

宝洁公司招聘题号称由高级人力资源专家设计,无论您如实或编造回答, 都能反应您某一方面的能力。
核心部分的题如下:第一,请你举1个具体的例子,说明你是如何设定1个目标然后达到它Please provide concise examples that will help us better understand your capabilities.1、Describe an instance where you set your sights on a high/demanding goal and saw it though completion.Demanding Goal: To design a musical and dramatic show to celebrate the centennial Anniversary of Tianjin University.The person who reach this goal: Chairman of Tianjin University Student Union What I learned from this observation: It isnot necessary for a true leader to be an expert in such or such field of his career. But he must possess the charismatic andthe capacity to drive different people, who have diverging opinions, or even conflicting interests, to proceed togother tothe same organizational goal.=============================================================================== ===================第二,请举例说明你在1项团队活动中如何采取主动性,并且起到领导者的作用,最终获得你所希望的结果。

宝洁公司招聘题号称由高级人力资源专家设计,无论您如实或编造回答, 都能反应您某一方面的能力。
核心部分的题如下:Please provide concise examples that will help us better understand your capabilities.(1)Describe an instance where you set your sights on a high/demanding goal and saw it through completion. (请你举一个具体的例子,说明你给自己确定了一个很高的目标,然后达到这个目标。
关键词为:demanding goal、saw it through。
回答范例:(记住,采用“What+STAR+Key Words法则”来回答)What:Designed a show to celebrate the Anniversary of Xiamen University, and won 2nd Prize out of 12 teams.Situation(Key Word:demanding)On the anniversary night, there was a huge celebration party, where songs, dances and dramas were played. Each school should design five shows, and our class volunteered to design one. It was a demanding goal as it was very close to the end of the term when most students were busy preparing for final exams.Task:As a sophomore student I was in charge of my class performance, which was a drama. I had to deal with the pressure from study, my classmates’ disinterest in acting, and my role as the king in the drama.Actions:(Key Words:how I saw it through)First, as there were only 20 students in my class, I distributed at least one task to each student; either a role, or making tools or costumes.Second, since at the end of the term each member was busy with study, the rehearsal schedule should be reasonable and periodic. All team members cooperated well because of the low frequency and short duration of each rehearsal.Third, music and scenery were added into rehearsal in order to get close to the circumstances of the party.In addition, I emphasized the value of time and ordered every actor to respect other partners.Result:In the end, our performance was very successful. Not only did I act the “king” wonderfully, but also got good marks on the final exam.(2)Summarize a situation where you took the initiative to get others on an important task or issue, and played a leading role to achieve the results you wanted. (请举例说明你在一项团队活动中如何团结他人,并且起到领导者的作用,并带领团队最终获得所希望的结果。

中英文简历(即使是网申,很多企业也会要求你上传简历的!)+中英文素材库(针对宝洁8大问,把你的经历拆分成各种各样系统的例子)基本网申开放性问题万变不离其宗,主要询问申请者的领导经历,解决问题的经历,与人沟通的经历,富于创新的经历等,下面列出八大经典问题(有名的宝洁8大问):1. Describe an instance where you set your sights on a high/demanding goal and saw it through completion.举例说明你是如何设定高目标,并通过案例的竣工形式得以体现。
2. Summarize a situation where you took the initiative to get others going on an important task or issue, and played a leading role to achieve the results you wanted.简述在你主动地与他人去执行一项重要的任务或问题的情况下,(如何)发挥你的领导作用从而达到你想要的结果。
3. Describe a situation where you had to seek out relevant information, define key issues, and decide on which steps to take to get the desired results.简单描述你是怎样去寻找相关的信息,发现关键的问题,并决定采取哪些步骤来获得期望的结果的概况。
4. Describe an instance where you made effective use of facts to secure the agreement of others.请你举例说明你是怎样通过事实来使他人达成一致的。
5. Give an examples of how you worked effectively with people to accomplish an important result.请举例说明你如何有效地与人合作完成一个重要的结果。

