


20m , 1 g产率 为 8 % 。 5
t e d t n te p rn  ̄ e r te r t a. h a a i h a e f e s a e h oei 1 l s c
・ ,

《 >
>c o a o N

S h me e s n h ss r u e o i a i c d h i d p r h rn c e l Th y t e i o t f n c c d a i a l o p y i e l a d a d i o lx s i n g n t c mp e e s
1实验 酸 钠 的 合 成 . 3烟 2 取 2 g烟 酸 溶 于 2 0 mL
i§ 一 r 三
元素分析通过 P ri— lme20 自动元 热水中, ekn Ee r4C 滴加氢 氧化钠 溶液( 1 ∞ 素 分 析 仪 测 量 ;红 外 光谱 通 过 Ni lt5 C t l ) P c e P o / 调 H至 8~ , 浴蒸 o oL 9水  ̄ -R 红 外光谱仪 测量( B TI K r压 片)紫外可 见 干 。 ; 1 . 烟 酸 尾 式 卟 啉 的 .4 2 光 谱在 Si a z V一 4 波谱 仪上 测量 ;H hm du U 20 I N MR 在 V r n U l - 0 5 0 MH ) ai nt 5 0 f0 z波谱 仪 上 合 成 a y 一 测 量 (D 1为溶 剂 )尾 式 5 (~烟 酸 酰 氧 基 乙 C C ; 一4 在 装 有 回 流 冷 凝 管 的 Fg 2 i UV- s s e t Vi p c r o a f Fg 1 H i 1 NM R s e tu f 。 p cr m o 氧基) 苯基 一 ,1,1一三 苯 基 卟 啉 (E 5 0 5 N 及 10 mL圆 底 烧 瓶 中加 入 6 0 0 N P P () E T P nh E T P a,N P P Z () NEPT P P g烟 酸 钠 和 01 o 单 溴 . mm l 3 其 Mn n配 合 物 (E T P n E T P C) ,z N P P Z ,N P P Mn 1 的 m a d N P P Mn I(C n E T P C ) 合 成 路 线 如 S hme 1 示 。 ce 所 代 卟 啉 醚 ,并 加 人 2 0 mL D , 浴 7 加热 搅拌反 MF水 5 1 . 验 过程 2实 ; 珏 1 . 5 f一羟 基 ) 基 一 O1,O . 1 -4 2 苯 1,52 一三 苯 基 应, 薄层 层析法检测反应 并用 进程 , 反应 基本 完全, 待 停止 卟啉 (— pH 的合 成 3 参考 文献【】 1, 并做 了适 当改进 , 成 了 5 反应, 合 一 冷却, 加入 6 L饱 和 0m 食盐水使产物 析出,过滤, 分 ( 4 ~羟基) 苯基 一 Ol,0 1 , 2 一三苯基 卟啉 。 5 干 将 63 .6 g(00 o)苯甲醛 、. O.2 别 用蒸 馏 水 和 甲醇洗 涤 , . m1 6 24 g 0 4 mo r 基 苯 甲醛 和 2 0 m 1 羟 ) 0 L丙 酸 加 入 到 50 燥, 0 粗产 品以 A2, 固定相 , l 为 0 mL三颈瓶中, 在磁力搅拌下加热 回流, 体系控制 氯 仿 为 洗 脱 液进 行 柱 层 析 分 F g I s e tu o i 3 R p c r m f 收集第 二 红色 带, 去溶 蒸 在微沸状态. 用滴液漏斗缓慢滴加 5 I新蒸 离 , . m 6 NE P P 吡咯与 2 L丙酸的混合溶液,0 m n加完, 0m 3 i 滴 剂,用氯仿 一甲醇重结 晶, 得 定 v— i方 即烟酸尾式卟啉, 产率 9 % 搅 拌 至 回流 , 时取 样 用 u Vs 法 观 测 卟 啉 0 加 的过程 中,溶液颜色 由橙黄色逐渐 变为棕黑 紫红色 晶体化合物, 配体 向金属卟啉配合物转化的紫外可见光谱吸 色. 继续搅拌 回流 4 n然后蒸去大部分丙酸, 以上 。 0mi, 主要特征为 Q带吸收峰数 目的减 少和峰 1. . 5烟酸尾式 卟啉过渡金属 配合物的合 收峰 ( 2 冷却到室温, 在搅拌 下加入 8 L乙醇 , Om 放置过 位 的移 动 ) 至 最 大 吸收 峰 不 再 变化 ,停 止 加 ,直 夜. 抽滤, 并用 乙醇洗涤晶体 , 真空干燥, 得深紫色 成 冷却, 大量饱 和食盐水, 加人 待产物充分析 出 N P P Z : 10 E T P n 在 0 mL三颈 瓶 中 , 8 热, 将 O mg 晶体. 将粗产 品溶 于氯 仿中, 以未经处理 的氯仿 过滤, 分别用水 和甲醇洗两次, 干燥得粗产 品. P P ,. n 1力 人 0 mL DMF中,Ⅱ 后, 力热 fR作淋洗剂, A) 中性 Al 作为 固定相, 2 0] 进行柱层 NE T P02 gZ C2 Ⅱ 2 粗 产 品采 用 柱 层 析 法分 离 , 以 f 转 6 下 8页 )



5.30 金属卟啉配合物的分子识别研究进展.刘海洋,计亮年.无机化学学报1997介绍了金属卟啉配合物在分子形状与大小识别、官能团识别和手性识别方面。








金属卟啉配合物为主体分子(host molecules)有其独特的优点。

首先,卟啉环具有刚性结构,周边官能团的方向和位置可以较好地得到控制,使之与客体分子(guest molecule)之间有最佳的相互作用;其次,卟啉分子有较大的表面,对金属卟啉分子轴向配体周围的空间容积和相互作用方向的控制余地较大;再次,金属卟啉配合物具有多样性(即在下篇文章中描述具有四个meso位和八个β位,可以立体分子设计)。


1 金属卟啉配合物的分子识别1.1分子形状与大小识别一般铁卟啉与氧分子作用通过下述途径而生成不能可逆载氧的μ-O二聚体:为阻止反应2的发生,人们合成了栅栏型(临乙酰胺)、盖帽型(临-OOCO-四取代苯)和吊带型卟啉,利用适当的空间结构阻止μ-O二聚体形成,实现对氧分子的选择性可逆结合。





