

Unit 5 Faster,higher and stronger

Unit 5  Faster,higher and stronger

赛跑者 runner
赛跑者必须要跑得 非常快。
The runners must be very fast.
跨栏 hurdle
the 60m hurdles
Team China

奖牌 medal
跳高 the high junp
跳远 the long jump
记录 record
the girl’s 200metre race
那一种动物跑得最 快?
Which animal is the fastest? Which animal runs fastest?
on land
最好的 (good的最高级)
爱丽丝是学校最好的 跳跃者。 Alice is the best jumper in the school.
只要,仅仅 just
竭尽全力;尽某人的 全力
do one’s best (one’s = my, your,our…)
我们只要尽我们的 全力就行了。
Unit 5 Faster,higher and stronger
faster,higher and stronger
There will be…
Sports Day
There will be a Sports Day at school.
Let’s just do our best.

六年级上英语课件-Unit 5 Faster,higher,and stronger_深港朗文版

六年级上英语课件-Unit 5 Faster,higher,and stronger_深港朗文版
How about you ? A: I like longer races.
My favourite is the 800m race.
table tennis
diving volleyball
校运会就要来临了,让我们用 刚才所学的句子谈谈你所喜欢 的运动项目或你参加的运动项 目吧.
Work in groups and fill in the charts:
Favourite event
The 29th Olympic Games were held in Beijing.
the first gold medal
一.汉译英 • 运动会 • 60米赛跑 • 长跑 • 跳远 • 60米跨栏 • 110米跨栏 • 跳高
Sports Day the 60m race the longer race the long jump the 60m hurdles the 110m hurdles the high jump
三.看图片, 完成句子
1. I like the 800m race
2. He likes the 110m hurdles .
2. Sentence patterns:
--What’s your favourit event? --I like …\ --My favourite is …
We should exercise very often.
the long jump

六年级上册英语课件-Unit 5 Faster, higher and stronger _深港朗文

六年级上册英语课件-Unit 5 Faster, higher and stronger _深港朗文
( other event: football volleyball badminton table tennis swimming basketball do pull-ups weight lifting and so on.)
New words:
Sports Day runner
Liu Xiang is good at_th_e _60_m_h_ur_dl.esHe is a good _ru_n_n_er_and a good _ju_m_p_e.rHe won the f_ir_s_t __prize in 2004 Olympic games so he got a golden_m_e_d_a_l _.
Read Part A by listening to the tape .
Write down your familiar sports in English as much as possible.
Write a speech: My favourite sports
Test (随堂测试)
______and a good _______.in 2004 Olympic games he won first p_____ so he got golden m______.
the 60m hurdles
the high jump
the 800m race
the long jump
Read the dialogue and answer these questions:
1.What is Koko’s favourite event?
He likes the 60m race. /His favourite is the 60m race.


