美国脑血管病治疗指南解读 (Guideline )

但是,由于在患者样本量、构 架设计和转归评价方法等方面存在 不一致性,因此难以确定适用于所 有卒中患者的“最佳临床实践” 。 证据没有提出治疗干预的具体类型 或小组治疗方案的类型或哪种因素 对患者转归的影响最大作出解释。 卒中本身及多方面的影响使得需要 采取灵活多样的治疗方案。
患者是否准备好社医生话? 是
处理治疗的依从性和阻碍病情改善的因素: 一如果病情不稳定,转送至急性期治疗科室 一如果存在心理健康因素,转送至精神科
重度卒中和/或生话完全依 对患者/家属将来的
赖, 或功能恢复预后不良? 计划进行教育
是 患者回家或去护理之家
NIHSS用于指导急性卒中治疗 的决策,其信度和效度均很高。 可根据NIHSS严重程度和可能的 转归对患者进行分层,评分>16分 预示死亡或严重残疾的可能性很大, 而<6 分则预示恢复良好。
卒中二级预防是康复治疗的重要组成部 分。它包括:治疗高血压;心房纤颤患者应 用华法林和脑缺血患者进行抗血小板治疗; 对于缺血性卒中或有CHD等高危因素的非缺 血性卒中患者,进行冠心病的二级预防也是 重要的组成部分,临床资料确认有效的措施 包括:抗血小板治疗、控制高血压、必要时 考虑血管紧张素转化酶抑制剂、、即使低密 度脂蛋白胆固醇醇正常也进行降脂治疗、体 育锻炼和戒烟等。
-康复治疗 -预防远期并发症的措施 -减少复发性卒中可能性的长期治疗 -家庭支持 -治疗抑郁
(1)建议最初阶段采用HIHSS评价卒中严重 程度,将其作为死亡和远期转归的预测指标。

中美缺血性卒中门诊医疗质量改进项目进展陈盼;王拥军【摘要】美国指南优势(The Guideline Advantage,TGA)医疗质量改进项目为“跟着指南走”(Get With the Guideline,GWTG)项目的门诊延伸,其数据直接通过电子病历和卫生技术平台进行收集,以体现循证医学指南的依从性。
%The Guideline Advantage quality improvement program (TGA) is an extended program of Get With the Guideline (GWTG) in outpatient setting in USA. TGA utilizes data from electronic health records (EHRs) or health technology platforms to report on adherence to evidence-based guidelines. Outpatient medical care quality improvement program has just started in China. Registry of outpatients with ischemic stroke in urban China (ROOTS) study evaluates the secondary prevention status, adherence and long-term persistence to secondary prevention and clinical outcome of 15 000 outpatients with ischemic stroke in 100 hospitals in China. ROOTS provides basic data for further medical care quality improvement process.【期刊名称】《中国卒中杂志》【年(卷),期】2015(000)001【总页数】4页(P84-87)【关键词】缺血性卒中;二级预防;门诊;医疗质量改进;指南优势【作者】陈盼;王拥军【作者单位】100050北京首都医科大学附属北京天坛医院神经内科,国家神经系统疾病临床医学研究中心;100050北京首都医科大学附属北京天坛医院神经内科,国家神经系统疾病临床医学研究中心【正文语种】中文卒中具有发病率高、病死率高、致残率高以及复发率高等特点,是导致全球人类致残的首要病因[1]。

中国每年有150万~200万新发脑卒中的病例,校正 年龄后的脑卒中发病率为(116~219)/10万人口, 年脑卒中死亡率为(58~142)/10万人口
在气血内虚的基础上,因劳倦内伤、忧思恼怒、嗜 食厚味及烟酒等诱因,引起脏腑阴阳失调,气血逆 乱,直冲犯脑,导致脑脉痹阻,临床以猝然昏仆、 半身不遂、口舌歪斜、言语謇涩或不语、偏身麻木 为主症,并具有起病急、变化快的特点,好发于中 老年人的一种常见病
• 注重质量、数量和一致性的要素 • 符合中医药临床实践特点和当前研究现状
队列研究、病例对照研究相对较多 标准中的“事实标准”
刘建平教授提出的证据等级分级标准 –Ⅰa级:由随机对照试验、队列研究、病例对照研 究、病例系列这四种研究中至少2种不同类型的研 究构成的证据体,且不同研究结果的效应一致 –Ⅰb级:具有足够把握度的单个随机对照试验 –Ⅱa级:半随机对照研究或队列研究 –Ⅱb级:病例对照试验 –Ⅲa级:历史性对照的病例系列 –Ⅲb级:自身前后对照的病例系列 –Ⅳ级:长期在临床上广泛运用的病例报告和史料记 载的疗法 –Ⅴ级:未经系统研究验证的专家观点和临床试验, 以及没有长期在临床上广泛运用的病例报告和史料 记载的疗法
完成 草稿 征求
意见稿 (中文)
完成 草稿 送审稿 (中文)
文献检索和 评价
专家 审阅修改
评价 指南

• ㈠ 纳入标准 • 年龄18岁以上; • 临床明确诊断缺血性脑血管病,并且造成
明确的神经功能障碍(NIHSS>4分); • 症状开始出现至临床干预时间<180分钟;
(对于3-6小时患者,在充分影像学信息 支持下★,可考虑静脉溶栓) • 患者家属对静脉溶栓的收益/风险知情同意。
• 排除标准
CADASIL(伴有皮质下梗死和白质脑病的常染色体 欧美和中国(宣武医院)
常染色体显性淀粉样血管病 脑动脉粥样硬化与家族性缺血性脑血管病
欧美 冰岛
海绵状血管瘤 青年人缺血性卒中
土耳其人缺血性卒中 缺血性卒中
欧美 欧美
欧美 欧美
缺血性卒中 缺血性卒中 缺血性卒中 缺血性卒中 缺血性卒中
男性,29岁,突发右侧肢体无力半小时,CT显示左侧半球缺血;MRI显示左侧底节区有 腔梗,血管造影显示左MCA闭塞
尿激酶50万单位后血管部分再通,行支架成型术后,即刻及术后1 年随访管腔通畅
女性,67岁,房颤4年,二尖瓣置换术6月突发左 侧肢体全瘫4小时行动脉溶栓术,溶栓后出血
*Data from CAPRIE study (n=19,185) 1. Coccheri S. Eur Heart J 1998; 19(suppl): P1268.
