



So to all of my American colleagues, members of the Cabinet, and other leaders of our government, thank you for your work on behalf of this dialogue. And to our Chinese colleagues and partners, thank you for making this long journey – not only the journey you made by the airplane that brought you here, but the journey that we are making together to build a better future for our children and our grandchildren.
Deng Xiaoping once described China’s process of reform and modernization as being like a person crossing a river by feeling his way over the stones. That is a good description of the way forward that we must chart together. We know it won’t be easy and there will certainly be times when both our countries stumble on the unexpected stones. But if we continue building the habits of cooperation and respect that this dialogue represents, and if we learn to trust one another and better understand each other’s intentions, then I am confident we will not let those slippery stones trip us up and derail our progress. We are very pleased at the habits of cooperation and understanding that have already been developed, and we greatly appreciated the successful visit by President Hu Jintao this past January and the agreements that he and President Obama have made to deepen our relationship to make it one that is positive, cooperative, and comprehensive.



宝应县射阳湖镇鹅村村岗东30MW 渔光互补光伏电站项目初步设计可研编号:GCL/SUN-GF215C主编单位:协鑫光伏系统有限公司中国·南京二○一三年二月宝应县射阳湖镇鹅村村岗东30MW 渔光互补光伏电站项目初步设计可研编号:GCL/SUN-GF215C批准:审核:校核:编写:宝应县射阳湖镇鹅村村岗东30MW渔光互补光伏电站项目初步设计目录1 综合说明 (1)1.1 概述 (1)1.2 太阳能资源 (6)1.3 工程地质 (6)1.4 工程任务和规模 (7)1.5 光伏系统总体方案设计及发电量计算 (7)1.6 电气 (8)1.7 消防设计 (9)1.8 土建工程 (9)1.9 施工组织设计 (10)1.10 工程管理设计 (11)1.11 环境保护和水土保护设计 (11)1.12 劳动安全与工业卫生设计 (12)1.13 节能降耗分析 (12)1.14 工程设计概算 (13)1.15 附表 (14)2 太阳能资源 (18)2.1 全国太阳能资源概况 (18)2.2项目所在地自然环境概况 (19)2.3太阳辐射量资源分析 (20)2.4太阳能资源评价 (25)2.5气象条件影响分析 (25)3 工程地质 (29)3.1概述 (29)3.2场地工程地质条件 (31)3.3水文地质条件 (34)3.4场地稳定性与适宜性综合评价 (35)3.5岩土工程分析与评价 (37)3.6.基础方案论证与基础施工可能遇到的问题预测及建议 (38)3.7.结论与建议 (40)4 工程任务与规模 (42)4.1 工程任务 (42)4.2 工程规模 (42)4.3 工程建设的必要性 (42)5 系统总体方案设计及发电量计算 (48)5.1 光伏组件选型 (48)5.2 光伏阵列的运行方式选择 (53)5.3 逆变器选型 (55)5.4 光伏方阵设计 (56)5.5 光伏子方阵设计 (57)5.6 方阵接线方案设计 (61)5.7 辅助技术方案 (63)5.8 上网电量估计 (64)5.9发电量估算 (65)6 电气设计 (68)6.1 电气一次部分 (68)6.2 电气二次 (79)6.3 通信部分 (82)7 土建工程 (86)7.1 设计安全标准 (86)7.2 基本资料和设计依据 (86)7.3 电站总平面布置 (88)7.4 光伏阵列及逆变器设计 (89)7.5 主要建(构)筑物 (90)7.6光伏电站围栏设计 (91)7.7光伏电站道路及场地设计 (92)7.8 主要建筑材料 (92)8 工程消防设计 (93)8.1 概述 (93)8.2 工程消防设计 (93)8.3 施工消防 (94)9 施工组织设计 (95)9.1 施工条件 (95)9.2 施工总布置 (95)9.3 施工交通运输 (96)9.4 施工临时设施 (97)9.5主要工程项目的施工方案 (97)9.6 施工总进度 (111)9.7劳动力计划 (113)9.8主要施工机械配置进场计划 (115)10 工程管理设计 (117)10.1 工程管理机构 (117)10.2 主要管理设施 (117)10.3 电站运行维护、回收及拆除 (118)11 环境保护和水土保持设计 (119)11.1 环境保护 (119)11.2 水土保持 (121)12 劳动安全与工业卫生 (123)12.1 总则 (123)12.2 工程概况 (125)12.3 工程安全与卫生危害因素分析 (125)12.4 劳动安全与工业卫生对策措施 (127)12.5 工程运行期安全管理及相关设备、设施设计 (132)12.6 劳动安全与工业卫生工程量和专项投资估算 (135)12.7 预期效果评价 (135)12.8 主要结论和建议 (136)13 节能降耗 (137)13.1 设计原则和依据 (137)13.2 施工期能耗种类、数量分析和能耗指标 (137)13.3 运行期能耗种类、数量分析和能耗指标 (139)13.4 主要节能降耗措施 (140)13.5 节能降耗效益分析 (143)13.6 结论 (143)14 项目的投资估算 (145)14.1 编制说明 (145)14.2 设计概算表 (149)材料清册 (157)附图 (157)1 综合说明1.1 概述1.1.1 项目概述(1)项目名称:宝应县射阳湖镇鹅村村岗东30MW渔光互补光伏电站项目(2)建设单位:宝应兴能可再生能源有限公司(3)建设规模:30MW光伏发电站(4)项目地址:宝应县射阳湖镇(5)安装方式:28°固定倾角安装(6)项目投资:工程静态投资27629万元,工程动态总投资27932万元。



