GYSCAP 73502 V2说明书
连接:• III类设备维护:• 须由专业人士进行设备维护工作。
• 任何情况下,切勿使用溶剂或其他腐蚀性清洁剂。
• 使用干布清洁设备表面。
规定:• 设备符合欧洲标准。
• 如需了解符合性声明,请浏览我们的网站。
• EAC认证产品• 所用材料符合英国标准。
如需了解英国声明,请浏览我们的网站 (参阅封面页)。
• 所用材料符合摩洛哥标准。
• 如需了解摩洛哥C م 符合性声明,请浏览我们的网站。
报废处理:• 此设备为选择性收集对象。
• 可回收产品23C N专为12V (GYSCAP 680E) 或 24 V (2x 12 V, GYSCAP 24V) 电池的车辆设计,该设备配有超级电容器。
WIKA Instruments Italia Srl NI-401E温度开关说明书
耐候且本质安全:PXS 系列; 隔爆: 隔爆:系列标签§不适用于标签系列A=护套连接 B=电缆入口X=有效长度 Y=插入长度 K=毛细管长度 表面安装时,使用M6螺钉重量2.1kg尺寸单位:mm重量2.9 kg尺寸单位:mm注意:尺寸和重量不是强制性的,除非在认证图纸上标注。
注意• 在安装、使用或维护仪表之前,有必要阅读并理解随附说明手册中给出的说明。
• 仪表必须由合有资质人员安装和维护。
• 只有在检查并确认仪表特性符合工艺和设备要求后,才能进行安装。
内容1 - 一般说明2 - 工作原理3 - 型号代码4 - 标识牌和标记5 - 设定值调节6 - 设定值校准7 - 安装和连接8 - 仪表管道9 - 投入运行 10 - 目视检查 11 - 功能验证 12 - 停止和拆卸 13 - 处置14 - 温度开关,用于安全回路执行(SIL 执行) 15 - 故障排除在危险环境中使用的安全说明。
1 - 一般说明1.1 前言系列或型号的错误选择以及不正确的安装会导致故障并缩短仪器寿命。
1.2 允许的超量程工作温度可偶尔超过工作范围,前提是温度保持在仪表特性(设计温度)中规定的范围内。
1.3 机械振动一般会导致仪器某些部件的磨损或造成误跳闸。
4-1-1. Charging operation
4-1-2. Closing operation
4-1-3. Opening operation
4-1-4. Motion of operation mechanisms
4-2. Draw-out and Insertion Operation
6-2-5 Latch release coil (LRC)
6-2-6. Shunt trip device (SHT)
6-2-7. Tripping coil (TC) or adjustable undervoltage trip device
6-2-8. Auxiliary switches
could result.
z For 4-pole ACBs, be sure to connect a 3-phase, 4-wire neutral conductor to the N-phase pole (on the right end). Otherwise,
an overcurrent may hinder the ACB from tripping, resulting in a fire.
Operation Precautions DANGER
z Never touch live terminal parts. Doing so will result in electric shock. z Do not leave the ACB body in the draw-out position. If the ACB body is accidentally dropped, its weight may cause
文件No.PS※※-OMM0006-A 使用说明书产 品 名 称数字式压力开关型式/系列/型号ZSE40A(F)ISE40A目录安全注意事项 2 型式表示・型号体系 9 产品各部品名称及功能 11 用语的定义及用语集 12 安装・设置 15 设置方法 15 配管方法 17 配线方法 19 压力设定 21 什么是设定模式 21 功能设定 23 什么是功能选择模式 23 出厂设定 23 F0 单位切换功能 25 F1 OUT1的设定 26 F2 OUT2的设定 29 F3 响应时间的设定 31 F4 自动预设功能的设定 32 F5 模拟输出/自动移位输入的设定 34 F6 显示值微调整的设定 36 F11 分辨率的设定 37 F80 省电模式的设定 38 F81密码输入的设定 39 特殊功能的设定 40 F90 全功能的设定 40 F97 复制功能的选择 42 F98 输出确认 44 F99 恢复出厂设置 46 其他设定 47 维护 50 忘记密码的情况 51 故障的消除 52 规格 59 规格表 59 外形尺寸图 61安全注意事项这里所示的注意事项是为了能安全正确的使用本产品,预先防止对您和他人造成危害或损失。
*1) ISO 4414: Pneumatic fluid power -- General rules relating to systemsISO 4413: Hydraulic fluid power -- General rules relating to systemsIEC 60204-1: Safety of machinery -- Electrical equipment of machines (Part 1: General requirements) ISO 10218-1: Robots for industrial environments—Safety requirements –Part 1: RobotJIS B 8370: 空气压系统通则JIS B 8361: 油压系统通则JIS B 9960-1: 机械类的安全性-机械的电气装置(第1部:一般要求事项)JIS B 8433-1: 工业机器人- 安全要求事项-第1部: 机器人等*2) 劳动安全卫生法 等注意: 错误操作时,人和设备可能受到损伤的事项。
CKS 旋钮开关产品说明书
R o t a r yRTA Series1–4 Poles Coded Rotary SwitchesFeatures/Benefits • P CB or hand soldering versions • Bushing mounting • Multiple poles• Decimal and hexadecimal codes• Screwdriver slot or extended actuator • RoHS CompliantTypical Applications • A ppliances• Electronic alarm systems • Medical• Building automation • HVAC air conditioningElectrical DataSilver GoldSWITCHING MODE: BBM BBM MAX. SWITCHING POWER 5 VA 0.5 VA MAX. SWITCHING CURRENT: 150 mA 20 mA MAX. CARRYING CURRENT: 5 A 1 A NOMINAL VOLTAGE AT 50 Hz 60 V 25 V CONTACT RESISTANCE: < 150 mΩ < 150 mΩDIELECTRIC STRENGTH AT 50 HzBETWEEN CONTACTS AND GROUND TERMINALS: 500 V r 500 V r INSULATION RESISTANCE BETWEENCONTACTS OR CONTACTS AND FRAME (500 V =): 109 Ω 109 ΩNO. OF OPERATIONS: 10,000 10,000BOUNCE: < 5 ms < 5 msEnvironmental DataOPERATING TEMPERATURE: –20ºC to + 70ºC –20ºC to + 70ºC STORAGE TEMPERATURE: –40ºC to + 85ºC–40ºC to + 85ºCNOTE: Specifications and materials listed above are for switches with standard options. For information on specific and custom switches, consult Customer Service Center.Mechanical DataMAX. NO. OF BANKS: 1.OPERATING TORQUE: 5 Ncm±20%.END STOP TORQUE: 50 Ncm. minimum STOP: With/without or adjustableMOUNTING: By fixed index 9.5 mm (0.374) of center, forbushing mount onlyMaterialsBUSHING/HOUSING: PETP ThermoplasticSTATIONARY CONTACTS & TERMINALS: Nickel Plated Brasswith additional plating of Gold or Silver.ROTOR: Gold or Silver plated Brass or PCB.CODING PLATE: PA thermoplastic ACTUATOR: Polysulfon thermoplasticHARDWARE: Stop pin: Aluminum. Ball & Spring: Stainless steel.Washer: PA. Nut: Brass.Build-A-SwitchTo order, simply select desired option from each category and place in the appropriate box. Available options are shown and described on pages K-9 thru K-12. For additional options not shown in catalog, consult Customer Service Center.Designation RTAIndexing3 30° index (12 positions max.)4 36° index (10 positions max.)TerminationP With PC Thru-holeH Horizontal withPC Thru-holeSwitch Function 1W12 SP, 30° Index, 12 pos. no stop 1W10 SP, 36° Index, 10 pos. no stop 1S02 SP, 30° /36° Index, 2 pos.1S03 SP, 30° /36° Index, 3 pos.1S04 SP, 30° /36° Index, 4 pos.1S05 SP, 30° /36° Index, 5 pos.1S06 SP, 30° /36° Index, 6 pos.1S07 SP, 30° /36° Index, 7 pos.1S08 SP, 30° /36° Index, 8 pos.1S09 SP, 30° /36° Index, 9 pos.1S10 SP, 30° /36° Index, 10 pos.1S11 SP, 30° Index, 11 pos.1S12 SP, 30° Index, 12 pos.2S02 DP, 30° /36° Index, 2 pos.2S03 DP, 30° /36° Index, 3 pos.2S04 DP, 30° /36° Index, 4 pos.2S05 DP, 30° /36° Index, 5 pos.2S06 DP, 30° Index, 6 pos.Contact MaterialS Silver plated, matte-tin terminal P Gold plated, matte-tin terminalActuator (max.)25N .984 (25,0) with screwdriver slot 50N 1.97 (50,0) with screwdriver slot FLS F lush shaft with screwdriver slot and position indicator 25F .984 (25,0) Shaft with flat 06F .236 (6,0) Shaft with flatMounting StyleW Without bushingR 3/8-32 Threaded BushingM M10x.75 Metric Threaded Bushing A 3/8-32 Threaded Bushing with Offset BracketB M10x.75 Metric Threaded 4S02 4P, 30° /36° Index, 2 pos. EW10 Direct + complement, 36º Index, no stopEW12 Direct + complement, 30º Index, no stopES —— Direct + complement, 30º/36º Index, with stop (specify stop position)C3/8-32 Threaded Bushing with Straight BracketD M10x.75 Metric Threaded Bushing with Straight Bracket4 36 index, 10 positions max.Both commons must be connected by user to ground.3 30 index, 12 positions max.HHorizontal with PC Thru-holeNote: “H” termination only available with the following options: 1. With A or B mounting styles 2. 36º degree indexing 3. Up to 5 positions max.3027,67()(RotaryRTA Series1-4 Poles Coded Rotary Switches1 POLE2 POLES 4 POLES BCD + COMPLEMENTS1 POLE2 POLES 4 POLES BCD + COMPLEMENTS4P MODELS SCHEMATICPos. 1121 1222 1323 1424C1 C2 C3 C4DP MODELS SCHEMATICPos. 