What I am for you ? You are my U-Loveit As a result I'm just pearl milk tea ! Then,I can make you in my warm hand forever Milky tea , I want U-Loveit
优 乐 美 , 你 值 得 拥 有 !
你喜欢我什么啊? 喜欢你优雅、快乐、美丽!!! 你是在说优乐美奶茶啊?! 你就是我的优乐美啊
Do you love me? Like you elegant , happy, and beautiful!!! You are say that Excellent music and beauty milk tea?! You are my Excellent music and beauty!!!
U-loveit is pleased lang company offering a milk tea products, have natural, green tea of nata DE COCO, liquor, coffee, chocolate, strawberry ,taro and red bean 8 kinds of taste, is that bubble type ready-todrink tea with milk. 优乐美是喜之郎公司推出 的一款奶茶产品、有原味、 绿茶、麦香、咖啡、巧克 力,草莓,香芋和红豆8 种口味,是即泡即饮型奶 茶。
• 奶茶的主要消费群体是年轻 一代的学生,优乐美以周杰 伦这一广大青年所喜爱的明 星和爱情这一经久不衰的话 题牢牢抓住了年轻消费者的 心理,使得“你是我的优乐 美”这一广告词深入人心, 这也不失为一大创新点。
1、性别: 2、年龄: 3、季节: 4、味觉: 5、节庆:
(一)POP广告的策划过程 (二) POP广告的信息传达原则 (三)POP广告设计原则 (四)POP广告设计定位
POP的关键——文字(文案)与色彩 引入注意的文句 标题 正文 饰框 插图
POP广告由价格主导向形象主导移位 系列POP广告 新技术的吸收与综合 简言之 ——设计系统化
严格把控质量关,让生产更加有保障 。2020年11月 上午3时 42分20.11.2903:42November 29, 2020
重规矩,严要求,少危险。2020年11月29日 星期日3时42分 55秒03:42:5529 November 2020
好的事情马上就会到来,一切都是最 好的安 排。上 午3时42分55秒 上午3时42分03:42:5520.11.29
1939年,美国POP广告协会正式成立,使得POP 广告有了一个正式的地位。
(一)POP广告完成促销功能实现的三个 功效层次
1.诱客进店 2.驻足商品 3.最终购买
1.刺激冲动购买,争夺边缘顾客 2.与竞争对手争夺顾客的注意力 3.营造销售气氛,瞬间催眠顾客 4. 为顾客指点迷津,作无声的推销员 5.临门一脚,在终点最终瓦解对手
• such as simile(明喻), metaphor(暗喻), personification(拟人), pun (双关), hyperbole(夸张), parallelism(排比), rhetorical question (反问),irony(反语), rhyme(押韵)
• Taste its strong atmosphere of milk, just like silk fly around you.
4. Simple Sentences
Eg1. Coca-Cola is it. 还是可口可乐好! Eg2. Fresh Up With Seven-Up. 饮七喜,添精神。 Eg3. Introducing FITNESS magazine. It’s about health,it’s about exercise,it’s about your image,your energy,and your outlook. 向您推荐《健康》杂志:关注健康,锻炼,形象, 精力,展望。
Visual Attraction
Poster Advertisement 海报广告
Alphonse Mucha(慕夏/ 穆夏) (1860-1939)was a Czech [tʃek](捷克)Art Nouveau painter,known best for his distinct(独特的) style. He produced many paintings, illustrations(插画), advertisements, postcards, and designs.
• Taste its strong atmosphere of milk, just like silk fly around you.
4. Simple Sentences
Eg1. Coca-Cola is it. 还是可口可乐好! Eg2. Fresh Up With Seven-Up. 饮七喜,添精神。 Eg3. Introducing FITNESS magazine. It’s about health,it’s about exercise,it’s about your image,your energy,and your outlook. 向您推荐《健康》杂志:关注健康,锻炼,形象, 精力,展望。
Visual Attraction
Poster Advertisement 海报广告
Alphonse Mucha(慕夏/ 穆夏) (1860-1939)was a Czech [tʃek](捷克)Art Nouveau painter,known best for his distinct(独特的) style. He produced many paintings, illustrations(插画), advertisements, postcards, and designs.
