聚醚砜膜改性 国外
关键词:天然有机物;组合膜工艺;改性膜;膜污染;天然有机物(Natural Organic Matter, NOM)最初开始受到关注,应归因于NOM是消毒副产物(Disinfection By-Products, DBPs)的前驱物,上段工艺出水中残留的NOM,在消毒工艺中会与氯发生反应形成了DBPs。
1. 天然有机物的定义和特征天然有机物是存在于自然地表水中的一系列基质复杂的有机物,主要是动植物腐烂降解所产生的。
溶解的有机物和有机碳,尤其是特征紫外吸光度(specific UV absorbance, SUVA)和三卤甲烷(THM)前驱物通常被用来作为衡量NOM去除的指示剂。
2. 膜技术在NOM去除中的发展和应用在国外,从90年代开始,由于占地小、去除率高、出水水质好等明显的优势,膜技术开始在饮用水处理中迅速取代旧的传统工艺。
但是,使用的较多的微滤(Microfiltration, MF)和超滤(Ultrafiltration, UF)技术,在没有预处理的前提下,去除消毒副产物的前驱物NOM的效果非常有限。
纳滤(Nanofiltration, NF)和反渗透(Reverse Osmosis, RO)能够较好的去除,但令人担忧的是天然有机物造成的膜污染,它会直接导致截留率、处理通量下降并引起一系列的连锁问题。
【主要膜性能参数】★ 膜外径:400μm★ 膜壁厚:20μm★ 截留分子量:3千、5千、6千、1万、2万、3万等★ 水通量:80~100L/h/m2(0.15Mpa,25℃)★ 使用PH值范围:1-14 【PP(X50/80改性PP)中空纤维膜】聚丙烯中空纤维膜是国际上新一代膜分离材料,具有强度高、耐强酸强碱、耐细菌腐蚀、耐温性能好、表面非极性、抗污染能力强、微孔均匀、单位表面积通量大等优点。
【主要膜性能参数】★ 膜外径:420~480μm★ 膜壁厚:40~50μm★ 微孔孔径:0.1~0.2μm★ 透气率:>8.0×10-2(cm3/cm2 ·S· cmHg)★ 孔隙率:40~50%★ 水通量:100~120L/h/m2(0.15Mpa,25℃)★ 使用PH值范围:1-14聚醚砜膜(PES) 系列折叠滤芯性能特点:◎膜堆由进口PES滤膜及进口导流层组成,具有优良的耐热性和耐化学性。
其Tg在200 C以上,耐高温性能好(可在180C 以上使用),此外强度也较高,在100C到200E之间的温度范围内,其模量基本不变,在100C以上时,模量高于任何一种热塑性塑料,由于分子中醚键的存在,聚醚砜还具有良好的韧性。
而PES-14% 体系却形成了双连续相结构,而且相尺寸都比较大。
在环氧富集连续相当中几乎看不到聚醚砜粒子,但是在聚醚砜膜状连续相中可以观察到直径大约为3-4um 的环氧富集球形粒子。
其相图如下:(a)(b)图2 120 C下固化5h的电镜扫描图。
(a)为PES-20% 体系;(b )为PES-14 %体系而刘小云[3]研究了PES双马改性体系。
不同含量的PES改性体系在160C 下进行等温固化。
关键词:全钒液流电池; Nafion隔膜; SPEEK隔膜;改性方法;非氟类隔膜;选择性;质子电导率0 引言化石燃料的长期大量使用以及不断增加的能源消耗活动,导致了严重的能源危机与环境污染,因此对清洁能源的开发利用显得紧迫而关键。
然而,较差的离子选择性和极高的成本(每平方米500~1 000美元)阻碍了其进一步应用。
其主要的特性、优点及使用说明如下:一、KTP聚磺化苯醚砜主要特点和性能1)优异的机械性能2)优异的耐腐蚀性、抗氧化性3)对高浓度的氯、游离氯也具有非常好的耐受性4)在 pH 值 2 至 13 范围内稳定5)可溶于常规的加工溶剂6)不溶物和可萃取物含量低7)优异的生物适应性8)可采用蒸汽、环氧乙烷和伽马辐射进行灭菌9)可采用溶液流延方法进行具有成本效益的加工二、同后期磺化而来的其他产品(例如:海德能(Hydranautics)生产的由Udel聚砜磺化的产品Hi-Flux CP)相比,其不同点和优势为:1)因为磺化官能团取代的位置不同和主链重复单元不同,磺化基团更加稳定,即分子结构更加稳定。
中空纤维膜组件MOLSEP® 高性能中空纤维超滤膜组件,准备了丰富的变化。
●模块部件洗脱到产品中的风险较低由于模块构件不使用粘合剂,因此不会影响味道和香气工作原理和用法:管式膜组件直径为10~15mm,长度为3m 前后圆柱形膜组件。
聚砜类血液透析膜材料和结构研究进展徐天成;夏列波;牟倡骏【摘要】综述国内外聚砜类血液透析膜的研究现状及发展方向.介绍制膜材料、制膜工艺条件、成膜机理;阐述聚砜类血液透析膜制备的基本方法.对比不同厂家聚砜类血液透析膜在组成成分、几何尺寸、膜孔径大小和磷酸盐清除性能等方面的差异,并分析这些差异对临床应用的影响,展望聚砜类血液透析膜制备技术和应用领域的发展趋势.%In this article,a review on the current research and development of polysulfone hemodialysis membranes was demonstrated,and the membrane preparation method,materials,fabricating parameters and formation mechanism etc.were introduced,and the difference of membrane composition,geometric shapes,pore size and phosphate clearance were discussed.Furthermore,the effects of these difference to the clinical applications were evaluated.Finally,the preparation technology and applications of polysulfone hemodialysis membranes were prospected.【期刊名称】《膜科学与技术》【年(卷),期】2018(038)001【总页数】7页(P129-135)【关键词】聚砜;血液透析;超滤;研究进展【作者】徐天成;夏列波;牟倡骏【作者单位】威海威高血液净化制品有限公司研发部,威海264210;威海威高血液净化制品有限公司研发部,威海264210;威海威高血液净化制品有限公司研发部,威海264210【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TQ028.3我国每年有近400万人患急性肾病,且人数还在逐年攀升.危重症急性肾损伤发病后的死亡率高达60.3%.目前肾脏疾病患者中,约两成患者是急性肾损伤所致,在所有急性肾损伤患者中又有相当一部分患者因救治不及时而导致肾功能衰竭(俗称“尿毒症”),需要终身接受血液透析治疗.目前,按照全国各大医院登记在册的血液透析治疗患者人数50万人进行估算,每人每年平均透析150次左右,血液透析治疗每年的市场规模将达数百亿元.随着国家大病医保政策的普及,血液透析技术也迅速发展,透析患者已经不能满足于仅清除小分子毒素的低通量血液透析,对显著提升中大分子毒素清除能力的高通量血液透析需求日益迫切.然而,由于患者个体差异和国内血透中心硬件配置的现状,对高通量血液透析膜的内表面孔径范围、亲疏水结构、荷电属性、内毒素拦截能力、中大分子毒素清除能力及超滤率等方面提出了更高的多样化需求.因此国内外各大厂商陆续研发了品种繁多的血液透析膜种类.1 聚砜类血液透析膜的发展血液透析膜自上世纪初问世以来,制膜材料的发展经历了由铜氨纤维素到再生纤维素,再到醋酸纤维素,以及生物相容性较好且通透性较高的合成膜,如聚砜、聚醚砜、聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯、聚丙烯腈 - 丙烯磺酸盐共聚物、聚乳酸、聚乙烯 - 乙烯醇共聚物等[1].其中,传统纤维素透析膜由于含有大量羟基官能团易激活补体[2],导致一系列生理反应及临床病症的问题,市场迫切需要血液相容性更佳的膜材料.1983年,Stericher和Schneider两位德国科学家首次将聚砜材料应用于血液透析膜制备;1991年日本日机装株式会社将聚醚砜与多芳基聚合物共混制备血液透析膜;1999年,日本尼普洛使用聚醚砜与PVP共混制备血液透析膜.从膜性能来看,聚砜类材料制备的血液透析膜具有中分子毒素清除率高、血液相容性好、机械强度和化学稳定性高等优点,是目前合成高分子材料制成的透析器中销量最大的品种[3],国内外越来越多的厂家投入到相关膜材料和膜结构的研发.2 聚砜类血液透析膜的材料特点聚砜类材料普遍具有疏水性,单独作为制膜材料使用存在超滤率低、残凝血严重、易吸附蛋白、难清洗复用等缺点,因此,往往需要通过改性的方法进行改善.常用的改性方法包括本体改性、表面改性和共混改性.例如,通过化学合成的方法将功能片段引入聚砜高分子链[4],将具有特定功能的新型高分子材料用于制膜(本体改性).或者将维生素E、聚乙烯吡咯烷酮(PVP)等改性材料[5]溶解在纺丝芯液中,随着水洗和烘干过程沉积在膜内表面(表面改性),并取得了显著效果[6-7].此外,还可以将丙烯和甲磺酸钠聚合物(AN69)、PVP等亲水改性材料与聚砜先后加入有机溶剂中制成纺丝液直接进行纺丝(共混改性)[8].从改性方法的复杂程度和大规模工业化的经济效益角度来看,共混改性是研究最多和工业化应用最广泛的改性方法.例如,Ouradi[9]将聚砜与AN69共混制备平板膜,结果表明膜表面亲水性和电负性随着AN69含量的增加而增强.膜通量提高的同时对聚乙二醇的截留率也有明显上升.Heilmann[10]将高分子量的PVP与聚砜共混制膜,相对分子质量较小的PVP往往被洗脱,而相对高分子质量的PVP则部分保留在膜内.作为亲水改性材料的PVP与聚砜类材料相容性良好,被越来越多厂商使用.但随着膜中加入PVP的量过大,洗脱后明显残留的PVP会增大膜对血液中补体的激活,且激活程度与PVP的含量正相关,从而影响膜材料固有的生物相容性.此外,灭菌方式也对PVP溶出产生重要影响.