I/A Series ® Mesh网络技术-世界领导地位
I/A 的MESH网不久前被业界内的著 名杂志:美国CONTROL ENGINEERING(美国控制周刊) 评选为2004年最佳主编奖”。
2005年3月7-10日, 在Chicago 和 National Manufacturing Week(全国 制造业周刊)一起举行颁奖仪式。
• UL 60950 • CSA 60950 • EN 60950 • EN 60825 • IEC 60950
I/A Series ® MESH网络的可靠性-对等节点结构
以太网信息高速公路 客户机
交换机切换时间小于1秒 保证数据传输的实时性能, 杜绝服务器-客户机结构网络由于服务器故障产生的系统崩溃
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I/A Series ® MESH控制网络特点
• 工作站、控制处理器和 I/O卡直接接入同一网络 • 快速生成树协议(RSTP), 自恢复网络 • 所有各站均为冗余以太网通讯 • 工作站和控制处理器中均包含独创的网络冗余软件 • 全光纤网络,特别适合于各类工厂环境 • 以太网交换机隔离冲突域,改善通讯性能 • 使用多模/单模光纤通讯覆盖更大区域,无需使用中继
Foxboro IA 宝典环境组态1.环境文件目录opt\fox\env2.环境文件*.env中的初始画面是切换到该环境时的显示画面,而不是刚启动完成后的画面。
3.*.dbr文件中可以选择按钮模板,模板的位置在opt\fox\displib\displaybar DM变量FV_DBAR指向它,里面以m1为扩展名的文件就是模板文件。
●文件中的dmcmd stddisp 为DM命令foxselect, dmcmd psc为DM命令打印屏幕。
●[-l 按钮上的文字];[-b 按钮上的画面]。
**************************************************************5.在usr\fox\alarms中的commgrp.cfg文件中,设置报警组报警信息的循环(备用)6.在usr\fox\customer\hi中的dmcfg设置:Name letterbug litterbugAMName letterbug litterbugDMtoAM letterbug litterbug7.usr\fox\customer\alarms\cfg中的am_def.cfg文件定义过程报警的样式,按钮功能等。
Wp_am.cfg文件的作用?*****************************************************************环境口令1.D:Cd \usr\fox\wp\bin\toolsDmsepass 环境文件名[-p password] [-d description] [-f filename]口令文件存放在\usr\fox\wp\data目录默认为dmpasswd_cfg 如果要删除密码,用同样的命令,只不过用一个空的口令。
金鸽科技D222 D223无线物联网M2M DTU Modem说明书
无线物联网M2M DTUModem GSM/SMS/GPRS/3G/4G无线物联网M2M Modem无线数据传输设备DTUD222/D223说明书版本:V1.1型号:D222/D223日期:2020-5-26版权:深圳市金鸽科技有限公司网址:前言感谢您使用深圳市金鸽科技有限公司的D22x系列GSM/短信/GPRS/3G/4G IOT M2M Modem DTU,阅读本产品说明书能让您快速掌握本产品的功能和使用方法。
修订记录日期文档版本说明作者2017年04月17日V1.0初版KG字体目录1产品简介 (4)1.1概述 (4)1.2典型应用 (6)1.3安全说明 (7)1.4包装清单 (7)1.5功能特点 (9)1.6技术参数 (10)1.7设备选型 (11)2硬件说明 (12)2.1外形尺寸 (12)2.2LED指示灯 (12)2.3接口定义 (13)2.4SIM卡 (14)2.5电源开关/升级按钮 (14)2.6天线接口 (15)3产品安装 (15)3.1壁挂式 (15)3.2导轨式 (16)4参数配置 (16)4.1配置前准备 (16)4.1.1驱动安装 (16)4.1.2查找端口号 (16)4.1.3登录配置软件 (17)4.2基本信息 (18)4.3号码设置 (23)4.4数据网络设置 (23)4.5串口设置 (25)4.6定时器设置 (26)4.7调试窗口以及调试工具 (26)4.8系统 (27)4.8.1导出配置 (27)4.8.2导入配置 (27)4.8.3初始化/重置 (27)5短信功能 (28)6升级固件 (28)7保修条款 (29)8技术支持 (29)9附录A短信指令集 (29)1产品简介1.1概述GSM GPRS3G4G IoT M2M Modem DTU D223是一款稳定性以及性价比非常高的无线物联网数据传输终端(DTU),利用公用GSM/SMS/GPRS/3G/4G无线网络为用户提供无线长距离稳定可靠的短信以及数据传输功能。
模拟量输出控制模块使用手册适用型号:AIO-222版本:Aio-2ao222_cn_user_01简介AIO-222 模块可实现1~2路模拟量输出控制,通讯接口为RS-485口,MODBUS-RTU通讯协议。
可将主机或PLC 的RS-485数字信号转换为4~20mA、0~20mA、0~5V或0~10V模拟信号输出,实现对一些模拟设备的控制。
目录第一章、产品介绍 (3)1.1.功能特点 (3)1.2. 技术参数 (3)第二章、产品应用 (4)2.1. 外形及安装 (4)2.2. 端子定义 (4)2.3. 典型接线 (5)2.4. 应用说明 (5)第三章、Modbus寄存器列表 (6)第四章、通讯规约 (7)4.1 MODBUS-RTU通讯规约示例 (7)第五章、注意事项 (8)1.1.功能特点⏹控制1~2路模拟量输出:0~20mA、0~5V、0~10V等各量程可选;⏹通信规约采用标准Modbus-RTU方式;⏹带ESD保护电路的RS-485通信接口;⏹内置看门狗,并具有完善的防雷抗干扰措施;⏹35mm 标准DIN导轨安装。
1.2. 技术参数1.2.1 模1拟量输出1) 输出通道:1路或2路可选2) 输出信号:直流0~20mA、0~5V、0~10V等各量程可选3) 过载能力:最大1.1倍量程输出;4) 响应周期:100~200mS;5) 输出负载能力:电压通道>10 kΩ;电流通道≤500Ω;6) 输出纹波:≤15mV(有效值,额定输出负载时)。
1.2.2 通讯接口1) 接口类型:1路RS-485通讯接口2) 通讯规约:MODBUS-RTU标准规约3) 通讯地址:1~247可设置4) 数据格式:可软件设置,“n,8,1”、“e,8,1”、“o,8,1”、“n,8,2”5) 通讯速率:可设置1200、2400、4800、9600Bps;1.2.3 输出精度:±0.2%FS、±0.5%FS;1.2.4 隔离:隔离型:电源、输入、通讯口三方全隔离,隔离电压2500VDC;非隔离型:信号输入与通讯之间不隔离,电源单独隔离。
红宇高频读写模块SRR22M0通信协议1.概述 (1)2.传输层协议 (1)2.1.RS232 (1)2.1.1.命令传输桢结构-从上位机到读写器 (1)2.1.2.应答传输桢结构-从读写器到上位机 (2)2.1.3.传输错误处理 (2)3.应用层协议 (2)3.1.应用层协议数据单元—命令请求 (2)3.2.应用层协议数据单元—命令回复 (3)3.3.应用命令集 (3) Alarm —提示信息触发 (3) RFReset —射频复位 (4) Request —寻卡 (4) AntiColl —防冲突 (5) Select —选卡 (5) LoadKey —口令加载 (5) Authentication —口令验证 (6) Read —读数据 (6) Write —读数据 (7) Halt —停止卡操作 (7) WriteKey —写密码 (8)4.附录 (8)4.1.错误编码表 (8)4.2.标签(M1卡)的存储分区结构 (10)1.概述本文是四川红宇创智信息科技有限责任公司IC读写器通信协议,供IC读写器及其访问API的开发者参考。
DSP-222 检测器传感器单元使用手册说明书
DSP-222 Operations ManualDual Channel InductiveLoop Detector Sensor UnitThis manual contains technical information for the DSP-222 detector sensor unit. Included are general description, general characteristics, installation procedure, adjustment instructions, operational guide, maintenance procedures and technical schematics and drawings.1. General DescriptionThe DSP-222 is a dual-channel inductive loop vehicle detector sensor unit designed to meet the State of California, Department of Transportation, (Caltrans) specification TSCES dated January of 1989 and the addendum dated July of 1991.2. General CharacteristicsThe sensor unit incorporates a double-sided 44-pin edge connector for the connection of power, loop inputs and call outputs and sensor unit reset. Each channel has individual front-panel controls for setting sensitivity, frequency, and pulse/presence mode. Each channel is also equipped with two high-intensity front-panel LEDs which are used to indicate the detect state and fail condition of the individual channels. Call outputs are optically isolated solid-state transistors. The sensor unit occupies one position of a standard 170 input file. Each channel of the DSP-222 will automatically tune to any loop and lead-in inductance between 50 and 750 microhenries with a loop system “Q” as low as 5. The unit will detect inductance changes as small as 0.01%L/L.3. Installation and AdjustmentsThe sensor unit is factory shipped with all switches set to off signifying both channels are disabled. The MIN PRESENCE