翻译的语言对比规律 II



History is made by the people.
Increased cooperation with China is in the interests of the United States. 同中国加强合作,符合美国的利益。 Association with the good can only produce well, with the wicked, evil. 近朱者赤,近墨者黑。 吃苦在前,享乐在后。 Be the first to bear hardships and the last to enjoy comforts. 在解决环境问题时,不仅要考虑各国的眼前利益,还要考虑全世界的长远 利益。 When we tackle environment problems, consideration should be given to both the immediate interests of various countries and the long-term interests of the whole world.
In line with latest trends in fashion, a few dress designers have been sacrificing elegance to audacity.
Students, with no exception, are to hand in their papers this afternoon. 今天下午,学生统统要交书面作业。

翻译的语言对比规律 II

翻译的语言对比规律 II
country. 小国人民敢于起来斗争,敢于拿起武器, 掌握自己国家的命运,就一定能够战胜大 国的侵略。
• 1)连接手段略去不译(分词、介词、连词 、关系代词、关系副词、系动词等)
• E.g. Smoking is prohibited in public. • 公共场所,禁止吸烟。 • If winter comes, can spring be far behind? • 冬天来了,春天还会远吗?
• Ordered!Oh, everything is ordered when a person has to find some way out when he has been stupid.
• 命中注定!啊,一个人干出了傻事,要替自 己找理由,那就什么都是命中注定!
• All was cleared up some time later when news came from a distant place that an earthquake was felt the very day the little copper ball fell.
• The people of a small country can certainly defeat aggression by a big country, if only they dare to rise in struggle, dare to take up arms and grasp in their own hands the destiny of their own country.
• A state which dwarfs its men, in order that they may be more docile instruments in its hands even for beneficial purposes will find that with small men no great thing can really be accomplished.



• Ordered! Oh, everything is ordered when a person has to find some way out when he has been stupid. → 命中注定!啊,一个人干出了傻事情,要 替自己找理由,那就什么都是命中注定! 那
不能“一刀切” 不能“一刀切”
语境义 Context
• Thing (东西) 东西) • I believed then that I would die there, and I saw with a terrible clarity the things of the valley below. → 这时我觉得我要死在那儿了,而下面山谷里的景致 景致却看得异常清晰。 景致 • When I am finished, things will be precisely as they were before… → 每次做完之后,一切 一切都依然如故…… 一切 • What I fine thing for our girls! (Pride and Prejudice) →真是女儿们的好福气 福气啊。 福气 • The large mammalian brain is the most complicated thing, for its size, known to us. → 大型哺乳动物的大脑,就其体积而言,是我们所知晓的最复杂的机体 机体。 机体
• • • • 删去不译 如实保留 换成所指代的名词 “其”、“之”等汉语代词的灵活运用
• I must confess that with their repetition, and perhaps because of their very inconsequence, chores can in the end evoke a mild sort of satisfaction. → 我必须承认,正由于其反复性,或许还由于其无关紧要, 其 其 家务事到头来还能给人带来些许的满足感。


英汉句法差异 英语和汉语是完全不同的两种语言。英语属于 印欧语系,汉语属于汉藏语系,它们在语音、词 汇、句法、修辞等方面差异巨大。
识别英汉句法差异,可以帮助英语学习者更 好的进行翻译,避免受汉语思维的影响。
1.形合与意合的差别 2.长句与短句的差别
4.被动与主动的差别 5. 静态和动态的差别

婚姻 中国人称结婚为终身大事,因为中国人的家族观念很重,认为齐家是治国的根本。中国 古人不断告诉读书人,要想替国家做事,必须先把家庭治理好。中国人不仅把婚姻看成一 男一女的结合,还把它当做社会的基础,是很庄重的事,一点也不能马虎。旧式的中国婚 姻,并不是自己选择对象,而是由家长做主,还需要媒人的介绍。到了现代,婚姻由自己 做主,但是仍要征求家长同意。
英语是静态的语言。句 子中的谓语动词是句子的 轴心或核心,主谓间搭配 形式稳定、严格,名词和 介词的使用占优势。
汉语是动态的语言。动词 不受形态的约束,使用方便。 动词连用是汉语常见的现象。 在叙事时,往往借助一系列 动词按其时间和逻辑顺序逐 步交代,层层铺开。
5. 静态和动态的差别

