electron autoupdater releasenotes
electron autoupdater releasenotes “Electron自动更新器发布说明”随着技术的不断发展,软件更新已经成为用户体验中重要的一环。
第二步:Electron自动更新器的主要特性有哪些?Electron自动更新器具有以下主要特性:1. 自动检查更新:自动更新器会定期检查可用的更新,并在发现新版本时通知用户。
2. 后台下载:自动更新器可以在后台下载更新文件,不会干扰用户对应用程序的使用。
3. 断点续传:如果下载过程中出现网络中断或其他问题,自动更新器支持断点续传,确保下载的完整性。
4. 安装选项:一旦下载完成,自动更新器会为用户提供安装选项,以便他们可以自由选择何时安装更新。
5. 下载进度通知:自动更新器会显示下载进度,以提供用户更新的实时状态。
6. 更新日志展示:自动更新器可以显示更新日志,让用户了解新版本的改进和修复的问题。
第三步:如何在Electron应用程序中使用自动更新器?要在Electron应用程序中使用自动更新器,您可以按照以下步骤进行设置:1. 安装electron-updater包:在您的Electron项目中,使用npm或yarn安装electron-updater包。
2. 配置自动更新器:在主进程(main.js)文件中配置自动更新器,指定更新内容和更新服务器的URL。
3. 定义自动更新的策略:您可以定义自动更新的频率和方式,例如启动应用程序时自动检查更新或用户手动触发更新。
Release notesOffboard Diagnostic Information System ServiceRelease 3.0.0 (1)New functions (1)Resolved system defects (2)Vehicle restrictions (2)Supported vehicle models (2)This chapter contains the supported vehicle models (2)Supported AUDI-Models (2)Supported Volkswagen-Models (2)Supported Volkswagen Nutzfahrzeuge-Models (2)Supported Seat-Models (2)Supported Skoda-Models (2)Supported Bentley-Models (2)Supported Lamborghini-Models (2)Release 3.0.0This release is a new base version with new functions. It has to be installed via SingleSetup.New functions•ODIS Service SingleSetup does not install Adobe Reader.•ODIS Service SingleSetup does not install Virtual Keyboard.•Support of diagnostic interface VAS6154.•It is possible to flash an old ECU software version.•Display of ECU flashability in self-diagnosis is improved.•The contents of the diagnostic protocol are extended.•Support requests contain hardware and software version of tester PC.•Order number is used for diagnostic protocol and diagnostic session filenames.•Improved manual variant identification.•Display of names of teststeps can be switched off in GFF..•Stabilization of GFF hotfix mechanism.•Diagnostic adresses of ECUs are shown with four digts.•Improvemed access to self-diagnosis functions.•New hardware configuration manager for VAS5054/VAS5055.•Disclaimer changed.•Changes in ODIS Service update process•Display of TSB tree without DISS coding.•Support requests may be stored.•Display of connection type for diagnostic hardware.•Support of Internet Explorer 11.Resolved system defects•Search in Measured Value Tables did not work correctly.•Increased occurence of error 4009E•Some immobilizers could not be adapted.•Missing timestamp when sending support request in diagnostic protocol Vehicle restrictions•For brand AUDI, the Flash mode is supported.•For brand Volkswagen PKW, the Flash mode is restricted. The usage is only allowed if described in technical bulletins.•Flash mode is not supported for all other brands.•Only immobilizer components are diagnosable in LT2 vehicles.Supported vehicle modelsThis chapter contains the supported vehicle modelsSupported AUDI-Models•All AUDI vehicle models are supported.Supported Volkswagen-Models•All Volkswagen vehicle models are supported.Supported Volkswagen Nutzfahrzeuge-Models•2K - Caddy 2004 >•7H/7J - Transporter 2004 >•2C - Caddy 2011 >•7E/7F - Transporter 2010 >•2H - Amarok 2010 >•2E/2F - Crafter 2006-2015 >Supported Seat-Models•All Seat vehicle models are supported.Supported Skoda-Models•All Skoda vehicle models are supported.Supported Bentley-Models•All Bentley vehicle models are supported.Supported Lamborghini-Models•All Lamborghini vehicle models are supported.。
Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Release Notes Release 1
Oracle® Retail Xstore SuiteRelease NotesRelease 15.0.4F38395-02March 2021This document highlights the major changes for Release 15.0.4 of Oracle Retail XstoreSuite.OverviewOracle Retail Xstore Suite 15.0.4 includes the products below.Oracle Retail Xstore Point of ServiceOracle Retail Xstore Point of Service is a point-of-sale application that provides thecapabilities to carry out day-to-day transactions and conduct daily store activities.Tasks such as scanning items, applying price adjustments, tendering, and printingreceipts as well as processing returns and web orders can be performed. Storeoperations including opening the store, managing registers and tills, and closing thestore can be handled through Oracle Retail Xstore Point of Service.As part of Oracle Retail Xstore Point of Service, these release notes include informationabout Xstore Point of Service Mobile and Xenvironment.Oracle Retail Xstore OfficeOracle Retail Xstore Office is a central web-based management console that providesfor the facile management of the data and configurations that empower yourassociates. The user interface within Oracle Retail Xstore Office provides streamlinedfunctionality that guides users through configuration changes, data changes, anddeployments. Granular security access can create a custom experience for users of allaccess levels. Multiple support tools and alerts enable IT leaders to take a proactiveapproach to managing multiple installations.Hardware and Software RequirementsSee the Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Implementation and Security Guide for informationabout the following:■Hardware and software requirements■Oracle Retail application software compatibilityTechnical EnhancementsThe technical enhancements below have been added to the Oracle Retail Xstore Suite:MiddlewareOracle Retail Xstore Suite Release15.0.4 is supported for use with the following Middleware components:■Tomcat 8.5.60OAuth2 Authentication and AuthorizationWeb service access from the on-premise Xstore Suite applications to the Omnichannel Cloud applications such as Order Broker (OROB), Customer Engagement (ORCE), Order Management System (OROMS), and XBRi can be enabled by using OAuth2 Authentication and Authorization.Defect Fixes and DocumentationA defect fix is a modification to the base Oracle Retail Xstore Point of Service code (for example, a bug fix, a performance enhancement, a functional enhancement, or a technical enhancement). The file named DEFECT MODULE XREF Xstore Suite15.0.4.xls lists every defect number and the modules and scripts that are added or modified in the release. The file is posted to My Oracle Support at the following location: Oracle Retail Defect Document Listings (Doc ID: 2021275.1).Review the file carefully before applying this patch. Please note that scripts do not preserve data. Make sure that all data is backed up before you run any script. Noteworthy Defect FixesThe following noteworthy defect fixes are included in this release. The following is not a complete list. See DEFECT MODULE XREF Xstore Suite 15.0.4.xls for a complete list of the defect fixes for Xstore Suite 15.0.4.Affected Component Fixed Issue/Defect Defect NumberXstore POS Xstore generates the Epson driver call to check thetransaction transmission now.31648356RTLog Fixed an issue with a special order including a groupdiscount.30865833Xstore Office The Store Assignment function in the DataManagement is saving new stores when there is anexisting store range.31308853Transaction Discount A rounding issue while applying an amount offtransaction discount has been fixed.31143387RTLog The promotion component field is populated correctlyin the RTLog now.26674449RTLog An error in the RTLogFormatConfig.xml has beenfixed.28565651RTLog Fixed an issue when a voided or refund line has morethan one tax authority and at least one has a differentsign.28358207Xstore POS When a customer’s first or last name is updated, theupdate is displayed in the UI now.26954035Known IssuesFor a list of known issues, speak with your Oracle product representative.Related DocumentationFor more information, see the following documents in the Oracle Commerce Retail Xstore Suite 15.0.4 documentation set:■Oracle Retail Xstore Suite 15.0.4 Implementation and Security GuideDocumentation AccessibilityFor information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the OracleAccessibility Program website at/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=docacc .Access to Oracle SupportOracle customers that have purchased support have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For information, visit/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=info or visit/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=trs if you are hearing impaired.PromotionsEnd dates for promotions updated in RPM are correctly updated in the prc_deal table.31600750Customer Maintenance/Order Broker OrderEnsured that postal code, city and province are populated correctly for orders if they are not set as required fields.31098111RTLog RTLog no longer overwrites the total Credit Card Amount over the individual card amounts at register count.31214041Electronic Journal Fixed an issue of displaying transactions with voided tenders on the Electronic Journal.31313051Xstore Office/Data Management Employee Fixed an issue creating an employee record for country Sri Lanka.31030735Order Broker Order The deposit amount is removed when the line item is voided in order mode. 31861492Affected ComponentFixed Issue/Defect Defect NumberOracle Retail Xstore Suite Release Notes, Release 15.0.4F38395-02Copyright © 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.This software and related documentation are provided under a license agreement containing restrictions on use and disclosure and are protected by intellectual property laws. Except as expressly permitted in your license agreement or allowed by law, you may not use, copy, reproduce, translate, broadcast, modify, license, transmit, distribute, exhibit, perform, publish, or display any part, in any form, or by any means. Reverse engineering, disassembly, or decompilation of this software, unless required by law for interoperability, is prohibited.The information contained herein is subject to change without notice and is not warranted to be error-free. If you find any errors, please report them to us in writing.If this is software or related documentation that is delivered to the U.S. Government or anyone licensing it on behalf of the U.S. Government, then the following notice is applicable:U.S. GOVERNMENT END USERS: Oracle programs, including any operating system, integrated software, any programs installed on the hardware, and/or documentation, delivered to U.S. Government end users are "commercial computer software" pursuant to the applicable Federal Acquisition Regulation and agency-specific supplemental regulations. As such, use, duplication, disclosure, modification, and adaptation of the programs, including any operating system, integrated software, any programs installed on the hardware, and/or documentation, shall be subject to license terms and license restrictions applicable to the programs. No other rights are granted to the U.S. Government.This software or hardware is developed for general use in a variety of information management applications. It is not developed or intended for use in any inherently dangerous applications, including applications that may create a risk of personal injury. If you use this software or hardware in dangerous applications, then you shall be responsible to take all appropriate fail-safe, backup, redundancy, and other measures to ensure its safe use. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates disclaim any liability for any damages caused by use of this software or hardware in dangerous applications.Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.Intel and Intel Xeon are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation. All SPARC trademarks are used under license and are trademarks or registered trademarks of SPARC International, Inc. AMD, Opteron, the AMD logo, and the AMD Opteron logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Advanced Micro Devices. UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group.This software or hardware and documentation may provide access to or information about content, products, and services from third parties. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates are not responsible for and expressly disclaim all warranties of any kind with respect to third-party content, products, and services unless otherwise set forth in an applicable agreement between you and Oracle. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates will not be responsible for any loss, costs, or damages incurred due to your access to or use of third-party content, products, or services, except as set forth in an applicable agreement between you and Oracle.Value-Added Reseller (VAR) LanguageOracle Retail VAR ApplicationsThe following restrictions and provisions only apply to the programs referred to in this section and licensed to you. You acknowledge that the programs may contain third party software (VAR applications) licensed to Oracle. Depending upon your product and its version number, the VAR applications may include:(i) the MicroStrategy Components developed and licensed by MicroStrategy Services Corporation (MicroStrategy) of McLean, Virginia to Oracle and imbedded in the MicroStrategy for Oracle Retail Data Warehouse and MicroStrategy for Oracle Retail Planning & Optimization applications.(ii) the Wavelink component developed and licensed by Wavelink Corporation (Wavelink) of Kirkland, Washington, to Oracle and imbedded in Oracle Retail Mobile Store Inventory Management.(iii) the software component known as Access Via™ licensed by Access Via of Seattle, Washington, and imbedded in Oracle Retail Signs and Oracle Retail Labels and Tags.(iv) the software component known as Adobe Flex™ licensed by Adobe Systems Incorporated of San Jose, California, and imbedded in Oracle Retail Promotion Planning & Optimization application.You acknowledge and confirm that Oracle grants you use of only the object code of the VAR Applications. Oracle will not deliver source code to the VAR Applications to you. Notwithstanding any other term or condition of the agreement and this ordering document, you shall not cause or permit alteration of any VAR Applications. For purposes of this section, "alteration" refers to all alterations, translations, upgrades, enhancements, customizations or modifications of all or any portion of the VAR Applications including all reconfigurations, reassembly or reverse assembly,re-engineering or reverse engineering and recompilations or reverse compilations of the VAR Applications or any derivatives of the VAR Applications. You acknowledge that it shall be a breach of the agreement to utilize the relationship, and/or confidential information of the VAR Applications for purposes of competitive discovery.The VAR Applications contain trade secrets of Oracle and Oracle's licensors and Customer shall not attempt, cause, or permit the alteration, decompilation, reverse engineering, disassembly or other reduction of the VAR Applications to a human perceivable form. Oracle reserves the right to replace, with functional equivalent software, any of the VAR Applications in future releases of the applicable program.。
10.ADS40模型裁切里“合并ads”, “合并并且裁切”,“可视化选模型”三个按钮不要使用。
Flexible body generation
5. Analysis techniques
Defining a local coordinate system for materials in Eulerian elent to adaptive mesh refinement
Bidirectional import of parameters using the CATIA V6 Associative Interface
4. Analysis procedures
The AMS eigensolver can extract coupled structural-acoustic eigenmodes
This documentation and the software described in this documentation are subject to change without prior notice.
No part of this documentation may be reproduced or distributed in any form without prior written permission of Dassault Systèmes or its subsidiary.
AMS eigensolver performance improvements
Specifying additional volume in a fluid cavity
K–epsilon realizable turbulence model in Abaqus/CFD
Industrial IT Control SystemFreelanceVersion 9.2 SP1Release NotesRelease NotesVersion 9.2 SP1Industrial IT Control System FreelanceVersion 9.2 SP1NOTICEThe information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not beconstrued as a commitment by ABB. ABB assumes no responsibility for any errors thatmay appear in this document.In no event shall ABB be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequentialdamages of any nature or kind arising from the use of this document, nor shall ABB beliable for incidental or consequential damages arising from use of any software or hard-ware described in this document.This document and parts thereof must not be reproduced or copied without written per-mission from ABB, and the contents thereof must not be imparted to a third party nor usedfor any unauthorized purpose.The software or hardware described in this document is furnished under a license andmay be used, copied, or disclosed only in accordance with the terms of such license.This product meets the requirements specified in EMC Directive 89/336/EEC and in LowVoltage Directive 72/23/EEC.Copyright © 2010 ABBAll rights reserved.Release:August 2011Document number:2PAA103593R0501TRADEMARKSRegistrations and trademarks used in this document include:Windows Registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.ActiveX Registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.PostScript Registered trademark of Adobe Systems Inc.Acrobat Reader Registered trademark of Adobe Systems Inc.Industrial IT Trademark of ABB.Table of ContentsTable of contentsSection 1 - IntroductionVersion Designation (7)Released Software (7)Compatible Software (7)Limitations of this Release (9)Released Hardware (10)Upgrades / Sentinel (10)Section 2 - Functionality - New in V9.2 SP1Operating System (11)New in Installation (12)Supported Windows Operating Systems (12)New in Control Builder F (13)Hardware Manager (13)Section 3 - Known Problems and WorkaroundsInstallation (15)Subnet mask (15)Software-Upgrade (15)User Configuration with Configure Tool (15)OPC Configuration (16)Uninstallation under Windows 7 (17)Control Builder F (17)Project import (17)GSD-based Profibus-Slave (17)Commissioning and Field busses (18)Terminal for diagnostic (18)Hardware (18)2PAA103593R05015Table of ContentsS700 Profibus slave (19)Input/Output IO (19)Using DTMs (19)DigiVis (21)No data values from the trend server (21)Error while closing DigiVis on a Windows 7 System (21)Bulk Data Manager (22)Project export to BDM (22)Section 4 - InstallationSystem Requirements (Operating System) (23)Installation of the Software (24)Project Upgrade (24)Upgrade of DTMs (25)Anti virus program (25)Setups (25)Service Hotline (26)Appendix A - Compatible Hardware VersionsCPU modules / CPU-Baugruppen (27)I/O modules / E/A-Baugruppen (30)Fieldbus modules / Feldbus-Baugruppen (36)Ethernet modules / Ethernet-Baugruppen (38)Communication modules / Kommunikations-Baugruppen (39)Power supplies / Spannungsversorgungen (40)S700 Profibus slave components / Komponenten des S700-Profibus-Slave (41)Compatibility of PM802F modules (44)62PAA103593R0501Section 1 Introduction Version Designation2PAA103593R05017Section 1 IntroductionThese release notes describe the changes in software version 9.2 SP1 as comparedto software version 9.2.This document is intended to provide information on the Freelance hardware andsoftware that is not (yet) described in user manuals, sales information, or any otherkind of product information. Additionally, it describes problems and errors in thesoftware or documentation that were found too late to be included in thecorresponding manual.Version DesignationReleased SoftwareThe basic Freelance System in English and German is the subject of this release.Refer to the document PacketAssembly_V92SP1_US.pdf for the full name of thereleased software version. In the following text, this version will be calledV9.2patible SoftwareWith version 9.2 SP1 compatible software packages like DTMs and CBF Viewerare provided with the Freelance product CD. Depending on the used Windowsoperating system this Freelance version V9.2 SP1 is compatible with the followingsoftware packages.Windows XPThis Freelance version 9.2 SP1 on a PC with Windows XP is compatible withfollowing DTMs for PROFIBUS Remote I/Os:•ABB S800 I/O DTM; Version 5.2•ABB DTM S900-DP-DTM,; Version 2.9.5, Firmware Device V1.5.9•ABB Basic HART DTM Version 5.1Version Designation Section 1 Introduction82PAA103593R0501Windows 7This Freelance version 9.2 SP1 on a PC with Windows 7 is compatible withfollowing DTMs for PROFIBUS Remote I/Os:•ABB S800 I/O DTM; Version 5.3•ABB DTM S900-DP-DTM,; Version 3.0.0, Firmware Device V1.5.9•ABB Basic HART DTM Version 5.2Windows XP and Windows 7Freelance Version 9.2 SP1 is also compatible with the DTMs for HART andProfibus PA devices which are listed as interoperable in the data sheets3BDD011926 Rev September 2010 or higher "HART DTM for Freelance andAC870P Melody" and 3BDD011925 Rev September 2010 or higher "PROFIBUSDTM for Freelance and AC870P Melody".Updates of these data sheets will also contain compatibility statements for FreelanceVersion 9.2 SP1. The data sheets can be found in the ABBLibrary/abblibrary/downloadcenter under:Control Systems / Freelance / Device Management HART / HART DTMandControl Systems / Freelance / Device Management PROFIBUS /PROFIBUSDTM.Version 9.2 SP1 is also compatible with the LD 800HSE Firmware Version1.46.1.02. Further details can be found in the ABBLibrary under:Control Systems / Freelance / Device Management FOUNDATION Fieldbus /Infrastructure / FOUNDATION Fieldbus Linking Device LD 800HSEFor the complete version overview please refer to the document 2PAA103000Revision July 2010 or higher “Freelance - Device Management - IntegratedFOUNDATION Fieldbus Devices”.Control Systems / Freelance / Device Management FOUNDATION Fieldbus /Device IntegrationSection 1 Introduction Version Designation2PAA103593R05019Limitations of this ReleaseNo DDE-Support on a Windows 7 PCThe standard inter process communication protocol DDE (Dynamic DataExchange) is not supported with Windows 7. For this reason a Freelance DDEserver cannot be installed ion a PC with Windows 7 operating system.Restricted Capacity for FI 840F modules with hardware index lower than 03.00Data access to FF devices may lead to fatal error under rare conditions in case morethan two FI 840F modules are plugged into an AC 800F. Depending on yourconfiguration for the "Reset on fatal error" behavior the CPU will either stop theprogram execution or perform a reset.Therefore it is strongly recommend to not use more than two FI 840F modules within one AC 800F.This limitation is valid only for older versions of the FI 840F module. Starting withhardware index 03.00 again up to 4 modules can be used in one controller.Station type AC 700FThe following functions are not released to be used with the station type AC 700F:•Telecontrol Library •Ethernet Send and Receive function blocks •Sartorius Scale Coupling •Protronic CouplingThese function blocks can be used within the configuration. The plausibility checkreports an error if telecontrol, send and receive or Sartorius scale functions are usedfor AC700F.The Protronic function blocks can be configured and checked for AC 700Fwithout an error message.The Protronic function blocks must not be loaded to AC 700F; loading thesefunction blocks leads to a crash of the AC 700F controller.