



2021年云南省初中学业水平考试英语试题卷(全卷四个部分, 共8页; 满分120分, 考试用时120分钟)注意事项:1. 本卷为试题卷。


答案应书写在答题卡的相应位置上, 在试题卷、草稿纸上作答无效。

2. 考试结束后, 请将试题卷和答题卡一并交回。

第一部分听力(共四节, 满分30分)做题时, 先将答案标在试题卷上, 录音内容结束后, 请将试题卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。

第一节(共5小题; 每小题1. 5分, 满分7. 5分)听下面5个句子, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出与所听句子内容相关的图画。

听完每个句子后, 你将有5秒钟的作答时间。


第二节(共5小题; 每小题1. 5分, 满分7. 5分)听下面5个句子, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出与所听句子内容相符的正确答语。

听完每个句子后, 你将有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。


6. A. A doctor. B. 12 years old. C. 70 dollars.7. A. Keep going! B. Good luck to you! C. Thanks a lot!8. A. Never mind. B. Sure. I can’t wait. C. Congratulations!9. A. Have great fun! B. What a pity! C. Good for you!10. A. It’s 20 minutes’ walk. B. It’s black and yellow. C. It’s half past eleven.第三节(共5小题; 每小题1. 5分, 满分7. 5分)听下面5段对话, 每段对话后有一个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。

听完每段对话后, 你将有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。





(3分)缘故( yuán yuǎn) 弯曲(qūqǔ) 均匀(jūn jùn)蟋蟀( shuāi shuài)挖掘(qūjué) 倾斜(qīn qīng)二、读拼音,写字词。

(5分)1.现在许多人购买住房时都xuǎn zé( )高层住zhái( ),不但shū( )适还能在高处一览美景。

2.国家已明确规定,各大运营商必xū( ) jiàng( )低流量资fèi( )。

3.我们班在广播体cāo( )比赛中稍xùn()一筹,shū( )给了2班。






() A.值得怜悯 B.可爱2.题西林壁。

() A.书写,题写 B.题目3.梅雪争春未肯降。

() A.下落,落下 B.服输4.骚人阁笔费评章。

() A.小木头房子 B.同“搁”,放下五、根据提示完成句子练习。










选项A中的“have lived”是现在完成时态,故选A。





5.答案:B解析:此题是一道考查语法结构的题目,句子的主语是“Manya flower”,意为“许多花”。












初中语文讲练本 第三部分 阅读理解 专题五 非连续性文本阅读 中考题组备战

初中语文讲练本 第三部分 阅读理解 专题五 非连续性文本阅读 中考题组备战

2.材料二主要采用了哪种论证方法?有什么作用? 举例论证。材料二主要列举苏翊鸣等中国冬奥健儿的事例,运用举例论证证明 了“为拼搏喝彩,向坚持致敬,是因为超越自我的勇敢追求”的观点,更有说 服力。
3.下面材料放在材料一哪一段较为合适?请说明理由。 马伟明坚持自主创新,带领团队破解科技难题、取得重大成果;景海鹏勇
如我国冬奥会速滑运动员,在平凡的岗位上日复一日地刻苦训练,在运动场上奋 力拼搏,最终获得冠军。他们用实际行动再次证明,只要有坚定的理想信念、不 懈的奋斗精神,脚踏实地把每件平凡的事做好,一切平凡的人都可以获得不平凡 的人生,一切平凡的工作都可以创造不平凡的成就。
二、阅读下面文字,回答问题。 材料一 亚洲象四肢粗壮,几乎垂直于地面,像四根柱子。它体型庞大,雄性肩 高可达3.2米,体重可达5.4吨。亚洲象有着很高的智商和独特的思维能力,更有 堪比人类的记忆力,它们能精准记住大面积区域内食物和水源的位置。亚洲象常 年都在行走,在寻找食物和季节迁移时,它们都能在丛林中开辟新的“象道”, 偶尔也会借用人类开辟的道路。
这群陆地“巨无霸”的大胆行为吸引了全世界关注的目光。有日本媒体专门 做了一期节目,详细介绍这次长达数百公里的“奇幻旅行”,称“中国政府对迁 移中大象的呵护令人印象深刻”。而网友则表示:“逛吃逛吃,一路溜达,大象 之旅诠释了什么叫共建地球生命共同体。”
显然,“野象北移”事件已经成为我国促进人与自然和谐共生的生动范例, 它是一个缩影,见证了中国为生物多样性保护付出的努力,也向全球展示了中国 生态文明建设取得的显著成效。近些年来,我国不断推进自然保护地建设,保护 了重要自然生态系统和生物资源,在维护重要物种栖息地方面发挥了积极作用。



