大型数控加工中心使用说明正天恒业数控目录自动换刀雕刻机的使用说明 (3)自动换刀雕刻机新代系统常用参数设定表 (12)使用 GHOST 制作系统卡(DOS) (14)自动换刀雕刻机的使用说明以下为工作步骤:1.把主控制箱的总开关扳到ON状态,此时控制箱红色电源指示灯亮。
4.把要使用的刀具安装到刀具夹头,并用手放到刀具库中:如下图刀具排列的循序为左边是第一把刀(系统默认为T1), 以此类推。
从左到右依次为T1, T2,T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8.如下图:放上加工材料,按下开启真空吸附泵的绿色按钮吸附住材料,按下开启吸尘泵绿色按钮。
5. 加工开始之前需要设定机器的X Y Z 三轴的工作原点(工件原点):先手动将刀具头装上主轴(一般是程序中的第一把刀),按(键左上角灯亮),再通过按X+, X-,Y+, Y-,Z+ Z- ,如图把机头移动到雕刻物件的左下角,既该图案路径的零点位置。
在系统控制器当前界面,如下操作→(Position)→(Workpiece Coor)→移动方向键,使光标移动到需要设置的G54-G59对应的X、Y坐标→(tched),如下图:再继续设T1的Z工件原点,回初始界面,选,再选,界面如下,把光标移动到序号01(即对应T1)Length列输入对应机械坐标,即完成T1Z轴的原点设定。
1(刀套里所装刀具号) 2(刀套里所装刀具号) 3(刀套里所装刀具号) 4(刀套里所装刀具号) 5(刀套里所装刀具号) 6(刀套里所装刀具号) 7(刀套里所装刀具号) 8(刀套里所装刀具号) 9(刀套里所装刀具号) 10(刀套里所装刀具号) 11(刀套里所装刀具号) 12(刀套里所装刀具号) 13(刀套里所装刀具号) 14(刀套里所装刀具号) 15(刀套里所装刀具号) 16(刀套里所装刀具号) 17(刀套里所装刀具号) 18(刀套里所装刀具号) 19(刀套里所装刀具号) 20(刀套里所装刀具号) 21(刀套里所装刀具号) 22(刀套里所装刀具号) 23(刀套里所装刀具号) 24(刀套里所装刀具号) 24
不使用 外接按钮 使用 使用
没有感应 无 常开型 常开型 常开型 常开型 无效 否 提示 不允许
使用 面板按钮 不使用 不使用
感应 有 常闭型 常闭型 常闭型 常闭型 有效 是 不提示 允许
机械手正在动作标志 刀库正在回零状态
KAPA 参数使用时的注意事项: 1、 系统处于正常运行时,请确保 K0000、K0001、K0002、K0003、K0004、 K0005、K0006、 K0007、K0052、K0107 的状态为 0,否则有可能导致意外 发生。 2、 修改了 K0010 参数必须重新启动系统后才生效,当 K0010=0(即:不使 用刀库)时 K0100、K0101、K0102、K0103、K0104、K0105、K0106、K0107、 K0110、K011 设置无效。 3、 当 K0010=1(即:刀库使用有效)时,K0082 设置无效。 4、 当 K0082=0(即:不使用刀具夹/紧装置)时,K0081 设置无效。 5、 K0060 设置时的注意事项:
惠州市騰貿精密工業有限公司HUIZHOUCITY TENGMAO PRECISION INDUSTRY CO.,LTD自动车床走刀机基础培训教材制作:徐孝俊制作日期:2012.01.01**:***一、自动车床简介车床有自动车床、电脑车床、桌上车床、钻床、铣床、磨床等等,我们主要介绍自动车床。
车加工所用的自动车床有1515型、1525型和2025型三种,下面以1525型自动车床为例作介绍:1 52 5 表示加工最大直径为15mm刀架排列顺序:各刀架的作用: NO.1刀架:能前后左右移动,用于高精度及加工面光滑的部分。
数控门式切割机机械说明书 标准稿
数控切割机机械操作说明书目录1机器外形图2 机器的安装2.1 概述2.2 整机安装2.3 供气3 机械部件简介3.1 机器电缆与供气软管3.2 移动机器结构3.3 割炬装置3.4 流体系统4 机器的维护和保养4.1 清洁机器4.2 机器的润滑4.3 机器的调整4.4 清洗割嘴5 氧-燃气切割5.1 氧-燃气切割技术的介绍5.2 工作压力5.3 割嘴切割性能及基本参数表5.4 设定切割速度和燃气压力5.5 调节加热焰5.6 切割氧射流的调节5.7 割嘴和工件不同的距离5.8 预热时间5.9 切割6操作切割割炬7关闭切割割炬8安全操作9注意事项10 切割1 机器的外形图2 机器的安装2.1概述为使机器能够顺利地移动和正常工作,必须将机器安放在没有任何震动的地基上,同时避免就机器放置在露天场地。
3 机械部件简介3.1机器电缆与供气软管机器供气、供电系统包括燃气、氧气,如需要还包括压缩气、水等以及工厂电网向机器供电的电缆可能还有信号电缆、等离子电缆和接地电缆。
I Heel
A short power-supply cord is provided to reduce the risk resulting from becoming entangled in or tripping over a longer cord. If a longer detachable power-supply cord or extension cord is used, (1) the marked electrical rating of the extension cord should be at least as great as the electrical rating of the appliance, and (2) the longer cord should be arranged so that it will not drape over the counter top or table top where it can be pulled on by children or tripped over unintentionally.
14. When in the "ON" position, the Waring™ Commercial Professional Knife Sharpener should always be on a stable countertop or table.