(#15417 - RN-V921_022)Upgrades / Sentinel Section 1 IntroductionReleased HardwareThe functionality “Profibus with AC700F” is released only for usage with newerhardware revisions of the PM783F CPU module - A3 and higher.For all details for the released controllers and IO components refer to Appendix A,Compatible Hardware VersionsUpgrades / SentinelAutomation Sentinel was introduced for Freelance end of 2007. All SoftCareagreements valid at time were rearranged to "Automation Sentinel for Freelance".From now on upgrades are available only via Automation Sentinel. Details aredescribed in Automation Sentinel Product Guide, document number 3BSE047996. 102PAA103593R0501Section 2 Functionality - New in V9.2 SP1Operating System Section 2 Functionality - New in V9.2 SP1 Operating SystemWindows 7Starting with this version V9.2 SP1 Freelance software has been released for usewith the operating system Windows 7 Professional, Enterprise and Ultimate inaddition to Windows XP Professional SP3.Windows XP ProfessionalFreelance Version 9.2 SP1 has been released for use with the operating systemWindows XP Professional SP3.Windows 2003 Server and Windows 2008 ServerFreelance OPC-Server and Trend Server can also be run under the Windowsoperating systems 2003 Server and 2008 Server. This feature is providedspecifically for the connection to 800xA Operations.Windows 32Bit VersionThe Freelance software has been tested with the 32bit version of the Windowsoperating system; the usage of the 64bit versions of the Windows operating systemis not released for Freelance software.New in Installation Section 2 Functionality - New in V9.2 SP1New in InstallationSupported Windows Operating SystemsMixed systems with Windows XP and Windows 7It is possible to combine PCs with Windows XP and PCs with Windows 7 operatingsystem in a Freelance system. With this, an update from Windows XP to Windows 7can be done step-wise.Adaption to the used Windows operating systemDepending on the Windows operating system on the PC where the Freelance setupis executed, different Windows settings are necessary and different versions of thecompatible software packages must be used together with the Freelance software.Freelance setup program detects the operating system on the PC and adapted thesoftware installation.User manualFor detailed description of the installation, especially for the usage of Windows 7operating system with the Freelance software, please refer to the manual “Gettingstarted”.If using mixed systems with Windows XP and Windows 7 operating systems fora Freelance system, make sure that the same Windows operating system is usedfor the PC of the Extended Diagnostic DigiVis station and the PC with theControl Builder F.The reason for this is the usage of different versions of the 3rd party software, e.gDTMs. (#21503 - RN_V921_021)Section 2 Functionality - New in V9.2 SP1New in Control Builder F New in Control Builder FHardware ManagerBoot parameters for AC800F controllerWhen changing the AC800F controller type from PM803F to PM802F or viceversa, a warning message is shown that the boot parameters will be changedaccordingly. Closing the message with OK will do the modification; closing thedialog with Cancel will undo the type changing. (#21473- RN_V921_020)New in Control Builder F Section 2 Functionality - New in V9.2 SP1Section 3 Known Problems and Workarounds Installation Section 3 Known Problems and WorkaroundsInstallationSubnet maskInvalid subnet mask may lead to a crash of a controllerThe address of a subnet mask in a binary mode has to be a sequence of “1” followedby “0”, all other values are not allowed. If an invalid address for a subnet mask, e.g. = 11111111.11111111.11111001.00000000, is written via the terminalprogram into a controller, the controller will crash. (#21666- RN_V921_001) Software-UpgradeError Message for nt_service.exeIn rare cases a software upgrade may show an error message “nt_service.exe -Application Error”. This error occurs sometimes when the Controller Emulator isstopped. The setup continues without errors. The error message can be closed andignored (#21720- RN_V921_002).User Configuration with Configure ToolUser Creation by Configure tool is working correctly only on English USWindows operating systemsBackground:Freelance supports a Windows autologon. The autologon user can be specified viathe "Configure" tool in the “General settings” dialog. If an Autologon user has beenspecified the Configure tool checks, if the specified user exists on the operatingsystem. If the user does not exist, this user is created and added to theAdministrators user group.Installation Section 3 Known Problems and Workarounds Problem:The described behavior works only on Windows operating system with languageEnglish US. On non US Windows operating systems, the user is indeed successfullycreated, but the group assignment does not work. The created user is not a memberof any group.Workaround:Ensure that users entered in the "Configure" dialog do already exist. Create thedesired users before starting the Freelance setup. E.g. Create a user "Freelancer"with the default password (see Getting Started). Add the created user to theadministrators group. After that, the user can be entered as autologon user in theConfigure Tool. (#21740 - RN_V921_024)Crash during browse of OPC user under Windows7An OPC and Trend Server can be started under a different user account than thecurrent login user. In the Configure Tool the user can define this user in the"Freelance OPC Server Options" and "Trend Server Options" by pressing the"Configure" button. Pressing the “Search...” button in the dialog "User AccountOPC- / Trend-Server", on a PC with Windows 7 operating system the error message"Can't load library" is shown. after confirming this message the Configure Tool willcrash.Workaround:Enter the desired user account manually in the text fields.Do not press the "Search..." button in the "User Account OPC- / Trend-Server"dialog. (#21738 - RN_V921_025)OPC ConfigurationMixed Configuration of Freelance OPC Server and Trend server with tunnelingIt is recommended to configure only one OPC connection per PC, either theFreelance OPC Server or the Trend Server. This standard configuration is describedin the “Getting Started” manual.For multiple OPC connections on a single PC an “Advanced Configuration for theABB OPC Tunnel” will be required. The detailed description “Advanced ABB OPCTunnel Configuration, 2PAA160130R0101” is in preparation.(#21176- RN_V921_003)Section 3 Known Problems and Workarounds Control Builder F Uninstallation under Windows 7Error Messages during uninstallationWhen removing the Freelance software from the PC you may receive an errormessage “MSI3207.tmp- Application error” under Windows 7. This is caused byuninstallers of subcomponents that are not 100% Windows 7 compatible. Whenclicking the OK button of the error message, the setup continues with theuninstallation (#21549- RN_V921_004).Control Builder FProject importProject with Excel reports cannot be importedA project with configured Excel reports cannot be imported into a Control Builder Fon a PC without an installed Excel program. First the message “Error: Cannotlaunch Microsoft Excel” is shown, afterwards the message “Unexpected error: Theexport file is corrupt.”Workaround: Use a PC with an installed Excel program to install a project withExcel reports. (#21694- RN_V921_007)GSD-based Profibus-SlaveCheck of Profibus Slave modules generates errorAfter inserting specific GSD-based profibus modules the check procedure maycause plausibilization errors. The plausibilization message “Error: Invalid Format”is shown for User parameters of type BOOL. This problem was observed withWAGO 750-333 PRO profibus slave modules.Workaround: The configuration of the affected user parameters must be changedtwice. Carry out the following steps:•Open the parameter dialog of the profibus slave module.•Select the tab “Users”.Commissioning and Field busses Section 3 Known Problems and Workarounds •Change the value of the affected parameters twice, e.g. check and uncheck therelated check box.•Start again the “check” procedure, no error should be reported.Use Templates to reduce the configuration effort:The root cause of the described behavior is a problem during the import of the GSDfile. The workaround as stated above must be applied only once per module, if amodule template is created for the affected modules. Apply the workaround to themodule template and then use this fixed template instead of importing the GSD fileagain.(#21408- RN_V921_008)Commissioning and Field bussesTerminal for diagnosticHyperTerminal not available with Windows 7In contrast to Windows XP, the “HyperTerminal” software is not available withWindows 7 operating system. For diagnosis of a controller use a PC with WindowsXP and HyperTerminal or use a free available terminal software, e.g. Tera Term.(#21635- RN_V921_009)HardwareError remains after replacing hardware modulesWhen replacing a AC 800F fieldbus module that is in an active error state, performa cold start or load the whole station after the replacement. Otherwise error statesmay be transmitted to the replacement module (#21484- RN_V921_010).DISLOG function blocks may reduce the performance of an AC700FThe DISLOG function block (disturbance course log acquisition) causes alignmenterrors in the software of an AC700F controller, which are automatically correctedon the AC700F. The correction takes some processor time. By using manySection 3 Known Problems and Workarounds HardwareDISLOG function blocks in one AC 700F controller the performance of this CPUmight be decreased noticeably. (#21708- RN_V921_011)S700 Profibus slaveConnection via Fieldbus Plug FBPFor connecting an S700 Profibus slave, the Fieldbus plug FBP is used. The FieldbusPlug PDP22-FBP is powered independently to DC 705F via the Profibus cable, sothe FBP can continue to work even if disconnected from DC705F and I/O. In sucha case only a diagnosis message "Lost Communication to Device" is issued to theProfibus master and the input values are set to 0. The configuration options "Holdlast value" and "Substitute value" do not work in such an error scenario due to theundisturbed Profibus data exchange communication.To cope with a partial power fail it is highly recommended to us the same powersupply for PDP22-FBP and DC 705F. In case use the PDV11-FBP / PDV12-FBPRN_V921_012)(#21195-power Feed-In Connector placed near the DC705FInput/Output IOLimited monitoring of analog outputsContrary to the description in the user manuals, the S700 analog output modulesmA (AX7xx, AO7xx, AC7xx) do not provide short-circuit monitoring of 0/4 (20)outputs. (#21181- RN_V921_013)Using DTMsDTM Running in the Background of DigiVisSome DTMs use a separate window for the user interface. For each new alarmmessage, DigiVis is brought to the front again. You have to press the Alt+Tab keysthen to bring the DTM dialog to the front again. (#21665- RN_V921_014)Hardware Section 3 Known Problems and WorkaroundsUsage of S800 DTM in Control Builder FDue to a missing file the configuration dialog of a S800 DTM can be opened in thehardware manager only, if also the S900 DTM is installed.Workaround: Also install the S900 DTM on your PC, even if only the S800 DTMwill be used. (#21654- RN_V921_015)DTM not available on Windows 7 SystemsIf a DTM was installed with a different user account the DTM may not be availablefor the current Windows user. This behavior was observed with the S900 DTM(build 5.3.0).Symptoms:•In the Windows Control Panel “Add or Remove Programs” (Start > Control Panel > Programs > Programs and Features) the S900 DTM is not listed •In CBF the S900 DTM can not be inserted• A project created and loaded by the installing windows user with S900 DTM will get unchecked for a different user. The check error message "DTM is notavailable” is shown•In commissioning mode the S900 DTM is not available•In DigiVis System Display (Extended Diagnostic Station with DiagnosticMode) the S900 DTM is not available.Workaround: The DTM must be reinstalled by every Windows user who wants touse it. Execute the S900 DTM Setup directly from the Freelance installation CD:\Common\DTMS\ABB DTM S900-DPW7\DiskImages\DISK1\setup.exe.This will make the DTM for the currently logged in user available.(#21717- RN_V921_016)Section 3 Known Problems and Workarounds DigiVis DigiVisNo data values from the trend serverNo data from trend server after restart of the trend server PCIf the Freelance trend server is the only installed Freelance component on a PC,after a reboot of this PC no trend data is communicated from the trend server toDigiVis. (#21657- RN_V921_017)Correction: Correct the configuration for the trend server:•Start the Configure tool from the start menu•Select Trend server options from the tree on left-hand side of the dialog•Press Configure button in the right part of the dialog•Enter the standard DigiVis user <Computer name>\Freelancer and enter the passwordError while closing DigiVis on a Windows 7 SystemCrash dump and event log entry while closing DigiVis Windows 7 SystemsA crash dump file may be created, when DigiVis is exited under Windows 7. Thedump file is created in “<UserHome>\AppData\Local\CrashDumps\” as“BUBMAIN.EXE.<ANumber>.dmp”. It has a size of approx. 10MB and can beignored. Make sure to delete those excess dump files if DigiVis is exited regularlyotherwise the free hard disk space may get too low over time.An event log entry that documents the crash of bubmain.exe is also produced. It canbe ignored as well. (#21724- RN_V921_018)Bulk Data Manager Section 3 Known Problems and Workarounds Bulk Data ManagerProject export to BDMError message during project exportDuring the export of a Freelance project to the Bulk Data Manager, this message isshown several times: “<name>.xls is already open. Reopening will cause anychanges you made to be discarded. Do you want to reopen <name>.xls?"Depending on the user action the export will be stopped or continued incompletely.This problem occurs if identical names are used for different elements in the projecttree. This is allowed in Control Builder F for different hierarchical elements likeTask, Program list and Program.During the export different Excel sheets are created for the selected objects of theproject tree. Microsoft Excel does not support identical names for different sheets.Workaround: Make sure that the names of all objects which should be exported toBDM are unique. (#21561- RN_V921_019)Section 4 Installation System Requirements (Operating System)Section 4 Installation Use the CD delivered with the product to install the Freelance software. Prior tostarting the installation procedure of these programs, accordingly prepare the PCsby loading the appropriate Windows operating system and making the necessarysystem settings.System Requirements (Operating System)All Freelance software packages of version 9.2 SP1 have been tested and releasedfor use with the operating system•Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP3, 32bitand•Microsoft Windows 7 Professional, Enterprise and Ultimate, 32bitThe Freelance OPC Server and the Trend Server have additionally been tested andreleased for use with the operating system•Microsoft Windows 2003 Server, 32bitand•Microsoft Windows 2008 Server, 32bitThe usage of a 64bit version of a operating system is not released together with theFreelance software.The current results for Microsoft Security update tests for the active Freelanceversions can be found in SolutionsBank TechInfo-Explorer atControl Products and Systems / Freelance / System / System Versions -Freelance <Version number> / FIELD ALERTin document "Freelance - Microsoft Security Updates Validation Status" withnumber 3BDD011838D0249.Project Upgrade Section 4 InstallationInstallation of the SoftwareFollow the installation instructions in the Getting Started manual. The general installation steps have not been changed compared to the previous version. Also follow the installation instructions of previous service packs.Project UpgradeUpgrading means changing from one Freelance version to a newer version. In this process, existing project configurations can be taken over without any problems if the upgrade is within one main version (e.g. from V9.1 to V9.2), or also from one main version to the following one (e.g. from V8 to V9). Make sure that all function block parameters are stored in the project file by performing parameter upload withControl Builder F in the older version and export the project data in a *.CSV file.If a Freelance version V9.1 or V9.2 is installed, the setup program will perform an upgrade to V9.2 SP1 automatically. Older versions of Freelance software mustbe un-installed manually before running the V9.2 SP1 setup.Once you have installed your system as described in the Getting Started manual, it may be required to install additional Temporary Corrections TC.TCs provide important correction functions for errors that have been discovered after the product release and corrections that were not available at that point of time. Please open the TC folder at the top folder level on your software CD. There is a subfolder (TC1, TC3 etc.) for each TC. Please install the TCs in ascending order, if two or more are available. Each sub folder contains a TC Release Notes file with installation instructions and short descriptions of thefixed errors.If the upgrade requires skipping one or more main versions (e.g. from V6 to V9), please contact the ABB Service Department or your local ABB Representative.Section 4 Installation Upgrade of DTMsUpgrade of DTMsWith the release of a new Freelance version often newer DTM versions are released. In general the content of a project is adapted to the new DTM versions during project import.Update to newer DTM versions does not work for those project parts which are deactivated or without hardware assignment. (#21424 - RN_V921_023)(Anti virus programThe Freelance software has been tested with the anti virus program McAfee, VirusScan Enterprise 8.5.0i patch7 for Windows XP and McAfee VirusScan Enterprise 8.7i for Windows 7.The Getting Started manual contains additional information about the usage of virus scanners. Please follow the instructions given there.SetupsStarting the Setup ProcedureThe setup of Freelance software can be started from the CD using the autoplay program<Directory>:\AutoPlay.exeAfter selection of the language, choose the components you want to install.Activate all parts in the hardware structure before exporting the project for the upgrade.。
NPort Administration Suite Release Notes说明书
NPort Administration Suite Release NotesSupported Operating SystemsNotesChangesApplicable ProductsBugs FixedN/AN/AEnhancementsWindows 10, Windows 2000, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 95, Windows 98,Windows ME, Windows NT, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2,Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Vista, Windows XPIndustrial Device Servers, NPort 5100 Series, NPort 5100A Series, NPort 5200 Series, NPort 5200A Series, NPort 5400 Series, NPort 5600 Series, NPort 5600-DT Series, NPort 5600-DTL Series • Supports encrypted configuration.New FeaturesN/A• This version also applies to models NPort IA-5250ISupported Operating SystemsNotesChangesApplicable ProductsBugs FixedN/A• Device search failure when the host has more than 16 IP addresses.• NPort Administration Suite could not be run on Windows 2000.EnhancementsWindows 10, Windows 2000, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 95, Windows 98,Windows ME, Windows NT, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2,Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Vista, Windows XPIndustrial Device Servers, NPort 5100 Series, NPort 5100A Series, NPort 5200 Series, NPort 5200A Series, NPort 5400 Series, NPort 5600 Series, NPort 5600-DT Series, NPort 5600-DTL Series • Supports Windows 10.New FeaturesN/A• This version also applies to models NPort IA-5250ISupported Operating SystemsNotesChangesApplicable ProductsBugs FixedN/A• Updated IPSerial.dll to fix thread handle always existing.• Utility could not monitor devices with "auto save device" setting when restarting the utility.• Utility could not monitor devices with "manual" setting before executing search function.• Ports mapped by the NPort Administration Suite v1.18 or earlier would disappear when using a version of Administration Suite later than v1.18.• Searching by 802.11 WLAN would fail on Windows 7 or later.• The timeout of IPSerial nsio_checkalive function would not work on Windows 7 Ultimate.• Popup error message "The network component is not ready" when searching for an NPort on Windows 8.• Ports could not be sorted by COM number order when clicking the COM number field in the monitor page.• The ports mapped by NPort Administration Suite v1.19 or earlier could not be opened by using a version of Administration Suite later than v1.19.17.EnhancementsWindows 2000, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME,Windows NT, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Vista, Windows XPIndustrial Device Servers, NPort 5100 Series, NPort 5100A Series, NPort 5200 Series, NPort 5200A Series, NPort 5400 Series, NPort 5600 Series, NPort 5600-DT Series, NPort 5600-DTL Series • IPSerial.dll upgraded to version 1.7.3.• IPSerial added example code for VB2010.• Updated NPort.dll to support NPort P5150A.New FeaturesN/A• This version also applies to models NPort IA-5250ISupported Operating SystemsNotesChangesApplicable ProductsBugs FixedN/AN/AEnhancementsWindows 2000, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT,Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012,Windows Vista, Windows XPIndustrial Device Servers, NPort 5100 Series, NPort 5100A Series, NPort 5200 Series, NPort 5200A Series, NPort 5400 Series, NPort 5600 Series, NPort 5600-DT Series, NPort 5600-DTL Series • Supports Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012.• Supports "Always Accept Open Request" for Windows 2000 and newer.New FeaturesN/A• This version also applies to models NPort IA-5250ISupported Operating SystemsNotesChangesApplicable ProductsBugs FixedN/A• Driver caused a BSOD when opening and closing repeatedly in Windows 2008 R2.• Driver caused a BSOD when applications open grouped COM ports which contain one or more disabled ports.