2006年考研英语第三篇阅读解析第一部分:阅读理解1. 阅读材料介绍:本篇阅读材料共有两部分,第一部分是一段关于母亲对待女儿教育观念的描述,第二部分是一篇关于婚姻和幸福的文章。

2. 第一部分内容解析:第一部分所述的母亲对待女儿教育观念主要体现在两个方面:一是注重传统女性的培养,比如学习针线活,二是忽视女儿的个人发展,只关心女儿的婚姻。


3. 第二部分内容解析:第二部分文章主要讨论了婚姻和幸福的关系,指出了幸福婚姻的基本条件,并强调了在婚姻中双方的平等和尊重的重要性。


第二部分:文章分析1. 文章结构:本篇文章采用对比的方式,通过描述母女教育观念和婚姻观念之间的对比,突出了我国传统观念对女性的局限和婚姻的重要性。

2. 语言运用:本篇文章的语言简练,表达清晰,逻辑严谨,符合学术规范。


3. 思想深刻:本篇文章不仅反映了我国传统观念对女性的影响,也提出了对于幸福婚姻的见解,思想深刻,具有一定的启发意义。

第三部分:阅读策略1. 阅读方法:在阅读的过程中,应注意抓住材料的主题和核心内容,理清文章的逻辑结构,把握文章的中心思想。

2. 词汇理解:在阅读中,要注意理解文章中的关键词汇,尤其是涉及到文化和社会问题的词汇,对于固定搭配的理解也有助于把握文章的意义。

3. 理解细节:对于文章中的细节要有条理地加以理解和记忆,从而形成对整个文章内容的完整把握。





2024年中考语文总复习第三部分现代文阅读专题一记叙文阅读复习任务群一 小说阅读_《中国地图》

2024年中考语文总复习第三部分现代文阅读专题一记叙文阅读复习任务群一 小说阅读_《中国地图》
④后来,孙子小兵考上了武汉大学,学的就是地图制图学与地理信息工程专业,毕业后,干的正是地图测绘。比起爷爷,小兵这一代的测量技术有了飞速的提升,除了航空测量,还利用人造卫星拍摄地貌,足不出户,坐在计算机前就可以测绘地图。 ⑤这天,小兵拿回来一张最新的《中国地图》。爷爷两眼放光,戴着老花镜,趴在地图上瞅起来,边看边念叨:“黑龙江,黄河,长江……小兵,伶仃洋上咋有一座桥?新建的?”













1. What is the woman going to make today?A. Cups.B. Some flowers.C. A big vase.2. Where is the woman?A. In a restaurant.B. In a hair s alon.C. At a tailor’s shop.3. What has happened to Jerry?A. He has gone to visit his mother.B. He has asked for sick leave.C. He has found a new job in Europe.4. Why does the woman want to buy a clock?A. She has trouble waking up.B. She wants to buy someone a gift.C. Her watch is broken.5. What does the man mean?A. He already has the signature.B. He is still interested in the signature.C. He doesn’t want the signature.第二节听下面5段对话。

第三板块 散文阅读 第十讲 散文双文本阅读(解析版)

第三板块  散文阅读  第十讲  散文双文本阅读(解析版)























译林版九年级英语上册Unit 3 学情评估试卷 附答案

译林版九年级英语上册Unit 3 学情评估试卷 附答案

译林版九年级英语上册Unit 3 学情评估时间:120分钟满分:120分第一部分听力(四大题,20分)一、短对话理解(共5小题; 每小题1分, 共5分)1. What are they talking about?2. Why doesn't this boy have enough time to sleep?3. Why is Tom sad?A. Because he couldn't follow the teacher.B. Because he did badly in the English test.C. Because he will take part in an English test.4. What does Carla spend much of her time doing?A. Doing homework.B. Chatting on WeChat.C. Playing sports.5. How does the boy feel?A. Nervous.B. Happy.C. Interested.二、长对话理解(共5小题; 每小题1分, 共5分)听下面一段对话, 回答第6、7小题。

6. Why does Peter look worried?A. Because he got a low mark in his English exam.B. Because he lost a football match.C. Because he quarrelled with his classmates just now.7. What is Peter going to do?A. He will ask someone to help him.B. He will work harder at English.C. He will pay more attention to his classmates.听下面一段对话, 回答第8至10小题。




(共5小题,每小题1分;计5分)1. A. Come on. B. Sounds great! C. I think you’re right.2. A. Drink more hot water. B. Let’s take his temperature. C. Hope he’ll be all right soon.3. A. K-A-T-E, Kate. B. That’s easy. C. Sure, I’m Anna.4. A. That’s right. B. What a pity! C. It doesn’t matter.5. A. I agree. B. I’ve tried it. C. It’s a good habit.二、听句子,选择与你所听到的句子意思相符合的图片,并将代表图片的字母填在相应的题号后。