产品说 明书适用于全自动型材切割机系列请妥善保管本产品说明书 使用前请仔细阅读本产品说明书宁 海飞 研 自动 化 设备 有 限公 司前言由衷 地感 谢阁 下选 用飞 研公 司的 型材 切割 机产 品,请 在安 装和 使用 前详 细阅 读本 产品 说明 书,并将 说明 书妥 善保 管以 备查 阅. 秉承 本产 品不 断改 进之 宗旨,如规 格型 号有 所改 进,恕不 另行 通知, 不便 之处,敬 请原 谅! 再次 感谢 阁下 使用 要本 公司 产品 、宣 传本 公司 产品.目录 注 意 事 项-- - - - -- --- -- --- -- --- -- - 1 产 品 示 意图- - - -- - --- -- --- -- --- -- 1 产 品 参 数-- - - - -- --- -- --- -- --- -- - 2 安 装 与 调试- - - -- - --- -- --- -- --- -- 4 操 作 步 骤-- - - - -- --- -- --- -- --- -- - 6 安 全 操 作规 程- - - -- --- -- --- -- --- - 6 故 障 处 理-- - - - -- --- -- --- -- --- -- - 7 售 后 服 务-- - - - -- --- -- --- -- --- -- - 9一、 注意 事 项为 确 保设 备 可 靠 使用 及 人员 的安全,请 在安装、 使用和维护 时,请遵 守以下事项: 1、 设 备 安装 时 , 应确 保 电源线中的地线 接地良好 。
2、 机 台 和料 架 一 定要 平 稳垂直于地面 。
3、首 次 安 装和 后 续 移 动 设 备在接 线通电时,切记 要先取下 锯片,再确认电机的转向 。
4、请 勿 擅 自打 开 机 壳 , 以 免发生 触电危险;维修 检查时,须先关闭总闸电源。
5、不 要 将 设备 置 于 过 冷 或 过热的 地方。
目录一、零件的分析 (1)1.1 零件的作用 (1)1.2 零件的工艺分析 (1)二、工艺规程设计 (1)2.1 确定生产类型 (1)2.2 确定毛坯的制造形式 (1)2.3 基面的选择 (1)2.3.1 粗基准的选择 (2)2.3.2 精基准的选择 (2)2.4 制定工艺路线 (2)2.5 工艺方案的比较分析 (3)2.6 确定切削用量及基本工时 (5)工序一 (5)工序二 (7)工序三 (8)工序四 (11)工序五 (12)工序六 (13)工序七 (14)工序八 (16)三、夹具设计 (17)3.1 定位基准的选择 (17)3.2 切削力及夹紧力的计算分析 (17)3.3 定位误差的分析 (18)3.4 夹具设计及操作的简要说明 (18)四、参考文献 (19)、零件的分析1.1 零件的作用题目所给的零件是CA6140车床的拨叉。
零件上方的φ25 孔与操纵机构相连,二下方的φ55 半孔则是用于与所控制齿轮所在的轴接触。
1.2 零件的工艺分析零件的材料为HT200,灰铸铁生产工艺简单,铸造性能优良,但塑性较差、脆性高,不适合磨削,为此以下是拨叉需要加工的表面以及加工表面之间的位置要求:1 小头孔以及与此孔相通的的锥孔、螺纹孔2 大头半圆孔Ф 553 小头孔端面、大头半圆孔上下Ф 73 端面,大头半圆孔两端面与小头孔中心线的垂直度误差为0.07mm,小头孔上端面与其中心线的垂直度误差为0.05mm。
、工艺规程设计2.1 确定生产类型已知此拨叉零件的生产类型为中批量生产,所以初步确定工艺安排为:加工过程划分阶段;工序适当集中;加工设备以通用设备为主,大量采用专用工装。
TRI TOOL 206B-EM 弯管杆说明书
92-0210 R e v . 970606M o d e l 206B -E M E l b o w M a n d r e l sTABLE OF CONTENTSCUSTOMER MESSAGE Inside Front CoverSAFETY PRECAUTIONS 3SPECIFICATIONS 6MAINTENANCE 7OPERATION8TROUBLE SHOOTING11ILLUSTRATED PARTS BREAKDOWN 13TOOL BIT RESHARPENING POLICY Inside Back Cover WARRANTY INFORMATIONInside Back CoverCopyright 2005Proprietary property of TRI TOOL Inc.No reproduction, use, or duplication of the information shown hereon is permitted without the express writtenconsent of TRI TOOL Inc.3Model 206B-EM Elbow Mandrels92-0210 : Rev. 970606SAFETY PRECAUTIONS4TRI TOOL INC.92-0210 : Rev. 970606TOOL CAREMaintain tools with care. Keep tools in good operating condition. Sharp tool bits perform better and safer than dull tool bits. Well maintained tools function properly when needed.Check for damaged parts. If a tool has malfunctioned, been dropped or hit, it must be checked for damage. Run no-load tests and feed function checks. Do a com-plete visual inspection.Electric motors. Use only with proper AC voltage power sources and observe all normal electric shock hazard procedures.Do not abuse power and control cords. Pulling or running over cords and cables can result in electrical shock hazards and malfunctions. Keep control and power cords out of all cutting fluids and water.Hydraulic drives. Observe proper procedures for electrically driven power sources.Avoid damage to hydraulic lines. Keep quick-disconnects clean. Grit contamination causes malfunctions.Air tools. Check the exhaust muffler. Broken or damaged mufflers can restrict air flow or cause excessive noise. Use air motors only with a filtered, lubricated and regulated air supply. Dirty air, low-pressure air or over pressure air will cause mal-functions, including delayed starting.AREA EQUIPMENTSecure work. Whenever possible use clamps, vises, chains and straps to secure pipe.Make sure the tool is secured; it is safer to have both hands free to operate the tool.TOOL USEUse the right tool and tool bit for the job. Do not use a tool, which is incorrect for the job you are doing.Keep the tool bits fully engaged in the tool bit holders. Loose bits are a safety haz-ard.5Model 206B-EM Elbow Mandrels92-0210 : Rev. 970606Disconnect power supply during setup and maintenance. Use all ‘Stop’ or Shut off’features available when changing or adjusting tool bits, maintaining the tool, or when the tool is not in use.Remove adjusting keys and wrenches before applying power to the equipment.Develop a habit of checking the tool before turning it on to make sure that all keys and wrenches have been removed.Do not force tools. Tools and tool bits function better and safer when used at the feed and speed rate for which they were designed.Do not reach into rotating equipment. Do not reach into the rotating head stock to clear chips, to make adjustments, or to check surface finish. A machine designed to cut steel will not stop for a hand or an arm.Handle chips with care. Chips have very sharp edges and are hot. Do not try to pull chips apart with are hands; they are very tough.Avoid unintentional starts. Do not carry or handle tools with your hand on the oper-ating switches or levers. Do not lay the tool down in a manner that will start the drive. Do not allow the tool to flip around or move when adjusting or changing tool bits.Store idle tools properly. Disconnect tools from the power source and store in a safe place. Remove tool bits for safe handling of the tool.6TRI TOOL INC.92-0210 : Rev. 970606SPECIFICATIONSIN GENERALElbow Mandrels have been designed to expand the versatility of the Model 206B Pipe Beveler.These mandrels, when used in conjunction with the Model 206B, allow machining of pipe elbows, weld neck flanges, and pipe, that have a very short perch length.7Model 206B-EM Elbow Mandrels92-0210 : Rev. 970606MAINTENANCEIN GENERALAll components should be cleaned and coated with a light film of oil prior to storage.If the mandrel is operated in such a way that the mandrel collects chips or debris near the head, the head should be cleaned after each cutting operation.Daily maintenanceWhip the unit down and spray with a rust preventative under severe humidity conditions.Visually inspect for loose screws, missing bolts, or damage due to impact.Contact TRI TOOL INC. if major repair is required.Tighten or replace screws or other parts as required.8TRI TOOL INC.92-0210 : Rev. 970606OPERATIONOPTIONAL ACCESSORY05-0356, Adjustable Centering Pin Kit.The Kit is used, with the Standard Centering Pins, for centerline adjustment of the Mandrel into the elbow.Model 206B-EM Elbow Mandrels92-0210 : Rev. 970606"A" Minimum Dia.Correct pin length isimportant for rigidity.Use only the correctContact Pins specifiedfor each head size.910TRI TOOL INC.92-0210 : Rev. 970606TROUBLE SHOOTINGProblem:The Tool Bit ChattersProbable causes:The tool bit is loose or overextended.The tool bit is damaged.The tool holder is too loose in the slides.The cutting speed is too fast.The clamping pads are loose on the pipe or tube.Cutting fluid is required.The main