CATG3500Air fuel ratio adjust




查看完整版本: [-- 绝对全面--]NO 英语缩写中国语1 Abbreviation 缩写2 Aboard 在船上3 About ABT 约,大概4 Above Base Line A/B 在基线上5 Access Hole ACC.HOLE (人)通道口6 Access Ladder 出入用梯子7 Accessibility 可接近性8 Accessory 附属品,零件9 Accommodation Accom. 居住区10 Accommodation ladder 居住区楼梯11 Accommodation Space 居住区域12 Accumulator 蓄电池13 Acetylene Gas 乙炔气14 Acid Pickling 酸洗15 Adapter 适配器16 Additional ADD. 额外工作17 Additive 添加剂18 Adhesion Test 附着力试验19 Adjusting Piece Adj. Pc 调整用垫片20 After Peak Bulkhead A.P Bhd 尾尖舱壁21 After Peak Tank 尾尖舱22 After Perpendicular A.P 艉垂线23 Afterbody 后部船体24 Afterward AFT 向船尾方向25 Agitation 搅拌26 Air Compressor 空气压缩机27 Air Conditioning Plant 空气调节装置28 Air Ejector 空气排出器29 Air Fuel Ratio 气燃比30 Air Hole A/H 气孔31 Air Horn 气笛32 Air Pipe 空气管33 Air Test 气密实验34 Air Vent head 透气头35 Alignment 中心对齐,校准36 Allocated Stock Item ASI 分配貯藏资材37 Alternating Current AC 交流电38 Aluminizing 镀铝39 Aluminum Anode 防腐蚀铝40 Ambient Temperature 大气温度41 American National Standards Institute ANSI 美国标准协会42 American Society of Testing materials ASTM 美国材料实验协会43 Anchor 锚44 Anchor Bolt 锚栓,基础螺栓45 Anchor Chain 锚链46 Anchor Pattern 基础模式47 Anchor Pocket 锚穴48 Anchor Point 定位点49 Anchor Recess 锚穴50 Angle Valve Ang. V/V 角阀(L型)51 Anode Current 阳极电流52 Antenna 天线53 Anticorrosive Paint 防蚀漆54 Anti-Corrosive Tape 防腐蚀胶带55 Anti-Corrosive Treatment 防蚀处理56 Antifouling Paint 防污漆57 Anti-Skid Bar 防滑棒58 Appendix 附录(单数)59 Approval 认可60 Arc Strike 弧光放电61 Arc Time 发弧时间62 Arrangement ARR'T 布置,排列63 Asbestos 石棉64 As-Built Drawing 最终竣工图纸65 Assembly ASS'Y 装配66 Assembly Line 装配线67 Assembly Stage 装配工程68 Automatic Welding 自动焊接69 "Average Freight Rate Assessmentat the max of Deadweight COT" AFRAMAX AFRAMAX(8万吨位级原油运载船)70 Back Bead 背面焊接71 Back Gouging 后部表面气刨72 Backing Strip 衬垫73 Backside Undercut 背面咬边74 Balance Weight 配重75 Ballast 安定76 Ballast Control Room BCR 压载控制室77 Ballast Tank 压载舱78 Barrel 桶(158.99升)79 Base Line B.L 基线80 Base metal 母材81 Basic Desigh 基础设计82 Bead 焊珠83 Beam 横梁84 Bedplate 主机座85 Bellmouth 吸入口86 Bellows 风箱87 Bench mark 水准基点88 Bevel 斜角, 坡口89 Bevel Angle 坡口角度90 Bilge hat 舱底污水盖91 Bilge Holding Tank 舱底污水储藏罐92 Bilge Keel BLG.KEEL 舱底龙骨(防摇动)93 Bilge Plate 舭列板94 Bilge Radius 船底弯曲部的半径95 Bilge Well B/W 污水井96 Bill of Material BOM 材料明细表97 Bite Union 辊缝连接接头98 Bitumastic (Bituminous Cement) 沥青99 Blank Plate 板坯,基板100 Bleached Tar 漂白涂料101 Blind Plate 盲板102 Blister 水泡(油漆缺陷)103 Block BLK(B) 分段104 Block Assembly 分段装配105 Block Division BLK DIV. 分段划分106 Block Inspection 分段装配检查107 Blow Hole 焊接气孔108 Bollard 系船柱109 Boottop 水线漆110 Bosun(Boatswain) Store 甲板长仓库111 Both-sides Welding 双面焊112 Bottleneck 瓶颈113 Bottom BTM 船底114 Bottom Block 船底分段115 Bottom Plug 船底旋塞116 Bottom Shell Plating 船底外板117 Bottom Survery 船底检查118 Bow and Stern Construction 船首尾构造119 Bow Construction 船首构造120 Bow Door 船首门121 Bow Thruster 船头推进器122 Bowl 槽,斗,碗123 Bracket BKT OR B 加强筋板,轴板124 Brain Storming 集体研讨,想办法125 Brake Lining 闸衬,刹车面126 Brass 黄铜127 Brazing 铜焊,釬焊,硬焊128 Brazing Socket (釬)铜焊孔129 Breaking Strength 折断强度130 Breakwater 挡浪板131 Breast Hook 船首补强肘板132 Breathing Apparatus 呼吸器133 Bronze Casting 青铜铸件134 Brush Coating 毛刷涂漆135 Brush/Brush Holder 毛刷/毛刷固定器136 Bubbling 起泡137 Building Specification 建造规格书138 Bulb Plate BP 球扁钢139 Bulbous Bow 球鼻艏140 Bulk Carrier B/C 散装船141 Bulkhead BHD 舱壁142 Bulkhead Block 舱壁分段143 Bulkhead Piece 穿舱件144 Bulkhead Plan 舱壁结构图145 Bulkhead Stiffener 扶墙材146 Bulkhead Stool 舱壁托架147 Bulwark 舷墙148 Butt Welding 对接焊149 Butterfly valve 蝶型阀150 Buttock Line B.L 船体纵剖线151 Bypass Valve 旁通阀152 Cabin 船舱153 Cable Clench 电缆结154 Cable Duct 电缆通道155 Cable Tie 电线结束结156 Cable Trunk C.T 主干电缆157 Cableway 索道158 Calibration 标定159 Call Sign 呼号160 Camber 梁拱161 Canvas Cover 帆布蓬布162 Capacity Plan 容载度163 Capesize B/C 蓬角B/C164 Capstan 起锚机165 Car Carrier 汽车运输船166 Carbon Air Arc Gouging 一氧化碳气电弧气刨167 Cargo Control Room CCR 卸货控制室168 Cargo Handling System 货物处理系统169 Cargo Oil Pump 货油泵170 Cargo Segregation 货物隔离171 Cargo Space 货物区域172 Carling CARL'G (船的)短纵梁173 Carpenter's Workshop 木工车间174 Cast Iron 铸铁175 Cast Steel 铸钢176 Casting CAST'G 铸造,铸件177 Cathodic Protection 阴极保护178 Catwalk 天桥179 Cause of Defect 缺陷原因180 Caution plate 警告板181 Cavitation 气穴现象182 Center Flange Cent. Flg 中心法兰183 Center Girder 中心梁184 Center Keelson 中心线内龙骨185 Center Line C.L 中心线186 Center of Gravity C.G 重心187 Centrifugal Pump 离心泵188 Ceramic Backing 陶衬189 Certificate Cert. 检查合格证190 Chain Block 手拉葫芦191 Chain Locker C/L, CHAIN LKR 锚链锁192 Chain Pipe 锚链通过的管道193 Chain Stopper 止链器194 Chalk Test 划粉实验195 Chamfer C 倒角196 Chamfering Tool 倒角工具197 Channel CH, H(CH) 槽型钢198 Chart Room 图纸室199 Check Point 检测点200 Check Valve 止回阀201 Checked Plate CHK.PL. 花钢板202 Chemical Cleaning 化学洗涤203 Chemical Tanker 化学制品搬运船204 Chipping Hammer 破石锤205 Christening(naming) Ceremony 命名仪式206 Chronometer 记时计207 Clamp 夹钳208 Class 1 Pipe 一级管209 Class A Fires A级火灾210 Class A-60 Bulkhead A A-60 구역격벽A-60 区域舱壁211 Class Notation 船级代号212 Classification Certificate 船级证书213 Classification Rule 船级规定214 Classification Society 船级协会216 Clearance 间隙,空隙217 Cleat 夹板218 Client Request Item CRI 船主要求事项219 Clinometer 倾斜仪220 Closed Circuit Television CCTV 闭路电视221 Coaming COAM'G 舱口板222 Cold Galvanizing 冷电镀223 Collar Plate C.PL 加强板/复板224 Collier/Coal Carrier 运煤船225 Companionway 升降口226 Compartment 隔舱227 Compatibility 兼容性228 Component Assembly COMP.ASS'Y 小组装件229 Compressed Air 压缩空气230 Compulsary Item 必要项目231 Condensate Pump 冷凝泵232 Condenser 冷凝器233 Conning Station 操舵(指挥)位置234 Construction CONST. 建造235 Construction Profile 建筑结构轮廓图236 Consumables 易耗品237 Container Ship 集装箱船238 Control Panel 控制板239 Cooling Fresh Water CFW 冷却淡水240 Coordination 业务调整,相互协调241 Corrective Action Request CAR 对纠正措施的要求242 Corridor 通道, 走廊243 Corrosion Control 防腐方法244 Corrosion Inhibitor 防腐蚀剂245 Corrosion Rate 腐蚀度246 Corrugated Bulkhead CORR.BHD 槽形舱壁247 Cost Insurance and Freight CIF "到岸价(包括货价,运费,保险费)"248 Counter-balance Valve 背压阀, 反平衡阀249 Coupling Bolt 连接器螺栓250 Cowl head Ventilator 帽型通风筒251 Crack 裂纹252 Criteria 基准253 Cross Section 橫截面254 Cross Tie 交叉带255 Crossover Way 交叉通道256 Crude Oil Tanker COT 原油船257 Crude Oil Washing COW 原油清洗259 Curing 硬化干燥260 Cutting CUTT'G 切割261 Cutting Drawing 切割图纸262 Cutting Tip 气割嘴263 Cutting Torch 割矩264 D mid (Moulded Depth) 型深265 "D/B W.B.T(Double Bottom Water Ballast Tank)" 双底压载舱266 Daewoo Shipbuilding Quality DSQS 大宇造船舶建造质量标准267 Dangerous Goods 危险货物268 Davit 挂艇架269 Daytime 日间, 白天270 Deadweight Tonnage DWT (总)载重吨271 Decibel Db 分贝(噪音单位)272 Deck DK 甲板273 Deck Below 甲板下部274 Deck Block 甲板块275 Deck Composition 甲板敷料277 Deck Fittings 甲板装置278 Deck Girder 甲板梁279 Deck Longitudinal 甲板纵骨280 Deck Machinery 甲板设备281 Deck Openning 甲板开口处282 Deck Plan 甲板结构图283 Deck Plating 甲板284 Deck Store 物料间285 Deck Under 甲板下部286 Deck Water Seal 甲板水封287 Deckhouse 甲板室,上层建筑288 Deep Tank 深舱289 Defect 缺陷290 Definition 定义291 Deflection Plate 反射板292 Deformation 变形293 Degreasing 脱脂294 Dehumidifier 除湿器295 Delete 刪除, 取消296 Delivery Lead Time 交货需要时间297 Department of Trade DOT 贸易部298 Derrick Post 起重机柱299 De-rusting 去锈300 Design Load 设计载荷301 Design Load Water Line DLWL 设计满载吃水线302 Detail DET. 详细,节点303 Detail Design 详细设计304 Detailed Assembly procedure DAP 详细装配工艺305 Detector 探测器,检测机306 Deutsche Industrie Normen DIN 德国工业标准307 Deviation 偏差308 Dew Point D.P [气,雾]露点309 Diagonal Line 对角线310 Diameter DIA 直径311 Diaphragm DIAPH. 橫膈膜312 Diesel Generator D.G 柴油发电机313 Diesel Oil DO 柴油314 Disassemble 分解315 Distribution 分散316 Dock Trial 系泊试车317 Double Bevel 双斜面318 Double Bottom D/B, D.BTM 双层底319 Double Continuous Fillet Welding D.C.F.W 双面连续角焊320 Double Fillet Weld 两面填角焊321 Double Hull 双船体322 Double Skin Construction 双船体构造323 Doubling plate/Doubler D/PL. 甲板,双层板/复板324 Down-Hand welding 俯(平)焊325 Draft Gauge 压差式风压计326 Draft Marks 吃水标志327 Drain Hole D/H 排水孔328 Drain System 排水系统329 Drain Trap 放泄弯330 Dresser Coupling 带盘根套筒331 Driptray 接油(水)盘332 Dry Film Thickness DFT 干镀膜的厚度333 Drydocking 干船坞334 Duct Keel 箱子型龙骨335 Dummy 虚拟的336 Duration 为期337 Dust Collector 集尘器338 Each EA 每个,个数339 Earth Connection 接地340 Echo Sounder 回声探测仪341 Edge Welding 边缘焊接342 Effective Throat 有效喉道截面343 Efficiency 效率344 Electric Cable Pipe ECP 电缆管345 Electric Load Analysis 电器负荷分析346 Electric Resistance Welding ERW 电阻焊接347 Electro Gas Welding EGW 电气焊348 Electrode Holder 电焊钳349 Electro-Hydraulic System 电动液压系统350 Electrostatic Hazard 静电危险351 Elevation ELEV. 正面图352 Elevator 升降机,电梯353 Embarkation Light 乘船灯354 Emergency Door 太平门,紧急出口355 Emergency Escape Trunk 紧急逃生通道356 Emergency Exit 太平门,紧急出口357 Emergency Fire Pump 应急消防泵358 Emergency Power Supply 应急电源359 Enclosed Space 封闭区域360 Engine Control Console 机控台361 Engine Control Room ECR 机控室362 Engine Room Arr't E/Rm Arr't 轮机舱布置图363 Engine Room Bulkhead E/R BHD 轮机室舱壁364 Ensign Staff 船尾旗杆365 Equipment List 设备目录366 Equipment Number 设备数367 Erection EREC.(E) 合拢368 Erection Schedule 合拢计划369 Even Keel 平板龙骨370 Exhaust manifold 排气集管371 Exhaust Valve 排气阀372 Expanded metal 多孔(拉制)金属网373 Expansion EXPAN , EXP. 展开374 Expansion Joint 膨胀节375 Expansion Tank 膨胀柜376 Explosion-Proof Lamp 防爆灯377 Explosive Atmosphere 爆炸危险区域378 Exposed Deck 露天甲板379 Extension Loop 伸缩弯380 Extension Rod 伸缩尺,伸长杆381 Extra Work 额外工作382 Eye Plate 眼板383 Fabrication Fab. 制作,加工384 Fabrication Shop 加工车间385 Face Flat F/F 面板386 Fairing(up) 流线型/整形387 Fairlead 导缆孔388 Fairleader 导缆孔389 False Bottom FALSE BTM. 活(假)底390 Fashion Plate FASHION PL. (钢板)组成船首材板391 Fatigue Analysis 疲劳分析392 Fender 护舷393 Fiber Glass 玻璃纤维394 Fiber Reinforced Plastics FRP "玻璃纤维增强塑料,玻璃钢"395 Fillet Welding 角焊396 Fin Stabilizer 减摇鳍397 Final Drawing 最终图纸398 Finish Paint 最后喷漆399 Finite Element Mothod FEM 有限要素法400 Fire Control Station 消防站401 Fire Damper 防火风闸402 Fire Extinguisher 灭火器403 Fire hose Box 消防水龙管箱404 Firemain Line 消防用管路405 Fit and Weld 铆焊406 Fit-up 组装407 Fix Jig 固定夹具408 Fixture 固定设备409 Flame Screen 火焰掩蔽物410 Flat Bar F.B 扁钢411 Flatness 平面度,扁平度412 Flexible Hose 软管,挠性管413 Flexible mounting 软安装414 Float Valve 浮阀415 Floating Dock 浮船坞416 Flood Light 泛光灯,探照灯417 Flooding Test 浸水试验418 Floor 肋板419 Floor Plate 地板,肋板420 Flow Chart 流程图421 Flue Gas 烟气,废气422 Flushing 冲洗423 Flux 熔剂424 Flux Cored Arc Welding FCAW 熔芯弧焊(CO2焊接) 425 Foam Fire Extinguisher 泡沫灭火器426 Foam Monitor 泡沫喷射装置427 Foot Valve 底(背压)阀/脚踩阀428 Fore Construction 船头构造图429 Fore Perpendicular F.P 艏垂线430 Forebody 船前身431 Forecastle Deck F'CLE DK 艏楼甲板432 Foremast 前桅433 Forepeak Tank 船首尖舱434 Forged Steel 锻造钢435 Forklift Truck 叉车436 Forward FWD 向船头方向437 Foundation FDN 底落438 Frame FR. 骨架,肋骨439 Frame Space F.S 肋骨间距440 Free of Charge 免费441 Free On-Board FOB 离岸价格442 Freefall Lifeboat 自由下落式救生艇443 Fuel Oil Tank 燃油舱444 Full Penetration F.P 全焊透445 Funnel 烟道446 Funnel Mark 烟道标志447 Furniture 家具448 Galley 厨房449 Galvanizing GALV. 镀锌,电镀450 Gangway 舷梯451 Gantry Crane 龙门吊,龙门起重机452 Gas Cutting 气割453 Gas Detection System 气体探测系统454 Gas Metal Arc Welding GMAW 气体金属弧焊455 Gas Tungsten Arc Welding GTAW 气体钨弧焊456 Gasket 垫圈457 Gastight Bulkhead 气密舱壁458 Gate Valve 闸阀459 general Arrangement G/A 总布置图460 General Cargo Ship 一般货船461 General Outfitting 一般舾装462 General Stock Item GSI 一般库存资材463 Girder GIR. 梁,槽钢/珩材464 Glass Reinforced Plastics GRP 玻璃钢465 Glass Wool 玻璃丝466 "Global maritime Distressand Safety System" GMDSS 全球海上遇险安全系统467 Global Positioning System GPS 全球定位系统468 Globe Valve 截止阀469 Goliath Crane 重型龙门起重机470 Gooseneck Ventilator 鹅颈式通风筒471 Gouging 气刨,表面切割472 Grade 等级473 Grand Assembly 主要装配474 Grating 格柵,柵极475 Gravity Arc Welding 重力式弧焊476 Gravity Tank (Head Tank) 重力罐477 Grease Nipple 注油嘴478 Grid 格子479 Grinding GRIND'G.(G) 打磨480 Gross Tonnage GT 总吨数481 Guard Rail 保护栏杆482 Guide Piece 定位片483 Gunwale 船舷上缘484 Gutter Bar 围板,挡板485 Gutter Pipe 排水管486 Gyrocompass 陀螺罗经487 Half Round Bar H.R.B 半圆钢488 Hand Grip H/G, HA, Ha 把手489 Handrail 栏杆490 Handysize B/C 便利B/C (5万吨以下的B/C)491 Hatch 舱口492 Hatch Coaming 舱口拦板(边材)493 "Hatch Cover(Folding/Side Rolling/Pontoon)" "舱口盖(折叠/卷边/浮桥)"494 Hatch End Beam 舱口端梁495 Hawse pipe 锚链管496 H-Beam (H) “H” 钢497 Headroom 头上空间/吊钩净高498 Heat Resistant Paint 耐热漆499 Heat Treatment 热处理500 Heating Coil 加热盘管501 Heating Torch 切割器,焊炬502 Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning HVAC 通风及空调503 Heavy Fuel Oil HFO 重燃油504 Hexagon Head Bolt 六角头螺栓505 Hexagon Wrench 六角扳手506 High Stress Zone 高应力部位507 High Temp. Cooling Water Syestem H.T.C.W System 高温冷却水系统508 High Tensile Steel 高张力钢509 hinge 铰链510 Hogging(ref: Sagging) 弯度,挠度511 Hold 货舱512 Hold Frame 舱内肋骨513 Holding-Down Bolt 压紧螺栓514 Holiday 油漆漏掉部分515 Hopper Tank 舱底污水储藏边仓516 Horizontal HORI. 水平517 Horizontal Girder 水平梁518 Horizontal Stiffener 水平防摇材519 Horizontal(Position) Welding 水平焊接520 Hull Block Construction Method HBCM 船体分段建造法521 Hull Block Painting 整块上漆522 Hull Construction 船体构造523 Hull Form Coefficient 船型系数524 Hull Fouling 船体污损525 Hull Opening 船体开口526 Hull Outfit 船体装备527 Hull Parts List 船体附件表528 Hull Piping 船体管道系统529 Hull Preservation 船体保存530 Hull Steel 船体钢材531 Hull Strength 船体强度532 Hull Weight 船体重量533 Humidity Control 湿度控制534 Hydrant Valve 消防栓535 Hydraulic Jack 液压千斤顶536 Hydraulic Lift(Cherrypicker) 液压起重机537 Hydraulic Oil 液压油538 Hydraulic Power Pack 液压动力装置539 Hydrostatic Test 水压实验540 Hygrometer 湿度计541 I- Beam (I) “I” 钢542 Ice Breaker 破冰船543 Identical 同样的544 Immersion Suit 救生服545 Immersion Time 图漆后注水可能时间546 Impact Load 冲击荷重547 Impact Wrench 套筒扳手548 Impeller 叶轮,转子549 Impressed Current Cathodic Protection ICCP 外加电源阴极保护550 Inboard 舷内的551 Incinerator 焚烧炉552 Indicating Lamp 指示灯553 Indicator 指示器,指示剂554 Inert Gas Generator IG 惰性气体发生器555 Inflammable Life Raft 膨胀式救生阀556 Injector 喷射器557 Inorganic Zinc Silicate 无机硅酸锌558 Insert Block 嵌入块559 Insert Plate INSERT PL. 嵌入板560 Inspection INSP. 检查561 Installation Drawing 安装图562 Installation Manual 安装手册563 Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers IEEE "电气与电子工程师协会"564 Instruction Manual 安装指导说明书565 Interlock 互锁,连锁566 Intermittent Chain Welding 间断链焊567 Intermittent Staggered Welding 间歇交错焊接568 Internal Diameter ID 内径569 International Association of Classification Socities IACS 国际船级联合会570 International Electrotechnical Commision IEC 国际电工委员会571 International Gas Code IGC 国际气体编码572 International Labor Organization ILO 国际劳工组织573 International Load Line Convention ILLC 国际满载吃水线条约574 International Maritime Organization IMO 国际海事机构575 "International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code" IMDG "国际海上危险物运送规定,IMDG编号"576 "International Maritime Pilots' Association" IMPA 国际船社协会577 "International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea" COLREG 为防止海上冲突而定的国际协定578 "International Standardization Organization" ISO 国际标准化组织579 Intersection of Welding 交叉焊接580 Intrinsic Safety Barrier IS 本质安全隔离板581 Invar 不胀钢582 Inventory 详细目录583 Inverted Angle I.A. 逆角钢584 Jack Bolt 定位螺栓585 Jack Staff 旗杆586 Japanese Industrial Standard JIS 日本工业标准587 Jib Crane 悬臂起重机588 Jigs 焊机589 Jigs and Fixure 焊机及固定器具590 Joint Length 接头长度591 Jumping Stopper 止跳塞592 Junction Box JB 接线盒593 Just In Time JIT 及时供给594 Keel 龙骨595 Keel Block 底座,龙骨墩596 Keel Laying K/L 龙骨铺设597 Keel Laying Block 最初的龙骨装配块598 Keel Line 龙骨线599 Keel Plate 龙骨板600 Key Plan 索引图,总图601 Kingpost 主梁602 knuckle 肘节,转向节603 Knuckle Line K.L 折弯线,两个不同平面的交叉线604 Knuckle Point K.P 折弯点,两个不同线的交叉点605 Korea Register of Shipping KR 韩国船级协会606 Korean Industrial Standard KS 韩国标准工业规格607 Lamination 叠层608 Lap Joint 搭接处609 Lap Welding 搭焊,叠式焊接610 Lapping 搭接,重叠611 Lashing Wire 捆索612 Launching L/C (船)下水613 Lavatory 卫生间614 Lead Time 研制周期615 Leak Test 泄漏试验/密性试验616 Leg Length 焊角长度617 Length Between Perpendiculars LBP 垂线间长618 Length Overail LOA 全长619 Lever Block 操纵杆部件620 Life Buoy 救生圈621 Lifeboat 救生艇622 Lifesaving Equipment 救生装备623 Lift 升降机,升力624 Lifting Beam LIFT'G BEAM 起重横梁625 Lifting Lug LIFT'G LUG (起重)吊(挂)耳626 Light Welding 轻焊接627 Lightening Hole L/H 减(轻)重(量)孔628 Limit Switch 限位开关629 Line Heating 带钢加热630 Lines 型线图631 Liquid Penetrant Test PT 渗液探伤试验632 Liquified Gas 液化气633 Liquified Natural Gas LNG 液化天然气634 Liquified Petroleum Gas LPG 液化石油气635 List 目录,目次636 Living Quarters 居住舱637 Living Sqace 生存空间/可居住面积638 Load Line Marks 载重线标志639 Load Water Line 载重水线640 Longitudinal LONG. 纵向641 Longitudinal Bulkhead LONG.BHD 纵舱壁642 Longitudinal Space L.S 纵向间隔643 Longitudinal Strength 纵向强度644 Looking LOOK'G 观察方向645 Looking After 向船尾方向看646 Looking Forward 向船头方向看647 Loss 损失648 Louver 天窗,通气缝649 Lub. Oil Storage Tank L.O Stor. Tk 润滑油貯存舱650 Lubricating Oil LO 润滑油651 Lubricating Oil Pipe L.O Pipe 润滑油管652 Lubricator 注油器653 Luffing Cylinder 上下摆动汽缸654 M/V(Motor Vessel) 内燃机船655 Machinery Space 机器处所656 Magnetic Particale Inspection MPI 磁粉探伤检验657 Main Control Console 主控制盘658 Main Deck MAIN DK 主甲板659 Main Dimensions 主尺度660 Main Plate 主板661 Maintenance and Supply 维护及供给662 Maintenance Hatch 维护用开口663 Maker Drawing 制造者提供的图纸664 Man hole M/H 人孔665 Man hole Cover M/H COVER 人孔盖666 Manifold 歧管,总导管667 Manufacture Drawing 制作图纸668 Margin Plate 内底边板669 Marking MK 标记670 "MARPOL(The Prevention ofMarine Pollution from Ships" MARPOL 海洋污染防止协约671 Masking Tape 遮蔽胶带(涂色时防止污损)672 Master Schedule 主要日程计划/设计任务书673 Material Deficiency Report 资材缺陷报告674 Material handling 资材处理675 Material List 资材清单676 Material Preparation 资材准备677 Material Procurement 资材购买678 Material Specification 资材规格说明书679 Material Stowage and Issuing Plan 资材储存/支出计划680 Maximum MAX. 最大681 Maximum Continuous Rating MCR 最大持续功率682 Metacentric Height GM 稳心高度683 Metal Inert Gas Arc Welding MIG 金属揷入气弧焊684 Midship 船中685 Midship Section 舯横剖面686 Midship Section Coefficient 中横剖面系数687 midships 船舯部688 Minimum MIN. 最少689 Mock-Up (1:1的)模型(和实物等大的模型)691 Mooring Arr't 停泊装置692 Mooring Trial 系泊试验693 Mooring Winch 系留绞盘694 Moulded line ML. 型线695 Movable Ramp 移动用斜板696 Mushroom Ventilator 菌型通风机697 Muster List 集合表698 Nameplate 铭牌699 Nautical Instrument 航海器械700 Navigation Bridge Deck NAV.BRI.DK 驾驶甲板701 Navigation Equipment 导航设备702 NC Machine 数字控制机械703 Needle Valve 针阀704 Network 网络,计划工程表705 Nitril Butadiene Rubber NBR 腈基丁二烯橡胶706 Nominal Diameter N.D 公称直径707 Nominal Size 公称尺寸708 NON WATER TIGHT BULKHEAD N.W.T.BHD 非水密舱壁709 Nondestructive Test NDT 无损探伤710 Nonferrous Metal 非铁(有色)金属711 Non-Return Valve 止回阀712 Nonslip 防滑713 Non-Sparking Tool 防爆工具714 Normal Condition 常态715 Normal Duration 正常需要时间716 Normal Working Hours 正常工作时间717 Norweian maritime Directorate NMD 挪威海运局718 Number of Coats 涂装次数719 Numerical Control N/C 数字控制720 Official Sea Trial 官方试航721 Offsets 型值表722 Oil Coaming 防漏油舱口围板723 "Oil Companies'International Maritime Forum" OCMIF 石油公司国际海事论坛724 "Oil Discharge MonitoringEquipment" ODME 排油检测装置725 Oil Seal 油封726 Oiltight Bulkhead 油密舱壁727 Oily Water Separator 油水分离器728 On the Job Training 工作培训729 On-block Outfitting 分段舾装730 On-Board 船上,船内,甲板上731 On-Board Outfitting 船上舾装733 ON-Board Test Procedure 船上实验指导书734 On-ceiling Outfitting 上部(天花板)舾装735 One-sided Welding 单面焊接736 On-floor Outfitting 地板舾装737 ONLY 仅738 On-unit Outfitting 单元舾装739 Open Grating 格子模样的柵栏740 Open Space (Blue Sky) Fitting 露天安装741 Opening OPEN'G 开口742 Operating manual 操作说明书743 Operation Process Chart 运转工程图表744 Optical Fiber Cable 光缆745 Optimum Design 最佳设计746 Ordinary Frame 普通肋骨747 Ore Carrier 矿石运搬船748 Ore-Bulk-Oil Carrier OBO 矿油兼用船749 Outboard 船外侧750 Outdoor piping 室外管道系统751 Outfit Planning 舾装作业计划752 Outfitting OUTFIT. 舾装作业753 Outfitting 舾装作业754 Outfitting Quay 舾装码头755 Outfitting Scheduling System 舾装日程计划体系756 Outfitting Zone 舾装区域757 Outreach 舷外跨距758 Outside Diameter OD 外径759 Overboard Discharge 舷侧排水孔760 Overflow Pipe 溢流管761 Overhaul 大检(拆)修762 Overhaul inspection 检查763 Overhead (Position) Welding 仰焊764 Overhead Travelling Crane 桥式起重机765 Overheating 过热766 Overlap 重叠767 Overtime 超时768 Overweight 超载,超重769 Owner Furnished Equipment OFE 船东提供装备770 Owner's Approval Comment 船东认可意见771 Owner's Inspector 船东检查员772 Oxidation 氧化773 Pad 垫片,焊接区774 PAD Plate PAD PL. 垫板775 Padlock 挂锁,扣锁776 Paint Dipping 浸渍涂色777 Pallet 板台,W/P资材778 Pallet Material List PML 集装资材目录779 Panamax B/C 7万吨B/C780 Panel Line 平面板线781 Part Assembly 部件装配782 Part Number P/N 零(部)件号783 Partial Penetration P.P 部分焊透784 Passageway 通道785 Passenger Ship 客船786 Pedestal 軸承座,軸架787 Peel Off 剝離788 Pending 未決,保留789 Penetration Piece 贯通件790 Perforated Flat Deck PERF.FLAT DK 开口甲板791 Perforated Plate 多孔板792 Perpendicular 垂线793 Pferd Starke PS 马力794 Pillar P 支柱795 Pilot Ladder 领航员梯796 Pinhole 针孔797 Pipe Hole P/H 配管孔798 Pipe Schedule Pipe Sch 配管计划799 Piping and Instrumentation Diagram P&ID 管道及设备安装图纸800 Piping Diagram 管系图表801 Pitching 纵摇802 Plan 平面图803 Plan Approval 图纸认可804 Plan View 平面图805 Plan-Do-Check-Act Approach PDCA 計划/實施/檢査/措施的循環方式806 Planning and Scheduling 计划调度807 Plate PL. 钢板808 Platform Deck PLATM.DK 平台甲板809 Plimsoll's Line 载重线810 Polyethylene Coating 聚乙烯覆盖811 Polyurethane 聚胺脂812 Poop Deck POOP DK 艉楼甲板813 Porosity 多孔性814 Port P 左舷815 Port of Registry 船籍港816 Port Side 左弦,左侧817 Portable Tank 便携式水箱818 Post-Panamax 超巴拿马819 Pounds per Square Inch PSI 压力单位820 Pour Point 流动点821 Power Brushing P/B 动力工具使用前处理822 Power Factor 功率系数823 Power Panel 功率仪表板824 Pre-Erection P.E 分段装配,分段建造825 Preheating 预热826 Preoutfitting 预舾装827 Preservation Design 防蚀设计828 Pressure Tank 压力舱829 Preventive Maintenance PM 预防维护830 Principal Dimension 主尺度831 Process Analysis 工程分析832 Process Chart 流程图833 Process Control 流程管理834 Process Flow 工艺流程图835 Process Planning 工程计划836 Procurement Information 购买信息837 Producion Engineering 生产技术838 Producion Planning 生产计划839 Production Control 生产管理840 Production Drawing 生产图纸841 Production Need Date PND 生产需要日842 Production Technology 生产技术843 Productive Time 生产时间844 Productivity Cntrol Group PCG 生産力管理單位845 "Program Evaluation andReview Technique" PERT 工程计划评定和管理技术,统筹规划法846 Programmable Logic Controller PLC 程序逻辑控制器847 Protection Zinc 镀锌保护848 Prototype 原型,样机,样品849 Provision Crane 食品吊850 Purchase Order PO 资材购买定单851 Purchase Order Request POR 定货单要求852 Purifier 清洗器,净化器853 P-V(Pressure-Vacuum) Valve 压力/真空阀854 Qualification Test "(质量)鉴定实验,合格实验"855 Quality and Inspection Standards for Ships painting QISSP 船体涂装质量及检查标准856 Quality Control Q.C 质量控制857 Quality Control and Inspection 质量管理及检查858 Quality Deficiency Report 质量缺陷报告书859 Quality Standard 质量标准860 Quantity Q'ty 数量861 Radar Mast 雷达桅杆862 Radiator 辐射板,散热器863 Radio Room 无线电室864 Radiographic Test RT 放射线探伤试验865 Radius R 半径866 Radius End R.E 半径末端867 Rail Gate 栏杆中间的门868 Raw Material 原材料869 Reach -rod 拉杆870 Receptacle 储槽,揷座871 Re-Coating Interval 再涂装(时间)间隔872 Reefer Vessel 冷藏船873 Reference Ref. 参考874 Reference Drawing 参考图纸875 Reference Plane 基准面876 Reference Point 基准点877 Regulation 规定878 Reinforcement 加强,补强879 Relative humidity 相对湿度880 Relief Valve 安全阀881 Remnant Control 剩余材料管理882 Remote Control 遥控883 Remote Indication 遥示器884 Remote Operated Valve 遥控阀885 Repair of Defect 缺陷修理886 Repair Welding 补焊887 Rescue Boat 救生艇888 Research and Development R&D 研究开发889 Resin Chock 环氧树脂垫片890 Review of Drawing 图纸审评891 Revision Rev. 改正,修订892 Revolutions per minute RPM 每分走刀转数893 Rework 重做894 Rigging 缆具,索具895 Rolling 横摇896 Roll-On/Roll-Off Ship RO/RO Ship 汽车运输船897 Root Gap 根部间隙,焊缝根部面积898 Root Valve 分支阀899 Rope Guard 防绳罩900 Rose Box 舱底水过滤箱901 Round Bar R.B 圆钢902 Rubber Coating 橡胶涂层903 Rudder Angle Indicator 舵角指示器904 Rudder Stock 舵杆905 Rudder Trunk R/T 舵杆筒906 Rust-proof Oil 防锈油907 Sacrificial Anode 防蚀阳极908 Safe Load 安全载荷909 Safe working load SWL 安全工作载荷910 Safety Cage,Safety Hoop 安全环911 Safety Device 安全装置912 Safety Goggles 保护眼镜913 Safety Guard 保护围栏914 Safety of Life at Sea Convention SOLAS 国际海上人命安全公约915 Safety Stock 安全储备916 Safety Valve 安全阀917 Sagging (Ref. Hogging) 中垂(中拱)918 Sagging and Running 着色的凹凸及流动919 Salinity 盐分920 Scaffold Erecting 安装脚手架921 Scaffold Plank 脚手架922 Scaffold Removal 脚手架拆卸923 Scaffolding Support 按脚手架时用的支架924 Scale 尺度,刻度,比例925 Scallop 排水孔926 Scantling Draft 结构吃水927 Scantlings 构件尺寸,尺寸928 Scheduling 日程计划929 Scheduling and Control 日程计划及管理930 Schematic Piping Diagram 管道安装系统图931 Scope 适用范围932 Scope of Work 作业范围933 Screw Down Non-Return Valve SDNR 螺旋型单向阀934 Screw Pump 螺杆泵935 Scupper Pipe 排水管936 Sea Chest S/C 海底阀箱937 Seal Weld 密封焊缝938 Seamless Pipe SMLS 无缝管939 Section SEC. 截面图940 Section Modulus 剖面模数941 Sediment Davit 沉淀池用吊柱942 See berufasgenossenshaft SBG 德国船舶安全事项检查机关943 Segregation 分离944 Self Closing Valve 自闭阀945 Self Polishing Copolymer SPC 自抛光涂料946 Semi-submersible Drilling Rig 半潜式钻探设备947 Separator 分离器948 Sequence of Welding 焊接顺序949 Sewage Treatment Plant 污水处理装置950 Shackle 锚链节.卸扣951 Shaft Withdrawal Plan 船尾轴回收方案952 Shearing Force 剪应力953 Sheer 舷弧954 Sheer Strake 舷侧列板955 Shell Expansion Plan 外板展开图956 Shell Plating 列板957 Shielded Metal Arc Welding SMAW 电弧焊958 Shim Plate 垫板959 Ship maneuverability 船舶操纵性960 Ship Repair yard 修船厂961 Ship type 船型962 Shipbuilders Council of America SCA 美国造船业协会963 Shipbuilding 造船964 Shipowner 船东965 Shipside Valve 船舷阀966 Shipyard 造船厂967 Shop Primer 保护低漆968 Shop Test 车间试验969 Shore Connection 通岸接头970 Short-Circuit Test 短路实验971 Shot Blasting 喷丸处理972 Shot(of Chain) 锚链节973 Shut-Down 紧急停机974 Side Girder 旁底桁975 Side Longitudinal 舷侧纵骨976 Side Openning 舷侧开口977 Side Ramp 舷侧跳板978 Side Scuttle/Porthodle /Portlight 舷窗979 Side Shell S.S, S.SHELL 舷侧列板980 Sight Glass 观察(窥视)孔981 Silencer 消音器982 Silver Brazing Coupling 银铜焊联轴器983 Simulation 模拟实验984 Single Point Mooring SPM 单点系泊系统985 Sistership (按同一设计图纸建造的)姊妹船986 Skeg 呆木,尾鳍987 Skid Plate 滑板988 Slag Inclusion 夹渣989 Slamming 拍动,砰击990 Sleeve Joint 套筒接头991 Slop Tank 废油舱992 Slope 倾斜。

