七下期中期末复习专题12.3说明文阅读考点巩固提升 演示版



作比较 突出强调特点
作引用 准确,增强说服力
下定义 科学、准确
作诠释 解释说明
画图表 直观、形象摹状貌 使说明对象说的更具体、生动.
1、在太阳和月亮的周围,有时会出现一种美丽的七彩光圈,里层是红色的,外层是紫色的。这种光圈叫做晕。2、(中国石拱桥) 有许多是惊人的杰作,其中最著名的当推河北省赵县的赵州桥,还有北京附近的卢沟桥。 3、(卢沟桥)桥长265米,由11个半圆形的石拱组成,每个石拱长度不一,自16米到21.6米。
6、列数据:从数量上说明事物特点最准确、最有说服力的方法 作用:准确,令人信服 7、引资料:用引用的方法说明事物的特征,增强说服力。如引用古诗文、谚语、俗话。 作用:增强说服力,引用诗词还可以增强文学色彩
答:不能。“几乎”是接近的意思,说明我国石拱桥分布很广, 但不是到处都有。如去掉意思就太绝对了. “几乎”一词体现了说明文语言的准确性。

中考语文最后冲刺练 说明文阅读(考点自主梳理 随堂热身反馈)课件 苏教版

中考语文最后冲刺练 说明文阅读(考点自主梳理 随堂热身反馈)课件 苏教版

⑥稀土元素还可以用在火控瞄准系统中,如美国引以为豪 的M1A2坦克凭借自身先进的火控系统,能够在战场上做到先 敌发现和先敌开火,主要是它装备了独特的激光测距仪,这就 要用到稀土金属钇元素。在海湾战争中,美军M1A2坦克的激 光测距仪测距距离为4_000米,而伊拉克T-72坦克的激光测 距仪只能达到2_000米。同时,美军坦克还装备了含有稀土金 属镧元素的夜视仪。结果,在沙尘漫天的战场上,无论白天还 是黑夜,美军坦克都占有无可比拟的绝对技术优势。

2.抓第一段。 有的选文没有题目,我们就看第一段,它往往会揭示说明 对象。 3.抓首括句和中心句。 说明文往往运用这种句子来突出所要说明的事物或特征。

考向2概括说明对象的特征 常见的问法:×××有什么特点? 解题方法 1.直接从文中找表明说明对象特征的句子。这类句子通 常是:说明文的题目、说明文段首的总括句和说明文结尾的总 结句。 2.用自己的话概括说明对象的特征。做法是:分析文章 的结构,抓段首中心句及连接词,如“首先”“其次”“再次” 等。

无刺蜂蜂蜜呈绿褐色,与普通蜂蜜相比,具有水分大、口 感略酸、香味更浓郁、还原糖含量较低、淀粉酶值较低等特点。 无刺蜂蜂蜜还以药用价值高而著称。它在治疗消化系统疾病、 呼吸系统疾病、白内障、皮肤病以及一些妇科疾病等方面,疗 效显著。 (节选自《百科知识》,2011年10月上)

2.通览全文,用简洁的语言概括全文的行文思路。 _____________________________________________ ___________________________

无刺蜂生来与众不同,它设计的“小屋”也别具一格,其 复杂程度堪称“蜜蜂之最”。无刺蜂通常把 “家”安在中空 的树干或树杈上,巢在树洞内呈长桶状,密封性良好,只留一 个小孔与外界相通,孔的外侧通常连有一根“管子”,此“管 状通道”由蜂蜡和泥土混合筑成,有的“管状通道”还被设计 成“喇叭状”,向内一直通到蜂王繁殖的区域。整个蜂巢采用 多种建筑材料:蜂蜡、蜂胶以及树脂等。这些建筑材料有一个 共同的特点——防水。因而蜂巢就像一个裹紧的粽子,既保温、 防水,又御敌。