bearing pre-load is loose.Problem:There is excessive Tool Bit wearProbable causes:The pipe or tube material is too hard or abrasive.The cutting speed is too fast.Cutting fluid is required.A dull Tool Bit is causing surface hardening conditions (Stainless pipe or tubing).There is scale or other foreign matter on the pipe or tube, which is dulling the tool bit at the start of the cut.The tool bit is incorrect for the material being cut.Problem:The surface finish is roughProbable causes:The tool bit is dull, chipped, etc.Metal build-up on the cutting edge of the tool bit is creating a false cutting edge.Cutting fluid is required.Problem:The tool holder is not feedingProbable causes:The feed pin is broken or out of position.The feed sprocket shear pin is broken.The feed screw is stripped.The feed nut is stripped.The slide rails are too tight.Problem:There is a loss of air powerProbable causes:The air supply pressure is too low.The air filter is plugged.The air line size is insufficient.The air line is too long.Problem:There is a loss of hydraulic powerProbable causes:The hydraulic supply pressure is too low.The hydraulic filter is plugged.The hydraulic line size is insufficient.The hydraulic line is too long.Problem:The tool bit will not reach the workProbable causes:Incorrect tool blocks are installed for the size of the pipe or tube being worked on.Incorrect tool bit is installed.Problem:The hydraulic motor will not startProbable causes:The hydraulic power supply is shut off.The hydraulic motor is damaged and will not run free.MANDREL ASSY., ELBOW (P/N 06-0296)ILLUSTRATED PARTS BREAKDOWNParts List, Mandrel Assy., Small Elbow (P/N 06-0296)Item Part No.No.DescriptionQty1.11-0058Rod Assy, Push 12.13-0304Mandrel13.32-0294Pin, Centering 332-0295Pin, Centering34.33-1531Screw, Set, 8-32 x 3/16, Brass Tip 35.54-0293Plug1NOT SHOWN:36-0002Wrench, L, 5/64 Hex 112345MANDREL ASSY., #1 ELBOW (P/N 06-0297)Parts List, Mandrel Assy., #1 Elbow (P/N 06-0297)Item Part No.No.DescriptionQty1.11-0058Rod Assy, Push 12.13-0302Mandrel121-0212Head Assy, #113. 21-0206Head #114. 32-0288Pin, Roll, 1/8 Dia x 7/1635. 32-0296Pin, Centering 3 32-0297Pin, Centering36. 33-0068Screw, Cap, 3/8-16 x 5/837. 33-0914Screw, Set, 10-24 x 1/2, HDOG 38.54-0293Plug112345768Parts List, Mandrel Assy., #2 Elbow (P/N 06-0298)Item Part No.No.DescriptionQtyMANDREL ASSY., #2 ELBOW (P/N 06-0298)123457681.11-0058Rod Assy, Push 12.13-0302Mandrel121-0213Head Assy, #213. 21-0207Head #214. 32-0298Pin, Centering 3 32-0299Pin, Centering35. 33-0071Screw, Cap, 3/8-16 x 136. 33-0277Screw, Button, 10-24 x 1/437. 33-0914Screw, Set, 10-24 x 1/2 HDOG 38.54-0293Plug1Parts List, Mandrel Assy, #3 Elbow (P/N 06-0299)Item PartNo.No.Description Qty1.11-0058Rod Assy, Push12.13-0302Mandrel121-0214Head Assy, #313. 21-0208Head #314. 32-0300Pin, Centering332-0301Pin, Centering35. 33-0071Screw, Cap, 3/8-16 x 136. 33-0277Screw, Button, 10-24 x 1/437. 33-0914Screw, Set, 10-24 x 1/2 HDOG38.54-0293Plug1Parts List, Mandrel Assy., #4 Elbow (P/N 06-0300)Item PartNo.No.Description Qty1.11-0058Rod Assy, Push12.13-0302Mandrel121-0215Head Assy, #413. 21-0209Head #414. 32-0302Pin, Centering332-0303Pin, Centering35. 33-0071Screw, Cap, 3/8-16 x 136. 33-0277Screw, Button, 10-24 x 1/4,37. 33-0914Screw, Set, 10-24 x 1/2 HDOG38.54-0293Plug1Parts List, Mandrel Kit, Elbow (P/N 05-1257)PartNo.Description Qty11-0058Rod Assy, Push 113-0302Mandrel, Elbow, 206B 121-0212Head Assy, #1 Elbow Mandrel, 206B 121-0213Head Assy, #2 Elbow Mandrel, 206B 121-0214Head Assy, #3 Elbow Mandrel, 206B 121-0215Head Assy, #4 Elbow Mandrel, 206B 136-0003Wrench, L, 3/32 Hex 136-0011Wrench, L, 5/16 Hex 136-0042Wrench, Combination, 7/8 154-0293Plug 186-0093Case, 206B, Elbow Mandrel 1。
9.6V CORDLESS CHAINSAW SHARPENER___MODEL#CS-96VIMPORTANT:READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY TO ENSURE SAFE OPERATION OF THIS PRODUCT.GENERAL INFORMATIONRead all instructions before operating this product.Save these instructions for future reference.This manual contains the intention for which the product has been designed and necessary information to ensure correct and safe use.It is recommended to read ALL instructions before any operation,any kind of adjustment,or any assembly/maintenance to this product.Following all general safety instructions contained in this manual will provide product and operator safety,and a longer usage life for this product.CONTENTSContents (2)Specification (2)General Safety Instructions (3)Additional Safety Instructions (5)Parts Listing&Information (6)Assembly (7)Operation and Use(CHAIN SHARPENING).................................................................................7-10 Maintenance (11)Disposal (11)Explanation of Symbols/Pictograms (12)SPECIFICATIONStock No:CS-96VBattery:Type:Ni-CadRated Voltage:9.6VRating:750mAhTransformer:Type:Fail-Safe Safety IsolatingRated Supply Voltage:110VRated Supply Frequency:60HzRated Output Voltage:9.6VRated Output: 6.0VARated Output Current:500mARevolutions Per Minute(no load):8,000-20,000min-1Sound Pressure Level:88.5dB(A)Sound Power Level:99.5dB(A)Vibration Level:<2.5m/s²Weight(machine only):0.75lbsGENERAL SAFETY INSTRUCIONSWARNING:Read all instructions.Failure to follow instructions listed below may result in electric shock,fire and/or serious injury.The term”Power Tool”in all of the warnings listed below refers to hand operated power tool(corded)or battery operated(cordless)power tool.SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS1.Work Areaa.Keep work area clean and well lit.Cluttered and dark areas invite accidents.b.Do not operate power tools in explosive atmospheres,such as in the presenceof flammable liquids,gases or dust.Power tools create sparks which may ignite the dust or fumes.c.Keep children and bystanders away from work area while operating a power tool.Distractions can cause you to lose control.2.Electrical Safetya.Power tool(corded)plugs must match the outlet.Never modify the plug in anyway.Do not use any adapter plugs with grounded power tools.Unmodified plugs and matching outlets will reduce risk of electric shock.b.Avoid body contact with grounded surfaces such as pipes,radiators,rangesand refrigerators.There is an increased risk of electric shock if your body is earthed or grounded.c.Do not expose power tools to rain or wet conditions.Water entering a powertool will increase the risk of electric shock.d.Do not abuse the cord.Never use the cord for carrying,pulling or unpluggingthe power tool.Keep cords away from heat,oil,sharp edges or moving parts.Damaged or entangled cords increase the risk of electric