TV reporter singer singer/writer/ artist actress actress
soldierBiblioteka teacherQ1: What does your father/mother do? He/She is a(an)…
Q2: What are you going to be? What do you want to be?
salesperson engineer cleaner sportsman
What does she do? She is an accountant. Where does she work? She works in a hospital. How does she go to work? She goes to work by bike.
I’m going to be a(an)… I want to be a(an)…
What does your father/mother do?
He/She is a(an)…
accountant driver
policeman scientist businessman
What does your father/mother do? He/she is a(an)… Where does he/she work? He/She works in… How does he/she go to work? He/She goes to work by…
;七乐彩开奖记录 https://2cp/digit/qlc 七乐彩开奖记录;
入其脑袋.所有の壹切,都仿佛在呐壹刻,全部定格下来.壹切,都静止了.无数の目光注视下!那索闻の额头,壹个红点,渐渐浮现.而后,红点越来越大,形成壹个血洞.少量の血液,汩汩冒了出来.而索闻の磅礴气息,也是如潮水壹般快速の消逝,他の身影,还在惯性の后退.再次退 出两步之后,终于是,身躯后仰着倒了下去.“铿!”极品武器黑色长矛,落在地面上,发出壹声脆响.呐脆响,就好像,敲击在附近所有修行者の心脏上.第壹陆柒章想溜?先天中期境界,来自申风学院の强者索闻,壹招,即被鞠言斩杀!呐,是真の?无数双眼睛,望着擂台上,依然站立 の青色身影和仰面倒在地上の百袍身影.为何,自身の视线,所看到の鞠象,与预想の全部相反?正常情况下,不是应该,鞠言被索闻斩杀の吗?无数の修行者,都是差不多呐样の念头,下巴都要被惊掉の样子.此事,鞠言慢慢收起手中法器天吙剑,而后来到身亡の索闻身边,先将其极 品武器长矛收了起来.壹件极品武器,价值数万枚修玉,不能浪费了.“沧龙那老东西の弟子,身上の资源应该不少吧?”随后,鞠言又在众目睽睽之下,将索闻手指上の壹枚须弥戒指,取了下来.鞠言早就留意到,呐索闻手指上有壹枚须弥戒指.略微看了壹眼呐枚须弥戒指,鞠言便随 手将其收入到自身の须弥戒指之内.“天……天啊!”鞠氏主管鞠山渠,在回过申来之后,震惊の‘呢喃’了壹句.而后,他の目光,陡然转向鞠言.“鞠言!鞠言,你……你居然杀了索闻先生,你简直胆大包天,你知不知道,你呐样の举动,将给鞠氏带来怎样の灾难?”鞠山渠,面色 阴沉の咆哮.鞠山渠,真の没有想到,鞠言居然能斩杀索闻.现在,他心中の情绪,根本就不是喜悦,而是震惊和愤怒.在鞠言和索闻动手之前,他所想の,是鞠言被索闻击杀.那样の话,至少不会让索闻背后の沧龙执事对鞠言产生强烈敌意.可是结果,却是鞠言将索闻斩杀.沧龙执事, 岂会善罢甘休?他,壹定会报复鞠氏の!在鞠山渠看来,鞠言能够死,索闻绝对不能够死.所以,此事他才如此の激动和愤怒.“鞠山渠,你给俺滚壹边去,呐里没你の事.你再挑衅俺,别怪俺不顾家族情分!”鞠言目光壹凝,盯着鞠山渠,呐个混账东西身为鞠氏主管,面对索闻等声竟 如此软弱,现在自身斩杀索闻,他居然还对自身咆哮.鞠言,已经是够忍耐の了.若是呐个鞠山渠还是不识好歹,也怪不得鞠言对其出手了.“嗖!”鞠山渠还想继续说话,但是,呐个事候,壹道身影,快捷无比从鞠氏宅院内冲了出来.“四长老?”鞠言伍感何其敏锐?所以,在场の绝大 多数声,都由于四长老鞠天英速度太快,还没有看清晋の事候,鞠言就认出是鞠氏四长老鞠天英从鞠氏宅院内冲出.“鞠言,你没事吧?”鞠天英看到鞠言没事,明显の松出壹口气.鞠天英,也是刚刚才听到家族护卫禀报,说鞠言在家族之外,上了索闻等声摆下の擂台.他听到呐个消 息,当即就以最快の速度冲了出来.他出来,确实也是想要阻拦鞠言与索闻等声动手,不过他倒不是由于怕鞠言得罪索闻等声,而是由于担心鞠言会受到伤害.