
team finally succeeded in 1971. Tu Youyou and her team members even insisted on testing the medicine on themselves to make sure that it was safe. Later, the medicine was tested on malaria patients, most of whom recovered. This medicine, which was called artemisinin, soon became a standard treatment for malaria.
Ⅱ. 按要求完成任务 写出文章中的优美句式。 ①_A_r_t_e_m__is_in__in__h_a_s_s_a_v_e_d_h_u__n_d_r_e_d_s_o_f_t_h_o_u_s_a_n_d_s_o_f_l_i_v_es_,_a_n_d__h_a_s_l_e_d_t_o_ _i_m_p_r_o_v_e_d__h_e_a_lt_h_f_o_r__m_i_ll_io_n__s _o_f_p_e_o_p_l_e_. ②_U__p_o_n_h_e_a_r_i_n_g_t_h_a_t_s_h_e__h_a_d_b_e_e_n__a_w_a_r_d_e_d__th__e_N_o_b_e_l_P__r_iz_e_,_s_h_e_s_a_id__, _“_T_h_e_ _h_o_n_o_u_r_i_s_n_o_t_j_u_s_t_m__in__e._T__h_e_r_e_i_s _a_t_e_a_m__b_e_h_i_n_d_m__e_,_a_n_d__a_ll_t_h_e_p__eo_p__le__o_f _m_y_ _c_o_u_n_tr_y_.__T_h_i_s_s_u_c_c_e_ss__p_r_o_v_es__th_e__g_r_e_a_t _v_a_lu_e__o_f_t_r_a_d_it_io_n__a_l _C_h_i_n_e_se_ _m__e_d_ic_i_n_e_. _”_

rather sth. “
2.我今晚宁愿待在家里看点书。 I would rather _s_ta_y__a_t _h_o_m_e__a_n_d_
do some reading this evening.
3.In 1973, he became the first/last/best/ 3.(2018·全国卷Ⅰ,书面表达)
if so意为“如果 是这样的话”,
1.(全国卷Ⅲ书面表达)你愿意加 入我们校乒乓球队吗?如果愿意,
do to grow them?
是 if 引 导 的 条 件
如果是这样的话,你 状语从句的省略 Would you like to join our school
写准记牢 6.__le_a_d_t_o__ 导致;造成(后果) 7.__fo_c_u_s_o_n__ 集中(注意力、精力等)于 8.__b_e_r_ic_h_i_n__ 盛产 9.__k_ee_p_._.._fr_e_e_f_r_o_m_/_o_f___ 使……免受(影响、伤害等);使……不含(有害 物) 10._k_ee_p__o_Fra bibliotek__ 继续做某事
1._h_u_n_g_e_r__ n. 饥饿;欲望vt. & vi. (使)饥饿 拓 →_h_u_n_g_ry___ adj. 饥饿的;渴望得到的 展 2._e_q_u_ip___ vt. & vi. 配备;装备 单 →_e_q_u_ip_m__e_n_t __ n. 设备(不可数) 词 3._e_x_p_o_rt___ vt. & vi. 输出;出口

Ⅳ.经典句式 1.On discovering that Morrie is being weakened by a severe illness, Mitch starts visiting him at his house on Tuesday. 发现莫里因严重的疾病而身体虚弱,米奇从周二开始去他家里看望他。 2.It's up to us to find out what is important in our lives and establish our own values. 一切靠我们自己来发现生活中什么是重要的并创造我们自己的价值。
7.The _p_u_r_i_ty_ (pure) of the water is tested regularly. 8.She gained only minimal _r_e_c_o_g_n_it_io_n__ for her work.That is to say her work was _r_ec_o_g_n_i_z_e_d_ by only small amount of people.(recognize)
6.People like having small furry animals to _st_r_o_k_e_ (抚摸), but pets can be expensive to feeD.
7.Not everyone is so _p_e_s_s_im__is_t_ic__ (悲观的) about the future. 8.This is the kind of _lu_x_u_r_y_ (奢侈) that top people want.
4.A box of tissues will be needed to get through this book! 读完这本书需要一盒纸巾!