jumper J1 located on the printed circuit board is installed forcing all detection outputs to last a minimum of 100 ms in the presence mode. The ALTERNATE jumper J2 located on the printed circuit board is installed forcing both channels to operate in the non-scanning mode.a) Remove the MIN PRESENCE jumper J1 on the circuit board to allow presence outputs of times less than 100 ms, if so desired.b) Remove the ALTERNATE jumper J2 on the circuit board to allow both channels to scan sequentially, if so desired.c) Make sure that the sensor unit is firmly seated into its position in the input file.d) Set the PULSE switch on for pulse operation. Set the PULSE switch off for presence operation.e) Adjust sensitivity by setting switches S1, S2, and S4 to the desired position using standard binary coding. Sensitivity 1 is the lowest setting and Sensitivity 7 is the highestsetting. If a channel is not used, it may be switched off (disabled) by setting it to Sensitivity 0 (all three switches off).f) Frequency setting needs to be changed only if crosstalk occurs between nearby loops. Crosstalk usually manifests itself as chattering of the call output. Change the frequency if crosstalk is encountered. Four frequency positions are available on each channel to assist in alleviating interference. It may be necessary to reset the channel after the frequency has been changed.g) Check the front-panel indicators. If the Fault LEDs on either channel are flashing there is a problem with the loop system on that channel. Observe the flash sequence to determine the type of fault. A single flash followed by a pause indicates an open loop system. A double flash indicates a shorted loop system. Check the loop connections carefully. Reset both channels by momentarily selecting a different sensitivity or mode and then return to the original setting.h) Monitor operation and make adjustments to the sensitivity and frequency as necessary.4. Theory of OperationThe DSP-222 works on the principle that loop frequency is directly related to loop inductance. However, the change in loop frequency is very small -- perhaps as little as one hertz. It is easy to measure a change of one hertz simply by counting the number of cycles in one second. Unfortunately, the minimum response time using this method is easily greater than one second. To improve the response time, the measurement is done by gating a high-speed stable oscillator with the loop frequency. This scheme, called period measurement, provides high-resolution in a short period of time. This measurement is compared to a previously established reference to determine whether or not the frequency of the loop oscillator has changed sufficiently to indicate the presence of a vehicle.The high speed of the reference crystal oscillator ensures that the sample can be taken within a very short period of time. For example, at sensitivities less than 4, a sample can be taken within 2 ms which allows the sensor unit to respond to a vehicle presence (or loss of presence) in the detection area with an accuracy of 1 ms. Note: This is true only if the ALTERNATE jumper J2 is installed.Sensitivity is a function of how long a sample is used for the determination of a vehicle presence, i.e. the longer the sample time, the more sensitive the sample. Since the sensor unit measures the minute changes in loop oscillations, it follows that low frequency loops are innately more sensitive than high frequency loops. In order to keepthe sensitivity the same over the wide spectrum of loop frequencies, the sensor unit first measures the loop frequency and calculates the number of complete cycles needed for a sample. This value is then used for all subsequent loop measurements for this channel.The sensor unit checks the completed sample to confirm that it is still within acceptable operating limits and then determines whether the sample has changed sufficiently with respect to the stored reference to indicate the presence of a vehicle. It then controls the output and indicators appropriately. Minor changes in period occurring over a relatively long time are due entirely to environmental fluctuations. By altering the stored reference slowly, these environmental changes are ignored. In this fashion, the sensor unit can compensate for temperature changes and other long-term effects such as water on the pavement.5. Detailed Description of Circuit OperationThe following description is valid for both channels of the DSP-222. Reference designators are shown for channel 1 with those related to channel 2 in parentheses. Refer to section 8 for block diagram and schematic.The loop oscillators consist of two PNP transistors in a basic Franklin type circuit. Q1 (Q4) is coupled to Q2 (Q5) to form the active oscillator. The loop is connected to the oscillator circuit with the isolation transformer T1 (T2). The reflected roadway loop inductance is resonated with the capacitor C5 (C11). Frequency modification capacitors C3 (C9) and C4 (C10) are switched in via SW1 (SW2) and are used to change the operating frequency of the loop circuit. Neon surge arrestor