蒸汽灭菌可以较好地维持PVP高分子链稳定性,而γ射线灭菌,不同灭菌剂量下PVP有发生降解和交联的两种趋势,从而增加PVP溶出或者减少PVP溶出[11].Hayama[8]通过XPS表征了聚砜膜内表面PVP含量,结果表明,膜表面生物相容性不仅取决于膜表面PVP含量,也取决于膜表面形态结构.采用PVP含量较少但表面形态结构更佳的膜与PVP含量较多但表面形态结构稍差的膜可以获得相近的生物相容性.Yang[12]研究了不同分子量PVP对聚醚砜膜孔结构和性能的影响,并使用次氯酸钠进行后处理进一步增大膜孔径、孔隙率和表面电负性.此外,在膜制备过程中,随着非溶剂(水)温度的增加,膜孔径也会相应增大[13].Barzin[14]通过原子力显微镜(AFM)研究了不同PVP含量和热处理温度下膜内表面的形貌,结果表明,较低的PVP含量和较高的热处理温度可以获得较高的超滤性能和较平滑的内表面.在成膜过程中,膜内表面与芯液接触发生剧烈的溶剂 - 非溶剂双扩散作用而形成致密皮层,膜内PVP向内表面移动,相对分子质量较大的PVP组分被“锁钉”其中,相对分子质量较小的PVP则被洗脱;膜外表面先与湿态空气接触发生温和的溶剂 - 非溶剂双扩散作用而形成延伸至支撑层的疏松贯穿孔三维网络结构,更多的PVP在成膜外部条件作用下被洗脱.表1 国内外部分企业聚砜血液透析膜PVP含量和内表面平均孔径Table 1 Inner surface pore size and membrane PVP(polyvinyl pyrrolidone) concentration of some hemodialysis membrane manufacturing companies at home and abroad膜生产厂家及型号内表面PVP质量分数/%整体PVP质量分数/%内表面平均孔径/nm中国威高F1526.85.023.6中国威高HF1523.94.464.6德国费森F7HPS19.1[8]3.556.6日本旭化成APS-150E30.3[8]5.564.5日本东丽PS-1.6UW23.0[8]4.227.93 聚砜类血液透析膜的结构特点商品聚砜类血液透析膜内径通常为185~220 μm,壁厚为35~45 μm.内径和壁厚继续增大,则会显著降低装填密度,但随着膜厚度增加,内毒素拦截能力有所增加[15].内径进一步降低,则会显著增加血流阻力和残凝血发生的风险,壁厚进一步降低则会增加破膜风险和透析过程中内毒素进入血液侧的风险.从表1分析可知,膜内PVP主要在内表面富集以强化膜表面亲水性能,而膜内其他部位PVP含量较低则可以凸显聚砜类材料的疏水性.表2列举了膜面积相近的各型透析器膜结构及对应磷酸盐清除率(来自产品说明书).可见,低通量透析器磷酸盐清除率明显低于高通量透析器.高通量透析膜相比低通量透析膜除了更加卓越的小分子毒素清除能力,还具有更高的超滤率及显著的中分子毒素(例如β2 - 微球蛋白)清除能力.膜丝宏观波浪结构可以强化小分子毒素清除效果,而相比传统大波浪结构,振幅更小、周期更短的微波浪结构使小分子毒素清除效果进一步强化[16].膜内表面致密层厚度仅1 μm左右.图1分别展示了威高F15(低通量)和HF15(高通量)膜内表面和外表面膜孔结构;图2分别展示了费森尤斯FX8(低通量)和FX80(高通量)膜内表面和外表面膜孔结构.两者内表面孔径范围只有几纳米到十几纳米,是物质跨膜运动的主要阻力来源,也对不同分子量物质起到关键的筛分作用.高通量膜内表面孔径明显更大,孔隙率更高.表2 国内外部分企业血液透析膜结构及磷酸盐清除率Table 2 Structure amd phosphate removal of hemodialysis membrane manufacturing company at home and abroad生产厂家及型号膜材料类型膜内径/壁厚/μm膜面积/m2膜丝结构磷酸盐清除率*/(mL·min-1)中国威高F15PSU(聚砜)+PVP低通量200/401.5微波浪159中国威高HF15PSU+PVP高通量200/401.5微波浪178中国贝恩B-16PPES+PVP低通量200/351.6微波浪99中国贝恩B-16HPES+PVP高通量200/351.6微波浪155德国费森FX8PSU+PVP低通量185/351.4微波浪160德国费森FX60PSU+PVP高通量185/351.4微波浪177德国贝朗HI15PSU+PVP高通量195/351.5微波浪191日本东丽TS-1.6ULPSU+PVP高通量200/401.6纤维编织193尼普洛ELISIO-15HPES+PVP高通量200/401.5微波浪184注:*按照相关标准[28]在200 mL/min血液侧流速和500 mL/min透析液侧流速下进行评价.图1 低通量膜(F15)和高通量膜(HF15)表面形貌Fig.1 Surface morphology of low flux and high flux membrane高通量血液透析膜具有中大分子毒素清除能力的同时,也面临相比低通量透析膜更严重的内表面蛋白质吸附,从而造成膜通透性下降和毒素清除能力衰减[17].高通量血液透析膜[18]显著提升了以β2 - 微球蛋白为代表的中大分子毒素清除率,但分子量更大的蛋白质毒素清除明显不足,例如,α1 - 微球蛋白等.为了应对不同透析患者的差异化需求,切割分子量更大的血液透析膜被研发出来,旨在提升大分子量蛋白质毒素的清除[19].然而,由于膜孔径的增大,往往使更多的白蛋白等大分子有益物质被同时清除.如何将纳米技术应用于血液透析膜制备,提高膜孔均一性和表面孔隙率,是未来血液透析膜的重要发展方向之一[20].图2 低通量膜(FX8)和高通量膜(FX80)表面形貌Fig.2 Surface morphology of low flux and high flux membrane4 聚砜类血液透析膜的制备方法目前实验室研究及工业应用的聚砜类血液透析膜主要采用干 - 湿相转化法制备.该方法主要经历非溶剂蒸汽诱导的膜外表面附近相转化和非溶剂液体诱导的膜内表面附近相转化.由于膜外表面气液界面和膜内表面液液界面溶剂与非溶剂的双扩散速率相差悬殊,成膜动力学迥异,导致最终形成内表面致密皮层结构和外表面大孔疏松层结构.如图3所示,绝大多数聚砜类血液透析膜的制备经历了以下主要工艺流程为:纺丝溶液配制→真空脱泡→铸膜液过滤→计量泵调速→喷丝板挤出→凝固浴成膜→水洗脱除小分子物质→烘干脱水→卷绕收集→切割、包裹丝束.在制膜过程中,聚合物浓度、添加剂种类及含量、纺丝速率、凝固体系组成等诸多因素共同作用,影响膜结构的形成,进而影响膜性能.下面分别对这些因素加以分析.图3 血液透析膜纺丝工艺过程示意图Fig.3 Diagram of hemodialysis membrane spinning process4.1 聚合物浓度聚砜类材料由于分子量较大,在溶液中的浓度直接影响铸膜液的黏度和相转化过程中皮层和支撑层的形成.在其他条件基本相同时,降低纺丝溶液中聚合物(聚醚砜)浓度,制备的膜超滤性能明显增加[21].4.2 添加剂Barzin等[18]采用PVP为添加剂,考察了不同添加量时的膜性能,结果表明,将PVP含量(质量分数)从5%降至2.8%时可以获得最佳的毒素清除性能.添加剂的引入,成膜体系由三元变为四元,将使研究变得十分复杂,可以通过将聚合物与添加剂并入一元或者固定聚合物与添加剂的配比[22]简化处理.Sadrzadeh等[22]比较了在PES/NMP体系中不同分子量的PVP和PEG的成膜热力学和动力学.由图4可知,PEG和PVP由分子结构和分子量不同造成其与聚合物PES、溶剂NMP之间的溶解度参数差异大小区别(表3),是使体系不稳定性增加、双节线发生迁移的重要原因.图4 不同相对分子质量PVP或PEG(聚乙二醇)对制膜液体系[PES(聚醚砜)/NMP(N - 甲基吡咯烷酮)/水]双节线的影响[22]Fig.4 Experimental bimodal curve data for water/NMP(N-methyl pyrrolidone)/PES(polyether sulphone)/additive system表3 制膜液体系组成及热力学性质[22]Table 3 Preparation variables and their thermodynamic properties[22]PES质量分数/%添加剂质量分数/%种类相对分子质量/103体系黏度*/(Pa·s)双节线迁移率/%溶解度参数差异/MPa1/2NMP/添加剂添加剂/PES150--0.50--155PEG0.40.6310.92.11.21515PEG0.40.9749.72.11.2155PEG100.9416.95.04. 1155PEG351.7248.45.44.5155PVP100.9213.84.43.5155PVP13007.9825.74.73 .81510PVP130012.7538.34.23.8注:*温度T=298 K;剪切速率50 s-1.4.3 纺丝速率Qin等[23]通过研究纺丝液在喷丝板出口附近的剪切速率,考察了不同纺丝速率下膜微观结构和机械性能.结果表明,随着纺丝速率的增加,膜通量下降,截留率升高,机械强度也明显增大.这是由于剪切速率的作用使得膜孔在形成过程中受到轴向力的作用产生的收窄效应和高分子链的取向作用.纺丝速率是指卷绕毂收集初生膜丝的线速度,通过纺丝速率及喷丝板外形尺寸,可以计算出单位时间内从喷丝板挤出铸膜液的量及芯液流量.由于制膜体系的差异,具体工艺参数也不尽相同.为了获得内径和壁厚相同的血液透析膜,在改变纺丝速率的同时,纺丝液、芯液供给量、空气间隙、凝胶时间、水洗强度等工艺参数也要同步改变.4.4 凝固浴体系组成凝固浴体系可以是单一物质,也可以是多种物质的混合[24].通过调控凝固浴体系组成,改变体系的相互作用参数,影响混合凝固浴体系对纺丝溶液中聚合物及溶剂的相互作用强度,从而调控成膜速率和微孔结构.在纺丝过程中,凝固浴体系分为内凝固浴体系(芯液)和外凝固浴体系(空气间隙和凝固浴槽).Roesink等[25-26]通过向芯液中加入一定比例的溶剂,从而调控膜内表面孔结构,例如增加膜内表面平均孔径和孔隙率.