



red letter day:指的是“纪念日”或“喜庆的日子”。

red figure:赤字red ink:赤字in the red:亏损red-ink entry:赤字分录red balance:赤字差额good luck:红运dividen: 红利wedding: 红事red wine :红酒red ruin 火灾red battle 血战red sky 彩霞red flag红旗brown sugar红糖black tea红茶honour roll红榜love pea红豆a yellow dog 可鄙的人,卑鄙的人 a yellow livered 胆小鬼Yellow Pages 黄页Yellow Book 黄皮书yellow boy (俗)金币green with envy,green as jealousy,green-eyed monster:十分嫉妒blue常用来喻指人的“情绪低落”、“心情沮丧”、“忧愁苦闷”,如:blue-eyed boys:受到管理当局宠爱和特别照顾的职工a blue moon:千载难逢的机会;绝无可能out of blue 意想不到once in a blue 千载难逢drink till all’s blue 一醉方休blue-sky market:露天市场blue-collar workers:从事体力劳动的工人blue chip:热门证券blue button:喻指有权进入股票交易的经纪人blue-sky law:蓝法blue sky bargaining:漫天讨价white war:没有硝烟的战争,常指“经济竞争”white goods:指的是体积大、单价高的家用电器用具white money:银币white coal:水力white sale:大减价the white way:白光大街black in the face 脸色铁青黑心evil mind 黑手evil backstage manipulator 黑幕inside story黑线 a sinister line害群之马black sheep 凶日black day暗淡的前途black future怒目而视to look black at someoneblack money:黑钱black market:黑市交易或黑市black market price:黑市价格black figure / in the black:盈利、赚钱、顺差black figure nation:国际收支顺差国interest in the black:应收利息red ink 赤字in the black 盈利grey market:半黑市grey area:灰色地区black and blue 青一块紫一块办公室职员office staff 办公室主任office administrator归国留学生returned student 正教授full professor 讲师lecturer; instructor助教assistant (teacher) 保送生student by recommendation博士生导师doctoral advisor 大学本科生undergraduate (student)化验员chemical analyst 技师, 技术员technician 检验员inspector 建筑师architect院士academician 助理工程师assistant engineer 编辑editor 主编editor in chief高级编辑; 编审senior editor 翻译translator; interpreter节目主持人anchor在职研究生in-service graduate student 研究员research fellow副研究员associate research fellowas timid as a hare 胆小如鼠at a stone's throw一箭之遥wet like a drown rat湿如落汤鸡as stupid as a goose蠢得像猪as stubborn as a mule 犟得像牛 have a wolf by the ears 骑虎难下to be out at elbows 捉襟见肘at one’s wit’s end 山穷水尽a velvet paw 笑里藏刀to find a quarrel in a straw 吹毛求疵Give a dog an ill name and hang him. 欲加之罪,何患无辞。


God works. 上帝的安排。
Not so bad. 不错。
No way! 不可能!
Don't flatter me. 过奖了。
Hope so. 希望如此。
Go down to business. 言归正传。
I'm not going. 我不去了。
Does it serve your purpose? 对你有用吗?
I am all ears. 我洗耳恭听。
Right over there. 就在那里。
Get an eyeful. 看个够。
Here we are! 我们到了!
I lost my way. 我迷路了
Say hello to everybody for me. 替我向大家问好。
Not precisely! 不见得,不一定!
Tell me when! 随时奉陪!
It is a small world! 世界真是小!
Not at all. 根本就不(用)。
Let's play it by ear. 让我们随兴所至。
Wait and see. 等着瞧。
Why so blue? 怎么垂头丧气?
What brought you here? 什么风把你吹来了?
Talk truly. 有话直说。
I'm going to go. 我這就去。
Never mind. 不要緊。
Why are you so sure? 怎么这样肯定?
Is that so? 是这样吗?
Come on, be reasonable. 嗨,你怎么不讲道理。
When are you leaving? 你什么时候走?



以下是一些简单的英汉互译练习,希望对你有所帮助:英语翻译:1. 你好吗?- How are you?2. 谢谢!- Thank you!3. 再见!- Goodbye!4. 你叫什么名字?- What's your name?5. 我来自中国。

- I come from China.6. 他喜欢吃苹果。

- He likes eating apples.7. 今天天气真好!- The weather is nice today!8. 我想要一杯咖啡。

- I would like a cup of coffee.9. 你能告诉我如何去那里吗?- Can you tell me how to get there?10. 我喜欢看电影。

- I like watching movies.汉语翻译:1. 你好,很高兴认识你。

- Hello, nice to meet you.2. 谢谢你的帮助。

- Thank you for your help.3. 再见,下次再聊。

- Goodbye, talk to you later.4. 你几岁了?- How old are you?5. 我来自北京。

- I come from Beijing.6. 我喜欢吃米饭和蔬菜。

- I like eating rice and vegetables.7. 这本书真好看!- This book is really good!8. 我想去逛街。

- I want to go shopping.9. 我喜欢听音乐。

- I like listening to music.希望这些练习可以帮助你提高英汉翻译的能力。



JR2J 1
有的时候,上下文不一定是完整的长句或一大段话, 上下文可以是一个短短的词组或是一个紧凑的固定 搭配。也就是说,我们可根据两三个字或词语来确 定某一个字或词语的意义。
JR2J 2
1) man and his wife 丈夫和妻子
Run across Run away Run back over Run counter to Run down Run in Run into Run into debt Run off
跑过-偶然碰见 抛开-失去控制 跑回-回顾 跑离-违反,与…背道而驰 跑下-用完;撞倒;贬低 跑进-顺便探望 跑进-陷入;偶然碰见 负债 跑掉-流畅的写出(背出)
to complain to the higher authorities
or appeal to a higher court
to offer up a sacrifice
to rise to the bait
glazing; polishing
to get on the right track
2) officers and men 官和兵
3) his man Friday
4) man-of-war
他的仆人礼拜五《鲁宾 战舰
5) Be a man!
JR2J 3
sophisticated (本意为“失去天真纯朴的”)



1).This is a NATO matter and 这是北约的问题,关于这个问题的任何意见应当由北约组织来发表,这才是合适的。

2)I’d always welcomed the friendly 我一直非常喜欢接到远在马里兰州的弟弟打来的电话,他声音很亲切,而这一次站在厨房接到电话的时候,他的话却让我惊讶不已。

3)Finally Lord Strawberry went himself to Arabia 斯特劳北以勋爵亲自去了阿拉伯半岛,在那里奔波了数月,发现了一只凤凰,赢得了她的信任,捉住了它,把它毫发无损的带回家。

4)He looked startled at the question他对于这个问题大吃一惊,并且解释说他最近买了个农场,并且有一个大谷仓,想买些鸽子,使它像个家5)Some trains carry trucks and take them有些列车运载卡车,把卡车运到别的地方去,然后这些卡车就可在路上行驶了。