七下期中期末复习专题12.1说明文阅读知识梳理 学生版

七下期中期末复习专题12.1说明文阅读知识梳理 学生版

七下期中期末复习专题12.2说明文阅读考点例析指导 答案版

七下期中期末复习专题12.2说明文阅读考点例析指导 答案版

考点1 对象及其特征 【答题指导】做此类题时,首先要分清是事物说明文还是事理说 明文,进而认真读题,要分清楚题干问的是整篇文章还是某段或某 几段,然后根据要求概括说明对象的特征。填空时尽量从原文中找 原词原句,若没有,则可抓各段中心句或通过归纳段意概括。 题型1 辨析说明对象 1.看题目。有的标题直接表明说明对象,如课文《中国石拱桥》 《苏州园林》,这些都是事物说明文,标题直接就表明了说明对象; 再 如 2018 年 江 西 《 廊 ·亭 ·桥 》 题 目 就 表 明 了 要 说 明 的 是 “廊·亭·桥”。
廊在园林中是游览线,又起着分割空间、组合景物的作用。廊引 人随,水石其间,移步换影,幅幅成图。像驰名中外的北京颐和园 的长廊,漫步其间,得以饱览昆明湖的湖光景色。而苏州拙政园的 水廊,则轻盈婉约,人行其上,宛如凌波漫步。扬州西园前的香影 廊,未至其境,名已醉人。至于苏州沧浪亭的复廊,用花墙分隔, 使园有界非界,似隔非隔,令人遐思无限。扬州园林主体建筑用楼, 其廊亦作楼式,即复道廊,形成了多层的游览线,寄啸山庄是为佳 例。
七下期中期末复习专题 12.2说明文考点例析 答案版 例1(2018·江西)阅读下面文章,完成后面题目。
廊·亭·桥 陈从周
廊 “别梦依依到谢家,小廊回合曲阑斜。”一千多年前的唐诗,就 点出了廊在庭院中的妙用。我国古代建筑的单体与单体之间,必依 靠廊来作联系,才能成为一个整体。在园林等风景区,则更是因地 制宜,巧于安排,构筑了曲直、高低、爬山、临水等多种式样的廊。
亭在园林等风景区中,起着“点景”与“引景”的作用。北京的 景山五亭,为城内的最高点,每到北京的人,常为它所吸引,必登 高一快,以饱览首都景色。苏州拙政园的扇面亭,亭名“与谁同坐 轩”,小亭临流,静观自得。笠亭如盖,半枕山腰。而网师园之月 到风来亭又正点出此亭观景之妙。


16. 第4段中说,“这颗捕捉到的小行星就会和机器人用最初所使 用的一样的方法进入它的轨道。” 这“最初所使用的一样的方法”具体指 怎样的方法?请作简要回答。(2分) (2008)16.指出下列句子中加点的词语所指的具体内容。(2分)
①与之相应的,地壳的反应便产生三种不同式样的断层。 ②当地壳的“怒火”憋得越来越大,超过岩石本身能承受的强度时便使 岩层断裂错动。 (2009)17.指出下列句子中加点词所指代的内容。(4分) ①这是自然界中生物长期进化的结果。 ②莲花的这种自洁功能引起了科学家们的极大兴趣。
理解的关键 读懂文章!
1.看题目——明确说明对象(无题目 则看内容确定) 2.析结构——层进式(纵式)、并列 式(横式)、总分式 3.抓重点——重点段与支撑段;中心 句(重点句)与过渡句 4.做归纳——归纳段落、层次大意及 全文内容等
二、按照说明文的常见写作思路(基本结 构)来整体感知说明内容
结构图: 引出说明对象
1、时间变化词 2、空间方位词 3、关联词
虽然 但是 首先 其次 另外 … …
所以 最后
因此 同时
说明语言的准确性,是说明文语言的先决条件,表 示时间、空间、数量、范围、程度、特征、性质、程 序等,都要求准确无误。所谓准确,就是符合客观实 际。


B、引用具体的数据;(作用同列数字) (引用说明在文章开头,还起到引出说明对象的作用。)
答题格式:运用了……的说明方法,说明了……(内容:事 物特征或事理),使说明……(作用:参考前面说明方法, 明确其作用)
1.时间顺序。说明事物的发展、变化。(按时间的先后来进行说明,多用于说明具体事物和历史 事件的发展变化过程。)。
事物说明文一般标题就是说明的对象;事理说明文找准开头、结尾的总结 句。
2.了解说明对象的特征 尽量从原文中找原词原句,若没有,则注意段意、中心句。
(1)从标题入手。有的标题在指出文章说明对象的同时,也指出其特征;有的标题用设问句的形式, 引导读者有针对性地把握说明对象的特征;有的标题用生动形象的比喻、拟人的方法说明事物的特 征。 (2)从分析材料入手。即逐段分析作者介绍了有关事物的哪一方面的特征,然后归纳小结。有的事 物的本质特征,作者已在文章中明确地指出来了,阅读时要找出这些关键句。有的说明文没有明显的 关键句,阅读时需细心琢磨,从中加以提炼。
答题格式:这篇文章充分体现了语言准确/生动形象/简明平实的特点,如 “……”一句,就准确(生动形象)(简明平实)地说明了事物……的特征(事 理)。 (2)加点字词有何作用?抓住说明文语文准确这一特点答题
1.结构、内容作用:引出下文、承上启下、总结全文或前文。有时 在文章在开头,还起着引出说明对象或说明事理的作用。































说明文学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________ 一、现代文阅读(2022春·浙江杭州·七年级校联考期中)轻断食减肥或许是当今社会最火热的健康话题。


















《Cell Metabolism》上的一项研究表明,10小时的限时饮食有利于身体健康,在为期12周的10小时限时饮食时间里,大家改善了体重、血压和胆固醇,尤其是12名代谢功能异常的参与者,两项关键指标——空腹血糖和血红蛋白A1C,均得到了改善。