112131415161122232425262C1 C2SP MODELS SCHEMATICPos.NOTE: Layout view fromcomponent side.Indexing Option Code 3, 30 INDEXING ANGLE PCB LAYOUTIndexing Option Code 4, 36 INDEXING ANGLE PCB LAYOUTNO.POLESMODELNO.2W052W062S022S032S042S052S064S02SWITCHFUNCTION5 PositionsNo StopINDEXDP6 PositionsNo Stop2 Positions3 Positions4 Positions5 Positions6 Positions2 Positions30º/36º30º30º/36º30º/36º30º/36º30º/36º30º30º/36º4PEW10EW12ES——Direct + complement, No stopDirect + complement, No stopDirect + complement, with stop (specify stop position)NO.POLESMODELNO.1W121W101S021S031S051S061S081S091S101S111S12SWITCHFUNCTION12 PositionsNo StopINDEXSP10 PositionsNo Stop3 Positions5 Positions6 Positions9 Positions10 Positions11 Positions12 Positions30º36º30º/36º30º/36º30º/36º30º/36º30º/36º30º30º8 Positions30º/36º2 Positions30º/36ºINDEXMODELNO.SWITCH FUNCTION36º30º30º & 36ºRotaryThird Angle RTA Series1-4 Poles Coded Rotary Switches.87422,2().3388,59()R Mounting3/8 - 32 UNEF.374(9.5).385 DIA (9.8 Ø).134(3.4Ø)PANEL MOUNTING.87422,2().0711,8().60015,2().61815,7().1884,8().0310,8().3388,59()M10METRIC.732(18,6)P ANEL MOUNTING.134 DIA.(3,4ø).374(9,5).402 DIA.(10,2ø).495(12,6)MOUNTING STYLEM M10 x .75 MERTIC THREADED BUSHINGW WITHOUT BUSHINGB M10 x .75 METRIC THREADED BUSHING WITH BRACKETD M10 x .75 METRIC THREADED BUSHING WITH STRAIGHT BRACKETC 3/8-32 THREADED BUSHING WITH STRAIGHT BRACKETR 3/8-32 THREADED BUSHINGNote: A mounting style only available with H termination.Note: B mounting style only available with H termination.Note: W mounting style not available with H termination.Note: R mounting style not available with H termination.Note: M mounting style not available with H termination..618(15,7).600(15,24).071(1,8).031(0,8).188(4,77).735(18,67)PANEL MOUNTING.385 DIA (9.8 Ø)PANEL MOUNTING.60015,24().0711,8().61815,7().87422,2().0310,8().3188,07().60015,24().0711,8().0310,8().73518,67().3188,07().61815,7().385 DIA (9.8 Ø)PANEL MOUNTING.6015,2().328,1()2X ø.082()6X .102,5().307,6()7X ø.040,9()AB C D E F G .6015,2().328,1()2X ø.082()6X .102,5().307,6()7X ø.040,9()AB C D E F G PANEL MOUNTING.6015,2().194,8().307,6()6X .102,5()2X ø.082,1()7X ø.040,9()AB C D E F G .6015,2().194,8().307,6()6X .102,5()2X ø.082,1()7X ø.040,9()AB C D E F G 1.0025,4().6015,2()6X .102,5()14X ø.040,9()AB C D E F G HI J K L M N 1.0025,4().6015,2()6X .102,5()14X ø.040,9()AB C D E F G HI J K L M N 1.0025,4().6015,2()6X .102,5()14X ø.040,9()AB C D E F G HI J K L M N A 3/8-32 THREADED BUSHING WITH BRACKETK RotaryPART NO.Y200300200PCH Standard MetricNOTE: Additional nuts and lockwashers available separately, see section “Technical Data and Additional Hardware”.。
1、四次【方式】进入Z模式,然后打开秤底部的标定开关(用棉签轻轻顶一下即可)2、然后按住【置零】不放同时输入【8822】屏幕出现SPEC 3-CN COUNTPY输入【3】(3代表中国版本)然后【打印】,屏幕出现SPEC Y-C N-T,再按【清除】3、待屏幕出现SCALE TYPE之后用【X】键切换机器型号POLE(带臂显示).BENCN(平台秤).ELEVATE(EV型).HANGING(吊秤)。
CASSE –P(旧74键80/90PCS)。
基本功能的设置一、141功能的设置进入设置:四次【方式】然后按住【置零】同时输【141】,然后参照下表操作如下:1、SPEC00X4 单品条码设为:F1F2CCCCCXXXXX C/D2、SPEC24X16 单品标签格式设为格式13、SPEC49X2 通讯方式设为以太网双绞线4、SPEC64X1 禁止密码设置(=0允许)5、SPEC135X02 秤号的设置6、SPEC141X1 四位年的打印(=0两位年的打印;=1四位年的打印)7、SPEC142X1 允许保质日期超过90天(=0禁止;=1允许)如:SPEC49设置为2,输【49】【X】【2】,【打印】;其他设置同理,所有项目设置完成后按【#】存储,【去皮】不存储退出。
Panasonic D2SW-P系列陨落小型封闭基本开关说明书
㧰㧞㧿㨃-㧼Sealed Basic Switch with Simplified Construction, Mounting Compatible with SS and D2SW Series.●Rubber packing construction keeps dust off and offers temporary waterproofing protection (IEC IP67).●Switch rating of 2 A at 250 VAC possible with a single-leaf movable spring. Models for micro loads are also available.●Solder, quick-connect terminals (#110), PCB terminals, and molded lead wires are available. ●UL, CSA, VDE safety standard approved models are available upon request.RoHS CompliantModel Number Legend(Contact your dealer for detailed delivery date.)D2SW-P @@@@1. Ratings2 : 250 VAC 2 A 01 : 30 VDC 0.1 A2. ActuatorNone : Pin plunger L1 : Hinge leverL2 : Hinge roller lever L3 : Simulated roller lever3. Contact form None : SPDT-2 : SPST-NC (Molded lead wire models only) -3 : SPST-NO (Molded lead wire models only)4. TerminalsH : Solder terminalsD : Self-clinching PCB terminals T : Quick-connect terminals (#110)M : Molded lead wires1 2 3 4 Separator (Sold Separately), Terminal Connector (Sold Separately)Refer to "Micro Switch Common Accessories "D2SW-P Sealed Subminiature Basic Switch㧰㧞㧿㨃-㧼Contact FormContact Specifications*Please refer to "●Using Micro Loads" in "Precautions" for moreinformation on the minimum applicable load.RatingsNote.The above rating values apply under the following test conditions.(1) Ambient temperature: 20±2°C(2) Ambient humidity: 65±5%(3) Operating frequency: 20 operations/minApproved Safety StandardsThe items shown in the "List of Models" are not standard approved models.Consult your OMRON sales representative for specific models with standard approvals.UL (UL1054/CSA C22.2 No.55) VDE (EN61058-1)Testing conditions: 5E4 (50,000 operations) T55 (0°C to 55°C) CharacteristicsNote.The data given above are initial values.*1.The dielectric strength shown in the table indicates values for models with a Separator.*2.The values are at Free Position and Total Travel Position values for pin plunger, and Total Travel Position value for lever. Close or open circuit of contact is 1 ms max.*3.For testing conditions, consult your OMRON sales representative.●SPDT●SPST-NC (Molded lead wire modelsonly)●SPST-NO (Molded lead wiremodels only)COM NO NC(Black)(Blue)(Red)COM NC(Black)(Red)COM NO(Black)(Blue)The color in parenthesesindicates the color of thelead wire.Item Model D2SW-P2 models D2SW-P01 modelsContactSpecification RivetCrossbarMaterial SilverGoldalloyGap (Standard value) 0.5 mmMinimum applicable load(reference value)*160 mA at 5 VDC 1 mA at 5 VDCModel Rated voltage Resistive loadD2SW-P2 models250 VAC2 A30 VDCD2SW-P01 models125 VAC0.1 A30 VDCRated voltage Model D2SW-P2 D2SW-P01125 VAC250 VAC-2 A0.1 A-30 VDC 2 A 0.1 ARated voltage Model D2SW-P2 D2SW-P01125 VAC250 VAC-2 A0.1 A-30 VDC 2 A 0.1 AItem Model D2SW-P2 models D2SW-P01 modelsPermissible operating speed 0.1 mm to 500 mm/s (for pin plunger models)Permissible operatingfrequencyMechanical 120operations/min Electrical 30operations/min Insulation resistance 100 mΩ min. (500 VDC with insulation tester)Contact resistance(initial value)Terminal models 50 mΩ max. 100 mΩ max.Molded lead wire models 100 mΩ max. 150 mΩ max.Dielectric strength *1Between terminals of thesame polarity1,000 VAC 50/60 Hz for 1 min 600 VAC 50/60 Hz for 1 minBetween current-carryingmetal parts and ground1,500 VAC 50/60 Hz for 1 minBetween each terminalsand non-current-carryingmetal parts1,500 VAC 50/60 Hz for 1 minVibration resistance *2 Malfunction 10 to 55 Hz, 1.5-mm double amplitudeShock resistanceDestruction1,000 m/s2 {approx. 