卟吩(porphine) 卟啉的骨架
1 20
9 10
19 18
八乙基卟啉铂(PtOEP)与TPP相比具有更 高的光致发光量子效率,在利用单线态能量 同时还利用了三线态能量发光,使器件的内 量子效率理论上突破了25%的极限。将其掺 杂于PNP中可使发光效率达到29%。
吉林大学的研究小组也在这方面开展了 一些工作 ,他们把四苯基羰基钌掺杂Alq3以 及把四苯基卟啉铂(PtTPP)掺杂双(酚基吡啶) 铍(BePP2),利用主客体的能量转移获得了纯 红光器件。
A paradigm
由于卟啉在生物体内起着及其重要的作 用,是血红素、细胞色素和叶绿素等生物大 分子的核心部分,故可以用作生物体内氧化 过程的模型,而其中以模拟单加氧酶P-450 、血红蛋白及肌红蛋白最引人注目。
在具多转化底物能力的血红素蛋白中, 细 胞色素P-450意义重大, 它能催化各种有机物 和分子氧之间称之为混合功能氧化的化学反应 ,但由于它们的分子量巨大, 很难研究其催化 反应的详细机制。同时由于它们不稳定, 制备 很困难。由于铁卟啉配合物和P-450有类似的 结构性质, 人们利用它去对P-450进行模拟。 一种由咪唑的铁卟啉络合物和亚甲基丙烯酸共 价结合的模拟体系,如下所示:



dition, both the Soret and Q absorption bands of ZnPP鄄PGMA exhibited red shift in the electronic rescence quenching for ZnHPP鄄PGMA was a little less than ZnPP鄄PGMA. It is because the hydrogen terbuthylazine. 摇 bonding between ZnHPP鄄PGMA and terbuthylazine led to the weaker axial coordination. Moreover, the fluorescence quenching of ZnHPP鄄PGMA was strengthed with the increasing concentration of
characterized by nuclear magnetic resonance ( 1 H鄄NMR) spectroscopy. The spectroscopic properties spectroscopy. The axial coordination reaction between two kinds of Zn porphyrin鄄functionalized
Spectroscopic Properties of Two Kinds of Zn Porphyrin鄄functionalized Polymer and Their Coordination Products with Terbuthylazine
YU Long1 , WANG Rui鄄xin1* , GAO Bao鄄jiao1 , GENG Tian鄄qi2 , CHEN Mei鄄jun2 ,



n c a man t eo a c u l r g e crsn n e( e i H
) ut vo t ibe( V— s se t s p , o r r r s r i rr (T I ) , l ail — s l U Vi p c oc y F ui a f m f e P —R r evi ) r o e tn o na d
I i a o e a d I sZi , ppe m p e e m d z l n t nc Co rCo lx s
ZHAN G a — o g Xi o H n J AO I Zhi Y AN e — e W iW i RU AN e J a W n—u n ZHU ZhiAn - g
咪 唑修 饰 的卟 啉及 其锌 、 配合物 的合成 和 非线 性光 学性 质 铜
张晓红 矫 志 闰ຫໍສະໝຸດ 伟 阮文娟 30 7 ) 0 0 1
朱志 昂
( 南开大学化学学 院, 天津
摘 要 : 合 成 了一种 新型咪 唑修 饰 的卟啉() 1及其锌 、 配合物 (、)通 过核磁共振 氢谱( MR 、 铜 2 3, N )紫外一 H 可见 ( V Vi 光谱 、 U—s ) 傅里 叶变换 红9 (rI ) bF — 光谱 、 R 电喷雾质谱 (S— ) E I 及元素分析等 多种谱学 方法对其结构进行表 MS 征. 卟啉环流效应对侧链咪唑芳 环的影响导致咪唑环上三个氢原子的化学 位移 向高 场移动, 且卟啉的紫外一 可见 光谱 的 S rt oe 带发生裂分 . 用分子模拟方法得到的 自由卟啉最低能量构象与光谱 分析结果一致, 采 即侧链咪唑环 位于卟啉环上方. 同时, 利用 z扫描技术对 卟啉及其锌 、 一 铜配合物的三阶非线性光学性质进行 了研究, 结果 表明: 卟啉及其锌、 铜配合物均具有很强的反饱 和吸收性质, 且铜卟啉的非线性光学性质强于锌 卟啉 的.



四苯基卟啉及其金属配合物的制备及光谱测定一、实验目的1. 掌握meso-四苯基卟啉及其金属配合物的合成方法2、掌握用薄层层析方法跟踪反应进程的原理和方法3. 掌握柱层析法分离提纯产物的原理和方法4、理解配位前后UV-Vis、IR光谱变化的机理二、实验原理1.卟啉的结构卟吩(Porphine)是由4个吡咯分子经4个次甲基桥联起来的共轭大环分子。











2、中位取代卟啉的一般光谱特征红外光谱(1)卟啉化合物的的红外光谱特征峰为在1590-1300 cm-1C=N伸缩振动峰,在1000 cm-1左右的卟啉骨架振动峰,在3550-3300 cm-1的N-H伸缩振动峰和在970-960 cm-1的N-H面内变形峰。


圈l 胡萝h素(c)一卟啭(P)一醌(Q)三元化台物一醌(Qn)的结构 式
F【g 1 Structure of carot叶porphyri卅quinone tmd
2模拟生物光合作用中心的光致电荷转移和 能量转移
绿色植物光合作用中心是一个多步电荷转移体系.而这个 体系是由一系列按能量和空间排列的分子组成.具有相当高的 光致电荷转移和分离效率.在这种意义上来说,自然界的植物光 合作用中心是一种在分子水平上的高效率的光伏器件.因此模 拟生物光合成中心的光致电子转移和能量转移对太阳能的光电 转换和收集具有重要的理论和应用价值.其中卟啉化合物构成 叶绿素等生物大分子的核心部分.参与植物光合作用等一系列 重要过程。从80年代初开始.人们设计和合成了许多古有胡萝 h素、醌等官能团的卟啉类超分子体系来模拟和了解研究光合 作用中心的光致电子转移和能量转移等过程,并取得了很大的 进展…”
%—-磷, 圈3 胡萝h案(c)一卟啉锌(P^)一卟啉(PB)壕醌(瓯)苯醌 (Qn)五元化合物的结构式
Flg 3 StlucTure of carotene-Zn porphy叶porphyrin_naphthoqui—
none_benzoquinone pentad
图4 胡萝p素(c)一卟啉(I’H)一富勒烯(c。。)三元化奇物的结构 武
枣 攀 基。 丞凡Ⅳ 。
DⅥ 斜双,
F19 6 Struct山_e of I)一A D m01ecular swltch