shock.e.When operating a power tool outdoors,use an extension cord suitable for outdoore of a cord suitable for outdoor use reduces the risk of electric shock.3.Personal Safetya.Stay alert,watch what you are doing and use common sense when operating apower tool.Do not use a power tool while you are tired or under the influence of drugs,alcohol or medication.Any in-attention while operating power tools may result in serious personal injury.e safety equipment.ALWAYS wear ANSI approved eye protection.Safetyequipment such as gloves,dust mask,non-skid safety shoes,hard hat,and hearing protection used for appropriate conditions will reduce risk of personal injuries.c.Avoid accidental starting.Ensure the switch is in the off position beforeplugging in.Carrying power tools with your finger on the switch or pluggingin power tools that have the switch on invites accidents.d.Remove any adjusting key or wrench before turning the power tool on.A wrenchor a key left attached to a rotating part of the power tool may result in personal injury.e.Keep proper footing and balance at all times.This enables better control ofthe power tool in unexpected situations.f.Dress properly.Do not wear loose clothing or jewelry.Keep your hair,clothing and gloves away from moving parts.Loose clothes,jewelry or long hair can be caught in moving parts.g.If devices are provided for the connection of dust extraction and collectionfacilities,ensure these are connected and properly e of these devices can reduce dust related hazards.4.Power Tool Use and Carea.Do not force any power e the correct power tool for your application.The correct power tool will do the job better and safer for which it was designed.b.Do not use the power tool if the switch does not turn it on and off.Any powertool that cannot be controlled with the switch is dangerous and must be repaired.c.Disconnect the plug from the power source before making any adjustments,changing accessories,or storing power tools.Such preventive safety measures reduce the risk of starting the power tool accidentally.d.ALWAYS Store idle power tools out of the reach of children and do not allowpersons unfamiliar with the power tool or these instructions to operate the power tool.Power tools are dangerous in the hands of untrained users.e.Maintain power tools.Check for misalignment or binding of moving parts,breakage of parts and any other condition that may affect the power tools operation.If damaged,have the power tool repaired before use.Many accidents are caused by poorly maintained power tools.f.Keep cutting tools sharp and clean.Properly maintained cutting tools withsharp cutting edges are less likely to bind and are easier to control.e the power tool,accessories and tool bits etc.,in accordance with theseinstructions and in the manner intended for the particular type of power tool, taking into account the working conditions and the work to be e of the power tool for operations different from intended may result in serious or hazardous situations.5.Battery Tool Use and Carea.Ensure the switch is in the OFF position before inserting battery pack.Insertthe battery pack into power tools that have the switch on invites accidents.b.Recharge only with the charger specified by the manufacturer.A charger forone type of battery pack can create risk of fire when used with a different battery pack.e power tools only with specifically designated battery e of anyother battery packs may create a risk of injury and fire.d.When battery pack is not in use,keep it away from other metal objects likepaper clips,coins,keys,nails,screws,or other small metal objects thatcan make a connection from one terminal to another.Shorting the battery terminals together may cause burns or a fire.e.Under abusive conditions,liquid may be ejected from the battery;avoid contact.If contact accidently occurs,flush with water.If liquid contacts eyes,seek medical help immediately.Liquid ejected from the battery may cause irritation or burns.6.ServiceHave your power tool serviced by a qualified repair person using only identical replacement parts.This will ensure the safety of the power tool is maintained. ADDITIONAL SAFETY INSTRUCTIONSSpecific to Battery Chargers-Before charging,read any additional instructions for charger.-Designed for indoor use ONLY.Do not expose charger to rain or wet conditions. -NEVER charge non-rechargeable batteries.This can cause dangerous situations. -The battery charger is only for re-chargeable Ni-Cad batteries having8cells+ (9.6V).Any other application is considered misuse.PARTS INFORMATION FOR 9.6V SHARPENERContact Customer Service:phone 218-943-6290or fax 218-943-6292for:(1)If any missing or broken parts when unpacking,please have original receiptand purchase dateSpare parts No DescriptionQTY Product noPosition CS-96V1Sharpening stones pack (5/32”,3/16”,7/32”)1CS-96V2Battery pack(2pcs)1CS-96V3AC/DC Adapter 1CS-96V4Chain Saw Sharpening Attachment 1CS-96V5Charger Base 1CS-96V6On/Off switch/Variable speed dial 1CS-96V7Hook 1CS-96V8Spindle Lock 1CS-96V9Collar 1CS-96V 10Collet Nut 1(2)To purchase additional grinding wheels or spare parts. ASSEMBLYNOTE:Always remove battery pack before making any adjustments,servicing,or maintenance to this product.ACCESSORY INSTALLATION/REPLACEMENT(FIG.1):This product is designed for use with 3.2mm shank accessories.WARNING:Selection of the correct accessory,suitable for the intended application is vital.Seek guidance if uncertain of selection.Press the spindle lock button A and unscrew the collet nut B.Slide the grinding stone inward as far as possible beforetightening the collet nut.Press spindle lock button A andtighten the collet nut to secure.If the grinding stoneappears loose,remove and try again to ensure the bit issecured correctly.NOTE:Do not over tighten the collet nut.IMPORTATNT!:Never press lock button A while the spindle is rotating.OPERATION AND USE:WARNING:ALWAYS Wear ANSI approved eye protectionwhen operating this product.BATTERY CHARGING(FIG.2&3)To charge the battery,first remove from the sharpener.To release battery pack,squeeze the grips located on bothsides of battery casing and gently pull battery pack from thetool housing(Fig.2).Plug the AC/DC Adapter cord into thecharger base,then into standard110V outlet.Slide batteryinto the charger base as shown in Fig.3NOTE Be sure t he arrows Cmarked on the charger base and battery housing line up.Do not force,be sure battery is inserted correctly.Thegreen LED light D on charger base will illuminate to show thebattery is charging.The battery fully charges in3-5hours.Do not charge the battery