七下期中期末复习专题12.4.1说明文阅读考点过关检测(上) 答案版

七下期中期末复习专题12.4.1说明文阅读考点过关检测(上) 答案版

3.第③段画线句运用了哪两种说明方法?有什么作用?(4分) 作比较、列数字。列出了20、25等数字并将5G的网络速度与4G 的网络速度进行比较,准确具体、突出强调了5G网络速度快的特 点。
4.联系全文概括5G网络的特点。(3分) ①网络速度快;②能够连接大量物联网设备,低延迟;③信号无 处不在;④有巨大的商业潜能,前景广阔。
①曾经,塑料的发明为人类带来了许多意外的惊喜。然而,现在 有关塑料污染的报道不绝于耳。特别是近几年来,海洋塑料污染更 是引起全世界的关注。
②在全球范围内,每年大约有3亿吨塑料被废弃,每年流入海洋 的塑料垃圾大约有800万~1 200万吨。海洋已成为塑料“垃圾场”, 而传统塑料的降解需要几十甚至几百年时间。
⑤未来,5G网络信号无处不在。目前,日常生活中,上班族常 常会遇到这样的烦恼:乘坐地铁时,刚好客户打来微信电话,还没 谈几句便因网络信号不佳而被迫中断,这种情况将不会再发生, 5G基站是一种微基站,身量更小、分布更多,可以发出比4G信号 塔更高密度的信号,因此解决了地下空间等区域信号存在盲点的问 题。对于普通用户来说,这就意味着将获得更高质量的语音和视频 通话服务。
③海洋中有很多肉眼不可见的塑料,通常被称为“微塑料”。有 科学家认为,微塑料要比肉眼可见的塑料危害更大,原因在于:
④微塑料在海洋中的扩散性更强。荷兰科学家曾研究过太平洋塑 料垃圾带,发现微塑料虽然只占到塑料总质量的8%,但是却占到 漂浮在此区域塑料面积的94%。微塑料在海洋中无处不在,且具有 很大的隐藏性。2017年,我国“蛟龙号”载人潜水器从大洋深处4 500米处带回的海洋生物,在其体内竟也检出微塑料的成分。微塑 料更容易进入食物链,对海洋生态系统造成严重的影响。美国有关 人士曾指出,丢弃在水中的塑料垃圾已危害到逾600种海洋生物, 造成鲸鱼、海龟、海豚、鱼和海鸟等受伤或死亡。


























阅读理解说明文(题型解读+期末专题过关)七年级英语下学期期末考点大串讲(牛津深圳版) (原卷版)

阅读理解说明文(题型解读+期末专题过关)七年级英语下学期期末考点大串讲(牛津深圳版) (原卷版)

专题05 阅读理解说明文(题型解读+期末专题过关)2022-2023学年七年级英语下学期期末考点大串讲(牛津深圳版)(原卷版)【题型解读】一.说明文文体特征:说明文是以说明为主要表达方式用来说明事物,阐明事理的一种文体。



二.阅读说明文体裁的文章时应首先抓住下面的重要信息:A. 说明的对象B. 说明对象的特征C. 说明的方法(例证法;定义法;分类法;因果关系法;比较对照法;过程分析法)三.解题技巧:首先,通过观察首、尾段,抓关键句及归纳总结段落大意来确定文章说明对象、其次,通过篇章、段落之间和句子之间的逻辑关系分析问题产生的原因以及针对问题提出的建议。