closed loop & fuel trim 汽车闭关控制与燃油矫正

closed loop & fuel trim 汽车闭关控制与燃油矫正

Closed Loop SystemsA system that controls its output by monitoring its output is said to be a closed loop system. An example of a closed loop system is the vehicle's charging system. The voltage regulator adjusts the voltage output of the alternator by monitoring alternator voltage output. If voltage is too low, the voltage regulator will increase alternator output. Without the voltage regulator, alternator output could not be adjusted to match the electrical loads. Many systems are closed loop systems. Some other examples are: cruise control, ignition system knock control, idle speed control, and closed loop air/fuel ratio correction control. When the ECM corrects theair/fuel ratio based on the oxygen or air/fuel ratio sensor, the system is said to be in closed loop.Open Loop SystemsAn open loop system does not monitor its output and make adjustments based on its output. The temperature control in a vehicle not equipped with automatic air conditioning serves as an example.Closed Loop Fuel ControlThe ECM needs to monitor the exhaust stream and adjust the air/fuel ratio so that the catalytic converter will operate at peak efficiency, reducing regulated emission gases. Measuring the amount of oxygen remaining after combustion is a means to indicate the air/fuel ratio. A richer mixture will consume more oxygen during combustion than a leaner mixture. The oxygen sensor or air/fuel ratio sensor measures the amount of oxygen remaining after combustion in the exhaust stream. From this information, the ECM will control the injection duration to achieve the desired, ideal air/fuel ratio of 14.7: 1. This is necessary so the catalytic converter will operate at peak efficiency.Note: The engine operation often requires different air/fuel ratios for starting, maximum power, and maximum fuel economy. The 14.7:1 ratio is for catalytic converter efficiency.Stoichiometry and Catalyst EfficiencyFor the catalytic converter to operate at peak efficiency, the air/fuel ratio must be at the ideal stoichiometric ratio of 14.7 parts air to one part fuel as measured by weight. This why the ECMtries to maintain a 14.7 to I ratio whenever possible.Open Loop ModeThe ECM will be in open loop mode when:• starting the engine.• the engine is cold.• hard acceleration.• during fuel cut-off.• wide open throttle.If the engine will not go into closed loop mode, the problem may be insufficient engine temperature, no response from the oxygen sensor or air/fuel sensor, or the heater circuit is inoperative. Usually, no response from the oxygen or A/F sensor will set DTC P0125.If there is a driveability problem only in closed loop, anything that disrupts air/fuel ratio, theoxygen or A/F sensor circuit may be the cause.Closed Loop Operation/Oxygen SensorWhen in closed loop, the ECM uses the oxygen sensor voltage signal to make minor corrections to the injection duration. This is done to help the catalytic converter operate at peak efficiency.When the voltage is higher than 450 mV, the air/fuel ratio is judged to be richer than the ideal air/fuel ratio and the amount of fuel injected is reduced at a constant rate. The reduction in theduration continues until the oxygen sensor signal switches to a low voltage (lean air/fuel ratio).When the voltage signal is lower than 450 mV, the air/fuel ratio is judged to leaner than the ideal air/fuel ratio so the amount of fuel injected is increased at a constant rate. The increase in duration continues until the oxygen sensor switches to high voltage (rich air/fuel ratio). At this point, the ECM will slowly decrease the amount of fuel, therefore the air/fuel ratio oscillates slightly richer or leaner from the ideal air/fuel ratio. The result is an average of approximately 14.7: 1. This produces the proper mixture of exhaust gases so that the catalytic converter operates at its most efficient level.The frequency of this rich/lean cycle depends on exhaust flow volume (engine RPM and load), the oxygen sensor response time, and the fuel control programming. At idle, exhaust flow volume is low, and the switching frequency of the oxygen sensor is low. As engine speed increases, the switching frequency of the oxygen sensor increases, generally eight or more times at 2,500 RPM in ten seconds.Closed Loop Operation Air/Fuel SensorWith an A/F sensor, air/fuel mixture correction is faster and more precise. An oxygen sensor signal voltage abruptly changes at the ideal A/F ratio and changes very little as the air/fuel ratio extends beyond the ideal ratio. This makes fuel control less precise, for the ECM must gradually and in steps change the injection duration until the oxygen sensor signal abruptly switches.By contrast, the A/F sensor outputs a voltage signal that is relatively proportional to the A/F ratio. The ECM now knows how much the A/F ratio has deviated from the ideal, and thus, the fuel control program can immediately adjust the fuel injection duration. This rapid correction reduces emission levels because the ECM can more accurately maintain the ideal air/fuel ratio for the best catalytic converter efficiency.Therefore, when observing A/F sensor voltage output, the output is relatively constant because there is no cycling between rich and lean.Fuel TrimAs the engine and sensors change over time, the ECM needs a method to adjust the injection duration for improved driveability and emission performance. Fuel trim is a program in the ECM designed to compensate for these changes.When in closed loop, the ECM modifies the final injection duration based on the oxygen sensor. These minor corrections are needed to maintain the correct air/fuel ratio. However, if more correction than normal (as determined by the ECM) is needed, the ECM will use the fuel trim strategy to compensate. Fuel trim allows the ECM to learn and adjust the injectionduration quickly by reducing the correction time back to normal. This means that driveability and performance will not suffer.Fuel trim can be observed on the Diagnostic Tester as a percentage. A positive percentage means that the ECM has increased the duration and a negative percentage means the ECM has decreased the duration.There are two different fuel trim values that affect final injection duration and can be observed by the technician; short term fuel trim (SHORT FT) and long term fuel trim (LONG FT). SHORT FT is a temporary addition or subtraction to the basic injection duration. LONG FT is part of the basic injection duration calculation and it is stored in the ECM's memory.SHORT FTSHORT FT is based on the oxygen sensor, and therefore, it only functions in closed loop. SHORT FT responds rapidly to changes in the oxygen sensor. If SHORT FT is varying close to 0%, little or no correction is needed. When SHORT FT percentage is positive, the ECM has added fuel by increasing the duration. A negative percentage means the ECM has subtracted fuel by decreasing the duration. The SHORT FT value is temporary and not stored when the ignition key is turned off.SHORT FT is used to modify the long term fuel trim. When the SHORT FT remains higher or lower longer than expected, the ECM will add or subtract this value to the LONG FT.LONG FTLONG FT is stored in memory because it is part of the basic injection duration calculation. The ECM uses the SHORT FT to modify the LONG FT. The LONG FT does not react rapidly to sudden changes, it only changes when the ECM decides to use the SHORT FT value to modify the LONG FT. LONG FT is stored in the ECM's memory and it is not erased when the ignition key is turned off. Because LONG FT is part of the basic injection duration, it affects injection duration in closed and open loop. Like the SHORT FT, when LONG FT is at 0% there has been no modification to the basic injection duration. A positive percentage means the ECM is adding fuel; a negative percentage, subtracting fuel.Fuel System MonitorThe fuel system monitor is designed to set a DTC if the fuel injection system is going to exceed emission standards. This monitor uses the fuel trim correction levels for detection. The amount of fuel trim correction that will set a DTC varies with each engine type and model year.ASSIGNMENT NAME: ___________________________1. Explain in detail Open Loop Operation?2. Explain in detail Closed Loop Operation?3. Explain the relationship between “Stiochometric Fuel Ratio” and “Catalytic Converterefficiency”:4. List the five engine conditions when the ECM will be in “Open Loop Mode”:5. Explain in detail how the ECM uses the Oxygen Sensor to control fuel duration:6. Explain the term “Fuel Trim”7. Explain in detail both “SHORT Fuel Trim” and “LONG Fuel Trim”;。



操作和保养手册3500发电机组Y A D1-以上(发电机组)Z A D1-以上(发电机组)Z A H1-以上(发电机组)Z A J1-以上(发电机组)Z A P1-以上(发电机组)P B R1-以上(发电机组)P D R1-U P(发电机组)Z A R1-U P(发电机组)C T H1-U P(发动机)1F Z1-以上(发动机)1G Z1-U P(发动机)SCBU7789-09112004 (中文版112004)重要安全信息产品操作、保养和修理中发生的大多数事故,都是由于不遵守基本安全规则或预防措施而引起的。













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燃油修正偏高的原因-概述说明以及解释1.引言1.1 概述燃油修正偏高是指汽车在行驶过程中,传感器检测到引擎所需的燃油量与实际喷油量之间存在偏差,导致燃油修正值过高的现象。






















1.2 文章结构文章结构部分主要是要说明文章将会按照什么样的顺序来呈现内容。

Maxi Heat 500IQ SERIAL NUMBER 14-000001 AND UP MH5

Maxi Heat 500IQ SERIAL NUMBER 14-000001 AND UP MH5

MH500 IQ Specs●Btu per burner- 515,000●CFM per burner- 3200●Fuel consumption per burner- 3.65 Gal/h●Recommended fuel consumption- K-1 Kerosene or No.1 Diesel●Operating power per burner- ~115 V, 1-PH, 60Hz 24 A (MAX 82 A)●Weight per burner- 357 lbs●Nozzles per burner- 2 GPH 60` Delavan Type A & 1 GPH 60` Delavan Type W ●Operating fuel pressure- 145 PSI/ 1000 kpa/ 10 barOverviewThe IQ system is a design that allows for the simplicity and ease ofoperation. At start up the IQ system will calibrate for the ambient air temperature and elevation to determine the air to fuel ratio setting for theair band. There are no more calibrations needed after this point and the IQsystem will recalculate the airband adjustment as ambient temperaturechanges.Control Screen Flickering/ Turning off & On❏The screen is a 12 volt system and receives power from the transformer box next to the IQ controller. Check power at the two terminal wires (blk & white) going into the right side of the IQ control. Check all connections on the main PC board and fuses.❏Check the Voltage regulator in the control box below Image (A). Make sure all voltage is proper.❏Make sure the rocker switch on the heater outlet door is working (Picture below).The switch is a two pole switch that closes once the door is opened. Power is sent to the screen for illumination.❏❏❏If the problem persists and power at the converter box showing 12 volts to the screen, then replace the screen.Engine Does Not Run**M axi Heat 500IQ will not start ( The engine will crank over ,but not run) Isuzu GensetNote:I f the unit has a shocker valve, check the value and make sure the shocker is open.** ❏Ensure the unit has enough fuel.❏Go through and check all the connections and most importantly check the emergency shutdown connection to make sure the connection is secure.(IsuzuEngine Timer Module-921432/ Cat C1.5 T4F- 650302)❏If all connections are secure then check to see if the engine is getting fuel.❏Pull the return line on the fuel pump and turn the engine over to see if the fuel pump is working correctly. Loosen the injector line at the injector to see if there is further fuel flow.❏The unit is getting fuel and the Fuel pump is working, find the fuel solenoid on the engine. Check the fuel shut off solenoid to ensure plunger retracts (example “A”, solenoid plunger retracts from voltage on hold wire)❏If the pump works when an auxiliary power source is applied then trace through wiring for loss of voltage. Power is pulled from the engine starter and goesthrough the temp and oil pressure switches. Check schematic for further testing.❏Burner Cycles On & Off**Maxi Heat 500IQ has one burner that will begin to run and then shuts down for High Temp Fault. ( Message appears on the IQ screen).**❏Each burner or both cycling on and off indicates that there is a possibility of backpressure. Back pressure occurs when the flow of heat is restricted and notmoved which accumulates at the outlet or in the burner itself. Kinks in the ducting can cause this issue. Make sure the ducting is straight with limited bends and no elevated lifts or descending of the ducting.❏Check ducting for proper flow.❏Ensure the high limit sensor is working at the end of the outlet.❏Check the main blower fans connection and ensure it is turning on as needed.Faulty connections or loss of power can cause a stall in fan operation which inturn causes the heater to increase temperature.❏Make sure heat going into the area is ventilated so heat does not accumulate and raises temperature to increase output.Blower Fan Stops Circulating or gets a Red “X” over fan:**MH 500 IQ has a burner that will start up and the fan will not turn on. Fan not running will cause the unit to shut down.**❏When this fault occurs it is an indication the fan is losing power.❏Check all the circuits to the fan. Power comes from 120 plug in into the bottom of the IQ controller.❏Start with going to the IQ control box for the burner that is having the issue. Open the cover of the box and over to the side is a wrench icon, press it. After pressing the icon type the password 123 then press the Enter button. You can control the fan manually from this point.❏Note: If you turn the fan on manually and the fan doesn't run, then the motor for the fan could be faulty and need to be replaced (#107194) ❏If the fan runs while in manual mode then the fan is working and power going to fan is ok. The circuit into the IQ controller that controls the blower fan has a loose or faulty connection.❏Check the red terminal block at the bottom of the IQ controller (See examples below). 120 volts into the terminal block feeds the relay above it and into the fan circuit during the purge process.No Power To IQ Control**Maxi Heat 500IQ Controller does not turn on or has no power to the IQ box.**❏No power into the IQ controller will not activate the LCD screen for further operation. Make sure the door on the outlet (heat out of burner) side isopen. The micro switch in the corner of the door activates power to eachscreen. * Switch is a two pole switch, if one side fails then the other couldstill open and provide power to the other screen.*❏Check the relay in the transformer box next to the controller (Example “A”). Make sure connections are secure and the relay is functioningproperly.❏Check the heater element on top of the fuel water separator filter. If element shorts then it will draw too much amperage and not allow thescreen to power up.❏If the IQ controller has 12 volts on the two wire ( example “B” below) harnesses into the side of the controller. If the wire has 12 volts then thescreen needs to be replaced.❏Example “A”Example “B”❏Burner shuts off for “Burner Power Break” or will not turn on**Burner shuts off or always seeing “Burner Power Break “ fault on screen.**❏During the purge cycle at the initial start up the burner ignitor box receives all its power from the IQ controller. System is 120 volts and is used topower the burner and fuel system.❏“Power Break” refers to the break in power to the burner. Test for loss of voltage at the Ignitor box in the burner assembly. (See example “B”) ❏Terminal “N” & “L” are power in. If there is no voltage then check the IQ controller for power loss. Power into the controller red terminal blockdistributes voltage to the fan and burner.❏Check the red terminal block for power in and out (120 v). Make sure connections are secure.❏Check the 15 amp fuse on the left of the controller. (Example “C”). If it fails, replace it.❏Test for voltage into the power relay above the red terminal block. During purge power goes to relay and out into the thermal breaker. (Example“C”). If failed, replace it.Example “B”Reset Safety Thermostat fault:**Safety thermostat is a protection for the high limit. If the fan has failed or heater shut down incorrectly it creates trapped heat which trips the thermostat.**❏Look for the black cap on the heat exchanger below the main blower fan.(Example “A”)❏Remove the cap and you will expose a red button. This button isconnected to the safety thermostat and has to be reset. Push and hold forfive seconds.❏If the thermostat continues to trip then give it 5 to 10 minutes for the heat to dissipate.❏If the problem persists then replace the safety thermostat.❏Burner starts to smoke and build black smoke out of exhaust stack:** Black smoke is an indication the unit is not getting enough air, bad fuel or carbon build up in the chamber.**❏Make sure air setting is on a specified number that the IQ controller recommends at the time of start up. D O NOT adjust air setting duringoperation unless the IQ controller specifies. (Any change of ambienttemperature and elevation requires smaller or higher amounts of airmixture.)❏Check for any debris or material covering or blocking the air damper.Clean and clear.❏Check fuel pressure and maintain 140-145 PSI at the pump.❏Ensure fuel nozzle NO 1 & NO 2 are both clean and working correctly.Check the schematic for a list of wiring for each nozzle. IQ logic controlsboth nozzles to maintain temperature.❏Make sure the heat exchanger and burn chamber are clear of any soot build up. If there is a large amount of build up then take the burner apartand wash with hot water high pressure hose. Let the barrel air dry beforeusing.❏Make sure only NO 1 Diesel fuel is used. Any additives can cause more gel-like substances which will create fuel issues.Filters perengine option:MH 500IQ MCS W/ ISUZU T4F 3CE1BurnerFUEL FILTER (35MICRON) 107222 ****MH**\ 14-******EngineAIR FILTER 650290 ****MH**\ 14-****** OIL FILTER 22-000309 ****MH**\ 14-****** FUEL FILTER 22-000310 ****MH**\ 14-******FILTER KIT (ALLFILTERS) 108461 ****MH**\ 14-******MH 500IQ MCS W/ CAT 1.5 NA T4FFUEL FILTER (35MICRON ) 107222 ****MH**\ 14-******EngineAIR FILTER 102580 ****MH**\ 14-****** OIL FILTER 650304 ****MH**\ 14-****** FUEL FILTER 103155 ****MH**\ 14-******FILTER KIT (ALLFILTERS) 108464 ****MH**\ 14-******Oil Change Intervals:Caterpillar C1.5- Every 500 hoursIsuzu 3CE1- Every 500 hoursIsuzu T4F 3CE1 Parts:●Dipstick Tube EXT Assy- ( 100604 )●Starter-102465●AVR Board-103016●Stop Solenoid--22-000316●Stop Solenoid O Ring- 22-000329●Alternator Diode- 22-000324●Temp Switch- 22-000325●Oil Pressure Switch- 22-000326●Relay Assembly- 650423●Fuel Pump- 22-000317●Auto Shutdown Timer-921432●Filter Kit (Air Fuel & Oil)- 108959●Fuel Water Separator ( 35 Micron Fuel Filter)- 107222●Timer Module-921432Cat 1.5 T4F Parts:●Ignition Keys- 920474●Ignition/Cat- 920475●Hour Meter- 340014●Timer/Shutdown- 650302●Cat 1.5 Muffler-104867●Muffler Gasket- 650234● 3 way Fuel Gauge- 103205●Filter Kit (Air Fuel & Oil)- 108961●Fuel Water Separator ( 35 Micron Fuel Filter)- 107222●Timer Shutdown-650302*Check engine operators manual for specific recommended lubricants.*Additional warranty information & claim forms can be obtained on .*Please contact Allmand Tech line for additional help and troubleshooting @ (308)995-3431 / Parts (800) 562-1373.。