I1 (I2) provides high voltage spike protection. When loops are connected to the oscillators and the unit is under power, the oscillators will resonate at their natural frequency according to the inductance of the roadway loop and the capacitance described above.Surge protective diode D1 (D2) is used to limit voltage surges that may appear on the circuit side of the loop transformer. The output signal from the oscillator is present on the collector of Q1 (Q4) and is a sine wave at the oscillator frequency.The loop frequency signals from the oscillators are routed to the squaring circuits formed by transistor Q3 (Q6). The outputs of the squaring circuits are passed through a low-pass filter network consisting of resistor R9 (R18) and capacitor C6 (C12). From here, the square wave loop frequency is presented to the capture register input of the microprocessor.The Microchip PIC 16F73 U1 is an advanced RISC microcontroller using Harvard architecture. The processor is being clocked with a 20 MHz crystal. This speed insures fast instruction processing as well as a high-speed time base for the two independent capture registers used in the period measurement of the loop frequencies.The front-panel LED indication LED2 (LED1) is used to indicate the “Call” output of the channels. LED3 (LED4) indicates the “Fail” condition of the loops. These outputs are driven directly by the microcontroller. Monolithic voltage regulators provide a stable 12-volt reference supply U3. Two additional 5-volt regulators provide stable 5-volt power to the digital circuitry U2 and loop oscillators respectively U4.An external reset signal is provided to reset the microcontroller with a low (ground true) signal on pin C of the loop sensor unit. This is accomplished by using Q9 as an input voltage comparator and phase inverter as well as a second phase inverter Q10. The input signal is “noise” filtered with C15 and diode D5.Front-panel switch S1 (S2) is used to input data to the microcontroller from the user. The sensitivity setting and the choice of pulse or presence operation are routed directly to the input ports of the microcontroller U1.Transistor Q7 (Q8) is the high-current driver necessary to power the opto-isolator U5 outputs for external equipment.The +24 volt input is protected with a power diode D6 to prevent damage to the unit if power is connected incorrectly. In addition, an input resistor R36 is provided to reduce inrush current when the unit is plugged into a “hot” card cage. The input voltage is well filtered with C16.6. Preventive MaintenanceOver the years, the electronic components used in inductive loop detectors have become very reliable. Generally, most inductive loop sensor problems can be traced to the loop system. The loop system is defined as the loop of wire(s) located in the street, the lead-in wire(s) located between the street loop and the controller cabinet, and the associated wiring in the controller cabinet itself.The wire used in the street loop should be rated for direct burial. The wire should be of the cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE) insulated type. PVC insulated type of wire should always be avoided. The sealant should be carefully chosen to match the application and pavement. A hard setting epoxy should never be used with asphalt.The loop wires should be held into the bottom of the saw cut with backer rod. The loop wire should be twisted with a minimum of 5 twists per foot between the loop itself and the splice point. This is usually the hand hole or pull box at the side of the road.At this point, the twisted loop wires must be soldered to the lead-in cable. If crimp type connectors are used, they must be soldered after crimping. After soldering, the splices must be protected with a moisture-proof seal.The feeder cable used to extend the lead-in, must be a shielded, twisted pair with high-density polyethylene insulation. The termination of the feeder cable in the controller cabinet must also be soldered if crimp type terminals are used. The use of wire nuts and other improper methods of connections will result in problems with the detection system.7. Trouble AnalysisThe following chart should be used to troubleshoot the sensor unit and installation. If the DSP-222 itself is suspect, see section 8 for a complete internal testing sequence.a) Neither channel responds to vehicles. Power supply fault.The DSP-222 requires a 24 VDC nominal supply. The sensor unit will operate at voltages as low as 16 volts. However, supply voltages below this may result in the sensor unit entering a reset state. In this case, the unit will appear to be non-functional.b) Reset line held low.This fault is likely to affect all units in the rack since the external reset line is usually common to every card rack position. Measure the voltage on the external reset line. If it is below approximately 12 volts, remove each unit one by one until the reset line returns to the power supply level (approximately 24 volts). The unit that was removed last should be checked carefully for other faults. See section 8.c) Channel does not