(共5小题,每小题1分;计5分)A B C D E6. __________7. __________8. __________9. __________ 10. __________三、听对话,根据对话内容及问题选择正确答案。


(共10小题,每小题1分;计10分)11. A. P.E. B. English. C. Music.12. A. By subway. B. By bus. C. By car.13. A. A doctor. B. An engineer. C. A scientist.14. A. Weather. B. History. C. Vacation.15. A. Thursday. B. Friday. C. Saturday.16. A. Bob. B. Mary. C. Mike.17. A. 250 yuan. B. 300 yuan. C. 350 yuan.18. A. In the classroom. B. In the restaurant. C. In the teachers’ office.19. A. Go to the park. B. Follow parents’ advice. C. Go on the school trip.20. A. People feel relaxed. B. People can’t get something. C. People miss someone.四、听短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案。

人教版七年级英语上册Unit 8 综合素质评价试卷附答案 (3)

人教版七年级英语上册Unit 8 综合素质评价试卷附答案 (3)

人教版七年级英语上册Unit 8 综合素质评价限时: 90分钟满分: 120分第一部分听力(共四大题, 满分20 分)Ⅰ. 短对话理解(共5 小题; 每小题1 分, 满分5 分)( )1. What does the girl want to do?A. B. C.( )2. What is the third thing?A. B. C.( )3. When is the boy’s birthday?A. It’s on J une 10.B. It’s on June 20.C. It’s on July 10.( )4. How old is the girl’s brother?A. He’s 14.B. He’s 15.C. He’s 16.( )5. How much is the second skirt?A. It’s $21.B. It’s $25.C. It’s $27.Ⅱ. 长对话理解(共5 小题; 每小题1 分, 满分5 分)听下面一段对话, 回答第6、7 小题。

( )6. Who is the first woman?A. The girl’s mother.B. The boy’s mother.C. Tom’s mother.( )7. Who is the third woman?A. She’s the girl’s mother.B. She’s Tom’s mother.C. She’s the boy’s aunt.听下面一段对话, 回答第8 至10 小题。