下面简单介绍一下生化法、电化学分析法这两种检验方法的主要特点:1 生化法(锌原卟啉法、双硫腙法、其它比色法等)的特点:用血量较大需要前处理,操作复杂,澄清血清耗时长检测血清,而血清受近期饮食等因素影响极大,从而使数据缺乏客观准确性试剂成本较高检测元素种类受限制灵敏度达不到临床检测的要求重复性差2 电化学分析法的特点:(目前尚有部分基层医院和非正规医疗机构采用,常称之为电位溶出法或溶出伏安法等)仪器价格较低可以用于痕量的测量,但误差较大测定多种元素时,重复性差对环境和实验人员污染严重很难将保养到最佳条件前处理极其繁杂耗时整个实验很难控制,结果非常不稳定虽然上述的两种方法均可以在临床测定人体微量元素中应用,但由于其自身的种种弊端,已基本被现代更先进、更准确的方法所取代。




关键词:紫外-可见光谱法;应用;卟啉;金属卟啉;结构表征1 紫外-可见吸收光谱分析基本原理紫外光谱(UV)是指波长在200~400nm;可见光谱则是波长在400~800nm的电磁波吸收光谱。









所需能量ΔΕ大小顺序为:n→π*< π→π*< n→σ*< σ→σ*。



其强度大,ε>104;λmax比R带的短,一般>200nm;B 吸收带——由苯环本身振动及闭合环状共轭双键π→π*跃迁产生的吸收带。


( S c h o o l o fC h e m i s t r y& C h e m i c a l E n g i n e e r i n g , F u y a n g T e a c h e r s C o l l e g e , F u y a n gA n h u i 2 3 6 0 3 7 , C h i n a ) Ab s t r a c t : T h e s p e c t r a l p r o p e r t i e s o f Z n P — C 6 0 a n d( p - O C H 3 ) Z n P — C 6 。 w i t h d i f f e r e n t e l e c t r o n i c g r o u p s w e r e s t u d i e d b y s p e e — t r o me t r y .T h e r e d — s h i t f o f U V ・ v i s a b s o r p t i o n a n d f l u o r e s c e n c e s p e c t r a f r o m( p - O C H 3 ) Z n P — C 6 0 w a s d e s c i r b e d .A n d t h e n t h e p h o t o —
O C H 3 ) Z n P ・ C 6 。 i s o b t a i n e d,e s p e c i a l l y W i n t h e O 2 / H 2 O r e d o x c o u p l e , a n d t h e g r e a t e s t v a l u e o f p h o t o v o h a i e p o t e n t i a l i s 2 1 5 m V .



1. 中心原子:卟啉锌的中心原子是锌(Zn),其价态为+2。

2. 配体:卟啉锌的配体是卟啉,它是一种由四个吡咯环通过共轭的甲烯基相连形成的环状化合物。

3. 空间构型:由于四个吡咯环的相对位置,卟啉锌呈现出一个中心对称的结构,即它具有四个对称的配位点。

4. 键合方式:在卟啉锌中,锌原子与四个氮原子(来自四个吡咯环)通过配位键结合,形成五元环状结构。


5. 稳定性:由于五元环的稳定性以及中心原子与配体的强配位相互作用,卟啉锌在常温常压下稳定。

6. 光学和电子性质:卟啉锌具有特定的吸收光谱和发射光谱,可在特定波长下吸收或发射光。




p o e is rp r e . t
p e yp r h r d r a ie ; meal p r h rn o l x s p o o h se p o et s e e to h mia h n l op y n e v t s i i v tl o y i c mp e e ; h tp y ia o p l rp ri ; lc rc e c l e
V0 . 0 No 3 13 . S p. 0 1 e 2 1
苯 基 卟啉 衍 生物 及 其 锌 、 配 合 物 的合 成 、 锰 光 物 理 性 能 及 电化 学 性 质
陈 连清, 徐华诚, 森, 程国 曹蒂薇
( 中南 民族大学 化学与材料科学学院 , 武汉 4 0 7 ) 30 4 摘 要 为寻求更好的苯基卟啉类光电材料 , 以吡咯和取代苯 甲醛为原料 , 通过改进 的 Adr le 法合成 了 3种苯 基卟
兼有 柔性 的大 环共轭 结构 , 具有 一定芳 香性 , 稳定 性 好, 光谱 响应 宽 , 金 属 离 子络 合 能 力 强 , 对 这些 性 质 使 得苯基 卟 啉具 有 广 泛 的用 途 J .苯基 卟啉 具 有 分子 晶格 , 子 间作 用 能低 , 收光 后 引 起 分 子 激 分 吸 发 , 发后 的卟 啉化合 物 易 形 成 带 电荷 的卟 啉 自由 激
啉衍生物及其锌 、 锰配合物 , 目标化合物 进行 了 F — MS X S和元 素分析等表 征 , 测试 了化 合物 的紫外、 对 TI R、 、 P 并 荧 光光谱 , 探讨 了其 光物理性 能和电化学性质.结果表 明 : 通过改进的合成 方法 , 苯基卟啉衍生物及其锌 、 锰配合物合 成简单 、 收率高且其光电性 能 良好 .