detect all vehicles.Sensitivity is too low. Increase sensitivity by one setting and observe operation.d) Channel is noisy/chatters/gives false detect calls.Two or more units are interfering with each other (crosstalk). Adjust the frequency switches on all units that exhibit crosstalk. Continue this procedure until all affected channels are corrected.8. Troubleshooting SequenceApply 24 ±1 volt power to the unit. Connect a loop test box with an inductance of approximately 115 microhenries to the loop inputs pins D and E (channel 1) and pins J and K (channel 2) to simulate the connection of loops.NOTE: All of the following signal measurements are referenced to logic ground.a) Unregulated power supply.Voltage across capacitor C16 should be 24 ±1 volt. This voltage can also be measured at the input of regulator U3 and/or U2.Possible component faults are diode D6 or resistor R36.b) Regulated 12 volt power supply.Voltage at output of U3 (across capacitors C17) should be 12 ± .2 volts. Possible component fault is the voltage regulator U3.c) Regulated 5 volt (logic) power supply.Voltage at output of U2 should be 5 ± .2 volts.Possible component fault is the voltage regulator U2.d) Regulated 5 volt (oscillator) power supply.Voltage at output of U4 should be 5 ± 0.2 volts.Possible component fault is the voltage regulator U4.e) Microcontroller clockWaveform at pin 10 of U1 should be a sine wave at 20 MHz with a peak to peak voltage of 1 to 2 volts. Note: This value will vary with the type of oscilloscope probe used. The value stated here is obtained using a Tektronix scope probe with a capacitance of 20 pF.Possible components at fault are the crystal X1 or microcontroller U1.f) Reset input to microcontrollerVoltage at pin 1 of U1 should be 5 volts ± .2 volts. Check to insure pin C on the detector is high--approximately 24 volts.Possible components at fault are transistors Q9, Q10, or diode D5.g) Loop oscillator outputConnect an oscilloscope to pin 13 (pin 12) of U1. Observe the square wave to be the same frequency as the loop oscillator. At this point, a simulated call should be introduced at the test box. Observe a slight frequency increase at this point.If there is no square wave at this point a defective component in the oscillator circuit may exist. Possible components at fault are Q1 (Q4), Q2 (Q5), Q3 (Q6), D3 (D4) or the potcore isolation transformer T1 (T2).h) Outputs and indicatorsVerify that the opto-isolated outputs conducts only when the front-panel detect LEDs are on.Possible fault areas are: Transistor Q7 (Q8) or the dual opto-isolator U2 or LED2 (LED1)9. Bill of MaterialsQty Reference Description Manufacturing Part Number 2C13, 1422 pF 50V NPO SMD 805Panasonic/ECU-V1H22OJCN 2C6, 12270 pF 50V X7R SMD 805Kemet/C805C271M5RAC 2C2, 8.001uF 50V NPO SMD 805Panasonic/ECU-V1H102JCX 10C1,7,15,17-20,22-241uF 50V X7R SMD 1206Kemet/C1206C104M5RAC 2C3, 9.022uF 50V PPS 1910Panasonic/ECH-U1H223JB5 2C4, 10.047uF 50V PPS 1812Panasonic/ECH-U1H473JB9 2C5, 11.1uF 50V PPS 1913Panasonic/ECH-U1H104JB9 2C25,26.47uf X7R SMD 1206AVX 12063C474KAT2A 2C16, 21220uF 35V elect SMD Elna/RV-35V221MH10-R 1—– DSP-222 alum. front panel Diablo P/N CAS013 1—– Oscillator plastic cover Modar/JIT minibox2J1, 2 2 pins .025” sq. x .1” center generic7D3-5, 7-101N914 SMD SOT-23Motorola MMBD914LT1 1D61N4004 1 amp 400V SMD SMA Diodes, Inc S1G-132Z1, 233V zener SMD SOD-123Diodes, Inc MMSZ5257B 2D1, 211V transorb SMD SMB Diodes, Inc SMBJ11CA 2LED3, 4Right angle green LED Bivar/H101CSGC2LED1, 2Right angle red LED Bivar/H101CSRC2I1,2NE-2E neon indicator Xenell2—– #4-3/8” Phil self-tap screw generic2—– #4-40 5/16” screw w/ washer generic2—– Right angle bracket Diablo P/N HDW025 1—– Handle Diablo P/N HDW030 2—– #6-3/8” Phil self-tapping screw generic2U2, 4+5V regulator SMD D2PAK On Semi M7805CD2T 1U3+12V regulator SMD D2PAK On Semi M7812CD2T 1U5Dual opto-coupler SMD SO-8Fairchild MOCD2231U1PIC microcontroller Microchip PIC16F73-20/SO 1—– 2-channel oscillator box label Diablo LBL032 1—– Front panel label Diablo LBL037 1—– DSP-222 main PCB Diablo PCB2222R1, 1068 ohm 1/8 watt SMD 1206generic1R3610 ohm 1/2 watt SMD 1206generic6R9, 18, 24, 25, 39, 40330 ohm 1/8 watt SMD 1206generic2R2, 11510 ohm 1/2 watt SMD 1206generic6R20-23, 37, 381K 1/8 watt SMD 1206generic16R3, 5, 7, 8, 12, 14, 16, 17, 26-29, 31,4.7K 1/8 watt SMD 1206generic32, 34, 354R19, 30, 33, 4112K 1/8 watt SMD 1206generic2R4, 1327K 1/8 watt SMD 1206generic2R6, 1556K 1/8 watt SMD 1206generic7Q3, 6-8, 10-122N3904 NPN SMD SOT-23 transistor Motorola MMBT3904LT1 5Q1, 2, 4, 5, 92N3906 SMD SOT-23 transistor Motorola MMBT3906LT1 2S1, 2 6 position right angle DIP switch Switronic DA06BTS2T1, 2Potcore isolation transformer Diablo P/N XFM0601X120 Mhz Xtal-parallel 20 pF HC-49UA Fox 200-20-110. Block Diagram11. Schematic (next page)This page left intentionally blank. Remove and insert B-size schematic.12. Assembly Drawing13. SpecificationsPower Supply:24 VDC ±20%, 80 ma maximum for both channels.Loop Input:The loop inputs incorporate lightning and transient protection devices and the loop oscillator circuitry is transformer isolated. The