6)The first cooked-frozen French1945年在长岛的一家工厂里首次制成了冷冻的油炸的马铃薯条,它们两头炸焦了,中间酥软口味很甜7)There was nothing to be done我们既不能隔离病人又不能照顾他们,所以只好听天由命8)It costs a great deal of money 经营飞禽馆开支庞大,所以斯特劳贝以勋爵死的时候两手空空,飞禽馆只好卖给市场9)Potatoes are stored at 7°c 马铃薯储存在7°的温度下,温度低了会冻坏它,温度高了会引起腐烂10)1949 saw the founding of 中华人民共和国于1949年成立11)Reading the magazine put many 我看完这本杂志,产生了许多新想法12)Her name escaped me我忘了她的名字13)Her eyes tell me that 我从她的眼睛里看出一定有什么事发生14)Her failure made mockery由于她的考试不及格,老师辅导她的一番心血白费了15)The courage escaped from me 在那一刻,我失去了勇气,甚至说不出话来16)In Cuba I studied Spenish 在古巴,我曾学过西班牙语而且能说几句,然而许多年以后,我全忘了17)My lack of imagination obliged我缺乏想象力,所以只能将亲眼所见,亲耳所听的事情直接记下来18)His weariness and the increasing他疲惫不堪,并且天气越来越热,所以他决定一碰到舒适的地方就坐下休息19) A second term would give the president如果总统连任,就会使总统的权利太大而足以威胁共和制度的安全20)Some new paint will房子重新刷油漆,面貌就会焕然一新21)The fifty years1840-18801840-1880这50年,几乎有近一千万移居来到美国22)Miniaturization has brought about小型化使所有设备和其组成部分在整体上都减轻了重量和缩小了体积23)The plane and its Cargo这架飞机和它运载的货物几乎没有引起任何注意24)Over the last couple of在过去20年间,博物馆的参观人数剧增,而我看它会继续增加25)Singing birds and flowers花花草草逐人迹而生,这里有鸟唱歌,花开放26)Recourse to arms is not国与国之间的争端借助武力,并不是最好的解决方法27)Gods knows what their天知道他们的命运如何,但我能猜出几分28)The choicest gold is to只要挖了就能得到最好的金子29)The Word Cup is a guarantee世界杯总能带来持久或短暂的名声,在它72年的历史中,创造了许许多多的传说30)Dad died when I was a teenage父亲去世时我只有10几岁,母亲独自一人抚养我,我们母女二人勇敢度过了许多艰苦岁月31)This dark forecast speaks of阴暗的预测谈到了自然界的平衡将遭到破坏—谈到了污染,谈到了浪费,谈到了饥饿32)When they awoke,though 一觉醒来,虽然天色阴沉,乌云压低,可雨已经不下了33)There is no substance没有物质加热时,不会膨胀34)Keen,calculating,perspicacious我敏锐精明机灵精算35)In a time of calm 在和平时期,他作为一个演说家,绝不可能赢得卓越的地位但当时并不是太平时期36)Just think of the difficulty考虑一下困难吧37)Studies alone can conduct只有读书才能把我们带到无比美妙无穷无尽的欢乐境地38)They amounted to near他们总价达2万英镑,如果我要支付,我就会倾家荡产39)She was very patient 她对孩子很有耐心,她丈夫却很少这样40)But he would have to 他必须很小心谨慎。



英汉互译Class: Name:C -E E -C1 n.工资2 零3 n.鲸4 n.钱包5 adv.adj.每周一次6 adv.昨天7 华盛顿8 pron.谁的9 n.西瓜10 n.天气11 v.变弱12 adi.富裕的,处境好13 n.轮椅14 n.电线,电报15 n.婚礼,婚宴16 n.女服务员17 n.瀑布18 v.写19 v.包裹20 n.平日,平时21 n.病房22 n.网址23 n.翅膀,机翼24 adj.极好的,奇妙的25 adv.广泛地26 n.等候室’27 n.羊毛28 adj.多风的29 adj.担心的,烦恼的30 n.获胜者31 v.流泪32 n.洗衣机33 n.工匠34 adj.邪恶的35 n.意志,决心36.v.使受伤n.伤口37 adj.聪明的38 n.波浪,v.挥手39 n.同事40 n.狼41 v.赢42 adj.无线的43 n.腰,腰部44 n.蒸气45 n.用法46 n.荒地47 n.动物学48 conj.然而49 adj.精力充沛的50 n.武器wzwwwyWwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwvuwzwvw1 walkman2 waterproof3 wit4 worm5 wreckage6 whiskey7 walnut8 windmill9 wax10 wherever11 warehouse12 wrist13 wag(g)on14 wreath15 widow16 waltz17 wretched18 whip19 yawn20 weedPhrases1 出错2 消除,消灭3 逆风航行4 科学界5 某人的生活方式6 照顾某人7 还要走很远的路,还要做出巨大的努力8 冲走9 蜿蜒前进10 周末时11 更穷,境遇更不好12 立遗嘱13 提高写作技能14 充分意识到15 完全醒着16 苍白的17 创造奇迹18 更糟糕的是19 每况愈下的经济形势20 总而言之,简言之21 遛狗22 在某种程度上23 各种各样的艺术作品24 为某人所理解,在握25 不论老少26 十米宽27 欣喜若狂28 配备优良的教室29 变得更差30 照X光____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________参考答案C -E E -C1 n.工资2 零3 n.鲸4 n.钱包5 adv.adj.每周一次6 adv.昨天7 华盛顿8 pron.谁的9 n.西瓜10 n.天气11 v.变弱12 adi.富裕的,处境好13 n.轮椅14 n.电线,电报15 n.婚礼,婚宴16 n.女服务员17 n.瀑布18 v.写19 v.包,裹20 n.平日,平时21 n.病房22 n.网址23 n.翅膀,机翼24 adj.极好的,奇妙的25 adv.广泛地26 n.等候室27 n.羊毛28 adj.多风的29 adj.担心的,烦恼的30 n.获胜者31 v.流泪32 n.洗衣机33 n.工匠34 adj.邪恶的35 n.意志,决心36.v.使受伤n.伤口37 adj.聪明的38 n.波浪,v.挥手39 n.同事40 n.狼41 v.赢42 adj.无线的43 n.腰,腰部44 n.蒸气45 n.用法46 n.荒地47 n.动物学48 conj.然而49 adj.精力充沛的50 n.武器wagezerowhalewalletweeklyyesterdayWashingtonwhosewatermelonweatherweakenwell-offwheelchairwireweddingwaitresswaterfallwrite,wrote,writtenwrapweekdaywardwebsitewingwonderfulwidelywaiting-roomwoolwindyworriedwinnerweep,wept,weptwashing-machineworkmanwickedwillwoundwisewaveworkmatewolfwin, won, wonwirelesswaistvapourusagewastelandzoologywhereasvigorousweapon1 walkman2 waterproof3 wit4 worm5 wreckage6 whiskey7 walnut8 windmill9 wax10 wherever11 warehouse12 wrist13 wag(g)on14 wreath15 widow16 waltz17 wretched18 whip19 yawn20 weedPhrases1 出错2 消除,消灭3 逆风航行4 科学界5 某人的生活方式6 照顾某人7 还要走很远的路,还要做出巨大的努力8 冲走9 蜿蜒前进10 周末时11 更穷,境遇更不好12 立遗嘱13 提高写作技能14 充分意识到15 完全醒着16 苍白的17 创造奇迹18 更糟糕的是19 每况愈下的经济形势20 总而言之,简言之21 遛狗22 在某种程度上23 各种各样的艺术作品24 为某人所理解,在握25 不论老少26 十米宽27 欣喜若狂28 配备优良的教室29 变得更差30 照X光n.随身听adj.防水的n.智慧,机智n.虫n.残骸n.威士忌n.胡桃(木)n.风车n.蜡conj.无论在哪里n.仓库n.(腕)关节n.四轮马车n.花圈n.寡妇n.v.华尔兹舞adj.悲惨的,可怜的n.鞭子v.打哈欠n.野草,杂草go wrongwipe outsail against the windthe science worldsb's way of lifewait on sb.have a long way to gowash awaywind one's wayat the weekendbe worse offmake a willimprove one's writing skillbe well aware of sth.be wide awakeas white as a sheetwork wondersworse stillthe worsening economicsituationin a wordwalk a dogin a wayvarious works of artwithin one's graspwhether young or oldbe ten metres in widthbe wild with joya well-equipped classroomchange for the worsetake an X-ray。



常用语英汉互译What are you trying to say?(你到底想说什么?)Don't be silly.(别胡闹了。

)How strong are your glasses?(你近视多少度?)Just because.(没有别的原因。

)It isn't the way I hoped it would be.(这不是我所盼望的。

)You will never guess.(你永远猜不到。

)No one could do anything about it.(众人对此束手无措。

)I saw something deeply disturbing.(深感事情不妙。

)Money is a good servant but a bad master.(要做金钱的主人,莫做金钱的奴隶。

)I am not available.(我正忙着)Wisdom in the mind is better than money in the hand.(脑中的知识比手中的金钱更重要)Never say die.it's a piece of cake.别泄气,那只是小菜一碟。

