全国国际货运代理从业人员岗位专业证书考试国际货代英语仿真题一答案答案I一、单项选择题ABBBD BDDDD ABABB二、判断题BAAAB BABAB BBAAA三、多项选择题ABCD AB AB AC BC AC AD ACD ABD ABCD答案II一、英译汉(1)THC答案:码头作业费(2)IATA答案:国际航空运输协会(3)UCP答案:跟单信用证统一惯例(4)EDI答案:电子数据交换(5)BAF答案:燃油附加费(6)UIC答案:国际铁路联盟(7)TCT答案:航次期租(8)AWB答案:航空货运单(9)INCOTERMS答案:国际贸易术语解释通则(10)MTO答案:多式联运经营人(11)FIATA's main objectives are:To unite the freight forwarding industry worldwide.To represent,promote and protect the interests of the industry.To familiarize trade and industry and the public at large with the services rendered by freight forwarders.To improve and promote the quality of services rendered by freight forwardersTo assist with vocational training for freight forwarders.答案:国际货运代理协会联合会的主要目标是:团结全世界货运代理业务;代表、促进和保护货代业的利益;使各界熟悉货运代理人提供的服务;促进货运代理的服务质量;协助货运代理人进行职业培训。
二、汉译英(1)仓储和配送答案:warehousing and distribution(2)场站收据答案:dock receipt(3)正本提单答案:original bills of lading(4)物流条形码答案:logistic barcode(5)商业信函答案:business correspondence(6)整箱货答案:Full Container(cargo)Load(7)积载因数答案:stowage factor(8)包装舱容答案:bale capacity(9)公共承运人答案:common carrier(10)保险批单答案:insurance endorsement(11)除非另有规定,公司对于下列原因造成的任何损失不承担任何责任:客户或其代理的行为或疏忽;遵循客户的指示;货物包装或标识不良;货物固有的缺陷。
全国国际货运代理从业人员岗位专业证书考试国际货代英语仿真题五答案英语试卷I一.单项选择题CBCAC BACDA BADAC二.判断题BAABB BAAAB BABAB BBAAA三.多项选择题AB AD ABCD ABCD ABC BCD AB ABCD CD ACD四.完形填空题AACBD BABAD英语试卷II一.英译汉1.The Customs General Administration海关总署2.Customs establishment海关关点3.Import and Export tariff进出口税则4.Appointment and removal任命和免职5.Tariff reduction and exemption关税减免6.enact statute颁布法令7.inward and outward luggage进出境行李8.over-landed cargo溢卸货物9.short-landed cargo短卸货物10.shut-out cargo退关货物二.汉译英1.maritime transport海上运输2.general cargo ship普通货船bined carrier兼用船sh-lighter子母船5.liner in charter班轮运输6.tramper in charter租船运输7.shipping circle海运界8.charter party租船合同9.dead weight tonnage载重吨10.air cargo tariff航空货物运价表三、.英文单证操作题SALES CONTRACTCONTRACT NO.:CH2010501DATE:FEBRUARY15,2010THE SELLERS:SHANGHAI AAA IMPORT AND EXPORT CO.,LTD.THE BUYERS:SINGAPORE BBB TRADING CO.,LTD.GOODS:100%COTTON SHIRTQUANTITY:200CARTONS OF40PCS EACH,TOTAL WEIGHT20000KGS,TOT AL MEASUREMENT28CBMPRICE TERMS:CIF SINGAPORE USD2000EACH CARTONAMOUNT:USD400,000.-TIME OF SHIPMENT:TO BE SHIPPED ON OR ABOUT APRIL10,2010LOADING AND DISCHARGE PORTS:FROM SHANGHAI,CHINA TO SINGAPO REPARTIAL SHIPMENT AND TRANSSHIPMENT:NOT ALLOWEDINSURANCE:TOBE EFFECTED BY THE SELLER FOR110PCT OF CIF VALU EAGINST ALL RISKS AND WAR RISK AS PER CIC OF THE PICC DATED01/0 1/1981TERMS OF PAYMENT:THE BUYER SHALL OPEN THROUGH A BANK ACCE PTALE TO THE SELLER AN IRREVOCABLE SIGHT LETTER OF CREDIT TO REA CH THE SELLER30DAYS BEFORE THE SHIPMENT AND TO REMAIN VALID FO R NEGOTIATION IN CHINA UNTIL THE15TH DAY AFTER THE FORESAID TIME OF SHIPMENT根据上述所提供的国际货物买卖合同主要条款,对信用证和托运单的内容进行审核,将错误的项目划掉,并填写正确的内容。
国际贸易术语练习试卷2(题后含答案及解析) 题型有:1. 单选题 2. 多选题 3. 判断题单项选择题请在下列各题的答案选项中,选出一个正确答案,在答题卡上将该题答案对应的英文字母标号框涂黑。
(每题1分,共25分)1.上海某进出口贸易公司以CFR伦敦价格出口一批录像机,货物从合肥发运途经广州运至伦敦,出口货物的运费应( )。
知识模块:国际贸易术语2.按照《2000通则》的规定,若以CFR条件成交,买卖双方风险划分的界限是( )。
知识模块:国际贸易术语3.按CIF术语成交的合同,货物在运输途中因火灾被焚,应由( )。
A.卖方负担货物损失B.买方负责请求保险公司赔偿C.卖方负责请求保险公司赔偿D.双方负责请求保险公司赔偿正确答案:B解析:CIF全称为Cost,Insuranee and Freight(…named port of destination),即成本、保险费加运费,(……指定目的港)。
知识模块:国际贸易术语4.大连某进出口公司与英国一家公司以CFR Ex Ships Hold的条件成交了一笔生意,按照国际惯例,这批货物在目的港的卸货费用应当由( )。
一、多项选择题1.按CFR EX Ship’S Hold成交,采用航次租船,租船时通常应按( )条件订立租船合同。
A.FIB.FOC.FIOD.FIOST2.根据提单上的.抬头不同,可分为( )提单。
A.记名B.清洁C.不记名D.指示3.集装箱运输发展的趋势有( )。
A.集装箱体向大型化发展B.集装箱船向大型化发展C.集装箱码头向深水化发展D.集装箱运输量不断增长4.集装箱托运单的第七联是( )。
A.场站收据B.港区配载的依据C.配舱回单D.签发提单的依据5.集装箱出口货运流程分:订舱、接受托运申请、发放空箱、以及( )。
A.拼箱货装箱B.整箱货交接C.办理交接签证D.换取提单6.期租船的特点主要有( )。
A.船东负责配备船员并负担其工资和伙食B.承租人有对包括船长在内船员的指挥权C.承租人负责船舶调度和船舶的营运费用D.租金按船舶的夏季满载载重吨计算,每吨若干元由双方商定7.航次租船到付运费的到付时间为( )。
A.船舶到达卸货港前三天支付B.船舶到达卸货港时支付c.卸货完毕时支付D.交付货物后支付8.有权签发提单的人有( )。
A.承运人B.载货船船长C.承运人的具名代理或代表D.载货船船长的具名代理或代表9.MLB运输下的集装箱货物,其提单制作应分别注明( )。
A.卸船港B.交货地C.装船港D.发货地10.集装箱货物在装箱积载时的一般方法有( )。
