO 8573-1:2010 class [3:4:3], inert gas ON <10 ms – OFF <10 msmonostable - only for 3/2 versions in any positionMATERIALS IN CONTACT WITH THE MEDIUM Body SealsInternal parts PBTNBR - FKM stainless steelELECTRICAL FEATURES VoltageVoltage tolerance Power consumption Duty cycleElectrical connection Protection class6 ... 24 V DC - other voltages on demand ±10% 1 WED 100%connector mod. 121-8... - 300 mm flying leads IP50Special versions available on demandS E R I E S K S O L E N O I D V A L V E SCODING EXAMPLES E R I E S K S O L E N O I D V A L V E Sor2x M1.6x16 screws for mounting on metal* add - VOLTAGE(see CODING EXAMPLE)Series K solenoid valve - 2/2-way NC - in-line connectorSupplied with: 1x interface seal2x Ø1.6x16 screws for mounting on plastic or2x M1.6x16 screws for mounting on metal)* add - VOLTAGE(see CODING EXAMPLE)Series K solenoid valve - 2/2-way NC - 300 mm flying leadsSupplied with: 1x interface seal2x Ø1.6x16 screws for mounting on plastic or2x M1.6x16 screws for mounting on metalS E R I E S K S O L E N O I D V A L V E Sor2x M1.6x16 screws for mounting on metal* add - VOLTAGE(see CODING EXAMPLE)Series K solenoid valve - 3/2-way NC - in-line connectorSupplied with: 1x interface seal2x Ø1.6x16 screws for mounting on plastic or2x M1.6x16 screws for mounting on metal* add - VOLTAGE(see CODING EXAMPLE)Series K solenoid valve - 3/2-way NC - 300 mm flying leadsSupplied with: 1x interface seal2x Ø1.6x16 screws for mounting on plastic or2x M1.6x16 screws for mounting on metalS E R I E S K S O L E N O I D V A L V E S2x Ø1.6x19 screws for mounting on plastic or2x M1.6x19 screws for mounting on metalFor use without port 1 and 3 inversion interface, use16 mm long screws (see accessories)* add - VOLTAGE(see CODING EXAMPLE)Series K solenoid valve - 3/2-way NO - in-line connectorSupplied with:1x interface for NO with position ports as per NC 2x interface seals2x Ø1.6x19 screws for mounting on plastic or2x M1.6x19 screws for mounting on metalFor use without port 1 and 3 inversion interface, use16 mm long screws (see accessories)* add - VOLTAGE(see CODING EXAMPLE)Series K solenoid valve - 3/2-way NO - 300 mm flying leadsSupplied with:1x interface for NO with position ports as per NC 2x interface seals2x Ø1.6x19 screws for mounting on plastic or2x M1.6x19 screws for mounting on metalFor use without port 1 and 3 inversion interface, use16 mm long screws (see accessories)S E R I E S K S O LE N O IDV A L V E SSingle sub-base for solenoid valve size 10 mmSingle sub-base suitable for Series K 2-way or 3-way solenoid valveUse solenoid valves with screws for mounting on metal (see coding)Material: anodized aluminium Connections: M5 threadsManifold Mod. K1**-02** Number of positionsWith side outlets and conveyed inlet and exhaust. Use solenoid valves with screws for mounting on metal (see coding)Material: anodized aluminiumConnections: M5 threadsPosition valve capSupplied with:1x position valve cap 3x O-Rings2x M1.6x6 screws for mounting on metalS E R I E S K S O L E N O I D V A L V ESMounting screws for Series K solenoid valves16 mm long screws for use with Series K 3/2-way NO solenoid valves without port 1 and 3 inversioninterfaceConnector with flying leads Mod. 121-8..。



· The information contained herein is presented only as a guide for the applications of our products. No responsibility is assumed by TOSHIBA CORPORATION for any infringements of intellectual property or other rights of the third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any intellectual property or other rights of TOSHIBA CORPORATION or others.
l Isolation Voltage
: VISOL = 1500V AC
Unit: mm
Repetitive Peak Off−State Voltage
SM16GZ47 SM16GZ47A
SM16JZ47 SM16JZ47A
R.M.S On−State Current (Full Sine Waveform Tc = 73°C)