这样的自我介绍有一点简单:一定也契合应聘的岗位来设计自我介绍,这是一项什么样的工作,而我能为这项工作做些什么例:我关注贵公司很久了,很清楚你们公司的业务是…… 做总裁助理英语必须很好,所以我除了平时在校刻苦学习英语,还利用寒暑假到旅行社实习;我也知道总裁助理的文笔要好,所以一直练习写作,给校广播站和杂志社投稿,现在已发表多篇文章,而且给出版社翻译过外文书1.1衍生出来的问题1)市场营销与人力资源的理解通过明确目标市场、研究市场需求、改进自身产品、设计合理的销售途径,最终将目标产品出售给目标客户;以我自己为例,首选确定了管培生这一目标市场,然后通过查阅各大公司12年校园招聘中对于管培生的要求,明确了才人市场司上对管培生的素质要求,并根据这些要求补充了市场营销和人力资源的相关知识,最终希望能够通过校园招聘这样一种途径与目标企业实现价值交换。

宝洁公司招聘题号称由高级人力资源专家设计,无论您如实或编造回答, 都能反应您某一方面的能力。
核心部分的题如下:Please provide concise examples that will help us better understand your capabilities.(1)Describe an instance where you set your sights on a high/demanding goal and saw it through completion. (请你举一个具体的例子,说明你给自己确定了一个很高的目标,然后达到这个目标.)问题分析:这个问题的考察应聘者制定高目标的勇气及完成高目标的执行力.关键词为:demanding goal、saw it through。
回答范例:(记住,采用“Wh at+STAR+Key Words法则"来回答)What:Designed a show to celebrate the Anniversary of Xiamen University, and won 2nd Prize out of 12 teams.Situation(Key Word:demanding)On the anniversary night, there was a huge celebration party, where songs, dances and dramas were played. Each school should design five shows, and our class volunteered to design one. It was a demanding goal as it was very close to the end of the term when most students were busy preparing for final exams。


二、宝洁八大问1. 描述一个你设定了一个高/挑战性目标并最终实现的过程。
针对这一问题,我制定了以下措施:a. 定期组织学习分享会,邀请优秀学生分享学习经验和方法。
b. 开展学习小组,让学生们在小组内互相监督、共同进步。
c. 设立奖学金制度,对学习成绩优异的学生给予奖励。
2. 概述一个你主动推动一项重要任务或问题,并发挥领导作用,最终实现预期结果的情况。
(3)行动:我采取了以下措施:a. 定期组织团队会议,了解项目进度和成员需求。
b. 设立明确的工作目标和责任分工,确保每个成员都清楚自己的任务。
c. 加强团队沟通,鼓励成员之间互相帮助、共同进步。
3. 描述一个你必须寻找相关信息,发现关键问题,并决定采取哪些步骤以获得期望结果的情况。

宝洁公司面试题目录宝洁公司面试题 (1)宝洁八大问 (2)一般性问题 (3)让人尴尬的问题 (3)敏感的薪资问题 (4)宝洁八大问1、给出一个很高难的例子,来说明你采取何种手段来完成这一目标。
我所扮演的领导角色:结合代表提议和我的主意并且决定:*唱什么歌? *那些人参加唱诗班?*我们在那个地点进行我们的表演?结果:许多学生说我们送给他们的礼物带给了他们温暖并且希望我们在下个平安夜会举行类似的活动。
关键事项:*学生英语哪方面的英语能力需要精炼?有关的数据:*什么类型的娱乐在学生之中很流行并且提供了机会让他们最有效地学习英语? *哪种类型的外国老师最适合这个位置?*我们的成员何时有空闲时间?*什么地方队大多数成员是方便的?*其他的相关因素,例如可用的地点以及设备。

