

SOLIDWORKS Composer 3D 技术文档说明书

SOLIDWORKS Composer 3D 技术文档说明书

OBIETTIVISOLIDWORKS® Composer è uno strumento 3D che consente di riutilizzare i dati tecnici 3D per creare contenuti grafici in grado di spiegare processi e procedure all'interno delle comunicazioni tecniche. Questi contenuti includono istruzioni di assemblaggio per la produzione, manuali dei prodotti, istruzioni di installazione, manuali di assistenza, manuali per la formazione, brochure di marketing e offerte per le vendite.PANORAMICASOLIDWORKS Composer è uno strumento per la crea-zione di supporti per la comunicazione, quali istruzioni di assemblaggio, elenchi di parti e supporti di presen-tazione, che possono essere costituiti da pagine HTML interattive, animazioni, immagini rasterizzate o grafica vettoriale. I dati di SOLIDWORKS o di altre applicazioni CAD possono essere importati in SOLIDWORKS Composer e organizzati in viste costituite da istantanee dei dati dell'assieme con orientamenti e stati diversi, in cui le parti vengono mostrate e nascoste in base alle esigenze. Poiché SOLIDWORKS Composer è un software associa-tivo, è possibile aggiornare automaticamente i materiali di comunicazione tecnica con le modifiche apportate ai modelli CAD. Per la prima volta, potrete ridurre i tempi di realizzazione dei prodotti con la garanzia di avere sempre una documentazione accurata e di alta qualità. Gli ele-menti grafici e le animazioni di SOLIDWORKS Composer sono particolarmente utili nella semplificazione delle istruzioni di assemblaggio e degli ordini di lavoro. Potete visualizzare direttamente in 3D le modalità di assemblag-gio o riparazione del prodotto, riducendo la probabilità di errori in officina, eliminando le barriere linguistiche e riducendo notevolmente i costi di localizzazione. VANTAGGIRiduzione dei ritardi nel time-to-market. SOLIDWORKS Composer consente di ridurre gli errori nella documenta-zione e garantire la commercializzazione di tutti i materiali più rapidamente grazie ai seguenti vantaggi:• Creazione anticipata della documentazione durante il processo di progettazione e aggiornamenti più rapidi in caso di modifiche al progetto.• Creazione di contenuti 3D interattivi che chiunque potrà visualizzare con il software gratuito SOLIDWORKS Composer Player.• Aggiunta di elementi grafici interattivi ai materialidi formazione.• Creazione di rendering ombreggiati ad alta risoluzione e con effetti 3D per presentazioni e brochure.• Pubblicazione rapida online di dettagli dei prodotti complessi tramite modelli Web.Maggiore soddisfazione dei clienti. Una grafica di prodotto azzeccata può fare la differenza fra raggiungere l'obiettivo di vendita prefissato o mancarlo. Con SOLIDWORKS Composer è possibile:• Creare immagini più realistiche, eliminando la necessità di prototipi fisici durante la realizzazione dei materiali di marketing per il prodotto.• Illustrare in modo efficace i prodotti constoryboard interattive.• Evidenziare i principali elementi distintivi chiave con viste dettagliate, effetti di luce e componenti trasparenti.• Stupire i prospect visualizzando velocemente gli aggiornamenti dei progetti.• Creare animazioni interattive per rappresentare in modo efficace i dettagli più complessi del prodotto. Maggiore chiarezza nelle comunicazioni. Non è più necessario scendere a compromessi nella comunicazione, acconten-tandosi di disegni poco dettagliati per illustrare il concept o aspettando la fine del progetto per iniziare a creare i materiali di comunicazione del prodotto. Con SOLIDWORKS Composer, sarà possibile creare in maniera semplice:• Viste dettagliate• Viste esplose• Immagini ad alta risoluzione• Illustrazioni tecniche• Animazioni interattive• Distinte di materiali ed elenchi di parti interattivi3D EXPERIENCE platform migliora le applicazioni del marchio al servizio di 12 settori industriali ed offre un'ampia gamma di esperienze di soluzioni industriali.Dassault Systèmes, the 3D EXPERIENCE ® Company, mette a disposizione di aziende e persone universi virtuali in cui immaginare innovazioni per un mondo sostenibile. Le sue soluzioni leader a livello mondiale trasformano il modo in cui i prodotti vengono progettati, realizzati e gestiti. Le soluzioni collaborative di Dassault Systèmes promuovono l'innovazione sociale, aumentando le possibilità che il mondo virtuale migliori il mondo reale. Il gruppo offre valore a oltre 220.000 aziende di tutte le dimensioni e di tutti i settori industriali in oltre 140 Paesi. Per ulteriori informazioni, visitare il sito web /it .AmericheDassault Systèmes 175 Wyman Street Waltham, MA 02451 USAEuropa/Medio Oriente/Africa Dassault Systèmes10, rue Marcel Dassault CS 4050178946 Vélizy-Villacoublay Cedex FranciaDassault Systèmes Italia s.r.l.+39-049-8176400 ************************©2018 D a s s a u l t S y s t èm e s . T u t t i i d i r i t t i r i s e r v a t i . 3D E X P E R I E N C E , l 'i c o n a C o m p a s s , i l l o g o 3D S , C A T I A , S O L I D W O R K S , E N O V I A , D E L M I A , S I M U L I A , G E O V I A , E X A L E A D , 3D V I A , 3D S W Y M , B I O V I A , N E T V I B E S , I F W E e 3D E X C I T E s o n o m a r c h i c o m m e r c i a l i o m a r c h i r e g i s t r a t i d i D a s s a u l t S y s t èm e s , u n a "s o c i ét é e u r o p ée n n e " f r a n c e s e (r e g i s t r o d e l c o m m e r c i o d i V e r s a i l l e s n r . B 322 306 440), o d e l l e s u e c o n s o c i a t e n e g l i S t a t i U n i t i e /o i n a l t r i P a e s i . T u t t i g l i a l t r i m a r c h i s o n o d i p r o p r i e t à d e i r i s p e t t i v i p r o p r i e t a r i . L 'u s o d e i m a r c h i d i D a s s a u l t S y s t èm e s o d e l l e s u e c o n s o c i a t e è s o g g e t t o a l l a l o r o a p p r o v a z i o n e e s p l i c i t a p e r i s c r i t t o .FUNZIONALITÀSOLIDWORKS Composer• Le istruzioni di assemblaggio contengono informazioni aggiornate derivanti dagli ordini di modifica emantengono le informazioni di progettazione, riducendo i dubbi nell'officina e le incomprensioni dovute alle barriere linguistiche.• I manuali dei prodotti, le guide all'assistenza eall'installazione hanno sempre un aspetto professionale e vengono aggiornati a ogni modifica dei prodotti. Il risultato: riduzione delle chiamate all'assistenza ed elenchi parti sempre aggiornati.• I materiali di formazione vengono sviluppati in modo intelligente, su misura per gli utenti finali a cui sono destinati, consentendo di ridurre una curva di apprendimento altrimenti elevata.• I materiali di vendita e di marketing spiccano su quelli della concorrenza e rimangono sempre aggiornati a ogni modifica dei prodotti.• Le presentazioni di revisione dei progetti vengonorealizzate in modo semplice, per ridurre le incomprensioni e ottenere maggiore consenso.SOLIDWORKS Composer PlayerPiù che un semplice visualizzatore, SOLIDWORKS Composer Player consente:• Agli utenti finali di accedere ai contenuti grazie a questa utility gratuita.• Agli utenti dell'officina, ai clienti e ai partner di osservare il funzionamento del prodotto, le possibilità che offre e il modo in cui utilizzarlo con contenuti 3D interattivi.• Ai team di produzione di visualizzare come è assemblato il prodotto.• Ai rappresentanti del servizio clienti di seguire il processo di riparazione.• Ai clienti di osservare il prodotto in azione, ancora prima che venga realizzato.SOLIDWORKS Composer Player Pro• Creazione di demo personalizzate dei prodotti, contenuti interattivi e istruzioni di assemblaggio per consentire di comprendere rapidamente qualsiasi processo.• Varie funzioni, tra cui rotazione, zoom, animazioni e misurazioni, nonché la capacità di visualizzare le distinte materiali, in un ambiente in cui i diritti sono controllati dall'autore.• Visualizzazione di istruzioni interattive dettagliate senza alcuna interfaccia utente aggiuntiva.• Creazione di applicazioni personalizzate da distribuire internamente o sul sito Web mediante API (Application Programming Interface).SOLIDWORKS Composer Sync• Aggiornamento dei metadati, della geometria, delle distinte materiali e delle informazioni di produzione.• Automazione batch per gli output, conversione batch e aggiornamento.• Presenta un grande insieme di modelli.SOLIDWORKS Enterprise Composer Sync• Personalizzazione e integrazione con sistemi PLM (Product Lifecycle Management).• Importazione automatica in modalità batch di file 3D e pubblicazione del contenuto.• Automazione della creazione dei documenti in sistemi di flusso di lavoro esistenti.• Automazione della conversione dei documenti mediante un programma XML personalizzato.SOLIDWORKS Composer Check• Utilizzo del rilevamento delle interferenze statiche e dinamiche.• Funzioni di Controllo ingombro: test delle interferenze, test della distanza minima e controllo dell'ingombro.• Rilevamento delle collisioni interattivo per individuare le collisioni durante le animazioni.• Convalida delle procedure di assistenza e assemblaggio prima della commercializzazione dei prodotti.。