V / µs


(dv / dt) c
VDRM = 400V, Tj = 125°C (di / dt) c = − 8.7A / ms

V / µs



W12NK90Z中⽂资料October 2006 Rev 51/14STW12NK90ZN-channel 900V - 0.72? - 11A - TO-247Zener-protected SuperMESH? Power MOSFETGeneral features■Extremely high dv/dt capability ■100% avalanche tested ■Gate charge minimized ■Very low intrinsic capacitances ■Very good manufacturing repeatibilityDescriptionThe SuperMESH? series is obtained through an extreme optimization of ST’s well established strip-based PowerMESH? layout. In addition to pushing on-resistance significantly down, special care is taken to ensure a very good dv/dtcapability for the most demanding applications. Such series complements ST full range of high voltage MOSFETs including revolutionary MDmesh? products.Applications■Switching applicationType V DSS R DS(on)I D p W STW12NK90Z900V<0.88?11A230W/doc/a62e0e2c58fb770bf78a556d.htmlOrder codesPart number Marking Package Packaging STW12NK90ZW12NK90ZTO-247T ubeContents STW12NK90ZContents1Electrical ratings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31.1Protection features of gate-to-source zener diodes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42Electrical characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52.1Electrical characteristics (curves) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 3Test circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 4Package mechanical data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 5Revision history . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132/14STW12NK90Z Electrical ratings3/141 Electrical ratingsTable 1.Absolute maximum ratingsSymbol ParameterValue Unit V DS Drain-source voltage (V GS = 0)900V V GS Gate- source voltage± 30V I D Drain current (continuous) at T C = 25°C 11A I D Drain current (continuous) at T C = 100°C 7A I DM (1)1.Pulse width limited by safe operating area.Drain current (pulsed)44A P totT otal dissipation at T C = 25°C 230W Derating Factor1.85W/°C V ESD(G-S)Gate source ESD(HBM-C=100pF , R=1.5K ?)6000V E AS (2)2. I SD ≤11A, di/dt ≤200A/µs, V DD ≤ V (BR)DSS , T j ≤ T JMAX.Single pulse avalanche energy 4.5mJ T stg Storage temperature-55 to 150°CT jMax. operating junction temperatureTable 2.Thermal dataRthj-case Thermal resistance junction-case max 0.54°C/W Rthj-ambThermal resistance junction-ambient max 50°C/W T JMaximum lead temperature for soldering purpose300°CTable 3.Avalanche characteristicsSymbol ParameterMax valueUnit I AR Avalanche current, repetitive or not-repetitive(pulse width limited by T j max)11A E ASSingle pulse avalanche energy(starting T j = 25 °C, I D = I AR , V DD = 50 V)500mJTable 4.Gate-source zener diodeSymbol ParameterTest conditions Min.Typ.Max.Unit BV GSOGate-source breakdown voltageIgs=± 1mA (open drain)30VElectrical ratings STW12NK90Z1.1 Protection features of gate-to-source zener diodesThe built-in back-to-back Zener diodes have specifically been designed to enhance not onlythe device’s ESD capability, but also to make them safely absorb possible voltage transientsthat may occasionally be applied from gate to source. In this respect the Zener voltage isappropriate to achieve an efficient and cost-effective intervention to protect the device’sintegrity. These integrated Zener diodes thus avoid the usage of external components.4/14STW12NK90Z Electrical characteristics5/142 Electrical characteristics(T CASE =25°C unless otherwise specified)Table 5.On/off statesSymbol ParameterTest conditions Min.Typ.Max.Unit V (BR)DSSDrain-sourcebreakdown voltage I D = 1mA, V GS =0900V I DSSZero gate voltage drain current (V GS = 0)V DS = max rating V DS = max rating, T C = 125°C 150µA µA I GSS Gate-body leakage current (V DS = 0)V GS = ± 20V±10µA V GS(th)Gate threshold voltage V DS = V GS , I D = 100µA 33.754.5V R DS(on)Static drain-source on resistanceV GS = 10V , I D = 5.5A0.720.88Table 6.DynamicSymbol ParameterTest conditions Min.Typ.Max.Unit g fs (1)1.Pulsed: Pulse duration = 300 µs, duty cycle 1.5 %.Forwardtransconductance V DS = 15V , I D =5.5A11S C iss C oss C rss Input capacitance Output capacitance Reverse transfer capacitance V DS = 25V , f = 1MHz, V GS = 0 350028058pF pF pF C oss eq (2)2.Coss eq. is defined as a constant equivalent capacitance giving the same charging time as C oss when V DSincreases from 0 to 80% V DSS .Equivalent output capacitance V GS = 0V , V DS = 0V to 800V117pF t d(on)t r t d(off)t f Turn-on delay time Rise timeTurn-off delay time Fall timeV DD = 450V , I D = 5A R G =4.7? V GS = 10V (see Figure 13)31208855ns ns ns ns Q g Q gs Q gdTotal gate charge Gate-source charge Gate-drain chargeV DD = 720V , I D = 10A,V GS = 10V , R G =4.7?(see Figure 14)1131960152nC nC nCElectrical characteristics STW12NK90Z6/14Table 7.Source drain diodeSymbol Parameter Test conditions Min.Typ.Max.UnitI SDI SDM(1)1.Pulse width limited by safe operating area.Source-drain currentSource-drain current(pulsed)1144AA V SD(2)2.Pulsed: Pulse duration = 300 µs, duty cycle 1.5 % Forward on voltage I SD = 11A, V GS = 0 1.6V t rr Q rrI RRMReverse recovery timeReverse recovery chargeReverse recovery currentI SD = 10A, di/dt = 100A/µs,V DD = 50V, T j = 25°C(see Figure15)7287.821.6nsµCA t rrQ rrI RRMReverse recovery timeReverse recovery chargeReverse recovery currentI SD = 10A, di/dt = 100A/µs,V DD = 50V, T j = 150°C(see Figure15)9641123nsµCASTW12NK90Z Electrical characteristics7/142.1 Electrical characteristics (curves) Figure 1.Safe operating area Figure 2.Thermal impedanceFigure 3.Output characterisics Figure 4.Transfer characteristicsFigure 5.Transconductance Figure 6.Static drain-source on resistance Electrical characteristics STW12NK90Z8/14Figure 7.Gate charge vs gate-source voltage Figure 8. Capacitance variationsFigure 9.Normalized gate threshold voltageFigure 10.Normalized on resistance vs Figure 11.Source-drain diode forward Figure 12.Normalized breakdown voltage vs STW12NK90Z Test circuit9/143 Test circuitFigure 13.Switching times test circuit for Figure 14.Gate charge test circuitFigure 15.Test circuit for inductive load Figure 16.Unclamped Inductive load test Test circuitSTW12NK90Z10/14Figure 17.Unclamped inductive waveformFigure 18.Switching time waveformSTW12NK90Z Package mechanical data 4 Package mechanical dataIn order to meet environmental requirements, ST offers these devices in ECOPACK?packages. These packages have a Lead-free second level interconnect . The category ofsecond level interconnect is marked on the package and on the inner box label, incompliance with JEDEC Standard JESD97. The maximum ratings related to solderingconditions are also marked on the inner box label. ECOPACK is an ST trademark.ECOPACK specifications are available at: /doc/a62e0e2c58fb770bf78a556d.html11/14Package mechanical data STW12NK90Z12/14STW12NK90Z Revision history13/145 Revision historyTable 8.Revision historyDate RevisionChanges21-Jun-20044Complete version17-Oct-20065New template, no content changeSTW12NK90Z14/14Please Read Carefully:Information in this document is provided solely in connection with ST products. STMicroelectronics NV and its subsidiaries (“ST”) reserve the right to make changes, corrections, modifications or improvements, to this document, and the products and services described herein at any time, without notice.All ST products are sold pursuant to ST’s terms and conditions of sale.Purchasers are solely responsible for the choice, selection and use of the ST products and services described herein, and ST assumes no liability whatsoever relating to the choice, selection or use of the ST products and services described herein. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted under this document. Ifany part of this document refers to any third party products or services it shall not be deemed a license grant by ST for the use of such third party products or services, or any intellectual property contained therein or considered as a warranty covering the use in any manner whatsoever of such third party products or services or any intellectual property contained therein. UNL ESS OTHERWISE SET FORTH IN ST’S TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SAL E ST DISCL AIMS ANY EXPRESS OR IMPL IED WARRANTY WITH RESPECT TO THE USE AND/OR SAL E OF ST PRODUCTS INCL UDING WITHOUT L IMITATION IMPL IED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE (AND THEIR EQUIVALENTS UNDER THE LAWS OF ANY JURISDICTION), OR INFRINGEMENT OF ANY PATENT, COPYRIGHT OR OTHER INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHT. UNL ESS EXPRESSL Y APPROVED IN WRITING BY AN AUTHORIZED ST REPRESENTATIVE, ST PRODUCTS ARE NOT RECOMMENDED, AUTHORIZED OR WARRANTED FOR USE IN MILITARY, AIR CRAFT, SPACE, LIFE SAVING, OR LIFE SUSTAINING APPLICATIONS, NOR IN PRODUCTS OR SYSTEMS WHERE FAILURE OR MALFUNCTION MAY RESULT IN PERSONAL INJURY, DEATH, OR SEVERE PROPERTY OR ENVIRONMENTAL DAMAGE. ST PRODUCTS WHICH ARE NOT SPECIFIED AS "AUTOMOTIVE GRADE" MAY ONLY BE USED IN AUTOMOTIVE APPLICATIONS AT USER’S OWN RISK.Resale of ST products with provisions different from the statements and/or technical features set forth in this document shall immediately void any warranty granted by ST for the ST product or service described herein and shall not create or extend in any manner whatsoever, any liability of ST.ST and the ST logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of ST in various countries.Information in this document supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied.The ST logo is a registered trademark of STMicroelectronics. All other names are the property of their respective owners.2006 STMicroelectronics - All rights reservedSTMicroelectronics group of companiesAustralia - Belgium - Brazil - Canada - China - Czech Republic - Finland - France - Germany - Hong Kong - India - Israel -Italy - Japan - Malaysia - Malta - Morocco - Singapore - Spain - Sweden - Switzerland - United Kingdom - United States of America/doc/a62e0e2c58fb770bf78a556d.html。


















