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Taxi! 出租车!

Yo! texi 嗨!出租车

Can I help you? 我能为您效劳吗?

Would you like any help? 需要帮忙吗?

Do you know how much it will cost to Central Park? 你知道到中央公园要花多少钱吗?

How much do you think the fare will be to Central Park? 你认为到中央公园的费用是多少钱? What is the approximate fare to Central Park from here? 从这里去中央公园大概要多少钱? No more than thirty dollars. 不超过30美元。

Could you help me load this luggage in the trunk? 能帮我把这些行李拿到后车厢吗?

Put this baggage into the trunk, please 请吧这件行李放进后备箱

Let me help you with your luggage. 我来帮您拿行李。

Get in,please 请上车

Get on,please 请上车

Please hop in 请上来

You are welcome to take my taxi! 欢迎搭乘我的出租车!

Put on your seat belt, please. 请系好安全带。

Where to? 去哪?

Where‘re you going? 你去哪里?

Where do you want to go? 你到哪里?

Where would you like to go? 您想去哪儿?

Could you drive me to the museum? 能载我去博物馆吗?

Will you give me a ride to the Peace Hotel? 请把我送到和平宾馆好吗?

I want to go to xidan 我要去西单

I need to go to Fifth and Main 我要去第五街和美因街路口

Take me to the airport. 送我到机场。

To the airport, and be quick about it. 去机场,开快点。

I’d like to go to this address 请到这个地址

Could you show me that place on the map? 你能再地图上指出那个地方吗?

Please point out the way as we go along. 请沿途告诉我怎么走。

Take the shortest way, please. 请走最近的路。

Is that place far from here? 那个地方离这里很远吗?

How long does it take to get downtown? 到市中心得多长时间?

How long is the ride from here then? 从这儿到那里开车要多少时间?

Well, since it‘s rush hour, I’d say the ride would take about thirty minutes, more or less. Is that okay? 哦,由于是交通高峰期,我想至少要30分钟,行吗?

It‘s the rush hour, we may have a traffic jam. Are you in a hurry? 现在是高峰期我们可能会堵车,你着急吗?

Please don’t drive too fast. I‘m not in a hurry. 请不要开太快,我没有赶时间。

I’m not, so please drive slowly and carefully. 我不赶时间,所以请小心慢慢开。

I‘m in a hurry 我有急事

I’m pressed for time. Could you speed it up? 我赶时间,能否开快一些?

Do you think you can get me to the railway station before 9:15? 你能在9:15之前送我到火车站吗?

Please hurry. I‘m late. I need to be at the railway station in 20 minutes 请快点儿。我要迟到了。我要在20分钟内到火车站

I have to be there before 3 p.m.. There is an extra five dollars for you if you can take me there om time 我要在下午3点之前到那里,如果你能让我准时赶到,我可以多给你5元钱

I’ll try my best,but there‘s a speed limit here 我尽力开快些,但这儿有车速限制

I think we can get there in time unless there’s a traffic jam 我想我们能准时到那儿,除非堵车

It should be okay if we hit the lights just right. 假如一路绿灯的话,那就没问题。

Alright,Miss. Take it easy 好的,小姐。不用着急

There is no need to hurry 不必着急

Please drive safely 请安全驾驶

We‘re held up 我们被堵住了

Oh, please do something about it, or I’ll miss the plane. 哦,请想想办法吧,不然我就误飞机了。

Is there any other route we can take? 还有别的路能走吗?

Yes, but we‘re in the fast lane, you see. It’s impossible to back out of the traffic. 有,可你看我们在快车道上,没法倒车出来。

I wish I could, but we can do nothing. 我也想帮你的忙,可是没办法。

Do you think you could wait for me once we get there? 我们到那之后,你可以等我吗?

I won‘t be long so I don’t want to call another taxi. 我不会耽搁太久,所以我不想另外再叫出租车。

Please wait a minute for me here. I‘ll soon be back. 请在这里等我一下,我马上就回来。

Can you stop over there for a minute? 你能再这暂停一会儿吗?

Here you are, Codak Hotel. 可达饭店到了。

Here we are,Miss 到了,小姐

Stop here, please 请在这儿停吧

Let me out here 我到了
