



x x x学院2013届新生英语短剧大赛策划书xx学院英文短剧大赛活动策划书一活动背景为了调动广大同学学习英语的积极性,将大家带动到学习英语的氛围中,为将要到来的英语四年级做准备,计信艺园学院学习部将举办我院英文短剧大赛活动.二活动目的创新是当代大学生应具备的品质,本次活动旨在提高广大同学综合素质,丰富同学们的课余文化生活,提高学院学习气氛.同时,我们将为同学提供一个创造,表现的平台.希望通过这次活动,增强班级的凝聚力.三活动主题那些年,我们一起追过的动漫四主办单位XX学院学生会学习部五活动时间、地点2014年4月8日------2014年4月26日学术报告厅六活动开展本次活动主要以专业为单位,内容为正剧或诙谐幽默均可,可改编原着,也可以自行创作.限时准备,参赛时间为6--8分钟.赛后团队分设一、二、三等奖,个人设最佳男女主角奖,最佳口语奖.颁发奖品.中间会穿插配音,歌曲,舞蹈等节目,争取为大家呈现一台寓教于乐的晚会.活动开展流程计划14月8日晚自习各专业班长支书在班级通知比赛事宜,并于 ,并由其整理打印.24月14日学习部成员经审内容初检节目,避免节目雷同.通知通过审核的专业着手准备相关比赛事宜,并对未通过审核的专业提出修改意见.34月16日学习部成员复审稿件.44月18日18:00学习部副部领各专业参赛领队到南楼217抽签比赛出场顺序.54月19日—4月20日由学习部副部拟好节目单,做好宣传词.安排美工部做好比赛海报.64月21日美工部成员将海报粘贴于金瓯楼前宣传栏做好宣传.74月26日上午彩排,确保节目质量,并安排其他各项工作:服装、礼仪等.84月26日下午活动举办.七活动前期准备1.主持人的确定:一男一女,主持人需要提前写好主持人稿中英文混搭,并且熟记台词.2.比赛场地学术报告厅的申请、场地的布置.3.邀请学校英语老师、辅导员、英语社团成员当任比赛评委.4.发送请帖邀请学院领导老师和其他学院学生干部.5.穿插的舞蹈、歌曲等节目与文艺部商量提供.7.物品购置:1矿泉水,评委和嘉宾邀请函;2一二三等奖奖状和证书以及会场布置的相关物品等;3评委评分表、主持人稿缩印、节目单、评分细则打印.8.做好比赛要用的PPT或视频.八活动流程1、比赛前播放音乐,静待嘉宾的到来开场视频的播放,主持人进场宣布比赛的正式开始,介绍现场的评委,然后辅导员讲话.2、前三支队伍依次上场,表演结束后,穿插文艺部安排的表演,接着引领第四、五、六支队伍上场表演,然后是文艺部带来的才艺表演.3、评委进行投票,为选手加分,宣布比赛结果,嘉宾颁奖包括最佳男女主角奖,最佳口语奖,宣布比赛结束;4、所有参赛者、颁奖嘉宾、学生会干部、幕后工作同学上台一起合影.九经费预算表演服装道具由各班自己制作,鼓励节约,废物利用做出最合适的服装道具XX学习部二〇一四年二月二十五日.比赛要求1.语言能力及运用:演员发音清晰、语音标准,语言流畅,富有感染力;2.剧本内容:剧目反映的思想应积极向上,符合当代大学生的思想特质,一定程度上反映当代大学生的生活,剧本形式富有新意、创造力和感染力;3.表演技巧:表演大方得体、自然生动、感情充沛,能充分把握剧中人性格特征;4.团队合作:团队合作默契程度;5.服装道具及舞台表现力:服装最好符合剧中人的身份、特点、合体、大方;场景布置及道具安排要能准确反映剧目表达的内容及环境,有良好的现场气氛.比赛细则一、比赛形式:本次英语话剧比赛通过抽签决定上场顺序,每个专业组成一支比赛小组,小组抽签后依次登台表演,评委根据表演内容、形式以及台风、形象等打分,坚持公平、公正、公正的原则,选手服装、道具自备.二、比赛要求:一、内容健康、积极向上.二、时间6~8分钟三、选手在表演时必须用英文表达.三、奖项设置:一等奖一名,二等奖一名,三等奖一名,最佳创意奖,最佳口语奖各一名,获奖小组颁发相关荣誉证书.四、比赛细则:A部分—比赛准备:学生会各部门分工各部门上午开始布置会场,下午比赛开始前一个小时到场组织部:1负责邀请评委和嘉宾.办公室:1负责签到.2负责比赛过程中的记录与评分表整理工作.学习部:1评分表的分发,矿泉水的摆放2负责比赛过程中的分数统计.自律部:1赛前座位划分及引领和赛后退场顺序的安排.2维持比赛会场纪律.体育部:1负责会场的装扮桌布摆放女生部:1做好礼仪方面的工作进场迎宾和赛后颁奖等.宣传部、美工部:负责比赛的宣传工作:1出版报、海报宣传.2出版报介绍比赛情况及获奖名单.记者团:1负责比赛过程中拍照.B部分—比赛安排1、比赛规则参赛作品要求:1、话剧内容健康、向上.2、每组比赛时间不超过6~8分钟.3、参赛选手自带伴奏带,自备道具、演出服.2、评判工作:(1)比赛评委3名:由组织部邀请,外语教师一名,英语社团成员一名,辅导员. (2)评分过程按照已定标准本着公平公正原则给予评判.4、点评及颁奖工作:1由评委老师代表作点评.2由主持人宣布获奖情况.3由颁奖嘉宾进行颁奖C部分—赛后安排及注意事项1、各部门需服从分配,认真做好学生会工作.活动前要充分做好准备宣传工作,比赛当天各部做好自己所负责学校节目的安排和引领工作,避免出现场面混乱现象.2、赛前检查设备是否正常运行,比赛中严格按照赛前节目安排进行.赛后相关各部负责做好物品的整理与归还,并打扫场地.3、积极总结活动经验,对不足之处进行分析,并进行改进.4、活动中各部务必密切配合,各部长负责分配本部工作.5、各部要做好本职工作,积极完成任务.6、随时调整各部分工作细则.学习部二〇一四年二月二十五日英语话剧大赛评分细则总分:100分1、剧本选择占10%,共10分一等:主题鲜明,剧情流畅,跌宕起伏.引起观众共鸣.剧本的词汇和语法完全正确;对语法和词汇牢固掌握,语句通顺,剧本中语法结构较为复杂.7-10分二等:主题比较突出,剧情流畅.有一定深度,具有一定的感染力.剧本中词汇较丰.剧本中词汇不丰富,语法结构较简单,词汇和语法有一些错误,.4-7分三等:主题平淡,不明显,剧情出现不连续的情况,影响主题的表现.剧本没有深度,且偏离现实生活.剧本中因缺乏词汇和语法结构而影响理解.4分以下2、演员英语口语占20%,共20分一等:发音较好,发音准确清晰,腔调自然,悦耳动听,有感染力.语调自然,符合表演情景. 15-20分二等:发音尚可.语调较自然,基本符合表演情景.10-15分三等:发音有缺陷,有时影响理解.语调有时不符合表演情景.5-10分四等:发音较差,时常影响理解.语调生硬,不自然,不符合表演情景.5分以下3、演员表演水平占30%,共30分一等:演技精湛,令剧中人物活灵活现,表情丰富,口语流畅,风采佳,眼神动作到位,演出十分投入.演员对白没有遗忘现象,表达自然流畅.演员配合默契.25-30分二等:演技细腻,能生动地表现剧中人物性格,表情丰富,演出专注.对白动作熟练,表达比较流畅.演员配合一般.15-25分三等:演技一般,能表现剧中人物特点,动作对白基本能完成,但能看出不够熟练,且语气不够丰富.5-15分四等:演技缺乏锻炼,影响人物剧情的表现,出现明显的遗忘对白或动作的情况,且对白动作生硬.5分以下,酌情给分4、整体团队合作占30%,共30分一等:表现力强,具有良好的台风和丰富的肢体语言,团队表演衔接流畅,自然,演出顺序井井有条,且及时.7-10分二等:表现力不错,团队表演间台词能够及时衔接,但是缺乏自然,演员替换不够及时.4-7分三等:表现力一般,不能很好地与队友合作,团队间表现衔接不上,演员出场顺序混乱.4分以下5、舞台效果占10%,共10分一等:舞台效果感觉好,能适合剧情气氛,服装道具全合适.23-30分二等:舞台基本能营造剧情气氛,但不明显.服装道具基本齐全合适.15-23分三等:舞台基本能营造剧情气氛,但不明显.服装道具不齐备.15分以下2013届计信艺园新生英语短剧评分表评委签名:。