然而,芯液或外凝固浴中的溶剂含量并非越多越好,随着溶剂含量的增加,膜孔径增大的同时,孔径分布更宽,膜对特定分子量区间物质的筛分作用下降,且芯液或外凝固浴中溶剂添加量通常存在一个临界值[27],而这个临界值被认为是能够稳定纺制中空纤维膜的最大溶剂组成.高于该最大组成,纺丝溶液将难以成膜.4.5 聚砜类血液透析膜制备的特点和难点1) 膜表面孔径调控:聚砜类材料制备血液透析膜时需要通过纺丝液配方、纺丝工艺等多方面调控.例如,纺丝液配方调控可以在优化后的基础配方上将相对分子质量大的亲水添加剂和相对分子质量小的亲水添加剂配合使用,从配方上调控膜亲疏水性和孔隙率;纺丝工艺调控可以在优化后的基础工艺上将芯液非溶剂强度(调节芯液组成)与纺丝速率联动调节,从工艺上调控膜孔径大小和均一性.2) 膜机械强度:从透析耗材高效化和集约化的角度考虑,更薄的壁厚有利于降低耗材成本和提高患者治疗效果,然而,过薄的壁厚会增加使用过程中破膜的风险,因此,在膜制备过程中需要兼顾考虑.3) 膜内亲疏水结构设计:根据聚砜类血液透析膜的使用特点,内表面一定程度的亲水化处理和诱导交联是增加膜表面生物相容性和降低添加剂溶出进入患者体内风险的主要措施之一,而通过一定的外部条件降低膜支撑层亲水添加剂含量,体现疏水特性则有利于拦截来自透析液侧的内毒素等有害物质.5 聚砜类血液透析膜的表征方法血液透析膜是通过透析器来体现其性能的.因此,血液透析膜的表征可以通过组装而成的透析器,按照行业标准[28]进行表征.主要评价指标包括牛血浆超滤率、小分子(尿素、肌酐、磷酸盐、VB12)清除率、中大分子蛋白质(β2 - 微球蛋白、肌红蛋白、白蛋白等)筛选系数等.6 展望聚砜类血液透析膜以良好的热稳定性、化学稳定性和机械强度,自20世纪80年代问世以来已经使用了30多年,目前市场占有率超过60%.未来聚砜类血液透析膜的发展可以从以下3个方面推进:(1)膜内表面孔结构设计.为了提高膜对溶质的清除效率,需要设计更薄的内表面功能分离层和更高的内表面孔隙率,同时限制能透过白蛋白等对人体有益的大分子物质膜孔的生成.(2)提高膜机械强度.为了提高透析器清除效率并降低耗材成本,降低膜壁厚逐渐成为未来的发展趋势,因此需要研发分子量更高的聚砜类制膜原材料并用于血液透析膜的制备,以满足使用过程中对机械强度的要求,避免破膜现象的发生.(3)膜内亲疏水结构设计.高通量血液透析和血液透析滤过未来将逐渐取代低通量血液透析成为国内血液透析的主流治疗模式,膜内表面亲水性不佳则容易在使用过程中产生残凝血、跨膜压异常升高等问题,而显著的内滤过和补液的排出带来膜两侧更强的液体交换量,不仅考验膜表面抗污染能力,也对膜拦截内毒素等热原物质的能力提出了更高要求.因此需要进一步优化膜功能分离层和支撑层的结构,以保证使用的安全性和有效性.参考文献:[1] Mineshima M. 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聚醚砜膜(PES)折叠滤芯时间:2012-01-12 18:21浏览量: 249聚醚砜膜(PES)折叠滤芯(聚醚砜滤芯)其过滤介质是当今世界上先进的聚醚砜微孔滤膜,聚醚砜膜膜孔占滤膜体积80%以上的微孔开孔率,具有独特的微孔几何形状,提高了对过滤难度较大溶液的过滤效率和流通量。
◎亲水性滤膜,孔径分布均匀,孔隙率高;◎高流率和微粒截留率;◎洁净环境生产;◎产品出厂之前经过100%完整性测试;◎滤芯符合FDA生物安全标准;◎具有良好的耐高温和耐酸碱性能;◎每支滤芯经完整性测试并经纯水冲洗;2、聚醚砜膜(PES)折叠滤芯技术参数滤芯长度 5 10 20 30 40 过滤精度(μm)0.1 0.22 0.45 0.65 0.1完整性测试泡点压力(bar 23℃)1.2(60%IPA)3.5(纯水)2.3(纯水)1.8(纯水)扩散流(23℃纯水)≤30.0ml/min//10" @2.8bar (0.22μm)Millipore Express® SHF 滤芯扩散流数据≤30.0ml/min//10" @2.8bar (0.22μm)注:由于PES滤膜是不对称的滤膜,国内普通的泡点测试仪很难准确做出泡点.故:我公司建议用户检测滤芯采用扩散流数据可选精度(μm)0.05 0.1 0.2 0.45 0.650.8 1.2测试每支滤芯经过完整性测试过滤面积≥0.62平方米(10”)设计流量5-8L/min/10"(0.20um);7-10L/min/10"(0.45um);使用条件工作温度及压差A型<60℃(压差:2 bar)B型<85℃(压差:1.0bar)C型<95℃(压差:0.6bar) 灭菌◎121℃在线蒸汽灭菌、高压灭菌,每次半小时◎85-90℃热水消毒可耐压差(23℃)正向为4.2 bar,反向为2.1 bar适用PH值 1.0~14.03、纯水流量参考值:10"滤芯初始值L/min(△P=0.01 MPa, 1厘泊粘度,25℃)精度um 0.1 0.2 0.45 0.65 1流量L/min 11 21 27 33 40其他:特殊规格直径及各种插口可以定制4、聚醚砜膜(PES)折叠滤芯应用领域:∙制药和生物制品的除菌过∙饮用水、饮料、酒类等各种液体的除菌过滤∙高纯水、超纯水、去离子水的终端过滤和使用点过滤∙各种化学原料和药剂的净化过滤∙更精密过滤的预过滤◎本公可提供电子级、制药级、食品饮料级等微孔折叠滤芯。
超滤膜污染成因及改性措施研究进展寇相全(哈尔滨工业大学建筑设计研究院,哈尔滨 150090)摘要:超滤膜因其优越的性能,广泛应用于生物制品、医药制品和食品工业的分离、浓缩以及纯化环节。
关键词:超滤膜;膜污染;膜改性中图分类号:X701 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-5377(2021)03-0054-04超滤膜作为一种安全、便捷、高效的分离工具,在水体净化和污染物处理方面得到了长足发展和广泛应用[1, 2]。
图1 超滤膜膜孔结构1 超滤膜的污染1.1 污染形式超滤膜污染通常是通过吸附、堵塞孔洞、形成滤饼或凝胶等产生的。
目前,国外已对PASS 分离膜的制备进行了一定研究,有资料称PASS分离膜的抗溶剂性、抗污染性以及耐高温性均远优于通用的聚砜膜,尤其是经氧化处理后的PASS膜,几乎可耐任何溶剂的侵蚀,且尺寸稳定性很好。
关键词:采出水;纳米杂化膜;改性聚醚砜膜;纳米二氧化硅中图分类号:TQ051.8+93 文献标志码:A文章编号:1001-5922(2023)09-0128-04Research on nano-enhanced hybrid modified polyethersulfone membrane technology for optimizing and increasing oil and gas productionYANG Rongguo,LI Yang,XUE Saihong(Qilicun Oil Production Plant of Yanchang Oilfield Co., Ltd.,Yan’an 717100, Shaanxi China)Abstract:Global energy demand continues to rise, especially for fossil fuels such as oil and natural gas.While the production of oil and gas per well is on a declining trend, if this continues,there will be an energy shortage.One method to increase oil production is water injection into oil wells.Oil and gas production typically generate a significant amount of water as a byproduct, known as produced water.Produced water can be used for water injection to enhance oil production, but the parameters of produced water must meet quality standards to avoid reservoir damage, scaling,equipment corrosion, and further pollution.Membrane separation technology is an alternative technique for gas field water treatment, effectively removing crude oil and reducing salt content.Nano-enhanced polyethersulfone (PES) hybrid membranes are a novel membrane material with the potential to significantly advance current technology.Uniform and stable doped solutions were prepared using polyethersulfone and nano silica as inorganic fillers in N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone solvent, utilizing dry/wet phase inversion techniques to fabricate nano-enhanced hybrid membranes.This membrane was applied to a produced water dead-end filtration system.Results show that the nano-enhanced hybrid membrane exhibits higher oil and salt removal capabilities from produced water compared to conventional membranes, and it demonstrates superior permeability.Key words:produced water; nano-enhanced hybrid membrane; modified polyethersulfone membrane; nano silica化石燃料的需求并沒有伴随着产量的增加,石油和天然气的产量往往会下降[1]。
