向日葵班组6月周考-服务管理规程(首看首问责任制)-企事业内部考试其他试卷与试题一、填空题1. 为了进一步增强机场范围内工作人员的 ______ ,树立“同一机场”形象,以人民为中心践行“主动服务”和“出行即服务”的基本理念,提高机场整体服务质量和人员办事效率,制定本规程。
答案:服务意识2. 首看责任制:机场范围内办公楼、停车场、候机楼内及候机楼外相关联工作区域等任何员工看到需要帮助的旅客(尤其是老、弱、病、残、孕等特殊旅客)、军人和消防救援人员旅客时,都有义务主动 ______ 及时上前询问并协助其解决问题,不允许以任何理由或借口予以推脱,对于自己不能解决或回答不了的问题,要将旅客指引至能解决或能回答问题的人或部门处,并跟踪落实,直至旅客满意为止。
答案:主动3. 对于电话问询要耐心、细致、热情地回答, ______ 态度生硬,接来电需使用礼貌用语:“你好,请讲,XX部(室)”“请稍等,我帮您查一下”“谢谢,再见”。
答案:不得4. 任何单位和个人, ______ 以“落实首问责任制”之名,图“个人提成或收入利益”之实,把利益凌驾于服务之上,导致旅客无法正常乘机、误机或者投诉等。
答案:不得5. 机场工作员工(包括外包单位人员)需落实“首问责任制”培训上岗率、“首问责任制”培训考核率、文明用语率均应达到 ______ %。
答案:100二、判断题6. 首问、首看责任人须有高度责任心和主人翁意识,牢固树立“人民航空为人民”的真情服务理念,认真对待每一位旅客的问题,耐心接听每一位旅客的来电。
⭕对⭕错答案:对7. 检查担架、轮椅、拐杖等有协助工具的旅客时,一定要检查好携带辅助工具,确保百分百检查,如遇到无法检查的旅客时应及时报告当日带班领导。
⭕对⭕错答案:对8. 一次安检、安检现场发现怀孕不足33 周(8 个月)的孕妇乘机,应立即汇报值机人员。
四川省广安市2023-2024学年高一下学期6月联考英语模拟试题注意事项:1. 本试卷满分150分,考试时间为120分钟。
2. 本试卷选择题答案请涂在答题卡上, 主观题填写在答卷上的相应位置。
第一节(共5个小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)例:How much is the shirt?A. £19.15.B. £9.18.C. £9.15.答案是C。
1. Who are the speakers?A. Architects.B.Reporters.C. Firefighters.2. What does the man mean?A. The girl can’t keep the cat.B. The girl can’t take on responsibility.C. The girl should think her decision over.3. How does the man feel?A. Disappointed.B. Cheerful.C. Bored.4. What is the conversation mainly about?A. A competition.B. The Internet.C. An expression.5. What might the man wear for Halloween this year?A. S uper Mario’s clothes.B. Batman’s clothes.C. Captain America’s clothes.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
二、考试内容安排1. 考试科目安排:周考科目应涵盖学生所学课程的各个方面,包括语文、数学、英语、物理、化学、生物等主要科目,并且要根据学科特点和学生学习情况进行合理安排。
2. 考试时间安排:周考考试时间一般安排在周五下午,这样可以保证学生在一周的学习之后进行知识的巩固和检测,同时也不会影响到正常的课程安排。
3. 考试形式安排:周考可以采取闭卷考试形式,以检测学生对于所学知识的掌握程度为主,也可以适当安排开卷考试,注重学生对于知识的运用和分析能力的考察。
三、考试安排1. 考试场地安排:学校应该提前确定好考试场地,保证考试环境的安静和整洁,为学生提供一个良好的考试环境。
2. 考试监考安排:学校应该安排专门的老师进行考试监考,严格遵守考试纪律,保证考试的公平公正。
3. 考试安全保障:学校应该加强对考试卷的保密工作,防止考试泄题和作弊现象的发生。
四、考试后的处理1. 成绩统计和分析:学校应该及时对考试成绩进行统计和分析,找出学生的薄弱环节,为后续的教学工作提供参考。
2. 成绩通报和反馈:学校应该及时将考试成绩通报给学生和家长,同时对学生的成绩进行详细分析和评价,给予学生及时的学习反馈。
3. 学生奖惩措施:学校应该对考试成绩优秀的学生给予适当的奖励,激励学生努力学习,对于成绩较差的学生要及时进行帮助和引导,找出问题所在,帮助学生改进学习方法。
八年级上册语文周考二满分:100 时间:40分钟命题:审核:班级:姓名:得分:一、书写水平(5分)1.根据卷面汉字书写水平计分。
(10分)páo( 咆 )哮浩hàn(瀚) 要sài(塞) xián( 娴 )熟lǐn( 凛 )冽zhòng( 仲)裁líng (凌)空qiáo (翘)首振聋发kuì( 聩) dān (殚)精竭虑3.古诗文默写(20分)(1)故渔者歌曰:“巴东三峡巫峡长”,猿鸣三声泪沾裳。
(8)《钱塘湖春行》中借莺歌燕舞表达诗人对早春美景喜爱之情的句子是:几处早莺争暖树,谁家新燕啄春泥4.下列句子中加点词语使用有误的一项是( D )A.这名男子,在跳河救人之后悄然..离开了,没有留下姓名和联系方式。
1-2月1. 期末考/模考高三第一学期的期末考试很重要,是对一轮复习的总结,也是对接下来复习计划的承接。
河南开封市金明中学2019-2020 学年第一学期周考(1)八年级物理试卷(命题人:曹学伟)一、选择题1.(2019 上海7)甲、乙两车分别在同一直线上的M、N 两点(M、N 间距为20 米),同时相向做匀速直线运动,它们的s-t 图像分别如图1(a)和(b)所示。
如甲、乙的速度分别为v 甲、v 乙,经过t 秒,甲、乙相距10 米。
则()A. V 甲<V 乙,t 一定为10 秒B. V 甲<V 乙,t 可能为30 秒C.V甲=V乙,t 可能为10 秒 D. V甲=V乙,t 可能为30 秒2、(2019 四川乐山8)如图为某物体做直线运动时路程随时间变化的图象,由图象可知该物体()A.在0~20s 时间内的速度比在30~40s 时间内的速度大B.在整个40s 时间内都做匀速直线运动C.在整个40s 时间内的平均速度为2m/sD.在20~30s 内物体的速度为40m/s3、(2019 黑龙江绥化3 改编)下列数据与事实相符的是()A.成年人行走的速度大约3m/s B.人体正常温度大约是38℃C.初中物理课本长度大约是26cm D.人感觉舒适的温度大约是37℃4、(2019 四川内江11)歌词“小小竹排江中游,巍巍青山两岸走”,前句描述的运动物体和后一句的参照物分别是A.青山竹排B.竹排青山C.竹排竹排D.青山青山5、(2019 四川自贡10 改编)体育课上,有许多运动项目涉及物理知识,下列说法不正确的是()A.小聪立定跳远的成绩为4. 50m B.百米赛跑记时,裁判应是看到发令枪的烟雾开始记时,而不是听到枪声C.小丽1min 跳绳的成绩为156 个D.在接力赛中,为保证交接棒顺利进行,交接棒时两运动员应尽可能做到相对静止6、两列火车并排停在站台上,你坐在车厢中向另一列车厢观望。
则下列运动情况不可能发生的是()A.自己的车向东运动,另一列车没有运动B.自己的车没有运动,另一列车向西运动C.两列车都向东运动,但自己车的速度较快D.两列车都向西运动,但另一列车的速度较慢7、(2019 四川成都A 卷3)如图所示为音叉共鸣实验:两个频率相同的音叉,用橡皮锤敲击其中一个音叉,另一个未被敲击的音叉也会发出声音。
重庆西师附中初一数学 2021 年 06 月 20 日周考数学试卷一.单选题1 . 2112331,,,,2231,x xy x y m π+++中分式的个数有 ( ) A . 2 个 B . 3 个 C . 4 个 D . 5 个2 .1a a a÷⋅ 的计算结果是 () 21...1.A a B C D a a 3 . 下列式子变形是因式分解且正确的是 ( )222222.()().44(2).(3)(7)421.421(2)25A x y x y x y B a a a C a a a a D a a a +=+--+=--+=+-+-=+-4 . 下列说法正确的是( )A , 相等的两个角是对顶角B . 过一点有且只有一条直线与已知直线垂直C . 在同一平面内 , 不相交的两条直线叫做平行线D 、两直线平行 , 同旁内角相等5 . 已知有理数满足22()|4|0,4nm n ++-= 则 m 2n 2的值为( ) A . ± 1 B . 1 C . ± 2 D . 26 . 等腰三角形底边长为 5 cm , 一腰上的中线把其周长分为两部分的差为 3cm . 则该三角形的腰长为 ( )A . 2 cm B. 8 cm C . 2 cm 或8 cm D . 以上答案都不对7 . 如图 , Δ ABC 中 , ∠ABC = 100 ° , 且∠ AEF = ∠ AFE , ∠ CFD = ∠ CDF , 则∠ EFD的度数为 ( )A . 80 °B . 60 °C . 40°D . 20 °7题 8题 9题8 . 如图 , △ ABC 中 , AD 是 BC 边上的中线 , CE 是△ ACD 中 AD 边上的中线 , 如△ABC 的面积是 20 ,那么△ ACE 的面积是 ( )A . 10B . 6C . 5D . 49 . 如图 , 点 B 在点 C 北偏东 40 方向上 , 点 B 在点 A 北偏西 24 ∘方向上, 点 F 在点 A 的正南方向上 , 点E 在 CB 上 , ∠ CEF = 64 , 则关于点 E 的位置叙述不正确的是 ( )A . 点 E 在点 C 的北偏东 40° 方向上B . 点 E 在点 F 的北偏西 64°方向上C . 点 E 在点 F 的北偏西 24°′方向上D . 点E 在点 B 的南偏西 40 ∘方向上10 . 