Carlisle Street runs westwards across a great black bridge, down a hill and up again, by little shops and meat-markets, past single-storied homes, until suddenly it stops against a wide green lawn.
原文中一连十多个动词连用,丝毫没有紊乱 之感,反而使人读后感到如行云流水一般。 这里复合句在汉语中称之为“流水句”,分 句之间似断还连,全靠意合把一系列动词连 贯成句。


• • • • • 1. 磕头 Kowtow 2. 四十四只石狮子 Forty-four stone lions 3. A new kind of aircraft---small, cheap, pilotless---is attracting increasing attention. • 一种新型飞机---体积小,便宜,无人驾驶--正在越来越引起人们的注意。
• 3) The U.S. Constitution separates the federal government into three distinct branches (judicial, legislative and executive) with a system of “checks and balances” among their powers. • 美国《合众国宪法》将联邦政府分为三个 各司其职的部门(司法、立法和行政), 并在它们的权力上实行“制衡”制度。
• 露丝·凯利对朋友说过,由于她在堕胎和 节育方面的观点,她无法在卫生部或国际 开发事务部工作,况且,她还反对议会下 院有关胚胎研究的动议。她说过:“我是 个虔诚的天主教徒。显然,我有坚定的个 人原则。如果说这些是坚定的个人原则, 那么,在我的政治生涯中,我就得遵守。” 然而,在某些问题上,她采取的是自由主 义的态度。
• Another fan said Saakashvili-who has a reputation as a hothead-is a better president with his wife at his side. “Don’t worry, Sandra will keep him in line,” said Dzhaeni, another Tbilisi resident. “He must have done something right if he got her to be his wife.” •

翻译的语言对比规律 I

翻译的语言对比规律 I
e.g. aluminum铝 America 美国 CIA(美国)中央情报局 zoology 动物学
译语和原语词在意义上部分或大部分重叠, 这是英汉词语意义对应的主要表现。 e.g. parent 父亲或母亲 brother兄、弟 milk 奶(抽象);人奶,牛奶,羊奶(具体) morning 早晨、上午
汉语语气助词分类类: a. 陈述语气词: 的、了、呢(呐)、罢了、
而已、啦等 b. 疑问语气词: 吗、吧、呢、啦、啊、么等; c. 祈使语气词:吧、罢、呀、啊、啦等。
“My dear Mr. Bennet,” replied his wife, “how can you be so tiresome! You must know that I am thinking of his marrying one of them.”
5. I have tried all I could do to silence such a story. 我已经想尽办法去压下这个谣传了。
6. It was reported that the general was dead, but officials refused to confirm the story.
我还没有望见那座住宅,天早已暗下来了,只有 西边天际还剩下一抹朦胧的琥珀色的余辉,但是 我仍可借助皎洁的月光,看清小路上的每一颗石 子,每一片草叶。
“No, read it over first correctly, without a single mistake.”
1)概念意义(Conceptual Meaning):概念意义 是词义的核心,它直接地、明确地表示所指对象。 实际上也就是词典给词下的定义。



• 1. Brussels fell to him on September 3 and Antwerp the next. • 他于9月3日攻克了布鲁塞尔,次日又拿下 安特卫普。 • 2. They were attended from morning to night by female helpers, wives and nurses and secretaries. • 从早到晚,都有妻子、护士、秘书这样的 女帮手服侍他们。
• 定义 • 词性转换 • 句法成分、语态转换 • 叙述角度、表达方式转换
• Exercises
• This watch never varies more than a second in a month.
• Rockets have found application for the exploration
II. Omission in C –E Translation
Omission in C-E translation is employed in three circumstances: generally
• redundant words in original Chinese, such as unnecessary repetition and wordy expressions; • the original meaning that has already been implied in the context of English version;
of the universe.
火箭已经用来探索宇宙。 • Careful comparison of them will show you the difference. 只要仔细把它们比较一下,你就会发现不同之处。



• 4) 如果这次买卖可以赚到钱,我打算凑一份。 • in on • If there’s any profit to be got out of the deal, I’m going to be in on it.
• 5)因为乔治向老师报告鲍勃考试作弊,鲍勃就对 乔治怀恨在心。 • have it in for somebody • Bob has it in for George because George told the teacher that Bob cheated in the exam.
mind of the writer from the realities of here and
now, from when and how and in what mood the
thing was done, and intensibly induce a habit of
abstraction, generalization and vagueness.
• Conclusion:
• Abstract style is used excessively in English. Some stylists recommend mixed diction
Concrete Chinese
The concern with abstraction characteristic of ancient Greek philosophy has no counterpart in Chinese philosophy. Chinese philosophers quite explicitly favored the most concrete sense impressions in understanding the world. In fact, the Chinese language itself is remarkably concrete.