A.包装牢固者装于底部B.箱内重量分布较均衡C.货物装载应严密整齐D.所有货件两两绑扎牢固1.BD2.ACD3.ABCD4.AD5.ABCD6.AB7.BCD8.CD9.BC l0.ABC。
)has no obligation to contractB. port of destination shipment国家货运代理资格考试分类模拟题Incoterms 2000 (一)一、单项选择题(以下各小题所给出的4个选项中,只有1项最符合题目要求)The CFR term requires ( ) to clear the goods for export.A. the shipperB. the sellerC. the buyerD. the carrier2、In FCA and all the other F-terms, the ( forcarriage.A. freight forwarderB. sellerC. insurance companyD. buyer 3、Under the FCA Term, if the buyer nominates a person other than a carrier toreceive the goods, the ( ) is deemed to have fulfilled his obligation to deliver the goods when they are delivered to that person. A. buyer B. consignee C- seller D. banker4、 CIF should be followed by(A. port of transshipmentC. port of callD. port of 5、Under the CFR term, the seller must, in addition, pay the cost of carriage necessary to bring the goods to the ( ), when he delivers the goods to the carrier nominated by him.A ・ named destination B. named port of destinationC. named place D- any place( ) means that the seller delivers when the goods pass the ship 1 s railat the named port of shipment.A ・ CPT B. CIP C. FCA D. FOB7^ Under the FCA term, if delivery Occurs at the seller 1 s premises^ ()isresponsible for loading-A. the consigneeB. the buyerC. the sellerD. the consigner8、 Under CPT, the ( )bears all risks and additional costs occurring afterthe goods have been so delivered.A ・ seller B. buyerC- freight forwarder D. receiver9、 ( ) means that the seller delivers the goods to the carrier nominated by him, but the seller must in addition pay the cost of carriage necessary to bring the goods to the named destination.A ・ FCA B. FOB C. CIF D. CPT10> ( ) is not the price terms of delivering the goods to the forwarder which is appointed by the buyer.A. FASB. CPTC. FCAD. FOB二、判断题11N The CFR term requires the seller to clear the goods for export.(12、Under FOB, before the goods pass the ship 1 s rail at the port of shipment, the buyer should bear all costs and risks of loss of or damages to the goods from that point.( )13> Under CFR, when the goods have been delivered on board the vessel, the seller must give sufficient notice to the buyer SO that the buyer may insure the goods.( )14、In CIF, the seller contacts for insurance and pays the insurance premium and bears all risks.( )15> Under FCA, if delivery occurs at a place outside the seller1s premises, the seller is still responsible for unloading.( )16^ Under the CIF term, the risk loss or damage to the goods is transferred from the seller to the buyer when the goods pass the ship 1s rail in the port of destination.( )17> 100 Sewing Machines under the trade term FOB Shanghai are being shipped onto the ship and the rope breaks. The goods finish up at the bottom of the dock and divers are sent down. The recovery and repair of goods costs a great of money, The seller should be responsible for the additional payment.( )18> InF-terms, the seller has no obligation to contract for carriage. However- the seller may do so on behalf of the buyer if it is required by the buyer. But the expenses must be borne by the buyer.( )19> If the goods are to be exported to Japan from Wuhan, FCA is better than FOB.( )20> InCIF. the seller procures the insurance andpays the insurance premium. When damage occurs during the voyage, the buyer needs to make the claim when the goods arrive at the destination.( )21、CIF is the same as CIP.( )三、多项选择题(以下各小题给出的4个选项中,至少有2项符合题目要求)22、Trade terms of ''Incoterms 2000z, specify ( ).A・ at which point the risk of loss and/or damage passes from seller to buyer B- who conduct their purchase and saleC.obligations of both carrier and shipperD.which party pays for specific activities23> Which of following trade terms may be used for any mode of transports including multimodal transport?