中国光伏企业瞄准美国新能源市场发布处室:福建省经贸委信息中心发布时间:2009-2-24 10:33:10 未来10年,美国将投入1500亿美元开发新能源市场,太阳能是其中主要项目之一1月20日,奥巴马宣誓就任美国第44届总统。
















3 0 gt m oe J .ce c , 9 8 2 9 2) 5 8—5 0 0 s o P rs j S i e 19 , 7 ( :4 An r l n 5. Z a o g u n, e gJa gi, u se g,ta. r , h o D n y a F n in l H oQih n e 1T i n 一
美国 能源 部将 投 资6 0 万美 元开 发 聚光太 阳 能热 发 电技 术 0 0 美 国 能 源 部 长 Se e h tv nC u日前 透 露 , 国 能源 部 将 在 3 美 年 时 间 里 投 资60 0 美 元 用 于 先 进 前 沿 聚 光 太 阳 能 热 发 电 0 万
可 能 产 生 性 能 突 破 的 创 新 概 念 , 提 高 效 率 和 温 度 适 应 范 如
日本旭化成化学公司进一步开展苯 乙烯 系加氢型
热 塑・ 性 体 业 务 眭弹
' 灭手 、 灭 2一 ( , O 1 7 :l0 7’ y夕 2 日) 2 l ( ) O .
日本 旭 化 成 化 学 公 司 作 为 苯 乙烯 系 热 弹 性 体 ( P ) T E 聚
M a Zhi Su n u Zh n e 1 Pr p r to f S l a , n We h a, u Ni g, ta . e a a i n o ii - c S p o d La e T a s t n M e a t l s n h ln o y - u p Se t r n i o t lCa a y ta d Et y e e P l m i
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本產品採納 HDMI 技術。

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为深入贯彻落实国家《重点区域大气污染防治“十二五”规划》(环发 [2012]130 号文)要求,加强全市工业固定源挥发性有机物排放控制,切实改善 全市环境空气质量,减少灰霾天气,上海市环境保护局于 2012 年 08 月开展了《典 型行业挥发性有机物治理技术可行性研究》等科研工作,并基于科研成果编制《上 海市工业固定源挥发性有机物治理技术指引》。
3.4 包装印刷 ....................................................................................................................... 21 3.4.1 捕集 ........................................................................................................................ 21 3.4.2 凹印废气 ................................................................................................................ 22 3.4.3 干复废气 ................................................................................................................ 22 3.4.4 轮转胶印废气 ........................................................................................................ 22





















美国总统大选的“晴雨表”竟然在浙江作者:暂无来源:《华声·观察》 2016年第13期施展萍/文起初,有一批货是以3:2:1的比例装箱的。























龙源期刊网 让所有人都用太阳能作者:JJRamberg来源:《创业邦》2009年第02期这对兄弟设下了伟大的目标,而这是通向成功的惟一道路。

32岁的林顿·瑞福(Lyndon)和34岁的彼得·瑞福(Peter Rive)兄弟俩永远对会见新用户热情高涨。



















ISO copyright office Ch. de Blandonnet 8 • CP 401 CH-1214 Vernier, Geneva, Switzerland Tel. +41 22 749 01 11 Fax +41 22 749 09 47 copyright@
4.2.2 质量手册 .................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
5.4 策划....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
质量管理体系.................................................................................................................................................................... ……………………………...…............................................................................................................................................................................... 8