• In the COM Grouping function, sometimes HyperTerminal may not read the received data immediately.EnhancementsWindows 2000, Windows 7, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Vista, Windows XPIndustrial Device Servers, NPort 5100 Series, NPort 5100A Series, NPort 5200 Series, NPort 5200A Series, NPort 5400 Series, NPort 5600 Series, NPort 5600-DT Series, NPort 5600-DTL Series • Supports NPort 5150AI-M12, 5250AI-M12, 5450AI-M12.• Supports LLDP configuration.• Supports Windows publish.New FeaturesN/A• This version also applies to models NPort IA-5250ISupported Operating SystemsNotesChangesApplicable ProductsBugs FixedN/A• Application will not work properly when logging as a standard user in Windows Vista/7environments. This version will prompt the user change to an account with administrative rights.• Windows 2008 64-bit driver would cause a BSOD when accessing an invalid memory path.• Modified the Georgetown time zone to GMT-04:00, Caracas to GMT-04:30, and Sofia to GMT +02:00.• The "nsio_RTS" function was not able to control RTS signals.EnhancementsWindows 2000, Windows 7, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Vista, Windows XPIndustrial Device Servers, NPort 5100 Series, NPort 5100A Series, NPort 5200 Series, NPort 5200A Series, NPort 5400 Series, NPort 5600 Series, NPort 5600-DT Series, NPort 5600-DTL Series • Supports NPort P5150A.New FeaturesN/A• This version also applies to models NPort IA-5250ISupported Operating SystemsNotesChangesApplicable ProductsBugs FixedN/A• System BSOD when setting and enabling COM grouping functions in Windows 2008 R2.EnhancementsWindows 2000, Windows 7, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Vista, Windows XPIndustrial Device Servers, NPort 5100 Series, NPort 5100A Series, NPort 5200 Series, NPort 5200A Series, NPort 5400 Series, NPort 5600 Series, NPort 5600-DT Series, NPort 5600-DTL Series • Supports NPort 5600-8-DTL Series.• Supports NPort A Series products in NPort.dll library.New FeaturesN/A• This version also applies to models NPort IA-5250ISupported Operating SystemsNotesChangesApplicable ProductsBugs FixedN/A• Reduced handle counts when application called nsio_init() from IPSerial library.• When closing COM port and applying change to other COM numbers simultaneously, the NPort administrator utility will cause a hang up.• If the nsio_close() function is called several times and then the nsio_open() function is called, it will fail and return an undefined error code.EnhancementsWindows 2000, Windows 7, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Vista, Windows XPIndustrial Device Servers, NPort 5100 Series, NPort 5100A Series, NPort 5200 Series, NPort 5200A Series, NPort 5400 Series, NPort 5600 Series, NPort 5600-DT Series, NPort 5600-DTL Series • Supports Multi-connection by IPSerial library.• Supports Windows 7.New FeaturesN/A• This version also applies to models NPort IA-5250ISupported Operating SystemsNotesChangesApplicable ProductsBugs FixedN/A• Shortened opening time for COM Grouping.• Shortened setting time for COM Grouping.• Write operation would stop transmitting.• Monitor and port monitor would stop after removing target.EnhancementsWindows 2000, Windows 7, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista, Windows XPIndustrial Device Servers, NPort 5100 Series, NPort 5100A Series, NPort 5200 Series, NPort 5200A Series, NPort 5400 Series, NPort 5600 Series, NPort 5600-DT Series, NPort 5600-DTL Series • Supports COM Grouping function for Windows NT.New FeaturesN/A• This version also applies to models NPort IA-5250ISupported Operating SystemsNotesChangesApplicable ProductsBugs FixedN/A• Set IP filter netmask error on Windows x64 platforms.EnhancementsWindows 2000, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT, Windows Server 2003,Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista, Windows XPIndustrial Device Servers, NPort 5100 Series, NPort 5100A Series, NPort 5200 Series, NPort 5200A Series, NPort 5400 Series, NPort 5600 Series, NPort 5600-DT Series, NPort 5600-DTL Series • Supports NPort 5110A, 5130A, 5150A, IA5450A, IA5450AI, IA5150A, IA5150AI, IA5250A, IA5250AI,5210A, 5230A, 5250A.• Supports COM Grouping function (does not support Windows 95/98/ME/NT).New FeaturesN/A• This version also applies to models NPort IA-5250ISupported Operating SystemsNotesChangesApplicable ProductsBugs FixedN/A• "Import COM Mapping" function would throw an "invalid pointer opertion" message.• Monitor function would cause a memory leak.• Adjusted the IRP completion order for multi-processor environments.• Fixed the buffer protection mechanism for issues while inserting special characters in the serial RX buffer.EnhancementsWindows 2000, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT, Windows Server 2003,Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista, Windows XPIndustrial Device Servers, NPort 5100 Series, NPort 5100A Series, NPort 5200 Series, NPort 5200A Series, NPort 5400 Series, NPort 5600 Series, NPort 5600-DT Series, NPort 5600-DTL Series • Supports NPort IA-5250I.New FeaturesN/A• This version also applies to models NPort IA-5250ISupported Operating SystemsNotesChangesApplicable ProductsBugs Fixed• Upgraded package: IPSerial Library.• Application crash problem with IP serial library when binding more than 8 IPs(alias) for PC.• Loading driver failed in Windows Vista x64.EnhancementsWindows 2000, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT, Windows Server 2003,Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista, Windows XPIndustrial Device Servers, NPort 5100 Series, NPort 5100A Series, NPort 5200 Series, NPort 5200A Series, NPort 5400 Series, NPort 5600 Series, NPort 5600-DT Series, NPort 5600-DTL Series N/ANew FeaturesN/AN/ASupported Operating SystemsNotesChangesApplicable ProductsBugs FixedN/A• SERIAL_PURGE_TXABORT did not reset the WriteCharsQueued counter.• SIO outqueue count was inaccurate under classic mode.• The port number was incorrect in the "UDP Mode Settings: Destination" list.• Startup of Monitor and Port Monitor may fail.• Removal of Monitor and Port Monitor may fail.• The search function would have issues on a Windows 2003 host with dual LAN cards.• Adding COM port would fail if "SERIALCOMM" registry key was absent.• Invalid argument for time encode.• Access violation problem in "IP Address Report List".• Search function supports 16 IP addresses for local host.• "Alive" status in Monitor and Port Monitor may be incorrect.EnhancementsWindows 2000, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT, Windows Server 2003,Windows Vista, Windows XPIndustrial Device Servers, NPort 5100 Series, NPort 5100A Series, NPort 5200 Series, NPort 5200A Series, NPort 5400 Series, NPort 5600 Series, NPort 5600-DT Series, NPort 5600-DTL Series N/ANew FeaturesN/AN/ASupported Operating SystemsNotesChangesApplicable ProductsBugs FixedN/AN/AEnhancementsWindows 2000, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT, Windows Server 2003,Windows Vista, Windows XPIndustrial Device Servers, NPort 5100 Series, NPort 5100A Series, NPort 5200 Series, NPort 5200A Series, NPort 5400 Series, NPort 5600 Series, NPort 5600-DT Series, NPort 5600-DTL Series • Supports Windows Vista.• Supports 5610-8-DT, 5610-8-DT-J, 5650-8-DT, 5650-8-DT-J and 5650I-8-DT.New FeaturesN/AN/ASupported Operating SystemsNotesChangesApplicable ProductsBugs Fixed• Improved IoctlGetCommstatus() to report live out queue count.• Improved utility user interface.• Improved COM setting functions. If the selected ports are in use, no change can be made to them.These settings include: COM number, Tx mode, FIFO, and Fast Flush.• Improved COM setting functions. If the users do not have administrative privileges, they cannot add or delete COM ports. However, they can still view the COM settings and open the COM ports.• Improved utility user interface.• Modem dial out caused system halt on multi-processor platforms.• Driver read operations caused double completion (BSOD) on multi-processor platforms.• GetCommStatus caused a BSOD on multi-processor platforms.• ioctl of setting Xon/Xoff character failed.• Fixed bugs detected by Static Driver Verifier, which include a double completion problem and completion of IRP without releasing the cancel spinlock.• FastFlush setting error when COM port number exceeds 127.• COM Mapping problem when a disabled port is opened.EnhancementsWindows 2000, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT, Windows Server 2003,Windows XPIndustrial Device Servers, NPort 5100 Series, NPort 5100A Series, NPort 5200 Series, NPort 5200A Series, NPort 5400 Series, NPort 5600 Series, NPort 5600-DT Series, NPort 5600-DTL Series • Added "Network Timeout" function for COM settings.• Added auto message log function.New FeaturesN/AN/ASupported Operating SystemsNotesChangesApplicable ProductsBugs FixedN/A• IOCTL_SERIAL_IMMEDIATE_CHAR bug causing a BSOD.• IOCTL_SERIAL_XOFF_COUNTER bug causing system halt.• Accessible IPs export and import configurations did not match.• IOCTL_SERIAL_IMMEDIATE_CHAR bug causing a BSOD.• IPSerial nsio_write and mutli-port connection problems.• Administrator could not remove serial port settings when uninstalling the NPort Administration Suite.• COM Mapping could not import files exported by Administrator v1.2.• Disconnecting an NPort will crash the application while calling nsio_close.EnhancementsWindows 2000, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT, Windows Server 2003,Windows XPIndustrial Device Servers, NPort 5100 Series, NPort 5100A Series, NPort 5200 Series, NPort 5200A Series, NPort 5400 Series, NPort 5600 Series, NPort 5600-DT Series, NPort 5600-DTL Series • Supports PPP Mode and Real COM Mode (RFC2217) operating mode for NPort 56xx.• Supports 64-bit Windows.• Moved nprcmisic.dll to nport.dll to cover all NPort models.• Supports NPort 5130, 5150, 5650, 5650-S-SC, 5650-M-SC.• Supports SERIAL_LSRMST_ESCAPE and SERIAL_LSRMST_MST event types of IOCTL_SERIAL_LSRMST_INSERT requests. SERIAL_LSRMST_LSR_NODATA and SERIAL_LSRMST_LSR_DATA event types are not supported due to driver limitations.New FeaturesN/AN/ASupported Operating SystemsNotesChangesApplicable ProductsBugs Fixed• Improved Windows 2000/XP/2003 driver "Fast Flush" performance.• Improved disconnection process to prevent application blocking.• Improved NT/2000/XP/2003 driver Ioctl performance (parity, baud, modem...).• High CPU loading with Hyper Threading systems.• COM Mapping rescan prevents some models from being able to be configured.• Port Monitor: When NPort is reconnecting, Administrator increases CPU load to 100%.• Event log lost problem.• IOCTL_SERIAL_SET_WAIT_MASK (npser+114c) BSOD RQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL problem.• (npser+5c13) BSOD KERNEL_MODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED problem.• Verifier testing problem.• Classic mode oqueue length was not correct.• Tx does not stop on network disconnection.• Write blocked after reconnecting.EnhancementsN/AIndustrial Device Servers, NPort 5100 Series, NPort 5100A Series, NPort 5200 Series, NPort 5200A Series, NPort 5400 Series, NPort 5600 Series, NPort 5600-DT Series, NPort 5600-DTL Series • Supports new functions of firmware 2.0.• Added new NPort IA model.• Added Web console toolbar.• Supports IOCTL_SERIAL_XOFF_COUNTER command (Windows 2000/XP/2003), which is used by some 16-bit programs.New Features• Registered COM number usage (Windows 2000/XP/2003). This will avoid other COM device from using the same COM number occupied by this driver.N/ASupported Operating SystemsNotesChangesApplicable ProductsBugs FixedN/AN/AEnhancementsN/AIndustrial Device Servers, NPort 5100 Series, NPort 5100A Series, NPort 5200 Series, NPort 5200A Series, NPort 5400 Series, NPort 5600 Series, NPort 5600-DT Series, NPort 5600-DTL Series • First release.New FeaturesN/AN/A。
控制逻辑SERCOS接口模块release notes
Release NotesControlLogix SERCOS Interface Module,Firmware Revision 15Catalog Numbers 1756-M03SE, 1756-M08SE, 1756-M16SE When to Use These ReleaseNotesUse these release notes for firmware revision 15.37.These release notes include the changes and corrected anomalies ofearlier revisions of 15 firmware.Compatible Revisions To use firmware revision 15.37, update your system as follows.Corrected Anomaly in Firmware Revision 15.37Firmware revision 15.37 corrects the SERCON816 ASIC chip anomaly.A SERCOS interface module ring drop and service channel issue was identified as a result of an anomaly occurring in the SERCON816 ASIC chip.Known Anomaly in Firmware Revision 15.37A known issue with this firmware revision is that the SERCOS interface module will not operate in slot 0. If the SERCOS interface module is placed in slot 0, it results in an error indicated by all three module LED’s turning solid red.Description Cat. No.ControlLogix 3 Axis SERCOS interface module1756-M03SEControlLogix 8 Axis SERCOS interface module1756-M08SEControlLogix 16 Axis SERCOS interface module1756-M16SEUpdate this To revisionRSLinx software 2.50 or laterRSLogix 5000 software15ControlLogix controller15Publication 1756-RN619C-EN-E - November 20062Enhancements for Firmware Revision 15.32Firmware revision 15.32 for the ControlLogix SERCOS interface modules has these enhancements.Enhancement DescriptionInhibit an axis Inhibit an axis when you want to block the controller from using the axis but let the otheraxes run. The typical uses are when you:•commission a system.•configure a generic project to match the configuration of a specific application.•reconfigure a system due to a failed component.We recommend that you do not continually inhibit and uninhibit axes as part of normaloperation.When you inhibit an axis:•the connections to the motion module shut down. This opens the servo loops of all thedrives that are connected to the module.•for a SERCOS interface module, the SERCOS ring drops to phase 0.•the controller automatically restarts the connections. The SERCOS ring also phases backup.Follow these steps before you inhibit or uninhibit an axis.1.Stop all motion.2.Open the servo loops of all the axes, using an instruction such as the Motion ServoOff (MSF) instruction.Publication 1756-RN619C-EN-E - November 2006Publication 1756-RN619C-EN-E - November 20063Enhancements forFirmware Revision 15.5For a list of enhancements, see ControlLogix Controllers Revision 15Release Notes, publication 1756-RN620.Additional Resources You can view or download publications at . To order paper copiesof technical documentation, contact your local Rockwell Automationdistributor or sales representative.Update the firmware of SERCOS drives over your SERCOS network This revision lets you use ControlFlash software to update the firmware of your SERCOS drives over the SERCOS network. You don’t need to connect a separate cable to the drives.Your drives must be at this revision or later to update them over the SERCOS network.•1394 — 1.85•Ultra3000 — 1.50•Kinetix 6000 — 1.85•8720MC — 3.85Enhancement DescriptionUpdate your drives overthe SERCOS network.Publication 1756-RN619C-EN-E - November 2006 PN 953030-47Supersedes Publication 1756-RN619B-EN-E - January 2006Copyright © 2006 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A.Rockwell Automation SupportRockwell Automation provides technical information on the web to assist you in using its products. At , you can find technical manuals, a knowledge base of FAQs, technical and application notes, sample code and links to software service packs, and a MySupport feature that you can customize to make the best use of these tools.For an additional level of technical phone support for installation, configuration, and troubleshooting, we offer TechConnect Support programs. For more information, contact your local distributor or Rockwell Automation representative, or visit .Installation AssistanceIf you experience a problem with a hardware module within the first 24 hours of installation, please review the information that's contained in this manual. You can also contact a special Customer Support number for initial help in getting your module up and running.New Product Satisfaction ReturnRockwell tests all of its products to ensure that they are fully operational when shipped from the manufacturing facility. However, if your product is not functioning, it may need to be returned.United States1.440.646.3223Monday – Friday, 8am – 5pm EST Outside United States Please contact your local Rockwell Automation representative for any technical support issues.United StatesContact your distributor. You must provide a Customer Support case number (see phone number above to obtain one) to your distributor in order to complete the return process.Outside United StatesPlease contact your local Rockwell Automation representative for return procedure.Allen-Bradley, ControlLogix, Kinetix, RSLinx, RSLogix 5000, and Ultra3000 are trademarks of Rockwell Automation, Inc.Trademarks not belonging to Rockwell Automation are property of their respective companies.。
HPE Security ArcSight用户行为分析软件5.0版 release notes说明书
HPE Security ArcSight User Behavior AnalyticsSoftware Version:5.0Release NotesJuly21,2016Legal NoticesWarrantyThe only warranties for Hewlett Packard Enterprise products and services are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services.Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty.Hewlett Packard Enterprise shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein.The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.The network information used in the examples in this document (including IP addresses and hostnames)is for illustration purposes only.HPE Security ArcSight products are highly flexible and function as you configure them.The accessibility,integrity,and confidentiality of your data is your responsibility.Implement a comprehensive security strategy and follow good security practices.This document is confidential.Restricted Rights LegendConfidential computer software.Valid license from Hewlett Packard Enterprise required for possession,use or copying.Consistent with FAR 12.211and 12.212,Commercial Computer Software,Computer Software Documentation,and Technical Data for Commercial Items are licensed to the ernment under vendor's standard commercial license.Copyright Notice©Copyright 2016Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development,LPFollow this link to see a complete statement of copyrights and acknowledgements:https:///docs/DOC-13026Support Phone A list of phone numbers is available on the HPE Security ArcSight Technical SupportPage: https:///documents/10180/14684/esp-support-contact-listSupport Web Sitehttps:// Protect 724Community https://Contact InformationRelease NotesContentsHPE Security ArcSight User Behavior Analytics4 Release Contents4 What's New4 Revamped User Experience4 Security Dashboards5 Endpoint Analytics5 Advanced Analytics5 Multi-Entity Investigation Workbench6 Out-of-Box Content6 Operational Dashboard6 Software Component Updates6 ROLE_siemrole Privileges6 Supported Platforms and Versions7 Supported Platforms7 Supported ESM Version7 Supported MySQL Version7 Downloading and Installing HPE ArcSight UBA Content Package7 Usage Notes8 Start syslog-ng Manually8 Log into HPE ArcSight UBA Through the Integration Command8 Unable to Login to the Browser8 Syslog Active Channel Not Loading in ArcSight Command Center8 Open Issues in this Release8 Send Documentation Feedback11HPE Security ArcSight User Behavior Analytics Release ContentsThe files in this release include:What's NewRevamped User ExperienceThe HPE Security ArcSight User Behavior Analytics(HPE ArcSight UBA)user interface has been redesigned and rebuilt from the ground-up using the latest technologies to provide a unified look and feel and consistent user experience across the application:l Standardization of all user interface elements and look and feell Automatic user interface resizing to different screen sizesl Cross-browser compatibility with minimum developer interferencel New top-level menu to access the most common tasks in the applicationl Reduction in number of clicks the user has to go through during investigationSecurity DashboardsThe security dashboards have been redesigned and enhanced with the following:l High-Risk Entity Dashboard:The dashboards now show four high-risk entity types that can be used to start the investigation:o Users:users behind the activity,such as employees and contractorso Uncorrelated Activity Accounts:accounts that are not tied directly to a user,such as systemaccounts.o Resources:systems,devices,applications behind activitieso Network Addresses:IP addresses behind activitiesl High-Risk Entity Filtering:New filtering capabilities allow analysts to filter the list of high-risk entities by threat,policy violations,peer groups,actions taken,and top percentiles.l Violation Timeline View:All violations are shown in a timeline view,with the most recent violations first.By default,the analyst will only see the newest violations(today)and can use theexpand/collapse button for more details.l Multi-Tab Investigation:During an investigation,the analyst can investigate a high-risk entity and open multiple violation details at the same time with the new multi-tab view.l Time Ranges:When selecting a time range in a dashboard,the same time range will be applied when opening a different dashboard.Endpoint AnalyticsMajor improvements and new features have been added to identify the riskiest entities in the organization,with a specific focus on Endpoint Analytics:l Identify and investigate high-risk endpoints in the new High-Risk Entity Dashboardl Create peer groups based on hosts and network addresses to find behavior-based anomalies between systemsl Visualize endpoints with relevant data,risk scores,and threat indicators,on a new Geolocation Map l Over100behavior-based detection techniques across all entitiesAdvanced AnalyticsNew advanced analytics functions have been added for the most sophisticated use cases-to-date:l Chained analytics with ability to create behavior profiles on top of HPE ArcSight UBA violation datal New post-processing functions to check data against watch lists,lookup tables,threat intelligence, and geolocationl Risk influencers to increase or decrease risk scores for entities in watch lists,when other peers are not violators,or based on any conditions on available attributesMulti-Entity Investigation WorkbenchThe Investigation Workbench tool has been revamped with a highly scalable technology framework allowing analysts to:l Investigate multiple high-risk entities at the same timel Find commonalities and differences between entities over timel Use workspaces to investigate multiple users,accounts,and network addresses on the same screen l Perform data link analysis between objects with N-level drilldownsOut-of-Box ContentHPE ArcSight UBA comes with a set of pre-defined content with over500behavior checks and