国别 西方
把脑血管病、心血管 病和周围血管病合为 一体,称为血管事件
血管事件的概念和范 畴尚未引起关注和重 视
The multicenter acute stroke trial-Europe (MAST-E)

在美国,卒中是导致死亡和残疾的一个重要原 因。短暂性脑缺血发作(transient ischemic attack, TIA)或卒中存活者代表着随后卒中风险增高的一 个人群。在每年发生的795 000例卒中患者中,约1/4 为复发性事件。TIA的真实患病率很难估计,因为 有相当多的TIA患者并未到医疗机构就诊…。基 于针对复发性卒中决定因素的流行病学资料和临床 试验结果,我们能够提出循证推荐来降低卒中风险。 值得注意的是,许多现有数据来自包含有限数量的 老年人、女性和多种族人群的临床研究,还需要进一 步研究,以证实这些研究结果的普遍适用性。
1 TIA和缺血性卒中亚型的定义 TIA是卒中的一个重要预测因素。据报道,
TIA后90 d内的卒中风险可高达17%,其中以 第1周内的风险最高口剖。由于许多预防方法同时 适用于TIA和缺血性卒中,因此近年来二者的区别 已变得不太重要㈣。它们的病理生理学机制相同, 但预后可能因严重程度和病因而异,而且定义有赖 于诊断性检查的时机和范围。按照传统的临床定 义,如果局灶性神经系统症状或体征持续不超过 24 h,就被定义为TIA。随着现代影像学技术日益 广泛应用于颅脑检查,已发现多达l乃症状持续不足 24 h的患者存在脑梗死灶”引,从而催生出基于组织 学的TIA新定义:由局部脑、脊髓或视网膜缺血所 致的一过性神经系统功能障碍,但无急性脑梗死的 证据"J。值得注意的是,本指南所引用的大多数研 究采用的都是旧的TIA定义。无论采用哪种TIA 定义,我们都认为本指南提供的推荐意见同时适用 于TIA和卒中。

美国神经重症监护学会《大面积脑梗死治疗指南(2015)》大面积脑梗死(large hemispheric infarction,LHI)也称恶性大脑中动脉梗死,是导致人类死亡或残疾的重要疾病。
为此,在美国心脏协会/美国卒中协会(American heartassociation/American stroke association,AHA/ASA)《大脑和小脑梗死伴水肿治疗指南(2014)》基础上[1],美国神经重症监护学会(neurocritical care society,NCS)、德国神经重症监护和急诊医学学会(German society for neuro-intensive care and emergency medicine)汇集了来自北美和欧洲神经重症、神经外科、神经内科、神经介入和神经麻醉等多学科专家,为解决LHI治疗中遇到的诸多临床问题制定了2015年《大面积脑梗死治疗指南》[2]。
内科治疗相关问题1.体位:头部抬高可促进静脉回流并降低颅内压,同时也降低脑灌注压(cerebral perfusion pressure,CPP)。

PCI后常规静脉肝素 (证据1A)
距最后一次 注射< 8 h
PCI 根据LMWH时间(证据1C)
距最后一次 注射8–12 h
距最后一次 注射>12 h
不再加用UFH/ LMWH (证据2C)
依诺肝素 0.3 mg/kg IV bolus
Seventh ACCP Consensus Conference on Antithrombotic Therapy
W. Geerts, chair G. Pineo J. Heit D. Bergqvist M. Lassen C. Colwell J. Ray
VTE : 威胁生命的疾病
急性PE后的累积病死率 (%) * (不包括在尸检时首次发现的PE)
Ø 明确诊断的PE的病死率: 3个月17% Ø 75% PE死亡发生于首次住院期间
16 14 12 10
8 6 4 2 0
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 距离诊断的时间 (天)
Goldhaber SZ, et al. Lancet 1999; 353:1386–1389.
传统抗凝治疗UFH (证据2C)
2C证据 (来自于观察性研究): 极不推荐,其他替代治疗方法同样有效
•卒中病史 •TIA或栓塞病史 •年龄>75岁 •中度或重度左室
功能受损和/或 充血性心力衰竭
•高血压病史 •糖尿病
华法林(INR2.0-3.0) [证据级别:1A]

Adapted from UHC Guidelines for the Use of Albumin, Nonprotein Colloid, and Crystalloid Solutions, May 2000.美国医院联合会人血白蛋白、非蛋白胶体及晶体溶液使用指南(2000年5月)Hemorrhagic Shock♦Crystalloids should be considered the initial resuscitation fluid of choice.♦Nonprotein colloids may be considered over crystalloids when crystalloids (4 L) have failed to produce a response within 2 hours for adult patients.♦When nonprotein colloids are contraindicated*, albumin 5 percent may be used.♦Patients who experience shock symptoms while under-going hemodialysis are included in this guideline.出血性休克♦晶体溶液可以作为首选药物用于扩张血容量。
Nonhemorrhagic (Maldistributive) Shock♦Crystalloids should be considered first-line therapy for nonhemorrhagic shock. Clinical trials have not shown colloids to be more effective in treating sepsis.♦In the presence of capillary leak with pulmonary and/or severe peripheral edema, the administration of up to 4 L of crystalloids in adults before using colloids is appropriate.♦If nonprotein colloids are contraindicated*, albumin may be given.♦Nonprotein colloids and albumin should be used with caution in patients with systemic sepsis.非出血性(分布异常性)休克♦对于非出血性休克,晶体溶液可作为一线治疗药物。
美国脑囊虫病治疗指南 2013年

Ruth Ann Baird,MD Sam Wiebe,MD Joseph R.Zunt,MD, MPHJohn J.Halperin,MD, FAANGary Gronseth,MD, FAANKaren L.Roos,MD, FAAN Correspondence toAmerican Academy of Neurology: guidelines@ Supplemental data at ABSTRACTObjective:To review the evidence base for different treatment strategies in intraparenchymal neurocysticercosis in adults and children.Method:A literature search of Medline,EMBASE,LILACS,and the Cochrane Database from1980 to2008,updated in2012,resulted in the identification of10Class I or Class II trials of cysticidal drugs administered with or without corticosteroids in the treatment of neurocysticercosis. Results:The available data demonstrate that albendazole therapy,administered with or without corticosteroids,is probably effective in decreasing both long-term seizure frequency and the number of cysts demonstrable radiologically in adults and children with neurocysticercosis,and is well-tolerated.There is insufficient information to assess the efficacy of praziquantel. Recommendations:Albendazole plus either dexamethasone or prednisolone should be considered for adults and children with neurocysticercosis,both to decrease the number of active lesions on brain imaging studies(Level B)and to reduce long-term seizure frequency(Level B).The evidence is insufficient to support or refute the use of steroid treatment alone in patients with intraparen-chymal neurocysticercosis(Level U).Neurologyâ2013;80:1424–1429GLOSSARYAED5antiepileptic drug;CI5confidence interval;RCT5randomized controlled trial.Cysticercosis,infection with the larval form of Taeniasolium,is widely prevalent in developing countries ofAfrica,Asia,and Latin America.It is considered by theWHO to be the most common preventable cause ofepilepsy in the developing world,with an estimated2million people having epilepsy caused by T