结果表明,四苯基卟啉(H2TPP)及其锌配合物(ZnTPP)的两个氧化态(ΔE=第二个E1 / 2-第一个E1 / 2)的半波氧化电位分裂高于卟啉及其锌与内消旋取代的五元杂环的络合物。

对于内消旋卟啉和它们各自的锌络合物,ΔE值遵循TPP> T(3'-噻吩基)P> T(3'-呋喃基)P> T(2'-噻吩基)P的趋势。




1 研究目的:由于卟啉类化合物在催化,电子传递系统[1]和光电器件中[2]的广泛应用,及其在电化学[3]与已经引起了很多关注。


可逆电子转移反应中的结构变化的程度可以通过第一和第二氧化态之间的半波氧化电势差(ΔE= E2 – E1)来检查[5]。

循环伏安法(CV)是研究新系统的化学行为的流行方法[5],并且密度函数理论(DFT)是计算化合物的电子状态的有前途的方法[6],本文采用CV和DFT 计算的组合来研究卟啉及其金属配合物与内消旋取代的苯基和五元环(图2)的电化学行为,同时探索了阳离子自由基最高自旋密度效应对化学性质的影响。




关键词:紫外-可见光谱法;应用;卟啉;金属卟啉;结构表征1 紫外-可见吸收光谱分析基本原理紫外光谱(UV)是指波长在200~400nm;可见光谱则是波长在400~800nm的电磁波吸收光谱。









所需能量ΔΕ大小顺序为:n→π*< π→π*< n→σ*< σ→σ*。



其强度大,ε>104;λmax比R带的短,一般>200nm;B 吸收带——由苯环本身振动及闭合环状共轭双键π→π*跃迁产生的吸收带。



卟啉型染料分子卟啉是由4 个吡咯环通过亚甲基相连形成的具有18 电子体系的共轭大环化合物, 其分子配位性能突出, 周期表上几乎所有的金属原子都能和中心的氮原子配位形成金属卟啉配合物。

在卟啉分子周围, 有两类取代位置, 分别为间位(meso)和β位, 可以通过化学方法引入不同的取代基。

卟啉化合物具有良好的光、热和化学稳定性, 在可见光区有很强的特征电子吸收光谱。

近年来, 利用卟啉及其配合物独特的电子结构和光电性能, 设计合成光电功能材料和器件已成为国际上十分活跃的研究领域。

在获取能源方面, 大自然选择了卟啉配合物。

光合作用中, 卟啉衍生物叶绿素是光能转换的反应中心。

能够将太阳能转化成化学能, 关键是叶绿素分子受光激发产生的电荷分离态寿命可长达1s,这是电荷有效输出的重要前提。

实验表明, 太阳能电池中, 不论电子注入TiO2 的效率还是速度, 卟啉的表现都不逊于多吡啶钌类化合物。

导带电子和卟啉激发态的复合速率约几个微秒, 这段时间足够电解质中的电子回传到卟啉基态上, 完成染料的还原。

这些结果表明, 卟啉有望成良好的太阳能电池光敏染料。

3.1 卟啉单分子作为DSSC 的吸光染料卟啉化合物无论是单分子还是聚合物, 在各种染料太阳能电池中都有应用, 特别是用卟啉作为光敏剂的敏化纳米晶太阳能电池性能突出。

目前, 研究最多的间位-四(对羧基苯基)卟啉(TCPP)及其金属配合物(M-TCPP),分子激发态寿命较长(>1 ns),HOMO 和LUMO 能级高低合适, 是较为理想的DSSC 染料候选化合物。

Gr"tzel 和Fox 等都报道了Zn-TCPP 敏化纳米TiO2 光电池IPCE(B 带)=42%,但没有报道η值;Boschloo 和Goossens 报道了它的光电转化效率η为1.1%,(IPCE(B 带)=40%)[。