这次MT招聘的包括7个部门:市场部(marketing)产品供应部(product supply)市场研究部(consumer market knowledge)财务部(finance and accounting)人力资源部(human resource)信息技术部(information technology)客户生意发展部(customer business developmement)上午的见面会,每个部门的负责人都把各自部门的业务介绍了一下,当然每个部门都免不了吹嘘自己前景光明,鼓励大家申请云云。

P&G宝洁公司八大经典英文面试问题(附参考答案)Please provide concise examples that will help us better understand your capabilities.1. Describe an instance where you set your sights on a high/demanding goal and saw it through completion.Demnding Goal: To design a musical and dramatic show to celebrate the centennial Anniversary of Tianjin University.The person who reach this goal: Chairman of Tianjin University Student Union What I learned from this observation: It is not necessary for a true leader to be an expert in such or such field of his career. But he must possessthe charismatic and the capacity to drive different people, who have diverging opinions, or even conflicting interests, to proceed togother to the sameorganizational goal.2. Summarize a situation where you took the initiative to get others going on an important task or issue, and played a leading role to achieve the results you wanted.The activity I initiated: To organize a group to sing English anthems on Charistmas Eve, visit all domitories in university and send christmas gifts on behalf of our English Association The desired result: To broaden the students’ horizons about Western culture.My leading role: Combine the representatitives’suggestions with my idea and draw the decision on:* What songs to play?* Who could attend the choir?* Which spots we performed on?The result: Many students said that they felt the warmness we sent to them and they hoped we would hold such activities next Charistmas.3. Describe a situation where you had to seek out relevant information, define key issues, and decide on which steps to take to get the desired results.Background: I organized the first activity after the establishment of the Management School English Association.The desired result: To help the freshmen and the sophomores with their English while publicizing our group.Key issue:* What aspect of the students’English abilities needed refining? Relevant Information: * What kind of entertainment was popular among students and also offered chances for them to learn English most effectively?* Which foreign teacher was suitable for this position?* When was our member free?* Whch place was convenient for most attendances?* Other related factors, such as the availibility of facilities and the layout of the spots.4. Describe an instance where you made effective use of facts to secure the agreement of others.Background: I advanced a plan to found an English Garden in collaboration withfraternal association in neighboring university.The disagreement:* The authority of our school may dissent.* The cost was expensive, and we had no enough human resoure to carry on this project.* There were too many English corners. Another one was unneccessaty. The facts I made use: * Our dean approved this proposal.* Our partner was willing to provide financial assistantship. And our members volunteered to design the details of the plan and implement it.* The poll showed that the current English corners did not meet the students’requirement and lacked uniqueness. The result: Others were convinced and we founded the English Garden successfully.5. Give an examples of how you worked effectively with people to accomplish an important result.Background: In the military training, we hold a Military Songs Competition.Working procedure:Design: I cooperated with my collegues to figure out the climax of the performance, the musical accompaniment of the songs and the whole arrnagement ofthe narrative poem.Rehearsal: I worked together with those who were in charge of the lights, sounds and scenes to create the perfect artistic effect.On stage: I reminded my fellows with gestures and eye expressions. Also, we coped with an emergency coherently.The result: Our military team won the second prize in this competition.6. Describe a creative/innovative idea that you produced which led to a significant contribution to the success of an activity or project.Activity: To hold the Perspective Entrepreneur Contest.The innovative idea I produced: To simulat a board meeting of a company, in which our candidates debated the feasibility of selling modern fitness equipment according to the market information they collected.The result: The contest was hold based on my proposal.7. Provide an example of how you assessed a situation and achieved good results by focusing on the most important priorities.Background: On one morning when our promotion month first began, I found that the inventories in some department stores were not adequate.My assessment of the situation: The four promoting stores were not very far from each other, and the time they opened was not the same. It was possible to fetch some stock from another store and made up for it later.The priorities: To satisfy the stocking demand of the store which had the largest number of customers.8. Provide and example of how you acquired technical skills and converted them to practical applicationBackground: In the inverstigation of customers’ opinions about the taste of a new kind of beer, I found that the questi onnaire form was out of date and limited the freedom of the responsers’ choices.Technical skills: The scientific arrangement of questionnaire formThe result: With the help the converted form, our company obtained more objective and effective information.。