100G} max.Malfunction *2 300 m/s2 {approx. 30G} max.Durability *3Mechanical 1,000,000 operations min. (60 operations/min)Electrical 50,000 operations min. (20 operations/min) 200,000 operations min. (20 operations/min)Degree of protectionTerminal models IEC IP67 (excluding the terminals on terminal models)Molded lead wire models IEC IP67Degree of protection against electric shock Class IProof tracking index (PTI) 250Ambient operating temperature -20°C to +70°C (at ambient humidity of 60% max.) (with no icing or condensation)Ambient operating humidity 85% max. (for +5 to +35°C)Weight Approx. 2 g (for pin plunger models with terminals)D2SW-PSealed Subminiature Basic Switch㧰㧞㧿㨃-㧼Terminals and Shapes (Unit: mm)●Solder terminals●Quick-connect terminals (#110)●PCB terminals <PCB Mounting Dimensions (Reference)>●Molded lead wiresMounting Holes(Unit: mm)±0.1±0.1±0.11.5 dia.D2SW-P Sealed Subminiature Basic Switch㧰㧞㧿㨃-㧼Dimensions (Unit: mm) / Operating CharacteristicsThe illustrations and drawings are for solder terminal models.Refer to "Terminals and Shapes" of previous page for details on models with quick-connect terminals (#110) or PCB terminals or molded lead wires.The @ in the model number is for the contact form code or the terminal code. See the "List of Models" for available combinations of models.Note 1.Unless otherwise specified, a tolerance of ±0.4 mm applies to all dimensions.Note 2.The operating characteristics are for operation in the A direction ().±0.12.35+-0.05+-0.05+-0.05●Hinge Lever ModelsD2SW-P2L1@@D2SW-P01L@@ModelOperating characteristicsD2SW-P2L1@@D2SW-P01L1@@Operating ForceReleasing ForceOFRFMax.Min.0.6 N {61 gf}0.05 N {5 gf}OvertravelMovement DifferentialOTMDMin.Max.0.8 mm0.8 mmFree PositionOperating PositionFPOPMax. 13.6mm8.8±0.8 mm●Pin Plunger ModelsD2SW-P2@@D2SW-P01@@ModelOperating characteristicsD2SW-P2@@D2SW-P01@@Operating ForceReleasing ForceOFRFMax.Min.1.8 N {184 gf}0.2 N {20 gf}PretravelOvertravelMovement DifferentialPTOTMDMax.Min.Max.0.6 mm0.4 mm0.15 mmOperating Position OP 8.4±0.3mm●Hinge Roller Lever ModelsD2SW-P2L2@@D2SW-P01L2@@ModelOperating characteristicsD2SW-P2L2@@D2SW-P01L2@@Operating ForceReleasing ForceOFRFMax.Min.0.6 N {61 gf}0.05 N {5 gf}OvertravelMovement DifferentialOTMDMin.Max.0.8 mm0.8 mmFree PositionOperating PositionFPOPMax.19.3 mm14.5±0.8 mm●Simulated Roller Lever ModelsD2SW-P2L3@@D2SW-P01L3@@ModelOperating characteristicsD2SW-P2L3@@D2SW-P01L3@@Operating ForceReleasing ForceOFRFMax.Min.0.6 N {61 gf}0.05 N {5 gf}OvertravelMovement DifferentialOTMDMin.Max.0.8 mm0.8 mmFree PositionOperating PositionFPOPMax. 15.5mm10.7±0.8 mmD2SW-PSealed Subminiature Basic Switch㧰㧞㧿㨃-㧼Precautions★ Please refer to "Basic Switches Common Precautions" for correct use.●Degree of Protection•Do not use this product in water.Although this models satisfy the test conditions for thestandard given below, this test is to check the ingress of water into the switch enclosure after submerging the Switch in water for a given time. Satisfying this test condition does not mean that the Switch can be used in water.JIS C0920:Degrees of protection provided by enclosures of electrical apparatus (IP Code) IEC 60529:Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP Code) Degree of protection: IP67(check water intrusion after immersion for 30 min submerged 1 m underwater)•Do not operate the Switch when it is exposed to water spray, or when water drops adhere to the Switch surface, or during sudden temperature changes, otherwise water may intrude into the interior of the Switch due to a suction effect. •Prevent the Switch from coming into contact with oil and chemicals.Otherwise, damage to or deterioration of Switch materials may result.•Do not use the Switch in areas where it is exposed to silicon adhesives, oil, or grease, otherwise faulty contact may result due to the generation of silicon oxide.•The environment-resistant performance of the switch differs depending on operating loads, ambient atmospheres, and installation conditions, etc. Please perform an operating test of the switch in advance under actual usage conditions.●Soldering•Connecting to Solder TerminalsWhen soldering the lead wire to the terminal, first insert the lead wire conductor through the terminal hole and then conduct soldering.Complete the soldering at the iron tip temperature between 350 to 400°C within 3 seconds, and do not apply any external force for 1 minute after soldering. Soldering at a excessively high temperature or soldering for more than 3 s may deteriorate the characteristics of the Switch. •Connecting to Quick-connect TerminalsWire the quick-connect terminals (#110) with receptacles. Insert the terminals straight into the receptacles. Applying excessive external force laterally may cause deformation of terminals and may damage the housings.•Connecting to PCB terminalsWhen using automatic soldering baths, we recommend soldering at 260±5°C within 5 seconds. Make sure that the liquid surface of the solder does not flow over the edge of the board.When soldering terminals manually, complete the soldering at the iron tip temperature between 350 to 400°C within 3seconds, and do not apply any external force for 1 minute after soldering. When applying solder, keep the solder away from the case of the Switch and do not allow solder or flux to flow into the case.●Side-actuated (Cam/Dog) Operation •When using a cam or dog to operate the Switch, factors such as the operating speed, operating frequency, push-button indentation, and material and shape of the cam or dog will affect the durability of the Switch. Confirm performancespecifications under actual operation conditions before using the Switch in applications.●Mounting•Turn OFF the power supply before mounting or removing the Switch, wiring, or performing maintenance or inspection. Failure to do so may result in electric shock or burning. •Use M2.3 mounting screws with plane washers or spring washers to securely mount the Switch.Tighten the screws to a torque of 0.23 to 0.26 N·m {2.3 to 2.7kgf·cm}. Exceeding the specified torque may result in deterioration of the sealing or damage.●Operating Body•Use an operating body with low frictional resistance and of a shape that will not interfere with the sealing rubber, otherwise the plunger may be damaged or the sealing may deteriorate. With the pin plunger models, set the Switch so that the plunger can be pushed in from directly above. Since the plunger is covered with a rubber cap, applying a force from lateral directions may cause damage to the plunger or reduction in the sealing capability. Since the plunger is covered with a rubber cap, applying a force from lateral directions may cause damage to the plunger or reduction in the sealing capability.