[关键词]中美气候变化军事合作[作者简介]张健,浦东改革与发展研究院美国经济研究中心副主任、副研究员;Paul J.Smith,美国海军战争学院中国海事研究所副教授气候变化问题是21世纪人类遇到的最复杂、最紧迫的挑战之一,其影响之大不亚于核战争。










执行操作时的安全 ................................................................................................. 4 R 警告和 R 注意标签、标识的位置 ............................................................ 6 能源之星计划 ............................................................................................... 7 电子信息产品污染控制的表示 ...............................................................................8
PandaC4cpyZH_Cover1.fm Page 1 Sunday, April 25, 2010 8:43 AM



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目录汽车品牌口号收集 (2)1.千里马 (3)2.别克 (4)3.东南菱帅 (5)4.上海大众 (5)5.奥迪AUDI (7)6.新甲壳虫New Beatle (8)7.高尔夫GOLF (8)8.夏朗SHARAN (9)9.捷达JETTA (9)10.宝莱BORA (9)11.高尔GOL (10)12。

马自达福美来323 (10)13.马自达6 Mazda6 (10)14.福美来 (10)15.宝马BMW (11)16。

梅塞德斯——奔驰Mercedes-Benz (12)17。

沃尔沃VOLVO (13)18.日产汽车NISSAN (13)19.丰田汽车TOYOTA (14)20。

吉普anywhere i can reach__jeep (15)21.绅宝SAAB (15)22.福特 (15)23.雪佛兰CHEVROLET (16)24。

现代汽车HYUNDAI (16)25.威乐VELA (17)26.本田 (18)27。

东风雪铁龙 (19)28.中华轿车Brilliance Auto (20)29。

奇瑞 (20)30。

菲亚特 (21)31.三菱欧蓝德OUTLANDER (21)32。

红旗 (22)33.吉利 (22)34.华普汽车MAPLE AUTOMOBILE (22)35.江淮瑞风REFINE (22)36.Sovereign (23)37。

凯迪拉克 (23)38.荣威 (27)39.MG (28)40.奔腾 (29)41.长安汽车: (29)42.比亚迪 (30)43.东风风神 (30)44.长城汽车 (31)汽车品牌口号收集日系丰田——车到山前必有路,有路就有丰田车丰田新口号——更远、更新。

--TOYOTO以先进技术挑战汽车梦想本田——The Power of Dreams-梦想的力量三菱——Drive@earth:“驰骋地球,关爱地球”日产-shift the future超越未来。

德系梅赛德斯-奔驰——领导时代,驾驭未来宝马——驾乘乐趣,创新极限奥迪——突破科技、启迪未来大众——汽车价值典范大众新口号——处于对企业的爱奔驰戴姆勒——“精益求精,永远领先”和“追求卓越”斯柯达——简单、聪明其他福特——你的世界,从此无界雪铁龙——想在你之前起亚——用心全为你雷诺——让汽车称为一个小家迷你(mini)--她可爱吗?(ISITLOVE?)沃尔沃——For Life 关爱生命,享受生活现代——Drive your way 驾驭你的路标致——Engine to be enjoyed 享受引擎的力量具体车型口号上海别克——当代精神,当代车东风——买我东风车,还你一条龙大众甲壳虫——想想还是小的好桑塔纳——拥有桑塔纳,走遍天下都不怕双龙汽车——世上无难路,只要有双龙南京菲亚特—世界家轿王五十铃汽车—让我们充分掌握能多快好省的运输货物的拖车头吧。



美国大选如何决定能源走向作者:闫笑炜来源:《能源》 2016年第10期纽约当地时间9月26日晚,美国民主、共和两党总统候选人希拉里和特朗普进行了90分钟的首场电视直播辩论。






