300 250 228
88 2002年
109 2003年
323 81
94 2005年
321 82
252 66
214 173
2008年 2009年1-8月
船舶管理(轮机工程专业)天津理工大学 李雷斌版权所有
Occupational cancer; severe life shortening disease; acute fatal disease permanent substantial disability
Superficial injuries; minor cuts and bruises; eye irritation from dust
船舶管理(轮机工程专业)天津理工大学 李雷斌版权所有
Total loss of ship and/or cargo; Severe damage to ship, machinery or equipment and/or cargo; Vessel is out of service with immediate effect



3. sister-in-law
11. dictatorship
4. handy
12. far-reaching
5. correctness
6. gratitude
7. bonus
8. permission
⑧专有名词避免分开 ⑨一页的最后一个词不移行,将整个词写在下一页 ⑩连续几行的行末移行应避免
2 Punctuation 标点 1. The Comma逗号 ⑴ 在并列句中,连词前用
并列句中需用并列连词与逗号连接,也可用分号、 破折号或冒号(不需连接词)
⑵状语从句或短语(介词短语和分词短语)若放在 句子主语前面,或放在句子中间时,后应用逗号
现在的趋势是不加,尤其是团体、通讯社和广播电台 后
⑶稍稍分开的三个句号就成了省略号,表示在引语中 省略了一个或更多的词 也可表示说话停顿或迟疑 如在一句末用省略号,后还要加句号
3 The Semicolon分号 ⑴两个并列从句之间不用连词,则用分号
⑵起联系作用的副词,如however,、、、等,不应用 作连词来连接并列从句,之间用分号而不用逗号
⑷非限定性从句或短语(限定性从句或短语不用分 开)
⑹日期,如次序是月-日-年,则在日与年之间加; 如次序是日-月-年,则不加
⑺千以上的数字用逗号,按千数分开,从右往左每三 个数字后加逗号
2 The Period句号 ⑴用在陈述句、语气舒缓的祈使句和间接引语问句后 ⑵省略句
a)句号和逗号放在引号之内(美式)或外 b)冒号和分号放在引号之外 c)破折号、问号和感叹号,如只与引语有关,放在引 号之内;如与整个句子有关,则放在引号之外



设计专业英语常用单词汇编一、平面设计常用英语单词平面设计graphic design企业识别系统corporate identity system企业视觉形象计划corporate visual identity prog ram标识logo标识图案logo pattern标准字体logotype商标trademark标准色彩house color独特风格house style提案及制定该机构视觉形象计划的形象标准手册corporate design manual视觉辨认力测试legibility test色彩样本条colour swatch提案presentation纸类stationery营业报告书annual report理念识别Mind Identity行为识别Behaviour Identity 视觉识别Visual Identity商标、标志trademark and signs包装设计packaging design书籍装祯book binding商业美术commercial arts商业摄影commercial photography字体设计literature design橱窗设计window display容器造型container modelling插图illustrations广告advertisement美术字artistic calligraphy广告画、宣传画poster手提袋hand bag购物袋shopping bag美国广告协会AAAA the American Association of Advertising Agencies(在广告公司和广告客户之间起联系作用的)广告负责人account executive即兴广告adlib广告advertising广告代理人、广告公司advertising agency广告代理人advertising agent广告经纪人advertising broker 广告记录表advertising calendar 广告周期advertising cycle广告经理advertising manager 广告调研advertising research 广告中间商agent middlemen销售分析anatomy of a sale(电视、广播广告的)最后定稿answer print美术指导art director广告中的非文字部分art of Art work字母的上半(或下半)出头部分ascender广告初稿的编排草稿asymmetrical layout广告妙语attention getter广告对象audience广告的有声部分audio 广告正文body copy商品的品牌名称brand name广播广告broadcast advertising 小册子brochure产业出版物business publication 购买动机buying motive月历设计calendar商品说明书catalogue分类广告classified advertising商业广告commercial advertising商业广告艺术家commercial artist消费者广告consumer advertising消费者consumers合作广告cooperative advertising广告撰稿负责人copy chief广告(文案)撰稿员copywriter广告语句(文案)创作copy writting公司广告部corporate advertising depart ment(广告)创意大纲creative platform工业广告industrial advertising 广告插页insert封面内页inside front cover 封底内页inside back cover封底back cover国际广告international advertising广告布局(版式)layout广告时间time spot广告预算task budgeting (一种成本极底的)广告传单throwaways(印有广告商品或广告信息的)小商品specialities广告口号、标语slogan车站广告牌station poster产品形象Product Image形象策略Image Strategy公共关系Public Relations运筹学Operations Research设计策略Design Policy艺术总监Art Director二、色彩类常用英语单词黑black白white黄yellow洋红(品红)magenta 青cyan绿green灰gray紫purple红red深红crimson 朱红vermilion粉红pink猩红、鲜明scarlet玫瑰红rose madder胭脂rouge赭石umber橙黄orange古铜色、赤褐色bronze藤黄rattan yellow/light bright yel low柠檬黄lemon yellow土黄yellow ochre赭黄sienna翠绿emerald棕、褐brown淡绿light green深绿dark green/intense green 石绿mineral green蓝blue天蓝azure淡蓝light blue深蓝dark blue靛青indigo花青flower blue钴蓝cobalt blue群青ultramarine blue紫罗兰violet金色golden银色silver象牙色、乳白色ivory铅色、铅灰色leaden乳金milk gold铅白lead white 色样colour sample色Color光谱Spectrum物体色Object Color固有色Propor Color色料Coloring Material色彩混合Color Mixing牛顿色环Newton's Color Cycle色矢量Color Vector三原色Three Primary Colors色度ChromaticityXYZ表色系XYZ Color System实色与虚色Real Color and Imaginary Col or色温Color Temperature色彩三属性Three Attribtes and Color色相Hue色相环Color Cycle明度Valve彩度(纯度)Chroma环境色Environmetal Color有彩色Chromatic Color无彩色Achromatic Colors明色Light Color暗色Dark Color清色Clear Color浊色Dull Color补色Complementary Color类似色Analogous Color一次色Primary Color二次色Secondary Color色立体Color Solid色彩工程Color Engineering色彩管理Color Control暖色与冷色Warm Color and Cold Color前进色与后退色Advancing Color Receding Co lor 膨胀色与收缩色Expansive Color and Contracti le Color重色与轻色Heavy Color and Light Color 色调Color Tone暗调Shade明调Tint中间调Halftone色彩调和Color Harmony配色Color Combination色彩的感情Feeling of Color色彩的象征性Color Symbolism色彩的嗜好Color Preference流行色Fashion Color色彩设计Color Design三、工业与建筑设计常用英语工艺美术设计Craft Design工业设计Industrial Design广义工业设计Genealized Industrial Design狭义工业设计Narrow Industrial Design 产品设计Product Design传播设计Communication Design 环境设计Environmental Design 商业设计Comercial Design建筑设计Architectural一维设计One-dimension Design二维设计Tow-dimension Design三维设计Three-dimension Design四维设计Four-dimension Design 装饰、装潢Decoration家具设计Furniture Design玩具设计Toy Design室内设计Interior Design服装设计Costume Design包装设计ackaging Design展示设计Display Design城市规划Urban Desgin生活环境Living Environment都市景观Townscape田园都市Gardon City办公室风致Office Landscape设计方法论Design Methodology 设计语言Design Language设计条件Design Condition结构设计Structure Design形式设计Form Design设计过程Design Process构思设计Concept Design 量产设计,工艺设计Technological Design改型设计Model Change设计调查Design Survey袖珍型设计Pocktable Type便携型设计Protable type收纳型设计Selfcontainning Design装配式设计Knock Down Type 集约化设计Stacking Type成套化设计Set(Design)家族化设计Family(Design)系列化设计Series(Design)组合式设计Unit Design仿生设计Bionics Design功能Function独创性Originality创造力Creative Power创造性思维Creating Thinking集体创造性思维法Brain Storming设计决策(Design)Decision Making功能分析Functional Analysis生命周期Life Cycle照明设计Illumination Design 人类工程学Human Engineering 人机工程学Man-Machine Engineering四、设计美学常用英语美Beauty现实美Acture Beauty自然美Natural Beauty社会美Social Beauty艺术美Artisitc Beauty内容与形式Content and Form 形式美Formal Beauty形式原理Principles and Form 技术美Beauty of Technology机械美Beauty of Machine功能美Functional Beauty材料美Beauty of Material美学Aesthetics技术美学Technology Aesthetics 设计美学Design Aesthetics生产美学PAroduction Aesthetics 商品美学Commodity Aedthetics 艺术Art造型艺术Plastic Arts 实用艺术Practical Art时间艺术Time Art空间艺术Spatial Art时空艺术Time and Spatial Art一维艺术One Dimantional二维艺术two Dimantional三维艺术Three Dimantional四维艺术Four Dimantional舞台艺术Stagecraft影视艺术Arts of Mmovie and Televisio n环境艺术Environmental Art美术Fine Arts图案Pattern构思Conception构图Composition造型Formation再现Representation表现Expression构成Composition平面构成Tow Dimentional Compositio n立体构成Three Dimentional Compositi on色彩构成Color Composition空间构成Composition of Space多样与统一Unity of Multiplicity平衡Balance对称Symmetry调和、和声Harmony对比Contrast类似Similarity比例Proportion黄金分割Golden Section节奏Rhythm旋律Melody调子Tone纹样Pattern形态Form有机形态Organic Form 抽象形态Abstract Form简化形态Simptified Form变形Deformation透视画法Perspective线透视Linear Perspective视点Eye on Picture Plane灭点Vanishing Point平行透视Parallel Perspective成角透视Angular Perspective斜透视Oblique Perspective单点透视Single Paint Perspective两点透视Tow-Point Perspective 三点透视Three-Point Perspective 鸟瞰图Bird's Eye View平面视图Ground Plain轴侧投影Axonometric Projection 设计素描Design Sketch模型Model石膏模型Plaster Model木制模型Wooden Model仿真模型Finished Model计算机辅助设计computer aided design计算机辅助制造Computer Aided Manufacture 计算机三维动画Computer Three Dimentional Animation计算机艺术Computer Arts计算机图象处理Computer Image Processing五、传媒设计常用英语单词传播Communication大众传播Mass Communication媒体Media大众传播媒体Mass Media视觉传播Visual Communication听觉传播Hearing Communication信息Information符号Sign视觉符号Visual Sign图形符号Graphic Symbol符号论Semiotic象征Symbol象征标志Symbol Mark图象设计Visual Communication Design 视觉设计Visual Design视觉传播设计Visual Communication Design 图形设计Graphic Design版面设计Layout字体设计Lettering广告代理业Advertising Agency 广告媒体Advertising Media广告目的Avertising Objectives广告伦理Morality of Advertising 广告法规Law of Advertising广告效果Advertising Effect广告文案Advertising Copy广告摄影Advertising Photography说明广告Informative Advertising招贴画海报Poster招牌Sign-board小型宣传册Pamphlet大型宣传册Portfolio商品目录Catalogue企业商报House Organ户外广告Outdoor AdvertisingPOP广告Point of Purchase Advertising 展示Display橱窗展示Window Display展示柜Cabinet 博览会Exposition万国博览会World Exposition工业包装Industrial Packing标签Label动画Animation插图Illustration书法Calligraphy印刷Initial设计费design fee标准standard注册商标registered trade mark六、设计思潮与流派学院派Academicism理性主义Rationalism非理性主义Irrationalism古典主义Classicism浪漫主义Romanticism现实主义Realism印象主义Impressionism后印象主义Postimpressionism 新印象主义Neo-Impressionisme(法)那比派The Nabject表现主义Expressionism象征主义Symbolism野兽主义Fauvism立体主义Cubism未来主义Futurism奥弗斯主义Orphism设计类常用英语单词11 / 11达达主义Dadaisme(法) 超现实主义Surrealism 纯粹主义Purism 抽象艺术Abstract Art 绝对主义,至上主义Suprematism新造型主义Neo-plasticisme(法)风格派De Stiji青骑士Der Blaus Reiter 抒情抽象主义Lyric Abstractionism 抽象表现主义Abstract Expressionism 行动绘画Action Painting 塔希主义Tachisme(法) 视幻艺术Op Art活动艺术、机动艺术Kinetic Art 极少主义Minimalism 概念主义Conceptualism 波普艺术Pop Art芬克艺术、恐怖艺术Funk Art 超级写实主义Super Realism 人体艺术Body Art芝加哥学派Chicago School 艺术与手工艺运动The Arts &Crafts Movement 新艺术运动Art Nouveau 分离派Secession 构成主义Constructivism 现代主义Modernism 包豪斯Bauhaus 阿姆斯特丹学派AmsterdamSchool功能主义Functionalism 装饰艺术风格Art Deco(法) 国际风格International Style流线型风格StreamlinForms。