见到鞠言没事,他自然就放心了.不管怎样,他都会全历保住鞠言,绝对不会让鞠言死在索闻等声手中.“俺没事啊!”鞠言 也感觉到四长老关切の眼申,他笑了笑不在意の回应说道.“没事就好,没事就好,你离开家族呐么长事间,赶紧跟俺回去,族长也想见你.”鞠天英点头.“嗯?”鞠天英,眼申陡然壹变.他壹从家族宅院内冲出来,眼申内,看到の就是鞠言站在擂台上の身影.至于其他声,他都还没太 注意到.现在,他の目光,却是看到了倒在擂台上の索闻,脸色不由壹变.“呐……”鞠天英,眼睛瞪大了壹些,看了看索闻の尸体,又看向鞠言.“四长老,呐些声,在俺鞠氏门外摆下擂台,羞辱俺鞠氏.俺鞠言,身为鞠氏子弟,自然要为家族荣誉着想,所以俺上擂台与呐个叫索闻の声 对战,他实历不如俺,被俺直接斩杀掉了.”鞠言自然の说道.他呐样做,也是为了维护鞠氏脸面.从大义上来说,斩杀索闻,不存在任何问题.“鞠言,呐个索闻,好像是先天中期境界の修行者,你……怎么能杀他?”鞠天英吃惊の看着鞠言.呐也太离谱了吧?鞠天英很清晋,鞠言在两 个多月之前离开鞠氏宅院前往月华森林の事候,还是武道九叠天境界.呐才过去两个多月三个月事间,鞠言就能击杀先天中期道行の索闻?“四长老,俺已经踏入先天境界.虽然,俺只是先天初期道行,不过要杀索闻呐种废物,并不难.”鞠言笑着说道.“先天?”鞠天英双目之中,精 光壹闪.“好,太好了!鞠言,你不愧是俺鞠氏最出色の天才,很好.哈哈哈……”鞠天英,畅快の大笑起来,他是由衷の为鞠言感到高兴.老族长啊,你在天有灵,也该感到欣慰了.鞠言,还是鞠氏那个天资卓绝の小家伙啊!鞠天英大笑声中,也抬头看了看天际,心中如此转动着念头. 虽然说,在前壹段事间,鞠言境界不断跌落,从先天道行跌落到武道三叠天,可是现在鞠言又叠新崛起了,并且,似乎要比最初の事候,还要妖孽.就算是最初の事候,鞠言踏入先天境界,也是不可能与索闻呐样の修行者抗衡の.而现在,鞠言却是,能击杀索闻.鞠言目前才先天初期境 界,将来若是踏入先天后期乃至先天巅峰境界,实历得有多强?鞠天英,越看鞠言,就越是喜悦无比.嘴角裂开,满是欣慰.“嗯?照壹峰、蔡光林,你们呐就想走?”呐个事候,鞠言目光壹转,落到那两个想要偷偷溜走の身影之上.照壹峰和蔡光林两声,被鞠言壹剑斩杀索闻の情鞠,给 吓住了.他们の实历,连索闻都稍有不如啊,鞠言壹剑斩杀索闻,那若是杀他们,会难吗?他们两声,当然不想死.所以,他们悄悄の,想要离开呐里.鞠言伍感强烈,虽然在与四长老对话,可也几乎瞬间,就察觉到呐两个声想要溜走.鞠言怎么可能,就呐样放呐两个混蛋离开?刚才,呐两 个混蛋不是嚣章无比,根本没将鞠言放在眼里吗?…………………………………………(今天票票好少哦!大家の推荐票,投了吗?呐是今天第三章,俺继续码字,争取更新第四章!请大家支持俺!)第壹陆捌章跪了听到鞠言の话,照壹峰和蔡光林两声,身躯都微微壹颤,脸色瞬间 涨红.丢声啊!丢脸啊!在呐么多西墎城修行者面前,他们两个想悄悄离开,却被鞠言给发现了,还当众呵斥了出来,所有修行者目光,都看向他们两声.他们,简直想在地面上,找条缝钻进去.“鞠言,俺们想走就走,你能管得了俺们?哼,你杀了索闻兄,还是好好在家族内,等着迎接 沧龙执事の怒吙吧!”照壹峰身形侧转,硬着头皮大声道.“光林,俺们走!”随后,照壹峰又对蔡光林道.两声,装作不在乎鞠言の样子,都站直腰身,就要踏步而出.“呵呵……”鞠言微笑.“你们动壹动试试,谁先动,俺就先杀谁.照壹峰、蔡光林,你们能够不信任俺の话,不信任 你们就动动给俺看.”鞠言眯眼笑着说道,声音不大,但是却充满威慑历.照壹峰两声,只感觉壹股寒意上涌,都已经前倾の身体,硬生生の又止住.两声,悄悄の对视了壹眼.就被鞠言呐壹句话,他们两声,真の被吓得不敢走了.鞠言连索闻都干掉了,就是再干掉他们,也不是下不去手 啊.呐鞠言,就是壹个愣头青啊,若是他们被干掉,那就算他们の家族为他们报仇,也没用啊,他们声都死了,报仇他们也看不见.众多修行者,亲眼看着,照壹峰呐个照家天才声物,蔡光林呐个蔡家天才声物,由于鞠言の壹句话,就不敢有任何动作,都纷纷倒吸壹口气冷气.好强大の威 势!好霸道の威势!“鞠言,你不要太过分了,俺们现在都没有在擂台上,你要是杀俺们,那俺们两个家族,就有理由对你鞠氏开战.你自身,想壹想吧!”照壹峰の态度,软了不少,看着鞠言说道.现在他们唯壹の筹码,就是利用呐壹点了.“对!鞠言,你可不要鲁莽啊.你杀俺们,你 自身也跑不掉,你鞠氏也跑不掉.”蔡光林,也有些惊慌の说.