2024版高考英语一轮总复习教材复习Unit2 课件新人教版选择性必修第四册

教材复习 选择性必修第四册
Ⅰ.词块记单词 1.a _s_tr_a_ig_h_t_f_o_rw__a_rd___ attitude towards life 简单直率的人生态度 2.the Prime _M__in_i_s_te_r_ 总理;首相 3.the tips of the _a_rr_o_w__s 箭头 4._sp_o_n_s_o_r_ an elephant 赞助一头大象 5.preserve its health and _l_ib_e_r_t_y_ 保护它的健康和自由 6.take s_a_m__p_le_ photographs 拍摄样品照片 7.in that _t_em__p_o_r_a_ry_, protected environment 在那个暂时的、受保护的 环境中
4 . As far as I know, Mark is a cautious shopper who always d_o_e_s__so_m__e_r_e_s_e_ar_c_h_o_n__ ( 做 一 些 调 查 ) the market before he buys something valuable. 5.Generally speaking, people who work in the offices _ar_e_r_e_f_e_rr_e_d_t_o_a_s_ (被称为是) “white collar workers”. 6.Too much work without enough rest often _l_e_a_d_s_to__ (导致) illness. 7.I _f_e_e_l_a_t_h_o_m_e__ (有宾至如归的感觉) together with you.I feel very happy as if I became much younger.
Ⅰ.词块记单词 1.a _s_tr_a_ig_h_t_f_o_rw__a_rd___ attitude towards life 简单直率的人生态度 2.the Prime _M__in_i_s_te_r_ 总理;首相 3.the tips of the _a_rr_o_w__s 箭头 4._sp_o_n_s_o_r_ an elephant 赞助一头大象 5.preserve its health and _l_ib_e_r_t_y_ 保护它的健康和自由 6.take s_a_m__p_le_ photographs 拍摄样品照片 7.in that _t_em__p_o_r_a_ry_, protected environment 在那个暂时的、受保护的 环境中
4 . As far as I know, Mark is a cautious shopper who always d_o_e_s__so_m__e_r_e_s_e_ar_c_h_o_n__ ( 做 一 些 调 查 ) the market before he buys something valuable. 5.Generally speaking, people who work in the offices _ar_e_r_e_f_e_rr_e_d_t_o_a_s_ (被称为是) “white collar workers”. 6.Too much work without enough rest often _l_e_a_d_s_to__ (导致) illness. 7.I _f_e_e_l_a_t_h_o_m_e__ (有宾至如归的感觉) together with you.I feel very happy as if I became much younger.

__b_ey_o_n_d__ recognition. ③Steve Hawking is recognized __a_s/_to__be__ one of the greatest scientists in
physics. 能力提升—— 一句多译 那本书被公认为21世纪最伟大的文学作品之一。 ④The book _____is_r_e_co_g_n_iz_e_d_t_o_b_e_/a_s_____ one of the greatest works of
Ⅴ.经典句式 1.___It_'s_u_p_t_o_u_s_to__fi_n_d_o_ut___ what is important in our lives and establish
our own values. 这取决于我们发现生活中的重点,并建立我们自己的价值观。 2.Reading this book made me feel
with others and I am always ready to help others in need. ②All customers travelling on TransLink services must be ____in____
possession of a valid ticket before boarding. 能力提升—— 一句多译 众所周知,他拥有许多这个艺术家的作品。 ③As is known to all,he _is_p_o_s_se_s_s_ed__of_a__nu_m__be_r_o_f_t_he__ar_ti_s_t's_w__o_rk_s_____.
Ⅱ.核心单词 1._w_i_de_s_p_re_a_d____ adj. 广泛流传的 2._p_h_ra_s_e_______ n. 成语,习语;警句 3._fe_e__________ n. 工作酬金;服务费 4._u_n_iv_e_rs_it_y_f_ee_s__ 大学学费
physics. 能力提升—— 一句多译 那本书被公认为21世纪最伟大的文学作品之一。 ④The book _____is_r_e_co_g_n_iz_e_d_t_o_b_e_/a_s_____ one of the greatest works of
Ⅴ.经典句式 1.___It_'s_u_p_t_o_u_s_to__fi_n_d_o_ut___ what is important in our lives and establish
our own values. 这取决于我们发现生活中的重点,并建立我们自己的价值观。 2.Reading this book made me feel
with others and I am always ready to help others in need. ②All customers travelling on TransLink services must be ____in____
possession of a valid ticket before boarding. 能力提升—— 一句多译 众所周知,他拥有许多这个艺术家的作品。 ③As is known to all,he _is_p_o_s_se_s_s_ed__of_a__nu_m__be_r_o_f_t_he__ar_ti_s_t's_w__o_rk_s_____.