AA A-post, A-pillar A柱A Amperes 安培, 电流A *Amper *Ammeter *Advance *安培*电流表*提前A.I.R. Air Injection Reactor 空气喷射反作用器A.M. Above-Mentioned 上述的A/C Air Conditioning 空调A/C A/C Amplifie 空调放大器A/C CLTCH. A/C Clutch 空调离合器A/CL Air Cleaner 空气滤清器A/CL-BM Air Cleaner Bimetal Sensor 空气滤清器双金属传感器A/CL-CWM Air Cleaner Cold Weather Modulator 空气滤清器低温调节器A/CL-DV Air Cleaner Duct Valve Vacuum Motor 空气滤清器导管阀真空马达A/CL-TSOV Air Cleaner Temperature Sensor Override Valve 空气滤清器温度传感器超压阀A/CL-VCD Air Cleaner Vacuum Control Delay 空气滤清器真空延迟控制A/CL-VCV Air Cleaner Vacuum Control Valve 空气滤清器真空控制阀A/CL-VM Air Cleaner Vacuum Motor 空气滤清器真空马达A/F Air-Fuel Ratio 空燃比A/T Automatic Transaxle Or Transmission 自动变速箱AA Automobile Association (UK) 英国汽车协会AAA American Automobile Association 美国汽车协会AAC Auxiliary Air Control 辅助空气控制AAC Automatic Amplitude Control 自动振幅控制AACV Auxiliary Air Control Valve 辅助空气控制阀AAD Auxiliary Air Control Device 辅助空气装置AAE America Association of Engineers 美国工程师协会AAMVM American Association of Motor Vehicle Manufacturers 美国汽车制造者协会AAP Auxiliary Accelerator Pump 辅助加速器泵AAP Auxiliary Accelerating Pump 辅助加速泵AAP Ambient Absolute Pressure 外界绝对压力AAS Aspirator Air System 吸气(真空)控制系统AAS Auto Adjust Suspension 自动调节悬挂AAS American Astronautical Society 美国宇宙航行学会AAS Air Adjust Screw 空气调节螺钉AASHTO American Association of State Highways and Transportation Officials美国各州公路及运输公务员协会AA V Anti Afterburn Valve 防止后燃阀AB Air Bleed 空气泄放ABA Air Bleed Actuator 空气排放执行器(电磁阀)ABCV Air Bleed Control Valve 空气泄放控制阀ABDC After Bottom Dead Center 在下止点后ABG Alcohol Blended Gasoline 掺酒精的汽油ABN Airborne Noise 空气传播的噪音ABP Air Brake Proportioing (valves) 空气制动比例分配( 阀) ABRS Air Bag Restraint System 安全气囊ABS Altitude Barometric Switch 高度(海拔)气压开关ABS Anti-Lock Brake System 防锁刹车系统,防抱刹车系统ABSV Air Bypass Solenoid Valve 空气旁通电磁阀ABV Air Bypass Valve 空气旁通阀ABV Anti-Backfire Valve 防回火阀AC Air Condition 空调AC Alternating Current Generator 交流发电机AC *Alternating Current *After Contro * 交流电*后段调整式AC AC Auxiliary Fan Relay 空调辅助风扇继电器AC AC Compressor Safety Switch 空调压缩机安全开关AC AC Condenser Blower Motor Relay 空调冷凝器鼓风马达继电器AC AC Control Unit 空调电脑盒AC AC Diode 空调二极管AC AC Evaporator Motor Relay 空调蒸发马达继电器AC AC Evaporator Pump Line Fuse 空调蒸发泵保险丝AC AC High Pressure Safety Switch 空调高压安全开关AC AC Idle Boost Valve 空调怠速加压阀AC Alternating Current 交流电AC Ante Christum 公元前AC Accumulator 蓄电池,储压器AC Acid 酸AC Analogue Computer 模拟计算机AC Automatic Control 自动控制AC Air-Cooled 空冷AC Armored Car 装甲汽车AC Adaptive Control 自适应调节AC Aerodynamic Center 空气动力中心AC Air Cooling 风冷,空气冷却,气冷AC Air Cycle 空气循环AC Automatic Clutch 自动离合器ACC A/C Clutch Compressor 空调压缩机ACC Air Conditioning Clutch 空调离合器ACC Air Conditioning Clutch Switch 空调离合器开关ACC Automatic Climate Control 电脑恒温控制ACC *Accessary *Altitude CompensationCarb *附件*高度补偿化油器Accel Accelerator 油门,加速踏板,加速泵ACCS A/C Clutch Cycling Switch 空调离合器循环开关ACCS Air Conditoning Cycling Switch 空调循环开关Accum Accumulator 蓄压器ACCWM Air Cleaner Cold Weather Modulator 空气滤清器低温调节器Accy Accessory 附件ACD Auxiliary Control Device 辅助控制装置ACD Air Conditioning Demand 空调作用指令ACD Air Conditioning Demand Switch 空调请求开关ACDV Air Cleaner Diverter Valve 空气滤清器分流阀ACE Air Conditioning Equipment 空气调节设备ACE Automatic Check Equipment 自动检测设备ACE Automatic Computing Equipment 自动计算装置ACE Air Conditioning Equipment 空调设备ACG Alternating Current Generator 交流发电机ACG Automatic Control Gear 自动控制变速ACID TEST CYC-LE Acceleration,Cruise,Idle,Deceleration Test Cycle 加速.稳速.怠速.减速试验循环ACIS Acoustic Control Iduction System 声控进气系统Ack Acknowledge 承认ACKV Air Check Valve 空气止回阀ACL Air Clearner 空气滤清器ACL Automatic Chassis Lubrication 自动底盘润滑系统ACM Advanced Composite Materials 高级复合材料ACON Air Conditioning On 空调起动ACP Air Conditioning Pressure 空调压力ACP Auxiliary Control Panel 辅助操纵仪表板ACRS Air Cushion Restraint System 气垫型保护装置ACS Air Conditioning System 空调系统ACS-O Access Opening 检修孔ACT Air Charge Temperature 进气温度ACT Air Charge Temperature Sensor 进气温度传感器ACTE Automatic Checkout Test Equipment 自动检测装置Actu Actuator 执行器Actv Active 活动的ACV Air Control Valve 空气控制阀ACV Air Cut Valve 断气阀ACV Armored Command Vehicle 装甲指挥车ACV Air Control Valve 二次空气喷射量控制阀AD Anno Domini 公元AD Aerodynamic Decelerator 气动减速器ADC Analog-Digital Converter 模-数转换器ADD Addition *添加*补充ADECS Automotive Diesel Electronic Control System 汽车柴油机电子控制系统ADF Aerodynamic Drag Factor 空气阻力系数Adj Adjust or Adjustable 调整或可调整ADL Automatic Door Lock 自动门锁ADP Air-Driven Hydraulic Pump 气动液压泵ADS Adaptive Damper System 可变阻尼力避震系统ADV Wiper Pressure Control 雨刷片压力控制装置Adv Advance 提前的AE Acceleration Enrichment 化油器加速时混合气浓度AE Acoustic Emission 有害声响排放AEC Automotive Emission Control 汽车排气控制AECD Auxiliary Emission Control Device 辅助排放控制装置AEI After End of Injection 喷射结束后AETS Automatic Engine Test System 发动机自动测试系统AF Air-Fuel Ratio 混合气的空气燃油比AF Auxiliary Fuel 辅助燃料AFC Airflow Controlled 空气流量控制AFC Airflow Controlled Fuel Injection 空气流量控制燃料喷射AFC Air Fuel Control 空气燃油混合比调节装置AFC Automatic Frequency Control 自动频率调节AFC Airflow Control 空气流量控制AFCO Automatic Fuel Cutoff 自动断油装置AFCV Air Fuel Ratio Control Valve 空燃比控制阀AFE Automobile Fuel Economy 汽车燃油经济性AFER Air-Fuel Equivalence Ratio 燃油过量系数AFR Air-Fuel Ratio 空气燃油混合比AFS Airflow Sensor 空气流量传感器AFS Auxiliary Fuel Supply System 辅助供油系统AG Air Guard 空气护罩AGO Automotive Gas Oil 汽车用油AGT Automotive Gas Turbines 汽车用燃气轮机AGV Automatic Guided Vehicle 自动导向车辆AGVS Automatic Guided Vehicle System 车辆自动导向系统AH Amper Hour 安培小时AHFSS Air Conditionig/ Heater Function Select Switch 空调/暖气功能选择开关AI Air Injection 空气喷射AICV Air Injection Check Valve 空气喷射单向阀AID Air Injection Dual 双空气喷射AIR Air Injection Reaction 二次喷气装置AIR Air Injector Reactor 二次空气喷射器AIR BPV Air Bypass Valve 空气旁通阀AIR COND RLY Air Conditioner Relay 空调继电器AIR COND SIG Air Conditioner Singnal 空调信号Air Sel Air Selector 空气选择器AIR-CHV AIR Check Valve 空气单向阀AIR-DVLV AIR Diverter Valve 空气分流阀AIR-IVV AIR Idle Vacuum Valve 进气怠速真空阀AIS Air Injection Single 单空气喷射AIS Air Injection System 二次喷气装置AIS Automatic Idle Speed 自动怠速AIV Air Injection Valve 空气喷射阀AIVV AIR Idle Vacuum Valve 空气怠速真空阀AKI Anti-Knock Index 抗爆震指数AL Acceleration Level 加速度级ALC Automatic Level Control 汽车后悬挂自动高度控制ALCL Assembly Line Communication Link 诊断总线ALDL Assembly Line Diagnostic Link 自我诊断接线总成ALDL Assembly Line Data Link 自我诊断线Ali Alignment 校正, 定位Alm Alarm 警报器ALR Automatic Locking Retractor 安全带自动锁定装置ALR Automatic Length Adjusting and Locking Retractor 自动长度调节和锁紧式伸缩装置ALR Automatic Locking Retractor 自动锁紧式伸缩装置Alt Alternator or Altitude 发电机,高度Alt Alternator 交流发电机ALU Arithmetic and Logical Unit 算术及逻辑单位AM Amplitude Modulation 调幅Amb Ambient 周围的AMC American Motors Corporation 美国汽车公司AMGV Air Management Valve 空气控制阀Amm Ammeter 电流表Amp Amplifier 放大器Amp Ampere 安培AN Above-Named 上述的AN Annual 年度的AN Anode 阳极ANC Active Noise Control System 活性噪音控制系统ANL Automatic Noise Limiter 噪声自动限制器ANS Answer 答案ANSI American National Standards Institute 美国国家标准局Ant Antenna 天线ANTBV Anti-Backfire Valve 防回火阀Anti-Dsl Anti-Diesel 防止後燃(熄火後)AO Air Operated 气动的AOC Air Oil Cooler 机油空气冷却器AOC Automatic Overload Control 自动超载控制AOD Automatic Overdrive 自动超速AOQ Average Outgoing Quality 平均产品质量AOT Automatic Overdrive Transmission 超速式自动变速器AP Air Pump 气泵APC Automatic Phase Control 自动相位调整APC Automatic Power Control 自动功率调整APC Automatic Program Control 自动程序控制APC Armored Personnel Carrier 装甲人员输送车APC Automatic Performance Control 自动性能控制系统APCV Air Pump Control Valve 空气泵控制阀APDV Air Pump Diverter Valve 空气泵分流阀API American Petrol Institude 美国石油协会App Apparatus 仪表.器件. 设备App Appendix 附录App Approved by 经...批准,批准人Approx Approximation 近似.略计Apr Apprentice 学徒,徒工APRA Automotive Parts RebuildersAssociation(US) 美国汽车零件再制协会APREVLV Air Pump Relief Valve 空气泵减压阀APU Auxiliary Power Unit 辅助动力设备AQ Aqua(Water) *水 *水柱AR Air Regulator 空气流量调节器AR Axle Ratio 驱动轴减速比ARC Acceleration Signal 加速信号ARQ Automatic Error Request Equipement 自动误差校正装置ARV Armored Recovery Vehicle 装甲抢救车AS Airflow Sensor 空气流量传感器AS American Standard 美国标准AS Air Suction 进气AS Automatic Synchronizer 自动同步器ASA American Standard(s) Association 美国标准化协会ASA Acoustical Society of America 美国声学学会ASC Automatic Stability Control 电脑控制稳定装置ASCD Auto Speed Control Device 自动速度调节装置ASCPS Air Switch Canister Purge Solenoid 空气切换碳罐塞电磁阀ASCPT Air Switch Canister Purge Timer 空气切换碳罐塞定时器ASD Auto Shut Down 自动切断ASDM Air Bag System Diagnostic Module 安全气囊系统诊断模块ASDV Air Switching Diverter Valve 空气转换分流阀ASE Automatic Stabilization Equipment 自动稳定装置ASIS Abort Sensing and Implementation System 紧急故障传感及处理系统ASIS American Society for Industrial Security美国工业安全协会ASL Above Sea Level 海拔高度Asm Assembly 总成ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers美国机械工程师协会ASQC American Society for Quality Control 美国品管协会ASRV Air Switching Relief Valve 空气转换减压阀ASS Air Switching Solenoid 空气转换电磁阀ASS Air Suction System 进气装置Ass Assembly 总成,装配,机组Ass Assistant 辅助的,助手,帮手Ass Association 学会,协会.公司Assy Assembly 总成ASTM American Society for Testing andMaterials 美国材料试验协会ASV Air Switching Valve 空气转换阀ASV Air Suction Valve 进气阀ASV Air Switching Valve 空气转换阀, 空气开关阀ASVS Air Switching Vacuum Solenoid 空气转换真空电磁阀AT Acceptance Test 验收试验AT Air Temperature 空气温度AT Ampere Turn 安培匝数AT Angle of Train 方位角.方向角.传导方位AT Automatic Transmission 自动变速器AT. Air Tight 气密的,密封的At. Atmosphere 大气.周围情况.大气压ATC Automatic Temperature Control 自动温度控制ATC After Top Center 在上止点后ATC Automatic Temperature Control 温度自动控制器ATC Automatic Timing Corrector 自动正时器ATDC After Top Dead Center 在上止点后ATF Automatic Transmission Fluid 自动变速箱油Atm Atmosphere 气压ATM Automatic Transmission 自动变速箱ATM Actuator Test Modes 测试模式ATO Automatic Train Operation 自动列车驾驶装置ATS Air Temperature Sensor 进气温度传感器ATS Automatic Train Stopper 自动列车停止装置ATT Attenuation 减少,阻尼ATV Above the Throttle Valve 在节气门上方ATX Automatic Transaxle 带自动变速器的前轮驱动AUTO Automatic 自动的Aux Auxiliary 辅助的AV Air Valve 空气阀Avg Average 平均值AVOM Analog Volt-Ohm Meter 指针式三用电表AVSV Air Vent Solenoid Valve 通气电磁阀AWD Air Warning Device 空气警示装置AWD All Wheel Drive 四轮驱动AWP Average Working Pressure 平均工作压力AWP Awaiting Parts 维修用备件AXOD Automatic Overdrive Transaxle 自动变速箱超速器AZS Automatic Zero Set 自动调零BB B-pillar B柱B B-post B柱B+ Battery Positive Voltage 电瓶正电压B/P EGR Back Pressure Transducer EGR 负压传感器B/P Backpressure 背压B/S Bore-to-Stroke Ratio 缸径行程比B/S Bill of Sale 出售清单B/U Back-Up 备用,倒车(灯)BA (cylinder)Bore Area 气缸孔面积BA Bumper to Center Line of the Front Axle 保险杠至前轴中心距离BAC By-Pass Air Control 旁通空气控制BACV Bypath Air Control Valve 旁通控气阀BANK1 Injector Bank #1 第1排喷油咀BANK2 Injector Bank #2 第2排喷油咀BANK3 Injector Bank #3 第3排喷油咀BAP Barometric Absolute Pressure 大气绝对压力Bap Sens Barometric Absolute Pressure Sensor 大气绝对压力传感器BARO Barometric Pressure 大气压力Baro Barometric 大气BARO. Barometric 气压(计)Batt Battery 电瓶电池BAV Bleed Air Valve 泄气阀BB Babbit Metal 巴氏合金BBDC Before Bottom Dead Center 在下止点前BBL. Barrel 筒BBS Building Block System 积木式系统BC Befor Control 前段控制BCC Battery Charger Control 电瓶充电控制BCDD Booster Control Decelerate Device 倍力控制减速装置BCM Body Control Module 车体控制模块(车体电脑)BCV Boost Control Valve 真空控制阀溢油控制阀(三菱)减速节气阀(铃木) BCV Booster Control Valve 倍力控制阀BCV Boost Control Valve 强制怠速时节气门开度控制阀BCV Boost Control Valve (铃木,三菱)强制怠速工况进气管真空控制阀BDC Bottom Dead Center 下止点.下死点BDV Breakdown Voltage 击穿电压BE Banchelor of Engineering 工学士BE Baume 玻美度BE Booster Engine 助推发动机BE Best Economy 最佳经济性BEI Breakerless Electronic Ignition 无白金式电子点火BESA British Engineering Standard Association 英国工程标准协会BFC Brake Force Coefficient 制动力系数BFLI Brake Fluid Level Indicator 制动液液面指示器BHP Brake Horsepower 制动马力BHS Bimetal Heat Sensor 双金属热传感器Bi Met BiMetallic Air Temperature Control Sensor双金属进气温控传感器BICERI British Internal Combustion EngineResearch Institute 英国内燃机研究所BIT Best Injection Timing 最佳喷油正时BK Brake Switch 刹车开关Bk Back 背部,後面,倒退,衬里Bk Rest Back Rest 椅背,後支架BLK Black 黑色BLR Blower 鼓风机BLR Beyond Local Repair 本地不能修理Blst Ballast 稳压(电阻)BLU Blue 蓝色Blwr Blower 鼓风机BM Bench Mark 基准点BM Breakdown Maintenance 故障维修BM Breake Electromagnet 制动电磁铁BM Brakdown Maintenance 故障维修BMAP Barometric and Mainfold Absolute Pressure大气进气歧管绝对压力BMEP Brake Mean Effective Perssure 平均制动有效压力BNH Burnish 抛光.精加工.烧蓝BOC Buick, Oldsmobile, Cadillac Group 别克-奥兹莫比尔-凯迪莱克集团BOO Brake On-Off Switch 制动开关BP Back Pressure 背压. 反压BP Barometric Pressure 气压BP Boiling Point 沸点BP Best Power 最佳功率BPA Bypass Air 旁通空气BPC Back Pressure Control 背压控制BPO Bypass Orifice 旁通口BPS Barometric Pressure Sensor 大气压力传感器BPT Backpressure Transducer 背压转换器BPV By-Pass Valve 旁通阀Br Bromine 溴Br Brass 黄铜Brkr Breaker 断电器BRN Brown 棕色BS Barometric Switch 大气压力开关BS Bimetal Sensor 双金属传感器BS Bachelor of Science 理工学士BS Binary Scale 二进位BS Both Sides 两边.两侧BS British Standards 英国(工业)标准BSAU British Standards Automotive 英国汽车标准BSC ENG Bachlor of Science in Engineering 工学士BSFC Brake Specific Fuel Consumption 制动油耗率, 制动单位油耗量BSI British Standards Institute 英国标准局BTC British Technical Council of the Motorand Petroleum Industries 英国汽车及石油工业技术中心BTDC Before Top Dead Center 在上止点前BTHE Brake Thermal Efficiency 制动热效率BTRY Battery 蓄电池BTU British Thermal Units 英国热量单位BTV Below the Throttle Valve 在节气门下方BUDC Bofore Upper Dead Centre 上死点前BULKHD. Bulkhead 隔壁Buz Buzzer 蜂鸣器BV Bowl Vent Port 浮桶室通风孔BV Breakdowm Voltage 击穿电压BV Balanced Voltage 平衡电压BVSV Bimetallic Vacuum Switching Valve 双金属式真空转换阀BVT BackPressure Variable Transducer 负压可变传感器BVV Bowl Vent Valve 浮筒室防溢油通气阀BYP Bypass 旁路, 支线BYPA Bypass Air (Idle Speed Control) 旁通空气(怠速控制)CC Celcius 摄氏C C-Piller C柱C Call 呼叫C Candle 烛光C Capacitance 电容C Car 汽车C Carbon 碳C Cathode 阴极C Celsius Scale 摄氏温标C Coulomb 库仑C * Celcius 摄氏度C&M Care and Maintenance 维修及保养C-4 Computer Controlled Catalytic Converter电脑控制触媒转换器C. CANI Charcoal Canister 碳罐C.E. Check Engine 引擎故障灯C.G. Center of Gravity 重心C/O Checkout 检查,调整,测试C/O Choke Openner 阻风门强制开启阀C3I Computer Controlled Coil Ignition 电脑控制线圈点火C4 Computer Controled Catalytic Converter 电脑控制触媒转换器CA Calcium 钙CA Compressed Air 压缩空气CA Crank Angle 曲轴转角CABR Cabriolet 敞蓬车CAC Charge Air Cooler 进气冷却器CACS Comprehensive Automobile Control System汽车综合控制系统CACV Combined Air Control Valve 组合空气控制阀CAD Computer-Aided Design 计算机辅助设计CAE Computer Aided Enginering 电脑辅助工程CAFE Corporate Average Fuel Economy 美国汽车制造厂采用的平均油耗CAL Calorie 卡路里CAL Calculated Average Life (汽车等的)平均计算寿命CAL Caliber 口径CAL Calibrate 校定,校正CAL Collision Avoidance Light 防撞灯CAL-PAC Calibration Package 校正用套装软体Calib Calibration 校正,修正,定位Calif California 加州规格车Calif California 加州CALSEL Calibration Select 校正选择CAM Camber 外倾角CAM Camshaft 凸轮轴CAM Computer Aided Manufacturing 电脑辅助制造Can Canaba 加拿大Can Canister 碳罐Can Prg Canister Purge 碳罐塞Can.Prg Canister Purge 碳罐净化Canc. Cancel 取消CanCV Canister Control Valve 碳罐控制阀CANP Canister Purge solenoid 碳罐清除电磁阀CANP Canister Purge 碳罐净化, 滤筒净化CAP Capacity *容量 *能力CAP Cleaner Air Package 净化空气装置Cap Capacitor or Capacity 电容器或电容量CARB California Air Resources Board 加州空气资源协会Carb Carburetor 化油器CAS Caster 后倾角CAS Clear Air System 净化空气系统CAT Carburetor Air Temperature 化油器空气温度CAT Catalogue 目录CAT Catalyst 催化剂CAT Category 种类.范畴CAT Carburator Air Temproture 化油器空气温度Cat Catalytic Converter 触媒转换器CAV Construction Assistance Vehicle 建筑辅助运输车辆CAV Coasting Air Valve 强制怠速空燃比控制阀CB Circuit Breaker 电路断电器CB Choke Breaker 阻风门限制器CB Contact Breaker 断电器CBE Cab Behind Engine 驾驶舱在引擎后方式CBVV Carburetor Bowl Vent Valve 化油器浮子室通气阀CC Cubic Centimeters 立方厘米CC Cruise Control 定速控制,巡行控制CC Catalytic Converter 触媒转化器CC Converter Clutch 扭力转换器离合器CCC Computer Command Control 电脑指令控制CCCS Computer Controlled Cooling System 电脑控制冷却系统CCD Computer Control Dwell 电脑控制点火闭角CCEGR Coolant Controlled Exhaust GasRecirculation 冷却剂控制废气再循环CCEVS Coolant Control Engine Vacuum Switch 冷却水温控制引擎真空开关CCEVV Coolant Control Engine Vacuum Valve 冷却水温控制引擎真空阀CCIV Coolant Control Idle Enrichment Valve 却水温控制怠速增浓阀CCM Central Control Module 中央控制模块(中央电脑)CCO Catalytic Converter for Oxidation 氧化触媒转换器CCOT Cycling Clutch Orifice Tube 循环离合器限流孔CCOT Cycling Clutch (Orifice) Turbo 循环离合器涡轮增压CCP Controlled Canister Purge 控制碳罐净化CCP Charcoal Canister Purge 活性碳罐净化CCR Catalytic Converter Reduction 还原催化废气净化器CCRM Constant Control Relay Module 定控制继电器模组CCRO Catalytic Converter for Reductionand Oxidation 三元触媒转换器CCRO Catalytic Converter Rhodium 氧化,还原催化废气净化器CCS Controlled Combustion System 燃烧控制系统CCU Cruise Control Unit 定速控制电脑盒CCW Counterclockwise 逆时针方向CD Computer Aided Design 电脑辅助设计CD Candera 烛光CD Capacity Discharge (electronic ignition)电容放电式电子点火CD Compact Disc 光盘CD Capacitor Discharge(ignition) 电容器放电(点火_)CD Cofficient of Drag 空气阻力系数CD-REGVLV Crankcase Depression Regulator Valve 曲轴箱真空调节器阀CD-ROM Compact Disc Read Only Memory CD 只读存储器CDI Capacitive Discharge Ignition 电容放电式点系统CDI Controlled Direct Injection(system) 可控直喷系统CDY Chassis Dynamometer 底盘测功计CEAB Cold Engine Air Bleed 冷引擎空气排放CEC Computerized Emission Control 电脑废气控制CEC Combined Emission control(Valve) 组合废气控制阀CEC Computerized Engine Control 电脑引擎控制CEC Coordinating European Council (standards)欧洲标准协会CELO Cold Engine Lock-Out 冷机锁定CEM Composite Electro-Chemical Material 复合电化学材料CENT Center 中心CES Clutch Engaged Switch 离合器啮合开关CES Coasting Enricher System 减速浓化系统CESS Cold Engine Sensor Switch 冷引擎传感器开关CF Center of Floatation 浮心CF Centrifugal Force 离心力CF Conversion Factor 转换系数CF Cutting Fluid 切削液CF Confer 比较. 对照CF Cubic Feet 立方英尺CF Counter Fire 逆火CFI Central Fuel Injection 中央喷射系统CFI Cross Fire Injection 多缸同时点火喷油CFI Centrol Fuel Injection 节气门上方燃油喷射系统CFI Continuous (throttle body)Fuel Injection 连续燃油喷射系统CFRP Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastics 碳纤维强化塑料CFS Coasting Fuel Cut System 强制怠速工况燃油切断系统CH.O Choke Openner 自动阻风门CHA Charge 充电CHB Choke Braker 阻风门开度限制器CHG. Charge 进气或充电CHK Check 核对,检查Chk.Eng. Check Eigine 检查引擎(灯)CHNG Change 交换CHO Choke Opener 阻风门开启器CHRG Charging 进气,充电CHT Cylinder Head Temperature 汽缸盖温度CHU Centigrade Heat Unit 热量单位Ch Vlv Check Valve 单向阀CI Cubic Inches 立方英寸CI Compression Ignition 压缩式点火CI Compression Ignition Engine 压缩点火引擎CI Cubic Inches 立方英寸CI Cast Iron 铸铁CI Compression Ignition 压燃CID Cubic Inch Displacement 立方英寸排气量CID Cylinder Identification Sensor 气缸识别传感器CID Cylinder Identification 汽缸识别Cig Cigarette 香烟Cig Ltr Cigarette Lighter 点烟器Circ Circuit 电路Circ Brkr Circuit Breaker 电路断电器CIS Continuous Injection System 连续喷射系统CIS-E Continuous Injection System Electronic 电子控制连续喷射CK-VLV Check Valve 止回阀,单向阀CKD Completely Knocked Down 完全拆散的,全解体的CKDL-VLV Check Delay Valve 单向延迟阀CKP Crankshaft Position 曲轴位置CKPS Crankshaft Position Sensor 曲轴位置传感器Ckt. Circuit 电路,回路CL Closed Loop 闭环,闭路CL Central Line 中心线CL Car Load 车辆载荷CL Class 等级. 种类CL Clearance 间隙CL Crane Load 吊车起重量CL Chlorine 氯CLA Chemilumineceut Analyzer 光化学分析仪CLC Converter Locking Clutch 转换器锁定离合器CLCC Closed Loop Carburetor Control 闭环式化油器控制Clch Clutch 离合器CLD, CLA Chemiluminecent Detector (Analyzer)光化学分析仪CLEC Closed Loop Emission Control 闭路废气控制CLK Clock 时钟CLRC Clearance 间隙, 空隙, 游隙Clmn. Coloumn 柱Clmt. Climate 气候CLR Clear 清除CLR Current-Limiting Resistor 限流电阻器CLS Closed Loop 反馈控制Clstr. Cluster 群,组CLTBI Closed Loop Throttle Body Injection 闭路回馈式单点喷射CM Centimeter 厘米CM Center of Mass 质量中心CM Control Motor 控制马达CMET Coated Metal 镀层金属CMH Cold Mixture Heater 冷车混合汽加热器CMO Conventional Mineral Oil 常规矿物润滑油CMP Camshaft Position 凸轮轴位置CMPS Camshaft Position Sensor 凸轮轴位置传感器Cmpnstr. Compensator 补偿器Cmptr. Computer 电脑CMVSS Canadian Motor Vehicle Safety Standard 加拿大车辆安全标准CN Change Notice 更改通知CNCLD Concealed 隐藏式CNG Compressed Natural Gas Automobile 天然气燃料汽车CNG Compressed Natural Gas 压缩天然气CNT Constant 常数,恒量.恒定的Cntr. Central or Center 中心,中央CNTRL Control 控制Cnvnc. Convenience 便利,方便CO Carbon Monoxide 一氧化碳CO Choke Opener 阻风门助开器Co-Ax. Co-Axial 同轴CO2 Carbon Dioxide 二氧化碳COC Conventional Oxidation Catalyst 普通氧化触媒COD Cash On Delivery 交货付款COD Chemical Oxygen Demand 化学耗氧量COE Cab Over Engine 驾驶舱在引擎上Colng. Coolng 冷却Colnt. Coolant 冷却液Comb. Combination 综合,组合COMP Compressor or Compartment 压缩机或舱、室Comp. Compressor 压缩机Compens Compensation 补偿Compt. Compartment 室CON. ROD Connecting Rod 连杆Cond. Condenser 电容器,冷凝器Conn. Connector or Connection 连接器或接头CONT Continued 连续CONT. Control 控制CONV Converter 转换器CONV Convertible 敞蓬车Convs. Conversion 换算CORP Corporation 协会,社团,公司,企业Count. Counter 计数器(转数表)COV Control Valve 控制阀CP Candera Power 烛光CP Canister Purge 碳罐净化CP Centre of Pressure 压力中心CP Crankshaft Position 曲轴位置CP Condensation Product 冷凝物,浓缩物CP Carriage Paid 运费已付CP Chemical Pure 化学纯CP Circular Pitch (齿轮)分度圆周节CP Constant Pressure 等压,常压,恒压,稳定压力CPCV Canister Purge Control Valve 碳罐净化控制阀CPM Cycles Per Minute 每分钟转数CPPS Clutch Padel Position Switch 离合器踏板位置开关CPRV Canister Purge Regulator Valve 滤筒净化调节阀CPS Canister Purge Solenoid 碳罐净化电磁阀CPS Central Power Supply 集中电源供应CPS Crank Position Sensor 曲轴位置传感器CPS Central Power Supply 中央电源CPS Crankshaft Position Sensor 曲轴位置传感器CPS Cycle Per Second 每秒周期数CPS Control Pressure System 压力控制系统CPT Convertible Power Train 可变式传动系CPU Central Processing Unit 中央控制单元CPU Computer 电脑CPV Canister Purge Valve 碳罐净化阀CPV Constant Pressure Valve 定压阀CPVVV Choke Pulldown Vacuum Vent Valve 阻风门真空强制通风阀CR Crossroad 交叉路,十字路CR Contraction Ratio 压缩比CRE Corrosion Resistant 防腐的,耐蚀的CRES Corrosion Resistant Steel 耐蚀钢CRK Cranking Signal 曲轴起动信号Crnr. Corner 角CRNRNG Cornering 转向CRO Cathode-Ray Oscilloscope 阴极射线示波器CRS Choke Return System 阻风门回位系统CRS Child Restraint System 儿童专用安全装置CRS Coasting Richer System 强迫怠速工况混合气加浓系统CRS Coolant Recovery System 密闭式冷却系统CRT Cathode Ray Tube 阴极射线管CRTC Cathode Ray Tube Controller 阴极射线管控制器CRV Coasting Richer Valve 惯性(怠速)加浓(补偿)阀CSA Cold Start Advance 冷机起动提前装置CSC Coolant Spak Conrol 冷却水点火控制CSCS Cold Start Control Solenoid 冷车起动控制电磁阀CSD Constant Speed Drive 等速传动CSE GND Case Ground 外壳接地CSPM Cold Start Program Modifier 冷起动程序修正器CSS Calibration Select Switch 校正选择开关CSSA Cold Start Spark Advance 冷车起动点火提前CSSH Cold Start Spark Advance Hold(system) (福特)冷起动点火提前控制系统CSU Crank Angle Selecting Unit 曲轴转角自动调节装置CT Cold Temperature 冷车温度CT Conventional Thermactor 传统热反应器CT Cam-Train 凸轮系CT Closed Throttle 关闭的节气门CTA Computer-Aided Test 计算机辅助测试CTA Constant Temperatuer Hot Wire Anemometer常温热线风速计CTAV Cold Temperature Actuated Vacuum 冷车温度动作真空CTD Contrlolled Traction Differential 可控制(调整)牵引力差速器CTO Coolant Temperature Override 冷却水温过热控制CTPS Closed Throttle Position Switch 关闭节气门位置开关CTR Critical Temperature Resistance 临界温度电阻Ctrl. Control 控制,控制器Ctrlld Controlled 控制CTS Coolant Temperature Sensor 冷却水温传感器CTS Coolant Temperature Switch 水温开关CTSWH Closed Throttle Switch 节气门关闭开关CTSY Courtesy 门控灯CTSY. Courtesy 副, 反, 对CTTS Coolant Temperature Thermo Switch 水温温控开关CTVS Choke Thermal Vacuum Switch 阻风门热控真空开关CU Control unit 电脑盒, 控制器Cu.In. Cubic Inches 立方英寸CUB Cubic 立方CURR Current 电流CV Constant Velocity 定速,等速CV Check Valve 单向阀CV Check Valve 止回阀CV Coasting Valve 滑行阀CV Constant Velocity 定速, 等速CV Constant Velocity Joint 等速接头CV Control Valve 控制阀CV Calorific Valve 热值CV Combat Vehicle 战斗车辆CV Commercial Vehicle 商用车辆,营运车辆CV Convertible 活动顶篷小客车CV Constant Volume Specific Heat 等容比热CV Critical Viscosity 临界粘度CVC Constant Vacuum Control 真空恒定控制CVC Constant Voltage Control 定电压控制CVCC Compound Vertex Controlled Combussion 复合涡流控制式燃烧CVCC Constant Volume Combustion Chamber 等容燃烧室CVRT Continuously Variable Ratio Transmission无级调速变速器CVS Constant Volume Sampling 定容量取样CVS3P Cold Vacuum Spark,3-Port 冷车起动真空点火3孔式CVSCC Coolant Vacuum Switch Cold Closed 水温温控真空开关冷车关闭CVSCO Coolant Vacuum Switch Cold Open 水温温控真空开关冷车打开CVT Contiuously Variable Transmission 无级变速器CVU Continuously-Variable Unit 无级变速器CW Clockwise 顺时针方向CW Continuous Wave 连续波,等幅波CY Copy 副本,复制品CYL Cylinder 气缸,油缸,圆柱CYL Cylindrical 圆柱形的DD Drive 驱动,行驶D Drive 前进档D *Diameter *Discharge *Drive *Dual *Double *直径 *放电 *驱动 *双重 *复式D&M Driving and Maintenance 驾驶与维修D/O Delivery Order 提货单Damp Damper 阻尼器,缓冲器DAR Drive Axle Ratio 驱动桥减速比DAS Distributor Advance Solenoid 分电盘点火提前电磁阀DASS Diesel Additive Supply System 柴油添加剂自动加添系统DATA+ Data Positive 正线(自诊)DATA- Data Negative 负线(自诊)DB Decibel 分贝DBC Dual Bed Catalytic 双层触媒转换DBP Drawbar Pull 拉杆拉力DBW Drive-by-Wire 索控式DC Direct Current 直流电DC Digital Control 数位控制DC Drop Center Rim 深底钢圈DC Dead Center 死点DCEL Direct Current Luminescence 电流直接照明DCH Dual-Circuit Hydraulic System 双管路液压制动系统DCI Direct Cylinder Injection 直接喷入气缸(汽油喷射)DCL Data Communications Link 数据交换连线DCLV Deceleration Valve 减速阀DCM Direct Current Motor 直流马达DCM/C-VLV Deceleration Mixture Control Valve 减速混合比控制阀DCS Deceleration Control System 减速控制系统DCTO Dual Coolant Temperature Override 双水温过热控制DCV Deceleration Control Valve 减速控制阀DCV Downdraft Constant Vacuum Carburettor 下吸式等真空化油器DD Dual Distributors 双分电盘DD Direct Drive 直接驱动DDC Direct Digital Control 直接数字控制DDD Dual Diaphragm Distributor 双膜片分油盘DDV Distributor Decel Valve 分电盘减速阀De-Ice De-Icer 除冰装置De-ice. De-Ice 除冰DEC Digital Engine Control 数位引擎控制Decel Deceleration 减速DECS Daihatsu Economical Clean-Up System (大发)汽车经济式净化系统DEE Digital Engine Electronic 发动机数字式电子控制单元DEF Defroster 除雾器DEF Diesel Exhaust Filter 柴油机的排气过滤器Def Defroster 除霜器DEF. Defogger or Defroster 除雾或除霜DEFI Digital Electronic Fuel Injection 数字式电子燃油喷射系统Defog Defogger 除雾器Deg Degree 度Del Delay 延迟DELO Diesel Engine Lubricating Oil 柴油机润滑油DERM Diagnostic Energy Reserve Module 自诊备用电源模块Desig Designation 指明,标明,目标DET Detached 拆开的,分开的DET Detail 零件.细目.详图.详细DET Detection 检波.检测DET Dtector 检波器.探测仪Deton. Detonation 爆震,敲缸DETRNT. Deterrent 制止DF Design formula 设计公式DF Direction Finding 测向.定向DF Defogging 去雾DF Drive Fit 推入配合DFF Direct Fuel Feed(injector) 直接供油DFI Digital Fuel Injection 数字式汽油喷射DFIP/D Diesel Distribution-Type Fuel Injection Pump柴油机分配式燃油喷射泵Dft Defeat 缺点,不良,损坏DG Double Glass 双层玻璃DG Double Groove 双槽DI Deceleration Idle 减低怠速DI Direct Injection 直接喷射DI Defense Industry 国防工业DI Deicing 防冻.去冰DI Direction Indicator 方向指示器DI Diesel Index 柴油指数DI.B Disk Brake 盘式制动器Diag Diagnostic 诊断DIC Driver Information Center 行车电脑中心DIDV Dual Ignition Delay Valve 双点火延迟阀Diff Differential 差速器,差动的Dig. Digital 数字式DIGRO Digital Readout 数字读出Dim Dimmer 变光器。