for more than6hours.After3-5hours,remove battery pack.Insert battery pack back into thesharpener by firmly pushing until battery pack locks into place.NOTE:The battery is discharged after manufacturing;after fiveto ten charges battery pack will reach its full capacity.It is helpful to use battery until completely uncharged,before re-charging again.VARIABLE SPEED DIAL (FIG.4)NOTE:Be sure the switch is in the “off”position beforeconnecting the battery pack.STARTING TOOL:Rotate dial E round to one of the five speedsettingsSTOPPING TOOL:Rotate dial E to the “O”position (off)to stopVariable speed dial allows you to alter speed of rotation.Position 2-SLOWPosition 4-SLOW/MEDIUMPosition 6-MEDIUMPosition 8-MEDIUM/FASTPosition 10-FAST OPERATION-SHARPENING CHAINSWARNING:ALWAYS Wear ANSI approved eye protectionwhen operating this product.ADJUST SHARPENING ATTACHMENT (SEE FIG.5,6,7)Due to many different sizes and types of chain,adjustment to the sharpener attachment may be needed.Follow these below steps to determine adjustments:1.Determine the size and pitch of saw chain to sharpen.Refer to your Chainsaw Owner’s manual,or contact the chain manufacturer to find your chain size and pitch.2.Next,refer to below chart for grinding stone sizes.3.After determining correct grinding stone,refer to below figure #5,then adjustsharpening attachment accordingly.Separate metal guide and plastic guide using a phillips screwdriver by removing 2screws in top of sharpener attachment.Then use appropriate number of spacer.If grinding stone size:7/32”grinding stone,use ONE spacers between metal guide and plastic guide 5/32”grinding stone,use ONE spacer between metal guide and plastic guide 3/16”grinding stone,use ZERO spacers between metal guide and plastic guide4.Next,insert correct grinding stone into sharpener tool,leaving approx.1/4"of shank between the grinding stone and chuck cap.SEE figure #6below.5.Now remove housing cap,and replace with adjusted sharpener attachment.SEE Figure #7.CHAINSIZEGRINDING STONE SIZE 1/4”Pitch5/32”(diameter)stone 3/8”Pitch7/32”(diameter)stone 3/8”Pitch Low Profile (LP)5/32”(diameter)stone 5/16”Pitch 3/16”(diameter)stoneSHARPENING SAW CHAIN (SEE FIG.8,9,10)1.Set your saw on a flat,solid surface so it will not slip while you aresharpening the chain.The chain tension should be adjusted as specified in the Chain Saw Owner’s Manual.If it is too loose,the teeth will move,resulting in a poor sharpening.BEST RESULTS are accomplished by sharpening on flat area of the saw bar-somewhere near the middle of the bar.2.Position saw so you are looking at the side of the chain bar with the motorto your right.Cutter teeth on the far side of the chain are sharpened,from inside to outside,or away from you,as shown in figure 8.The metal guide (B)should be laid flat on the tooth with the 30degree index line (L)parallel with the chain.Align by eye with the chain.Two or three light strokes are usually enough,unless the cutters have been damaged.Sharpen all cutters equal.Start with the cutter with the most visual damage (i.e.nicks or gouges)and sharpen all cutters back equally.Do not remove excessive metal material while sharpening,as this can shorten the life of the chain.NOTE:Sharpen cutter teeth (J)only,not the depth gauge/raker (K).3.When all of the teeth on the top of the bar have been sharpened,advancethe chain using a glove or a rag to protect your hand,by pulling the chain toward the end of the bar.Repeat until all the teeth on the far side of Ref.NumberDescription 1Screws 2Metal Guide 3Spacer 4Plastic Guide 5Led worklightthe chain have been sharpened.4.Next,turn the saw around so that you are looking at the side of the chainbar with the motor to your left.Sharpen the cutter teeth on the far side of the chain,from inside to outside,or away from you,as shown in figure.The guide should be laid flat on the tooth with the30degree index line parallel with the chain.Repeat the process above to sharpen all of the cutter teeth on the far side of the chain.CHECK DEPTH GUAGE–(also called RAKER)5.After sharpening one chain several times,you may find that it does not cutas fast.Each cutter on the chain has a depth gauge or raker(see figure 9letter(K)below)just ahead of the cutting edge(J)that determines how big of bite the chain will take.To check for proper depth of the cut,laya metal straight edge across the tops of the cutting edges,as shown in figure10,and check the dimension between straight edge and depth guide/raker.CHECK your chain or chainsaw owner manual for exact depth gauge relating to your size chain.As a guide,this dimension should be approximately equal to the height or thickness of end/tip on the metal gauge of the chain saw sharpening attachment.If the difference is very thin, or the depth gauge/raker is taller than cutter teeth,file or grind the depth gauge/raker)until the clearance is approximately equal to the height/thickness of the metal end of sharpening attachment or per mfg.specification.Be careful to maintain depth gauge shape.Do not remove more material than necessary or you will overload your saw.NOTE:Be careful to keep this depth gauge setting uniform on all cutter teeth or you will not be able to make a straight cut.FIG8FIG9FIG10MAINTENANCE&PARTS REPLACEMENTRegular inspection and cleaning reduces the necessity for maintenance operations and will keep your tools in good working condition.Motors must be ventilated during operation,avoid blocking any air inlets.After use remove the battery pack and clear any ventilation slots if applicable.Contact Customer Service:Phone218-943-6290or Fax218-943-6292for: -If any missing or broken parts when unpacking,please have original receipt and purchase date-To purchase additional grinding wheels or spare parts.DISPOSAL OF TOOLAt the end of the tool working life,or when it can no longer be repaired,dispose of according to any local regulations.Contact local authority for details of collections in your area.In all circumstances:⏹Do not dispose of power tools with domestic waste.⏹Do not incinerate.⏹Do not abandon in the environment.HEALTH AND SAFETY FOR BATTERIESGeneral:Do not burn/dispose in fire or mutilate;cells may burst and release toxic materials.Do not short circuit cells,this may cause burns.Batteries must be removed from the appliance before disposal.DISPOSALDo not mutilate batteries,corrosive electrolyte will be released.Do not incinerate-danger of explosion and release of toxic fumes.Do not dispose of batteries or cells in a charged condition.Expired nickel-cadmium batteries must be recycled/disposed of in accordance with the appropriate regulation or legislation.EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS/PICTURESDo not dispose of with unsorted municipal waste.Class II construction(Double insulated).For indoor use only.Do not expose to rain.Non-Self-Resetting protective device.Short-circult-proof safety isolating transformerBattery must be recycled or disposed of properly.Contains heavymetal-separate collection.©BAC Industries/Timber Tuff ToolsPO BOX155Miltona,MN56354218-943-6290BAC Industries or Timber Tuff Tools will not be held liable for any damages,losses or injury due to misapplication or misuse of this product or any other reason.Always wear approved safety glasses,protective clothing and proper hand and foot protection at all times.Keep all people, pets and/or animals clear from any work area.。