1. Marketing 市场营销 2. Advertising 广告 3. 4A (American Association of Advertising
Agencies) 美国广告商协会 4. Medison Avenue 麦迪逊大道 5. Media 媒介
6. AE (Account Executive) 广告业务员、联络员 7. CD (Creative Director) 创意总监 8. Idea 创意 9. SP (sales promotion) 销售促进 10. DM(Direct mail) 直邮广告
29. 5W(who, say what, to whom, in which channel, with what effects)
30. ROI(Relevance, Originality, Impact) 相关性,原创力,冲 击力
31. SWOT (Strengths, weakness, opportunities, threats) 优势,劣势,机会,威胁
20. CIS (corporate identification system) 企业 识别系统
21. MI (Mind Identity) 理念识别 22. BI (Behavior Identity) 行为识别 23. VI (Visual Identity) 视觉识别 24. Advertising Target 广告目标
11. copy 文案 12. copy writer 广告撰文员 13. CM (commercial message) 电波广告 14. CF (commercial film) 广告片 15. sales point 卖点
1. Marketing 市场营销 2. Advertising 广告 3. 4A (American Association of Advertising
Agencies) 美国广告商协会 4. Medison Avenue 麦迪逊大道 5. Media 媒介
6. AE (Account Executive) 广告业务员、联络员 7. CD (Creative Director) 创意总监 8. Idea 创意 9. SP (sales promotion) 销售促进 10. DM(Direct mail) 直邮广告
29. 5W(who, say what, to whom, in which channel, with what effects)
30. ROI(Relevance, Originality, Impact) 相关性,原创力,冲 击力
31. SWOT (Strengths, weakness, opportunities, threats) 优势,劣势,机会,威胁
20. CIS (corporate identification system) 企业 识别系统
21. MI (Mind Identity) 理念识别 22. BI (Behavior Identity) 行为识别 23. VI (Visual Identity) 视觉识别 24. Advertising Target 广告目标
11. copy 文案 12. copy writer 广告撰文员 13. CM (commercial message) 电波广告 14. CF (commercial film) 广告片 15. sales point 卖点
Some advertisement for gardens
Advertisement for Coca Cola
Some famous English ads
Good to the last drop.
The new digital era.
We lead. Others copy.
Impossible made possible. .
Poetry in motion, dancing close to me.
To me, the past is black and white,
but the future is always color.
Ask for more.
Feel the new space.
No business too small, no problem too big.
By deng xiyao
With the development of material prosperity, advertisements have become more and more important in our daily life. Advertisements give latest information about products. If there were no advertising, consumers could not know about goods in their local shops. Advertising helps sell to a bigger market. Therefore, as more goods are sold they are cheapper.Advertisements also provide money for newspapers, magazines, radios and TVstations.
Some advertisement for gardens
Advertisement for Coca Cola
Some famous English ads
Good to the last drop.
The new digital era.
We lead. Others copy.
Impossible made possible. .
Poetry in motion, dancing close to me.
To me, the past is black and white,
but the future is always color.
Ask for more.
Feel the new space.
No business too small, no problem too big.
By deng xiyao
With the development of material prosperity, advertisements have become more and more important in our daily life. Advertisements give latest information about products. If there were no advertising, consumers could not know about goods in their local shops. Advertising helps sell to a bigger market. Therefore, as more goods are sold they are cheapper.Advertisements also provide money for newspapers, magazines, radios and TVstations.
My hair was dry, coarse and unmanageable. But from the time I began to use Pantene Pro-V Treatment Shampoo, it has become healthy and shiny. This is because Pantene Pro-V treatment Shampoo contains unique Pro VB5,which deeply penetrates your hair from root to tip. Its new improved formula gives your hair extra protection against damage, leaving it healthier and shiner.
广告具有信息功能 (informative function)
美感功能(aesthetic function)
表情功能(expressive function)
祈使功能 (vocative function)
英美现代广告学认为,广告的作用在于: 1. Information (提供信息) 2. Persuasion (争取顾客) 3. Maintenance of Demand (保持需求) 4. Creating Mass Markets (扩大市场) 5. Quality (确保质量)
广告按其体裁,风格,手法及文字表 达方式等不同,可将他们分为若干类 型.熟悉并掌握各种类型广告文体的 特点对做好广告的翻译工作十分必 要.常见的广告文体特点及翻译要求 如下:
(1) 陈述体
陈述体广告就是摆事实,讲道理,让事实 说服人,开门见山地介绍商品用途性能等 情况。语言质朴精练,没有过多的修辞与 描绘,翻译时应以朴实的英语,客观的语 气组织译文。例如:
广告具有信息功能 (informative function)
美感功能(aesthetic function)
表情功能(expressive function)
祈使功能 (vocative function)
英美现代广告学认为,广告的作用在于: 1. Information (提供信息) 2. Persuasion (争取顾客) 3. Maintenance of Demand (保持需求) 4. Creating Mass Markets (扩大市场) 5. Quality (确保质量)
广告按其体裁,风格,手法及文字表 达方式等不同,可将他们分为若干类 型.熟悉并掌握各种类型广告文体的 特点对做好广告的翻译工作十分必 要.常见的广告文体特点及翻译要求 如下:
(1) 陈述体
陈述体广告就是摆事实,讲道理,让事实 说服人,开门见山地介绍商品用途性能等 情况。语言质朴精练,没有过多的修辞与 描绘,翻译时应以朴实的英语,客观的语 气组织译文。例如:
强烈推荐广告翻译 unit 1.ppt
• 1)Every time we race, you win.(雅马哈电子琴
• 意思:每次我们竞赛,你总赢。
• 2)I was in love with a girl named Cathy. I killed her.(劝告不要酒后开车的公益广告标题)
• 8)Things go better with Coca-Cola.(Coca-Cola的口号) • 译文1:饮用可口可乐,万事可乐。 • 译文2:可口可乐开,好运自然来。 • 译文3:可口可乐让一切更精彩。 • 译文4:可口可乐一杯子,好运喜气一辈子。 • 译文5:可口可乐,生活常乐。
• 细腻,醇香,享受
• I’m More satisfied.