老陈汽车英语 词组

老陈汽车英语 词组

老陈汽车英语词组Electrical system电器系统internal combustion engine内燃发动机fuel system燃料系统exhaust system排气系统cooling system冷却系统lubrication system润滑系统ignition system点火系统air-fuel system可燃混合气体power stroke工作冲程power train传动系统suspension system悬架系统steering system转向系统brake system制动系统propeller shaft传动系统rear axle后桥steering wheel方向盘steering shaft转向轴gear sector扇形齿轮pitman arm转向摇臂drag link直拉杆steering knuckle arm转向节臂king pin主销steering arm转向臂tie rod转向横拉杆front axle前轴steering knuckle arm转向节臂steering knuckle转向节by means of依靠brake drum制动鼓brake shoe制动蹄片brake lining制动衬片service brake行车制动器parking brake驻车制动roof panel顶板instrument panel仪表板luggage compartment行李间karl benz卡尔本次apply for申请by leaps and bounds非常迅速的set out出发开始henry ford亨利福特assemble line装配线ford福特Lincoln林肯American general motors通用Buick别克Chevrolet雪佛兰Oldsmobile奥兹莫比尔Cadillac凯迪拉克Chrysler克莱斯勒Plymouth普利茅斯In essential实质上Toyota丰田Nissan尼桑Driving license驾照No。



汽车维修技术缩略语英汉对照参考文献:AA A-post, A-pillar A柱A Amperes 安培, 电流A *Amper *Ammeter *Advance *安培*电流表*提前A.I.R. Air Injection Reactor 空气喷射反作用器A.M. Above-Mentioned 上述的A/C Air Conditioning 空调A/C A/C Amplifie 空调放大器A/C CLTCH. A/C Clutch 空调离合器A/CL Air Cleaner 空气滤清器A/CL-BM Air Cleaner Bimetal Sensor 空气滤清器双金属传感器A/CL-CWM Air Cleaner Cold Weather Modulator 空气滤清器低温调节器A/CL-DV Air Cleaner Duct Valve Vacuum Motor 空气滤清器导管阀真空马达A/CL-TSOV Air Cleaner Temperature Sensor Override Valve 空气滤清器温度传感器超压阀A/CL-VCD Air Cleaner Vacuum Control Delay 空气滤清器真空延迟控制A/CL-VCV Air Cleaner Vacuum Control Valve 空气滤清器真空控制阀A/CL-VM Air Cleaner Vacuum Motor 空气滤清器真空马达A/F Air-Fuel Ratio 空燃比A/T Automatic Transaxle Or Transmission 自动变速箱AA Automobile Association (UK) 英国汽车协会AAA American Automobile Association 美国汽车协会AAC Auxiliary Air Control 辅助空气控制AAC Automatic Amplitude Control 自动振幅控制AACV Auxiliary Air Control Valve 辅助空气控制阀AAD Auxiliary Air Control Device 辅助空气装置AAE America Association of Engineers 美国工程师协会AAMVM American Association of Motor Vehicle Manufacturers 美国汽车制造者协会AAP Auxiliary Accelerator Pump 辅助加速器泵AAP Auxiliary Accelerating Pump 辅助加速泵AAP Ambient Absolute Pressure 外界绝对压力AAS Aspirator Air System 吸气(真空)控制系统AAS Auto Adjust Suspension 自动调节悬挂AAS Air Adjust Screw 空气调整螺丝AAS American Astronautical Society 美国宇宙航行学会AAS Air Adjust Screw 空气调节螺钉AASHTO American Association of State Highways and Transportation Officials美国各州公路及运输公务员协会AA V Anti Afterburn Valve 防止后燃阀AB Air Bleed 空气泄放ABA Air Bleed Actuator 空气排放执行器(电磁阀)ABCV Air Bleed Control Valve 空气泄放控制阀ABDC After Bottom Dead Center 在下止点后ABG Alcohol Blended Gasoline 掺酒精的汽油ABN Airborne Noise 空气传播的噪音ABP Air Brake Proportioing (valves) 空气制动比例分配( 阀) ABRS Air Bag Restraint System 安全气囊ABS Altitude Barometric Switch 高度(海拔)气压开关ABS Anti-Lock Brake System 防锁刹车系统,防抱刹车系统,反锁定刹车系统ABS American Bureau of Standards 美国标准局Abs Absolute 绝对的ABS Visc Absolute Viscosity 绝对粘度ABSV Air Bypass Solenoid Valve 空气旁通电磁阀ABV *Anti Backfire Valve *Air Bypass Valve *防止逆火阀*空气旁通阀ABV Air Bypass Valve 空气旁通阀ABV Anti-Backfire Valve 防回火阀AC Air Condition 空调AC Alternating Current Generator 交流发电机AC *Alternating Current *After Contro *交流电*后段调整式AC AC Auxiliary Fan Relay 空调辅助风扇继电器AC AC Compressor Safety Switch 空调压缩机安全开关AC AC Condenser Blower Motor Relay 空调冷凝器鼓风马达继电器AC AC Control Unit 空调电脑盒AC AC Diode 空调二极管AC AC Evaporator Motor Relay 空调蒸发马达继电器AC AC Evaporator Pump Line Fuse 空调蒸发泵保险丝AC AC High Pressure Safety Switch 空调高压安全开关AC AC Idle Boost Valve 空调怠速加压阀AC Alternating Current 交流电AC Ante Christum 公元前AC Accumulator 蓄电池,储压器AC Acid 酸AC Analogue Computer 模拟计算机AC Automatic Control 自动控制AC Air-Cooled 空冷AC Armored Car 装甲汽车AC Adaptive Control 自适应调节AC Aerodynamic Center 空气动力中心AC Air Cooling 风冷,空气冷却,气冷AC Air Cycle 空气循环AC Automatic Clutch 自动离合器ACC A/C Clutch Compressor 空调压缩机ACC Air Conditioning Clutch 空调离合器ACC Air Conditioning Clutch Switch 空调离合器开关ACC Automatic Climate Control 电脑恒温控制ACC *Accessary *Altitude Compensation Carb *附件*高度补偿化油器Accel Accelerator 油门,加速踏板,加速泵ACCS A/C Clutch Cycling Switch 空调离合器循环开关ACCS Air Conditoning Cycling Switch 空调循环开关Accum Accumulator 蓄压器ACCWM Air Cleaner Cold Weather Modulator 空气滤清器低温调节器Accy Accessory 附件ACD Auxiliary Control Device 辅助控制装置ACD Air Conditioning Demand 空调作用指令ACD Air Conditioning Demand Switch 空调需求开关ACDV Air Cleaner Diverter Valve 空气滤清器分流阀ACE Air Conditioning Equipment 空气调节设备ACE Automatic Check Equipment 自动检测设备ACE Automatic Computing Equipment 自动计算装置ACE Air Conditioning Equipment 空调设备ACG Alternating Current Generator 交流发电机ACG Automatic Control Gear 自动控制变速ACID TEST CYC-LE Acceleration,Cruise, Idle,Deceleration Test Cycle 加速.稳速.怠速.减速试验循环ACIS Acoustic Control Iduction System 声控进气系统Ack Acknowledge 承认ACKV Air Check Valve 空气止回阀ACL Air Clearner 空气滤清器ACL Automatic Chassis Lubrication 自动底盘润滑系统ACM Advanced Composite Materials 高级复合材料ACON Air Conditioning On 空调起动ACP Air Conditioning Pressure 空调压力ACP Auxiliary Control Panel 辅助操纵仪表板ACRS Air Cushion Restraint System 气垫型保护装置ACS Air Conditioning System 空调系统ACS-O Access Opening 检修孔ACT Air Charge Temperature 进气温度ACT Air Charge Temperature Sensor 进气温度传感器ACTE Automatic Checkout Test Equipment 自动检测装置Actu Actuator 执行器Actv Active 活动的ACV Air Control Valve 空气控制阀ACV Air Cut Valve 断气阀ACV Armored Command Vehicle 装甲指挥车ACV Air Control Valve 二次空气喷射量控制阀AD Anno Domini 公元AD Aerodynamic Decelerator 气动减速器ADC Analog-Digital Converter 模-数转换器ADD Addition *添加*补充ADECS Automotive Diesel Electronic Control System 汽车柴油机电子控制系统ADF Aerodynamic Drag Factor 空气阻力系数Adj Adjust or Adjustable 调整或可调整ADL Automatic Door Lock 自动门锁ADP Air-Driven Hydraulic Pump 气动液压泵ADS Adaptive Damper System 可变阻尼力避震系统ADV Wiper Pressure Control 雨刷片压力控制装置Adv Advance 提前的AE Acceleration Enrichment 化油器加速时混合气浓度AE Acoustic Emission 有害声响排放AEA Automotive Electrical Association (US) 美国汽车电气协会AEC Automotive Emission Control 汽车排气控制AECD Auxiliary Emission Control Device 辅助排放控制装置AEI After End of Injection 喷射结束后AERA Automotive Engine Rebuilders Association (US) 美国汽车引擎修护协会AESC American Engineering Standards Committee 美国工程标准委员会AETS Automatic Engine Test System 发动机自动测试系统AF Air-Fuel Ratio 混合气的空气燃油比AF Auxiliary Fuel 辅助燃料AFC Airflow Controlled 空气流量控制AFC Airflow Controlled Fuel Injection 空气流量控制燃料喷射AFC Air Fuel Control 空气燃油混合比调节装置AFC Automatic Frequency Control 自动频率调节AFC Airflow Control 空气流量控制AFCO Automatic Fuel Cutoff 自动断油装置AFCV Air Fuel Ratio Control Valve 空燃比控制阀AFE Automobile Fuel Economy 汽车燃油经济性AFER Air-Fuel Equivalence Ratio 燃油过量系数AFR Air-Fuel Ratio 空气燃油混合比AFS Airflow Sensor 空气流量传感器AFS Auxiliary Fuel Supply System 辅助供油系统AG Air Guard 空气护罩AGO Automotive Gas Oil 汽车用油AGT Automotive Gas Turbines 汽车用燃气轮机AGV Automatic Guided Vehicle 自动导向车辆AGVS Automatic Guided Vehicle System 车辆自动导向系统AH Amper Hour 安培小时AHFSS Air Conditionig / Heater Function Select Switch 空调/暖气功能选择开关AI Air Injection 空气喷射AICV Air Injection Check Valve 空气喷射单向阀AID Air Injection Dual 双空气喷射AIR Air Injection Reaction 二次喷气装置AIR Air Injector Reactor 二次空气喷射器AIR BPV Air Bypass Valve 空气旁通阀AIR COND RLY Air Conditioner Relay 空调继电器AIR COND SIG Air Conditioner Singnal 空调信号Air Sel Air Selector 空气选择器AIR-CHV AIR Check Valve 空气单向阀AIR-DVLV AIR Diverter Valve 空气分流阀AIR-IVV AIR Idle Vacuum Valve 进气怠速真空阀AIS Air Injection Single 单空气喷射AIS Air Injection System 二次喷气装置AIS Automatic Idle Speed 自动怠速AIV Air Injection Valve 空气喷射阀AIVV AIR Idle Vacuum V alve 空气怠速真空阀AKI Anti-Knock Index 抗爆震指数AL Acceleration Level 加速度级ALC Automatic Level Control 汽车后悬挂自动高度控制ALCL Assembly Line Communication Link 诊断总线ALDL Assembly Line Diagnostic Link 自我诊断接线总成ALDL Assembly Line Data Link 自我诊断线Ali Alignment 校正, 定位Alm Alarm 警报器ALR Automatic Locking Retractor 安全带自动锁定装置ALR Automatic Length Adjusting andLocking Retractor 自动长度调节和锁紧式伸缩装置ALR Automatic Locking Retractor 自动锁紧式伸缩装置Alt Alternator or Altitude 发电机,高度Alt Alternator 交流发电机ALU Arithmetic and Logical Unit 算术及逻辑单位AM Amplitude Modulation 调幅Amb Ambient 周围的AMC American Motors Corporation 美国汽车公司AMGV Air Management Valve 空气控制阀Amm Ammeter 电流表Amp Amplifier 放大器Amp Ampere 安培AN Above-Named 上述的AN Annual 年度的AN Anode 阳极ANC Active Noise Control System 活性噪音控制系统ANL Automatic Noise Limiter 噪声自动限制器ANS Answer 答案ANSI American National Standards Institute美国国家标准局Ant Antenna 天线ANTBV Anti-Backfire Valve 防回火阀Anti-Dsl Anti-Diesel 防止後燃(熄火後)AO Air Operated 气动的AOC Air Oil Cooler 机油空气冷却器AOC Automatic Overload Control 自动超载控制AOD Automatic Overdrive 自动超速AOQ Average Outgoing Quality 平均产品质量AOT Automatic Overdrive Transmission 超速式自动变速器AP Air Pump 气泵APC Automatic Phase Control 自动相位调整APC Automatic Power Control 自动功率调整APC Automatic Program Control 自动程序控制APC Armored Personnel Carrier 装甲人员输送车APC Automatic Performance Control 自动性能控制系统APCV Air Pump Control Valve 空气泵控制阀APDV Air Pump Diverter Valve 空气泵分流阀API American Petrol Institude 美国石油协会App Apparatus 仪表.器件. 设备App Appendix 附录App Approved by 经...批准,批准人Approx Approximation 近似.略计Apr Apprentice 学徒,徒工APRA Automotive Parts RebuildersAssociation(US) 美国汽车零件再制协会APREVLV Air Pump Relief Valve 空气泵减压阀APU Auxiliary Power Unit 辅助动力设备AQ Aqua(Water) *水*水柱AR Air Regulator 空气流量调节器AR Axle Ratio 驱动轴减速比ARC Acceleration Signal 加速信号ARQ Automatic Error Request Equipement 自动误差校正装置ARV Armored Recovery Vehicle 装甲抢救车AS Airflow Sensor 空气流量传感器AS American Standard 美国标准AS Air Suction 进气AS Automatic Synchronizer 自动同步器ASA American Standard(s) Association 美国标准化协会ASA Acoustical Society of America 美国声学学会ASC Automatic Stability Control 电脑控制稳定装置ASCD Auto Speed Control Device 自动速度调节装置ASCPS Air Switch Canister Purge Solenoid 空气切换碳罐塞电磁阀ASCPT Air Switch Canister Purge Timer 空气切换碳罐塞定时器ASD Auto Shut Down 自动切断ASDM Air Bag System Diagnostic Module 安全气囊系统诊断模块ASDV Air Switching Diverter Valve 空气转换分流阀ASE Automatic Stabilization Equipment 自动稳定装置ASIS Abort Sensing and Implementation System 紧急故障传感及处理系统ASIS American Society for Industrial Security美国工业安全协会ASL Above Sea Level 海拔高度Asm Assembly 总成ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers美国机械工程师协会ASQC American Society for Quality Control 美国品管协会ASRV Air Switching Relief Valve 空气转换减压阀ASS Air Switching Solenoid 空气转换电磁阀ASS Air Suction System 进气装置Ass Assembly 总成,装配,机组Ass Assistant 辅助的,助手,帮手Ass Association 学会,协会.公司Assy Assembly 总成ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials 美国材料试验协会ASV Air Switching Valve 空气转换阀ASV Air Suction V alve 进气阀ASV Air Switching Valve 空气转换阀, 空气开关阀ASVS Air Switching Vacuum Solenoid 空气转换真空电磁阀AT Acceptance Test 验收试验AT Air Temperature 空气温度AT Ampere Turn 安培匝数AT Angle of Train 方位角.方向角.传导方位AT Automatic Transmission 自动变速器AT. Air Tight 气密的,密封的At. Atmosphere 大气.周围情况.大气压ATC Automatic Temperature Control 自动温度控制ATC After Top Center 在上止点后ATC Automatic Temperature Control 温度自动控制器ATC Automatic Timing Corrector 自动正时器ATDC After Top Dead Center 在上止点后ATF Automatic Transmission Fluid 自动变速箱油Atm Atmosphere 气压ATM Automatic Transmission 自动变速箱ATM Actuator Test Modes 测试模式ATO Automatic Train Operation 自动列车驾驶装置ATS Air Temperature Sensor 进气温度传感器ATS Automatic Train Stopper 自动列车停止装置ATT Attenuation 减少,阻尼ATV Above the Throttle V alve 在节气门上方ATX Automatic Transaxle 带自动变速器的前轮驱动AUTO Automatic 自动的Aux Auxiliary 辅助的A V Air Valve 空气阀Avg Average 平均值A VOM Analog V olt-Ohm Meter 指针式三用电表A VSV Air Vent Solenoid Valve 通气电磁阀AWD Air Warning Device 空气警示装置AWD All Wheel Drive 四轮驱动AWP Average Working Pressure 平均工作压力AWP Awaiting Parts 维修用备件AXOD Automatic Overdrive Transaxle 自动变速箱超速器AZS Automatic Zero Set 自动调零BB B-pillar B柱B B-post B柱B+ Battery Positive V oltage 电瓶正电压B/P EGR Back Pressure Transducer EGR 负压传感器B/P Backpressure 背压B/S Bore-to-Stroke Ratio 缸径行程比B/S Bill of Sale 出售清单B/U Back-Up 备用,倒车(灯)BA (cylinder)Bore Area 气缸孔面积BA Bumper to Center Line of the Front Axle 保险杠至前轴中心距离BAC By-Pass Air Control 旁通空气控制BACV Bypath Air Control Valve 旁通控气阀BANK1 Injector Bank #1 第1排喷油咀BANK2 Injector Bank #2 第2排喷油咀BANK3 Injector Bank #3 第3排喷油咀BAP Barometric Absolute Pressure 大气绝对压力Bap Sens Barometric Absolute Pressure Sensor 大气绝对压力传感器BARO Barometric Pressure 大气压力Baro Barometric 大气BARO. Barometric 气压(计)Batt Battery 电瓶电池BA V Bleed Air Valve 泄气阀BB Babbit Metal 巴氏合金BBDC Before Bottom Dead Center 在下止点前BBL. Barrel 筒BBS Building Block System 积木式系统BC Befor Control 前段控制BCC Battery Charger Control 电瓶充电控制BCDD Booster Control Decelerate Device 倍力控制减速装置BCM Body Control Module 车体控制模块(车体电脑)BCV Boost Control Valve 真空控制阀溢油控制阀(三菱)减速节气阀(铃木)BCV Booster Control Valve 倍力控制阀BCV Boost Control Valve 强制怠速时节气门开度控制阀BCV Boost Control Valve (铃木,三菱)强制怠速工况进气管真空控制阀BDC Bottom Dead Center 下止点.下死点BDV Breakdown V oltage 击穿电压BE Banchelor of Engineering 工学士BE Baume 玻美度BE Booster Engine 助推发动机BE Best Economy 最佳经济性BEI Breakerless Electronic Ignition 无白金式电子点火BESA British Engineering Standard Association 英国工程标准协会BFC Brake Force Coefficient 制动力系数BFLI Brake Fluid Level Indicator 制动液液面指示器BHP Brake Horsepower 制动马力BHS Bimetal Heat Sensor 双金属热传感器Bi Met BiMetallic Air Temperature Control Sensor双金属进气温控传感器BICERI British Internal Combustion EngineResearch Institute 英国内燃机研究所BIT Best Injection Timing 最佳喷油正时BK Brake Switch 刹车开关Bk Back 背部,後面,倒退,衬里Bk Rest Back Rest 椅背,後支架BLK Black 黑色BLR Blower 鼓风机BLR Beyond Local Repair 本地不能修理Blst Ballast 稳压(电阻)BLU Blue 蓝色Blwr Blower 鼓风机BM Bench Mark 基准点BM Breakdown Maintenance 故障维修BM Breake Electromagnet 制动电磁铁BM Brakdown Maintenance 故障维修BMAP Barometric and Mainfold Absolute Pressure大气进气歧管绝对压力BMEP Brake Mean Effective Perssure 平均制动有效压力BNH Burnish 抛光.精加工.烧蓝BOC Buick, Oldsmobile, Cadillac Group 别克-奥兹莫比尔-凯迪莱克集团BOO Brake On-Off Switch 制动开关BP Back Pressure 背压. 反压BP Barometric Pressure 气压BP Boiling Point 沸点BP Best Power 最佳功率BPA Bypass Air 旁通空气BPC Back Pressure Control 背压控制BPO Bypass Orifice 旁通口BPS Barometric Pressure Sensor 大气压力传感器BPT Backpressure Transducer 背压转换器BPV By-Pass Valve 旁通阀Br Bromine 溴Br Brass 黄铜Brkr Breaker 断电器BRN Brown 棕色BS Barometric Switch 大气压力开关BS Bimetal Sensor 双金属传感器BS Bachelor of Science 理工学士BS Binary Scale 二进位BS Both Sides 两边.两侧BS British Standards 英国(工业)标准BSAU British Standards Automotive 英国汽车标准BSC ENG Bachlor of Science in Engineering 工学士BSFC Brake Specific Fuel Consumption 制动油耗率, 制动单位油耗量BSI British Standards Institute 英国标准局BTC British Technical Council of the Motor and Petroleum Industries 英国汽车及石油工业技术中心BTDC Before Top Dead Center 在上止点前BTHE Brake Thermal Efficiency 制动热效率BTRY Battery 蓄电池BTU British Thermal Units 英国热量单位BTV Below the Throttle Valve 在节气门下方BUDC Bofore Upper Dead Centre 上死点前BULKHD. Bulkhead 隔壁Buz Buzzer 蜂鸣器BV Bowl Vent Port 浮桶室通风孔BV Breakdowm V oltage 击穿电压BV Balanced V oltage 平衡电压BVSV Bimetallic Vacuum Switching V alve 双金属式真空转换阀BVT BackPressure Variable Transducer 负压可变传感器BVV Bowl Vent Valve 浮筒室防溢油通气阀BYP Bypass 旁路, 支线BYPA Bypass Air (Idle Speed Control) 旁通空气(怠速控制)CC Celcius 摄氏C C-Piller C柱C Call 呼叫C Candle 烛光C Capacitance 电容C Car 汽车C Carbon 碳C Cathode 阴极C Celsius Scale 摄氏温标C Coulomb 库仑C * Celcius 摄氏度C&M Care and Maintenance 维修及保养C-4 Computer Controlled Catalytic Converter电脑控制触媒转换器C. CANI Charcoal Canister 碳罐C.E. Check Engine 引擎故障灯C.G. Center of Gravity 重心C/O Checkout 检查,调整,测试C/O Choke Openner 阻风门强制开启阀C3I Computer Controlled Coil Ignition 电脑控制线圈点火C4 Computer Controled Catalytic Converter 电脑控制触媒转换器CA Calcium 钙CA Compressed Air 压缩空气CA Crank Angle 曲轴转角CABR Cabriolet 敞蓬车CAC Charge Air Cooler 进气冷却器CACS Comprehensive Automobile Control System汽车综合控制系统CACV Combined Air Control Valve 组合空气控制阀CAD Computer-Aided Design 计算机辅助设计CAE Computer Aided Enginering 电脑辅助工程CAFE Corporate Average Fuel Economy 美国汽车制造厂采用的平均油耗CAL Calorie 卡路里CAL Calculated Average Life (汽车等的)平均计算寿命CAL Caliber 口径CAL Calibrate 校定,校正CAL Collision Avoidance Light 防撞灯CAL-PAC Calibration Package 校正用套装软体Calib Calibration 校正,修正,定位Calif California 加州规格车Calif California 加州CALSEL Calibration Select 校正选择CAM Camber 外倾角CAM Camshaft 凸轮轴CAM Computer Aided Manufacturing 电脑辅助制造Can Canaba 加拿大Can Canister 碳罐Can Prg Canister Purge 碳罐塞Can.Prg Canister Purge 碳罐净化Canc. Cancel 取消CanCV Canister Control Valve 碳罐控制阀CANP Canister Purge solenoid 碳罐清除电磁阀CANP Canister Purge 碳罐净化, 滤筒净化CAP Capacity *容量*能力CAP Cleaner Air Package 净化空气装置Cap Capacitor or Capacity 电容器或电容量CARB California Air Resources Board 加州空气资源协会Carb Carburetor 化油器CAS Caster 后倾角CAS Clear Air System 净化空气系统CAT Carburetor Air Temperature 化油器空气温度CAT Catalogue 目录CAT Catalyst 催化剂CAT Category 种类.范畴CAT Carburator Air Temproture 化油器空气温度Cat Catalytic Converter 触媒转换器CA V Construction Assistance Vehicle 建筑辅助运输车辆CA V Coasting Air Valve 强制怠速空燃比控制阀CB Circuit Breaker 电路断电器CB Choke Breaker 阻风门限制器CB Contact Breaker 断电器CBE Cab Behind Engine 驾驶舱在引擎后方式CBVV Carburetor Bowl Vent V alve 化油器浮子室通气阀CC Cubic Centimeters 立方厘米CC Cruise Control 定速控制,巡行控制CC Catalytic Converter 触媒转化器CC Converter Clutch 扭力转换器离合器CCC Computer Command Control 电脑指令控制CCCS Computer Controlled Cooling System 电脑控制冷却系统CCD Computer Control Dwell 电脑控制点火闭角CCEGR Coolant Controlled Exhaust Gas Recirculation 冷却剂控制废气再循环CCEVS Coolant Control Engine Vacuum Switch 冷却水温控制引擎真空开关CCEVV Coolant Control Engine Vacuum Valve 冷却水温控制引擎真空阀CCIV Coolant Control Idle Enrichment Valve 却水温控制怠速增浓阀CCM Central Control Module 中央控制模块(中央电脑)CCO Catalytic Converter for Oxidation 氧化触媒转换器CCOT Cycling Clutch Orifice Tube 循环离合器限流孔CCOT Cycling Clutch (Orifice) Turbo 循环离合器涡轮增压CCP Controlled Canister Purge 控制碳罐净化CCP Charcoal Canister Purge 活性碳罐净化CCR Catalytic Converter Reduction 还原催化废气净化器CCRM Constant Control Relay Module 定控制继电器模组CCRO Catalytic Converter for Reduction and Oxidation 三元触媒转换器CCRO Catalytic Converter Rhodium 氧化,还原催化废气净化器CCS Controlled Combustion System 燃烧控制系统CCU Cruise Control Unit 定速控制电脑盒CCW Counterclockwise 逆时针方向CD Computer Aided Design 电脑辅助设计CD Candera 烛光CD Capacity Discharge (electronic ignition)电容放电式电子点火CD Compact Disc 光盘CD Capacitor Discharge(ignition) 电容器放电(点火_)CD Cofficient of Drag 空气阻力系数CD-REGVLV Crankcase Depression Regulator Valve 曲轴箱真空调节器阀CD-ROM Compact Disc Read Only Memory CD 只读存储器CDI Capacitive Discharge Ignition 电容放电式点系统CDI Controlled Direct Injection(system) 可控直喷系统CDY Chassis Dynamometer 底盘测功计CEAB Cold Engine Air Bleed 冷引擎空气排放CEC Computerized Emission Control 电脑废气控制CEC Combined Emission control(Valve) 组合废气控制阀CEC Computerized Engine Control 电脑引擎控制CEC Coordinating European Council (standards)欧洲标准协会CELO Cold Engine Lock-Out 冷机锁定CEM Composite Electro-Chemical Material 复合电化学材料CENT Center 中心CES Clutch Engaged Switch 离合器啮合开关CES Coasting Enricher System 减速浓化系统CESS Cold Engine Sensor Switch 冷引擎传感器开关CF Center of Floatation 浮心CF Centrifugal Force 离心力CF Conversion Factor 转换系数CF Cutting Fluid 切削液CF Confer 比较. 对照CF Cubic Feet 立方英尺CF Counter Fire 逆火CFI Central Fuel Injection 中央喷射系统CFI Cross Fire Injection 多缸同时点火喷油CFI Centrol Fuel Injection 节气门上方燃油喷射系统CFI Continuous (throttle body)Fuel Injection 连续燃油喷射系统CFRP Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastics 碳纤维强化塑料CFS Coasting Fuel Cut System 强制怠速工况燃油切断系统CH.O Choke Openner 自动阻风门CHA Charge 充电CHB Choke Braker 阻风门开度限制器CHG. Charge 进气或充电CHK Check 核对,检查Chk.Eng. Check Eigine 检查引擎(灯)CHNG Change 交换CHO Choke Opener 阻风门开启器CHRG Charging 进气,充电CHT Cylinder Head Temperature 汽缸盖温度CHU Centigrade Heat Unit 热量单位Ch Vlv Check Valve 单向阀CI Cubic Inches 立方英寸CI Compression Ignition 压缩式点火CI Compression Ignition Engine 压缩点火引擎CI Cubic Inches 立方英寸CI Cast Iron 铸铁CI Compression Ignition 压燃CID Cubic Inch Displacement 立方英寸排气量CID Cylinder Identification Sensor 气缸识别传感器CID Cylinder Identification 汽缸识别Cig Cigarette 香烟Cig Ltr Cigarette Lighter 点烟器Circ Circuit 电路Circ Brkr Circuit Breaker 电路断电器CIS Continuous Injection System 连续喷射系统CIS-E Continuous Injection System Electronic 电子控制连续喷射CK-VLV Check Valve 止回阀,单向阀CKD Completely Knocked Down 完全拆散的,全解体的CKDL-VLV Check Delay Valve 单向延迟阀CKP Crankshaft Position 曲轴位置CKPS Crankshaft Position Sensor 曲轴位置传感器Ckt. Circuit 电路,回路CL Closed Loop 闭环,闭路CL Central Line 中心线CL Car Load 车辆载荷CL Class 等级. 种类CL Clearance 间隙CL Crane Load 吊车起重量CL Chlorine 氯CLA Chemilumineceut Analyzer 光化学分析仪CLC Converter Locking Clutch 转换器锁定离合器CLCC Closed Loop Carburetor Control 闭环式化油器控制Clch Clutch 离合器CLD, CLA Chemiluminecent Detector (Analyzer)光化学分析仪CLEC Closed Loop Emission Control 闭路废气控制CLK Clock 时钟CLRC Clearance 间隙, 空隙, 游隙Clmn. Coloumn 柱Clmt. Climate 气候CLR Clear 清除CLR Current-Limiting Resistor 限流电阻器CLS Closed Loop 反馈控制Clstr. Cluster 群,组CLTBI Closed Loop Throttle Body Injection 闭路回馈式单点喷射CM Centimeter 厘米CM Center of Mass 质量中心CM Control Motor 控制马达CMET Coated Metal 镀层金属CMH Cold Mixture Heater 冷车混合汽加热器CMO Conventional Mineral Oil 常规矿物润滑油CMP Camshaft Position 凸轮轴位置CMPS Camshaft Position Sensor 凸轮轴位置传感器Cmpnstr. Compensator 补偿器Cmptr. Computer 电脑CMVSS Canadian Motor Vehicle Safety Standard 加拿大车辆安全标准CN Change Notice 更改通知CNCLD Concealed 隐藏式CNG Compressed Natural Gas Automobile 天然气燃料汽车CNG Compressed Natural Gas 压缩天然气CNT Constant 常数,恒量.恒定的Cntr. Central or Center 中心,中央CNTRL Control 控制Cnvnc. Convenience 便利,方便CO Carbon Monoxide 一氧化碳CO Choke Opener 阻风门助开器Co-Ax. Co-Axial 同轴CO2 Carbon Dioxide 二氧化碳COC Conventional Oxidation Catalyst 普通氧化触媒COD Cash On Delivery 交货付款COD Chemical Oxygen Demand 化学耗氧量COE Cab Over Engine 驾驶舱在引擎上Colng. Coolng 冷却Colnt. Coolant 冷却液Comb. Combination 综合,组合COMP Compressor or Compartment 压缩机或舱、室Comp. Compressor 压缩机Compens Compensation 补偿Compt. Compartment 室CON. ROD Connecting Rod 连杆Cond. Condenser 电容器,冷凝器Conn. Connector or Connection 连接器或接头CONT Continued 连续CONT. Control 控制CONV Converter 转换器CONV Convertible 敞蓬车Convs. Conversion 换算CORP Corporation 协会,社团,公司,企业Count. Counter 计数器(转数表)COV Control Valve 控制阀CP Candera Power 烛光CP Canister Purge 碳罐净化CP Centre of Pressure 压力中心CP Crankshaft Position 曲轴位置CP Condensation Product 冷凝物,浓缩物CP Carriage Paid 运费已付CP Chemical Pure 化学纯CP Circular Pitch (齿轮)分度圆周节CP Constant Pressure 等压,常压,恒压,稳定压力CPCV Canister Purge Control Valve 碳罐净化控制阀CPM Cycles Per Minute 每分钟转数CPPS Clutch Padel Position Switch 离合器踏板位置开关CPRV Canister Purge Regulator Valve 滤筒净化调节阀CPS Canister Purge Solenoid 碳罐净化电磁阀CPS Central Power Supply 集中电源供应CPS Crank Position Sensor 曲轴位置传感器CPS Central Power Supply 中央电源CPS Crankshaft Position Sensor 曲轴位置传感器CPS Cycle Per Second 每秒周期数CPS Control Pressure System 压力控制系统CPT Convertible Power Train 可变式传动系CPU Central Processing Unit 中央控制单元CPU Computer 电脑CPV Canister Purge Valve 碳罐净化阀CPV Constant Pressure Valve 定压阀CPVVV Choke Pulldown Vacuum Vent Valve 阻风门真空强制通风阀CR Crossroad 交叉路,十字路CR Contraction Ratio 压缩比CRE Corrosion Resistant 防腐的,耐蚀的CRES Corrosion Resistant Steel 耐蚀钢CRK Cranking Signal 曲轴起动信号Crnr. Corner 角CRNRNG Cornering 转向CRO Cathode-Ray Oscilloscope 阴极射线示波器CRS Choke Return System 阻风门回位系统CRS Child Restraint System 儿童专用安全装置CRS Coasting Richer System 强迫怠速工况混合气加浓系统CRS Coolant Recovery System 密闭式冷却系统CRT Cathode Ray Tube 阴极射线管CRTC Cathode Ray Tube Controller 阴极射线管控制器CRV Coasting Richer Valve 惯性(怠速)加浓(补偿)阀CSA Cold Start Advance 冷机起动提前装置CSC Coolant Spak Conrol 冷却水点火控制CSCS Cold Start Control Solenoid 冷车起动控制电磁阀CSD Constant Speed Drive 等速传动CSE GND Case Ground 外壳接地CSPM Cold Start Program Modifier 冷起动程序修正器CSS Calibration Select Switch 校正选择开关CSSA Cold Start Spark Advance 冷车起动点火提前CSSH Cold Start Spark Advance Hold(system) (福特)冷起动点火提前控制系统CSU Crank Angle Selecting Unit 曲轴转角自动调节装置CT Cold Temperature 冷车温度CT Conventional Thermactor 传统热反应器CT Cam-Train 凸轮系CT Closed Throttle 关闭的节气门CTA Computer-Aided Test 计算机辅助测试CTA Constant Temperatuer Hot Wire Anemometer常温热线风速计CTA V Cold Temperature Actuated Vacuum 冷车温度动作真空CTD Contrlolled Traction Differential 可控制(调整)牵引力差速器CTO Coolant Temperature Override 冷却水温过热控制CTPS Closed Throttle Position Switch 关闭节气门位置开关CTR Critical Temperature Resistance 临界温度电阻Ctrl. Control 控制,控制器Ctrlld Controlled 控制CTS Coolant Temperature Sensor 冷却水温传感器CTS Coolant Temperature Switch 水温开关CTSWH Closed Throttle Switch 节气门关闭开关CTSY Courtesy 门控灯CTSY. Courtesy 副, 反, 对CTTS Coolant Temperature Thermo Switch 水温温控开关CTVS Choke Thermal Vacuum Switch 阻风门热控真空开关CU Control unit 电脑盒, 控制器Cu.In. Cubic Inches 立方英寸CUB Cubic 立方CURR Current 电流CV Constant Velocity 定速,等速CV Check V alve 单向阀CV Check V alve 止回阀CV Coasting Valve 滑行阀CV Constant Velocity 定速, 等速CV Constant Velocity Joint 等速接头CV Control Valve 控制阀CV Calorific Valve 热值CV Combat Vehicle 战斗车辆CV Commercial Vehicle 商用车辆,营运车辆CV Convertible 活动顶篷小客车CV Constant V olume Specific Heat 等容比热CV Critical Viscosity 临界粘度CVC Constant Vacuum Control 真空恒定控制CVC Constant V oltage Control 定电压控制CVCC Compound Vertex Controlled Combussion 复合涡流控制式燃烧CVCC Constant V olume Combustion Chamber 等容燃烧室CVRT Continuously Variable Ratio Transmission无级调速变速器CVS Constant V olume Sampling 定容量取样CVS3P Cold Vacuum Spark,3-Port 冷车起动真空点火3孔式CVSCC Coolant Vacuum Switch Cold Closed 水温温控真空开关冷车关闭CVSCO Coolant Vacuum Switch Cold Open 水温温控真空开关冷车打开CVT Contiuously Variable Transmission 无级变速器CVU Continuously-Variable Unit 无级变速器CW Clockwise 顺时针方向CW Continuous Wave 连续波,等幅波CY Copy 副本,复制品CYL Cylinder 气缸,油缸,圆柱CYL Cylindrical 圆柱形的DD Drive 驱动,行驶 D Drive 前进档D *Diameter *Discharge *Drive *Dual *Double *直径*放电*驱动*双重*复式D&M Driving and Maintenance 驾驶与维修D/O Delivery Order 提货单Damp Damper 阻尼器,缓冲器DAR Drive Axle Ratio 驱动桥减速比DAS Distributor Advance Solenoid 分电盘点火提前电磁阀DASS Diesel Additive Supply System 柴油添加剂自动加添系统DATA+ Data Positive 正线(自诊)DATA- Data Negative 负线(自诊)DB Decibel 分贝DBC Dual Bed Catalytic 双层触媒转换DBP Drawbar Pull 拉杆拉力DBW Drive-by-Wire 索控式DC Direct Current 直流电DC Digital Control 数位控制DC Drop Center Rim 深底钢圈DC Dead Center 死点DCEL Direct Current Luminescence 电流直接照明DCH Dual-Circuit Hydraulic System 双管路液压制动系统DCI Direct Cylinder Injection 直接喷入气缸(汽油喷射)DCL Data Communications Link 数据交换连线DCLV Deceleration Valve 减速阀DCM Direct Current Motor 直流马达DCM/C-VLV Deceleration Mixture Control Valve 减速混合比控制阀DCS Deceleration Control System 减速控制系统DCTO Dual Coolant Temperature Override 双水温过热控制DCV Deceleration Control Valve 减速控制阀DCV Downdraft Constant Vacuum Carburettor 下吸式等真空化油器DD Dual Distributors 双分电盘DD Direct Drive 直接驱动DDC Direct Digital Control 直接数字控制DDD Dual Diaphragm Distributor 双膜片分油盘DDV Distributor Decel Valve 分电盘减速阀De-Ice De-Icer 除冰装置De-ice. De-Ice 除冰DEC Digital Engine Control 数位引擎控制Decel Deceleration 减速DECS Daihatsu Economical Clean-Up System (大发)汽车经济式净化系统DEE Digital Engine Electronic 发动机数字式电子控制单元DEF Defroster 除雾器DEF Diesel Exhaust Filter 柴油机的排气过滤器Def Defroster 除霜器DEF. Defogger or Defroster 除雾或除霜DEFI Digital Electronic Fuel Injection 数字式电子燃油喷射系统Defog Defogger 除雾器Deg Degree 度Del Delay 延迟DELO Diesel Engine Lubricating Oil 柴油机润滑油DERM Diagnostic Energy Reserve Module 自诊备用电源模块Desig Designation 指明,标明,目标DET Detached 拆开的,分开的DET Detail 零件.细目.详图.详细DET Detection 检波.检测DET Dtector 检波器.探测仪Deton. Detonation 爆震,敲缸DETRNT. Deterrent 制止DF Design formula 设计公式DF Direction Finding 测向.定向DF Defogging 去雾DF Drive Fit 推入配合DFF Direct Fuel Feed(injector) 直接供油DFI Digital Fuel Injection 数字式汽油喷射DFIP/D Diesel Distribution-Type Fuel Injection Pump柴油机分配式燃油喷射泵Dft Defeat 缺点,不良,损坏DG Double Glass 双层玻璃DG Double Groove 双槽DI Deceleration Idle 减低怠速DI Direct Injection 直接喷射DI Defense Industry 国防工业DI Deicing 防冻.去冰DI Direction Indicator 方向指示器DI Diesel Index 柴油指数DI.B Disk Brake 盘式制动器Diag Diagnostic 诊断DIC Driver Information Center 行车电脑中心DIDV Dual Ignition Delay Valve 双点火延迟阀Diff Differential 差速器,差动的Dig. Digital 数字式DIGRO Digital Readout 数字读出Dim Dimmer 变光器DIN Deutsch Industrial 德国工业标准规格Dir Direction or Directional 方向,定向,引导DIRSI Deposit Induced Runaway Surface Ignition 表面点火方式DIS Direct Ignition System 直接点火系统DIS Discharge 放电DIS Distribution Ignition System 分电盘式点火系统DIS Doppler Inertial System 多普勒惯性系统DIS Digital Idling Stabilization 数字式怠速稳定系统DIS Distributorless Ignition System 无分电器点火系统DIS Dual Induction System 双进气系统Disp Display 显示DIST Distribution 分配DIST Distributor 分电器,分油盘DIT Direct Injection Turbocharged 直喷式涡轮增压柴油机DITA Direct Injection Turbocharged Aftercooled 直喷式涡轮增压后冷柴油机DIX. Deluxe 豪华型DIY Do-It-Yourself 自己动手维修车辆DK BLU Dark Blue 深蓝色DK GRN Dark Green 深绿色DL Datum Level 基准面DL Dead Load 静载荷,静重,自重DL Drawing List 图纸清单DLC Data Link Connector 自诊接头DLI Distributorless Ignition 无分电盘式电子点火DLL Design Limit Load 设计极限载荷DLR Driving Lamps Relay 行驶灯继电器DLS Digital Idling Stabilization(unit) 数字式怠速稳定装置DLV Deflection Limitin V olume 变形极限区Dlx Deluxe 豪华型(高级的)Dly Delay 延迟DM Diesel Moderate 柴油机用中级润滑油DM Dehydrogenated Mixture 脱氢混合物DM Design Manual 设计手册DM Development Milestone 发展里程碑DM Differential Motor 差绕电动机DM Drive Magnet 驱(启)动磁铁DME Digital Motor Electronics 数字电子引擎DMS Dual Manifold System 双歧管系统DMS Distributor Modulator System 分电盘调节系统Dn. Down 下,向下Dnshft Downshift 低档位,降档DOC Direct Operating Cost 直接操作费用DOD Department of Defense (美国)国防部DOHC Double Overhead Camshaft 双顶置凸轮轴DOL Data Output Line 数据输出线DOT Department of Transportation(US) 美国运输局DP Dashpot 减速缓冲器DP Development Prototype 开发原型.研制原型DP Damp Proofing 防潮的,不透水的DP Data Processing 数据处理DP Dead Point 死点.止点DP Dew Point 露点DP Diametral Pitch (齿轮)径节DP. CHAMBER Depression Chamber (三菱)化油器车滑轮增压控制。


