
Love without limitationsMy brother, Jimmy, did not get enough oxygen during a difficult delivery, leaving him with brain damage, and two years later I was born.我哥哥吉米出生时遇上难产因为缺氧导致大脑受损。
Since then, my life revolved around my brother's.从此以后我的生活便围绕我哥哥转。
Accompanying my growing up was always "go out and play and takeyour brother with you".伴随我成长的是“到外面去玩把你哥哥也带上。
”I couldn't go anywhere without him, so I urged the neighborhoodkids to come to my house for some out-of-control kid-centered fun.不带上他我是哪里也去不了的。
因此我怂恿邻居的孩子到我家来尽情地玩孩子们玩的游戏My mother taught Jimmy practical things like how to brush his teeth or put on a belt.我母亲教吉米学习日常自理比如刷牙或系皮带什么的。
My father, a saint, simply held the house together with hispatience and understanding.我父亲宅心仁厚他的耐心和理解使一家人心贴着心。
I was in charge outside where I administered justice by tracking down the parents of the kids who picked on my brother, and telling on them.我则负责外面的事找到那些欺负我哥哥的孩子们的父母告他们的状为我哥哥讨回公道。
M4U3 Revision

• • • • • • • • • •
function as work as 充当______________ ______________ act as ______________ ______________ serve as function well 运行良好______________ ______________ function normally chief editor 主编______________ chief of state 国家元首______________ in chief 主要地______________ have______________ a deep impression upon 对…影响深刻 be deeply impressed by ______________ make an impression ______________
• • • • • • • • • • •
put forward ____________ come up with 提出____________ 事实上 ____________ ____________ in reality in fact in truth ____________ ____________ as a matter of fact bring...alive 使...生动____________ bring...back to life 使...复活____________ carry out ____________ put into effect 实施____________ come into ____________ effect bring into force ____________ as for as to 至于____________ ____________ in regard to with regard to ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ with regards in respect to ____________ when it comes to

姗姗来迟的阳光撒落在店铺、明瓦天棚直射进台面,老街人声鼎沸,人群摩肩接踵。农村主妇上街买年货,买新衣,年前的气氛空前高涨,她们如今口袋鼓了,过年买的是喜庆和祥和。母亲的摊位 挤满了买百货的主妇,只听见有人讨价还价,老姐,我买这么多商品,多少得优惠点吧?母亲微笑对主妇说,老顾客了,看在你们平时支持的份上,一定给你们打折,我从不亏待老顾客,我把尾数抹了 吧!母亲说完收钱,一单结束。

Girl: And how were the people? Were they friendly?
Lisa: Yeah, they were really friendly. My parents have some friends there, and we had dinner
at their house.
---How was Lisa’s vacation to Hongkong ? ---She had a great vacation.
We can use different words to express similar meanings.
Well done!
Circle adjectives.
Girl: Hi, Lisa. How was your vacation?
Lisa: It was great! I went to Hong Kong with my family.
Girl: Really? Wow!Did you do anything special there?
While-listening Listen again. Retell Lisa’s vacation experience.
Lisa’s vacation was__g_r_e_a_t___. She went to Hong Kong with her __f_a_m__il_y_. They went to a fun park. It was really__i_n_t_e_re_s_t_in_g___. They alsow__en_t__sh__o_p_p_in_g. The stores were very__e_x_p_e_n_s_i_v_e____, but Lisa bought___so_m__e_t_h_in_g____for her best friend. The people there were really___f_ri_e_n_d_l_y___. They _h_a_d_d_i_n_n_e_r__at her parents’ friends’ house. The food was____d_e_l_ic_i_o_u_s_. Lisa loved their home cooking. She had a good time and everything was _e_x_c_e_ll_e_n_t____.
M1U3 Revision