班级英语短剧表演大赛筹备书英文作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Title: Preparation Plan for Class English Drama Performance CompetitionIntroductionThe Class English Drama Performance Competition is an exciting event that allows students to showcase their acting skills and creativity in English. To ensure the success of the competition, proper planning and preparation are essential. This document outlines the steps and strategies for organizing and executing a successful Class English Drama Performance Competition.Planning CommitteeThe first step in preparing for the competition is to form a planning committee. The committee should consist of teachers, students, and other staff members who are dedicated to organizing a successful event. Responsibilities should be delegated among committee members to ensure that all aspects of the competition are covered.Choosing Themes and ScriptsThe next step is to select themes and scripts for the competition. The themes should be engaging and relevant to the students, and the scripts should be age-appropriate and not too complicated. It is important to involve the students in the selection process to ensure that they are excited and invested in the competition.Auditions and CastingOnce the themes and scripts are chosen, auditions should be held to select the actors for the performances. Students should be encouraged to audition for different roles and to showcase their talents. The casting process should be fair and transparent to ensure that all students have an equal opportunity to participate.RehearsalsAfter the casting is complete, rehearsals should begin. It is important to schedule regular rehearsals to allow the actors to practice their lines, blocking, and timing. The director or teacher should provide feedback and guidance to help the students improve their performances.Set Design and PropsIn addition to rehearsals, attention should be given to set design and props. The set should enhance the performances and be visually appealing, while the props should be realistic and appropriate for the scenes. Students can be involved in designing and creating the set and props to make the competition more interactive and collaborative.Promotion and PublicityTo generate excitement and interest in the competition, promotion and publicity are key. Posters, flyers, and announcements should be used to inform students and parents about the event. Social media can also be utilized to reach a wider audience and attract more participants.Judging Criteria and PrizesJudging criteria should be established to evaluate the performances fairly and objectively. Criteria may include acting ability, creativity, and overall presentation. Prizes can be awarded to the winners to recognize their hard work and talent.Feedback and EvaluationAfter the competition, it is important to gather feedback from the participants and audience to assess the success of theevent. This feedback can be used to improve future competitions and make them even more enjoyable and engaging.ConclusionOrganizing a Class English Drama Performance Competition is a rewarding experience that allows students to showcase their talents and creativity. By following the steps and strategies outlined in this document, the planning committee can ensure the success of the competition and create a memorable event for all involved.篇2Preparation Proposal for Class English Drama Performance Competition1. IntroductionThe Class English Drama Performance Competition aims to provide students with a platform to showcase their English speaking and acting abilities, as well as to enhance their language skills in an interactive and engaging manner. This proposal outlines the details of organizing the competition, including the objectives, timeline, rules, and judging criteria.2. Objectives- To promote English language learning and speaking skills among students.- To enhance students' confidence in public speaking and acting.- To encourage teamwork and collaboration among classmates.- To foster creativity and innovation in drama performance.3. Timeline- Announcement of the competition: 1st March- Registration deadline: 15th March- Rehearsal period: 15th March - 15th April- Dress rehearsal: 16th April- Final performance: 20th April4. Rules- Each class will form a team of 5-8 members to participate in the competition.- The performance should be between 15-20 minutes long.- The theme of the performance is open, but it should be appropriate for a school setting.- Costumes and props are allowed, but should be provided by the participants.- Use of English language in the performance is mandatory.5. Judging Criteria- Language proficiency: fluency, pronunciation, and vocabulary usage.- Acting skills: expression, gestures, and character portrayal.- Creativity: originality of the script, storyline, and dialogue.- Teamwork: coordination, cooperation, and support among team members.6. Prizes- 1st place: Certificate of Achievement and a trophy- 2nd place: Certificate of Merit- 3rd place: Certificate of ParticipationIn conclusion, the Class English Drama Performance Competition aims to create a fun and educational experience for students to improve their English language skills and showcasetheir talents. We believe that this competition will not only benefit the participants but also inspire other students to take an interest in drama and language learning. Let's join hands and make this event a success!篇3Class English Short Play Competition Preparation ProposalIntroduction:The class English short play competition is an annual event organized by the English department of our school. It aims to provide students with a platform to showcase their English language skills, creativity, and teamwork. The competition also serves as a fun and interactive way for students to improve their language proficiency and build their confidence in public speaking. This document outlines the preparation process for the upcoming competition.Objectives:1. To encourage students to develop their English language skills through participation in a creative and engaging activity.2. To promote teamwork and collaboration among students in the class.3. To provide students with an opportunity to showcase their talent and creativity in English language performance.4. To enhance students' confidence in public speaking and stage performance.Preparation Plan:1. Formation of Teams: Students will be divided into teams of 5-8 members each. Each team will be required to come up with a short play script in English, based on a theme provided by the organizing committee.2. Script Writing: Each team will be given a week to brainstorm ideas, write a script, and finalize their play. Teams are encouraged to be creative and original in their approach to the theme.3. Rehearsals: Teams will be given three weeks to rehearse their plays. They will have access to school facilities for practice sessions, and a teacher will be assigned to each team to provide guidance and feedback.4. Props and Costumes: Teams are responsible for sourcing their props and costumes for the performance. The organizing committee will provide basic materials and assistance in making props if needed.5. Technical Support: The school's AV team will provide technical support during the competition, including lighting, sound, and stage set-up.6. Judging Criteria: Plays will be judged based on criteria such as language proficiency, creativity, teamwork, acting skills, and overall presentation. A panel of judges from the English department will evaluate the performances and select the winning team.7. Promotion: The competition will be promoted through posters, social media, and announcements in school assemblies to encourage maximum student participation and audience attendance.Conclusion:The class English short play competition is a valuable opportunity for students to showcase their talent and creativity in English language performance. Through active participation in the competition, students will not only improve their language skills but also develop their teamwork, confidence, and stage presence. The organizing committee is committed to ensuring a smooth and successful event, and we look forward to witnessing the amazing performances that our students will bring to the stage. Let's make this year's competition the best one yet!。


















