Equipment maintenance personnel inspection record sheet设备维修人员巡检记录表
PSSR Checklist Example A—1 PSSR清单示例A-1PSSR Checklist Example A-2PSSR Checklist Example A-3A TTA CH MENT A— PR O C ESS PR E-ST A RTUP SA FETY R EVIE W C H EC K LISTA REA O R PLA NT U ND ER R EVIE W:DA TE:LIST O F PSSR T EA M ME MB ER S:Ins truc t ions f or us ing t his f or m:1。
Re v iew th e e n tire ch e ckli s t a n d ma r k a ch e ck in co lu mn A to in d ica te a n ite m o r a re a to b e in clu de d in th e re v iew。
2. If th e r e a re issu e s to b e r e so lv e d a fte r th e in iti a l re v iew, co mp le te Atta ch me nt B —PSSR P o ten tia l Is su e– Fin d ing Fo rm3. Fo r e a ch ite m o r a r e a w ith a ch e c k in co lu mn A, p la ce a ch e c k in co lu mn B w h en th e ite m or a r e a h a s b e en sa ti s fa c to r ily r ev iew ed o ra po te n tia l p rob le m h a s b e e n r e so lv e d.C olumn A Inc lude C olumn BC omple t e dCa t e gory/PSSR It e m t o Ev a lua t eLoc at ion a nd lay outSite C o nd itio n sDr a ina g eFloo d co n tr o l/pr o te ctio nPr ev a ilin g w indAir or w a te r po llu tio n ex po su r e sO th er site co n d ition s r e q u ir in g a tte n tionSo il p ro te ctio n in sto r a g e, ma te r ia ls h a n d ling & pr o ce ss a r e a s Ne a r by ope ra t ionsHa z ar d s fr o mHa z ar d s toTr af f icVe h icu lar/r a ilr o ad/p e de str ia nC le a ra n ce s, h a z ar d sAd eq u a cy o f tr a ffic sig n sSe c ur itySp e cia l re q u ir e me n ts i m p o se d b y new fa cilitySt or a ge a nd ha ndling of c he mic a lsBu r ie d p ipe s, ta n k s o r ch e mica l sew erLe a k d e te ctio n a n d co n ta in me n tA bove gr ound s t or a ge t a nk sAd eq u a te se co n d ar y co n ta in me n t p r ov ide dO pe r a ting a n d ma in te n a n ce a cce ss a d eq u a te an d sa feAd eq u a te a nd a cce s sib le ma nw a y sUn o b str u cte d pr e ssu r e/v a cuu m r e lie f v en tsMa n ifo ld in g o f ve n ts r e v iew e dDo cu me n te d ve n t siz in g ba sis(p r o ce ss sa fe ty ma n u a ls)Wi n te r iza tio n (in clu d in g in str u me n t co n n e ctio n s)Ad eq u a te ligh tin gLa b e lin g, p la ca r d in g o f h az a rd sO th er in sta lla tio n d e ta ilsFla mma b le a n d co mb u s tib le liq u id sTan k p la ce me n t a n d sp a cin g a de q u a teSte e l su p p or ts r e q u ir in g fir ep r oo fin gFla mma b le liq u id br e a the r ve n ts p r ov id e d w ith fla me a r r e sto r s o rco n se rv a tion v e n tsNo fla me a r re sto r s o n e me r ge n cy r e lie f v e n tsSa fe ve n t d isch a r g e lo ca tion sVa po r-spa ce ig n itio n s h a za r d sCo r po r a te r e co mme n d ed/a p pr o ve d fir e pr o te ctio n sy ste ms in p la ceFla mma b le g a se s o r liq u e fied fla mma b le g a ss e sCo r po r a te r e co mme n d ed/a p pr o ve d fir e pr o te ctio n sy ste ms in p la ce B ulk dry c he mic a lsDu st ex p lo sio n po te n tia l a dd r e sse dTa nks t r uck a nd r a ilc a r unloa ding a nd loa ding s t at ionsSp ill co n ta in me n t a n d sa fe i m p o u n din gAcce s s p la tfo r m sa fe tyL ig h tin g ad e q ua teG ro u nd in g ca b le sFix e d u n lo a d in g p u mp a n d b a ckflow p r ev en te rE me r ge n cy sto p b u tto n lo ca tio nCo n ne ctio n s lo c ka b le a nd clo se dPla ca rd in g o f h az a rd sRe mo te ly op e ra te d e me r g e n cy sto p va lv e for ve h icle s ca r ry in gha z ar d ou s ma te r ia lsFu sib le-lin k fir e v a lv e on v eh icle s w ith b o tto m u n lo a d in g o f fla mma b lePo r tab le fir e ex tin g u ishe r a t g r ou n d lev e l or fla mma b leSa fe ty sh ow e r an d e yew a sh u nitsRe co mme n d e d fire p r o te ctio n sy ste ms in p la c eEle ctr ica lPr oc es sG en e ra l w o r kp la ceSa fe o pe r a tor a cce s sBu ild in g ex its ma r ke dL ig h tin g ad e q ua teSa fe ty sh ow e r an d e yew a sh u nitsAcce s sib leLo ca te d o n e a ch de ckLo ca te d in co n tr o l ro o mPo r tab le fir e ex tin g u ishe r sAcce s sib leLo ca te d o n e a ch de ckLo ca te d in co n tr o l ro o mH uma n Fa ct or sLa b e lin g o f e q u ip me n t, p ip in g, cr itica l v a lv e s, fie ld in str u me n ts,sw itch e sLo ca tio n o f fie ld in str u me n tsSa mp lin g p o in tsO pe r a tor ta sk sa fe tyO pe r a tor ta sk e r go n o mic sO pp o r tun itie s fo r o p e ra to r er r orNo n-r o u tine ta sk sCh e mi c a l Ex p o su re H az a rd sPo te n tia l ex po su r e sEn g in e er in g co n tr ols a d e q ua teBu ild in g v en tila tio n/fr e sh a ir in ta ke sTox ic g a s mo n ito r s, a la r msPr o te ctive e q u ip me n t lo ca tio nPla ca rd in gPr oc es s PipingCo n str u ctio n a p pr o pr ia te fo r du tyMa te ria ls q u a lity a ssu r an ce(in clu d in g fla ng e bo lts), if cr itica l,du r ing co n str u ctio nWo r k ma n sh ip(fo r ex a mp le, n o sh o r t fla n g e bo lts)Ro u tin g sa tisfa c to ryAd eq u a te ly su p p or te d a nd g u id edAllow a n ce fo r th e r ma l ex pa n sio n/n o r e fe re n ce sNo s ma ll d ia me te r co n n e ctio n s v u ln e ra b le to bre a ka g e/fa ilu r eEx p a n sio n be llow s p ro p er ly in sta lle d/p ip in g no t a b le to mo v esid ew a y s/b e llow e dUn d a ma g e d d ur in g in sta lla tio nFlex ib le p ip in g co nn e cto r s co r r e ctly in sta lle d/u n da ma g e d(forex a mp le, kin ke d) du r ing in sta lla tio nNe ce ssa r y d ra in s p r ov id edHa z ar d ou s o u tle ts p lu g g e d clo se dThe r ma l (h y dr o sta tic) p r e ssu re r e lie f (in clu d in g h ea t—tr a ce dse ctio n s)Sig h t g la sse s a n d g au g e g la sse sEx ter n a l co rr o sio n pr o te ctio nFre e ze p ro te ctio nIn su la tion a d e qu a te fo r pe r so n a l pr o te ctio nPr o te ctive fla n g e co ve r sAp pr ov e d h o se s a n d ho se a n d co n ne cto r s (no i m p r ov isa tio n s)Pr oc es s Ve nt sFla mma b le liq u id br e a the r ve n ts p r ov id e d w ith fla me a r r e sto r s o rco n se rv a tion v e n tsTe llta le p r e ssu r e ga u ge o r o th er in d ica to r pr ov ide d b e tw e e n ru p tu red isc a n d re lief v a lv e w he r e a d isc is in sta lle d b e low a r e lie f va lveD isch a rg e p ip in g fr o m e me r g e n cy pr e ssu r e re lie f d ev ice s u n r e str icte dby 90 d eg r ee e lls,Ex ce ssiv e le ng th o r fla me a r r e sto r sPr ov isio n s su ch a s d r a in h o le s to p r ev e n t a ccu mu la tio n o f r a inw a te r ind isch a rge p ip in gD isch a rg e p ip in g a de q u a te ly su p po r te d to w ith sta n d re a ctiv e fo r ce s o fpr e ssu r e ve n tin gSa fe ve n t d isch a r g e lo ca tion sMa n ifo ld in g o f ve n ts r e v iew e dVe n t siz in g ba sis; d o cu me n ta tio nD uc t wor kC le a no u tsHe a t Ex c ha nge r s, J ac k et sVe n t, d r a in sThe r ma l (h y d r o sta tic) p r e ssu re r e lie fMa in ten a n ce a cce ss (tu b e bu n d le)Ma c hine ryG ua r d in gLo ca l e me r ge n cy sto p b u tto nE me r ge n cy lu br ica tio n o f cr itica l ma ch in er yMa in ten a n ce pr o v ision sLo ca l ex ha u st v e n tila tio n r e q u ir e d for sh a ft se a lsPumpsBa ckflo w p r ev e n tionCo n ne ctin g p ip in g ad e qu a te ly su pp o r ted to li m it fo r ce s o n ca sin g sSe a l sp ra y pr o te ctio nIso la tio n fo r ma in te n a n cePr ep a ra tio n fo r ma in te n a n ce(d ra in a nd v e n t p ro v id e d)C ont a inme ntSp ill co n ta in me n tFire w a te r r u no ffPr oc es s C ont r ols/C ont r ol R oomCo n tr o l r o o m in h e r en t sa fe ty (v s。
1. Vessel - 船舶2. Engine room - 机舱3. Maintenance - 维护4. Repair - 修理5. Inspection - 检查6. Equipment - 设备7. Pump - 泵8. Generator - 发电机9. Boiler - 锅炉10. Valve - 阀门11. Fuel - 燃料12. Lubrication - 润滑13. Engine - 发动机14. Cylinder - 气缸15. Piston - 活塞16. Crankshaft - 曲轴17. Air compressor - 空压机18. Control panel - 控制面板19. Safety procedures - 安全程序20. Emergency - 紧急情况作为一名海员机工,我们的主要职责是负责机舱的维护和修理工作。
海洋钻井平台常用英语词汇-值得收藏!个人收藏,奉献给喜欢英语和有缘于海洋石油事业工作的人们!一. 承包商人员( Contractor’s Personnel )Rig Manager 平台经理Equipment Supervisor 设备总监Materials Supervisor 材料总监Senior T oolpusher 高级队长Junior T oolpusher 值班队长Driller 司钻SubSea Engineer (SSE) 水下工程师Assistant Driller (AD) 副司钻Derrick Man 井架工Floor Man (roughneck) 钻工Barge Master (captain) 船长First Mate (Barge engineer) 大副Control Room Operator (CRO) 压载工Ballast Control Operator (BCO) 压载工Chief Engineer 轮机长Head of Routabout 甲板班长Crane Operator 吊车工Routabout 甲板工Mechanic 机械师Electrician 电气师Repairman 修理工Motorman 轮机员Welder 焊工Radio Operator 电报员Warehouse Man (stock Keeper) 材料员Medic 医生Safety Supervisor 安全监督Interpreter (translator) 翻译Chief Steward 管事Cook 厨师Steward 厨工Laundry Man 洗衣工二. 作业者及服务公司人员( Operator’s Personnel and Service Company Personnel)Drilling Superintendent 钻井监督Company Man (Operator’s Representative) 公司代表Geologist 地质师Mud Logging Engineer (Mud logger) 泥浆录井工程师Sample Catcher 捞砂工Mud Engineer 泥浆工程师ROV Engineer 潜水工程师Cementer 固井工Cement Engineer 固井工程师Testing Engineer 试油工程师Coring Engineer 取芯工程师Wireline Logging Engineer电测工程师三、钻井设备 (Drilling Equipment)Drawworks 钻井绞车Rotary Table 转盘Bushing 补心Top Drive System (TDS) 顶驱Swivel 水龙头Crown Block 天车Traveling Block 游车Hook 大钩Derrick 井架Pipe Spinning Wrench 钻杆气动扳手Ezy-Torq 液压猫头Elmagco Brake 涡磁刹车Pipe handling Equipment 钻杆移动设备Iron roughneck 铁钻工Pipe Racking System 钻杆排放系统Drill String 钻柱Drilling Sub 钻井短节Fishing Tool 打捞工具Power Tong 动力大钳Air Winch (air tugger) 气动绞车Crown-O-Matic (Crown Saver) 防碰天车四、泥浆系统 (Mud System)Mud Pump 泥浆泵Shale shaker 振动筛Mud Cleaner 泥浆清洁器Desilter 除泥器Desander 除砂器Degasser 除气器Centrifuge 离心机Mud Agitator 泥浆搅拌器Mud Mixing System 泥浆混合系统Centrifugal Pump 离心泵Standpipe Manifold 立管管汇Rotary Hose 水龙带Bulk Air System and Tank 吹灰系统和灰罐五、井控设备 (Well Control Equipment)Ram Type Preventor 闸板防喷器Annular Type Preventor 万能防喷器BOP Stack 防喷器组Gate Valve 闸阀Choke and Kill Manifold 阻流压井管汇Remotely Operated Panel 远程控制面板Choke Control Panel 阻流控制面板BOP Handling Equipment 防喷器搬运设备Diverter 转喷器六、海事系统 (Marine System)Ballast System 压载系统Bilge System 污水系统Vent 通风口, 通气口Air Supply Fan 供气扇Mooring System 锚泊系统Communication Equipment 通讯系统Jacking System 升降系统Skidding System 井架滑移系统Windlass 锚机Anchor 锚Pendant 短索Buoy 浮标Lifting and Handling Equipment 起吊和搬运设备七、机房 (Engine Room)Diesel Engine 柴油机Emergency Generator 应急发电机Water Maker (desalinization unit) 造淡机Air Compressor 空气压缩机Boiler 锅炉Air-conditioning System 空调系统Sea Water Service Pump 海水供给系统Piping System 管汇系统Generator 发电机Transformer 变压器DC Motor 直流马达AC Motor 交流马达八、安全设备 (Safety Equipment)Fire Control System 消防控制系统Fire Detection System 火情探测系统CO2 System 二氧化碳系统Fixed Fire Extinguishing System 固定消防系统Portable Extinguisher 移动灭火器Fire-Fight Equipment 消防设备Foam System 泡沫系统Lifeboat 救生艇(Inflatable) Life Raft (气涨式)救生筏Davit 吊艇架Escape Routes 逃生路线Breathing Apparatus 呼吸器Life Buoy 救生圈Gas Detection System 气体探测系统Helicopter Facility 直升机设施Sick-Bay (Hospital) 医务室Pollution Control 防污控制九、其他 ( Others)Cementing Unit 固井装置Well Testing Equipment 试油设备Mud Logging Unit 泥浆录井房Wire Logging Unit 电测装置ROV 潜水器Meter 米Foot 英尺Inch 英寸Supply Boat (supply vessel) 供应船Standby boat 值班船Day (night) Shift 