目录汽车品牌口号收集 (2)1.千里马 (3)2.别克 (4)3.东南菱帅 (5)4.上海大众 (5)5.奥迪AUDI (7)6.新甲壳虫New Beatle (8)7.高尔夫GOLF (8)8.夏朗SHARAN (9)9.捷达JETTA (9)10.宝莱BORA (9)11.高尔GOL (10)12。

马自达福美来323 (10)13.马自达6 Mazda6 (10)14.福美来 (10)15.宝马BMW (11)16。

梅塞德斯——奔驰Mercedes-Benz (12)17。

沃尔沃VOLVO (13)18.日产汽车NISSAN (13)19.丰田汽车TOYOTA (14)20。

吉普anywhere i can reach__jeep (15)21.绅宝SAAB (15)22.福特 (15)23.雪佛兰CHEVROLET (16)24。

现代汽车HYUNDAI (16)25.威乐VELA (17)26.本田 (18)27。

东风雪铁龙 (19)28.中华轿车Brilliance Auto (20)29。

奇瑞 (20)30。

菲亚特 (21)31.三菱欧蓝德OUTLANDER (21)32。

红旗 (22)33.吉利 (22)34.华普汽车MAPLE AUTOMOBILE (22)35.江淮瑞风REFINE (22)36.Sovereign (23)37。

凯迪拉克 (23)38.荣威 (27)39.MG (28)40.奔腾 (29)41.长安汽车: (29)42.比亚迪 (30)43.东风风神 (30)44.长城汽车 (31)汽车品牌口号收集日系丰田——车到山前必有路,有路就有丰田车丰田新口号——更远、更新。

--TOYOTO以先进技术挑战汽车梦想本田——The Power of Dreams-梦想的力量三菱——Drive@earth:“驰骋地球,关爱地球”日产-shift the future超越未来。

德系梅赛德斯-奔驰——领导时代,驾驭未来宝马——驾乘乐趣,创新极限奥迪——突破科技、启迪未来大众——汽车价值典范大众新口号——处于对企业的爱奔驰戴姆勒——“精益求精,永远领先”和“追求卓越”斯柯达——简单、聪明其他福特——你的世界,从此无界雪铁龙——想在你之前起亚——用心全为你雷诺——让汽车称为一个小家迷你(mini)--她可爱吗?(ISITLOVE?)沃尔沃——For Life 关爱生命,享受生活现代——Drive your way 驾驭你的路标致——Engine to be enjoyed 享受引擎的力量具体车型口号上海别克——当代精神,当代车东风——买我东风车,还你一条龙大众甲壳虫——想想还是小的好桑塔纳——拥有桑塔纳,走遍天下都不怕双龙汽车——世上无难路,只要有双龙南京菲亚特—世界家轿王五十铃汽车—让我们充分掌握能多快好省的运输货物的拖车头吧。