( )A・ CFR B. CIF C. CPT D. CIP24、( ) terms are suitable for export from an inland place.A. CFRB. FOBC. CIPD. CPT25、( world.are the traditional trade terms frequently used by traders in the goods for export.27、A. the ship f s rail B.28> A. insurance premiumC. freightD. discount29、 A ・ buyer B. seller30> A. insurance premiumC. discountD. freight31> A ・ inventory B. packA. CIFB. FCAC. CFRD. FOB 26^ According to Incoterms 2000, ( ) mean that theseller must pay the costs and freight necessary to bring the goods to the namedport of destination and the risk of loss of or damage to the goods ends when the goods pass the ship 1s rail in the port of shipment.A. CFRB. CIFC. CIPD. CPT 四、完型填空(以下各小题所给出的4个选项中,只有1项最符合题目要求)''Cost, Insurance and Freight ,z means that the seller delivers when the goods pass 27 in the port of shipment. The sellermust pay the costs and 28 necessary to bring the goods to the named port of destination. But the risks of loss of or damage to the goods, as well as any additional costs due to events occurring after the time of delivery, are transferred from the seller to the buyer- However, in CIFthe 29 also has to procure insurance against the buyer 1 s risk of loss of or damage to the goods during the carriage. Consequently, the seller contracts for insurance and pays the 30 . The CIF term requires the seller to 30 the carrier C.board D. carriage B- commission C. freight forwarder D. carrier B. commission C. load D< clear五、英译汉32、 packing Costs33、 ICC34、 FOB35> ship !s rail 36、CPT has much in common with the term CFR. The major difference is that CFR can only be used for sea and inland waterway transport, while CFF can be used for any mode of transport including multi-medal transport. If the parties do not intend to deliver the goods across the ship 1 s rail, the CPT term is preferred.六、汉译英37、办理货物出口清关手续 38、外汇管制3 9、卖方所在地40、海运一、单项选择题1、B[解析]根据《2000通则》的解释,采用CFR术语成交时,由卖方负责办理出口报关手续。
94年金康合同范本规定,在这种情况下由过错方支付原定佣金的( )给租船经纪人。
A、2/3B、1/2C、1/4D、1/3正确答案:D2、表明承运人已将集装箱货物交给收货人的单据是( )。
A、交货记录B、场站收据C、正本提单D、大副收据正确答案:B3、海运提单签发日期应该是( )。
A、装货完毕的日期B、船舶启航日期C、大副收据签发的日期D、开始装货日期正确答案:A4、根据《INCOTERM2000》,下列表述正确的是( )。
A、按CIF/CIP贸易术语成交,尽管价格中包括至指定目的港/目的地的运费和保险费,但卖方不承担货物必然到达目的港/目的地的责任B、FOC、underD、用CFR、CIF术语成交,合同中只规定装运期或交货期;而采用CPT、CIP术语,合同中不但要规定装运期,还要规定货物到达目的地的期限E、CFR是指卖方承担货物装入船舱、脱离吊钩为止的一切费用和风险正确答案:A5、在填制航空货运单时,下列( )不符合货运单的填制要求。
A、可用英文大写或小写字母打印货运单B、货运单已填内容可以修改C、使用没有标题的阴影栏目一般不需填写,除非承运人特殊需要D、如果始发地机场名称不明确,可填制机场所在城市的IATA三字代号正确答案:A6、航次租船合同中,滞期时间通常按( )原则计算。
A、节省全部时间B、节省全部工作时间C、一旦滞期,永远滞期D、按同样日正确答案:C7、国际货物买卖合同中规定的公差条款(quality tolerance),通常是允许卖方在( )上有一定幅度的差异。
A、包装规格B、交货数量C、交货时间D、交货品质正确答案:D8、某集装箱代号为AKA1234CZ,该集装箱属于( )。
外贸跟单员基础理论模拟试卷36(题后含答案及解析) 题型有:1. 单选题 2. 多选题单项选择题在下列试题的几种答案中选出一个正确答案。
1.采用CFR贸易术语,应由( )。
A.买方负责租船订舱和保险B.卖方负责租船订舱和保险C.由买方负责租船订舱,卖方负责保险D.由卖方负责租船订舱,买方负责保险正确答案:D2.CIFLANDED(CIF卸到岸上)贸易术语成交,买卖双方的风险划分界限为( )。
A.货物在装运港越过船舷B.货物在目的港越过船舷C.货物交到目的港的码头D.货物交给承运人正确答案:A3.某公司与英国一家公司以CFRlanded的条件成交了一笔生意,按国际惯例,这批货物在目的港的卸货费用、驳船费用应由( )承担。
A.买方B.卖方C.船方D.港务部门正确答案:B4.DDU和DDP在交货地点上是相同的,即都是在进口国的内陆约定地点完成交货,二者的区别在于( )。
A.DDU适合任何运输方式,而DDP只适合海运运输方式B.DDU不用在后加地址,而DDP则需加一地址C.DDP条件下,办理货物进口手续的责任和费用,包括进口税由卖方承担,在DDU下卖方无此责任D.DDU条件下比DDP卖方责任更大正确答案:C5.DAF贸易术语( )。
A.只适合于公路运输B.只适合于铁路运输C.只适合于铁路和公路运输D.可适合于各种运输方式正确答案:D6.国际贸易中,由买方负责出口清关手续,并承担起相关费用的贸易术语是( )。
A.FCAB.FASC.E×WD.FOB正确答案:C7.象征性交货意指卖方的交货义务是( )。
A.不交货B.既交单又实际性交货C.凭单交货D.实际性交货正确答案:C8.按FAS这一术语成交,下面说法正确的是( )。
A.卖方要在约定的时间内将合同规定的货物交到指定的装运港买方所指派的船只的船边B.如果买方所派的船只不能靠岸,卖方则要负责用驳船把货物运至船边,仍在船边交货C.装船的责任和费用由买方负担D.在船上完成交货义务正确答案:B9.制定关于贸易术语的国际贸易惯例的目的是( )。
