
理 工 大 学 考 试 试 卷课程名称: 高等数学(专升本) 学年学期:2018—2019学年第1学期 学生姓名: 学号: 班级: 学生学院: 专业: 试卷类型: 一、选择题(每题2分,共计100分)1、下列函数中,是1()f x x=的原函数的是( ) A. ln5e x +B. ln5e x -C. 5ln xD. 5ln x -2、(arctan )dxdx dx =⎰( ) A.211x + B.211x - C.D. arctan x3、ln7d xdx =⎰( ) A.1ln77xdx B.1ln 7ln 7xdx C.ln 7ln 77xdx D. ln7xdx4、设3()(3)f x x dx =-⎰,则'(3)f =( ) A. 0B.13C. 3D. 95、不定积分=( )A.CB.C + C. C D. C6、不定积分21x e dx -+=⎰( ) A. 212x e C -+-+ B. 21x e C -+-+ C. 2112x e C -+-+D.2112x e C -++7、不定积分=( ) A. 32ln ||2x x C ++ B. 32ln |2x x C -+C. 322ln ||3x x C ++D. 323ln ||2x x C ++8、不定积分sin 1cos xdx x=-⎰( )A. ln |1sin |x C -+B. ln |1sin |x C --+C. ln |1cos |x C -+D. ln |1cos |x C --+9、不定积分21x dx x +=+⎰( )A. 1ln |1|x C +++B. 1ln |1|x C -++C. ln |1|x x C +++D. ln |1|x x C -++10、不定积分12dx x=⎰( ) A.1ln ||2x C + B. ln |2|x C + C. 2ln |2|x C + D. 4ln |2|x C +11、不定积分(sin 1)cos x xdx +=⎰( )A. 21(sin 1)2x C -++B.21(sin 1)2x C ++ C. 21(cos 1)2C -++D. 21(cos 1)2x C ++12、不定积分3sin cos x xdx =⎰( )A.41cos 4x C + B. 41cos 4x C -+C. 41sin 4x C +D. 41sin 4x C -+13、不定积分2ln 4xdx x=⎰( )A. 3ln x C +B.31ln 3x C + C.31ln 4x C +D. 31ln 12x C + 14、不定积分11xdx e =+⎰( ) A. ln |1|x e C ++ B. ln |1|x e C -++ C. ln |1|x e C -++D. ln |1|x e C --++15、不定积分sin(ln )x dx x=⎰( ) A. sin (ln )x x C -+ B. sin(ln )x C + C. cos(ln )x C -+D. cos(ln )x C +16、不定积分()xf x dx ''=⎰( ) A. '()xf x C +B. '()()xf x f x C -+C.21'()2x f x C +D. (1)'()x f x C ++17、不定积分2x xe dx =⎰( ) A. 21(21)4x x e C -++ B.21(12)4x x e C -+ C.21(21)4x x e C -+D. 21(21)4x x e C ++18、不定积分cos3x xdx =⎰( ) A. 11sin3cos339x x x C --+ B. 11sin3cos339x x x C -++ C.11sin3cos339x x x C -+D.11sin3cos339x x x C ++ 19、由分项积分法,不定积分(1)(2)ln (1)11dx dx dx xC x x x x x++---⎰⎰⎰( ) A. 第(1)步正确,第(2)步不正确 B. 第(1)步正确,第(2)步正确C. 第(1)步不正确,第(2)步正确D. 第(1)不正确,第(2)步不正确 20、设24t x x =-,则不定积分(2-x )4x -x 2dx ò=124x -x 2d (4x -x 2)ò(1)12t 12òC上述解法中( ) A. 第(1)步开始出错 B. 第(2)步开始出错 C. 第(3)步开始出错 D. 全部正确21、设ln x t =,则不定积分(1)(2)(3)1111()ln ln(2)2(2)22x x t dx dt dt C x e C e t t t t t -+=-++++++⎰⎰⎰ 上述解法中( )A. 第(1)步开始出错B. 第(2)步开始出错C. 第(3)步开始出错D. 全部正确22、不定积分ln 2xdx ⎰对应的分部积分公式可表为( ) A. ln 22x x dx -⎰ B. ln 2x x dx -⎰ C. 1ln 22x x dx -⎰D. ln 2x x xdx =⎰23、设()f x 为连续函数,12(),()bba a I f x dx I f t dt ==⎰⎰,则有( ) A. 12I I >B. 12I I <C. 12I I =D. 12,I I 大小不能比较24、422sin cos I x xdx ππ-==⎰( )A. 0I <B. 0I >C. 0I =D. 不确定25、131cos I x xdx -==⎰( ) A. 0I >B. 0I <C. 0I =D. 不确定26、设()f x 在[1,1]-上具有连续导数,(1)1,(1)1f f -=-=,则11'()f x dx -=⎰( ) A. 1-B. 0C. 1D. 227、定积分10(4x dx +=⎰( ) A. 83-B. 0C.53D.8328、定积分3201cos dx xπ=⎰( ) A. 1-B. 0C. 1D. 29、定积分220sin cos x xdx π=⎰( ) A.13B.12C. 1D. 230、定积分320sin xdx π=⎰( ) A.14B.13C.23D.2π 31、定积分111221xedx x -=⎰( ) A. 21e e --+ B. 21e e --- C. 12e e --- D. 12e e ----32、定积分3321(1)dx x =-⎰( ) A.38B.14C.18D.11633、极限23sin lim t xx e t dt x →=⎰( ) A. 3B. 2C.12D.1334、设32()1xdtF x t =-⎰,则'()F x =( ) A. 611x --B. 2631x x --C. 2631x x - D.611x - 35、设22()sin(1)x F x t t dt =+⎰,则'()F x =( ) A. 342sin(1)x x -+ B. 342sin(1)x x + C. 24sin(1)x x -+D. 24sin(1)x x +36、设02sin ()4x dtF x t =+⎰,则'()F x =( )A. 2cos 4sin xx-+B.2cos 4sin xx+C. 214sin x-+D.214sin x+37、下列积分等于零的是( ) A. 121sin 1x xdx x -+⎰B. 1231(cos )x x dx -+⎰C.121()x e x dx -+⎰D.112ln2xdx x--+⎰38、定积分01ax e dx e =-⎰,则常数a =( ) A. 0B. 1C. eD. 3e39、定积分222(x dx -=⎰( ) A. 0B. 4C. 8D. 1640、由曲线21y x =-直线0,0y x ==及2x =所围成的平面图形面可表示为( ) A. 122201(1)(1)x dx x dx ----⎰⎰ B. 122201(1)(1)x dx x dx --+-⎰⎰ C.122201(1)(1)x dx x dx ---⎰⎰D.122201(1)(1)x dx x dx -+-⎰⎰41、由曲线2y x =及直线1y =所围成图形的面积可表示为( ) A. 012210(1)(1)x dx x dx -----⎰⎰ B. 012210(1)(1)x dx x dx ---+-⎰⎰ C.01221(1)(1)x dx x dx ----⎰⎰D.01221(1)(1)x dx x dx --+-⎰⎰42、由曲线,1x y e x ==,x 轴及y 轴所围成图形面积等于( ) A. 1e -B. eC. 1e +D. 2e +43、由曲线ln y x =与直线x e =及x 轴所围成图形的面积等于( ) A.0B.1eC. 1D. 244、直线3,2y x x ==及x 轴所围成图形的面积等于( ) A. 1 B. 2 C. 3D. 645、下列微分方程中属于变量可分离的是( ) A. sin()0xy dx ydy +=B. sin()0x y dx ydy ++=C. sin cos ln()0x ydx xy dy +=D. sin cos 0x y x ydx e dy ++=46、微分方程'20y y -=的通解是( )A. 2x y Ce =B. 2x y Ce =C. x y Ce =D. 2x y Ce -=47、微分方程'01xy y +=+的通解是( ) A. 22x y C +=B. 22x y C -=C. 22(1)x y C ++=D. 22(1)x y C -+=48、微分方程22(1)24dyx xy x dx++=的通解是( ) A. 32431x Cy x +=+B. 32431x Cy x +=-C. 32433(1)x Cy x +=-D. 32433(1)x Cy x +=+49、微分方程(1)'x x e yy e +=满足1|1x y ==的特解是( ) A. 22ln(1)2ln(1)1x y e e =+-++ B. 2ln(1)ln(1)1x y e e =+-++ C. 2ln(1)2ln(1)1x y e e =+-++D. ln(1)ln(1)1x y e e =+-++50、微分方程ln ln 0y xdx x ydy +=满足1212x e y e -==的特解是( )A. 221(ln )(ln )2x y += B. 22(ln )(ln )x y = C. ln ln 0x y +=D. ln ln 1x y -=自测题3参考答案01-05ADDAD06-10CCCCA11-15BBDDC16-20BCDBB21-25BBCCC 26-30DDDAC31-35CADBA36-40ADBDC41-45DACDD46-50ACDAA。