【专题过关】1.(2022春·广东广州·天河区七年级统考期末)It’s natural for people to talk with each other in words. Can other living things too? What about animals? The answer is surprisingly “Yes”. Some animals can use sounds and body movements to talk, and some animals can even speak words! According to the news on the New York Times, a 22-year-old elephant in South Korea could “talk”, that is, he picked up some words from his human caretakers. And pet dogs or cats can, too. A quick search on the Internet will give you a lot of short videos of dogs saying “hello”, “I love you”, and even “I want my mommy.”Can trees talk too? Yes—but not in words. It may sound strange, but some trees really try to talk with each other in other ways. Willows(柳树)are the best-known of these trees. When insects begin biting a willow, the tree sends out a special smell a once. This smell tells the other willows that dangerous insects are coming near. All of them quickly make a chemical in their leaves. This chemical is bad for the insects. The insects do not like it and will fly away soon. In this way, the willows protect themselves from the insects.Next time when you take a walk in the forest, listen or watch carefully. Maybe the animals or trees are talking to each other in their own ways. Isn’t nature amazing?1.How does the writer show the animals can talk in Paragraph 1?A.By showing numbers.B.By giving examples.C.By telling stories.D.By giving reasons.2.What does the underlined word “it” refer to?A.The smell.B.The leaf.C.The chemical.D.The insect.3.What is the main idea of this article?A.Animals and trees are very amazing.B.How animals learn words from people.C.How trees protect themselves from insects.D.Animals and trees can talk in their own ways.4.In which part of a science book can we find this article?A.Natural world B.Geography C.Earth history D.Plants2.(2022春·广东广州·海珠区七年级统考期末)If you think that life is very bad for you, you can think in a positive way, that is, to think about what is good. We sometimes feel sad or worried because we think in a negative way, which means always thinking about bad things.It is important to shift those negative ideas into something positive. If we don’t, more “bad things” will keep happening to us.It is often very hard to think positively when so many bad things are all around you, but I can tell you that someone is worse than you somewhere. We can choose to think differently by beginning with the smallest steps.If you keep doing positive things during the whole day, you will stay away from bad feelings. With practice, you will change your ideas and choose to be happy.Here are some examples for you to practice.※Begin and end each day with a sentence “Thank you for this wonderful day.”※When it rains heavily, say “I am so glad that I have my umbrella with me.”※When you can’t go to school because of COVID-19, say “I am so happy we can still have the online lessons.※If you are having different ideas with your parents, say “I have friends to talk about my problems.”※Write down what you’re thankful for each day. When you are feeling really sad, read what you wrote before. This will help you feel better. If you practice this every day, you will find that your list will get longer andlonger.“Life is what you make it, so try to make it beautiful.”5.The underlined word “shift” in Paragraph 2 most probably means _________.A.think B.move C.turn D.throw6.Your mother says, “Your sister plays the piano better than you and you have to practice more like her.” If you feel unhappy, which can be the best way to help you according to the passage?A.By saying “What a frightening day it is!” to yourself.B.By writing down “I want to give up playing the piano.”C.By telling your mother that you don’t want to talk to her.D.By talking with your friends about it to get some advice.7.What can be the best title of this passage?A.Make Yourself Happier B.Life Can Be DreamsC.Practice Makes Perfect D.Enjoy Your School Life3.(2022春·广东广州·增城区七年级统考期末)Right now, you probably spend most of your time in school. Do you wonder what you are going to do after high school? Will you continue schooling? Will you learn a trade? Maybe it is time to think about your choices and to prepare for them. Someday work will be a big part of your life.What kind of job would be right for you? Think about your interests and your skills. You may like to listen to music, dance, or work with computers. You may know how to drive a car. Knowing both your interests and skills will help make a better plan for your career.To get to know what work you would like to do, make a list (清单) of your interests and a list of your skills. Think about what you have done to be successful in your interests. After that, brainstorm a list of career choices that might match your interests and skills.Roberta Zhan, an art designer, likes her job because it allows her to use her interests and skills. She took art, design, and computer lessons, and also learned about taking photos on her own.Here is what she says about the meaning of work, “If you have a job you like, works mean much more than just making money. It means using your talents, making a contribution (贡献), and getting a real sense of satisfaction from doing a job.”8.The passage is most probably written to __________.A.parents B.designers C.teachers D.students9.At the beginning, the writer introduces the topic of the passage by __________.A.listing facts B.giving examplesC.explaining differences D.asking questions10.Roberta Zhan might be most interested in __________ when she was at school.A.singing songs B.creating picturesC.playing basketball D.playing computer games11.What is the passage mainly about?A.The real meaning of skills.B.The journey of Roberta’s life.C.The importance of interests and skills.D.The way of preparing for the future career.4.