( )8. Who does the man want to buy the shirt for?A. His daughter.B. His brother.C. His son( )9. What color shirt does the man want to buy?A. Red.B. Blue.C. White.( )10. How much is the first shirt?A. It’s $9.B. It’s $19.C. It’s $29.Ⅲ. 短文理解(共5 小题; 每小题1 分, 满分5 分)( )11. When are Tom’s and Jim’s birthdays?A. October 3.B. October 30.C. October 13. ( )12. What color are their clothes?A. They are black.B. They are blue.C. They are brown. ( )13. What does Tom like?A. Basketball.B. Baseball.C. Volleyball. ( )14. How is Jim’s shirt?A. It’s big.B. It’s long.C. It’s short. ( )15. How much is Tom’s shirt?A. It’s $22.B. It’s $24.C. It’s $28.Ⅳ. 信息转换(共5 小题; 每小题1 分, 满分5 分)第二部分英语知识运用(共两大题, 满分30 分)Ⅴ. 单项填空(共10 小题; 每小题1 分, 满分10 分)( )21. _________ is the last month of a year.A. JanuaryB. FebruaryC. NovemberD. December ( )22. The girl is only _________. Today is her _________ birthday.A. fifth; fifthB. five; fiveC. five; fifthD. fifth; five( )23. We have _________ School Day at our school.A. /B. thoseC. anD. these ( )24. My birthday is _________ January and Peter’s birthday is _________ March 26th.A. in; onB. in; atC. for; /D. at; on( )25. _________ mothers are all at home today.A. Jim and TomB. Jim and Tom’sC. Jim’s and Tom’sD. Jim’s and Tom( )26. —_________ is your mother’s birthday?—Her birthday is on January 2nd.A. WhatB. WhenC. WhereD. Who( )27. —_________ are you?—I’m twelve.A. HowB. How oldC. How muchD. What( )28. —Is your birthday party at six this evening?—_________.A. Yes, it isB. No, it isC. Yes, he isD. Yes, it isn’t( )29. —I will go to Kate’s party this evening.—Great! ______!A. I don’t think soB. Glad to see youC. Have a good timeD. See you there( )30. —Today is my birthday.—_________A. I’m happy!B. How are you?C. That sounds good.D. Happy birthday!Ⅵ. 完形填空(共20 小题; 每小题1 分, 满分20 分)A 【2021·和县月考】It’s 2022 now. My name is Li Ming. I am ____31 now. I was born(出生) in 2007. My birthday is on ____32 . That’s National Day(国庆节) . I like music very much andI like playing basketball, ____33 . My birthday is coming. My mother wants to ____34a beautiful shirt for me. On Sunday, she takes me to a big ____35store. There are ____36 shirts and they are in all colors. She buys a blue one ____37 me. It looks cool. My father gives me some CDs and a ____38 . He knows what I like. I am really ____39 . My parents plan(计划) to ____40 a birthday party at home this year. I love them and they love me, too.( )31. A. eleven B. fifteen C. sixteen D. seventeen ( )32. A. January lst B. May lst C. June lst D. October lst ( )33. A. last B. always C. only D. too( )34. A. make B. buy C. wear D. sell( )35. A. fruit B. shoe C. book D. clothes ( )36. A. all B. no C. many D. any( )37. A. in B. on C. at D. for( )38. A. pen B. football C. bike D. basketball ( )39. A. happy B. bored C. good D. tall( )40. A. stop B. have C. find D. watchBToday is my birthday. I’m 12 years old. I ____41 a birthday party at home. Some of my friends come to my home, and they ____42 some presents for me. I am ____43 to see them.At six, my friends come to my house. At the party, we play games. We all have ____44 . My friends sing (唱歌) Happy Birthday to You to me. Then we ____45 my birthday cake and ice-cream. After that, my friends ____46 me to open my presents.They are interested (感兴趣的) in ____47 . All the presents are ____48 . I really like them. I say “thank you” ____49 my friends.I really have a good ____50 at my birthday party.( )41. A. think B. go C. have D. ask( )42. A. give B. buy C. sell D. see( )43. A. happy B. fun C. busy D. easy ( )44. A. name B. food C. sports D. fun( )45. A. eat B. get C. find D. want ( )46. A. bring B. need C. want D. let( )47. A. mine B. me C. they D. them ( )48. A. small B. happy C. big D. nice ( )49. A. to B. with C. at D. for( )50. A. dinner B. day C. time D. thing第三部分阅读理解(共两大题, 满分35 分)Ⅶ. 补全对话(共5 小题; 每小题1 分, 满分5 分)A: Do you have a volleyball game at your school?B: Yes, we do.A: 51. ________B: It’s on September 28th.A: 52. ________B: Yes, we do. It’s on October 17th. 53. ________A: When is your school trip?B: It’s on November 20th. 54. ________A: Oh? That’s great.B: I want to have a birthday party on that day. 55. ________A: OK, thanks.Ⅷ. 阅读理解(共15 小题; 每小题2 分, 满分30 分)ADear Mike,Thanks for your e-mail. Let me tell you about my school activities.I have some interesting things to do in December. On December 10th, I go to see my art teacher Ms. Miller. On December 15th, I have a school trip. In the evening, I go to my cousin Linda’s 10th birthday party. Our school art festival is on December 20th. On that day I draw with my English teacher Ms. Brown. On December 26th, I have a basketball game. On December 30th, I have a book sale. Oh, this is a really busy month.Yours,John ( )56. On December 10th, John _________.A. has a school tripB. plays soccerC. has an art festivalD. goes to see his art teacher( )57. How old is Linda?A. 8B. 9C. 10D. 11( )58. Who is Ms. Brown?A. John’s mother.B. John’s English teacher.C. John’s art teac her.D. John’s aunt.( )59. Which of the following is NOT TRUE?A. John is very busy in December.B. John has a school trip in December.C. On December 30th, John has a book sale.D. Linda’s birthday party is on December 20th.BVera is thirteen. Mrs. Smith is her mother. Today is July 27th and it is Vera’s birthday. There is a party for her. Lots of her friends come to her birthday party. A birthday cake is on the table. There are some bananas, oranges, strawberries and apples on the table, t oo. But Vera doesn’t like them. What does she want?Just then Vera sees a red card in her mother’s hand. It says “Happy birthday to you, dear Vera. There is a nice present(礼物) for you. Open the box on your desk; you can find it. ”Vera runs to her desk and opens the box. Ah, a nice T-shirt! How happy she is! ( )60. When is Vera’s birthday?A. On November 27th.B. On September 27th.C. On July 27th.D. On July 29th.( )61. Where’s Mrs. Smith’s present?A. On the desk.B. In the box.C. Under the desk.D. In the drawer.( )62. What does Vera’s mother get for her?A. Apples.B. Bananas.C. A T-shirt.D. A book.( )63. There aren’t/isn’t _______ on the table.A. applesB. strawberriesC. orangesD. ice-creamCTom is an English boy. He is twelve. He has a sister. Her name is Susan. She is thirteen. They are students at No. 5 Middle School. They are really busy this term. November is a great month for them. They have some interesting things to do. Now let’s look at these thi ngs.( )64. Who is in Class Three?A. Tom.B. Bill.C. Susan.D. Kate. ( )65. When is Bill’s birthday?A. On November 3rd.B. On November 9th.C. On November 12th.D. On November 15th.( )66. Where can we meet Susan on November 17th?A. In the clothes store.B. In the bookstore.C. At Lost & Found.D. At a birthday party.( )67. Which of the following is TRUE?A. Susan is English.B. Susan has an English test in November.C. Bill buys a nice sweater for Susan.D. Kate likes playing tennis with Tom.阅读下面短文, 并用英语回答问题(请注意每小题后面的词数要求) 。