国际货运代理考试专业英语仿真题及答案(2)二、多项选择题1. A shipment of fresh egg is transported to the docks by an exporter on an FOB contract. The eggs are broken by a crane falling them as they are awaiting to be loaded on board. The ___ should be liable for the damage. (A)A. sellerB. buyerC. ship ownerD. freight forwarder2. 100 sewing machines under CIF shanghai are being shipped onto the ship and the rope breaks. The goods finish up at the bottom of the dock and divers are sent down. The recovery and repair of goods costs a great of money. The ___ should be responsible for the damage. (C)A. ship ownerB. buyerC. sellerD. freight forwarder3. According to INCOTERMS 2000, which group of the following trade terms mean that the seller must contract for the carriage of the goods to the named port (or place ) of destination?____ (D)A. FOB/CFR/CIFB. FCA/CPT/CFRC. FOB/FCA/CIPD. CFR/CPT/CIF4. Under the FOB term, the risk of loss or damage to the goods is transferred from the seller to the buyer when goodspass the ship’s rail in the ____. (A)A. port of shipmentB. place of shipmentC. port of destinationD. place of destination5. Under the CFR term, the seller must, in addition, pay the cost of carriage necessary to bring the goods to the ____ , when he delivers the goods to the carrier nominated by him. (D)A. named placeB. named destinationC. any placeD. named port of destination6. According to INCOTERMS 2000, under which group of the following trade terms is the seller required to bear the risk of loss of or damage to the goods when the goods pass the ship’s rail ?(C)A. FCA/CFR/CIPB. FCA/CPT/CFRC. FOB/CFR/CIFD. CFR/CPT/CIF7. When applying to CIF, the expression of ocean bill of lading freight is ____. (A)A. freight prepaidB. freight collectC. freight paidD. freight unpaid8. Which of the following trade terms can be adopted supposing the shipment will be from Chengdu (Sichuan Province) to Hamburg? (CD)A. CIFB. CFRC. FCAD. CPT9. When the goods arrive at the port of destination, _____ issue an Arrival Notice to inform the Notify Party about the cargo discharge point and other information. (B)A. shipperB. carrierC. receiverD. ship owner10. Under FCA, if delivery occurs at the seller’s premises, who is responsible for unloading the goods according to the contract of sale____. (B)A. sellerB. buyerC. carrierD. freight forwarder11. Container freight rates mainly include: ( )A. tramp rateB. liner freight rateC. FAKD. CBR答案:CD12. Logistics is the process of ( ) from point of origin to point of consumption for the purpose of conforming to customer requirements.A. inventoryB. goodsC. informationD. services答案:BCD13. Multimodal transport has the following advantages: ( )A. Minimizing time lossB. Providing faster transit of goodsC. Saving costsD. Reducing cost of exports.答案:ABCD14. Under CMR convention, the carrier is liability of: ( )A. the acts and omissions of his agentsB. any wrongful act or neglect of the consignorC. inherent vice of the goodsD. loss of or damage to the goods during the time he takes the goods答案:AD15. Which of the following trade terms may be used multi-modal transport.A. CIPB. CIFC. FCAD. CPT答案:ACD三、判断题1. In international trade, a country can import goods that make intensive use of the factor of production, instead of importing the factor of production. ( )答案:正确2. Inherent vice or nature of the insured goods are not covered both in WA and All Risks coverage.( )答案:正确3. The date marked on the B/L is the date on which the carriertakes delivery of the goods. ( )答案:错4. The air freight charges may be determined either by weight or weight plus volume. ( )答案:正确5. According UCP600, the words “till”, “after”, “from” applying to any date or period in the credit referring to shipment will be understood to include the date mentioned. ( ) 答案:错6. Tramp service is a carrier who operates a regular scheduled service. The vessels are usually chartered at negotiated rates, particularly when the quantity of cargo is large.( )答案:错7. The air waybill is the document of title for the goods and can be transferred to the third party by endorsement.( ) 答案:错8. The seller must pay the costs and freight necessary to bring the goods to the named port of destination under FOB trade term. ( )答案:错9. The Voyage chartering party includes the payment of dispatch and demurrage. ( )答案:正确10. The standard for examination of documents by the banks is reasonable time not exceeding 7 banking days.