第五章 翻译的语言对比规律

第五章 翻译的语言对比规律

第五章翻译的语言对比规律一、语义的差异(1)完全对应New York, mathematics, pneumonia, head, mouth, airport(2)部分或大部分对应1.I have no experience as a parent.2.She is my cousin.(3)完全或大部分不对应things 教材P68-69 S1-5如出一撤P1571.Opening/ closing speech2.bite off more than one can chew3.scratch one’s head4.scratch the surface5.my English stinks6.It all happened in the twinkling of an eye.7.He is well over forty.8.This hotel tries to create a homelike atmosphere9.He tried to concentrate on the news over the radio, but hiseyes kept on closing.10.H e shook his head.特别提醒P15911.A ll of us know he ( the speaker) is a busybody.12.(not ) for love or money13.O ur firm is on the rocks.14.H e was quite at fault.15.H is fingers are all thumbs.大同小异P1591.National minority2.Sum total3.License suspension4.You should think twice before doing it.5.Some students like to burn the midnight oil.6.I’ll eat my hat/head/boots if …7.In no case will they look on with folded arms.8.That night they had a heart to heart talk.9.The committee sat on our proposal for several months.搁置10.I didn’t enjoy hot weather in summer, but we have to livewith it, don’t we?但是没办法11.H e just clammed up and wouldn’t talk.拒不开口搭配P1611.sound sleep sound judgment准确判断2.heavy rain / snow; heavy weather恶劣天气3.keep a diary keep/ observe Spring Festival过春节keep hens/pets4.instant coffee/ instant noodle审视角度P162fire engine fire hose tear gas dump truckdust cover reading lampcombination lock placement test pocket moneynext-door neighbor broad jumpstop watch borrowed prosperity思维方式P1621.the rush to learn English rush hours Christmas rush,football craze2.he has no ear for music3.The noise gets on my nerves.4.have a butterfly in the stomach.心里紧张5.Words and figures differ on this check.差异悬殊P1641.The employee was summarily dismissed.2.The murderer was arrested red-handed.3.Bad habits die hard.4.What’s done cannot be undone.5.It’s better to be the safe side.还是稳妥点好6.My husband sends me flowers once in a blue moon.千载难逢7.Today we have reached a stage of realizing that rivers can bepolluted past praying for.现在我们意识到河流受到污染可能已到了无法挽救的地步。















例如:The monks may run away, but the temple cannot run away with him.跑得了和尚,跑不了庙。

When a man is poor his ambition is nor far-reaching.人穷志不短。

Sickness comes like an avalanche, but goes like reeling sick.病来如山倒,病去如抽丝。

I can't trust him, because he is not honest.他不老实,我不相信他。

Lecture Seven 英汉句法对比与翻译(2)

Lecture Seven 英汉句法对比与翻译(2)
• 句子较长,结构形式严明,语义清晰,典型的主谓 句式。先陈述“航空公司试图降低销售及推销成 本”,后用by短语引出“降低销售及推销成本” 的具体手段,通过and来呈示短语中两个不同成分 的语义关系

• • • • • •
Section Two Comparison 译文:航空公司试图通过绕开旅行社直 接把机票售给公司或商务旅客个人、省 下销售佣金来降低销售及推销成本。 汉语一般按照逻辑顺序 先交代具体的手段和措施 然后说明这些手段和措施所产生的结果 汉译时 先将表示具体手段的by…短语译出 然后交代其结果
Section Two Comparison • 例15: • “Virtual office” can mean many things, but is used mainly to describe technical systems which can maintain communications with employees who are constantly on the move, whose office can be their hotel room or company car.
Section Two Comparison • • • • • • • 汉语句子的语义结构以 动词为中心 造句规律按照 时间顺序和逻辑顺序 来排列句子的结构成分 一般说来 按照由先到后、由因到果、由假设到推论、 由事实到结论这样的次序排列
Section Two Comparison • 例20:Airlines are trying to cut their sales and distribution costs by bypassing travel agencies and selling direct to companies or the individual business traveller and keeping the seller’s commission.