lightning protection will withstand the discharge of a 10 microfarad capacitor charged to 2,000V across the loop inputs or between any loop input and earth ground.Tuning:Each channel of the DSP-222 series will automatically tune to any loop and lead-in combination within the tuning range upon application of power or when a valid reset signal is received. A channel can be reset by adjusting mode, sensitivity, or frequency.Tuning Range:50 to 750 µH with a “Q” greater than 5.Lead-in Length:The unit will operate with lead-in (feeder) lengths up to 2,000 feet with Caltrans types A, B, or Q loops in all configurations as defined by California Standard Plan ES-5A & B. Environmental Tracking:The DSP-222 automatically and continuously compensates for environmental changes and effects throughout the entire tuning range and operating temperature range.Fault Monitoring:Internal monitoring of the loop system is accomplished with the microcontroller. The system is able to detect shorted or open loop systems, as well as a sudden change of inductance exceeding 25 % of the nominal value. If a fault is detected on a channel, the Fail LED will flash in a sequence related to the type of fault. The channel output will remain in the detect (call) state. If the fault condition is removed, the detect LED and the output will return to normal operation.High-Intensity LED Indicators:Each channel has a high-intensity red LED indicator to indicate the presence, or “call” and a high-intensity green LED indicator to indicate a failure in the roadway loop system.Front Panel Controls:Front panel mounted DIP switches allow the user to select sensitivity, pulse/presence and frequency on each channel.Operational Modes:Pulse - 125 ms ±25 ms momentary outputPresence Time - Meets or exceeds the State of California (Caltrans) Specifications. (Minimum presence = 10 minutes for a change of inductance of 0.06% and minimum presence = 3 minutes for a change of inductance of 0.02%)Note: When operating in the pulse mode, a vehicle remaining over a loop will inhibit further pulse outputs from being issued for a period of 2 seconds after which time vehicles passing over the loop will again be detected.Sensitivity:One of seven settings may be selected to optimize detection on varying loop and lead-in configurations. Sensitivity is defined as the minimum percentage change in L/L of the total inductance (loop plus lead-in). Selecting level 0 will switch the channel off. In this condition, the loop oscillator is de-energized, and the output will remain in the no call state.Sensitivity L% Response Time (ms)0Off Off1.64.52.3213.1624.0845,0486.02167.0132Frequency:One of four settings may be selected to eliminate crosstalk.Reset Input:The DSP-222 may be reset by applying a ground true logic level to the reset input pin C for a period exceeding 15 microseconds.Electrical Interconnection:Edge Connector mates with connector types. Cinch 50-44A-30Pins FunctionA Power and logic commonB Input power (+24 volts DC)C /ResetD Loop 1E Loop 1F Output 1 (collector)H Output 1 (emitter)J Loop 2K Loop 2L Chassis groundM N/CN N/COutput Ratings:Optically Isolated Output Versions: the output transistor is rated for a maximum collector voltage of 30 VDC. Maximum collector current is 50 mA.Mechanical:Dimensions 1.12 W x 4.5H x 7.0 (Excluding handle)Environmental:Temperature Range:Storage: -55C to +85COperating: -37°C to +74°CHumidity: 0 to 95% relative。
我们对本文档及其中的内容具有全部的知识产权。除非特别授权,禁止复制或向第三方分发。凡侵犯本公司版权等知识产权的,本公司必 依法追究其法律责任。 我们定期仔细检查本文档中的内容,在后续版本中会有必要的修正。但不可避免会有一些错误之处,欢迎提出改进的意见。 我们保留在不事先通知的情况下进行技术改进的权利。
PCS-222B-I 智能终端 残余电压
接地 装置的接地端子必须可靠接地。
运行环境 该装置只允许运行在技术参数所规定的大气环境中,而且运行环境不能存在不正常的震动。
额定值 在接入交流电压电流回路或直流电源回路时,请确认他们符合装置的额定参数。
危险! 意味着如果安全预防措施被忽视,则会导致人员死亡,严重的人身伤害,或 严重的设备损坏。
警告! 意味着如果安全预防措施被忽视,则可能导致人员死亡,严重的人身伤害, 或严重的设备损坏。
警示! 意味着如果安全预防措施被忽视,则可能导致轻微的人身伤害或设备损坏。 本条特别适用于对装置的损坏及可能对被保护设备的损坏。
购买产品,请联系: 电话:025-87178911 传真:025-52100511、025-52100512
PCS-222B-I 智能终端
前言.................................................................................................................................................... i 目录.................................................................................................................................................. iii 第 1 章 概述...................................................................................................................................... 1
Endress+Hauser PX222 压力传感器说明书