(2022春·广东广州·荔湾区七年级统考期末)Do you find that your kids read the same word many times ina book and try hard to sound it out the next time they see it? Will you get angry when listening to your kids learn to read?It turns out you are not alone. Scientists have found that it is hard for parents to patiently sit by and listen to their kids try to read. That’s why you need a reader dog.Listening is an important skill for a reader dog. A reader dog is a dog that listens and helps kids with their reading at schools and libraries. Scientists have learned that dogs can help kids who have trouble reading to cool down. When cooling down, kids can read words correctly. That makes it easier for them to learn from what they are reading. Kids also know that dogs won’t talk about their reading. So, kids feel better about their reading when they read to a dog.To become a reader dog, a dog has to go through many steps with its owner. The dog has to learn to follow orders. For example, the dog needs to sit, stay, and lie down when they’re told. Also, the dog’s owner has to pass some tests. The owner and dog need to work together as a team.Want to read to a dog but don’t have one of your own? Book a reader dog for your kids online right now! Then more kids than ever can make their reading better—and have fun—by reading to a dog.12.When listening to kids learn to read, parents are more likely to be ________.A.happy B.impatient C.afraid D.careful13.What can we learn about reader dogs from Paragraph 3?A.They help kids sound out words they don’t know.B.They make kids feel better about their reading. C.They bark whenever kids say a word wrong.D.They can correct the mistakes made by kids.14.What do you need to do if you want to own a reader dog?※ help train the dog to follow orders※ pass some tests※ learn to keep the dog cool down※ work with the dogA.※※※B.※※※C.※※※D.※※※15.What is the main idea of this passage?A.Reader dogs are trained to help with kids’ reading.B.Parents should buy reader dogs for their kids as gifts.C.Parents’ reading skill should be as good as reader dogs’.D.A dog must pass some tests if they want to become a reader dog.16.Who is the passage mainly written for?A.Scientists.B.Parents.C.Kids.D.Teachers.5.(2022春·广东广州·花都区七年级统考期末)Poyang Lake is China’s largest fresh-water lake. According to the news on China Youth Network on October 9, 2019, there was a large land instead of a big lake. The lake came to its dry season, much earlier than before. When the land came out, it drew many walkers to the area. But fishermen could no longer make a living, and people living nearby faced water shortages.You are wrong if you think this will not happen again. Two-thirds of China’s cities now face water shortages. And about 300 million people living in the countryside drink unhealthy water.The water shortage in the world looks even sadder. By 2030, about half of the world population could be facing water shortages, said Ban Ki-moon at the Budapest Water Summit in Hungary.Think about our children and our children’s children. We should try to make the world a better place. To deal with the problem, Ban calls on people to use water in a sustainable way. “Farmers should learn to get ‘more crop per drop’ by using good irrigation technologies(灌溉技术). And also, governments should deal with the problem with all other players, including everyone, “Ban said.How can we help? It’s simple: do not waste even a drop of water! For example, turn off the tap while you are brushing your teeth, drink up bottled water before you throw the bottle away, and don’t pour out water that can be reused. If we can remember and follow this, we will make a difference.17.Which of the following can show the structure(结构)of the passage?A.B.C.D.18.The underlined word “sustainable” in Paragraph 4 means ________.A.environment-friendly B.convenient C.well-known D.different 19.What does the underlined word “this” in the last paragraph refer to?A.Don’t pour out water that can be reused.B.Make good use of every drop of water.C.Do not waste any water in the bottles.D.Turn off the tap while brushing teeth.20.The writer writes this passage to ________.A.call on people to save water B.talk about some water problemsC.tell us why water shortages happen D.show the importance of Poyang Lake6.(2022春·广东广州·七年级广东番禺中学统考期末)We often have practice for a fire at school, and we allknow the dangers of fires. But it’s good and necessary for a family to learn how to prepare for a fire. Here are suggestions.Put a smoke alarm in the house. Smoke from a fire causes the alarm to go off. The alarm makes a loud sound. The sound tells everyone to leave the house at once.Make escape(逃脱)plans. We should know all the ways out of the house. If there is a fire, everyone follows the plan to get out. Part of the plan is to check all the windows to make sure they can be opened easily.Buy fire extinguishers(灭火器). Everyone in the family should know how to use them.Practice for a fire. We do fire practice because we teach children about fire safety. Everyone in the family should know the following fire rules:Don’t open a hot door! The fire