Don't worry.you'll get use to it soon.别担心,很快你就会习惯的。

I konw how you feel.我明白你的感受。

You win some.you lose some.胜败乃兵家常事。

Don't bury your head in the sand.不要逃避现实。

I didn't expect you to such a good job.我没想到你干得这么好。

You are coming alone well.你做得挺顺利。

She is well-build.她的身材真棒。

You look neat and fresh.你看起来很清纯。



英汉互译:1. Go on walking until you reach the end. 继续前行,一直到终点2. He is always leaving things about.他老是乱扔东西。

3. I’m going to visit a friend of mine this Sunday.这个星期天我要去拜访一位朋友。

4. He has a foreign friend who lives in America.他有一个住在美国的外国朋友。

5. As is known to all, China is a developing country.众所周知,中国是发展中国家。

6. Both Ann and Mary are suitable for the job.安和玛莉都合适干这项工作。

7. Bill hit his car into a wall last night.昨晚比尔开车时车撞到了墙上。

8. I hope we can have some snow this winter. 我希望今年冬天会下点雪。

9. He was very happy to hear from his old friend.他很高兴收到他的老朋友的信。

10. She likes to help any one who is in difficulty.她乐意帮助任何一个有困难的人。

11. The school management must be improved.必须改进学校管理。

12. You needn’t go there anymore. He already knows about it.你不必去了,他已经知道那件事了。

13. That box is too small to hold all these things. 那盒子太小,装不下所有这些东西。

14.She always laughed at a good joke.她听到了好的笑话,总是要笑的。



单词或短语的英汉互译:1.the average person一般人2.make profit赢利;赚钱3.and so on等等4.interest利息5.as far as ...is concerned就.....而言6.consumer goods消费品7.a piece of paper一张纸8.everyone concerned有关人员9.out of fashion过时10.lead to 导致11.spoilt children被惯坏了的孩子12.get into trouble陷入困境13.look after照料;照看14.throw away丢弃15.once in a lifetime一辈子一次性的16.industrial goods工业产品17.income tax所得税18.put on the market投放市场19.in the meanwhile在此同时;在些期间20.in limited quantities有限的数量;小批量21.lower the cost降低成本22.better quality products at good values 物美价廉的产品23.mass production 批量生产24.go into business从商25.a fancy-sounding name听上去很奇怪的名字26.first of all首先27.be on guard警惕28.be labeled as贴上...标签;划归...一类29.medical device医疗设备30.inferior products劣质产品31.Take sth. for granted想当然32.artificial silk人造丝33.way of life生活方式34.traffic jam交通阻塞35.warning signal警告信号36.in modern life在当代生活中mit suicide自杀38.under pressure处于压力之下39.run away from逃离40.a strong-minded man一个意志坚强的人41.an industrialized country工业化国家42.a financial centre金融中心43.a merchant fleet 商船船队44.trade gap贸易差额45.manufactured goods制成品46.change hands易手47.in the red赤字48.invisible export无形出口49.zebra stripes黑白相间的条纹50.tomato soup番茄汤51.cash register现金出纳机52.inventory data有关库存的数据53.universal product code产品统一条形码54.potato chips 油炸土豆片55.check-out counter收款台ser beam激光束57.at hand 近在手边;在附近58.guard a secret保守秘密59.chothes-peg挂衣钩60.before the birth of Christ公元前61.raw material原材料62.primitive people原始人63.rich and poor people alike富人和穷人一样64.a dishwasher洗碗机65.workers in the government offices政府机关的工作人员66.tax-free免税的67.state taxes国税68.tax-collector税务员69.direct taxes直接税70.income taxes所得税71.taxpayer纳税人72.the poor穷人73.every few minutes每隔几分钟74.shortly afterwards不久以后75.rush through the tunnel匆匆地穿过隧道76.push one's way through the crowd从人群中挤过去77.take a train乘火车78.on time 按时;准时79.shopping centre购物中心80.a dozen eggs一打鸡蛋81.look over one's shoulder往某人的身后看82.in general一般地;大体上83.self-sufficient自给自足的84.deal with处理85.interpersonal relations人际关系86.required course必修课87.self-confidence自信88.tell a lie说谎89.rush hours交通高峰时间90.within walking distance在步行一段路即可到达的距离之内91.from day to day 日复一日92.free of income tax免所得税93.major city大城市94.outlying rural areas边远乡村地区95.places of historical interest名胜古迹96.downtown business district城市商业区97.very early in history很久以前98.a certain amount of 一定数量的99.on earth 究竟;到底e up用尽101.be superior to 比...优越102.aid programmers援助计划103.the Great Lakes region 五大湖区104.mix with 与...混合105.at eye level齐眼高度106.within easy reach 很容易拿到;一伸手就拿到107.state-owned company国营公司108.do a good job 干得好109.go beyond超越110.checkout counter收款台111.take advantage of 利用112.remain in one's mind 记在心里113.general principals 总纲114.never-ending 不断的115.a financial crisis财政危机munication system通讯系统117.an energy crisis能源危机118.environmental considerations有关环境的考虑119.the phenomena of nature自然现象120.harnessing solar power利用太阳能121.savings accounts 定期存款账户122.the required reserve法定最低储备金123.national bank国家银行124.grant a charter to the bank发给银行执照125.a commercial bank商业银行126.checking accounts活期存款账户127.foreign loans外债128.excess reserves额外储备金129.special economic zones经济特区130.tariff barriers关税壁垒131.The Foreign Trade Zones Act外贸保税区法132.manufactured products制成品133.free port 自由港134.foreign-trade zones外贸保税区135.The Bureau of International Commerce国际商务局136.United States Department of Commerce美国商业部137.a price-and-market mechanism市场价格机制138.by no means绝不139.at large普遍地140.in effect实质上;根本上141.market economy市场经济142.the supply and demand mechanism 供求机制143.highly planned socialist economies 高度计划的社会主义经济144.social interest社会利益145.sorting process归类程序146.refer to 指;关系到147.the law of comparative advantage比较利益原则148.by contrast相比之下parative advantage比较利益150.production processes生产过程151.depend on 依靠152.involve in卷入153.the general mass of production总的生产规模mercial intercourse商业往来155.in exchange for 交换156.superior in 在...方面优越157.perfectly free commerce完完全全的自由贸易158.general benefit总收益159.the civilized world 文明世界160.mass production大批量生产161.standardized containers标准化伪装箱bined transport联运163.bill of lading 提单164.inventory carrying costs存货占用成本165.air transportation空运166.consignee承运人167.piggy-back service背负式运输服务168.infrastructure基础设施169.high repeat exposure有很高的重复接触率170.target audiences目标观众mercial spot 广告节目172.talk shows(广播中的)问答节目173.advertising media广告媒介174.from day to day 天天;逐日175.cost effectiveness成本效益176.rock and roll摇滚乐177.policyholder投保人178.replacement cost重置费用179.a statistical principle统计学原理180.gross national product国民生产总值181.insurance premium保险费w of large numbers大数定律 profit净利184.policy保险单185.floating capital流动资本186.in time of peace在和平时期187.in the same manner以同样的方式188.be destined for 预定;命中注定189.capital expenditure资本支出190.primitive accumulation of capital原始资本积累pensation trade补偿贸易192.upon most occasions在大多数情况下193.national income 国民收入194.the life of a government 政府的年限195.business investment expenditure企业投资支出196.in a swarm成群;大批197.investment demand 投资需求198.business expectation企业预测199.innovational advances创新进步200.money market贷币市场201.at an unprecedented rate以空前的速度202.in late spring 在春末203.hand in hand 携手204.a time lag时间滞差205.economies of scale规模经济206.Gross National Product国民生产总值207.productive investment 生产必投资208.know-how技术;技能209.exclusive privileges独有的特权210.intangible assets无形资产211.economic literature经济学文献212.imperfectly competitive market不完全竞争市场213.trademark商标214.in random fashion以任意的形式215.monopolistic competition垄断性竞争216.partial independence部分独立。