让大家享受英语带给大家的欢乐体验. 三.主办单位:信息工程学院团委,社团联合会
1.比赛时间:4月16日(周六)下午2:00 地点:待定七.具体要求:

九.奖项设置:一等奖: 2名
二等奖: 3名
三等奖: 3名



























具体方案如下:一、比赛内容:英语短剧、课本剧等二、参加对象:3-6年级学生三、比赛时间:2017年4月13日中午四、比赛地点 : 实验室五、比赛要求: 1、3-4年级每班准备1个节目,5-6年级每班准备2个节目2、每个英语短剧的表演时间为3-5分钟。







A: Little Red Riding Hood’s motherB: Little Red Riding HoodC: WolfD: GrandmotherE:Farmer Little Red Riding Hood 第一场:Little Red Riding Hood家Mum:(妈妈拿着一个篮子,把桌子上的水果放在篮子里)Little Red Riding Hood:(唱着歌,欢快地跑进来)Hi,mummy, what areyou doing?Mum:(一边把水果放在篮子里,心事重重地说)Grandma is ill.Here are some apples and bananas for Grandma.Take them to Grandma.Little Red Riding Hood:(边提起篮子,边点头说)Ok!Mum:(亲切地看着Little Red Riding Hood说)Be good.Be careful.Little Red Riding Hood:Yes ,mummy.Goodbye, mummy.Mum: Bye-bye.Darling.第二场:在路上(一阵轻快的音乐由远而近,Little Red Riding Hood挎着篮子蹦跳跳地跳到花草旁)Little Red Riding Hood: Wow!Flowers, how beautiful!(放下篮子采花)One flower ,two flowers, three flowers.Wolf:(随着一阵低沉的音乐,Wolf大步地走上台)I am wolf.I am hungry.(做找东西状,东张西望)Here is a little red riding hood.Hi!Little Red Riding Hood.Where are you going?(做狡猾的样子和Little Red Riding Hood打招呼)Little Red Riding Hood:(手摸辫子,天真地回答)ToGrandma’s.Grandma is ill.Wolf:(自言自语)I' ll eat Grandma.But……(对Little Red Riding Hood说)Hey, look!6 little baby ducks.Little Red Riding Hood:(和6只鸭子随着音乐翩翩起舞)Wolf:(悄悄地藏到大树后)Little Red Riding Hood:(停止跳舞)Hello!Baby ducks,how are you?Six Ducks:We’ re fine.Thank you. Where are you going?Little Red Riding Hood:To Grandma’s.Oh, I must go, bye.Six Ducks:Goodbye.第三场:Grandma家Grandma:(喘着气出场,颤颤悠悠地走到床前,吃力地坐到床边,喘了几口,打几个哈欠,慢吞吞地躺倒在床上。