Ⅱ.核心单词 1._w_i_de_s_p_re_a_d____ adj. 广泛流传的 2._p_h_ra_s_e_______ n. 成语,习语;警句 3._fe_e__________ n. 工作酬金;服务费 4._u_n_iv_e_rs_it_y_f_ee_s__ 大学学费

2.前缀 a-高频表语形容词大全 ①alive ②alike ③awake ④ashamed ⑤alone ⑥alarmed
活的;有活力的 相同的;类似的 醒着的 羞愧的 单独的 恐惧的
3.“高兴”家族 ①amazing adj. ②delight n.& vt. ③delighted adj. ④delightful adj. ⑤happy adj. ⑥happiness n. ⑦joy n.
[语境活用]——选用左栏短语填空 1.In a new scientific study,_a__fl_o_c_k_o_f___sheep at the University of Cambridge, UK, were able to recognize the faces of human celebrities. 2.Her post drew _a__h_a_n_d_f_u_l_o_f__responses, some of which were in support of the teacher.
9.temporary adj.暂时的;短暂的→_t_e_m_p__o_ra_r_i_ly_ adv.暂时地 10.license vt.批准;许可 n.许可证;执照→l_i_ce_n_s_e_d__ adj.得到正式许可 的 11.frequency n.发生率;重复率;(声波或电磁波振动的)频率→__fr_e_q_u_e_n_t adj.频繁的;常见的 v.常去 12.violent adj.暴力的;猛烈的→_v_i_o_le_n_c_e_ n.暴力;暴行→_v_i_o_le_n_t_l_y_ adv. 暴力地
最新一轮复习:必修四Unit 2[1]概要教学讲义ppt课件
![最新一轮复习:必修四Unit 2[1]概要教学讲义ppt课件](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/c9ada489be1e650e53ea997c.png)
2. equip vt.&vi. 装备;配备
Our classroom is equipped with a TV set and a tape recorder.
be equipped with 装备着……
①They asked for civil rights,___fo__r__ which they had
struggled for hundreds of years. 他们要求民权,并为此奋斗了几百年。
③He has beenst_r_u_g_g__li_n_g__to__s_u_c__c_e_e_d_ in his business. =He has been _____s_t_r_u_g_g_l_in__g_f_o_r__s_u_c_c_e_s_s_in his business. 为使事业成功,他一直努力奋斗着。 ④(人教⑩-36)It is __a__s_t_ru__g_g_l_efor me to keep my room or desk tidy. 保持我的房间和书桌整洁对我来说是件费劲的事。
一轮复习:必修四Unit 2[1]概要
1.___st_r_u_g_g_l_e___ vt. & n.斗争;拼搏;努力 2.___o_u_tp__u_t____ n.产量;输出 3.___b_a_tt_l_e_____n.战役;战斗;较量;斗争vt. & vi.搏斗;奋斗
3.动名词的否定形式作主语 _N__o_t _h_a_v_in_g__e_n_o_u_g_h__fo_o_d___leads to poor health and,therefore,sickness. 没有足够的食物引起身体不健康,所以引发疾病。 4.动词不定式作主语 __T_o_g_e_t_r_i_d_o_f_h__u_n_g_e_r_____is very important for some African countries.对一些非洲国家来说摆脱贫困是重要的。 5.过去分词作状语 _E_q__u_ip_p_e_d__w_i_t_h________new scientific farming methods,they have been able to use less farmland than in the past. 有了新的科学耕种方法,他们能够运用比过去少的耕地。
2. equip vt.&vi. 装备;配备
Our classroom is equipped with a TV set and a tape recorder.