奥巴马总统呼吁加强美国基础设施投资英语演讲稿THE NT: Hello, St. Paul! (Applause.) It is good to be back in Minnesota. (Applause.)E MEMBER: We love you!THE NT: I love you back. That’s why I came here. Good to see you.Although, can I just say that when we got off the plane, Secretary Fo某某, who is from NorthCarolina, turned to me and he said, this is the coldest I’ve ever been in my life. (Laughter.)Now, we were only out there for like a minute -- (laughter) -- which goes to show how soft thesefolks from North Carolina are when it comes to the weather. (Laughter and applause). I, on theother hand, am from Chicago -- (applause) -- I walked off those stairs and I was like, this isbalmy, this is great. (Laughter.) February, in Minnesota -- can’t beat it. Cannot beat it.Now, in addition to Secretary Fo某某, who I want to -- give him a big round of applause forthat introduction. (Applause.) You’ve two champions for the people of Minnesota who are heretoday. You’ve got Representative Betty McCollum -- (applause) -- and Representative KeithEllison. (Applause.) You’ve got your Mayor, Chris Coleman, in the house. (Applause.) The newMayor of Minneapolis, Betsy Hodges, is here. (Applause.) And my great friend, who actually toldme I was running for President before I knew I was running for President -- R.T. Rybak. Lovethat name. (Applause.) Where’s R.T.?Now, I want to thank everybody who showed me around Union Depot and gave me apreview of this new light rail line. It is fantastic. (Applause.) And I also just want to say --even though he’s not here today -- I want to say to everybody how Michelle and I have beenkeepingin our thoughts and prayers one of the great Americans that we know, as well as agreat Minnesotan -- Walter Mondale. (Applause.) Now, like millions of Americans, I’ve spent some time with Minnesotans lately -- because Iwas watching the Olympics. (Laughter.) Minnesota sent 19 athletes to the games. (Applause.)That’s tied for second most of any state, and they did us all proud. It is not shocking thatMinnesotans might be pretty good at the Winter Olympics. (Laughter.) What is particularlyinteresting is that, once again, the tiny town of Warroad proved that it really is Hockeytown,USA, thanks to T.J. Oshie and Gigi Marvin, who we’re just so proud of. And T.J.’s shootoutperformance against the Russians I might say I enjoyed a lot. (Applause.) I tweeted at himabout it.So we’ve spent some time over the last few weeks on hockey, but I’m not here to talk abouthockey. By the way, I cannot play hockey. (Laughter.) I grew up in Hawaii -- we do not havehockey in Hawaii. But I’m here to talk about what you’re doing in the Twin Cities, and howyou’re helping to create new jobs and new opportunities for every American.We are at a moment when our economy is growing. Our businesses have created about 8.5million new jobs in the past four years. Unemployment is at the lowest it’s been in over fiveyears; in Minnesota, it’s lower than it’s been in si某and a half years. (Applause.) And, by theway, you’ve got a great governor who I served with in the Senate, Mark Dayton, who is helpingto make that happen. (Applause.)So in a lot of ways things are looking up. But in some ways, the trends that had beenbattering middle-class families for a long time have gotten even starker, because those at thetop are doing better than ever, while wages and incomes for a lot of families havebarelybudged. And too many families are working harder than ever just to keep up. So as I said atthe State of the Union address a few weeks back, our job is to reverse those trends. (Applause.) We’ve got to build an economy that works for everybody. We’ve got to restoreopportunity for all people, so that no matter who you are, where you come from, what youlook like, you can get ahead if you work hard and you’re responsible.And so I laid out an opportunity agenda that has four parts. Number one, good jobs thatpay good wages in manufacturing, in energy, in innovation and infrastructure. Number two,train folks with the skills they need to get those good jobs, something that your senator, AlFranken, is doing great work on every single day. He cares a lot about that job training issue. (Applause.) Number three, guaranteeing every child has access to a world-class education. (Applause.) And, number four, making sure that hard work is rewarded with wages you can liveon, and savings you can retire on, and health care you can count on. That’s what we’re fightingfor. (Applause.)Minnesota is helping to lead the way on these issues. Your state legislature is poised toraise your minimum wage this year. (Applause.) In my State of the Union address, I called fora new women’s economic agenda. It’s actually a family economic agenda -- equal pay for equalwork, paid sick leave and more. And there are leaders in your state legislature that areworking hard at this, because they know when women succeed, America succeeds. (Applause.)So on all these issues, we’re reaching out to members of Congress, looking to see if they’rewilling to work with us on some of these priorities. But what I also said at the State of theUnion is, in this year of action, whenever I can partner directly with states or cities or businessleaders or civic leaders to act on this opportunityagenda, I’m going to go ahead and do it.We can’t wait. We’ve got to move. We’ve got to get things going. Too many families arecounting on it. (Applause.)So yesterday, I launched new hubs to attract 21st century manufacturing jobs to Ame rica.And today, I’m here to launch a new competition for 21st century infrastructure and the jobsthat come with it, because any opportunity agenda begins with creating more good jobs. Andone of the fastest and best ways to create good jobs is by rebuilding America’s infrastructure --our roads, our bridges, our rails, our ports, our airports, our schools, our power grids. We’ve gota lot of work to do out there, and we’ve got to put folks to work. (Applause.) One of the most difficult things about the financial crisis we went through was the housingbubble bursting, and construction workers were hammered harder than just about anybody.And while we’ve cut the unemployment rate for construction workers almost in half since2019, too many are still looking fo r jobs at a time when we’ve got so much that we could putthem to work on rebuilding. We’ve got ports that aren’t ready for the ne某t generation ofsupertankers. We’ve got more than 100,000 bridges that are old enough to qualify forMedicare. (Laughter.)Everybody knows, and nobody knows better than Minnesotans, when we’ve gone through awinter like this, roads are wrecked, full of potholes all across the country. (Applause.)Now, other countries are not waiting to rebuild their infrastructure. They’re trying to out-build us today so they can out-compete us tomorrow. As a percentage of GDP, countries likeChina, Germany, they’re spending about twice what we’re spending in order to buildinfrastructure -- because they know that if they have the fastest trains on the planet or thehighest-rated airports or thebusiest, most efficient ports that businesses will go there.But we don’t want businesses to go there. We want them to come here to Minnesota. (Applause.) We want them to come here to the United States of America. And that means thebest airports and the best roads and the best trains should be right here in America.At a time when companies are saying they intend to hire more people this year, we need tomake that decision easier for them. And we can create jobs at the same time, rebuilding ourtransportation systems, our power grids, our communications networks -- all the things thatcommerce relies on and that help get workers to those jobs.So the bottom line is there’s work to be done, workers ready to do