校本课教案英语短剧的改编和排演一、教学目标1. 让学生了解英语短剧的基本概念和结构。

2. 培养学生对英语短剧改编和排演的兴趣。

3. 提高学生运用英语进行表达和沟通的能力。

4. 培养学生的团队合作精神和创造力。

二、教学内容1. 英语短剧的基本概念和结构。

2. 短剧改编的基本方法和技巧。

3. 短剧排演的基本步骤和注意事项。

4. 英语短剧表演的评价标准。

三、教学过程1. 导入:教师简要介绍英语短剧的基本概念和结构,激发学生的兴趣。

2. 讲解:教师讲解短剧改编的基本方法和技巧,引导学生进行思考和讨论。

3. 实践:学生分组进行短剧改编和排演,教师给予指导和反馈。

4. 展示:学生展示改编后的短剧,其他学生和教师进行评价。

四、教学资源1. 英语短剧剧本:教师提供一些经典的英语短剧剧本,供学生参考。

2. 改编和排演指导资料:教师提供一些关于改编和排演方面的资料,帮助学生更好地进行实践。

3. 音响和视频设备:用于播放剧本和记录学生表演,以便于学生和教师进行评价和反思。

五、教学评价1. 学生参与度:观察学生在课堂上的积极参与情况和团队合作精神。

2. 学生表演水平:评价学生在短剧表演中的语言表达能力、肢体表现力和情感传达能力。

3. 学生改编和排演能力:评价学生在改编和排演过程中的创造力、逻辑思维和问题解决能力。

4. 学生反馈和反思:收集学生的反馈和反思,了解他们对课程的看法和改进建议。

六、教学策略1. 任务驱动法:通过具体的改编和排演任务,激发学生的学习兴趣和动力。

2. 合作学习法:鼓励学生分组合作,培养团队协作能力和沟通能力。

3. 情境教学法:创设真实的表演情境,提高学生的语言表达能力和情感传达能力。

4. 反馈与评价:教师及时给予学生反馈和评价,指导学生进行改进和提高。

七、教学步骤1. 第一步:导入(5分钟)教师简要介绍本节课的教学目标和内容,激发学生的学习兴趣。

2. 第二步:讲解(10分钟)教师讲解短剧改编的基本方法和技巧,如角色分配、情节调整、对话修改等。



英语作文举办英语短剧比赛英文回答:Organizing an English drama competition can be a rewarding experience for both participants and organizers. Here is a comprehensive guide to help you plan and execute a successful event:1. Planning.Define the competition: Determine the objectives of the competition, such as promoting language proficiency, developing creativity, or fostering cultural exchange.Set the criteria: Establish clear guidelines for the competition, including the length of the plays, the number of participants, and the judging criteria.Choose a venue: Select a suitable venue that can accommodate the audience and provide an appropriateatmosphere for the performances.Recruit participants: Advertise the competition widely and provide clear instructions on how to apply.Secure funding: Estimate the expenses of the competition and explore funding options such as sponsorships or registration fees.2. Execution.Rehearsals: Provide participants with adequate time and resources for rehearsals. Consider organizing workshops or training sessions to enhance their skills.Day of the competition: Ensure a smooth flow of events by coordinating with participants, judges, and technical crew.Judging: Assemble a panel of experienced judges who will evaluate the performances based on the established criteria.Awards ceremony: Recognize the achievements of the participants and present awards to the winners.3. Evaluation.Feedback: Collect constructive feedback from participants, judges, and the audience to identify areas for improvement in future competitions.Impact assessment: Evaluate the effectiveness of the competition in achieving its objectives and consider ways to maximize its impact.中文回答:举办英语短剧比赛。