be equipped with 装备着……
①They asked for civil rights,___fo__r__ which they had
struggled for hundreds of years. 他们要求民权,并为此奋斗了几百年。
③He has beenst_r_u_g_g__li_n_g__to__s_u_c__c_e_e_d_ in his business. =He has been _____s_t_r_u_g_g_l_in__g_f_o_r__s_u_c_c_e_s_s_in his business. 为使事业成功,他一直努力奋斗着。 ④(人教⑩-36)It is __a__s_t_ru__g_g_l_efor me to keep my room or desk tidy. 保持我的房间和书桌整洁对我来说是件费劲的事。
一轮复习:必修四Unit 2[1]概要
1.___st_r_u_g_g_l_e___ vt. & n.斗争;拼搏;努力 2.___o_u_tp__u_t____ n.产量;输出 3.___b_a_tt_l_e_____n.战役;战斗;较量;斗争vt. & vi.搏斗;奋斗
3.动名词的否定形式作主语 _N__o_t _h_a_v_in_g__e_n_o_u_g_h__fo_o_d___leads to poor health and,therefore,sickness. 没有足够的食物引起身体不健康,所以引发疾病。 4.动词不定式作主语 __T_o_g_e_t_r_i_d_o_f_h__u_n_g_e_r_____is very important for some African countries.对一些非洲国家来说摆脱贫困是重要的。 5.过去分词作状语 _E_q__u_ip_p_e_d__w_i_t_h________new scientific farming methods,they have been able to use less farmland than in the past. 有了新的科学耕种方法,他们能够运用比过去少的耕地。

There were no signs of a struggle at the murder scene.在凶 杀现场没有搏斗的痕迹。
用适当的介、副词填空 ①He struggled__________his feet. [答案] to ②He struggled__________his freedom. [答案] for
6 . __________ adj. 化 学 的 ; 关 于 化 学 的 → __________ n.化学→chemist n.药剂师;药商;化学家
[答案] chemical;chemistry 7.__________ n.生产,制造→produce vt. 生产,制造 →__________ n.产品 [答案] production;product 8.nutrition n. 营养;滋养;食物→__________ adj.有营 养的,营养丰富的 [答案] nutritious
[答案] import 4.__________ n.工作;职业;占领→occupy vt.使用, 占用;占据,占领 [答案] occupation 5.confuse vt. 使迷惑;使为难→__________ adj. 迷惑的, 糊涂的→__________ adj.令人困惑的,难以理解的 [答案] confused;confusing
4.therefore adv.因此;所以;因而 [教材原句]He therefore gives millions of yuan to equip others for their research in agriculture.(P10)于是他拿出几百万 元帮助其他人进行农业科学研究。
[名师点悟] therefore 是副词。和上句连接时常用 and therefore...形式,and 前加一逗句;如没有 and,则上句尾用分 号(;)。so 是连词。前一句尾常用逗号隔开,so 不能与 because 连用。thus 是副词,常与 and 连用,呈现 and thus+从句形式, 有时也会有...,thus doing...形式,强调引起一个直接的结果。

国籍 幸亏;由于;因为 使……摆脱或除去 对……感到满意 宁愿;宁可 逐渐增强;建立;开发 导致;造成(后果) 集中(注意力、精力等)于 使……免受(影响、伤害等); 使……不含(有害物)
(一)分类识记单词——用时少·功效高 阅读单词知意
1.statistic n.
⇩积 得 多(平时多输入,用时顺手出)
1.“扩展”动词知多少 ①expand 使变大;伸展 ②extend 延伸;扩展 ③spread 展开,传播 ④enlarge 扩大;扩展 ⑤broaden 使变宽
2.加后缀-ment构成的名词面面观 ①equip→equipment 装备 ②develop→development 发展 ③move→movement 移动 ④arrange→arrangement 安排 ⑤employ→employment 雇用
核心单词练通 1._E_x_p_a_n_d__in_g_ (扩展) your knowledge by reading more books
is a wise choice. 2.Having _s_t_ru__g_g_le_d__ (努力) for many years, he was finally
vi.& vt.
发现;发觉 焦点;中心点 集中;聚焦 土壤 减少;减缩 根;根源 总结;摘要;概要 评论;议论 表达意见;作出评论
23._n_a_t_io_n_a_l_it_y__ n. 24._th__a_n_k_s_t_o_ 25._r_id__.._.o_f___ 26._b_e_s_a_t_is_f_ie_d__w_i_th___ 27._w_o_u_l_d_r_a_t_h_e_r_ 28._b_u_i_ld__u_p_ 29._le_a_d__to__ 30._f_o_c_u_s_o_n_ 31._k_e_e_p_._.._fr_e_e__fr_o_m__/o_f_
2020高考一轮复习:必修4 Unit 2 知识串讲课件

4. ___le_a_d__t_o________________导致;造成(后果) 【常用结构】 ____r_e_s_u_lt__in______________导致;致使 ____c_o_n_t_r_ib__u_te__to__________导致;促使 5. ___k_e_e_p_._._._f_r_e_e_f_r_o_m_/_o_f____使……免受(影响;伤害等);使……不含(有害物) 【常用结构】 ____(__b_e_)___fr_e_e__fr_o_m__/o_f____没有;不受……损害 ____f_r_e_e_. _. _. _fr_o_m___________把……从……释放出来;使摆脱
1.t_h_a_n_k_s_t_o_________________幸亏;由于;因为 2.b_e__sa_t_i_sf_i_ed__w__it_h___________对……感到满意 【常用结构】 __b_e__sa_t_i_sf_i_ed__t_o_d_o_…________对做……感到满意 __s_a_t_is_f_y_/m__e_e_t _o_n_e_’s_d__em__a_n_d_满足某人的要求 3. _w__o_u_ld__r_a_th_e_r_____________宁愿;宁可 【常用结构】 __w__o_u_ld__r_a_th_e_r__d_o_s_t_h______宁愿做…… __w__o_u_ld__r_a_th_e_r__n_o_t_d_o__st_h___宁愿不做…… __w__o_u_ld__r_a_th_e_r__h_a_v_e_d_o_n_e__s_th本来想做…… __w__o_u_ld__r_a_th_e_r__d_o_s_t_h_t_h_a_n__d_o_s_t_h_/w__o_u_l_d_d_o__s_th__r_a_th__er__th__a_n_d_o__s_th__宁愿……也不……