B40I n d i c a t o r s A c c e s s o r i e s S u p p l e m e n t T a c t i l e sK e y l o c k sR o t a r i e s P u s h b u t t o n s I l l u m i n a t e d P B S l i d e sP r o g r a m m a b l eT o u c h T i l tT o g g l e sGeneral SpecificationsElectrical Capacity (Resistive Load)Power Level: 10A @ 125/250V AC for JWM & JWMW models; 10A @ 30V DC for JWMW;16A @ 125/250V AC for JWL & JWLW models; 5A @ 72V DC for telecommunication applicationsOther RatingsContact Resistance: 10 milliohms maximum for JWM & JWMW; 20 milliohms maximum for JWL & JWLWInsulation Resistance: 1,000 megohms minimum @ 500V DCDielectric Strength: 2,000V AC minimum between contacts for 1 minute minimum;4,000V AC minimum between contacts & case for 1 minute minimumMechanical Life: 25,000 operations minimum Electrical Life: 25,000 operations minimumNominal Operating Force: JWM & JWMW Single Pole 3.92N & Double Pole 7.84NJWL Single Pole 5.00N & Double Pole 10.00N; JWLW Double Pole 10.00NAngle of Throw: 26°Materials & FinishesRocker:Polyphenylene ether (UL94V-0) Contacts: JWM & JWMW: Silver alloy with silver plating Housing/Frame & Barrier: Polyamide (UL94V-0) JWL & JWLW: Silver alloy plus copper with Interior Seal for JWM & JWL:Polyphenylene sulfide (UL94V-0) silver plating Case/Base:Melamine (UL94V-0) Terminals: Brass with silver platingEnvironmental DataOperating Temperature Range: –25°C through +70°C (–13°F through +158°F) for JWM & JWL;–25°C through +85°C (–13°F through +185°F) for panel seal JWMW & JWLW modelsHumidity: 90 ~ 95% humidity for 96 hours @ 40°C (104°F)Vibration: 10 ~ 55Hz with peak-to-peak amplitude of 1.5mm traversing the frequency range & returningin 1 minute; 3 right angled directions for 2 hoursShock: 50G (490m/s 2) acceleration (tested in 6 right angled directions, with 5 shocks in each direction)Sealing: IP67 of IEC60529 standard for panel seal JWMW & JWLW models; dust resistant inner seal for othersInstallationSoldering Time & Temperature: Manual Soldering: See Profile A in Supplement section.Standards & CertificationsFlammability Standards: UL94V-0 for rocker, housing, seal & case/base of JWL, JWM, JWMW & JWLW models TV Ratings for UL & CSA: JWM (TV-5) Overload Test @ 120V AC for 50 operations:Steady State Current (rms) 7.5A; Minimum Inrush Current (peak) 111A.JWM (TV-5) Endurance Test @ 120V AC for 25,000 operations:Steady State Current (rms) 5A; Minimum Inrush Current (peak) 78A.JWL (TV-8) Overload Test @ 120V AC for 50 operations:Steady State Current (rms) 12A; Minimum Inrush Current (peak) 163A.JWL (TV-8) Endurance Test @ 120V AC for 25,000 operations:Steady State Current (rms) 8A; Minimum Inrush Current (peak) 117A.UL: File No. E44145JWM & JWMW models recognized at 10A @ 250V AC. JWMW recognized at 10A @ 30V DC. JWL & JWLW models recognized at 16A @ 250V AC; JWL at 5A @ 72V DC.Models below recognized only when ordered with marking on switch. JWMW: add “/U” to end of part number to order UL mark on switch; add “/CUL” to end of part number to order cULus mark on switch. JWL: add “/U-DC” to end of part number to request UL rating on DC rated switch.CSA: File No. 023535_0_000JWM & JWMW models certified at 10A @ 250V AC; JWL models certified at 16A @ 250V AC VDE: License No. 115674JWM models approved at steady state 5A, inrush 80A, resistive 10A, & motor load 6A all at 250V AC; JWL models approved at steady state inrush 128A, resistive 16A, & motor load 8A all at 250V AC.Note: JWM & JWL Double Pole, Single Throw models approved only with the international ON-OFF symbols on the actuator.8/3/17B41I n d i c a t o r s A c c e s s o r i e s S u p p l e m e n t T a c t i l e s K e y l o c k s R o t a r i e s P u s h b u t t o n s I l l u m i n a t e d P B S l i d e s P r o g r a m m a b l e T o g g l esT o u c hT i l t Distinctive CharacteristicsActual Size JWMIndustry’s first molded rocker with TV rating. Designed to handle large inrush current, with high electrical capacity of 10 and 16 Amps. JWM models certified for TV-5 rating and JWL models for TV-8 rating.JWMW and JWLW panel seal versions meet IP67 of IEC60529 Standards (similar to NEMA 4 and 6). Prominent external insulating barriers increase insulation resistance and dielectric strength. Uniquely constructed to break light contact welds.Increased electrical life with speciallydesigned plate to minimize contact bounce. Constructed for dust resistance with interior cover between actuator and contact area. Terminals are molded in and epoxy sealed to lock out flux, dust, and other contaminants. Solder lug/quick connect terminals can be used with connector.Housing and case of heat resistant resin meet UL94V-0 standard.B42I n d i c a t o r s A c c e s s o r i e s S u p p l e m e n tT a c t i l e sK e y l o c k s R o t a r i e sP u s h b u t t o n sI l l u m i n a t e d P BS l i d e sP r o g r a m m a b l eT o u c hT i l t T o g g l e sTYPICAL SWITCH ORDERING EXAMPLEDESCRIPTION FOR TYPICAL ORDERING EXAMPLEJWLW21RA1ABlack HousingDPSTON-NONE-OFF CircuitBlack Rocker Cap withInternational ON-OFF Symbolsin Horizontal Orientation16A @ 125/250V ACB43I n d i c a t o r sA c c e s s o r i e s S u p p l e m e n tT a c t i l e sK e y l o c k sR o t a r i e sP u s h b u t t o n sI l l u m i n a t e d P B S l i d e s P r o g r