二、活动目标1. 提供一个机会让学生们展示和交流医院英语的能力。

2. 增进学生对医院英语的学习兴趣,提高学生对医学专业的理解和热爱。

3. 促进学生之间的交流与合作,提高团队合作意识和能力。

4. 提高学生的英语能力,培养学生的相关专业素养。

三、活动方案1. 活动时间:本次活动计划为期三天,具体时间为2022年5月1日至5月3日。

2. 活动地点:活动将在医学院校内举行,包括教室、实验室和图书馆等地。

3. 活动内容:(1)英语口语角:设立英语角,提供学生展示口语能力的机会。








4. 活动流程:(1)开幕式:在活动的第一天上午,举行隆重的开幕式,邀请校领导、专家教授和相关嘉宾出席,向学生介绍活动的目的和意义,并进行开幕致辞。















三、节目形式:1. 比赛环节:参赛者分为若干小组,进行一系列英语口语挑战,包括问答、对话、演讲等环节。

2. 互动环节:观众可以积极参与,通过抽奖等方式与参赛者互动并赢取奖品。

3. 表演环节:安排英语短剧表演,由参赛者自行编排和表演。

四、节目流程:1. 开场:- 主持人介绍节目名称和宗旨,向观众介绍参赛者和评委,并简单解释比赛规则。

- 主持人进行热身环节,引导观众熟悉英语氛围。

2. 比赛环节:- 第一轮:问答环节,参赛者回答主持人提问。

- 第二轮:对话环节,每组两名参赛者进行实时对话,评委根据表现打分。

- 第三轮:演讲环节,每组选派一名代表进行主题演讲,评委根据内容和表达打分。

3. 互动环节:- 观众抽奖环节,观众通过回答英语问题赢取抽奖机会,与参赛者互动。

- 观众提问环节,观众可以向参赛者提问,参赛者用英语回答。

4. 表演环节:- 参赛者分组编排英语短剧,展示他们的创意和表演能力。

- 观众票选最佳表演,并颁发奖品。

5. 结束:- 主持人总结整个节目的收获和亮点,并感谢观众、参赛者和评委的支持。

- 宣布最终获奖名单,颁发奖品,并与观众互动合影留念。

五、节目特色:1. 创意互动:通过观众与参赛者的互动环节,增加观众参与感,提高观众对节目的兴趣。

2. 综合考察:比赛环节设计多样化,涵盖问答、对话和演讲,全面考察参赛者的英语口语能力。

3. 鼓励合作:参赛者以小组形式参与,鼓励他们互相合作、协作,增强团队合作精神。

六、预期效果:1. 提高英语口语能力:通过参与挑战,参赛者的英语口语能力将得到有效提升。

2. 增强自信心:参赛者在表演和回答问题的过程中,将增加自信心和应对能力。

3. 促进交流:观众和参赛者之间的互动,将促进英语语言的实际应用和交流。






二、活动目的1. 激发学生的创造力和表演热情,提高学生的综合素质。

2. 丰富校园文化生活,营造积极向上的校园氛围。

3. 加强各高校之间的交流与合作,增进友谊。

三、活动主题“演绎青春,绽放风采”四、活动主体各高校在校学生五、活动时间及地点[具体比赛时间][具体比赛地点]六、活动流程1. 宣传阶段通过学校官网、社交媒体、海报等多种渠道进行广泛宣传,吸引同学们积极参与。

2. 报名阶段各参赛队伍在规定时间内提交报名材料,包括队伍名称、成员名单、短剧简介等。

3. 初赛阶段组织评委对报名的短剧进行初步评审,筛选出优秀的队伍进入决赛。

4. 决赛阶段(1)各参赛队伍按照抽签顺序依次进行表演。



七、比赛规则1. 参赛短剧必须为原创作品,主题积极向上,内容健康。

2. 表演时间控制在[X]分钟以内。

3. 参赛队伍人数不限,但必须保证所有成员均为在校学生。

4. 比赛过程中必须遵守比赛规则和现场秩序。

八、奖项设置1. 一等奖[X]名,奖金[X]元及荣誉证书。

2. 二等奖[X]名,奖金[X]元及荣誉证书。

3. 三等奖[X]名,奖金[X]元及荣誉证书。

4. 最佳表演奖、最佳创意奖、最佳编剧奖各[X]名,荣誉证书及奖品。

九、活动预算1. 场地租赁费用:[X]元。

2. 宣传费用:[X]元。

3. 奖品及奖金:[X]元。

4. 评委费用:[X]元。

5. 其他费用:[X]元。

十、活动组织与人员安排1. 成立活动筹备组,负责活动的策划、组织和协调工作。

2. 设立宣传组,负责活动的宣传推广工作。

3. 安排评委组,由专业老师和学生代表组成,负责比赛的评审工作。





二、活动背景:英语短剧比赛,秋季里一道美丽的风景线,展现当代大学生的青春靓丽,show 出你我精彩,在limit时间内,领略英语带给我们的妙趣,感受异国文化的魅力,带动更多的人学习英语,激发同学们对英语学习的兴趣。

三、活动时间初赛:2012年11月30日晚上7: 30(暂定)复赛:2012年12月10日中午1:00(暂定)四、活动地点初赛地点:吉首大学沙子坳校区60112(暂定)复赛地点:模拟法庭五、活动对象资环学院全体同学六、活动宣传:1)海报宣传。




七、活动嘉宾:(待定)八、活动要求报名要求:11、12级每班至少有一个节目参赛,10级不作要求,参赛人员为2—7人,请有意参加者于11月25日将组内人员及负责人的信息(年级,姓名,班级,联系方式)及 ppt发送至赫珊姗邮箱(982320040@),并记得在11月27日中午12:00到学院小办公室来抽签,以便确定好选手参赛顺序,参赛内容积极健康,符合大学生的基本要求,富有感染力。





