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---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ 人教版必修五第五单元小课文教学案高二英语第五模块第五单元小课文教学案制作人:



2019-11-21 签字:


课前预习案 What adjectives would you use to describe a heroic deed (Johns actions)? Give at least three. ____________________________________________________ 课中探


Dictate the important words and expressions. ___________________________________________________________

______ 二、目标定位,确定重点。

1.Learn several important language points.

2.Analyse important sentences. 三、自主探究,教师点拨。

Step 1:Read the headline: What is the story about? (Read the first paragraph and fill in the chart) Who When Where Why What Step 2:Read the article and then put these events in the order __ The attacker ran away. __ Anne was attacked and started to scream. __ John performed first aid on Anne __ John was studying in his house. __ The ambulance

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arrived. __ John ran outside with his father. __ John found Anne in her garden with terrible knife wounds. Step 3:Read the text and fill in the blanks Who ? What did hehear? Where did he go? John Janson __________ __________of Ms Slade What did he do? Where did he gethis knowledge? What did he receive? Using some_________and tapeto _____ theinjuries and________ pressureto the wounds to______________ Young LifesaverScheme at his _________ ________________________ 四、尝试演练,合作解疑。

Step 1:Important phrases: 1.被授予奖赏______________________2.在颁奖会上____________________ 3.正在做.这时___________________ 4.逃离现场______________________ 5.砍断____________________________6.很多__________________________ 7.找到____________________________8.用.做________________________ 9.对.施加压力___________________10.对.感到骄傲__________________ 11.参加___________________________12.毫无疑问______________________ 13.起作用_________________________14.出席招待会____________________ Step 2:Difficult sentences 1. John was presented with his award at a ceremony which recognized the bravery of ten people who had saved the life of another. which 引导一个________从句 who


引导一个__________从句 2. It was Johns quick action and knowledge of first aid that saved Ms Slades life. It is/was

that 是__________句型。


1. 在交通事故中受伤的人被尽快送往了医院。

_________________in the traffic accident were taken to

the hospital as soon as possible 2. 我们急需一些绷带, 你

能找到一些吗? We are in great need of some bandages. Could

you_____________________? 3. 因为干旱(draught), 我们的水供


Our water supply has been ____________for a month because

of draught. 4. 他认识到自己知识的缺乏, 准备从头学起。

He __________his lack of knowledge and decided to learn

from the beginning. 5.他们仅对新手实行这些规定。

They _____________ these rules to beginners only 六、课



课后巩固案 1.I hear Bob has been ill in hospital for days.

______, lets go to see him. A. If ever B. If any C. If possible D.If so 2.The children were playing football happily on the playground ______ it began to rain heavily. A. as

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