聚醚砜膜综述:Kenker Polyethersulfone聚醚砜膜(PESM)具有良好的亲水性和通量,很好的化学稳定性和惰性,碱性PH稳定,具高药物相容性。
Kenker Polyethersulfone聚醚砜膜(PESM)在严格控制的条件下生产和检测,以保证用户足够好的使用体验。
kenker membranes微孔滤膜具有多种不同的材质和规格,给实验者提供了更多的选择,并适应世界各地不同类型的过滤器,即使客户使用的是非Kenker或非标准的过滤容器,也能在kenker membranes中发现合适的滤膜。
kenker membranes的出色性能,能够最大限度的帮助实验者获得所希望的实验效果。
今天,越来越多的用户倾向于选择kenker membranes 的产品。
应用:·离子色谱溶液过滤·常规过滤低蛋白吸附过滤·药液过滤·医药行业生物和血清的过滤、大输液抗菌素等终端过滤·食品行业饮料、酒等终端过滤·超纯水终端过滤·对组织培养基、添加剂、缓冲液和其它水溶液进行快速除菌过滤技术指标:PESM(Depending on the data obtained from sample testing, there may be注意事项:1、 PESM不能用于酮类、酯类、油类等极性溶液的过滤2、不能用于卤化、碳氢化合物、高浓度酸的过滤3、kenker membranes尽可能的为用户提供更多类型的产品,但在某些时间并非所有孔径的膜都有不同尺寸滤膜可选,请联系于您最便利的kenker membranes销售商以确认最新的产品讯息。
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Hydrophilic modification of poly(ether sulfone)ultrafiltration membrane surface by self-assembly of TiO 2nanoparticlesMing-Liang Luo a ,*,Jian-Qing Zhao a ,Wu Tang b ,Chun-Sheng Pu caCollege of Materials Science and Engineering,South China University of Technology,Guangzhou 510640,ChinabLASMIS,University de Technologie de Troyes,Troyes Cedex 10010,France cCollege of Petroleum Engineering,Xi’an Shiyou University,Xi’an 710065,ChinaReceived 1June 2004;received in revised form 17November 2004;accepted 17November 2004Available online 25December 2004AbstractMembrane fouling is one of the major obstacles for reaching the ultimate goal,which realizes high flux over a prolonged period of ultrafiltration (UF)operation.In this paper,TiO 2nanoparticles of a quantum size (40nm or less)in anatase crystal structure were prepared from the controlled hydrolysis of titanium tetraisopropoxide and characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD)analysis and transmission electron microscopy (TEM).The hydrophilic modification of poly(ether sulfone)UF membrane was performed by self-assembly of the hydroxyl group of TiO 2nanoparticle surface and the sulfone group and ether bond in poly(ether sulfone)structure through coordination and hydrogen bond interaction,which was ascertained by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS).The morphology and hydrophilicity were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM)and contact angle test,respectively.The composite UF membrane was also characterized in terms of separation behavior for polyethylene glycol-5000solute.The experimental results show that the composite UF membrane has good separation performance and offers a strong potential for possible use as a new type of anti-fouling UF membrane.#2004Elsevier B.V .All rights reserved.Keywords:Ultrafiltration;Self-assembly;Anti-fouling membrane;TiO 2nanoparticles;Hydrophilicity1.IntroductionIn recent years,more and more attention in ultrafiltration (UF)membrane has been attracted for a variety of applications in waste-water treatment,substance separation,solute concentration,and so on.The major drawback in the extensive use of membranes includes membrane fouling,which results in flux decline during operation [1].Several types of fouling could occur in the membrane system,e.g.crystalline fouling,organic fouling,particulate and colloidal fouling,and microbial fouling,etc.[2].Many approaches to control membrane fouling have been performed,which generally involve pretreatment of the feed solution,surface modification of the membrane (like hydrophobic or hydrophilic and/locate/apsusc*Corresponding author.Tel.:+862087113576;fax:+862087113576.E-mail address:yfsailing_wxg@ (M.