threat indicators across40of the most common data sources used in HPE ArcSight UBA environments.These threat indicators are used by the threat modeling framework to identify the riskiest users and endpoints in the customer’s environment.HPE ArcSight UBA also introduces the ability to import and export content(policies,behaviors,reports, etc.)from one HPE ArcSight UBA instance to another.Operational DashboardThe Administrative Dashboard has been updated to provide an operational overview of the HPE ArcSight UBA application health,including a summary overview,the status of all data import and analytics jobs(created/completed/failed),and history of all policy violations.Software Component UpdatesThis is the list of the main software components updated for HPE ArcSight UBA5.0:l Apache Tomcat8.0.30l Oracle Java JRE1.8.0_92ROLE_siemrole PrivilegesDue to security updates and changes to access control in HPE ArcSight UBA,the default ROLE_ siemrole may have less privilege than it had in previous versions of the applications.In order to change or configure access control for ROLE_siemrole,go to Configure>Access Control and make changesaccordingly.Refer the HPEArcSightUBA5.0_Administration_Guide.pdf for details regarding Access Control configuration.Supported Platforms and VersionsSupported PlatformsThe following platforms are supported for this release:l RHEL6.7l CentOS6.7Supported ESM VersionThe version of ESM supported for this release is ESM6.9.1c.Supported MySQL VersionThe version of MySQL supported for this release is MySQL5.6.30. Downloading and Installing HPE ArcSight UBA Content PackageTo download the HPE ArcSight UBA content package from the Marketplace to the machine on which you run the ArcSight Console:1.Log into the Marketplace(https:///marketplace/arcsight).2.Navigate to User Behavior Analytics to find the HPE ArcSight UBApackage,HPE_ArcSight_User_Behavior_Analytics_1.1.arb and download.See the HPEArcSightUBA5.0_Integration_Guide.pdf for details on installing the HPE ArcSight UBA content package.Usage NotesStart syslog-ng ManuallyAfter reboot,be sure to restart syslog-ng manually.It will not restart automatically.Log into HPE ArcSight UBA Through the Integration CommandIf the user is unable to login to HPE ArcSight UBA through the Integration Command,then clearing the browser cache will enable login to HPE ArcSight UBA.Unable to Login to the BrowserIf a siemuser does not logout from the browser while using the Integration Command then the user may not be able to login again.An error"You are not authorized to view this page"is displayed.To resolve this issue the siemuser needs to logout first and then login again.Syslog Active Channel Not Loading in ArcSight Command CenterIf Syslog active channel is not loading in the ArcSight Command Center,then delete the Syslog active channel from ESM console and create new Syslog active channel.After this you would see Syslog active channel loading in the ArcSight Command Center with events.Open Issues in this ReleaseThe open issues in this release are listed in the following table:Send Documentation FeedbackIf you have comments about this document,you can contact the documentation team by email.If an email client is configured on this system,click the link above and an email window opens with the following information in the subject line:Feedback on Release Notes(User Behavior Analytics5.0)Just add your feedback to the email and click send.If no email client is available,copy the information above to a new message in a web mail client,and send your feedback to***************.We appreciate your feedback!HPE User Behavior Analytics5.0Page11of11。
SMP 4.6 Release Notes说明书
SMP4.6Release NotesSMP4.6Release NotesCopyright©2012Alcatel-Lucent.All rights reserved.February2012New Features in SMP4.6 (1)RPC services (2)Workflow reporting (2)Documentation (2)Systems Requirements for SMP4.6 (2)Server runtime environment requirements (3)Configuration Manager requirements (6)Model Builder and Overlay Builder requirements (7)Motive Reporting application requirements (8)Motive Dashboard Console application requirements (8)Motive Workflows requirements (9)Known Issues in SMP4.6 (9)Customer Support for SMP4.6 (10)Support and contact information (10)Legal Notice (10)This document provides important information on SMP4.6,including its new features,systemrequirements,and known issues.New Features in SMP4.6SMP4.6,which is built on top of SMP4.4.6,provides the following new features:■RPC services■Workflow reporting1SMP4.6Release NotesRPC servicesThe RPC services feature uses XML-RPC to perform remote operations on other systems.Theseoperations are defined using an XML-RPC service definition file.This service definition file allows you to target any system that supports HTTP XML-RPC.You can define any number of XML-RPC servicefiles,add them to a configuration ZIP file,and publish them using the SMP Configuration Manager.Once published,you can use the RPC operations when building an SMP workflow.When the workflow is run,the RPC operations are sent to the intended target system.For example,the HomeView Activation template1.1uses the RPC services to perform operations on devices such as PCs and Macs.To route the operations to the specified endpoints,the EndpointCommunication System(ECS)is used.This RPC mechanism bypasses the need to create an SMP test module,model,and overlay. Workflow reportingThe workflow reporting capability is provided for multi-channel templates.Workflow reporting provides out-of-the-box workflow reports as well as the ability to create custom workflow reports using an XML report definition file.With reporting,you can perform analytics to help optimize ROI.Note:Oracle10g does not provide date range partitioning by default. DocumentationTo describe the new RPC services and workflow reporting features,the SMP Addenda:RPC Servicesand Workflow Reporting document is provided.For the remainder of the SMP documentation,please refer to the SMP4.4.1documentation. Systems Requirements for SMP4.6The Service Management Platform(SMP)is the software infrastructure that your team uses to model the hardware,software,and relationships on which specific subscriber services depend.■“Server runtime environment requirements”on page3❐“Solaris installations”on page32SMP4.6Release Notes❐“Red Hat Linux installations”on page5■“Configuration Manager requirements”on page6■“Model Builder and Overlay Builder requirements”on page7■“Motive Reporting application requirements”on page8❐“Motive Reporting server requirements”on page8❐“Motive Reporting Console requirements”on page8■“Motive Dashboard Console application requirements”on page8❐“Motive Dashboard Console server requirements”on page8❐“Motive Dashboard Console requirements”on page8■“Motive Workflows requirements”on page9❐“Motive Workflow Builder requirements”on page9❐“Motive Workflows server requirements”on page9❐“Motive Workflows runtime requirements”on page9Server runtime environment requirementsThe server runtime environment runs in an Oracle WebLogic Server domain that includes anAdministration Server and a cluster of one or more Managed Servers.Your team can opt to install the runtime environment in one of two primary ways:■In its own domain that the SMP installer creates(option1)Or■In an existing domain that may run other products in addition to SMP(option2)Either way,the server machines must comply with the applicable minimum hardware and softwarerequirements,depending on whether SMP is to run on a Solaris or Red Hat Linux operating system.Solaris installationsHostMinimum hardwareMinimum software3SMP4.6Release NotesSun Solaris 10including the latest patches Oracle VM Server for SPARC (formerly Sun Logical Domains)[/Sun SPARC Enterprise T5120Server with the following.For best practiceson scaling deployments,consult with Motive Customer Projects.Administration Server us/technologies/virtualization/oraclevm/oracle-vm-server-for-sparc-068923.html]if■1.2GHz UltraSPARC T2processor (with 8cores and 8threads per core)opting to create virtual machines on which to install SMP Sun Java Runtime Environment 1.6Oracle WebLogic Server 11gR1PS2(10.3.3)for SolarisThe applicable binary is provided on the SMPCD (wls1033_solaris32.bin ).Oracle Database Client (Enterprise Edition) 11.2The client version must match the server version running on the corresponding OLTP Database server.■8to 32GB RAM ■36GB disk spaceSun Solaris 10including the latest patches Oracle VM Server for SPARC (formerly Sun Logical Domains)[/Sun SPARC Enterprise T5120Server with the following.For best practices on scaling deployments,consult with Motive Customer Projects.Managed Serverus/technologies/virtualization/oraclevm/oracle-vm-server-for-sparc-068923.html]if■1.2GHz UltraSPARC T2processor (with 8cores and 8threads per core)opting to create virtual machines on which to install SMP Oracle WebLogic Server 11gR1PS2(10.3.3)for SolarisThe applicable binary is provided on the SMPCD (wls1033_solaris32.bin ).■8to 32GB RAM ■36GB disk spaceSun Solaris 10including the latest patches Oracle Database Server (Enterprise Edition) 11.2Middle-end to high-end systems with two to four system processors Note Depending on the expected size,load,and growth of the database,see OLTP Database Server Oracle system requirements or work with your Oracle consultant.Oracle Data Service Integrator (ODSI)10gR3(10.3)(formerly named AquaLogic Data Service Platform)See the Oracle Data Service Integrator 10gR3(10.3)[/docs/cd/Optional Integration ServerE13162_01/odsi/docs10gr3/index.html]documentation.See Using Web Server Plug-Ins with Oracle WebLogic Server [http://See the documentation for the applicable web server.Optional Web Server ProxySMP 4.6Release Notes4/docs/cd/E14571_01/web.1111/e14395/overview.htm#BABEJFHI].Red Hat Linux installationsMinimum softwareMinimum hardwareHostRed Hat Enterprise Linux 5.5Server 64-bit versionSun Java Runtime Environment 1.632-bit versionOracle WebLogic Server 11gR1PS2(10.3.3)for Linux 32-bit versionThe applicable binary is provided on the SMP CD (wls1033_linux32.bin ).Oracle Database Client (Enterprise Edition) 11.2The client version must match the server version running on the corresponding OLTP Database server.HP ProLiant DL360with the following.For best practices on scalingdeployments,consult with Motive Customer Projects.Administration Server ■Intel(R)Xeon(R)CPU E55062.13GHz1.2GHz (with 2CPUs and 4cores per CPU)■23.5GB RAM ■300GB disk spaceRed Hat Enterprise Linux 5.5Server 64-bit versionOracle WebLogic Server 11gR1PS2(10.3.3)for Linux 32-bit versionThe applicable binary is provided on the SMP CD (wls1033_linux32.bin ).HP ProLiant DL360with the following.For best practices on scalingdeployments,consult with Motive Customer Projects.Managed Server■Intel(R)Xeon(R)CPU E55062.13GHz1.2GHz (with 2CPUs and 4cores per CPU)■23.5GB RAM ■300GB disk spaceRed Hat Enterprise Linux 5.5Server 64-bit versionOracle Database Server (Enterprise Edition) 11.2Middle-end to high-end systems with two to four system processorsNoteDepending on the expected size,load,and growth of the database,see Oracle OLTP Database Server system requirements or work with your Oracle consultant.Oracle Data Service Integrator (ODSI)10gR3(10.3)(formerly named AquaLogic Data Service Platform)See the Oracle Data Service Integrator 10gR3(10.3)[http:///docs/cd/Optional Integration Server5SMP 4.6Release NotesE13162_01/odsi/docs10gr3/index.html]documentation.See Using Web Server Plug-Ins with Oracle WebLogic Server [http://See the documentation for the applicable web server.Optional Web Server Proxy/docs/cd/E14571_01/web.1111/e14395/overview.htm#BABEJFHI].Configuration Manager requirementsThe Configuration Manager is a browser-based interface in which your team defines the application and environment configurations for SMP deployments.■Application configuration .A versioned configuration that defines the settings and content instructions the server is to apply in the runtime environment,including its application properties and any role-based properties;user input definitions;result analyses;test modules;endpoint operations;workflow modules;test groups;startup test groups;and service policies.The active version of the application configuration is in effect.■Environment configuration .The configuration that defines the following:datasource connections;environment properties;execution auditing settings;licenses for SMP and SMP-based products;policies for southbound throttling,northbound throttling,and test module throttling;and system alerts.Related product documentation■Configuration Manager Help■In the following sections of the SMP Deployment Guide :❐"Managing the application configuration"❐"Managing the environment configuration"Minimum SoftwareMinimum HardwareSun Java Runtime Environment 6One of the following browser configurations:See documentation for the applicable operating system and web browser.■Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0on Windows Vista or Windows XP with Service Pack 2■Microsoft Internet Explorer 8.0on Windows Vista or Windows 7SMP 4.6Release Notes6Model Builder and Overlay Builder requirementsThe Builders are desktop applications for creating service models and overlays.■A model is an abstract representation that defines an application configuration,which is the IT infrastructure (including hardware and software components,relationships and dependencies)of a mission-critical application or business process.Models establish general information about an application configuration and provide a reusable structure on which many business operations can be performed.■An overlay is built on top of an application model to evaluate a snapshot,which is a representation of the state of an application environment at a given time.The overlay is configured with a set of checks (conditions about a business issue)that determine the cause of problems and configuration issues.Each check is associated with one or more actions configured to address the issue.Minimum SoftwareMinimum HardwareHost One of the following operating systems:A PC with the following minimum specifications:Client■Microsoft Windows XP Professional with Service Pack 2■800MHz CPU clock speed■Microsoft Windows Vista HomeEnterprise Edition 32-bit with Service Pack 1(run in Administrator mode)■Intel or AMD compatible for applicable operating system ■512MB RAM■Sun Java Runtime Environment 1.6■1.5GB available hard-disk space■Oracle Database Client (Enterprise Edition) 11gThe client version must match the version running the Database.■Super VGA (800x600pixels)or higher resolution video adapter and monitor ■CD-ROM or DVD drive The Motive Product Group recommends using a system with a 1GHz CPU,1GB RAM ,and a 1024x768display.Oracle Database Server (Enterprise Edition) 11.2See the documentation for the applicableoperating system.Database 7SMP 4.6Release NotesMotive Reporting application requirementsMotive Reporting server requirementsMotive Reporting is an optional application for deployment on one or more of the Managed Servers in the server runtime environment.The reporting data is stored in the modeling schema on the OLTP database server.To ensure compliance with minimum server hardware and software,see Server runtime environment requirements on page 3.Motive Reporting Console requirementsThe Motive Reporting Console is web-based user interface for viewing and managing reports.The reports are generated against SMP data.Minimum SoftwareMinimum HardwareInternet Explorer 6.0or 7.0Note:JavaScript must be enabledSee documentation for the applicable operating system and web browser.Motive Dashboard Console application requirementsMotive Dashboard Console server requirementsMotive Dashboard Console is an additional feature application for deployment on one or more of the Managed Servers in the server runtime environment.The data is stored in the modeling schema on the OLTP database server.To ensure compliance with minimum server hardware and software,see Server runtime environment requirements on page 3.Motive Dashboard Console requirementsThe Motive Dashboard Console is web-based user interface for viewing system operation metrics.Minimum SoftwareMinimum HardwareInternet Explorer 6.0or 7.0Note:JavaScript must be enabledSee documentation for the applicable operating system and web browser.SMP 4.6Release Notes8Motive Workflows requirementsMotive Workflows is an additional feature including two main components,an engine and builder.Motive Workflow Builder requirementsThe Workflow Builder is web-based user interface for managing and authoring workflows.Minimum Software Minimum HardwareMozilla Firefox 3.6or laterSee documentation for the applicable operating system and web browser.Motive Workflows server requirementsMotive Workflow Engine and Workflow Builder are server applications for deployment on one or more of the Managed Servers in the server runtime environment.The workflow data is stored in the modeling schema on the OLTP database server.To ensure compliance with minimum server hardware and software,see Server runtime environment requirements on page 3.Motive Workflows runtime requirementsMinimum SoftwareMinimum HardwareContextInternet Explorer 7or 8See documentation for the applicable operating system and web browser.SMP-based web application such as the Customer Service Console iOS 4.0or Android 2.2See documentation for device.On a mobile deviceMozilla Firefox 3.6See documentation for the applicable operating system and web browser.In Motive WorkflowBuilder on page 9,the Motive Workflow Launcher (provided for testing workflows)Known Issues in SMP 4.6There are currently no known issues in this release.9SMP 4.6Release NotesCustomer Support for SMP4.6Support and contact informationIf you encounter issues with this product,visit the Online Customer Support(OLCS)[https://]website.After registering and logging on,you can access troubleshooting resources.In addition,you can contact Alcatel-Lucent Support as follows:Toll-free phone(within U.S.)1-866-582-3688,option1Outside U.S.+16137846100(United States)Alcatel-Lucent is interested in feedback about your experience with this product and its documentation.If you have comments or suggestions,send email to<***************>.Legal NoticeAlcatel,Lucent,Alcatel-Lucent,the Alcatel-Lucent logo,Motive,and the Motive logo are trademarksof Alcatel-Lucent.All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.The informationpresented is subject to change without notice.Alcatel-Lucent assumes no responsibility for inaccuracies contained herein.10SMP4.6Release Notes。
DJI Mavic 3 Release Notes说明书
DJI Mavic 3 Release NotesDate: 2022.05.31Aircraft Firmware: v01.00.0700RC-N1 Remote Controller Firmware: v04.13.0600DJI RC Pro Remote Controller Firmware: v03.01.0700DJI Fly App iOS: v1.6.4DJI Fly App Android: v1.6.4What’s New?∙Added switch to the tele camera in photo mode, includes single shot, AEB, burst and timed shot, supports JPEG, RAW, JPEG+RAW photo format, and ISO and shutter speed settings.∙Added switch to the tele camera in video mode, supports 4K@25/30/50fps, 1080p@25/30/50fps format, and ISO and shutter speed settings.∙Added HLG for the Hasselblad camera.∙Added 1080p/200fps to Slow Motion when using the Hasselblad camera.∙Added HLG and D-Log to shoot MasterShots and QuickShots (not including Asteroid).∙Digital zoom reaches up to 3x in normal video mode when using the Hasselblad camera.∙Added support to FocusTrack, QuickShots (not including Asteroid), MasterShots, and Hyperlapse for the aircraft when the Wide-Angle Lens is mounted.∙Added ProRes 422 and ProRes 422 LT format to the Hasselblad camera of Mavic 3 Cine.∙Added one-second option to interval time setting when using Hyperlapse on Mavic 3 Cine.∙Added DJI Mavic 3 D-Log to Rec.709 vivid LUT, providing a more vivid color effect. Download the LUT via /mavic-3/downloads.∙Added Nifty option for Bypassing when using APAS 5.0. Refer to the Mavic 3 User Manual v1.6 for details.∙Added Reset All Settings and Clear All Data options. Refer to the Mavic 3 User Manual v1.6 for details.∙Added support for Japanese RID requirements.∙Increased Home Point refresh rate.∙Optimized the focus performance when recording with the tele camera.∙Optimized the stability of the aircraft when shooting a Hyperlapse.∙Fixed issue: unable to use Hyperlapse when flying near a Flight Altitude Limit Zone.DJI Mavic 3 Release NotesDJI RC Pro:∙Added more custom functions for buttons and dials. Refer to the onscreen Tips for details.∙Fixed some minor bugs.Notes:∙Added features require DJI Fly v1.6.4 or later.∙If the update fails, restart aircraft, remote controller, and DJI Fly or DJI Assistant 2 (Consumer Drones Series), and retry.DJI Mavic 3 Release NotesDate: 2022.03.23Aircraft Firmware: v01.00.0600Remote Controller: v04.13.0600DJI Fly App iOS: v1.5.10DJI Fly App Android: v1.5.10What’s New?∙Increased the speed of searching GNSS.∙Fixed issue: Quick Transfer was not available for some scenarios in certain regions.∙Fixed some minor bugs.Notes:∙If the update fails, restart aircraft, remote controller, and DJI Fly or DJI Assistant 2 (Consumer Drones Series), and retry.DJI Mavic 3 Release NotesDate: 2022.01.24Aircraft Firmware: v01.00.0500Remote Controller: v04.13.0500DJI Fly App iOS: v1.5.8DJI Fly App Android: v1.5.8What’s New?∙Added QuickShots including Dronie, Rocket, Circle, Helix, Boomerang, and Asteroid.∙Added Panorama mode, capable of capturing in high resolution.∙Added burst shooting.∙Added digital zoom for normal video mode.∙Added Color Display Assist for D-Log.∙Added 4K/60fps and manual EI adjustment for MasterShots.∙Added QuickTransfer.∙Added zoom and D-Log for FocusTrack when recording video.∙Added support to set RTH altitude for Advanced RTH.∙Added USB mode for Mavic 3 Cine for copying data.∙Optimized accuracy of color correction.∙Increased image sharpness of Tele camera when shooting at high magnification.∙Optimized image area for Hyperlapse photos.∙Added support to DJI RC Pro to output clean HDMI footage.∙Added support for DJI RC Pro to cache video and download original video to an external SD card.∙Added support to use DJI RC Pro with DJI Air 2S.∙Fixed some minor bugs.Notes:∙Added features require DJI Fly v1.5.8 or later.∙USB mode will be disabled after updating firmware. Users can enable USB mode again in DJI Fly.∙If the update fails, restart aircraft, remote controller, and DJI Fly or DJI Assistant 2 (Consumer Drones Series), and retry.DJI Mavic 3 Release NotesDate: 2021.12.10Aircraft Firmware: v01.00.0400Remote Controller: v04.13.0400DJI Fly App iOS: v1.5.4DJI Fly App Android: v1.5.4What’s New?∙Added FocusTrack, MasterShots, and Hyperlapse.∙Added RAW Only photo format.∙Reduced video recording noise for ProRes of Mavic 3 Cine.∙Reduced occasional vibration of aircraft arms in some scenarios.∙Improved RTH performance.∙Improved obstacle avoidance performance.∙Improved hover stability.∙Fixed issue: some computers could not connect to aircraft via USB.∙Fixed issue: abnormal color appeared in some scenarios.∙Fixed some bugs for remote controller.Notes:∙Added features require DJI Fly v1.5.4 or later.∙If the update fails, restart aircraft, remote controller, and DJI Fly or DJI Assistant 2 (Consumer Drones Series), and retry.DJI Mavic 3 Release NotesDate: 2021.11.05Aircraft Firmware: v01.00.0300Remote Controller: v04.12.0300DJI Fly App iOS: v1.5.0DJI Fly App Android: v1.5.0What’s New?∙Optimized flight safety.∙Added ability to unlock GEO zones.∙Added C4K/120fps, 4K/120fps, 1080p/120fps to Slow Motion.∙Added 1080p/30fps to Explore mode.∙Added D-Log mode.∙Optimized image quality.∙Increased maximum flight speed for APAS 5.0.Notes:∙If the update fails, restart aircraft, remote controller, and DJI Fly or DJI Assistant 2 (Consumer Drones Series), and retry.。