南昌工学院2018年专升本招生考试试题高等数学 A 卷参考答案一、选择题(共10题,每题2分,共20分) 1-5:C D B B A 6-10:D B C C D 二、填空题(共10题,每题3分,共30分) 11.2 12.0 13.4 14.2031-15.212x x + 16.4317.dx x )1(ln + 18.2sin 19.C e xe x x +- 20.0三、计算题(共8题,其中第21-26题每题6分,27-28题每题7分,共50分) 21.解: )(x f 在1=x 处连续∴)1()(lim )(lim 11f x f x f x x ==+-→→...................2分即b x a x x x =-=++-→→1lim 2lim 11)(..................2分解得2-=a ,0=b .........................2分22.解:t t t t t x t y dx dy 32266)()(2=++=''=.............3分 223)()3(22+=''=t t x t dx y d ..........................3分23.解:函数)(x f 的定义域为),(+∞-∞3331122)(xx xx f -=-='-.....................2分 令0)(='x f 得81=x ,又0=x 为)(x f 的不可导点,列表如下....2分所以,极大值为0)0(=f ,极小值8)8(-=f ..............2分24.解:)0(041sin3lim 0f xx x ==→ 所以)(x f 在0=x 处连续.............3分又xx x x xf x f x x x ∆=∆∆∆=∆-∆+→∆→∆→∆41sin 3lim 41sin3lim )0()0(lim000不存在所以)(x f 在0=x 处不可导.................3分 25.解:令t x sin =,)2,2(ππ-∈t ,则tdt dx cos =.........2分C t t t dt t tdt tdtt dx x ++=+==-=-⎰⎰⎰⎰)cos sin (2122cos 1cos cos sin 11222.........2分由t x sin =得x t arcsin =,21cos x t -=所以C x x x dx x +-+=-⎰)1(arcsin 21122........................2分26.解:分分分2..................................32sin 2...................)sin 21()cos (2...................)()()(100221210212--+=++=++=+=---⎰⎰⎰⎰⎰e e x x dxe dx x x dx xf dx x f dx x f x x27.解:)1ln()1ln()1(11112)(20220202+-=+-=+-+-=+--=⎰⎰x x t t t t d t t dt t t t x f x x x...............2分 112)(2+--='x x x x f 令0)(='x f 得21=x ..............2分 43ln )21(=f ,0)0(=f ,0)1(=f 所以最大值为0)1()0(==f f ,最小值为43ln )21(=f ............3分28. 解:联立方程组⎩⎨⎧+=-=1222x y x y ,解得交点为)1,1(--,)7,3(..........................3分取x 为积分变量,则]3,1[-∈x 所围图形面积为332)]2()12[(312=--+=⎰-dx x x S ...........................4分。

答案必须答在答题卡上指定的位置,答在试卷上无效.......(共三套及参考答案)第Ⅰ卷(选择题,共40分)一、选择题:1~10小题,每小题4分,共40分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.1.A.0B.1C.2D.不存在2.().A.单调增加且为凹B.单调增加且为凸c.单调减少且为凹D.单调减少且为凸3.A.较高阶的无穷小量B.等价无穷小量C.同阶但不等价无穷小量D.较低阶的无穷小量4.A.B.0C.D.15.A.3B.5C.1D.A.-sinxB.cos xC.D.A.B.x2C.2xD.28.A.B.C.D.9.设有直线当直线l1与l2平行时,λ等于().A.1B.0C.D.一110.下列命题中正确的有().A.B.C.D.第Ⅱ卷(非选择题,共110分)二、填空题:11~20小题,每小题4分,共40分.三、解答题.21~28小题,共70分.解答应写出推理、演算步骤.21.(本题满分8分)22.(本题满分8分)设y=x+arctanx,求y'.23.(本题满分8分)24.(本题满分8分)计算25.(本题满分8分)26.(本题满分10分)27.(本题满分10分)28.(本题满分10分)求由曲线y=x,y=lnx及y=0,y=1围成的平面图形的面积S及此平面图形绕y轴旋转一周所得旋转体体积.模拟试题参考答案一、选择题1.【答案】C.【解析】本题考查的知识点为左极限、右极限与极限的关系.2.【答案】B.【解析】本题考查的知识点为利用一阶导数符号判定函数的单调性和利用二阶导数符号判定曲线的凹凸性.3.【答案】C.【解析】本题考查的知识点为无穷小量阶的比较.4.【答案】D.【解析】本题考查的知识点为拉格朗日中值定理的条件与结论.可知应选D.5.【答案】A.【解析】本题考查的知识点为判定极值的必要条件.故应选A.6.【答案】C.【解析】本题考查的知识点为基本导数公式.可知应选C.7.【答案】D.【解析】本题考查的知识点为原函数的概念.可知应选D.8.【答案】D.【解析】本题考查的知识点为牛顿一莱布尼茨公式和定积分的换元法.因此选D.9.【答案】C.【解析】本题考查的知识点为直线间的关系.10.【答案】B.【解析】本题考查的知识点为级数的性质.可知应选B.通常可以将其作为判定级数发散的充分条件使用.二、填空题11.【参考答案】e.【解析】本题考查的知识点为极限的运算.12.【参考答案】1.【解析】本题考查的知识点为导数的计算.13.【参考答案】x—arctan x+C.【解析】本题考查的知识点为不定积分的运算.14.【参考答案】【解析】本题考查的知识点为定积分运算.15.【参考答案】【解析】本题考查的知识点为隐函数的微分.解法1将所给表达式两端关于x求导,可得从而解法2将所给表达式两端微分,16.【参考答案】【解析】本题考查的知识点为二阶常系数线性齐次微分方程的求解.17.【参考答案】1.【解析】本题考查的知识点为二元函数的极值.可知点(0,0)为z的极小值点,极小值为1.18.【参考答案】【解析】本题考查的知识点为二元函数的偏导数.19.【参考答案】【解析】本题考查的知识点为二重积分的计算.20.【参考答案】【解析】本题考查的知识点为幂级数的收敛半径.所给级数为缺项情形,三、解答题21.【解析】本题考查的知识点为极限运算.解法1解法2【解题指导】在极限运算中,先进行等价无穷小代换,这是首要问题.应引起注意.22.【解析】23.【解析】本题考查的知识点为定积分的换元积分法.【解题指导】比较典型的错误是利用换元计算时,一些考生忘记将积分限也随之变化. 24.【解析】本题考查的知识点为计算反常积分.计算反常积分应依反常积分收敛性定义,将其转化为定积分与极限两种运算.25.【解析】26.【解析】27.【解析】本题考查的知识点为二重积分运算和选择二次积分次序.28.【解析】所给曲线围成的图形如图8—1所示.2018年成人高等学校专升本招生全国统一考试高等数学(一)。