-L.Luo).0169-4332/$–see front matter #2004Elsevier B.V .All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.apsusc.2004.11.054electronegative or electropositive modification),opti-mization of module arrangement and process condi-tions,and periodic cleaning[3,4].Even after the development for decades,particulate and colloidal fouling still remains the main reason forflux decline in the process of industrial wastewater treatment[3,5].Poly(ether sulfone)(PES)is a kind of special engineering plastics with good performances.The structure of PES used in the paper was shown in Fig.1. It can be imagined that PES has crystalline to some degree because of harder benzene ring and softer ether bond existed in the structure.PES possesses many good performances such as high mechanical property and heat distortion temperature,good heat-aging resistance,environmental endurance and processing. It has become one of important separation membrane materials,but its hydrophobicity controlled by PES structure leads to low membraneflux and fouling easily,which has greatly effect on applicationfield and usage life of separation membrane.It is necessary to modify PES membrane surface by physical and chemical methods and improve its hydrophilicity. Recently,modification methods of UF membrane involve ultraviolet irradiation[6],graft polymeriza-tion[7,8],glow discharge[9],and ozone[1,10,11]on membrane surface,and so on.The hydrophilicity and anti-fouling capability of UF membrane increase to some degree,but some of them are complicated and it is difficult to control the hydrophilicity of membrane, others may make some performances of UF membrane loss.A new approach to modify PES ultrafiltration membrane by self-assembly of TiO2nanoparticles is presented in this paper.Titanium dioxide(TiO2)has been the focus of numerous investigations in recent years,because its high hydrophilicity[12,13],stable chemical property, innocuity and low cost,etc.Most of researches carried out in thisfield have focused on the use of TiO2 powder suspended in the water as a catalyst[14].The method of TiO2self-assembly on the surface with the terminal functional groups(for example,single-crystal silicon,quartz,and glass substrates)has been used to fabricate multilayer ultrathinfilms[15–17]. The self-assembly behavior of TiO2on the surface of polymer with COOH,SO2OH,sulfone group and ether bond may be explained by two different adsorption schemes.One scheme is that TiO2was bound with oxygen atoms of these groups via coordination to Ti4+cations.The other scheme is to form a hydrogen bond between these groups and the hydroxyl group of TiO2surface[18].Thus,it is probable to self-assemble the TiO2nanoparticles on membrane sur-face.In this paper,TiO2nanoparticles were prepared from the controlled hydrolysis of titanium tetraiso-propoxide.The particle structure and size were characterized by X-ray diffraction(XRD)analysis and transmission electron microscopy(TEM).The composite UF membrane was prepared by self-assembly of TiO2on the membrane surface.X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy(XPS)was performed with the UF-tested membrane after the actual UF operation conditions.The morphology and hydrophilicity of composite UF membrane were characterized by scanning electron microscopy(SEM)and contact angle test,respectively.The composite ultrafiltration membrane was also characterized in terms of separa-tion behavior for polyethylene glycol-5000solute.The anti-fouling and fouling mitigation of the composite UF membrane was examined and verified.2.Experimental2.1.Preparation of the nanosized TiO2particlesTiO2nanoparticles were prepared from the con-trolled hydrolysis of titanium tetraisopropoxide at acidic condition[19].A 1.25ml sample of Ti(OCH(CH3)2)4(AR;Chengdu Unite-chemcial Company,China)dissolved in25ml of absolute ethanol was dropped to250ml of distilled water (48C),adjusted to pH1.5with hydrochloric acid under vigorous stirring.After this mixture was stirred overnight,a transparent colloidal suspension was obtained.Powdered sample was obtained by evapor-ating(358C)using a rotavapor and by drying(508C) under vacuum.The gel powder was annealed in muffle furnace at5008C and the nanosized TiO2particles were obtained.M.-L.Luo et al./Applied Surface Science249(2005)76–8477 Fig.1.Molecular structure of the PES.2.2.Preparation of PES/TiO2compositeultrafiltration membranesThe PES ultrafiltration membrane was made via phase inversion method[20].The UF membrane was rinsed in a sodium carbonate solution(0.2wt.