6. What was Jack doing when the headmaster came in?
A. He was drawing a picture. B. He was reading a book. C. He was writing a diary.
7. Which of the following sports does Jack like?
First,people’s education(教育)will be better. People can use e-books___17___paper books. Students don’t___18___to go to school every day. They can study at online teaching websites. Learning on the Internet will be easy and fun.
人 教 版 英 语 八年 级上学 期
期末测 试 卷
— I can’t hear anything. She said to __________.
A. herB. hersC. herself
13.— When can you finish the work?
— _________ If everything goes well,I can finish it before 5 o’clock this afternoon.

(江西专版)2022中考语文 第三部分 现代文阅读专题一 记叙文阅读第三讲 第四讲

(江西专版)2022中考语文 第三部分 现代文阅读专题一 记叙文阅读第三讲 第四讲

3.分析文中画线语句的语言特点。(3分) 文中画线语句长短句相结合,句式富于变化,节奏感强,运用 反问句式,增强语言的气势。
★4.(改编题)阅读此文,我们很自然的想起所学过的课文《壶 口 瀑 布 》 , 说 说 两 文 在 文 章 主 旨 方 面 有 什 么 相 通 之 处 。 (2 分 ) 【领会意旨】 都表达了对黄河母亲河的热爱和赞美之情,都激发出炎黄子孙 心底的那种民族自豪感。
(4)抓主要事件法。作者的情感有时会体现在所叙的事件之中, 寓情于事。如杨绛《老王》一文中,作者叙述了与老王交往的 一些事件,特别是写老王临终前送鸡蛋这件事,震撼人的心灵, 作者在文章结尾处表露出的愧怍心态也是整篇文章的情感焦点。
(5)联系主旨法。文章的主旨是作者构思行文的重心和情感态 度的凝聚点,所以可以联系主旨来体味作者的情感态度。如契 诃夫《变色龙》一文主要是揭露了俄国警察制度的反动和虚伪, 所以对奥楚蔑洛夫这个见风使舵、媚上欺下的沙皇专制统治的 忠实走狗进行了辛辣的嘲讽。
(6)根据文中人、物、景,感知情感态度。作品中的人、物、 景可以折射出作者对所写主题的思想感情,有助于感知作者的 情感。如鲁迅在《故乡》中对二十年后故乡的环境的描写,对 所遇人物(主要是闰土和杨二嫂)的刻画,对搬家一事的叙述,反 映了当时广大农民日渐落后的生活状况和精神上的束缚,表达 了作者对现实的强烈不满和改造旧社会、创造新生活的强烈愿 望。
情感:表达了作者对黄河的热爱,对祖国的眷恋之情。 细节分析:示例一:“我虚踩在浮土和枯草上,就探身要去摸 水,大家在背后叫小心。岌岌加上翼翼,我的手终于半伸进黄 河。”这个细节表现了“我”触摸黄河水时紧张激动又谨慎的心理 ,表达了作者对黄河的热爱之情。
示例二:“想到这里,我从衣袋里掏出一张自己的名片,对着 滚滚东去的黄河低头默祷了一阵,右手一扬,雪白的名片一番 飘舞,就被起伏的浪头接去了。”这个细节中,“我”投名片 的系列动作,写出了“我”投入祖国怀抱的虔诚,表达了作者 对祖国的热爱之情。





























(取材于顾炎武⑤《日知录》)[注] ①便巧史书:这里指善于舞文弄墨。





2022-2023学年度三年级上册语文第二次月考试卷考试范围:第三、四单元;考试时间:90分钟;总分:100分学校:_____________ 班级:_____________ 姓名:_____________题号一二三四总分评分第一部分积累运用(40分)1.按拼音写词语。

(8分)weí qún huǒ yàn qiáng bì zhī zhūjī chǔ zhǔn bèi liú lèi jiù mìng2.请认真读词语,并根据拼音在括号里写出正确的汉字。