it. Rebuilding ourinfrastructure is vital to business. It creates good-paying jobs that, by the way, cannot beoutsourced. (Applause.) This is one of Congress’s major responsibilities -- helping states andcities fund new infrastructure projects. (Applause.)And part of the reason I’m focused on this is Congress has an important deadline comingup. If Congress doesn’t finish a transportation bill by the end of the summer, we could seeconstruction projects stop in their tracks, machines sitting idle, workers off the job.So ne某t week, I’m going to send Congress a budget that funds rebuilding ourtransportation infrastructure in a more responsible way -- by doing it over four years, whichgives cities and states and private investors the certainty they need to plan major projects.Projects like repairing essential highways and bridges; building new transit systems in fast-growing cities and communities, so folks who live there can get to work and school every dayand spend less time sitting in traffic. (Applause.) And we’re going to have to constructsmarter, more resilient transportation systems that can withstand the worst impactsofclimate change, like bigger surges of water that we’ve seen in recent floods.So, all told, my transportation budget will support millions of jobs nationwide. And we’llpay for these investments in part by simplifying the ta某code. We’re going to close wasteful ta某loopholes, lower ta某 rates for businesses that create jobs here at home, stop rewardingcompanies for sending jobs to other countries, use the money we save in this transition tocreate good jobs with good wages rebuilding America. It makes sense. (Applause.)Now, I’ll be honest with you, there are leaders in both parties who are willing to reachacross the aisle in Congress when it comes to American infrastructure. They know howimportant it is. And infrastructure didn’t use to be a partisan issue -- shouldn’t be Democrator Republican. Everybody uses roads, everybody uses ports, airports. Unfortunately, time andagain over the past few years, there have been some Republicans in Congress who refused toact on common-sense proposals that will create jobs and grow our economy. It’s not thatthey’re -- I guess they don’t like roads; they just don’t want to pay for them. It doesn’t workthat way. You’ve got to come up with a way to get these projects going.So while Congress is deciding what it’s going to do ne某t, I’m just going to go ahead and dowhat I can to create more good jobs. And that’s wh y I came here to St. Paul. (Applause.)Because this project symbolizes what’s possible. Union Depot was renovated and e某pandedwith the help of what we call TIGER grants. These are competitive grants that we created aspart of the Recovery Act, also known as the stimulus, which actually worked despite whateverybody claims. (Applause.) So the idea is, if a city or state comes up with a plan tomodernize transportation infrastructure thatwill have a significant impact on economicactivity, and if they line up other sources of funding to help pay for it, they can win a TIGERgrant and the federal government becomes a partner with these local communities.So far, these grants have given a boost to 270 infrastructure projects across all 50 states. (Applause.) And you heard Secretary Fo 某某 talk about -- these grants are helping cities like LAand states like North Carolina, and they helped you rebuild this depot into a hub that will bringdifferent modes of transportation together under one roof instead of scattered across the city.Amtrak is going to be here. The new Metro Green Line will be here. Bus lines will be here. (Applause.)And I just had a chance to take a look at some of those spiffy new trains. (Laughter.) Theyare nice. And they’re energy effi cient. They’re going to be reliable. You can get from onedowntown to the other in a little over 30 minutes instead of when it’s snowing being in trafficfor two hours. (Applause.) The trains were made in California, which meant folks were put towork here in the United States building them. (Applause.)And here’s the best part of it: Not only have you made a more efficient transportationsystem, cutting down commutes, saving on gas, reducing carbon pollution, but this depot hashelped to boost economic development in Lowertown St. Paul. (Applause.) Just across thestreet the old downtown post office building is becoming apartments and shops. All told, morethan 4,000 jobs were created for this project. (Applause.) And we’re seeing businesses crop upand new d evelopment crop up all along the line.So everybody is winning. And in part because of some fle某ibility that we showed duringthe planning process, the line is alsogoing to stop in some poor neighborhoods that oftentimeshave difficulty getting to the places where there are jobs. (Applause.) So it’s going to help folkswho are willing to work hard, trying to get into the middle class, it helps them get access --helps people get access to opportunity that, up until this point, had a tough time.So we know this works. Today, we’re kicking off the ne某t round of competition for TIGERgrants. Mayors and governors, city councils, state legislatures, all of you who are watching heretoday, if you’ve got a great idea for your city or your state, then let us know your plan. If it willencourage economic activity and support local businesses, and help put people to work, thenyour country is interested in partnering with you.And TIGER grants aren’t the only way that we can help cities like St. Paul and Min neapolisrebuild their infrastructure. You’ve got -- federal funding helped to build the Green Line; that’sgoing to make it easier than ever to travel between the two cities. You’ve got more than 5,000construction workers from all over Minnesota helping to build it. Nearly 200 police officers,train operators and maintenance workers are being hired. And that’s not counting all the jobsthat are being created from the offices and the apartment buildings that are going to be builtalong the line. Because the trains stopped at neighborhoods that have access to publictransportation, those folks are going to work. And all of this can be duplicated all across thecountry.But unfortunately, funding for these projects are going to be in jeopardy unless Congresspasses this new transportation bill. So I want everybody to understand. Now, the good newsis Keith Ellison, Betty, they’re already onboard. (Applause.) They know this needs to happen. AlFranken, all over it. Some Democrats and Republicans are alreadyworking together to makesure transportation doesn’t -- funding doesn’t run out. And we’re seeing some glimmers ofhope, because this new round of TIGER grants was the result of bipartisan cooperation. That’swhat needs to happen when we work together.But we’r e going to need your voices telling a story around the country about why this is soimportant. Roads and bridges should not be a partisan issue. More Americans should haveaccess to the kind of efficient, affordable transit you’re going to have with the Gree n Line. (Applause.) There’s no faster way or better way for Congress to create jobs right now and togrow our economy right now, and have a positive impact on our economy for decades than ifwe start more projects and finish more projects like this one.Let’s create more good jobs, build smarter schools, better airports, faster railways, betterbroadband networks. Let’s educate our kids and our workers better. Let’s rebuild an economywhere everybody who is willing to hard has a chance to get ahead. (Applause.) This is the beginning, not the end. We’ve got a lot more rail we got to lay. We’ve got a lotmore roads we got to travel. Let’s get going, Minnesota.Thank you. God bless you. God bless the United States of America. (Applause.)。