六年级英语深港版六年级上册 Unit5Faster, higher and stronger(period 1)胡小花

六年级英语深港版六年级上册  Unit5Faster, higher and stronger(period 1)胡小花

Listen to the tape and fill in the chart:
Favourite Name events Koko 60m race Reason
The runners must be very fast
Tim Pat
They are not easy. You must 60m hurdles run very fast and jump very well.
Unit 5
Faster, higher and stronger
Part A Part B1 Part B2 B3 Part C D Part E G Part F Part I
Hand in Hand
we see the fire in the sky we fell the beating of our hearts together this is our time, to rise above we know the chance is here to live forever for all time hand in hand we stand all across the land we can make this world a better place in which to lice a li long hand in hand we can start to understand breaking down the walls that come between us for all time all long every time we give it all we fell the flame etetnally inside us lift our hand in hand we stand all across the land we can make this world a better place in which to live hand in hand hands up tp the sky the morning comes and starts to live inharmory hand in hand we can start to understand breaking down the walls that come between us for all time

小学六年级英语 Unit 5 Faster, higher and stronger (Part A)教学设计

小学六年级英语     Unit 5 Faster, higher and stronger (Part A)教学设计
(1)掌握重点单词:event, medal, the high jump, the long jump, the 60m race, the 800m race, the 60m hurdles, second, minute, team.
一、Sum up and lead out the task:
1.Show the pictures and tell the Ss: We have learned so many words about the sports.As we know, the spirit of sports is challenge yourself and try to be faster, higher and stronger.Now, it’s your turn to challenge yourself.Ihave four choices for you, which one do you want to choose?
二、Ss choose the tasks and finish
1.themost sensitive ears

Unit 5 Faster

Unit 5 Faster
2. Revise the new words and expressions and the dialogue.
III. Presentation
1. Ask three students who have participated in the60mrace to tell the class their best time, if they can remember it.
1. Listen, read, recite and write A, B1 from memory.
2. Copy B1 once and make at least four sentences using the structure they learned in B1.
V. More to do
Find out the class records for different events with the class. Draw a table on the board and put the records in it. Then have the students work in pairs.
Teaching Aids:
Koko CD-ROM, a computer, a tape-recorder.
Teaching Steps:
I. Warm up
Greetings and everyday English
II. Revision
1. Have a dictation
Dictate the new words and expressions and some sentences in Part A.
Unit 5 Faster, higher and stronger (Part B1)Period:2nd

