
美国教育体系利弊英文作文英文:As a student who has experienced both the Chinese and American education systems, I can confidently say that both systems have their own advantages and disadvantages.The American education system is known for itsflexibility and emphasis on critical thinking. In the United States, students have the freedom to choose their own courses and design their own academic path. This allows for a more personalized and diverse learning experience. Additionally, American schools place a strong emphasis on critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Teachers encourage students to think independently and creatively, which helps to foster a sense of innovation and adaptability.On the other hand, the American education system also has its drawbacks. One of the biggest issues is the cost ofeducation. Higher education in the United States is notoriously expensive, and many students graduate with crippling student loan debt. This financial burden canlimit opportunities and create stress for students. Furthermore, the emphasis on standardized testing andgrades can lead to a competitive and high-pressure environment, which may not be conducive to a healthylearning experience for all students.中文:作为一个既经历过中国教育体系又经历过美国教育体系的学生,我可以自信地说,两种体系都有各自的优点和缺点。

Going to School in U.S. Todayy
Over 70 million students (K-Grade 12) each year Five hours a day, five days a week Goa l si n ce ea rl y de ca de of th e r epu bl ic : educate an entire population 90% attend public school, supported by taxes 10% private-parents pay, most run by churches (religious teaching part of the curriculum) Large costs Boards of Education guide spending in public schools as well as decisions about curriculum, certification, tests etc.
U.S. Private Schools
U.S. Public Schools
What Students Learn
Elementary School (grammar school): K-Grade 6 Math, language arts, penmanship, science, social studies, music, art, P.E. Many schools have introduced computer courses Second language offered in upper levels Secondary School: Junior and Senior High School English, math, science, social studies and P.E. (core subjects) Electives (specialized academic subjects, vocational…)- guided by school counsellors
美国教育历史 英文

W.E.B. Dubois
Higher education for the “Talented Tenth” National Association for the Advancement of Colored People 1905
Barhamville Columbia, SC 1859
William McGuffey
The McGuffey Reading Series 1836
Horace Mann
Common School, Normal School, Public Education 1837
Freidrich Froebel
Kindergarten 1837
Limestone Springs High School 1851
Plessy Vs. Ferguson Separate but equal Education 1896
Booker T. Washington
Public Education for all children and Vocational Education Tuskegee Institute 1895
The History of American Education
Leaders, Movements and Events
Old Deluder Satan Act
• The Old Deluder Act (1647) From Records of the Governor and Company of the Massachusetts Bay in New England (1853), II: 203 It being one chief project of that old deluder, Satan, to keep men from the knowledge of the Scriptures, as in former times by keeping them in an unknown tongue, so in these latter times by persuading from the use of tongues, that so that at least the true sense and meaning of the original might be clouded and corrupted with false glosses of saint-seeming deceivers; and to the end that learning may not be buried in the grave of our forefathers, in church and commonwealth, the Lord assisting our endeavors. It is therefore ordered that every township in this jurisdiction, after the Lord hath increased them to fifty households shall forthwith appoint one within their town to teach all such children as shall resort to him to write and read, whose wages shall be paid either by the parents or masters of such children, or by the inhabitants in general, by way of supply, as the major part of those that order the prudentials of the town shall appoint; provided those that send their children be not oppressed by paying much more than they can have them taught for in other towns. And it is further ordered, that when any town shall increase to the number of one hundred families or householders, they shall set up a grammar school, the master thereof being able to instruct youth so far as they may be fitted for the university, provided that if any town neglect the performance hereof above one year that every such town shall pay 5 pounds to the next school till they shall perform this order.

美国教育英文作文英文:As a student who has experienced both Chinese and American education systems, I can say that there are significant differences between the two. In China, the education system is more focused on rote memorization and standardized testing. Students are expected to study hard and excel in exams, which determine their future academic and career opportunities. On the other hand, American education emphasizes critical thinking, creativity, and practical skills. Students are encouraged to participate in extracurricular activities, explore their interests, and develop their own unique talents.One of the biggest differences between Chinese and American education is the teaching style. In China, teachers are seen as authority figures and students are expected to listen and obey. The teacher lectures and students take notes, and there is little room fordiscussion or debate. In contrast, American teachers act more like facilitators, encouraging students to ask questions, share their opinions, and engage in debates. Students are encouraged to think critically and express themselves freely.Another difference is the grading system. In China, grades are everything. Students are judged solely on their exam scores and academic achievements. In America, grades are important, but they are not everything. Students arealso evaluated on their participation, behavior, andoverall effort. This encourages students to be well-rounded and develop their social skills as well as their academic abilities.Finally, the role of parents in education is differentin China and America. In China, parents are heavilyinvolved in their children's education, often hiring tutors and pushing them to excel academically. In America, parents are encouraged to be involved in their children's education, but not to the point of micromanaging. American parents are more focused on supporting their children's interests andpassions, rather than just their academic success.中文:作为一名经历过中国和美国教育系统的学生,我可以说两者之间存在着显著的差异。