• as引导的让步状语从句 • __________________( 尽管她是女孩), Girl as she is she is braver than a boy. • __________________( 尽管他很聪明),he Smart as he was was not able to solve the problem. Try as he might • __________________( 尽管他可能努力了), he couldn’t get out of the difficulties. Surrounded as we were 尽管被包围), • ______________________( we managed to march forward. Many times as she had failed 尽管失败 • __________________________( 多次),she didn’t give up her plan.
• 导学案
get into shape 强身健体____________________ make the most of 充分利用____________________ prefer sb to do 宁愿某人做某事____________________ would rather sb did ____________________ have an effect on 对…有影响____________________ 使…有能力做某事 equip sb to do ____________________ count sb as/to be • 认为…是____________________ be lost in… • 陷入…____________________ • • • • • •

Alice,my close friend, ____ _____ ___ are fond of traveling very much. Ever since she graduated from ________ _______ university , she has ___ _______ __ paying a visit to Pingyang one dreamed of day. During this National holiday , it was Alice who persuaded Tina to visit Pingyang, and her dream comes true.
3. Feeling.
Writing strategy2----使用过渡词使得文章更紧凑
• Does your article have a clear structure? • Do you use some good expressions learnt in this unit? • Do you use correct forms in verbs and nouns? • Do you use linking words ? • Is your handwriting beautiful?
1.Alice insisted that she took a bike trip.
(should) do 坚持要求
2.Tina insisted that they go there by bike before.
had gone 坚持认为
3.Tina insisted making our trip comfortable and on relaxing.
《Revision 3》 说课稿

《Revision 3》说课稿尊敬的各位评委、老师:大家好!今天我说课的内容是《Revision 3》。
一、教材分析《Revision 3》是教材名称中的一个复习单元,旨在对之前所学的知识进行系统的梳理和巩固。
(译林版)3A Unit1-3 知识要点梳理

3A U1-3知识要点梳理一.翻译中文(注意标点符号)1.早上好,李老师。
Good morning ,Miss Li.2.下午好,同学们。
Good afternoon,class.3.晚安,我亲爱的妈妈。
Good night,my dear mum.4.(初次见面)你好。
How do you do ?5.(初次见面)见到你很高兴。
Nice to meet you .Nice to meet you too.6.你身体好吗?我很好。
How are you ? I’m fine.Thank you .And you ? I’m fine too .7.你叫什么名字?我的名字是刘涛。
What’s your name ? My name is Liu Tao./I’m Liu Tao.8.你是苏海吗?是的,我是。
Are you Su Hai ? Yes, I am .9.你是王兵吗?不,我不是。
Are you Wang Bing? No,I’m not .I’m Liu Tao.10.你是约翰吗?不。
Are you John ? No.I’m Sam.11.你是正确的。
You are right./You’re right.12.你多大了?我五岁。
How old are you ?I’m five.13.那是我的表弟。
That’s my cousin.14.这是我的叔叔。
This is my uncle .15.你好,你是苏海吗?Hello,are you Su Hai?16.你好。
你是苏海吗?Hello. Are you Su Hai?17.早上好,你是苏海吗?Good morning,are you Su Hai?18.再见,同学们。
Goodbye,class. Goodbye ,Miss LI.19.她是杨玲。
初中英语中考复习 中考英语(人教新课标)一轮复习教案:九年级全册Unit 1-3

第27课时 课题:9年级(U1-3)一、目标:1. 能运用“by+v.-ing 表方式”的用法:常用来回答How 提问的句子;2. 复习宾语从句的用法,能运用“宾语从句的语序为陈述句语序”的知识考点,了解宾语从句的引导语除“that, wh-”以外还有“if/whether ”;3. 理解“wh-+to + v.”的表达结构是相当于“wh-从句”;4. 识记下列重点单词和短语:(U1)textbook, sentence, physics, chemistry, ability, active, look up, be born, pay attention to, (U2)stranger, garden, Christmas, lie, novel, dead, business, put on, lay out, end up (with), (U3)bookstore, stamp, beside, suggest, east, polite(ly), whom, address, pass b y 。
二、重点:1. by+v.-ing ;2. 宾语从句的语序三、知识梳理:1. 词汇:(1)与“学科”相关词汇:汉语 数学英语 物理 化学 生物 Chinese math(s) English physics chemistry biology 政治历史 地理 音乐/艺术 体育 科学 politicshistorygeographymusic/artP.E.science(2)与“教材”相关词汇: 教材/课本 单词 短语 句子 语言 磁带textbook word phrase/expressionsentence language tape 语法 视频 发音(n.) 发音(v.) 录音(n.&v.) 录音机 grammar video pronunciation pronouncerecord Recorder黑板粉笔课文/文本blackboard chalktext中考一轮复习教学参考资料2. 句型与语法:单元句型结构Unit 1 △By + v-ing回答以how提问的问句e.g.-- How do you learn English? -- I learn by studying with a group.-- How can I improve my pronunciation?-- One way is by listening to tapes.Unit 2 △that, if/whether引导的宾语从句e.g. I believe t hat April is the hottest month in Thailand.I wonder if/whether June is a good time to visi t Hong Kong. △What/How 引导的感叹句e.g. What fun the Water Festival is!How pretty the dragon boats were!Unit 3 △wh-引导的宾语从句e.g. Do you know where I can buy some medicine?Could you tell me when the band starts playing thi s evening? △Wh- to +动词原形e.g. -- Could you please tell me how to get to the post office?-- Sorry, I’m not sure how to get there.。