AirCheck G2 v2.0.0 Release Notes说明书
AirCheck G2 version 2.0.0 Release NotesOctober 2017AirCheck G2 v2.0.0 Release Notes briefly describe the Bug Fixes included in the release, along with Known Issues to be aware of. It also includes a reference to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).Upgrading to Version 2.0Upgrading from 1.1.1 to 2.0 is straightforward, however there are several recommended steps that you can take to further minimize the chances for problems. Following these steps will ensure important data is not lost when transitioning to the new build.e the AirCheck G2 Manager application to export and save any screen captures or session filesoff your unit prior to upgrading.2.Ensure you have saved a backup copy of all AirCheck G2 profiles, and session files you may havecreated, upgrading the unit will migrate files to a 2.0 format, and should you need 1.x versions in the future you will need to use the archived copies.3.Before upgrading your 1.x AirCheck G2 to 2.0, we recommend that you ensure you are running1.1.1. Upgrading directly from 1.0.0 is possible, but upgrading from 1.1.1 is recommended.4.After performing steps 1 – 3 as applicable, you should then update your AirCheck G2 Managersoftware to the 2.0 version.5.Finally after updating your AirCheck G2 Manager Software to 2.0, attach your 1.1.1 AirCheck G2to your computer using the USB cable and update it to the v2.0 firmware.Version 2.0 New FeaturesThe AirCheck G2 v2.0 release brings enhancements to existing AirCheck G2 features as well as new features never before seen in an AirCheck tester.New and Updated FeaturesPerformance Testing with iPerfQuickly and easily test the throughput on your network by conducting iPerf tests from an AirCheck G2 to an iPerf server. The iPerf test allows a user to validate the throughput on their network at a given location.The tester uses the industry standard performance measuring tool iPerf in either UDP or TCP mode of operation. Tests can be conducted with a customer’s iPerf server they install themselves on their own or utilizing our new Test Accessory.IPerf results are logged to your session file and can be saved and reviewed by using the AirCheck G2 Manager software.iPerf ConfigurationA new configuration area is available in the AirCheck G2 settings: iPerf Settings. Additional new iPerf thresholds are available for configuration in the Thresholds area.iPerf SettingsProtocoliPerf tests can be run for TCP traffic or UDP. Allperformance tests will be run based upon the traffictype selected here.PortConfigures the port to be used for the iPerf traffic.Test DurationConfigures the amount of time (in seconds) for the iPerftest to run. The test runs an uplink followed by adownlink test. This duration is for the total time of bothtests, so the default 20s setting will result in a 10s uplink followed by a 10s downlink test. ThresholdsThis is not a setting but instead is a link to the AirCheck G2 Thresholds configuration screen.Remote Battery TypeThis sets what battery type is present in a Test Accessory. The AirCheck will use this information to give the most accurate reading possible for the remaining battery level of your Test Accessories. Running an iPerf Performance TestAn iPerf test can be conducted by following these steps:1.Connect to a network or an AP as before2.After a successful connection, a newbutton is available at the bottom of thescreen titled “iPerf Test”. Tap thatbutton. The Select iPerf Server screenwill now display.3.You can now select what iPerf serveryou would like to use. You can tap inthe space next to “iPerf Server” tomanually enter the IP address of theiPerf server you would like to testagainst, or you can select from a list ofdetected Test Accessories at the bottomand then tap “Done”. For furtherinformation on configuring iPerf serversand managing Test Accessories pleaserefer to the User Guide.4.Tap “Start” at the bottom of the screento begin your iPerf test. The test will runfor the configured amount of time, andresults will be marked pass/fail basedupon the configured threshold.Captive Portal SupportCustomers asked and we listened, users can now conduct all their AirCheck testing even on public facing networks that feature a captive portal.A new configuration item is available in the AirCheck G2 Network Configuration screen. For a given network, you can set Captive Portal to be On or Off for that network.When attaching to a network configured as a captive portal network, the AirCheck G2 will open a web browsing screen for the user to provide any necessary interaction.Important Notes:•Some web pages contain small features (such as check boxes) that can be difficult to accurately interact with unless the page is zoomed in.•Secondary pop-up windows (such as opening a Terms and Conditions form) that open off the main Captive Portal page are not supported.Authorization ClassesOne of our popular AirCheck G1 features is now available on the AirCheck G2. Users can now mark APs as Authorized, Unauthorized, Neighboring, or Flagged. APs can be sorted by authorization class, and the updated AutoTest can now report on any APs that have been marked as Unauthorized or Flagged that are heard during the test scan. [Please note, Rogue AP for AutoTest is on by default after upgrading from 1.x to 2.0.] In addition, users can set up a ‘default’ setting to be used for any APs heard that do not already have an assigned Authorization class. If ‘None’ is selected, then no ACL will be assigned and that AP will not indicate any ACL icons in the AP listings.Interferer Detection and ClassificationSometimes the problem isn’t the Wi-Fi, it’s the other devices in your area. Get a view into what other technologies are in your airspace by detecting interferers such as Microwave ovens or wireless cameras. The AirCheck G2 will use its wi-fi radio to detect interfering technologies in the environment and attempt to identify them. Interferer events are categorized by the AirCheck G2 radio as it scans through the bands. Based upon the readings it receives during the scan, if the AirCheck G2 believes the devices is operating with enough power and regularity to interfer with your Wi-Fi Network, it will attempt to identify an interfering device and (if identified) an interferer event will be logged.Various Small EnhancementsChannel OverlapUsers have requested the ability to visualizethe channels and how they overlap witheach other. This view is now available atthe tap of a button from the Channelsscreen.Supported Rates vs. Basic RatesAnother common request was to separate the rates information the AirCheck provides on an AP into Supported vs. Basic rates, so that the user could see explicitly how the AP was configured. We’ve made this change to the AP Details screen, so both pieces of information are now available.Save a Packet CaptureNow when saving a session file, the user also has the option to save that information as a PCAP. The capture file is automatically set to slice packets at 512 length. Packet capture files can be exported from the unit via a supported USB thumb drive.Version 2.0.0 Bug FixesDE14857 Upgrading firmware via the AirCheck G2 Manager no longer causes an error message of: “Error transferring AirCheck G2 firmware file”DE15486 After disconnecting from AirCheck G2 Manager and rebooting, the AirCheck G2 no longer will occasionally show AutoTest, Ethernet Test and soft keys as disabled (greyedout).DE15659 If a Profile is created/edited in AirCheck G2 Manager with multiple security certificates and at least one Network, and that Profile is transferred to an AirCheck G2 and thatNetwork is edited within the AirCheck G2, the first certificate in the Profile’s list is nolonger automatically assigned to that Network.Version 2.0.0 Known IssuesDE14570 AirCheck G2 Manager does not apply grouping of virtual APs (BSSIDs on the same AP radio). Therefore the AP count shown in AirCheck G2 with virtual AP grouping enabledmay not match the AP count in AirCheck G2 Manager.DE14604 If AutoTest connects to a hidden network, Network Coverage will show 0 APs. This will cause the connection test to fail when using the default threshold for Network Coverage.You can adjust this threshold in Settings / Thresholds to avoid this.DE15401 If a negative signal adjustment causes the signal level to exceed the -99 dBm minimum level limit, Signal/Noise Ratio (SNR) readings may be incorrect.DE15466 Link-Live does not report channel utilization for wireless connection tests.DE15541 If the AirCheck G2 is set to scan on only one channel, it is possible that a Connect to Network test can connect to the network on a different channel. 802.11 Types reportedto Link-Live might be missing in this scenario.DE17209 After running an Ethernet or iPerf test the * will appear next to the profile name indicating a change to the profile despite the user not changing profile characteristics.This occurs due to “last used” information being saved to a profile by the unitautomatically.DE17343 If a 2.0 unit is downgraded to 1.1.1, the unit should be reset to factory defaults before upgrading again to 2.0 to prevent the first test result to fail Link-Live archiving.DE17394 Changing the Date or Time on the unit puts it into a very slow scanning state which can only be recovered by rebooting the unit.Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)For a list of FAQ and answers, please log into your link-live account and visit Select the AirCheck G2 article.。
Release Notes
Oracle® TimesTen In-Memory DatabaseRelease NotesRelease 11.2.1E13080-19November 2010This document provides late-breaking information for TimesTen release, aswell as information that is not yet part of the formal documentation. The latest versionof this document is the readme.html file in your installation directory. Release notesmay also be updated from time to time in the documentation library at/technetwork/database/timesten/documentation/Information about TimesTen 11.2.1 releases before can be found at/technetwork/database/timesten/documentation/1121-historic-183693.htmlTo install the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database, run setup from the installationmedia pack. For installation information, see Oracle TimesTen In-Memory DatabaseInstallation Guide. This guide can be accessed from install_dir/doc/ at the root ofthe installation media pack.This document contains the following sections:■Changes in this release■Platforms■Software requirements■Deliverables■Advance notice■Known problems and limitations■Contacting support■Documentation Accessibility1Changes in this releaseThis section lists changes between releases:■Changes for Release from Release■Changes for Release from Release■Changes for Release from Release■Changes for Release from Release■Changes for Release from Release■Changes for Release from Release■Changes for Release from Release for Release from Release behaviorchanges.txt file is no longer included in the installation directory. Behavior changes are included in this document.1.1.1Behavior changes in Release■Previous behavior: If SUBSTR() result is longer than the target column, the result is silently truncated and an insert or update succeeds with the truncated string.New behavior: If the result of SUBSTR() is longer than the target column in an insert or update statement, the operation fails with error 982: "Stringexceeds column width". For example, if column x is of type CHAR(4), SET x=SUBSTR('abcdefg',2) results in error 982. SUBSTRB() in a multibytecharacter set continues to silently truncate the string, and insert or updatecontinues to succeed with the truncated string.1.1.2New features and changes in Release the "What's New" prefaces in the documentation to see the new featuresdocumented in a specific guide.■You can create an explicitly loaded global cache group in a cache grid. If the cache tables on the local grid member do not contain data that satisfies a query, then thecache instance is transferred from other grid members to the local grid member in a grid data transfer operation. If the grid does not contain the cache instance that satisfies the query, data is not loaded from the Oracle tables and the query returns no results. See Oracle In-Memory Database Cache User's Guide .■Oracle Data Provider for .NET is available for Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database. It enables fast data access for .NET applications using. This data provider supports TimesTen release or later onMicrosoft Windows 32-bit and 64-bit platforms. It supports the .NET 2.0, 3.0 and3.5 frameworks with Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 or later, and .NET4.0 withVisual Studio 2010. The Oracle Data Provider for .NET is available for download on Oracle Technology Network:/technetwork/database/timesten/downloads For more information, see Oracle Data Provider for .NET Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Support User's Guide .■Tables with aging are not supported with track-based parallel replication. In this release, TimesTen prevents the user from including a table with aging from beingpart of a replication scheme when ReplicationApplyOrdering=1.■TimesTen is supported for SUSE 11 on Linux x86-64.■The default value for the -maxsupportlogsize daemon option has been changed from 1 to 10 MB. See Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Operations Guide .Note:Oracle Data Provider for .NET supports OracleTimesTen In-Memory Database only. A future release of OracleDatabase Provider for .NET will support both Oracle Database andOracle TimesTen In-Memory Database.■Aging statistics have been added to the SYS.SYSTEMSTATS system table. See Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database System Tables and Limits Reference.■Using TimesTen with IBM Java SDK 1.6 for 32-bit and 64-bit on Linux x86 is supported. To use this Java SDK, a fix from IBM is required, published as APAR IZ76406, which is included in Java 6 SR8 FP1.■The ScriptInstallDir attribute is not required to configure Oracle Clusterware with TimesTen. The attribute is deprecated in this release.1.1.3Bug fixes in Release■The ttMigrate utility returns exit codes. See Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Reference. (BugDB 8637795)■In previous releases, ttBulkCp failures returned an incorrect code. This problem has been fixed. (BugDB 9414206)■In previous releases, the -showdate daemon option was not enabled for the Server process. This problem has been fixed. (BugDB 9722055)■ A CREATE VIEW statement fails if the view definition contains a union, and one side of the union is a query that selects from a derived table that is a join. In this release, TimesTen returns an error message that describes the problem. (BugDB 9864076)■Create cache group checks if the user has the appropriate Oracle privilege. For example, it checks if the user has SELECT ON privileges on each table in the cache group. In the release, the code checks for individual privileges, as well as those granted through a role. In earlier releases, it was not checking against role privileges. (BugDB 9873532)■When grid failed to allocate memory a message will be logged to the daemon log to indicate this fact. The message will have the following format: Member'memberName'failed to allocate temp space, errorcode='errNo' - 'errMessage'. (BugDB 9893472)■Public access to TimesTen objects in the Oracle database that are used for cache operations is no longer allowed. (BugDB 9957021)■In previous releases, the fractional second field of an Oracle TIMESTAMP value contained in a PL/SQL variable buffer was inadvertently modified when it was prepared for conversion into the TimesTen TT_TIMESTAMP format. This problem has been fixed. (BugDB 9903966)■SQL operations executed internally by PL/SQL may generate warnings, for example, because of low memory or replication failures. In previous releases these warnings could cause ORA-0600 errors to be emitted. In this release ORA-0600 errors do not result from these temporary warning conditions. (BugDB 9916812)■In a client/server configuration, errors in starting child server processes resulted in an "unexpected server exit" and no additional information. Now startup errors are reported. (BugDB 9934387)■Internal trace buffers are now flushed when the database is loaded into memory.Previously, trace data left over from a prior load of the database could interfere with new traces, causing errors that could result in database invalidation. (BugDB 9939628)■In previous releases, a call to the ttOptEstimateStats built-in procedure could result in an assertion when a concurrent transaction committed after deleting alarge number of rows. In this release, TimesTen returns an error if TimesTen cannot perform the estimate. The new error has the form: "Estimate statistics on owner.table failed due to too some concurrent operation; try again." (BugDB 9954300)■In previous releases, altering a cache group could cause a core dump when the TimesTen configuration tables on the Oracle database were empty. This problem has been fixed. (BugDB 9956288)■The message for error 6226 has been changed to replace the obsolete LogBuffSize connection attribute name with LogBufMB. (BugDB 9961676)■The stability of TimesTen PL/SQL after unexpected application failures is improved. (BugDB 10011855)■In previous releases, a master-master replication scheme with two-safe enabled could create a backlog of replication records that were never sent to a subscriber database. This problem has been fixed. (BugDB 10029655)■In previous releases, calls to the ttOptSetFlag built-in procedure incorrectly reset the values set by the ttOptUseIndex built-in procedure. This problem has been fixed. (BugDB 10034510)■Dynamic load operations use the SQL command cache more efficiently than in previous releases. (Bug DB 10036720)■Dynamic load operations no longer cause a round trip to the Oracle database when the parent row is already in the IMDB Cache. (BugDB 10036751)■The mit.file.reads statistic in the SYS.SYSTEMSTATS system table.keeps track of how often TimesTen reads from the file system during commitprocessing. In previous releases, this statistic was higher than log.file.reads, which keeps track of total file system reads. The mit.file.readsstatistic is now calculated correctly. (BugDB 10134912)■In previous releases, a replication agent or an XLA application could encounter an assertion failure blklen <= startIdMap->offset in thesbLogBufLRNextLocate function. This problem has been fixed. (BugDB10145152, 10194728 and 10196227)■ A problem has been fixed where an assertion could occur while executing SELECT statement through a procedure from a JDBC application. (BugDB 10167873)■In previous releases, the replication agent could crash and invalidate the database when the replication agent was reading close to the end of the in-memory logs.This problem could occur when the value of the connection attributeLogBufParallelism was greater than 1. In that case, one particular log record could cause a log strand reader to block and cause other strand-readers to read records in an incorrect order. This problem has been fixed. (BugDB 10174319 and 10176689)■In previous releases, a bad pointer caused an assertion in thesblogCtnWrapComplete function. This problem has been fixed. (BugDB10176825)■ A problem has been fixed where timing issues after a ttCWAdmin -init operation could generate false positives. (BugDB 10208113)■In previous releases, global dynamic AWT cache groups checked the Oracle tables for unique primary keys when inserts were performed on the TimesTen cachetables. This uniqueness check no longer occurs, which enables inserts to take placein TimesTen cache tables when the Oracle database is not available. (BugDB10211940)■In previous releases, when a direct-linked application was terminated abnormally, other active connections or subsequent connections could cause databaseinvalidation. This problem has been fixed. (BugDB 10008657 and 10214446)■An assertion could occur when parallel replication was enabled. The transmitter would crash when reading close to the end of the log, causing an incorrect check that failed when a connection changed its replication track number. This problem has been fixed. (BugDB 10218953)■ A problem has been fixed where parallel replication would hang while running ttrepadmin -dsn DSN-receiver list. (BugDB 10223328)1.2Changes for Release from Release■ A problem has been fixed where, if a secondary group was chosen during the installation and the TimesTen daemon is started by the root user, the daemon would run under the primary group rather than the intended group. (BugDB9968811)■For AIX on POWER systems, a problem has been fixed in which a misplaced memory barrier could lead to an assertion failure insbLogStrandGetNextRecord. (BugDB 10008972)■ A problem has been fixed where information about the group that owned the database was incorrectly removed from the database when duplicating orrestoring the database. This caused subsequently created log files to have incorrect ownership, group, and/or permissions. (BugDB 10020189)■ A problem has been fixed where the delete of the dummy row generated for concurrency control might be incorrectly treated as a deferred delete of AWT cache group. This might cause an error to be returned when the member attempted to reload the instance after it had been transferred or unloaded. (BugDB 10023143)■ A problem has been fixed where a mutex used for cache grid concurrency control might be released by a process other than the process that acquired the mutex.This problem could cause an assertion failure. (BugDB 10049032)1.3Changes for Release from Release■You can use the ttRepStateGet built-in procedure to return the grid state as well as the database role after failover in an active standby pair grid member. See Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Reference for details.