
(一) 是字句的翻译: 是字句在汉语中占有相当的比例,但并非所有的是都是判断词,因此不能机械地用英语的连系动词be 来翻译,必须结合语境含义译之。
汉语中的是可表示等同、类属、特征、存在等意义; 是的含有被动意义;与才、就、正等连用表示强调; 是还可以表示一种直观表象或结果。
1. 译为英语连系动词be---改革是振兴中国的唯一出路,是人心所向,大势所趋,不可逆转。
Reform is the only process through which China can be revitalized, a process which isirreversible and which accords with the will of the people and the general trend of events. ---那年月,有钱人是天天过年。
In those years, the rich people s extravagance was such that everyday was a SpringFestival.---是党和政府的正确方针和政策,促进了广大农村的经济繁荣。
It is the correct principles and policies of our Party and Government that have promoted theeconomic prosperity of China s vast rural areas.2. 省略是字---武汉是长江中下游地区的特大城市,是湖北省的政治、经济、文化、科技中心。

She has a teacher who comes from France.
当兼语式的第一个动词式是“批评”、“表扬”、“埋 怨”、“责备”等时,通常可将第二个动词用英语中表 示原因的状语从句来表达。
采用英语中“主语+谓语+宾语+宾语补足语”句型, 其中宾补可由名词、形容词、副词、介词短语或非谓 语动词充当,如:
(1)我希望你早日康复。 I hope to see you well soon.
(2)我们发现这故事很有教育意义。 We found the story very instructive.
用英语的动词的习惯用法表达 当汉语兼语句的第一个动词有“使动”含义时,可利
用英语中含有“致使”“促成”意义的动词来翻译, 如: (1)她的做法让他气愤不已。 Her behavior enraged him.
(2)这一暴行使全世界公众舆论感到震惊。 This outrage shocked the world opinion.
前后谓语表示同时关系或先后关系。可将其中一个动词 用分词短语译出来或译成两个谓语动词,用“and”连接, 如:
(1)她从口袋里掏出钥匙把门打开。 Taking a key out of his pocket , he opened the door.
(2)他转身看见一辆救护车开了过来。 Turning around, she saw an ambulance driving up.
汉语兼语句就是由前一个动词的宾语兼作后一 个动词的主语所组成的句子结构,如“我请他 们吃饭”。汉语的兼语句在结构上类似英语的 复合宾语,英译时可以适当地借鉴英语中复合 宾语的表现方式,即SVOC的模式。V和OC之 间形成动宾关系,而O和C之间形成主谓关系, 如何使用O要依据V的性质来决定,如带to和 不带to的不定式,短语等。

例:Down came the hammer and out flew the sparks.铁锤一落,火星四溅。
)2、强调句翻译好强调句的关键在于掌握好强调句型(It is…that/who/which/…)。
例:1)It is an unusual person who can live free from financial stress or who can spend money on others as he spends on himself.只有不同寻常的人才能远离经济重压,才能把钱花在别人身上就像花在自己身上一样。
(该句强调an unusual person,在译文中用"只有"两字体现出来。
)试比较主语从句:We had a lot of fun at the beach.It was really a fly in the ointment that George cut his foot on a piece of glass.我们在海滩上玩得很开心,美中不足的是乔治的脚被一块玻璃割破了。
a fly in the ointment油膏里有一只苍蝇,喻美中不足。


1.我认为会计不仅仅是记录历史数据,分析数据,编制财 务报表。更重要的是会计人员需要把相关的可靠的数据与 信息及时地有效地呈现给信息的使用者。 2 当其他同龄的孩子过着饭来张口衣来伸手的日子时,我 已经开始靠劳动赚取自己的零用钱了。
3.我善于和人打交道,大多数和我相处的人都认为我能够站 在他们角度想问题,为他们考虑
[例1] 那些狼一般的男孩子吃那么多。 [例2] 她是一位天仙一般的妻子。 [例3] 那是一个宝贝儿子。 [例4] 他们给莎莉一条扭动屁股的兰色短裙来穿。
7.“as...as...can(may)be” 的翻译。 [例1] It is as plain as plain can be.
[例3] It is only shallow people who judge by appearance. 。
2.强调句型的翻译。 [例1] 重要的不是谁统治我们,而是看他怎 样统治。 [例2] 我们应该感激的是像爱迪生那样的人。 [例3] 只有浅薄的人才会以貌取人。
1. I think accounting is not only recording history data, analysising data, preparing financial statements, more significantly, it need to present relevant credible data and information to users in time as well 2 While other peers were being waited on hand and foot, I was starting to earn myself pocket-money by working. 3. I am good at dealing with people, a majority of people getting along with me all consider that I can stand in their position and think for them." 4. As a member of Youth Volunteers Association,I participated in school`s charity show, mobilized students to donate to Indonesia refugees.