间位- 四对苯磺酸基卟啉锌(Zn-TSPP)染料敏化纳米晶TiO2电池的IPCE 高达99.4%, 大幅超过多吡啶钌类DSSC [33]。












































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[Article]物理化学学报(Wuli Huaxue Xuebao )Acta Phys.⁃Chim.Sin .2012,28(5),1085-1093May Received:December 12,2011;Revised:February 29,2012;Published on Web:March 2,2012.∗Corresponding author.Email:qibinchen@;Tel/Fax:+86-21-64252767.The project was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (20806025,21103047)and National 111Project of China ʹs Higher Education (B08021).国家自然科学基金(20806025,21103047)和中国高校111计划(B08021)资助项目ⒸEditorial office of Acta Physico ⁃Chimica Sinicadoi:10.3866/PKU.WHXB201203024间位取代卟啉及其锌卟啉的电子吸收光谱曹振锋陈启斌*卢运祥刘洪来胡英(华东理工大学,结构可控先进功能材料及其制备教育部重点实验室,上海200237)摘要:取代的卟啉类衍生物在气敏传感器方面具有广泛的应用前景.本文采用了密度泛函理论(DFT)和含时密度泛函理论(TD-DFT)研究了四种不同取代基的卟啉衍生物(meso 位四硝基苯基/四氨基苯基卟啉(NO 2PP,NH 2PP)及其相应的锌金属卟啉衍生物(NO 2ZnPP,NH 2ZnPP))的紫外和近紫外光谱特征.利用两种不同的交换相关泛函(广义梯度近似泛函(PBE)和杂化密度泛函(B3LYP))优化了上述四种物质的结构,并应用TD-DFT 计算了相应的电子激发能量和振动强度.结果表明,取代卟啉的吸收光谱与大量的电子跃迁有关;与B3LYP 泛函预测的光谱相比,PBE 泛函所得B 带以及Q 带的波长位置与实验值更为接近.另外,计算所得硝基取代基卟啉的B 带相对于氨基取代基卟啉的B 带发生了红移,这与实验现象也保持一致.由于卟啉衍生物的三重激发态在电子转移中有很重要的应用,因此在PBE/6-31G(d )水平上计算了四种物质的最低三重激发态能量,分别为1.426、1.469、1.608和1.581eV.关键词:含时密度泛函理论;电子吸收光谱;电子跃迁;红移;三重激发态中图分类号:O641Electronic Absorption Spectra of Meso -SubstitutedPorphyrins and Their Zinc DerivativesCAO Zhen-FengCHEN Qi-Bin *LU Yun-XiangLIU Hong-LaiHU Ying(Key Laboratory for Advanced Material and Development of Chemistry,East China University of Science and Technology,Shanghai 200237,P .R.China )Abstract:Meso -substituted porphyrin derivatives have demonstrated great potential as sensing materials for toxic gas detection.In this paper,density functional theory (DFT)and its time-dependent DFT approach (TD-DFT)were employed to investigate the ultraviolet-visible (UV-Vis)or the near-ultraviolet-visible (near-UV-Vis)absorption spectra of meso -tetra (o -nitrophenyl/o -aminophenyl)porphyrins (NO 2PP,NH 2PP)and their corresponding zinc derivatives,NO 2ZnPP and NH 2ZnPP.The geometry optimizations for these four molecules were obtained from two different exchange-correlation functionals,the generalized-gradient approximation functional PBE (Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof)and the hybrid functional B3LYP (Becke,three-parameter,Lee-Yang-Parr).The excitation energies and oscillation strengths were obtained from TD-DFT calculations.Calculations show that the optical absorptions are associated with numerous electronic transitions.In addition,the PBE-predicted wavelengths of the B and Q bands are more consistent with experiment than those predicted by B3LYP.The B band of NO 2-substituted derivative exhibits a bathochromic shift different from that of NH 2-containing material,also consistent with experimental results.In addition,at the PBE/6-31G(d )level of theory,the calculated energies of the lowest triplet excited states of NO 2PP,NH 2PP,NO 2ZnPP,and NH 2ZnPP are 1.426,1.469,1.608,and 1.581eV,respectively.1085Acta Phys.⁃Chim.Sin.2012V ol.28Key Words:TD-DFT;Electronic absorption spectrum;Electronic transition;Bathochromic shift;Triplet state1IntroductionPorphyrins and related metalloporphyrins have been the sub-jects of numerous experimental and theoretical studies for de-cades.1-12Due to their remarkable photochemical,electrochemi-cal,and biochemical properties,13-15there has been renewed in-terests in the use of these compounds in some fields including catalysts,optical machinery,solar cells,and non-linear optics. Exploiting their interesting properties,porphyrin films have been scrutinized for possible applications as sensitive,selec-tive,and stable active layers of transducers in gas sensor,act-ing as an electron donating or accepting unit during the process of electron transfer when interacting with the analytes,which could lead to pronounced variation of the B-bands and Q-bands in the absorption spectra,as supported by many spectroscopic experiments.16,17Chen et al.18have recently reported a new chlo-rophyll f(C55H70O6N4Mg)by replacing the methyl group at C2 position with formyl group and discovered that oxygenic photo-synthesis can be extended further into the infrared region, which clearly verifies the importance of the substituent.This implies that besides the analyte,the different substitutional(the electron donating and/or withdrawing)groups of the porphyrin derivatives likely have a significant effect on their electron transfer and transition.On the other hand,compared with free-base porphyrins,metalloporphyrins play much more important roles in biological systems such as oxygen storage and transfer, metabolism,photosynthesis and chemical sensors,and thus have more artificial applications.19Additionally,Richardson et al.20have synthesized different metalloporphyrins to detect var-ious kinds of toxic gas by in situ UV-Vis measurements.Be-cause of all those important applications,understanding the de-tailed knowledge of the structure,electronic and molecular ex-citations as well as orientation of adequate transition moments is of urgent necessity to interpret energy or electron transfer processes.In particular,considering the crucial role of the sub-stituent and the complex metal atom in the properties of por-phyrin derivatives described herein,it is indispensable to sys-tematically study these effects on the electronic properties and the optical absorption of these molecules.In order to explore the effect of the substituents and the cen-tral metal atom on the absorption spectra,meso-tetra(o-amino-phenyl)porphyrin(NH2PP),meso-tetra(o-nitrophenyl)porphy-rin(NO2PP),and the corresponding zinc derivatives(NH2ZnPP, NO2ZnPP)were synthesized in our laboratory.21Here,―NH2and ―NO2are the most common and simple electron donating and withdrawing groups,respectively,which could clearly influ-ence the electron distribution of the porphyrin ring,leading to the variation of the absorption spectra.To our knowledge,up to the present,these four porphyrin derivatives have not been well investigated.As a whole,their experimental absorption spectra seem to be similar to those of porphine(H2P)and zinc porphine(ZnP);22,23namely,free-base porphyrins have a strong B-band in the near-UV region and four weak Q-bands in the visible region,while metalloporphyrins have a B-band and two Q-bands due to their higher symmetry.The four Q peaks are la-beled as Q0x,Q1x,Q0y,Q1y,where Q0x and Q0y peaks are generally in-terpreted as pure electronic transition,24,25while Q0and Q1 peaks always present in the metalloporphyrins(Q1is vibronic). Generally,the absorption spectra of porphine and metal-por-phine are qualitatively interpreted on the basis of Goutermanʹs four-orbital model,24-26in which the spectra mostly depend on the electron transition between two highest occupied orbitals and two lowest