选择题I .Vocabulary &Structure (20points ,1point for each )1.Our summer holiday is coming.Two thestudents in our school will go to the summer camp.A.hundreds ofB.hundredsC.hundredD.hundred of2.Playing games in the club can make every child .A.friendly B.slowly C.happily D.quickly3.Our office is larger than theirs.A.veryB.moreC.muchD.quite4.This book was written English.A.inB.ofC.byD.with 5.Never give up,you ’ll make it.A.but B.and C.orD.yet6.Could you tell me we will have the meeting this afternoon ?A.thatB.whichC.beforeD.where 7.Lucy didn ’t come to school today.I think shebe ill.A.can B.must C.shall D.should8.-Hi,Mark.We ’re going for a walk.Would you like to?-Great!Let ’s e one upe oute along9.Don ’t worry.Let ’s just wait.He in an hour.A.returnB.returnsC.will returnD.has retutned10.With the popularity of We-Chat,quite a number of people are still using QQ by Ma Huateng to chat online.A.createdB.createsC.createD.creating11.My bag is worn out,so I will go to that shopa new one.A.buyB.to buyC.buyingD.bought 12.-Your mother didn ’t go to work yesterday,didshe?-,even if she caught a bad cold.A.Yes,she didB.Yes,she didn ’tC.No,she didn ’tD.No,she did山西省2018年专升本选拔考试英语13.Have you found the answer to the questionI asked you yesterday?A.thatB.whatC.whenD.where14.Mary prefers.A.sing and danceB.singing to dancingC.to sing to danceD.to sing than dancing15.Jenny came here to that everything was all right.A.think ofB.try outC.think overD.make sure16.-Could I speak to Dr.Smith,please?-I’m afraid he’s busy.A.so farB.at onceC.just nowD.right now17.People think that he is one of the most important of the20th century popular culture.A.doctorsB.farmersC.figuresD.patients18.Mrs.Smith is kind and always her help to others?A.offersB.makesC.sharesD.receives19.It is too bright and sunny.Why not your sun glasses?A.makeB.wearC.breakD.clean20.He told me that he a cold for three days.A.had hadB.has hadC.hasD.had caughtII.Cloze(30points,2points for each)As a new teacher at Kent Elementary School in Chicago,Kyle Schwartz created a simple way to get to know her third graders.Many of them came from poor homes.She asked them to21the sentence,“I wish my teacher22…”The honest response told the teacher about her student’23.“I wish my teacher knew sometimes my reading log is not signed24my mom is not around a lot,”wrote one student.“I wish my teacher knew how much I25my dad.He was sent back to Mexico when I was three years old,”wrote26.One note that27struck Kyle was,“I wish my teacher knew I don’t have pencils at home to do my 28.”That is the one she29to Twitter in March with the hashtag#IWishMyTeacherKnew.Over the next few months,tweets(推特)from eager teachers30.“My students are silent as they write#IWishMyTeacherKnew to me,”wrote a teacher from Australia,“I’m eager to read them.”Other professionals followed suit.A US Coast Guard boss31his staff to write“I wish my boss knew …”notes.A man helping children who are having a bad time at home asked them to write down their32. Without this they may not have been33enough to say those things out loud.“The results have been34,”says Kyle of the huge response to her idea.“It speaks to the importance of giving other people a35and really listening to them.”21.A.read B.copypleteD.enjoy22.A.knew B.hadC.forgotD.realized23.A things B.friendsC.hobbiesD.troubles24.A.if B.onceC.becauseD.although25.A.love B.missC.hateD.understand26.A.he B.eachC.othersD.another27.A.naturally B.graduallyC.fortunatelyD.particularly28.A.homework B.practiceC.experimentD.performance29.A.posted paredplainedD.introduced30.A.sent out B.poured inC.set offD.got through31.A.asked B.waitedC.allowedD.reminded32.A.goals B.successC.problemsD.shortcomings33.A.happy B.cleverC.braveD.proud34.A.foolish B.shockingC.confusingD.absurd35.A.note B.voiceC.stageD.projectIII.Reading Comprehension(60points,3 points for each)Passage1It was two months before Christmas.Nine-year-old Alice told her father and me that she wanted a new bike.Her Barbi bike was just too old,and it needed repairing as well.As Christmas came near,her dream for a bike seemed to disappear,for she didn’t mention it again. We were busy buying some beautiful story books,a doll house,a holiday dress and toys.Then much to our surprise,on December24,she said she really wanted a bike more than anything else.Now we didn’t know what to do.It was just too late.We were busy with Christmas dinner and packing children’s presents,parents’present,a brother’s pre-sent and friends’presents till midnight,so there was no time to buy the“right bike”for our little girl. Thinking that we were parents who would make our child unhappy,we felt ashamed and sad.Suddenly my husband had an idea.“What if I make a little bike out of clay and write a note that she could trade in the model bike for a real one?”So he spent the next five hours carefully working with clay to make a small bike.On Christmas morning,we were so excited for Al-ice to open the little box with the beautiful red andwhite clay bike and the note.She opened and read the note loudly.She looked at me and her father and said,“So,does this mean I can trade in this bike for a real one?”Smiling,I said,“Yes.”Alice had tears in her eyes when she replied,“I would never trade in this beautiful bike that Daddy made me.I prefer to keep it rather than get a real bike.”At that moment,we would have moved the God to buy her every bike on the earth.36.Why did Alice want to a new bike?A.Because she didn’t have a bike.B.Because her bike was old.C.Because her bike was stolen.D.Because her bike was out of style.37.The underlined word“ashamed”in the third paragraph means in Chinese.A.内疚的B.可耻的C.紧张的D.不开心的38.Alice’s parents didn’t buy her a bike because.A.they didn’t have enough moneyB.they forgot itC.They got angry with herD.they thought she didn’t want it any more39.What did the parents do at last?A.They bought her a new bike.B.They said sorry to her.C.They made a clay bike for her.D.They did nothing.40.What can we conclude from the last para-graph?A.Alice preferred a real bike to the model one.B.Alice didn’t know the meaning of the note.C.Alice still wanted a real bike.D.Alice was greatly moved by what her father had done.Passage2If you take vacation time in the coming year and plan on flying,here are some shopping tips to give yourundivided attention to.Those who fly first class and don’t care how much airline tickets cost are excused from this lesson.1.When to buyIf you’re shopping for domestic flights,check prices on Tuesday afternoons.This is an old tip but still valid because most US carriers continue to release sales on Tuesday mornings,and competitors quickly drop their fares to match the better deals.2.When to flyWeekdays continue to be generally cheaper times to fly than weekends for most flights.In the US specif-ically,the cheapest days are typically Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday.A good itinerary(行程表)for the expensive US spring break travel period is Tuesday to Saturday;it won’t be cheap exactly,but it will save your money(in most cases)over week-end-to-weekend travel.3.Where to flyWe continue to see good deals to Boston and Denver and more and more nice prices to Chicago, Seattle and Washington, D.C.As for Europe,there have been incredible deals throughout the autumn and those will continue into the tely we’ve seen prices fall for London,while Dublin,Paris and Scandinavia continue to be good value.4.Direct vs.connecting flightsCompare the price of direct with connecting flights.Sometimes adding a stop to your route will save you money,and it might be enough to endure the extra-long flying day.Some examples:Boston to Seattle:$247direct,$234one-stopSan Francisco to Raleigh/Durham:$553direct, $362one-stopOkay,the savings on Boston-Seattle might not be worth it to you,but I’ll bet you’ll think twice about the direct flight for San Francisco to Raleigh.pare,compare,compareStifle the impulse to go to your favorite airline site to purchase tickets without doing any companson;it’s a recipe for disaster.Example:Let’s say you want to fly from New York to London and figure your favorite US legacy carrier will get you there for the best price.Airline price:$554round-tripComparison price:$486Obviously,the legacy carrier did not have the cheapest flight,but wait,there’s more.The comparison site also showed a cheaper flight from the same legacy carrier($521).See what you’re missing when you fail to compare?41.The best price for flights within the US could most possibly be found on.A.Monday morningB.Tuesday morningC.Tuesday afternoonD.Sunday morning42.Ticket buyers are advised to.A.choose direct flights rather than connecting onesB.take the cheapest deal from their favorite airlineC.avoid weekend-to-weekend flights in holiday seasonsD.look for flight deals to Europe throughout the summer43.According to the passage,how much does it cost to fly directly from Boston to Seattle?A.$247.B.$234.C.$553.D.$362.44.The underlined phrase“stifle the impulse”probably means.A.feel free to do somethingB.hold off on doing somethingC.get well prepared for somethingD.make quick decision about something45.What kind of people does this passage intend to?A.Those who have urgent business.B.Those who usually fly first class.C.Those who are too busy to take a vacation.D.Those who want to save money when planning their vacation.Passage3I’d always wondered what the point of travellingwas.If we’re only going to end up back in our daily routine(日常事务)anyway,aren’t we just cheating ourselves?Sept27is World Tourism Day.It also happens to be exactly three months from the day my three friends and I left for a one-week trip to Philippines,to learn scuba diving(水肺潜水).It wasn’t the typical relaxing vacation that most people would have taken.We spent our first morning sitting in a room watching tutorial(教学的)videos, while the rest of the days we would practise what we had learned from the video with our instructor,first in the pool and then in the sea.Every day,we had to dress ourselves up in a tight diving suit and a jacket with a heavy steel tank on the back.But somehow,the experience changed us.For starters,it allowed us to get to know ourselves better.When we had to fully concentrate on our breathing underwater—even a little bit of difference in the amount of air we breathed in or out could have changed our buoyancy(浮力)—we started to realize that we had never truly“felt”ourselves breathe.And its influence continues.During the three months after the trip,we have visited two diving exhibitions—something we wouldn’'t have been interested in before—where we learned about free diving,which is diving holding your breath, without an extra supply of air.We were fascinated and signed up for free diving courses without hesitation. Just like that,we got ourselves another new hobby.The trip also gave me the idea of documenting our underwater adventure in the form of a film.I knew nothing about filmmaking,so I decided to teach myself how to use movie-editing software.Two months later,I ended up with a pretty satisfactory20-minute-long film,and I now can add“moviemaker”to my list of achievements,next to“scuba diver”.Six months ago,did I expect all these new experiences would be in my future?Of course not.So while it may be true that there’s no escape from our daily routine,at least by traveling we can always escape our“old self”,and maybe even pick up some new skills.46.The main aim for the author to write this article is to.A.share her diving experienceB.describe her passion for scuba divingC.encourage readers to learn to diveD.explore the purpose of traveling47.How long did the author spend in learning scuba diving?A.About one week.B.About two months.C.About three months.D.About six months.48.During their trip to Philippines,the author and her friends.A.enjoyed a typical relaxing vacationB.found it easy to breathe under the seaC.spent most of their time learning and practising divingD.went diving in the sea right after watching tutorial videos49.How did the trip to Philippines influence the author?A.She learned a lot about free diving there.B.She developed a new hobby as well as new skills.C.She no longer took buoyancy for granted.D.She improved her concentration and courage.50.What message does the author intend to tell us in the passage?A.Traveling lets us discover a new side of ourselves.B.Traveling is a time for adventure.C.Traveling is a good way to relax.D.Traveling is simply an escape from our daily routines.Passage4Many people in China don’t like to spend a lot of time outdoors in the hottest months of the year,when temperatures can become very high.But Britain,which doesn’t get many sunny days,has a different attitude toward summer.Most British people love sunshine,and they spend as much time as they can outdoors on sunny days.In Britain,a series of two or more days at25℃and over is usually called a“heat wave”,and the whole country seems to become excited if such weather is reported.News reports and social media become filled with talk about the upcoming heat and sunshine.Indeed,British newspaper Metro recently wrote:“A spell of beautiful weather is about to hit us, bringing temperatures of up to30℃”.British people like to take advantage of good weather—it brings them together.For example,adults will drink beer outside pubs, young people will play soccer in the park with their friends,and the smell of barbecue smoke will fill the air,as people hold garden parties with friends and relatives.Although British summers are generally mild,they can also be unpredictable.Quit often,a short period of sunshine is followed by days of cold air and heavy rain.Young people usually put up with bad weather, but adults tend to complain about it.Some of them even blame the rain on weather forecasters.But good weather can cause a lot of drama,too. During heat waves—whose temperatures usually don’t get higher than25℃—people often complain that it is “too hot”,and some even demand to leave work early.The Trades Union Congress,an English and Welsh workers’union,is even trying to introduce a rule that forbids employers from making their employees work when the temperature outside is over 30℃.Just imagine that rule in Asia—every business would be empty in the summer.Still,even if Britain does not have the perfect climate,it’s always a lovely place to travel to in the summer.And if you’re lucky enough to visit on a sunny day,you will see British people coming together to relax and enjoy themselves.51.Which of the following statements is TRUE?A.British people hate outdoor activities in summer because of heat.B.It is always cold and rainy in British summer.C.Barbecuing is a popular activity in Britain during good weather.D.British weather forecasters often make mistakes.52.According to the passage,a British“heat wave”refers to those days when the temperature.A.breaks a local recordB.reaches30℃C.keeps rising two days in a rowD.goes past25℃for more than two days53.How will most British people feel if there is“a heat wave”?A.Sad.B.Angry.C.Excited.D.Disappointed.54.What will the Trades Union do if the weather gets higher than30℃?A.It will forbid employers from making their employees work.B.It will demand workers to leave work early.C.It will forbid employees from working.D.It will blame the weather forecasters.55.What can we learn from the last three paragraphs?A.British people spend most of their time traveling during sunny days.B.British employers often receive requests to leave work early during heat waves.C.British workers can choose to work at home if they find the weather too hot.D.Most British people are proud of their mild climate in summer.非选择题IV.Writing(40points)1.网上购物(shopping online)越来越普遍。

1.Hurry up, children! The school bus ___B_ for us.
A. waits
B. is waiting
C. waited
D. was waiting
2.The parenting style _D__ a strong influence on the character of the children.
C. gave away D. gave off
18. The composition is very good __D___ a few spelling mistakes.
A. beside
B. besides
C. except
D. except for
19. People usually _C__ the lights before they leave the room in that company.
couldn’t make himself _D__ .
A. hear B. to hear
C. hearing D. heard
40. We regret _B__ you that your application has
not been accepted.
A. to have informed B. to inform
B. affect
C. offer
D. offend
28. _C__ we have finished the project, why don’t you take a week off?
A. But for
B. Ever since
C. Now that D. But that