( )答案:错11. “unclean on board” is indicated on the B/L means that the goods is not clean.答案:错12. The figure like 11/7/2008 in British English will beunderstood as July 11, 2008, while in American English will be understood as November 7, 2008. ( )答案:正确13. If the goods are in order, but the documents are not correct, the issuing bank has the rights to refuse to pay the seller. ( )答案:正确14. The written permission granted by the customs authorities to allow the vessel which has brought any imports or has loaded exports to leave the port is Entry Inwards. ( ) 答案:错15. The Specific Commodity Rates are higher than General Cargo Rates. ( )答案:错。
国际货运代理人《专业英语》模拟题汇总国际货运代理人《专业英语》模拟题(一)一、单项选择题1.Which of the following risk is not the political risk in international trade?A.war riskB.cancellation of import licenseC.transfer riskD.risk of non-acceptance答案:D2.According UCP600,the terms “the end of July,2008” in the L/C shall be construed as ()A.from July 21st to July 31stB.from July 1st to July 15thC.from July 11th to July 20thD.from July 1st to July 10th答案:A3.Which of the following documents can be used to exchange for the bill of lading ()A.mate’s receiptB.sea waybillC.shipping notesD.manifest答案:A4.Both in voyage and time chartering,the shipowner is responsible for ().A.dischargingB.fuelC.demurrageD.wages of crew答案:D5.Which of the following risks are not covered in FPA ()A.lightningB.partial lossC.general averageD.discharging at a port of distress following a sea peril答案:B6.The B/L can be issued by ()A.consignorB.notify partyC.carrierD.consignee答案:C7.Which of the following marine bills of lading cannot be transferred to third parties? ()A.Order Bills of LadingB.Straight Bills of LadingC.Shipped Bills of LadingD.Clean Bills of Lading答案:B8.Usually,the AWB is non-negotiable,the goods must be sent to the ()titled in the air waybill.A.consignorB.consigneeC.carrierD.notify party答案:B9.()are rates that are applicable to named types of freight.A.Specific Commodity RatesB.Class RatesC.General Cargo RatesD.Contract FAK Rates答案:A10.()is one standard form of bareboat charter party used to any great extent designed by BIMCO.A.BARECOM formB.GENCON formC.NYPE formD.BALTIME form答案:A11.To the individual consignors,the consolidator is the ()while to the actual carrier,he is the ()A.consignor/carrierB.carrier/consignorC.actual carrier/carrierD.consignor/actual consignor答案:B12.Which of the following documents is a document of title to the goods and can be sold merely by endorsement? ()A.Bills of LadingB.Air WaybillC.InvoiceD.Packing List答案:A13.Usually the freight must be opened and inspected,if the consignee is not on-site,the ()can represent him.A.reservations agentB.customs brokerC.shipping clerkD.carrier答案:B14.Under UCP600,The regulations regarding multi-modal transport documents may be described in Articles ()A.4~8B.17~28C.29~37D.1~3答案:B15.()is a system of unitized multimodal land transportation of transport by road and rail.A.Land bridgeB.Rail/roadC.PiggybackD.Sea/air答案:C二、判断题1.In international trade,a country can import goods that make intensive use of the factor of production,instead of importing the factor of production.()答案:正确2.Inherent vice or nature of the insured goods are not covered both in WA and All Risks coverage.()答案:正确3.The date marked on the B/L is the date on which the carrier takes delivery of the goods.()答案:错4.The air freight charges may be determined either by weight or weight plus volume.()答案:正确5.According UCP600,the words “till”,“after”,“from” applying to any date or period in the credit referring to shipment will be understood to include the date mentioned.()答案:错6.Tramp service is a carrier who operates a regular scheduled service.The vessels are usually chartered at negotiated rates,particularly when the quantity of cargo is large.