Tire Smoke
Tire Spinning
Tire Sp reader
Tire Squeak
Tire Squeal
轮胎转弯的声音。气压不足时 候的声音
Tire Stability
Tire Supp ort Pad
Tire Test Cen ter=Tire Test Dep artme nt
Left Cran kcase Cover
Starti ng Rod
Kick Start ing System
Kick Starter
Start ing Critical Sp eed
Start ing Ratchet
Electric Start ing System
Tire Barometer
Vernier Cali per
Motorized Gun
Vehicle Category
Dime nsional Drawi ng
Uni ade n Mass
Maximum Tech ni cally P ermissible Mass
Mounting P late for Fen der
Rubber Bush

卡特比勒3500 fuel_system

卡特比勒3500 fuel_system
PEEC: 可编程序发动机电子控制。 齿条行程由电子调速器来控制(控制器、执行器) 速度传感器取代飞锤 电子控制系统取代弹簧、杠杆 喷油器还是机械操作的。
第一代电子控制喷射柴油机 发电机组的应用:电子调速器
• 没有外部的高压燃油 管路 • 可以精确的控制合适 的喷油正时和供油持 续时间 • 最高喷油压力可达 2070 Bar (30,000 psi)

单体缸盖 四气门

耐高温、高压 耐油 防水 气缸体与气缸盖之间 的隔板层:两者之间 有一块铝合金隔板层, 保护缸体、缸盖、曲 轴损坏。

精良的设计制造 出色的工艺 轴颈热处理层厚 度达到0.127mm 硬度Rc40以上

液压曲轴油封 特殊的唇部设计 耐油性能
发动机电子控制模块 E.C.M.
液压 – 机械式调速器
Cat 3500 MEUI
Cat 3500 MUI
Fuel Pressure
EUI Engine Speed
HEUI 喷油系统

压缩燃油的压力由液压系统 提供 没有外部的高压油管 准确的喷油正时及喷油持续 时间的控制 喷射压力可高达23,500 psi 喷油压力几乎不受发动机转 速的影响
NOx 的降低
0.7 颗粒 - g/kW-hr 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 NOx - g/kW-hr 8 9



ENGINE SPEED (rpm):1500RATING STRATEGY:HIGH RESPONSE COMPRESSION RATIO:12.1:1APPLICATION:GENSET AFTERCOOLER TYPE:SCAC RATING LEVEL:CONTINUOUS AFTERCOOLER - STAGE 2 INLET (°C):48FUEL:NAT GAS AFTERCOOLER - STAGE 1 INLET (°C):89FUEL SYSTEM:CAT LOW PRESSURE JACKET WATER OUTLET (°C):99WITH AIR FUEL RATIO CONTROL ASPIRATION:TA FUEL PRESSURE RANGE(kPag):14-35 COOLING SYSTEM:JW+OC+1AC, 2AC FUEL METHANE NUMBER:85 CONTROL SYSTEM:ADEM4 W/ IM FUEL LHV (MJ/Nm3):35.64 EXHAUST MANIFOLD:DRY ALTITUDE CAPABILITY AT 25°C INLET AIR TEMP. (m):1100 COMBUSTION:LOW EMISSION POWER FACTOR:0.8 NOx EMISSION LEVEL (mg/Nm3 NOx):250VOLTAGE(V):6600-11000 RATING NOTES LOAD100%75%50%GENSET POWER(WITHOUT FAN)(1)(2)ekW250018751250GENSET POWER(WITHOUT FAN)(1)(2)kVA312523441563ENGINE POWER(WITHOUT FAN)(2)bkW258619431305GENERATOR EFFICIENCY(1)%96.796.595.8GENSET EFFICIENCY(@ 1.0 Power Factor)(ISO 3046/1)(3)(4)%43.742.840.7THERMAL EFFICIENCY(3)(5)%41.543.146.0TOTAL EFFICIENCY (@ 1.0 Power Factor)(3)(6)%85.285.986.7 ENGINE DATAGENSET FUEL CONSUMPTION(ISO 3046/1)(7)MJ/ekW-hr8.308.478.89GENSET FUEL CONSUMPTION(NOMINAL)(7)MJ/ekW-hr8.598.769.20ENGINE FUEL CONSUMPTION(NOMINAL)(7)MJ/bkW-hr8.308.458.81AIR FLOW (0°C, 101.3 kPa)(WET)(8)Nm3/bkW-hr 4.00 3.95 3.93AIR FLOW(WET)(8)kg/bkW-hr 5.17 5.10 5.08FUEL FLOW (0ºC, 101.3 kPa)Nm3/hr602461323COMPRESSOR OUT PRESSURE kPa(abs)499379263COMPRESSOR OUT TEMPERATURE°C246201148AFTERCOOLER AIR OUT TEMPERATURE°C545149INLET MAN. PRESSURE(9)kPa(abs)478357243INLET MAN. TEMPERATURE(MEASURED IN PLENUM)(10)°C545149TIMING(11)°BTDC222016EXHAUST TEMPERATURE - ENGINE OUTLET(12)°C390425484EXHAUST GAS FLOW (0 °C, 101.3 kPa)(WET)(13)Nm3/bkW-hr 4.24 4.19 4.18EXHAUST GAS MASS FLOW(WET)(13)kg/bkW-hr 5.35 5.28 5.27MAX INLET RESTRICTION(14)kPa 3.60 2.51 1.81MAX EXHAUST RESTRICTION(14)kPa 5.00 2.81 1.33 EMISSIONS DATA - ENGINE OUTNOx (as NO2)(corr. to 5% O2)(15)(16)mg/Nm3 DRY250250250CO(corr. to 5% O2)(15)(17)mg/Nm3 DRY963877761THC (mol. wt. of 15.84)(corr. to 5% O2)(15)(17)mg/Nm3 DRY164315681350NMHC (mol. wt. of 15.84)(corr. to 5% O2)(15)(17)mg/Nm3 DRY246235202NMNEHC (VOCs) (mol. wt. of 15.84)(corr. to 5% O2)(15)(17)(18)mg/Nm3 DRY197188162HCHO (Formaldehyde)(corr. to 5% O2)(15)(17)mg/Nm3 DRY133126117CO2(corr. to 5% O2)(15)(17)g/Nm3 DRY211212213EXHAUST OXYGEN(15)(19)% DRY9.99.69.1LAMBDA(15)(19) 1.81 1.75 1.67 ENERGY BALANCE DATALHV INPUT(20)kW596445633195HEAT REJECTION TO JACKET WATER (JW)(21)(28)kW644554453HEAT REJECTION TO ATMOSPHERE(22)kW937862HEAT REJECTION TO LUBE OIL (OC)(23)(28)kW188168144HEAT REJECTION TO EXHAUST (LHV TO 25°C)(24)(25)kW163213321016HEAT REJECTION TO EXHAUST (LHV TO 120°C)(24)kW1131962774HEAT REJECTION TO A/C - STAGE 1 (1AC)(26)(28)kW47725991HEAT REJECTION TO A/C - STAGE 2 (2AC)(27)(29)kW345229124 CONDITIONS AND DEFINITIONSEngine rating obtained and presented in accordance with ISO 3046/1. (Standard reference conditions of 25°C, 100 kPa barometric pressure.) No overload permitted at rating shown. Consult the altitude deration factor chart for applications that exceed the rated altitude or temperature.Emission levels are at engine exhaust flange prior to any after treatment. Values are based on engine operating at steady state conditions, adjusted to the specified NOx level at 100% load and corrected to 5 % exhaust oxygen. Tolerances specified are dependent upon fuel quality. Fuel methane number cannot vary more than ± 3.For notes information consult page three.FUEL USAGE GUIDECAT METHANE NUMBER<505060707585100 SET POINT TIMING-161616162222 DERATION FACTOR00.650.800.90111 ALTITUDE DERATION FACTORS AT RATED SPEEDINLET AIR TEMP °C 50No Rating No Rating No Rating No Rating No Rating No Rating No Rating No Rating No Rating No Rating No Rating No Rating No Rating 450.75No Rating No Rating No Rating No Rating No Rating No Rating No Rating No Rating No Rating No Rating No Rating No Rating 40110.970.940.910.880.850.810.780.750.710.680.64 3511110.970.940.900.870.830.800.760.720.68 30111110.980.950.920.890.860.830.790.76 25111110.980.950.930.900.870.840.810.78 20111110.980.950.930.900.870.840.810.78 15111110.980.950.930.900.870.840.810.78 10111110.980.950.930.900.870.840.810.78 0250500750100012501500175020002250250027503000ALTITUDE (METERS ABOVE SEA LEVEL)AFTERCOOLER HEAT REJECTION FACTORS(ACHRF)INLET AIR TEMP °C 50No Rating No Rating No Rating No Rating No Rating No Rating No Rating No Rating No Rating No Rating No Rating No Rating No Rating 45 1.16No Rating No Rating No Rating No Rating No Rating No Rating No Rating No Rating No Rating No Rating No Rating No Rating 40 1.12 1.15 1.17 1.20 1.23 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 35 1.07 1.10 1.13 1.16 1.19 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 30 1.03 1.06 1.08 1.11 1.14 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 251 1.01 1.04 1.07 1.09 1.11 1.11 1.11 1.11 1.11 1.11 1.11 1.11 20111 1.02 1.05 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1511111 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 101111111111111 0250500750100012501500175020002250250027503000ALTITUDE (METERS ABOVE SEA LEVEL)FUEL USAGE GUIDE:This table shows the derate factor and full load set point timing required for a given fuel. Note that deration and set point timing reduction may be required as the methane number decreases. Methane number is a scale to measure detonation characteristics of various fuels. The methane number of a fuel is determined by using the Caterpillar methane number calculation program.ALTITUDE DERATION FACTORS:This table shows the deration required for various air inlet temperatures and altitudes. Use this information along with the fuel usage guide chart to help determine actual engine power for your site.ACTUAL ENGINE RATING:To determine the actual rating of the engine at site conditions, one must consider separately, limitations due to fuel characteristics and air system limitations. The Fuel Usage Guide deration establishes fuel limitations. The Altitude/Temperature deration factors and RPC (reference the Caterpillar Methane Program) establish air system limitations. RPC comes into play when the Altitude/Temperature deration is less than 1.0 (100%). Under this condition, add the two factors together. When the site conditions do not require an Altitude/ Temperature derate (factor is 1.0), it is assumed the turbocharger has sufficient capability to overcome the low fuel relative power, and RPC is ignored. To determine the actual power available, take the lowest rating between 1) and 2).1) Fuel Usage Guide Deration2) 1-((1-Altitude/Temperature Deration) + (1-RPC))AFTERCOOLER HEAT REJECTION FACTORS(ACHRF):To maintain a constant air inlet manifold temperature, as the inlet air temperature goes up, so must the heat rejection. As altitude increases, the turbocharger must work harder to overcome the lower atmospheric pressure. This increases the amount of heat that must be removed from the inlet air by the aftercooler. Use the aftercooler heat rejection factor (ACHRF) to adjust for inlet air temp and altitude conditions. See notes 28 and 29 for application of this factor in calculating the heat exchanger sizing criteria. Failure to properly account for these factors could result in detonation and cause the engine to shutdown or fail.INLET AND EXHAUST RESTRICTIONS FOR ALTITUDE CAPABILITY:The altitude derate chart is based on the maximum inlet and exhaust restrictions provided on page 1. Contact factory for restrictions over the specified values. Heavy Derates for higher restrictions will apply.NOTES:1. Generator efficiencies, power factor, and voltage are based on standard generator. [Genset Power (ekW) is calculated as: Engine Power (bkW) x Generator Efficiency], [Genset Power (kVA) is calculated as: Engine Power (bkW) x Generator Efficiency / Power Factor]2. Rating is without engine driven water pumps. Tolerance is (+)3, (-)0% of full load.3. Efficiency represents a Closed Crankcase Ventilation (CCV) system installed on the engine.4. ISO 3046/1 Genset efficiency tolerance is (+)0, (-)5% of full load % efficiency value based on a 1.0 power factor.5. Thermal Efficiency is calculated based on energy recovery from the jacket water, lube oil, 1st stage aftercooler, and exhaust to 120ºC with engine operation at ISO 3046/1 Genset Efficiency, and assumes unburned fuel is converted in an oxidation catalyst.6. Total efficiency is calculated as: Genset Efficiency + Thermal Efficiency. Tolerance is ±10% of full load data.7. ISO 3046/1 Genset fuel consumption tolerance is (+)5, (-)0% of full load data. Nominal genset and engine fuel consumption tolerance is ± 1.5% of full load data.8. Air flow value is on a 'wet' basis. Flow is a nominal value with a tolerance of ± 5 %.9. Inlet manifold pressure is a nominal value with a tolerance of ± 5 %.10. Inlet manifold temperature is a nominal value with a tolerance of ± 5°C.11. Timing indicated is for use with the minimum fuel methane number specified. Consult the appropriate fuel usage guide for timing at other methane numbers.12. Exhaust temperature is a nominal value with a tolerance of (+)35°C, (-)30°C.13. Exhaust flow value is on a 'wet' basis. Flow is a nominal value with a tolerance of ± 6 %.14. Inlet and Exhaust Restrictions are maximum allowed values at the corresponding loads. Increasing restrictions beyond what is specified will result in a significant engine derate.15. Emissions data is at engine exhaust flange prior to any after treatment.16. NOx tolerances are ± 18% of specified value.17. CO, CO2, THC, NMHC, NMNEHC, and HCHO values are "Not to Exceed" levels. THC, NMHC, and NMNEHC do not include aldehydes. An oxidation catalyst may be required to meet Federal, State or local CO or HC requirements.18. VOCs - Volatile organic compounds as defined in US EPA 40 CFR 60, subpart JJJJ19. Exhaust Oxygen tolerance is ± 0.5; Lambda tolerance is ± 0.05. Lambda and Exhaust Oxygen level are the result of adjusting the engine to operate at the specified NOx level.20. LHV rate tolerance is ± 1.5%.21. Heat rejection to jacket water value displayed includes heat to jacket water alone. Value is based on treated water. Tolerance is ± 10% of full load data.22. Heat rejection to atmosphere based on treated water. Tolerance is ± 50% of full load data.23. Lube oil heat rate based on treated water. Tolerance is ± 20% of full load data.24. Exhaust heat rate based on treated water. Tolerance is ± 10% of full load data.25. Heat rejection to exhaust (LHV to 25°C) value shown includes unburned fuel and is not intended to be used for sizing or recovery calculations.26. Heat rejection to A/C - Stage 1 based on treated water. Tolerance is ±5% of full load data.27. Heat rejection to A/C - Stage 2 based on treated water. Tolerance is ±5% of full load data.28. Total Jacket Water Circuit heat rejection is calculated as: (JW x 1.1) + (OC x 1.2) + (1AC x 1.05) + [0.71 x (1AC + 2AC) x (ACHRF - 1) x 1.05]. Heat exchanger sizing criterion is maximum circuit heat rejection at site conditions, with applied tolerances. A cooling system safety factor may be multiplied by the total circuit heat rejection to provide additional margin. 29. Total Second Stage Aftercooler Circuit heat rejection is calculated as: (2AC x 1.05) + [(1AC + 2AC) x 0.29 x (ACHRF - 1) x 1.05]. Heat exchanger sizing criterion is maximumcircuit heat rejection at site conditions, with applied tolerances. A cooling system safety factor may be multiplied by the total circuit heat rejection to provide additional margin.FREE FIELD MECHANICAL & EXHAUST NOISE MECHANICAL: Sound Power (1/3 Octave Frequencies)Gen Power Without Fan PercentLoadEnginePower Overall100 Hz125 Hz160 Hz200 Hz250 Hz315 Hz400 Hz500 Hz630 Hz800 HzekW%bkW dB(A)dB(A)dB(A)dB(A)dB(A)dB(A)dB(A)dB(A)dB(A)dB(A)dB(A) 25001002586121.984.996.496.198.4100.7106.8105.2105.9106.3107.5 1875751943119.184.194.894.796.397.6105.0103.1104.2104.3106.1 1250501305116.781.291.792.294.396.6103.2100.9102.6103.4107.0 MECHANICAL: Sound Power (1/3 Octave Frequencies)Gen Power Without Fan PercentLoadEnginePower 1 kHz 1.25 kHz 1.6 kHz 2 kHz 2.5 kHz 3.15 kHz 4 kHz 5 kHz 6.3 kHz8 kHz10 kHzekW%bkW dB(A)dB(A)dB(A)dB(A)dB(A)dB(A)dB(A)dB(A)dB(A)dB(A)dB(A) 25001002586105.3107.8108.0106.6106.9105.9105.4112.9117.9111.7105.6 1875751943103.7106.5106.9105.2105.8105.9106.5114.5104.7107.7100.9 1250501305102.5105.5106.3104.3105.0105.1108.7104.4101.6103.994.4 EXHAUST: Sound Power (1/3 Octave Frequencies)Gen Power Without Fan PercentLoadEnginePower Overall100 Hz125 Hz160 Hz200 Hz250 Hz315 Hz400 Hz500 Hz630 Hz800 HzekW%bkW dB(A)dB(A)dB(A)dB(A)dB(A)dB(A)dB(A)dB(A)dB(A)dB(A)dB(A) 25001002586129.392.5104.2113.3114.1108.4111.3117.7115.4118.0116.3 1875751943126.290.2108.0113.5113.1103.4105.5110.3110.1110.4109.0 1250501305123.287.8105.5114.5112.699.1101.4104.5102.6101.6102.9 EXHAUST: Sound Power (1/3 Octave Frequencies)Gen Power Without Fan PercentLoadEnginePower 1 kHz 1.25 kHz 1.6 kHz 2 kHz 2.5 kHz 3.15 kHz 4 kHz 5 kHz 6.3 kHz8 kHz10 kHzekW%bkW dB(A)dB(A)dB(A)dB(A)dB(A)dB(A)dB(A)dB(A)dB(A)dB(A)dB(A) 25001002586116.6116.7116.6117.2118.2118.8116.9117.2119.2116.6113.5 1875751943109.7110.1113.7115.6116.3116.4116.2116.1116.2112.8111.9 1250501305103.5104.4109.9112.4114.1113.7112.7112.3111.5110.6109.6 SOUND PARAMETER DEFINITION:Sound Power Level Data - DM8702-02Sound power is defined as the total sound energy emanating from a source irrespective of direction or distance. Sound power level data is presented under two index headings: Sound power level -- MechanicalSound power level -- ExhaustMechanical: Sound power level data is calculated in accordance with ISO 6798. The data is recorded with the exhaust sound source isolated.Exhaust: Sound power level data is calculated in accordance with ISO 6798 Annex A. Exhaust data is post-catalyst on gas engine ratings labeled as "Integrated Catalyst". Measurements made in accordance with ISO 6798 for engine and exhaust sound level only. No cooling system noise is included unless specifically indicated. Sound level data is indicative of noise levels recorded on one engine sample in a survey grade 3 environment.How an engine is packaged, installed and the site acoustical environment will affect the site specific sound levels. For site specific sound level guarantees, sound data collection needs to be done on-site or under similar conditions.。



