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A resistor is a two-term inal electro nic comp onent that opposes an electric curre nt by produc ing a voltage drop betwee n its termi nals in proport ion to the curre nt, that is ,in accorda nee with Ohm ' s law :V=IR .The electrical resistance R is equal to the voltage drop V across the resistor divided by the current I through the resistor. Resistors are used as part of electrical networks and electronic circuits.


说,根据欧姆定律:V = IR。电阻R等于电压降V除以通过电阻的电流I。电阻作为电子网络和电子电路的一部分。

Tran sistor

In electro nics, a tran sistor is a semic on ductor device commo nly used to amplify or switch electro nic sig nals . A tran sistor is made of a solid piece of a semic on ductor material , with at least three term in als for connection to an exter nal circuit. A voltage or curre nt applied to one pair of the tran sistor ' s term in als cha nges the curre nt flow ing through ano ther pair of term in als. Because the con trolled curre nt can be much larger tha n the con trolli ng curre nt, the tran sistor provides amplificati on of a sig nal. The tran sistor is the fun dame ntal buildi ng block of moder n electro nic devices, and is used in radio, telepho ne, computer and other electr onic systems. Some tran sistors are packaged in dividually but most are found in in tegrated circuits.





Tran sformer

A transformer is a device that transfers electrical energy from one circuit to anther through in

ductively coupled electrical con ductors . A cha nging curre nt in the first circuit creates a cha nging

magn etic field; in turn, this magn etic field in duces a cha nging voltage in the sec ond circuit. By add

ing a load to the sec on dary circuit, one can make curre nt flow in the tran sformer, thus tran sferri ng

en ergy from one circuit to the other.






A relay is an electrical switch that ope ns and closes un der the con trol of ano ther electrical circuit .

In the origi nal form ,the switch is operated by an electromag net to ope n or close one or many sets of con tacts. It was inven ted by Joseph Henry in 1835. Because a relay is able to con trol an output circuit of higher power tha n the in put circuit ,it can be con sidered to be, in a broad sen se, a form of an electrical amplifier. 继电器是一种电子开关,控制另一个电路的打开和关闭。在原始形式中,该开关是由一个电磁铁操作,打开或关闭一个或多个触点。它是由约瑟夫亨利在1835年发明的。由于继电器



Types of circuits

In any circuit where the on ly oppositi on to the flow of electr ons is resista nee , there is a defi nite relati on