IntroductionInternational communication is becoming popular now. China, with the rapid development of economy and society, has maintained increasingly close ties with other countries around the world. In recent years, more and more people come to Chengde City to have a visit or study. Chengde is famous for the Summer Mountain Resorts. There are all kinds of public signs in the Summer Mountain Resorts. It brings convenience to the visitors and improves the culture taste of the city. However, there are also many errors of public signs, including: lexical errors, spelling errors, grammar errors, unclear description, cultural confusion and Chinglish. In this situation, the paper will try to give a theoretical and practical analysis of C-E translation of public signs from the perspective of functionalist translation. The paper offers some suggestions for the public signs translation by utilizing the three principles of skopos theory and analyzing many examples. “The end justified the means”means that the translation strategies and methods are determined by acceptability and effectiveness of translation.Public signs translation has great significance to both our country and the foreigners. English translations of Chinese public signs belong to publicity materials. Proper translations not only bring precise information to foreigners but also help build a good communication and good understanding. So the research on the translation of public signs is very important.Chapter One A Brief Introduction of Public signsBefore an exploration of translation public signs, some information about public signs needs to be provided. This chapter will introduce the definition, function, classification of public signs and the language style of public signs.1.1 The definition of public signsAs we known the public signs is a logo shown to some groups of people in particular place in order to have the function of communication. Public signs have become an academic term since 2000. “Si gn are anything from the simplest way finding or information maker to the technically sophisticated communication of a message”(Wang & Lv, 2007: 4). “Signing affects everybody---travelers, shoppers, visitors, and drivers etc. whether in the course of business or pleasure”(Cheng,2000:104).Basic literal information that are publicly shown to the public, tourists, oversea guest, foreigners in China and the Chinese in other countries to satisfy their behavior and needs in food, dwelling, travel and entertainment, are all within the category of signs (Lv, 2005:22).Some websites also pay close attention to public signs translation, such as, “”, “”and “”. “”provides the following definition: “literal information for public in public places”.According to the definition above, public signs have the following features: First they convey warning, instructional, restrictive, prohibitive or advocating information. Second, they are expressed in literal. Third they are not aimed at individuals but groups of people.1.2 The function of public signsPublic signs are widely used in daily life, such as airport, ticket office, high way, gas station, subway, taxi, museums, docks, emergency, school, tourist site, park, restaurant, street, cinema, etc.They are greatly informative. They can give us great help and facility. All the signs have four principal functions in application: directing, prompting, restricting, compelling effects.Directing signs convey the information to the public, without any restricting or compelling indication. It does not require the public to take actions, but give them an instruction or direction. For example: At the sight of “Information”(问询中心)people will know they can ask some questions and get answers. From “P et Hotel”(宠物旅馆)people will know their pets can be taken care in this place.Prompting signs are widely used although they do not have any special meaning. They just have prompting functions. For example, “S old Out”(售完)“P reserved”(预留席位)“B eware of Dog”(当心犬只)“F ull Booked”(客满)“M aximum Height”(限高), etc.Restricting signs order the audience to restrict the behavior. The language used is straightforward but not rude. For example, “E mergency Passage Way, Please Not Hand Luggage on the Floor” (紧急通道,请勿将手提物品搁置地上),“Give Way”(让路),“Ticket Only”(凭票进场),etc.Compelling signs ask the public to take some actions or not, otherwise they would be punished. For example, “Police Line Do Not Pass”(警戒线,勿超越)“Don‟t Walk”(禁止通行), “No Smoking”(禁止吸烟),“No Overnight Parking”(严禁过夜停车).From the discussion above, we know the function of public signs. This is one of the ways of dividing the functions of public signs. We can also divide the functions into directing, reminding and ordering.1.3 The classification of public signsGenerally speaking, we have different ways to classify public signsaccording to different criteria.1.3.1 Informative and evocativePublic signs can be divided into “informative” (content focused) and “evocative” (appeal focused). Informative public signs provide information or describe a situation. The readers do not need to take some actions. They are widely used in scenic spots, such as, facilities, the name of the park, introduction, etc.Evocative public signs are designed to present information with a particular perspective. According to Nord, “…evocative‟is called …appellative‟”:the use of language to make the receivers do something corresponding (Nord, 2006:40). e.g. “No Fishing Here, 禁止垂钓”“Wet Floor, 小心地滑”and “Free for Children under 12, 十二岁以下儿童免费”.1.3.2 Slogans and advertisementsPublic signs include “slogans” and “advertisements” according to the purpose of usage.Slogans are used for publicity. For example, create a new situation, modernize in all fields (全面开创社会主义现代化建设新局面). The later is shown in written form outside. For example, “we care to provide service above and beyond the call of duty”(殷勤有加,风雨不改,UPS联合快递公司).1.3.3 Public signs in scenic spots and other placesAccording to the place where the public signs appear we can classify the public signs as the following:Public signs in scenic spots: signs in the scenic spots are designed to give the travelers some help or instruction. e.g.: Please Protect Facilities(保护公共设施, State Protect Historic Site(国家级文物保护单位).There are also some traffic signs and road signs, for example, Xin Hua Road(新华路), No Parking(禁止停车).All above are the classifications of public signs.1.4 The language style of public signsAll the public signs have special features because they are mainly used in public places and their functions are communicative. Understanding the language style of public signs is very important. The main language features of public signs are conciseness and directness.1.4.1 ConcisenessPublic signs must be short and they must express the meaning clearly with right structures because the functions of public signs are to arouse readers‟ attention, and then, they can give readers warning or notice. Besides, they are usually written on the billboards or posters, which have limited writing space. Wordy public signs can‟t convey the effective information to the readers but make the readers confused. For example, “H and Off, 请勿触摸”, which means “please don‟t touch the exhibits”, “C losed during Repairs,停业整顿” which means “the store is being repaired, suspensions of business”1.4.2 DirectnessTo be direct means the public signs should be expressed directly. Public signs should be written in the simple words so that everybody can understand it. Obscure terms should be avoided in signs. For example, Staff Only, which means if you are not the staff, please doesn‟t enter.Chapter Two Problems of C-E Public Signs Translations inSummer Mountain ResortsNow we know the important function and situation of public signs for people but the translation errors still exist in public signs, even in the Summer Mountain Resorts. It is unfortunate that there are a lot of problems such as lexical errors, spelling errors, grammar errors, literal translation, and cultural differences, against convention and so on. All of that have harmful effect on the society.2.1 Lexical errorsErrors coming from lexical mistranslation account for the biggest percentage of the total linguistic errors according to the relevant statistic material. This phenomenon exists because the translators only know the vocabulary of formal equivalence, and ignore vocabulary dynamic equivalence. A word is the smallest unit of language. Translators should use the proper words in translation on the basis of accurate comprehension of the original. So the translators should make sure to understand the correct comprehension of each word in is source text, and express the correct expression in target language. How to choose a proper word is the key step.Example (1): there is a big public signs in the gate of the Summer Mountain Resorts: “W ay Out”, which refers to the place from which you can go out of a building in British English and in the scenic spots we should use “E xit” instead.Example (2): “请在此排队Join the Main Line”. It should write “Please Queue”.Example (3): “请注意安全Please Pay Attention to Safety”. It should write “Caution: Risk of Danger”.2.2 Spelling errorsSpelling errors are apparent and easy to be avoided. In the Summer Mountain Resorts we find out lots of spelling errors. For example, “芳园居fragrant Garden”. I t should be capitalized. “观莲所Lotus view PA VILION”, the word on the board are confused. They should be written in uniform format. Spelling errors also include the misuse of Chinese pinyin. Pinyin is often mixed with English in nonstandard ways. Like “西岭晨霞Xilingchenxia Chamber”. The foreigners can‟t understand its meaning. “云帆月航a tower in the shape of boat , the …seneryis‟ a boat-shaped chamber with two floors.” “S ceneryis” should be written as“scenery is”.2.3 Grammar errorsChinese and English have two different grammar rules and grammar errors are likely to happen because of the differences. Grammar errors refer to the system of inflection, syntax and word formation of a language. For example:“It was built in 1703, was over the palace area before 1771, after the formal palace had been completed, the island becomes a major scenic attraction in the landscape area.”“如意洲建于1703年,1771年之前竣工,在正宫完成之后,如意洲成为景区的主要景点。