英语四级特殊句型如何翻译改革后的翻译是英语四六级考试的又一重难点,也是让考生最头疼的内容,它除了需要我们有一定的词汇积累,也需要我们了解一些常考的句型以及固定搭配,为了方便考生复习,学习拉为大家整理出英语四级翻译必胜的原则一、定语从句可以采取顺势断句译法如:Before I went ,all the partcipants in the scheme were given a short list of words that are in commom use in the UK which Americans would either be confused by or would even offend them。
再如:Working for President Ronald Reagan,Mr。
Bush was a silent and subservient vice president,∥a former rival ∥who gave himself the task of proving his loyalty∥by staying in the background and never ∥speaking out when his beliefs differed from those of his boss。
高三英语翻译key (1)1

高三英语(牛津教材)翻译练习(KEY)1. This Culture Exchange Program between China and Germany is sponsored by People's Bank ofChina.2. This work cost us nothing, because it was all done by volunteers.3. He volunteered to mail the letter for me.4. It seems that this business will be getting better and better.(This business seems to be getting better and better.)5. My secretary arranged an important meeting for me yesterday, but I forgot it.6. The government strongly appealed to the citizens to save the energies.7. This music is too old-fashioned to appeal to young people.8. With China’s adoption of opening and reform policy, the housing conditions in China ha vegreatly improved.9. Traditional cosmetics industry holds expensive and persuasive advertising campaigns topromote their products.10. Exchange activities between different cultures help to p romote the (further) understandingbetween peoples.11. Jack got / was promoted to manager because of his excellent performance at the criticalmoment.(Owing to his excellent performance at the critical occasion, Jack got promoted.)12. Angela used to be a model and has recently decided (made up her mind /determined) to take itup again.13. He has taken up paragliding since he spent the holiday in Penang.14. A great deal of a teacher’s time is taken up with checking students’ work.15. I don’t know how she puts up with his ignorance.16. I can’t put up with / tolerate / bear/ stand your behavior / your behaving (in) this way.17. He happened to be out when you called.(It (so) happened that he was out when you called.)18. If anything happens to him, please let me know / inform me as soon as possible.19. It took me a long time to get over ( recover from ) the shock of that accident.It was long before I got over …20. She never got over the shock of losing/ loss of her single child.21. He is disappointed at not getting the job, but he’ll get over it.22. I find it difficult to communicate / get on with those whoare only familiar with specific terms.23. Anything (that is) familiar to him is defined as “fashion”.(What is familiar to him is defined as“fashion”.)24. The small town is quite promising in terms of development.25. Ecotourism is considered as a responsible tourism, becauseit takes ecology and culture into consideration / account.26. The new job involves my traveling widely / extensively inthe country frequently.27. Modern women are so involved in their careers that theyhave no time for friendship.28. We believe the time and hard work (that are) involved incompleting such a task are worthwhile.29. He works very hard and has created many pieces of music tolive up to the reputation as a productive composer.30. The official was said to be involved in a murder (bribe),thus ruining his reputation.31. All the passengers are required to have their baggage/luggage/ belongings checked before boarding.(It’s required that all the passengers (should) have their baggage/ luggage/ belongings checked before boarding.)32. When coming across/ meeting with difficulties, childrenwould inquire of their parents what to do.33. I can’t decide it alone, for I must consult with my businesspartners about the matter.34. Please consult/refer to a dictionary for the meanings ofthe underlined words and their main usages.35. I’ve been trying to get in contact with you since the daybefore yesterday, but failed.36. If you want to apply for a position in our company, you cancontact us directly by telephone or through e-mail.37. The shop which specializes in famous-brand cosmeticsimported from France is situated / is located / lies in the center of the city.38. Influenced by his parents, James decided / made up hismind / (was) determined to specialize in economics.39. He inquired of the shop assistant whether the magazine wasavailable or not.40. Though I really desire to have a holiday at the beach, yetthere is not enough money available for the trip.41. It’s a pity that he should take a chance with his own life forthe sake of money.42. Give me your promise that you shall not do such things asare harmful to your health..43. The mechanic promised that the automatic dishwasher which went wrong should be repaired within two days.44. With time going on, the youngest boy in the family wasshowing his great promise as a musician.45. Typhoon is already here, promising to be a most severe onein recent years.46. The professor was very pleased at seeing/ to see so manywell-known experts present at the conference discuss(ing) global economic development.47. The young ranging in age/ aged from 16 to 20 of the presentday are really beyond my comprehension/ confuse me.48. He presented his personal views on the possible healthhazards after a series of investigations.49. The Statue of Liberty, which symbolizes freedom andindependence was presented to America as a present by France.50. He is very likely to pass the driving test which he failed (in)for three times because of his hard training.