a m m a b l e T o g g l esT o u c hT i l tM Panel Seal Power Level 10A @ 125/250V AC Power Level 10A @ 125/250V AC Power Level16A @ 125/250V ACMW LRATINGSBARRIER TYPES & COLORSBarrier type designates that either AT217 (for JWM) orAT218 (for JWL) is factory assembled.Dimensions for barriers are shown in the Accessories section.RFlange/Housing Material: PolyamideFinish: MatteBarrier Material: Polyamide Finish: MatteNo-barrier type has a flat flange which is an integral part of the switch.No BarrierBWith BarrierABlackHGrayBIvoryBarrier Colors Available:JWMW and JWLW panel seal devices have exterior seal of acrylonitrile butadiene rubber covering the flange.Panel SealPower Level16A @ 125/250V ACLWJWM JWL JWM JWLCAP COLORSCap Material: Polyphenelene Oxide Finish: MatteRocker cap is an integral part of the switch and not available separately.JWMW and JWLW available with black or red caps only.BlackIvoryRedGrayCap ColorsAvailable:ABCHB44I n d i c a t o r sA c c e s s o r i e sS u p p l e m e n tT a c t i l e sK e y l o c k sR o t a r i e sP u s h b u t t o n s I l l u m i n a t e d P BS l i d e sP r o g r a m m a b l eT o u c hT i l t T o g g l e sTERMINALSJWMWBlackIvoryABHINSCRIPTIONSInscription forHorizontal MountingDPST models without inscriptions do not have VDE approval.Inscription for Vertical MountingThe IEC symbols for On-Off are supplied with Single Throw models only.Orientation of inscription must be selected.Inscription Colors: Black ink on Ivory or Gray cap. White ink on Black or Red cap.Contact factory for other inscriptions.12No InscriptionNo CodeJWM & JWMWMaterial: Polyamide Finish: MatteColors Available:JWMW and JWLW panel seal models available with black housing only.HOUSINGGrayJWL & JWLWThk = (0.5).020.024.026Thk = (0.8) .031JWMPanel Thickness RangeWithout Barrier (JWM & JWMW):.039” ~ .157” (1.0mm ~ 4.0mm)With Barrier (JWM):.024” ~ .126” (0.6mm ~ 3.2mm)PANEL CUTOUTSSolder Lug/Quick Connect .110” (2.8mm)Solder Lug/Quick Connect .187” (4.75mm)Panel Thickness RangeWithout Barrier (JWL & JWLW):.039” ~ .157” (1.0mm ~ 4.0mm)With Barrier (JWL):.024” ~ .126” (0.6mm ~ 3.2mm)JWLWJWLB45I n d i c a t o r sA c c e s s o r i e sS u p p l e m e n t T a c t i l e sK e y l o c k sR o t a r i e s P u s h b u t t o n s I l l u m i n a t e d P B S l i d e s P r o g r a m m a b l e T o g g l esT o u c h T i l t TYPICAL SWITCH DIMENSIONS FOR JWM & JWMWJWM11RC1AJWMW22RCASingle & Double Pole With Barrier • 10 AmpSingle & Double Pole Panel Seal • No Barrier • 10 AmpJWM11BCA-HSingle & Double PoleNo Barrier • 10 AmpSingle pole double throw models do not have terminals 2a, 2, & 2b; single throw models do not have 1a & 2a.B46I n d i c a t o r sA c c e s s o r i e s S u p p l e m e n tT a c t i l e sK e y l o c k sR o t a r i e sP u s h b u t t o n sI l l u m i n a t e d P BS l i d e sP r o g r a m m a b l eT o u c hT i l tT o g g l e sTYPICAL SWITCH DIMENSIONS FOR JWL & JWLWWith Barrier • 16 AmpSingle & Double PoleJWL11BCA-HSingle pole double throw models do not have terminals 2a, 2, & 2b; single throw models do not have 1a & 2a.Panel Seal • 16 Amp • InscriptionDouble Pole Single ThrowJWLW21RA1AJWL21RC2A Single pole double throw models do not have terminals 2a, 2, & 2b; single throw models do not have 1a & 2a.No Barrier • 16 AmpSingle & Double PoleB47I n d i c a t o r s A c c e s s o r i e s S u p p l e m e n t T a c t i l e s K e y l o c k sR o t a r i e s P u s h b u t t o n s I l l u m i n a t e d P B S l i d e s P r o g r a m m a b l e T o g g l esT o u c hT i l t OPTIONAL DUST COVERTop Side BottomAssembly Instructions:1. Insert bottom of switch through the base untilthe tabs lock into place.2. Snap the switch into the panel.3. Seat the lid into the grooves of the base .Notes1. The dust cover is not for use with JWLW.2. The dust cover cannot be used with the barrier option.AT4126Dust Cover for JWL RockerWhen installed, the Dust Cover protects the switch from an environment containing small particles and dust. The switch is operable with the Dust Cover in place.Materials:Recommended Temperature Range:Lid: Clear Polyvinyl Chloride –10° ~ +70°C (+14°F ~ +158°F)Base: Black PolyamideLoses pliability below 0°C (+32°F)Recommended Panel Thickness:.031” ~ .134” (0.8mm ~ 3.4mm)LidBaseTYPICAL SWITCH DIMENSIONS FOR JWLWDouble Pole Double ThrowPanel Seal • 16 Amp • No InscriptionJWLW22RAAB48I n d i c a t o r s A c c e s s o r i e s S u p p l e m e n t T a c t i l e s K e y l o c k sR o t a r i e sP u s h b u t t o n s I l l u m i n a t e d P BS l i d e s P r o g r a m m a b l eT o u ch T i l t T o g g l e sPRECAUTIONS FOR HANDLING & STORAGE FOR JWMW/LW (PANEL SEAL TYPES)Operating Environment• Do not actuate switch if submerged in water or oil.• water may occur. In such an environment, a minimum 30° angle installation is advisable. If there is a possibility of freezing, install vertically so no moisture will be retained within switch housing.Panel Mounting• After mounting a switch, be sure there are no gaps between switch and panel. Lightly push into panel.• After installing into panel, do not apply excessive force.• After panel installation and wiring is completed, do not apply force horizontally or vertically from behind panel.corners of cutout to prevent level mounting.。