第一部分C程序设计一、单项选择题( 本大题共10小题,共小题3分,共计30分,在每小题的四个备选答案中,只有一个答案是正确的,请将代表正确答案的字母填入下列表格内)1.在每个数据声明和语句的最后一个必须有一个(A)A.分号B.逗号C.顿号D.句号2.合法的字符常量是(D)A.5B."D”C.’\081'D.’\t’3.已知“int b=5".则执行“int a=(b= =5);"后,a的值是(C)A5 B.0 C.1 D.24.已知" int a,b,s;",对于语句“scanf ("a=%d,b=%d,c=%d”,&a, &b, &c);” ,能够正确为变量值的输入是(B)A.1 3 2B.a=1,b=3,c=2C.a=1 b=3 c=2D.a=1,b=3,c=25.若存在语句”int a; " ,则表达式(a= =1)|| (a!=1)的值是(B)A.0B.1C.2D.不确定6.关于break相continue语有叙述正确的是(A)A. continue语句只结束本次循,但不能够结束整个循环执行B. continue语句只结束本次循环,且同时结束整个循环执行C break语句月结束本次循环,但不能够结束整个循环执行D.内循环中的break语句可以结束整个外循环的执行7.已知"int a[10]={1,2,3,4};”,则a[4]的值是(C)A.4B.3C.0D.不确定8.设有语句“double a[5],*p=a;",则与数组元素a[3]等价的是(B)A.( *p)[3] B. *(p+3) C. *p[3] D. *p+39.下列语句正确的是(D)A.char s{20};s={”C Language”}B.char s{20};s=”C Language”;C.char *s;s={”C Language”};D.char *s;s=”C Language”;10.下列叙述正确的是(A)A.一个自定义函数中可以根据不同情况设置多条return语句B.一个自定义函数中必须有一条return语句C.定义为void类型的函数中可以有带返回值的return语句D.没有return语句的自定义函数在执行结束时不能返回二、填空题(本大题共8小题,每空3分,共计24分。

选择题I .Vocabulary &Structure (20points ,1point for each )1.In our school ,there are thirty-five .A.women teachersB.woman teachersC.women teacherD.woman ’s teachers 2.-Help to some cakes,Jim.-Thank you.A.himself B.yourself C.myself D.herself3.The teacher told us to write80-wordcomposition in English.A.theB.anC.aD./4.The car accident happened a cold wintermorning.Luckily,no one was hurt.A.atB.inC.onD.of5.Many of the benefits we are enjoying now wouldnot be aroundthe new technology.A.aside fromB.but forC.thanks toD.regardless of 6.Mrs.Smith often some shopping at week-ends last year.A.doB.didC.doesD.will do 7.We are glad that a subway very soon in ourcity.A.will completeB.has completedC.will be completedD.has been completed8.It might have saved you some trouble,theschedule.A.do you knowB.did you knowC.had you knownD.have you known9.Despite the previous three rounds of talks,no agreementso far by the two groups.A.has been reachedB.was reachedC.will reachD.will have reached10.Our knowledge of computers growing allthe time.A.areB.isC.beD.were11.-You seem to like sweets.-.That ’s probably why I ’m becoming fatterand fatter.A.So I doB.So do IC.So am ID.So I am 12.In the UK,a woman usually doesn ’t like to beasked how much.A.she is weighedB.is she weighedC.she weighsD.does she weigh13.The couple would like to see their son,山西省2018年专升本选拔考试综合英语get married,and have kids.A.cut inB.get upC.keep offD.settle down14.The hospital has recently purchased some new medical equipment,more patients to be treated.A.allowB.allowedC.allowingD.being allowed15.Kate moved aimlessly down the road,not knowing she was heading.A.whyB.howC.whenD.where16.If the new safety system to use,the accident would never have happened.A.were putB.had been putC.should be putD.would be put17.Mr.Smith will never forget the happy timein China with his family.A.spentB.spendC.to spendD.spending18.Many Chinese brands,their reputation over centuries,are facing new challenges in the21st century.A.developedB.developingC.being developedD.having developed19.If you miss this chance,it may be many yearsyou get another one.A.asB.beforeC.sinceD.unless20.The boy lost his and fell down on the ground when he was running after his brother.A.balanceB.chanceC.placeD.memoryII.Cloze(30points,2points for each)Dear Dad,With Father’s Day approaching,I’d like to take a minute or two to express my never-ending gratitude for all that you do.I can’t21a time when you weren’t there for me-not only as a father,but as a best22.When I was a child,you were my best playmate.I know now that your favorite movie was never really“Cinderella(灰姑娘)”,and that you would have preferred to watch foot-ball rather than23Barbies.You did those things because you love me-show-ing me that you love someone,you do what you can to make them24.From teaching me how to walk or throw a ball,you showed me25to stand on my own two feet.When the time came for me to26school,you also became my personal tutor.Although you were always27to help, you showed me that I could solve problems on my own.As much as I want to thank you,I also want to28. Raising a teenage girl might not be one of the biggest challenges a father goes through.I’m sorry for any grey hair I may have caused you in the past.I know I am a headache at times,29really,what daughter isn’t?Even though we don’t always30each other, you’re one of the biggest influences in my life.A father is the one who31his daughter through life.Whether it was a school play,sporting event, graduation or any other important moment in my life, you were always my biggest32,and still are.Wher-ever I end up,I hope I make you33.Every little girl grows up looking up to her dad, but I’ve never stopped.I know there’s no such thing as a(n)34dad,but you come pretty close.I hope one day I can show you how35you are to me.Even more,I hope this Father’s Day is everything you deserve.Sincerely,Your daughter21.A.discuss B.forgetC.rememberD.regret22.A.friend B.neighborC.studentD.teacher23.A.bite B.playC.growD.sell24.A.disappointed B.happyC.creativeD.worried25.A.choices B.memoriesC.momentsD.ways26.A.escape B.dropC.endD.start27.A.afraid B.freeC.willingD.unpleasant28.A.apologize B.admitplainD.interrupt29.A.for B.soC.andD.but30.A.embarrass B.respectC.understandD.trust31.A.hides B.guidesC.surprisesD.replaces32.A.fan B.bossC.guestD.enemy33.A.calm B.relaxC.proudD.healthy34.A.failed B.normalC.perfectD.experienced35.A.strict B.importantC.difficultD.interestingIII.Reading Comprehension(60points,3 points for each)Passage1At my daughter’s graduation ceremony the other day,the school headmaster reminded the kids of that now-familiar truth:they could have many various ca-reers in their lifetimes.As I lay in bed that evening,I thought about an-other truth.It is not just different careers that await each child.It is a set of completely different lives.I thought about my own life and how much it has changed.Five years ago,I was in an unhappy marriage, living in a house that I felt wasn’t mine.I felt anxious most of the time and not in control of my own future.Now,I live in my own beautiful apartment.My family life is peaceful,filled with laughter.I date and have plenty of new friends—people who didn’t even know me back when I was married.I have always known that great change is possible.I am the great-grandchild of Eastern European immi-grants who left their countries with few contacts and even less English.From a small village in Poland,they created businesses and communities and Eng-lish-speaking families.Their worlds toward the end of their lives would have hardly been like the lives into which they were born.My parents moved to a new city with two small children and started a brand new life with a new set of friends.And my grandmother lived two completely dif-ferent lives within my own lifetime.For my entire child-hood,she was a widow(遗孀)after my grandfather died suddenly at43.She raised her daughters alone,rarely traveled out of her hometown.At68,after being single for26years,she sur-prised us all by falling in love and remarrying.She and Harry traveled around the country and spent summers at their second home by the sea.They lived their new, adventurous lives well into their nineties.Life is full of possibility.It’s full of change.We assume that our lives are just like a line,leading from birth to death in a straight path.But they can change. They can have sharp twists.They can double back and leap forward and begin another story altogether.36.Which of the following statements is TRUE about the author’s life?A.She was unhappily married for five years.B.She ended her unhappy marriage to pursue the life she wanted.C.She couldn’t control her future because she didn’t have her own job and income.D.She has got a new exciting career and cut off all contacts with old friends and family members.37.The author mentioned the story of her grand-mother mainly because.A.she liked to take part in social activitiesB.her grandmother raised her and felt close to herC.she liked to stay with her at her second home in the summerD.her grandmother is a good example of someone,who began a new life38.The underlined word“twists”in the last para-graph probably means.A.endingsB.conflictsC.edgesD.turns39.Which of the following would the author prob-ably agree with?A.Our lives can completely change at any time.B.It’s important for a mother to raise her children by herself.C.One should attempt as many careers as possible during one’s lifetime.D.A successful person should socialize endlessly and travel around the world.40.What can we learn from the last paragraph?A.There are many uncertain things in one’s life.B.People’s lives generally change from bad to good.C.Our lives are just like a straight line which al-ways goes fonvard.D.A person must experience some adventures in life.Passage2Betty could not do her work.She felt too tired. She put down her book,yawned and felt better.Betty looked up.Had the teacher seen her?To her surprise,the teacher was yawning,too.He took a long breath and opened his mouth wide.He closed his eyes a bit and let out his breath in a big, slow yawn.Then Betty heard other yawns.The teacher said,“Betty yawned because our doors and windows are closed,and the room is warm.Her body needed more air.Maybe she yawned because she was tired,or she just needed to move a bit.”He asked,“Do you feel better now,Betty?”“Yes.”said Betty.“Yawns wake us up,”the teacher said.“When you yawn,you stretch many parts of your body.That stretching makes you feel good.”There were more yawns.“People do not know why they yawn,”the teacher said.“But if you see a yawns,hear one,or even read about one,you may yawn,too.Once your yawn starts,you can’t stop it.You may close your mouth to stop it,but the yawn will still come.”The teacher stood up and said,“Let’s open the window and let some air in.You may also go out for a drink.A cold drink or water on your face helps to stop yawns.Betty may go first.”How do you feel now after you have read this story?Did you yawn?Watch a friend read this.See if your friend starts to yawn.If you see a yawn,you will know why!41.The underlined word“yawned”in the first paragraph means in Chinese.A.大笑B.嚎啕C.咳嗽D.打呵欠42.Which of the following statements is TRUE?A.The teacher didn’t see Betty yawn.B.The teacher saw Betty yawn and yawned,too.C.The teacher enjoyed yawning.D.The teacher said students couldn’t yawn in class.43.When you yawn,.A.parts of your body stretchB.you close your mouthC.you open your eyes wideD.you put up your hands44.Which of the following will be the correct way to stop yawning?A.To sit straight.B.To close the windows.C.To have a cold drink.D.To open our eyes wider.45.According to the teacher,which of the following can’t be the reason for Betty to yawn in class?A.She was tired.B.She felt cold.C.She had been sitting for a long time.D.Her body needed more air.Passage3One of my most unforgettable vacations took place on a farm.When I was a boy,my parents and I traveled from New York City to the countryside for a weeklongholiday.We stayed in a guesthouse on a farm,joining in the daily routines and eating meals with the farmer and his family.We got up early to see the cows as they were milked.I even tried my hand at milking one,joined the farmer as he released the cows into the field afterward. Later,while my parents were helping the farmer on the farm,I helped feed the other animals,and then played with the farmer’s kids.Decades later,I still have vivid memories of that trip.It made me realize the value of a vacation,of seeing new things,meeting new people and sharing memorable experiences with family members.Even today I still think of that family trip when I plan my holiday trip with my wife and kids.Vacations are a time for resting and connecting.As a bank manager,I spend much of my workday encouraging my customers to save their money.One of the reasons I give is that we should all have enough for a family vacation every year.In our busy lives,family is what we should be saving our money and time for.For my family,our vacations start when we begin planning the trips.We talk about destinations and our budget ahead of time.Among the things we discuss are: Can we save money by renting a house instead of spending six nights in a hotel?Would it be better to buy groceries and cook for ourselves rather than eat out every night?Involving the kids in planning the vacation makes sure that they have a great vacation too.While I prefer to visit historical sites and museums,they love to fish and swim.So I build in some relaxation time so that the vacation works for everyone.Each year,setting aside vacation time to spend together is especially important to us.A relaxing environment opens the doors to all kinds of conversations—deep,silly,meaningful.There’s no pressure from the usual everyday tasks.This is the one week a year when I don’t care whether my kids have cleaned their room or done the dishes.What matters that week is that everyone is having a great time.46.During his most unforgettable vacation,the author______.A.lived a week like a real farmer’s kidB.found that farm work is tiring and boringC.felt farm life was much harder than living in a cityD.helped his parents with housework all week47.What is the author?A.A farmer.B.A teacher.C.A bank manager.D.A travel agent.48.The author explains that since he grew up, he_____.A.can hardly remember the details of the trip to the farmB.always wants to go back to that farm with his wife and kidsC.has been too busy to enjoy the vacation againD.thinks of his trip to the farm when organizing family vacations49.Which of the following is TRUE about the author and his family?A.They usually discuss the details of a trip before traveling.B.The author’s kids don’t like to take trips with him.C.The author is strict with his kids,even during holiday trips.D.They usually separate and spend their vacation in different places.50.What is the main idea of this passage?A.It’s important for people to plan and have wonderful family vacations.B.Memories in childhood can last very long and influence us a lot.C.We should travel as much as possible to give ourselves a rest.D.The value of a vacation is to experience a totally different lifestyle.Passage4When touchscreen smartphone entered our lives more than a decade ago,they redefined what a“phone”is.Being our MP3player,camera,game console(游戏机),dictionary,computer,and map all at the same time,the smartphone soon became something we couldn’t live without.On Sept13,2017,Apple,one of the lead producers of smartphones,released its new iPhone X, and consumers and journalists everywhere went crazy. They were all curious to see what Apple’s latest smartphone would offer.Ever since its launch in2007,the iPhone has completely changed the way that people interact.It has become like a part of the body—a third hand or an extra eye.Because smartphones have become so important in our lives,we’ve even started to develop relationships with them.As tech writer Tom Chaffield commented to Newsweek,“What Apple did is to take things that other people have developed,and turn it into an object of desire and affection,something that people would accept as an extension of their identity.”But is it necessarily a good thing that we should be so attached to a device,whether it be an iPhone or some other smartphones?Shouldn’t we really be trying to forge relationships with other people,rather than objects?It’s an argument commonly heard.The response to it might be that smartphones are phones after all;they’re just devices to talk to other people on.But that doesn’t fully answer the objections.With our smartphones,we’re connected to other people and to the world,but not in the way that most of us would hope.Some people complain that smartphones,as well as tablet computers and other devices,are destroying our personal lives.The devices lock us into the“out-side”world,and lock us out of the world of family and friends.Perhaps we should stop and consider whether we’ve lost the right balance in life.We can’t go back to the world before the smartphone revolution,that’s for sure,but we can surely find ways to enjoy the advan-tages they bring,without forgetting that,at the end of the day,they’re the means to an end,not the end it-self.51.What is the author’s main purpose in writing this article?A.To promote Apple’s latest smartphone.B.To describe the benefits of smartphones.C.To inform us of the smartphone revolution.D.To analyze the impacts of smartphones on our lives.52.Tom Chaffield’s comment is quoted in the passage mainly to explain______.A.how iPhones are different from other smart-phonesB.how iPhones help people stay connectedC.why people are so attached to their iPhonesD.how iPhones allow users to show their identity53.The underlined word“forge”in Paragraph5is closest in meaning to_____.A.formB.ignoreC.copyD.imagine54.According to the second paragraph from bottom,smartphones_______.A.make people lose their privacyB.separate people from their loved onesC.have more advantages than disadvantagesD.help people establish deeper connections with each other55.What does the author advise us to do?A.Stop using smartphones.B.Take advantage of smartphones wisely.C.Treat smartphones as our friends.D.Live a balanced life with the help of smart-phones.非选择题IV.Writing(40points)1.广场舞(square dancing)流行,有人支持有人反对。