下列结论 :(1)无论 a 取何值 , 21a a +都有意义 (2)a = -1 时 , 分式 211a a +- 的值为 0 ; (3)若 211x x ++的值为负 , 则 χ的取值范围是 x < -1 ; (4)若 112x x x x++÷+ 有意义 , 则 x 的取值范围是 x ≠ -2 且 x ≠ 0 , 其中正确的是 ( ) . A . (1)(3)(4) B (1)(2)(3) C . (1)(3) D (1)(4)11 定义:对于任意有理数 a , b , 都满足 () 4 ,a b a b ab =-+若22 18 20 181 0x x y y -+++=, 则x y = ( ) .1.1.361361A B C D --12 . 若关于 x 的不等式组7421232a x x ⨯+>-⎧⎪-⎨-+⎪⎩有且仅有四个整数解 , 且关于 y 的分式方程 173233a y y --=---的解为正整数 , 则满足条件的所有整数 a 的值之和为 ( ) A . 14 B . 25 C . 28 D . 35 °二、填空题13 . 2020 年春节 , 新型冠状病毒袭击全球 , 新型冠状病毒颗粒的平均直径约为 0 . 00000012m , 数据 0 . 00000012 用科学记数法表示为14 . 若 x , y 均为正整数 ,x+12 4 128y = , 则 x +2 y 的值为 15 . 若224(1)9x a xy y --+是完全平方式 , 则 a =16 . 一个圆柱的侧面展开图是两邻边长分别为 6 和 8 的矩形 , 则该圆柱的底面圆半径是17 . 如图 , 将△ ABC 纸片沿 DE 折叠 , 使点 A 落在点 A ' 处 , 且 A'B 平分 ∠ ABC , A ' C 平分∠ ACB , 若∠ BA ′ C = 110∘ , 则∠ 1+ ∠ 2 =18 . 为了应对疫情对经济的冲击 , 增加就业岗位 , 某区开办了一个夜市 , 共设餐饮、百货和杂项三种摊位720个 , 其中餐饮摊位数量是百货摊位数量的 2 倍 , 杂项摊位数量不超过餐饮摊位数量的 75倍 , 同时餐饮摊位数量不超过 270 个 . 夜市运营后 , 生意火爆 , 管理方准备增加若干个摊位 , 若新增摊位按 4 : 7 : 10 分配给餐饮、百货和杂项 , 则餐饮和百货两种摊位总数量之比为 3 : 2 ∶若新增摊位按 2 : 1 : 3 分配给餐饮、百货和杂项 , 则餐饮和杂项两种摊位总数量之比为三、解答题19 . 计算22(1)(32)(32)(2)(23)(49)(23)x y m x y m x y x y x y -++-----20 . 因式分解 : 222(1)363(2)436;(3)3()6()(4)(2)(4) 4.a a x x a b y b a x x x -+----+++-21 . 解方程 : 13(1)233x x x -=-- 214(2) 1.11x x x +-=--22 . 先化简 22121()x x x x x x -+-÷- 再从 1 , 0 , -1 这三个数中选个合适的数作为 x 的值代入求值 .23 . 如图, 在Rt Δ ABC 中, ∠ B = 90 ° , AD 为Δ ABC 的角平分线 . 点E 为BC 上一点, 过点E 作射线EF , 交AC 于点G .( 1 ) 若∠ C = 30 ∘, 求∠ BAD 的度数( 2 ) 若∠ FGC + ∠ BAD = 180 ∘, 求证: EF // AD .24 . 利华机械厂为海天公司生产A 、B 两种产品, 该机械厂由甲车间生产A 种产品, 乙车间生产B 种产品, 两车间同时生产 . 甲车间每天生产的A 种产品比乙车间每天生产的B 种产品多2 件, 甲车间生产的A种产品30 件的天数与乙车间生产的B 种产品24 件天数相同 .( 1 ) 求甲车间每天生产多少件A 种产品? 乙车间每天生产多少件B 种产品?( 2 ) 海天公司每天付给甲车间600 元的工时费, 每天付给乙车间400 元的工时费, 现海天公司一次性购买A 、B 两种产品共800 件, 海天公司购买A 、B 两种产品付给甲、乙两车间的总工时费用不超过42000元, 求购进A 种产品至多多少件 .25 . 如果在一个多位自然数n 中, 各数位上的数字之和恰好等于10 , 则称这个数"十全十美数" , 并将它各数位上的数字之积记为F ( n ) . 例如在数1234 中, 因为1+2+3+4 = 10 , 所以数1234 是" 十全十美数"且F ( 1234 ) = 1 × 2 × 3 × 4 = 24 .( 1 ) 若在一个自然数中的任意两个相邻数位上, 左边数位上的数字大于或等于右边数位上的数学, 则称这个自然数" 降序数" 例如: 在数32210 中, 因为3 > 2 = 2 > 1 > 0 , 所以数32210 是" 降序数" , 已知四位自然数a既是" 十全十美数" 又是" 降序数" , 它的千位上的数字是5 , F ( a ) = 0 . 将数a 千位上的数字减1 ,个位上的数字加1 , 得到数b , F ( b ) = 24 . 求出数a ;( 2 ) " 十全十美数" P 是三位自然数, 将数P 百位上的数字与个位上的数字交换得到数q , 若10p + q = 2882 , 求F ( p ) 的最大值 .26 . 如图 1 , O 为直线 AB 上一点 , OC 为射线 , ∠ AOC = 40 ° , 将一个三角板的直角顶点放在点 O 处 , 一边 OD 在射线 OA 上 , 另一边 OE 与 OC 都在直线 AB 的上方 .( 1 ) 将三角板绕点 O 顺时针旋转 , 若 OD 恰好平分∠ AOC ( 如图 2 ) , 试说明 OE 平分∠ BOC3( 2 ) 将三角板绕点 O 在直线 AB 上方顺时针旋转 , 当 OD 落在∠ BOC 内部 , 且13COD BOE ∠=∠时 , 求 ∠ AOE 的度数 : ( 3 ) 将图 1 中的三角板和射线 OC 同时绕点 O , 分别以每秒 6° 和每秒 2 °的速度顺时针旋转一周 , 求第几秒时 , OD 恰好与 OC 在同一条直线上 ?试卷第 4 页 , 总 4 页。
1. 考试科目,周考和月考的科目包括语文、数学、英语和其他学科。
2. 考试范围,周考的范围为本周所学知识点,月考的范围为整个月的学习内容。
3. 考试形式,周考和月考的形式为闭卷考试,考试时间根据具体科目和年级而定。
4. 考试内容,周考和月考的内容由学校教师按照教学大纲和教学进度安排,确保考试内容与教学内容一致。
1. 周考安排,每周五下午进行周考,考试时间为40分钟,考试科目根据具体安排而定。
2. 月考安排,每月最后一个周五进行月考,考试时间为90分钟,考试科目根据具体安排而定。
3. 补考安排,对于因故不能参加周考或月考的学生,学校将安排补考时间,确保学生的权益。
1. 考试监考,学校将安排专门的监考人员进行考试监督,确保考试的公平和公正。
2. 考试环境,学校将提供安静、整洁的考试环境,确保学生能够安心应考。
3. 考试纪律,学校将严格要求学生遵守考试纪律,禁止任何形式的作弊行为。
1. 评分标准,学校将根据统一的评分标准对学生的答卷进行评分,确保评分公正准确。
2. 成绩通知,学校将在考试后及时通知学生和家长考试成绩,及时反馈学生的学习情况。
3. 学习辅导,对于成绩较差的学生,学校将提供个性化的学习辅导,帮助学生提高学习成绩。
2022-2023学年河南省南阳市高二下学期6月月考英语试题The announcements that follow inform you of various First Presbyterian Church programs and events to which you are invited. Please save this publication, take it home and keep it for easy reference.Summer Musikgarten — TodayMusikgarten is for infants (V)L) through three years old, but if you have older children, bring them with you during the summer. We don't want to leave anyone out! We'll meet for Summer Musikgarten classes in Room 307 at 9:20 — 9:50 AM today, and on June 25, July 9, 16, 23, 30, August 13 and 20. If you have questions or for more information, please contact Kathy Middleton (***************;563-505-0471).BTC Book Club Bonus — MondayJoin us for dessert and a discussion of the book, The Traitor's Wife, by Allison Pataki, led by Lois Boyer-Fitzpatrick. We will meet Monday, June 19 at 12:30 PM in the Parlor. For more information, contact Carol Phoenix (563-332-0980).Performing Arts Series — SaturdayThe twenty-fifth anniversary season of the Performing Arts Series concludes with two performances of the classic Broadway musical, My Fair Lady. Lerner and Loewe's most successful collaboration, My Fair Lady has delighted audiences for decades, and we look forward to producing it for you. Tickets are $15 for adults and $10 for students, and can be purchased on the church's website or by calling the church office.Tabitha's Circle — SundayAll those who sew and make some simple dresses and shorts can join us in Fellowship Hall. The