• Ask for More.
• Think different. • 不同凡“想”
• Intel inside
• 给电脑一颗奔腾的“芯”
• With a single copy of The Globe in hand , you can enjoy a wide view of the world.
• 一册在手,纵览全球
• Good to the last drop. • 滴滴香浓,意犹未尽
• Try a packet of Vantage Menthol and then
(2) 证言体 这类广告像一分证明书,提供“权威 人士”或“著名人士”对商品的鉴定、 赞扬、使用和见证,读来亲切可信。 翻译时应采用相同的方法,有实有据, 保证原文的说服力。例如:
以前我的头发干枯,粗糙,难以梳理, 自从用了潘婷营养洗发露,头发变得健康, 亮泽。因为潘婷营养洗发露含有独特的维他 命原B5,能由发根渗透到发尖,其全新改 良配方,能加倍保护头发,免受损害,令头 发分外健康,加倍亮泽。 My hair was dry, coarse and unmanageable. But from the time I began to use Pantene Pro-V Treatment Shampoo, it has become healthy and shiny. This is because Pantene Pro-V treatment Shampoo contains unique Pro VB5,which deeply penetrates your hair from root to tip. Its new improved formula gives your hair extra protection against damage, leaving it healthier and shiner.
玩弄辞藻 使用警策句,以发人思考,从而注 意广告中的商品 言简意赅,简洁易懂 使用大众化口语体
堆砌形容词和形容词最高级 finest food, most attractive surroundings and a friendly disposition (餐馆广告) Incredible sale: beautiful, beautiful, beautiful lynx and mink, top quality, latest styles fur garments (服装广告) 夸大其辞, 以耸听闻 Our Sunday Brunch Buffet Is A Legend In Its Time (餐馆 广告) 运用押韵法 BETA Builds it Better (家具广告) Spend a dime, Save you time(电器广告) Never Late, on Father’s Day (礼品广告)
Some high-tech made budweiser become so fragrant and sweet.It conquers the five continents.
Budweiser is from the 1876 market. Anheuser - Busch, the world's unique the beech Health process, from material selection, saccharification, fermentation, filtration, and process until the canned.Budweiser beer produced exceptionally clear, particularly refreshing, particularly the quality of mellowness.
Budweiser, the best drinking temperature of 8-10 degrees Celsius, 700ml and 640ml Budweiser beer at the bottleneck foil temperature sensor label design, when it appeared the symbol of an eagle or the head crown uppercase letter B,Just to remind you of the best drinking temperature.
Budweiser beer ingredients known as "beer," said the five kinds: good quality barley, rice, yeast, water and hops..
Translation Rules
1、对等 形式对等---信息对等---功能对等 Life is a journey, Travel it well (联合航 空) 人生之旅,尽情游历 Tide’s in, dirt’s out. (品味更胜一筹(食品广告) Better than ever! Taking the lead in a Digital World. ---三星 领先数码,超越永恒 A diamond is forever. 钻石恒久远,一颗永流传 Intelligence everywhere. –--摩托罗拉 智慧演绎,无处不在。
Where there is a mountain, there is a road; where there is a road, there is Toyota. 浅析: 该广告巧妙地仿用了英语中“Where there is a will, there is a way.”这句家喻户晓的谚语,顾客很容易地就把丰田车记住 了,其劝说功能显而易见。 译文可直译为:有山必有路,有路必有丰田车。 A Mars a day keeps you work, rest and play. 浅析:一看这个广告,大家很容易联想到两则英语谚语:“An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 一日一苹果,医生原离我。” 和“ All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. 只工作不玩耍, 聪明小孩也变傻。” 这则广告似乎告诉人们吃了这种巧克力既 可以保持身体健康又可以聪明,激起了人们购买的欲望。这里 可直译:一日一块马尔斯牌巧克力,给你工作、休闲、娱乐添 精力。
Functions and roles
现代广告多采用家喻户晓的俗语,口语,读来亲切感人。翻译 时,应注意选用切适的英语口语词,力求使疑问在语气上与原 文保持一致。例如:
”航空牌“人造皮革箱 用料上乘,做工精细,款式新颖,价格合 理,规格齐全,欢迎选购。
“Aviation” Artificial Leather Suitcase Selected materials, fine workmanship, modern designs, reasonable price, various specifications. Order welcome.