英汉互译1、公共标志:public signs 发出声音:make noise 散步:take a walk 环顾:look around2、放学后:after school 一起回家:go home together 吹灭蜡烛:blow out the dandles 脱下戏服:take off the costumes3、一卷胶卷:a roll of film 在地上:on the ground 一副眼镜:a pair of glass 观看跑步比赛:watch a running race5、浇花:water flowers 挤牛奶: milk cows在农场:on the farm 三本日记:three diaries 去野营go camping6、上周末:last weekend 去年:last year 儿童节:Children,s Day 国庆假期:National Day holiday7、举行生日聚会:have a birthday party 参观农场:visit a farm 去聚会:go to parties8、在圣诞节:at Christmas住在一个小镇上:live in a small town 做美食:cook nice food圣诞礼物:Christmas presents 在圣诞树下:under the Christmas tree 下车:get off喜欢喝茶:like drinking tea 在公交车后面:at the bake of 我前面的那个男人:the man in front of me英汉互译4、公共标志:public signs 发出声音:make noise 散步:take a walk 环顾:look around5、放学后:after school 一起回家:go home together 吹灭蜡烛:blow out the dandles 脱下戏服:take off the costumes6、一卷胶卷:a roll of film 在地上:on the ground 一副眼镜:a pair of glass 观看跑步比赛:watch a running race9、浇花:water flowers 挤牛奶: milk cows在农场:on the farm 三本日记:three diaries 去野营go camping10、上周末:last weekend 去年:last year 儿童节:Children,s Day 国庆假期:National Day holiday11、举行生日聚会:have a birthday party 参观农场:visit a farm 去聚会:go to parties12、在圣诞节:at Christmas住在一个小镇上:live in a small town 做美食:cook nice food圣诞礼物:Christmas presents 在圣诞树下:under the Christmas tree 下车:get off喜欢喝茶:like drinking tea 在公交车后面:at the bake of 我前面的那个男人:the man in front of me英汉互译7、公共标志:public signs 发出声音:make noise 散步:take a walk 环顾:look around8、放学后:after school 一起回家:go home together 吹灭蜡烛:blow out the dandles 脱下戏服:take off the costumes9、一卷胶卷:a roll of film 在地上:on the ground 一副眼镜:a pair of glass 观看跑步比赛:watch a running race13、浇花:water flowers 挤牛奶: milk cows在农场:on the farm 三本日记:three diaries 去野营go camping14、上周末:last weekend 去年:last year 儿童节:Children,s Day 国庆假期:National Day holiday15、举行生日聚会:have a birthday party 参观农场:visit a farm 去聚会:go to parties16、在圣诞节:at Christmas住在一个小镇上:live in a small town 做美食:cook nice food圣诞礼物:Christmas presents 在圣诞树下:under the Christmas tree 下车:get off喜欢喝茶:like drinking tea 在公交车后面:at the bake of 我前面的那个男人:the man in front of me英汉互译10、公共标志:public signs 发出声音:make noise 散步:take a walk 环顾:look around11、放学后:after school 一起回家:go home together 吹灭蜡烛:blow out the dandles 脱下戏服:take off the costumes12、一卷胶卷:a roll of film 在地上:on the ground 一副眼镜:a pair of glass 观看跑步比赛:watch a running race17、浇花:water flowers 挤牛奶: milk cows在农场:on the farm 三本日记:three diaries 去野营go camping18、上周末:last weekend 去年:last year 儿童节:Children,s Day 国庆假期:National Day holiday19、举行生日聚会:have a birthday party 参观农场:visit a farm 去聚会:go to parties20、在圣诞节:at Christmas住在一个小镇上:live in a small town 做美食:cook nice food圣诞礼物:Christmas presents 在圣诞树下:under the Christmas tree 下车:get off喜欢喝茶:like drinking tea 在公交车后面:at the bake of 我前面的那个男人:the man in front of me。


First of all pay attention to the writing criterion.
Secondly, it is must to express the primitive information.This is not only translated word by word,but aslo is to express the moral of the words.for example,人文奥运,绿色奥运,科技奥运。some people may translate it into People Olympics,Green Olympics,High-tech Olympics,but the real translate are Environment-friendly Olympics,Culture-enriched Olympics,and Technology-empowered Olympics.
3, the politeness principle.
Translation in the logo, we need to consider the pragmatic appropriateness principle of English countries
Open 10:30am - 6:00pm every day throughout the year 全年每天10:3:00am - 6:00pm 开放。
Open 7 days a week 每周7天开放
Photography and video are not permitted inside the building 楼内不许拍照录像
what's more, make sure cultural eve formal equivalence.



Unit1 SK1P1—2Book crayon pencil pencil case mouse bug dog monkey panda 书蜡笔铅笔铅笔盒老鼠昆虫狗猴子熊猫yellow red blue purple green black黄色红色蓝色紫色绿色黑色1.I’m Chip. What’s your name? I’m Donny. 我是Chip. 你叫什么名字。

我是Donny.2.Hi. My name’s Kim.嗨,我的名字是Kim. Hello, I’m Beth. 我是Beth.3.Good-bye. 再见。

See you later. 再见。

P2Stand up. Sit down. Open your book. Close your book.起立。




Take out your book. Put away your book.拿出你的书。


Touch your nose. Touch your toes. Head eye ear mouth摸摸你的鼻子。


头眼耳朵嘴巴P3It’s a mouse. 它是一只老鼠。

What’s this?这是什么?It’s a book. 它是一本书。

P5Book bug book bag panda pencil penguin书小虫子书包熊猫铅笔企鹅P6歌曲:你叫什么名字?我是Kim. 你叫什么名字?我是Chip.你好,Kim。


你叫什么名字?我是Kim. 你叫什么名字?我是Chip.再见,Kim。


再见!Unit2 SK1 P7-8mother father sister brother a ball an umbrella a towel a ring妈妈爸爸姐妹兄弟球伞毛巾泳圈数字1到10:one ,two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.1,Are you ready? Y es. 准备好了么?是的。

英语 英汉互译

英语 英汉互译


Difficult as the plan sounds he is determined to put it into practice.2.、面对这么多的困难,球队怎么能赢得比赛呢?How could the tearm win the game in the face of so many difficulties?3、自两年前开业以来,今年年初他的生意最兴隆His business was at its best at the beginning of this year since it was started two years ago.4、他虽然没有直说,但我们能从他的手势中得到一些信息。

Although he didn`t say it directly, we could pick up some messages from his gestures.1、Their lives hold many of the secrets to having great ideas and putting them imto practice.他们的生活包含很多如何产生伟大思想并付诸实践的秘密。

2、Orville and Wilbur wright had many crashes and ruined many planes before they finally got off the ground.奥威尔·莱特和威尔伯·莱特兄弟俩的飞机坠毁了许多次后才得以飞离地面。

3、It`s very important for you body to be operating at its best so that your mind can also function powerful.使身体处于最佳状态十分重要,这样你的大脑才能有力的工作。



最流行的英汉互译2008-08-27 12:501.How are you doing?(你好吗?)2.I'm doing great.(我过得很好。

)3.What's up?(出什么事了/你在忙些什么/怎么了?)4.Nothing special.(没什么特别的。

)5.Hi. Long time no see.(嗨,好久不见了。

)6.So far so good.(到目前为止,一切都好。

)7.Things couldn't be better.(一切顺利。

)8.How about yourself?(你自己呢?)9.Today is a great day.(今天是个好日子。

)10.Are you making progress?(有进展吗?)11.May I have your name, please?(请问尊姓大名?)12.I've heard so much about you.(久仰大名。

)13.I hope you're enjoying your staying here.(希望你在这里过得愉快。

)14.Let's get together again.(改天再聚聚。

)15.That's a great idea!(好主意!)16.Please say hello to your m other for m e.(请代我向你母亲问好。

)17.I'm glad to have m et you.(很高兴遇到你。

)18.Don't forget us.(别忘了我们。

)19.Keep in touch.(保持联系。

)20.I had a wonderful tim e here.(我在这里度过了难忘的时光。

)21.Have a nice weekend.(周末愉快。

)22.Same to you.(彼此彼此。

)23.Nice talking to you.(很高兴与你聊天。



英汉互译Unit 1在上课坐下关门请进。


听我的/说两本书看……a green doorGood morning, Mr Green.Good afternoon, class.I’m sorry.What’s that?It’s a robot.that robotDon’t listen to the parrot.Close your book and off we go.a big bookBob has a white ball.Unit 2不要喊,刘涛。