can grow more quickly if you open the door.Stay close to the floor! Smoke can be more dangerous than fire. The best is near the floor because smoke rises.What will you do if your hair or clothes start to burn? First, stop! Don’t run! The fire burns faster because of more air. Drop! Fall to the floor. Then roll! Turning over and over will make the fire go out.There are many possible causes(起因)of fires. A wise family is ready for a fire all the time.21.If the smoke alarm in the house goes off, we should ________.A.stay at home B.leave the houseC.open the windows D.break the windows22.If your hair or clothes catch fire, the right steps should be ________.A.stop, run, roll B.stop, drop, roll C.run, drop, roll D.roll, drop, stop23.There are ________ suggestions given in the passage.A.two B.three C.four D.five24.The best title for the passage should be ________.A.Be Ready for a Fire B.The Causes of a FireC.Learn to Use a Fire Extinguisher D.The Dangers of a Fire7.(2022春·广东广州·白云区七年级统考期末)Trees produce oxygen for all living things. Trees help to clean the air, soil and water, making the Earth a beautiful livable place. It’s time to save trees and protect forests.Saving trees around youEvery town and city has laws about protecting trees, and tell people which tree species need protecting and when and how it’s OK to cut down trees. In some areas, rare or very beneficial trees are protected by law. Knowing the laws in your area will help you better protect the trees there.Take part in tree plantationAs important as it is to protect grown-up trees, it’s also necessary to think ahead and plant new trees. They will finally get tall enough to clean the air and help keep temperatures cool. Many towns and cities have organizations working to plant trees.If your town or city doesn’t have an organization like that, why not start one yourself? Tree by tree, you can make a difference.Reduce paper useIt’s important to start seeing the connection between the trees you love and the products you use. If you’re crazy about saving trees, look for ways to use fewer paper products in your daily life:● Use cloth towels instead of paper towels. It’s a simple change that can reduce a lot of unnecessary waste.● Use reusable containers instead of paper lunch bags.● If you must use a paper product, always buy the recycled one.Choose the paperless ways for bills. This simple change will make your life better and reduce the number of dead trees.25.What does the underline word “They” in paragraph 3 refer to in the passage?A.Grown-up trees.B.Rare trees.C.Very beneficial trees.D.New trees.26.What is the correct way to save trees?A.Choosing paper bills.B.Using recycled paper products.C.Never cutting down trees.D.Using paper lunch bags.27.In which section of newspaper will you probably read this article?A.Environment B.Education C.Fashion D.Travel28.What is the main purpose of the passage?A.To ask people to save trees.B.To ask people to plant more trees.C.To ask people not to cut down trees.D.To ask people to use fewer paper products.8.(2022春·广东广州·黄埔区七年级统考期末)Many people dream of going on a challenging(有挑战性的)travel. Most of them keep dreaming; others make it happen. Gregg Bleakney dreamed of bike riding from North America to South America after finishing a pleasant bike ride. So did Gregg’s friend, Brooks Allen.To pay for the trip, the two friends worked for years. When they were on the road, they often camped outdoors or stayed in cheap hotels. In many places, local people opened their homes to the two friends and gave them food.During their trip, Gregg and Brooks rode through deserts, rainforests, and mountains. They visited modern cities and ancient buildings. On the way they met other bicyclists from all over the world. After some time Brooks had to return to the USA near the bottom of South America and Gregg continued without him. In May 2007, Greggreached his goal. He traveled twelve countries and finished the 30,500-kilometer trip.Gregg and Brooks kept a record of their trips in a blog. The trips taught both men a lot about traveling.________:Travel light. The less luggages(行李)you have, the less you’ll worry about them.Get ready. Don’t plan everything. Always be ready for something out of plan. Then you’ll be more relaxed and happier, even when you meet some challenges along the way.Be polite. As one traveler told Gregg, “Always remember that nobody wants to fight or cheat a nice person.”Anything worth doing needs time, energy and action. If you hold on to your dream, you can make it like that of Gregg and Brooks and have fun while you’re at it.29.How did Gregg and Brooks travel from North America to South America?A.By bike.B.On foot.C.By bus.D.By car.30.Why did the two friends work for years before their trip?A.Because they wanted to buy new cars.B.Because they wanted to know about the trips.C.Because they wanted to make money for the trip.D.Because they wanted to make more friends.31.What happened during the trip to South America?A.Gregg and Brooks often stayed in expensive hotels.B.Brooks had to return to the USA when in the middle of North America.C.Brooks and Gregg finished the 30,500-kilometer trip.D.Gregg and Brooks met other bicyclists from all over the world.32.Which of the following may we put in the blank “________” in Paragraph 4?A.Here is a report of Gregg and Brooks.B.Here is some of Gregg and Brooks’ advice.C.Here are some of Gregg and Brooks’ diaries.D.Here are some of the cities and buildings on their trips.33.Which is Not mentioned about the trip in the two men’s blog?A.Be a nice person.B.Travel with less luggage.C.Have dream in your trip.D.Be ready for some difficulties.9.