Northern Tool + Equipment 电动锐齿刀锐化器说明书
Thank you very much for choosing a NORTHERN TOOL + EQUIPMENT CO., INC. Product! For future reference, please complete the owner's record below:Model: _______________ Purchase Date: _______________Save the receipt, warranty and these instructions. It is important that you read the entire manual to become familiar with this product before you begin using it.This machine is designed for certain applications only. Northern Tool + Equipment cannot be responsible for issues arising frommodification. We strongly recommend this machine is not modified and/or used for any application other than that for which it wasdesigned. If you have any questions relative to a particular application, DO NOT use the machine until you have first contacted Northern Tool + Equipment to determine if it can or should be performed on the product.For technical questions please call 1-800-222-5381.INTENDED USEReliable sharpener handles high speed drill bits, knives, scissors, chisels and planes. Can sharpen straight edge chisels and plane blades.TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSGENERAL SAFETY RULESWARNING: Read and understand all instructions. Failure to follow all instructions listed below may result in electric shock, fire and/or serious injury.WARNING: The warnings, cautions, and instructions discussed in this instruction manual cannot cover all possible conditions or situations that could occur. It must be understood by the operator that common sense and caution are factors which cannot be built into this product, but must be supplied by the operator.SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONSWORK AREA· Keep work area clean, free of clutter and well lit. Cluttered and dark work areas can cause accidents.· Do not use your sharpener where there is a risk of causing a fire or an explosion; e.g. in the presence of flammable liquids, gasses, or dust. Power tools create sparks, which may ignite the dust or fumes.· Keep children and bystanders away while operating the sharpener. Distractions can cause you to lose control, so visitors should remain at a safe distance from the work area.· Be alert of your surroundings. Using the sharpener in confined work areas may put you dangerously close to cutting tools and rotating Parts.ELECTRICAL SAFETY· WARNING! Always check to ensure the power supply corresponds to the voltage on the rating plate.· Do not abuse the cord. Never carry your sharpener by its power cord, or yank tool or extension cords from the receptacle. Keep power and extension cords away from heat, oil, sharp edges or moving parts. Replace damaged cords immediately. Damaged cords may cause a fire and increase the risk of electric shock.·Grounded tools must be plugged into an outlet properly installed and grounded in accordance with all codes and ordinances. Never remove the grounding prong or modify the plug in any way. Do not use any adapter plugs. Check with a qualified electrician if you are in doubt as to whether the outlet is properly grounded.· Double insulated tools are equipped with a polarized plug (one blade is wider than the other). This plug will fit in a polarized outlet only one way. If the plug does not fit fully in the outlet, reverse the plug. If it still doesn't fit, contact a qualified electrician to install a polarized outlet. Do not change the plug in any way .·Avoid body contact with grounded surfaces such as pipes, radiators, ranges, and refrigerators. There is an increase risk of electric shock if your body is grounded.· When operating a power tool outside, use an outdoor extension cord marked "W-A" or "W." These cords are rated for outdoor use and reduce the risk of electric shock.· Extension Cord Use. A. Use only 'Listed' extension cords. If used outdoors, they must be marked "For Outdoor Use." Those cords having 3-prong grounding type plugs and mating receptacles are to be used with grounded tools.B. Replace damaged or worn cords immediately.C. Check the name plate rating of your tool. Use of improper size or gauge of extension cord may cause unsafe or inefficient operation of your tool. Be sure your extension cord is rated to allow sufficient current flow to the motor. For the proper wire gauge for your tool, see chart.CHART FOR MINIMUM WIRE SIZE OF EXTENSION CORD:Item Motor RPM Wheel Dia.Max. Drill Dia.Min. Drill Dia.Description120V, 60Hz, 70 Watts48002" (51mm)3/8" (10mm)7/64" (3mm)(NOT RECOMMENDED)Nameplate AMPS Cord Length0-66-1010-1212-1625'50'100'150'18 AWG 18 AWG 16 AWG 14 AWG 16 AWG 16 AWG 16 AWG 12 AWG 16 AWG 14 AWG 14 AWG 14 AWG12 AWG12 AWGIf in doubt, use larger cord.Be sure to check voltage requirements of the tool to your incoming power source.· Do not expose the sharpener to rain or wet conditions. Water entering the sharpener will increase the risk of electric shock.· Do not let your fingers touch the terminals of plug when installing to or removing from the outlet.· Ground fault circuit interrupters. If work area is not equipped with a permanently installed Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter outlet (GFCI), use a plug-in GFCI between power tool or extension cord and power receptacle.PERSONAL SAFETY· Stay alert, watch what you are doing and use common sense when operating the shapener. Do not use the tool while you are tired or under the influence of drugs, alcohol or medication. A moment of inattention while operating power tools may result in serious personal injury.· Dress properly. Do not wear loose clothing, dangling objects, or jewelry. Keep your hair, clothing and gloves away from moving parts. Loose clothes, jewelry or long hair can be caught in moving parts. Air vents often cover moving parts and should be avoided.