clothes we make are sent to children in Africa, Guatemala, Cambodia and Haiti. Please bring your own sewing machines and invites others who would like to participate. We will have refreshments. Contact Rosen Paulsen (563-355-3165) for questions about this outreach project.1. If you value the children education, which event is your best choice?A. Summer Musikgarten B. BTC Book Club Bonus 19C. Performing Arts Series D. Tabitha's Circle2. You can contact all of the four events byA. making phone calls. B. visiting the websites.C. inquiring in person. D. writing letters.3. According to the third section, we know My Fair LadyA. is free for young kids.B. has been popular for years.C. was starred by Lerner and Loewe.D. was one of the longest classic Broadway musicals.My brother and I were like most people, I imagine, who find themselves trying to do the right things for a parent suffering from the symptoms of dementia (痴呆). Though there was useful adviceavailable from various online sources, nothing prepared us for the reality or the effects the symptoms had upon Mum's loving, kind, caring nature.The greatest shock for me was seeing Mum being violent and aggressive with a carer. At times the aggression was directed at me too and I never really knew what to expect as Mum could go from being a loving Mother to this violent stranger in a flash. It was as though Mum had been possessed at times and all I could do was to constantly attempt to distract her from her fears at any moment.One of the many challenging aspects of the dementia symptoms is that the sufferer often doesn't know that they're ill. In Mum's case, the main thing was to carry on as though everything was just as it always was. Many were the nights where she'd be convinced that friends and relatives were coming round for a party and she'd rush around setting the table, preparing snacks and getting everything ready until she was exhausted. I got to see first hand just how the anxieties that came with the illness would really stay with her until she fell asleep.Mum longed for reminders of her early life in Liverpool and once travelling there had become too difficult, we found great comfort in local history books and a DVD about many of the places and landmarks Mum remembered from her childhood.I learned to go with whatever experience Mum was having. I would always be with her. If I could pass on any guidance for those about to care for a loved one, it is the above I found that really helps.4. How was the writer when her mother suffered dementia?A.She started to care about her mother's health.B.She was not prepared mentally at all.C.She knew nothing about the disease.D.She doubted the effect of medical care.5. What shocked the writer most according to Para 2?A.Her mother's longing for her childhood photos.B.The sudden distinct shift in her mother's temper.C.Her mother's sufferings from fear and anxiety.D.Her mother's failing to deal with daily chores.6. Why does the author tell the story of Mum's preparing for a party?A.To prove her mum is not aware of her illness at all.B.To explain how to help her mum come over her anxiety.C.To regret that she failed to help her mum with her problem.D.To look for a better medical treatment for her mum.7. What may the author suggest to those who have a parent with dementia?A.Hard work pays off. B.Where there is a will, there is a way.C.Company is the best medicine. D.Look before you leap.When leaving school, I was pleased that my exam results meant that I could study engineering at university. But I also wanted to travel before starting my course. A friend of mine told me about the Schools Exploring Society, an organization which helps students take a gap year (a year between leaving school and going to college). It has three foreign journeys a year, taking 16-20-year-olds on science and nature trips. I love being outdoors, and a mountaineering trip to Alaska was on offer. So I signed up immediately.There was one problem, though. I had to raise a large amount of money for the trip. It was a big task, but I managed to make it. I washed cars, worked in a cafe and also sold off some of my old books, clothes and CDs. Then, just before starting out, I started worrying. Can I do this? Am I fit enough? What if I see a bear?Seventy of us traveled to Alaska. The first two days after arrival were spent in a school hall preparing our equipment and five tons of food. Then we left for the beautiful Talkeetna Mountain. On the trip we dug paths and recognized plant species. Then we