unoccupied orbitals.However,with the addi-tion of various substituents and the decrease of the symmetry of molecules,strong mixing of configurations should occur and thus more excited states are responsible for the absorption spectra.As a result,the detailed absorption spectra of the por-phyrin derivatives should differ from one another,which need to be analyzed carefully.During the past decades,some theoretical investigations have appeared to study the excitation spectra of porphyrin de-rivatives by means of different level of theories,for examples, the symmetry-adapted-cluster configuration-interaction(SAC-CI) calculations on excited states of chlorophyll and pheophytin,4 the multiconfiguration second-order perturbation theory (CASPT2)on the excitation energy of N2(NH)2.27However,the calculated spectrum results were not in well consistency with the experimental observations.Recently,the emergence of the DFT and TD-DFT has provided new impetus in the field of computational chemistry.21,28Taking electron correlation into ac-count in an implicit and expedient manner,DFT and TD-DFT calculations on the molecular structure and excited state of por-phyrins have proved to be useful and suitable.22,29In this work, with the purpose of studying the effects of the substitute group and zinc atom on the geometries and the excited electronic tran-sition of porphyrins,we used DFT and TD-DFT with two dif-ferent functionals(PBE and B3LYP)to optimize the geome-tries of the four porphyrin derivatives and calculate the elec-tronic transitions which are relevant to absorption spectra, moreover,comparing with the experimental results.The ener-gies of the triplet excited state with respect to the ground states were also evaluated owing to its relevance to the molecular electronics.2Theoretical and experimental procedures The synthesis of NO2PP/NH2PP and the corresponding metal-loporphyrins NO2ZnPP/NH2ZnPP was carried out according to our previous work21and the general procedure.30UV-Vis spec-tra were recorded on a Shimadzu UV-2450spectrometer1086CAO Zhen-Feng et al.:Electronic Absorption Spectra of Meso-Substituted Porphyrins and Their Zinc Derivatives No.5(Japan).The samples were firstly dissolved in dichlorometh-ane(Chemical Reagent)and a quartz cuvette of1.0cm pathlength containing dichloromethane was used as reference whenmeasuring UV-Vis spectra of dichloromethane solution.The molecular structures of four porphyrin derivatives werefirstly optimized via two different DFT functionals:the gener-alized-gradient approximation(GGA)exchange-correlationfunctionals PBE31-33and the hybrid functional B3LYP.34,35Theformer is a reformulation of the first-principles GGA function-al PW91(more simple but improved over PW91),whereas thelatter involves the semiempirical parameters used in DFT cal-culations.22,36,37Since these two functionals have been success-fully used in the TD-DFT calculations of absorption spectra ofporphine and metal porphine,22,28,29,36,37they were also applied in this work to calculate the excitation transition energies and os-cillator strengths based on the optimized structures.The first step of the TD-DFT calculation employed a self-consistent ground state Kohn-Sham(KS)computation.The second step consisted of solving the central equation of the TD-DFT re-sponse theory by using the adiabatic local density approxima-tion(ALDA)for the functional derivatives of the exchange-cor-relation potential.38The split-valence basis set6-31G(d)was used throughout the calculations.For each molecule,a structure optimization was performed firstly,followed by a frequency calculation to confirm that the optimized structure was indeed a minimum (with no imaginary frequencies).The TD-DFT was then em-ployed to evaluate the excitation energy to predict the absorp-tion spectra.All the calculations in this work were performed using the Gaussian03package.393Results and discussion3.1Optimized ground-state geometriesThe structural formula and optimized structures with PBE functional used for four porphyrin derivatives are displayed in Fig.1and Fig.2.For simplicity,we employ numbers1,2,3, and4to represent four derivatives NO2PP,NH2PP,NO2ZnPP, and NH2ZnPP,respectively.Some selected structural parame-ters of these derivatives predicted with two different function-als are listed in Tables1and2.For comparison,the experimen-tal parameters for H2TPP and ZnTPP are also listed.40-42Accord-ing to the present calculations,H2P and ZnP show D2h and D4h symmetries,respectively.However,with the addition of the NO2and NH2substituents,the symmetry of the studied deriva-tives reduces to C2v symmetry.It is known that different me-so-substituents and their orientations would produce different symmetries for porphyrin skeleton.Moreover,it is found that the D2v symmetries is the most stable geometry for these four derivatives.As can be seen from the data in Tables1and2,the car-bon-carbon bond lengths of the derivatives under study are lo-cated between those of the carbon-carbon single and double bonds,indicating that the conjugation exists in porphyrins rings,as well as between porphyrins ring and phenyl group. Generally speaking,the length of carbon-carbon single bond is 0.154nm and the length of the carbon-carbon double bond is 0.133nm.Thus,the porphyrin molecules are in the conjuga-tion condition because the carbon-carbon length is between 0.133and0.154nm according to our calculation results.Previ-ous studies on the meso-phenylporphyrins have revealed that the meso-phenyl substitution and the central metal would cause more or less the out-of-plane distortion.42,43The NCαC m Cαdihe-dral angle is often used to evaluate the extent of out-of-porphy-rin distortion.From Tables1and2,it is obvious that the NCαC m Cαangles(such as N19C24C23C3,N4C3C23C24)are very small(<3°),indicating that the meso-phenyl substitutions and zinc metal affect the out-of-distortion to a relatively less de-gree because of the suited size of zinc ion within the porphyrin core.For the in-plane-distortion,the largest distortion usually occurs around the C m atoms,which can be shown clearly by the alteration of the C m―Cαbond lengths and by comparing the distances of two opposite C m atoms of the derivatives with those of ZnP and H2P.The C m―Cαbond length and C m―C m in-ter-atomic distance tend to decrease,especially in zinc deriva-tives.For example,the C m―C m distance in1/PBE is shown to be0.694nm,whereas in3/PBE the distance shortens to0.692 nm.Moreover,it can be found that the geometry of the por-phine ring remains almost unchanged with the addition of NO2 and NH2groups.On the different behavior of the two function-als,the B3LYP functional yields slightly smaller values com-pared with those by PBE.The most remarkable difference of the two different functionals can be manifested by the C2C1C6C5 dihedral angle:B3LYP predicts much larger values compared with that by PBE,especially in NH2-substituted porphyrins. 