宝洁公司招聘题号称由高级人力资源专家设计,无论您如实或编造回答, 都能反应您某一方面的能力。
核心部分的题如下:Please provide concise examples that will help us better understand your c apabilities.(1)Describe an instance where you set your sights on a high/dem anding goal and saw it through completion. (请你举一个具体的例子,说明你给自己确定了一个很高的目标,然后达到这个目标。

宝洁八大问1. Describe an instance where you set your sights on a high/demanding goal and saw it through completion.举例说明,你如何制定了一个很高的目标,并且最终实现了它。
2. Summarize a situation where you took the initiative to get others going on an important task or issue and played a leading role to achieve the results you wanted.请举例说明你在一项团队活动中如何采取主动性,并且起到领导者的作用,最终获得你所希望的结果。
3. Describe a situation where you had to seek out relevant information define key issues and decide on which steps to take to get the desired results.请详细描述一个情景,在这个情景中你必须搜集相关信息,划定关键点,并且决定依照哪些步骤能够达到所期望的结果。
4. Describe an instance where you made effective use of facts to securethe agreement of others.举例说明你是怎样用事实促使他人与你达成一致意见的。
5. Give an example of how you worked effectively with people to accomplish an important result.举例证明你可以和他人合作,共同实现一个重要目标。
6. Describe a creative/innovative idea that you produced which led to a significant contribution to the success of an activity or project.举例证明,你的一个创意曾经对一个项目的成功起到至关重要的作用。

宝洁经典八大问【面试精选必看】强烈推荐!!其实面试也就由那么多个问题散发而来----宝洁公司的能力测试题+宝洁八大问【P&G Club强力推荐】来源:仙林宝洁菁英的日志A:一般性问题1.“请先自我介绍。