climbed a mountain that was over 6,000 feet high. It was tiring but exciting.Looking back, a gap year was so right for me. I learned a lot about accepting other people for what they are. We had to help each other and it made me less selfish. My gap year has also made me more able to concentrate. Now, whenever Tm worried about anything, I think I did Alaska-I can do this!8. We can learn from Paragraph 1 that the author .A.hadn’t taken foreign trips beforeB.made the trip together with his friendsC.was not satisfied with his exam resultsD.was going to study engineering at a college9. What was the problem for the author?A.His body was not strong.B.He couldn’t afford the trip.C.He had no outdoor experience.D.He had little time to prepare for the trip.10. The author may agree that his gap year .A.was well worth itB.got him interested in plantsC.made him fall behind others in studyD.helped him know more about himself11. What might be the author’s purpose in writin g the text?A.To explain how to prepare for trips.B.To advise on how to spend a gap year.C.To describe his experience in his gap year.D.To encourage students to do part-time work.Why do we find ugly animals so appealing? And what makes odd-looking creatures so cute?Evolution (进化) plays a role. According to Austrian zoologist Konrad Lorenz, human attraction to childish features, such as big eyes, large heads and soft bodies, is an evolutionary adaptation that helps ensure that adults care for their young, guaranteeing the survival of their species. Odd-looking animals such as blobfish, pugs, and bulldogs all share these childish qualities that initiate an affectionate response among humans. And these childish characteristics increase a person’s “protective behavior, attention and willingness to care” for the individual and reduce the “likelihood of attacks towards a child”, says Marta Borgi, a researcher.Ugly animals often have other value—some, like the blobfish or the naked mole rat, live in extreme environments that they have adapted to in remarkable ways. Scientists are keen to study these animals to understand whether their biology might provide fresh insights that could lead to treatments for human health conditions such as cancer, heart disease and other deadly diseases. Our fascination with ugly-cute animals can also be traced back to culturally-based causes. “The ugly-cute thing is very fashionable,” says Rowena Packer, a lecturer of animal behavior. “This is partly driven by social media, with many influential people showing off pet pugs and French bulldogs on the Internet,” she says.But there are some serious welfare concerns around this trend. Vets are urging people not to choose a flat-faced dog, because they suffer from serious health problems. Pugs and French bulldogs which have been selectively produced experience breathing difficulties, repeated skin infections and eye diseases.We may want to rethink our love for “ugly-cute” animals because of their silly features like protruding (鼓出的) eyes and wrinkly faces.12. Why do people like ugly animals according to Konrad Lorenz?A.People appriciate their efforts to survive. B.People appreciate their superadaptability.C.People are attracted by their childish looks. D.People are fond of their fast response speed.13. What is Paragraph 4 mainly about?A.What media are changing people. B.How public practices influence people.C.Whether social media is worth believing. D.Why celebrities show off their petanimals.14. What’s the author’s attitude towards people’s love for ugly animals?A.Opposed. B.Supportive. C.Indifferent. D.Cautious.15. How does the author mainly answer the questions raised in Paragraph 1?A.By quoting different researchers’ findings. B.By showing some examples of keeping pets.C.By observing people’s behavior towards animals. D.By referring to authoritative evolutionary theory.How to Learn from RegretsLife is full of regrets. Unanalyzed and unmanaged, any variety of regret can be poison for your well-being. The trick is to acknowledge it and use it for learning and improvement. Regret’s benefits don’t come to us by chance. 16 Here are three steps you can take the next time you find yourself reflecting on your past missteps.Kill the ghost (鬼)People often say their regrets “haunt”them. This suggests that regret is like a ghost: not entirely clear but always threatening. 