■ A problem has been fixed where tracing could cause a database to become invalidated. (BugDB 9088582 and 9940513)■ A problem has been fixed where a FIRST N in a SELECT query with a SET MINUS operator and many joins would choose a bad plan, consume a largeamount of temporary space and not execute. (BugDB 9867351)■ A problem has been fixed where an assertion failure could occur when the allocated buffer to store the foreign key of a dynamic load was too small. (BugDB 9924227)■Concurrent operations on detail tables of a materialized view could sometimes cause the materialized view to get out of sync. (BugDB 9977046)■In previous releases, durable commits could continue after the recovery of a failed standby master node in an active standby pair with RETURN TWOSAFE DURABLE COMMITS specified. This problem is fixed. (BugDB 9296545)■ A warning message is now included in the ttmesg.log when an error occurs with the configuration of HugePages on Linux systems. (BugDB 9582712)■Array binds to PL/SQL are not supported in TimesTen. In previous releases, attempts to bind an array would not return an error message, in some cases. Now the error message ORA-1335 "feature not supported" is returned when the calling program tries to specify an array (of more than one element) to a PL/SQLprocedure call. (BugDB 9645256)■ A problem has been fixed where a multi-table query with a LIKE predicate that passed a string whose length exceeded the width of the target column did nothave optimal performance and would take longer to complete than expected.(BugDB 9647431)■ A problem has been fixed where the ttbackupstatus built-in procedure would return the name of a backup file, even after a the ttBackup operation had been terminated before completing the backup. (BugDB 9658978)■Previously, the selectivity of the LIKE predicate with patterns ending in the wildcard character (e.g. "starts_with_this%") was underestimated, causing the optimizer to pick suboptimal plans for queries with an AND condition. (BugDB 9741326)■ A problem has been fixed where a ttMigrate operation would fail when attempting to migrate a PL/SQL package that contained multibyte character set comments. (BugDB 9747278)■In previous releases, SQLFetch and SQLFreeStmt(hstmt, SQL_CLOSE) could, in some circumstances, return the underlying error code (846 or 994) rather than trigger a failover. In this release, a failover notification is returned. (BugDB 9795626)■In previous releases, when permanent space was exhausted, a cache grid assertion failure could occur. This problem has been fixed. (BugDB 9871235)■ A problem has been fixed where the status report that is displayed when a user calls ttRepAdmin -showstatus would incorrectly show fewer receivers than transmitters. This problem occurred when using parallel replication. (BugDB9837882)■ A problem has been fixed where applications that use PL/SQL procedures could consume a lot of memory. (BugDB 9846145)■ A problem has been fixed where receiver thread information would continue to appear in the status report that is displayed when a user calls ttRepAdmin-showstatus even after the receiver had been disconnected. This problemoccurred when using parallel replication. (BugDB 9850072)■In previous TimesTen 11.x releases, if the database was created group restricted, and there was a failure to change group ownership of a log file, it could cause the database to become invalidated. This has been fixed. TimesTen now retrieschanging group ownership and returns more details about the operating system error if a failure occurs. (BugDB #9891312)■In previous 11.2.1 releases, use of an unreplicated XLA bookmark on a standby database in an active standby pair scheme could stop replication between theactive and standby stores and also lead to high CPU usage. This problem has been fixed. (BugDB 9800186)1.6Changes for Release from Release■In previous releases, on AIX systems, the user had to call setsockopt at the kernel level to get the benefits of the TCP_RFC1323 option. It is no longernecessary for the user to make this call. TimesTen makes the call by default.(BugDB 6800684)■ A problem has been fixed where a disconnect from a standby store in an active standby pair with cache grid could hang. (BugDB 9538780)■In previous releases, creating many joins in a large materialized view could hang.This problem has been fixed. (BugDB 9581951)■TimesTen now returns ODBC error S1000: Unable to load NLS initialization data from /bogus/nls/data if the TimesTen clientdriver cannot find or load NLS files. (BugDB 9595956)■In previous releases, a replication agent could fail with this assertion failure: eolCnt + eofCnt == logc->strandCnt. This bug has been fixed. (Bug9644085).■During an upgrade from previous 11.2.1 releases to, the replication agent could fail to start due to error TT2211: Referenced column P.TRACK_ID not found>. This problem is fixed. (BugDB 9733793)1.7Changes for Release from Release changes in Release■New behavior: The results for addition and subtraction with DATE and TIMESTAMP types for INTERVAL MONTH are not closed. For example, adding 12 months to the DATE or TIMESTAMP of '2004-02-29' results in a date arithmetic error (TimesTen error message 2787) because February 29, 2005 does not exist.(2005 is not a leap year.) Adding INTERVAL '1' MONTH to DATE'2005-01-30' results in the same error because February never has 30 days.This behavior is documented in Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database SQL Reference, but the code did not return an error previously.Previous behavior: If the date is the last day of the month or if the resulting month has fewer days than the day component of DATE, then the result is the last day of the resulting month. Otherwise, the result has the same day component as DATE.Use the ADD_MONTHS function to get the old behavior. For example,ADD_MONTHS(DATE '2004-02-29',12) gives the result as DATE'2005-02-28', the last day of the month. ADD_MONTHS(DATE'2005-01-30',1) results in DATE '2005-2-28', the last day of the month.■The SELECT privilege has been granted to PUBLIC on theSYS.SYSTEM_PRIVILEGE_MAP and SYS.TABLE_PRIVILEGE_MAP systemtables. Public synonyms have also been created for these two tables.■JDBC client/server driver does not validate the index parameter in PreparedStatement.set XXX() calls. Validation occurs duringPreparedStatement.execute() calls.1.7.2New features and changes in Release the "What's New" prefaces in the documentation to see the new features documented in a specific guide.■You can perform a global query on cache tables and noncache tables across all nodes in a cache grid. You can also unload a cache group on all grid members by specifying a global unload operation. Use the GlobalProcessing optimizer flag.For a detailed description, see the Oracle In-Memory Database Cache User's Guide.■TTClasses now supports PL/SQL IN, OUT and IN OUT parameters and REF CURSORs.■User-defined parallel replication can be configured for applications that have predictable transactional dependencies and do not require the commit order on the source database to be the same as the commit order on the target database.User-defined parallel replication is available for replication schemes that are not active standby pairs. See Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database TimesTen to TimesTen Replication Guide for more information. This feature includes:- New database attributes ReplicationParallelism andReplicationApplyOrdering and the connection attributeReplicationTrack.-New SQL SET REPLICATION_TRACK clause of the ALTER SESSION statement.-The new TT_REPLICATION_TRACK ODBC connection option for the SQLSetConnectOption ODBC function.-The new setReplicationTrack() method of the TimesTenConnection JDBC classThe ALTER E INDEX operation is not permitted when user-defined parallel replication is used and replication agent is running.■Oracle Clusterware can be configured with a cache grid by setting the GridPort attribute in the file. See Oracle TimesTen In-MemoryDatabase TimesTen to TimesTen Replication Guide.1.7.3Bug fixes in Release■In previous releases, if you did a client-only install into a root directory, TimesTen would fail to find TimesTen servers during a Client DSN setup. This problem has been fixed. (BugDB 9261243)■ A problem has been fixed where a flush cache group operation would hold row locks on child tables. This problem could block an update statement that touched the child table. (BugDB 9359437)■In previous releases, executing a query against multiple outer joins with the set operators UNION, MINUS or INTERSECT could result in abnormal termination.This problem has been fixed. (BugDB 9382127)■ A problem has been fixed where the cache agent would not start if the ORA_NLS, ORA_NLS10 and ORA_NLS33 variables were set in the environment of theTimesTen main daemon. (BugDB 9382534)■ A deadlock or lock timeout error that could be encountered during a parallel ttMigrate restore operation has been fixed. (BugDB 9388441)■In previous releases, an autorefresh polling query incorrectly used a full table scan.In this release, the query uses an index. (BugDB 9434677)■An assertion failure that resulted from an inconsistency in TimesTen internal lock structures has been fixed in this release. (BugDB 9436967)■In previous releases, an assertion could occur if the total number of rows for a single value needed more than 65K pages in a bitmap index and subsequent fast recoveries would hang. This has been fixed. (BugDB 9445235)■In previous TimesTen 11.2.1. releases, replication would fail during an ALTER REPLICATION operation when replicating from a TimesTen 11.2.1.x release to a pre-11.2.1 release. This has been fixed. (BugDB 9447493)■ A problem has been fixed for Windows systems where Shared Memory IPC client server connections would fail sometimes. (BugDB 9478491)■The SQL command ID is included as output to ttXactAdmin. This ID is helpful as input for the built-in procedure ttSQLCmdCacheInfo to associate the SQL statement with the ID. (BugDB 9496444)■ A problem has been fixed where a TimesTen daemon disconnect would fail with an error -8 in the StopManaging function if a process had exited ungracefully.(BugDB 9499437)■ A problem has been fixed where projected constants in a JOIN of tables and views could create duplicate result column names. (BugDB 9503696)■In previous releases, when timestamp based aging is used, rows with date values in the future could be aged out. This problem has been fixed.(BugDB 9541351)■ A problem has been fixed where PL/SQL procedures could be stored incorrectly in the database. Any attempt to use these procedures would result in a crash.(BugDB 9542428)■In previous releases, when the value of the LogBufParallelism attribute was greater than 1, it could cause the transmitter in the replication agent to crash. This problem has been fixed. (BugDB9588242)2PlatformsEnvironment32-bit64-bit Compiler notesMicrosoft Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows Server 2003 and 2008 for Intel IA-32 and EM64T and AMD64 CPUs.Yes Yes Compiled and tested withIntel 8.VS .NET 2003, VS 2005 andVS 2008 are also supported.To use the TimesTen debuglibrary, you must use VS.NET 2003.Asianux 2.0 and 3.0 for Intel IA-32 and EM64T and AMD64 CPUs.Yes Yes Compiled and tested withIntel 9.1.gcc 3.4.6 and 4.1.0 are alsosupported.TimesTen is supported on Oracle VM guest x86 and x86-64 operating systems on Oracle Linux 4 and 5 or Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 and 5 systems.Solaris 9 and 10 for UltraSparc CPUs.Yes Yes Compiled with Sun Studio 11.Shipped with a TimesTen client library compiled with gcc 3.2.3.Solaris 10 for x86-64.No Yes Compiled with Sun Studio 10. Tested on AMD64 CPUs.SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 for Intel IA-32 and EM64T and AMD64 CPUs.Yes Yes Compiled and tested with Intel 9.1.gcc 3.4.6 and 4.1.0 are also supported.SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 for Itanium2 CPUs.No Yes Compiled and tested with Intel 9.1.gcc 3.4.5 and 4.1.0 are also supported.SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 for Linux x86-84No Yes gcc 4.3Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 and 5 for Intel Itanium2 CPUs.No Yes Compiled and tested with Intel 9.1.gcc 3.4.5 and 4.1.0 are also supported.Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 and 5 for Intel IA-32 and EM64T and AMD64 CPUs.Yes Yes Compiled and tested with Intel 9.1.gcc 3.4.6 and 4.1.0 are also supported.Oracle Linux 4 and 5 for Intel IA-32 and EM64T and AMD64 CPUs.Yes Yes Compiled and tested with Intel 9.1.gcc 3.4.6 and 4.1.0 are also supported.Monta Vista Linux Carrier Grade Edition Release 4.0 and 5.0 for Intel IA-32, EM64T and AMD64 CPUs.Yes Yes Compiled and tested with Intel 9.1.gcc 3.4.6 and 4.1.0 are also supported.HP-UX 11i v2 and 11iv3 for PA-RISC.Yes Yes Compiled and tested with the HP compiler.HP-UX 11i v2 and 11iv3 for Itanium2.Yes Yes Compiled and tested with the HP compiler.AIX 5L 5.3 and 6.1 for POWER CPUs.Yes Yes Compiled and tested with the AIX compiler.Mac OS X 10.6Yes No Compiled and tested with gcc 4.2.1.Environment32-bit 64-bit Compiler notes3Software requirementsFor software requirements, refer to Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Installation Guide.4DeliverablesYou should receive the following with your copy of the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database:■Release Notes. This document (which you are now reading) covers late-breaking information not included in the formal documentation.■Oracle TimesTen Media Pack. The media pack includes the Oracle TimesTen libraries and executables, demo programs, utilities and online documentation. The documentation included on the media pack consists of:-Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Release Notes (Part Number E13080).See the description above.-Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Installation Guide (Part Number E13063). See the description above.-Oracle In-Memory Database Cache Introduction (Part Number E14261). This guide describes the features of Oracle In-Memory Database Cache andprovides information to help developers plan an IMDB Cache application.-Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Operations Guide (Part Number E13065). This guide provides information about configuring TimesTen andusing the ttIsql utility to manage a database. It also provides a basic tutorial for TimesTen.-Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database C Developer's Guide (Part Number E13066). This guide describes how to compile and link your C applicationwith Oracle TimesTen and how to set up and work with Oracle TimesTendatabases. It covers topics that include error handling, event management and performance tuning. It also provides a reference for C language-specific APIs.-Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Java Developer's Guide (Part Number E13068). This guide describes how to compile and link your Javaapplication with Oracle TimesTen and how to set up and work with OracleTimesTen databases. It covers topics that include error handling, eventmanagement and performance tuning. It also provides a reference for Javalanguage-specific APIs.-Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database TTClasses Guide (Part Number E13074). This guide describes the Oracle TimesTen C++ Interface Classeslibrary. The library provides wrappers around the most common ODBCfunctionality.-Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database PL/SQL Developer's Guide (Part Number E13076). This guide describes and explains how to use PL/SQL in the TimesTen database. It is intended for anyone developing PL/SQL-basedapplications for the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database.-Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database PL/SQL Packages Reference (Part Number E14000). This guide provides a reference to all PL/SQL packagesavailable for use with the TimesTen database. It is intended for anyonedeveloping PL/SQL-based applications for the Oracle TimesTen In-MemoryDatabase.。
TestStand 2.0 Release Notes说明书
CVI ™,LabVIEW ™,National Instruments™,™,and TestStand ™are trademarks of National Instruments Corporation.Product and company names mentioned herein are trademarks or trade names of their respective companies.322519D-01©Copyright 1999,2001National Instruments Corp.All rights reserved.March 2001T EST S TAND R ELEASE N OTESVersion 2.0These release notes contain system requirements,installation instructions,new features,and updated information to help you begin usingTestStand 2.0.ContentsTestStand Installation (2)Minimum System Requirements (2)Installing TestStand (2)Upgrade Notes (3)Preserving Your Changes to TestStand Components (3)Installing Multiple TestStand Versionson the Same Machine (4)What Is New and Different in TestStand 2.0 (4)New Features (4)Changes Between TestStand 2.0and TestStand 1.0.x (6)Numeric Limit Step (6)Creating Subproperties (6)Executing Steps (7)LabVIEW Palette (7)Changes Between TestStand 2.0and TestStand 2.0Beta (7)Changes to the TestStand User Manual (8)Chapter 2—Sequence Editor Options (8)Workspace Window (8)Multiline Edit Control in Dialog Boxes (8)Chapter 6—Sequence Execution (8)Chapter 11—Synchronization Step Types (10)Chapter 18—Databases (10)Additional Support Information..............................................................11™TestStand Release Notes TestStand InstallationThe TestStand setup program installs TestStand on your computer in approximately 10minutes.Minimum System RequirementsTo run TestStand for Windows 2000/NT/Me/9x ,you must have the following:•Windows 2000/NT 4.0or later,or Windows Me/9x .For Windows NT,National Instruments recommends Service Pack 3or later.•At least a 266MHz Pentium class or higher microprocessor •SVGA resolution or higher video adapter,with a minimum 800×600video resolution •Minimum of 64MB of memory •100MB free hard disk space (250MB recommended)•Microsoft-compatible mouseInstalling TestStandNote National Instruments recommends that you close other applications before you install TestStand.CautionIf you have LabVIEW VIs that you saved with a version of LabVIEW older than5.1that call the TestStand API,you must mass compile them in LabVIEW 5.1or later before installing TestStand 2.0.If you do not do mass compile your VIs,you will have to manually replace every ActiveX diagram node that uses the TestStand API.The TestStand 2.0installer displays a message box if it detects an existing LabVIEW installation.Follow these instructions to install TestStand:1.V erify that your computer and monitor are powered on and that you have installed Windows 2000/NT 4.0or later,or Windows Me/9x .2.Insert your TestStand Installation CD into your CD-ROM drive.3.Choose Run from the Start menu.4.Type x :\tssetup.exe in the input box,where x is your CD-ROM drive,and click on OK .5.Follow the instructions that appear in the dialogboxes.©National Instruments Corporation 3TestStand Release NotesNational Instruments recommends that you install the complete TestStandprogram to take full advantage of all the TestStand capabilities.If youchoose to install with options,select the options you want and follow thedirections on the screen.If necessary,you can run the setup program againlater and install additional files.Refer to the <TestStand>\Doc\Readme.txt file for any additionalissues that are too recent to be included in the printed TestStanddocumentation.Upgrade NotesThis section contains information on how to upgrade from a previousversion of TestStand.Preserving Your Changes to TestStand ComponentsTestStand 2.0includes changes to several components that users may alsochange.For example,TestStand 2.0enhances the process model,operatorinterfaces,and certain step types.If you have made changes to one of thesecomponents and placed the changes in the appropriate user directory,TestStand 2.0will not overwrite your changes.Your modified componentwill continue to function correctly with TestStand 2.0.However,if you want both the changes you have made to a component andthe changes that TestStand 2.0provides,you must do one of the following:•Use a file-differencing tool to determine the changes between theTestStand 2.0version of the component and the original version of thecomponent that you modified.Apply the TestStand 2.0improvementsto your version of the component.•Use a file-differencing tool to determine the changes you made to thecomponent.Reapply your improvements to a copy you make of theTestStand 2.0version of the component.Which option you choose depends on whether you or TestStand 2.0madethe larger number of changes to the component.To compare sequence files,use the sequence file diff/merge tool in theTestStand 2.0sequence editor.To compare text files,use a source codedifferencing tool such as Microsoft Windiff,or the file diff/merge tool in theLabWindows/CVI editor.Note Subsets of different versions of the same component are not necessarilyinteroperable without modifications.For example,you cannot replace a single sequence in the 2.0process model with the corresponding sequence from the 1.0.x process model without making furthermodifications.Installing Multiple TestStand Versionson the Same MachineNational Instruments recommends that you install only one version ofTestStand on a particular machine.Although TestStand2.0will install ona machine that contains a previous TestStand version,only one version ofTestStand can be active at a time.If you must install TestStand2.0on thesame machine as an earlier TestStand version,you can use the TestStandVersion Selection utility to select which TestStand version is active.Youcan find the Version Selection utility in the following directory,<ProgramFiles>\NationalInstruments\Shared\TestStandVerSelect\TSVerSelect.exe.If you activate TestStand2.0and run an operator interface from your1.0.xinstallation,the operator interface uses the2.0engine,step types,andcomponents.If you activate TestStand1.0.x and run a TestStand2.0operator interface or the sequence editor,the application you run will notfunction correctly.TestStand2.0installs shortcut items to the Start»Programs»NationalInstruments»TestStand menu.Previous versions of TestStand installedshortcut items to the Start»Programs»National Instruments TestStandmenu.When you install TestStand2.0without uninstalling a previousversion of TestStand,your start menu can contain both groups of shortcutitems.The version switcher utility does not alter start menu items or otherapplication shortcuts.Y ou must ensure that you run the version of thesequence editor or operator interface that you intend.What Is New and Different in TestStand2.0New FeaturesTestStand2.0contains the following new features:•Two new process models,Batch Model and Parallel Model•Synchronization step types•Built-in step synchronization properties•Asynchronous sequence calls•HTBasic adapter•API additions•Workspaces,projects,and source code control•Sequence file diff/merge tool•IVI step types•Instrument session managerTestStand Release •Report enhancements–Automatic reporting–Batch reports–XML reports example•Database logging–New database logger–TestStand2.0schema–Measurement logging•Combined property loader•Numeric Limit Test step enhancements–Units–Numeric Format•Multiple Numeric Limit Test step•Message Popup step enhancements–Timeouts–Positioning–Modality•DLL adapter enhancements–Structure passing–Enumeration parameters–Function call editing•New engine callbacks•Declare variable in the expression browser•Save as version1.0.x•Step type enhancements–Multiple type palettes–Unlimited substeps–Combining step types–Step type menu editor–Version properties–Apply changes to all step instances•Update sequence files tool•V arious performance improvements•V ariable propagation•Localized decimal point support©National Instruments Corporation5TestStand Release Notes•Special floating point numbers:NAN,IND,INF•New examples•List view tip strips•Installable tool menu items•Operator interface manual source•Failure chain in reports•Documentation generator options•File dialog box directory history list•Improvements to the Assemble Test VIsChanges Between TestStand2.0and TestStand1.0.xThe following are changes in behavior between TestStand2.0andTestStand1.0.x.Numeric Limit StepIn TestStand1.0.x,the numeric limit step provides a radix selection ringthat specifies the numeric format of limit values in the Edit Limits dialogbox.In TestStand2.0,these radix selections are a subset of a more generalset of numeric formatting options.Unlike TestStand1.0.x,the numericformat option now applies to the limit and measurement values for the stepin the test report.Creating SubpropertiesTestStand2.0no longer allows you to create subproperties under a propertythat is not a container.To conform to this change,TestStand has adjustedthe structure of the User data type as follows:•Each privilege group is a container property instead of a Boolean.