ECONOMICAL METRIC MILLIVOLT OUTPUT PRESSURE SENSORFOR GAGE AND ABSOLUTE MEASUREMENTSSPECIFICATIONSExcitation:10 Vdc, 15 Vdc max.Output:100 mV ±1 mVAccuracy:0.25% (including linearity,hysteresis and repeatability)Zero Balance:1% FSOperating Temp.: -40 to 125°C (-40 to 257°F)Compensated Temp.:-20 to 80°C (-4 to 176°F)Thermal Effects:1.5% FS over -20 to 80°CProof Pressure:150%Burst Pressure:400%, 1200 bar max.Input Resistance:2.5k to 6k ΩOutput Resistance:1.2k to 4.3k ΩResponse Time:1 msGage Type:Chemical vapor deposited polysilicon strain gagesWetted Parts:15-7,17-4 SS,<2.5 bar 17-4 SS ≥2.5 barPressure Port:G 1⁄4male BSP compatible with ISO 228Case: Liquid crystal polymer (thermoplastic)Electrical Conn.:Miniature DIN connector screw terminals Weight:3 oz (87 g)* See Section D for Compatible es with complete operator's manual.Ordering Example:PX222-004GV is a gage model, millivolt output pressure transducer with European threads and a 0 to 4 bar range, $155.Model PX222 shown withModel DP41-S meter, sold separately.See Section D for detailsߜCalibrated Per NPL (National Physics Laboratory)ߜIP65 to BS5490(IEC 529)Protected Enclosure ߜCVD Construction for High Stability$155Model ShownPX 222B-231CANADA www.omega.ca Laval(Quebec) 1-800-TC-OMEGA UNITED KINGDOM www. Manchester, England0800-488-488GERMANY www.omega.deDeckenpfronn, Germany************FRANCE www.omega.frGuyancourt, France088-466-342BENELUX www.omega.nl Amstelveen, NL 0800-099-33-44UNITED STATES 1-800-TC-OMEGA Stamford, CT.CZECH REPUBLIC www.omegaeng.cz Karviná, Czech Republic596-311-899TemperatureCalibrators, Connectors, General Test and MeasurementInstruments, Glass Bulb Thermometers, Handheld Instruments for Temperature Measurement, Ice Point References,Indicating Labels, Crayons, Cements and Lacquers, Infrared Temperature Measurement Instruments, Recorders Relative Humidity Measurement Instruments, RTD Probes, Elements and Assemblies, Temperature & Process Meters, Timers and Counters, Temperature and Process Controllers and Power Switching Devices, Thermistor Elements, Probes andAssemblies,Thermocouples Thermowells and Head and Well Assemblies, Transmitters, WirePressure, Strain and ForceDisplacement Transducers, Dynamic Measurement Force Sensors, Instrumentation for Pressure and Strain Measurements, Load Cells, Pressure Gauges, PressureReference Section, Pressure Switches, Pressure Transducers, Proximity Transducers, Regulators,Strain Gages, Torque Transducers, ValvespH and ConductivityConductivity Instrumentation, Dissolved OxygenInstrumentation, Environmental Instrumentation, pH Electrodes and Instruments, Water and Soil Analysis InstrumentationHeatersBand Heaters, Cartridge Heaters, Circulation Heaters, Comfort Heaters, Controllers, Meters and SwitchingDevices, Flexible Heaters, General Test and Measurement Instruments, Heater Hook-up Wire, Heating Cable Systems, Immersion Heaters, Process Air and Duct, Heaters, Radiant Heaters, Strip Heaters, Tubular HeatersFlow and LevelAir Velocity Indicators, Doppler Flowmeters, LevelMeasurement, Magnetic Flowmeters, Mass Flowmeters,Pitot Tubes, Pumps, Rotameters, Turbine and Paddle Wheel Flowmeters, Ultrasonic Flowmeters, Valves, Variable Area Flowmeters, Vortex Shedding FlowmetersData AcquisitionAuto-Dialers and Alarm Monitoring Systems, Communication Products and Converters, Data Acquisition and Analysis Software, Data LoggersPlug-in Cards, Signal Conditioners, USB, RS232, RS485 and Parallel Port Data Acquisition Systems, Wireless Transmitters and Receivers。
HTM-222 用户说明书1.概要 (1)1.1. 简介 (1)1.2. 应用 (1)2.连接 (2)2.1. 接口说明 (2)2.2. 显示灯说明 (3)2.3. 连接图 (4)3.开始配置 (5)3.1. 出厂设置参数 (5)3.2. 登陆到HTM-222 (6)3.2.1. 获取IP (6)3.2.2. 打开浏览器输入IP (6)3.3. 配置HTM-222 (7)3.3.1. 网络配置 (8)3.3.2. 呼叫设置 (9) FXS配置 (10) FXO配置 (12)3.3.3. FXS设置 (12)3.3.4. FXO设置 (13)3.3.5. 保存改动: (14)3.3.6. 放弃改动: (14)4.工具 (15)4.1. 在线升级 (15)4.2. 更改密码 (15)4.3. 恢复出厂设置 (16)4.4. 重启系统 (16)5.拨号规则 (17)6.了解更多 (17)6.1. 网关初始化 (17)6.2. 高级配置 (17)6.3. 注意事项 (18)1.概要1.1. 简介HT-222是得伯乐科技开发的高性能2线FXO加2线FXS网关。
1.2. 应用2.连接2.1. 接口说明2-1 接口图接口名连接到备注FXO2 连接电话线如果确认线路外露,请做好防雷措施FXO1 连接电话线如果确认线路外露,请做好防雷措施FXS2 FXS输出,连接到普通电话机线路长度低于300米FXS1 FXS输出,连接到普通电话机线路长度低于300米LAN 网络输入,连接到网络10/100BaseTPC 网络输出,连接到电脑10/100BaseTDC24 连接到厂家提供的电源RESET 恢复出厂配置长按(10秒以上)该键可恢复出厂配置表2-12.2. 显示灯说明2-2 显示灯名称说明表现Power 电源灯启动后长亮RUN 工作状态灯未登录250毫秒快闪,登录后500毫秒慢闪,升级当中100毫秒连续闪烁LAN LAN口网络灯连接网络设备后亮起,数据传送时闪动PC PC口网络灯连接网络设备后亮起,数据传送时闪动FXO 1 话机状态灯 PSTN线路1处于提机状态起,指示灯亮起FXO 2 线路状态等 PSTN线路2处于提机状态起,指示灯亮起FXS 1 线路状态等提起电话时亮起FXS 2 线路状态等提起电话时亮起表2-22.3. 连接图2-3 连接图3.开始配置3.1. 出厂设置参数参数名称出厂设置说明用户名admin密码admin 更改后请记住密码LAN口网络设置DHCP PC口网络设置桥接模式LAN口IP*00(中文)*01(English)按*00或*01语音获取IP地址设置LAN口IP *03 如:*03192*168*1*2#恢复出厂*11983185922 按完密码后听到“嘟”一声表示恢复成功,此时就拔电重启网关表2-3注意:表2-3涉及到的话机操作都是指接在FXS口上的话机3.2. 登陆到HTM-2223.2.1.获取IP确定HTM-222连接的网络内有DHCP服务器:按照图2-3的连接方式连接好HTM-222并打开电源,观察RUN灯是否在闪烁。
FBM224 MODBUS通讯设置手册
FBM224与TRICONEX ESD系统MODBUS通讯指南本文档以读取一个模拟量输入(2字节长度的浮点数)为例子,如需读取其他参数请参阅B0440FK REV B –FBM224 USER GUIDE的电子文档。
下面提供FBM224端子的接线方式如果使用RS422通讯,需要在MODBUS PORT处做相应的修改。
但是从TRICONEX出来接至FBM224 端子上为4根线,所以DCS中的MODBUS PORT需要定义为422协议。
ESD手册中:(485使用9针接口,分别引出2.3.7.8号端子)(3)SDA=Send Data A =TX+(7)SDB = Send Data B =TX-(2)SDA = Receive Data A =RX+(8)SDB = Receive Data B =RX-但是并不一定就完全是所有的+,-就对应对应的端子,有时候可能相反。
然后就需要在IA下进行相应设定:第一步:在CONFIG选项下选择MODBUS PORT对MODBUS端口进行定义:PORT MODE: 选择端口的通讯方式:RS-232,RS485,RS422BAUD RATE: 定义通讯的波特率PARITY: 定义奇偶校验STOP BITS: 定义停止位,此与奇偶方式有关。
需要注意的是PORTEX 的参数根据上表填写,这个参数表示FBM224的端口的启用情况。
然后就是需要在FILEID 内填入上一步设定并保存的MMA文件。