Don’t sleep here.Don’t talk here.Hello, Bobby.Would you like some milk? No, thank you./ No, thanks. Paul is walking up and down.I want to sleep.Unit 3这不是我的铅笔。


这是一支钢笔吗?这个红色的书包一支新钢笔在那里在地上刚好在门的旁边Is this my book?my lunch boxin my schoolWhat is it?This is for you.Mr Fuller has a pencil.She has a ruler.Unit 4一只绿色的鸟一把好看的椅子小鸟在哪里?在你的课桌上面在门后面它不在这里。


猜一猜,我的尺在哪里?How beautiful!Where is it?Is it on your book?He’s beside the car.It’s not Sam.Stand on my desk. Don’t fly away.my friendWhere are her friends? the little birdall her friendshis lunch box其他my puppymake a puppy一辆玩具小汽车。



1. 他每天早晨5点起床He gets up at five every morning2. 你刚才说了什么what did you say just now?3 .我在学校书店买了这本书I bought the book at our school bookstore4. 父亲明天将给我许多礼物(gift)My father will/is going to give me a lot of gifts tomorrow5. We all know that light travels faster than sound我们知道光运行得比声音快6.I saw him an hour ago 我一小时前看到他的7. 他将不回来吃晚饭He will not come back for supper8. 昨天杰克又迷路了Yesterday Jack lost his way again9. 雷夫曼先生,非常高兴欢迎您访问我校Mr. Hoffman, I’m very happy to welcome you to visit our school. 10. 我向他表明我会去的I indicated to him that I would go.11. 你好,罗伯特,身体如何?Hello, Robert. How are you ?12. 他常以点头或微笑的方式与别人打招呼。

He often greets people with a nod or a smile.13 .许多外国人发现中国人是友好的。

Many foreigners find the Chinese very friendly .15 .他讲英语略带德国口音。

(slight ,accent)He speaks English with a slight German accent .16 .回家去吧,不然你妈妈要担心的。

(Go home ,otherwise your mother will worry .17 .他看书的时候总是记笔记He always takes while he is reading18 .他正在自学英语He is teaching himself English19 .我们刚才还谈到你呢。



1.把……收起来2.两张纸3想试一下4.整理床铺5.修飞机6.回家度假7.向窗外看8.旅行的照片9.包饺子10.放风筝11.准备上学12.在6号座位13.shopping list14.have riae for every meal15.Don't thank goodness16.take time17.too cheap18.the name of the machine19.have fun doing sth.20.get ready for21.the most famous1.把……收起来put away2.两张纸two pieces of paper3想试一下think about4.整理床铺make the bed5.修飞机repair the airplane6.回家度假go home for a holiday7.向窗外看look out of the window8.旅行的照片the photos for tourist9.包饺子make dumplings10.放风筝fly the kite11.准备上学prepare for school12.在6号座位sit on the NO.6 table13.shopping list 购物清单14.have riae for every meal 每顿吃米饭15.Don't thank goodness 不要谢天谢地了16.take time 从容进行17.too cheap 太便宜18.the name of the machine 机器的名字19.have fun doing sth.做某事很有趣20.get ready for 准备做某事21.the most famous 最出名的1.我们要学会如何应对各种麻烦2.请到街道另一边下车1.We should learn how to deal with all kinds of trouble.2.Please park your car on the other side of the street1.第25页2.第一人民医院3.第101房间4.她是第一个回家的5.这张桌子4英尺长,2英尺宽,3英尺高6。



[汉译英]1. 小明想当一名教师。

2. 你能用英语说出它吗?3. 她在医院工作,她是一名护士。

4. 我们每天有许多作业要做。

5. 你的钢笔是红色的,我的是白色的。

[英译汉]1. He is very kind to us, so we are not afraid of him.2. My father works as an English teacher.3. Please write to me as soon as possible.4. China is a great country with a long history.5. Thousands of people are watching the football match. Keys:[汉译英]1. Xiao Ming wants to be a teacher.2. Can you say it in English?3. She works in a hospital. She is a nurse.4. We have a lot of homework to do every day.5. Your pen is red. Mine is white.[英译汉]1. 他对我们很和蔼,所以我们都不怕他。