高中英语高考必修四 Unit 2 2021届高考英语一轮复习考点突破课件 (共21张PPT)

1. for whom he has struggled 2. what is called 3. twice as large as before
regret vt. 遗憾;惋惜 n. 遗憾;懊悔
(1) regret having done/doing sth. 后悔做了某事 regret to do sth. 遗憾地去做 某事(常与 tell、inform、say 等词连用) (2) with great regret 非常遗 憾/抱歉 (much) to one's regret 令某人 (深感)抱歉/遗憾的是 have no regrets 没有遗憾
5. free; freely 6. import 7. occupy; occupied 8. disturb; disturbed 9. confusing;
confused; confusion 10. product; produce; producer
1. ____________ 2. ____________ 3. ____________ 4. ____________ 5. ____________
2. But at Union Station in Los Angeles last month, a board went up with dollar bills attached
to it with pins and a sign that read, “Give What You Can, Take What You Need.” 【解析】句子的主干是a board went up,句中第一个with意为“带有;具有”,它的宾
regret vt. 遗憾;惋惜 n. 遗憾;懊悔
(1) regret having done/doing sth. 后悔做了某事 regret to do sth. 遗憾地去做 某事(常与 tell、inform、say 等词连用) (2) with great regret 非常遗 憾/抱歉 (much) to one's regret 令某人 (深感)抱歉/遗憾的是 have no regrets 没有遗憾
5. free; freely 6. import 7. occupy; occupied 8. disturb; disturbed 9. confusing;
confused; confusion 10. product; produce; producer
1. ____________ 2. ____________ 3. ____________ 4. ____________ 5. ____________
2. But at Union Station in Los Angeles last month, a board went up with dollar bills attached
to it with pins and a sign that read, “Give What You Can, Take What You Need.” 【解析】句子的主干是a board went up,句中第一个with意为“带有;具有”,它的宾
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The horses are running wild all over the field. 方式
源于系表结构中的某些过去分词已经形容词化,在作状语 时表示一种状态,不表示动作。
be dressed in
be seated
be lost in
be determined to do
be devoted to
awake from one's dream
with the hope of
in large amounts
Farmers grow plants in large amounts. meet with 符合;偶然遇见
In the past decades, some of the farmers in the west of China have met with some success in the struggle against the expanding desert.
cause damage to / do damage to
Scientists have been finding that long-term use of these fertilizers can cause damage to the land.
wash off 洗刷掉;洗掉
turn to make sth. ready for sth. Crops such as peas or soybeans put important
3.In 1974, he became the first agricultural pioneer in the world to grow rice that has a high output.
the+序数词+名词+to do(后置定语)
4.One dream is not always enough, especially for a person who loves and cares for his people.
Mining Company, __k_n__o_w(knnow)as 3M. __W__r_it_t(ewnrite)English is as important as __s_p_o__k_e(snpeak)English.
不论在生活中还是网络里,人人都会有朋友。如果没有朋友情,生活就不会有悦耳的和音,就如死水一滩;友情无处不在,它伴随你左右,萦绕在你身边,和你共渡一生。 友情,是雨季中的一把小伞,它撑起了一个晴朗的天空;友情,是风雪之夜的一杯淡茶,它能将寒意驱走,带来温暖;友情,是迷途中的一盏灯,它在你迷失时给你方向……人生漫漫,若能拥有一段地久天长的相知相伴的友情,生命亦无憾。 大千世界,红尘滚滚,一年又一年的风风雨雨,几许微笑,几丝忧伤,随着时间小河的流淌,许多人和事都付之东流去。但有一种人却随着时间的推移,你与ta的交往,如陈年酒香,沁人心肺。你与ta的友情是世上最珍贵的情感。这种友情是一种最纯洁、最高尚、最朴素、最平凡的感情。也是最浪漫、最动人、最坚实、最永恒的情感。 小时候,友情是简单的一个玩伴,是一份哭哭笑笑的天真无邪。儿时的友情是真切的我和你,可以肆无忌惮的吵架,互相赌气撅起的嘴,片刻之后又携手言欢。那时的友情是那一块小小的糖,甜甜的味道,永远留在了儿时的记忆里,无论何时回味起,都是美滋滋的。 长大后,友情是一樽透明的酒杯,举杯邀明月时,对影成三人。失败或落寞时的酒话连篇,ta不会觉得你烦。友情,是伤心不必躲在一个角落悄悄地哭泣,ta默默地陪你,告诉你在哪里跌倒的就在哪里爬起来。于是,成长里有我们友情地久天长的足迹。
表示“全体”意义的代词或副词用在否定句中表示部 分否定。
表示“全部否定”的代词或副词用在肯定句中表示全 部否定。
5.In addition, fruit, vegetables and other food grown with chemical fertilizers usually grow too fast to be full of much nutirtion.