Unit5 Faster,higher and stronger part E and H

Unit5 Faster,higher and stronger part E and H

Blue =Europe
Yellow =Asia
Black Green Red =Africa =Australia =America
The Olympic rings are the official
trademark of the I. O.C.
国际奥委会选择五个相连的圆环作为其标志, 并选择了相应的色彩。五个圆环代表五大洲:澳 洲、非洲、美洲、亚洲和欧洲。更深一层的意思 是代表着全世界的运动员都聚集在奥林匹克运动 会上。 朴素的白色背景寓意着和平。 五种颜色从左到右分别是:上方三个蓝、黑、 红,下方黄和绿。这五种颜色都为各国国旗 上的常见颜色,而且没有被赋予特殊含义。 但是也有人认为,这五种颜色分别代表着五 大洲。
They won more medals than Dragon Team. They won the most medals and they are in the first place.
Teaching aims: 1.Learning the symbols /l/, /r/. 2.Learning the words and saying the rhyme.
What do the Olympic rings mean? 奥运五环代表什么?
The colours of the interlinked Olympic rings were chosen by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) , to represent the union of the 5 continents , Australia , Africa , America , Asia and Europe and further signify the meeting of the worlds athletes at the Olympic Games. The plain white background of the Olympic flag is symbolic of peace throughout the games . The five colours of the rings from left to right are blue, black and red across the top with yellow and green along the bottom , these colours may be found on most flags of the world and officially hold no other particular significance , although some believe each colour represents a particular continent.

Unit 5 Faster, higher and stronger 教案-公开课-优质课(外研深圳朗文版一起精品六上)

Unit 5 Faster, higher and stronger 教案-公开课-优质课(外研深圳朗文版一起精品六上)

Unit 5 Faster, higher and stronger 教案一、Teaching Aims:Using better, best, more, most to talk about numbers and years.二、Important Points & Difficult Points:1. Learn the names of the sport events and some other new words.2. Revise the sentence patterns “My favourite event is…” “I like …” etc.三、Teaching Aids:Koko CD-ROM, a computer, a tape-recorder.四、Teaching Steps:I. Warm upGreetings and everyday EnglishII. Revision1. Revise the comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives2. Go over the sports events we learned before.III. Presentation1. Bring in photos of different sports events, e.g. the 60m race, the 60m hurdles, the high jump, the long jump, etc. Put them on the board.2. Point to the photo of the high jump and ask the students “What is this event?” The students answer “It…s the high jump.” Revise the words race, high jump, long jump.3. Teach the names of events by pointing to the photos of the events one by one: hurdles, 60m race, 60m hurdles, 800m race4. Teach the other new words and expressions by showing the real objects or pictures: hour, minute, second, medals5. Tell the class that your favourite event is the 60m race. Explain to them that m is the short form of metre. Ask a student “What is your favourite event? Get him/her to answer truthfully, e.g. I like the 60 hurdles/ …IV. Practice1. Show Transparency. Point to the pictures on the page. Read aloud or play the tape. Ask the students to repeat the words after you or after the tape.2. Tell the class that it is correct to say the Sports Day or Sports Day.3. Ask the students to work in groups of three. They should role-play the conversation and continue using the words shown below the pictures.V. More to doDo a survey of the most popular event in the class. Ask the students to write down their favourite event on a piece of paper. Collect the answers and find out the sports event that most students have chosen.五、Homework:1. Listen, read and recite the new words and expressions and the dialogue.2. Copy the new words and expressions and the dialogue.。



中小学六年级英语上册unit5英语课件小学六年级英语上册unit5英语课件一、教学要求1、四会单词和词组:holiday、last 、early、meet、before、did、taste、pull up、milk 、cook及其中动词的过去式。

2、句型What ( else) did you do….? We / I ….3、三会单词和词组: farm 、carrot、fun 、camp、National Dayfilm、cow、pick、wonderful 、volleyball、mountain4、三会日常交际用语: Did you like the film?It was a funny cartoon.We all like it very much.Were there any fruit trees on the farm?There were apple trees, orange trees and pear trees.5、能听读、辨认字母组合igh在单词中的读音6、会诵读歌谣Last week二、单元教材分析1、本单元主要围绕谈论“过去所做的事情”这个话题展开各项活动。

对小学生来说,这一课他们将面临以下难点:a 正确掌握动词过去式的三种读音;b正确理解一般过去时的意义;c 较熟练的运用本单元所学内容。



Unit 5(第1课时)一、教学内容B Look read and learn /C Ask and answer / F Do a survey二、教学目标1、能听懂、会说、会读、会拼写单词、词组last 、did、taste、pull up、milk 、cook、及其中动词的过去式。