白(夜)班Crew Change 倒班Crew 船员, 队员, 井队Position 岗位Draft (draught) 吃水Air Gap 空气间隙, 气隙Penetration (桩腿插桩)入泥Evacuation 撤离Rig (Drilling rig) 钻机, 钻井船十、平台场所Bow 船首Stern 船尾Forward (FWD) or fore 船首的Aft 船尾的Port 左舷Starboard (STBD) 右舷Upper Deck 上部甲板Main Deck 主甲板Quarters (living quarters, accommodation area) 生活区Drill Floor (Rig floor) 钻台Bridge (Pilot house, Steerwheel house) 驾驶室Control Room 控制室Helideck 直升机甲板Cementing Unit Room 固井泵房Air Compressor Room 空气压缩机房BOP Control Room BOP控制房Radio Room 报房Engine Room 机房Thruster Room 推进器房Warehouse (Store) 材料库房Paint Room (paint locker) 油漆房库Leg 桩腿Jacking House 升降室Column 立柱Sack Storage Area 散装材料储存区Mud pit 泥浆池Cellar Deck 圆井甲板Riser Rack Area 隔水管排放区Pipe Rack Area 钻杆排放区Pipe Slide 滑道Ramp 坡道Spud Tank 桩脚箱Pontoon 浮箱Moonpool 月池/园井甲板Pump Room 泵房Shale Shaker House 振动筛房Coffee Room 咖啡室Rig Office 平台办公室Mess (dining) Room 餐厅Recreation Room 娱乐房TV Room Change Room 工衣房Kitchen 厨房十一、钻具,井口工具,打捞工具Drill Pipe 钻杆Drill Collar 钻铤Heavy Weight Drill Pipe 加重钻杆Elevator 吊卡Tong 大钳Make-up T ong 上扣大钳Break-out Tong 卸扣大钳Mud Box 泥浆防喷盒Casing Stabbing Board 套管扶正器Slips 卡瓦Spider 卡盘Mouse Hole 小鼠洞 (接单根用)十二、常用缩写形式BHA: bottom hole assembly 下部钻具组合DP: drill pipe 钻杆DC: drill collar 钻铤HWDP: heavy weight drill pipe 加重钻杆BOP: blowout preventer 防喷器TD: total depth 总深TVD: true vertical depth (定向井的)垂直深度SCR: silicon controlled rectifier 可控硅OD: outside diameter 外径ID: inside diameter 内径BBL: barrel 桶LB: (拉丁语) Libra=pound (重量单位)PSI: pound per square inch 磅/英寸GAL: gallon 加仑POOH: pull out of hole 起钻RIH: run in hole 下钻WOW: wait on weather 等候天气WOC: wait on cement 候凝JU: Jackup 自升式 (钻井船)SEMI: semi submersible 半潜式 (钻井船)RPM: revolution per minute 转速/分钟LPM: liter per minute 升/分钟KN: knot 节 (海里/小时)SWL: safe working load 安全工作负荷API: American Petroleum Institute 美国石油协会IADC: international association of drilling contractors 国际钻井承包商协会MPI: magnetic particle inspection 磁粉探伤。
PSSR Checklist Example A-1 PSSR清单示例A—1PSSR Checklist Example A—2PSSR Checklist Example A—3A TTA CH MENT A - PR O C ESS PR E-STA RTU P SA FET Y R EVIE W C H EC K LISTA REA O R PLA NT U ND ER R EVIE W:DA TE:LIST O F PSSR T EA M ME MB ER S:Ins truc t ions f or us ing t his f or m:1. R ev iew the e n tir e ch e cklist a n d ma r k a ch e ck in co lu mn A to in d ica te a n ite m o r a r e a to b e in clu de d in th e re v iew。
2. If th e r e a re issu e s to b e r e so lv e d a fte r th e in iti a l re v iew, co mp le te Atta ch me n t B -PS SR P o ten tia l Is su e– Fin d ing Fo rm3。
For e a ch ite m o r a r ea w ith a ch e ck in co lu mn A, p la ce a ch e c k in co lu mn B w h e n th e ite m o r ar e a h a s b ee n sa tis fa cto r ily re v iew ed or a p o te n tia l pr o b le m h a s b e e n re so lv ed.C olumn A Inc lude C olumn BC omple t e dCa t e gory/PSSR It e m t o Ev a lua t eLoc at ion a nd lay outSite C o nd itio n sDr a ina g eFloo d co n tr o l/pr o te ctio nPr ev a ilin g w indAir or w a te r po llu tio n ex po su r e sO th er site co n d ition s r e q u ir in g a tte n tionSo il p ro te ctio n in sto r a g e, ma te r ia ls h a n d lin g & p r o ce ss a r e a s Ne a r by ope ra t ionsHa z ar d s fr o mHa z ar d s toTr af f icVe h icu lar/r a ilr o ad/p e de str ia nC le a ra n ce s, h a z ar d sAd eq u a cy o f tr a ffic sig n sSe c ur itySp e cia l re q u ir e me n ts i m p o se d b y new fa cilitySt or a ge a nd ha ndling of c he mic a lsBu r ie d p ipe s, ta n k s o r ch e mica l sew erLe a k d e te ctio n a n d co n ta in me n tA bove gr ound s t or a ge t a nk sAd eq u a te se co n d ar y co n ta in me n t p r ov ide dO pe r a ting a n d ma in te n a n ce a cce ss a d eq u a te an d sa feAd eq u a te a nd a cce s sib le ma nw a y sUn o b str u cte d pr e ssu r e/v a cuu m r e lie f v en tsMa n ifo ld in g o f ve n ts r e v iew e dDo cu me n te d ve n t siz in g ba sis(p r o ce ss sa fe ty ma n u a ls)Wi n te r iza tio n(in clu d ing in str u me n t co n n e ctio n s)Ad eq u a te ligh tin gLa b e lin g, p la ca r d in g o f h az a rd sO th er in sta lla tio n d e ta ilsFla mma b le a n d co mb u s tib le liq u id sTan k p la ce me n t a n d sp a cin g a de q u a teSte e l su p p or ts r e q u ir in g fir ep r oo fin gFla mma b le liq u id br e a the r ve n ts p r ov id e d w ith fla me a r r e sto r s o rco n se rv a tion v e n tsNo fla me a r re sto r s o n e me r ge n cy r e lie f v e n tsSa fe ve n t d isch a r g e lo ca tion sVa po r—sp a ce ig n ition s h a z ar d sCo r po r a te r e co mme n d ed/a p pr o ve d fir e pr o te ctio n sy ste ms in p la ceFla mma b le g a se s o r liq u e fied fla mma b le g a ss e sCo r po r a te r e co mme n d ed/a p pr o ve d fir e pr o te ctio n sy ste ms in p la ce B ulk dry c he mic a lsDu st ex p lo sio n po te n tia l a dd r e sse dTa nks t r uck a nd r a ilc a r unloa ding a nd loa ding s t at ionsSp ill co n ta in me n t a n d sa fe i m p o u n din gAcce s s p la tfo r m sa fe tyL ig h tin g ad e q ua teG ro u nd in g ca b le sFix e d u n lo a d in g p u mp a n d b a ckflow p r ev en te rE me r ge n cy sto p b u tto n lo ca tio nCo n ne ctio n s lo c ka b le a nd clo se dPla ca rd in g o f h az a rd sRe mo te ly op e ra te d e me r g e n cy sto p va lv e for ve h icle s ca r ry in gha z ar d ou s ma te r ia lsFu sib le-lin k fir e v a lv e on v eh icle s w ith b o tto m u n lo a d in g o f fla mma b lePo r tab le fir e ex tin g u ishe r a t g r ou n d lev e l or fla mma b leSa fe ty sh ow e r an d e yew a sh u nitsRe co mme n d e d fire p r o te ctio n sy ste ms in p la c eEle ctr ica lPr oc es sG en e ra l w o r kp la ceSa fe o pe r a tor a cce s sBu ild in g ex its ma r ke dL ig h tin g ad e q ua teSa fe ty sh ow e r an d e yew a sh u nitsAcce s sib leLo ca te d o n e a ch de ckLo ca te d in co n tr o l ro o mPo r tab le fir e ex tin g u ishe r sAcce s sib leLo ca te d o n e a ch de ckLo ca te d in co n tr o l ro o mH uma n Fa ct or sLa b e lin g o f e q u ip me n t, p ip in g, cr itica l v a lv e s, fie ld in str u me n ts,sw itch e sLo ca tio n o f fie ld in str u me n tsSa mp lin g p o in tsO pe r a tor ta sk sa fe tyO pe r a tor ta sk e r go n o mic sO pp o r tun itie s fo r o p e ra to r er r orNo n—ro u tin e ta sksCh e mi c a l Ex p o su re H az a rd sPo te n tia l ex po su r e sEn g in e er in g co n tr ols a d e q ua teBu ild in g v en tila tio n/fr e sh a ir in ta ke sTox ic g a s mo n ito r s, a la r msPr o te ctive e q u ip me n t lo ca tio nPla ca rd in gPr oc es s PipingCo n str u ctio n a p pr o pr ia te fo r du tyMa te ria ls q u a lity a ssu r an ce (in clu d ing fla n g e b o lts), if cr itica l, d u r in gco n str u ctio nWo r k ma n sh ip(fo r ex a mp le, n o sh o r t fla n g e bo lts)Ro u tin g sa tisfa c to ryAd eq u a te ly su p p or te d a nd g u id edAllow a n ce fo r th e r ma l ex pa n sio n/n o r e fe re n ce sNo s ma ll d ia me te r co n n e ctio n s v u ln e ra b le to bre a ka g e/fa ilu r eEx p a n sio n be llow s p ro p er ly in sta lle d/p ip in g no t a b le to mo v esid ew a y s/b e llow e dUn d a ma g e d d ur in g in sta lla tio nFlex ib le p ip in g co nn e cto r s co r r e ctly in sta lle d/u n da ma g e d (fo rex a mp le, kin ke d) d u r in g in sta lla tionNe ce ssa r y d ra in s p r ov id edHa z ar d ou s o u tle ts p lu g g e d clo se dThe r ma l (h y d r o sta tic) p r e ssu re r e lie f (in clu d in g h ea t—tr a ce dse ctio n s)Sig h t g la sse s a n d g au g e g la sse sEx ter n a l co rr o sio n pr o te ctio nFre e ze p ro te ctio nIn su la tion a d e qu a te fo r pe r so n a l pr o te ctio nPr o te ctive fla n g e co ve r sAp pr ov e d h o se s a n d ho se a n d co n ne cto r s (n o imp r o v isa tion s)Pr oc es s Ve nt sFla mma b le liq u id br e a the r ve n ts p r ov id e d w ith fla me a r r e sto r s o rco n se rv a tion v e n tsTe llta le p r e ssu r e ga u ge o r o th er in d ica to r pr ov ide d b e tw e e n ru p tu red isc a n d re lief v a lv e w he r e a d isc is in sta lle d b e low a r e lie f va lveD isch a rg e p ip in g fr o m e me r g e n cy pr e ssu r e re lie f d ev ice s u n r e str icte dby 90 d eg r ee e lls,Ex ce ssiv e le ng th o r fla me a r r e sto r sPr ov isio n s su ch a s d r a in h o le s to p r ev e n t a ccu mu la tio n o f r a inw a te r ind isch a rge p ip in gD isch a rg e p ip in g a de q u a te ly su p po r te d to w ith sta n d re a ctiv e fo r ce s o fpr e ssu r e ve n tin gSa fe ve n t d isch a r g e lo ca tion sMa n ifo ld in g o f ve n ts r e v iew e dVe n t siz in g ba sis; d o cu me n ta tio nD uc t wor kC le a no u tsHe a t Ex c ha nge r s, J a c k e tsVe n t, d r a in sThe r ma l (h y d r o sta tic) p r e ssu re r e lie fMa in ten a n ce a cce ss (tu b e bu n d le)Ma c hine ryG ua r d in gLo ca l e me r ge n cy sto p b u tto nE me r ge n cy lu br ica tio n o f cr itica l ma ch in er yMa in ten a n ce pr o v ision sLo ca l ex ha u st v e n tila tio n r e q u ir e d for sh a ft se a lsPumpsBa ckflo w p r ev e n tionCo n ne ctin g p ip in g ad e qu a te ly su pp o r ted to li m it fo r ce s o n ca sin g sSe a l sp ra y pr o te ctio nIso la tio n fo r ma in te n a n cePr ep a ra tio n fo r ma in te n a n ce (dr a in an d ve n t p ro v id e d)C ont a inme ntSp ill co n ta in me n tFire w a te r r u no ffPr oc es s C ont r ols/C ont r ol R oomCo n tr o l r o o m in h e r en t sa fe ty (v s。
PROCEDURE1.Hints on Periodic / condition based maintenance(1) Main Engine and Diesel Generator cooling water treatment must be carried out asper Maker / Chemical Supplier recommendations. The supplier’s logs must be used and forwarded (also to the Chemical Company) every month.(2)The Auxiliary Machineries 30 Months General Overhauling, the AuxiliaryMachineries 60 Months General Overhauling, the Auxiliary Machineries 60 Months General Inspection, the Auxiliary Machineries 30 Months general Overhauling, the Auxiliary Machineries 30 Months General Overhauling, the Auxiliary Machineries 12 Months inspection and the Auxiliary Machineries 6 months Inspection Forms must be completed after the overhauling/inspection within a range of 3 months from the inspection/overhauling date. Upon the completion of overhauling/inspection, the Machinery Inspection/Overhauling Report must be completed and, together with the above-mentioned forms, forwarded to the Company.(3)The Diesel Generator Engine 6,000 Hours Inspection, the Diesel Generator Engine12,000 Hours Inspection, and the main Engine 6,000-8,000 Hours Inspection forms must be completed upon inspection within the intervals stated above with a range of about 20% of working hours. Upon the completion of overhauling/inspection, the Machinery Inspection/Overhauling Report must be completed and, together with the above-mentioned form, forwarded to the Company.(4)The Diesel Generator Engine 3,000 Hours Inspection form must be completedupon the oil replacement within the intervals stated on the form but it will not exceed the range of 33%. Upon the completion of overhauling/inspection, the Machinery Inspection/Overhauling Report must be completed and, together with the above mentioned form, forwarded to the Company.