be tired of/from
be supposed to be absorbed in
be located in
be born in
be buried in
be occupied with
be compared with
1.He spent 7days in the wind and snow,_A_____.
小心翼翼珍藏着,和母亲在一起的美好时光。母亲身体一直不好,最后的几年光景几乎是在医院渡过,然而和母亲在一起的毎一刻都是温暖美好的。四年前,母亲还是离开了这个世界,离开了我。生命就是如此脆弱,逝去和別离,陈旧的情绪某年某月的那一刻如水泻闸。水在流,云在走,聚散终有时,不贪恋一生,有你的这一程就是幸运。那是地久天长的在我的血液中渗透,永远在我的心中,在我的生命里。 时光就是这么不经用,很快自己做了母亲,我才深深的知道,这样的爱,不带任何附加条件,不因万物毁灭而更改。只想守护血浓于水的旧时光,即便峥嵘岁月将容颜划伤,相信一切都是最好的安排。那时的时光无限温柔,当清水载着陈旧的往事,站在时光这头,看时光那头,一切变得分明。执笔书写,旧时光的春去秋来,欢喜也好,忧伤也好,时间窖藏,流光曼卷里所有的宠爱,疼惜,活色生香的脑海存在。
A. exhausted
B. exhausting
C. being exhausted D. having exhausted
2.Indeed, his sunburnt face and arms and his slim,strong body are just like those of millions of Chinese farmers, for whom he has struggled for the past five decy
B. cold and hungrily
C. coldness and hungrily D. coldly and hungry
2. __B___,we watched the house being destroyed before
our eyes.
• A.Hopefully
形容词作状语的现象并不少见, 该形容词通常用来 说明主句主语的情况(心理感受、身体状况),常常 可以单独或者短语的形式来作状语
Ripe, these apples are sweet. 时间 Weary and discouraged, I didn’t seem able to do anyth ing right. 原因 Large or small, all countries are equal. 让步 They started the experiment, hopeful for success. 伴随
minerals back into the soil, making it ready for crops such as wheat or corn. put down deep roots carry away
1.More than 800 million people go to bed hungry everyday.、 形容词的句法功能?
为了避免重复,可用指示代词that,those代替前面提 到过的名词。但是this,these不可代替。
The weather of Kunming is better than that(=the weather)of Beijing. The radios made in Shanghai are as good as those (=the radios)made in Tianjing. Her interests are different from those(=the interests) of her childhood.
The bridge built last year is the longest.
I've read th成e book written by Hanhan.
All the fallen leaves have been cleared away.