2011-2018年山西省对口升学考试数学真题分类汇编目录第一单元《集合》历年真题分类汇总 (1)第一章《集合》历年真题分类汇总(一) (2)第二章《不等式》历年真题分类汇总 (3)第三单元《函数》历年真题分类汇总 (4)第四单元《指数函数对数函数》历年真题分类汇总 (6)第五单元《三角函数》历年真题分类汇总 (6)第六单元《数列》历年真题分类汇总 (8)第七单元《向量》历年真题分类汇总 (9)第八单元《解析几何》历年真题分类汇总 (11)第九单元《立体几何》历年真题分类汇总 (12)第十单元《排列组合二项式定理》历年真题分类汇总 (14)第十一单元《概率统计》真题分类汇总 (15)第十二单元《职业模块》历年真题分类汇总 (15)第一单元《集合》历年真题分类汇总一、选择题1.(2011)设1>>>c b a ,则下列不等式中不正确的是( )A.c c b a >B.c b a a log log >C.b a c c >D.c c a b log log < 2.(2012)不等式262+≥x x 的解集是 ( )A 、⎭⎬⎫⎩⎨⎧≥-≤3221x x x 或 B 、⎭⎬⎫⎩⎨⎧≤≤-3221x x C 、⎭⎬⎫⎩⎨⎧-≤21x x D 、⎭⎬⎫⎩⎨⎧≥32x x3.(2013)不等式532<-x 的解集是( )A.-1<x<4B.x<4C.x>-1D.x<-1或x>4 4.(2011)设{}5|>=x x A ,{}10|<=x x B ,那么( )A.A B A =B.R B A =C. B B A =D.Φ=B A5.(2011)若不等式02>++b ax x 的解集为{}21|>-<x x x 或 ,则=+b a( )A. 3B. 1C. 3-D. 1-6.(2012)已知集合{}{}40,2<<=>=x x B x x A ,则=B A( )A 、{}42<<x xB 、{}20<<x xC 、{}0>x xD 、{}4>x x 7.(2013)已知集合A={2,3,4},B={0,1,2,3,4},则=⋃B A ( )A. {0,3,4}B.{0,1,2,3,4}C.{2,3}D.{1,2} 8.(2014)已知全集U=R ,不等式4x <,的解集的补集是 ( ) A 、{x 丨﹣4<x <4} B 、{x 丨x ≤﹣4或x ≥4} C 、{x 丨x <﹣4或x >4} D 、以上都不对9.(2014)已知集合A={1,2,3,4},B={3,4,5},则A ∪B( ) A 、{1,2,3,4,5} B 、{2,3,4} C 、{1,2,3,4} D 、{1,2,4,5} 10.(2015)用列举法表示“大于 3且小于10的奇数的全体”构成的集合是 ( )A. φB.{5,7,9}C.{4,6,8}D.{4,5,6,7,8,9}11.(2016)用列举法表示“大于2且小于9的偶数的全体”构成的集合是: A. φB.{4,6,8}C. {3,5,7}D. {3,4,5,6,7,8}12.(2017)用列举法表示“方程0652=+-x x 的所有解”构成的集合是( )A 、{2}B 、φC 、{3}D 、{2,3}13.(2018)设全集U=R ,集合{12}A x x =-≤,B={x |x ≤0},则A ∩(C U B)= ( ) A.[0,3]B(0,3]C[-1,0 ]D(-1,0)二、填空题14.(2015)已知集合A={1,2,3},集合B={-2,2},则B A ⋂=______________ 15.(2015)设全集U=R,不等式5≤x 的解集的补集是______________16.(2016)已知集合A={1,2,3,4},集合B={-1,2,5,7}则=⋃B A ____________________P Q =_______第一章《集合》历年真题分类汇总(一)试题(2005-2018)1. (2005)已知:A={直角三角形},B={等腰三角形},则B A ( )A.{直角三角形}B. {等腰三角形}C.{等腰直角三角形}D.{直角三角形或等腰三角形} 2. (2008)下列各项中符号使用正确的一项是( )A. }0{0⊆B. }0{0∈C. }0{=φD. }0{∈φ 3. (2009)已知集合A=}31{≤≤x x ,B=}42{≤≤x x 则B A =( ) 4. (2010)集合M={1,2},N={2,3},P={3,4,5},则集合{3}=( )A. P N M )(B. P N M )(C. P N M )(D. )(P N M 5. (2011)设, ,那么( )A. B. C. D. 6. (2012)已知集合}40{},2{<<=>=x x B x x A ,则=B A ( ) A 、}42{<<x x B 、}20{<<x x C 、}0{>x x D 、}4{>x x 7. (2013)已知集合A={2,3,4},B={0,1,2,3,4},则( ) A. {0,3,4} B.{0,1,2,3,4} C.{2,3} D.{1,2}{}5|>=x x A {}10|<=x x B A B A = R B A = B B A = Φ=B A =⋃B A8. (2014)已知全集U=R ,不等式丨x 丨<4,的解集的补集是( )A 、{x 丨﹣4<x <4}B 、{x 丨x ≤﹣4或x ≥4}C 、{x 丨x <﹣4或x >4}D 、以上都不对 9. (2015)已知集合A={1,2,3,4},B={3,4,5},则A ∪B ( )A 、{1,2,3,4,5}B 、{2,3,4}C 、{1,2,3,4}D 、{1,2,4,5} 10. (2015)已知集合A={1,2,3},集合B={-2,2},则B A ⋂=______________ 11. (2015)用列举法表示“大于 3且小于10的奇数的全体”构成的集合是( ) A. φ B.{5,7,9} C.{4,6,8} D.{4,5,6,7,8,9}12. (2016)用列举法表示“大于2且小于9的偶数的全体”构成的集合是:( ) A.φ B.{4,6,8} C. {3,5,7} D. {3,4,5,6,7,8}13. (2016)已知集合A={1,2,3,4},集合B={-1,2,5,7}则=⋃B A {-1,1,2,3,4,5,7} 14. (2017)用列举法表示“方程0652=+-x x 的所有解”构成的集合是( ) A 、{2} B 、φ C 、{3} D 、{2,3}15. 2017)设集合P={1,2,3,4},},2{R x x x Q ∈≤=,则Q P ={1,2} 16. (2018)设全集U=R ,集合}21{≤-=x x A ,B=}0{≤=x x A ,则A ∩(CUB)=( ) A.[0,3] B(0,3] C[-1,0 ] D(-1,0]第二章《不等式》历年真题分类汇总一、选择题1.(2011)设1>>>c b a ,则下列不等式中不正确的是( )A. cc b a >B. c b a a log log >C. ba c c >D. c c a b log log <2.(2012)不等式262+≥x x 的解集是( )A. ⎭⎬⎫⎩⎨⎧≥-≤3221x x x 或 B. ⎭⎬⎫⎩⎨⎧≤≤-3221x x C. ⎭⎬⎫⎩⎨⎧-≤21x x D . ⎭⎬⎫⎩⎨⎧≥32x x3.(2013)不等式532<-x 的解集是( )A. -1<x<4B. x<4C. x>-1D. x<-1或x>4第三单元《函数》历年真题分类汇总一、选择题1.(2014)已知函数f(x)=11x x +-,则f(2)= ( )A. -13B. 13C. 1D. 32.(2013)设f(x)=5x 2-4,则f(2)= ( )A. 20B. 10C. 16D. 63.(2012)函数xy 2log 11-=的定义域是( )A. [)2,0B. ()2,0C. (]2,0D. []2,04.(2018)下列函数在定义域内为增函数的是 ( )A. Y=x 0.5B. y=lg(0.5x)C.2x y -=D. y=x1 5.(2011)设1>>>c b a ,则下列不等式中不正确的是 ( )A. c c b a >B. c b a a log log >C. ba c c >D. c c a b log log <6.(2018)下列函数为偶函数的是 ( )A. y=sinxB. y=sin(π+x)C. y=sin(π-x)D. y=sin(2π-x) 7.(2016)下列函数中,既是奇函数又在区间(0,)+∞上单调递减的是A. x y e =B. 1y x=C. 21y x =-+D. 23y x =8.(2015)下列函数中既是偶函数又在区间(0,+∞)上单调递减的函数是 ( )A. xy 1=B. x e y =C. y=-x 12+D. 23x y =9.(2014)下列函数中既是奇函数又是增函数的是 ( )A. y=1x B. y=2x C. y=﹣12x D. y=3x 210.(2013)下列函数中既是奇函数又是增函数的是 ( )A. xy 1=B. 22x y =C. x y 31-= D. y=3x11.(2012)下列函数中,既是偶函数,又是区间()+∞,0内的增函数是 ( )A. x y =B. 3x y =C. x x y 22+=D. 2x y -=二、填空题12.(2018)设⎩⎨⎧<-≥-=0,0,)(x x x x x f 则=-+)1()1(f f13.(2015)已知函数,则f(3)=___________________ 14.(2011)若()x f x =10 ,则()=3f 。

