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[基金项目]全军后勤科研“十二五”重大资助项目(AKJ11J003);全军后勤科研资助项目(AKJ11J002)[作者简介]徐珀,男,主治医师,研究方向:空间定向及前庭功能;#共同第一作者,田大为,男,助理研究员,研究方向:空间定向及前庭功能[作者单位]1.空军航空医学研究所附属医院,北京100142;2.空军航空医学研究所,北京100142;3.解放军第421医院,广州510318;4.空后卫生部门诊部,北京100720[通讯作者]谢溯江,E-mail :sujiang_xie@yahoo.com.cn ;贾宏博,E-mail :jiahongbo001@163.com
空间定向及运动病易感性相关基因α2A -AR 启动子区域单核苷酸
2[摘要]目的α2A -AR 基因的精确表达对于运动病易感性、维持注意力分配、空间定向、学习和记忆功能非常重要,因此对该基因启动子区域单核苷酸多态性(single nucleotide polymorphisms ,
SNPs )位点的功能意义及其保守性进行研究。方法采用生物信息学分析法对目前已报道的位于ADRA2A 启动子区域的10个SNPs (S1 S10)进行
S1、S3、S5和S8等位基因频率没有人种差异性。其余SNPs 等位基因频率均有人种差异性;接近核心
启动子SNPs 的保守性高于远离核心启动子SNPs 的保守性,提示位于核心启动子区域附近的SNPs 影响α2A -AR 基因表达的概率更大;大部分SNPs 位点始祖等位基因是保守性的(S6除外),提示上述SNPs 位点新生等位基因可能在人类进化过程起到作用;启动子软件分析得出,
含S2、S5、S6、S7、S8、S9、S10等7个SNPs 不同等位基因序列存在不同转录因子结合元件。含S1和S4不同等位基因的同一序列都只能预测到含其中一个等位基因的序列存在转录因子结合元件,
而含S3序列没有预测到转录因子结合元件,提示不同等位基因转录结合位点存在差异性。结论上述差异可能是SNPs 影响ADRA2A 表达的重要原因之一,这些分析将为进一步研究ADRA2A 启动子区域SNPs 与运动病易感性、空间定向能力、注意力分配以及学习、记忆能力的关联性提供理论依据。[关键词]α2A -AR ;运动病易感性;空间定向;多态性,单核苷酸;生物信息学[中图分类号]R852.33
[文章编号]1674-9960(2013)03-0166-05DOI :10.7644/j.issn.1674-9960.2013.03.002
Single nucleotide polymorphisms of spatial orientation and motion sickness suscepti-bility related α2A -AR promoter region :a bioinformatic analysis XU Po 1,TIAN Da-wei 2#,XIE Su-jiang 2*,WANG Cong 2,YANG Xiao-yang 3,ZHANG Yan-ge 2,GUO Yan 1,YAO Qin 2,CHEN Shan 2,SONG Lei 4,HANG Jiang-lin 2,JIA Hong-bo 2*
(1.Affiliated Hospital ,Institute of Aviation Medicine ,Beijing 100142,China ;2.Institute of Aviation Medicine ,Beijing 100142,China ;3.The 421st Hospital of PLA ,Guangzhou 510318,China ;4.Outpatient Department ,Division of Health ,Air Force Logistics Department ,Beijing 100720,China )
*Co-corresponding authors ,XIE Su-jiang ,sujiang_xie@yahoo.com.cn ;JIA Hong-bo ,E-mail :jiahongbo001@163.com
[Abstract ]Objective To investigate the conservation and functions of the single nucleotide polymorphism (SNPs )on
α2A -AR promoter region ,for the accurate expression of α2A -AR gene is essential to the maintenance of motion sickness sus-ceptibility ,attention allocation ,spatial orientation ,and learning and memory function.Methods Ten SNPs (S1-S10)re-
ported from NCBI were analyzed with bioinformations methods.Results
There were differences in the allele frequencies of
the SNPs from different populations ,except for S1,S3,S5and S8.The conservation level of those SNPs near the core pro-moter was higher than that of SNPs far from the core promoter ,pointing to the greater likelihood that the SNPs near the core promoter might affect α2A -AR expression.Most SNPs ancestral alleles ,except S6,were conserved ,suggesting they might play partial roles in human evolution.Sequences that included two SNPs alleles of S2,S4,S8,S9and S10were potential tran-scriptional elements like those including only one allele of S1and S4.Conclusion
These differences may be one of the sig-nificancet reasons that SNPs affect α2A -AR expression.Further studies should be performed to investigate the relationships