人教PEP版六年级英语上册《Unit 5》全单元教学课件优秀公开课课件

人教PEP版六年级英语上册《Unit 5》全单元教学课件优秀公开课课件

人教PEP版六年级英语上册Unit 5全单元精品教学课件Let’s learn & Listen, match and sayUnit 5 What does he do?Part A人教P E P版英语六年级上册Let’s chant together.What’s your father’s job? What’s your father’s job?He’s a doctor. He’s a great doctor.What’s your mother’s job? What’s your mother’s job?She’s a teacher. She’s a super teacher.Warm upGuess. What does he/she do?doctor teacherLead infarmer driverGuess. What does he/she do?nurse football playerGuess. What does he/she do?What does she do?New words She’s a factory worker .工厂['fæktri] 工人['wɜːkə] PresentationWhat does he do?He’s a postman.邮递员['pəʊstmən]What does he do?He’s a businessman.商人['bɪznəsmæn]What does the woman do?She’s a police officer.警察 [pə'liːs 'ɒfɪsə]Read after the tape.factory worker postman businessman police officerLet’s learnNo, he isn’t.1. Is your father a postman?2. What does he do?He’s a businessman.Listen and answer.Listen and follow the tape.Zhang Peng:Oliver: Zhang Peng:Oliver:No, he isn’t.Is your father a postman? What does he do?He’s a businessman.No, .Is your ?What does do?.Do practice.炸弹游戏学生读单词和词组,遇到炸弹的地方就抱头,否则炸弹会爆炸。

2019深港版六上《Unit 5 Faster,hgher,and stronger》ppt课件-教育资料-教育资料

2019深港版六上《Unit 5 Faster,hgher,and stronger》ppt课件-教育资料-教育资料
第一课(1) (1)
22、c欢h呼ee,r 喝彩
33、l轻ig的ht /heavy 44、t测es试t ,考查
Байду номын сангаас
99、k千g克=k,il公og斤ram 1100、、s强tro壮ng的= weak
My br-o- tmheyrbarnodthIelrikaensdwIismwmiminmg.inHge is faster than m--ef.aster than me
第五课 (1) (9)
第五课 (2)
1、猎ch豹eetah 3、 大ga门te 5、鲨sh鱼ark 7、没wi有thout 9、国kin王g
2、英En国gland 4、金 go的ld 6、银sil的ver 8、铜bro的nze 10、每pe一r
1. Alice is the best jumper in the school.
more hard-working – the most hard-working
附加题:写s出al红ty色– 部sa分ltie的r形-- 容sa词lti及es其t 比较级和 最高级
1、行pla星net 3、事fac实t ,现实 5、巨hu大ge的 7、谈tal话k 9、修fix理
2、问qu题estion 4、万gra有v引ity力 6、明bri亮gh的t 8、太su阳n 10、月mo亮on
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You must run very fast and jump very well.
Pat: I like longer races.My favourite is the …
800m race
Read the dialogue and choose the right answer.
1a..Wlonhgatju’smKpo○kbo. 6’s0fmavroacrietece.v6e0nmt?hurdles
❖the high jump, the long jump, the 60m race, the 800m race, the 60m hurdles
❖What is your favourite event? ❖I like … .
Homework: Please do a survey.
2. What event does Tim like?
a.100m race b. high jump ○c. 60m hurdles
3. What event does Pat like?
○a. 800m race b. 60m race c. long jump
Today we main learn:
A: What is your favourite event? B: I like the high jump.
How about you? A: I like the long jump.
There will be a Sports Day at school.
Koko: Sports Day is tomorrow. I love Sports Day !
六年级上册英语课件Unit5Fasterhigherand stronger_深港朗文版
2012 London Olyer!
Inspire a generation
Do you know them? What sports are they good at?
run in a race
the 50m race
60m 800m
the 60m race the 800m race
a hurdle
the 60m hurdles
Make a dialogue with your partner like this:
Tim: Me too. Koko, what’s your favourite event?
Koko: I like the 60m race.
The runners must be very fast.
Tim: I like the 60m hurdles.
They’re not easy.
swimming basketball badminton
table tennis
Discuss: What other sports do you know?
do the high jump
the high jump
do the long jump
the long jump
Miss Li
What’s your
the long jump favourite
event ?
I like…