●Handling•Do not handle the Switch in a way that may cause damage to the sealing rubber.•When handling the Switch, ensure that uneven pressure or, as shown in the following diagram, pressure in a direction other than the operating direction is not applied to the Actuator, otherwise the Actuator or Switch may be damaged, or durability may be decreased.●Wiring Molded Lead Wire Models•When wiring molded lead wire models, ensure that there is no force applied on the wire or that there are no sharp bends near the parts where the wire is drawn out.Otherwise, damage to the Switch or deterioration in the sealing may result.CautionsCorrect UseD2SW-P Sealed Subminiature Basic Switch㧰㧞㧿㨃-㧼●Using Micro Loads•Using a model for ordinary loads to open or close the contactof a micro load circuit may result in faulty contact. Use modelsthat operate in the following range. However, even when usingmicro load models within the following operating range, ifinrush current occurs when the contact is opened or closed, itmay increase the contact wear and so decrease durability.Therefore, insert a contact protection circuit where necessary.The N-level reference value applies for the minimumapplicable load.This value indicates the malfunction referencelevel for the reliability level of 60% (λ60). (JIS C5003)The equation λ60=0.5×10-6/operations indicates that theestimated malfunction rate is less than operationswith a reliability level of 60%.12,000,000Current (mA)Voltage(V)•Application examples provided in this document are for reference only. In actual applications, confirm equipment functions and safety before using the product.• Consult your OMRON representative before using the product under conditions which are not described in the manual or applying the product to nuclear control systems, railroad systems, aviation systems, vehicles, combustion systems, medical equipment, amusement machines, safety equipment, and other systems or equipment that may have a serious influence on lives and property if used improperly. Make sure that the ratings and performance characteristics of the product provide a margin of safety for the system or equipment, and be sure to provide the system or equipment with double safety mechanisms.OMRON CorporationELECTRONIC AND MECHANICAL COMPONENTS COMPANY Contact: /ecb Cat. No. B109-E1-040812(0207)(O)Note: Do not use this document to operate the Unit.。
Limit switch Manual1,overviewlimit switch is installed above the pneumatic or manual valve through the rotation of the cylinder or the rotation of the handwheel,passed to the internal spindle limit switch,two spindles above a standard cam,induction or contact modules.Conduction or cut the circuit current,send binary signal to the control room.To judge the opening or closing of valves in the control room.2,install1)mounting bracket adjustment of limit switches in this series can be configured-fixed frameand modular bracket,mounting dimensions are in line with NUMER binations of combined support in Figure1.2)external wiring and switch cam set(debug switch location)a)loosen cover the four fastening screws on the switch,open the upper cover.According tothe design of control systems and requirements,through the cable interface on the body, access the feedback signal line.Limit switch wiring standard cable line should be0.5mm²-1mm²standard terminals maximum connection2.5mm²cable,plug-type terminals maximum connection cable1.5mm².1~3standard mechanical switch terminals to off output signal open signal output,4~6;are SPDT wiring methods1-2and4-5are normally closed(NC),2-3and5-6,as normally open (NO).7~8number is reserved,and can be connected to the solenoid valve.Other internal wiring and adjustment method of contact,switch casing wiring diagram and accompanying adjustment instructions shall prevail.b)limit switches in the wiring has been completed,found on the main shaft and gear fitupper and lower cams.Following corresponding closed position of the cam,cam above open positions.Limit switch open or closed location State,to gear with his hand in the opposite direction drive corresponding to the switch position of the cam,the cam out fixed gear,cam can rotate around until the switch to electric shock to adjust to the activated State,then loosen the cam in the spring under pressure combined with gear reduction,and tie firmly.Repeated switching valves and adjust as described above until the signal feedback,correct and reliable.Finished,cover the lid and tighten the screws firmly.3)limit switch indicates adjustmentdue to the connection of mechanical clearance limit switch position deviation may occur on the instructions.First,adjust the valve to the closed or open position,observation indicates whether to display correctly.If there is deviation from,the fixed indicators cover the four fastening screws,loosen(do not have screws removed),the guard rotation adjustment,with the switching of the valve until adjusted to the proper position,then fastening screws tightened.3,operation Note:1)before you open the switch must disconnect the power supply.2)position indicator and on the limit switch cover,on the limit switch cover and body aresealed with O-rings,disassembly and reassembly process to ensure that cannot cause any damage to the o-rings.3)cable connectors that are not used must be sealed with plugs to ensure waterproof andexplosion-proof requirements.juwiwww.juwivalve.com限位开关说明书1、概述限位开关是安装在气动阀门或手动阀门上面,通过气缸的转动或手轮的转动,传递给限位开关内部主轴,主轴上面有标准的两个凸轮,感应或接触模块。
ROSAHL RB-OP19005C 电解除湿元件 操作说明书
安全注意事项必须使用3V 直流电压。
不可搞错极性! 元件的供电电源请参考注意事项:第3项进行选择。
电解除湿元件ROSAHL ROSAHLElectric Micro Dehumidifier 小型除湿元件 操作说明书 1. 使用前,请仔细阅读本操作说明书,确保正确使用。
2. 施工人员、负责日常操作、管理及保养的人员必须持有操作说明书。
注意 邮编661-0001 兵库县尼崎市冢口本町8丁目1-1电话:+81-6(6497)9078 传真:+81-6(6497)9082 禁止拆解RS1(焊接型)/ RS2(接插端子型) 禁止 禁止禁止禁止禁止 禁止RYOSAI TECHNICA CO., LTD.<安装方法>在产品腔体开排湿孔,用密封垫密封并用M2螺丝・垫圈(外径φ5)固定。
(最大扭矩:0.088N ・m )此外,垫圈非随附品,请另行准备。
(可能因灰尘、金属片等堆积而导致元件故障)此外,使用硅胶垫圈时, 必须使用经硫化处理的产品。
(例:200℃, 6h )※为了避免对除湿元件产生影响,本产品中使用的硅胶垫圈已由本公司进行硫化处理(200℃, 6h )。
ASAHI AV 膜式阀门 Type 15 用户手册说明书
