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Choose the best answer from the choices given.

1. Tom was disappointed that most of the guests _______ when he _____ at the party.

A. left; had arrived

B. left; arrived

C. had left; had arrived

D. had left; arrived

2. By the time he was twelve, Edison_____ to make a living by himself.

A. wouldn’t begin

B. has begun

C. had begun

D. was begun

3. He ____ his leg when he ______ in a football match against another school.

A. broke; played

B. was breaking; was playing

C. broke; was playing

D. was breaking; played

4. The students ____ busily when Miss Brown went to get a book she _____ in the office.

A. had written; left

B. were writing; has left

C. had written; had left

D. were writing; had left

5. Hello, I ____ you ____ in London. How long have you been here?

A. don’t know; were

B. hadn’t known; are

C. haven’t known; were

D. didn’t know; are

6. She can’t help ___ of her son.

A. thinking

B. to think

C. to be thought

D. have thought

7. The room was empty ___ a few chairs.

A. except

B. except for

C. besides

D. besides for

8. Four plus three ___ seven.

A. equals

B. equaled

C. equaling

D. equal

9. I’d rather that he ___ it blue.

A. painted

B. paint

C. paints

D. painting

10. The Browns ___ moving away on Saturday.

A. is

B. are

C. will be

D. has been

11. She said that it ___ snow.

A. may

B. can

C. should

D. might

12. Amy and her cousin just bought two new ___ coats.

A. winters

B. winter’s

C. winters’

D. winter

13. Today was ___ beautiful day that I couldn’t just keep myself indoors.

A. a such

B. such a

C. a so

D. so a

14. There is no decision ___ on your application.

A. still

B. so far

C. yet

D. thus far

15. I would appreciate ___ it a secret.

A. that you keep

B. you to keep

C. your keeping

D. that you will keep

16. Invite them only on those occasions ____ their late arrival will not cause you inconvenience.

A. when

B. that

C. where

D. which

17. On Christmas Day a relative ___ I had been on the outs for four years telephoned me.

A. who

B. whom

C. with whom

D. which

18. Years ago you gave some advice ___ how to have a good marriage.

A. about

B. on

C. for

D. to

19. The leader requested that out home work ___ clearly.

A. be written

B. is written

C. was written

D. will be written

20. There are _____ than the mayor of the town.

A. more intelligent monkeys

B. monkeys more intelligent

C. intelligent monkeys more

D. more monkeys intelligent

21. I think we should let him try_____.

A. a second time

B. the second times

C. a two time

D. the two’s times

22. The unexpected _____ happened.

A. has

B. is

C. are

D. was

23. Jenny _____very upset.

A. appear

B. appeared

C. is appearing

D. had appeared

24. There are people without homes, jobs ______family.

A. and

B. neither

C. both

D. or

25. I believed Joan, _____ she would not lie to me.

A. or

B. all

C. either

D. for

26. You can park on _____ side of the road.

A. either

B. both

C. all

D. /

27. I bought _____.

A. two dozen eggs

B. dozen eggs

C. two dozens of egg

D. dozen of eggs

28. I was born _____.

A. in May 20, 2000

B. at May 20, 2000

C. on May 20, 2000

D. 2000 May 20

29. ______ is served at seven.

A. Breakfast B the Breakfast C. Breakfasts D. An breakfast

30. Everyone must do _____ best

A. he

B. her

C. our

D. their

31. He ____ to school five times a week.

A. go

B. goes

C. is go

D. going

32. Lucy ____ a letter now. She ____ a few minutes ago.

A. is writing, began

B. writing, begins

C. wrote, began

D. writes, begin

33. Bill ____ in Hainan since 2000.

A. live

B. was lived

C. has lived

D. living

34. Robert ____ at nine o’clock last night.

A. arrive

B. arrives

C. arriving

D. arrived

35. If the phone rings again, I ____ it.

A. answer

B. will answer

C. answering

D. have answered

36. He used to ____ to his office, but now he ____ the bus.