(It is likely that he will pass the driving test which he failed in for three times because of his hard training.)51. Be sure to apply what we have learned/ learn at school to ourreal life.52.B usinessmen usually apply the cosmetic products to the skinof the helpless animals to test whether they are poisonous.53.T he regulation that all the students are banned from thecheat on the exams has taken effect in some areas of the country.(The regulation that all the students are forbidden to cheat onthe exams has taken effect in some areas of the country.)54. The judge offered the criminal the alternative of a fine orsix months in prison in court.55.T he government is trying hard to prevent the rivers frombeing polluted by the wastes from the chemical plants.56.H is application for work was rejected by the humanresources department of the company for lack of qualification and experience.(His application for work was rejected by the human resources department of the company because he lacked qualification and experience.)57. He couldn’t (help) but turn to the police for help in the caseof/ with no relatives around.58. Tom didn’t realize to what extent his point of view had beenchanged.59.C ustomers are allowed to refill their old bottles at “RefillBar”, thus saving waste.60.I t is estimated that the singing tour of Super Girls inShanghai in the coming October will cause a great stir.61. The East China Normal University is situated in thenorth-west of Shanghai.62. The only access to the church is through that path.63. Various reference books in the library should be accessibleto the students.64. Although he is a big man, he is accessible to his inferiors. / itis easy for his inferiors to gain access to him.65. Don’t w orry, / Take it easy, I can send him a note via msnwithin a few minutes.66. The customer complained to the after-sale servicedepartment about that DVD of poor quality.67.The lady who looks pale is complaining to thedoctor of her stomachache.68.He wrote to the editor to make a complaint about the rivernearby which was seriously polluted.69. Every year, it takes him a large amount of money tomaintain the villa left to him by his uncle.70. Having experienced so many ups and downs, they stillmaintained their deep friendship.71. It is said that the/a majority of students are indifferent to thepolitical meeting.72. Tom’s failure to obey the school regulations is regrettable.We should learn a good lesson from it.73. He was exhausted by the long interview.74. The vehicle exhausts pollute the air in the city and do harmto people’s health as well.75. Why are you always so sensitive to criticism?76. Is there any risk of investing in stocks? I really want to takeexpert advice on it.77. He risked all his fortune for the new real estate. How boldhe is!78. We picked up our conversation after 5 minutes’ break.79. Where did you pick up such excellent English?80. I benefited a lot from watching English movies.81. The role of police is to ensure that the law is obeyed.82. It’s up to us to give them all the help we can.83. He substituted for the typist during her absence.84. He substituted as our English teacher.85. I suggest substituting new laptops for those desk topcomputers.(I suggest replacing those desk top computers with newlaptops.)。

1.1 增加主语
1) 黑漆漆的,不知是日是夜。 Pitch dark, I don’t know whether it is day
or night. 2) 采取积极措施,促进全社会固定资产 投资较快增长。 We will adopt vigorous measures to promote rapid expansion of total fixed asset investment.
1.1 增加主语
听者发出的一种劝告、警告、命令、行为指示, 或是对一种社会现象的描述和评论。翻译时需要 补上泛指意义的人称代词或名词。 1) 只有慎之又慎,才能避免犯不必要的错误。 Being very careful, you can avoid making unnecessary mistakes.
1.3 译成祈使句
语祈使句。 1) 好好学习,天天向上 。 Study hard and make progress every day. 2) 学习好,工作好,身体好。 Study hard, work well, keep fit. 3) 继续为实现党的基本路线和历史任务而奋斗。 Continue to strive for the fulfillment of the basic line and historic mission of the Party.
1.2 译成被动句
1) 实施科教兴国战略取得新进展,各项社会事
业全面进步。 Fresh progress was made in implementing the strategy of developing the country through science, technology and education and all social undertakings developed. 2) 禁止任何方法对公民进行侮辱和诽谤。 Insult or slander against citizens in any form is prohibited. 3)大多数中学里都教英语。 English is being taught in most middle schools.