()答案:错7.The air waybill is the document of title for the goods and can be transferred to the third party by endorsement.()答案:错8.The seller must pay the costs and freight necessary to bring the goods to the named port of destination under FOB trade term.()答案:错9.The Voyage chartering party includes the payment of dispatch and demurrage.()答案:正确10.The standard for examination of documents by the banks is reasonable time not exceeding 7 banking days.()答案:错11.“unclean on board” is indicated on the B/L means that the goods is not clean.答案:错12.The figure like 11/7/2008 in British English will be understood as July 11,2008,while in American English will be understood as November 7,2008.()答案:正确13.If the goods are in order,but the documents are not correct,the issuing bank has the rights to refuse to pay the seller.()答案:正确14.The written permission granted by the customs authorities to allow the vessel which has brought any imports or has loaded exports to leave the port is Entry Inwards.()答案:错15.The Specific Commodity Rates are higher than General Cargo Rates.()答案:错三、多项选择题1. A shipment of fresh egg is transported to the docks by an exporter on an FOB contract.The eggs are broken by a crane falling them as they are awaiting to be loaded on board.The ___ should be liable for the damage.(A)A.sellerB.buyerC.ship ownerD.freight forwarder2.100 sewing machines under CIF shanghai are being shipped onto the ship and the rope breaks.The goods finish up at the bottom of the dock and divers are sent down.The recovery and repair of goods costs a great of money.The ___ should be responsible for the damage.(C)A.ship ownerB.buyerC.sellerD.freight forwarder3.According to INCOTERMS 2000,which group of the following trade terms mean that the seller must contract for the carriage of the goods to the named port (or place )of destination?____ (D)A.FOB/CFR/CIFB.FCA/CPT/CFRC.FOB/FCA/CIPD.CFR/CPT/CIF4.Under the FOB term,the risk of loss or damage to the goods is transferred from theseller to the buy er when goods pass the ship’s rail in the ____.(A)A.port of of shipmentC.port of of destination5.Under the CFR term,the seller must,in addition,pay the cost of carriage necessary to bring the goods to the ____ ,when he delivers the goods to the carrier nominated by him.(D)A.named placeB.named destinationC.any placeD.named port of destination6.According to INCOTERMS 2000,under which group of the following trade terms is the seller required to bear the risk of loss of or damage to the goods when the goods pass the ship’s rail ?(C)A.FCA/CFR/CIPB.FCA/CPT/CFRC.FOB/CFR/CIFD.CFR/CPT/CIF7.When applying to CIF,the expression of ocean bill of lading freight is ____.(A)A.freight prepaidB.freight collectC.freight paidD.freight unpaid8.Which of the following trade terms can be adopted supposing the shipment will be from Chengdu (Sichuan Province)to Hamburg? (CD)A.CIFB.CFRC.FCAD.CPT9.When the goods arrive at the port of destination,_____ issue an Arrival Notice to inform the Notify Party about the cargo discharge point and other information.(B)A.shipperB.carrierC.receiverD.ship owner10.Under FCA,if delivery occurs at the seller’s premises,who is responsible for unloading the goods according to the contract of sale____.(B)A.sellerB.buyerC.carrierD.freight forwarder11.Container freight rates mainly include:()A.tramp rateB.liner freight rateC.FAKD.CBR答案:CD12.Logistics is the process of ()from point of origin to point of consumption for the purpose of conforming to customer requirements.A.inventoryB.goodsC.informationD.services答案:BCD13.Multimodal transport has the following advantages:()A.Minimizing time lossB.Providing faster transit of goodsC.Saving costsD.Reducing cost of exports.