在顺境中,朋友结识了我们;在逆境中,我们了解了朋友,结下了友谊之情。友情犹如夏日的雨露,冬日的太阳,心田靠它滋润,冰雪靠它融化,万物赖以生长。无论身处何地,忘不了的是友情,让我们共同度着浓情岁月。友情,让我“当花瓣离开花朵,暗香残留,香消在风起雨后,无人来嗅”忽然听到沙宝亮的这首《暗香》,似乎这香味把整间屋子浸染。我是如此迷恋香味,吸进的是花儿的味道,吐出来的是无尽的芬芳。轻轻一流转,无限风情,飘散,是香,是香,它永远不会在我的时光中走丢。 旧的东西其实极好。学生时代喜欢写信,只是今天书信似乎早已被人遗忘,那些旧的记忆,被尘埃轻轻覆盖,曾经的笔端洇湿了笔锋,告慰着那时的心绪。现在读来,仿佛嗅到时光深处的香气,一朵墨色小花晕染了眼角,眉梢,是飞扬的青春,无知年少的轻狂,这份带不走的青涩,美丽而忧伤。
烦恼时,友情如醇绵的酒;痛苦时,友情如清香的茶;快乐时,友情如轻快的歌;孤寂时,友情如对饮的月…… 友情是一汪温泉,是共同烦恼和喜悦的点点滴滴,最后汇聚成一条友情的河,在生命里潺潺不息。
友情是一缕轻柔的风,是懊恼时送来的缕缕畅意,是烦闷时真诚互吐的心曲,是节日时互赠的声声祝语……那时的友情,是一卷明朗的画,无论何时想起都清爽亮丽;是生命里郁郁葱葱的树木,一年四季常青。 一个人的天空是狭小的、单调的。友情织成的天空,是广阔的,也是灿烂的。友情能给你的生活增添情趣,让你更多的洞悉外面的世界。 友情是一股互助的动力,是互相欣赏的知己。是成功时的互相致意,是失败时永恒的鼓舞,是一曲豪迈的歌,何时唱起都激昂如昔。 友情,又像是一杯浓浓的咖啡,是成熟后的淡淡的香醇与苦涩,是愚人节一个善意的玩笑,是生日时的那一句:生日快乐! 你是天上的云,我就是吹动你的风,我们彼此依赖,互相信任,互相关心。 友情,有时是一种无声的陪伴,是桌子前的两两对坐,无言亦是懂得。友情是一处温暖的海港,静静地接待疲惫的你靠岸。
源于系表结构中的某些过去分词已经形容词化,在作状语 时表示一种状态,不表示动作。
be dressed in
be seated
be lost in
be determined to do
be devoted to
awake from one's dream
with the hope of
in large amounts
Farmers grow plants in large amounts. meet with 符合;偶然遇见
In the past decades, some of the farmers in the west of China have met with some success in the struggle against the expanding desert.
cause damage to / do damage to
Scientists have been finding that long-term use of these fertilizers can cause damage to the land.
wash off 洗刷掉;洗掉
turn to make sth. ready for sth. Crops such as peas or soybeans put important
3.In 1974, he became the first agricultural pioneer in the world to grow rice that has a high output.
the+序数词+名词+to do(后置定语)
4.One dream is not always enough, especially for a person who loves and cares for his people.
Mining Company, __k_n__o_w(knnow)as 3M. __W__r_it_t(ewnrite)English is as important as __s_p_o__k_e(snpeak)English.
不论在生活中还是网络里,人人都会有朋友。如果没有朋友情,生活就不会有悦耳的和音,就如死水一滩;友情无处不在,它伴随你左右,萦绕在你身边,和你共渡一生。 友情,是雨季中的一把小伞,它撑起了一个晴朗的天空;友情,是风雪之夜的一杯淡茶,它能将寒意驱走,带来温暖;友情,是迷途中的一盏灯,它在你迷失时给你方向……人生漫漫,若能拥有一段地久天长的相知相伴的友情,生命亦无憾。 大千世界,红尘滚滚,一年又一年的风风雨雨,几许微笑,几丝忧伤,随着时间小河的流淌,许多人和事都付之东流去。但有一种人却随着时间的推移,你与ta的交往,如陈年酒香,沁人心肺。你与ta的友情是世上最珍贵的情感。这种友情是一种最纯洁、最高尚、最朴素、最平凡的感情。也是最浪漫、最动人、最坚实、最永恒的情感。 小时候,友情是简单的一个玩伴,是一份哭哭笑笑的天真无邪。儿时的友情是真切的我和你,可以肆无忌惮的吵架,互相赌气撅起的嘴,片刻之后又携手言欢。那时的友情是那一块小小的糖,甜甜的味道,永远留在了儿时的记忆里,无论何时回味起,都是美滋滋的。 长大后,友情是一樽透明的酒杯,举杯邀明月时,对影成三人。失败或落寞时的酒话连篇,ta不会觉得你烦。友情,是伤心不必躲在一个角落悄悄地哭泣,ta默默地陪你,告诉你在哪里跌倒的就在哪里爬起来。于是,成长里有我们友情地久天长的足迹。
表示“全体”意义的代词或副词用在否定句中表示部 分否定。
表示“全部否定”的代词或副词用在肯定句中表示全 部否定。
5.In addition, fruit, vegetables and other food grown with chemical fertilizers usually grow too fast to be full of much nutirtion.
be tired of/from
be supposed to be absorbed in
be located in
be born in
be buried in
be occupied with
be compared with
1.He spent 7days in the wind and snow,_A_____.