例:1)Down came the hammer and out flew the sparks.铁锤一落,火星四溅。
)2)Shot by the guerrillas were two entirely innocent tourists.被游击队打死的是两个无辜的游客。
)3)Not until the jet engine had come into use could planes travel at supersonic speeds.直到使用喷气发动机之后,飞机才能以超音速飞行。
)4)All the engineers could do was bridge it,and that was a hell of a job.But bridge it they did ,and only in twenty-four hours.工程师们所做的就是架桥,这可是一项艰苦的工作。
)5)No matter what measure they took,in no sense could the overflowing tide be controlled.无论采取什么措施,外流的潮流都无法控制。
6)Not only are the different situations arising in practice too numerous,but the technical capacity of the contractors is too uneven to admit of any advice at a distance.这不仅由于实践中出现的情况五花八门,而且施工者的技术能力参差不齐,不可能考虑在远距离外提出任何建议。

9. 我希望我能有面试的机会。
10. 我写信是想应聘电脑程序员的工作。
11. 我做了三年多兼职店员的工作。
12. 我对维修机器的工作很感兴趣。
13. 张教授会给我们作一个关于人际关系的讲座。
14. 对比赛感兴趣的同学请前往学生会办公室报名。
15. 我已经几次联系你们的销售经理。
16. 我上星期新买的手机很多问题。
17. 我希望你们要不退款,要不更换另一部相机给我。
18. 很遗憾我要离开这家公司了。
19. 我很感激在这家公司获得的指引与帮助。
20. 在这里的工作经历会对我以后的成功很有帮助。
21. 几天前,我去参加了纽约电子交易会。
22. 五家美国公司和我们签订了销售合同。
23. 顾客希望我们能提供很好的售后服务。
24. 感谢您能考虑我们提出的请求。
25. 我们需要购买8台电脑一台打印机,总共5万元。
26. 我们公司主要生产电子产品。
27. 我们公司是家快速发展的外贸公司。
28. 销售助理负责支持营销经理实施营销计划。
29. 我善于与人打交道,有良好的语言技巧。
30. 为庆祝公司创立三十周年,本周末我们在花园酒店举行庆祝宴会。
31. 为了感谢你这么多年的支持和合作,我们邀请您参加我们的开幕典礼。
32. 我在北京逗留期间,感谢您的热情招待。
33. 在你离开时,请确保所有的门窗已关。
翻译基础11 汉语特殊句型的翻译

2.3.2 “为……所”式
茅屋为秋风所破。 The thatched house was destroyed by the autumn storm. 她被花言巧语所陶醉。 She is intoxicated with sweet words. 社会主义思想体系已为全国人民所接受。 Socialist ideology has been accepted by all the people of the country.
当施事者难以指明时,汉语还可以采用通称(generic person)或泛称 (如“人”、“有人”、“人们”、“大家”、“人家”、“别人”、 “某人”等)作主语,以保持句子的主动形式。 1) 人们常常指责他优柔寡断,虽然这种指责并不总是公正的。 He has often, not always justly, been accused of indecisiveness. 2) 有人听见呼救的声音。 Voice were heard calling for help. 3) 众所周知,中国人在四千年前就发明了指南针。 It is well known that the compass was invented in China four thousand years ago. 4)有人问她感觉如何,她说:“呼吸困难。” When asked how she felt, she said: “ I’m having trouble breathing.” 5)人们必须联系世界环境去认识和研究人口控制问题。 The problem of population control has to be recognized and approached in a world environmental context.