On C-E Translation Of Prompting Public Signs论提示性公示语的英译

On C-E Translation Of Prompting Public Signs论提示性公示语的英译

On C-E Translation Of PromptingPublic Signs论提示性公示语的英译CONTENTSAbstract (1)Introduction (2)Chapter 1Literature Review (5)1.1Definition of Prompting Public Signs (5)1.2 Prior Studies of C-E Translation of Prompting PublicSigns (6)Chapter 2Language Features of Prompting Public Signs..102.1 Conciseness (10)2.2 Common V ocabulary (11)2.3 Attractiveness and Markedness (11)2.4 Conventional Expressions (12)2.5 Euphemistic Representation (12)Chapter 3 Principles of C-E Translation of Prompting Public Signs (14)3.1 Readability (14)3.2 Economical Word Employment (16)3.3 Functional Equivalence (17)3.4Situational Coherence (19)3.5 Conformity in Emotional Evocation (20)Chapter 4 Strategies for C-E Translation of Prompting Public Signs............... .. (22)4.1 Borrowing (22)4.2 N egation (24)4.3 Omission (25)4.4 Substituting (26)4.5 Zero Translation (28)Conclusion (30)Notes (32)Bibliography (33)Acknowledgements (34)On C-E Translation Of Prompting PublicSignsAbstract: As a specific text form, the application of public signs has a long history and is in close attach with all aspects of our life. Acting as the face of a city, public signs are a showplace for our natives as well as the foreigners to get a better understanding of the spiritual appearance and all fields of China. Thus they affect a foreigner’s first impression of China when he visits this country. Then it is natural that the prompting public signs, an important part of public signs, are a crucial component of a nation’s external publicity. Their translation standard would directly influence the accuracy and quality of the information conveyance and cultural transmission, and further impact the foreign exchange and human environmental construction of a country. For the above reasons, this paper aims at conducting a concrete analysis and study on the translation of Chinese prompting public signs to explore the translation principles and improve the translation strategies.Key Words:prompting public signs; translation principles; translation strategies摘要:公示语作为一种特定功能的文本形式,应用历史悠久,其运用范围之广泛几乎涉及到我们生活的方方面面。

DOT 科学公司 Dextran Sulfate 产品说明书

DOT 科学公司 Dextran Sulfate 产品说明书

SECTION 1 - CHEMICAL IDENTIFICATIONPRODUCT NAME: Dextran SulfateCATALOG #: DSD20020SUPPLIER’S NAME: DOT SCIENTIFIC INC.SUPPLIERS ADDRESS: 4165 Lippincott, Burton, MI 48519EMERGENCY CONTACT: 1-800-424-9300(Reference Customer Number: 18739) OTHER INFORMATION: 1-800-878-1785OTHER INFORMATION: 800-878-1785SECTION 2 - HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION2.1 Classification of the substance or mixtureGHS Classification in accordance with 29 CFR 1910 (OSHA HCS)H315Skin corrosion/irritation Category 2 H319Serious eye damage/eye irritation Category 2 2.2 GHS Label elements, including Hazard and Precautionary Statement(s)PictogramSignal word: WarningHazard statement(s)H315Causes skin irritationH319Eye irritationPrevention, Response, Storage and Disposal Precautionary Statement(s)P264Wash skin thoroughly after handlingP280Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face protection.P302 + P352IF ON SKIN: Wash with plenty of soap and water.P305 + P351 + P338IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing.P321Specific treatment (see. on this label).P332 + P313If skin irritation occurs: Get medical advice/attention.P337+P313If eye irritation persists: Get medical advice/attention.P362 + P364Take off contaminated clothing and wash before reuse.SECTION 3- COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTSCAS Number: 9011-18-1SECTION 4 - FIRST-AID MEASURES4.1 Description of first aid measuresGeneral advice: Consult a doctor and show this safety data sheet.i.If inhaled: Remove to fresh air and monitor breathing. If breathing becomes difficult, give oxygen. If breathingstops, give artificial respiration. Consult a doctor.SAFETY DATA SHEETii.In case of skin contact: Immediately wash skin with copious amounts of soap and water for at least 15 minutes.Remove contaminated clothing and shoes and wash before reuse. Consult a doctor.iii.In case of eye contact: Flush with copious amounts of water for at least 15 minutes. Consult a doctor.iv.If swallowed: Rinse mouth with water. Do not induce vomiting unless directed to do so by medical personnel.Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Consult a doctor.4.2 Most important symptoms and effects, both acute and delayed: To the best of our knowledge, the chemical, physical and toxicological properties have not been thoroughly investigated.4.3 Indication of immediate medical attention and special treatment needed: Show this safety data sheet to the doctor in attendance. Immediate medical attention is required.SECTION 5 - FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES5.1 Extinguishing mediaSuitable extinguishing media: Use water spray, alcohol-resistant foam, dry chemical or carbon dioxide5.2 Special hazards arising from the substance or mixture: Carbon oxides. Sulfur oxides.5.3 Precautions for fire-fighters: Wear suitable protective clothing to prevent contact with skin and eyes and self-contained breathing apparatus.5.4 Further information: No data available.SECTION 6 - ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES6.1 Personal precautions, protective equipment and emergency procedures: Do not take action without suitable protective clothing - see section 8 of SDS. Evacuate personnel to safe areas. Ensure adequate ventilation. Avoid breathing vapors, mist, dust or gas.6.2 Environmental precautions: Do not let product enter drains.6.3 Methods and materials for containment and cleaning up: Cover spillage with suitable absorbent material. Using non-spark tools, sweep up material and place in an appropriate container. Decontaminate spill site with 10% caustic solution and ventilate area until after disposal is complete. Hold all material for appropriate disposal as described under section 13 of SDS.6.4 Reference to other sections: For required PPE see section 8. For disposal see section 13.SECTION 7 - HANDLING AND STORAGE7.1 Precautions for safe handling: Use in a chemical fume hood, with air supplied by an independent system. Avoid inhalation, contact with eyes, skin and clothing. Avoid the formation of dust and aerosols. Use in a well-ventilated area. Keep away from sources of ignition. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure.7.2Conditions for safe storage, including any incompatibilities: Store in cool, well-ventilated area. Keep away from direct sunlight. Keep container tightly sealed until ready for use. Keep in a dry place.7.3 Specific end use(s): Use in a laboratory fume hood where possible. Refer to employer's COSHH risk assessment.SECTION 8 - EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION8.1 Control parametersComponents with workplace control parameters: Contains no substances with occupational exposure limit values.8.2 Exposure Controlsi.Appropriate engineering controls: Use in a fume hood where applicable. Ensure all engineering measuresdescribed under section 7 of SDS are in place. Ensure laboratory is equipped with a safety shower and eye wash station.8.3 Personal protective equipmenti.Eye/face protection: Face shield and safety glasses Use equipment for eye protection tested and approved underappropriate government standards such as NIOSH (US) or EN 166(EU).ii.Skin protection: Wear appropriate protective eyeglasses or chemical safety goggles as described by OSHA's eye and face protection regulations in 29 CFR 1910.133 or European Standard EN166iii.Body Protection: Wear appropriate protective clothing. Complete suit protecting against chemicals, The type ofprotective equipment must be selected according to the concentration and amount of the dangerous substance at the specific workplace.iv.Respiratory Protection: Follow the OSHA respirator regulations found in 29 CFR 1910.134 or European Standard EN 149. Use a NIOSH/MSHA or European Standard EN149 approved respirator if exposure limits are exceeded or if irritation or other symptoms are experienced.v.Control of environmental exposure: Do not let product enter drainsSECTION 9 - PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIESInformation on basic physical and chemical propertiesVapor Pressure No Data Available Appearance White To Off-WhiteSolidOdor No Data Available Vapor Density No Data Available Odor Threshold No Data Available Relative Density No Data AvailablepH No Data Available Water Solubility No Data Available Melting / Freezing Point No Data Available Partition Coefficient No Data Available Initial Boiling Point Range No Data Available Auto-Ignition Temperature No Data Available Flash Point No Data Available Decomposition Temperature No Data Available Evaporation Rate No Data Available Viscosity No Data Available Flammability (Solid, Gas)No Data Available Explosive Properties No Data Available Upper / Lower FlammabilityNo Data Available Oxidizing Properties No Data AvailableOr Explosive LimitsSECTION 10 - STABILITY AND REACTIVITYStability: Stable under recommended storage conditions.Hazardous Decomposition Products: None under normal use condition.Conditions to avoid: Light.Incompatibilities: strong oxidizing agent.SECTION 11 - TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATIONAcute ToxicityLD50 Oral LD50 Dermal LD50 Inhalation LD50 Intraperitoneal 20,600 mg/kg (Rat)Not Listed Not Listed Not ListedSECTION 12 - ECOLOGICAL INFORMATIONEco Toxicity: No data availablePersistence and degradability/ Bioaccumlative potential/ Mobility in soil: No data availableResults of PBT and vPvB assessment: No data availableOther adverse effects: No data availableChronic Toxicity: There are no known carcinogenic chemicals in this productSECTION 13 - DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONSWhatever cannot be saved for recovery or recycling should be managed in an appropriate and approved waste disposal facility. Processing, use or contamination of this product may change the waste management options. State and local disposal regulations may differ from federal disposal regulations. Dispose of container and unused contents in accordance with federal, state and local requirements.SECTION 14 - TRANSPORT INFORMATIONDOT TDG IATA IMDG/IMO Not regulated Not regulated Not regulated Not regulatedSECTION 15 - REGULATORY INFORMATIONINTERNATIONAL INVENTORIESTSCA DSL NDSL ELINCS NLP PICCS ENCS AICS CHINA KECL Listed Listed----Listed Listed Listed ListedUSA FEDERAL REGULATIONTSCA 12(b)/ OSHA/ CERCLA: Not ApplicableSARA 313: Not ApplicableClean Water Act/Clean Air Act: Not ApplicableSARA 311/312 HAZARDOUS CATEGORIZATIONAcute Health Hazard Chronic HealthHazardFire Hazard Sudden Release OfPressure HazardReactiveHazardNo Yes No No NoCalifornia Proposition 65: This product does not contain any Proposition 65 chemicals.HMIS RatingHealth hazard Chronic Health Hazard Flammability Physical Hazard 0000NFPA RatingHealth hazard Chronic Health Hazard Flammability Reactivity Hazard 0000STATE RIGHT TO KNOWMassachusetts New Jersey Pennsylvania Illinois Rhode Island -Listed Listed--US DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATIONREPORTABLE QUANTITY (RQ)DOT MARINE POLLUTANT DOT SEVER MARINE POLLUTANT No No NoU.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY: This product does not contain any DHS chemicals.Canada: This product has been classified in accordance with the hazard criteria of the Controlled Products Regulations (CPR) and the SDS contains all the information required by the CPR.This SDS complies with the requirements of Regulation (EC).SECTION 16 - OTHER INFORMATIONThe above information is believed to be correct but does not purport to be all inclusive and shall be used only as a guide. DOT SCIENTIFIC INC. shall not be held liable for any damage resulting from handling or from contact with the above product. See reverse side of invoice or packing slip for additional terms and conditions of sale. This product is sold for laboratory research and development purposes use only. REV October 2015。