在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的)1. lim x→0xcosx =( )A. eB.2C. 1D. 02. 若y =1+cosx ,则dy = ( )A. (1+ sinx)dxB. (1−sinx)dxC. sinxdxD.−sinxdx3. 若函数f(x)=5x ,则f′(x)= ( )A. 5x−1B. x5x−1C. 5x ln5D.5x4. 曲线y =x 3+2x 在点(1,3)处的法线方程是 ( )A. 5x +y −8=0B. 5x −y −2=0C. x +5y −16=0D. x −5y +14=05. ∫12−xdx =( )A. ln |2−x|+CB. −ln |2−x|+CC.−1(2−x)2+C D. 1(2−x )2+C6. ∫f′(2x)dx = ( )A. 12f(2x)+CB. f(2x)+CC. 2f(2x)+CD. 12f(x)+C7. 若f(x)为连续的奇函数,则∫f(x)1−1dx = ( )A. 0B. 2C. 2f(−1)D. 2f(1)8. 若二元函数z =x 2y +3x +2y ,则ðz ðx=( )A. 2xy +3+2yB. xy +3+2yC. 2xy +3D. xy +39. 设区域D ={(x ,y)|0≤y ≤x 2,0≤x ≤1},则D 绕x 轴旋转一周所得旋转体的体积为 ( )A. π5B. π3C. π2D. π10. 设A ,B 为两个随机事件,且相互独立,P(A)=0.6,P(B)=0.4,则P(A −B )=( )A. 0.24B. 0.36C. 0.4D. 0.6第Ⅱ卷(非选择题,共110分)二、填空题(11~20小题,每小题4分,共40分)11. 曲线y =x 3−6x 2+3x +4的拐点为 . 12. lim x→0(1−3x )1x = .13.若函数f(x)=x −arctanx ,则f′(x)= . 14. 若y =e 2x 则dy = . 15. 设f(x)=x 2x ,则f′(x)= . 16. ∫(2x +3)dx = . 17. ∫(x 5+x 2)1−1dx = . 18. ∫sin x 2π0dx = . 19. ∫e−x +∞0dx = .20. 若二元函数:z =x 2y 2,则ð2z ðxðy= .三、解答题(21~28题,共70分。

A. 数学
B. 体育
C. 美术
D. 音乐
A. 农林牧渔类
B. 信息技术类
C. 财经商贸类
D. 航空航天类
A. 一月
B. 四月
C. 七月
D. 十月
A. 制定详细的学习计划
B. 重点攻克难题,忽略基础题
C. 定期进行自我测试
D. 保持良好的作息习惯
A. 山西省教育厅
B. 各高校自行决定
C. 山西省招生考试管理中心
D. 山西省学生联合会
A. 促进职业教育与普通教育的融通
B. 提高中等职业教育的吸引力
C. 减少高等教育的招生规模
D. 为中职学生提供更多升学机会
A. 携带规定的考试用品进入考场
B. 在考试过程中与他人交谈
C. 按照监考老师的指令行动
D. 在规定时间内完成答题
A. 山西省教育厅官网
B. 各高校官网
C. 山西省招生考试管理中心官网
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山西省2017 年专升本选拔考试(卷)大学数学

选择题一、单项选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题3分,共计30分)1.下列函数中相同的是A.y=1x+1,y=xx(x+1)B.y=tan x,y=sin xcos xC.y=x2√,y=(x√)2D.y=ln x2,y=2ln x2.函数f(x)=sin x x+1x-1e1x的间断点个数是A.1B.0C.2D.33.下列极限中,能用洛必达法则的是2018/022018/02A.lim x →+∞x (π2-arctan x ) B.limx →0x 2sin 1x sin xC.lim x →+∞x-sin x x +sin xD.lim x →01+x 2√x4.函数f (x )=x 2sin 1x ,x ≠00,x =0⎧⎩⏐⏐⏐⏐⎨⏐⏐⏐⏐在x =0处A.不连续 B.无极限C.连续但不可导 D.可导5.若f (x )在点x 0处取得极大值,则必有A.f ″(x 0)<0B.f ′(x 0)=0C.f ′(x 0)=0,且f''(x 0)<0D.f ′(x 0)=0或f ′(x 0)不存在6.x a∫f ′(2t )dt =A.2f (x )-f (a )[] B.f (2x )-f (2a )C.2f (2x )-f (2a )[] D.12f (2x )-f (2a )[]7.点(4,0,3)在空间直角坐标系中的位置是在A.y 轴上B.xOy 面上C.xOz 面上D.第一卦限8.在下列级数中,收敛的是A.∞n =1∑2n-15nB.∞n =1∑sin 1n C.∞n =1∑1n√ D.∞n =1∑(53)n9.设函数z =xy √,则əzəx (1,1)=A.-1B.12C.1D.210.若F (x )=x a∫xf (t )dt 则F'(x )=A.x a∫f (t )dt +xf (x ) B.xf (x )C.(x-a )f (x )D.(x-a )f (x )-f (a )[]非选择题二、填空题(本大题共10小题,每空3分,共计30分)1.若函数f (x )=e x -1,x ≥1a sin (x -1)x -1⎧⎩⏐⏐⏐⏐⎨⏐⏐⏐⏐,x <1,在点x =1处连续,则a =.2.设f ′(x 0)存在,则lim Δx →0f (x 0-2Δx )-f (x 0)Δx=.3.lim n →∞n 23√sin n !n +1=.4.设f (x )连续,则d ∫xf (x 2)dx=.5.广义积分+∞2∫1x 2dx =.6.设由抛物线y =x 2与x 轴及直线x=a (a >0)所围图形的面积为9,则a =.7.极限limx →0+x 0∫t cos t 2dt x 2=.8.设f (x+y ,xy )=x 2+3xy+y 2+5,则f (x ,y )=.9.幂级数∞n =1∑2n x nn +2的收敛半径R =.10.交换二次积分顺序10∫dx x 2∫f (x ,y )dy+21∫dx2-x 0∫f (x ,y )dy=.三、解答题(本大题共9小题,共计90分)1.(8分)已知lim x →0ln (1+f (x )x )e 2x-1=5,求lim x →0f (x )x 2.2.(8分)求函数z=x y 的一阶偏导数əz əx ,əz əy.3.(8分)求定积分π-π∫(1+cos2x √+x sin x )d x .4.(8分)设y=f (x )是由方程y -xe y =1确定的隐函数,求y 'x=0.5.(10分)求过点P 0(2,1,3)且与直线l :=x +13=y -12=z -1垂直相交的直线的方程。