英语短剧表演大赛筹备情况英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1The Excitement of the Upcoming English Play CompetitionOh my gosh, you guys! I'm so excited, I can barely contain myself! Our school is hosting an English short play competition and my class is going to participate! We get to write, direct, and perform our very own short play entirely in English. Isn't that just the coolest thing ever?It all started a few weeks ago when our English teacher, Mrs. Roberts, announced the big news during our Monday morning class. She told us all about this super fun opportunity to put on a short play showcasing our English skills. The best part? The winning team gets to perform their play at the city theater in front of a huge audience! Just thinking about being on that big stage gives me butterflies in my tummy.Of course, we all went wild with excitement when Mrs. Roberts shared the details. A bunch of my classmates immediately started brainstorming crazy play ideas, like ones about ninja warriors or talking dinosaurs. Leave it to Bobby tosuggest something totally wacko like evil robots taking over the world! That kid has one vivid imagination, let me tell you.Once the initial burst of creative energy settled down, Mrs. Roberts explained that we'd need to split into small groups to develop our play concepts. She asked for volunteers to be the team leaders who would help guide their groups through the whole process. I knew right away that I wanted to raise my hand for that role.You see, I've always loved performing and being on stage ever since I played a tree in our kindergarten production of The Silly Seed. I may have only had one line, which was "Wow, look how tall I am!", but I stole that show, if I do say so myself. From that moment on, I was hooked on the magic of theater!Anyway, I shot my hand up immediately when Mrs. Roberts asked for team leader volunteers. A few other kids did too, like my friends Emma and Jake. No surprise there - Emma loves to read out loud with crazy accents and Jake is a total class clown. We've basically been a theatrical triple threat since first grade!Mrs. Roberts picked six team leaders in total and asked us to go around the room choosing our group members. Of course, Emma, Jake and I had to team up. We're like peas in a pod! Thethree of us recruited a few other theater-loving kids and just like that, our performance troupe was formed.The very next day, we got right down to business figuring out our play concept during recess. We knew we wanted something fun and light-hearted, but with a mini-twist at the end to keep the audience on their toes. After batting around various wacky ideas, Emma struck gold when she proposed basing it on our recent classroom lizard pet escapades.You probably don't know this story, but it's a pretty hilarious one. Basically, our class pet lizard, Sir-Licks-A-Lot, temporarily went missing last month during Mrs. Hubbard's science lab. The entire fourth grade went into full panic mode trying to locate the slippery little guy. It ended up being a crazy chase between the students and teachers to see who could find Sir-Licks first. In the end, he was chillin' in the art supply closet, sunbathing on the neon clay. Only that lizard would think to go there!Anyway, Emma's idea is to turn those events into an exaggerated farce where Sir-Licks-A-Lot gets loose and various cheeky animal characters join his "great escape" across the school's wackiest locations. There's tons of potential for super silly antics and wordplay with this concept. Plus, we can reallyham it up with goofy voices and over-the-top acting, which is right up our alley.Once we had our play premise set, it was time to start scriptwriting! We met up over the next couple of weekends to outline the plot and create our cast of characters. Jake came up with some real zingers for Sir-Licks' dialogue. His lizard impression, complete with sticking out his tongue, always has me doubled over laughing.While the script was slowly coming together, Emma took charge of making the props and sets since she's really crafty like that. She's now hard at work creating miniature hallway and classroom backdrops from leftover cardboard boxes and tubes. Her parents must go through a ton of toilet paper rolls based on her design sketches! Emma's little brothers are even helping out by painting the scenery using their watercolors.As for me, I've been focused on putting together our costume pieces by rummaging through my dress-up trunk and accessories galore. You should see the crazy get-ups I've assembled so far - from a squeaky doggie outfit (complete with floppy ears and a tail) to a hot pink flamingo look with funky sunglasses. My mom just smiles and shakes her head whenever I model the latest wacky creation.Of course, the most important element is nailing down our acting chops. We've been running lines and staging our big comedic bits after school and during our weekend playdates. Sometimes we have trouble keeping a straight face due to Jake's improving skills. I swear, that kid's brought me to tears from laughter more times than I can count!There's been a couple of occasions where Mrs. Roberts has stopped by our group rehearsals to check our progress and provide feedback. She's given some really helpful suggestions for tightening up the script and expressing more exaggerated emotions during our big comedic moments. I'm so grateful to have such a supportive, theater-loving teacher guiding us along the way.With only two weeks until showtime, we're in crunch mode getting all the final pieces in place. We've been kicking our rehearsals into high gear to ensure we have our lines, cues, and blocking down pat. Emma's putting the finishing touches on the scenery and props, while I'm making sure everyone's costumes are ready for action.We're all just bouncing off the walls with anticipation at this point! There's a such a delicious combination of nervousness and exhilaration bubbling up inside me. I can't wait for the night ofthe big competition to finally arrive. Just imagining the roar of the audience before we make our grand debut is enough to send tingles shooting through me.More than anything, I really hope all our hard work pays off and we give a stellar, showstopping performance. It would be a dream come true to be announced as the winner, hands down. Imagine getting to perform our lizard farce on that huge city theater stage in front of multiplied audience! I can picture it now - the bright lights, the booming applause, the feeling of being a total superstar, if only for one magical night.No matter what happens though, I already feel like a million bucks just getting the chance to put on an English play with my best friends in the whole world. Something tells me the memories we've made together while preparing for this thing will stick with me for life. Who knew one teacher's contest announcement could spark such creativity, laughter, and flat-out fun times?I guess that's just the indescribable magic of theater, especially when you're a passionate bunch of fourth graders with big imaginations and performance dreams even bigger than yourselves. This has been an experience I'll never forget, that's for sure. Wow, what an unforgettably awesome adventure!篇2My Class is Putting on an English Play!Wow, I'm so excited! My teacher, Ms. Roberts, just announced that our class is going to perform an English play for the big city-wide English drama competition this year. I love acting and being on stage, so as soon as I heard the news, I knew I wanted to try out for one of the main roles.The competition is still a few months away, but Ms. Roberts said we need to start preparing right away since there's a lot of work to do. First, we need to pick which play we want to perform. Ms. Roberts gave us a few options like "The Three Little Pigs," "Goldilocks and the Three Bears," and "Jack and the Beanstalk." Those are all fun, classic stories that I'm really familiar with.Yesterday during English class, we split up into small groups to read through the different play options out loud together. My group was assigned "The Three Little Pigs." I volunteered to be the narrator who introduces the story and characters. Miguel was the big bad wolf, huffing and puffing in a gruff voice. Sasha, Tommy, and Emma took turns being the three little pigs. We had a blast acting it out, even though it was just our first time reading through it.After all the groups presented a short scene from their play, we voted on which one we wanted to do. "The Three Little Pigs" ended up winning by a landslide! I think it's the perfect choice because it's a story everyone knows, but also has lots of fun characters to play. I really hope I get picked to be one of the pigs or maybe even the wolf!Once we selected the play, the next step was deciding who would play each of the different roles. Ms. Roberts had us all prepare a short monologue from the script to audition in front of the class. I spent a long time rehearsing mine, making sure to project my voice and use lots of expression and hand motions.The day of the auditions, I have to admit I was pretty nervous. Even though it was just in front of my classmates that I know well, being up on the little stage area in the front of the room was still kind of scary. But I took a deep breath and reminded myself that theater is all about pretending. As soon as I launched into my lines as the third little pig, I wasn't Sophia anymore - I was that cocky pig who thought his brick house could withstand anything the wolf threw at it.When I finished, everyone clapped which made me feel great. Later, Ms. Roberts posted the cast list on the bulletin board, and I was thrilled to see that I had been chosen as the third little pig!My best friend Anna got one of the other pig roles too. I was a little disappointed that Miguel, who is usually pretty dramatic and loud, wasn't picked as the wolf. That part ended up going to Daniel instead. But I'm sure he'll do a great job.Now that we have our characters assigned, the real