5.误译:开电梯的这位姑娘挤在旅客中间读书. 应译:开电梯的女孩在没有乘客的时候读书。
6.不要一意孤行.否则, 你会遭到失败的.词义的褒贬2.论褒贬,即要注意同义词之间有不同的语体色彩、使用范围及程度。

英语特殊句型的翻译(惯用法结构)I. it作先行主语和先行宾语的一些句型的翻译。
1. She had said what it was necessary to say.2. It is no time for me to hide anything.3. It is not common for him to receive letters.4. How was it possible for so great a commerce to flourish?5. It is not supposed to be easy for women to rise to the height oftaking the large free view of anything—anything which calls for action.6. Make it the first object to be able to fix and hold your attentionupon your studies.7. The fog made it difficult to calculate the distance.8. Rumor has it that there will be war.9. I have heard it remarked by a statesman of high reputation thatmost great men have died of overeating themselves.II. 强调句型的翻译1. It is not who rules us that is important, but how he rules us.2. It is to men like Edison that we should be grateful.3. It is only shallow people who judge by appearance.4. Yet it is not he who sings loudest and jokes most that has thelightest heart.5. He is an interpreter, one whose duty it is to act as a bridge orchannel between the minds of his readers.III. “all+抽象名词”或“抽象名词+itself”的译法1. He was all gentleness to her.2. While she was waiting for the tinkling of the bell, all nerves,suddenly he stood before her.3. To his superiors, he is humility itself.4. Washington was discretion itself in the use of speech, nevertaking advantage of an opponent, or seeking a short-lived triumph in a debate.IV. 利用词汇重复表示强调的翻译。

He pulled his sock carefully over his swollen ankle. 他身子一歪,竞把头完全靠在她肩上。
He swayed over and actually leaned his head on her shoulder.请同学们翻译:请把给我的信用email 发给我。
I’ve got a pull with Doctor Smith, I’d get her into his ward.许多人为把孩子送进寄宿学校念书而节衣缩食Many people scraped and saved to get their children into boarding schools.请同学们翻译:桌子下爬出的一条蛇把小女孩吓哭了The little girl was frightened into crying by the snake emerging from under the table.3.与“当作”等构成“把….当作…..‖句式的“把”字句“把….当作/看成/作为等….‖这种句式可以用英语的“动词+宾语+as/for‖句型来翻译如:我错把她当作海伦的孪生妹妹了I mistook her for Helen’s twin sister.我把这看作是自己的杰作之一I consider it as one of my masterpieces.请同学们翻译:我们容易把这个问题看成是现在才有的,但事实上它已经存在几个世纪了We tend to think of this as a modern problem, but it has existed for centuries.4.带有双宾语的“把”字句汉语带双宾语的“把”字句,译成英语时,通常采取“动词+间接宾语+直接宾语”或者“动词+直接宾语+to +间接宾语”的结构如:她把她集的邮票拿给我看。

高考句型翻译120句(keys)高考句型翻译120句(2015. 9)一、强调句1.正是这首歌让我回忆起我们共度的时光。
(It…)It was the song that reminded me of the time we had spent together.2.是你的努力而不是才智决定你的成功。
(determine)It is your effort(s) not your intelligence that determine your success.3.正是在20世纪60年代,袁隆平第一次想到了杂交水稻这个概念。
( It)It was in the 1960s that Yuan Longping came up with the idea of hybrid rice for the first time.4.直到将近一个月后我才收到那家公司的回复。
(It is…that)It was not until nearly a month later that I received that company’s reply.5.直到救出了第三个学生后,那个老师才意识到自己的女儿还被困在废墟中。
(It)It is not until he rescued the third student that he realized his daughter was trapped in the ruin二、倒装句1.直到他被复旦大学录取后才告诉我这个消息。
(not until三种句型)He didn’t tell me the n ews until he was admitted to Fudan University.Not until he was admitted to Fudan University did he tell me the news.It was not until he was admitted to Fudan University that he told me the news.2.只有当我们完全理解生命的价值时我们才会珍惜幸福的每一刻并且帮助周围的人。

Thank You!
② 表示“目的、手段”的连动式
在英译时,通常是把前一个动词,即表示 手段的词译作谓语,而后一个动词即表示 目的的词,则用不定式译作状语。
② 表示“目的、手段”的连动式
去年我和弟弟回乡去看朋友。 Last year I went home with my brother to visit our friends. 他到班长那儿请了个假。 He went to the squad leader to ask for leave.
表示“手段、目的”关系的连动中,第二 个动词有时也可以用含目的意义的介词来 译。 他回房去取钥匙。 He went back to his room for the key. 这年头,谁敢下乡去收租米? Who dares go down into the villages for rent these days?
① 译为被动句
必须推进以德育为核心,以创新精神和实践能力为 重点的素质教育。
The quality-oriented education should be promoted revolving around moral education and focusing on creativity and practical ability. 不可低估通信对全世界知识和财富、民主与和平的 影响。
(3)忠诚党的教育事业。 Be devoted to the party’s educational task. (4)不努力便不会成功。 One can never succeed without making great efforts. (5) 我身边的桌子上点着一盏灯,灯旁放着 一只小盒子。 On the table beside me a lamp was burning, and near it lay a little box.