(5)The Main Engine According to Class Requirements form must be completedaccording to class requirements and within class ranges.(6)The Main Engine when it is necessary form must be completed at intervals definedby the Chief Engineer, taken under consideration his experience or when requested by the Technical Department.(7)Upon the completion of overhauling/inspection, the MachineryInspection/Overhauling Report must be completed and, together with the above mentioned form, forwarded to the Company.(8)The Critical equipment weekly inspection form must be completed on a weeklybasis when the ship’s integrity is not effected and if circumstances permit. Upon the completion of overhauling/inspection, the Machinery inspection/overhauling Report must be completed and, together with the above mentioned form, forwarded to the Company.(9)For further instructions, refer to the relevant forms.To supplement this, specific items of machinery are maintained on a running hours schedule, based on manufacturers recommendations and operational experience.If a computerized maintenance system is to be installed onboard, the appropriate hardware and software will be provided by the Company. The computerizedsystem is to be maintained onboard by the Chief Engineer accordingly.2.Alarms2.1All machinery protection devices and alarms must be tested at maximum 3 monthsintervals. Items that are specially defined must be checked as specified. Should anyprotection device or alarm become defective, the C/E must arrange immediately thenecessary precautions to be taken until the equipment has been repaired.Tests must be entered in the Engine Log Book.2.2Machinery Alarms and Shutdown Devices(1) It is the responsibility of the Chief Engineer to ensure that machinery alarms andemergency shutdown devices are at all times functional.(2) Dates and results of last test/simulation should be recorded in the alarm checklistas submitted to the classification society. Details of any alarm or device found to be faulty should be entered in the Engine Log Book.(3) All primary equipment used in the above procedure shall be subject to a check asto its fitness for purpose.3.Smoke/Fire Detection and Alarm Systems (where applicable)(1) It is the responsibility of the Master to ensure that the smoke and fire detection andalarm systems are tested in accordance with maker’s instructions.(2) Records of tests and results are kept in the SOLAS Maintenance Record book.4.Deck MaintenanceDeck maintenance (hull structure, coating, deck equipment) is described in detail in “Deck Planned Maintenance”, Form CP10-02.5.Safety – Pollution – Prevention – emergency equipment MaintenanceMaintenance for this equipment is as per “LSA FFA maintenance inspectioncharts”, Form CP10-01.6.Engine MaintenanceEngine and machinery maintenance is an ongoing operation under the day-to-day supervision of the Chief Engineer, and the control of the company’s Technical Department. Records of maintenance are forwarded to the Company together with the rest of the Office correspondence.All maintenance and repairs are recorded and copies are filed in the vessel’s relevant file; the originals are sent to the Company, as indicated in “Registry of Company’s Forms and checklists”, Form CP03-06.The Chief Engineer’s Monthly Report of Voy age Abstract, Running Hours Report and the other appropriate relevant forms enable the Company to monitor the maintenance progress and take any supportive/corrective action necessary.7.Electrical MaintenanceElectrical equipment is maintained under the day to day supervision of the Master and Chief Engineer. The Machinery Inspection Overhauling Report is forwarded periodically. All records of maintenance and repairs are maintained in the vessel’s relevant file.8.Lubricating Oils SamplingIrrespective of the vessel's trading pattern, the Company requires the taking of lubricating oil samples on a regular basis, as directed by the supplier. The intervals for the taking of these samples must not exceed the following:Main Engine: 4-6 monthsSteering Gear: 12 monthsStern Tube: 12 monthsDiesel Generators: 6 monthsDeck Cranes Hydraulic System: 12 monthsCargo Handling / Mooring Hydraulic System Particle Counting Analysis: 12 monthsThe samples taken from the main engine or other systems must be a representative sample with the oil in circulation. It is important that all samples are subsequently taken from the same location.The instructions supplied with the sample kit are to be strictly adhered to when the samples are drawn and sent for analysis. The analysis results will be sent to the Company by the Laboratory. Any abnormalities will immediately be informed to the Chief Engineer.When receiving large quantities of lubricating oil, a sample must be drawn and retained on board until the next delivery of lubricating oil has been received on board. Should any contamination be suspected, the oil samples should be landed at the first available port and the necessary steps taken to prevent machinery damage.The main engine lubricating oil must be continuously centrifuged.The lub oil purifiers must be continuously monitored and maintained to provide optimum efficiency.In conjunction with the Company representative, the vessel's Senior Officers monitor the work carried out on board for compliance with the repair specification.The progress of the docking/repair is monitored at a daily meeting attended by both company representatives and responsible shipyard personnel. This meeting ensures that resources are allocated in the most effective manner to enable completion of the docking/repair within time and budgetary limits. Record of the minutes is not a Company’s requirement.All maintenance work carried out by ships staff or sub-contractors is recorded and kept in the relevant file on board and by the Company.Additional work, not included in the original specification, is only approved by the attending Superintendent.If any oil contamination is suspected, the Chief Engineer must urgently take analysis samples and forward them to the laboratory. In addition, he must inform the company for the incidence and all his actions.9.BoilersIt is required that after every survey, the safety valves are adjusted to the correct safe working pressure. This adjustment must be done to the satisfaction of the surveyor on the first occasion when steam is raised on the boiler. Where the firing arrangements are such that normal working pressure of the boiler cannot be attained until the vessel is under way, the safety valves are to be adjusted by the Chief Engineer to the correct safe working pressure. This is to be recorded in the vessels log book and the Classification Society and Company informed by telex.The logbook entry must be presented to the next attending Class Surveyor for verification and to complete the societies’ records.M aker’s/supplier’s instructions must strictly be followed under the below listed circumstances:a.When the boilers are in service:i.Proper feed treatment should be administered at all times and alkalinity, suspendedsolids, and reserve levels maintained within the required parameters.ii.The boiler water tests are to be made in accordance with the Chemical supplier’s suggestions, recorded in relevant forms and forwarded as per supplier’s or Company’s instructions.b.During maintenance, routine cleaning and out of service periods:i.Boilers when not in use should either be kept full of water, which is alkaline orcompletely empty and dry and should be maintained in accordance with the manufacturers instructions.10.Emergency Steering GearThe emergency steering gear is to be tested and the vessel steered from the emergency position for at least one hour every three months. A suitable entry is to be made in the Engine Log Book recording the test and the date of the last emergency Steering Test signed by the Master and posted in the Steering Gear Room.Instructions for the operation of emergency steering must be posted. Further details on the SOLAS regulations for the testing of steering gear can be found in SOLAS Chapter V - Safety of Navigation. These regulations shall be strictly adhered to and regarded as the minimum requirements.USA CFR require additional testing prior to entering US waters in excess of SOLAS requirements.11.Continuous Survey of MachineryIt is the responsibility of the C/E to ensure that the CSM cycle is maintained up to date. Where applicable, the C/E will arrange to progress the CSM and forward to the Head Office a list of items completed. Originals of Classification InterimCertificates are to be retained on board, duplicates are to be forwarded to the Company.Inspection of the CSM items by the Chief Engineer “for Class Account” must be carried out not later than the “due date”, and not earlier than 3-5 months before the due date depending on the Classification Society.12.Stern TubesIn vessels fitted with water cooled oil lubricated stern tubes, there must always be sufficient water in the lower after peak, (or stern tube cooling tank), to cover the stern tube before using the main engine.13.Indicator Cards and Condition MonitoringIndicator diagrams from the main engine, where applicable, must be taken every three months as per Technical Department’s instructions or as considered necessary by the Chief Engineer to satisfy himself that the main Engine performance is satisfactory. This information should be forwarded to the Company.14.Testing of Hold/Bilge Suction LinesWhen testing hold bilge and suction lines there is a possibility for water to flood into the engine room. To avoid this possibility the following practice should be adopted when carrying out these tests.1.Testing of the suctions is to be carried out using practical pumping tests.2.Leakage tests on the valves are to be carried out by pressurizing the main.Conversely, an inspection as to the condition of the valves may be carriedout in lieu of a pressure test, but verification as to the tightness of thevalves must be ensured. Hold and ballast suction lines must not besubjected to a pressure greater than 3 bar during testing.3.Tests carried out should be entered in the Deck Log Book.4.All isolating and crossover valves between the ballast pumping systemsand the hold/bilge suctions are to be shut and the pressure in the holdsuction lines should be monitored to ensure that over-pressurizing of themain is avoided.5.After pumping of ballast and bilges, the securing and isolating of theseindividual systems should be checked. The practice of just shutting theminimum number of valves to save time at future pumping must beavoided.6.During the voyage, soundings of holds should be taken daily. A record ofthe results should be kept in the Deck Log