17 Write down why each one still bothers you and its bad effects. You will find that a list is a lot less frightening than a ghost.18After you make a mistake, life moves on. But sometimes you just can’t stop kicking yourself. In other words, you have voluntarily chosen a life punishment for a poor decision you made in the past. Now is the time to relieve your emotional punishment wit h a simple verbal declaration: “ 19 ”Collect your diplomaRegret is like a school run by human nature. If you never experienced regret you would keep repeating the same behaviors that led you to miss opportunities and destroy relationships in the past.20 In your list of regrets, note how you want to change your behavior and outline your resolutions. Next, list all the ways that you can invest in your own skills and improvement right now-and get started.In 2000, we were on our usual weekend adventure in suburban Pearl River. But unlike other weekends,on this day a _________ was waiting in our driveway: two adult geese and a gosling (小鹅). The adults were frightened by us and _________ leaving their baby behind.The tiny little thing was wandering around our yard. We called him Peeper. Days _________ into weeks, and weeks into months, until almost a year passed. We _________ into a routine filled with feathery hugs and care. Part of this _________ included dad sending Peeper up into the air so he could fly a loop(圈)around the house f coming back.One evening, my uncle came overhand my dad wanted to show him Peeper's loop. He _________ him up in the air, but this time, Peeper flew off. Twenty years passed and Peeper became a fond_________ for my family.Geese live to be around 25 years old and are very _________ They never forget their first home. Even so, it came as a shock when a/an _________ adult goose made his way back to my family home. After two weeks of his coming back repeatedly, it became clear this was not a __________ goose. He did all the things Peeper used to. He also __________ to the name Peeper turning his head and waddling(摇摆走)closer to us. To my __________ .my old best friend had returned,20 years later.It's possible that he is longing for his early __________ , He doesn't come back every single night. Some nights he may seek the comfort of his own kind at the __________ nearby. Geese in the wild typically sleep on water. But he's here a lot, making his __________ known and giving me joy. 21.A.wonder B.surprise C.couple D.visitor22.A.hid behind B.slipped up C.flew away D.backed off23.A.passed B.turned C.broke D.advanced24.A.compromised B.made C.scheduled D.settled25.A.relationship B.hug C.routine D.pattern26.A.urged B.dragged C.threw D.blew27.A.memory B.figure C.subject D.member28.A.sensitive B.active C.friendly D.loyal29.A.young B.aging C.frightening D.cautious30.A.random B.rude C.regular D.new31.A.interrupted B.repeated C.responded D.cheered32.A.amazement B.satisfaction C.horror D.disappointment33.A.home B.parents C.nature D.stories34.A.lawn B.lake C.shelter D.branch35.A.habit B.name C.intention D.presence读下面材料,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
2024上半年英语六级考试时间表全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1The Big English Test and When It HappensHey there, kids! Are you getting excited for the big English test that's coming up? I know I am! It's called the CET-6 and it's a really important exam for all us students who want to show off how good our English skills are.But when exactly is this huge test going to happen? Well, let me tell you all about the schedule for the first half of 2024. Listen up closely!In January, there's no CET-6 test. I guess they want to give us a little break after the holidays to get back into the swing of things at school. That's okay though, because it means we have more time to practice our English!Then in February, the testing fun begins! The first CET-6 exam of 2024 will be held on February 17th. Can you imagine how many students all across China will be taking that test on the same day? Millions! We'll all be in it together, fighting thebattle of vocabulary, grammar, reading, writing, and listening. May the best English speakers win!After we get through that February exam, it's a bit of a wait until the next one rolls around. We'll have March, April, and most of May to keep on studying hard. Remember to practice every day, ok? Maybe we can even form a little study group to quizzed each other!Finally, the last CET-6 exam for the first half of the year will be on May 25th. That's just a few weeks before a lot of schools get out for summer vacation. Can you imagine taking the big test and then getting to relax all summer? Sounds perfect to me!Those are the only two times