例:down came the hammer and out flew the sparks.铁锤一落,火星四溅。
)2、强调句翻译好强调句的关键在于掌握好强调句型(it is…that/who/which/…)。
例:1)it is an unusual person who can live free from financial stress or who can spend money on others as he spends on himself.只有不同寻常的人才能远离经济重压,才能把钱花在别人身上就像花在自己身上一样。
(该句强调an unusual person,在译文中用"只有"两字体现出来。
)试比较主语从句: we had a lot of fun at the beach.it was really a fly in the ointment that george cut his foot on a piece of glass. 我们在海滩上玩得很开心,美中不足的是乔治的脚被一块玻璃割破了。
a fly in the ointment油膏里有一只苍蝇,喻美中不足。
高考英语常用翻译句型和练习汇总 without key (1)

It is/ was likely that…
Sb/ sth be likely to do…
• 更有可能喜欢流行歌曲的是年轻人而不是 老年人。(rather than)
• 有可能这个新建的语音室不久将向全体师 生开放。(be open to)
It is /was (im)possible that… It is (im)possible for sb to do sth 从早到晚在空调房间里工作或生活可能会使 人生病。
It is up to sb to do sth
做广告旨在吸引消费者,但是否买一个产 品还是由消费者决定。(aim)
• 离开实验室之前请务必关好门窗。(make sure)
• 大学生很有必要读一些与他们专业无关的书籍。 (It…)
• 人们普遍相信街头暴力的增加和电视上的恐怖片 有密切的关系。 (It)
1.他们成功的原因是他们能从错误中学到教训。 (the reason for)
2.正是怀特先生负责这个项目。(It is…)
3.在电脑的帮助下,解这道题只需花你几分钟。 (take) 4.你熟悉的词越多,你会发现更容易理解一篇文章 的意义和内容。
• 1.我从来没想到你能干这样的事。(occur)
It is (has been) +一段时间 since … 自从我们上次互相见面,几乎已经五年了。
It will (not) be …before… It was (not) …before…
• 不久我们就要从高中毕业了。
• 很长一段时间之后他才意识到了他的错。 • 20年后他的研究成果才最终得到承认。 (recognize)
部分倒装 • 我们从来没有比现在更为自己是中国人感到 自豪。(Never) • 只有当战争在1949年结束后,他才开始了新 的生活。