第10章 提示性公示语

第10章 提示性公示语

• 残疾人停车位 • 擅自占用罚款250美元
• 进入酒店的任何公共区域 须衣着得体,请勿赤足 谢谢
• 非住店客人在此止步 谢谢
• 入池前请先淋浴
• 门前禁止停车(保持通畅)
• 购物限制 美国海关规定要求进 入免税店购物者仅限 乘机飞往美国以外目 的地的乘客 • 请出示您的登机牌
10.5 禁止性提示
• 禁止性提示禁止 某些行为的发生 和执行。 • 图书馆内任何处 所一律禁止吸烟
• 禁止在安 检篷内用 手机通话
• 本区域禁止一切球类活动
• 禁酒区 • 在本地区公究
• 正告吸毒者和任何 • 在本宅院内使用或 拥有毒品或吸毒工 具的人员,宅院主 人一旦发现将全面 与政府合作予以举 报你已被郑重警 告!!
Chapter 10 Reminder Signs
第十章 提示性公示语 10.1 信息性提示 10.2 倡导性提示 10.3 要求性提示 10.4 限制性提示 10.5 禁止性提示 拓展阅读 练习题
• 提示性公示语是指在公共场所提示人们进行活动的信息, 意在向公众传递服务、环境等信息,帮助公众了解周围环 境或提醒公众注意其所在场合的特定情况与特点,提高出 行、观光、购物、消遣的质量。 • 依据功能需要提示性公示语主要有五种类型:信息性提示、
• 倡导性提示倡导某 些行为的发生和执 行。 • 请节约用水 • 如发现漏水、浪费 水情况 • 请拨打电话 (718) 533-3875
• 保持公园整洁 • 垃圾箱位于公园出入处
• 老幼病残孕专座 • 请把座位让给老人,残疾人以及抱小孩的乘客
• 为了他人健康 接触食物前 使用厕所后 变换作业时
• 请洗手


这是为了保护游客和工作人员的健康, 确保非吸烟区的空气质量不受影响, 同时减少火灾等安全风险。
Information prompt language
Opening hours of tourist attractions
Opening hours
Our scenic spots are open from 8:00am to 6:00pm daily.
Welcome to your visit, we wish you a pleasant stay and an enjoyable time during your visit. Our destination is a perfect blend of natural beauty, rich history, and vibrant culture.
Information about the availability of family restrooms, handicap accessible facilities, and any specific requirements
or instructions for use.
Parking Lot
Welcome to our tourist attractions, a place where you can immerse yourself in the rich history and culture of our region. We are excited to share our local treasures with you.
A place where tourists can obtain information about the attraction, including hours of operation, admission prices, and any rules or regulations.



正则表达式语法正则表达式是一种文本模式,包括普通字符(例如,a 到z 之间的字母)和特殊字符(称为“元字符”)。






若要匹配这些特殊字符,必须首先使字符“转义”,即,将反斜杠字符(\) 放在它们前面。


下表列出了表示非打印字符的转义序列:转义序列字符匹配句点(.) 匹配字符串中的各种打印或非打印字符,只有一个字符例外。


下面的正则表达式匹配aac、abc、acc、adc等等,以及a1c、a2c、a-c 和a#c:/a.c/若要匹配包含文件名的字符串,而句点(.) 是输入字符串的组成部分,请在正则表达式中的句点前面加反斜扛(\) 字符。



例如,可能需要查找用数字表示的章节标题(Chapter 1、Chapter 2 等等)。

中括号表达式若要创建匹配字符组的一个列表,请在方括号([ 和])内放置一个或更多单个字符。






Ⅰ. The significance of the course
• • •
Understanding Appreciation Style as a dress of thought separating meaning from expression
II. The main job of stylistics
• The procedure of stylistic analysis is often sequenced in two steps: a) linguistic description, b) contextual factors analysis. • Linguistic description can be done at phonological, graphological, lexical, syntactical, semantic and textual level.
Preliminary Considerations
Ⅰ.The significance of the study II. The main job of stylistics Ⅲ. The procedures of stylistic study Ⅳ. Means of course evaluation Ⅴ.Teaching and learning focus
3.3 Suppose that a certain John Smith just died, his son, writing a few days later, might say, • My beloved parent has joined the heavenly choir. • My dear father has passed away. • My father has died. • My old man has kicked the bucket. Q: In what kind of situation and whom he may address?



1 pc 3.26 ly
1.2 A quick tour of the cosmos
To understand the universe, we must understand the relative scales of planets, stars, galaxies and the universe as a whole. We will journey from a campus scene to the limits of the cosmos in 12 steps. In each step we will widen our view by a factor of 100. That is, each successive picture will show a region of the universe that is 100 times wider than the preceding picture.
THE UNITED NATIONS DECLARES 2009 THE INTERNATIONAL YEAR OF ASTRONOMY 联合国宣布 2009年为国际天文年! 纪念伽利略400年前 首次使用望远镜观测太空。
The Solar System and Beyond
Michael A. Seeds Joseph R. Grundy Observatory Franklin and Marshall College
Fig. 1-4 Field of view enlarged 100 times from the previous image (NASA). This step in our journey shows our entire planet. The earth is 12,756 km in diameter and rotates on its axis once a day.