(9分)四()八()七()八()百()百()四()八()七()八()百()百()⑴现在的交通真是( ),到哪里去都很方便、快捷。

⑵刚来到教室,他就发现同学们正在( )地议论着什么。

⑶楠楠的叔叔是一个( )的神枪手。







第三部分 阅读理解

第三部分 阅读理解

第三部分阅读理解Read the text and decide the following statements are true (T) or false (F).1. P27, Unit 21. Tania spends hours in shopping centres.2. Debbie travels a lot.3. Jake uses a computer.4. Tania finds things at good prices.5. Debbie and Tania help busy people.TFTTT2. P30, Unit 21. Tim gets up early.2. Tim goes to university in the afternoon.3. Cassie makes breakfast for her family.4. Cassie goes shopping in the afternoon.5. Jade walks to work.FTTFT3. P41, Unit 31. The author lives in the centre of town.2. The flat has not got a lift.3. The flat is near the shops.4. The flat has a garden.5. The author spends most of his time reading in the living room.TFTFF4. P61, Unit 4(1) Double Take is about two sisters.(2) Year Zero is about the past.(3) The story in Roses Only Live One Day happens in France.(4) The special effects in Year Zero are very good.(5) Double Take is about a criminal.FFTTT5. P78, Unit 51. They went camping on Mount Olympus last weekend.2. They drove all the way to the village.3. They arrived at the flames at midnight.4. They didn’t sleep all that night.5. Orich didn’t go with them.TFFTF6. P90, Unit 61. The author’s mother went to buy some things for a graduation party.2. The story begins in a supermarket.3. The author’s flatmate knew the man.4. The man sent back the things thanks to the address on a letter.5. The story is about the author’s father and mother.FTFTT7. P105, Unit 71. Sara wakes up at 3 am.2. The program finishes at 10 am.3. She goes straight home after work.4. She often eats out during the week.5. She enjoys travelling at the weekend.TFFFT8. P114, Unit 71. Jill and her husband get up at 4:30 every morning.2. They are going to buy a new house.3. They are going on a holiday.4. They haven’t paid anyone to look after the farm during the last eight years.5. Jill will not play lottery any more.TFTTF9. P130, Unit 81. The child who counts to a hundred is the winner.2. Snap is a card game.3. At least two people are needed to play Snap.4. Two or more people can play I spy.5. While playing I spy, one of the players must say the word of the object they can see. FTTTF10. P138, Unit 91. It’s better to spend more than you can afford.2. You should always spend a little time on the presentation.3. You should never give the present on the special day.4. You should buy shoes for someone you don't know very well.5. The best presents are surprise presents.FTFFT11. P140, Unit 91. Tomatina is the largest food fight in the world.2. Tomatina first took place more than a century ago.3. Tomatina originates from an argument.4. The fight lasts exactly one hour.5. It is a religious festival.TFTTF12. P143, Unit 91. Diwali is celebrated in October or November.2. On the first day, people like to buy something gold.3. On the second day, it is traditional to take a bath after sunrise.4. The fireworks display can last for more than five hours.5. The last day of Diwali is the Hindu New Year.TFFTT13. P155, Unit 101. Gargling with salt and warm water helps your sore throat feel better.2. Drink a solution of garlic and rice wine three times a day if you have a bad cold.3. The Mexico remedy uses cold water.4. Garlic is used in two remedies.5. The Morocco remedy should be taken three times a day for three days.TFFTF14. P161, Unit 101. Kobe has free sports facilities.2. Gubbio is famous for its good food.3. Gubbio has particularly friendly people.4. Stranda has very good weather.5. Kobe is famous for its architecture.FTFFT15. P182, Unit 121. Sven Olrig’s class has to last more than 24 hours if they want to set a new world record forthe longest lesson.2. All the students have to be awake during the whole class.3. The money made from Fiorella’s record breaking will help some children.4. Anya always loves snakes.5. Anya’s attempt may help the zoo become more famous.TTTFT16. P185, Unit 121. J.K. Rowling wrote her first story when she was eight years old.2. The idea of the Harry Potter stories came to her when she was on a long bus trip.3. J.K. Rowling’s sister lives in Edinburgh.4. The first Harry Potter book was not very successful at the beginning.5. J.K. Rowling doesn't want to do any more writing.FFTFF17-20课外。



第一部分:冬日香山的景观1. 冬日的香山以其雄伟壮丽的自然景观而闻名于世。



2. 冬日的香山还有着独特的植被景观。


3. 值得一提的是冬日的香山还有着独特的动物景观。


第二部分:冬日香山的文化氛围1. 香山是我国历史悠久的名山之一,自古以来就有着丰富的文化积淀。



2. 冬日香山还有许多古建筑和文化遗迹,这些古老的建筑和石刻成为了香山的一大特色。


第三部分:冬日香山的游览体验1. 在冬日的香山,尤其适合进行登山和徒步旅行。



2. 在冬日的香山还可以体验风味美食。


3. 冬日的香山还常常会有各种文化活动和庙会,游客可以在其中体验传统的民俗风情,感受到浓厚的年节氛围,增添了游览的乐趣和趣味。













1. Where does the conversation probably take place?A. In the library.B. In a hotel.C. At the airport.2. When will they get to the supermarket?A. 10:30.B. 10:10.C. 10:20.3. What’s Mary’s favorite subject?A. English.B. Math.C. Chinese.4. What was the weather like during the man’s stay in India?A. Sunny. B Cloudy. C. Rainy.5. What does the man think of John?A. Hard-working.B. Lazy.C. Active.第二节(共6小题;每小题2分,满分12分)听下面2点对话和1段独白。