very well? 肯定回答:Yes,he does.
否定回答:No,he doen't.
3.They went to the museum last Sunday. 否定形式:They didn't go to the museum
What is the difference between the lovely twins?
What hobbies do you have?
1、从你家到天安门广场有多远? How far is it from your home to the Tiananmen Square? 2、你在伦敦住了多久? How long have you lived in London? 3、你多久看望你爷爷奶奶一次? How often do you visit your grandparents? 4、你最大的哥哥几岁了? How old is your eldest brother? 5、妈妈多久才能回来呢? How soon will mom come back? 6、在你们班你有多少朋友? How many friends do you have in your class? 7、你买了多少牛奶?多少钱? How much milk have you bought? How much does it cost?
三、谓语动词为have/has +过去分词或had+过 去分词时,改成一般疑问句时,把 have/has/had提到句首,放在主语的前面,
其结构为:have/has/had +主语+过去分词+句子 其它部分?
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I.it 作形式主语或宾语1. 事后后悔毫无益处,你必须学会充分利用时间以适应高三生活。
(no use, adapt)It is no use crying over the spilt milk. You must learn to make full use of time to be adapted to the life of senior three.2. 他从没想到过他被这家公司拒绝的原因是他英语不能说流利的英语。
(occur, turn down)It never occurred to him that the reason why he was turned down/ rejected by the company was that he could not speak fluent English.3. 如果你方便的话,我想和你进一步讨论一下我们婚礼的细节。
(convenient)If it is convenient, I would like to have a further discussion about the details of our wedding ceremony with you.4. 在东南亚当地人认为用左手传递食物是不礼貌的行为。
(manners)The local people in South East countries consider it bad manners to use the left hand to pass food.5. 在布置工作之前,你必须考虑到他刚刚大病初愈。
(take)You must take it into consideration that he has just recovered from a serious illness before you assign work to him.6. 因特网的流行让远隔千里的人们能够随时随地交流。
(possible)The popularity of the Internet makes it possible for the people thousands of miles away to communicate with each other whenever and wherever.7. 被警告有危险,你却冒险尝试, 这是不明智的。
(it)It is unwise of you to risk trying when you are warned of the danger.8. 你很可能会后悔你鲁莽的决定。
(It)It is likely that you will regret the rude decision you madeII.特殊句型1. 阅读时,你不必碰到生词就查词典。
(There be)There is no need to consult the dictionary when you read.2. 我宁可在家看报纸和杂志也不愿去电影院看如此可怕的电影。
(would rather)I would rather read newspapers and magazines at home than watch such a horrible film.3. 你暴露在阳光下越多,就对你的皮肤越有害。
(The more…themore, harm)The more exposed to the sun you are, the more harm it will do to your skin,4. 你驾车越少,就对环境越有益。
(the more…)The less you drive, the more beneficial it will be to the environment.5. 仔细阅读说明书,你自己就能操作这台机器了(and)Read the instruction carefully, and you can operate the machine.6. 虽然他之前的表现很出挑,但由于对目前的国际形势一无所知,他未能通过面试(Despite)Despite his previous remarkable performance, he failed in the interview due to his ignorance in current / present international situation.7. 不管自然灾害多么严重,我们都要尽最大的努力帮助灾区人民度过难关。
(However)However terrible the natural disaster is, we will try our bestto help the victims of the disaster (to) overcome the difficultiesIII. 汉英差异大的词组用法:1. 外太空不再是人类不能进去的地方,这一点已经得到了证实。
(inaccessible)Outer space is no longer inaccessible to man, which has proved to be true.2. 任何使用英特网的人都可以获得最新的信息。
(available)The latest information is available to anyone who uses the Internet.3. .这次活动是为了帮助洪水灾民而举办的。
(aid)The activity is held in aid of the flood victims。
4. 无论多晚,顾客们都能在这家便利店上网。
(access)However late it is, the customers have access to the internet in the convenience shop.IV. 无主语的句子用被动形式:1. 应该注意培养学生广泛阅读的好习惯。
(Attention)Attention should be paid to cultivating the students’ habit of reading extensively.2 .必须采取有效措施阻止这家工厂向河里倾倒有害的化学物质。
(measures)Effective measures should be taken to prevent the factory from pouring poisonous chemicals into the river.IV. 倒装句型1. 上海市民的环保意识从来没有今天这样强。
(Nerver)Never before have the citizens of shanghai had such a strong sense of environmental protection.2. 有关北京奥运的邮票一发行就销售一空。
(No sooner )No sooner had the stamps about the Olympics been issued than they were sold out.3. 直到被送到手术间,他才明白遵守交通规则的重要性。
(Not until) Not until he was sent to the operation room did he realize the importance of obeying the traffic rules.4. 我们只有面对现实,认真分析形势,才能找到解决问题的办法。
(Only )Only by facing the reality and analyzing the situation seriously can we find the solution to the problem.5. 尽管他年轻,他知道许多有关互联网和信息工业的知识。
(Youngas)Young as he is ,he knows a lot about the internet and information technology6. 照片的展出非常成功,几个月后杰森就辞职做了专职摄影师。
(So…that)So successful was the exhibition of the photos that within months Jason quit his job to become a professional photographer.V. remain 的多种用法1. 保护当地濒危物种的问题仍未解决。
(endanger)It remains unsolved how to protect the local endangered species.2.气候变化对人类的影响是否会导致人类的灭绝将来才会见分晓。
(impact)It remains to be seen whether the impact of the climate change on human beings will lead to the extinction of mankind3. 那场持续了三天的森林大火之后,村子里啥也没剩下。
(last)After the forest fire which lasted 3 days, nothing remained in the village.4. 你打算怎么处理剩下的二十美元呢?(do with)What are you going to do with the remaining 20 dollars?。