答案:ABCD14.Under CMR convention,the carrier is liability of:()A.the acts and omissions of his agentsB.any wrongful act or neglect of the consignorC.inherent vice of the goodsD.loss of or damage to the goods during the time he takes the goods答案:AD15.Which of the following trade terms may be used multi-modal transport.A.CIPB.CIFC.FCAD.CPT答案:ACD四、完形填空An international contract should be executed through four basic steps:pre-preparation for contract,contract negotiation,41 and contract execution,and each steps includes detail procedures,an international seller must have good knowledge of the following steps:firstly we should seek 42 and contact the certain customers who have demands indeed.The second steps we need negotiate with customers about the price,products,service etc.In this step we should make an 43 to our customers,and the costumers will make a confirmation of 44 or non-acceptance.After all essential factors of contract are confirmed,we should sign contract with our customer.The last step is execution of contract,in this step we need arrange shipment,prepare relative shipment documents and effect insurance if any etc.Of course our customer should also make 45 by L/C or T/T according to the contract stipulations.41.A.contract performanceB.contract signingC.contract paymentD.contract shipment42.A.marketB.productC.customerD.seller43.A.inquireB.counterofferC.offerD.acceptance44.A.inquireB.acceptanceC.offerD.quotation45.A.customs clearanceB.paymentC.shipmentD.production答案:BCCBBThe latest edition of “Inconterms”is “Inconterms 2000”,which was amended in July1999 by 41 and published in January 1,2000.The “Inconterms 2000” includes 13 different international trade terms.They specify at which point the risk of loss and/or damage passes from the seller to buyer as well as which party pays for specific activities.FOB,42 and CIF are the traditional three trade terms among them,which are most widely used in international trade.Like CIF,the 43 must pay the costs and freight and insurance necessary to bring the goods to the named port of destination.While the new three terms FCA,CPT and CIP developed on the basis of the traditional ones.The traditional three terms can be used only for sea or inland waterway transport and the new three terms can be used for any mode of transport especially 44 .Take CPT and CFR for example,the major difference is that CFR can only be used for sea and inland waterway transport,while CPT can be used for any mode of transport,if the parties do not intend to deliver the goods across the ship’s rail,the 45 term is preferred.46.A.ICCC.FIATAD.United Nation47.A.CFRB.CPTC.FCAD.CIP48.A.CarrierB.SellerC.Buyer D.Consignee49.A.sea transportB.air transportC.road transport D.muti-model transport 50.A.CFRB.CPTC.FCA答案:AABDB五、英译汉(前10道题,每题0.5分,第11道题5分,共10分)(1)Offer(2)Confirming bank(3)ICC(4)FCR(5)V oyage Charter(6)Particular average(7)Partial shipments(8)Customs broker(9)Clean bill of lading(10)Document of title(11)The WTO thus serves four basic functions:1)to implement,administer,and carry out the WTO Agreement and its annexes;2)to act as a forum for ongoing multilateral trade negotiations;3)to serve as a tribunal for resolving disputes;4)to review the trade policies and practices of member states.答案:(1)发盘(2)保兑银行(3)国际商会(4)货运代理人收货证明书(5)航次租船(6)单独海损(7)分批装运(8)海关代理(9)清洁提单(10)物权凭证(11)世界贸易组织四个基本功能是:1)执行,管理和实施世贸组织协定及其附件;2)充当现行多边贸易谈判的论坛3)作为解决争端的法庭4)评审各成员国的贸易政策和行为六、汉译英(英文全拼,简写不得分,前10道题,每题0.5分,第11道题5分,共10分)(1)国际贸易(2)货物舱单(3)航空货运单(4)无营运船公共承运人(5)不记名背书(6)集装箱运输(7)均一运费费率(8)积载因素(9)指定商品运价(10)清关(11)除了安排提货交货、预定运货航班以及填写航空货运单等日常工作外,货运代理还要涉及如查寻丢失或错运的货物,处理赔偿损坏货物的要求等问题。
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CFRM 考試模擬題答題時間:2.5 小時單項選擇題(共 100 題)1. USD/EUR 当前汇率为1.05(即1欧元可以买1.05美元)。
一年的USD/EUR 远期汇率(按一般复利计算)为:A. 1.0815B. 1.0807C. 1.0901D. 1.05122. 在一组样本数据 不全相等)的散点图中,若所有样本点 都在直线 上,则这组样本数据的样本系数为:A. 1B. 0C. -1D. 133. 银行必须保持一定的自有资本作为一级资本。
按照资本要求下面哪几项属于一级资本?I. 其他银行的普通股II. 该银行发行的次级债(满足一定要求)III. 股东的权益资产IV. 公开储备A. I ,II 和IVB. I III 和IVC. I 和IVD. I 和II1122(,),(,),,(,)n n x y x y x y ⋅⋅⋅12(2,,,,n n x x x ≥⋅⋅⋅(,)(1,2,,)i i x y i n =⋅⋅⋅113y x =+4. 以下哪个组织承担了风险识别、风险计量、风险监测的重要职责,而各级风险管理委员会承担风险控制决策的最终责任。
