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( ) 1. There is ______ in today's newspaper.

A. interesting something

B. nothing interesting

C. interesting anything

D. anything interesting

( ) 2. -Is Mrs. Brown badly ill?

-No, ______. Only a little cold.

A. quite well

B. nothing serious

C. not worry

D. anything serious

( ) 3. Come here, I have______ to tell you.

A. interesting something

B. anything interesting

C. nothing interesting

D. something interesting

( ) 4. I'm not ______ to lift the heavy box.

A. short enough

B. enough tall

C. health enough

D. strong enough

( ) 5. The girl works hard ______ to pass the exam.

A. enough

B. too

C. still

D. yet

( ) 6. He has______ to think it over.

A. many time

B. times

C. times enough

D. enough time

( ) 7. Do you want______

A. else anything

B. anything else

C. other anything

D. else something

( ) 8. Have you seen ______ in the room?

A. anyone else

B. else anyone

C. anyone other

D. everyone else

( ) 9. ______ would like to go to the park with me?

A. Whom else

B. What else

C. Who else

D. Else who

( ) 10. Wei Fang is only six, but she speaks English______ her mother.

A. as good as

B. as better as

C. as well as

D. as best as

( ) 11. She was sick yesterday, but she is______ to go to school today.

A. enough good

B. good enough

C. enough well

D. well enough

( ) 12. This kind of book is______ for the children to read.

A. enough well

B. enough good

C. well enough

D. good enough ( ) 13. -Are you feeling ______?

-Yes, I'm fine now.

A. quite good

B. quite better

C. any well

D. any better ( ) 14. This shirt is no good. That one is even ______.

A. better

B. worse

C. well

D. worst

( ) 15. We have never seen___ interesting films.

A. such

B. such an

C. so

D. such a

( ) 16. Don't read ______ books ______ you can't understand.

A. as; such

B. such; as

C. same; as

D. as; as

( ) 17. This is______ book______ I'd like to read once more.

A. such an interesting, that

B. so interesting, that

C. such an interesting, as

D. a so interesting, as

( ) 18 We haven't seen ______ play.

A. so wonderful

B. a so wonderful

C. such wonderful

D. such a wonderful

( ) 19. I am twelve. Mike is fourteen. Mary is thirteen. So Mike is the ______ of the three.

A. old

B. older

C. oldest

D. the oldest

( ) 20. My ______ brother is three years ______ than I.

A. elder, elder

B. older, oldest

C. elder, older

D. older, elder


( ) 1. His ______ son often go to see him on Sunday.

A. eldest

B. older

C. the eldest

D. the older

( ) 2. He is two years ______ than I.

A. elder

B. smaller

C. younger

D. less

( ) 3. I think the book is very ______.

A. interesting

B. interested

C. interest

D. interests

( ) 4. They were very ______ to see each other again.

A. pleased

B. surprising

C. happily

D. angrily

( ) 5. She is very______ the news.

A. surprise in

B. surprise with

C. surprised at

D. surprised for

( ) 6. The boys are ______ computers.

A. interesting in

B. interested

C. interesting about

D. interested about

( ) 7. -How does Kate like her new work? -She______ with it.

A. can't satisfy

B. isn't satisfied

C. doesn't satisfy D hasn't satisfied

( ) 8. The man was not ______ when he heard the ______ words.

A. frightening; frightening

B. frightened; frightened

C. frightening; frightened

D. frightened; frightening

( ) 9. Helen isn't a______ friend of mine. I feel______ sorry for her.

A. true, true

B. truly true

C. true, truly

D. truly, truly

( ) 10. I'm sorry. I'm late. My watch is a few minutes ______.

A. slower

B. slowly

C. more slowly

D. slow

( ) 11. The song sounds ______.

A. sweet

B. nicely

C. well

D. moved

( ) 12. The ship sank______ under the sea.

A. deeply

B. depth

C. deep

D. more deep

( ) 13. ______ helped a lot in our country.

A. The blind is

B. The blind are

C. The blinds is

D. Blind are

( ) 14. ______ should study hard for their work.

A. Young

B. The young man

C. The young

D. The young girl

( ) 15. ______ a happy life in China.

A. The old man live

B. The old live

C. The old is living

D. Old live

( ) 16. I don't feel very ______.

A. terribly

B. well

C. good

D. badly

( ) 17. Looking ______ at his mother, the little boy looked ______.

A. happy, good

B. happy, well

C. sadly, sad

D. sad, sadly

( ) 18. Mother doesn't feel ______ today.

A. good

B. well

C. nice

D. health