Book.Additionally, before commencement of loading, the Cargo hold bilge suction valves must completely shut and tested by vacuum in order to ensure that sea water cannot penetrate in the cargo hold through the bilge lines (opposite flow).A record of the results should be kept in the Deck Log Book.15.Specialized EquipmentSpecialized items of equipment may require maintenance by shore based technicians. In these circumstances, the vessel advises the Company of the requirements and the responsible Department ashore makes the necessary arrangements for a suitable technician to attend.16.Main Engine TrialsEngines must not be turned or trials carried out until the Chief Engineer has confirmed with the Master that the propeller is clear, moorings are adequate and it is safe to do so.When preparing the main engine for maneuvering after the completion of repairs, or after a period in port or at anchor, a full turn shall be made observing the open indicator cocks, after which the turning gear will be disengaged, thus ensuring that all moving parts are free and clear of fuel and water prior to further test. Before starting the main engine it must be turned on air, with the cylinder indicator cocks open.17.Average DamageAll damages are to be reported by the Master to the Company. In circumstances where the nature of the breakdown may be beyond the capacity of personnel on board to repair, Management ashore will arrange for sub contractor assistance. Details of each breakdown are to be recorded in the vessel's Deck and Engine Log Books. Underwriters and Classification Society are to be informed if the estimated cost of the repair exceeds the deductible of the insurance, and as deemed necessary by the Operation manager/Technical Manager after consultation with the Insurance Manager.18.Vessel UpgradesWhere the Company decides or recommends that certain areas or items of equipment require upgrading, the Technical department provides a proposed schedule of work. When agreement is reached, the Technical Department arranges for the necessary materials and resources to be made available. Instructions are then given to the vessel concerned, in writing, by the Technical Department.19.Vessel ModificationsModifications may be required by new legislation requirements as commercial pressure. Each vessel's Master may also make recommendations to improve the vessels operating efficiency to the appropriate Department in writing.The Company studies the requests/requirements. Classification approval, if necessary, will be obtained by the Technical Department for any modification. When modifications are to be carried out the vessel is instructed accordingly.20.Planned Maintenance System effectiveness monitoringThe effectiveness of the maintenance programs is monitored by:∙On board Inspections by Company's Superintendents and the relevant BIARE / TIARE reports∙Internal & External Audits∙Classification, Flag & P&I Survey Reports∙The Company’s reporting system∙PSC, USCG & other Third Party Inspections∙Charterers & Majors Inspections∙Frequency of Machinery Failure and consequential off-hire periods.∙Key performance indicator for maintenance, being the percentage of overdue planned maintenance items at any time, as defined in theperiodical management reviews.21.Planned Maintenance system reportsThe Company has a standard set of forms that give positive feed-back on the condition and maintenance status of the vessel and her structure and equipment.Maintenance records are kept by the Chief Engineer and copies are sent to the Technical Department together with the rest of the Office correspondence.The Technical Dept. Coordinator is responsible for ensuring this reporting system is complied with.The Fleet Superintendents and the Technical Manager scrutiny all reports, take any necessary actions and initial each report before filing.22.Sub - contractorsWhere a vessel requires assistance from sub-contractors, a quote for the specified work is obtained whenever possible and approved by the appropriate department before a purchase order is generated and the work authorized.The team then is properly P&I insured or else a P&I indemnity statement is provided to be signed onboard.It is the responsibility of the Master and/or Chief Engineer to:∙Ensure that sub-contractors teams comply with company’s procedures related to safety, security and environment protection∙P&I indemnity is properly signed∙Monitor the performance of the work being carried out if a Company’s representative is not present.On completion of the work, the Master and Chief Engineer are to sign for the work completed and verify that the hours on the time sheet are correct.The responsible Department ashore checks the invoice against the work done report/timesheet before authorizing payment.23.Repairs and Dry DockingPrior to carrying out major repairs and/or dry-docking the ship, there are a number of considerations to bear in mind as outlined in the following paragraphs.The Company is responsible for ensuring that each vessel is dry-docked in accordance with Classification Societies rules. Special circumstances may occurthat require the scheduled docking to be brought forward or deferred. In this case, the Company advises the vessel's Owner and makes the necessary arrangements.Major refits may be required as a result of unforeseen damage, changes to International Rules and Regulations, or major modifications required by the vessel's Owner.When the dock is dry, the outside and bottom of the hull, propeller, rudder etc.must be inspected by the Master, Chief Engineer and the Company's representative to ascertain the condition and if any damage has been sustained since the previous docking.Before entry into dry-dock, the C/E is responsible for ensuring that the bilge wells and engine room tank tops are dry and that all double bottom tank lids are in place and secured. Fire pumps, sanitary pumps and sewage unit pumps are to be isolated when the vessel is dry docked and the shore fire main has been connected.Before the vessel enters dry dock, the Shipyard’s Dock master must advise the Master to arrange the proper draft required by the yard and the C/E in co-operation with the C/O must decide upon the distribution of both ballast and bunkers to obtain the correct docking condition and thus avoid undue stress to the hull when the vessel takes the blocks. Records of the draft forward and aft, and the ullages or dips of water or oil in double bottom tanks, peaks, cofferdams and bunker compartments, must be entered on the Dry Dock Report and in the Engine and Deck Log Books.An Advice of Defect system of reporting is maintained. Each vessel's Master/Chief Engineer reports, as necessary and continually, any defects or repairs for inclusion in the docking specification.The completed specification is checked for accuracy and detail and then forwarded by the Technical Department to selected yards/sub-contractors for obtaining quotations.A comparison summary containing all anticipated expenditure with the Companyrecommended yard/sub-contractor is forwarded to the Technical Manager for approval to the Managing Director for authorization and to the Owner, as applicable.On receipt of the Managing Director’s approval, the contract is awarded by the Technical Manager or his designated superintendent to the selected yard.The vessel is advised of the selected yard and the Master is sent an approved specification. The vessel's Owners, Underwriters, where necessary, and Class are informed of the selected yard and the docking schedule.24.Inspection and VerificationAll dry-docking/major refits are attended by at least one Company superintendent and/or a representative nominated by the Technical Manager.In conjunction with the Company representative, the vessel's Senior Officers monitor the work carried out on board for compliance with the repair specification. The progress of the docking/repair is monitored at a daily meeting attended by both company representatives and responsible shipyard personnel. This meeting ensures that resources are allocated in the most effective manner to enable completion ofthe docking/repair within time and budgetary limits. Record of the minutes is not a Company’s requirement.All maintenance work carried out by ships staff or sub-contractors is recorded and kept in the relevant file on board and by the Company.Additional work, not included in the original specification, is only approved by the attending superintendent.。
ME Equipment and fixture Maintenance
6、技术员每班应全面巡拉一次以确定计数器计数有否到安全生产量的探针、插头(连 接器) 和刃口, 如有,立即更换探针或接头清洁,更换切刀或修刀。完工后应在 《设备保养/ 预防维护及维修记录表》(QR-ME-017) 做相 应记录。 7、拉长/操作员要按照《保养记录表》上的频次,项目做好预防保养工作,并记录在 保养记录表》(QR-ME-036)上。 8、对设备工具的维修,要记录在《设备保养/ 预防维护及维修记录表》(QR-ME-017) 中。 9、配件管理技术员应随时跟踪探针、插头(联接器)和切刀的库存以确保需要 ( 具体见 《备件管理指示》(WI-MTL-021)。 10、技术员领班或技术员均有责任及时发现机台上计数器安全生产量标签有否脱落, 如有则及时通知工程部文员补做并由该技术员贴上。 11、用完的表格由技术员交回技术员领班存放。
1、生产部领班或拉长确定拉线位置,并通知当班技术员领班。 2、技术员领班指定技术员负责该拉设备仪器。 3、技术员备齐检查下述文件,所缺文件立即补齐。 设备保养/预防维护计划 (QR-ME-012) · 设备保养/预防维护及维修记录 (QR-ME-017) · 维修、预防保养指导书(如有)(QR-ME-034)。 由 4、技术员依据《拉线设置整体指引》(WI-ME-010)设拉,在首件检测合格后 QC宣布拉线合格。 5、依《设备保养/预防维护计划》(QR-ME-012 )和相应的指导书实施预防维 养工作并在《设备保养/预防维护及维修记录表》(QR-ME-017 ) 及《保养 (QR-ME-036)上做记录。
概率(几率) probability·方差 variance·分散维修 decentralized maintenance·动态试验 dynamic test·动力设备设施管理 power facilities management·除尘、防护设备管理 duct-proof and protective equipment managemen t·抽样调查 sampling investigation·备件国产化管理 domestic production management of imported spare parts ·标准偏差 standard deviation·安装预算 budget of installation·包机制 machine contracting system·班前检查与润滑制度 regulation of check and lubrication before on shift ·[设备]交接班制度 shift relief system·《设备管理条例》(《条例》)《Equipment Management Regulation》·[设备]修理 repair·[设备]维修 maintenance (and repair)·重点调查 key-point investigation·重点设备管理 management of key-point equipment·重点设备 key-point equipment·责任事故 liability accident·指数分布 exponential distribution·直方图 histogram·预付与托收承付 prepayment and collection·预防性试验 prophylactic test·预防为主 prevention first·正交设计法(正交试验法) orthogonal design·正态分布 normal distribution·运输车辆管理制度 transportation vehicle management system·质量“三包” three guarantees of quality·质量事故 accident due to quality·压力容器管理制度 management regulation of pressure vessel·无故障运行时间 mean time to failure·威布尔分布 Weibull distribution·闲置设备管理制度 idle equipment management·闲置设备 idle plant·统计分析 statistical analysis·维修性 maintainability·维修信息管理 maintenance information management·维护与计划检修相结合 combination of service and planned maintenance·随机事件 random event·数控设备管理 numerical control (NC) equipment management·三级保养制 three-level service system·数学期望 mathematical expectation·数学模型 mathematical model·数理统计 mathematical statistics·生产技术装备 technical facilities in production·生产设备 production equipment·寿命周期费用 life cycle cost (LCC)·润滑油库管理制度 mangement regulation of lubricant warehouse·商检(商品检验) commodity inspection·设计、制造与使用相结合 combination of design, manufacturing