soliuminfection.1Humans can acquire2different forms ofinfection—by eating raw or undercooked pork contain-ing T solium cysts or by eating food contaminated withT solium eggs.Cysts consumed in undercooked meatmature into adult parasites in the human intestine,atwhich time they release eggs and gravid proglottids inthe stool.This form of intestinal infection is called tae-niasis.When T solium eggs are consumed,throughfecal–oral transmission from another human with tae-niasis or through autoinfection,they release onco-spheres into the host’s digestive tract and can thenmigrate throughout the host’s body,becoming encystedin end organs.This systemic infection is called cysticer-cosis.Seeding of larvae in the CNS results in neuro-cysticercosis.Neurocysticercosis,in turn,may affect theCNS parenchyma or the CSF space.In this guideline,we focus solely on parenchymal infections.Cysticercal cysts evolve through4stages,with differ-ent appearances on neuroimaging—the vesicular stage,where the cyst contains a living larva;a colloidal stage asthe larva degenerates;a“granulo-nodular”stage as themembrane of the cyst thickens;and the final stage ofcalcification.Only cysts in the vesicular and colloidalstages contain live larvae2and are amenable to anticy-sticercal treatment.Encysted larvae can remain asymp-tomatic for years.When the larvae do elicit a hostimmune response,patients can develop brain edemaand,more often,seizures.Optimal treatment of thisFrom the Departments of Clinical Neurology(R.A.B.)and Neurology and Neurological Surgery(K.L.R.),Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis;Division of Neurology(S.W.),University of Calgary,Calgary,Canada;Department of Neurology(J.R.Z.),University of Washington, Seattle;Department of Neurosciences(J.J.H.),Overlook Medical Center,Summit,NJ;Department of Neurology and Medicine(J.J.H.),Mount Sinai School of Medicine,New York,NY;and Department of Neurology(G.G.),University of Kansas,Kansas City,KS.Appendices e-1through e-8and the e-tables are available as data supplements on the Neurology®website at .Accepted for publication by the Guideline Development Subcommittee on July14,2012;by the Practice Committee on July24,2012;and by the AAN Board of Directors on December26,2012.Go to for full disclosures.Funding information and disclosures deemed relevant by the authors,if any,are provided at the end of the article.1424©2013American Academy of Neurologyinfection has been the subject of considerable debate, with controversy regarding the appropriate role of both corticosteroids and cysticidal drugs such as praziquantel or albendazole for active infections.To address this controversy,we performed a sys-tematic review of the literature regarding the follow-ing specific clinical questions:1.In patients with symptomatic intraparenchymalneurocysticercosis,is cysticidal therapy more effec-tive than no therapy,and does it affect long-term seizure outcome?2.In patients with symptomatic intraparenchymal neu-rocysticercosis,is treatment with corticosteroids more effective than no treatment?3.When during the course of antiparasitic treatment should steroids be started?4.What is the efficacy of antiepileptic drugs(AEDs)in treating or decreasing occurrence of subsequent seiz-ures secondary to intraparenchymal neurocysticerco-sis,and what is the optimal time course of AED treatment for seizures secondary to intraparenchymal neurocysticercosis?DESCRIPTION OF THE ANALYTIC PROCESS Because cysticercosis is quite prevalent in Latin America,a number of relevant studies have been published in the Spanish-language literature.Therefore,a com-prehensive search was performed of both English-and Spanish-language articles(with the latter reviewed by2 panel members,J.R.Z.and S.W.,who are fluent in Span-ish)in Medline,EMBASE,LILACS,and Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews from1980to2008, using the search terms“neurocysticercosis,”“cerebral cys-ticercosis,”“brain cysticercosis,”“antiparasitic agents,”“antihelmintics,”“cysticidal,”“clinical trials,”“research design,”“antiseizure,”“anticonvulsant,”“antiepileptic,”“albendazole,”“praziquantel,”“steroid,”“corticosteroid,”“anti-inflammatory agents,”“hydrocortisone,”“predni-sone,”“prednisolone,”“dexamethasone,”and“neurosur-gery”(see appendix e-1on the Neurology®Web site at for complete search strategy).The search identified590citations.An updated search of Medline and the Cochrane Database of Systematic Re-views was performed in January2012and identified an additional20citations.Each abstract was reviewed by at least2reviewers.Review articles without primary data, case reports,and small case series were discarded.The remaining pertinent123articles were reviewed in detail, and data regarding cohort size,patient characteristics, inclusion and exclusion criteria,completion rate, treatment and dosage,study design,study length, primary and secondary outcomes,efficacy,and