Serial No. H-V031-E-8Diaphragm Valves Type 15User’s ManualContents(1) Be sure to read the following warrantyclauses of our product 1(2) General operating instructions 2(3) General instructions for transportation,unpacking and storage 3(4) Name of parts 4(5) Working pressure vs. temperature 6(6) Specification of limit switch 7procedure7Installation(7)(8) Connection of limit switch procedure 8(9) Operating procedure 9(10) Adjustment procedure for stopper 10(11) Diaphragm replacement procedure 11Inspectionitems 12(12)Troubleshooting12(13)(14) Handling of residual and12wastematerialsThis user’s guide contains information important to the proper installation, maintenance and safe use of an ASAHI AV Product. Please store this manual in an easily accessible location.<Warning & Caution Signs>This symbol reminds the user to take caution due to the potential for serious injury or death.This symbol reminds the user to take caution due to the potential for damage to the valve if used in such a manner.<Prohibited & Mandatory Action Signs>Prohibited: When operating the valve, this symbol indicates an action that should not be taken.Mandatory action: When operating the valve, this symbol indicates mandatory actions that must be adhered to.(1) Be sure to read the following warranty clauses of our product- Always observe the specifications of and the precautions and instructions on using our product.- We always strive to improve product quality and reliability, but cannot guarantee perfection. Therefore, should you intend to use this product with any equipment or machinery that may pose the risk of serious or even fatal injury, or property damage, ensure an appropriate safety design or take other measures with sufficient consideration given to possible problems. We shall assume no responsibility for any inconvenience stemming from any action on your part without our written consent in the form of specifications or other documented approval.- The related technical documents, operation manuals, and other documentation prescribe precautions on selecting, constructing, installing, operating, maintaining, and servicing our products. For details, consult with our nearest distributor or agent.- Our product warranty extends for one and a half years after the product is shipped from our factory or one year after the product is installed, whichever comes first. Any product abnormality that occurs during the warranty period or which is reported to us will be investigated immediately to identify its cause. Should our product be deemed defective, we shall assume the responsibility to repair or replace it free of charge.- Any repair or replacement needed after the warranty period ends shall be charged to the customer. - The warranty does not cover the following cases:(1) Using our product under any condition not covered by our defined scope of warranty.(2) Failure to observe our defined precautions or instructions regarding the construction, installation, handling,maintenance, or servicing of our product.(3) Any inconvenience caused by any product other than ours.(4) Remodeling or otherwise modifying our product by anyone other than us.(5) Using any part of our product for anything other than the intended use of the product.(6) Any abnormality that occurs due to a natural disaster, accident, or other incident not stemming fromsomething inside our product.WarningCaution(2) Generaloperating instructions- Using a positive-pressure gas with our plastic piping may pose a dangerous condition due to the repellent force particular to compressible fluids even when the gas is under similar pressures used forliquids.Therefore, be sure to take the necessary safety precautions such as covering the piping with protective material. For inquiries, please contact us. For conducting a leak test on newly installed piping, be sure to check for leaks under water pressure. If absolutely necessary to use a gas in testing, please consult your nearest service station beforehand.- Do not step on or apply excessive weight on valve. (It can be damaged.)- Do not use the valve in conditions where the fluid may have crystallized.(The valve will not operate properly.) - Keep the valve away from excessive heat or fire. (It can be damaged, or destroyed.)- Always operate the valve within the pressure vs. temperature range.(The valve can be damaged or deformed by operating beyond the allowable range.)- Allow sufficient space for maintenance and inspection.- Select a valve material that is compatible with the media. For chemical resistance information, refer to “CHEMICAL RESISTANCE ON ASAHI AV VALVE”. (Some chemicals may damage incompatible valve materials.)- Keep the valve out of direct sunlight, water and dust. Use cover to shield the valve. (The valve will not operate properly.)- Perform periodic maintenance.(Leakage may develop due to temperature changes or periods of prolonged storage, rest, or operation.) - The travel stop may have to be adjusted if media leakage is detected between the upstream & downstream sides of the valve.- Bonnet bolt torque should be checked before installation, as they may become loose after long-term storage. A periodic check of the valve condition as well as bonnet & flange bolt torque should be made part of preventative maintenance program properly re-tightening the bolts as necessary. It is especially important to re-tighten all bolts during the first shutdown.Nom. Size mm (inch)Bonnet tightening torque valueN ・m {kgf ・cm} [lb ・inch]Rubber PTEF 125 (5)45.0 {459} [400] 45.0 {459} [400] 150 (6)45.0 {459} [400]45.0 {459} [400]WarningCaution(3) General instructions for transportation, unpacking and storage- When suspending and supporting a valve, take care and do not stand under a suspended valve.- This valve is not designed to handle impacts of any kind. Avoid throwing or dropping the valve. - Avoid scratching the valve with any sharp object.- Do not over-stack cardboard shipping boxes. Excessively stacked packages may collapse. - Avoid contact with any coal tar creosote, insecticides, vermicides or paint. (These chemicals may cause damage to the valve.) - When transporting a valve, do not carry it by the handle. - Store products in their corrugated cardboard boxes. Avoid exposing products to directsunlight, and store them indoors (at room temperature). Also avoid storing products in areas with excessive temperatures. (Corrugated cardboard packages become weaker as they become wet with water or other liquid. Take care in storage and handling.)