· Use safety apparel and equipment. Use safety goggles or safety glasses with side shields which comply with current national standards, or when needed, a face shield. Use as dust mask in dusty work conditions. This applies to all persons in the work area. Also use non-skid safety shoes, hardhat, gloves, dust collection systems, and hearing protection when appropriate.· Avoid accidental starting. Ensure the switch is in the off position before plugging tool into power outlet. In the event of a power failure, while a tool is being used, turn the switch off to prevent surprise starting when power is restored.· Do not overreach. Keep proper footing and balance at all times.· Remove adjusting keys or wrenches before connecting to the power supply or turning on the tool. A wrench or key that is left attached to a rotating part of the tool may result in personal injury.TOOL USE AND CARE· Do not force the sharpener. Tools do a better and safer job when used in the manner for which they are designed . Plan your work, and use the correct tool for the job.· Never use a sharpener with a malfunctioning switch. Any tool that cannot be controlled with the switch is dangerous and must be repaired by an authorized service representative before using.· Disconnect power from sharpener and place the switch in the locked or off position before servicing, adjusting, installing accessories or attachments, or storing. Such preventive safety measures reduce the risk of starting the power tool accidentally.· Store idle sharpeners. When tools are not in use, store them in a dry, secure place out of the reach of children. Inspect tools for good working condition prior to storage and before re-use.· Use only accessories that are recommended by the manufacturer for your model. Accessories that may be suitable for one tool may create a risk of injury when used on another tool.· Never touch the moving grinding wheel.· The sharpener's motor is specially rated for intermittent use 15 minutes continuous use.· Do not attach modules when the grinding wheel is moving .· Do not use the grinding wheel without a module in place .· Keep guards in place and in working order.OPERATIONSharpens all high speed steel drill bits from 7/64" (3mm) to3/8" (50mm)Unique "True Point" action ensures accurate finishPrecisely locates high speed steel drills for correct sharpeninganglesRe-sharpen broken drill bitsSHARPENING HSS BITS1.Slide module, labeled High Speed Steel Drill Sharpener, onto the Power Unit.2.Remove the clamp holder and insert the drill bit to be sharpened (1a). Tighten the clamp lightly to leave the drill bitstill free to move.3.Place the clamp containing your drill bit into the setting slot,using the grooves in the side to lower it in correctly (1b).4.Move the drill bit forward up so that it lies in the V-guide andtouches the metal end stop (1c).5.Turn the drill bit until the V-guide fully drops over it (1c) allfor drill bit corners should now be touching the V-guide sides.6.Ensure that the drill and holder are fully down in the settingSlot. With the drill bit in this position, tighten the clamping ring (1d).7.Lift up the V-guide and remove the clamp and drill bit.8.Transfer the clamp and drill bit into the clamp holder on thePower Unit modules (1e).9.Switch the Power Unit on.10.Move the clamp holder from side to side, securing with light fingerPressure (1f).11.Remove the drill bit and holder and turn over (1g). Repeat step No. 11.12.Check that the leading edge of both flutes are equally sharp. They should meet exactly in the middle as in (1h), not (1i).13.Switch the Power Unit off. Before removing the module, ensure the grinding wheel has stopped.· Before removing a module, switch power OFF, allow grinding wheel to come to a complete stop and unplug the machine.· · Never sharpen more than one item at a time.Do not jam the workpiece against the sharpening surface. Firmly grasp the workpiece and ease it against the sharpener using light pressure.6.Remove and turn scissors over to sharpen the second blade (2f)8.Switch the Power Unit off and unplug the machine. Before removing the module, ensure the grinding wheel has stopped.9.When sharpening thin chisel blades, place the small chisel guide10.Switch the Power Unit off and unplug. Before removing the module,11.It is recommended that after grinding, the blade tip be honed onMake sure this tool is disconnected from its power source before attempting any maintenance, cleaning, or inspection. Maintain your sharpener. It is recommended that the general condition of any tool be examined before it is used. Keep your tools in good repair by adopting a program of conscientious repair and maintenance in accordance with the recommended procedures found in this manual. If any abnormal vibrations or noise occurs, turn the tool off immediately and have the problem corrected before further use. HaveKeep cutting tools sharp and clean. Properly maintained cutting tools with sharp cutting edges are less likely to bind and are easier toCleaning. Keep your sharpener clean and free from oil and grease. Use only soap and a damp cloth to clean your tools. Many household cleaners are harmful to plastics and other insulation. Never let liquid get inside a tool.For replacement parts and technical questions, please call 1-800-222-5381.PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING CAREFULLYTHE MANUFACTURER AND/OR DISTRIBUTOR HAS PROVIDED THE PARTS DIAGRAM IN THIS MANUAL AS A REFERENCE TOOL ONLY . NETHER THE MANUFACTURER NOR DISTRIBUTOR MAKES ANY REPRESENT ATION OR WARRANTY OF ANY KIND TO THE BUYER THAT HE OR SHE IS QUALIFIED TO MAKE ANY REP AIRS TO THE PRODUCT OR THAT HE OR SHE IS QUALIFIED TOREPLACE ANY PARTS OF THE PRODUCT . IN FACT, THE MANUFACTURER AND/OR DISTRIBUTOR EXPRESSLY STATES THAT ALL REPAIRS AND PARTS REPLACEMENTS SHOULD BE UNDERTAKEN BY CERTIFIED AND LICENSED TECHNICIANS AND NOT BY THE BUYER. THE BUYER ASSUMES ALL RISK AND LIABILITY ARISING OUT OF HIS OR HER REPAIRS TO THE ORIGINALPRODUCT OR REPLACEMENT PARTS THERETO OR ARISING OUT OF HIS OR HER INSTALLATION OF REPLACEMENT P ARTS THERETO.Note: Some parts are listed and shown for illustration purposes only and are notavailable individually as replacement parts.Part No.1234567891011121314151617181920Description Top Housing Base Switch Motor Wheel Valve Grinding Wheel Sign for Rotational Direction Nut Cord Jacket of Cable Screw PCB Pilable Foot Screw Fixing Chuck for Drill Supporting chuckfor drill Locking Lump Gripping Lump Locknut Counter Card Q ty '111111111121441111112122232425262728293031323334353637383940Description Right-chuck Backing iron sheet Fixing sheet Screw Fixing shelf for Scissors Plane Blade Holder Locknut Angle conditioner Supporting Shelf Move Instruction Protective Guard Magnet Card Magnet Screw Fuse Tube Fuse Fuse Tube Auiliary Switch Botton Platen Q ty '11111111111211111112Part No.。