%)and then washed with distilled water.The neat PES membrane with an area of38.5cm2was dipped in the transparent TiO2colloidal solution,stirred for1min by ultrasonic method and placed for1h to deposit TiO2nanoparticles on the membrane surface and then washed with distilled water.2.3.Characterization2.3.1.Characterization of the nanosized TiO2 particlesThe crystal structure of TiO2nanoparticle was characterized by X-ray diffraction(XRD).XRD analysis was performed on TiO2powder samples with a PHI-5400X-ray diffractometer using18kW Cu K a(l=0.15418nm)radiation.The particle size was determined by a JEOL transmission electron micro-scope(TEM,JEOL JEM-200CX)at120kV.For the TEM observation,TiO2powder in distilled water solution(0.5g lÀ1)was dropped on a carbon-coated grid and then dried at room temperature.2.3.2.Characterization of the PES/TiO2composite UF membraneThe surface topologies of the PES membrane containing TiO2nanoparticle were investigated with a JSM-5800scanning electron microscope(SEM).The surface morphology of the neat PES membrane was also examined and was compared with that of the TiO2 self-assembled version.For the SEM observation,the membrane samples were cut into appropriate sizes and the surfaces were coated with platinum or gold by a sputter coating machine.The pore size distribution of composite membrane was measured by mercury displacement method with Autopore9220II aperture-testing meter.X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy(XPS)was performed on the surface of composite membrane with a PHI-5400spectrometer using Mg K a X-ray (1253.6eV).The X-ray gun was operated at10kVand 1mA.The spectra were taken at the takeoff angle (defined as the angle between the detected photoelec-tron beam and the membrane surfaces)of458to give a sampling depth of ca.2.3nm.The sensitivity factors of individual elements for quantitative analyses were taken with the values from the standard vision library provided by the manufacturer,which were based on a combination of photoelectric cross-section,transmis-sion function,and inelastic mean free path.Static contact angles of the composite membrane surface were measured using the captive air bubble technique.Membranes were inverted in deionized water and air bubbles were placed in contact with the surface. The static angle was measured using an Eromag-1 contact angle testing apparatus.The contact angle was determined from the average value of10-times measurements and the measurement error wasÆ38.2.3.3.Separation performance of the PES/TiO2 composite UF membraneThe mass transfer characteristics of UF membrane for200ppm polyethylene glycol(PEG-5000)aqueous solution were determined in laboratory at0.2MPa, 258C for30min with the apparatus of a continuous flow type.The waterflux was calculated by direct measurement of the mass of the permeateflow:J¼V=At(1) where J is the membraneflux(L mÀ2hÀ1),V the permeate volume(L),A the membrane area(m2) and t the ultrafiltration time(h).The solute rejection was defined as follows:R¼ð1Àc p=c fÞÂ100%(2) where R is the solute rejection,c f the feed concentra-tion,c p the permeate concentration.3.Results and discussion3.1.Crystal structure and size of synthesized TiO2 nanoparticleFig.2shows the X-ray diffraction spectrum of TiO2 particles.The synthesized particles are composed entirely of anatase compared with those reported for rutile(110)(2u of27.458)and anatase(101) (25.248)[21].The particle size is determined by transmission electron microscopy(TEM)explicitly. The particles size is about5–42nm(Fig.3).M.-L.Luo et al./Applied Surface Science249(2005)76–84 783.2.Microstructure and pore size distribution of the composite membraneThe microstructure of the composite membrane is shown in Fig.4.As shown in Fig.4a (SEM of the composite membrane cross-section),the sectional structure of composite membrane has asymmetry and many smaller pores,which shape looks like the finger,are filled in the membrane.When the dope solution is coated on the smooth glass plate,the pore size formed towards the air is smaller due to the solution evaporation,but the pore size formed towards the glass plate is larger because the exchange happened quickly between the solvent phase and the non-solvent phase and immediately phase inversion starts and after few minutes thin polymeric composite film separated out from the glass.Fig.4b and c are the SEM graphs of the membrane surface before and after treated by TiO 2colloidal solution,respectively.The neat PES mem-brane has the typical surface morphology of a characteristic ridge-and-valley structure (Fig.4b),but the ridge-and-valley structure is not so visible.Fig.4c displays the surface morphology of the TiO 2self-assembled composite membrane,where TiO 2nanoparticles appear to exist