and operation·设备调研 investigation on plant·设备的可靠性与可靠度 reliability reliability theory·设备的节能性 energy saving property of plant·设备的检查评比 facility inspection and appraise through comparison for plant·设备点检制度 plant check system·设备的成套性 complete set of plant·设备的安全性 safety of plant·设备的生产率 productivity of plant设备的耐用性 durability of plant·设备的灵活性 flexibility of plant·设备状态监测与诊断技术管理 equipment condition monitoring and diagnostic technology manage·设备状态管理制度 equipment condition management systen·设备综合管理 total plant management·设备资产动态管理制度 dynamic management system of plant assets·设备租赁 plant leasing·设备修前准备制度 preparation system before equipment repair·设备修理工时定额 man-hours quota for equipment repair·设备修理费用定额 expense quota for equipment repair·设备修理材料定额 material quota for equipment repair·设备修理质量验收制度 acceptance regulation of equipment repair quality ·设备型号 equipment model·设备型式 type of equipment·设备经济寿命 economical life of equipment·设备经营管理制度 operation and business management system·设备技术档案 technical document of plant·设备技术状况 technical conditions of equipment·设备技术状态管理 technical condition management of plant·设备技术资料管理制度 management system for technical document and file of plant·设备技术性能 technical properties of plant·设备技术寿命 technical life of equipment·设备检修专业化协作 specialized cooperation of plant maintenance·设备检修计划管理制度 planning and management regulation of plant maintenance·设备检修计划 plant maintenance plan·设备检修规程 plant maintenance specification·设备检修质量 plant maintenance quality·设备基础设计与施工 design and construction of equipment foundation ·设备合同管理 management of equipment order contract·设备规划可行性分析 feasibility studies of plant project设备规划 investment plan of plant·设备功能(效能) performance of plant·设备工作能力 operational capability of plant·设备管理考核制度 examination and check systems of plant management ·设备管理经济责任制度 economic responsibility regulation of plant management·设备管理岗位标准 post standard of plant management·设备管理制度 plant management systems·设备管理停歇时间定额(停歇天数) downtime quota for equipment repair ·设备管理现代化 plant engineering modernization·设备管理 plant management, plant enginerring·设备固定资产管理制度 fixed plant assets management systems·设备故障 equipment failure·设备更新管理制度 plant renewal management·设备更新 plant renewal·设备更换 plant replacement·设备岗位责任 post responsibility of plant management·设备改造管理制度 equipment modification management system·设备改造 plant reconstruction, plant modernization·设备分级管理 classified management of plant·设备定人定机、凭证操作规定 operation regulation with fixed qualified operator and fixed eq·设备操作的“五项纪律” “five disciplines”of plant operation·设备操作规程 operation specification of equipment·设备备品配件管理制度 management regulation of equipment spare parts ·设备备件库房管理制度 management regulation of equipment spare parts inventory·设备报价 to quote plant price·设备报废 discard of plant·设备安装管理 equipment installation management·设备安装 equipment installation·设备巡回检查制度 tours system to inspect plant·设备询价 to enquire plant price设备选型 plant model selection·设备验收交接制度 acceptance check and reception systems of plant ·设备统计报表制度 statistic-reporting system of plant·设备维修技术资料 technical document and date for plant maintenance·设备维修技术管理制度 management regulation of plant maintenance technology·设备维修定额 equipment maintenance quota·设备维护规程 equipment service specification·设备台帐 unit account of plant·设备完好标准 equipment perfectness norm·设备完好 plant in good condition·设备索赔 claims for equipment·设备使用规程 specifications of usage·设备使用初期信息反馈管理 information feedback management in initial operation period of pl·设备使用与维护管理制度 management regulation for operation and service of equipment·设备全过程管理 life-cycle management of plant·设备寿命 life of equipment·设备润滑管理制度 lubrication management regulation of plant·设备润滑“五定” “five fixation” of lubrication·设备事故管理制度 accident management regulation of plant·设备事故“三不放过” three do not let pass of plant accident·设备事故 plant accident·设备区域维修负责制 region responsibility system of plant maintenance ·设备前期管理和后期管理 fore period and later period management of plant ·设备前期管理规定 regulation of fore period management of plant·设备磨损补偿 wear compensation for plant·设备老化 plant ageing·算术平均值(均值) arithmetic mean·强制保养制 coercionary service system· 投资效果系数 effect coefficient of investment· 设备经济管理制度 economic management system of plant设备管理评优活动 excellence selection activity in plant management· 排列图(帕累托图) Pareto chart·负荷试验 load test·故障停机时间 breakdown time·工艺适应性 technological adaptability·工程设备监理 supervision of engineering facilities·工序控制点设备管理 management of proccess-control-point equipment·合同变更与解除 contract change and cancellation·混合维修 combined maintenance·回归分析 regression analysis·检查间隔期 interval between inspections·检修社会化 socialization of maintenance·集中维修 centralized maintenance·技术先进性 technical advancement·技术管理与经济管理相结合 combination of technical management and economic management·计算机辅助设备管理 computer-aided plant management·计划预修制度(ЛЛP) planned preventive maintenance system·进口设备离岸价 FOB of imported equipment·进口设备管理 imported equipment management·进口设备到岸价 CIF of imported equipment·精、大、稀设备 precise,large scale,rare plant·精、大、稀设备管理 management of precise,large scale,rare equipment ·精、大、稀、关键设备的“五定” “five fixed” of precise,largescale,rare,critical equipme·经济性 economy·静态试验 static test·开箱检查 open-case inspection·平均偏差 average deviation·平均等待时间 mean waiting time,MWT·修理周期 repair cycle·修理周期结构 structure of repair cycle修理、改造与更新相结合 combination of repair, modernization and renewal ·修理复杂系数 complexity coefficient of repair·修理间隔期 time between repairs·租赁设备管理制度 leased equipment management system·资金的时间价值 time value of fund·自然事故 natural accident·自制设备 self-made equipment·自制设备管理制度 management system for selfmade equipment·自制备件管理制度 self-made spare parts management system·专业管理与群众管理相结合 combination of professional management and mass management·转让设备(设备调剂) transfer of facility·典型调查 typical investigation·地区(部门)修理中心 areal (departmental) repair center·废油回收率 recovery ratio of used oil·动力设备完好率 perfectness ratio of power plant·定期保养完成率 fulfillment ratio of periodic service·大修理平均停歇天数 mean downtime(days) due to overhaul·重点设备完好率 perfectness ratio of key-point equipments·一次交验合格率 qualification ratio under first acceptance check·在用设备可利用率 availability of plant in use·已安装设备利用率 utilization ratio of installed equipments·万元固定资产年创利润率 annual profit ratio per 10000 yuan fixed assets ·万元产值占用维修费用 maintenance expense for 1000 yuan production value ·实有设备安装率 installation ratio of owned equipments·设备综合利用率 comprehensive utilization ratio of plant·设备资产增值率 added value rate of plant assets·设备资产投资回收期 capital investment recovery period of plant·设备新度 newness degree of plant·设备净资产创利润率 profit ratio vs net book value of plant·设备计划台时利用率 utilization ratio of planned time of plant设备构成比 constitution ratio of plant·设备负荷率 load rate of plant·设备返修率 back repair rate·设备制度台时利用率 utilization ratio of institutional time of plant ·设备闲置率 idelness ratio of plant·设备投资回收报率 plant capital investment recovery ratio·设备投资产出比 capital investment recovery period of plant·设备完好率 perfectness ratio of plant·设备日常保养完成率 plant daily service fulfillment ratio·设备事故频率 incident frequency·设备利用率 utilization ratio·事故[故障]停机率 down time ratio to accident (failure)·清洗换油计划完成率 fulfillment ratio of cleaning and oil change plan ·每个修理复杂系数平均大修理成本 mean repair cost per complexity coefficient of repair·每个复杂系数占用维修费用 maintenance expense per repair complexity coefficient·每万元固定资产创工业增加值率 industrial increase value ratio per 10000 yuan fixed assets·故障强度 failure intensity·故障频率 failure frequency·关键设备完好率 perfectness ratio of critical equipments·精大稀设备完好率 perfectness raito of precise,large scale and rare equipments·可利用率(有效利用率) availability·平均停机时间 mean down time,MDT·平均故障间隔期,平均无故障工作时间 mean time between failture·修理计划完成率 fulfillment ratio of repair plan废润滑油再生(废油再生) regeneration of waste lubricating oil·防泄漏管理 leak prevention management·二级保养 second level service·定期精度调整 periodic accuracy adjustment·定人定机制度 system of fixed machine and operator·额定载荷 rated load·超负荷试运行 commissioning under overload·初步试运行 preliminary commissioning·操作工人的“四会” four basic skills for operator·参数故障 parametric failure·保养计划完成率 fulfilment ratio of service plan·保养规程 service specification·保养“十字”作业法“ten words” method for service·保养 service·安全性故障 safety failure·安全规程 safety procedure·[设备性能]劣化 degradation (of equipment performance) ·PM小组 PM group·隐蔽故障 hidden failure·有效性 availability·有效度 avaliability·有效寿命 effective life·制度时间 institutional time·一级保养 first level service·原发故障 primary failure·原始记录 original record·正常负荷 normal load·正常超载 normal overload·治漏“八字”法“eight words” method for leakage control ·运行时间 operating time仪表“三率” “three rate”of meter·早(初)期故障期 early failure period·永久性故障(持续性故障) permanent failure·验收试运行 final commissioning·无泄露[区]标准 leakless(area) standard·突发性(偶发)故障 random failure·维护费 service cost·危险性故障 dangerous failure·误操作故障 failure by misoperation·完好设备 perfect facility·生产维修 productive maintenance(PM)·润滑工作岗位责任制 post responsibility of lubrication work ·润滑管理制度 lubrication management system·润滑“五定” “five fixation” of lubrication·润滑“三过滤” three-step filtration of lubricating oil ·润滑站 lubricating station·润滑图表 lubricating diagram·试车 commissioning·日常保养费 daily service expenses·日常保养(日保) daily service·日历时间利用率 utilzation ratio of calender time·设备的可靠性和可靠度 reliability·设备的区域维护 regional service of equipment·设备技术状态 technical conditions of equipment·设备故障率曲线(浴盆曲线) failure rate curve of equipment,tub curve ·设备操作合格证 operation licence·设备“5S”活动“5S” activity of equipment·设备隐患 hidden trouble of equipment·设备运行记录 operation record of equipment·设备维护的“四项要求” four requirements for plant service设备维护标准 service standard of equipment·设备维护 equipment service·设备使用的“三好” three well doing for use of facility·设备使用过程 process of machine operation·设备三级保养 three-level service system for equipment·设备日常点检 routine inspection·设备清洗(清扫) cleaning of plant·设备漏油标准 oil leakage standard·设备利用系数 utilization factor of equipment·人身保护装置personal safety device·强制保养 mandatory service·潜在故障 latent filure·偶发故障期 accidental failure period·磨损性故障 wearout failure·例行保养(例保) routine service·密封点 sealed point·劣化趋向管理 degradation trend control· 随机故障 random failure· 设备的定期维护 periodic service of equipment·负荷试运行 commissoning under load·故障类型 failure type·故障率(失效率) failure rate·故障率基本类型 basic forms of failure rate·故障模式 failure mode·故障模型 failure model·故障弱化 failure weakening·故障树分析 FTA,fault tree analysis·故障物理学 physics of failure·故障停机率 breakdown rate·故障征兆 failure symptom·故障安全 safety protection against failure·故障分析方法 failure analysis method·故障机理 failure mechanism·功能故障 functional failure·关键设备使用维护“四定” four stipulations for operation a nd maintenance of critical equip·耗损(劣化)故障期 exhaustion failure period·红旗设备 red-flag equipment·基本故障 basic failure·间断性故障 intermittent failure·继发故障 secondary failure·计划时间利用率 utilization ratio of planned time·渐衰失效性故障 local and gradual failure·渐发性(磨损)故障 gradual(wear-out) failure·精、大、稀、关键设备的使用维护 operation and service of precise,large scale,rare and criti·净开动时间 net operating time·可使用时间 up time·可用性(可利用率) availability·可靠性为中心的维修 reliability centered maintenance,RCM·平均故障间隔期(平均无故障工作时间) mean time between failures,MTBF ·破坏性故障 catastrophic failure·起重机安全保护 safety protection of crane·最大允许寿命(宣称寿命) maximum permitted life (declared life)·自显故障 self-displayed failure·综合试运行 total commissioning·专群结合 combination of specialists and masses·调整 adjustment·跟踪检查 trail checkout·法定检查 lawful inspection·动特性试验 dynamic performance test·动态精度 dynamic accuracy动态检验 dynamic test·定期点检 periodic fixed point inspection·定期检查 periodic inspection·定期参数检查 periodic parameter examination·定期润滑检查 periodic lubrication check·“三位一体”点检制“three in one” fixed point inspetion system·主观(五官)判断故障 subjective(sensible) failure deciding·一般目视检查 general visual inspection·影响设备效率的六大损失 six major losses affecting running efficiency ·正常检查 normal inspection·巡回检查 patrol inspection·巡回检测 patrol test·无损检查 non-destructive test·停机时间 down time·微观组织检查 examination of microscopic structure·损坏 break down·缺陷 defect·失效(故障) failure·容许故障率 allowable failure rate·日常检查 daily inspection·日常润滑检查 daily lubrication check·设备点检 fixed point inspection of equipment·设备检查 facilities inspection·设备监测 equipment monitoring·设备故障频率 equipment failure frequency·设备故障管理效果评价 result evaluation of plant failure management ·设备诊断技术 equipment diagnostic technique·设备诊断 equipment diagnosis·酸洗检查 inspection with pickling·敲打检查 hammering test磨损检查 wearing inspection·内表面检查 inner surface inspection·故障强度率 failure intensity rate·故障趋于零的“四个阶段” “four steps” to zero failure·故障危害程度 harm extent of failure·故障为零的五项措施 five measures to zero failure·故障(停机)损失 breakdown loss·故障管理程序 program of railure management·故障管理信息 information of failure management·故障修理 troubleshooting·功能检查(功能测试)function inspection,function test·宏观组织检查 examination of macroscopic structure·检定周期 cycle of verification·技术维护 technical service·季节性技术维护 seasonal technical service·计划保全管理 planned maintenance management·解体检查 inspection under disassembled condition·精度检查 accuracy inspection·静态精度 static accurary·可靠性试验 reliability test·可靠性分析 reliability analysis·平均寿命时间(MTTF) mean time to failure·状态监测 condition monitoring·状态检查 condition inspection·点检的主要环节 main items of fixed point inspection改善修理 corrective maintenance·返修率 back repair rate·分级修理 stepped(sizing) repair·分散修理制 decentralized maintenance system·废次品及返修损失 waste and ungraded product and back repair loss ·非预定维修时间 unscheduled maintenance time·定期修理作业 periodic repair task·定期维修法 periodic repair·定位精度 location accuracy·传动精度 transmission accuracy·大修计划修改 revision of overhaul plan·大修计划考核 assesment of overhaul plan·大修计划编制 overhaul planning·大修计划依据 basis of overhaul plan·大修计划完成率 fulfilment rate of overhaul plan·大修计划实施 implementation of overhaul plan·大修费用 overhaul cost·大修成本构成 overhaul cost·大修成本分析 overhaul cost analysis·大修成本完成率 fulfilment rate of overhaul cost·大修保修 overhaul guarantee·大修周期 interval between overhauls, overhaul cycle·大修质量保证体系 guarantee system of overhaul quality·大修理质量评定 overhaul quality evaluation·大修理质量控制 overhaul quality control·大修 overhaul,capital repair·部件修理法 assembly repair·部分修理法 partial repair·补偿法 compensation method·备件生产计划 production program of spqre parts备份或冗余系统 stand-by or redundancy system·标准尺寸修理法 standard-size repair method·八步法“eight steps”method·重复定位精度 repeat location accuracy·中修 middle repair·有可维修备份的系统 system with maintainable standby parts·远距离维修 remote maintenance·预防维修 preventive maintenance·预定维修时间 scheduled maintenance time·预知维修(状态监测维修) predictive maintenance·质量体系 quality system·质量 quality·逾期维修 deferred maintenance·网络计划 network planning·维修技术培训 maintenance skill training·维修间隔(正常运行时间) maintenance interval, uptime·维修活动的经济分析 economic analysis of maintenance activities ·维修工人 maintenance worker·维修防护 maintenance protection·维修车间 maintenance shop·维修预防 maintenance prevention·维修周期 maintenance cycle·维修时间 maintenance time·同步修理法 synchronous repair·停修时间 repair downtime·项修(项目修理) item repair·外委修理 repair on commission·全员参加的生产维修制(TPM) total production maintenance system ·受控维修 controlled maintenance·寿命周期维修 life cycle maintenance热修 hot repair·设备修理计划 repair schedule of equipment·设备修理验收 acceptance check for equipment repair·设备季度修理计划 quarterly repair schedule of equipment·设备技术考核 technical check of equipment·设备大修计划 equipment overhaul plan·设备月度修理计划 monthly repair schedule of equipment·设备维修计划 equipment maintenance plan·设备维修三要素 three essential factors of equipment maintenance ·设备项修计划 item repair plan of equipment·设备年度修理计划 annual repair schedule of equipment·事后修理 breakdown maintenance·抢修 first-aid repair· 大修机床精度 accuracy of machine tool after overhaul·滚动计划 rolling (circulation) plan·管理信息系统维修 MIS maintenance·工程能力指数 process capacity index·工作精度 working accuracy·恢复性修理 recovery repair·机床旋转精度 rotational accuracy of machine tool·机修车间(分厂) machine repair shop·机修技工 maintenance mechanic·机械修复法 mechanical repair method·机械的瞬时效率 instantaneous efficiency of machinery·互换法 interchange method·检验 inspection·集中修理制 centralized maintenance system·几何精度 geometric accuracy·季节性修理 seasonal repair·计划外修理 repair out of plan计划维修 scheduled maintenance·计划预修制(ППP) planned preventive maintenance system·计划修理 planned repair·接触精度 contact accuracy·紧急修理作业 emergency repair task·就地加工修配法 machining and fitting method on the spot ·精度指数 precision index·精度标准 accuracy standard·精度保持性 precision retaining ability·精度储备 precision reserve·精修 fine repair·精修技工 fine repair mechanic·经济精度 economic accuracy·平衡精度等级 balancing precision grade·平均修理时间 mean time to repair(MTTR), mean repair time ·小修 minor repair·修配法 fitting method·修配环 repair link·修理任务书 repair specification·修理施工调度 repair rasks dispatch·修理时间 repair time, shutdown time·修理停歇时间定额 downtime quota for equipment repair ·修理用设备 repair facilities·修理质量 repair quality·修理质量指标 repair quality index·修理质量计划 repair quality plan·修理质量考核 repair quality assessment·修理标识 repair symbols·修理成本考核 repair cost assessment·修理尺寸 repair size修理定额 repair quota·修理费用定额 repair cost quota·修理方案 repair scheme·修理工时定额repair manhour quota·修理工时考核 repair manhours assessment·修理工艺 repair technology·修理工程车 maintenance engineering truck·修理工具 maintenance tool·修理工期考核 repair time limit assessment·修理考核 repair assessment·修前预检 inspection before repair·修前测绘 measuring and drawing before repair·修前访问 inquiry before repair·修后服务 service after repair·最优修理周期 optimum repair cycle·装配精度 assembly accuracy·电修车间(分厂) electric repair shop·电修技工 maintenance electrician·单台设备修理费用核算 repair cost accounting for single equipment·调整法 adjustment method·调整环 adjusting link覆盖件 covering parts·返修品 back repaired products·分散(混合)储备 decentralized storage·分散生产方式 decentralized production mode·分散生产分散储备 decentralized production and decentralized storage ·废品损失 rejection loss·废品率 rejection rate·废品 waste products·存放合理化 storage rationalization·储备形式 storage form·储备恢复周期(订货间隔期) interval between orders·储备限额 storage limit·大型铸锻件 large-sized casting and forging·次品 substandard products·超差品 over-tolerance products·常备备件 runing spare parts·成品 finished products·成品储备 storage of finished products·成对储备 conjugated storage·成对(套)件 conjugated parts·部件储备 storage of assembles·部件 assembly·仓库面积利用率 utilization ratio of storehouse area·备件的“五清” “five clear”for spare parts·备件自给率 self - sufficiency rate of spare parts·备件自然失效 natural failure of spare parts·备件资金的核算法 accounting method of spare parts fund·备件资金占用率 occupation rate of spare parts fund·备件资金周转期 turnover period of spare parts fund·备件资金周转率 turnover rate of spare parts fund备件考核指标 assessment criteria of spare parts managment·备件卡基础资料 elementary data of spare parts cards·备件卡(帐) cards of spare parts·备件库的“五五码放” “five - five tiering”for storehouse of spare parts ·备件库的“三一致” “three coincidence”for storehouse of spare parts ·备件库的“三清” “three clear”for storehouse of spare parts·备件库的“两齐” “two neatness”for storehouse of spare parts·备件库管理工作 management of spare parts storehouse·备件库存供应率 supply rate of spare parts inventory·备件库保管员职责 responsibility of spare parts storehouse manager·备件库职责 responsibilities for storehouses of spare parts·备件库 storehouse for spare parts·备件经济管理 economic management of spare parts·备件经常储备定额 regular storage quota of spare parts·备件计划员 planner responsible for spare parts·备件计算机管理 computer - aided management of spare parts·备件技术员 technician responsible for spare parts·备件技术失效 technical failure of spare parts·备件汇总 collection of spare parts·备件合用率 suitability of spare parts·备件供应率 supply rate of spare parts·备件管理计划工作 planning work of sapre parts management·备件管理技术工作 technical work of spare parts management·备件管理职责 responsibility of spare parts management·备件管理 spare parts management·备件范围 range of spare parts·备件分类工作 classifying work of spare parts·备件订货点法 ordering point method of spare parts·备件订货点 ordering point of spare parts·备件订货量 ordering quantity of spare parts·备件定期订货法 periodic ordering method of spare parts·备件定量订货法 fixed - quantity ordering method of spare parts·备件定量保持法(维持定量法)fixed - quantity keeping method of spare parts ·备件储备的“三点制” “three point system”of spare parts storage·备件储备资金限额 limit of funds for reserve spare parts·备件储备资金 funds for reserve spare parts·备件储备定额 storage quota of spare parts·备件储备失效寿命 storage life of spare parts to failure·备件成本价格 cost price of spare parts·备件采购(供应)周期 delivery cycle of spare parts·备件包装法 packing method of spare parts·备件拥有量 possessed amount of spare parts·备件周转加速率 turnover acceleration rate of spare parts·备件周转率 turnover rate of spare parts·备件质量检验 quality inspection of spare parts·备件图册基本内容 main contents of spare parts album·备件图册质量 quality of spare parts album·备件图册 spare parts album·备件统计分析法 statistical analysis method of spare parts·备件统计 statistic of spare parts·备件消耗量 consumption of spare parts·备件退库率 return rate of spare parts·备件使用寿命 service life of spare parts·备件双箱法(双储备法) double case method of spare parts·备件生产方式 production mode of spare parts·备件寿命 life of spare parts·备件名目卡(帐) item cards of spare parts·备件年平均库存金额 annual average stock sum of spare parts·备件ABC管理法 A,B,C management method of spare parts·备件ABC分类法 A,B,C classifying method of spare parts备件 spare parts·标准件 standard parts·半成品储备 storage of semifinished porducts·半成品 semi-finished products·易损件 vulnerable parts·中心备件库 central storehouse of spare parts·一般备件 running spare parts·液压件 hydraulic parts·在制品 articles being processed·循环性备件 repairable spare parts·限寿机件 life-limited item·特殊储备 special storage·橡胶件 rubber parts·替代品 substitute products·维修用外购物资 outsourcing materials used for maintenance·通用配件商品化 commercialization of general-purpose spare parts·微电子器件 micro-electronic parts of appliances·消耗性备件 consumptive spare parts·消耗定额 consume quota·外协件 outsourcing manufactured parts·外购备件储备定额公式 storage quota formula of outsourcing spare parts ·外购备件 outsourcing spare parts·确定备件的结构分析法 structural analysis method for determining spare parts·润滑件 lubricating parts·设备备件综合卡(帐) integrated cards of equipment spare parts·设备备件卡(帐) cards of equipment spare parts·强制更换件 mandatory replacement item·每个复杂系数备件资金 fund of spare parts per complexity coefficient ·毛坯库 storehouse for stocks·毛坯件 stock毛坯储备 storage of stock·密封件 sealing parts·配件 fittings· 通用(共用)件 general-purpose parts。
15、自动油门不能用油门杆电门切断 A/T will not disconnect with thrust lever switches.