3.2Electronic structuresAs mentioned above,due to the reduction of the symmetry of the porphyrins by adding meso-phenyl substitutents,the Gautermanʹs four-orbital theory is not suitable for calculating the electronic transition and predicting the absorption spectra. More frontier orbitals are involved and more mixing of config-urations should be taken into consideration.The energies of some frontier MOs of four porphyrin derivatives are shown in Figs.3and4.The highest occupied molecular orbital(HOMO) 1Structures and nomenclature of the fourporphyrin derivatives1087Acta Phys.⁃Chim.Sin .2012V ol.28energy is used as a reference here,that is,the HOMO energy is set to zero.From Figs.3and 4,it can be seen that for 1,2,3and 4,PBE functional yields the HOMO-LUMO (the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital)energy gaps to be 1.618,1.694,1.673,and 1.736eV ,respectively,while larger energy gaps (2.705,2.767,2.837,and 2.899eV)are obtained with the hybrid functional B3LYP.Furthermore,it is found that the orbital energies be-tween LUMO and LUMO+5of 1/PBE are almost identical and the maximum differences are smaller than 0.25eV ,whereas the energy gap between HOMO and HOMO -3appears larger,especially from HOMO -1to HOMO -2.However,opposite trends are observed for 2/PBE:the orbital energies of LUMO+2and LUMO+3are much larger than those of LUMO and LUMO+1,while the orbital energy values from HOMO -1to HOMO -5are essentially degenerate.These tendencies are al-so shown in metalloporphyrins (3/PBE and 4/PBE).Generally,with the addition of substituents (NO 2,NH 2)and metal zinc,the geometries of the considered derivatives remain almost un-changed (vide supra ),while the electronic structures are shown to be distinctly different as shown in Fig.5.This can be as-cribed to the fact that NO 2is an electron-withdrawing groupTable 1Some calculated bond lengths and bond angles in free-base porphyrins 1,2using two different functionals B3LYP and PBEL is bond length,A is bond angle,and D is dihedral angle.aData are taken from X-ray crystallography.40,41Parameter L (N —H)/nm L (N —C α)/nm L (C α—C β)/nm L (C β—C β)/nm L (C m —C α)/nm L (C β—H)/nm L (C m —C m )/nm L (C1—C6)/nm A (H —N —C α)/(°)A (C α—N —C α)/(°)A (N —C α—C β)/(°)A (C α—C β—C β)/(°)A (C α—C m —C α)/(°)D (N 4C 3C 23C 24)/(°)D (N 19C 24C 23C 3)/(°)D (N 8C 7C 6C 5)/(°)D (N 4C 5C 6C 7)/(°)D (C 2C 1C 6C 5)(°)106.3-108.11/B3LYP 0.1020.1370.143-0.1460.135-0.1370.140-0.1410.1080.6910.150124.7105.4-110.6106.6-110.0125.9-1.5240.018-0.0181.52478.641/PBE 0.1030.137-0.1380.144-0.1460.136-0.1380.141-0.1420.1090.6940.150124.7104.8-110.5106.8-111.5126.0-2.0590.476-0.4762.05976.07106.1-108.02/B3LYP 0.1020.137-0.1380.144-0.1460.135-0.1370.1410.1080.6940.150124.6105.2-110.7106.4-111.1106.3-108.2125.1-1.5221.281-1.2811.52279.702/PBE 0.1030.1380.144-0.1460.136-0.1380.141-0.1420.1090.6960.150124.6104.7-110.6106.6-111.5125.1-2.3541.956-1.9562.35474.24106.2-108.1H 2TPP a 0.0930.1370.1430.1350.140125.2125.6Fig.2Optimized structures of the four porphyrin derivatives with PBE functional(a)1/PBE,(b)2/PBE,(c)3/PBE,(d)4/PBE.1,2,3,4represent NO 2PP,NH 2PP,NO 2ZnPP,and NH 2ZnPP,respectively.The letter after “/”refers tothe generalized-gradient approximation functional PBE.1088CAO Zhen-Feng et al.:Electronic Absorption Spectra of Meso-Substituted Porphyrins and Their Zinc Derivatives No.5and NH2is an electron-donating group.Apparently,the elec-tron is well delocalized around the porphyrin ring of these de-rivatives and their HOMO shapes are relatively similar to each other.However,significant discrepancies are observed for the LUMOs:the central electrons of NO2-substitued derivatives are prone to move to NO2group,while in NH2-substituted de-rivatives these electrons are rearranged regularly around the porphyrin ring.In addition,due to the full shell of d orbital in zinc metal,there are also some differences in the distribution of the electron around the porphyrin ring of zinc porphyrins in comparison to free-base porphyrins.In summary,these dispari-ties should affect the electronic transition and absorption spec-tra of these molecules to a large degree,as shown in this work.3.3UV-Vis absorption spectraThe experimental absorption spectra of four porphyrin deriv-atives were measured in dichloromethane solution.3.3.1NO2PP(1)and NH2PP(2)According to the above discussions,new orbital interactions are expected to occur for porphyrin derivatives when the ortho positions are substituted by NO2and/or NH2group.As a conse-quence,the electronic structures and the Q/B-bands in the UV-Vis absorption spectrum should be changed.The wave-lengths and oscillator strengths of TD-DFT/PBE-calculated ex-citation of NO2PP and NH2PP,which can be assigned to the Q and B bands,are complied in Table3.The experimental wave-lengths are also listed.Due to more one-electron transitions involved,more excita-tions are obtained from the TD-DFT calculations,referring to Supporting Information.These excitations are probably related to the lower wavelength absorption bands of porphyrins,al-though they have slightly larger oscillator strengths than ex-pected.The calculated and the corresponding experimental ab-sorption spectra of NO2PP and NH2PP are presented in Fig.6 with a suitable broadening of Gaussian lineshape.3Calculated energies of the frontier molecular orbitals offree-base porphyrins1,2using the HOMO energy as areference4Calculated energies of the frontier molecular orbitals ofmetalloporphyrins3,4using the HOMO energy as a reference Table2Some calculated bond lengths and bond angles in metalloporphyrins3,4using two different functionals B3LYP and PBEa Data are taken from literature42.L(N—Cα)/nmL(Cα—Cβ)/nmL(Cβ—Cβ)/nmL(C m—Cα)/nmL(Cβ—H)/nmL(C m—C m)/nmL(C1—C6)/nmA(N—Zn—N)/(°)A(Zn—N—Cα)/(°)A(Cα—N—Cα)/(°)A(Cα—Cβ—Cβ)/(°)A(Cα—C m—Cα)/(°)D(N19C24C23C3)/(°)D(N4C3C23C24)/(°)D(N4C5C6C7)/(°)D(N8C7C6C5)/(°)D(C2C1C6C5)/(°)0.1380.144-0.1450.1360.1400.1080.6900.15089.8126.6-126.8106.4-106.5106.9125.40.627-2.1582.158-0.62777.460.1380.1450.1370.1410.1090.6920.15089.8126.9-127.1105.8-105.9106.8125.30.056-2.6242.624-0.05675.360.1380.1450.1360.1410.1080.6920.15090.0126.7-126.8106.4-106.6107.0124.61.174-1.2281.228-1.17482.440.1390.1450.1370.1410.1090.6950.15090.0126.8-127.0105.8-106.1106.9124.42.138-2.6032.603-2.13873.57a0.1380.1440.1351.400106.6107.41089Acta Phys.