Ver. 2014.0303
规 格 说 明 书
【 电子元件实装系统 】
机种名 : 型 号 : NM-EJM2D
(贴装) NM-EJM2D-MD (贴装+点胶) NM-EJM2D-MA (贴装+检查) NM-EJM2D-D (点胶) NM-EJM2D-A (检查)
Ver. 2011.0401
P. 17, 18, 48, 59
Ver. 2011.0501
P. 26, 48, 56, 72
Ver. 2011.0601
P. 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9 ~ 13, 32 ~ 36, 39 ~ 41, 48, 49, 52, 54 ~ 56, 58, 62, 67 ~ 69, 75 ~ 77
Ver. 2013.1220
Ver. 2014.0303
NPMபைடு நூலகம்W

1. 概要 .......................................................................................................................... 1 2. 特征 .......................................................................................................................... 1 3. 规格 .......................................................................................................................... 9



Kzdk-47 电机560KW技术规格书一、设备使用条件海拔不低于-1000米;工作环境温度0℃~+40℃;空气相对湿度不大于95%(+25℃);有甲烷和煤尘等爆炸危险的矿井中。

二、设备名称数量1、名称:矿用隔爆型三相异步电动机2、数量: 1台三、技术要求1、相关参数:①、型号:YB2 315M-4 功率:132KW②、电流:138.6/80A③、转速:1487r/min④、电压:660/1140V⑤、功率因数:0.90以上⑥、接法:△/Y形;F级绝缘⑦、电机轴径:80mm,定子中心高:315mm,键槽:长170mm,宽22mm,地脚螺栓眼距:长508mm,宽457mm。









四、供货范围1.厂方在供货时需向矿方提供系统布置方案及基础图、外型尺寸图、安装尺寸图、等每套3份,同时提供电子版资料1份;2.设备须“三证”(产品合格证、生产许可证、煤安证)齐全、有效、说明书、随机资料齐全,同时提供电子版资料1份;五、设计、制造和检验标准1.严格按照GB 50431-2008带式输送机工程设计规范设计;2.应符合《煤矿安全规程》和国标GB/T 10595-2009关于带式输送机的相关规定;3.应符合国家相关的安全规范要求;4.厂家在设计时需将设计图纸及技术参数提供给矿方技术部门确认后方可生产。