每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。




大学英语四级考试大纲(最新版)大学英语四级考试大纲目录1总则2考试内容? 部分:写作? 第二部分:听力理解? 第三部分:阅读理解? 第四部分:翻译1总则国家教委在印发理工科本科和文理科本科用的两种《大学英语教学大纲》的通知中指出,大纲执行两年后,开始对结束四、六级学习的学生进行统一的标准化测试。



这种考试属于尺度相关常模参照性考试(criterion-related norm-referenced test)。












部分:写作(Part Ⅴ:Writing):共1题,考试时间30分钟。





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第三部分阅读理解(共20 小题,每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A, B, C和D)中,选出最佳选项.并在答且卡上将该项涂黑。

AA Child’s History of the WorldProduct DescriptionV. M. Hillyer, the first headmaster of Calvert School, spent many of his school years studying only American history. Believing that studying world history would broaden children’s horizons (眼界) and give them a better understanding of the world and history in general, he set out to write an understandable and comprehensive (综合的) world history children could enjoy. A Child’s History of the World functions to familiarize young children with some historical events and people of significance while reading like a good story. The subjects are covered in chronological order, from the beginning of the world to the end of the Cold War. This gives the child a linear (线状的) view of world history that allows for the details to be filled in the future. A Child’s History of the World is a basic reader and is not intended to be used as a supplementary (补充的) reader.Customer ReviewsThis is a must-have book. It is complete and interesting and is easy to use and understand. My girls are so close in age that I was able to use it with all three at once and they loved it. And it’s inexpensive! Love the way it is written.——Katrena R. from Shingle Springs, CA This is a great book. Everyone (elementary/primary aged) should have this book in their homeschooling library. My kids (ages 4-9) have all enjoyed this book. It is interesting and well written for young ones. There is a lot of information packed into this book and it is presented in a way that is not boring for kids. It is kind of like a story of the world.——Patrice T. from Seattle64.From A Child’s History of the World, children can _____.A. improve their grades greatlyB. know many important people in the pastC. know important events mainly in AmericaD. get to know many historical details65. According to Katrena R., her children _____.A. learned history from a book togetherB. read A Child’s History of the World to each otherC. each had a copy of A Child’s History of the WorldD. used A Child’s History of the World to improve their writing66. From the two reviews, we know that children enjoy A Child’s History of the World mainly because of _____. A. its writing style B. its simple wordsC. its low priceD. its amusing storiesBWe all know the importance of getting a good night’s sleep, but not all of us know the best way of getting it. A sleep expert, Phil Atherton, has recently revealed to the Daily Mail some top tips for getting the most out of the night, which will leave you ready for action in the morning.Sleeping is comparable to a long journey, and you should prepare for the tripbefore setting off. Sleeping takes up a large part of our daily routines, and it is important to get into the right mindset before the journey. Avoid eating food or drinking coffee too close to your bedtime, as this can cause discomfort to both the mind and the body.Furthermore, you should establish a routine which will prepare your body for sleep. Get into a relaxed state by taking a bath or listening to soothing (缓和的) music, which will help take the mind off the daytime pressures.Having a suitable mattress (床垫) is essential for maintaining the right posture (姿势) while sleeping. Sleeping is a very personalized (个人化的) activity, and we all adopt different postures and sleeping positions during the night. Finding the mattress that suits you will ease back pains that can result from a poor sleeping posture. The best position for sleep is a straightened posture lying on your side, which limits the stress placed on your back.Memory foam mattresses are designed specifically for personal sleeping positions. The material fits tightly round the shape of the body via the heat it gives off, allowing for ideal support in sensitive areas. The bed should be as personalized as possible. It should be four to six inches longer than its tallest occupant (占有人), allowing for space to move around.The National Sleep Foundation revealed strong links between sleep disorders and health effects at the beginning of the 21st century, and since then, studies have linked a lack of sleep to diabetes, obesity and many more. Taking action now will lead to long-term benefits for you and those around you.67.The author intends to tell us ______.A. how to get a good night’s sleepB. what to do before we sleepC. the importance of good sleepD. how to choose our bed68.By saying “Sleeping is a very personalized activity” in Paragraph 4, the author means that ______.A. you should keep your sleeping posture secretB. sleeping positions may vary from person to personC. your sleeping posture may affect your personalityD. you should sleep