七年级下册U 1—U3 单元测试卷1. 下国际___________________________2.弹吉他__________________弹钢琴__________________敲鼓_________________________3. 说英语___________________________4英语俱乐部___________________________________5.与某人结交朋友__________________________6 讲故事____________________7.做游戏_________________________8.(在)周末__________________________9.擅长做某事_____________________________10.善于与某人相处_________________________11.需要某人做某事___________________________12.加入跳舞俱乐部___________________________13..喜欢/喜爱做某事____________________14.你会弹吉他吗?_____________________________15.\你想加入什么俱乐部?_________________________________________?16.你能帮助小孩子学习游泳吗?_______________________________________17.就某事帮助某人______________________________18.洗淋浴_____________________________19.吃早餐___________________________________20. 要么、、要么__________________________21.在上午/下午/晚_____________________________22.许多____________________________23.在晚上_____________________________24.上学迟到__________________________________25.乘地铁_________________________________26.自行车_________________;________________27.从……到…______________________________28.在……和……之间______________________29.、一个11岁的男孩__________________________30、实现___________________31、不得不____________________________32、她骑自行车去上学校___________________________________________33过河_________________________________34、学习英语很容易————————————————————35、因为…而感谢_______________________________36、乘/坐索道______________________________37、害怕某事/某物______________________________38、害怕做某事_____________________________39、花某人的时间做某事________________________ 40.在课堂上__________________41.上课迟到_______________________________ 42.到达加大地方/小地方__________;_________________;___________________ 43她乘公交车上学。
《Revision 3》 讲义

《Revision 3》讲义在学习和工作的过程中,我们常常会遇到需要不断修订和完善的情况。
而“Revision 3”,也就是第三次修订,往往是一个关键的阶段。
当我们进行“Revision 3”时,首先要对前两次的修订进行全面的回顾。
但在“Revision 3”时,我们要更加深入地思考文章的主题是否突出,观点是否清晰有力,例子是否恰当且具有说服力。
在设计领域,“Revision 3”也有着重要的意义。
在项目管理中,“Revision 3”可能意味着对项目计划的再次精细打磨。
对于学习知识的过程,“Revision 3”也是加深理解和巩固记忆的重要环节。
《Revision 3》 说课稿

《Revision 3》说课稿尊敬的各位评委、老师们:大家好!今天我说课的内容是《Revision 3》。
一、教材分析《Revision 3》是教材版本教材中的一个复习单元。