Unit 5 提优测试(考试时间:60分钟满分:100分)听力部分(共30分)一、听录音,选择你所听到的内容。

(听两遍,每题1分,共10分)( )1. A. drink B. dance C. danger( )2. A. take B. tell C. talk( )3. A. letter B. litter C. little( )4. A. small B. smell C. smoke( )5. A. sing B. sign C. song( )6. A. walk B. wake C. watch( )7. A. looking at B. looking for C. looking after( )8. A. shopping centre B. juice shop C. fruit shop( )9. A. What do you mean? B. What does it mean? C. What do they mean?( )10. A. Does it mean“Wet floor”? B. Do they mean“Wet floor”?C. Is the floor wet?二、听录音,判断下列图片是否与所听内容相符,相符的用“T”表示,不相符的用“F”表示。


(听两遍,每题1分,共5分)( )1. A. Yes, you can't. B. No, you can't. C. Yes, we do.( )2. A. It means“No smoking”. B. No, it doesn't. C. Yes. It means.( )3. A. I'm looking for some fruit.B. They find a sign on the tree.C. They can see a sign on the tree.( )4. A. I'm sorry. B. Thank you. C. Not at all.( )5. A. They want to swim. B. Here is a sign.C. They are on an outing in the forest.四、听录音,填入所缺单词。


作为标识家族中重要的一部分,商务标识在现代的经济生活中扮演着重要的角色 。不论是作为商务活动主体的企业,商业活动重要发生地的商场,还是商务出行离 不开的酒店、机场,都无时无刻不在使用着大量的、各式各样的标识,有纯图形符 号的、有纯语言文字的、也有图形文字共同使用的。商用标识不同于交通、公共场 所常用标识,其商用性质决定了其必须能够吸引顾客或潜在顾客的注意,有利于企 业经济效益的提高,因此在设计或翻译时就要追求独特、新颖、醒目的特点。
• 商务出行标识(Business Travel Signs)(1)
• 商务出行涉及到商务交通、商务住宿等各个方面。因此,要求商务人士必须熟悉相 关的标识及翻译。
• 交通标识包括道路指示牌(Sign Post, 有时称Finger Post)、交通安全提示牌(Safety Tips)、限时限速的指示牌等。
知识目标: 1. 了解商务环境中各种不同的中英文标识 2. 掌握中英文商务标识的语言特点。
能力目标: 1. 能够运用相关知识准确地翻译各种商务标识语。 2. 能够运用相关知识独立地设计中英文标识。
• I. 标识的语言特点 (1) 标识用语往往简单易懂,有时会结合一些图形、符号以及使用不 同底色、形状的牌子来表示出某些指示、说明或规定等等。这类 语言的目的在于使人们在极短的时间内获取最必需的信息,而这 些信息又必须用几个词简短地表达出来,因为它们往往是写在一 块面积有限的牌子上的。受到这种表现目的及手段的限制,标识 英语自然也就形成了它独特的语言特点。我们应该准确地抓住这 些特点,有针对性地进行翻译。了解下列语言特点和翻译技巧将 会有助于我们更好地完成标识语的英汉互译。

七年级英语上册 CHAPTER FOUR The world of numbers课件 深圳牛津版

七年级英语上册 CHAPTER FOUR The world of numbers课件 深圳牛津版
Even numbers can be divided by two to give a whole number.
4 a fraction (分数)
A fraction is the exact division of a number. eg. ½ : one half
2/3: two thirds ¼ a quarter 1/10 one tenth Read the following: 3/5, 6/11, 1/8
5 plus , add (加) 2+5=7 Two plus five is seven. Two and five is seven. Two added to five is seven. 3+ 12 =? What is 3 plus twelve?
Read the following: 25 + 24 = 49 30 + 12 = ?
failed many times. 9. If you _s_u_b_t_r_a_c_t_8 from 16, you get 8. 10. Our country is more _p_o_w__e_r_f_u_l_than before. 11.If you _d_i_v_i_d_e___ 28 by 7, the answer is 4. 12. The committee c_o__n_s_is_t_s__of ten members.
2× 3 =6 Two times three is six. Two and three multiply makes six. Two multiplied by three makes 6.
Read the following: 16 × 4 = 64 5 × 3 = 15



图书馆标志作文英语The Symbol of the Library: A Beacon of Knowledge.Libraries have always been a sanctuary of knowledge, a repository of wisdom, and a haven for seekers of truth. They stand as silent witnesses to the ages, preserving the past, present, and future of human civilization. The library, with its vast collection of books, manuscripts, and digital resources, is a testament to the power of learning and the importance of education.The symbol of the library, often a simple yet elegant design, encapsulates the essence of this institution. It is not merely a logo or a badge; it is a symbol of enlightenment and a beacon of knowledge. The symbol usually features a book, often open, signifying the wealth of knowledge that awaits within the library's walls. The book, with its pages turned, represents the continuous quest for knowledge and the never-ending journey of learning.The symbol may also depict a torch or a lamp, symbolizing the light of wisdom and guidance. This lamp, often seen burning brightly in libraries, serves as a metaphor for the enlightenment that libraries impart totheir visitors. It represents the illumination of minds,the dispelling of ignorance, and the awakening of curiosity.Libraries, through their symbols, convey a profound message: knowledge is power. They encourage people to embark on a journey of discovery, to delve into the depthsof knowledge, and to seek answers to their queries. The symbol reminds us that libraries are not just repositoriesof books; they are repositories of ideas, dreams, and aspirations.Libraries play a pivotal role in the development of society. They are places where ideas are born, where dreams are nurtured, and where the future is shaped. The symbol of the library represents this pivotal role, symbolizing the intersection of knowledge, culture, and society. It represents the meeting point of past and present, where history meets future, and where tradition merges withinnovation.Libraries are also spaces of community gathering, where people from all backgrounds and ages come together to share knowledge, experiences, and stories. The symbol of the library represents this inclusivity, symbolizing the unity of diverse individuals under the banner of knowledge and learning.In today's digital age, where information is accessible at our fingertips, the role of libraries might seem diminished. However, the symbol of the library reminds us that the essence of libraries remains unchanged: they are spaces of learning, discovery, and enlightenment. Libraries are not just about books; they are about the journey of knowledge, the quest for truth, and the celebration of human wisdom.The symbol of the library is a constant reminder of the value of knowledge and the importance of libraries in our lives. It encourages us to explore, to question, to learn, and to grow. As we walk into a library, we are reminded ofthe boundless possibilities that await us within its walls. The symbol of the library, with its deep roots in history and culture, serves as a constant reminder of the power of knowledge and the transformative potential of libraries in our world.。