宝洁公司八大经典英文面试问题(附参考答案)(五篇)第一篇:宝洁公司八大经典英文面试问题(附参考答案)P&G 宝洁公司八大经典英文面试问题(附参考答案)Please provide concise examples that will help us better understand your capabilities.1.Describe an instance where you set your sights on a high/demanding goal and saw it through completion.Demnding Goal: To design a musical and dramatic show to celebrate the centennial Anniversary of Tianjin University.The person who reach this goal: Chairman of Tianjin University Student Union What I learned from this observation: It is not necessary for a true leader to be an expert in such or such field of his career.But he must possessthe charismatic and the capacity to drive different people, who have diverging opinions, or even conflicting interests, to proceed togother to the sameorganizational goal.2.Summarize a situation where you took the initiative to get others going on an important task or issue, and played a leading role to achieve the results you wanted.The activity I initiated: To organize a group to sing English anthems on Charistmas Eve, visit all domitories in university and send christmas gifts on behalf of our English Association The desired result: To broaden the students’ horizons about Western culture.My le ading role: Combine the representatitives’ suggestions with my idea and draw the decision on: * What songs to play? * Who could attend the choir? * Which spots we performed on? The result: Many students said that they felt the warmness we sent to them and they hoped we would hold such activities next Charistmas.3.Describe a situation where you had to seek out relevant information, define key issues, and decide on which steps to take to get the desired results.Background: Iorganized the first activity after the establishment of the Management School English Association.The desired result: To help the freshmen and the sophomores with their English while publicizing our group.Key issue: * What aspect of the students’ English abilities needed refining? Relevant Information: * What kind of entertainment was popular among students and also offered chances for them to learn English most effectively? * Which foreign teacher was suitable for this position? * When was our member free? * Whch place was convenient for most attendances? * Other related factors, such as the availibility of facilities and the layout of the spots.4.Describe an instance where you made effective use of facts to secure the agreement of others.Background: I advanced a plan to found an English Garden in collaboration with fraternal association in neighboring university.The disagreement: * The authority of our school may dissent.* The cost was expensive, and we had no enough human resoure to carry on this project.* There were too many English corners.Another one was unneccessaty.The facts I made use:* Our dean approved this proposal.* Our partner was willing to provide financial assistantship.And our members volunteered to design the details of the plan and implement it.* T he poll showed that the current English corners did not meet the students’ requirement and lacked uniqueness.The result: Others were convinced and we founded the English Garden successfully.5.Give an examples of how you worked effectively with people to accomplish an important result.Background: In the military training, we hold a Military Songs Competition.Working procedure: Design: I cooperated with my collegues to figure out the climax of the performance, themusical accompaniment of the songs and the whole arrnagement ofthe narrative poem.Rehearsal: I worked together with those who were in charge of the lights, sounds and scenes to create the perfect artistic effect.On stage: I reminded my fellows with gestures and eye expressions.Also, we coped with an emergency coherently.The result: Our military team won the second prize in this competition.6.Describe a creative/innovative idea that you produced which led to a significant contribution to the success of an activity or project.Activity: To hold the Perspective Entrepreneur Contest.The innovative idea I produced: To simulat a board meeting of a company, in which our candidates debated the feasibility of selling modern fitness equipment according to the market information they collected.The result: The contest was hold based on my proposal.7.Provide an example of how you assessed a situation and achieved good results by focusing on the most important priorities.Background: On one morning when our promotion month first began, I found that the inventories in some department stores were not adequate.My assessment of the situation: The four promoting stores were not very far from each other, and the time they opened was not the same.It was possible to fetch some stock from another store and made up for it later.The priorities: To satisfy the stocking demand of the store which had the largest number of customers.8.Provide and example of how you acquired technical skills and converted them to practical application Background: In the inverstigation of customers’ opinions about the taste of a new kind of beer, I found that the questionnaire form was out of date and limited the freedom of the responsers’ choices.Technical skills: The scientific arrangement of questionnaire form The result: With thehelp the converted form, our company obtained more objective and effective information.第二篇:宝洁面试经典八大问题(附答案范例)宝洁面试经典八大问题(附答案范例)宝洁公司在中国高校招聘采用的面试评价测试方法主要是经历背景面谈法,即根据一些既定考察方面和问题来收集应聘者所提供的事例,从而来考核该应聘者的综合素质和能力。

但是我发现阅读量下滑的这段时间,内容团队没有换,选题策略没有调整,只有一个重要的变化,就是我们在每个标题前都加上了栏目名,我的猜想是栏目名窄化了受众,对栏目不感兴趣的用户没有点开的欲望,事后进行了一系列的AB test和调查证明确实如此,于是老板决定去掉栏目名。
Lately, the GHH open rate has declined. We spend a lot of time to analyze the title, content, topics, KV and so on related factors, most people think we have to spend more energy to polish content. But I found that reading declines in this period of time, not change the content team, selection strategy is not adjusted, there is only one important change is our in front of each title are added to the column name, my guess is the column name narrow audience, the columns are not of interest tothe user without opening the desire, after a series of AB test and investigation has proved to be the case, so the boss decided to remove the column name.2、举一个给自己确立一个很高的目标,然后完成了这个目标的例子答:在刚来宝洁生活家的时候,我压力很大,我希望尽快能用作品得到老板和同事的信任,所以我觉得自己一定要做一个爆款出来。