_st_a_n_d_ _u_p_ _s_it_ d_o_w__n_
Oh, it’s cold. Don’t ____________. ____________, please.
_____, Dad.
Oh, it’s cold. Don’t _o_p_e_n_t_h_e__d_o_o_r. _C_lo_s_e__th__e_d_o_o_r, please.
Look! The man is _f_a_t__. He likes _j_a_m__. It is in his_h_a_n_d_.
1. ( F ) jam cake 2. ( T ) hand jam 3. ( T ) bad sad
Hello! I’m Alice. Today my friends come to my home.
Hale Waihona Puke _____________?
_________, thanks.
___________. How ____ ____,
Mr Wang?
Stand up close the book Sit doCwlonse tOhepednoothre book
Open the door
Today is my brother, Tom’s birthday. Let’s ____________.
Ok. Let’s ___________and _____________
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1. Mary _______ (leave) Shanghai a month ago. left 2. I ______________ (not be) to Japan yet. haven’t been wrote 3. She __________ (write) a letter to her father last night. is singing 4. Listen! The boy _____________ (sing) in the music room. drove 5. Tom _________ (drive) his aunt to the airport the day before yesterday.
1. She has known a lot of _________ (inform) information about great cities in Asia. advice 2. The new king didn’t take Qu Yuan’s _______ (advise). scarves 3. Grandma has bought many silk _________ (scarf) for her daughter. 4. I would not have passed the exam ________ without (with) your help. dangerous 5. That man is a __________ (danger) person. 6. He got a good job. He wanted to hold a ________ celebration (celebrate).
1. 他昨天不得不完成大量的作业,是吗? He had to finish/do a large amount of homework, didn’t he? 2. Mary宁可什么也不做也不愿拉小提琴。 Mary would rather do nothing than play the violin. 3. 我记得我今天早上把这本书带到学校里来了。 I remember bringing the book to school this morning. 4. 这些病人中的三百万人处于危险之中。 3 million of the sick people are in danger.
6. Mary’s wish is ____a famous doctor, like her mother. A. to be B. be C. was D. been 7. Have you bought ___________ for your grandma? A. something special B. special something C. anything special D. special anything 8. I don’t like the sweet moon cakes. Give me those salty _______ with meat. A. one B. some C. others D. ones 9. Five days _______, he found his lost child. A. late B. later C. are late D. are later 10. She would rather ________ at home. A. not stay B. not to stay C. not staying D. not to staying
7. 上个星期他花了2个多小时开车把我送去机场。 (It) It took him more than two hours to drive me to the airport last week. • 后来他每天在放学后花一个半小时在操场上跑 步。(spend) Later, he spent one hour and a half running on/in the playground after school every day. 8. 医生已经建议我很多次要好好休息但是我没有听 取他的建议。 The doctor has advised me many times to have a good rest but I didn’t take his advice.
1. She comes from ______ Asian country. She is now living in _______ Europe. A. a…不填 B. a…an C. an…不填 D. an…a 2. Peter, do you like ___ computer games after class? A. play B. plays C. playing D. to playing 3. We will have a picnic tomorrow. Have you bought _______ food, Grace? A. enough B. many C. a lot D. several 4. My aunt left Shanghai ____ Australia to have a trip. A. to B. for C. in D, at 5. The king always took _______ advice. A. he B. his C. him D. himself
1. Qu Yuan was sad because the new king didn’t listen to him. (对划线部分提问) Why _______ Qu Yuan sad? _______was 2. People eat rice dumplings to remember Qu Yuan. (对划线部分提问) What do _______ _______ people eat to remember Qu Yuห้องสมุดไป่ตู้n? 3. The poet was born in 1911 in China. (对划线部分提 问) When and where ________ _______ ______ was the poet born? 4. I like noodles. I don’t like dumplings. (合成一句 ) noodles but don’t like I like ________, _______ I _______ _______ dumplings.
5. Would you like some spicy food? (作出肯定回答) Yes please _______, ___________. 6. His parents gave her some money to buy a T-shirt. (对划线部分提问) Why did give _______ ______ his parents _______ her some ______ money? 7. H’d like to have some noodles for dinner. (改为疑问 句) Would to some _______ he like _______have _______ _______ noodles for dinner? 8. We can’t live if there is no air and no water. without air or water = We can’t live ______ ______ ______ ______.
5. 伦敦在英国的东南部,在洛杉矶的西面。 London is in the south-east of Britain and (to the) west of Los Angeles. 6. 从上个星期开始我就在计划我的假期。 I have planned my holiday since last week. 7. 在北方每年春节人们都会吃饺子来庆祝这 个好日子。 In the north people eat dumplings to celebrate the good day every Spring Festival( at the Spring Festival every year).