三元催化英语Three-Way Catalytic ConvertersThe automotive industry has been at the forefront of technological advancements, constantly striving to improve the efficiency and environmental impact of vehicles. One such innovation that has played a significant role in reducing vehicle emissions is the three-way catalytic converter. This remarkable device has become an essential component in modern automotive systems, contributing to cleaner air and a healthier environment.The three-way catalytic converter is a crucial piece of equipment that is installed in the exhaust system of most gasoline-powered vehicles. Its primary function is to convert the harmful pollutants produced by the engine combustion process into less harmful substances. These pollutants include carbon monoxide (CO), hydrocarbons (HC), and nitrogen oxides (NOx). The three-way catalytic converter is designed to simultaneously reduce the concentrations of these three major air pollutants, hence the name "three-way."The catalyst used in these converters is typically made of a precious metal such as platinum, palladium, or rhodium. These metals arehighly reactive and provide the necessary surface area for the chemical reactions to take place. The catalyst is coated onto a ceramic substrate, which is then placed inside a metal casing that is installed in the vehicle's exhaust system.The chemical reactions that occur within the three-way catalytic converter are complex but highly efficient. The process begins as the exhaust gases from the engine enter the converter. The high temperature of the exhaust gases, which can reach up to 800°C (1,472°F), activates the catalyst and initiates the chemical reactions.The first step in the process is the reduction of nitrogen oxides (NOx). This involves the conversion of nitrogen oxides into nitrogen (N2) and oxygen (O2) molecules. The catalyst facilitates this reaction by breaking the strong bonds between the nitrogen and oxygen atoms, allowing them to recombine into less harmful substances.The second step is the oxidation of carbon monoxide (CO) into carbon dioxide (CO2). This reaction takes place as the carbon monoxide molecules come into contact with the catalyst, where they are converted into carbon dioxide, a less harmful gas.The final step is the oxidation of hydrocarbons (HC) into carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O). The catalyst helps to break down the complex hydrocarbon molecules, converting them into simpler andless harmful substances.The key to the efficiency of the three-way catalytic converter is the precise control of the air-to-fuel ratio in the engine. This ratio must be maintained within a narrow range, typically around 14.7 parts of air to 1 part of fuel (known as the stoichiometric ratio). When the air-to-fuel ratio is within this range, the three-way catalytic converter can effectively convert the pollutants into less harmful substances.To achieve this precise control, modern vehicles are equipped with sophisticated engine management systems that constantly monitor and adjust the air-to-fuel ratio. These systems use sensors to detect the composition of the exhaust gases and make the necessary adjustments to the fuel injection system to maintain the optimal air-to-fuel ratio.The introduction of the three-way catalytic converter has had a significant impact on reducing vehicle emissions. Before the widespread use of this technology, vehicles were major contributors to air pollution, particularly in urban areas. The implementation of catalytic converters has led to a dramatic reduction in the levels of harmful pollutants emitted by vehicles, significantly improving air quality and public health.In addition to the environmental benefits, the three-way catalyticconverter has also contributed to improvements in fuel efficiency. By reducing the amount of unburned fuel and harmful emissions, the engine can operate more efficiently, leading to better fuel economy and reduced fuel consumption.However, the three-way catalytic converter is not without its challenges. The precious metals used in the catalyst are relatively rare and expensive, which can increase the cost of vehicle production. Additionally, the catalyst can become less effective over time due to poisoning by certain substances, such as lead and sulfur, which can accumulate on the catalyst surface and impede its performance.To address these challenges, researchers and engineers have been working on developing new materials and designs for catalytic converters. This includes exploring the use of alternative metals, such as cerium and lanthanum, as well as exploring ways to improve the durability and longevity of the catalyst.In conclusion, the three-way catalytic converter has been a game-changer in the automotive industry, playing a crucial role in reducing vehicle emissions and improving air quality. Its ability to simultaneously convert the three major air pollutants into less harmful substances has made it an essential component in modern vehicles. As the automotive industry continues to evolve, the three-way catalytic converter will undoubtedly remain a key technology in the pursuit of cleaner and more sustainable transportation.。



丰田高原进气补偿原理The Toyota highlander intake compensation principle is an important aspect of how the vehicle's engine functions. 进气补偿原理是丰田高原引擎功能的重要组成部分。

It plays a crucial role in ensuring the engine performs optimally in varying driving conditions. 它在确保引擎在不同的驾驶条件下能够最佳地运行方面发挥着至关重要的作用。

The intake compensation system is designed to adjust the flow of air and fuel into the engine to maintain an ideal air-fuel ratio. 进气补偿系统旨在调整空气和燃料进入引擎的流量,以保持理想的空燃比。

This helps to improve fuel efficiency, reduce emissions, and enhance overall engine performance. 这有助于提高燃油效率,减少排放,并增强整体引擎性能。

Understanding the principles behind this system can provide insight into how modern vehicles are designed to operate efficiently and responsibly. 了解这一系统背后的原理可以深入了解现代汽车如何被设计成能够高效和负责地运行。

The intake compensation principle is based on the concept of constant volume combustion. 进气补偿原理基于恒定体积燃烧的概念。

CAT3500HD 3 8英寸重型空气扳手说明书

CAT3500HD 3 8英寸重型空气扳手说明书
• Always wear im­pact-res­ is­tant eye and face pro­tec­tion when op­er­ati­ng or per­form­ing main­ten­ ance on this tool. Al­ways wear hear­ing pro­tec­tion when us­ing this tool.
• High sound levels can case hear­ing pro­tect­ion as reco­ m­mend­ed by your em­ploy­er or OSHA reg­u­la­tion.
• Keep the tool in ef­fi­cient op­era­ t­ing con­di­tion.
and other masonry products, and • arsenic and chromium from
chemically-treated lumber. Your risk from these exposures varies, depending on how often you do this type of work. To reduce your exposure to these chemicals: work in a well ventilated area, and work with approved safety equipment, such as those dust masks that are specially designed to filter out microscopic particles.
• Al­ways op­er­ate, in­spect and main­tain this tool in ac­cor­dance with Amer­ic­ an Na­tion­al Stan­dards In­stit­ute Safe­ty Code of Por­ta­ble Air Tools (ANSI B186.1) and any oth­er ap­pli­cab­ le safet­y codes and reg­u­la­tions.



汽车维修方面常用英语名词A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, ZAbbreviation 省略;略语Abnormal combustion 异常燃烧Abnormal knocking 异响Abnormal motion 异常运动Abrasion 磨蚀,磨损,研磨Abrasion resistance 耐磨性、抗磨性Abrasion resisting properties 耐磨性Abrasion test 磨损试验Abrasive 磨料Abrasive cloth 砂布Abrasive paper 砂纸Abrasive powder 研磨粉Abrasive resistance 耐磨性Abrasive stick 油石、磨条Abrasive stone 油石Abrasive wear 磨损,磨蚀Abrasive wheel 磨轮,砂轮Abrator 抛丸清理机Abscissa 横坐标Absolute altitude 绝对高度Absolute humidity 绝对湿度Absolute motion 绝对运动Absolute pressure 绝对压力Absolute temperature 绝对温度Absolute unit 绝对单位Absolute value 绝对值Absolute velocity 绝对速度Absorb 吸收Absorbed power 吸收功率Absorbed torque (测功器)吸收扭矩Absorption 吸收Accel 加速器;加速踏板;催化剂Accelerated ageing 加速老化Accelerated life test 加速寿命试验Accelerated load test 加速负荷试验Accelerating ability 加速能力Accelerating jet 加速喷嘴Accelerating pump加速泵Accelerating resistance 加速阻力Accelerating winding加速线圈Acceleration 加速度Acceleration lane 加速车行道Acceleration limiter 加速限制器Acceleration meter加速度计Acceleration of vibration 振动加速度Acceleration performance 加速性Acceleration pickup加速度传感器Acceleration spectrum 加速度谱Acceleration vector of center of mass质心加速度矢量Accelerator (美)油门(踏板)Accelerator jet 加速喷嘴(量孔)Accelerator nozzle 加速喷嘴Accelerator pedal 加速踏板Accelerator pump加速泵Accelerator vacuum switch加速踏板真空开关Accel pedal 加速踏板,油门踏板Acceptance验收Acceptance test 验收试验Accessibility 可接近性Accessories附件Accessory device 附属装置Accident 意外,事故Accommodation 适应;调节作用;居住设备Accordion 可折叠的;折叠屏风Accordion coil 折形线圈Accordion door 折叠门Accordion partition 折叠隔板Accumulation wear average 累计平均磨耗Accumulator 蓄能器,蓄电池Accuracy 精度Accuracy class 精度等级Accuracy control 精确控制Accuracy of manufacture 制造精度Accuracy of measurement 测量精度Accuracy of positioning 定位精度Accuracy of reading 读数精度Accuracy of repetition 复制精度;重复精度Accuracy of thread 螺纹精度Aceton 丙酮Acetylene 乙炔AC generator 交流发电机Acid 酸Acid-proof alloy 耐酸合金Acid-proof pipe 耐酸管Acid tanker 酸罐车Acid vapour 酸罐汽Acme thread 梯形螺纹,爱克姆螺纹Acoustic absorption 吸音Acoustic insulation 隔音Acoustic panel 吸声板Acoustimeter 声级计,噪声计Acquisition 探测;搜索Acquisition of signal 信号采集Acre 英亩Acryl 丙烯酸树脂Active braking distance 有效制动距离Active braking time 有效制动时间Active suspension 主动悬架[挂]Actuating arm 驱动臂Actuating cam 致动凸轮Actuating line 促动管路Actuating motor 伺服电动机Actuating time 促动时间Actuator 执行机构,操作机构Actuator track 滑轨Adapter 接头;适配器Adapter plate 安装板,固定板Adapter ring 接合环Adapter sleeve 紧固套,连接套Addendum 齿顶高,齿顶Addendum circle 齿顶圆Addendum face 齿顶面Additional seat 附加座椅Additional temperature error 温度附加误差Additional wheel drive control 附加驱动车轮的操纵件Adhesion 附着;附着力;Adhesion coefficient 附着系数Adhesive 黏合剂Adiabatic 绝热的Adiabatic compression 绝热压缩Adjust 调整,调节,校正Adjustable 可调节的Adjustable brush 可调电刷Adjustable fork spanner 可调叉形扳手Adjustable pedal 可调踏板Adjustable reamer 可调铰刀Adjustable seat 可调节的座椅Adjustable shutter 可调百叶窗Adjustable spanner 活动扳手Adjustable stop screw 活动止动螺钉Adjustable wheel 可调式车轮Adjustable wrench 可调扳手,活扳手Adjusting 调整用的Adjusting cam 调整凸轮Adjusting hand wheel 调整手轮Adjusting lever 调整杆Adjusting nut 调整螺母Adjusting shim 调整垫片Adjusting spring 调整弹簧Adjusting washer 调整垫圈Adjustment 调整,调节Admission cam 进气凸轮Admission cam shaft 进气凸轮轴Admittance 导纳;加工余量;通道Advanced ignition 提前点火Advancer (点火)提前装置Advertising car 广告汽车Aerial 天线Aerial pollution 大气污染Aerodynamic angle of attack 气动迎角Aerodynamic body 流线形车身Aerodynamic drag 空气动力阻力Aerodynamic force 气动力Aerodynamic retarder 空气动力缓速装置[器] Aerodynamics 空气动力学Aero-stabilizer 气动力稳定装置Affinity 亲和力,亲和性After-burning 补燃,后燃,复燃After fire 消音器内爆炸;(点火开关切断后)自燃现象After-running 发动机惯性运转Age 年龄;老化;使用期限Age hardening 时效硬化Age resister 老化防止剂Aging 老化;时效Aiming of headlamp 前照灯对准Air bag (撞车保护用)气袋Air bleeding 放气Air bleed screw 放气螺钉Air bleed valve 空气溢流阀Air booster 气压助力器Air brake 空压制动Air brake actuator 气压制动执行器Air brake antifreeze tank 气压制动防冻液罐Air brake chamber 气压制动室Air brake equalizer 气压制动补偿器Air brake governor 气压制动调节器Air brake hose dummy coupling气压制动软件管(未连接时的)堵头Air brake reservoir pressure indicator 贮气简压力表Air brake valve 气制动阀Air braking system 气制动系Air bypass 空气旁路Air car 气垫汽车Air chamber type combustion chamber 空气室式燃烧室Air check valve (空气)单向阀Air choke 阻风门Air cleaner 空气滤清器Air cleaner bracket 空气滤清器支架Air cleaner cartridge 空气滤清器滤芯Air cleaner casing 空气滤清器外壳Air compression ga(u)ge 空气压力表Air compressor 空气压缩机Air conditioner 空调装置Air conditioning 空气调节Air conditioning control 空调装置操纵件Air cooler 空气冷却器Air cooling engine 风冷式发动机Aircraft shunt bus 机场联运客车Aircraft tire 航空轮胎Air damper 空气缓冲器Air dam skirt 气堰裙板,前阻风板Air deflector 导流板Air dryer 空气干燥器Air duct 通气道Air exhaust filter 排气滤清器Air feed pipe 送气管Air filter 空气滤清器Air filter tell-tale 空气滤清器警报灯Air flow meter 空气流量计Air fuel ratio 空气燃料比Air ga(u)ge 气压表Air gate 气流调节门Air governor 空气调速器Air gun 空气喷枪Air hammer 空气锤Air horn 气喇叭Air hose 空气软管Air injection 空气喷射Air inlet 进气口Air inlet port 进气孔Air insulation 空气绝缘Air intake 进气,吸气Air intake filter 进气滤清器Air leak 漏气Airless injection 无气喷射Air line lubricator 气压供油中央润滑系统Air lock 气阻,气障Air nozzle 喷气嘴Air outlet 出气口Air over hydraulic booster 气顶油助力器Air pipe 通气管Air pollution 大气污染Air pressure 气压Air pressure relay valve 气压继动阀Air quench hardening glass 风冷钢化玻璃Air regulating valve 空气调节阀Air relief cock 放气旋塞,放气开关Air required for combustion 燃烧必要空气量Air resistance 空气阻力Air speed governor 空气式调速器Air spoiler 空气阻流板Air sprayer 空气喷雾器Air spring 空气弹簧Air storage reservoir 储气罐Air strangler 阻风门Air strangler spindle 阻风门轴Air suction pipe 进气管,吸气管Air suspension 空气悬架[挂]Air tank 储气罐Air throttle valve 空气节气门Air-tight 气密的Air-tight chamber 气密室Air-tightness 气密性Air tube (轮胎)内胎Air valve 气阀,气门Air vent 通气孔Air wiper 压缩空气式刮水器Aisle 通道Alarm device 报警装置Alarm pressure 报警压力Alcohol 酒精Alcohol-blended fuel 掺酒精的燃料Align 调整,校直,定中心Aligner 定位器,校直器,调整器;前轮定位仪Aligning(torque) stiffness 回正(力矩)刚度Aligning (torque) stiffness coefficient 回正(力矩)刚度系数Aligning torque 回正力矩Aligning torque coefficient 回正力矩系数Alignment 定位,对中心Alignment check 定位检查Alkali 碱性,强碱Alkali degreater 碱脱油剂Alkali detergent 碱去垢剂Alkohol 乙醇,酒精All dog clutch transmission 全齿套变速器Allen wrench 内六角扳手Alligator bonnet 鳄口形发动机罩Alligator shears 鳄式剪床Allowable cargo load 容许载货量Allowable deflection 容许挠度[变位]Allowable dimension variation 允许尺寸偏差All-purpose adhesive 万能胶All-sponge rubber upholstery 全海绵橡胶汽车内饰All-steel body 全钢车身All synchromesh transmission 全同步器式变速器All-weather body 全天候车身All wheel drive 全轮驱动Alternating current 交流Alternator 交流发电机Altimeter 测高仪Altitude compensating 海拔补偿Altitude control device (化油器)适应高度控制油量的装置Aluminium alloy 铝合金Aluminium soap grease 铝基润滑脂Amber light 琥珀色灯光Ammeter 电流表,安培表Ammonia gas 氨(气)Ampere 安(培)Amplitude 振幅,幅度Anchor 支承销Anchor plate 支承板,支承块Angle bar 角铁Angle ga(u)ge 量角器,角度计Angle iron 角铁Angle of advance 提前角Angle of cone 锥角Angle of delay 滞后角Angle of friction 磨擦角Angle of lead 超前角Angle of lock 锁角Angle of repose 静止角Angle of retarded closing 延迟关闭角Angle of roll 侧倾角Angle of steering lock 最大转向角Angle of twist 扭转角Angular acceleration 角加速度Angular clearance 拔模斜度Angularity of connecting rod 连杆倾斜角Angular moment 转矩Angular momentum 角动量Angular wheel 圆锥齿轮Animal oil 动物油Anneal 退火Annealing 退火(作用)Annual average daily traffic 年平均日交通量Annual survey 年度检验Annular seat 环形座Annular spring 环形弹簧Annulus (行星齿轮系的)内齿环Ante-chamber 预燃室Antenna 天线Antibacklash spring 消隙弹簧Anti-blocking brake 防抱死制动器Anticorrosion 抗蚀性Anticorrosive oil 防锈油Antidazzle screen 遮阳板Antidazzle switch 变光开关Antidetonant 抗爆剂Anti-freezer 防冻器;防冻液Antifreezing solution 防冻液Antifriction alloy 耐磨合金Antifriction bearing 滚动轴承Antiknock gasoline 抗爆汽油Anti-knock nature 抗爆性Antiknock value 抗爆值Anti-lock brake sensor防抱死制动传感器Anti-lock brake system 防抱死制动系统Antioxidant 抗氧燃料Anti-rattle spring 防震弹簧Antiroll bar 防侧摆杆Antirust grease 防锈脂Antiscale agent 防垢剂Antiskid tread 防滑轮胎纹Antiskid tyre 防滑轮胎Anti-spatter compound 防溅剂Anti-squat 抗后坐Antiwear hydraulic oil搞磨液压油Aperture 孔,口,缝隙,孔径Apex 反射点;顶点,顶部;填充胶条Apex seal (转子)顶端密封垫片Appearance 外观,外形Appearance test 外观检验Application force 作用力Approach angle 接近角Apron 挡板;拖板箱Apron control 拖板控制Aquaplaning 水层效应;漂滑现象Aqueous ingredients 含水量Arbo(u)r 轴,心轴;芯骨Arbo(u)r press 手扳压床,矫正机Arc 电弧Arc welding 电弧焊Areometer 液体比重计Arm 臂Armature 电枢Armature changed type starter 电枢移动式起动机Armature core 电枢铁芯Armature reaction 电枢反应Armature shaft 电枢轴Armature spindle 电枢轴Armature terminal 电枢输出端接线柱Armature tester 电枢测试装置Armature winding 电枢绕组Arm of wheel 轮辐Armored motor car 装甲车Arm rest 肘靠Arm shaft 臂轴Arm support 肘靠Arm winker 臂式方向指示器Arrangement of camshaft 凸轮轴装置Articulated bus 铰接客车Articulated cross shaft 铰接式横轴Articulated jack 铰接式千斤顶Articulated joint 关节接合Articulated sixwheeler 铰接式六轮汽车Articulated utility carrier 铰接式通用载运车Articulation piece 铰接件Artificial gasoline 人造汽油Asbest(os) 石棉Asbestos-copper gasket 铜石棉衬垫Ash content 灰分,灰分量Ash tray 烟灰盘Aspect concrete pavement 沥青混凝土路面Asphalt distribution truck沥青洒布车Assembly 装配,总成Assembly belt 装配传送带Assembly conveyor 装配传送线Assembly drawing 装配图Assembly jig 装配夹具Assembly part 装配零件Assembly shop 装配车间Assist grip (副驾驶)扶手Asymmetrical beam 非对称光Asymmetric low beam headlamp 不对称近光束前照灯Asymptotic stability 渐近稳定性Atmospheric electricity 天电,大气电Atmospheric moisture 大气温度Atmospheric pressure compensating 气压补偿Atomising installation 喷雾装置Atomization 喷雾Atomizer 喷雾器Atomizer orifice 喷雾器喷嘴Atomizing chamber 雾化室Atomizing disc 雾化盘Attachment face 安装面Attendance 保养Audible warning (horn)control 音响警告(喇叭)操纵件Austenite 奥氏体Austenite steel 奥氏体钢Authorized maximum towed mass 允许最大拖挂质量Autobahn(德) 高速公路Autobicycle 摩托车,机器脚踏车Auto-body 汽车车身Autocorrelation 自相关Autocorrelation coefficient 自相关系数Autocorrelation function 自相关函数Autodrive 自动定速驾驶器Autolevelizer 自动水平调节器Autolift 举车器Automatic 自动的Automatic advance of ignition 自动提前点火Automatically advanced distributor 自动提前分电器Automatically timed magneto 自动正时磁电机Automatic antenna control 自动天线操纵杆Automatic braking system 自动制动系Automatic circuit breaker 自动断路器Automatic circulation 自动循环Automatic clutch 自动离合器Automatic control 自动操纵Automatic door closing device 自动关门装置Automatic door tell-tale 显示门未闭好的警报灯Automatic engine stop tell-tale 发动机自动停机警报灯Automatic gear change 自动换档Automatic gearbox indicator 变速器自动指示器Automatic jet control valve 自动喷孔控制阀Automatic level control 自动调平控制Automatic lubrication 自动润滑Automatic lubricator 自动润滑器Automatic mechanical transmission 自动换档机械式变速器Automatic mixture control 混合气浓度自动控制Automatic overdrive gear transmission 超越式自动变速器Automatic spark advancer 自动提前点火装置Automatic spark extinguisher 自动火花消除器Automatic starter 自动起动机Automatic steering 自动转向Automatic steering effect 自动转向(回位)效应Automatic switch 自动开关Automatic timing control 自动正时控制Automatic traffic control 自动交通管制Automatic transmission 自动变速器Automatic valve 自动阀门Automation 自动化Automobile 汽车Automobile fuel 汽车燃料Automobile styling 汽车造型Automotive body 汽车车身Automotive engineer 汽车工程师Automotive industry 汽车工业Automotive polish 汽车抛光剂Automotive trim 汽车内饰Automotive upholstery 汽车内饰件Autothermic piston 防热变形的活塞Auxiliary air valve 辅助空气阀Auxiliary box 分动箱Auxiliary brake 辅助制动器Auxiliary braking system 辅助制动系Auxiliary bulb 辅助灯泡Auxiliary combustion chamber 副燃烧室Auxiliary device 辅助装置Auxiliary exhaust 辅助排气,辅机排气Auxiliary field 辅助磁场Auxiliary filter 辅助过滤器Auxiliary frame 副车架Auxiliary fuel pump 副油泵Auxiliary headlamp 辅助前照灯Auxiliary transmission 副变速器Auxiliary valve 辅助阀Average cruising range 平均行驶范围Average speed 平均速度Awning 篷布,帐篷Awning pipe 篷杆Axial gas turbine 轴流式燃气轮机Axial pitch 轴向节距Axial thrust 轴向推力Axial water inlet 轴向进水口Axial whirl 轴向涡流Axis of rotation 旋转轴Axis pin 销轴Axis system 坐标系Axle 轴;车轴Axle bracket 轴架Axle distance 轴距Axle drive bevel pinion 主动锥齿轮Axle housing 桥壳Axle housing straightener 桥壳校直器Axle load 轴载荷Axle shaft 驱动轴,半轴Axle shaft gear 半轴齿轮,驱动轴齿轮Axle steer 轴转向Axle tube 半轴套管,轴管Axle wrench 轴盖扳手Baby car 微型小客车Baby truck 小型货车Back axle (汽车)后车轴Backbone frame 脊骨形底架Backbone tubular chassis 管状脊背底盘Backbone-type frame 中央梁式车架Backfire 回火,逆火Backfire check valve 防逆火单向阀Back gear 倒档Backing-off lathe 铲齿车床Backing-up lamp 倒车灯Back kick (发动机起动时)逆转Backlash 齿隙;侧向间隙Backlash adjusting screw 齿隙调节螺钉Backlash spring 消隙弹簧Back light 后窗玻璃Back mirror 后视镜Back noise 背景噪声Back panel 后围板Back plate (美) 制动底板;离合器盖Back pressure 背压,反压力Back pressure valve 背压阀Back rest 座椅靠背Back shaft 后轴Back scanner 后方障碍警报器Backspray 后溅Back squab 靠垫Back-up buzzer 倒车报警器Back-up light 倒车灯Back wall 后围Bad conductor 不良导体Bad land 崎岖地Baffle plate 隔板,导流板Baggage car 搬运车,行李车Bainite 贝氏体Bakelite 胶木;酚醛塑料Bakelite seal 胶木水封Baking 烤干Baking enamel 烘干瓷漆Balance 平衡Balance patch 平衡补片Balancer 平衡器;配重Balance shaft 平衡轴Balance weight 平衡重,平衡配量Balancing 平衡的Balancing machine 平衡机Balancing of mass 质量平衡Balancing patch 平衡片Balancing weight 平衡重Bald tire 花纹已磨光的轮胎Baling machine 包装机Ball and socket gear shifting 球座式换档装置Ball and trunion universal joint 球销式万向节Ballast resistor 附加电阻Ball bearing 球轴承Ball circuit screw 循环球螺杆Ball cup 球座Ball gear shift lever 环座式换档杆Ball cup 球座Ball gear shift lever 环座式换档杆Ball joint 球形接头Ball joint dust cover 球接头防尘套Ball knob for control lever 控制杆球头钮Ball-nut type steering gear 循环球式转向器Ballon tire 低压轮胎Ball pin 球头销Ball pivot 钢球支枢Ball race 球轴承座圈Ball retainer 轴承滚珠保持架Ball socket 球座,球窝Ball spline rzeppa universal joint 滚动花键球笼式万向节Ball stud 球头销Ball stud adjusting plug 球销调整旋塞Ball thrust bearing 推力球轴承Ball trunion 钢球支枢Ball valve 球(形)阀Ball yoke 球叉Band brake 带式制动器Band track 履带Band track chain (履带)防滑链Band type damper 板式阻尼器[减震器]Banisters 扶手Banjo (type) axle housing 整体式桥壳Bar 巴(压强单位);棒,条状物Bar iron 钢条,扁铁Barium carbonate 碳酸钡Barometer 气压计Barometric regulator 气压调节器Barrier 障碍物Base circle 基圆Bastard file 粗锉刀Batch manufacturing 批量生产Bath lubrication 油浴式润滑Bathtub type combustion chamber 浴缸式燃烧室Battery 蓄电池Battery box 蓄电池箱Battery car 电瓶车Battery cell 蓄电池单元Battery cell tester 蓄电池试验器Battery charger 充电机Battery charging condition indicator 蓄电池充电状况指示器Battery compartment 蓄电池箱Battery cover 蓄电池盖Battery cradle 蓄电池架Battery filling cap 蓄电池注液盖Battery ignition 蓄电池点火Battery plate 蓄电池极板Battery plug 电源接头Battery socket 电源插头Battery support 蓄电池托架Battery terminal 蓄电池接线柱Battery tray 蓄电池座盘Baulk ring 同步齿环Baume scale 波美比重计算尺Bayonet-coupled buld 卡口灯泡Bead 胎圈,胎缘Bead base 胎圈底部Bead core 胎圈芯Bead fit pressure 胎圈密合压力Bead heel 胎踵Beading machine 弯边路,卷边机Bead ring 钢丝圈Bead ring fracture 钢丝圈断裂Bead ring wrapper 钢丝圈缠绕布Bead roughness 胎圈凹凸不平Bead seat 胎圈座Bead toe 胎趾Bead width 胎圈宽度Bead wire core 胎缘钢丝芯Beam 梁,光束Beam adjusting disk plate 调光座盘Beam center 光束中心,亮区Beam of light (前照灯)光束Bearing 轴承Bearing bush 轴承套Bearing cap 轴承盖Bearing face 支承面Bearing friction 轴承摩擦Bearing lining machine 轴承浇铸机Bearing metal 轴承合金,轴瓦Bearing pressure 支承压力,轴承压力Bearing puller 轴承拆卸器Bearing retainer 轴承保持架Bearing spacer 轴承隔圈Bearing steel 轴承钢Bell crank 曲柄Bell frame 钟形架Bell housing 钟形外壳Bellows 风箱;波纹管Bellows thermostat 波纹管式节温器Bellows type pneumatic suspension 风箱式空气悬架Bellow type container 波纹管式容器Belt 皮带;(轮胎)带束层Belt conveyor 传送带Belt drive 皮带传动Belt drive fan 皮带驱动风扇Belt fastener 传动带接头Belt pulley 皮带轮Belt stretching device 传动带拉紧装置Belt tension 传动带张力Bench seat 长凳车座Bench test 台架试验Bending 弯曲Bending moment 弯矩Bending strength 抗弯强度Bending tester 弯曲试验机Bendix-type starter 惯性接合式起动机Bend of road 道路弯度Bend of spring 弹簧拱度Bent socket wrench 弯形套简扳手Bevel gear 锥齿轮Bevel gear lapping machine 锥齿轮研磨机Bevel gear wheel 大锥齿轮Bias 斜交,斜角Bias belted tire 带束斜交轮胎Bias fabric 斜经帘布Bias ratio 差速器锁止系数Bicycle 自行车Bicycle tire 自行车轮胎Big end (连杆)大头Big end bearing 大端轴承Bimetal 双金属,复合钢材Bimetal fuel ga(u)ge 双金属油量计Bimetallic oil pressure indicator 双金属式油压指示器Bimetallic oil pressure sensor 双金属式油压传感器Bimetal strip 双金属带Bimetal thermostat 双金属式节温器Binary alloy 二元合金Binary fuel 二元燃料Binding (车身)压条Binding end cap 压条封盖Binding screw 紧固螺钉Biotechnology 生物工艺学Bite 切削刀;腐蚀Bitone horn 双音喇叭Black nut 粗制螺母Blackout 防空灯火管制Black-out lamp 防空灯Black smoke 黑烟Blade 叶片Blade angles 叶片角Blade socket 片式插座Blade spacing 叶片间距Blade terminal 接线片;片式插头Bleeder 泄放器[阀,管];排放,放油[气]Bleeder cap 放气螺钉帽Bleeder connection 放泄接头Bleeder hose 放泄软管Bleeder tube 放气[油]管Bleeding 放气,抽气Bleed screw 排气螺塞Blind crack 细微裂纹Blind hole 不通孔,盲孔Blind rivet 盲孔铆钉Blinker 闪光信号灯Blinker bulh 闪光灯泡Blinker unit 闪光报警器Blister (内外轮胎内部)气泡Block ga(u)ge 块规Blow back (内燃机的)回爆Blow by (活塞环)漏气Blowby gas 漏气Blower 鼓风机Blow-fed engine 增压发动机Blowing torch 喷灯Blowoff cock 放泄旋塞Blowout 爆(胎)Blowout magneto 喷弧式磁电机Blowout of tire 轮胎爆破Blowtorch 喷灯;焊枪Blueprint 蓝图Blue smoke 蓝烟Bluff body 钝体(汽车造型)Blunt nose 钝头型(汽车造型)Boarding ladder 登车梯Body 身;车身Body accessories 车身附件Body-chassis frame construction 非承载式车身Body dent 车身凹坑Body frame 车身骨架Body insulation 车身隔热层Body lighting 车身照明Body panel 车身板件Body shell 车身本体Body side rack 车身侧架Body skeleton 车身骨架Body skirt 车身裙部Body stake 车身栅柱Body understructure 车身底架,车身底部构件Bodywork 车身制造Bogie unit 中后轴平衡悬挂Bolster 支承板;横梁;鞍座Bolster end cover 梁端盖板Bolster trailer 鞍座式挂车Bolster truck 鞍座式货车Bolster-type 鞍座式的Bolt 螺栓Bolt strap 螺柱连锁片Bond 粘接Bonded type lining 铸入式衬面Bond strap 搭铁线Bone 骨架Bonnet 发动机罩Bonnet prop 机罩支柱Bonnet side piece 发动机罩侧板Bonnet unlocking handle 发动机罩开锁把手Boost 增压Booster 增压器Booster pump增压泵Boot (汽车后部)行李箱;胎垫;皮套;防尘罩Borax 硼砂;四硼酸钠Bore 缸径;孔径Boring 钻孔,镗孔Boring machine 镗床;镗孔机Bottom dead center 下止点Bounce (簧上质量)跳动Bourdon tube pressure ga(u)ge 弹簧管式压力表Bowden cable 拉线Box body 箱式车身Box spanner 套简扳手Box truck 仓栅式货车Box-type frame 箱状车架Box wrench 套简扳手Brace 支柱;斜柱;支架;(货箱)定位拉条Bracket 支架;托架Braided wire 编织电线Brake 制动;制动器Brake action 制动作用Brake adjuster 制动调节器Brake and clutch reliner 制动器与离合器衬片拆换机Brake backing plate 制动器底板Brake band 制动带Brake band lining 制动带衬层Brake bleeding 制动器放气Brake booster 制动加力器Brake bottom plate 制动底板Brake cable 制动拉索Brake cable conduit 制动拉索管Brake caliper 制动钳Brake caliper plate yoke 制动钳板臂Brake cam 制动凸轮Brake camshaft 制动器凸轮轴Brake chamber 制动气室Blake chamber diaphragm 制动室膜片Brake chatter 制动颤振Brake clearance 制动间隙Brake compensating device 制动器均力装置Brake control 制动控制Brake control rod 制动控制杆Brake cross shaft 制动拉杆横轴Brake cylinder 制动缸Brake disc 制动盘Brake disc shield 制动盘护罩Brake distance 制动距离Brake drum 制动鼓Brake drum liner 制动鼓衬套Brake equalizer 制动器前后平衡装置Brake equalizer shaft 制动器平衡轴Brake fluid 制动液;刹车油Brake fluid reservoir 制动液贮存箱Brake flushing 制动器冲洗Brake force 制动力Brake gear 制动装置Brake hand control 手制动器控制杆Brake handle 制动手把Brake hop 制动跳跃,脱闸Brake horse power 制动马力Brake hose 制动软管Brake hysteresis 制动器滞后Brake judder 颤振Brake lamp 制动灯Brake lever 制动杆,制动手柄,制动踏板Brake lining制动摩擦片Brake lining glue 制动摩擦片粘胶Brake lining grinding machine 制动器衬片研磨机Brake linkage 制动拉杆系统Brake master cylinder 制动主缸Brake noise 制动噪声Brake oil 制动油Brake operating valve 制动器操纵阀Brake pad 制动衬块;摩擦块Brake pad back plate 制动衬块[摩擦块]背板Brake pedal 制动踏板Brake pipe 制动管Brake pull rod 制动拉杆Brake quadrant 制动扇形齿轮板Brake ragging 制动拉杆系统Brake relining machine 铆制动蹄片机Brake rod 制动杆Brake shoe 制动蹄Brake shoe abutment 制动蹄支承座Brake shoe actuating camshaft 制动蹄促动凸轮轴Brake shoe carrier 制动蹄片座Brake shoe clearance 制动蹄间隙Brake shoe grinder 制动蹄片磨削装置Brake shoe holddown kit 制动蹄安装成套工具Brake shoe lining 制动蹄摩擦片Brake shoe link 制动蹄导板Brake shoe return spring 制动蹄回位弹簧Brake specific emission (制动)比排放量Brake stop 制动停车Brake system application time 制动机构滞后时间Brake tension rod 制动拉杆Brake tester 制动试验台Brake valve 制动阀Braking adhesion coefficient 制动附着系数Braking deviation 制动跑偏Braking distance 制动距离Braking drag 制动拖滞Braking efficiency factor 制动器效能因数Braking effort 制动力Braking equipment 制动装备Braking failure 制动失效Braking force 制动力Braking force coefficient 制动力系数Braking force distribution rate 制动力分配率Braking hop 制动跳动(间断离开地面)Braking jackknifing 制动折叠Braking line 制动管[线]路Braking nose dive 制动点头Braking power 制动功率Braking skid 制动滑移Braking stiffness 制动刚度Braking stiffness coefficient 制动刚度系数Braking system 制动系Braking system hysteresis 制动系滞后Braking time 制动时间Braking torque 制动力矩Braking trace 制动轨迹Braking vapour lock制动气阻Braking work 制动功Branch pipe 歧管Brass 黄铜Brazing 钎焊,铜焊Break away 侧滑Break bulk cargo carrier 厢式零担运输车Breakdown lorry 修理车Breakdown truck 抢修工程车Breaker 断电器;(轮胎)缓冲层Breaker cam 断电器凸轮Breakerless ignition system 无触点点火系统Breaker plate 断电器板Breaker point 断电器触点Breaker point gap 断电器触点间隙Breaker strip 缓冲胶片Breaking load 破坏负荷Breaking stength 断裂强度Breather 通风装置Breather tube 通气管Breathing mask 防毒面具Cab (公用,出租)汽车;驾驶室;化油器Cab assembly support 驾驶总成支座Cab-behind engine bus 长头式客车Cab body 驾驶室本体Cab closure 驾驶室隔板Cab guard 驾驶室防护板Cable 缆索;电缆Cable car 缆车Cable clip 缆索夹Cable conduit 缆索管道;电缆管道Cable laying equipment 电缆敷设设备Cable reel trailer 电缆卷筒挂车Cable shoe 电缆终端套管Cable support 缆索托架Cable terminal 电缆接头Cab lock tell-tale驾驶室锁止警报灯Cab over 平头型(卡车)Cab over engine 平头驾驶室Cab-over-engine truck 平头式货车Cab-over-engine bus 平头式客车Cab over type body 平头型车身Cabriolet 活顶轿车Cab seat 司机座Cab tire 汽车轮胎Cab type body 箱形车身Cab warning 汽车(车内)报警器Cadmium plating 镀镉Cage 保持架Calcium carbide 碳货钙,电石Calibrated dial 校准刻度盘Calibration 校正;标定Caliper 卡钳,卡尺,圆规;制动钳Caliper disc brake 钳盘式制动器Caliper ga(u)ge 卡规Caliper plate 制动钳板Caliper rule 卡尺Caliper type brake 钳盘式制动器Calorie 卡(热量单位)Calorific value 发热量,热值Cam 凸轮Cam and lever type steering gear 蜗杆曲柄销式转向机构Cam and piston type hydraulic damper 凸轮活塞型液力减振器Cam angle 凸轮转角Cam bearer 凸轮支座Camber 车轮外倾Camber angle 车轮外倾角Cambered axle 有外倾车轮的轮轴Camber ga(u)ge (汽车前轮)外倾角测定器Camber of spring 板弹簧拱度Camber stiffness 外倾刚度Camber stiffness coefficient 外倾刚度系数Camber thrust 外倾推力Cam bowl 凸轮滚轮Cam brake 凸轮张开式制动器Cam controlled slide 凸轮控制滑块Cam disc 盘形凸轮Cam-driven fuel pump 凸轮驱动燃油泵Cam grinding 凸轮磨削Cam-ground piston 椭圆形活塞Camion 重型载货汽车,军用卡车Cam lobe crest 凸轮凸脊Cam of double lift 双级凸轮Camouflage 伪装,迷彩Camouflage net 伪装网Camp stool 折椅Cam ring 凸轮环;(叶片泵的)定子Cam roller 凸轮滚轮Camshaft 凸轮轴Cam shaft bearing凸轮轴轴承Camshaft phasing gear 凸轮轴正时齿轮Camshaft sprocket 凸轮轴链轮Camshaft thrust washer 凸轮轴止推垫圈Camshaft timing gear 凸轮轴正时齿轮Camshaft turning lathe 凸轮轴车床Can 罐;罩,金属管壳Canibalize 汽车拆件拼装Canopy 顶盖;顶篷Canopy express truck 有篷的载货汽车Canopy top 盖式车顶Cantilever spring 悬臂弹簧Canvased light van 帆布篷轻型货车Canvas top 帆布车顶Cap 帽;盖Capacitor type flasher 电容式闪光器Capacity 容量Capacity factor (液力变矩器)能容系数Capacity of storage battery 蓄电池容量Capacity of tank 油箱容量Cape chisel 扁尖凿Cap nut 盖螺母Cap packing 盖衬垫Cap screw 有头螺灯Capstan 主动轴,主动轮;纹盘,起锚机Capstan nut 槽形螺母,带孔螺母Capstan winch 绞盘Capsule 囊;小容器;膜盒;膜片式传感器Car 汽车;轿车Caravan 大篷车;车队Car barn 车库Car body 车身Carbon 碳,积碳Carbon brush 碳刷Carbon brush holder 碳刷架Carbon deposit 积碳;碳质沉淀物Carbon dioxide 二氧货碳Carbon electrode 碳精电极Carbon fibre 碳纤维Carbonisation 碳化作用Carbonitriding 碳氨共渗;气体氰化Carbonization 碳化,渗碳;干馏Carbonized silicon 碳货硅,金刚砂Carbonized tungsten 一氧化碳Carbon pile regulator 碳堆式调节器Carbon-pile type current regulator 碳堆式电流调节器Carbon remover 除积碳器Carbon scraper 积碳刮除器Carbon steel 碳钢Carburet(t)er 化油器,汽化器Carburetion 汽化Carburetted air 增碳空气Carburetter air funnel 化油器空气进气喉管Carburetter body 化油器体Carburetter choke 化油器阻风门Carburetter engine 化油器式发动机Carburetter flange 化油器突缘Carburetter pipe wrench 化油器管扳手Carburizing by gas 气体渗碳Carcass 胎体,骨架Car container 汽车用集装箱Car cooler 汽车冷气设备Cardan 万向接头Cardan drive 万向节传动Cardan joint 万向节Cardan shaft 万向节传动轴Car floor 汽车底板Car ga(u)ge 汽车标准[规格,尺寸]Cargo floor 货箱底板Cargo gear (货物)装卸设备Cargo handling 货物装卸Cargo hatch 货舱口Cargo liner 定期运货汽车Car gondola 活底高边货车,无盖货车Cargo room 货舱Cargo truck 载货卡车Car heater 汽车暖风装置Car industry 汽车工业Car lift 举车器Car polish 汽车抛光腊Carport 敞开的汽画间;停车场Car radio 汽车收音机Carrige 车辆,铁路客车;刀架,溜板,滑动架Car trim 汽车装饰件Car trunk 汽车行李箱Car washer 洗车装置Car wax 车蜡Cascade 级联;串联Cascade control 级联控制Case-hardened steel 表面硬化钢Case hardening 表面硬化Case hardening steel 渗碳钢Casing 外壳Castellated nut 槽式螺母Caster (美)主销后倾,主销后倾距;脚轮Caster angle 主销后倾角Caster camber ga(u)ge 主销后倾和前轮外倾角测量仪Caster effect of steering 主销后倾的转向效应Casting 铸件;铸造Casting machine of cylinders缸套浇铸机Casting mo(u)ld 铸型Casting wheel 铸造车轮Cast iron 铸铁Cast iron liner 铸铁缸套Castle nut 槽顶螺母Cast steel 铸钢Cast steel spoke wheel辐条式铸钢轮辋Catalyst 催化剂,触媒Catalytic converter 催化转化器Catalytic cracking 催化裂化Catalytic postcombustion 催化后燃烧Caterpillar drive 履带驱动Cat's eye 小型反光镜Cattle transport truck 牲畜运输车Caution plate (汽车或机器上的)标牌C-clamp C形夹Ceiling lamp 顶灯Cell connector 电池连接条Cell cover 电池盖Cellophane 玻璃纸;胶膜Cement 水泥;黏结剂Cementation 渗碳Cementation flux 渗碳剂Cemented carbide tool 硬质合金刀具Cemented steel 渗碳钢Center bearing 中心轴承Center bolt 中心螺栓Center brake 中央制动器Center console 中央控制台Center drill 中心孔钻Center electrode 中心电极Center ga(u)ge 定中心规Center gear (行星齿轮机构的)中心轮,太阳轮Center hole grinder 中心孔磨床Centering ball (万向节)定心钢球Centering device 定中心装置Centering machine 打中心孔机Center lathe 普通车床Centerless grinding machine 无心磨床Center of air pressure 风压中心Center of gravity 重心Center of gyration 回转中心Center of mass 质量中心Center of oscillation 振荡中心Center of tire contact 轮胎接地中心Center pillar 中柱Center pole 中心极;中心柱Center post 中柱Centrifugal clutch 离心式离合器Centrifugal force 离心力Centrifugal governor 离心式调速器Centrifugal ignition advancer 离心式点火提前器Centrifugal moment 离心力矩Centrifugal oil filter 离心式机油滤清器Centrifugal pump离心泵Centrifugal pump runner 离心泵叶轮Centrifugal spark advancer 离心提前机构Centrifugal speed governor 离心式调速器Centrifugal supercharger 离心式增压器Centrifugal weight 离心重块,离心重锤Damper 减振器,阻尼器Damper oil 减振起油Damper pin 减振器销Damping 衰减;缓冲Dash board 仪表板,前围板Dash pot 缓冲简Data 数据;资料Data memory system 数据存储系统Deadener 消声材料Dead load 自重Dead weight 自重;净重Debonder (制动器蹄片)剥离器Deburring machine 去毛刺机Decompression cam 减压凸轮Decompression cock 减压旋塞Decompression shaft 减压轴Decontamination kit 清除沾染包Decorative moulding 装饰线条Decorative rib (轮胎侧)装饰线Decorative sidewall 装饰胎侧Defective 不合格的,故障的;次品Defectometer 探伤仪。