1. CHEMICAL PRODUCT/COMPANY IDENTIFICATIONName: MS-222N Product Use: DusterMS-222TAero-DusterMANUFACTURER/DISTRIBUTOR: Emergency Phone Number:(800) 424-9300Miller-Stephenson Chemical55 Backus Ave.Danbury, Conn. 06810 USA(203) 743-44472. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATIONPhysical Hazard: Gases under pressure – Liquefied GasLabel elements:Single Word: WarningHazard StatementsContains gas under pressure; may explode if heated.May displace oxygen and cause rapid suffocation.Precautionary StatementsPressurized container. Do not pierce or burn, even after use.Protect from sunlight.Store in a well-ventilated place.Other HazardsVapors are heavier than air and can cause suffocation by reducing oxygen available for breathing. Misuse or intentional inhalation abuse may lead to death without warning symptoms, due to cardiac effects. Rapid evaporation of the product may cause frostbite.3. INGREDIENTSMaterial (s) CAS No. Approximate %1,1,1,2 Tetrafluoroethane 811-97-2 1004. FIRST AID MEASURESInhalation: Remove patient to fresh air. Get medical attention if symptoms occur.Eye: Get medical attention immediately.Skin: Thaw frosted parts with lukewarm water. Do not rub affected area. Get medical attention immediately.Oral: Ingestion is not considered a potential route of exposure.Most important symptoms/effects, acute and delayed: May cause cardiac arrhythmia.Other symptoms potentially related to misuse or inhalation abuse: Cardiac sensitization, Anaesthetic effects, Light-headedness, Dizziness, Confusion, Lack of coordination, Drowsiness, Unconsciousness.Contact with liquid or refrigerated gas can cause cold burns or frostbite.Notes to Physician: Because of possible disturbances of cardiac rhythm, catecholamine drugs, such as epinephrine, that may be used in situations of emergency life support should be used with special caution.5. FIRE FIGHTING MEASURESSuitable Extinguishing Media: Not applicable. Will not burn.Unsuitable extinguishing media: Not applicable. Will not burn.Specific hazards during firefighting: Aerosol cans may rupture under fire conditions Exposure to combustion products may be hazardous to health. Hazardous combustion products: Hydrogen fluoride, Carbonyl fluoride, Carbon oxides.Specific extinguishing methods: Use extinguishing measures that are appropriate to local circumstances and the surrounding environment. Evacuate personnel to safe areas. Cool containers with water spray. Fight fire remotely due to risk of explosion. Protective Equipment for Fire-Fighters: Self-contained breathing apparatus if necessary. Use personal protective equipment.6.ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURESPersonal precautions, protective equipment and emergency procedures: Aerosols can explode when heated.Ventilate area. Warn personnel of this hazard and unprotected personnel should not return until safe to do so. Follow safe handling advice (Section 7) and personal protective equipment recommendations (Section 8). Avoid skin contact with leaking liquid (danger of frostbite). Environmental Precautions: Avoid release to the environment. Prevent further leakage or spillage, if safe to do so.Spill Clean Up Methods: Ventilate area. Local and national regulations may apply to releases and disposal of this material.7.HANDLING AND STORAGEHandling: Avoid inhalation of vapors. Use in a well-ventilated area. Use an approved respirator if necessary. Keep away from heat and sources of ignition. Do not get in eyes or on skin.Storage Conditions: Store in a clean, dry place, not near sources of heat, in direct sunlight or where temperatures exceed 122o F/50o C.8.EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTIONExposure Limits: TLV (ACGIH) PEL (OSHA) US WEEL1,1,1,2-Tetrafluoroethane Not Established Not Established 1000 ppm (TWA) Engineering Measures: Use adequate ventilation. Vapors are heavier than air and if working in confined or poorly ventilated areas, proper respiratory protection must be used to prevent exceeding the exposure limit.Respiratory Protection: General and local exhaust ventilation is recommended to maintain vapor exposures below recommended limits. Where concentrations are above recommended limits or are unknown, appropriate respiratory protection should be worn. Follow OSHA respirator regulations (29 CFR 1910.134) and use NIOSH/MSHA approved respirators. Protection provided by air purifying respirators against exposure to any hazardous chemical is limited. Use a positive pressure air supplied respirator if there is any potential for uncontrolled release, exposure levels are unknown, or any other circumstance where air purifying respirators may not provide adequate protection.Eye Protection: Avoid eye contact. Use chemical goggles or safety glasses with side shields. Face-shield.Skin Protection: Avoid contact with skin. Use gloves impervious to this material. For special applications, we recommend clarifying the resistance of the protective gloves for this chemical with the glove manufacturer. Wash hands before breaks and at the end of workday. Breakthrough time is not determined for the product. Change gloves often.Hygiene Measures: Good personal hygiene practices are always advisable. Do not eat, drink, or smoke when using.9.PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIESBoiling Point: -15o F/-26o C Percent Volatile by Volume: 100%Density: 1.21 g/cc at 77o F/25o C Volatile Organic Compound (VOC): Not applicableVapor