•Each privilege group has a Boolean subproperty named GrantAll.Instead of setting the Boolean value of a privilege group,you now setthe GrantAll property to specify whether a user has all privilegeswithin a privilege group.Applications that check privileges with the CurrentUserHasPrivilegefunction will continue to function correctly with no changes.If yourapplication depends on the ability to create subproperties withinnon-container properties,you can set the NoSubPropertiesAllowedInNonContainers entry in TestExec.ini to False.However,to ensurecompatibility with future versions of TestStand,National Instrumentsrecommends that you contact TestStand support for assistance inrestructuring your application to avoid the use of this obsolete feature. TestStand Release Executing StepsWhen an execution is terminating in TestStand1.0.x and a step in a cleanupstep group calls a subsequence,the steps in the main step group of thesubsequence do not execute.TestStand2.0correctly executes the steps inthe main step group of the subsequence.TestStand1.0.x incorrectly checks the step run mode for Force Pass andForce Fail before evaluating the step precondition.TestStand2.0checksonly the run mode for Skip before evaluating the step precondition.TestStand2.0checks for Force Pass and Force Fail after evaluatingthe step precondition.Refer to Table6-5,Order of Actions That a StepPerforms,for more information.LabVIEW PaletteIn TestStand2.0,the TestStand API is combined withTestStand API Numeric not have the VIsGet Property Value(Variant).vi and TestStand Set Property Value(Variant).vi because of a problem with LV variant indicators.For moreinformation,refer to the LabVIEW Related Problems in<TestStand>\Doc\Readme.txt.TestStand2.0has three new,TestStand - Start Modal,andTestStand - End Modal,, replace Check for VIs IVI Refnum to,Session toIVI,VISA Refnum to,and Session toVISA replaced Refnum to and Session Between TestStand2.0and TestStand2.0BetaThe following are changes in behavior between TestStand2.0andTestStand2.0Beta:•The TestStand2.0Beta software specifies that primary key columnsthat store GUID values use a string data type of size32characters.In the final TestStand2.0release,the data type for Access is GUID andthe data type for SQL Server is UNIQUEIDENTIFIER.•Several methods in the final TestStand2.0API have changed since the2.0Beta.To ensure correct operation of a component you built with a2.0Beta API,you must recompile the component with the releaseversion of the TestStand2.0API and correct any compile errors.Beta components that you do not build,such as the TestStand sequenceeditor,do not run with the release API.Y ou must use the releaseversions of these components when you use the release API.©National Instruments Corporation7TestStand Release NotesTestStand Release Notes Changes to the TestStand User ManualThis section contains information on several changes and additions to the TestStand User Manual .Chapter 2—Sequence Editor OptionsWorkspace WindowThe icons in the Workspace window have changed.Replace the section on page 2-9with the following text:The following icons appear in the Workspace window.•Project file.•Workspace file.•Sequence file.•Any file that does not have a file association.•File is a code module or folder contains code modules.•File not found on disk.•File is currently checked into the source code control system.•File is currently checked out of the source code control system.Multiline Edit Control in Dialog BoxesAdd the following Note to page 2-18,before the Controlling Sequence Flow section.Note In TestStand 2.0,pressing <Enter>in a comment control in any dialog box closes that dialog box.To insert a carriage return in a comment control,press <Ctrl-Enter>.Chapter 6—Sequence ExecutionTable 6-5on page 6-25has changed.Replace the table and text with the following:Table 6-5.Order of Actions That a Step Performs Action NumberDescriptionRemarks 1Enter batch synchronizationsectionIf option isset 2Allocate step result —3Check run mode for Skipped —4Evaluate precondition—5Acquire step lock If option is set6Check run mode for Force Pass and Force Fail—7Load module if not already loaded—8Evaluate Loop Initialization expression Only if looping9Evaluate Loop While expression,skip to action23Only if loopingif False10Allocate loop iteration result Only if looping11Call Pre Step engine callbacks—12Evaluate Pre expression—13Call Pre Step substeps for step type—14Call module—15Call Post Step substeps for step type TestStand callsPost Step substepseven if the usercode modulegenerates arun-time error.This enables PostStep substeps toperform errorhandling,ifappropriate.16Evaluate Post expression—17Evaluate Status expression—18Call Post Step engine callbacks—19Call Post Step failure engine callbacks Only if loopiteration fails 20Fill out loop iteration result Only if looping21Call PostResultListEntry engine callbacks Only if looping22Evaluate Loop Increment expression,return to action9Only if looping23Evaluate Loop Status expression Only if looping24Unload module if required—©National Instruments Corporation9TestStand Release NotesTestStand Release Notes Usually,a step performs only a subset of these actions,depending on theconfiguration of the step and the test station.When TestStand detects arun-time error,it usually proceeds to action 29.If a run-time error occurs ina loop iteration,TestStand performs action 20before it performs action 29.Chapter 11—Synchronization Step TypesAdd the following note to the Mismatched Sections section on page 11-58.Note Typically,you set the step batch synchronization property to Parallel for any step that can cause a branch to a previous step,for example,a goto step or a step with a goto post action.This ensures that the branching step executes concurrently for all sequence instances,even when the step is nested within another synchronized section.Executing the backward branch concurrently prevents unintended mismatched sections that can result from one thread reaching a previous section while another thread that has yet to branch back waits at a different section before the branch.Chapter 18—DatabasesAdd the following bullet below New Data Link in the Database Viewer FileMenu section on page 18-33.•Save Data Link —Prompts the user for a filename and saves the datalink of the active window to a .udl file.This option is only visiblewhen a TableView or ExecuteSQL window is active.25Update sequence failed state 26Call Post Step failure engine callbacks Only if step fails27Execute post action —28Release step lock If option is set 29Fill out step result —30Call PostResultListEntry engine callbacks —31Exit batch synchronization section If option is setAdditional Support InformationFor additional information on TestStand,refer to the National InstrumentsWeb site at /support/teststand/.The Web site containsmany electronic support services such as a KnowledgeBase database,National Instruments Developer Zone(NIDZ),example programs,andsoftware libraries.These resources can help you in your development.National Instruments also offers an e-mail-based TestStand technicaldiscussion forum.You can join the forum by sending an e-mail to**********************.edu with the following text in the body ofthe note:SUBSCRIBE TESTEXEC <first name> <last name>You will receive an e-mail response with further instructions on sendingmessages to the forum and unsubscribing from the forum.©National Instruments Corporation11TestStand Release Notes。
LabWindows CVI 2015 Release Notes说明书
RELEASE NOTESLabWindows /CVI Version 2015These release notes introduce LabWindows ™/CVI ™ 2015. Refer to this document for system requirements, installation and activation instructions, and information about new features in LabWindows/CVI.ContentsLabWindows/CVI System Requirements (1)Installing LabWindows/CVI (2)Before Installation (2)Running the Installation (2)Activating LabWindows/CVI (4)What’s New in LabWindows/CVI? (4)Upgraded Version of Clang (4)Improved Source Code Browsing (4)Include Runtime Installers in Distributions (5)Include Driver and Component Files in Patch Distributions (5)Updated Windows SDK (5)Improved Installer Messages and Errors (6)Bug Fixes (6)LabWindows/CVI Resources...................................................................................................6LabWindows/CVI System Requirements To run LabWindows/CVI, you must have the following:•Personal computer using a Pentium 4/M or equivalent processor •Microsoft operating systems:–Windows 8.1 (32-bit and 64-bit)–Windows 8.0 (32-bit and 64-bit)–Windows 7 (32-bit and 64-bit), including Starter Edition –Windows Server 2012 R2 (64-bit)–Windows Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 2 (64-bit)Note LabWindows/CVI supports only R2 editions of Windows Server.•1024 × 768 resolution (or higher) video adapter •Minimum of 512 MB of RAM, 2 GB recommended™™•7 GB free hard disk space for full installation, which includes the Windows SDK 8.1 and the Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.2; additional space needed for National Instruments Device Drivers•Microsoft-compatible mouseInstalling LabWindows/CVIThe LabWindows/CVI Platform DVD includes LabWindows/CVI and the following modules and toolkits:Modules•Real-Time Module•Vision Development ModuleToolkits•Real-Time Execution Trace Toolkit•SQL Toolkit•Signal Processing Toolkit•PID Toolkit•Execution Profiler Toolkit•ECU Measurement and Calibration Toolkit•Automotive Diagnostic Command SetIf you purchased any of these modules or toolkits, you can install them using the LabWindows/CVI Platform DVD. If you want to evaluate any of these modules or toolkits before purchasing them, you can install these add-ons from the LabWindows/CVIPlatform DVD.Before InstallationKeep the following points in mind before you install LabWindows/CVI:•If you already have a different version of LabWindows/CVI installed on your computer, be sure to install version 2015 in a different directory. If you want to install to an existing directory, uninstall the other version before installing LabWindows/CVI 2015.•You must have administrator privileges to install LabWindows/CVI.•If your software is part of a V olume License Agreement (VLA), contact your VLA administrator for installation instructions.Running the InstallationComplete the following steps to install LabWindows/CVI:LabWindows/CVI Runtime with the LabWindows/CVI 2015 Runtime. To restore theprevious runtime, uninstall LabWindows/CVI 2015, the LabWindows/CVI 20152||LabWindows/CVI Release NotesLabWindows/CVI Release Notes |© National Instruments |3Runtime, and any previous versions of LabWindows/CVI and LabWindows/CVIRuntimes on the computer. Then reinstall the LabWindows/CVI version you want to use, along with any additional National Instruments software you might haveinstalled.1.Insert the LabWindows/CVI media into the disk drive. If the media does not runautomatically, open Windows Explorer, right-click the disk drive icon, and selectAutoPlay .2.On installation startup, the National Instruments LabWindows/CVI 2015 screen appears. Click Install LabWindows/CVI, Modules, and Toolkits .3.Continue to follow the instructions on the screen.Note If you have a serial number for the product you want to install, enter thenumber during installation when you are prompted. You also can activate the product after installation. For more information about finding serial numbers, refer to/info and enter SerialNumbers_en as the Info Code.Each product on the LabWindows/CVI Platform DVD has a different serial number, with the possible exception of the LabWindows/CVI Execution Profiler Toolkit.The Execution Profiler Toolkit does not require a separate license if youhave a LabWindows/CVI Full Development System license. If you have theLabWindows/CVI Base Package, you can install the Execution Profiler Toolkit for evaluation.4.If you select Device Drivers in the Features panel, the LabWindows/CVI installer promptsyou to insert the National Instruments Device Drivers media, which is available on . The NI Device Drivers media is required only if you want to upgrade existing driver software to the latest version. Otherwise, you can ignore this prompt.5.If you have an active Internet connection, the installer prompts you to select Windows SDK components to install. The components you select are downloaded and installed from the Microsoft website. For more information about the components, refer to /info and enter the Info Code CVI2015_WindowsSDK .If you do not have an active Internet connection, LabWindows/CVI installs all Windows SDK components, which might not be the latest components available on the Microsoft website.Note If you cancel the Windows SDK installation, LabWindows/CVI will notfunction properly. You can download the Windows SDK from one of the following places:•The Microsoft website•—Visit /info and enter the Info CodeDownloadMSDTWindowsSDK4| |LabWindows/CVI Release Notes6.Install hardware. Refer to your device documentation, such as printed manuals or PDFs, for information about installing your NI hardware.7.To activate a National Instruments product, refer to the What’s New in LabWindows/CVI? section of this document.Activating LabWindows/CVIIf you did not enter a serial number during installation, click Activate Products in the License Status dialog box to launch the NI Activation Wizard.Once you choose your activation method and launch the NI Activation Wizard, follow the instructions on the screen to activate LabWindows/CVI. For more information about activation, refer to the Activating Your Software topic in the LabWindows/CVI Help .Note If you are unable to activate LabWindows/CVI, refer to the web page at/activate .What’s New in LabWindows/CVI?This section includes information about changes and enhancements in LabWindows/CVI 2015.Upgraded Version of ClangLabWindows/CVI has updated the Clang 2.9 compiler to Clang 3.3. This upgrade provides the following features:•New warning flags and warnings messages •Improved detection of unintialized local variables •Improved stability when building large files •Up to 21% faster execution speed for 64-bit binariesNote The compiler backend is particularly suited for optimizing resources used in mathematical calculations, so you will see the highest performance gains if youperform complex computation, mathematics, or analysis.Improved Source Code BrowsingIn addition to the updated compiler, source code browsing also has been improved. These improvements include the following features:•Improved array support for the function prototype tooltip, Select Variable dialog box, and documentation generation from source code •Improved preprocessor support with macros •Improved stability due to various fixesLabWindows/CVI Release Notes |© National Instruments |5Include Runtime Installers in DistributionsSelect the Only display runtime installers option in the Drivers & Components tab of the Edit Installer dialog box to show which runtime installers are available for deployment. This option makes it easy to distinguish between full installers and runtime installers. Runtime installers are typically smaller in size, allowing you more control over the size of your distribution.Include Driver and Component Files in Patch DistributionsYou now can include NI components and driver files in your patch distributions. You also can choose to include in your patch all products with upgrades or patches by selecting the Include driver updates option in the Drivers & Components tab of the Edit Installer dialog box.Updated Windows SDKThis version of LabWindows/CVI installs the Windows SDK 8.1. Refer to MSDN for a complete list of enhancements. Some of the features provided by the Windows SDK include the following items:•Handle processes and threads—You can use functions such asSetProcessInformation to lower the priority of processes that perform background operations, GetProcessInformation to get the memory priority of a process, SetThreadInformation to lower the priority of a thread that does not need to run immediately, and GetThreadInformation to get the priority of a thread.•Get the firmware type—Call GetFirmwareType to find the firmware type of your users’ computers.•Speed up operations that access the same file data repeatedly—Call OperationStart and OperationEnd .•Take advantage of better virtual memory handling—Call functions such asPrefetchVirtualMemory , OfferVirtualMemory , ReclaimVirtualMemory , and DiscardVirtualMemory .•Take advantage of better physical memory handling—Call functions such as GetMemoryErrorHandlingCapabilities ,RegisterBadMemoryNotification , andUnregisterBadMemoryNotification .•Call helpers for National Language Support functions—For example, you can call IsValidNLSVersion to determine whether a version is valid for a National Language Support function.To use the Windows SDK 8.1, include the following in the Compiler Defines dialog box: _WIN32_WINNT=_WIN32_WINNT_WIN8 or WINVER=_WIN32_WINNT_WIN8.NoteThe Windows SDK 8.1 requires Windows 7 (minimum).Improved Installer Messages and ErrorsErrors and warning messages you receive when you create installers provide more useful information.Bug FixesFor a list of bugs fixed in LabWindows/CVI 2015, refer to the NI web page at /info and enter the Info Code exmvwx.LabWindows/CVI ResourcesHow do I get started?Read the Getting Started with LabWindows/CVI manual, which provides a tutorial for learning basic LabWindows/CVI program development techniques.Are there known issues or late-breaking information?Refer to the LabWindows/CVI Readme, which you can access from Start»All Programs»National Instruments»LabWindows CVI 2015»LabWindows CVI 2015 Documentation. The readme file contains information about known issues.Where can I find reference information?The LabWindows/CVI Help contains complete reference information. Use the Search tab in the LabWindows/CVI Help to quickly locate specific information.Where can I find examples?Find examples with the NI Example Finder, which you can access by selecting Help»Find Examples.LabWindows/CVI example programs are located in the following location:C:\Users\Public\Documents\National Instruments\CVI2015\samples.Is there a list of LabWindows/CVI documentation?The Guide to LabWindows/CVI Documentation topic describes documentation available for new users and upgrade users. In addition, this topic provides links to LabWindows/CVI documentation, including manuals and web resources. You can access the Guide to LabWindows/CVI Documentation topic through the LabWindows/CVI Help.Where else can I go for LabWindows/CVI information?Visit the LabWindows/CVI w ebsite at for the most up-to-date information about LabWindows/CVI.6||LabWindows/CVI Release NotesRefer to the NI Trademarks and Logo Guidelines at /trademarks for more information on National Instruments trademarks. Other product and company names mentioned herein are trademarks or trade names of their respective companies. For patents covering National Instruments products/technology, refer to the appropriate location: Help»Patents in your software, the patents.txt file on your media, or the National Instruments Patents Notice at /patents. You can find information about end-user license agreements (EULAs) and third-party legal notices in the readme file for your NI product. Refer to the Export Compliance Information at /legal/export-compliance for the National Instruments global trade compliance policy and how to obtain relevant HTS codes, ECCNs, and other import/export data. NI MAKES NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES AS TO THE ACCURACY OF THE INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN AND SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY ERRORS. U.S. Government Customers: The data contained in this manual was developed at private expense and is subject to the applicable limited rights and restricted data rights as set forth in FAR 52.227-14, DFAR 252.227-7014, and DFAR 252.227-7015.© 2003–2015 National Instruments. All rights reserved.373607N-01Aug15。
某企业全称user full name
某企业全称user full name
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例如:UltraPASM 2.0.8以上,UIP 1.0.1以上等。
MXview 3.0 Release Notes说明书