(2022春·广东广州·南沙区七年级统考期末)The Amazon is the world’s biggest rainforest. It is in South America. It isso wide that it covers a little more than the half size of China! The AmazonRiver runs through the rainforest. It’s the world’s second longest river. TheAmazon covers much of Brazil. The green color on the national flag of Brazilstands for the rainforest.However, climate change(气候变化)and human activities make it “sick”. Usually, the rainforest can fix itself. But now, it feels too “tired” to get better. According to a new study, many trees there may die, and the Amazon rainforest may turn into hot, dry grassland in a few years.Why is the Amazon “sick”?The Amazon is one of the world’s wettest places. But since 2005, three droughts have hit the rainforest. They were caused by climate change. The trees don’t have enough water to grow. What’s worse, as they become dry, they can easily catch fire.Besides, people cut down rainforest trees for wood. They burn the forest to make farmland. All these kind of activities made about 17% of the rainforest disappear.___△___The Amazon is like the lungs(肺)of our planet. The rich plants there take carbon dioxide (CO2) out of the air and make oxygen. They make more than 20% of the planet’s oxygen. If the Amazon “dies”, there will be more CO2 and our Earth will become even hotter.The Amazon is also home to over 3 million animals and plants. Many of them can’t live anywhere else. They would very likely just disappear.34.According to the passage, what is NOT the reason that makes the Amazon rainforest “sick”?A. There are many forest fires.B. Climate changes.C. People cut down trees.D. Too many animals and plants live there.35.What will happen if the Amazon rainforest dies?A. People will lose their lungs.B. Many animals and plants will die.C. We will feel colder.D. There will be more oxygen.36.What does the underlined word “droughts” mean in paragraph 4?A. too little rainB. too little snowC. too much rainD. too much fire37.Which of the following statements is NOT true?A. The Amazon rainforest is in South America.B. The Amazon is the world’s biggest rainforest.C. The Amazon River is the world’s longest river.D. More than 1000 kinds of birds live in the Amazon.38.Choose the best sentence to fill in the blank (___△___) in the passage.A. Where is the Amazon?B. Who lives in the Amazon?C. How can we protect the Amazon?D. What will happen if we lose the Amazon?10.(2022春·广州中学小创班七年级下期末)Big data (数据) is a lot of sets of information that are put together so they can be used by a computer program. The computer program looks for different kinds of answers or patterns in the data. Big data can have different kinds of information from many sources, such as information that comes from schools, social media sites, companies and governments. One set of data can have people’s names and addresses. Another set can have what they like, where they go to school, and how much time they spend on the computer.Big data can be used in many ways. The government uses it to understand how many people travel on buses or trains. This information is then used to make bus or train systems better. Some schools use big data to understand which children may need extra help in class. The teacher can then give certain students more help or support so those students can succeed in school. Companies use big data, too. It helps them understand who buys their products. For example, one company uses weather data to see when people eat the most ice cream.Big data can be used for good reasons. Some hospitals use big data to predict if a baby who is born too early will get sick. The hospital can then take extra steps to take care of that baby so he or she does not get sick. Big data can also be used for bad reasons. It can be used to predict which kinds of people are likely to break the law or hurt others, even if they have not done anything wrong.How can big data be used for good and bad thing? It is because the computer programs are written by people. People think in a certain way, and they build a model of those ideas. These ideas are then used to look at the data. Sometimes, these ideas are helpful for people or businesses. Other times, bad ideas can cause problems for certain groups of people.39. Big data can have different kinds of information from many sources. Information that comes from ________ is not mentioned (提及) in this passage.A. schoolsB. governmentsC. police stationsD. hospitals40. One company uses weather information to ___________.A. help children in needB. find out who take the bus or trainC. know when people will visit the hospitalD. understand when people will need ice cream41. The main idea of Paragraph 3 is that ____________.A. we can use big data in a number of waysB. big data can be only used for good reasonsC. big data can be used for both good and bad reasonsD. we can use big data to stop babies from getting sick42. The passage is mainly about ____________.A. what big data is and how it is usedB. what schools and hospitals people likeC. where important data is collected and storedD. how big data is controlled by governments and companies43. This passage is _____________.A. sad and personalB. personal and scientificC. informative but sillyD. scientific and informative (提供有益信息的)。