美国教育介绍_完整英文版The Education System in the United StatesElementary education in the United States typically begins with kindergarten, which is the first year of formal schooling. Kindergarten is a half-day program that focuses on developing basic academic skills, such as reading, writing, and math, aswell as social and emotional skills. After kindergarten,students progress through five more years of elementary school, covering grades one through five. Elementary school curriculumis designed to provide a well-rounded education, including subjects such as English, math, science, and social studies, as well as physical education and the arts.The U.S. education system is known for its emphasis on individualism and creativity. Students are encouraged to think critically, solve problems, and express their ideas and opinions. The system also promotes diversity and inclusivity, with efforts to provide equal access to education for students of all backgrounds.However, it is important to note that the U.S. education system also faces challenges and disparities. There aresignificant gaps in academic achievement between different demographic groups, and funding for schools varies widely across different states and districts. Efforts are being made toaddress these issues and improve the overall quality of education in the United States.。


介绍美国的英语作文带翻译英文回答:As an American, I can say that the English language is an important part of our culture and daily life. English is the most widely spoken language in the United States and is used in government, business, education, and media. It is also the primary language for international communication, making it a valuable skill for Americans to have.In my personal experience, I use English every day to communicate with my friends, family, and colleagues. Whether it's sending emails, texting, or having face-to-face conversations, English is the language we use to express ourselves and connect with others. For example, when I meet up with friends for a meal, we often use English to discuss our plans and share stories about our lives.Furthermore, English is also the language ofinstruction in schools and universities across the country. Students are required to take English classes from a young age, and proficiency in the language is necessary for academic success. I remember taking English literature classes in high school, where we analyzed classic American novels and discussed their themes and characters in depth.In addition, English is full of idioms and expressions that are unique to American culture. For instance, phrases like "break a leg" and "piece of cake" are commonly used in everyday conversations to wish someone good luck or describe something as easy. These idiomatic expressions add color and personality to the language, making it more interesting and fun to use.Overall, English plays a crucial role in American society and is an essential tool for communication and expression. It is deeply ingrained in our daily lives and reflects the diversity and richness of our culture.中文回答:作为一个美国人,我可以说英语是我们文化和日常生活中的重要组成部分。
美国的教育 英语作文


High School-10th Grade-15-16-11th Grade-16.17-12th Gr de-17-18
IV Curricula for Students-1.Elementary School-Althoug the federal government has no-national curriculum fo education,almost-every elementary school provides in truction-in these subjects:language arts;-math penman hip;science;social studies;-music;art;and physical ed cation.-Physical-Education-10
Levels of-schooling-Higher Education-Secondary Educat on-Elementary Education-5
Elementary school and-secondary school-*In most areas free public school-education begins with kindergarten classes for 5 years old.-Almost all the 50 states hav laws-that require 12 years of compulsory-attendance t school for children.-6
In some school system,the 12 grades-are divided into wo stages,the first 6-grades for elementary school an the-next 6 grades for secondary school.-In other sch ol system,there are three-divisions:elementary school grades1-6,junior high school 7--9,and senior hihool-Secondary schools offer these-subj cts:English,mathematics,-science,social studies and p ysical-education-Most schools offer foreign languages Spanish is the most popular foreign-language for Amer cans
20世纪美国教育 英文

emphasis on social reform
John Dewey
Progressivism Experimentalism
emphasis on pedagogy and experience
Dewey’s Ideas
According to Dewey, human Interaction with the environment constitutes experience.
2. Dewey calls the second step “ a conjectural anticipation, a tentative interpretation of the given elements. Attributing to them a tendency to effect certain consequences.” In other words, the person involved perceives the situation in its problematic character; he thus defines it, and attempts to locate the problem. 3. This phase involves a careful survey including examination, inspection, exploration and analysis of all relevant data necessary to define and clarify the problem. Here, ideas are evolved to guide action that must be undertaken to enhance the solution of the problem.

❖ In some school system, the 12 grades are divided into two stages, the first 6 grades for elementary school and the next 6 grades for secondary school.
Private Schools
❖ Most private schools are related to religious groups.
❖ In these schools, religious instruction is part of the curriculum
❖ Today,Βιβλιοθήκη about 12% of all American children go to private schools for their elementary and secondary education.
❖ Class atmosphere is usually relaxed in American schools.
❖ American educator believe that children learn better when they are happy and interested, so every effort has been made to arouse the interests of the individual.
high school teachers 3. The impression they make during the
interviews at the university 4. Their scores on SAT
The Complex System of Higher Education
美国的教育 英语作文