Eaton Moeller NZM系列锥形式电路保护器产品数据手册说明书

Eaton Moeller NZM系列锥形式电路保护器产品数据手册说明书

Eaton 284400Eaton Moeller series NZM - Molded Case Circuit Breaker. Undervoltage release, 208-240VAC +2early N/O, HIV20KLGeneral specificationsEaton Moeller series NZM release 284400NZM1-XUHIV20KL208-240AC 401508284400437 mm 66 mm 32 mm 0.056 kg Eaton Selling Policy 25-000, one (1) year from the date of installation of the Product or eighteen (18) months from the date of shipment of the Product, whichever occurs first.UL/CSA IECRoHS conformIEC60947CSA (Class No. 1437-01) UL489 UL listedUL (Category Control Number DIHS) CSA-C22.2 No. 5-09 CSA (File No. 22086) UL (File No. E140305) CE marking CSA certifiedProduct NameCatalog Number Model CodeEANProduct Length/Depth Product Height Product Width Product Weight WarrantyCompliancesCertificationsIs the panel builder's responsibility. The specifications for the switchgear must be observed.208 VMeets the product standard's requirements.10 msIs the panel builder's responsibility. The specifications for the switchgear must be observed.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.1.5 VAMeets the product standard's requirements.0 VTwo separate early-make auxiliary contacts0.8 W240 VIs the panel builder's responsibility.15 ms eaton-feerum-the-whole-grain-solution-success-story-en-us.pdf eaton-digital-nzm-brochure-br013003en-en-us.pdfeaton-digital-nzm-catalog-ca013003en-en-us.pdfDA-DC-03_NZM1eaton-circuit-breaker-release-nzm-mccb-dimensions.eps eaton-circuit-breaker-contact-nzm-mccb-3d-drawing-004.epsM1-XUHIV20KL208-240ACIL01203002ZIntroduction of the new digital circuit breaker NZMThe new digital NZM RangeProduct Data Sheet - 284400eaton-nzm-technical-information-sheet10.11 Short-circuit ratingRated control supply voltage (Us) at AC, 50 Hz - min 10.4 Clearances and creepage distancesMinimum command time - min10.12 Electromagnetic compatibility10.2.5 LiftingPick-up power consumption at AC (undervoltage release) Verification of thermal stability of enclosures Rated control supply voltage (Us) at DC - minFitted with:Pick-up power consumption at DC (undervoltage release) Rated control supply voltage (Us) at AC, 50 Hz - max 10.8 Connections for external conductorsMinimum command time - maxSpecial features BrochuresCatalogsCertification reports DrawingseCAD modelInstallation instructions Installation videos Specifications and datasheets Technical data sheetsUndervoltage release with 2 early-make auxiliary contacts, e.g., for early-make connection ofundervoltage release inmain switch applications, aswell as for interlock and loadshedding circuits.For use with emergency-stop devices in connectionwith an emergency-stopbutton.When the under-voltage tripis switched off, accidentalcontact with the circuitbreaker’s primary contacts isprevented when switchedon.Early make of auxiliarycontacts on switching onand off (manual operation):approx. 20 msCannot be used inconjunction with NZM...-XR... remote operator.Undervoltage releasescannot be installedsimultaneously with NZM...-XHIV... early-make auxiliarycontact or NZM...-XA...shunt release.Rated control supply voltage (Us) at DC - max0 V10.9.3 Impulse withstand voltageIs the panel builder's responsibility.Rated control supply voltage208 - 240 V 50/60 Hz10.6 Incorporation of switching devices and components Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.10.5 Protection against electric shockDoes not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Used withNZM1(-4), N(S)1(-4)Electric connection typeScrew connection10.13 Mechanical functionThe device meets the requirements, provided the information in the instruction leaflet (IL) is observed.10.2.6 Mechanical impactDoes not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.10.9.4 Testing of enclosures made of insulating materialIs the panel builder's responsibility.Number of contacts (normally closed contacts)10.3 Degree of protection of assembliesDoes not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Voltage typeACDrop-out voltage of undervoltage release AC/DC - min0.35 x UsFrameNZM1Reaction time19 msSuitable forOff-load switchVoltage tolerance - min.85Rated control voltage (relay contacts)240 V AC208 V ACPower consumption0.8 W (sealing DC)1.5 VA (sealing AC) Verification of resistance of insulating materials to normal heatMeets the product standard's requirements.Drop-out voltage of undervoltage release AC/DC - max0.7 x Us10.2.3.3 Resist. of insul. mat. to abnormal heat/fire by internal elect. effectsMeets the product standard's requirements.Connection typeAuxiliary contact terminals with 3 m of loose connection cables Coil terminals wired to terminal block10.9.2 Power-frequency electric strengthIs the panel builder's responsibility.Voltage tolerance - max1.1Undelayed short-circuit release - min0 ARated control supply voltage (Us) at AC, 60 Hz - min208 V10.7 Internal electrical circuits and connectionsIs the panel builder's responsibility.Terminal capacity (solid/flexible conductor)18 - 14 AWG (1x) at shunt release0.75 mm² - 2.5 mm² (2x) at shunt release with ferrule18 - 14 AWG (2x) for undervoltage releases, off-delayed0.75 mm² - 2.5 mm² (2x) for undervoltage releases, off-delayed with ferrule18 - 14 AWG (2x) at shunt release18 - 14 AWG (1x) for undervoltage releases, off-delayed0.75 mm² - 2.5 mm² (1x) for undervoltage releases, off-delayed with ferrule0.75 mm² - 2.5 mm² (1x) at shunt release with ferruleConnectionScrew10.10 Temperature riseThe panel builder is responsible for the temperature rise calculation. Eaton will provide heat dissipation data for the devices.TypeAccessoryUndervoltage release withearly-make auxiliary contact10.2.2 Corrosion resistanceMeets the product standard's requirements.10.2.4 Resistance to ultra-violet (UV) radiationMeets the product standard's requirements.10.2.7 InscriptionsMeets the product standard's requirements.Eaton Corporation plc Eaton House30 Pembroke Road Dublin 4, Ireland © 2023 Eaton. All Rights Reserved. Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks areproperty of their respectiveowners./socialmedia240 V20 ARated control supply voltage (Us) at AC, 60 Hz - max Number of contacts (normally open contacts)Undelayed short-circuit release - max Number of contacts (change-over contacts)。