“雪莲”牌羊绒衫 北京生产的”雪莲”牌羊绒衫,系选用优质的山羊绒 作原料制成.本品具有色泽鲜艳,手感柔滑,穿着舒适,轻, 软,暖等特点,由于该产品品质优良,做工精细,花型,款式 新颖,尺码齐全,受到过外消费者的热烈欢迎.
“Snow Lotus” Cashmere Sweaters “Snow Lotus” Cashmere Sweaters from Beijing are made from superior Chinese Cashmere fibre. They are lustrous in colour, supple, light, warm and comfortable to wear. Owing to their fp, novel designs and styles, and complete size range, they have gained popularity from consumers abroad.
Welcome to Qingdao
Here you will see beautiful scenes, breathtaking wonders, First-class facilities and efficient services. You can bask, indulge, and luxuriate on the beautiful beaches, and in the golden sunshine.
Outdoor and Transport Advertising 露天广告和交通广告
Window and Point-of-Sale Display 橱窗和销售 点陈列广告
Exhibition and Trade Fairs 展览会和商品交易 会
Direct Mail Advertising 直接邮件广告 Cinema Advertising电影广告
1. 多用简单句,目的是为了醒目、易懂、 易记
Fresh Up with Seven-Up 请饮七喜,倍添精神。(饮七喜,添精神)
Coca-cola is it. 还是可口可乐好!(可口可乐,我的选择)
No business is too small, no problem too big. 没有不做的小生意,没有解决不了的大问题。
ADs Translation
1. 广告的定义
“广告是将各种高度精炼的信息,采用艺术手 法,通过各种媒介传播给大众,以加强或改 变人们的观念,最终导致人们行为的事物和 活动。 ”
2. 广告手段 (Advertising Media)
Press Advertising 报刊广告 Television and radio Advertising 电视和无线电
Welcome to Qingdao
Here you will see beautiful scenes, breathtaking wonders, First-class facilities and efficient services. You can bask, indulge, and luxuriate on the beautiful beaches, and in the golden sunshine.
Outdoor and Transport Advertising 露天广告和交通广告
Window and Point-of-Sale Display 橱窗和销售 点陈列广告
Exhibition and Trade Fairs 展览会和商品交易 会
Direct Mail Advertising 直接邮件广告 Cinema Advertising电影广告
1. 多用简单句,目的是为了醒目、易懂、 易记
Fresh Up with Seven-Up 请饮七喜,倍添精神。(饮七喜,添精神)
Coca-cola is it. 还是可口可乐好!(可口可乐,我的选择)
No business is too small, no problem too big. 没有不做的小生意,没有解决不了的大问题。
ADs Translation
1. 广告的定义
“广告是将各种高度精炼的信息,采用艺术手 法,通过各种媒介传播给大众,以加强或改 变人们的观念,最终导致人们行为的事物和 活动。 ”
2. 广告手段 (Advertising Media)
Press Advertising 报刊广告 Television and radio Advertising 电视和无线电
Welcome to Qingdao
Here you will see beautiful scenes, breathtaking wonders, First-class facilities and efficient services. You can bask, indulge, and luxuriate on the beautiful beaches, and in the golden sunshine.