as nodular shapes of ca.40nm or less on the surfaces of the ridges and the membrane surface has clear ridge-and-valley struc-ture.The pore size distribution of the composite membrane is shown in Fig.5.As shown in Fig.5,the composite membrane has narrow pore size distribution,small pore size and average pore size 27.1nm.3.3.Surface characterization of the composite membraneTo con firm the self-assembly TiO 2nanoparticles on the composite membrane surface and further to estimate the abrasive resistance of the membrane surface,X-ray photoelectron spectroscopic (XPS)analyses were carried out for the PES/TiO 2composite membrane treated under various conditions.The constituent elements of the composite membrane surface are hydrogen,carbon,oxygen,sulfur,chlorine,and titanium.Thus,XPS analyses were performed on the elements of carbon,oxygen,sulfur,chlorine,and titanium,but not on hydrogen because its photoelec-tron cross-section was too small to be characterized by XPS.The core-electron binding energies of the constituent elements are typically 287eV (C 1s),537eV (O 1s),23eV (O 2s),229eV (S 2s),270eV (Cl 2s),199eV (Cl 2p)and 458eV (Ti 2p)[22].Fig.6shows the resulting spectrum,in which all the photoelectron peaks appear at positions similar to the above values and the presence of Ti peaks.The results provide evidence of TiO 2self-assembly on the composite membrane surface.On the basis of the observed photoelectron peaks and corresponding sensitivity factors,the relative atomic concentrations of the individual elements can be calculated:C i ¼A i =S iP mj A j =S j(3)where A i is the photoelectron peak area of the element i ,S i the sensitivity factor for the element i ,and m theM.-L.Luo et al./Applied Surface Science 249(2005)76–8479Fig.2.XRD spectrum of the synthesized TiO 2.Fig.3.TEM micrograph of the TiO 2nanoparticles.number of the elements in the sample.In Table 1,the elemental compositions determined by an angle-resolved XPS analysis were summarized for the com-posite membranes with different washing conditions and UF operation time.There was an initial drop in the relative atomic concentration of Ti element after washing the composite membrane,which had been just formed from dipping into the TiO 2colloidal solution.An additional loss of TiO 2nanoparticles was observed upon further UF operation with run time of 3h.The UF process was operated in the cross-flow mode where the feed solution was pumped across the composite membrane parallel to its surface.It was found that TiO 2particles were wiped out after 3h UFM.-L.Luo et al./Applied Surface Science 249(2005)76–8480Fig.4.SEM micrographs of the UF membrane:(a)cross-section;(b)neat surface;(c)surface treated by TiO 2colloidalsolution.operation and thought the loosely bound TiO2parti-cles cannot overcome the shear force.However,the TiO2loss did not continue to progress as the UF operational time increased more,and the amount of TiO2leveled-off after10h of UF operation.This result indicates that a considerably substantial amount of TiO2nanoparticles remains tightly bound on the surface of the membrane under actual UF running conditions,which is expected to improve the hydro-philicity of PES membrane and prevent from the membrane fouling.3.4.Design of TiO2nanoparticle self-assembled composite membraneTiO2nanoparticle in the anatase form is very hydrophilic,photoactive and practical for the wide-spread environmental applications such as water purification,wastewater treatment,hazardous waste control,air purification,and water disinfection [19,23,24].In this research,composite UF membrane was devised by the self-assembly between TiO2 nanoparticle and polymer with the ether bond and sulfone group(Fig.7)because of the strong electronegative of oxygen in the ether bond and sulfone group of the PES.As UF process was operated in the cross-flow mode under high pressure,simply adsorbed particles may be detached from membrane surface.XPS results in Table1indicate that some TiO2 particles in composite membrane have a sufficient binding strength for the actual operation,which agree with other researches on the interaction behavior of TiO2nanoparticle[18,25].It is concluded that a novel organic–inorganic membrane is successfully prepared by self-assembly process.3.5.Hydrophilicity and UF performance of the composite membraneThe hydrophilic and separation performance of the membrane surface untreated and treated by TiO2 colloidal solution are presented in Table2.The area of UF membrane is38.5cm2,applied pressure 0.2MPa,operational temperature258C and feed concentration200ppm(PEG-5000)in this experi-ment.As shown in Table2,the contact angle of the membrane treated by TiO2colloidal solution become small and theflux and the retention increase greatly.M.