“同一概念意义(conceptual meaning)的若干句子会因为各自语序的不同而产生不同的主题意义(thematic meaning),具有不同的交际价值(communicative value)”(司显柱,2019)。





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翻译的语言对比规律 (2)
• 一、语义差异 • 二、词法差异 • 三、句法差异 • 四、思维差异
• 1、英语基本句式 • SV(主+谓) • SVP(主+系+表) • SVO(主+谓+宾) • SVoO(主+谓+间宾+直宾) • SVOC(主+谓+宾+宾补)
• The people of a small country can
certainly defeat aggression by a big
country, if only they dare to rise in
struggle, dare to take up arms and grasp
in their own hands the destiny of their own
• 一个政府压制它的人民,以便使其成为自己 手中的驯服工具——即使是为了正当的目 的——它也会发现,靠受压制的人是不可能 真正成就什么大事的。
• 出西门,循山脚,高低约数里,渐见山峰 屹立,石作横纹。
• 出西门,循山脚,高低约数里,渐见山峰 屹立,石作横纹。
• Following him passed the Western Gate, I went along the foot of the hill for about several of undulating country, when a mountain peak with rocks in horizontal formations gradually came into view.
country. 小国人民敢于起来斗争,敢于拿起武器, 掌握自己国家的命运,就一定能够战胜大 国的侵略。
• 1)连接手段略去不译(分词、介词、连词 、关系代词、关系副词、系动词等)
• E.g. Smoking is prohibited in public. • 公共场所,禁止吸烟。 • If winter comes, can spring be far behind? • 冬天来了,春天还会远吗?
• 形合:句中的词语或分句之间需要一种语 言形式手段(如连词或关联词)连接起来 ,表达一定的语法意义和逻辑关系
• 意合பைடு நூலகம்词语或分句之间不用语言形式手段 进行连接,句中的语法意义和逻辑关系通 过词语或分句的含义来表达。
• Even if I were to be beaten to death, I will not tell. 打死我也不说。
• A state which dwarfs its men, in order that they may be more docile instruments in its hands even for beneficial purposes will find that with small men no great thing can really be accomplished.
• A state which dwarfs its men, in order that they may be more docile instruments in its hands even for beneficial purposes will find that with small men no great thing can really be accomplished.
• 2). 语序和句子重心差异
• 英语句子和汉语句子的重心相同,一般都落在结 果结论等上,但重心的位置不同,英语一般是前 重心,而汉语句子一般是后重心。
• PS.现代汉语行文表述顺序大致有以下倾向:先说 条件、前提,后说结论、断语;先交待时间、地 点,后交待事件、人物行为;先推出背景、前因 ,后摆出发展和后果;先铺述一般,后刻划具体 等等。多层次叙述时,大体上也是从广到窄、从 大到小、从远到近、从先到后等。
• Ordered!Oh, everything is ordered when a person has to find some way out when he has been stupid.
• 命中注定!啊,一个人干出了傻事,要替自 己找理由,那就什么都是命中注定!
• All was cleared up some time later when news came from a distant place that an earthquake was felt the very day the little copper ball fell.
• As we resumed walking I blurted out, “It’s a lucky thing it happened that way. You wouldn’t have met Mother.(教材)
• 我们继续往前走,我又冒出一句话:“这样 倒是一件幸事。不然你就遇不上妈妈了。”
• 2、汉语基本句式 • 1)话题句、施事句、关系句、呼叹句、
祈使句、存现句、有无句、描写句、说明 句等。 • 2)除动词外,形容词、名词等其他词类 也可充当谓语。
• 3、英汉句式结构相同点
• 基本结构:主语+谓语+宾语
• E.g. • 1)A woman’s friendship ever ends in
• The people of a small country can certainly defeat aggression by a big country, if only they dare to rise in struggle, dare to take up arms and grasp in their own hands the destiny of their own country.
• 3、英汉句式结构相同点
• 基本结构:主语+谓语+宾语
• E.g. • 1)A woman’s friendship ever ends in
love. • 女人的友谊最后总会变成爱情。
4. 英汉句法差异
• 1)形合(hypotaxis)与意合(parataxis )