万 用 表—MF47故障
不小心用电流挡测电压了,50.500毫安 电流挡就不能用了,是南京电表厂生产旳。
答:应该是电流档分流器里面旳某一只电 阻断路所致。较常见旳是54欧姆(R4) 这只电阻断路,要点检验这个电阻。
万 用 表—MF47故障
误用南京科华MF47型万用表旳乘1电阻 档测高电压,全部档都不能用了。
交流 电压档
直流 电压档
万用表旳功能较多,各型 号万用表旳功能不尽相同, 但都涉及下列基本功能: 测量直流电流mA、测量 直流电压V、测量交流电 压V ∽及测量电阻Ω。欧姆档直流电流档万用表—MF47分 述
电容、电感 音频电平
许多万用表还具有下 列派生功能;测量电 容C、测量电感L 、 测量音频电平dB及 测量晶体管直流参数 hFE等.
电阻按其制作 旳材料来分有: 碳膜电阻、
金属膜电阻、 水泥电阻等。
电阻主要参数 有:标称阻值、 误差等级和额 定功率。
电阻旳表达措 施有直标法和 色环法。
电阻器直标法是直接将电阻旳类别和主要技术参数 旳数值标注在电阻旳表面上,如图2-1所示为碳膜 电阻(T为碳膜,H为合成碳膜,J金属膜,X线 绕),阻值为1.2 kΩ,精度(误差)为l0%。
表笔插孔 转换开关 (4)选择表笔插孔旳位置。
(5)测量电压:测量电压(或 电流)时要选择好量程,假如用 小量程去测量大电压,则会有烧 表旳危险;假如用大量程去测量 小电压,那么指针偏转太小,无 法读数。量程旳选择应尽量使指 针偏转到满刻度旳2/3左右。假 如事先不清楚被测电压旳大小时, 应先选择最高量程挡,然后逐渐 减小到合适旳量程。



VEHICULAR DC SWING GATE OPERATORSResidential • Light IndustrialSOLAR POWER DETAILS:• 18 Ah batteries (600 cycles*)are typically used to power asingle operator• 35 Ah batteries (1200 cycles*)are used for bi-parting (dual)gate operation• U se the 10 Watt solar panelwith 18 Ah batteries• U se the 20 watt solar panelwith 35 Ah batteries• U sing a larger solar panelthan recommended will resultin battery damageChoosing the solar power option should be dependent on geographical location, number of cycles per dayexpected and accessories to be used. Solar panels must be located in an area clear of obstructions and shadingto allow maximum sunlight to reach the panel. Snow, heavy fog and rain will affect solar panel performance.Solar operation is not recommended in areas where temperatures routinely fall below freezing (32°F or 0°C).Solar panels should be cleaned on a regular basis to ensure optimal performance.DETAILS:• Converts 115 VAC to 24 VDC operating voltage• Built-in battery charger• Magnetic lock power circuit• Includes two (2) 3.5 Ah back-up batteries (100 cycles*)• D eluxe control box includes three (3) 115 VAC convenience outletsDeluxeControl BoxStandardControl BoxSolarControl Box24 VDC SOLAR POWERED COnTROL BOxES DETAILS:• I deal for remote locations where 115 VAC power is not available• 0.0 Amp SBPD circuit (Pat Pend) assures battery power is not used during idle times• S olar panel recharges battery power• 18 Ah and 35 Ah battery options – or supply your own batteries115 Volt AC Power Control Boxes35 Amp/hrDual Gate Batteries18 Amp/hrSingle Gate BatteriesSolar Powered Control Boxes and Panels* M aximum cycles on battery operation: Cycles shown are for a single operator, for dualoperators, reduce this number by half. Actual number of cycles will vary depending onusage, accessories connected, gate weight, operating condition of the gate, temperatureand charge state of the batteries.SwIng gA tE PowER oPtIonS RESIdENTIAl - lIGhT COmmERCIAlK e y F e a t u r e sMechanical• • • • • •Electrical6003Vehicular Swing Gate 24-Volt DC Actuator• Compact design for gates up to 10 feet (3.0m)• I deal for residential applications GA TE MOUNTEDLOw VOLTAGECOMP ACT DESIGNGA TES UP TO 10' (3.0m )• M oves gates up to 13 feet (3.96m) with a powerful screw drive system • I deal for farms, ranches, and 6005Vehicular Swing Gate 24-Volt DC ActuatorGA TE MOUNTEDLOw VOLTAGECOMP ACT DESIGNGA TES UP TO 13' (3.96m )60046400A c c e s s o r i e sVehicular Swing Gate 24-Volt DC OperatorVehicular Swing Gate 24-Volt DC Operator• S trong gear reduction system in a small, • • V irtually invisible, a perfect match for high COLUMN MOUNTEDLOw VOLTAGELOW PROFILEGATES UP TO 8' (2.4m )IN-GROUND LOw VOLTAGE UNSEENGATES UP TO 8' (ENTRAPMENT PREVENTION DEVICES Photo-eyes•• • •• Hooded metal enclosure •DKS SWING GA OPERATORS COMP RELIABLE EASY TO INST SAFEQUIET CUSTOMIZABLE CORROSION-PROOF GEAR DRIVEN FULLReceivers andOpen your vehicular access gates from the safety and convenience of a vehicle. WorksLoop Detectorsre-fabricated loops available or form* loop detector ports are only used with 115 V AC control box** 115 V AC control box onlyMagnetic LocksFor added security, DKS offers Magnetic Locks for securing swing gates from unwantedentry with 1200 pounds of holding force. With outputs built into your chosen Swing Gate operator, its easy to install integrated Magnetic Locks to your access gate.Residential ApplicationsLight Commercial ApplicationsGate Length Maximum:Gate weight MaximumSoft Start/StopOptional Solar Power OperatorMounting StylesColumnIn-GroundLoop Detector Ports*Magnetic Lock Power**Keyed Manual ReleaseBack-Up Batteries24 Volt DC Operating Voltage60036005600464003 3 3 3- 3- -3 3 3 33 3 3 33 3 3 -- - - 33 3 3 33 3 3 33 3 3 33 3 3 33 3 3 310 ft(3.0m)13 ft(3.96m)8 ft(2.4m)8 ft(2.4m)300 LB(136kg)300 LB(136kg)500 LB(227kg)300 LB(136kg)。