2. 我的父亲是一名英语教师。

3. 请尽快给我写信。

4. 中国是一个具有悠久历史的伟大国家。

5. 几千人正在观看足球比赛。

【英译汉】1. We want some meat and bread, please.2. They usually go to school on foot.3. All living things need light and heat from the sun to live.4. I noticed that the bus stopped many times to let people on.【汉译英】1. 你必须好好照顾你的妈妈.2. 树上的苹果很难够得着.3. 不要着急,休息一下,晚饭后你就会好的.Keys: 【英译汉】1. 我们需要一些肉和面包.2. 他们经常步行上学.3. 所有的生物都需要依靠太阳的光和热来生存.4. 我注意到车停下来许多次来载乘客.【汉译英】1. You must take good care of your mother.2. The apples on the tree is hard to reach.3. Don't worry, have a rest and then you'll be all right after suppe r.1. His house is very large and close to his school.2. It usually takes some time to make friends with them.3. Is your father still working in that computer company他的房子很大,离他的学校也很近.跟他们交朋友通常需要一些时间.你父亲还在那间电脑公司工作吗他的收音机很小,但是很好看.他每天早上赶到学校通常需要二十分钟.你的兄弟还在房间里做作业吗His radio is very small but very nice to look at.It usually takes him twenty minutes to get to school every morning.Is your brother still doing his homework in his room4. My teacher promised to talk to my father about it.5. I was so angry that I told him to his face what I thought of him.6. The chairman of the meeting is an old man over sixty.不要相信那些当面赞扬你的人.公司经理是一位大约三十岁左右的年轻人.He promised to give her a nice present for her birthday.Don't believe in those who praise you to your face.The manager of the company is a young man about thirty.他答应给她一件漂亮的生日礼物.会议的主席是一位六十多岁的老人.我非常生气,就当面告诉了他我对他的看法.我的老师答应就此事与我父亲谈谈.7. We still have a long way to go to catch up with the advanced countries.8. I don't know why they refused to accept her invitation.9. It's a good chance to get some useful advice from the famous artist.我们要赶上先进国家还有很长的路要走.我不知道他们为什么拒绝接受她的邀请.这是一个从那位著名的艺术家那里得到有用指教的好机会.It's really a good chance for you to practice your spoken English.你要跟上班还有很长的路要走.他不知道她为什么不愿意跟他一起去.这对你来说确实是一个练习英语口语的好机会.You still have a long way to go to catch up with the class.He didn't know why she was unwilling to go with him.10. You have no right to criticize your parents like that.11. There was only one dollar in his pocket then.12. The old man and his grandson would go fishing on Sundays.你没有权力像那样批评你的父母.当时他的口袋里只有一美元.那位老人和他的孙子星期天总是去钓鱼.你没有权力让他们离开.那间村办学校只有一百个学生和四个老师.我和我的兄弟夏天总是在那条小河里游泳.You have no right to let them leave.There are only one hundred pupils and four teachers in the village school. My brother and I would go swimming in the small river in summer.13. Do you mean you are willing to help them if they ask you14. They are always having a lot of meetings to attend, so they are very busy.15. More skilled workers are badly needed in my uncle's factory.你的意思是说如果他们请你,你是愿意帮助他们的,是吗他们总是有很多会议要参加,所以他们很忙.我叔叔的工厂急需更多的熟练工人.你的意思是说即使他请求你,你也不会借给他钱的,是吗他的头脑里总是有很多奇怪的想法.那个山村急需老师.Do you mean you will not lend him the money even though he asks youHe is always having a lot of strange ideas in his mind.Teachers are badly needed in the mountain village.16. It is said that he has already gone to Australia.17. The present he gave me is right in the school bag.18. They will try their best to improve their working conditions.据说他已经去了澳大利亚.他给我的礼物就在书包里.他们将尽力改善工作条件.据报道,那位著名的歌手将在那里呆两个星期.他们上星期买的那台仪器就在桌子上.她将尽力改进她的英语口语水平.It is reported that the famous singer will stay there for two weeks.The instrument that they bought last week is right on the table.She will try her best to improve her spoken English.19. They invited him to make a speech at the meeting.20. We don't believe the story he told us.21. He is fond of pop music while his parents prefer folk songs.他们邀请他在会上作个发言.我们不相信他给我们讲的故事.他喜欢流行音乐,而他的父母却偏爱民歌.你为什么没有邀请她参加我们的讨论呢他们不相信我能够把这些数学题解出来.他的母亲忙着准备晚饭,而他却在房间里看电视.Why didn't you invite her to join our discussionThey didn't believe that I could work out the maths problems.His mother is busy preparing supper while he is watching TV in the room.22. At last he bought a new house of his own.23. The doctor advised him to give up smoking.24. He wanted very much to finish his homework, but he couldn't keep his eyes open.最后他终于买了一幢属于自己的新房子.医生劝他戒烟.他很想做完作业,可他连眼睛都睁不开了.最后他还是设法把他的儿子送进了附近的一所中学.那小姑娘要她父亲带她去公园.他非常想给他母亲买一件礼物,可他没有钱.At last he managed to send his son to a middle school nearby.The little girl asked her father to take her to the park.He wanted very much to buy his mother a present, but he hadn't any money.25. It is important for the college students to master a foreign language.26. I remembered having met him before.27. After all the students had taken their seats, the teacher began to hand out the examination papers.大学生掌握一门外语是很重要的我记得以前曾经见过他.所有的学生就座之后,老师开始分发试卷.你有必要向李教授求教.他记得临走之前把门锁上了.所有的同学离开教室之后,他开始做作业.It is necessary for you to ask Professor Li for some advice.He remembered having locked the door before he left.After all his classmates had left the classroom, he began to do his homework.28. They lived in a big house surrounded by green trees.29. The teacher often encouraged Tom to study maths well.30. His parents died when he was only a boy of five.他们住在一幢绿树环绕的大房子里.老师经常鼓励汤姆把数学学好.他的父母死了,那时他还只是一个五岁的孩子.我们参观了一座两千年前建的庙宇.那位老妇人希望她的儿子成为一个医生.当他还是一个小孩子的时候,他家搬到了一个小山村.We visited an old temple built two thousand years ago.The old woman expected her son to become a doctor.His family moved to a mountain village when he was a small boy.31. The old man said that we could stop to have a rest.32. In order to improve the listening ability, they decided to listen to the tape every evening.33. With the help of my classmates, I did very well in all the exams.那位老人说,我们可以停下来休息一下.为了改进听力,他们决定每天晚上听录音(磁带).在同学们的帮助下,我各门考试都考得很好.老师说,我们不能离开教室,除非我们做完作业.为了做好工作,他们决定在周五之前做准备.在老师们得帮助下,我在本学期取得了很大得进步.The teacher said that we couldn't leave the room unless we finished our homework.In order to do the work well, they decided to make preparations before Friday.With the help of the teachers, I have made a lot of progress this term.34. She agreed to stay with me for a couple of days.35. We are very much surprised that he should have set the prisoners free.36. What he said at the meeting surprised everybody present.她同意跟我在一起呆几天.他竟然把那些犯人放走了,我们感到非常吃惊.他在会上所说的话使在场的每个人都感到吃惊.他同意尽快来帮助我们.她竟然写出这么好的作文,我们感到非常高兴.他在学校所做的事使他父母非常生气.He agreed to come to our help as soon as possible.We are very glad that she should have written so good a composition.What he did at school made his parents very angry.37. John told me that he was brought up by his uncle.38. Jack asked me to buy him some envelopes on my way home.39. Last Sunday morning, I went to the station to meet my uncle.约翰告诉我他是由他叔叔抚养大的.杰克告诉我他因为迟到而受到了老师的惩罚.Jack told us that he was punished by his teacher for being late.杰克要我在回家的路上给他买一些信封.汤姆要他兄弟在去看电影的路上帮他寄封信.Tom asked his brother to post a letter for him on his way to the cinema.上个星期天的上午,我去车站接我叔叔.昨天下午,他去邮局寄了一封信.Yesterday afternoon, he went to the post office to post a letter.40. The teacher gave him a piece of paper and asked him to write a composition.41. Frankly speaking, I don't quite agree with what he just said.42. As far as I am concerned, I don't like this kind of music.老师给他一张纸,让他写一篇作文.他父亲递给他一把铁锹,让他挖一个坑.His father handed him a spade and asked him to dig a hole.坦率的说,我不太同意他刚才说的话.一般说来,孩子们对一切都很好奇.Generally speaking, children are always curious about everything.就我而言,我不喜欢这种音乐.就我所知,她有一个兄弟在上海工作.As far as I know, she has got a brother working in Shanghai.43. If you don't work hard, how can you expect to pass all the exams44. One evening, I went out for a walk with my mother.45. The photos reminded him of his happy childhood.如果你不努力学习,你怎么指望通过所有这些考试呢如果你不尊敬他们,你怎么能指望他们尊重你呢If you don't respect them, how can you expect them to respect you有一天晚上,我和母亲一起出去散步.有一天早上,我和爷爷一起去钓鱼.One morning, I went fishing with my grandpa.这些照片使他想起了他快乐的童年.这本旧书使我想起了那段悲痛的经历.The old book reminded me of the sad experience.46. Mr White agreed to look into the matter himself.47. Watching too much TV will do harm to your eyes.48. It is reported that lots of people are worried about the result.怀特先生同意亲自调查此事.史密斯先生没有同意亲自照顾这个婴儿.Mr Smith didn't agree to look after the baby himself.看电视太多对你的眼睛有害.早锻炼对你的健康有好处.Doing exercise in the morning will do good to your health.据报道,很多人对这个结果担忧.据说,校长对你的工作很满意.It is said that the headmaster is satisfied with your work.49. The book is made up of fifteen chapters.50. He left his hometown at the age of twelve and has never been heard of ever since.51. It looked as if there were no more fish left in the lake.这本书由十五个章节组成.这个委员会由九位成员组成,七男两女.The committee is made up of nine members, seven man and two women.他十二岁时离开家乡,此后再无音讯.她是去年夏天去那里的,已经在那里呆了好几个月了.She went there last summer and has stayed there for several months.看起来这湖里没剩下什么鱼了.看起来这湖水似乎受到了严重污染.It looks as if the water in the lake has become seriously polluted.52. Doctor Li often uses some advanced instruments to treat his patients.53. Once you show any fear, the dog will attack you.54. To buy these gifts, I think, is really a waste of money.李医生经常使用一些先进的仪器治疗他的病人.杰克很少使用先进的仪器做实验.Jack seldom uses the advanced instruments to do his experiments.一旦你显出惧怕的样子,这条狗就会向你进攻.一旦你见到他,你就会永远忘不了他.Once you see him, you will never forget him.我想,买这些礼品确实是浪费钱.我想,试图说服他确实是浪费时间.To try to persuade him, I think, is really a waste of time.55. No matter what she is, she must pay for her meals.56. In this way, you can find out how many people are using the machine.57. He made a telephone call to Jack and told him what to do.不管她是谁,她吃饭必须要付钱.不管他住的离这里有多远,他上学从不迟到.No matter how far he lives away from here, he is never late for school.以这种方式,你就可以查出来有多少人在使用这台机器.以这种方式,你就可以很容易地解决这个问题.In this way, you can solve the problem easily.他给杰克打了个电话,告诉他该做什么.他给我留了个条子,告诉我如何解决这个问题.He left me a note and told me how to solve the problem.58. I think we should fix a date for the next meeting now.59. Almost all the newspapers carried this important news.60. He expressed his satisfaction with the result and added he would work harder. 我想我们现在应该为下一次会议定个日期.我想我们应该在做任何其他事情之前认真考虑此事.I think we ought to consider the matter carefully before we do anything else.几乎所有的报纸都登载了这个重要新闻.几乎所有的学生都同意帮助那个有残疾的男孩.Almost all the students agreed to help the disabled boy.他对结果表示满意,并补充说他将更加努力地工作.校长对我们的工作表示满意,并补充说他将在下次会上表扬我们.The headmaster expressed his satisfaction with our work and added he would praise us at the next meeting.61. It was the old lady who attended his wife when she was ill.62. I don't care whether he quarreled with my brother.63. His father was fired by a company one month ago.正是那位老太太在他妻子生病时照顾她.我不在家时正是那位老人照看我的孩子.It was the old man who looked after my children while I was away.我不在乎他是否跟我的兄弟吵过架.我不在乎他是不是通过了驾驶测试.I don't care whether he passed the driving test or not.一个月前,他父亲被一家公司解雇了.