effect size were extracted from each article and tabulated using a data extraction form.Each article was classified according to the American Academy of Neurology therapeutic clas-sification of evidence scheme(see appendix e-4).Risk differences with95%confidence intervals(CIs) were used as the preferred measure of effect and statisti-cal precision.When necessary to increase statistical pre-cision,studies with the lowest risk of bias were pooled in a fixed-effects meta-analysis.Class II studies were included in the meta-analysis only when precision was insufficient after Class I studies were pooled. ANALYSIS OF EVIDENCE In patients with symptomatic intraparenchymal neurocysticercosis,is cysticidal therapy more effective than no therapy,and does it affect long-term seizure outcome?Treatment efficacy can be judged by a radiologic surrogate marker—the numbers of remain-ing active and inactive cysts—and clinically by the num-ber of patients experiencing seizures after treatment.Of note in these studies,patients received anticonvulsants initially,most often phenytoin,but this was not explicitly controlled as part of the treatment protocols.Also of note,although some of the cited studies were limited to patients with active cysts,some included individuals with transitional cysts,in which the parasite is already dead or dying.Because cysticidal therapy would not be expected to affect the disease course if the organism were already dead,this may actually have led to an underesti-mation of treatment efficacy.Three Class I325(1Class I for imaging only5and Class IV for clinical measures,including seizure fre-quency)and6Class II studies6–11(1Class II for imag-ing studies only6)addressed cysticidal therapy (administered with or without steroids)in the initial treatment of neurocysticercosis.One11of the Class II studies compared albendazole alone with albendazole with praziquantel without a control group and therefore was not informative regarding whether antihelminthic therapy is useful.(There was no difference in any out-come measure between the2regimens.)Five of the remaining Class II studies were restricted to the pedi-atric population.7–11One of these studies was Class II for imaging studies only.9One Class I study3included adults only.Two Class I studies3,4and all5pediatric Class II studies7–11combined corticosteroid treatment with cysticidal therapy.One randomized controlled trial(RCT)(Class I) evaluated120patients with viable parenchymal cysts and seizures who were assigned to receive either albenda-zole(800mg/day)plus dexamethasone(6mg/day,both for10days)or2placebos.3During months2–30 following treatment,there was a nonsignificant 46%reduction in the number of total seizures (95%CI74%to83%)in the albendazole/dexa-methasone group as compared with placebo and a significant67%reduction in number of seizures with generalization(95%CI20%to86%,p5 0.01).At6-month follow-up the number of patients Neurology80April9,20131425with active cysts on imaging studies was significantly lower in patients receiving active treatment than in those receiving placebo (p ,0.007).Therapy was well-tolerated with the exception of abdominal pain and nausea,which were reported more commonly in the treatment group.The studies do not state whether gastrointestinal prophylaxis was used.An RCT (Class II)in 29patients with multiple cystic lesions on CT (cysts of all types,excluding only calcified cysts)6who received either albendazole (15mg/kg/day for 7days)or placebo showed no signifi-cant difference in total number of lesions or resolu-tion of cysts on head CT at 1week,1month,and 3months.Seizure outcomes were not reported.A third RCT,in which all patients had active or tran-sitional (i.e.,vesicular evolving into colloidal)cysts,4as-signed 88patients to receive albendazole (800mg/day,or weight based,for 8days)and oral prednisone (75mg/day or weight based)and 90patients to receive prednisone and placebo.At 1month,cysts had disappeared in 31%of those receiving albendazole and in 7%of those receiv-ing prednisone alone (p ,0.001).When Kaplan-Meyer projections were applied,at 12months 62%of patients receiving albendazole were seizure-free vs 52%of con-trols (not significant).In a fourth RCT,5in which all patients had contrast-enhancing cysts,33patients received 3days of albenda-zole (15mg/kg for 3days,without corticosteroids),and 34patients received placebo.At 6months,cysts had resolved completely in 85%of those receiving albenda-zole and in 41%of those receiving placebo (p ,0.001).Seizure frequency was low in both groups at 6-month follow-up,with no significant difference in frequency.In the pediatric population,4Class II studies pro-vide conflicting results for radiologic outcomes but used differing criteria.Two studies 7,9(63patients and 93patients,respectively)found a decrease in active le-sions in patients receiving albendazole (15mg/kg/day for 28days in both,prednisolone 