A. 董事会B. 财务控制部门C. 监事会D. 风险管理部门5. 某投资者观察一只股票发现5天内平均有2天股价是上涨的,另外3天是下跌的,使用二项式分布计算接下来9天内有7天上涨的概率为:A. 1.9%B. 3.9%C. 2.1%D. 7.0%6. 根据商业银行的内部评级,信用风险水平需要考虑的对象是()A. 客户评级B. 债项评级C. 既有客户评级,又有债项评级D. 以上都不对7. 某养老基金将68%的资产(大约130亿美元)投资于股票市场。
假设两个基金经理之间的相关系数为0.5,那么每个基金经理的VAR预算应该为:A. 12亿美元B. 19亿美元C. 18.5亿美元D. 17亿美元8. 在抽样中其他条件不变时,如果样本量扩大为原来的16倍,则样本均值的标准误差将是原来的()。
A. 2倍B. 4倍C. 50%D. 25%9. ABC银行向一家软件公司发放了$20,000万元贷款,利率为12%,该银行想要规避该头寸带来的风险,因此购买了一份XYZ银行提供的总收益互换。
一年后,贷款的市值降低了3%,LIBOR为11%,ABC的净收支是多少?A. 净收入$540万B. 净支出$460万C. 净收入$460万D. 净支出$540万10. 模型风险一个重要的来源是对模型做了错误的假设。
以下哪一个不是模型假设错误的例子?A. 当存在显著相关性时,假设变量是相互独立的。
B. 从模型中剔除一个重要的风险因子。
C. 当存在一个更精确的分布时,假设数据来源于另一个特殊分布。
D. 模型中应用的数据来自于不合适的样本期间。
11. 下列哪些关于经济资本和监管资本的说法是正确的?I. 监管资本通过确保银行系统中存有足够的资本来追求银行系统的健康与稳定。
II. 经济资本是设计用来保持金融机构在特定置信水平下资本金充足的指标。
III. 对于单个银行,经济资本总是低于监管资本。
IV. 经济资本的决定以及对不同业务单元的分配是一个决策过程,会影响业务单元和银行整体的风险/收益表现。
A. II和IVB. I、II、III和IVC. I、II和IVD. I和IV12. 下列关于清算所作用的表述错误的是:I. 保证投资者免受违约风险。
II. 将每笔交易分拆,对期货买方充当卖方,对期货卖方充当买方。
III. 保证期货买方收到实物交割的标的资产。
IV. 选择期货合约的资产种类,订立期货合约。
A. I和IIB. I、II和IIIC. III和IVD. I、II、III、IV13. ABC银行持有一份5亿美元的美国国债、一份4亿美元的贷款和一份1亿美元的贷款。
该银行使用Credit Risk+模型计算1%置信水平下的信用VaR。
下列哪一种关于VaR的说法是错误的?A. 信用组合的期望损失一定比VaR小。
B. 信用组合的期望损失超过VaR。
C. VaR或者WCL可以等于0。
D. 以上说法均错误。
14. 一家银行有公开储备账户4,300万美元。
这个例子属于:A. 日间透支B. 储蓄透支C. 借款储蓄D. 向美联储借钱15. 李先生是一个投资经理,持有价值2亿欧元的BBB级的债券组合,假设1年期的违约概率是4%,回收率是60%,并且各年之间的违约不相关,那么李先生资产组合的2年期累积期望信用损失是多少?A. 627万欧元B. 630万欧元C. 963万欧元D. 947万欧元16. 在衡量操作风险时,每种风险潜在损失的完整分布是通过下列哪项分布数据形成的?A. 基于股价的波动性分布。
B. 频率和严重程度分布。
C. 后台的交易规模和每日交易数量的分布。
D. 经营性和灾难性损失的分布。
17. 银行A拥有一个2000万美元的5年期货款并希望抵消暴露于债务人的信用风险。
为了对冲它的信用风险暴露,银行A应该:A. 出售5年期CDS并收取每季度50000美元。
B. 购买5年期CDS并收取每季度25000美元。
C. 出售5年期CDS并支付每季度50000美元。
D. 购买5年期CDS并支付每季度25000美元。
18. 2015年3月7日,某年息8%、面值100元、每半年付息1次的1年期债券,上次付息时间为2014年12月31日,如市场净价报价为95元,则实际支付价格按实际天数计算为()元。
A. 96B. 96.4C. 97.47D. 10019. 对于一个流动性较差的资产组合,对冲基金经理通常会谨慎考虑该组合在每月月末的价值,并想方设法将资产回报记录得平坦一些,使得它们低于高回报月份的真实数据,高于低回报月份的真实数据。
下列说法哪一个不是资产回报变平坦之后随时间推移产生的后果?A. 高夏普比率B. 低波动率C. 高序列相关性D. 高β值20. 关于一致估计和无偏估计,下面哪个说法是正确的?A. 一致估计和无偏估计是相互矛盾的两个指标。
B. 一致估计指随着样本量增大,样本估计量以概率收敛于总体参数,而无偏估计是指样本估计量的均值等于要估计的总体参数。
C. 一致估计指样本估计量的均值等于要估计的总体参数,而无偏估计是指随着样本量增大,样本估计量以概率收敛于总体参数。
D. 以上说法都不对。
21. 下列哪种说法是错误的?I. 第一类错误是指原假设是错误的,但却没有拒绝原假设。
II. 第二类错误是指原假设是正确的,但却拒绝了原假设。
III. 犯第一类错误的概率和犯第二类错误的概率之和为1。
IV. 减小犯第二类错误的概率可以增加检验的势A. I, II, IIIB. I 和IIIC. II和IVD. I, II和IV22. 一份4年期信用违约互换(CDS)规定两年末进行实物交割。
如果参考资产为$3亿元,8% ABC公司债券,CDS手续费为125个基点,则CDS的买方将:A. 交付债券,收到$3亿元。
B. 第二年得到800个基点的偿付。
C. 收到$1.67亿元。
D. 在接下来的两年连续收到675个基点的偿付。
23. 一般来说,金融工具回报率的分布是高峰的。
与具有相同均值和方差的正态分布相比,这样的分布具有的特点是:A. 高峰分布的偏度更大B. 高峰分布的偏度更小C. 高峰分布的峰度系数更小D. 高峰分布的峰度系数更大24. 下列关于流动性风险的说法哪一项是正确的?A. 当金融机构无法履行支付义务时会产生资产流动性风险。
B. 安全投资转移通常反映在公司债券和政府债券收益率价差的减少上。
C. 新债券和旧债券之间的收益率价差主要反映了流动性溢价,并不反映市场和信用风险。
D. 融资流动性风险可以通过设定资产限额以及分散化投资的方式进行管理。
25. 考虑下述3×6的FRA。
A. +$25,000B. +$24,724C. -$25,000D. -$24,72426. 下列关于流动性风险的说法,错误的是()。
A. 流动性风险与信用风险、市场风险和操作风险相比,形成的原因单一,通常被视为独立的风险B. 流动性风险包括资产流动性风险和负债流动性风险C. 流动性风险对商业银行来说,指商业银行无力为负债的减少和/或资产的增加提供融资而造成损失或破产的风险D. 大量存款人的挤兑行为可能会使商业银行面临较大的流动性风险27. 下述各项分布属于正偏的包括:I. 正态分布II. 对数正态分布III. 看跌期权空头的回报IV. 看涨期权多头的回报A. 仅IIB. 仅IIIC. 仅II和IVD. 仅I,III和IV28. 息票利率为8%的美国国库券在5月3 0日和11月3 0日两天付息,8月1 5日购买,则面值为100,000美元的该债券的应计利息为:A. 491.80美元B. 800.00美元C. 983.61美元D. 1661.20美元29. 某投资者正在挖掘黄金市场上的套利机会,给定以下市场信息(一般复利):●黄金现货价格= 285美元/盎司●1年到期的黄金期货价格= 290美元●年无风险利率= 4%不考虑交易费用和储存成本,则套利利润为:A. 0.00B. 6.32C. 7.3D. 6.430. 关于在Excel风险管理建模中构建最优投资组合的说法最准确的是:A. 可以通过Excel中规划求解功能进行计算B. Excel中无法进行最优投资组合构建C. 在运用Excel进行最优投资组合构建时不需要计算方差-协方差矩阵D. 在运用Excel进行最优投资组合构建时不需要计算预期收益率31. 一个股票价格是100美元。
从现在起的一年里,它的价格S = 100*exp(r),其中回报率r 服从均值为0.1,标准差是0.2的正态分布。
给定95% 的置信区间,接下来的一年里S 的变化范围是:A. $67.57 和$147.99B. $70.80 和$149.20C. $74.68 和$163.56D. $102.18 和$119.5332. 对于在可转换债券中做多头,在国债和股票中做空头进行交易的可转债套利策略,其存在的主要风险为:A. 看空银行波动率B. 看多久期C. 看多股票deltaD. 正的Gamma33. 一位分析师对ABC银行在2014年的操作风险损失事件数目进行建模。