三、 广告与品牌资产
• 基本概念 • 品牌: • 美国市场营销协会:品牌是一种名称、
术语、标记、符合或设计,或者是他们 的组合运用,借此和其他竞争对手的产 品和服务区别开来。
• 【上帝、彩票、盲乐师】
来到咖啡馆。 他对咖啡的熟悉
超出我的想像。 邻桌一位好厅的客人
向侍者打探盲乐师的来历 27岁那年
随马戏团游走各地的他, 同往常一样
在表演走钢索前 没有忘了向上帝祝祷告
• 菲利普.科特勒:品牌是一种名称、术语、 标记、符号或图案,或是他们的相互组 合,用以识别某个消费者或某群消费者 的产品或服务,并使之与竟争对手的产 品或服务相区别。
• 大卫·奥格威(1955):品牌是一种错综 复杂的象征,它是品牌属性、名称、包 装、价格、历史、声誉、广告等的无形 总和。品牌同时也因消费者对其使用者 的印象,以及自身的体验而有所界定。
第四章 广告基本理论
• 一、“usp理论” # • 广告陈述主张 • 独一无二 • 强有力(打动受众、吸引新的顾客) •#
• 罗瑟.瑞夫斯 (Rosser Reeves) “USP”理论 (Unique Selling Proposition)
Milk Deluxe
正文 body text
标题 headline
一包好牛奶,是感情与理智巧妙平衡的结晶。这 富含天然优质乳蛋白的牛奶,滴滴融入乳牛的幸 福。从奶源基地到进入包装,更是对于理性的考 验,堪称全球楷模的模板工厂,领先世界的先进 工艺,确保牛奶闻更香、饮更浓。 (Milk Deluxe)
Just do it.(耐克服饰) Start ahead.(飘柔洗发露) Take time to indulge. 尽情享受吧!(雀巢冰激凌) The taste is great. 味道好极了。(雀巢咖啡) Feel the new space. 感受新境界。(三星电子)
• • • • • •
C. 国际属性 品牌名已成为国内品牌全球化的一道门槛,在中国品 牌的国际化命名中,由于对国外文化的不了解,使得一些 品牌出了洋相。“芳芳”牌化妆品在国外的商标被翻译为 “FangFang”,而fang在英文中是指“有毒的蛇牙”,如此 一来,还有谁敢把有毒的东西往身上摸,芳芳化妆品的受 挫也就是情理之中的事情了。 IBM是全球十大品牌之一,身为世界上最大的电脑制 造商,它被誉为“蓝色巨人”。它的全称是“国际商用机 器公司”(International Business Machines),这样的名 称不但难记忆,而且不易读写,在传播上首先就自己给自 己制造了障碍。于是,国际商用机器公司设计出了简单的 IBM的字体造型,对外传播,终于造就了其高科技领域的 领导者形象。(刘增羽,1996:17)
(2)标新立异、吸引眼球 TWOGETHER——The ultimate all inclusive one price sunkissed holiday. 两人共度一个阳光灿烂的假日,一切费用均包括 在单人价格之内。 (TWOGETHER是一新杜撰词,取together的音, 用two的意思,想法独特,表现形象生动,能吸 引更多伴侣的注意并选择前来度假。)
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Television Advertisements
Infomercials are another form of television advertising. The infomercial is different than a commercial because it is longer, includes more product information, and has more of a personal tone. Although they are also costly to produce, infomercials are highly effective in creating impulse buys because of their demonstrative and persuasive nature.
Advertisement is the promotion of a company's products and services carried out primarily to drive up sales of the products and services. They are also done to build a brand identity and communicate changes in old products or introduce
new product or services to the customers. Advertisement has become an essential element of the corporate world and hence companies allot a considerable amount of resources towards their advertising budget.
• Advertisements play an important role in helping a company to increase sales of a product. Advertisements can inform ,persuade and remind potential customers of the product. Markets can launch a advertisements’ campaign to attract a large number of customers .And effective advertisements can enhance customers’ perceptions of quality in the products ,thus encouraging customers to buy this product repeatedly.
The reasons are as follows:
• Increasing the sales of the product or service. • Creating and maintaining a brand identity or brand image. • Communicating a change in the existing product line. • Introduction of a new product or service. • Increasing the buzz-value of the brand or the company.
Endorsements advertisement
Endorsement is similar to word of mouth promotion but typically does cost money. Having a product or service endorsed by a celebrity can increase sales and product awareness. Not every company can afford to have a major A-list celeb promoting a product, though. For smaller companies, consider using local celebrities or well-known individuals within the product's niche market. For example, many equine companies look for professional horse trainers to endorse their products.
Part Oபைடு நூலகம்e
• The definition of advertisement • The characteristic of the advertisement. • The funcition of the advertisement • The reason for advertisement
•You need to pay if you want to make a advertisement. •Advertisement is a communication tool, which is to transmitted information of the commodity production and its business institution to the consumers and the users.
TV commercials are a popular way to mass-market messages to large audiences. Although this medium has the ability to reach a high number of potential buyers, it is also one of the most costly forms of advertising. For example, one 30-second TV commercial during the Super Bowl cost about $3 million in 2009.
• The advertisement is continuous with a planned way and always with a purpose. • The spread activity is persuasive . • The advertisement is not only good for producers but also benefits the consumer ,because it lets each other get useful information.