the CET-6 will be offered from January through June 2024. So we've got to be ready for February 17th or May 25th. Which date works better for you?Personally, I'm aiming for the February exam. I figure if I can get it out of the way early in the year, then I don't have to stress about it as much later on. Plus, my English skills will be nice and fresh after reviewing everything over winter break. Zatudying!But maybe you'd rather take it a bit later on May 25th. That gives you way more time to prepare and really drill all those English rules into your brain. By May, you could be a totalgrammar grandmaster! Just don't go slacking off during those months of extra study time. Keep working hard!No matter which date you choose, just get ready to show what you know on that CET-6 exam. It's going to be tough, but I know we can all pass with flying colors! Our English skills are so strong thanks to our amazing teachers. We just need to keep practicing listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Oh, and definitely don't forget about vocabulary!Once that test day arrives, make sure you get a good night's sleep beforehand. Then wake up early, eat a healthy breakfast to fuel your brain, and head to the exam venue confident and ready to go! If you get nervous during the actual test, just take some deep breaths and do your best.When it's finally over, we can all celebrate our hard work! Maybe we can even plan an end-of-exam party to mark the occasion. We'll get to relax, play games, and eat snacks. It'll be so well-deserved after conquering that CET-6 beast!Then before you know it, the scores will get posted online and we'll get to see just how well we all did. I'm envisioning a lot of students getting the highest marks possible. We're all such great English learners, after all!So in short, get pumped for the February 17th or May 25th CET-6 exam dates. Spend these upcoming months studying hard, but don't forget to also take breaks and have fun too. We're all in this together as test-taking buddies!I'm rooting for all of you to pass that CET-6with incredible scores. Let's show everyone just how amazing our English abilities are. After we nail this test, maybe we can take an even bigger English exam next year! Who knows what the future holds?But for now, let's just focus on doing our best on the CET-6 in 2024. You've totally got this! Let me know if you have any other questions at all. I'm always happy to talk more about my favorite topics - English and major tests! This is going to be an exciting few months. Ganbatte!篇2The Big English Test Is Coming!Hello friends! Did you know there is a huge English test coming up soon for all the big kids? It's called the English Level 6 exam and it's really important. My brother took it last year when he was in middle school and he said it was super hard. But don't worry, I'm going to tell you all about it so you can get ready!First, let me explain what this test is. It's a big exam that checks how good you are at English. If you do well, it means you're basically a English expert! The test has listening, reading, writing and speaking sections. You have to show you can understand people talking in English, read English books and articles, write English essays, and speak English really clearly. Phew, that's a lot!The English Level 6 test happens twice a year - once in January/February and once in June/July. A lot of middle school, high school, and college students take it. My parents said I should start preparing for it now even though I'm just in 5th grade! They want me to become an English superstar.Okay, are you ready for the important dates? Let me grab my calendar...here we go:For the January/February test period, the registration opens on November 1st, 2023. That's when you can officially sign up and pay the fee to take the test. The last day to register is December 10th though, so don't be late!Then the actual test dates are spread out across a few weeks. The listening part will be on January 20th, 2024. After that, the reading part is on February 3rd. A few weeks later is the writing section on February 17th. Finally, the speaking test will happenbetween February 24th and March 2nd. Whew, that's a lot of dates to remember!Don't worry, I'll go over the June/July dates too so you're fully prepared! Registration for that testing period opens on April 1st, 2024 and closes on May 15th.The listening exam day is June 15th, 2024. Then the reading part is on June 29th. A couple weeks after that is the writing on July 