宝洁面试的八道题,和若干建议[此帖已被设为好帖] 收到好多师弟妹的信,无法一一回复。

宝洁公司八大经典面试问题宝洁公司八大经典面试问题Please provide concise examples that will help us better understand your capabilities. 1. Describe an instance where you set your sights on a high/demanding goal and saw it through pletion. Demnding Goal: To design a musical and dramatic show to celebrate the centennial Anniversary of Tianjin University. The person who reach this goal: Chairman of Tianjin University Student Union What I learned from this observation: It is not necessary for a true leader to be an expert in such or such field of his career. But he must possessthe charismatic and the capacity to drive different people, who have diverging opinions, or even conflicting interests, to proceed togother to the sameorganizational goal. 字串62. Summarize a situation where you took the initiative to get others going on an important task or issue, and played a leading role to achieve the results you wanted. The activity I initiated: To organize a group to sing English anthems on Charistmas Eve, visit all domitories in university and send christmas gifts on behalf of our English Association The desired result: To broaden the students’ horizons about Western culture. My leading role: Combine the representatitives’ suggestions with my idea and draw the decision on: * What songs to play?* Who could attend the choir? * Which spots weperformed on? The result: Many students said that theyfelt the warmness we sent to them and they hoped we would hold such activities next Charistmas. 3. Describe asituation where you had to seek out relevant information, define key issues, and decide on which steps to take to get the desired results. Background: I organized the firstactivity after the establishment of the Management School English Association. 字串3 The desired result: To help the freshmen and the sophomores with their English while publicizing our group. Key issue: * What aspect ofthe students’ English abilities needed refining? Relevant Information: * What kind of entertainment was popular among students and also offered chances for them to learn English most effectively? * Which foreign teacher was suitable for this position? * When was our member free? * Whch place was convenient for most attendances? *Other related factors, such as the availibility offacilities and the layout of the spots. 4. Describe an instance where you made effective use of facts to securethe agreement of others. Background: I advanced a plan to found an English Garden in collaboration with fraternal association in neighboring university. The disagreement: * The authority of our school may dissent. * The costwas expensive, and we had no enough human resoure to carryon this project. 字串1 * There were too many English corners. Another one was unneessaty. The facts I made use: * Our dean approved this proposal. * Our partner was willing to provide financial assistantship. And our members volunteered to design the details of the plan and implement it. * The poll showed that the current English corners did not meet the students’ requirement and lacked uniqueness. The result: Others were convinced and we founded the English Garden suessfully. 5. Give an examples of how you worked effectively with people to aomplish an important result. Background: In the military training, we hold a Military Songs Competition. Working procedure: Design: I cooperated with my collegues to figure out the climax of the performance, the musical aompaniment of the songs and the whole arrnagement ofthe narrative poem. Rehearsal: I worked together with those who were in charge of the lights, sounds and scenes to create the perfect artistic effect.字串4字串4。