Chapter 3 – Maintenance, Page 3-1Operator Cleaning and MaintenanceOverviewTo maintain the Gaylord Ventilator in good working order, and to keep the system operating at optimum efficiency, preventive maintenance, using the following schedule should be performed.Important Note: Ventilators incorporating UV Lamps require special maintenance as shown on Page 3-4. Some of the required maintenance on Ventilators with UV can be performed by the operator. However, direct exposure to UV light is hazardous to your skin and eyes and contact with live electrical components poses a significant risk of shock or death.Daily Cleaning and MaintenanceAt the end of the each cooking day, or at periodic intervals, depending upon the type of cooking, the XGS Extractors and Grease Drawer must be removed and cleaned. The Grease Gutter should also be wiped out. CAUTION: Before proceeding with cleaning, check to see that the exhaust fan is shut off and the cooking equipment is cool. To clean proceed as follows:1. Remove Extractors: CAUTION: Care should be taken when removing the Extractors, especially overfryers. It is recommended that the cooking equipment be cooled down and the fryers be covered prior to removing the Extractors. They may be removed by hand or by use of an optional Extractor Removal Tool (Refer to Figure 3-2-1). To remove, lift up slightly on the Extractor and pull out from the bottom, then straight down.2. The Extractors may be cleaned either by using a dishwasher or by soaking in a deep well sink using hotwater with a degreasing detergent, then scrubbed and rinsed. Gaylord Formula G-510EF detergent is highly recommended for this application. Refer to Page 3-7 for details.3. With the Extractors removed inspect the back wall and the underside of the exhaust plenum. If neces-sary clean with hot detergent water.4. Wipe and clean the Grease Gutter.5. Remove and empty the Grease Drawer, clean and replace.6. Replace the filters or Extractors. Note: Filters and Extractors must be installed with the openings run-ning vertical as shown in Figure 3-2-2. Gaylord XGS Extractors have an arrow stamped on the face designating “UP”.Additional Cleaning Instructions for UVi Series VentilatorsThe UV Lamps will develop a coating of dust, and sometimes debris that will have to be wiped away. The Lamps should be inspected weekly and cleaned when necessary. To clean proceed as follows:1. Remove all the Extractors.2. Reach up through the opening and carefully wipe each Lamp with a non abrasive wet cloth with milddetergent. Remove all the dust, grease or other contaminants that may have collected on the Lamp.3. Replace the Extractors.Note: Failure to maintain the cleanliness of the Lamps will reduce the UV systems ability to reduce the build-up of grease and debris on the exhaust ducts and fans.Figure 3-2-2 Gaylord Model XGS ExtractorChapter 3 – Maintenance, Page 3-3Operator Cleaning and Maintenance – Cont.Code Required Inspection and CleaningThe National Fire Protection Association Standard NFPA-96 (Standard for Ventilation Control and Fire Pro-tection of Commercial Cooking Operations) requires that hoods (Ventilators), ducts and exhaust fans must be inspected by a properly trained, qualified and certified company or person(s) in accordance with the following table.Table T-3-3-1Upon inspection, if found to be contaminated with deposits from grease laden vapors, the entire exhaust system shall be cleaned by a properly trained, qualified, and certified company or person(s) acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction.When a vent cleaning service is used, a certificate showing date of inspection or cleaning shall be main-tained on the premises. After cleaning is completed, the vent cleaning contractor shall place or display within the kitchen area a label indicating the date cleaned and the name of the servicing company. It shall also indicate any area not cleaned.CAUTION regarding pressure washing or steam cleaning: If the Ventilator includes a UV System the UV Modules must be removed prior to pressure washing or steam cleaning.Chapter 3 - Maintenance, Page 3-4CAUTION: Preventive maintenance and repairs made to the UV System as outlined on pages 3-3 through 3-5 MUST be performed by Gaylord Certified Service Agent. For a list of Gaylord Certified Service Agen-cies (CSA’s) visit and go to “Service Agencies”.WARNING: Certified Service Agent maintenance and repair warning. Do not defeat any Safety Interlocks during cleaning, maintenance and repair.Safety RequirementsCaution: Exposure to UV light is harmful to skin and eyes. Before servicing or repairing any of the UV System read and perform the following safety requirements.OverviewThe ELX-UVi Ventilator is equipped with light attenuation barriers and Safety Interlocks to protect opera-tors from direct exposure to UV light. All safety precautions called for in this manual must be followed to avoid the potential for harm to service personnel or operators.As with many types of technology if it is not used properly and/or proper precautions are not taken there is the potential for injury or harm. This is especially true of UV light due to the fact that it does not physically hurt at the time of exposure. UV generated in these Ventilators is greater than what results from direct exposure to the sun. Under no circumstances is it acceptable to view the lighted lamps without proper eye protection or expose bare skin directly to the light. All safety precautions called for in this manual must be followed to avoid the potential for harm to service personnel and/or operators.Personal Protective Equipment1. Eye protection that prevents 100% of UV light from being transmitted through the lens must be wornat all times when replacing the UV Lamps on any ELX-UVi Ventilator that is energized and/or has the potential to be energized and expose personnel to UV light.2. Whenever service work is performed it is recommended that long sleeve shirts and pants be worn tominimize the potential for inadvertent exposure of the skin to UV light.Preventive MaintenanceThe following Preventive Maintenance items must be performed by a trained and qualified Certified Ser-vice Agency at a frequency shown on page 3-2, Table T-3-2-1, EXHAUST SYSTEM INSPECTION SCHEDULE. These tasks involve potential exposure to high doses of UV light and live electrical components. There is a risk of shock, injury and/or death from contact with live electrical components.1. Testing UV Lamps and Ballasts(For these tests all XGS Extractors must be in place, the Extractor Access Doors closed and all UVModule Access Doors in place and latched.)a. Turn on the exhaust fan at the Gaylord Command Center. The “UV i SYSTEM ON” green Status Light in each Ventilator Section should be on. In addition to the Status Lights on the Ventilator, the Gaylord Command Center should display text indicating the similar message as the Status Lights.Chapter 3 - Maintenance, Page 3-5Testing UV Lamps and Ballasts - Cont.b. If the yellow “UV i LAMP FAILURE” Status Light is on it indicates that one or more of the UV Lamps are not operating. To troubleshoot and replace a lamp refer to the Troubleshooting page 4-4, and Testing and Repair section of this manual beginning on page 5-13.c. If the blue “UVi SYSTEM STANDBY” Status Light is on it indicates that one or more XGS Extractors are not in place and/or one or more UV Module Access Doors have not been closed properly or the internal temperature of the Ballast Box has exceeded 118° F. which activates the High Temperature Shutdown Controller. Refer to page 5-26 for troubleshooting and corrective action for the Tempera - 2. Inspect and Clean UV Modules a . Turn off the exhaust fan at the Command Center. b. Open the UV Module Access Door(s) (refer to Figure 2-10-2). c. Disconnect the UV Module Lamp Ballast Connector.d. Remove the UV Module(s) from the Ventilator. (Caution: Care must be taken to keep the connector from hitting the lamps while removing the module.) e . Using a damp non abrasive cloth and mild detergent, wipe down the Lamps and Lamp Housing. Lamps should be free of all grease and debris.f. Carefully inspect the UV Module Access Door and replace the gasket as needed to ensure a good seal.g. Reinstall the UV Module(s) being careful to not hit the Lamps.h. Reconnect the UV Module Lamp Ballast Connector.i. Close the UV Module Access Door(s).3. Test Safety Interlocks for the XGS Extractors (Pressure Switches) (Caution: For the following tests Polycarbonate Safety Glasses must be worn.) a . Turn on the exhaust fan at the Command Center. The “UVi SYSTEM ON ” green Status Light in each Ventilator Section should be on.UVi SYSTEM ON SYSTEM STATUSChapter 3 - Maintenance, Page 3-6Test Safety Interlocks for the XGS Extractors (Pressure Switches) - Cont.b. Open the Extractor Access Door at the left end of the Ventilator remove one XGS Extractor. The blue “UVi System Standby” Status Light should come on. If this action does not occur, immediately shut down the exhaust fan at the Command Center. Refer to the Troubleshooting section of this manual for corrective action. Repeat tests 3a and 3b for the right most XGS Extractor and again for the center XGS Extractor.c. If there is more than one Ventilator section, repeat tests 3a and 3b for each section.4. Test Safety Interlocks for the UV Module Access Panel (Pressure Switches)(Caution: For the following tests Polycarbonate Safety Glasses must be worn.)a.Turn on the exhaust fan at the Command Center. The “UV System On” green Status Light in eachVentilator Section should be on.b. Open one UV Module Access Door (refer to Figure 2-10-2). (Note: If there are two UV ModuleAccess Doors always open the shortest door for the test). The blue “UVi System Standby” Status Light should come on. If this action does not occur, immediately shut down the exhaust fan at the Command Center, refer to the Trouble Shooting section beginning on page 4-4 for corrective action.c. If there is more than one Ventilator section, repeat the tests above, 4a and 4b, for each section.5. Lamp ReplacementThe UV Lamps need to be replaced after 13,000 hours of use. After 13,000 hours the Lamps will still work but the performance of the Lamps decreases dramatically. The Gaylord Command Center has a built-in UV hours of operation clock. Refer to the Operation and Maintenance Manual for the Gaylord Command Center for complete operational instructions. If the Lamps have been in use over 13,000 hours they should be replaced. Refer to Page 5-13 of this manual for detailed instructions for replacing Lamps.Chapter 3 – Maintenance, Page 3-7Detergent for CleaningFORMULA G-510EF is the only cleaner recommended by Gaylord Industries for use in cleaning Gaylord Model ELX Extractors. FORMULA G-510EF is a concentrated colloid cleaner specially formulated to remove the daily accumulation of grease in the Extractors and all other interior and exterior surfaces of the Ventila-tor. FORMULA G-510EF is safe for kitchen personnel and has a variety of uses.FORMULA G-510EF SafetyFORMULA G-510EF is registered with the U.S. EPA’s Design for the Environment Program (DfE) which seeks to promote the use of institutional cleaners and maintenance products with improved environmental and human health characteristics.Cleaning the Gaylord ExtractorsThe Gaylord XGS Extractors may be cleaned by running through a dishwasher or by soaking in a deep well sink.To soak proceed as follows:1. Place the Extractors in a deep well sink.2. Pour in 2-3 cups of FORMULA G-510EF.3. Fill sink with hot water until the water covers the Extractors.4. Let soak for 15-30 minutes.5. Scrub and rinse.6. Repeat if necessary.FORMULA G-510EF for Cleaning the Ventilator ExteriorMix one part FORMULA G-510EF to twenty parts water in hand spray bottle. Spray on, let stand for a few minutes and wipe off.FORMULA G-510EF for Other Cleaning JobsThe colloidal action of FORMULA G-510EF makes it a cleaner especially well-suited for use in kitchens. The colloids break up dirt and grease into millions of tiny particles that constantly repel each other. These particles cannot recombine or redeposit on a surface and are, therefore, easily washed away. FORMULA G-510EF contains no harsh chemicals, yet offers outstanding performance on the toughest cleaning jobs.Use a mixture of one part FORMULA G-510EF to twenty parts water for:- VINYL/PLASTIC/WALLS...Removes dirt, grease, food deposits and fingerprints.- REFRIGERATORS...Removes dirt, spilled milk, blood, mildew and objectionable odors.- RESTROOMS...Add a disinfectant to clean all fixtures, walls, floors, etc.Use a mixture of one part FORMULA G-510EF to five parts water for extremely heavy grease build-up, such as on the floor and on equipment around deep-fryers. Spray on, let set for a few minutes and rinse or wipe off. For extremely soiled areas, gentle agitation, followed by a soaking period, will result in more thorough cleaning. DON’T be afraid to experiment with FORMULA G-510EF because it contains no phos-phates, nitrates, enzymes, sulfates, suffocates or silicates.Chapter 3 – Maintenance, Page 3-8Limited Warranty2010 Products, Inc. warrants that Formula G-510EF will not cause cleansing agent damage to the rubber and synthet-ic parts of the injection pump (“O” rings, diaphragms, washers, tubing, and other such parts) used with The Gaylord Ventilator, Heat Reclaim Unit, or Pollution Control Equipment so long as used pursuant to its product instructions. 2010 Products, Inc. obligation under this warranty and any warranties implied by law shall be limited to repairing or replacing, at its option, any of said parts which 2010 Products, Inc. examination shall disclose to its satisfaction to have been damaged by the use of Formula G-510EF for the life of the detergent pumping system. This warranty shall not cover damages caused by any other detergent. The use of any other detergent shall void this warranty. All repairs and replacement parts under this warranty shall be F.O.B. 2010 Products, Inc. The owner shall pay the neces-sary freight and delivery charges; also removal and installation costs. Any federal, state or local taxes are also extra. Requests for repairs or replacement part should be made to 2010 Products, Inc., P.O. Box 7609, Salem, Oregon, 97303. This is the sole warranty with respect to FORMULA G510EF.2010 Products, Inc. MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, AND ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE WHICH EXCEED THE AFORESAID OBLIGATION ARE HEREBY DISCLAIMED AND EXCLUDED FROM THIS AGREEMENT. 2010 Products, Inc. SHALL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES RESULTING FROM A BREACH OF THIS WARRANTY.IMPORTANTIf a cleansing agent other than FORMULA G-510EF is used with The Gaylord Ventilator injection pump and solenoid valves, it is recommended that a warranty similar to the above be obtained from the manu-facturer of said product, that the detergent has foaming properties similar to FORMULA G-510EF and that the above-referenced Warranty shall become null and void.FORMULA G-510EF DistributorFor the name and address of the nearest FORMULA G-510EF distributor contact:Gaylord Industries10900 SW Avery StreetTualatin, OR 97062E-mail: ***************************Website: Phone: 800-547-9696。