13th. Lastly, the speaking section will be between July 20th and July 27th. Phew, I'm getting tired just thinking about all those tests!I really want to pass the English Level 6 when I'm older. It would make my parents so proud and help me get into a great university. Plus, being amazing at English can help you get awesome jobs when you're a grown-up. Maybe I could be an English teacher or translator someday!My brother says the reading part was the hardest for him. You have to read super long passages and answer questions about all the little details. He told me to start reading more English books now to get ready. I'm going to ask my parents to get me some fun magic tree house books in English!The speaking section was the one my brother was most nervous about. You have to talk to a real person in English and they judge how clear your pronunciation is and how well you can express your thoughts. My brother practiced speaking English out loud to himself a lot before his test. I'll probably do that too when it's my turn!Well, that's all the important info about the big English exam!I covered all the key dates for registration and testing for 2024. I really hope you'll join me in studying hard for this test in the coming years. We can become English experts together!Just remember - listen to lots of English audio, read reading reading, practice your writing skills, and don't be shy about speaking out loud. If we work really hard, we can ace the English Level 6 no problem! Let's do our best!篇3The Big English Test is Coming! Get Ready for Level 6!Hey kids! Are you excited for the huge English Level 6 test coming up? This massive test happens twice a year, once in the spring and once in the fall. The spring test for 2024 is just around the corner! Let me tell you all about when it will be.The Level 6 test is kind of like a big game that shows how well you can listen, read, write and speak English. It's really important because doing well can help you get into a great university one day. Kids from all across China take this test at the same time. Isn't that crazy?Now let's talk dates! The listening part of the test will happen on Saturday, March 16th, 2024. You'll have to go to a special test center and listen really carefully to recordings of people speaking English. There will be questions to answer about what you hear. Use those giant headphones you love to wear!One week later, on the 23rd of March, it will be time for the reading and writing sections. For the reading part, you'll read some English passages and articles, then answer comprehension questions about them. The writing section will have you write an essay or article in English on a certain topic. Get ready to write a masterpiece!Finally, the speaking test day will be two weeks after that on April 6th, 2024. This is when you'll go talk face-to-face with a real English teacher! Don't be nervous, just imagine you're chatting about your favorite TV show. The teacher will ask you questions and you'll have conversations to show your English speaking skills.Those are the three big test dates, but there's actually one more date you need to know. The registration period to sign up for Level 6 opens on January 15th, 2024 and closes on February 10th. Your parents or teachers will have to go online and officially register you for the test during those dates.So in summary:Registration: January 15 - February 10, 2024Listening Test: March 16, 2024Reading & Writing Tests: March 23, 2024Speaking Test: April 6, 2024Whew, that's a lot of important dates! Better start practicing your English skills now. Remember, the spring Level 6 test is a chance to show off how smart and hardworking you are. Just relax, stay confident, and you'll do great!Ask your teacher if you need any help preparing. And parents, make sure you get those registration forms filled out in time! Level 6, here we come! Who's excited?