- After unpacking the products, check that they are defect-free and meet the specifications.Warning Caution(4) Name of partsNominal Size: 125, 150mm (5”, 6”)No. DESCRIPTION No. DESCRIPTION No. DESCRIPTION[20] Nut[1] Body [9] Sleeve(A)[1a] Inserted Nut [10] Thrust bearing(A) [21] Gauge cover[2] Bonnet [11] O-ringliner(A) [22] BonnetNipple [23] Stud bolt・nut[3] Diaphragm [12] Grease[3a] Inserted metal of DIA [13] Hand wheel [24] Bolt・Nut[4] Cushion [14] Name Plate [26] Body liner[4a] Cushion cover [15] Cap [27] Rib linerring [28] U-bolt・nut[5] Compressor [17] SheetConicalwasherspring[18] Stopper [29]Pin[7]Compressorwasher[8] Stem [19]Spring[22], [26], [27], [28], [29] are used with special specification.Nominal Size: 125, 150mm (5”, 6”) with Limit Switch (Option)No. DESCRIPTION No.DESCRIPTION[36] Limit Switch [38]Nut (A)[37] Bracket (A) [40]Limit Switch Rod(6) Specification of limit switch (option)Nominal Size Type CodeProtection Grade125, 150mm (5”, 6”)1LS1-J IP67Limit Switch Rating Connection Rate Voltage (V) Resistive Load (A) Inductive Load (A)AC125 10 6 AC250 10 6 DC115 0.8 0.2 DC230 0.4 0.1(7) Installation procedure- When suspending and supporting a valve, take care and do not stand under a suspended valve.- Be sure to conduct a safety check on all hand and power tools to be used before beginning work. - Wear protective gloves and safety goggles as fluid remain in the valve even if the pipeline is empty. (You may be injured.)- When installing a pipe support by means of a U-band or something similar, take care not to over-tighten. (Excessive force may damage the pipe.)- When installing pipes and valves, ensure that they are not subjected to tension, compression, bending, impact, or other excessive stress.- When installing, disassembling, or reassembling the piping, fix the End Connector.- When connecting an ASAHI AV Valve to metal piping, take care not to let the pipe stress on the ASAHI AV Valve.- Be sure to use sealing gaskets (AV Gasket), bolts, nuts, and washers and tighten them to specified torques. (When a non-AV gasket is used, a different tightening torque specification should be followed.)Procedure1) Set the AV gasket between the flanges.2) Insert washers and bolts from the pipe side, insert washers and nuts from the valve side, then temporarily tightenthem by hand.WarningCaution3) Using a torque wrench, tighten the bolts and nuts gradually to the specified torque in a diagonal manner (Refer to fig.1.)Specified torque value Unit : N ・m {kgf ・cm }[lb ・inch]Nom. Size 125mm (5”) 150mm (6”) Torque value40.0{408} [355]40.0{408} [355]- Tighten the bolts and nuts gradually with a torque wrench to the specifiedtorque level in a diagonal manner.(8) Connection of limit switch procedure (option)- Shut down the power on the equipment before connecting wires. There are risks of electrical shock depending on the level of operating voltage.- Be sure that the terminal cover and body cover are put on during the operation. - If you use the limit switch at 1mA-100mA or 5-30V, consult near Asahi dealer.CautionCautionCautionWarningProcedure1) Loosen the three screws used to attach the limit switch cover with ascrewdriver (+) and remove the cover from the limit switch. *These screws are captive.2) Pull and remove the protective cap, made of resin, from the cover.3) Draw the cable through the connector.4) Strip the cable with a wire stripper.5) Install a crimp-style terminal on the lead wire with a terminalcrimping tool.6) Connect the terminal screw with a screwdriver (+) according to the internal circuit diagram show in page 7.* Tighten the screws.(If not, electric leaks or shocks may occur.)7) Tighten the above three screws with a screw driver (+) to install the cover on the limit switch.8) Tighten the cable by connector.(9) Operating procedure- Do not exert excessive force in closing the valve.- Do not use the valve to fluid containing slurry. (The valve will not operate properly.)- The installed valve must never be opened or closed when foreign matter such as sand is present in the pipeline.- When operating the handle, be sure to do so with your hand. (Using a tool may damage the handle.) - If a stopper is loose, adjust it. (To learn how to adjust it, see the operation manual.)○ ○Caution(10) Adjustment procedure for stopper- If a stopper is loose, adjust it. (To learn how to adjust it, see the operation manual.) - Tighten the stoppers securely. (Too weak a torque on a stopper may cause it to loosen.)Travel stop adjustment1) Loosen the gauge cover [21] with hand.3) Loosen the stopper [20].fluid stops.(counter-clockwise) 180°.6) Tighten the nut [18] to the stopper [20] with spanner wrench.7) Tighten the gauge cover [21].Tightening torque of the screw Unit : N ・m {kgf ・cm} [lb ・inch]Nom. Size 125mm (5”), 150mm(6”)Torque valve 10.0 {102} [89]Caution(11) Diaphragm replacement procedure- I f you do work with the piping installed, drain the piping of all its fluid. Some fluid will remain in the valve. Therefore wear protective goggles and protective gloves. (You may otherwise get injured.)1) Drain fluid completely from the pipeline.2) Remove valve bonnet from the body.3) Turn handle of valve clockwise until it stops. (Do not force it).The compressor should be fully extended out of the bonnet.4) Turn the diaphragm clockwise to remove the diaphragm and mount the new diaphragm by reversing step.5) Mount the bonnet to the valve by reversing step 2. Tighten bonnet bolts by hand only.6) Rotate the handle 360°counter-clockwise.7) Using a torque wrench, tighten the bonnet bolts in a diagonal, cross-cross pattern.8) Re-adjust the stopper if necessary.CautionProblem Cause TreatmentFluid is leaking past the fully closed position. The travel stop is not set correctly. Adjust the travel stop.Solid particles have lodged in the valve.Clear the solid particles from the valve.Media has worn diaphragm and / orweir. Replace.Valve can not be fully open. The diaphragm has pulled off the stem.Replace diaphragm. If the valve is invacuum service, special vacuumvalves may be required.Consult factory.The metal joint failed. Remove diaphragm & compressorand replace joint.The handle spins freely. The stem is broken. Disassemble bonnet and replace thestem.The metal joint failed. Remove diaphragm & compressorand replace joint.Valve leaks between body and bonnet. Bonnet bolts have loosened. Re-tighten.Media has crystallized on thediaphragm. Disassemble and clean on a regularbasis. Replace failed diaphragm, ifnecessary.The diaphragm has failed due tofatigue. Replace.Valve leaks from stem. The diaphragm has failed. Replace.(14) Handling of residual and waste materials- Make sure to consult a waste treatment dealer for recommendations on the proper disposal of plastic valves. (Poisonous gas is generated when the valve is burned improperly.)Caution WarningDiaphragm Valve Type 15Information in this manual is subject to change without notice.2016.4。
CKS 微型旋钮开关说明书
C-1 ON
2- ø 1.30
2-ø 0.90
7.60 11.00 14.80 PIERCING PLAN
How To Order Part number list is shown below. For individual part details, please refer to the following pages.