work begins. We have to start memorizing all of our lines from the script right away. Ms. Roberts expects us to have the first few scenes down pat by next week. I'm making flashcards withmy lines on them, and also recording myself saying them over and over to listen to.We're also going to start working on backdrops, props, and costumes soon. For the backdrops, a few parent volunteers are coming in to help us paint scenery on big canvases, like a forest, the pigs' houses, and the wolf's lair. For costumes, we'll probably wear solid color shirts and pants, and then make easy accessories like wolf ears, pig noses and tails, etc. The props team is already starting to collect baskets, hard hats, and other stuff to use.Ms. Roberts cautioned us that we'll need to be prepared to practice, practice, practice over the next couple of months. We'll be running lines and doing scene rehearsals during class, but she also expects us to spend time working on it at home too. My mom already said she'll help me run lines and memorize myblocking, which is the directions for where I'm supposed to move and stand on stage.I'm honestly a little nervous about all the work involved, but I'm mostly just really eager to get started! I've been in my elementary school's plays before, like when we did "The Elephant's Child" last year. But this will be my first time doing an English-only performance in front of a big audience. The thought of being on that huge stage at the city theater is both terrifying and thrilling at the same time.There's going to be a lot of competition too. I overheard Ms. Roberts saying that a bunch of other schools who are really good at drama will be participating as well. She mentioned a few private schools in particular that have won this English play contest many times before.Part of me is doubting if our little play is going to be good enough to win anything. But then I remember how amazingly we all did in our class performance of "George Washington's Cows" during the school's winter program last year. When I saw all the proud looks on the faces of our families in the audience that night, I realized we may not be pros, but we sure know how to put on a great show!So I'm going to remain confident that if we keep working hard, our production of "The Three Little Pigs" is going to be incredible. I'll practice my lines every single day until I know them backwards and forwards. And during the actual performance, I'm going to channel all the sassiness and confidence I can muster to truly become that brash little pig who thinks he's smarter than the wolf.I can't wait for the big night when the curtain rises and it's our turn to take the stage. Breaking a leg, as they say in theater! I just hope the big bad wolf doesn't accidentally huff and puff and blow our whole set over. Now that would be an unfortunate way for our play to go down! But even if something unexpected like that happens, I think our class would be able to improvise and keep calm and carry on, all while showing off our impressive English skills. We're gonna bring home that first place trophy, I just know it. At the very least, we're going to have an absolute blast putting this show together!篇3The Excitement of the English Drama CompetitionEver since Mrs. Roberts announced that our class would be participating in the annual English Drama Competition, a buzz ofexcitement has filled the air at Oakwood Elementary. This huge event brings together students from schools all across the district to perform short plays and skits entirely in English. The winners get amazing prizes and the honor of being the best English drama performers in the whole city!At first, I wasn't sure if I wanted to be involved. Getting up on stage in front of so many people seemed really scary. But my best friend Jessica was determined to audition, so I decided to join her. We've been inseparable since kindergarten and做事together is way more fun. I'm so glad I caught the drama bug because the preparations have been an absolute blast!Picking the Perfect PlayThe first big task was choosing what play we wanted to perform. Mrs. Roberts gave us a list of options, all around 10 minutes long and filled with fun characters to play. Jessica and I immediately zeroed in on "The Zany Zombie Sleepover" - how could we resist a comedy about a zombie crashing a sleepover party?At the auditions, Mrs. Roberts had everyone read sections from all the potential plays out loud. I was super nervous since public speaking is my biggest fear. But Jessica helped me practice my lines at home over and over until I had themmemorized perfectly. I ended up nailing the audition as the sassy girl who's annoyed by her zombie friend crashing the party. I was thrilled when Mrs. Roberts cast me in that role!Rehearsing Our Zombie ComedyOnce the full cast was selected, the real work began. We had to rehearse constantly to get our timing, expressions, and delivery just right for maximum comedic effect. It wasn't all easy though - the kid playing the zombie kept forgetting his lines and bursting out laughing in the middle of scenes. Luis, the sleepover host, struggled to project his voice loud enough. And poor Sarah had a hard time nailing the Southern accent of thezombie-obsessed aunt.Mrs. Roberts was an endless fountain of tips and feedback to help us improve. She'd cry out "More ENERGY!" when we started dragging. Or she'd demonstrate ridiculously over-the-top acting to show us how to ham it up and get laughs. Little by little, we started gelling together as an ensemble.One of the biggest challenges was mastering the climactic dance party scene at the end. We had to memorize goofy zombie dance moves and perform them in perfect sync - no easy task for a bunch of 3rd and 4th graders! I have to admit I was relieved when Mrs. Roberts finally decided we were goodenough and could stop rehearsing that part. My zombie groove was making my legs sore!Creating Costumes and PropsOf course, you can't do a play about a zombie sleepover without awesome costumes and props. Mrs. Roberts helped arrange for parent volunteers to handle that part of the preparations. Jessica's mom is super creative so she took charge of making creepy-yet-hilarious zombie makeup and accessories out of face paint, toilet paper, and other simple materials.My mom is a wizard with a sewing machine, so she made most of the pajama costumes for the sleepover scene. She didn't want to buy new fabric, so she got really inventive repurposing old clothes, sheets, and cloth from the thrift store. The results looked perfect for a silly sleepover between friends! Watching the costumes come together made everything feel so real and high-stakes.For props, we raided every toy box and junk drawer in sight. Stuffed animals, fake food from a play kitchen set, glow sticks, and flashlights all became crucial items for acting out various scenes. Mr. Patel from Jessica's dad's hardware store donated bathroom supplies like shower caps and plungers that became hysterical zombie weaponry.The best prop by far was the full-sized cardboard zombie that the Art Club kids painted. We hid it backstage and had it crash through a faux-window during the climax, scattering the sleepover participants in surprise. Testing that out during dress rehearsals made all of us crack up every single time!The Finale Finally ArrivesAfter what felt like months of prep, the long-awaited English Drama Competition day finally arrived. We showed up to the auditorium at Central High School bright and early feeling a mixture of nervousness and anticipation. The backstage area was a flurry of kids in costume putting last-minute touches on hair, makeup, and props.As soon as I stepped out from the curtain wings and saw the huge audience packed into the theater, my heart started pounding. Pedro, playing the zombie, patted my arm and gave me a reassuring smile. "Just picture them all in their undies," he whispered to me with a grin. Leave it to a third grader to put things in perspective!Once the lights went up and the music started, all my nerves melted away and I got fully into character. Line by line, I played off the energy and reactions of my castmates to milk every punchline and gag. About halfway through, I could sense we hadwon the audience over as the laughter grew more and more uproarious.Nailing that big dance finale was a total adrenaline rush of triumph! As the curtain closed amid rapturous applause, we all hugged each other in giddy celebration. Didn't matter if we won an award - just entertaining that crowd of hundreds felt like the greatest prize.The Judges Render Their VerdictOf course, the day wasn't over yet. We had to wait through performances from a dozen other schools before the judges would announce the winners. Some of the other casts blew me away with Broadway-level talent and professional production values. I tried not to get my hopes too high.Still, when the emcees finally took the stage, my heart pounded in anticipation of hearing our school's name called. To my amazement and elation, "The Zany Zombie Sleepover" won second place in the dramedy category! We may not have taken the top prize, but getting that kind of recognition for our zany little play was an indescribable thrill.As Mrs. Roberts handed out our medals and posed with us for a photo, I caught Jessica's eye and we both grinned widely.This whole experience - from the first audition to that final curtain call - had been one of the most fun, challenging, and rewarding adventures of my young life so far. Putting on an English drama with my best friends had pushed me way outside my comfort zone, but made me stronger, more confident, and more skilled as both an actor and student.I already can't wait for next year's competition. Whatever play we do, I'll be first in line to audition. The thrill of live performance is an indescribable rush, and there's no feeling quite like making hundreds of people erupt in laughter and cheers thanks to your hard work and creativity. That's the real prize - and I'm already craving more!。