⁃Chim.Sin .2012V ol.28As evident from Table 3and Fig.6,the calculated electronicexcitations of Q bands are at 629.8and 586.8nm for 1/PBE and 665.8and 560.1nm for 2/PBE,which agree well with ex-perimental wavelengths (650.8and 551.2nm for 1,649.4and 550.1nm for 2).Calculations also show that there are several excitations between 500and 700nm assigned to Q band;how-ever,their oscillator strengths are very small (<10-3),and no ex-perimental absorptions could be related to these excitations.Fur-thermore,Q bands of 1/PBE originate from only two HOMOs (HOMO and HOMO -1)and more unoccupied MOs,because its HOMO and HOMO -1are identical and the unoccupied MOs are almost degenerate (see above).On the contrary,Q bands of 2/PBE result only from two LUMOs (LUMO and LUMO+1)and more occupied MOs.As far as the B band con-cerned,more electronic excitations are also obtained in the wavelength of 400-450nm (see Supporting Information).TheFig.5HOMO and LUMO isoamplitude surfaces of four porphyrin derivatives with PBE functionalTable 3TD-DFT/PBE-calculated and experimental wavelength (λ),and the corresponding one-electron transition andoscillator strengths of free-based porphyrins 1,2H:HOMO;L:LUMO;Abs:absorbanceMolecule NO 2PPNH 2PPBand Q0xQ 0yBQ 0x Q 0yBTD-DFT/PBEλ/nm 629.8586.8438.3665.1560.1408.7Excitation energy/eV1.972.112.831.892.213.03One-electron transitionH -1→L;H -1→L+5;H →L+1;H →L+4H →L+4;H -1→L;H -1→L+5H -3→L+4;H -1→L;H -1→L+5;H →L+4;H →L+9H -1→L+1;H -4→L;H →L H -5→L+1;H -4→L;H →L H -11→L+2;H -9→L;H -7→L+1;H -5→L;H -3→L+1Oscillator strength0.0170.0510.2540.0280.0160.247Experimentλ/nm 650.8551.2421.2649.4550.8419.2Excitation energy/eV 1.912.252.941.912.252.95Abs0.0330.0861.0020.0440.1050.896Fig.6Experimental and calculated absorption spectra of NO 2PP and NH 2PP1090CAO Zhen-Feng et al.:Electronic Absorption Spectra of Meso-Substituted Porphyrins and Their Zinc Derivatives No.5large number of excitations in the B band region can be attribut-ed to more one-electron transitions taking place between many occupied and unoccupied molecular orbitals.The addition of the NO2and NH2groups reduces the symmetry of the mole-cules,and therefore,more electronic excitations are allowed. In addition,Fig.6shows that the B band of NO2PP is more bathochromic than that of NH2PP in the calculated spectra, which is also observed in the experimental spectra.The red-shift can be explained by the characteristics of the NO2 group,which is electron withdrawing group and makes the electron of porphyrin ring delocalized well,leading to the slightly smaller gap between HOMO and LUMO than that of NH2PP(see Fig.3).The TD-DFT/B3LYP calculated results of the excitations are given in parison of Q and B bands in Tables3and 4reveals that the B3LYP absorption bands are all shifted to-ward lower wavelengths compared to those of PBE.This might be due to the sensitivity of the TD-DFT calculations to the as-ymptotic decay of the exchange-correlation potential,which in turn impacts the quality of the orbital energy differences that enter the TD-DFT formalism as a first approximation to the ex-citation energy.38,44It can be deduced from comparing with Fig.3that for1/B3LYP and2/B3LYP,the gap between the or-bital energies are2.705and2.767eV,respectively,which are about1eV larger than those obtained by PBE functional.Al-though as anticipated,hybrid functionals,which in general ex-hibit an improved asymptotic decay of the exchange-correla-tion potential over GGA functionals,would yield more accu-rate excitation energies.However,the hybrid functionals are improved by mixing of exact Hartree-fock exchange with the semilocal functionals,and the optimum amount of mixing is far from universal,45whereas no semiempirical parameters are involved for the PBE functional.From the reality of calcula-tions,the PBE functional is shown to be more accurate for pre-dicting the absorption spectra than B3LYP functional,and this is also true for the calculation of the metalloporphyrinʹs spectra (vide infra).3.3.2NO2ZnPP(3)and NH2ZnPP(4)The calculated and experimental spectra of NO2ZnPP and NH2ZnPP are presented in Fig.7with a suitable broadening of Gaussian line shape.Examination of this figure discloses that PBE-calculated wavelengths of Q bands for3/PBE and4/PBE are at582.9and562.9nm,respectively,with oscillator strengths of0.028and0.018,which coincides well with the ex-perimental values(601.8and599.2nm).In particular,in the absorption spectrum of NH2ZnPP,a peak lies at637nm with relatively strong oscillator strength of0.025,which may also be assigned to Q band.In addition,there are many other excita-tions with low oscillator strengths within the region of Q band, which can not be observed in experimental spectra.PBE-calcu-lated electronic excitations at416.4and415.1nm with maxi-mum oscillator strength of0.673and0.504for NO2ZnPP and NH2ZnPP,respectively,are assigned to B band,again in accor-dance with the experimental spectra in which the B band lo-cates at424.5and422.0nm,respectively.As shown in Fig.7(c,d),in comparison with the spectra cal-culated with PBE functional,the B3LYP-calculated spectra are not well in agreement with experimental spectra.Besides, there are two peaks between450and550nm which could be assigned to Q bands.This can be mainly attributed to the fact that the gap between the HOMO and LUMO calculated by B3LYP functional is1eV larger than that of PBE. Furthermore,similar to NO2PP and NH2PP,the red-shift is al-so observed in the absorption spectrum of NO2ZnPP with NH2ZnPP.In the experimental absorption spectra,the red-shift is about2nm for NO2PP and NH2PP and2.5nm for NO2ZnPP and NH2ZnPP.In the PBE-calculated absorption spectra,the difference between the B bands is30and1.3nm,respectively. The calculated red-shift follows the same trend as that revealed by the experiment,although there appear some disparities.The red-shift can be ascribed to the addition of the metal zinc in the center of the porphyrin ring and the meso-subsitituted groups, which influence the electron distribution of the porphyrins ring.3.4Triplet statesAs a potential material in optoelectronic field,such as organ-ic photovoltaic,organic field effect transistor,optical limiting, and artificial photosynthesis mimic,46,47porphyrin derivatives are usually investigated as an electron donor(in donor-accep-tor systems)to mimic the multi-step electron-transfer process. Generally speaking,the electron firstly transits from ground state to singlet state,then relaxes to triplet state,and eventual-ly,the excitation energy of triplet state transfers to the accep-Table4TD-DFT/B3LYP-calculated and experimental wavelength,and the corresponding one-electron transition andoscillator strengths of free-based porphyrins1,2MoleculeNO2PP NH2PP Q0xQ0yBQ0xQ0yBTD-DFT/B3LYPλ/nm580.2542.8377.1569.2533.5373.4Excitation energy/eV2. transitionH-1→L+1;H→LH-1→L;H→L+1H-3→L+1;H-1→L;H-1→L+5;H→L+1H-1→L;H→L+1H-1→L+1;H→LH-7→L;H-5→L;H-3→L+1;H-1→L+1;H→LOscillator strength0.0120.0261.2410.0040.0230.949Experimentλ/nm650.8551.2421.2649.4550.8419.2Excitation energy/eV1.912.252.941.882.212.96Abs0.0330.0861.0020.0440.1050.8961091。