1–2mg/kg/day for the first 5days in the first,dexamethasone 0.15mg/kg/day for 5days in the second).In the first study,CT scans performed 3months after treatment showed disappear-ance of active lesions in 64.5%of patients treated with albendazole and in 37.5%of controls.In the second study,CT scans performed at 3months demonstrated complete or partial resolution of cysts in 79%of patients given treatment vs in 57%of controls.Two 8,10studies (with 53patients and 110patients,respectively)found no difference in the number of patients in whom lesions disappeared (treatment albendazole 15mg/kg/day for 28days,with prednisolone 2mg/kg/day for 3days before albendazole in the first;albendazole 15mg/kg/day for 4weeks,prednisolone 2mg/kg/day for 21days,and then a 1-week taper in the second).In the first,cysts disap-peared on 6-month follow-up CT scan in 54%of pa-tients receiving treatment and in 55%of those receiving placebo.In the second,single cysts disappeared on 3-month follow-up CT in 53%of patients receiving steroids,in 60%of those receiving albendazole,and in 63%of those receiving both treatments.One Class II study 7showed a decrease in late recurrent seizures among treated patients,although the numbers were small in both groups,and the difference was not significant.One Class II study 10showed cysticidal therapy was ben-eficial in reducing seizure recurrence.To increase the precision of the estimate of the effec-tiveness of albendazole regarding seizure frequency,we performed a meta-analysis combining the 2Class I 3,4and 4Class II studies 5,7,8,10with comparable data (figure).Overall,there was a 6.1%decrease in the risk of having seizures (95%CI 0.3%to 11.9%,number needed to treat 516).Conclusion.Based on imaging findings in 4Class I studies (3concordant,1underpowered study failing to show an effect)and a meta-analysis of 2Class I and 4Class II studies,albendazole (400mg BID for adults or weight-based dosing for either adults or children)is probably safe and effective in reducing both the number of cysts and long-term seizure frequency in adults and children with neurocysticercosis.In most studies,cortico-steroids were coadministered,in varying dosages,and this combination appears effective.Data are insufficient to indicate whether corticosteroids are necessary in this setting.Clinical context.The available studies have used different stratification methods for seizure analysis and different criteria for judging improvementinMeta-analysis,combining data from the 2Class I and 4Class II studies with outcome data regarding seizure risk (proportion of treated patients with seizures relative to proportion of untreated patients with seizures).1426Neurology 80April 9,2013imaging.On the basis of the3Class I studies it ap-pears albendazole plus corticosteroids decreases the number of active brain lesions relative to placebo and,on the basis of a meta-analysis of available data,de-creases the number of patients with seizures,at modest cost.These findings appear to be consistent in adults and children.Side effects of treatment appear minimal.Of greatest concern has been the potential—emphasized in a single large study12—for increased seizures and encephalopa-thy as a result of treatment-induced parasite death. This study,in which all patients had multiple cysts (with5or more cysts in over25%of patients)and in which neither allocation nor treatment was con-cealed,was considered to be Class IV and therefore not considered contributory.Of the3Class I or II studies that reported seizure frequency during treat-ment,3,4,7none showed an increase in seizure fre-quency with treatment(pooled risk difference vs placebo20.1%,95%CI26.2%to5.9%).Only 2studies3,4detailed other side effects.In the first study3headaches occurred in32of60patients given treatment vs in31of60controls;dizziness occurred in9patients vs in4,and abdominal com-plaints occurred in8vs in0.Only the last finding was significant;however,patients given treatment in this study all received corticosteroids,whereas con-trols did not.In the second study,headaches occurred in59of88patients given treatment vs in 53of90controls;abdominal complaints occurred in 38vs in40(neither side-effect finding being significant).Recommendations often emphasize the danger of antihelminthic treatment in patients with a very large lesion burden.The cited studies all excluded patients with massive cerebral edema or innumerable lesions but were otherwise inconsistent.Three studies5,7,10 were limited to patients with single lesions.In one study,patients had1or2cysts.9In another study, 84%of patients had1or2;the remainder had fewer than100.In the remaining3studies,the number of cysts was described as“multiple,”6“less than20,”3and “less than36.”4Recommendation.Albendazole plus either dexametha-sone or prednisolone should be considered for adults and children with neurocysticercosis,both to decrease the number of