WTE2A Chapter1-6知识点梳理

WTE2A Chapter1-6知识点梳理

WTE 2A Chapter1 Coming to school一、词汇(1)要求会读会认会用:bus 公汽 minibus 小型公汽 school bus 校车 ferry 渡船 tram有轨电车train火车 MTR港式地铁 LRT轻轨 pupil小学生 car 小汽车by+交通工具(2)不作要求,了解意思:ask 问bike 自行车 taxi 出租车walk 走路join 加入let’s=let us让我们二、句型(要求掌握听说读背用)1、 How do you come to school? 你是怎么来学校的?2、 I come to school on foot. 我步行上学的。

3、 I come to school by MTR. 我乘地铁上学的。

4、 How many pupils come by car? 有多少学生乘车来的?5、 One pupil comes by car. 一个学生乘车来的。

6、 How many pupils come by school bus? 有多少学生乘校车来的?7、 Seven pupils come by school bus. 7个学生乘校车来。

三、不作要求内容,了解意思1、 Then get into groups. 然后分组。

2、 Ask your friends. 问问你的朋友们。

3、Let’s get into a group. 我们加入一个组。

4、 We also come to school by minibus. 我们也是乘小型公汽上学的。

5、 Come on , Wendy. Join a group. 来吧,Wendy 。


Chapter1 Coming to school复习一、单词巩固练习bus ________________ 迷你巴士_______________地铁_______________ LRT_______________电车_______________ train_______________的士_______________ ferry_______________ pupil ______________补全单词m_n_bu_ p_p_l fe___y a_kjo_n w_lk sc_ool L_T二、句子练习连线题Ask your friends 然后组成小组Come on , Wendy 去问一下你的朋友们Then get into groups 来吧,WendyJoin a group 加入一个小组补全句子1 How do you ___________(come/ comes) to school?2 He ___________ (come/ comes) to school by bus.3 How mang ___________(pupil/pupils) ___________ (come/ comes) to scho ol by minibus?4 Three ___________( pupil/pupils) __________(come/ comes) to school by minibus.WTE 2A Chapter2 About me一、词汇(1)要求会读会认会用:live 居住 where哪里 telephone 电话 meet 遇见 home家new新的our我们的I’m=I am What’s=What is(2)不作要求,了解意思:Chai Wan 柴湾 New Territories新界 Wan Chai 湾仔Hong Kong Island香港岛Mong Kok 旺角Kowloon九龙Tuen Mun屯门Tsuen Wan荃湾Kwun Tong 观塘minute分钟later随后again再次get in上车win赢hit打arrive 到达tin 罐number 数字、号码二、句型(要求掌握听说读背用)1、Where do you live? 你居住在哪里?2、 I live in Xiling District./Yiling District.我居住在西陵区。

  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

I. 标识的语言特点 (1)
标识用语往往简单易懂,有时会结合一些图形、符 号以及使用不同底色、形状的牌子来表示出某些指 示、说明或规定等等。这类语言的目的在于使人们 在极短的时间内获取最必需的信息,而这些信息又 必须用几个词简短地表达出来,因为它们往往是写 在一块面积有限的牌子上的。受到这种表现目的及 手段的限制,标识英语自然也就形成了它独特的语 言特点。我们应该准确地抓住这些特点,有针对性 地进行翻译。了解下列语言特点和翻译技巧将会有 助于我们更好地完成标识语的英汉互译。
的启示和帮助,但它们不能完全取代文字说明。所以标识中的文字仍 是最根本、最重要的。在我国,公共场所的标识上也大多配上了英文 说明。所以,正确解读英文标识以及将中文标识翻译成地道准确的英 语可以说是商务英语翻译能力的基础。
Chapter 16 Signs 标识
知识目标: 1. 了解商务环境中各种不同的中英文标识 2. 掌握中英文商务标识的语言特点。 能力目标: 1. 能够运用相关知识准确地翻译各种商务 标识语。 2. 能够运用相关知识独立地设计中英文标 识。
1 1 2 3 4 5 1 6
Introduction Lead-in

I. 标识的语言特点 (2)
首先,在语言运用上力求吸引人们的注意力(catch people’s eyes),尤其是商业标识及店铺的招牌(Signboard),更是追 求夸张甚至是令人惊讶的效果,例如 EOM (End of Month Sale)月终大廉价、Grand Sale/Bargain Sale大甩卖、Big Price Plunge大削价等等;在翻译中我们要多留意日常生活 中汉语环境下的对应文字,尽量使用相应的、地道得体的汉 语体现出上述特点。 其次,标识的字数要精简到最低限度,也可以是一个词, 如IN,OUT,DIP,HUMP,一般最长不超过十几个词;很 多时候甚至会用一些发音相同的简单的词、字母或数字等, 例如:4 SALE, Merry X’mas!等;在翻译时我们可以借助 相关方面的术语、新近出现的词汇,有时甚至是外来语中的 词汇,总之要以言简意赅为主旨,以准确完整为目的,尽量 简化文字的使用,做到简洁完美。
(法国巴黎银行 金融)
(英国皇家壳牌 石油)
(中国海尔 电器)
(瑞士劳力士 手表)
(美国强生 医药)

Ⅱ。(1)行李寄存 (3)外币兑换(服务) (5)旅客休息室 (7) buy two get one free (9) DND=do not disturb
(2)楼内禁止拍照﹑录像 (4)仅限会员(入内/使用) (6)return fares (8) interview in progress (10) tours take up to two hours
Ⅲ. 标识语的翻译应该考虑不同国家的文化背景吗?分组讨论2008北京 奥运会的吉祥物——福娃的英语标识为什么由Friendlies改译成
answer for reference: Ⅰ。
(美国埃克森美孚 炼油) (荷兰国际集团 保险) (美国国际集团 保险)
作为标识家族中重要的一部分,商务标识在现代的经济生活 中扮演着重要的角色。不论是作为商务活动主体的企业,商 业活动重要发生地的商场,还是商务出行离不开的酒店、机 场,都无时无刻不在使用着大量的、各式各样的标识,有纯 图形符号的、有纯语言文字的、也有图形文字共同使用的。 商用标识不同于交通、公共场所常用标识,其商用性质决定 了其必须能够吸引顾客或潜在顾客的注意,有利于企业经济 效益的提高,因此在设计或翻译时就要追求独特、新颖、醒 目的特点。
(3) Foreign Exchange (Services)
(4) Particulars Of Membership
(5) Customers Lounges
II. 请翻译列标识语。(2)
(6) 往返票价 (7) 买二赠一
(8) 正在面试
(9) 请勿打扰 (10) 游程两个小时
福娃的原国际译名Friendlies有三个方面的不足。首先,在单词意义上, “friendly”有两个意思,一是 “友好的人”;二是“运动队之间的比赛 (也就是友谊赛)”。两种意思的复数均为Friendlies。其次,在发音上, Friendlies与 friendless(没有朋友的)发音雷同,容易造成误解。第三, 在单词拼写上会让人认为, Friendlies=friend(朋友)+lies(说谎),会产 生歧义。而翻译成Fuwa更体现中国特色,不会造成误解。
பைடு நூலகம்
Methods and Techniques Useful Words and Expressions
Notes Practice
简单易懂的单词和短语结合图形、符号等设 计制作成某些指示、说明或规定的意思的公 共信息牌;常见的标识包括交通标识(Traffic Signs)、商用标识(Business Signs)、公共场 所常用标识(Public Signs)以及其他标志用语 等。标识大多会有图形和符号合并使用,以 使标识的含义更通俗易懂,有时甚至不必使 用文字也可使公众明了。
I. 请说出下列标识代表哪些企业及所属行业,并谈谈企业标识
I. 请说出下列标识代表哪些企业及所属行业,并谈谈企业标识

II. 请翻译下列标识语。(1)
(1) Left Baggage
(2) Photography and video are not permitted inside the