Part Number (Part Description) RW-108 NS RT
ø 3.00
6 3
3.00 4.20
0.25 2.00
7.60 12.00 13.50
2- ø 0.40 2- ø 0.80
2- ø 0.80 2- ø 0.20
0˚ 45˚ 90˚ 135˚ 180˚ 225˚ 270˚ 315˚ 360˚
RW Series Sub-miniature Rotary Switches
Features/Benefits • 8 and 10 positions • SMT version • Subminiature design
KINDUSTRIAL STRENGTH IN-LINE PLASTIC FLOW SWITCHFSW-140 SeriesU P reset Switch Points, 0.07 to 2.00 GPM U ³⁄₈ NPT Male or¹⁄₄" Quick Disconnect U C hemical Resistant PolypropyleneU For Low Viscosity LiquidsThe FSW-140 Series rugged inline flow switches offer superior performance. Their fixed set-point and simple design make it adependable switch. This series is an ideal choice for coolantapplications requiring reliable flow detection in HVAC, semiconductor, welding, medical and otherindustries. The ¹⁄₄" quick disconnect units have a host of snap-on mating adaptors available to fit most piping requirements.SPeCiFiCaTioNSWetted Materials:H ousing: Glass reinforced polypropylene Piston: PPS composite S pring: 316 stainless steel o -Ring: Fluorocarbon operating Pressure:8.6 bar (125 psi) @ 21°C (70°F) 3.4 bar (50 psi) @ 100°C (212°F)operating Temperature: -18 to 100°C (0 to 212°F)Set Point accuracy: 20% of set point Set Point Differential: 20% maximum Switch: SPST , 10VA, normally open at no flowelectrical Termination: 610 mm (24") polymeric leads, 22 AWG Filtration: 100 micronFSW-142 plastic flow switch.FSW-143-QD quickFLOW25(1)¼" Quick Disconnect Male AdaptorSee next page for adaptor model numbers.Both models shown actual size.Comes complete with operator’s manualOrdering Examples: FSW-143, 0.25 GPM, plastic flow switch with 3⁄8 NPT connections.FSW-146-QD, 1.5 GPM plastic flow switch with quick disconnect, two FT-PLC170-04, 1⁄4" ID hose barb/quick disconnect fittings.PiPe THReaD iN LiNe, Streamline Design5⁄8" HexSPeCiFiCaTioNSThermoplastic Quick CouplingsWorking Pressure:Vacuum to 120 psi (8.3 bar)operating Temperature:-40 to 82°C (-40 to 180°F) continuous Materials:Bodies and Valves: Acetalinternal Spring: 316 Stainless Steel external Springs, Pin, Latch: Stainless Steel Seals: Buna, others available Color: Natural white, others available Tubing Sizes: 1⁄4 thru 3⁄8" ID, 1⁄4 and 3⁄8" OD 6 x 4 mm thru 12 x 8 mm (OD x ID)Acetal and chrome-plated brass coupling halves interchange.† Visit /rohs to determine specific RoHS compliance.†† PTF fittings are designed for semi-rigid tubing, i.e. polyethylene, nylon etc. and polyurethane tubing. FT-PLC170-04Both models shown actual size.FT-PLC100-04。
Asahi Series 94电动阀门电动驱动器工程规格说明书
ASAHI/AMERICARev. H 1-18•***********************•Tel:800-343-3618•781-321-5409•Fax:800-426-7058Engineering Specifications Size: A94, B94Torque: 150-300 in/lbs Voltage: 120 VAC 1Ph 50/60 Hz Amp Draw: A94 .5A, B94 .8A Conduit Entry: Two (2) 1/2" NPT Max Ambient Temperature: 150º F Switches: Two single pole, double throw (Two SPDT) 15 amp ratedCycle Time per 90º: A94, B94: 5 seconds• Motor: Reversing, brushless, capacitor-run 120 VAC 50/60 Hz, single phase• Overload protection: Integral thermal overload protection for motor windings with automatic reset • Gear train: Permanently lubricated• Corrosion resistant enclosure: Engineered resin rated NEMA Type 4X with stainless steel trim • ISO mounting configuration: F05 x 14mm star • Conduit: Two 1/2" NPT conduit entries to eliminate cross feed between control, feedback, and power signals • Position indication: Highly visible position indicator for positive position of valve• Declutchable manual override: Push down on handle and rotate in the appropriate direction (CCW for open, CW for close)• Limit switches: Standard end of travel limit switchescan be used for light indication(not to be use with PLC for position confirmation)• Corrosion resistant mounting: Mounting is with PPG orstainless steel bracket, stainless steel coupling, andstainless steel hardware• CE compliant motor: All 120 VAC and 220 VAC motorsare CE compliant and stamped as such• Extended duty cycles: Our extended duty cycles are ideal for modulating and high cycling applications • Output torque: Series 94 electric actuators have an output torque range from 150 in/lbs. to 300 in./lbs.• Enclosure: Corrosion proof weatherproof rated Type 4X • Captivated SS hex head slotted cover screwsEngineering DataOptions• Auxiliary (additional) limit switches • Heater and thermostat • RHM (see page 199)• Mechanical brake • Transmitter• Cycle length control module (CLC)• Two-wire control • Center-off• Failsafe battery back up (Protek)• Voltages• Local Remote Station (LL200)See page 187 for more details regarding options.Note: Amp rating is considered locked rotor. Duty cycles are for ambient temperature (73º F).*Cycle times are approximate.UL-508Listed•***********************•Tel:800-343-3618•781-321-5409•Fax:800-426-7058ASAHI/AMERICARev. H 1-18Engineering SpecificationsSize: A94, B94Torque: 150-300 in/lbsVoltage: 120 VAC 1Ph 50/60 HzAmp Draw: A94 .5A, B94 .8A Conduit Entry: Two (2) ½” FNPT Max Ambient Temperature: 150º FSwitches: Two (2) single pole, double throw(2-SPDT) 15 amp ratedCycle Time per 90º: A94, B94: 5 secondsRHM Module: Heater and thermostat with two (2) SPDT 8A dry contact relays (Auxiliary switches)• Motor: Reversing, brushless, capacitor run 120 VAC 50/60 Hz, single phase• Overload protection: Integral thermal overload protection for motor windings with automatic reset• Gear train: Permanently lubricated, solid gear that is Rockwell hardened• Corrosion resistant enclosure: Engineered resin rated Type 4X with stainless steel trim• ISO mounting configuration: F05/14mm star• Conduit: Two ½” FNPT conduit entries to eliminate cross feed between control, feedback, and power signals• Position