-L.Luo et al./Applied Surface Science249(2005)76–8481Fig.6.XPS spectra of the elements on the composite membrane. Table1Elements compositions of the PES/TiO2composite membrane undervarious washing conditions and UF operational timeSample a Takeoff angle(8)Relative atomic concentration(%)C O S Ti Cl14543.9530.8810.77 5.728.6824541.8032.8410.77 5.169.4334540.9534.5210.97 3.589.9844540.9534.5410.97 3.569.98a Analyses were performed for the TiO2self-assembled UFmembranes(1)just after preparation,(2)after washing withflowingwater,(3)after UF operation of3.0h,(4)after UF operation ofanother10.0h.The initial structure of the UF membrane is changed due to the self-assembly of TiO 2nanoparticles and the ridge-and-valley structure on the membrane surface is more clear.The roughness of the membrane surface increases.Generally,the hydrophilicity of membrane surface increases with the increase of roughness [26].On the other hand,the hydroxylcontent of membrane surface increases due to incorporate TiO 2nanoparticles into membrane sur-face.The hydroxyl is polarity and can interact well with water molecules through van der Waals ’force and hydrogen bond.So the probability of water permeated through the composite membrane enhances and the probability of PEG-5000permeated through the composite membrane drops off.Fig.8shows that the fluxes of the neat PES membrane and the treated PES membrane vary with time.As seen in Fig.8,the PES membrane treated by TiO 2colloidal solution always keeps higher flux.This experimental result shows that the anti-fouling performance of the PES ultra filtration membrane is improved remarkably due to TiO 2nanoparticles self-assembly.A strong potential for possible use as a new type of anti-fouling UF membrane is offered.M.-L.Luo et al./Applied Surface Science 249(2005)76–8482Fig.7.Mechanism of self-assembly of TiO 2nanoparticles:(I)by a coordination of sulfone group and ether bond to Ti 4+;(II)by a H-bond between sulfone group and ether bond and surface hydroxyl group of TiO 2.Table 2Contact angle and UF performance of membrane Sample a Contact angle (8)Flux (L m À2h À1)Retention (%)539.670.221.9619.2102.934.5aAnalyses were performed for (5)the neat and (6)the TiO 2self-assembled UF membranes.4.ConclusionsMembrane fouling by hydrophobic substances has been known to be the main cause to deteriorate the UF performance of PES membranes.It was developed that a new type of composite membrane as an approach to solve fouling problem.Its anti-fouling effect was characterized.The TiO2nanoparticle of a quantum size(40nm or less)in anatase form was prepared by the controlled hydrolysis of titanium tetraisopropoxide.The particle structure and size were characterized by X-ray diffraction(XRD)analysis and transmission electron microscopy(TEM).TiO2 nanoparticles were incorporated onto the poly(ether sulfone)membrane surface by self-assembly.X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy(XPS)demonstrated quantitatively that TiO2particles were tightly self-assembled with a sufficient bonding strength for the actual UF process.The contact angle test of the composite membrane shows that the hydrophilicity of the membrane surface improves remarkably.The fouling experiment verified a substantial prevention of the composite membrane against the hydrophobic substances fouling,suggesting a possible use as a new type of anti-fouling composite membrane. AcknowledgementsThe authors wish to acknowledge thefinancial support from the National Basic Research Program-2001CB-2091grant for this project.Thanks are also due to Environmental Science Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences for supplying us with the PES membrane and Xi’an Modern Chemistry Research Institute for access to the XRD,XPS,TEM and SEM equipments.We also would like to thank Prof.Fengji LU for many valuable discussions. 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