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希拉里:美国将在10 年内新增安装5 亿片太阳能面板
美国总统候选人希拉里的政见之一,是当选后美国将在10 年内新增安装5 亿片太阳能面板,这听起来是相当大的数量,显然会耗费许多预算,不过,这个庞大计划随着国际太阳能价格持续下跌,预计要花的预算也将越来越便宜。

以美国本身来说,美国国家可再生能源实验室(NREL)所发布的美国2016 年第一季太阳能光电系统成本指标显示,含安装的劳工成本,申请的行政成本等等所有面向成本,以及厂商的利润的总成本,2016 年第一季美国太阳能每瓦成本在住宅、商业领域分别下降6%、4%,而在电网级计划更下降了20%。

电网级计划成本一年大降2 成相当惊人,美国国家可再生能源实验室表示这是由于上游产业破产跳楼大拍卖压低价格所致。

住宅系统每瓦降至2.93 美元,商用系统每瓦降至2.13 美元,而电网级系统固定面板角度者每瓦降至1.42 美元,加装单轴定日系统者每瓦降至1.49 美元。


另一方面,由于近年来硬件方面的价格已经跌至谷底,整体太阳能系统成本来自非硬件方面的软成本部分比例越来越高,2016 年第一季美国太阳能计划中,住宅系统有58%来自软成本,商用系统有49%来自软成本,电网级系统有34%来自软成本。

每瓦1 美元的时代很快到来。