indication: Highly visible position indicator for positive position of valve• Declutchable manual override: Push down on handle and rotate in appropriate direction (CCW for open/CW for close)• Limit switches: Two (2) SPDT end of travel limit switches can be used for light indication (not to be use with PLC for positionconfirmation)• RHM Module: Module consisting of a heater and thermostat, and 2-SPDT 8A dry contact relays for PLC position confirmation,or auxiliary equipment • Captivated SS hexhead slotted enclosure screws• Corrosion resistant mounting: Mounting is with PPG or SS bracket, SS coupling and SS fasteners• CE compliant motor : All 120 VAC and 220 VAC motors are CE compliant stamped as such• Extended duty cycles: Extended duty cycles are ideal for modulating and high cycling applications• Output torque: Series 94 Electric Actuators have an output torque range from 150 in/lbs to 300 in/lbs• Enclosure: Corrosion proof weather proof rated Type 4XEngineering DataOptions• Feedback Potentiometer • Positioner (modulating PCB)• Transmitter • Mechanical brake• Cycle Length Control Module (CLC)• Two-wire Control• Failsafe Battery Back Up (Protek)• Voltages• HMI/LRS Control StationNote: Amp rating is considered locked rotor. Duty cycles are for ambient temperature (73º F).*Cycle times are approximate.UL-508ListedGeneral Parts ListSample Specification Array All Series 94 electric actuators shall have a thermallyprotected, bi-directional (reversing type), capacitor run motorwith a permanently lubricated gear train. 120 VAC and220 VAC motors shall conform to CE and be indicated onmotor housing. Actuator shall have a Zytel FR50 engineeredresin housing with stainless steel trim, rated Type 4X.Each actuator to have a declutchable manual override,visual position indication, ISO mounting configuration, asmanufactured by Asahi/America, Inc.ASAHI/AMERICA •***********************•Tel:800-343-3618•781-321-5409•Fax:800-426-7058Rev. H 1-18。
Sensata Technologies SSF212系列纵向安装外置浮雕式开关规格说明书
Page 1Copyright © 2021 Sensata Technologies, Inc. | SSF212 SERIESCOMPACT EXTERNAL FITTING VIA 1/2″NPT THREADSPECIFICATIONSThe SSF212 series are horizontally mounted switches that are fitted via a 1/2”NPT thread from the outside of the tank, so does not require access to the inside of the tank.These are manufactured in SS 304 & 316 and will work in liquids of SG 0.8 minimum.The switch action may be reversed by mounting the device with the orientation arrow pointing downwards, instead of the normal upwards direction.These are available with either 100cm flying lead, DIN 43650 plug & socket or M12 round connection.Cable sets are available for use with M12 connection versions.Features• External fitting via 1/2”NPT thread • SS 316 float• Compact switch design• High Temperature version available (180ºC)• User configurable N/O (make on rise) or N/C (make on fall)TechnicalElectricalAll ratings are for resistive load only.Page 2CONTACT US+44 (0)1202 897969*********************Cynergy3 Components Ltd. 7 Cobham Road,Ferndown Industrial Estate, Wimborne, Dorset,BH21 7PE, United KingdomCopyright © 2021 Sensata Technologies, Inc.Sensata Technologies, Inc. (“Sensata”) data sheets are solely intended to assist designers (“Buyers”) who are developing systems that incorporate Sensata products (also referred to herein as “components”). Buyer understands and agrees that Buyer remains responsible for using its independent analysis, evaluation and judgment in designing Buyer’s systems and products. Sensata data sheets have been created using standard laboratory conditions and engineering practices. Sensata has not conducted any testing other than that specifically described in the published documentation for a particular data sheet. Sensata may make corrections, enhancements, improvements and other changes to its data sheets or components without notice.Buyers are authorized to use Sensata data sheets with the Sensata component(s) identified in each particular data sheet. HOWEVER, NO OTHER LICENSE, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, BY ESTOPPEL OR OTHERWISE TO ANY OTHER SENSATA INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHT, AND NO LICENSE TO ANY THIRD PARTY TECHNOLOGY OR INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHT, IS GRANTED HEREIN. SENSATA DATA SHEETS ARE PROVIDED “AS IS”. SENSATA MAKES NO WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS WITH REGARD TO THE DATA SHEETS OR USE OF THE DATA SHEETS, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING ACCURACY OR COMPLETENESS. SENSATA DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTY OF TITLE AND ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, QUIET ENJOYMENT, QUIET POSSESSION, AND NON-INFRINGEMENT OF ANY THIRD PARTY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS WITH REGARD TO SENSATA DATA SHEETS OR USE THEREOF.All products are sold subject to Sensata’s terms and conditions of sale supplied at SENSATA ASSUMES NO LIABILITY FOR APPLICATIONS ASSISTANCE OR THE DESIGN OF BUYERS’ PRODUCTS. BUYER ACKNOWLEDGES AND AGREES THAT IT IS SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR COMPLIANCE WITH ALL LEGAL, REGULATORY AND SAFETY-RELATED REQUIREMENTS CONCERNING ITS PRODUCTS, AND ANY USE OF SENSATA COMPONENTS IN ITS APPLICATIONS, NOTWITHSTANDING ANY APPLICATIONS-RELATED INFORMATION OR SUPPORT THAT MAY BE PROVIDED BY SENSATA.Mailing Address: Sensata Technologies, Inc., 529 Pleasant Street, Attleboro, MA 02703, USA.ISO9001CERTIFIED Rev: Cynergy3-ssf212-v4 03/09/21Made in the UKAll dimensions are in millimeters.STANDARD PARTSCustom versions can be made for particular applications. Please contact Sensata with your requirements.DIMENSIONS。