美国的教育英语作文Education in the United States。
Education in the United States is a complex and diverse system that includes both public and private institutionsat all levels. The system is structured to provide students with a broad range of educational opportunities, from preschool through graduate school, and to prepare them fora variety of careers and life experiences.The foundation of the American education system is the public school system, which is funded and administered by state and local governments. Public schools are free and open to all students, regardless of their social or economic background. They are required to provide a basic education to all students, including instruction in reading, writing, math, science, social studies, and physical education.In addition to public schools, there are many privateschools in the United States, which are funded by tuition and donations. Private schools vary widely in their size, curriculum, and philosophy, and can be religious or secular in nature. Some private schools offer specialized programsin areas such as the arts, technology, or international studies.Higher education in the United States is also diverse and includes a wide range of institutions, from community colleges to research universities. Community colleges offer two-year associate degrees and are often a more affordable option for students who want to complete their general education requirements before transferring to a four-year university. Four-year universities offer bachelor's degrees, and many also offer graduate programs that lead to master's or doctoral degrees.One of the unique features of the American education system is its emphasis on extracurricular activities. Students are encouraged to participate in sports, clubs,and other activities outside of the classroom, which can help them develop leadership skills, social connections,and a sense of community.Despite the strengths of the American education system, it also faces many challenges. One of the most significantis the achievement gap, which refers to the disparity in academic performance between different groups of students, particularly those from low-income and minority backgrounds. Other challenges include funding disparities between schools, teacher shortages, and the need to adapt torapidly changing technology and workforce demands.In conclusion, education in the United States is a complex and diverse system that provides students with a broad range of opportunities and prepares them for avariety of careers and life experiences. While there are many strengths to the system, there are also significant challenges that must be addressed in order to ensure thatall students have access to a high-quality education.。

Students choose the other 50% of their classes based on what they're interested in.
A student who is very good at math could take many advanced math classes, and only basic English and history
Steve Jobs (pictured to the right, age 17) took many computer classes, but few English ones.
Advantages of Student Choice
Students develop specialties. Take more classes in a subject → become an expert in it. Can choose a major in college and find a job more easily
Advantages of Critical Thinking
Develops students' problem-solving and critical thinking skills
An important reason why America is so innovative in science, technology, movies and books, etc.
American Science Class

美国教育的英语作文Education in the United States。
Education in the United States is highly valued and considered a key factor in achieving success. The education system in the U.S. is divided into three levels: elementary, secondary, and higher education.Elementary education, also known as primary education,is typically for children between the ages of 5 and 11. Children attend elementary school for six years and learn basic skills such as reading, writing, and arithmetic. Elementary schools often have a strong emphasis on socialization and character development.Secondary education, also known as high school, is for students between the ages of 12 and 18. High school is typically four years long and students are required to take a variety of courses including English, math, science,social studies, and physical education. High schools alsooffer elective courses in areas such as art, music, and foreign languages.In the U.S., higher education is not mandatory, but itis highly encouraged. Higher education includes collegesand universities, which offer a variety of degree programs such as associate's, bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees. Higher education is often seen as a means to achieve higher paying jobs and greater career opportunities.The U.S. education system places a strong emphasis on standardized testing, which is used to evaluate student performance and determine school funding. The most well-known standardized tests are the SAT and ACT, which are college entrance exams.One of the biggest challenges facing the U.S. education system is the achievement gap, which refers to thedisparities in academic performance between different demographic groups such as race, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status. Many efforts have been made toaddress the achievement gap, including increased fundingfor schools in disadvantaged areas and the implementation of programs aimed at improving academic performance.Overall, education in the United States is highly valued and seen as a key factor in achieving success. While there are challenges facing the education system, efforts are being made to address them and improve the quality of education for all students.。
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Primary School
• Students learn reading, math, science, history, spelling, art and penmanship
• The class stays together all day and has one teacher for all of their subjects
• Most schools offer a liberal arts degree
• Our degree is commonly called a diploma –Bachelor of Science –Bachelor of Arts
• Each hour of class per week is called a credit • Students need about 125 credits to graduate with a four
Primary School
Primary School
• Students also have recess
Primary School
• Students eat lunch at school
Primary School
• Students are picked up and taken home by the school bus
Middle School
• Students learn reading, math, science, history, vocabulary, writing, music and art
Middle School
• Students learn reading, math, science, history, vocabulary, writing, music and art
High School - Sports
• Boys – American Football
High School - Sports • Boys –Soccer
High School - Sports
• Girls – Volleyball
High School - Sports
• Both – Basketball
The American education system
Primary school
Secondary school
Undergraduate school
Graduate school
Primary School
• Also called elementary school or grammar school
• Each student has his own schedule and moves to different classrooms for each class
High School
• Students choose many different electives –Art –Choir –Band –Cooking –Acting –Driver’s Education
• Job
High School – After School
• Parties
High School
• Students have a guidance counselor to help prepare for the future
• Each student takes an SAT or ACT test –SAT: Scholastic Aptitude Test (Mathematics & English Reading &English Writing) –ACT: American College Test
their different teachers
Middle School
• Often students learn to play an instrument or join the school choir
Middle School
• Often students go on school field trips
Middle School
• School might require a uniform • About 20% of schools in America have
High School
High School
• Students learn advanced subjects like math, science, history, economics, speech, music and art
High School - Sports
• Both – Track
High School - Cheerleading
High School - Activities
• Band • Choir • Debate
High School - Activities
• Senior Trip
High School – After School
High School – Graduation
• Junior College • Commun choose two topics to study
– Major – Minor
• Bachelor’s['bætʃələ] Degree (4-year) • Associates Degree(2 or 3-year)
• Begin to study computer and have P.E. class
Middle School
• Students learn reading, math, science, history, vocabulary, writing, music and art
• Begin to study computer and have P.E. class • The class stays together all day and changes rooms for