篇4My Big Brother is Taking the CET-6 Exam!Hi everyone! My name is Lily and I'm 8 years old. I'm in 3rd grade and I love drawing pictures, playing outside, and reading fun stories. Today I want to tell you all about the big exam my older brother Michael is going to take called the CET-6.The CET-6 stands for the College English Test Band 6. It's a really important English exam that university students in China need to take to show they are super good at English. My brother Michael is a junior at Beijing University studying economics. He's so smart!Michael has been studying really hard for the CET-6 exam. He takes it super seriously because getting a high score can help him get a good job after graduation. I've seen him reading thick book after thick book, doing practice test after practice test. Sometimes I peek over his shoulder when he's not looking and I don't understand anything he's reading! It's all way too advanced for a kid like me.The CET-6 tests students on all areas of English - reading, writing, listening, and speaking. There are different sections where you have to read long passages, listen to recordings, write essays, and speak out loud. It covers vocabulary, grammar, pragmatics, and cultural knowledge too. Michael says it's one ofthe most difficult English tests in China. No wonder he studies so hard!Michael told me the CET-6 is only offered twice per year - once in June and once in December. For 2024, the June test date is Saturday, June 15th. The December date is Saturday, December 21st. The exam takes place on national test dates across China at approved testing centers.My brother is planning to take the CET-6 for the first time in June 2024. He's bee studying like crazy to prepare. I see him making flashcards, taking notes, doing practice questions. Sometimes I'll ask him what a word means and he happily teaches me. Michael is such a good big brother!I really admire how dedicated Michael is to doing well on this important exam. It makes me want to study hard too when I'm older. For now though, I'll stick to the 3rd grade! I don't think I could handle anything as difficult as the CET-6. It sounds so challenging.I'll be cheering Michael on every step of the way as he gets ready for test day on June 15th. I've been practicing my English too so I can wish him "Good luck!" I'll make him a special poster to carry into the exam room. Maybe I'll pack some of his favorite snacks to keep his energy up too. Exams are hard work!After the June exam, Michael will get his official score report a few weeks later in July. He's really hoping to get a high score, possibly even a perfect score. That would be so awesome! I'll keep my fingers crossed for him. If he doesn't do as well as he hopes, there's always the December exam he can try again for.No matter what happens, I'll be proud of Michael either way. It's amazing he is taking on such a difficult challenge. The CET-6 seems so intense, I can't even imagine. Michael worked incredibly hard to get where he is today. He inspires me to follow my dreams and never give up.I know Michael is going to go on to achieve great things after he graduates, certificate in hand. Maybe he'll get hired by an international company and travel all over! Or he could become a translator or English teacher himself one day. The possibilities are endless when you master English.For now, the next few months are all about preparing for that big exam on June 15th. I'll be my brother's biggest cheerleader, bringing him snacks and telling jokes to ease his stress. On exam day, I'll give him a high five and tell him "You've got this!" I can't wait to see that huge smile on his face when he gets his amazing score.The CET-6 may seem scary, but it's just another stepping stone on Michael's path to an incredible future career. Thanks to his years of hard work, I know he'll knock it out of the park. And who knows, maybe one day when I'm older, I'll be taking it too! Anything is possible when you believe in yourself.Fight on, Michael! Your little sister is rooting for you!篇5【2024上半年英语六级考试时间表】大家好!我是一名小学生,今天我要给大家介绍一下2024上半年英语六级考试的时间表。
岳阳6 月26 日小升初考试时间表
为了让学生们能够有序、顺利地参加考试,岳阳教育部门公布了6 月26 日的小升初考试时间安排。
根据时间表,考试将于6 月26 日上午9 点开始,进行两个小时的语文考试。
随后,学生们将休息30 分钟,然后从11 点30 分开始进行一个半小时的数学考试。
下午2 点,将进行一场45 分钟的英语考试。
最后,下午2 点45 分至3 点30 分进行一场综合考试。
总之,岳阳6 月26 日的小升初考试时间表,为学生们提供了一个清晰的考试安排,有助于他们更好地为考试做准备,迎接人生新的挑战。
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计算表明,一件纯棉衣物一生大约造成7 千克的二氧化碳排放量,一件化纤衣物在其生命周期中排放的二氧化碳约为47 千克,远远大于纯棉衣物,但化纤衣物的寿命较纯棉衣服更长。
④纯棉服装中的棉纤维具有较好的吸湿性和舒适性,在正常的情况下.......,纤维可向周围的大气中吸收水分,其含水率为8%~ 10%,因此纯棉服装会让人的皮肤感到柔软而不僵硬。
(2分)参考答案2. (3分)为“我”治病,为“我”借书,推“我”看电影,鼓励“我”写作(2分,答对一个计0.5分)。
3. 表现了母亲的艰难,心灵深处的痛苦,母爱的伟大,同时也表现了“我”对母亲深深的理解、思恋和怀念。
(意对即可)4. 追忆合欢树的来历,说明它是母亲亲手所栽,在母亲的照料下,茁壮成长(1分)。
(意对即可)5. 母亲的早逝是令人悲伤的(1分);想起与母亲生活在一起的往事,又是让人感到温馨的(1分);母亲的爱、母亲的意志、母亲的命运、母亲的苦难,让作者明白了生存的意义(1分),并鼓舞作者在逆境中更坚强(1分),因此这种悲伤也是享受。
参考答案2. (3分)为“我”治病,为“我”借书,推“我”看电影,鼓励“我”写作(2分,答对一个计0.5分)。
3. 表现了母亲的艰难,心灵深处的痛苦,母爱的伟大,同时也表现了“我”对母亲深深的理解、思恋和怀念。
(意对即可)4. 追忆合欢树的来历,说明它是母亲亲手所栽,在母亲的照料下,茁壮成长(1分)。
(意对即可)5. 母亲的早逝是令人悲伤的(1分);想起与母亲生活在一起的往事,又是让人感到温馨的(1分);母亲的爱、母亲的意志、母亲的命运、母亲的苦难,让作者明白了生存的意义(1分),并鼓舞作者在逆境中更坚强(1分),因此这种悲伤也是享受。