active lesions on brain imaging studies (Level B)and to reduce long-term seizure frequency (Level B).In patients with symptomatic intraparenchymal neurocysticercosis,is treatment with corticosteroids more effective than no treatment?One Class I study13and one Class II/Class IV study14assessed steroid treatment without administration of cysticidal therapy.In the Class I study,148patients with solitary cysts were randomized to receive prednisolone(40–60mg/day on the basis of weight for2weeks,followed by a4-day taper)or pla-cebo.At3months there were no differences in imaging findings or in overall seizure frequency between the2 groups.Frequency of generalized seizures at follow-up was16%in patients receiving corticosteroids and60% in controls;frequency of focal seizures was63%among those receiving methylprednisolone and25%among controls(both differences significant).The second study14included97patients with new-onset seizures and a single enhancing CT lesion, randomized to receive AEDs plus prednisolone(pred-nisolone1mg/kg/day for10days,followed by a4-day taper)or AED monotherapy alone.At6-month follow-up,the CT lesions had disappeared in88%of patients in the prednisolone group vs in52%of those in the antiepileptic group(p50.003).The Kaplan-Meier esti-mated risk of seizure recurrence was significantly less in the prednisolone group(8.38;df1;p,0.01).Although the study showed benefit,the strength of evidence is Class II for CT resolution of lesions outcome and Class IV for seizure outcome.Conclusion.On the basis of one Class I study showing no benefit radiologically and ambiguous benefit clinically and one Class II/IV study showing benefit,there is insuf-ficient evidence to recommend steroid treatment alone for patients with solitary intraparenchymal neurocysticer-cosis granulomata.Clinical context.The effect of corticosteroid treatment alone in neurocysticercosis has not been widely studied. Most trials include a combination of cysticidal therapy and steroid treatment.Recommendation.The evidence is insufficient to support or refute the use of steroid treatment alone in patients with intraparenchymal neurocysticercosis(Level U). When during the course of antiparasitic treatment should steroids be started?We found no studies to answer this question.What is the efficacy of AEDs in treating or decreasing occurrence of subsequent seizures secondary to intraparenchymal neurocysticercosis,and what is the optimal time course of AED treatment for seizures secondary to intraparenchymal neurocysticercosis?We found no studies to answer this question.Clinical context.Given the well-established efficacy and safety of a broad range of AEDs and the frequency with which neurocysticercosis causes seizures,it is reasonable to treat these patients with AEDs at least until the active lesions have subsided.RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FUTURE RESEARCH Several aspects of treatment require further study.1.Cysticercal cysts evolve through4stages:the livinglarva,the degenerating larva,a reactive thickening of the cyst membrane,and calcification.Only cysts in the first2stages contain live cysts.2A study that Neurology80April9,20131427evaluates the response to therapy on the basis of the stage of the cyst would be useful.2.The successful treatment trials cited all used cystici-dal therapy administered with or without cortico-steroids.Studies are needed to determine the appropriate use and timing of administration of adjuvant corticosteroids and the potential benefit of combination cysticidal therapy.3.Neurocysticercosis can be intraventricular or intraoc-ular or can involve the subarachnoid space.Studies have not addressed these forms of the infection. Assessment of different treatment strategies,medical or surgical,for such patients would be helpful.4.HIV coinfection may alter efficacy of antihelminthic treatment or produce important drug–drug interac-tions;determination of best treatment for neurocysti-cercosis in such patients is needed.5.Additional studies should focus on clinical outcomes rather than surrogate CT outcomes,as the two do not always correlate.Patients may experience seizure recurrence despite resolution of lesions on CT. AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONSRuth Ann Baird:drafting/revising the manuscript,study concept or design,anal-ysis or interpretation of data.Samuel Wiebe:drafting/revising the manuscript, study concept or design,analysis or interpretation of data.Joseph Raymond Zunt:drafting/revising the manuscript,study concept or design,analysis or inter-pretation of data.John Halperin:drafting/revising the manuscript,study concept or design,analysis or interpretation of data,statistical analysis,study supervision. Gary Gronseth:drafting/revising the manuscript,analysis or interpretation of data,statistical analysis.Karen L.Roos:drafting/revising the manuscript,study concept or design,analysis