准确生动地说明赵州桥的设计 施工巧妙绝伦的特点。
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但是这座桥却从没出过事,足见它的坚固。(作比较 )
打比方: 生动形象
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五、辨识说明方法,并说出作用 中考专题复习之 说明文阅读知识点整理 (17页)ppt精品课件
作用分析:指出方法+其方法作用+具体 说明了对象的什么特征 1、石拱桥的桥洞成弧形,就象虹。(打比方 )
这句话运用了打比方的说明方法,(作用: )生动形象
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分类别: 条理清晰 作比较: 强调突出
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下定义: 准确科学 说明了说明对象+
引用: 准确生动
画图表: 直观明了
摹状貌 生动形象
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6、利用物候知识来研究农业生产的科学就是 物候学。( 下定义 )
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②海岸监视雷达是海岸监视系统中最重要的设备。它采用了短脉 冲的窄波束,配备高增益天线,以提高系统的远距离监视灵敏度和 分辨率。美国制造的“衣萨特”雷达的天线孔径达5.5米~7.5米, 能承受速度高达每秒78米的狂风,可安装在高塔上进行远距离、超 远距离监测。海岸监视系统不仅需要能够发现目标的雷达,还需要 能从多个船只中识别出真正有用目标的自动识别系统。自动识别系 统每分钟可处理2 000条信息,每2秒钟更新一次数据。另外,自动 识别系统提供的信息很容易添加到船舶交通管理系统的雷达图片上, 有效弥补雷达盲区和因干扰或天气等原因造成的信息缺失,扩展系 统的实际覆盖范围。为了使犯罪分子防不胜防,布置在海边的监视 系统必须要有很强的机动能力。为此,各国都在积极研制方便快捷 的机动海岸监视系统。
⑧睡眠“负债累累”,就会危害到我们的健康。研究证明,长期 失眠会导致认知功能衰退、抑郁焦虑等心理疾病,免疫系统衰退、 高血压、心脏病、糖尿病风险增加,甚至提升乳腺癌、胃癌、结肠 癌的风险。
⑨对青少年来说,睡眠严重不足会造成生长激素分泌减少,影响 生长发育,会降低记忆的储存、重组和整合能力,容易造成学习能 力降低。
⑤太阳光中的蓝光会抑制褪黑素的分泌,提高人的灵敏度和各方 面表现。但在天黑以后,蓝光就成了一种不良光线。目前市面上电 脑、智能手机等电子产品的屏幕所发出的光线基本上属于蓝光。人 体视觉感受细胞对蓝光特别敏感,当细胞感受到蓝光后,就会发出 信号通知中枢时钟,中枢时钟就会认为天亮了,进一步减少褪黑素 的分泌,造成内分泌等一系列身体机能的紊乱,甚至导致疾病。
④我们的大脑中有个称为视交叉上核的地方,即中枢时钟。这个 中枢时钟每天根据地球自转周期校对一次。它的角色就是总监工, 根据视觉感受器接收到的视神经传来的信息进行分析判断,通过分 泌激素告知体内其他细胞统一协调工作和休息。其中,由松果体分 泌的褪黑素就是帮助调节睡眠的重要信号之一,它会根据周围光线 的明暗变化作出反应。只要在黑暗环境中待上足够长的时间,身体 就会分泌出褪黑素,帮助入睡。当太阳升起,随着光照渐强,人体 就会停止分泌褪黑素,并开始分泌血清素(一种刺激情绪的神经传 递素),它将和褪黑素此消彼长。
③海岸监视系统还需要借助水下传感器。它可以将水下 需要探测的目标与海洋生物或海面反射等干扰物区分开。 操作人员综合主动成像声呐和被动声呐提供的信息,确定 探测目标的性质。
④在所有的海岸线海空监视系统中,最有名的是美国的 海军空间监视系统。该系统是美海军航天司令部空间监视 中心负责操纵的,由3座大功率发射站和6座接收站组成。 整个系统可监视4 800公里海岸线,监视范围从海岸线向外 延伸达1 600公里。
⑥睡眠不足会影响容颜。在睡眠不足时,体内会释放出更多的应 激激素——皮质醇。过量的皮质醇会分解皮肤中的胶原蛋白,使皮 肤变得粗糙且缺乏弹性。
⑦睡眠不足还会损害人的注意力。据统计,因疲劳驾驶而造成的 交通事故占总数的20%左右,重特大伤亡事故中约40%是疲劳驾驶 造成的。有专家称,“睡眠不足,已成为一个世界性的道路安全问 题”。
2.睡眠不足有哪些危害?(4分) 影响容颜,损害注意力,危害健康,影响青少年生长发育。 3.分析第④⑧段加点词语的语言特点。(4分) “之一”表示其中一个,说明褪黑素是帮助调节睡眠的一个重要 信号,但不是唯一,语言准确严密;“负债累累”表示欠债多,说 明睡眠严重不足,语言生动。
4.第②段画线句运用了多种说明方法,选择一种分析其 表达作用。(4分)
⑩北京大学第六医院院长陆林强调:“充足的睡眠有助于保护脑 神经细胞功能,帮助体力、脑力恢复。”可见睡眠已成为人类健康 生活的试金石。提高警惕,莫让你的睡眠被偷走!
1.不符合文意的一项是(C)(2分) C A.工作压力和电子产品是现代人睡眠质量差的主要原因。 B.根据视觉感受器接收的视神经传来的信息,中枢时钟进行分 析判断,通过分泌激素告知体内其他细胞统一协调工作和休息。 C.蓝光是一种不良光线,它会减少褪黑素的分泌,造成内分泌 等一系列身体机能的紊乱。 D.皮质醇过量就会分解皮肤中的胶原蛋白,使皮肤变得粗糙且 缺示,在睡眠质量欠 佳的人群中,普遍有一定程度的“入睡困难”。约 有四分之三的人在晩上11点以后入睡,有三分之一 的人是在凌晨1点后入睡,晚睡晚起的“猫头鹰型” 和晚睡早起的“蜂鸟型”作息占到六成以上,仅有 17.5%的人能保持“早睡早起”的习惯。
③现代人睡眠质量差的原因主要来自工作压力和电子产品两方面。 近日,一篇名为《每天2点睡觉,37岁年轻父亲查出胃癌晩期》的 文章引起人们关注。主人公刘凌峰是有名的“拼命三郎”,业务多、 压力大,几乎每天都是凌晨两点之后才睡觉,最拼的一次是连续工 作了70个小时没有合过眼。像他这样熬夜晩睡的人在全球范围内都 较为普遍。另外,睡眠质量差的人,有许多都是电子产品的重度依 赖者。互联网从业者睡眠质量普遍较差,自媒体人和程序员是失眠 最严重的人群,网约车司机、快递员和广告人的睡眠质量也普遍较 差。同时,有四分之一的人失眠是因为玩手机。
七下期中期末复习专题 12.3说明文考点巩固提升 答案版 考生姓名:__________得分:__________
(时间:45分钟 满分:40分) (一)莫让睡眠被偷走(2019聊城中考)
①“春眠不觉晓,处处闻啼鸟。”一觉睡到大天亮的感 觉真好。可如今,这却成了很多人的奢望。
示例一:列数字,具体准确地说明了睡眠质量欠佳的人 群中“入睡困难”的普遍性。示例二:打比方,用“猫头 鹰”和“蜂鸟”生动形象地说明了晚睡晚起和晚睡早起的 人群的睡眠特点。
(二)严密监视海岸线的“千里眼”(2019安顺中考) ①目前,来自海上的恐怖袭击、海盗、走私以及非法移民等犯罪 活动越来越猖獗。因此,对于濒海国家来说,完善的海岸监视和防 御系统成为海岸线上不可缺少的“眼睛”和“耳朵”。高科技的发 展,使得现代海岸监视手段已不再是传统的观测塔,而是向着高技 术、多平台、多手段和多层次的方向发展,出现了陆、海、空等多 种海岸监视系统。