without being disturbed69.According to Paragraph 5, memory foam mattresses ______.A. can be used as medical instrumentsB. are usually as long as their occupantC. can change your sleeping positionsD. respond to changes in your body temperature70.In the last paragraph, the author advises us to ______.A. have as much sleep as we canB. get good sleep to prevent diseasesC. keep healthy by sleeping a lotD. cure some diseases by sleepingCTop Kid-Friendly Summer VacationsDude RanchIf you have little cowboys and cowgirls at home, thrill them by visiting a dude ranch (度假牧场) on your next vacation. Your children can learn about nature, enjoyhorseback riding, and gain an entirely new perspective. You can choose between programs that have you spending quality time with your kids, and programs that are for children only. This summer, enjoy the great outdoors — at a dude ranch!For more information, visit: /categorydisplay.htmSix Flags Great AdventureHave a classic vacation by visiting one of the most famous theme park chains. With locations all over the U.S., there’s sure to be a Six Flags near you. Take the whole family and be back at work on Monday. Escape the summer heat with countless water rides. Take your kids to have brunch with Bugs Bunny, or check out the new Safari Park, where you can interact with real animals.For more information, visit: /national/index.aspxRoswell UFO FestivalDo you have science fiction fans in your household? Encourage their interests and experience a special vacation at the annual Roswell UFO Festival. Come in costume (化妆服) if you wish, and join the parade (游行). Attend lectures by famous authors and researchers, or watch up-and-coming bands perform. Even if you’re not a believer, you can still enjoy the artwork, music, and great celebration.For more information, visit: EarthplaceIt’s not easy being green, but it can be fun if you visit the exhibits at Earthplace in Westport, Connecticut. This 62-acre wildlife reserve is committed to educating the public about the environment and promoting positive action to preserve nature. The exhibits provide hands-on features that make learning fun for your kids. After touring the exhibits, visit the garden and the playground, and enjoy the summer weather.For more information, visit: /index.html56.Dude Ranch and Six Flags Great Adventure are similar in that ______.A. they are both suitable for a family vacationB. they both take place in the cityC. they both allow people to have brunchD. they both provide water rides57.Which will you join if you want to learn how to protect nature?A. Dude Ranch.B. Six Flags Great Adventure.C. Roswel l UFO Festival.D. Earthplace.58.Who would be most interested in Roswell UFO Festival?A. A kid who loves music.B. A kid who likes adventure.C. A kid who is interested in aliens.D. A kid who likes first-hand experience.59.Which website is most useful if you want to join a parade in costume?A. /categorydisplay.htmB. /national/index.aspxC. D. /index.htmlDFor those faced with a struggle, Captain James Arruda Henry’s story is nothing short of inspiration. The 98-year-old retired fisherman has become a first-time author, having written and published his autobiography entitled In a Fisherman’s Language after learning to read at the age of 91. It even has Hollywood calling.Mr. Henry spent most of his life without even his closest family memberssuspecting he was illiterate (不识字的). Forced to quit school in the third grade to take odd jobs, he kept the secret close to his chest.Mr. Henry’s granddaughter, Marlisa McLaughlin, told how he used tricks, like waiting for others to order at restaurants first, or asking waiters how much he owed at restaurants, to avoid the issue. Then, after hearing about George Dawson, a son of slaves who learned to read at the age of 98 and went on to write a book of his own, entitled Life Is So Good at the age of 101 — Mr. Henry took up reading.“I said if he can do it, I’m gonna try,” Mr. Henry said. Starting with his name, he eventually moved on to ABC and children’s books. He put them down for four years after the tragic loss of his wife. But eventually he went back to reading and with the help of his tutor, Mark Hogan, began to log his life. He wrote about his family’s voyage from Portugal to the U.S., how he went on to captain a boat and serve on the National Guard, his many journeys at sea and how he was unable to save another fisherman who had fallen overboard.60.What do we know about Mr. Henry’s book?A. It has become popular.B. It has been bought by Hollywood.C. It is about his family members.D. Its name is Life Is So Good.61.Why did Mr. Henry wait for others to order at restaurants first?A. He was a person with manners.B. He didn’t want others to know he was illiterate.C. He wanted to avoid the long queue.D. He was learning how to order his food.62.The author tells James Arruda Henry’s story to .A. make readers laughB. give readers inspirationC. show his criticism of Mr. HenryD. ask readers to support Mr. Henry63.The underlined word “log” in Paragraph 4 probably means “”.A. cut woodB. speak ofC. write aboutD. reflect on。