Aceton 丙酮 Acetylene 乙炔 AC generator 交流发电机 Acid 酸 Acid-proof alloy 耐酸合金 Acid-proof pipe 耐酸管 Acid tanker 酸罐车 Acid vapour 酸罐汽 Acme thread 梯形螺纹,爱克姆螺纹 Acoustic absorption 吸音 Acoustic insulation 隔音 Acoustic panel 吸声板 Acoustimeter 声级计,噪声计 Acquisition 探测;搜索 Acquisition of signal 信号采集 Acre 英亩 Acryl 丙烯酸树脂 Active braking distance 有效制动距离 Active braking time 有效制动时间 Active suspension 主动悬架[挂] Actuating arm 驱动臂 Actuating cam 致动凸轮 Actuating line 促动管路 Actuating motor 伺服电动机 Actuating time 促动时间 Actuator 执行机构,操作机构



船舶常用英文词汇1 Abbreviation 缩写2 Aboard 在船上3 About ABT 约,大概4 Above Base Line A/B 在基线上5 Access Hole ACC.HOLE (人)通道口6 Access Ladder 出入用梯子7 Accessibility 可接近性8 Accessory 附属品,零件9 Accommodation Accom. 居住区10 Accommodation ladder 居住区楼梯11 Accommodation Space 居住区域12 Accumulator蓄电池13 Acetylene Gas 乙炔气14 Acid Pickling 酸洗15 Adapter 适配器16 Additional ADD. 额外工作17 Additive 添加剂18 Adhesion Test 附着力试验19 Adjusting Piece Adj. Pc 调整用垫片20 After Peak Bulkhead A.P Bhd 尾尖舱壁21After Peak Tank 尾尖舱22 After Perpendicular A.P 艉垂线23 Afterbody 后部船体24 Afterward AFT 向船尾方向25 Agitation 搅拌26 Air Compressor 空气压缩机27 Air Conditioning Plant 空气调节装置28 Air Ejector 空气排出器29 Air Fuel Ratio 气燃比30 Air Hole A/H 气孔31 Air Horn 气笛32 Air Pipe 空气管33 Air Test 气密实验34 Air Vent head 透气头35 Alignment 中心对齐, 校准36 Allocated Stock Item ASI 分配貯藏资材37 Alternating Current AC 交流电38 Aluminizing 镀铝39 Aluminum Anode 防腐蚀铝40 Ambient Temperature 大气温度41 American National Standards Institute ANSI 42 American Society of Testing materials ASTM 43 Anchor锚44 Anchor Bolt 锚栓,基础螺栓美国标准协会美国材料实验协会45 Anchor Chain 锚链46 Anchor Pattern 基础模式47 Anchor Pocket 锚穴48 Anchor Point 定位点49 Anchor Recess 锚穴50 Angle Valve Ang. V/V 角阀(L型)51 Anode Current 阳极电流52 Antenna 天线53 Anticorrosive Paint 防蚀漆54 Anti-Corrosive Tape 防腐蚀胶带55 Anti-Corrosive Treatment 防蚀处理56 Antifouling Paint 防污漆57 Anti-Skid Bar 防滑棒58 Appendix 附录(单数)59 Approval 认可60 Arc Strike 弧光放电61 Arc Time 发弧时间62 Arrangement ARR&#39;T 布置,排列63 Asbestos 石棉64 As-Built Drawing 最终竣工图纸65 Assembly ASS&#39;Y 装配66 Assembly Line 装配线67 Assembly Stage 装配工程68 Automatic Welding 自动焊接69 "Average Freight Rate Assessmentat the max of Deadweight COT" AFRAMAX AFRAMAX(8万吨位级原油运载船) 70 Back Bead 背面焊接71 Back Gouging 后部表面气刨72 Backing Strip 衬垫73 Backside Undercut 背面咬边74 Balance Weight 配重75 Ballast 安定76 Ballast Control Room BCR 压载控制室77 Ballast Tank 压载舱78 Barrel 桶(158.99升)79 Base Line B.L 基线80 Base metal 母材81 Basic Desigh 基础设计82 Bead 焊珠83 Beam 横梁84 Bedplate 主机座85 Bellmouth 吸入口86 Bellows 风箱87 Bench mark 水准基点88 Bevel 斜角, 坡口89 Bevel Angle 坡口角度90 Bilge hat 舱底污水盖91 Bilge Holding Tank 舱底污水储藏罐92 Bilge Keel BLG.KEEL 舱底龙骨(防摇动) 93 Bilge Plate舭列板94 Bilge Radius 船底弯曲部的半径95 Bilge Well B/W 污水井96 Bill of Material BOM 材料明细表97 Bite Union 辊缝连接接头98 Bitumastic (Bituminous Cement) 沥青99 Blank Plate 板坯,基板100 Bleached Tar 漂白涂料101 Blind Plate 盲板102 Blister 水泡(油漆缺陷)103 Block BLK(B) 分段104 Block Assembly 分段装配105 Block Division BLK DIV. 分段划分106 Block Inspection 分段装配检查107 Blow Hole 焊接气孔108 Bollard 系船柱109 Boottop 水线漆110 Bosun(Boatswain) Store 甲板长仓库111 Both-sides Welding 双面焊112 Bottleneck 瓶颈113 Bottom BTM 船底114 Bottom Block 船底分段115 Bottom Plug 船底旋塞116 Bottom Shell Plating 船底外板117 Bottom Survery 船底检查118 Bow and Stern Construction 船首尾构造119 Bow Construction 船首构造120 Bow Door 船首门121 Bow Thruster 船头推进器122 Bowl 槽,斗,碗123 Bracket BKT OR B 加强筋板,轴板124 Brain Storming 集体研讨,想办法125 Brake Lining 闸衬,刹车面126 Brass 黄铜127 Brazing 铜焊,釬焊,硬焊128 Brazing Socket (釬)铜焊孔129 Breaking Strength 折断强度130 Breakwater 挡浪板131 Breast Hook 船首补强肘板132 Breathing Apparatus 呼吸器133 Bronze Casting 青铜铸件134 Brush Coating 毛刷涂漆135 Brush/Brush Holder 毛刷/毛刷固定器136 Bubbling 起泡137 Building Specification 建造规格书138 Bulb Plate BP 球扁钢139 Bulbous Bow 球鼻艏140 Bulk Carrier B/C 散装船141 Bulkhead BHD 舱壁142 Bulkhead Block 舱壁分段143 Bulkhead Piece 穿舱件144 Bulkhead Plan 舱壁结构图145 Bulkhead Stiffener 扶墙材146 Bulkhead Stool 舱壁托架147 Bulwark 舷墙148 Butt Welding 对接焊149 Butterfly valve 蝶型阀150 Buttock Line B.L 船体纵剖线151 Bypass Valve 旁通阀152 Cabin 船舱153 Cable Clench 电缆结154 Cable Duct 电缆通道155 Cable Tie 电线结束结156 Cable Trunk C.T 主干电缆157 Cableway 索道158 Calibration 标定159 Call Sign 呼号160 Camber 梁拱161 Canvas Cover 帆布蓬布162 Capacity Plan 容载度163 Capesize B/C 蓬角B/C164 Capstan 起锚机165 Car Carrier 汽车运输船166 Carbon Air Arc Gouging 一氧化碳气电弧气刨167 Cargo Control Room CCR 卸货控制室168 Cargo Handling System 货物处理系统169 Cargo Oil Pump货油泵170 Cargo Segregation 货物隔离171 Cargo Space 货物区域172 Carling CARL&#39;G (船的)短纵梁173 Carpenter&#39;s Workshop 木工车间174 Cast Iron 铸铁175 Cast Steel 铸钢176 Casting CAST&#39;G 铸造,铸件177 Cathodic Protection 阴极保护178 Catwalk 天桥179 Cause of Defect 缺陷原因180 Caution plate 警告板181 Cavitation 气穴现象182 Center Flange Cent. Flg 中心法兰183 Center Girder 中心梁184 Center Keelson 中心线内龙骨185 Center Line C.L 中心线186 Center of Gravity C.G 重心187 Centrifugal Pump 离心泵188 Ceramic Backing 陶衬189 Certificate Cert. 检查合格证190 Chain Block 手拉葫芦191 Chain Locker C/L, CHAIN LKR 锚链锁192 Chain Pipe 锚链通过的管道193 Chain Stopper 止链器194 Chalk Test 划粉实验195 Chamfer C 倒角196 Chamfering Tool 倒角工具197 Channel CH, H(CH) 槽型钢198 Chart Room 图纸室199 Check Point 检测点200 Check Valve 止回阀201 Checked Plate CHK.PL. 花钢板202 Chemical Cleaning 化学洗涤203 Chemical Tanker 化学制品搬运船204 Chipping Hammer 破石锤205 Christening(naming) Ceremony 命名仪式206 Chronometer 记时计207 Clamp 夹钳208 Class 1 Pipe 一级管209 Class A Fires A级火灾210 Class A-60 Bulkhead A A-60 ?? ?? A-60 区域舱壁211 Class Notation 船级代号212 Classification Certificate 船级证书213 Classification Rule 船级规定214 Classification Society 船级协会215 Clear Height 净高216 Clearance 间隙,空隙217 Cleat 夹板218 Client Request Item CRI 船主要求事项219 Clinometer 倾斜仪220 Closed Circuit Television CCTV 闭路电视221 Coaming COAM&#39;G 舱口板222 Cold Galvanizing 冷电镀223 Collar Plate C.PL 加强板/复板224 Collier/Coal Carrier 运煤船225 Companionway 升降口226 Compartment 隔舱227 Compatibility 兼容性228 Component Assembly COMP.ASS&#39;Y 小组装件229 Compressed Air 压缩空气230 Compulsary Item 必要项目231 Condensate Pump 冷凝泵232 Condenser 冷凝器233 Conning Station 操舵(指挥)位置234 Construction CONST. 建造235 Construction Profile 建筑结构轮廓图236 Consumables 易耗品237 Container Ship 集装箱船238 Control Panel 控制板239 Cooling Fresh Water CFW 冷却淡水240 Coordination 业务调整,相互协调241 Corrective Action Request CAR 对纠正措施的要求242 Corridor 通道, 走廊243 Corrosion Control 防腐方法244 Corrosion Inhibitor 防腐蚀剂245 Corrosion Rate 腐蚀度246 Corrugated Bulkhead CORR.BHD 槽形舱壁247 Cost Insurance and Freight CIF "到岸价(包括货价,运费,保险费)"248 Counter-balance Valve 背压阀, 反平衡阀249 Coupling Bolt 连接器螺栓250 Cowl head Ventilator 帽型通风筒251 Crack 裂纹252 Criteria 基准253 Cross Section 橫截面254 Cross Tie 交叉带255 Crossover Way 交叉通道256 Crude Oil Tanker COT 原油船257 Crude Oil Washing COW 原油清洗258 Cruiser Ship 巡洋舰259 Curing 硬化干燥260 Cutting CUTT&#39;G 切割261 Cutting Drawing 切割图纸262 Cutting Tip 气割嘴263 Cutting Torch 割矩264 D mid (Moulded Depth) 型深265 "D/B W.B.T(Double Bottom Water Ballast Tank)" 双底压载舱266 Daewoo Shipbuilding Quality DSQS 大宇造船舶建造质量标准267 Dangerous Goods 危险货物268 Davit 挂艇架269 Daytime 日间, 白天270 Deadweight Tonnage DWT (总)载重吨271 Decibel Db 分贝(噪音单位)272 Deck DK 甲板273 Deck Below 甲板下部274 Deck Block 甲板块275 Deck Composition 甲板敷料277 Deck Fittings 甲板装置278 Deck Girder 甲板梁279 Deck Longitudinal 甲板纵骨280 Deck Machinery 甲板设备281 Deck Openning 甲板开口处282 Deck Plan 甲板结构图283 Deck Plating 甲板284 Deck Store 物料间285 Deck Under 甲板下部286 Deck Water Seal 甲板水封287 Deckhouse 甲板室,上层建筑288 Deep Tank 深舱289 Defect 缺陷290 Definition 定义291 Deflection Plate 反射板292 Deformation 变形293 Degreasing 脱脂294 Dehumidifier 除湿器295 Delete 刪除, 取消296 Delivery Lead Time 交货需要时间297 Department of Trade DOT 贸易部298 Derrick Post 起重机柱299 De-rusting 去锈300 Design Load 设计载荷301 Design Load Water Line DLWL 设计满载吃水线302 Detail DET. 详细,节点303 Detail Design 详细设计304 Detailed Assembly procedure DAP 详细装配工艺305 Detector 探测器,检测机306 Deutsche Industrie Normen DIN 德国工业标准307 Deviation 偏差308 Dew Point D.P [气,雾]露点309 Diagonal Line 对角线310 Diameter DIA 直径311 Diaphragm DIAPH. 橫膈膜312 Diesel Generator D.G 柴油发电机313 Diesel Oil DO 柴油314 Disassemble 分解315 Distribution分散316 Dock Trial 系泊试车317 Double Bevel 双斜面318 Double Bottom D/B, D.BTM 双层底319 Double Continuous Fillet Welding D.C.F.W 双面连续角焊320 Double Fillet Weld 两面填角焊321 Double Hull 双船体322 Double Skin Construction 双船体构造323 Doubling plate/Doubler D/PL. 甲板,双层板/复板324 Down-Hand welding 俯(平)焊325 Draft Gauge 压差式风压计326 Draft Marks 吃水标志327 Drain Hole D/H 排水孔328 Drain System 排水系统329 Drain Trap 放泄弯330 Dresser Coupling 带盘根套筒331 Driptray 接油(水)盘332 Dry Film Thickness DFT 干镀膜的厚度333 Drydocking 干船坞334 Duct Keel 箱子型龙骨335 Dummy 虚拟的336 Duration 为期337 Dust Collector 集尘器338 Each EA 每个,个数339 Earth Connection 接地340 Echo Sounder 回声探测仪341 Edge Welding 边缘焊接342 Effective Throat 有效喉道截面343 Efficiency 效率344 Electric Cable Pipe ECP 电缆管345 Electric Load Analysis 电器负荷分析346 Electric Resistance Welding ERW 电阻焊接347 Electro Gas Welding EGW 电气焊348Electrode Holder 电焊钳349 Electro-Hydraulic System 电动液压系统350 Electrostatic Hazard 静电危险351 Elevation ELEV. 正面图352 Elevator 升降机,电梯353 Embarkation Light 乘船灯354 Emergency Door 太平门,紧急出口355 Emergency Escape Trunk 紧急逃生通道356 Emergency Exit 太平门,紧急出口357 Emergency Fire Pump 应急消防泵358 Emergency Power Supply 应急电源359 Enclosed Space 封闭区域360 Engine Control Console 机控台361 Engine Control Room ECR 机控室362 Engine Room Arr&#39;t E/Rm Arr&#39;t 轮机舱布置图363 Engine Room Bulkhead E/R BHD 轮机室舱壁364 Ensign Staff 船尾旗杆365 Equipment List 设备目录366 Equipment Number 设备数367 Erection EREC.(E) 合拢368 Erection Schedule 合拢计划369 Even Keel 平板龙骨370 Exhaust manifold 排气集管371 Exhaust Valve 排气阀372 Expanded metal 多孔(拉制)金属网373 Expansion EXPAN , EXP. 展开374 Expansion Joint 膨胀节375 Expansion Tank 膨胀柜376 Explosion-Proof Lamp 防爆灯377 Explosive Atmosphere 爆炸危险区域378 Exposed Deck 露天甲板379 Extension Loop 伸缩弯380 Extension Rod 伸缩尺,伸长杆381 Extra Work 额外工作382 Eye Plate 眼板383 Fabrication Fab. 制作,加工384 Fabrication Shop 加工车间385 Face Flat F/F 面板386 Fairing(up) 流线型/整形387 Fairlead 导缆孔388 Fairleader 导缆孔389 False Bottom FALSE BTM. 活(假)底390 Fashion Plate FASHION PL. (钢板)组成船首材板391 Fatigue Analysis 疲劳分析392 Fender 护舷393 Fiber Glass 玻璃纤维394 Fiber Reinforced Plastics FRP "玻璃纤维增强塑料,玻璃钢"395 Fillet Welding 角焊396 Fin Stabilizer 减摇鳍397 Final Drawing 最终图纸398 Finish Paint 最后喷漆399 Finite Element Mothod FEM 有限要素法400 Fire Control Station 消防站401 Fire Damper 防火风闸402 Fire Extinguisher 灭火器403 Fire hose Box 消防水龙管箱404 Firemain Line 消防用管路405 Fit and Weld 铆焊406 Fit-up 组装407 Fix Jig 固定夹具408 Fixture 固定设备409 Flame Screen 火焰掩蔽物410 Flat Bar F.B 扁钢411 Flatness 平面度,扁平度412 Flexible Hose 软管,挠性管413 Flexible mounting 软安装414 Float Valve 浮阀415 Floating Dock 浮船坞416 Flood Light 泛光灯,探照灯417 Flooding Test 浸水试验418 Floor 肋板419 Floor Plate 地板,肋板420 Flow Chart 流程图421 Flue Gas 烟气,废气422 Flushing 冲洗423 Flux 熔剂424 Flux Cored Arc Welding FCAW 熔芯弧焊(CO2焊接) 425 Foam Fire Extinguisher 泡沫灭火器426 Foam Monitor 泡沫喷射装置427 Foot Valve 底(背压)阀/脚踩阀428 Fore Construction 船头构造图429 Fore Perpendicular F.P 艏垂线430 Forebody 船前身431 Forecastle Deck F&#39;CLE DK 艏楼甲板432 Foremast 前桅433 Forepeak Tank 船首尖舱434 Forged Steel 锻造钢435 Forklift Truck 叉车436 Forward FWD 向船头方向437 Foundation FDN 底落438 Frame FR. 骨架,肋骨439 Frame Space F.S 肋骨间距440 Free of Charge 免费441 Free On-Board FOB 离岸价格442 Freefall Lifeboat 自由下落式救生艇443 Fuel Oil Tank 燃油舱444 Full Penetration F.P 全焊透445 Funnel 烟道446 Funnel Mark 烟道标志447 Furniture 家具448 Galley 厨房449 Galvanizing GALV. 镀锌,电镀450 Gangway 舷梯451 Gantry Crane 龙门吊,龙门起重机452 Gas Cutting 气割453 Gas Detection System 气体探测系统454 Gas Metal Arc Welding GMAW 气体金属弧焊455 Gas Tungsten Arc Welding GTAW 气体钨弧焊456 Gasket 垫圈457 Gastight Bulkhead 气密舱壁458 Gate Valve 闸阀459 general Arrangement G/A 总布置图460 General Cargo Ship 一般货船461 General Outfitting 一般舾装462 General Stock Item GSI 一般库存资材463 Girder GIR. 梁,槽钢/珩材464 Glass Reinforced Plastics GRP 玻璃钢465 Glass Wool 玻璃丝466 "Global maritime Distressand Safety System" GMDSS 全球海上遇险安全系统467 Global Positioning System GPS 全球定位系统468 Globe Valve 截止阀469 Goliath Crane 重型龙门起重机470 Gooseneck Ventilator 鹅颈式通风筒471 Gouging 气刨,表面切割472 Grade 等级473 Grand Assembly 主要装配474 Grating 格柵,柵极475 Gravity Arc Welding 重力式弧焊476 Gravity Tank (Head Tank) 重力罐477 Grease Nipple 注油嘴478 Grid 格子479 Grinding GRIND&#39;G.(G) 打磨480 Gross Tonnage GT 总吨数481 Guard Rail 保护栏杆482 Guide Piece 定位片483 Gunwale 船舷上缘484 Gutter Bar 围板,挡板485 Gutter Pipe 排水管486 Gyrocompass 陀螺罗经487 Half Round Bar H.R.B 半圆钢488 Hand Grip H/G, HA, Ha 把手489 Handrail 栏杆490 Handysize B/C 便利B/C (5万吨以下的B/C) 491 Hatch 舱口492 Hatch Coaming 舱口拦板(边材)493 "Hatch Cover(Folding/Side Rolling/Pontoon)" "舱口盖(折叠/卷边/浮桥)"494 Hatch End Beam 舱口端梁495 Hawse pipe 锚链管496 H-Beam (H) “H”钢497 Headroom 头上空间/吊钩净高498 Heat Resistant Paint 耐热漆499 Heat Treatment 热处理500 Heating Coil 加热盘管501 Heating Torch 切割器,焊炬502 Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning HVAC 通风及空调503 Heavy Fuel Oil HFO 重燃油504 Hexagon Head Bolt 六角头螺栓505 Hexagon Wrench 六角扳手506 High Stress Zone 高应力部位507 High Temp. Cooling Water Syestem H.T.C.W System 高温冷却水系统508 High Tensile Steel 高张力钢509 hinge 铰链510 Hogging(ref: Sagging) 弯度,挠度511 Hold 货舱512 Hold Frame 舱内肋骨513 Holding-Down Bolt 压紧螺栓514 Holiday 油漆漏掉部分515 Hopper Tank 舱底污水储藏边仓516 Horizontal HORI. 水平517 Horizontal Girder 水平梁518 Horizontal Stiffener 水平防摇材519 Horizontal(Position) Welding 水平焊接520 Hull Block Construction Method HBCM 船体分段建造法521 Hull Block Painting 整块上漆522 Hull Construction 船体构造523 Hull Form Coefficient 船型系数524 Hull Fouling 船体污损525 Hull Opening 船体开口526 Hull Outfit 船体装备527 Hull Parts List 船体附件表528 Hull Piping 船体管道系统529 Hull Preservation 船体保存530 Hull Steel 船体钢材531 Hull Strength 船体强度532 Hull Weight 船体重量533 Humidity Control 湿度控制534 Hydrant Valve 消防栓535 Hydraulic。