小心翼翼珍藏着,和母亲在一起的美好时光。母亲身体一直不好,最后的几年光景几乎是在医院渡过,然而和母亲在一起的毎一刻都是温暖美好的。四年前,母亲还是离开了这个世界,离开了我。生命就是如此脆弱,逝去和別离,陈旧的情绪某年某月的那一刻如水泻闸。水在流,云在走,聚散终有时,不贪恋一生,有你的这一程就是幸运。那是地久天长的在我的血液中渗透,永远在我的心中,在我的生命里。 时光就是这么不经用,很快自己做了母亲,我才深深的知道,这样的爱,不带任何附加条件,不因万物毁灭而更改。只想守护血浓于水的旧时光,即便峥嵘岁月将容颜划伤,相信一切都是最好的安排。那时的时光无限温柔,当清水载着陈旧的往事,站在时光这头,看时光那头,一切变得分明。执笔书写,旧时光的春去秋来,欢喜也好,忧伤也好,时间窖藏,流光曼卷里所有的宠爱,疼惜,活色生香的脑海存在。
A. exhausted
B. exhausting
C. being exhausted D. having exhausted
2.Indeed, his sunburnt face and arms and his slim,strong body are just like those of millions of Chinese farmers, for whom he has struggled for the past five decy
B. cold and hungrily
C. coldness and hungrily D. coldly and hungry
2. __B___,we watched the house being destroyed before
our eyes.
• A.Hopefully
形容词作状语的现象并不少见, 该形容词通常用来 说明主句主语的情况(心理感受、身体状况),常常 可以单独或者短语的形式来作状语
Ripe, these apples are sweet. 时间 Weary and discouraged, I didn’t seem able to do anyth ing right. 原因 Large or small, all countries are equal. 让步 They started the experiment, hopeful for success. 伴随
minerals back into the soil, making it ready for crops such as wheat or corn. put down deep roots carry away
1.More than 800 million people go to bed hungry everyday.、 形容词的句法功能?
为了避免重复,可用指示代词that,those代替前面提 到过的名词。但是this,these不可代替。
The weather of Kunming is better than that(=the weather)of Beijing. The radios made in Shanghai are as good as those (=the radios)made in Tianjing. Her interests are different from those(=the interests) of her childhood.
The bridge built last year is the longest.
I've read th成e book written by Hanhan.
All the fallen leaves have been cleared away.
在顺境中,朋友结识了我们;在逆境中,我们了解了朋友,结下了友谊之情。友情犹如夏日的雨露,冬日的太阳,心田靠它滋润,冰雪靠它融化,万物赖以生长。无论身处何地,忘不了的是友情,让我们共同度着浓情岁月。友情,让我“当花瓣离开花朵,暗香残留,香消在风起雨后,无人来嗅”忽然听到沙宝亮的这首《暗香》,似乎这香味把整间屋子浸染。我是如此迷恋香味,吸进的是花儿的味道,吐出来的是无尽的芬芳。轻轻一流转,无限风情,飘散,是香,是香,它永远不会在我的时光中走丢。 旧的东西其实极好。学生时代喜欢写信,只是今天书信似乎早已被人遗忘,那些旧的记忆,被尘埃轻轻覆盖,曾经的笔端洇湿了笔锋,告慰着那时的心绪。现在读来,仿佛嗅到时光深处的香气,一朵墨色小花晕染了眼角,眉梢,是飞扬的青春,无知年少的轻狂,这份带不走的青涩,美丽而忧伤。
烦恼时,友情如醇绵的酒;痛苦时,友情如清香的茶;快乐时,友情如轻快的歌;孤寂时,友情如对饮的月…… 友情是一汪温泉,是共同烦恼和喜悦的点点滴滴,最后汇聚成一条友情的河,在生命里潺潺不息。
友情是一缕轻柔的风,是懊恼时送来的缕缕畅意,是烦闷时真诚互吐的心曲,是节日时互赠的声声祝语……那时的友情,是一卷明朗的画,无论何时想起都清爽亮丽;是生命里郁郁葱葱的树木,一年四季常青。 一个人的天空是狭小的、单调的。友情织成的天空,是广阔的,也是灿烂的。友情能给你的生活增添情趣,让你更多的洞悉外面的世界。 友情是一股互助的动力,是互相欣赏的知己。是成功时的互相致意,是失败时永恒的鼓舞,是一曲豪迈的歌,何时唱起都激昂如昔。 友情,又像是一杯浓浓的咖啡,是成熟后的淡淡的香醇与苦涩,是愚人节一个善意的玩笑,是生日时的那一句:生日快乐! 你是天上的云,我就是吹动你的风,我们彼此依赖,互相信任,互相关心。 友情,有时是一种无声的陪伴,是桌子前的两两对坐,无言亦是懂得。友情是一处温暖的海港,静静地接待疲惫的你靠岸。