or interpretation of data,study supervision.STUDY FUNDINGThis guideline was developed with financial support from the American Acad-emy of Neurology.None of the authors received reimbursement,honoraria,or stipends for their participation in development of this guideline.DISCLOSURER.A.Baird has no disclosures to report.S.Wiebe has received honoraria from UCB Pharma Inc.and has received research funding from Alberta Heritage Medical Research Foundation,Canadian Institute for Health Research,MSI Foundation of Alberta,and the Hotchkiss Brain Institute of the University of Calgary.J.R.Zunt has received honoraria from the American Academy of Neu-rology and has received funding from the NIH on retroviral infections.J.Hal-perin has testified in several physician medical malpractice cases and aided the Connecticut Department of Health in proceedings regarding Lyme disease.G.Gronseth has served on a speakers’bureau for Boehringer Ingelheim (resigned December2011),and receives honoraria from the American Acad-emy of Neurology.K.Roos has received funding for travel from the American Academy of Neurology as a member of its Board of Directors.Go to for full disclosures.DISCLAIMERThis statement is provided as an educational service of the American Academy of Neurology.It is based on an assessment of current scientific and clinical information.It is not intended to include all possible proper methods of care for a particular neurologic problem or all legitimate criteria for choosing to use a specific procedure.Neither is it intended to exclude any reasonable alter-native methodologies.The AAN recognizes that specific patient care decisions are the prerogative of the patient and the physician caring for the patient,based on all of the circumstances involved.The clinical context section is made avail-able in order to place the evidence-based guideline(s)into perspective with cur-rent practice habits and challenges.Formal practice recommendations are not intended to replace clinical judgment.CONFLICT OF INTERESTThe American Academy of Neurology is committed to producing independent, critical,and truthful clinical practice guidelines(CPGs).Significant efforts are made to minimize the potential for conflicts of interest to influence the recom-mendations of this CPG.To the extent possible,the AAN keeps separate those who have a financial stake in the success or failure of the products appraised in the CPGs and the developers of the guidelines.Conflict of interest forms were obtained from all authors and reviewed by an oversight committee before pro-ject initiation.AAN limits the participation of authors with substantial conflicts of interest.The AAN forbids commercial participation in,or funding of,guide-line projects.Drafts of the guideline have been reviewed by at least3AAN committees,a network of neurologists,Neurology peer reviewers,and represen-tatives from related fields.The AAN Guideline Author Conflict of Interest Policy can be viewed at .Received August3,2012.Accepted in final form December14,2012.REFERENCES1.Coyle CM,Mahanty S,Zunt JR,et al.Neurocysticercosis:neglected but not forgotten.PLoS Negl Trop Dis2012;6: e1500.2.Murthy JMK,Reddy YVS.Prognosis of epilepsy associ-ated with single CT enhancing lesion:a long term follow-up study.J Neurol Sci1998;159:151–155.3.Garcia HH,Pretell EJ,Gilman RH,et al.A trial of anti-parasitic treatment to reduce the rate of seizures due to cerebral cysticercosis.N Engl J Med2004;350:249–258.4.Carpio A,Kelvin EA,Bagiella E,et al.Effects of albenda-zole treatment on neurocysticercosis:a randomised con-trolled trial.J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry2008;79: 1050–1055.5.Chaurasia RN,Garg RK,Agarwal A,et al.Three day alben-dazole therapy in patients with a solitary cysticercus granuloma:a randomized double blind placebo 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• 压力反射反应包括心动过缓、低血压和血管迷走神经反应, MI 危险性一般报道大约为1%, 3500例患者的CAPTURE登记研究 中只有0.9%。但是在ARCHeR(使用ACCULINK的高危患者颈 动脉血管重建术)试验中达到了2.4% 。
• 症状性颈动脉狭窄,无创性成像发现同侧颈内动脉直径狭窄超 过70%(A级证据)或通过导管血管造影发现狭窄超过50%(B 级证据),血管内介入治疗可能具有低中危并发症,提示CAS 可以作为CEA的替代治疗方法,预期围手术期卒中或死亡率小 于6%(B级证据)。
等级Ⅱ • 等级Ⅱa
• 颈内动脉狭窄程度大于70%的无症状患者,如果围手术期卒中、MI和死亡 的危险性很低,施行CEA是合理的(A级证据)。
• 几个研究发现,颈部放射后也能成功行CEA。在这种情况下,行 CAS更加安全,但是CAS后的再狭窄率较高,3年以上的再狭窄 率达到18%-80%。
• Ⅰ级
• 在CEA前推荐给予阿斯匹林(81-325mg/d),并且术后无限期 持续服用(A级证据)。
• CEA术后一个月,应该使用阿斯匹林(75-3255mg/d),或低剂 量阿斯匹林加双嘧达莫缓释片(分别25mg和200mg,bid)联合 用药来预防缺血性心血管事件(B级证据)。
• 女性患者比男性有更高的手术危险性(分别为10.4% vs 5.8%)。ACAS和 NASCET研究中,女性患者在手术死亡率、神经系统发病率和颈动脉再狭窄 率等方面,相比于男性很少出现有利结果,且几乎很少或根本不会从手术中 获益。几个研究已经发现,对女性患者行补片修补会明显改善术后结果。

➤ (1) 气管插管:格拉斯哥昏迷评分(GCS)<10、呼吸衰竭、保护性反射减弱、颅内压增高、梗死面积>2/3大脑中动脉供血区域、中线移位、肺水肿、肺炎以及拟手术患者,都是气管插管的适应证。
➤ (2) 气管插管拔除:意识障碍和吞咽困难都可导致拔管困难,而再次插管却可增加ICU患者的致残率和致死率。
➤ (3) 气管切开:一项针对ICU患者的回顾性研究表明,气管切开可以改善预后并减少机械通气时间、ICU治疗时间和治疗费用。

美国最新高血压治疗指南美国高血压预防、监测、评估和治疗委员会( JNC )于 2003 年第 7 次报告时公布了美国的高血压治疗指南(以下简称 JNC 7 )这一指南是世界最权威的有关高血压的指导性文件,下面介绍一下有关此指南的情况。