该转速测控装置具有标准电流输出,并提供RS485通讯接口和Modbus RTU通讯协议,可以方便地与计算机监控系统接口,可作为水电厂全厂计算机监控系统的组成部分。


2主要功能和技术特点2.1 主要功能输入信号选择发电机PT信号或永磁机信号机械脉冲转速信号(PI)PT与PI信号同时输入ZZK智能转速测控装置可选择永磁机或发电机PT信号测频,也可选择机械脉冲转速信号(PI)测频,或者同时输入PT与PI信号。









2.2 技术特点最大与最小值记录功能具有机组转速最大与最小值记录功能,可通过操作键清除该记录数据,便于现场对机组甩负荷过程中转速的最大与最小值记录。

灵活的显示方式转速测控装置测量转速能以频率(Hz)、转速(rpm 转/分)和额定转速百分比(%)的形式进行显示,满足不同读取参数的要求。



阀体立置,将阀芯安装在弹簧上,阀芯导向段表面蘸上黄 油压入铜套。
将油封安装在卡盘内孔密封 槽内。
将防尘圈的O形密封圈安装 在卡盘内孔密封槽内。
缘向上,压入卡盘内孔密封 圈沟槽内。
使用一个圆形的物体(如螺丝刀)把防尘圈的弯曲处 滚动压平。
转动卡盘,调整端部两螺纹 孔的位置,保证拆卸方便。
技术指标 进口压力 额定工作压力 公称流量 曲轴转速 柱塞直径 行程 柱塞数量 电机功率 电机转速
数值 常压 37.5MPa 400L/min 438r/min 55mm 140mm 3根 315kW 1490r/min
技术指标 安全阀公称流量 安全阀调定压力 卸载阀工作压力 卸载阀公称流量
型号:KXH12 工作电压:12V DC 工作电流:≤640mA 电磁阀输出电流:≥220mA 显示屏:128×64 LED液晶显示屏 防爆等级:Exd [ib] I
易损部件主要包括: 卡盘 泵头阀座 吸排液阀 吸液箱 盘根组件 卸载阀 安全阀
用清洁剂去除阀座上的油脂, 彻底清洁卡盘,将O形密封
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Published Date : FEB 28,2008
Drawing No :SDSA4393
Checked : B.L.LIU
Wavelength nm λP
Viewing Angle 2 θ 1/2
Water Clear
Published Date : FEB 28,2008
Drawing No :SDSA4393
Checked : B.L.LIU
Part Number:

9.2mmX1.9mm SIDE VIEW
Published Date : FEB 28,2008
Drawing No :SDSA4393
Checked : B.L.LIU
Part Number:

9.2mmX1.9mm SIDE VIEW
Remarks: If special sorting is required (e.g. binning based on forward voltage, Luminous intensity/ luminous flux, or wavelength), the typical accuracy of the sorting process is as follows: 1. Wavelength: +/-1nm 2. Luminous intensity/ Luminous Flux: +/-15% 3. Forward Voltage: +/-0.1V Note: Accuracy may depend on the sorting parameters.
Unit V mA mA mW °C
Unit V V uA
260°C For 3 Seconds 260°C For 5 Seconds
Part Number
Emitting Color
Emitting Material
Luminous Intensity (IF=20mA) mcd min. typ. 397
Published Date : FEB 28,2008
Drawing No :SDSA4393
Checked : B.L.LIU
Part Nu.2mmX1.9mm SIDE VIEW
Part Number:

9.2mmX1.9mm SIDE VIEW
Notes: 1. All dimensions are in millimeters (inches). 2. Tolerance is ± 0.25(0.01") unless otherwise noted. 3.Specifications are subject to change without notice. Absolute Maximum Ratings (TA=25°C) Reverse Voltage Forward Current Forward Current (Peak) 1/10 Duty Cycle 0.1ms Pulse Width Power Dissipation Operating Temperature Storage Temperature Lead Solder Temperature [2mm Below Package Base] Lead Solder Temperature [5mm Below Package Base] VR IF iFS PT TA Tstg MDK (InGaAlP) 5 30 185 150 -40 ~ +85 -40 ~ +85 Operating Characteristics (TA=25°C) Forward Voltage (Typ.) (IF=20mA) Forward Voltage (Max.) (IF=20mA) Reverse Current (Max.) (VR=5V) Wavelength Of Peak Emission (Typ.) (IF=20mA) Wavelength Of Dominant Emission (Typ.) (IF=20mA) Spectral Line Full Width At Half-Maximum (Typ.) (IF=20mA) Capacitance (Typ.) (VF=0V, f=1MHz) VF VF IR MDK (InGaAlP) 3.9 5 10