2018年专升本高数真题答案1、下列有关《红楼梦》的说明,正确的一项是( ) [单选题] *A.《红楼梦》中长着“两弯似蹙非蹙罥烟眉,一双似喜非喜含情目”的是王熙凤,该人最擅弄权术,例如毒设相思局、弄权铁槛寺、逼死尤二姐、破坏宝黛婚姻,最后落了个“机关算尽太聪明,反误了卿卿性命”的悲剧下场。
[判断题] *对错(正确答案)3、14.下面各组词语中加点字的注音,完全正确的一项是()[单选题] *A.渲染(xuàn)抽噎(yè)逞能(chěnɡ)自惭形秽(huì)B.迸溅(bènɡ)荣膺(yīnɡ)褶皱(zhě)气冲斗牛(dǒu)(正确答案)C.殷红(yīn)阔绰(chuò)惩戒(chéng)戛然而止(jiá)D.缄默(jiān)追溯(sù)栈桥(zhàn)鲜为人知(xiān)4、下列各句中加点词的解释,全部正确的一项是()[单选题] *A.虞常果引张胜引:招出会论虞常论:判罪(正确答案)B.欲信大义于天下信:通“伸”,伸张子为父死,亡所恨恨:怨恨C.自分己死久矣分:职责恐前语发发:暴露,泄露D.又非亲属,何谓相坐坐:定罪,治罪汉使张胜谋杀单于近臣,当死当:应当5、关联词选用:()怎么样,()让你觉得它们是泰山的天然的主人,好像少了谁都不应该似的。
[单选题] *只有才不仅还不但而且不管都(正确答案)6、下列关于名著的表述,不正确的一项是;( ) [单选题] *A.凤姐发现贾琏偷娶尤二姐,待贾琏外出办事,把尤二姐骗到家中,百般羞辱二姐,后又利用贾琏新妾秋桐羞辱折磨尤二姐,最后逼得尤二姐吞金自杀。

第⼀部分C程序设计⼀、单项选择题( 本⼤题共10⼩题,共⼩题3分,共计30分,在每⼩题的四个备选答案中,只有⼀个答案是正确的,请将代表正确答案的字母填⼊下列表格内)1.在每个数据声明和语句的最后⼀个必须有⼀个(A)A.分号B.逗号C.顿号D.句号2.合法的字符常量是(D)A.5B."D”C.’\081'D.’\t’3.已知“int b=5".则执⾏“int a=(b= =5);"后,a的值是(C)A5 B.0 C.1 D.24.已知" int a,b,s;",对于语句“scanf ("a=%d,b=%d,c=%d”,&a, &b, &c);” ,能够正确为变量值的输⼊是(B)A.1 3 2B.a=1,b=3,c=2C.a=1 b=3 c=2D.a=1,b=3,c=25.若存在语句”int a; " ,则表达式(a= =1)|| (a!=1)的值是(B)A.0B.1C.2D.不确定6.关于break相continue语有叙述正确的是(A)A. continue语句只结束本次循,但不能够结束整个循环执⾏B. continue语句只结束本次循环,且同时结束整个循环执⾏C break语句⽉结束本次循环,但不能够结束整个循环执⾏D.内循环中的break语句可以结束整个外循环的执⾏7.已知"int a[10]={1,2,3,4};”,则a[4]的值是(C)A.4B.3C.0D.不确定8.设有语句“double a[5],*p=a;",则与数组元素a[3]等价的是(B)A.( *p)[3] B. *(p+3) C. *p[3] D. *p+39.下列语句正确的是(D)A.char s{20};s={”C Language”}B.char s{20};s=”C Language”;C.char *s;s={”C Language”};D.char *s;s=”C Language”;10.下列叙述正确的是(A)A.⼀个⾃定义函数中可以根据不同情况设置多条return语句B.⼀个⾃定义函数中必须有⼀条return语句C.定义为void类型的函数中可以有带返回值的return语句D.没有return语句的⾃定义函数在执⾏结束时不能返回⼆、填空题(本⼤题共8⼩题,每空3分,共计24分。

2018年山西省专升本考试数学真题一、 单项选择题(每小题4分,共20分)11101()q ()n n n n p f x a x a x a x a f x −−=+++、是一个整系数多项式,若既约分数是整系数多项式的有理根,则下列结论中正确的是0.p |,|n A a q a .p |,|n n B a q a0.p |,|n C a q a 00.p |,|D a q a2.,,A B n AB O =设、是阶方阵若则下列结论正确的是.A A O O ==或B .0B A =≤C.r(A)+r(B)n .0D A ≠13313.A 设为3阶方阵,则detA 的元素a 代数余子式等于-2,若B=5A ,则detB 的元素b 的代数余子式等于.20A − .10B − .40C − .50D −4.下列向量组中,线性无关的是{}.0A {}.0B αβ,,{}12s 12.,=m C ααααα,,其中{}12s ,.D ααα,,其中任一向量都不能表示成其余向量的线性组合A B 5、若矩阵与相似,则下列结论错误的是 .A A B 与的特征根都是实数 .B A B 与的特征多项式相同.C A B 与的秩相同 .D A B 与的迹相同m 112m 12m 1123123123420()=12234=0323=0=230m f x x x x a x x x x x x x x x ααααααλλ−−=++++⎛⎫= ⎪⎝⎭+−⎧⎪++⎨⎪++=⎩二、填空题(每小题分,共分)1、设的根是,,,、矩阵A=逆矩阵A 、已知三元齐次线性方程组有非零解,则 *=4、设A 为三阶方阵,其特征值为1,2,3,则A 的特征值为5、标准正交基下的度量矩阵为三、计算题(每小题15分)12123011=12042411−−−−−1、计算行列式D43232()+343()3+10+()()()()=()+()f x x x x x g x x x x f x g x f x g x f x g x =−−−=2、求与2-3的最大公因式(,),并求u(x),v(x)使得(,)u(x)v(x)。

选择题一、单项选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题3分,共计30分)1.设f (1-2x )=1-2x ,则f (x )=A.1-41-x B.1-21-2x C.1+41-xD.1+21-2x2.已知f (x )=sin x x (x+1),则下面是f (x )的可去间断点的是A.x =1B.x =0C.x =-1D.以上都不是3.设lim x →x 0f (x )=lim x →x 0g (x )=0,在点x 0的空心领域内f'(x ),g'(x )存在,且g'(x )≠0,a 是常数,则下列命题中正确的是A.若lim x →x 0f'(x )g'(x )=a ,则lim x →x 0f (x )g (x )=a B.若lim x →x 0f (x )g (x )=∞,则lim x →x 0f'(x )g'(x )=∞C.若im x →x 0f (x )g (x )=a ,则lim x →x 0f'(x )g'(x )=a D.若lim x →x 0f'(x )g'(x )不存在,则lim x →x 0f (x )g (x )不存在4.若f (x )=(1+kx )mx,x ≠0a ,x =0⎧⎩⏐⏐⏐⏐⎨⏐⏐⏐⏐在x =0处连续,则a =A.e mB.e kC.e kmD.ekm5.设f (x )处处连续,且f ′(x 1)=0,f ′(x 2)不存在,则下列说法正确的是A.x=x 1是f (x )的极值点,而x=x 2一定不是f (x )的极值点B.x=x 1与x=x 2都可能是f (x )的极值点C.x=x 1与x=x 2都一定不是f (x )的极值点D.x=x 2是f (x )的极值点,而x=x 1一定不是f (x )的极值点6.x 0∫f (t )dt =e 2x,则f (x )=A.e 2xB.2xe 2xC.2e 2xD.2xe 2x-17.方程2x +3y =1在空间表示的图形是A.平行于xoy 面的平面B.平行于z 轴的平面C.过z 轴的平面D.直线8.设a n >0且lim n →∞a n+1a n =ρ,则级数∞n =1∑a nA.在ρ>1时收敛,ρ<1时发散B.在ρ≥1时收敛,ρ<1时发散C.在ρ≤1时收敛,ρ>1时发散D.在ρ<1时收敛,ρ>1时发散9.设函数z =x y ,则əzəx (1,1)=A.0B.12C.1D.210.若x 30∫f (t )dt=2x 6则10∫f (x )dt=A.2B.1C.0D.3非选择题二、填空题(本大题共10小题,每空3分,共计30分)1.y =13-x2√+arcsin (x 2-1)的定义域是.2.设f ′(x 0)存在,则lim h →0f (x 0-3h )-f (x 0-h )h=.3.lim x →0x 4x 3+1sin 1x=.山西省2018年专升本选拔考试大学数学2019/03扫码查答案4.若∫f (x )dx=arcsin x +C ,则∫cos xf (sin x )dx=.5.广义积分+∞0∫e -x dx =.6.曲线y =x 2和直线x-y+2=0所围平面图形的面积是.7.设f (x )为可导函数,且f (0)=0,f'(0)=2,则limx →0x∫f (t )dt x 2=.8.已知f (x ,y )=3x +2y ,则f xy ,f (x ,y )[]=.9.幂级数∞n =1∑4n x nn +4的收敛半径R =.10.交换二次积分顺序1∫dyy 0∫f (x ,y )dx=.三、解答题(本大题共9小题,共计90分)1.(8分)求极限lim x →0x 2xe x -sin x.2.(8分)求函数z=cos 2x y的全微分dz .3.(8分)求定积分20∫x-1dx .4.(8分)已知函数y=y (x )由方程arctan x y =lnx 2+y 2√所确定,求函数y=y (x )的导数dy dx.5.(10分)求通过点P 0(2,-1,3)且与直线x -1-1=y 0=z-22垂直相交的直线方程.6.(12分)求幂级数∞n =1∑x n(2n-1)2n 的收敛半径和收敛域.7.(12分)求二重积分D∬dxdy 的值,其中D 是由直线y=12x ,y=x ,x=2所围成的闭区域.8.(12分)求微分方程xy'+y =x 的通解.9.(12分)欲围一个面积为150平方米的矩形场地,所用材料的造价为正面是每平方米6元,其余三面是每平方米3元,问场地的长、宽各为多少米时,才能使所用材料费最少本试卷分为选择题和非选择题两部分。