Sawyer Model 206-9和206-14手动一边传动带一边切角机器说明书
One Bevel TransmissionOperates On All Size Bands•For pipe 6” (152.4mm) and larger•Bands are made from durable stainlesssteel for long life•Adaptable to any beveling requirement•Smoothly,accurately cuts and bevels•Flexible 9' (2.7m) drive shaft, standard;Beveling Transmission Bands 14’ (4.3m) optional•Motorized drive optional•Minimum clearance needed in bell holes•Fully adjustable cutting head angle•Out-round pipe attachments unnecessary•Precision cast for more rugged strength•Mounts easily anywhere on the pipe•Above 60" (1524mm) - special orderProducts sold separatelyManual transmission with torchSawyer products are sold exclusively through distributors in the U.S. and abroad.Please contact us for the name of your nearest distributor.©2011 Sawyer Manufacturing Company, Rev. 12/11, Printed in U.S.A.Model 206-9 and Model 206-14.Standard Band-Type Beveling Machine with 9' or 14' (2.7m - 4.3m)transmission drive shaft.Model 206F-110,Model 206F-220 and Model 206F-90DC.Motorized Band-Type Beveling Machine with A.C. or D.C. motorized transmission.Model 206E. Right Angle Drive Kit for Beveling Transmission.Special swivel feature on drive shaft facili-tates work in tight areas, enabling machine to be operat-ed from the left or right side or fromabove or below.Model 283D. Double Cut Torch Holder fits any Sawyer Band-Type Beveling Machine. Allows machine to bevel on both sides of a cut.Model 284D.Adjustable Torch Holder fits any Sawyer Band-Type Beveling Machine. Torch sold separately.Sturdy galvanized steel Carrying Case for Sawyer bands and transmissions.* Cutting torches shown for illustration purposes only;available as optional equipment.Manual Transmission w/TorchDouble Cut Torch HolderMotorized TransmissionRight Angle DriveCarrying CaseAdjustable Torch HolderSPECIAL & LARGER SIZES AVAILABLE BY SPECIAL ORDER *Specifications subject to change without noticeSawyerTransmissionsTo adjust for Band radius --1.Loosen cap screws “A” one or two turns.2.Swing front and rear pairs of legs inward or outward to match band radius.3.Snug up cap screws “A”.These should not be tightened down hard enough to interfere with the ball leg hinging action.To adjust Torch Holder –1.Loosen set screw “B”.2.Rotate eccentric torchholder to desired clearance.3.Tighten set screw “B” – hand tight.Maintenance –Occasionally use ice pick or pocketknife to scrape outaccumulation in wheel grooves, to assure good crawler wheel/band contact.Transmission AccessoriesOperating InstructionsBeveling BandsModel 206A Parts ListSawyer products are sold exclusively through distributors in the U.S. and abroad.Please contact us for the name of your nearest distributor.©2011 Sawyer Manufacturing Company, Rev. 12/11, Printed in U.S.A.。
关键词:机械手;加工中心;自动换刀AbstractMachining Center is installed in a card,to achieve automatic milling,drilling, boring,Reaming,Tapping and other processes of CNC machine tools。
A more explicit statement of Machining Center is the automatic tool change CNC milling machines. This brings the processing center and automatic tool change CNC lathe and turning centers to distinguish.Machining Center is different from other CNC milling machines to the main features is that it has under the technological requirements for automatic tool change function, Automatic Tool Change (ATC)function.Machining Center,ATC system is usually a knife and the composition manipulator, it is a symbol of the processing center. Machining Center is the key to success. Therefore the processing center manufacturers are vigorously developing the next moves quickly,high reliability,ATC,to the fierce competition to achieve good results。
目录一、课题名称 (3)二、本课题设计来源及目的与要求 (3)三、设计内容 (3)1、确定主参数 (3)2、确定机械测刀仪方案,进行结构设计 (5)3、垂直导轨的比较设计及方案确定 (6)4、具体的零件设计 (6)四、机械测刀仪安装工艺 (12)五、总结 (13)机械式测刀仪设计摘要:加工中心等多轴联动的数控加工机床已广泛地应用于机械加工的各个领域,作为加工中心的主要辅助设备——测刀仪已广泛地与加工中心配套使用。
关键词:机械式侧刀仪设计装配Summary :Machining center,etc. numerical control that many axle link process lathe apply machined all field to widely already, as the main auxiliary equipment of the machining center - -Examine one one hundred sheets of appearances to already widely use with the machining center together. This text expound the fact machinery type examine one hundred sheetses of appearance design process spare part comparison and part of design plan design the course calculated.Keyword: Machinery type side knife appearance Design Assembly机械测刀仪设计说明书一、课题名称:机械式测刀仪的设计二、本课题设计来源及目的与要求1、任务来源:三轴联动加工中心类机床作为现代化的机械加工设备,已广泛应用于机械加工的各个领域,包括机床、模具、汽车、航空航天等等。
下图中,a、b、c、d分别为垂直⼑刃、锯齿⼑刃、细齿⼑刃和波形⼑刃特点:①⼈推动机器,裁⼑由垂直往复和⽔平进给的合成运动切割⾯料;②⼑⽚形状为直线形,不同种类的⾯料可跟换不同⼑刃的⼑⽚;③适⽤于较⼤或形状较为简单的裁⽚;④裁剪厚度受⼑⽚长度的限制,最⼤裁剪厚度为裁⼑长度— 4cm,裁⼑长度⼀般为13~33cm;⑤裁剪精度不⾼;⑥进⼝的带⾃动磨⼑装置。
目录目录 (1)中文摘要 (3)Abstract (3)第1章绪论 (4)1.1 数控铣床的分类 (4)1.1.1数控立式铣床 (4)1.1.2数控卧式铣床 (4)1.1.3数控立、卧式两用铣床 (4)1.2 数控铣床的结构特征 (4)1.2.1数控铣床的主轴特征 (4)1.2.2控制机床运动的坐标特征 (5)1.3 数控铣床的主要功能及加工对象 (5)1.3.1数控铣床的功能 (5)1.3.2自动换刀装置(ATC)及其形式 (5)1.3.3自动换刀装置应当满足的基本要求 (6)第2章总体方案的设计 (6)2.1 XKA5032A/C数控立式升降台铣床及其主要参数 (6)2.2 初定XKA5032A/C数控立式升降台铣床自动换刀装置的设计参数 (7)2.3 确定XKA5032A/C数控立式升降台铣床自动换刀装置的形式 (7)第3章刀库的设计 (8)3.1 确定刀库容量 (8)3.2 确定刀库形式 (8)3.3 刀库结构设计 (10)3.4 初估刀库驱动转矩及选定电机 (10)3.5 刀库转位机构的普通圆柱蜗杆传动的设计 (10)3.6 刀库驱动转矩的校核 (14)3.7 确定刀具的选择方式 (14)第4章刀具交换装置的设计 (15)4.1 换刀机械手抓刀部分结构 (15)4.2 机械手传动结构 (15)4.3 自动换刀过程的动作顺序 (16)4.4 自动换刀装置的相关技术要求 (17)4.4.1 主轴准停装置 (17)4.4.2 换刀机械手的安装与调试 (17)第5章自动换刀装置的控制原理 (17)5.1 刀库的控制 (17)5.2 机械手的控制 (18)第6章典型零件的设计 (18)6.1联轴器 (18)6.1.1 联轴器的选用 (18)6.1.1 联轴器的校核 (18)6.2托架的设计 (18)鸣谢 (20)参考文献 (21)中文摘要本论文介绍的是XKA5032A/C数控立式升降台铣床自动换刀装置的设计.该自动换刀装置由刀库和换刀机械手组成.刀库采用盘形结构,安装在机床的左侧立柱上.刀库容量为六把,采用顺序选刀方式.机械手选用回转式双臂机械手.关键词: 数控铣床自动换刀装置刀库换刀机械手AbstractThis paper introduces the design of automatic tool changer of XKA5032A/C numerical control vertical-knee milling machines. The automatic tool changer is composed of tool storage and a tool changing-manipulator. The tool storage which adopts bat batch shape structure is mounted on the vertical post of XKA5032A/C numerical control vertical-knee milling machines. The capacity of the tool storage is six and the method of Choose knife is Alignment. The tool changing-manipulator adopts the two arms manipulator of turn-over type.Key words: numerical control milling machinesAutomatic tool changerTool storage tool changing-manipulatorXKA5032A/C数控立式升降台铣床自动换刀装置第1章绪论1.1 数控铣床的分类1.1.1 数控立式铣床数控立式铣床是数控铣床中数量最多的一种,应用范围也最为广泛。
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