上个星期一他妹妹受到了老师的惩罚.His sister was punished by her teacher last Monday.64. They often kill time by playing cards and chess on Sundays.65. At the foot of the mountain, there flowed a small river.66. If you don't like the house, I can try and find another for you.每逢星期天,他们经常是打牌,下棋来消磨时间.我们不应当用看电视或是听音乐来消磨时间.We shouldn't kill time by watching TV or listening to music.山脚下有(流淌着) 一条小河.小山的脚下有(耸立着)一座五百年前建的古庙.At the foot of the hill, there stood an old temple built five years ago.如果你不喜欢这座房子,我可以试着再给你另找一座.如果你不喜欢这个包,我可以说服你父亲再给你另买一个.If you don't like the bag, I can persuade your father to buy you another one.67. We'd better put off the plan till next year because we can't get enough money at present.68. As soon as he got out of the car, he was surrounded by a group of journalists.69. The city where I live is an old city set up two thousand years ago.我们最好把这个计划推迟到明年,因为我们目前弄不到足够的钱.我们最好把这个会议推迟到下周,因为太多的人缺席.We'd better put off the meeting till next week because so many people are absent.他一从车里出来就被一群记者包围住了.那位著名的歌手一进入大厅就被一群激动的歌迷围住了.As soon as the famous singer entered the hall, he was surrounded by a group of excited fans.我住的那座城市是一座两千年前建的古城.我昨天读的那本书是老舍写的一部小说.The book I read yesterday was a novel written by Lao She.70. My grandma always tells us never to waste any food.71. Finally I realized that the letter was not intended for me.72. What she should do is to help them to help themselves.我爷爷总是告诉我们千万别浪费粮食.老师要你别浪费水.The teacher told you not to waste any water.最后我意识到,那封信不是写给我的.最后他意识到他父母挣钱是不容易的.Finally he realized that it was no easy job for his parents to make money.她应该做的事情是帮助他们自助.你应该做的事情是鼓励学生(开口)讲.What you should do is to encourage the students to speak.73. The question is whether the price is worth paying.74. The book is cheap and at the same time informative.75. At that time she was waiting for a long distance call.问题在于是否值得付出这样的代价.问题在于您是否应当在课堂上表扬他.The question is whether you should praise him in class.这本书售价便宜,内容又丰富.你昨天看的电影很有趣,同时又具有教育意义.The film you saw last night is interesting and at the same time instructive.那时她正在等一个长途电话.那时他正在和父母一起吃晚饭.At that time he was having supper with his parents.76. The teacher encouraged me to make up my mind to catch up with the rest of the class.77. As long as we rely on the masses, I'm sure the task will be finished on time.78. As far as I know, Jack is now in charge of an important department.老师鼓励我下定决心赶上班里的其他同学.总统号召人民全力以赴赶上发达国家.The president called on the people to go all out to catch up with the developed countries. 只要我们依靠群众,我相信,任务就一定会按时完成.只要我们坚持这项计划,我们就一定能成功.As long as we stick to this plan, we are sure to succeed.据我所知,杰克现在负责一个重要部门.据我所知,三班现在由怀特先生负责.As far as I know, Class Three is now in the charge of Mr. White.79. Tom was very disappointed when he heard the disappointing news.80. It's nearly ten years since we moved into the small village.81. The population of the city will be decreased by 10% by the end of 2008.汤姆听到这个令人失望的消息非常失望.我听到这个令人激动的消息非常激动.I was very excited when I heard the exciting news.自从我们搬到这个小村庄已经将近十年了.自从他来我市学习已经五年多了.It is more than five years since he came to study in our city.到2008年年底为止这个城市的人口将增加百分之十.到明年年底为止这个工厂的产量将增加百分之十五.The production of the factory will be increased by 15% by the end of next year.82. Do you plan to attend the meeting to be held next week83. It is said that he made an exciting speech at the meeting.84. You should try your best to get the students to practice by themselves.你打算参加下周召开的会议吗她已经决定参加下个月举行的运动会了吗Has she decided to take part in the sports meet to be held next month据说他在会上作了一个令人激动的演讲.据说他拒绝在会上发言.It is said that he refused to speak at the meeting.你应当尽力让学生自己练习.我们应当尽力在工作中帮助他们.We should try our best to help them with the work.85. The teacher doesn't allow the students to enter the teachers' office without permission.86. I insist that you should talk to your father about it.87. He often encourages me to do better in my English studies.老师不允许学生未经许可进入教师办公室.他父亲不允许他不经许可使用他的电脑.His father doesn't allow him to use his computer without permission.我坚持要你跟你父亲谈谈此事.我建议你邀请他参加我们小组.I suggest that you should invite him to join our group.他经常鼓励我把英语学习搞得更好.他的同学都鼓励他改掉这些坏习惯.All his classmates encourage him to get rid of the bad habits.88. What happened proved that he hadn't given us any help.89. We requested that he tell us a story about the Long March.90. Frankly speaking, we are very much worried about their safety.所发生的事情证明了他并没有给我们任何帮助.所发生的事情说明他并不愿意帮助我们.What happened shows that he is unwilling to help us.我们要求他给我们讲一个长征的故事.他们建议你要求那位老教授参加我们的讨论.They suggested that you invite the old professor to join in our discussion.坦率的说,我们非常担心他们的安全.就我所知,他们根本不担心实验的结果.As far as I know, they are not worried about the result of the experiment at all.91. A new hospital is being built near our school.92. Although the computer is small, it can store a lot of information.93. It's impossible for us to avoid meeting this kind of people.我们学校附近正在建一个新医院.我的家乡正在建设一条新铁路.A new railway is being built in my hometown.尽管这台电脑很小,它可以储存大量的信息.尽管他很疲劳,他也不愿停下来休息一下.Although he was very tired, he would not stop to have a rest.我们想避免碰到这种人是不可能的.你想避免碰到大量的困难是不可能的.It's impossible for you to avoid coming across a lot of difficulties.94. Then we decided to organize a trip to Qingdao.95. What will you say if someone praises you for your good English96. He suggests that we review our lessons by asking each other questions.接着,他们决定组织一次旅游去青岛.接着,他们决定停止向那个地区提供食品.Then they decided to stop providing food to that area.如果有人夸你英语很好,你会说什么如果他要你借给他一些钱你会怎么办What will you do if he asks you to lend him some money他建议,我们(可以)通过彼此提问来复习功课.她建议我们通过定期写信的方式来保持联系.She suggests that we keep in touch with each other by writing letters regularly.97. He just wanted to know how to write an English composition.98. The professor simply doesn't understand why the boy has so many strange ideas.99. He told the girl that he wanted to send a letter to Singapore.他只是想知道怎么样写一篇英语作文.老师只是想弄清楚谁打破了窗子.The teacher just wanted to find out who broke the window.那位教授简直不明白那个孩子为什么有那么多奇怪的想法.他简直不明白他爷爷怎么会在回家的路上迷了路.He simply doesn't understand how his grandpa got lost on the way home.他告诉那姑娘他想往新加坡寄封信.她告诉我说她想给她母亲挑一件礼物.She told me that she wanted to choose a present for her mother.100. The next day he asked me to go to his office for an interview.101. What you should do is to choose a topic and write a composition.102. When we got there, we found the hall already filled with people.第二天,他要我去他办公室面试/见面.第二天,他们邀请我去那个学院参观一个艺术展览.The next day they invited me to visit an art exhibition in that college.你所要做的事情就是选一个题目,写一篇作文.你现在所要做的事情就是给她写封信表示道歉.What you should do now is to write her a letter and make an apology.当我们到达那里时,我们发现大厅里已经坐满了人.当我们到达那个村庄时,我们发现太阳已经下山了.When we arrived at the village, we found the sun already set down behind the hills. 103. He immediately took off his clothes and jumped into the lake.104. Two hours passed, but he still didn't turn up.105. She has already made up her mind to go to the south with him.他立刻脱掉衣服跳进湖里.他立即放下笔冲出了房间.He put down his pen at once and rushed out of the room.两个小时过去了.可他还没有露面.两个星期过去了,那个小村庄仍然被敌人的士兵包围着.Two weeks passed, but the small village was still surrounded by the enemy soldiers.她已经打定注意跟他一起去南方.我们已经打定注意帮助他摆脱困境.We have already made up our mind to help him out of trouble.106. He asked the boss to give him a chance to try this method.107. As soon as they got there, they began to climb the mountains.108. I gave him a telephone call at once and advised him to give up smoking.他要求老板给他一个机会来试一试这种方法.他们要求我借给他们一些钱来购买这种材料.They asked me to lend them some money to buy this material.他们一到那里就开始爬山了.我们一到那里就开始为那位老太太打扫房子.As soon as we got there, we began to clean the house for the old lady.我立即给他打了个电话劝他戒烟.我立即给他写了一封信鼓励他更加努力工作.I wrote him a letter at once and encourage him to work harder.109. I like my grandma, for she is good at telling stories.110. I was about to leave home when a neighbour came to borrow my bike.111. There are five buildings in our school, three of which were set up last year.我喜欢我的奶奶,因为她会讲故事.我不喜欢我的小弟弟,因为他老是撒谎.I don't like my little brother, for he is always telling lies.我正要离开家,这时一位邻居来借我的自行车.我们正要进入大厅,这时一群孩子冲了出来.We were about to enter the hall when a group of children rushed out.我们学校有五座大楼,其中三座是去年建的.我们学习小组有六名成员,其中四位已经受到了老师的表扬.There are six members in our study group, four of whom have been praised by the teacher. 112. Alice is always the first to come to school.113. I don't think I'll need any money but I'll bring some in case.114. This is the book I told you about; I borrowed it from Professor Li yesterday.爱丽丝总是第一个来学校.我们的物理老师总是最后一个离开实验室.Our physics teacher is always the last to leave the lab.我想我不需要钱,不过我还是带一点以防万一.我想我们不需要这种材料,不过我们还是买一点以防万一.I don't think we'll need this kind of material now but we'll buy some in case.这就是我跟你说过的那本书;我昨天从李教授那儿借的.这就是我跟你说过的那个手提箱;我是上个星期在公园拣到的.This is the suitcase I told you about; I found it in the park last week.115. The teacher suggested that each student have an English-English dictionary.116. There is a newly opened supermarket nearby, where you can get what you want. 117. Do you still remember the place where we first met老师建议每个学生备一本英-英词典.数学老师建议学生课后多做练习.The maths teacher suggested the students do more exercises after class.附近有一家新开张的超市,在那里你可以买到你想要的东西.我们区有一个大的图书馆,在那里你可以借到你想要的书.There is a big library in our district, where you can borrow the books you want.你还记得我们初次见面的地方吗你还记得高一时教我们的英语老师吗Do you still remember the English teacher who taught us in Senior One118. Don't forget to return the magazine to the reading room when you finish reading it. 119. Did you remember to pay the money back to Jack120. He had promised to get a ticket for you, but he didn't.你看完这本杂志以后别忘了还给阅览室.你做完实验以后别忘了把灯关上.Don't forget to turn off the lights when you finish doing your experiment.你有没有记住把钱还给杰克你离开实验室时有没有记住锁门Did you remember to lock the door when you left the lab他答应给您弄张票的,可他没有弄到.他们答应帮我们进行工作的,可他们并没有帮忙.They had promised to help us in the work, but they didn't.121. He wanted to join the army but was turned down because he was not old enough. 122. Why did you throw the bottle out of the window123. Would you rather watch TV or go out for a walk他想参军可是被拒绝了,因为他年龄不够大.我想参加他的俱乐部可是被拒绝了,因为我太小.I wanted to join his club but was turned down because I was too young.你为什么把瓶子扔出窗外你为什么藏在门后面Why did you hide yourself behind the door您是愿意看电视呢,还是想出去散步您是愿意打的还是想乘公共汽车Would you rather take a taxi or go by bus124. Do you think it possible for us to visit the small town again125. I don't know what he bought some cigarettes for.126. You should have well prepared for the speech.你觉得我们有可能再次参观这个小镇吗你觉得她有可能再有一次机会试一试运气吗Do you think it possible for her to have another chance to try her luck我不知道他买香烟干什么用.你知不知道我们老师代个大袋子来干什么.Do you know what our teacher brought a big bag for。