.......(共三套及参考答案)第Ⅰ卷(选择题,共40分)一、选择题:1~10小题,每小题4分,共40分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的,把所选项前的字母填在题后的括号内.1.当x→2时,下列函数中不是无穷小量的是().A.B.C.D.2.A.-3B.一1C.0D.不存在3.A.B.C.D.4.A.B.C.D.5.A.0B.2x3C.6x2D.3x26.设ƒ(x)的一个原函数为Inx,则ƒ(x)等于().A.B.C.D.7.A.y=x+1B.y=x-1C.D.8.A.0B.e一1C.2(e-1)D.9.A.y4cos(xy2)B.- y4cos(xy2)C.y4sin(xy2)D.- y4sin(xy2)10.设100件产品中有次品4件,从中任取5件的不可能事件是().A.“5件都是正品”B.“5件都是次品”C.“至少有1件是次品”D.“至少有1件是正品”第Ⅱ部分(非选择题,共110分)二、填空题:11~20小题,每小题4分,共40分.把答案填在题中横线上.三、解答题:21~28题,共70分.解答应写出推理、演算步骤.本题满分8分)设事件A与B相互独立,且P(A)=0.6,P(B)=0.7,求P(A+B). 26.27.28.(本题满分10分)求由曲线y=2-x2,),=2x-1及X≥0围成的平面图形的面积S以及此平面图形绕X轴旋转一周所得旋转体的体积Vx.模拟试题参考答案一、选择题1.【答案】应选C.2.【答案】应选D.【解析】本题考查的知识点是分段函数在分段点处的极限计算.分段点处的极限一定要分别计算其左、右极限后,再进行判定.3.【答案】应选A.【提示】本题考查的知识点是基本初等函数的导数公式.只需注意e3是常数即可.4.【答案】应选D.5.【答案】应选C.【解析】本题考查的知识点是函数在任意一点x的导数定义.注意导数定义的结构式为6.【答案】应选A.【提示】本题考查的知识点是原函数的概念,因此有所以选A.7.【答案】应选B.【解析】本题考查的知识点是:函数y=ƒ(x)在点(x,ƒ(x))处导数的几何意义是表示该函数对应曲线过点(x,ƒ(x)))的切线的斜率.由可知,切线过点(1,0),则切线方程为y=x-1,所以选B.8.【答案】应选C.【解析】本题考查的知识点是奇、偶函数在对称区间上的定积分计算.注意到被积函数是偶函数的特性,可知所以选C.9.【答案】应选D.【提示】z对x求偏导时应将y视为常数,则有所以选D.10.【答案】应选B.【解析】本题考查的知识点是不可能事件的概念.不可能事件是指在一次试验中不可能发生的事件.由于只有4件次品,一次取出5件都是次品是根本不可能的,所以选B.二、填空题11.【答案】应填2.12.13.【答案】应填一2sin 2x.【提示】用复合函数求导公式计算即可.14.【答案】应填4.15.【答案】应填1.16.【提示】凑微分后用积分公式.17.【答案】应填2In 2.【解析】本题考查的知识点是定积分的换元积分法.换元时,积分的上、下限一定要一起换.18.19.【答案】20.【答案】应填0.【解析】本题考查的知识点是二元函数的二阶混合偏导数的求法.三、解答题21.【解析】型不定式极限的一般求法是提取分子与分母中的最高次因子,也可用洛必达法则求解.解法1解法2洛必达法则.22.本题考查的知识点是函数乘积的导数计算.23.本题考查的知识点是凑微分积分法.24.本题考查的知识点是定积分的凑微分法和分部积分法.【解析】本题的关键是用凑微分法将ƒ(x)dx写成udυ的形式,然后再分部积分.25.本题考查事件相互独立的概念及加法公式.【解析】若事件A与B相互独立,则P(AB)=P(A)P(B).P(A+B)=P(A)+P(B)-p(AB)=P(A)+P(B)-p(A)P(日)=0.6+0.7-0.6×0.7=0.88.26.本题考查的知识点是利用导数的图像来判定函数的单调区间和极值点,并以此确定函数的表达式.编者希望通过本题达到培养考生数形结合的能力.【解析】(1)(2)因为由上面三式解得α=2,b=-9,c=12.27.本题考查的知识点是二元隐函数全微分的求法.利用公式法求导的关键是需构造辅助函数然后将等式两边分别对x(或y或z)求导.读者一定要注意:对x求导时,y,z均视为常数,而对y或z求导时,另外两个变量同样也视为常数.也即用公式法时,辅助函数F(x,y,z)中的三个变量均视为自变量.求全微分的第三种解法是直接对等式两边求微分,最后解出出,这种方法也十分简捷有效,建议考生能熟练掌握.解法1等式两边对x求导得解法2解法328.本题考查的知识点有平面图形面积的计算及旋转体体积的计算.【解析】本题的难点是根据所给的已知曲线画出封闭的平面图形,然后再求其面积S.求面积的关键是确定对x积分还是对Y积分.确定平面图形的最简单方法是:题中给的曲线是三条,则该平面图形的边界也必须是三条,多一条或少一条都不是题中所要求的.确定对x积分还是对y积分的一般原则是:尽可能用一个定积分而不是几个定积分之和来表示.本题如改为对y积分,则有计算量显然比对x积分的计算量要大,所以选择积分变量的次序是能否快而准地求出积分的关键.在求旋转体的体积时,一定要注意题目中的旋转轴是戈轴还是y轴.由于本题在x轴下面的图形绕x轴旋转成的体积与x轴上面的图形绕x轴旋转的旋转体的体积重合了,所以只要计算x轴上面的图形绕戈轴旋转的旋转体体积即可.如果将旋转体的体积写成上面的这种错误是考生比较容易出现的,所以审题时一定要注意.解由已知曲线画出平面图形为如图2—1—2所示的阴影区域.2018年成人高等学校专升本招生全国统一考试高等数学(二)。

2018年山西专升本经济学真题及答案1. 已知正弦交流电压u=220sin(314t-30°)则其角频率为(D)。
A、A=UitB、A=I2RC、A=UID、A=U2/R10. 为检查大中型变压器与否变色,油质劣化,绝缘老化及轻微局部瑕疵,应当展开( C )测试。
A、90°B、180°C、45°D、30° 15.三相电路中相电流等同于(A)。
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一、 单项选择题(每小题4分,共20分)
11101()q ()n n n n p f x a x a x a x a f x --=+++、是一个整系数多项式,若既约分数是整系数多项式的有理根,则下列结论中正确的是
0.p |,|n A a q a .p |,|n n B a q a
0.p |,|n C a q a 00.p |,|D a q a
2.,,A B n AB O =设、是阶方阵若则下列结论正确的是
.A A O O ==或B .0B A =
≤C.r(A)+r(B)n .0D A ≠
13313.A 设为3阶方阵,则detA 的元素a 代数余子式等于-2,若B=5A ,则detB 的元素b 的代数余子式等于
.20A - .10B - .40C - .50D -
{}.0A {}.0B αβ,,
{}12s 12
.,=m C ααααα,,其中
{}12s ,.D ααα,,其中任一向量都不能表示成其余向量的线性组合
A B 5、若矩阵与相似,则下列结论错误的是 .A A B 与的特征根都是实数 .B A B 与的特征多项式相同
.C A B 与的秩相同 .D A B 与的迹相同
m 112m 12m 11231231
230m f x x x x a x x x x x x x x x ααααααλλ--=++++⎛⎫= ⎪⎝⎭
1、设的根是,,,、矩阵A=逆矩阵A 、已知三元齐次线性方程组有非零解,则 *=
4、设A 为三阶方阵,其特征值为1,2,3,则A 的特征值为
43232()+343()3+10+()()()()=()+()f x x x x x g x x x x f x g x f x g x f x g x =---=2、求与2-3的最大公因式(,),并求u(x),v(x)使得(,)u(x)v(x)。
0(1)2A A AQ --⎛⎫ ⎪- ⎪ ⎪- ⎪-⎝⎭Λ=Λ
3、设实对称矩阵求出的所有特征值和特征向量()求一个正交矩阵Q 和对角矩阵,使得Q
3k 424x x x x kx x k x x x ++=⎧⎪-++=⎨⎪-+=-⎩4、k 为何值时,非齐次线性方程组有无穷多解?并求出它的一般解。
11222333444112341,,,,,,,a a a a a a a a =+=+=+=+、证明:设b b b b 证明向量组b b b b 线性相关。
2⨯、证明:能与所有的n n 阶矩阵相乘可交换的矩阵一定是数量矩阵
123323=12a a a a a a a a a V V ⨯⎛⎫ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭、设V 是数域F 上形如A 的循环矩阵的集合,()证明:是F 的子空间
、证明:如果(f(x),g(x))=1,那么(f(x)g(x),f(x)g(x))1 4+=。