MXview Trial Version Release NotesSupported Operating SystemsNotesChangesApplicable ProductsBugs FixedN/AN/AEnhancementsWindows 10, Windows 7, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2016MXview-2000, MXview-250, MXview-50, MXview-500, MXview Upgrade-50, MXview-100, MXview-1000• Interface to monitor up to 10 MXview sites.• RESTful API of MXview.• URL/iframe to integrate MXview topology into other applications.• Dashboard that allows the network status to be viewed at a glance.• Add 60-day free trial when MXview 3.0 is first activated.• Add interface languages: Japanese, German, and French.• The status of the current event can be viewed in the device property tag.New Features• New User Interface based on HTML5.• Modified the license registration process.• IGMP Visualization and SMS notifications were removed.• The OID import manager, MXconfig, N-Snap, Demo mode needed to be activated separately.N/ASupported Operating SystemsNotesChangesApplicable ProductsBugs Fixed• The ICMP and SNMP polling interval value does not change after restarting MXview.• An unexpected large packet could potentially crash the MXview Server.• Remote users can read the randomly generated private key for MXview's self-signed certification.• PT-7528 hardware version 2.0 could not be viewed.• Set SNMPv3 auth type at add device, only SHA will be activated event choose MD5 or SHA.• Modify the scenario of the virtual demo.EnhancementsWindows 10, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows XP MXview-100, MXview-1000, MXview-2000, MXview-250, MXview-50, MXview-500, MXview Upgrade-50• Customized name for port label.• Inventory report can export to PDF or CSV file.• Support the PRP/HSR topology on PT-7728-PTP.• The old version database can be upgrade to the current version and restore.• Following models supported: MGate 5103, MGate 5111, AWK-1137C, TAP-213, PT-G7728/G7828,EDS-P506E.• Security view supported in the following model, EDR-G902/G903 (with firmware after v4.2), EDR-810 (with firmware after v4.2), MGate-5118, MGate 5101- PBM-MN, MGate 5103, MGate 5109, MGate W5108, MGate W5208.New Features• Icon, topology, background image and the document of device remains after MXview is upgraded.• Prevent non-privileged local users executing arbitrary code with elevated privileged on the system.• HTTPS certificates will not show under web folder.• RSA keys of SSL certificate increase from 1024 to 2048 bits.N/ASupported Operating SystemsNotesChangesApplicable ProductsBugs FixedN/A• Fixed the login issue of DB Restore Tool.• When MXview is reactivated, the SNMPv3 connection between MXview and the network device will occasionally be lost.• When the SNMPv3 configuration is active, the process might hang during the MXview discovery process.EnhancementsWindows 10, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows XPMXview Upgrade-50, MXview-100, MXview-1000, MXview-2000, MXview-250, MXview-50, MXview-500• Security View: Security level of network devices in a glance.• Dynamic wireless dashboard for AWK-A Series.• Support Windows 10 & server 2012 R2 (32/64-bit).New FeaturesN/AN/ASupported Operating SystemsNotesChangesApplicable ProductsBugs FixedN/AN/AEnhancementsWindows 10, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2012, Windows XP MXview Upgrade-50, MXview-100, MXview-1000, MXview-2000, MXview-250, MXview-50, MXview-500• Built-in MXview client.• Multiple user-defined accounts.• Security notifications and visualization.New FeaturesN/AN/ASupported Operating SystemsNotesChangesApplicable ProductsBugs FixedN/AN/AEnhancementsWindows 10, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2012, Windows XP MXview Upgrade-50, MXview-100, MXview-1000, MXview-2000, MXview-250, MXview-50, MXview-500• Visualization for PT-G503 PRP/HSR Redundant Box.New FeaturesN/AN/ASupported Operating SystemsNotesChangesApplicable ProductsBugs FixedN/AN/AEnhancementsWindows 7, Windows 8, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2012, Windows XPMXview Upgrade-50, MXview-100, MXview-1000, MXview-2000, MXview-250, MXview-50, MXview-500• Supports virtual demo network.• Supports traffic load visualization.• Supports VPN tunnel visualization.• Supports Syslog server.New FeaturesN/AN/ASupported Operating SystemsNotesChangesApplicable ProductsBugs FixedN/AN/AEnhancementsWindows 7, Windows 8, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2012, Windows XPMXview Upgrade-50, MXview-100, MXview-1000, MXview-2000, MXview-250, MXview-50, MXview-500• Generate custom events and notifications.• Generate custom OPC tags.• Export, import, copy, and paste device list.• Built-in browser.• Supports Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012.New FeaturesN/AN/ASupported Operating SystemsNotesChangesApplicable ProductsBugs FixedN/AN/AEnhancementsWindows 7, Windows 8, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2012, Windows XPMXview Upgrade-50, MXview-100, MXview-1000, MXview-2000, MXview-250, MXview-50, MXview-500• Supports new SNMP agent function.• Supports new OPC tag of Health status of group.New FeaturesN/AN/ASupported Operating SystemsNotesChangesApplicable ProductsBugs FixedN/A• Fixed event playback time synchronizing bug while using daylight-saving time.EnhancementsWindows 7, Windows 8, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2012, Windows XPMXview Upgrade-50, MXview-100, MXview-1000, MXview-2000, MXview-250, MXview-50, MXview-500• PoE Power consumption visualization.• Generate trend graphs to track bandwidth utilization and error packet rate statistics, which is accurate to four decimal points.• Device availability monitoring.• Supports third-party devices with MIB compiler and MIB browser.• Generates an inventory report for each device in the network.• Maintains device availability reports and records for up to 90 days.• Compiles comprehensive device properties reports.• Supports IE 6/8/9, Chrome 19, and Firefox 12.New FeaturesN/AN/ASupported Operating SystemsNotesChangesApplicable ProductsBugs FixedN/AN/AEnhancementsWindows 7, Windows 8, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2012, Windows XPMXview Upgrade-50, MXview-100, MXview-1000, MXview-2000, MXview-250, MXview-50, MXview-500• 2,000 nodes supported.• Virtual device panel.• Group visualization of VLAN and IGMP snooping.• Enhanced event playback interface.• Auto topology for end devices in the same subnet with MXview server.• Convenient device icon alignment tool.• New topology style and auto ring layout algorithm.• Core switches supported.New FeaturesN/AN/ASupported Operating SystemsNotesChangesApplicable ProductsBugs FixedN/AN/AEnhancementsWindows 7, Windows 8, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2012, Windows XP MXview Upgrade-50, MXview-100, MXview-1000, MXview-250, MXview-50, MXview-500• Network Event Playback.• 1-click mass operation of configuration and firmware.• Scheduling for routinely config backup.• Change history of configuration.• Comparison tool of two configuration files.• Grouping (multi-layer topology map).• NPort S8000 supported.New FeaturesN/AN/ASupported Operating SystemsNotesChangesApplicable ProductsBugs Fixed• UI enhancement.N/AEnhancementsWindows 7, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, Windows XPMXview Upgrade-50, MXview-100, MXview-1000, MXview-250, MXview-50, MXview-500• 1,000 nodes supported.• Grouping (2-layer topology map).• OPC 2.0-compliant.• Windows 7 and Server 2008 supported.• Device icons changeable.• Guest account.• SNMP Inform server.• Auto startup (Windows service).• AWK 3121 and AWK4121 supported.New FeaturesN/AN/ASupported Operating SystemsNotesChangesApplicable ProductsBugs FixedN/AN/AEnhancementsWindows Server 2003, Windows XPMXview Upgrade-50, MXview-100, MXview-250, MXview-50, MXview-500• Auto Topology (for LLDP devices).• Visualize Turbo Ring/Chain and port trunking.• Added SNMP trap as another way to collect events.• Notify users of events with SMS.• Notify local users of events with sounds and external programs.• More map operations, such as zoom or background image.• Comprehensive event history.• Export/import the system configurations.• Supports up to 20 nodes.New FeaturesN/AN/A。
Ruckus ZoneDirector 10.1 RELEASE NOTES说明书
Supporting ZoneDirector 10.1RELEASE NOTESPart Number: PartNumber 800-71755-001 Rev APublication Date: December 2017Copyright Notice and Proprietary Information© 2018 ARRIS Enterprises, LLC. All rights reserved.No part of this documentation may be used, reproduced, transmitted, or translated, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, manual, optical, or otherwise, without prior written permission of or as expressly provided by under license from ARRIS. Destination Control StatementTechnical data contained in this publication may be subject to the export control laws of the United States of America. Disclosure to nationals of other countries contrary to United States law is prohibited. It is the reader’s responsibility to determine the applicable regulations and to comply with them.DisclaimerTHIS DOCUMENTATION AND ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN (“MATERIAL”) IS PROVIDED FOR GENERAL INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY. ARRIS and RUCKUS WIRELESS, INC. AND THEIR LICENSORS MAKE NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WITH REGARD TO THE MATERIAL, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, NON-INFRINGEMENT AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR THAT THE MATERIAL IS ERROR-FREE, ACCURATE OR RELIABLE. ARRIS and RUCKUS RESERVE THE RIGHT TO MAKE CHANGES OR UPDATES TO THE MATERIAL AT ANY TIME. Limitation of LiabilityIN NO EVENT SHALL ARRIS or RUCKUS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, OR DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF PROFITS, REVENUE, DATA OR USE, INCURRED BY YOU OR ANY THIRD PARTY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION IN CONTRACT OR TORT, ARISING FROM YOUR ACCESS TO, OR USE OF, THE MATERIAL.TrademarksRuckus Wireless, Ruckus, the bark logo, BeamFlex, ChannelFly, Dynamic PSK, FlexMaster, ICX, Simply Better Wireless, SmartCell, SmartMesh, SmartZone, Unleashed, ZoneDirector and ZoneFlex are trademarks of Ruckus Wireless, Inc. in the United States and in other countries. Other trademarks may belong to third parties.Ruckus ZoneDirector Release Notes 2Part Number: PartNumber 800-71755-001 Rev AContentsAbout This Release (4)Supported Platforms and Upgrade Information (4)Supported Platforms (4)Access Points (4)Upgrading to This Version (5)Enhancements and Resolved Issues (6)New Access Points (6)Enhancements and New Features (6)Resolved Issues (7)Caveats, Limitations and Known Issues (8)Ruckus ZoneDirector Release NotesPart Number: PartNumber 800-71755-001 Rev A3About This ReleaseThis document provides release information on ZoneDirector release 10.1, including new features, enhancements, known issues, caveats, workarounds, upgrade details and interoperability information for version 10.1.NOTEBy downloading this software and subsequently upgrading the ZoneDirector and/or the AP to version 10.1, please be advisedthat:•The ZoneDirector will periodically connect to Ruckus and Ruckus will collect the ZoneDirector serial number, software version and build number. Ruckus will transmit a file back to the ZoneDirector and this will be used to display the currentstatus of the ZoneDirector Support Contract.•The AP may send a query to Ruckus containing the AP’s serial number. The purpose is to enable your AP to autonomously connect with a wireless LAN controller operated by your choice of cloud service provider. Ruckus maytransmit back to the AP, the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) or IP address of the controller that the AP willsubsequently attempt to join.Please be advised that this information may be transferred and stored outside of your country of residence where data protection standards may be different.Supported Platforms and Upgrade InformationSupported PlatformsZoneDirector version supports the following ZoneDirector models:•ZoneDirector 1200•ZoneDirector 3000NOTEZoneDirector 5000 is discontinued as of this release, and cannot be upgraded to version 10.1 or later.Access PointsZoneDirector version supports the following Access Point models:•C110•H320•H500•H510•R300•R310•R500•R510•R600•R610•R700Ruckus ZoneDirector Release Notes 4Part Number: PartNumber 800-71755-001 Rev A•R710•R720•T300•T300e•T301n•T301s•T310d•T610•T610s•T710•T710s•ZF7055•ZF7352•ZF7372•ZF7372-E•ZF7781CM•ZF7782•ZF7782-E•ZF7782-N•ZF7782-S•ZF7982Upgrading to This VersionThis section lists important notes on upgrading ZoneDirector to this version.Officially Supported 10.1 Upgrade PathsThe following release builds can be directly upgraded to this release:• (9.13 GA)• (9.13 MR1)• (9.13 MR1 Refresh)• (9.13 MR2)• (9.13 MR3)• (9.13 MR3 Refresh)• (9.13 MR3 Refresh 2)• (9.13 MR3 Refresh 3)• (9.13 MR3 Refresh 4)• (9.13 MR3 Refresh 5)• (10.0 GA)• (10.0 Patch 1)Supported Platforms and Upgrade InformationUpgrading to This VersionRuckus ZoneDirector Release NotesPart Number: PartNumber 800-71755-001 Rev A5Enhancements and Resolved Issues• (10.0 MR1)• (10.0 MR1 Patch 1)If you are running an earlier version, you must upgrade to one of the above builds before upgrading to this release.If you do not have a valid Support Entitlement contract, you will be unable to upgrade ZoneDirector to this release. See the Administer > Support page for information on Support Entitlement activation.Enhancements and Resolved IssuesThis section lists new features and enhancements that have been added in this release, and any customer-reported issues from previous releases that have been resolved in this release.New Access Points•New Access Point: T310dThe T310d is a new outdoor dual-band 802.11ac Wave 2 AP designed for flexible installation in a wide variety of outdoorenvironments. The T310d features extended temperature range (-40C to 65C), one 10/100/1000 Ethernet port that supports802.3af PoE in, an optional DC power input, and a USB port for IoT devices, such as a BLE or Zigbee dongle, Z-Wave, etc.Enhancements and New FeaturesThis section lists the new features and enhancements in this release.•New UI – Phase 2This release introduces the second stage of the new redesigned web interface, which highlights network health and trafficstatistics visibility, and includes several enhancements to the overall UI organization and user-friendliness.•Adaptive Band BalancingThis feature enhances the existing Band Balancing feature by allowing client redistribution dynamically after association, ratherthan only once during the initial association.•Additional SMS Service Provider SupportCustomers can now configure a custom SMS service provider for delivering alarms and guest passes, in addition to the existing Twilio and Clickatell SMS provider options.•Client Connection TroubleshootingThis feature is designed to help customers diagnose wireless client connection issues to determine why a client fails to connect to the wireless network.•Multiple Social Media Logins on the Same WLANExisting Social Media login methods (Facebook, Google, LinkedIn and Microsoft) can now be used simultaneously on the same WLAN.•WeChat SupportA new social media WLAN type – WeChat – is now available.•Social Media Login Scale EnhancementEnhanced the scaling capabilities of Social Media WLANs.•Role-Based Application Recognition and ControlRuckus ZoneDirector Release Notes 6Part Number: PartNumber 800-71755-001 Rev AApplication Recognition and Control (ARC) features can now be applied to users based on user role, in addition to the existing per-WLAN configuration. Role-based application policies take precedence when both role-based and WLAN-based policies exist.•Source IP/Port-Based Access Control ListsCustomers can now configure ACLs to allow or deny access to wireless clients from an external source IP address or port.•ZD 1200 OEM CustomizationAllows OEM customization of ZoneDirector 1200 user interface elements.•LWAPP Tunnel Performance EnhancementThis enhancement improves the performance of tunneled WLAN traffic by reducing some time-consuming operations in the Ruckus GRE tunnel module.•Ability to Export DPSK RecordsThe Dynamic PSK Batch Generation page now provides an additional option to download generated DPSK records.•Recovery SSID EnhancementEnhanced the AP configure and recovery SSIDs to allow remote wireless configuration of newly installed APs and recovery of isolated mesh APs.•Client Flow Data LoggingThis feature allows ZoneDirector to transmit client session data to a syslog server for use in legal obligation compliance for Hotspot service providers in certain countries, or for emerging Wi-Fi monetization projects, where the ability to export session data could be useful for marketing or for use by a third-party platform.•DTIM, Directed Multicast, and RTS-CTS Configuration OptionsThe following new configuration options are available for configuring advanced wireless settings: DTIM, Directed Multicast/Broadcast Threshold, and Protection Mode.•New SNMP OID SupportSeveral new SNMP OIDs have been introduced for configuring 802.11d and BSS Minrate settings.•Bonjour Fencing EnhancementThis release enhances the functionality of the Bonjour Fencing feature by allowing fencing policies to be deployed on multiple wired devices.•End of Support for ZoneDirector 5000ZoneDirector 5000 is discontinued as of this release, and cannot be upgraded to version 10.1 or later.•Disabled TLSv1.0TLSv1.0 has been disabled in this release due to security concerns, and ZoneDirector now supports only TLSv1.1 and v1.2. For information on security incidents and responses, see https:///security.Resolved Issues•Resolved an issue related to the WPA KRACK vulnerability. For information on security incidents and responses, see https:///security. [AP-6463]This release fixes multiple vulnerabilities (also known as KRACK vulnerabilities) discovered in the four-way handshake stage of the WPA protocol. The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) IDs that this release addresses include:–CVE-2017-13077–CVE-2017-13078–CVE-2017-13079Enhancements and Resolved IssuesResolved IssuesRuckus ZoneDirector Release Notes Part Number: PartNumber 800-71755-001 Rev A 7Caveats, Limitations and Known Issues–CVE-2017-13080–CVE-2017-13081–CVE-2017-13082Client devices that have not yet been patched are vulnerable to KRACK attacks. To help protect unpatched client devices from KRACK attacks, Ruckus strongly recommends running the CLI commands below:ruckus# configruckus(config)# systemruckus(config-sys)# eapol-no-retryUse the following command to disable:ruckus(config-sys)# no eapol-no-retryEnabling the eapol-no-retry feature (disabled by default) prevents the AP from retrying packets in the key exchange process that have been found to be vulnerable to KRACK attacks. Note that enabling this feature may introduce client connectivity delay in high client density environments.For more information about KRACK vulnerabilities, visit the Ruckus Support Resource Center at https:///krack-ruckus-wireless-support-resource-center.•Resolved an issue where the max clients limit was not enforced on Autonomous WLANs when an AP was disconnected from ZoneDirector. [ER-3887]Caveats, Limitations and Known IssuesThis section lists the caveats, limitations and known issues in this release.•Some new or modified UI pages have not been fully translated into all available UI languages. [ZF-17158, ZF-18280, ZF-18230]•Apple iOS 11.x clients are unable to connect to an 802.1x WLAN using Zero-IT in some situations due to changes in the way iOS11 handles TLS connections. [ZF-18254]•When running the R720 AP in sniffer mode, the Phy type, bandwidth and data rate elements are decoded incorrectly. [ZF-16839]•R720 APs are unable to properly fence Bonjour services when Bonjour Fencing is enabled on the AP. [ZF-18314]•BSS Fast Transition roaming is not working properly for Google Pixel and Sony Z5 clients. [ZF-18319]•Client Fingerprinting does not properly display the Host Name for some clients, including some Android 8.0 and Chrome OS clients. [ZF-18143]•For APs that were upgraded to 10.1 from a previous release, the uniform recovery SSID passphrase will continue to use the previous format until after a factory reset (e.g., "ruckus-<admin password>"), instead of the new passphrase format ("<admin-password>"). [ZF-18625]•Northbound Portal interface may be incompatible with some versions of curl or python. [ZF-18649]•Mac OS clients may fail to be redirected to the intended URL after authentication to a Facebook WLAN. [ZF-18607]•Spectrum Analysis on the 5 GHz radio may fail to run on some outdoor APs in certain situations due to an error that prevents the AP from changing to certain channels correctly. [ZF-18573]•Nexus 5X clients will not connect to dot1x Zero-IT profiles using the Zero-IT Android APP. [ZF-18252]Ruckus ZoneDirector Release Notes 8Part Number: PartNumber 800-71755-001 Rev A。
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1. 新增公会资料卡,显示公会图集和公会论坛最新内容
2. YY会员可以向好友展示专属皮肤
3. 应用区新增“图歪歪”功能
4. 系统托盘区增加在线状态更改
1. 新增YY会员专属皮肤
1. 主界面应用TAB支持自定义功能
2. 支持应用飞机票功能
3. 优化创建子频道时直接设置模版功能
4. 游戏组队增加导航功能
5. 新增YY彩票应用
1. 上麦名片支持多张轮播显示
2. 精彩世界新增纯语音分类
3. 优化频道和推荐体验
1. YY精彩世界增加视频全屏和视频自适应窗口尺寸
2. 解决群消息重复收取问题
3. 聊天窗口增加游戏卡片链接
1.新增表情导入导出Βιβλιοθήκη 能 2.新增断网消息保护机制
5. 频道管理可自主添加和删除公告中的海报应用
6. 上麦名片中增加麦克状态,标识语音输出
7. 优化主界面系统菜单UI
1. 全新的界面风格
2. 新增娱乐/教育/游戏直播场景模版
3. 新增基础上麦名片,支持所有人上传
4. 新增高清头像、迷你资料卡
5. 新增随便逛逛
6. 大公告:支持添加公告应用
4. 频道私聊优化,新增私聊提醒
1. 马年新春版
2. 优化频道性能
1. 应用TAB新增“我的YY”
2. 精彩世界娱乐表演页新增主播标签
3. 自由秀模版新增推TA功能
1. 频道广播新增YY号展示
2. 频道马甲和好友窗口新增官方认证标识
3. 我的YY新增多日积分展示
1. 每日登录后可以参与1~3次抽奖
2. 主面板应用区增加“新手上路”应用
3. 频道首页中,增加用户访问统计
4. 支持随机视频组件
1. 新增会员动态头像
2. 主界面TAB在首次登陆时,默认为应用区
3. OW可以在公会管理中设置模板的使用权限
4. 频道内公告应用和模板切换时,增加公屏提示
1. 频道尾灯、资料卡图标支持自定义
2. 公会首页、公会资料卡新增荣誉勋章
3. YY紫钻包月服务开放购买
1. YY紫钻包月服务隆重登场
2. 自由秀模版界面优化
3. 多人视频全网开放
1. 新增加群飞机票
2. 定位自己新增同时定位麦序
3. “马上有钱”频道游戏活动上线
1. Y友搜索增加条件搜索、游戏伙伴搜索功能;
2. 屏幕截图增加窗口识别捕捉功能;
3. 发现频道新增游戏公会模块;
4. 精彩世界看稀奇增加官方推荐功能;
5. 好友名片增加查看多张功能;
6. 增加新手导航应用。
1. 精彩世界增加直播订阅功能
2. 频道增加快捷邀请YY好友功能
4. 优化聊天窗口网址链接安全性检测
5. 优化群成员搜索和主面板搜索内容展示
6. 迷你资料卡和上麦名片增加快快游戏业务图标
1. 新增YY精彩世界,汇集YY上最精彩的内容
2. 支持娱乐新模版,体验身临其境的演唱会氛围
1. YY会员可以上传自定义动态头像
2. 频道发图功能,房间人数限制提高至500人
1. 个人资料卡新增频道推荐位
2. 最近访问新增YY精彩世界访问记录
3. 频道头部新增当前所在子频道飞机票按钮
4. YY精彩世界新增YY导航页面
1. 迷你资料卡新增紫金公会会长勋章
2. 查找面板新增找游戏功能
1. 应用管理器增加页游开服表
2. 精彩世界增加多款开放平台频道模板
7. 全新的公会首页及应用商店
4. 自由秀模板全面上线,支持零门槛视频直播
1. 精彩世界全新改版
2. 个人公会信息页面优化
3. 新增10个表情
4. 表情新增收藏功能,支持格子内动态显示
1. 频道新增用户“推”功能
2. 精彩世界新增“我的YY”
3. 频道公告区新增精彩世界视频推荐
4. YY群新增群推荐
1. 主面板频道搜索结果优化
2. 看直播签到功能优化
3. 频道广播优化
1. 看直播新增用户签到功能
2. 看直播新增飞机票、分享功能
3. 频道消息性能优化
1. 应用TAB新增“YY游戏平台”
2. 交友模板全网开放
3. 查找功能增加视频推荐
3. 多点登录弹窗优化
1. YY主界面风格更新
2. 频道底部发言按钮新增状态
3. 全新YY表情
1. 频道解散功能
2. 频道绑定群功能
3. 新增YY充值尾灯
4. 游戏公会新增任务大厅
5. 精彩世界新增“我的直播”页面
1. 自动回复语可用户自定义
2. 全新的个人资料卡和IM迷你资料卡
2. 客户端新增签到功能入口
3. 频道公告区直播墙优化
1. 世界杯平台游戏活动激战正酣
2. 平台签到增加快速签到功能
3. 财经模板增加师徒系统
4. 频道公屏新增用户举报
1. “决战世界杯”频道游戏活动上线
2. 新增个人资料卡签到成就展示
3. 所在公会信息排序优化
3. 游戏组队功能,增加一键邀请好友
4. 开启多人视频的子频道,在频道树有图标标识
1. 频道内应用中心,增加了排序和分类
2. 增加频道首页内容更新提醒
1. 新增自定义群头像功能
2. 优化群系统消息展示
3. YY好友推荐展示游戏区服名称
4. 新增游戏组队套件功能
1. 推荐榜新增热推明星排行
2. 频道右下方新增模版切换功能
3. 精彩世界体验优化
1. 精彩世界观看新增频道ID和人数
2. 公会管理官方公告新增消息提醒
3. 精彩世界我的YY全新改版
1. 推功能新增公屏回显
2. 公会管理黄马权限均支持自定义