16、2 号高频无线电收发机在所有状态下都不工作 No.2 HF radio transceiver inept using all mode. 17、使用机长及副驾驶的配平电门时,安定面不移动 Stabilizer failed to move using the captain’s and the F/O’s trim switch.
1、1 发推油门时反应慢 No.1 engine slow response to thrust lever increase.
2、2 发震动值高达4 个单位 No.2 engine vibration high, 4 units. 3、1 发遭鸟击,参数不正常,关车。 No.1 engine had bird strike. Engine parameters abnormal. Engine was shut down. 4、1 发滑油消耗量大 No.1 engine oil consumption high.
5、1 发空中停车,发动机滑油压力小于5psi No.1 engine was shutdown in flight. Engine oil pressure was less than 5 PSI.
6、2 发反推不工作,反推手柄内锁不能松开 No.2 engine failed to go into reverse. Reverse lever interlock failed to release. 7、2 发使用左点火系统启动失败,右点火系统正常 No.1 engine failed to start using Left ignition system, right system is OK.
航海英语一:船舶修理一、修理的种类Repair ListsKinds of Repair 修理的种类Voyage Repair 航次修理Annual Repair 岁修修理Guarantee Repair 保修修理Occasional Repair 临时修理Additional Repair 补充修理、加帐修理三、有关船舶修理的句子Sentences Regarding Ship’s RepairRepair List and Expenses 修理单和费用I’ve come to check with you the items in your repair list.我是来和你核对修理单上的项目的。
We have some additional repair items. Here is the additional repair list.我们有些补充修理项目。
Please make out the additional items within two days of the dry-docking of the ship.请在船舶进坞后两天之内制出补充修理单。
Let’s discuss the items on the repair list one by one.让我们一项一项地讨论修理单上的项目。
If you have any questions about the repair list, you can talk to our chief officer/chief engineer/personnel on duty.如果对修理单你还有什么问题,可以和我们的大副/轮机长/值班室人员谈。
I think it’s better to make some alteration/modification to Item No. xx.我想最好对XX项修理内容做些更动/改变。
电力设备维护人员的英语自我介绍Hello, my name is [Your Name], and I am a professional power equipment maintenance engineer with extensive experience in the field. I am excited to have theopportunity to introduce myself and share my qualifications and experience with you.I have been working in the power industry for over [Number] years, specializing in the maintenance and repairof electrical equipment. My career journey began with a Bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering, which provided me with a solid foundation in electrical theory andpractical skills. Since then, I have built a successful career by constantly upgrading my skills and knowledge through on-the-job training and professional certifications.During my career, I have had the opportunity to work on a wide range of electrical equipment, including transformers, generators, switchgear, and more. I am proficient in performing routine maintenance tasks such aslubrication, cleaning, and inspections, as well as diagnosing and repairing complex electrical faults. My ability to troubleshoot and solve problems quickly and efficiently has been a key factor in maintaining the reliability and performance of the equipment I have worked on.In addition to my technical skills, I also possess strong interpersonal and communication abilities. I am able to effectively communicate with technical and non-technical personnel alike, explaining complex technical informationin a clear and understandable manner. This has been crucial in my role, as it allows me to collaborate effectively with my team members and stakeholders to achieve optimal outcomes.One of my proudest achievements is my contribution to a major equipment upgrade project at a power plant. As part of the team, I was responsible for planning and executing the maintenance activities involved in the upgrade. Through meticulous planning and execution, we successfully completed the project within the scheduled timeframe,ensuring that the power plant was able to resume operations with minimal downtime. This experience has further honed my project management and leadership skills, which I believe are invaluable assets in my role as a power equipment maintenance engineer.I am also committed to staying up-to-date with thelatest trends and technologies in the power industry. I regularly participate in industry conferences and workshops, where I have the opportunity to network with peers andlearn about new developments in the field. This allows meto bring fresh ideas and innovative solutions to the maintenance challenges I encounter in my daily work.In conclusion, I am confident that my skills, experience, and commitment to excellence make me an ideal candidate for the role of power equipment maintenance engineer. I am excited about the opportunity to contributeto the reliability and efficiency of the power grid andlook forward to working with a team of dedicated professionals to achieve our goals. Thank you forconsidering my application, and I look forward to the possibility of discussing my qualifications further.。
电池日常使用规范eCar中英文 v3
术语解释 Terminology
正常运营车辆 - 指每天在运营并且充放电的车辆。 Normally operating vehicle - refer to the vehicle which is operated, charged and discharged each day. 机动运营车辆 - 指每月运营频率不固定,无法保证每天充放电的车辆。 Temporarily operating vehicle - refer to the vehicle which is not operated at the fixed frequency each month or not charged and discharged each day. 久放不用车辆 - 指连续存储时间超过15天的车辆。 Long-time stationary vehicle - refer to the vehicle which is not operated in more than 15 consecutive days. SOC - 指电池剩余电量的比例。 SOC - refer to the proportion of residual capacity of the battery. CATL - 中文名是宁德时代新能源科技股份有限公司。 CATL - Ningde Contemporary Amperex Technology Limited.
3. 在操作和维护电池系统时需穿戴绝缘手套,严禁佩戴手表等金属饰品。Wear insulating gloves in operation and maintenance of the battery system. Do not wear metal ornaments.
4. 在清洗车辆时,应避开高压元器件,避免与水接触后产生不良后果。Any behavior of damaging the batter system, such as extrusion, puncturing and burning, will be prohibited.