七、大赛时间:2014年4月25 日14:00整(周五)八、大赛地点:(例)音乐厅九、人员安排及活动工作组工作安排1、人员安排:活动负责人:彭元帅78成员:王大拿67 王二狗……-联络人:张三67 李四……2、工作组工作安排:宣传工作组(负责人^ 李二黑)1、宣传海报制作、通知、请柬2、向各分院发送具体比赛通知报名统计组(负责人:宜大筒)1、专业组:a、各班宣传委员将各班参赛队伍名单报与学生会办公室(具体时间、地点另行通知);b、名单确定后,4月初进行抽签开始淘汰赛(具体时间、地点另行通知),取前六名参赛队伍晋级决赛。




三、活动时间[具体时间]四、活动地点[具体地点]五、活动对象全体市民六、组织结构1. 主办单位:[主办单位名称]2. 承办单位:[承办单位名称]3. 支持单位:[支持单位名称]七、活动内容1. 前期宣传:通过海报、宣传单、电视、网络等多种渠道,对本次活动进行广泛宣传,吸引更多的观众参与。

2. 现场布置:舞台背景、灯光、音响等设备的搭建和调试,确保演出效果。

3. 演出安排:第一幕:疾病的预防第二幕:疾病的早期发现第三幕:疾病的治疗第四幕:康复与保健4. 互动环节:在演出过程中,穿插一些医学知识问答、现场抽奖等互动环节,增加观众的参与度和趣味性。

5. 后续推广:将活动视频至网络平台,扩大活动影响力。

总预算为[X]元,具体如下:1. 舞台搭建及装饰:[X]元2. 服装道具租赁:[X]元3. 演员劳务费用:[X]元4. 宣传推广费用:[X]元5. 互动环节奖品:[X]元6. 其他费用:[X]元九、注意事项1. 确保演出人员的安全和健康,避免意外事故的发生。

2. 提前与相关部门沟通协调,确保活动场地、设备等资源的顺利落实。

3. 制定详细的应急预案,对可能出现的突发情况做好应对准备。

4. 活动结束后,及时清理现场,保持环境整洁。


三、活动时间[具体时间]四、活动地点[具体地点]五、活动主体全体市民六、活动宣传1. 在医院、社区、学校等场所张贴海报,宣传活动内容和目的。

2. 在医院官方网站、公众号、微博等平台发布活动信息,吸引更多人关注和参与。

3. 邀请当地媒体对活动进行报道,扩大活动影响力。

1. 开场:主持人介绍活动背景、目的和流程,邀请医学专家上台致辞。





节目名称:《英语风采秀》节目形式:小组对抗赛节目内容:1. 英语演讲:每个小组选派一名代表进行英语演讲,演讲内容可以是自我介绍、分享经验、讲述故事等。


2. 英语歌曲:每个小组选派1-2名成员进行英语歌曲表演。



3. 英语情景剧:每个小组准备一段英语情景剧,可以是根据自己编写的剧本或者改编自经典故事。


4. 英语游戏:为了增加趣味性,每个小组进行一场英语游戏比赛,游戏可以是口语问答、词汇接龙、猜谜语等。


节目流程:1. 开场介绍:主持人介绍节目名称和形式,并简要介绍各个小组的成员。

2. 第一轮:各小组轮流进行英语演讲,评委进行打分。

3. 第二轮:各小组轮流进行英语歌曲表演,评委进行打分。

4. 第三轮:各小组轮流进行英语情景剧表演,评委进行打分。

5. 第四轮:各小组进行英语游戏比赛,评委进行打分。

6. 总结颁奖:主持人宣布最终评分和排名,颁发奖项。

节目要求:1. 所有参赛选手必须使用英语进行表演和交流。

2. 参赛选手可以适当使用道具和服装,以增加表演的效果和趣味性。

3. 评委将根据英语表达能力、表演技巧、团队合作等方面进行评分。

预期效果:1. 提高学生们的英语口语表达能力和自信心。

2. 培养学生们的团队合作意识和创造力。

3. 激发学生们学习英语的兴趣,促进英语学习的积极性。




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影响及口腔医学系选送一个剧目直接进入决赛,决赛选送名单截止于2015年4 月