背景JNC 7 指南为美国高血压预防、检测、评估和治疗联合委员会第七份报告 ( 简要版本 ),2003 年 5 月在美国《 Journal of AmericanMedical Association 》第 289 卷 2560 至 2572 页上发表。
自从 1997 年JNC 6 公布以来的 6 年间 , 全球已经有 30 多个大规模高血压治疗临床试验获得结果。
这些研究结果几乎一致地证实 , 不论年龄、性别、种族与社会经济状况如何 , 降低血压具有决定意义的重要性 , 这些研究结果为制定新的较简易的治疗方案提供了更充分的依据。
美国高血压的知晓率、治疗率和控制率在近年来略有改善 , 分别从 10 年前的 68% 、 54% 、 27% 增长到目前的70% 、 59% 、 34% 。
虽然有所改善 , 但是治疗率和控制率仍然较低 , 控制率与 2010 年预定达到的 50% 目标相差还较大 , 其中一个重要原因是患者未得到有效的治疗 , 过去较复杂的评估与治疗方案相当程度上妨碍了临床医师对人数众多高血压患者实施治疗。
为了加速血压控制率提高的步伐 , 治疗指南应该与时俱进 , 汲取科学研究的新成果 , 因此美国心、肺、血液研究院 (NHLBI) 的全国高血压教育项目 (NHBPEP) 协调委员会组织了专门的 JNC 7 起草组 , 制定一份简明、可操作性强的新指南。
要点1 调整血压分类新分类将血压水平分为正常、高血压前期、高血压 1 级、高血压 2 级。
而过去的 JNC 6 将血压分为理想、正常、正常高值、高血压 1 级、高血压 2 级和高血压 3 级。
JNC 7 的正常血压等同于过去的理想血压[ 收缩压 <120mmHg(1mmHg=0.133kPa) 和舒张压 <80mmHg]; 将过去的正常血压 ( 收缩压 <130mmHg 和舒张压 <85mmHg) 和正常高值 ( 收缩压 130 ~ 139mmHg 或舒张压 85 ~ 89mmHg) 合并为现在的“ 高血压前期”, 即 : 收缩压 120 ~ 139mmHg 或舒张压 80 ~ 89mmHg 。

YIJIEWENKU PPT版权@医界指南演变1700年
法国溺 水者口 对口呼 吸救治
报道了 最早的 人体胸 部按压
首例胸 外按压 成功 CPR出 现
美国出 版CPR 指南
AHA出 版基于 循证医 学全面 CPR指 南
最近的一项试验性 RCT 表明,通过重新放置电极片来改变除颤电流的方向可能与双重连续除颤效用相当,同时避免因能量增加造成伤害以及除颤器受损的风险。根据目前的证据,尚不清楚双重连续除颤是否有益。 2020CPR&ECC guidelines 7272 Greenville Avenue Dallas.Texas 75231-4596,USA
2020CPR&ECC guidelines 7272 Greenville Avenue Dallas.Texas 75231-4596,USA
2010 我们建议心脏骤停存活者在 出院前进行生理、神经、心 肺和认知障碍方面的多模式
我们建议心无变脏化/再骤次确认停存活者在 出院前进行生理、神经、心 肺和认知障碍方面的多模式 康复评估和治疗。
2010 空白
由于可能干无变扰化/再孕次确认产妇复苏, 在孕妇心脏骤停期间不应进 行胎儿监测。
在孕产妇心脏骤停期间对胎儿进行心脏评估并无帮助,还可能会分散对必要复苏操作的注意力 2020CPR&ECC guidelines 7272 Greenville Avenue Dallas.Texas 75231-4596,USA

JAMA杂志今天发布了2014年成人高血压治疗指南(2014 Evidence-Based Guideline for the Management of High Blood Pressure in Adults),新指南包含9条推荐和一种治疗流JNC8高血压管理流程图:图1. JNC8推荐管理流程图新指南回答了三个常见问题:•何时开始降压治疗专家组对需要开始治疗的血压水平进行明确。
但是,专家组强调,新指南规定的这一血压界值并不是重新定义高血压,此前由Joint National Committee 7定义的高血压水平(>=140/90 mm Hg )仍然有效。
•血压治疗目标值新指南对以上三个问题的回答总体概括如下:60岁以上老年高血压患者的高血压治疗目标值应为150/90 mm Hg;30-59岁高血压患者舒张压应低于90mmHg。
因此专家组推荐,这类人群的高血压治疗目标应低于140/90 mm Hg。
•高血压治疗起始用药专家点评:•Harold C. Sox, M.D.:新指南证据级别更有说服力Harold C. Sox, M.D.,达特茅斯学院教授Harold C. Sox, M.D.指出,新版指南以及撰写指南的专家小组权威性更高。

美国预防、检测、评估与治疗高血压联合委员会第八次报告(简称JNC 8)于近日在JAMA杂志发表,正式颁布了美国成人高血压治疗指南(Evidence-Based Guideline for the Management of High Blood Pressure in Adults),新指南建立了高血压治疗的临床证据条款和推荐,包含九条新推荐和一项高血压患者治疗流程图来帮助医师治疗高血压患者,以满足更多高血压医务工作者的需要,强调使用最佳的临床证据资料与改善患者临床预后为目标。
指南推荐,60岁以上老年人,血压达到150/90 mm Hg即应开始降压治疗。
60岁以上老年高血压患者的高血压治疗目标值应为 150/90 mm Hg;30-59岁高血压患者舒张压应低于90mmHg;30岁以下高血压患者治疗目标应低于140/90 mm Hg。
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颈动脉血管重建术的患者选择 等级Ⅰ
症状性颈动脉狭窄,无创性成像发现同侧颈内动脉直径狭窄超 过70%(A级证据)或通过血管造影发现狭窄超过50%(B级证 据),应该进行CEA。预期围手术期卒中或死亡率小于6%。 症状性颈动脉狭窄,无创性成像发现同侧颈内动脉直径狭窄超 过70%(A级证据)或通过导管血管造影发现狭窄超过50%(B 级证据),血管内介入治疗可能具有低中危并发症,提示CAS 可以作为CEA的替代治疗方法,预期围手术期卒中或死亡率小 于6%(B级证据)。
颅外段颈动脉和椎动脉粥样硬化的内科治疗 • • • • • • • 高血压的建议治疗 关于戒烟的建议 关于降脂的建议 糖尿病的治疗 高同型半胱氨酸血症 肥胖和代谢综合征 抗栓治疗
• ARIC、Framingham、MESA 研究:收缩压每增加20mmHg, 25%以上的颈动脉狭窄发生率就成倍的增长;收缩压≥160 mm Hg是颈动脉狭窄最强的独立预测因子;降压治疗,卒中风险降 低38%,致命性卒中降低40%。 • 对发生过缺血性卒中的患者联合使用ACEI(培哚普利)和利尿 剂(吲满酰胺),可以在很大程度上减少了缺血事件的再发风险 (RR减少28%,95%CI为17%~38%; P<0.0001 ) • 随机对全身动脉粥样硬化的患者给予雷米普利,用药组患者的卒 中风险相对于安慰剂组得到显著降低(RR=0.68,P<0.001)。 • 严重颈动脉狭窄的患者,脑血管反应性受损可能会导致发生同侧 缺血性事件的风险增加。美国国家联合委员会第 7次报告(JNC7)没有提供对ECVD患者高血压的具体治疗建议。
对于无症状颈动脉狭窄的患者(血管造影狭窄程度在60%以上,多普勒超 声为70%),在高度选择下,可以考虑行预防性CAS,但是在这种情况下, 与单独的药物治疗相比较,其有效性尚未被充分证实。(B级证据) 症状性或无症状性患者因为合并症(∏),可能使得CEA或CAS会产生高 危并发症时,与单独的药物治疗相比较,血管重建术的有效性尚未被充分 证实。(B级证据)
证据级别 C
无创性影像检查产生不一致结果时,可以使用经导管的造影术 来发现颅外和/或颅内的脑血管病变。(证据级别:C) 先进的影像技术无论是作为单独的诊断方式,还是对已知狭窄 血管进行程度的评价,都不能取代颈动脉超声在症状性患者 (或有危险因素的无症状患者)中早期评估的地位 。
经导管动脉造影所得到的数据与无创性影像检查的结果相对比, 以此来评估和提高无创性血管检测的准确性 。 没有一个影像方法可以被推荐为优于其他方法。综合把握多种 影像检查结果应该作为每一个实验室或机构质量保证体系的一 部分 。
• 阿托伐他汀则会导致总卒中风险减少33%(HR为0.67, 95%CI为 0.47~0.94; P=0.02)和主要冠脉事件减少43%(HR为 0.57,95%CI为0.32~1.00; P=0.05)
• 尼克酸减少了15年的死亡率(实验完成后9年),但它对降低脑 血管疾病所致死亡风险的作用较低。
• 颅外段颈动脉和/ 或椎动脉阻塞性或非阻塞性粥样硬化的无症 状患者而言,阿斯匹林(75-325mg/d)抗血小板治疗预防卒中 的疗效未经证实,但仍被推荐用于预防MI和其他缺血性心血管 事件的发生。(证据级别:A) 对于伴有持续缺血性卒中或TIA的颅外段颈动脉或椎动脉阻塞 性或非阻塞性粥样硬化患者而言,不推荐阿斯匹林加氯吡格雷 的联合疗法(证据级别:B)。 对于颅外段脑血管粥样硬化发生TIA或急性缺血性卒中的患者, 不建议使用普通肝素或低分子肝素进行肠外抗凝治疗(证据级 别: B) 发生卒中或者TIA后3个月内,不建议给予氯吡格雷联合阿斯匹 林治疗(证据级别: B) 每日服用81mg的患者比每日服用325mg的更经常发生阿斯匹 林抵抗,而且服用阿斯匹林肠溶片比普通阿斯匹林有更高的发 生抵抗的可能性。
等级Ⅱ •
颈内动脉狭窄程度大于70%的无症状患者,如果围手术期卒中、MI和死亡 的危险性很低,施行CEA是合理的(A级证据)。
对于高龄患者,尤其是动脉出现病理解剖不利于行血管内介入时,应选择 CEA治疗,而不使用CAS(B级证据)。 对于颈部解剖不利于动脉外科手术的患者应选择CAS,而不使用CEA(§) (B级证据)。 对于TIA或卒中患者,如果没有早期血管重建术的禁忌症,应在事件出现2 周内进行干预,而不应推迟手术。(B级证据)
Guideline on the Management of Patients With Extracranial Carotid and Vertebral Artery Disease
ASA/ACCF/AHA/AANN/AANS/ACR/ASNR/CNS/S AIP/SCAI/SIR/SNIS/SVM/SVS A report from multiple academic board
• 对具有症状或体征的ECVD的诊断和检查
• 颅外段颈动脉和椎动脉粥样硬化的内科治疗 • 血管重建术 CEA & CAS • 椎动脉疾病 • 锁骨下动脉和头臂干疾病
• 对脑缺血症状患者检查顺序:
• 颈动脉颅外段—颅内血管 (对缺血症状与血管病变程度不符合者要排除心源性栓子的 可能—超声心动图) 证据级别 C • 双功能超声—MRA/CTA—DSA
• 目前尚不清楚其是否也具有降低缺血性卒中风险或降低颈动脉疾 病严重程度的作用。
• 糖尿病和空腹血糖水平与颈动脉IMT呈相关性,即糖尿病患者颈
• 和传统疗法相比,强化降血糖疗法并不降低2型糖尿病患者发生 卒中的风险。
• UK-TIA(英国短暂性缺血发作研究)证明,降压治疗比血糖控 制更能降低卒中再发率. • 血清LDL胆固醇正常的2型糖尿病患者,每天给予10mg的阿托伐 他汀可以安全和有效地将心血管事件和卒中的风险分别降低37%