a/an advance among arrival balcony big bride carrier abandon advantage amount arrive ball bike bridegroom carrot ability adventure ample arrow ballet bill bridge carryable advertise amuse art balloon bingo brief cartoonbe able to advertisement amusement article bamboo biochemistry bright carve abnormal advice an alyse/a nalyze artificial ban biography brilliant case aboard advise analysis artist banana biology bring cash abolish advocate ancestor as bandage bird broad cassette abortion affair anchor ash bank birth broadcast castabout affect ancient ashamed bar birthday brochure castle above affection and Asia barbecue birthplace broken casual abrupt afford anecdote Asian barber biscuit broom cat abroad afraid anger aside barbershop bishop brother catalogue absence Africa angle ask bargain bit brown catastropheabsent African angry asleep bark bite brunch catch absolute after animal aspect barrier bitter brush category absolutely afternoon ankle assess base black Buddhism cater absorb afterward anniversary assessment baseball blackboard budget catholic abstract again announce assist basement blame buffet cattle absurd against annoy assistance basic blank build cause abundant age annual assistant basin blanket building caution abuse agency another associate basis bleed bunch cautious academic agenda ant association basket bless bungalow cave academy agent Antarctic assume basketball blind burden CD accelerate aggressive antique assumption bat block bureaucratic ceiling accent ago anxiety astonish bath blood burglar celebrate accept agree anxious astronaut bathe blouse burn celebration access agreement any astronomer bathroom blow burst cell accessible agricultural anybody astronomy bathtub blue bury cent accident agriculture anyhow at battery board bus centigrade accommodation ahead anyone athlete battle boat bush centimetre accompany aid anything athletic bay body business central accomplish AIDS anyway Atlantic BC boll businessman centre account aim anywhere The Atlantic be bomb businesswoman century accountant air apart Ocean beach bond busy ceremony accumulate aircraft apartment atmosphere bean bone but certain accuracy airline apologize atom bean curd bonus butcher certificate accurate airmail apology attach bear book butter chain accuse airplane apparent attack beard boom butterfly chair accustomed airport appeal attain beast boot button chairman ache airspace appear attempt beat booth buy chairwomanachieve alarm appearance attend beautiful border by chalk achievement album appendix attention beauty bored bye challenge acid alcohol appetite attitude because boring cab challenging acknowledge alcoholic applaud attract become born cabbage champion acknowledge algebra (applause )attraction bed borrow caf e chance acquire alike apple attractive bedding boss cafeteria change acquisition alive applicant audience bedroom botanical cage changeableacre all application aunt bee botany calculate channel across allergic apply authentic beef both cake chantact alley appoint author beer bother call chaos action allocate appointment authority before bottle calm character active allow appreciate automatic beg bottom camel characteristic activity allowance appreciation autonomous begin bounce camera charge actor almost approach autumn behalf bound camp chart actress alone appropriate available behave boundary campaign chat actual along approval avenue behaviour bow can cheap acute alongside approve average behind bowl can cheatAD aloud approximately avoid being bowling canal checkad alphabet apron awake belief box cancel cheek adapt already arbitrary award believe boxing cancer cheer adaptation also arch aware bell boy candidate cheerful add alternative architect away belly boycott candle cheers addicted although architecture awesome belong brain candy cheese addition altitude Arctic awful below brake canteen chef address altogether the Arctic awkward belt branch cap chemical adequate aluminium are baby bench brand capital chemist adjust always area bachelor bend brave capsule chemistry adjustment am argue back beneath bravery captain cheque admi nistratio n a.m./am argument background beneficial bread caption chess admirable amateur arise backward benefit break car chest admire amaze arithmetic bacon bent breakfast carbon chew admission amazing arm bacterium beside breakthrough card chicken admit America armchair bad besides breast care chief adolescence ambassador army badminton betray breath careful child adolescent ambassadress around bag between breathe careless childhood adopt ambiguous arrange baggage beyond breathless carpenter chocolate adore ambition arrangement bakery bicycle brewery carpet choice adult ambulance arrest balance bid brick carriage choirchoke communication cookie dawn dioxide due equality fantastic choose communism cool day dip dull equip fantasy chopsticks communist copy dead diploma dumpling equipment far chorus companion corn deadline direct during eraser fare Christian company corner deaf direction dusk error farm Christmas compare corporation deal director dust erupt farmer church compass correct dear directory dustbin escape fast cigar compensate correction death dirty dusty especially fasten cigarette compete correspond debate disability duty essay fat cinema competence corrupt debt disabled DVD Europe father circle competition cost decade disadvantage dynamic European fault circuit complete cosy/cozy decide disagree dynasty evaluate favour circulate complex cottage decision disagreement each even favourite circumatance component cotton declare disappear eager evening fax circus composition cough decline disappoint eagle event fear citizen comprehension count decorate disappointed ear eventually feast city compromise counter decoration disaster early ever feather civil compulsory country decrease discount earn every federal civilian computer countryside deed discourage earth everybody fee civilization concentrate couple deep discover earthquake everyday feed clap concept courage deer discovery east everyone feel clarify concern course defeat discrim ination Easter everything feeling class concert court defence discuss eastern everywhere fellow classic conclude courtyard defend discussion easy evidence female classify conclusion cousin degree disease eat evident fence classmate concrete cover delay disgusting ecology evolution ferry classroom condition cow delete dish edge exact festival claw condemn crash deliberately dislike edition exam fetch clay conduct crayon delicate dislike editor examine fever clean conductor crazy delicious dismiss educate example few cleaner conference cream delight distance educator excellent fibre clear confident create delighted distant education except fiction clerk confidential creature deliver distinction effect exchange field clever confirm credit demand distinguish effort excite fierce click conflict crew dentist distribute egg excuse fight climate confuse crime department district eggplant exercise figure climb congratulate criminal departure disturb either exhibition file clinic con gratulati on criterion depend disturbing elder exist fillclock connect crop deposit dive elect existence film clone connection cross depth diverse electric exit final close conscience crossing describe divide electrical expand finance cloth consensus crossroads description division electricity expect find clothes consequence crowd desert divorce electronic expectation fine clothing conservation cruel deserve dizzy elegant expense fine cloud conservative cry design do elephant expensive finger cloudy consider cube desire doctor else experience fingernailclub considerate cubic desk document e-mail experiment finish clumsy consideration cuisine desperate dog embarrass expert fire coach consist culture dessert doll embassy explain fireworkscoal consistent cup destination dollar emergency explanation firm coast constant cupboard destroy donate emperor explicit firm coat constitution cure detective door employ explode fish cocoa construct curious determine dormitory empty explore fishermancoffee construction currency develop dot encourage export fistcoin consult curriculum development double encouragement expose fit coincidence consultant curtain devote doubt end express fixcoke consume cushion devotion down ending expression flagcold contain custom diagram download endless extension flame collar container customer dial downstairs enemy extra flash colleague contemporary customs dialogue downtown energetic extraordinary flashlight collect content cut diamond dozen energy extreme flat collection content cycle diary Dr. engine eye flat college continent cyclist dictation draft engineer eyesight Flee collision continue dad dictionary drag enjoy face flexible colour contradict daily die draw enjoyable facial flesh comb contradictory dam diet drawback enlarge fact flight combine con trary damage differ drawer enough factory float come contribute damp difference dream enquiry fade flood comedy contribution dance differe nt dress enter failure floor comfort control danger difficult drill enterprise fair flour comfortable controversial dangerous difficulty drink entertainment faith flow command convenience dare dig drive enthusiastic fall flower comment convenient dark digest driver entire fall flu commercial conventional darkness digital drop entrance FALSE fluency commit conversation dash dignity drug entry familiar fluent commitment convey data dilemma drum envelope family fly committee convince database dimension drunk environment famous fly common cook date dinner dry envy fan focus communicate cooker daughter dinosaur duck equal fancy fogfoggy fold folk follow fond food fool foolish foot football for forbid force forecast forehead foreign foreigner foresee forest forever forget forgetful forgive fork form format former fortnight fortunate fortune forty forward found fountain fox fragile fragrant framework franc free freedom freeway freeze freezing frequent fresh friction fridge friend friendly friendship frighten frog from front frontier frost fruit fry fuel full fun function fundamental funeral funny fur furnished furniture future gain gallery gallon game garage garbage garden garlic garment gas gategather gaygeneralgenerationgenerousgentlegentlemangeographygeometrygesture get giftgifted giraffegirl give gladglance glareglass globeglory gloveglue go goalgoat god goldgolden golfgood goodsgoose governgovernmentgrade gradualgraduategraduatio n graingram grammargrandgrandchildgranddaughtergrandmagrandpagrandparentsgrandsongranny grapegraph graspgrass gratefulgravity greatgreedy greengreen grocergreet greetinggrey grill grocergrocery groundgroup growgrowthguaranteeguard guessguest guidanceguide guiltyguitar gungymgymnasticshabit hairhaircut halfhall hamhamburgerhammer handhandbaghandfulhandkerchiefhandlehandsomehandwritinghandy hanghappenhappinesshappyharbour hardhardlyhardshiphardworkingharm harmfulharmonyharvest hathatch hatehave he headheadacheheadlineheadmasterheadmistresshealthhealthy hearhearing heartheat heavenheavy heelheighthelicopterhello helmethelp helpfulhen her herbhere herohers herselfhesitate hihide highhighway hillhim himselfhire hishistory hithobby holdhole holidayholy homehomelandHometownhomeworkhonest honeyhonour hookhope hopefulhopelesshorrible horsehospital hosthostess hothot dog hotelhour househousewifehouseworkhow howeverhowl hug hugehuman humanbeinghumoroushunger hungryhunt hunterhurricanehurry hurthusbandhydrogen iceice-cream ideaidentity identificati on idiomif ignore illillegal illnessimagineimmediatelyimmigrationimportimportanceimportantimpossibleimpressimpressionimprove ininch incidentincludeincomeincreaseindeedindependenceindependentindicateindustryinfluenceinforminformationinitial injureinjury ink inninnocentinsect insertinside insistinspectinspireinstantinsteadinstituteinstitutioninstructinstructioninstrumentinsuranceinsureintelligenceintendintentioninterestinterestinginternationalinternetinterpreterinterruptintervalinterviewintointroduceintroductioninventinventioninvitationinvite ironirrigationisland it itsitself jacketjam jar jawjazz jeansjeep jetjewellery jobjog join jokejournalistjourney joyjudgejudgementjuice jumpjungle juniorjust justicekangarookeep kettlekeykeyboardKick kid killkilokilogramKilometrekind kindkindergartenkindnessKingkingdom kisskitchen kiteknee knifeknock knowknowledgelab labourlack ladylake lamblame lamplandlanguagelantern laplarge lastlate latterlaughlaughterlaundry lawlawyer laylazy leadleader leafleague leaklearn leastleather leavelecture leftleg legallemonlemonadelend lengthlesson letletter levellibertyliberationlibrarianlibrarylicense lid lielie life liftlightlightning likelikely limitline link lionlipliquid list listenliterature literarylitre litter little livelively load loaflocal lock lonelylong look looselorry loss lose lotLost & Foundloud lounge lovelovely low lucklucky luggagelunch lungmachine madmadam/madamemagazine magicmaid mailmailbox mainmainland majormajority makemake male manmanagemanagermankind mannertable mannersmany map maplemaple leavesmarathon marblemarch markmarket marriagemarry maskmass master matmatch materialmathematicsmatter maturemaximum maymaybe memeal meanmeaning meansmeanwhilemeasure meatmedal goldmedal mediamedicalmedicinemedium meetmeeting melonmembermemorialmemory mendmental mentionmenu merchantmerciful mercymerely merrymess messagemessy metalmethod metremicroscopemicrowavemiddle MiddleEast midnightmight mild milemilk millionairemind mine minemineral minibusminimumminister ministryminority minusminute mirrormiss missilemist mistakemistakenmisunderstandmix mixture mmmobile mobilephone modelmodem modernmodest mommomentmommy moneymonitor monkeymonthmonumentmoon moon cake mop moral more morning Moslem mosquito mother motherland motivation motor motorcycle motto mountain mountainous mourn mouse moustache mouthfrom mouth to mouth move movement movie Mr. Mrs. Ms. mud muddy multiply murder museum mushroom music musical musician must mustard mutton my myself nail name narrow nation national nationality nationwide native natural nature navy near nearby nearly neat necessary neck necklace need needle negotiate neighbour neighbourhood neither nephew nervous nest net network never new news newspaper next nice niece night noNo. noble nobody nod noise noisy none noodle noon nor normal north northeast northern northwest nose not note notebook nothing notice novel novelist now nowadays nowhere nuclear numb number nurse nursery nut nutrition obey object observe obtain obvious occupation occupy occur ocean Oceania o'clock of off offence offer office officer official offshoreoften oh oiloilfield O.K. oldOlympic (s)Olympic Gameson once oneoneself oniononly onto openopening operaopera houseoperateoperationoperator opinionoppose oppositeoptimisticoptional or oralorange orbitorder ordinaryorgan organiseorganizationorigin otherotherwise oughtour oursourselves outoutcomeoutdoors outeroutgoing outingoutline outputoutsideoutspokenoutstandingoutward (s) ovalover overcoatovercomeoverheadoverlookoverweight oweown ownerownership oxoxygen pacePacific the PacificOcea n packpackage packetpaddle pagePain painfulpaint Painterpainting pairpalace pale panpancake pandapanic paperpaperworkparagraphparallel parcelpardon parentpark parkParking parkinglot parrot partparticipateparticular partlyPartnerpart-timeParty passpassagepassengerpasser-bypassivepassport pastpatent pathpatience patientpatient patternpausePavement payP.E.P.C. pea peacepeaceful peachpear pedestrianpen pencepencil pennypension Peoplepepper perpercentpercentageperfect performperformanceperformerperfumeperhaps periodpermanentpermissionpermit Personpersonalpersonnelpersonallypersuade pestpet petrolphenomenonphone photophotographPhotographerphrasephysicalphysicalexaminationphysicianphysicistphysics Pianistpiano pickPicnic picturepie piece pigpile pill pillowpilot pin pinepineappleping-pong Pinkpint pioneerpipe pity placeplain planplane Planetplant plasticplate platformplayplaygroundpleasantplease pleasedpleasure Plentyplot plug Plusp.m./pm,P.M./PMpocket poempoet pointpoisonpoisonous pole<the North(South )policepolicemanPolicewomanpolicy polishPolite Politicalpoliticianpolitics pollutepollution pondpool poor poppopcornPopularpopulation porkporridge portPortable porterpositionpositivepossesspossessionpossibilitypossible postpost postagePostcardpostcodeposter postmanpostpone potPotatopotentialpound pourpowderpowerpowerfulpracticalpracticepractisepraise prayprayerpreciousprecisepredict preferpreferencepregnantprejudicepremierPreparationprepareprescriptionpresentpresentpresentationpreservepresidentpress presspressurepretend prettypreventpreviewprevious pricepride primaryprimaryschoolprimitiveprinciple printprisonprisonerprivateprivilege prizeProbablyproblemprocedureprocessproduceproductproductionprofessionprofessorprofitprogrammeprogressProhibitprojectpromisepromotepronouncePronunciationproperproperlyprotectprotectionProud proveprovideprovincepsychologypub publicpublish pullpulse pumppunctualPunctuationPole > punishpunishmentPupilpurchaserecorderrecoverrecreationrecyclerectanglered reducerefer refereereferencereflectreformrefreshrefrigeratorrefuseregardregardlessregisterregretregularregulationreject relaterelationrelationshiprelativerelax relayrelevantreliablereliefreligionreligious relyremainremarkrememberremindremoteremove rentrepairrepeatreplacereply reportreporterrepresentreprese ntativerepublicreputationrequestrequirerequirementrescueresearchresemblereservationreserveresignResistRespectrespond respon sibility restrestaurantrestrictionresult retellRetire returnreviewrevisionrevolutionrewardrewindrhyme ricerichrid scholar she slip spoken stupid tap throat riddle scholarship sheep slow spokesma n/woma n style tape through ride schoolbag sheet small sponsor subject target throughout ridiculous schoolboy/girl shelf smart spoon subjective task throwright schoolmate shelter smell spoonful submit tasteless thunder rigid science shine smile sport subscribe tasty thunderstormring scientific ship smog spot substitute tax thusripe scientist shirt smoke spray succeed taxi tickripen scissors shock smoker spread success taxpayer ticketrise scold shoe smooth spring successful tea tidyrisk score shoot snake spy such teach tieriver scratch shop sneaker square suck teacher tigerroad scream shop assistant sneeze squeeze sudden team tightroast screen shopkeeper sniff squirrel suffer teamwork tillrob sculpture shopping snow stable suffering teapot timerobot sea shore snowy stadium sugar tear timetable rock seagull short so staff suggest tear tinrocket seal shortcoming soap stage suggestion tease tinyrole search shortly sob stain suit technical tiproll seashell shorts soccer stainless suitable technique tireroof seaside shot social stair suitcase technology tiredroom season should socialism stamp suite teenager tiresome rooster seat shoulder socialist stand summary telephone tissueroot seaweed shout society standard summer telescope titlerope second show sock star sun television torose secret shower socket stare sunburnt tell toastrot secretary shrink sofa start sunlight temperature tobacco rough section shut soft starvation sunny temple today round secure shuttle soft drink starve sunshine temporary together roundabout security shy software state super tend toilet routine see sick soil station superb tendency tolerate row seed melon sickness solar statement superior tennis tomato row seed side soldier <statesman/st supermarket tense tombroyal seek sideroad solid ateswoman> supper tension tomorrow rubber seem sideway some statistics supply tent ton rubbish seize sideways somebody statue support tentative tongue rude seldom sigh somehow status suppose term tonight rugby select sight someone stay supreme terminal tooruin self sightseeing something steady surplus terrible toolrule selfish signal sometimes steal sure terrify toothruler sell signature somewhere steam surface terror toothache run semicircle significance son steel surgeon test toothbrush rush seminar silence song steep surprise text toothpaste sacred send silent soon step surround textbook top sacrifice senior silk sorrow steward surrounding than topicsad sense silly sorry stewardess survival thank tortoise sadness sensitive silver sort stick survive thankful totalsafe sentence similar soul still suspect that touch safety separate simple sound stocking suspension the toughsail separation simplify soup stomach swallow theatre toursailor serious since sour stone swap theft tourism salad servant sincerely south stop swear their tourist salary serve sing southeast storage sweat theirs tournament sale service single southern store sweater them toward (s) salesgirl session sink southwest storm sweep theme towel salesman set sir souvenir story sweet themselves tower saleswoman settle sister sow stout swell then townsalt settlement sit space stove swift theoretical toysalty settler situation spaceship straight swim theory track salute several size spade straightforward swing there tractor same severe skate spare strait switch therefore tradesand sew skateboard sparrow strange sword thermos tradition sandwich sex ski speak stranger symbol these traditional satellite shabby skill speaker straw sympathy they traffic satisfaction shade skillful spear strawberry symphony thick train satisfy shadow skin special stream symptom thief training saucer shake skip specialist street system thin tram sausage shall skirt specific strength systematic thing transform save shallow sky speech strengthen table think translate say shame skyscraper speed stress table tennis thinking translation saying shape slave spell strict tablet thirst translator scan share slavery spelling strike tail this transparent scar shark sleep spend string tailor thorough transport scarf sharp sleepy spin strong take those trapscene sharpen sleeve spirit struggle tale though travel scenery sharpe ner pen cil slice spiritual stubborn talent thought traveler sceptical sharpener slide spit student talk thread treasure schedule shave slight splendid studio tall thrill treat school shaver slim split study tank thriller treatmenttree tremble trend trial triangle trick trip trolleybus troop trouble troublesome trousers truck TRUE truly trunk trust truth try T-shirt tube tune turkey turn turning tutor TV twice twin twist type typewriter typical typhoon typist tyre ugly umbrella unable unbearable unbelievable uncertain uncle uncomfortable unconditional unconscious under underground underline understand undertake underwear unemployment unfair unfit unfortunate uniform union unique unit unite universal universe university unless unlike unrest until unusual unwilling up update upon upper upset upstairs upward (s) urban urge urgent use used useful useless user usual vacation vacant vague vain valid valley valuable value variety various vase vast VCD vegetable vehicle version vertical very vest via vice victim victory video videophone view village villager vinegar violate violence violent violin violinist virtue virus visa visit visitor visual vital vivid vocabulary voice volcano volleyball voluntary volunteer vote voyage wag wage waist wait waiterwaiting-roomwaitresswake walkwall walletwalnutwander wantwar wardwarehousewarm warmthWarn washwashroomwithoutwitness wolfwomanwonderwonderfulwood woolwoolen wordwork workerworldworldwideworm worriedworry worthworthwhileworthywoundwrestlewrinkle wristwrite wrongX-ray yardyawn yellyear yellowyesyesterdaywet yoghurtyou youngyour yoursyourselfyourselvesyouth yummyzebra zebracrossing zerozip zip codezipper zonezoo zoomwastewatch waterwatermelonwave wax。



CVVT是英文Continue Variable Valve Timing的缩写,翻译成中文就是连续可变气门正时机构,它是近些年来被逐渐应用于现代轿车上的众多可变气门正时技术中的一种。



这项技术着重于第一个字母C (Continue连续),强调根据发动机的工作状况连续变化,时时控制气门重叠角的大小,从而改变气缸进气量。









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Testing and Adjusting
G3500 A3 Engines Air/Fuel Ratio Control - Adjust - NO X Feedback
SMCS - 1266-025 The air/fuel ratio must be adjusted properly in order to comply with the emissions requirements of the site. The correct air/fuel ratio also helps ensure stable operation. To adjust the air/fuel ratio, perform the following procedure.
Note: An emissions analyzer that is capable of measuring NO and NO 2 separately must be used in order to check the air/fuel ratio control and in order to adjust the air/fuel ratio control. The accuracy of the emissions analyzer that is used for engine calibration must be within ten percent of a standard at the desired engine NO X emissions level. Calibrate the emissions analyzer for both NO and NO 2 as needed in order to maintain this accuracy level.
1.Connect a properly calibrated emissions analyzer to the exhaust stack.
2.Connect the Caterpillar Electronic Technician (ET) to the service tool connector. Refer to Systems Operation/Testing and Adjusting, "General Information (Electronic Control System)".
e the data from the gas analysis in order to determine the correct settings for the "Fuel Quality" and for the "Gas Specific Gravity" parameters.
4.Calibrate the NO X sensor. Refer to the engine's Troubleshooting manual for the procedure.
5.Start the engine.
Engage the driven equipment.
Shutdown Previous Screen Product: GAS ENGINE
Configuration: G3516 Engine WPT00001-UP
Media Number -RENR9352-03 Publication Date -01/06/2008 Date Updated -09/06/2008
i02806571Table 1Tools Needed Qty 156-1060 Emissions Analyzer Gp (1) 1
156-1070 Emission Analyzer Tool (1) 1
( 1 ) Either emissions analyzer may be used.
7.Select "Service Procedures" from the "Service" drop-down menu. Select "Air Fuel Ratio
Tuning" from the selection menu. Set the "Emissions Feedback Mode configuration" to
"Feedback Disabled". The fuel valve should be 70 percent open.
Note: The engine will now operate in open loop mode throughout the entire range of engine loads.
8.Slowly increase to 50 and 100 percent load.
9.Measure the engine's emissions with an emissions analyzer.
10.Adjust the "Desired Engine Exhaust NOx Level Setting" until the NO X sensor matches the
readings on the emissions analyzer.
11.Select "NEXT" on the Cat ET in order to to enable the NO X feedback.
12.Change the engine load to the load that is required at the site. Check the emissions level.
Verify that the emissions meet the requirements of the site.
13.Refer to Testing and Adjusting , "Exhaust Bypass Valve (Adjust)" after the adjustments have
been made to the air/fuel ratio control.
14.Record the data from all of the status groups on Cat ET. Save the data for future reference. Actuator Linkage
For information about the actuator linkage, refer to Specifications, "Actuator Linkage".
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