英汉互译句子1. I am a student at Beijing University.我是北京大学的学生。

2. She is a doctor in a hospital.她是一名医院的医生。

3. They are going to visit the Great Wall tomorrow.他们明天要去参观长城。

4. We had a great time at the party last night.昨晚的派对我们玩得很开心。

5. The cat is sleeping on the sofa.猫正在沙发上睡觉。

6. My mother is cooking dinner in the kitchen.我妈妈正在厨房做晚饭。

7. He is reading a book in the library.他正在图书馆看书。

8. The students are playing basketball on the playground.学生们正在操场上打篮球。

9. The flowers in the garden are very beautiful.花园里的花很漂亮。

10. We are watching a movie at home tonight.我们今晚在家看电影。

11. The teacher is explaining the lesson to the students.老师正在向学生们讲解课程。

12. The baby is crying in the bedroom.宝宝正在卧室里哭泣。

13. The workers are building a new house.工人们正在建造一座新房子。

14. The dog is running in the park.狗正在公园里奔跑。

15. I am studying English in the library.我正在图书馆学习英语。

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2.sales assistant
3. at the airport
5.women’s clothes
7.speak English 8.学英语
9.on foot 10.炸鱼和炸薯条
13.许多14. sales assistant
15. a dragon kite 16.twenty years ago
17. be hard for her

1.He is (a; an)English teacher.
2.What did she have (for; to)dinner?
3.Thank you for (talk; talking) to us.
4.It’s got four (wheel; wheels).
st year, she (go; went) to Qingdao and visited her friend.

1. are you going to Qingdao?
2.The men wore clothes.
3.His mum and grandma Chinese.
4.Five ago,Mr Li a teacher.
A. years; was
B. years; is
C.year; was
D.year; is
5.Did she any foreign languages?
6.We give out CDs Sam because he them.
A.to; liked
B.at; likes
C. to; likes
7.– is your brother?
–He is a doctor.

1.I (give )one apple to my dog yesterday.
2.Mum is going to cook (China)food for us.
3.He (not) have any legs then.
4.She (say)it’s delicious!
5.My mother is a (dance).
6.She (feel) happy every day.
7. (make) a list of things to do.
8.Everyone (speak)Chinese in China.
9.Many people live in tall (build).
10.I’m going (meet)you.

1. did, what, have, she, for, dinner(?)
2.books, we, teachers, have, for(.)

7.child(复数) 8.read(过去式)
9.wore(原形) 10.women(单数)

1.We can (listen)to Chinese songs in the evening.
2.Don’t forget (bring) books about animals.
3.My father (buy)some apples last week.
4.Look! The boy (make) a kite now.
5.They (play) football now.

1.Which fruit do you like? A.Because it’s interesting.
2.Where are the letters from?B.I went to Sichuan.
3.Did you go to Hainan?C.Yes,I did.
4.Why does he like basketball?D.I like bananas.
5.Where did you go in China? E.They’re from England.。