M6-2Daily Maintenance of Crushers
Module 2: Daily Maintenance Procedures for Crushers MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES FOR CRUSHERSAND AUXILIARY EQUIPMENT破碎机及其辅助设备的维修程序Daily maintenance 日常维修Daily Maintenance, also known as corrective maintenance, comprises of inspections, observations, meter readings, etc. The results from the daily maintenance procedures should be registered and transferred to the plant‘s mechanical department, where they will form the basis for the preventive maintenance.日常维修,也就是通常说的故障维修,包含检查,观察,仪表查看等等。
Responsibility 责任:Normally machine operators.保证设备的正常运行Module 2: Daily Maintenance Procedures for CrushersPreventive Maintenance:预防性维修Preventive Maintenance, comprising cleaning, replacement of e.g. wear parts and lubricants, status checks and adjustments.预防性维修包括清洁,更换每一个磨损部件和润滑剂,状态检查和调整。
特种设备名词术语(综合部分)(第二次修改稿)1.3.1检验员 Junior inspector持有省级以上(含省级)特种设备安全管理部门颁发的有效证件,从事规定范围的特种设备检验工作的技术人员。
按《锅炉压力容器压力管道及特种设备检验人员资格考核规则》编撰1.3.2检验师 inspector持有国家质检总局颁发的有效中级资格证件,从事规定范围的特种设备检验工作的技术人员按《锅炉压力容器压力管道及特种设备检验人员资格考核规则》编撰1.3.3高级检验师Senior inspector持有国家质检总局颁发的有效证件,从事规定范围的特种设备检验、科研、重大事故调查分析处理和技术法规标准编写工作的高级技术人员。
按《锅炉压力容器压力管道及特种设备检验人员资格考核规则》编撰1.3.4锅炉水质监测单位 Boiler water surveillance testing body取得国家质检总局颁发的相应有效证件,专门从事锅炉水质监测的特种设备检验检测机构。
《锅炉水处理监督管理规则》编撰1.3.5锅炉水质监测人员 Boiler water surveillance testing personnel取得设区的市质量技术监督部门颁发的有效证件,专门从事锅炉水质监测工作的技术人员。
《锅炉水处理监督管理规则》编撰1.3.6特种设备无损检测人员 Special Equipment NDT Inspector持有国家质检总局颁发的相应有效证件,从事规定种类无损检测工作的专业技术人员。
按《特种设备无损检测人员考核与监督管理规则》编撰1.3.7Ⅰ级无损检测人员LevelⅠNDE Inspector指持有省级(或省级以下)质量技术监督部门颁发的Ⅰ级相应无损检测种类资格证书,从事检测数据记录,整理检测资料的技术人员或技术工人。
1.3.8Ⅱ级无损检测人员Level Ⅱ NDE Inspector指持有省级质量技术监督部门颁发的Ⅱ级相应无损检测种类别资格证书的技术人员。
Equipment maintenance procedure
Equipment Maintenance Procedure1.0 PurposeIdentify and control the equipment/ tooling used in production to ensure the normal using statue of equipment and meet the requirements of product quality.2.0 Scope of applicationApply to all equipment used in production which must identified、recorded、maintained、repaired.3.0 Responsibilities3.1 Production Department: Responsible for counting and managing all equipmentbelongs to production department.3.2 Production Department: Responsible for daily maintenance all equipment belongs toproduction department.4.0 Specific operation content4.1 Equipment requirement4.1.1 All equipment in the company shall be made by the manager and (or) thegeneral manager of the company in accordance with the actual needs ofthe configuration.4.1.2 If the department have new needs, the department responsible personshould truthfully reflect and fill 《Purchasing Requisition》toadministrative department. The administrative department shall besubmitted to the management representative and (or), general managerfor checking and approval, then ministry of PMC arrange procurementdepartment staff to implement the procurement.4.2 Numbering and identification of equipment4.2.1 The numbering method of equipment is executed in accordance with the codefor fixed assets in the 《coding operation guidelines》.4.2.2 All equipment shall be labeled “Permit” and(or) “Fixed assets” card, markedequipment indicate, equipment name, number, or data of inspection, the inspector. Ifit is found that the operation of the equipment or function is not normal, must put amoratorium on the use of “Red card”, and indicate the device name, number,suspend the used of reason.4.3 Equipment file4.3.1 Production department is responsible for establishing and maintaining the 《Listof machinery and equipment》for all equipment in production.4.3.2 According to needs, the production department is responsible for establishingand maintain 《Equipment sector list》.4.3.3 If the need new equipment, lent, exchange, scrap and other circumstance,should immediately update the 《Equipment list》and add the appropriate documents(Such as operating guidelines, license or fixed assets card).4.4 Determine the level of equipment maintenance and maintenance4.4.1 Production department according to <list of machinery and equipment>, prepare<Equipment maintenance and annual maintenance plan>, Equipment maintenanceand monthly maintenance plan>.4.4.2 According to the original maintenance manual>,which is together with machinewhen machine arrived company, production department can determine theequipment will be maintained annual, monthly, daily three level program maintenance,if the equipment is not required monthly maintenance, then it belongs to second levelprogram maintenance or annual and daily maintenance. If the equipment is requiredannual, monthly and daily maintenance, then it belongs to third level programmaintenance. If the equipment is only need daily maintenance, it belongs to dailymaintenance.4.4.3 All maintenance levels must be indicated on <equipment operation guidelines>of the equipment.4.4.4 The computer equipment of department is define as daily maintenance, no need to compile<Equipment maintenance plan>4.4.5 All non direct production equipment or the equipment that not affect the quality,which not need to have corresponding operational guidelines, but the corresponding<Safety operation rules>(the machines which have direct or indirect effects on theproduct quality related to safe operation need to be included in the corresponding<operation guideline document>.4.5 Maintenance of equipment.4.5.1 Responsible person who is charge of production department is responsible for supervisingthe operator who operate the equipment to daily maintain and clean the equipmentaccording to the operation guidance document and/or <Safety operation proceduresof the equipment operation>.4.5.2 The production department is responsible for the daily cleaning of the fixtureand tools used in production department.4.5.3 The equipment operator in this department is responsible for maintaining theequipment and recorded in the <equipment record card>. If the equipment need tostop according to the production plan, which also should be recorded in <Equipmentrecord card>.4.5.4 The administrative department is responsible for the annual and monthlymaintenance of equipment, and recorded in the <Equipment annualmaintenancerecords> and <Equipment monthly maintenance records>.4.5.5 Equipment repairIf Equipment cannot be normal use or failure is found, department responsibility should apply to the administrative for repair. The administrative department arrange professionalperson to repair equipment according to original equipment manual or maintenanceinstruction and <equipment record card>.4.6.2 Equipment maintenance person must be fill in <equipment maintenance records>with date of repair, maintenance, fault causes, maintenance methods, the signaturefrom the department responsibility, and recording in the <Equipment record card>.4.6.3 When maintenance department unable to carry out equipment repair, the administrationdepartment will inform the equipment manufacture or service contractors for repair.The repair result must be indicated in the <Equipment record card>, and recorded inthe <Equipment maintenance record>.4.7 Equipment scrape4.7.1 When the equipment unable to repair due to aging, unable normal use and couldnot repair, The maintenance and technical person from administrative departmentshould fill in the <Equipment Scrap application Form>, and approved by generalmanager or management representative, then the equipment can be scraped.4.7.2 Must specify the equipment name/number, scrap reason, maintenance staff,confirmed by the administrative department, general manager/managementrepresentative for approval. At the same time, when the equipment scrape, related<equipment list>,<Equipment history record> need be appropriate modified andproper preservation.4.7.3 After <Equipment scrap application form> was approved, hang red <scrap card>and return the equipment to warehouse for unified treatment.5.0 Related documents()6.0 Related Record<Equipment annual maintenance Plan><Equipment Monthly maintenance Plan><Equipment History Record><Equipment repair and maintenance record>。
电修工岗位职责英文回答:As an electrician, I am responsible for a wide range of duties that ensure the safe and efficient operation of electrical systems. My responsibilities include:Installation and maintenance of electrical systems: I install, maintain, and repair electrical wiring, fixtures, and equipment in residential, commercial, and industrial settings. This includes running new wiring, replacing old wires, and troubleshooting electrical problems. For instance, I recently installed a new electrical panel in a home, ensuring that the electrical system could handle the increased load from new appliances.Troubleshooting and repair of electrical faults: I diagnose and repair electrical faults to restore power and prevent safety hazards. This involves identifying the cause of the fault, such as a short circuit or blown fuse, andtaking steps to correct it. For example, I recently repaired a faulty circuit breaker that was causing a power outage in a building.Inspection and testing of electrical systems: I inspect and test electrical systems to ensure they meet safety standards and operate efficiently. This involves checking the condition of wiring, fixtures, and equipment, as well as conducting tests to verify proper functionality. For instance, I recently inspected the electrical system of a commercial building to ensure it complied with local electrical codes.Collaboration with other trades: I collaborate with other trades, such as carpenters, plumbers, and HVAC technicians, to coordinate the installation and maintenance of electrical systems. This involves working together to ensure that all systems are properly integrated and functioning safely. For example, I recently worked with a carpenter to install new electrical outlets in a remodeled kitchen.Compliance with safety regulations: I adhere to all applicable safety regulations and industry standards to ensure the safety of myself and others. This involves following proper lockout/tagout procedures, wearing appropriate protective gear, and using safe work practices. For instance, I always wear gloves and safety glasses when working on live electrical circuits.中文回答:作为一名电工,我负责一系列工作职责,以确保电气系统的安全高效运行。
墩头岗位职责英文回答:Job Title: Maintenance Supervisor。
Responsibilities:Supervise and manage maintenance activities to ensure the efficient and safe operation of all equipment and facilities.Plan, schedule, and coordinate maintenance tasks, including preventive maintenance, repairs, and overhauls.Monitor maintenance operations and ensure compliance with established procedures and safety standards.Identify and assess maintenance needs, and develop and implement maintenance plans.Manage maintenance budgets and procure necessary materials, supplies, and equipment.Recruit, train, and supervise maintenance staff, ensuring their competency and adherence to company standards.Collaborate with other departments to ensure seamless maintenance planning and execution.Stay abreast of industry best practices and technological advancements in maintenance, and implement them to enhance operations.Document maintenance activities, including work orders, inspection reports, and preventive maintenance schedules.Provide support and guidance to maintenance personnel, resolving technical issues and ensuring timely completionof tasks.Conduct regular performance evaluations and providefeedback to maintenance staff to foster professional development.Maintain a clean, organized, and safe work environment in the maintenance area.Adhere to all applicable safety regulations and procedures.Requirements:Bachelor's degree in engineering, maintenance management, or a related field.5+ years of experience in maintenance supervision or management.Strong understanding of maintenance principles, techniques, and industry best practices.Excellent communication, interpersonal, and leadership skills.Proficient in maintenance management software and computerized maintenance management systems (CMMS).Ability to work independently and as part of a team.Strong attention to detail and a commitment to quality.中文回答:职位名称,维护主管。
To sum up总而言之Dosums算术Safety protectionof crane起重机的安全保护Productive maintenance生产维修Equipment service specification设备维修规程Periodic service of equipment 设备的定期检查Regional service of equipment设备的区域维修Dropping your pants降低产品价格求购Lose face 失面子Green light 可行的Save one's neck免受处罚Stare from scratch白手起家Keep a good house受到好的招待For a song 便宜的Never say under不肯承认Put onair摆架子Encroach upon染指Get snubbed碰钉子Show magnanimity更高姿态Dawdle a long待工Small a rot 感到不妙Covet money 贪财Not reveal one's silver in pocket 财不外露Make a humble fortune 理财有方Regard money as one's life 爱财如命A mass great fortune 一大笔财富Unit 2Commodity inspection商品检测Plant model selection设备模具的选择(设备选择) Investment plan of plant设备投资计划Plant renewal 设备的更新Open-case inspection 开箱检查Claim for equipment 索赔(设备)Cross over structure 跨越结构Static strength 静力强度分析The lion share 最大的分量Think tank 智能团Anoutright majority 绝大多数Live up to a promise 实现,守诺言Chief Representative行政专家Chief executive行政主管Department manager 部门主管Research and development研究与发展International Monetary Fund国际货币基金组织Human resource department人力资源部门Horrific/horrible/terrific恐吓Make like an alligator急忙,匆忙For good measure附加Set one's heart on something非常想要Load upon吃多了The dead of night 深夜Butter somebodyup哄骗Here goes 马上着手Tell on 告发,指控Hear through道听途说Be seem all in 筋疲力尽As like two peas 非常相似的To compete/to contend/to contest 激烈的竞争The two teams are contend for the championship两队非常激烈的竞争冠军赛It is good farther that knows his son再好的父亲都未必完全了解自己的儿子It is good horse that never stumbles 人有失手,马有失蹄It is an ill bird that fouls its own nest 再病的鸟也不会弄脏自己的窝Showingoff 炫耀Does the baby cat mother's milk or cow milk? Is the breast -fed or bottle-fed母乳还是人工奶Artificial fed人工喂奶Isn't shea killer?美人Knock out绝世美人,非常出色Safety procedure 安全程序Routine inspection 例行检查Unit 3Operation specification of equipment设备操作规程Specification of usage 设备使用规程Equipment service specification 设备维护规程Plant maintenance specification 检修规程Plant manager system设备管理制度Examinable a check system of plant manager设备管理考核制度Facility inspection and appraise through comparison for plant 设备检修评比Book value and intrinsic valuce设备(指旧的)固有价值Cyclical and secular周期性和长期性Good-will大家服务信誉,好意的Nominal and virtual 名义上经常做假账Price/earnings ratio 市盈的能力Off-balance transactions 负债之外的交易,帐外交易Draw a blank 突然忘记,失忆Dead serious极其严肃的Eat to /to upset /to angry非常心烦意乱Freakout情绪失控That makes me sick恶心Get out of shape十分生气Get away with sth(to)做某事的诡计Absolutely not绝对不是,绝对否认Get out of someone's face不要打扰别人Give someone a favor 帮某人一个忙to be disgusting非常讨厌Simplified and safe operation操作简单和安全Act a test (to) to do extremely完全做测试做某事Wellontest适当进行测试Blow sth to/to fail at sth 做某事做砸了Heart(~)With all / and soul 全心全意One's heart being a five心急如焚Ring in one's ~ 牵肠挂肚Ingoing one's heart 进入某人的心Bring ones ~ into one's mouthHaving the ~to dosth全心全意做某事With a heavy ~ 心情非常沉重Break one's ~ 心痛心碎Bare heart 非常潜入的交心Set ~ at ease 非常放心,放松Witha half~做事三心两意Will someone ~ 赢得某人信任Have ~of gold 有金子般的心From ~ button 发自内心的Unit4 5Meet with/come across/run into遇见某人Three well doing for use of facility 设备“三好”Operator "four basic skills"现场操作人员的“四会”Safety procedure 安全规程Routine in section 正常检修A cat may look at a king 猫也是国王(小人也可以评论大人物)A Penny saved is a Penny earned节约一个便士就是挣了一个便士A watch pot never boils 心急锅不开。