宝洁面试的八大问题宝洁面试的八大问题1. describe an instance where you set your sights on a high/demanding goal and saw it through completion.举例说明,你如何制定了一个很高的目标,并且最终实现了它。
2. summarize a situation where you took the initiative to get others going on an important task or issue and played a leading role to achieve the results you wanted.请举例说明你在一项团队活动中如何采取主动性,并且起到领导者的作用,最终获得你所希望的结果。
3. describe a situation where you had to seek out relevant information攀昀攀 key issues and decide on which steps to take to get the desired results.请详细描述一个情景,在这个情景中你必须搜集相关信息,划定关键点,并且决定依照哪些步骤能够达到所期望的结果。
4. describe an instance where you made effective use of facts to securethe agreement of others.举例说明你是怎样用事实促使他人与你达成一致意见的`。
5. give an example of how you worked effectively with people to accomplish an important result.举例证明你可以和他人合作,共同实现一个重要目标。
6. describe a creative/innovative idea that you produced which led to a significant contribution to the success of an activity or project.举例证明,你的一个创意曾经对一个项目的成功起到至关重要的作用。
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1.Describe an instance where you set your sights on a high/demanding goal and saw it though completion?(请你举1个具体的例子,说明你是如何设定1个目标然后达到它。
)案例:To design a musical and dramatic show to celebrate the centennial Anniversary of Tianjin University.The person who reaches this goal: Chairman of Tianjin University Student Union What I learned from this observation: It is not necessary for a true leader to be an expert in such or such field of his career. But he must possess the charismatic and the capacity to drive different people, who have diverged opinions, or even conflicting interests, to proceed together to the same organizational goal. 关键考察驾驭一个进程的整体能力2.Summarize a situation where you took the initiative to get others on an important task or issue, and played a leading role to achieve the results you wanted?(请举例说明你在1项团队活动中如何采取主动性,并且起到领导者的作用,最终获得你所希望的结果。
)案例:The activity I initiated: To organize a group to sing English anthems on Christmas Eve, visit all dormitories in university and send Christmas gifts on behalf of our English Association The desired result: To broaden the students’ horizons about Western culture.My leading role: Combine the representatives’ suggestions with my idea and draw the decision on:*What songs to play?*Who could attend the choir?*Which spots we performed on?The result: Many students said that they felt the warmness we sent to them and they hoped we would hold such activities next Christmas.关键在事件处理过程中的领导能力3.Describe a situation where you had seek out relevant information, define key issues, and decide on which steps to take to get the desired result?(请你描述1种情形,在这种情形中你必须去寻找相关的信息,发现关键的问题并且自己决定依照一些步骤来获得期望的结果。
)案例:Background: I organized the first activity after the establishment of the Management School English Association.The desired result: To help the freshmen and the sophomores with their English while publicizing our group.Key issue:*What aspect of the students’ English abilities needed refining? Relevant Information:*What kind of entertainment was popular among students and also offered chances for them to learn English most effectively?*Which foreign teacher was suitable for this position?*When was our member free? *Which place was convenient for most attendance?*Other related factors, such as the availability of facilities and the layout of the spots.关键发现并解决问题关键的能力4.Describe an instance where you made effective use of facts to secure the agreement of others?(请你举1个例子说明你是怎样通过事实来履行你对他人的承诺的。
)案例:Background: I advanced a plan to found an English Garden in collaboration with fraternal association in neighboring university.The disagreement:*The authority of our school may dissent.*The cost was expensive, and we had no enough human resource to carry on this project.*There were too many English corners. Another one was unnecessary. The facts I made use: *Our dean approved this proposal.*Our partner was willing to provide financial assistantship. And our members volunteered to design the details of the plan and implement it.*The poll showed that the current English corners did not meet the students’ requirement and lacked uniqueness. The result: Others were convinced and we founded the English Garden successfully.关键个人的责任感问题5.Give an example of how you worked effectively with people to accomplish an important result?(请你举1个例子,说明在完成1项重要任务时,你是怎样和他人进行有效合作的。
)案例:Background: In the military training, we hold a Military Songs Competition.Working procedure:Design: I cooperated with my colleagues to figure out the climax of the performance, the musical accompaniment of the songs and the whole arrangement of the narrative poem.Rehearsal: I worked together with those who were in charge of the lights, sounds and scenes to create the perfect artistic effect.On stage: I reminded my fellows with gestures and eye expressions. Also, we coped with an emergency coherently.The result: Our military team won the second prize in this competition.关键合作完成的能力6.Describe a creative/innovative idea that you produced which led to a significant contribution to the success of an activity or project?(请你举1个例子,说明你的1个有创意的建议曾经对1项计划的成功起到了重要的作用。
)案例:Activity: To hold the Perspective Entrepreneur Contest.The innovative idea I produced: To simulate a board meeting of a company, in which our candidates debated the feasibility of selling modern fitness equipment according to the market information they collected.The result: The contest was hold based on my proposal.关键创新能力7.Provide an example of how you assessed a situation and achieved good results by focusing on the most important priorities?(请你举1个具体的例子,说明你是怎样对你所处的环境进行1个评估,并且能将注意力集中于最重要的事情上以便获得你所期望的结果。