Density (Air=1): N.A. Vapor Pressure: 5700 hPa at 68o F/20o CpH Information: N.A. Solubility in H2O: 1.5 g/l at 77o F/25o CForm: Liquid Gas Aerosol Evaporation Rate (CCl4=1): > 1Color: Colorless Odor: Faint Ethereal10.STABILITY AND REACTIVITYReactivity: Not classified as a reactivity hazard.Chemical stability: Stable if used as directed. Follow precautionary advice and avoid incompatible materials and conditions. Possibility of hazardous reactions: Can react with strong oxidizing agents.Material and Conditions to Avoid: Heat, flames and sparks. Oxidizing agents.Decomposition: No hazardous decomposition products are known.11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION1,1,1,2-TetrafluoroethaneAcute Inhalation:LC50 (Rat) > 567000, 4 h. Test atmosphere: gas. Method: OECD Test Guideline 403No observed adverse effect concentration (Dog): 40000 ppm. Test atmosphere: gas. Remarks: Cardiac sensitizationLowest observed adverse effect concentration (Dog): 80000 ppm. Test atmosphere: gas. Symptoms: May cause cardiac arrhythmia. Cardiac sensitisation threshold limit (Dog): 334,000 mg/m³. Test atmosphere: gas. Symptoms: May cause cardiac arrhythmia.Skin corrosion/irritation: No skin irritation.Serious eye damage/eye irritation: No eye irritation.Respiratory or skin sensitization: Not classified based on available information. Negative in Rat: Skin contact and Inhalation.Germ cell mutagenicity: Weight of evidence does not support classification as a germ cell mutagen.Test Type: Mammalian erythrocyte micronucleus test (in vivo cytogentic assay) Species: MouseApplication Route: inhalation (gas) Method: OECD Test Guideline 474 Result: negativeTest Type: Unscheduled DNA synthesis (UDS) test with mammalian liver cells in vivo Species: RatApplication Route: inhalation (gas) Method: OECD Test Guideline 486 Result: negativeCarcinogenicity: Weight of evidence does not support classification as a carcinogen. Rat by inhalation (gas) for 2 years is negative. Method: OECD Test guideline 453Reproductive toxicity: Weight of evidence does not support classification for reproduction toxicity.Effects on fertility: Mouse by inhalation is negative.Effects on fetal development: Test type: Combined repeated dose toxicity study with the reproduction/development toxicity screening test in Rabbit by inhalation (gas) is negative. Method: OECD Test Guideline 414STOT-single exposure: Not classified based on available information. No significant health effects observed in animals at concentrations of 20000V/4H or less by inhalation (gas).STOT-Repeated exposure: Not classified based on available information. No significant health effects observed in animals at concentrations of 20000V/4H or less by inhalation (gas).Aspiration toxicity: No aspiration toxicity classification.12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION1,1,1,2-TetrafluoroethaneToxicity to fish: 96 hour LC50 (Oncorhynchus mykiss (rainbow trout)): 450 mg/l. Method: Regulation (EC) No. 440/2008, Annex, C.1 Toxicity to daphnia and other: 48 hour EC50 (Daphnia magna (Water flea)): 980 mg/l. Method: Regulation (EC) No. 440/2008, Annex, C.2Toxicity to algae: 96 hour ErC50 (algae): 100 mg/l. Based on data from similar materials.Biodegradability: Not readily biodegradable. Method: OECD Test Guideline 301DBioaccumulative potential: Bioaccumulation is unlikely. Partition coefficient n-octanol/ water (log Pow): 1.06Mobility in soil: No data availableOther adverse effects: No data available13.DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONSDispose of in accordance with local regulations. Do not puncture or incinerate cans.14.TRANSPORT INFORMATIONU.S. DOTLimited QuantityIATAProper Shipping Name: 1,1,1,2 TetrafluoroethaneHazard Class: 2.2Identification No. UN 3159Packing Group: None(Authorization DOT-SP 10232 for CFR only)IMDGProper Shipping Name: 1,1,1,2 TetrafluoroethaneHazard Class: 2.2Identification No. UN 3159Packing Group: None(Authorization DOT-SP 10232 for CFR only)15. REGULATORY INFORMATIONUS FEDERAL REGULATIONS:TSCA: All ingredients are listed in TSCA inventory.CERCLA Reportable Quantity: This material does not contain any components with a CERCLA RQ.SARA 304 Extremely Hazardous Substances Reportable Quantity: This material does not contain any components with a section 304 EHS RQ.SARA 302 Extremely Hazardous Substances Threshold Planning Quantity: This material does not contain any components with a section 302 EHS RQ.SARA 311/312 Hazards: Gases under pressure. Simple Asphyxiant.SARA 313: This material does not contain any chemical components with known CAS numbers that exceed the threshold (De Minimis) reporting levels established by SARA Title III, Section 313.California Proposition 65: This product does not contain any chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and/or birth defects or other reproductive defects.INTERNATIONAL INVENTENTORIES:US – TSCA 12(b) Export NotificationNone of the ingredients are listed.CANADA: DSL/NDSLAll ingredients are listed or exempt.16. OTHER INFORMATIONHMIS Ratings:Health - 0Flammability - 0Physical Hazard - 3Personal Protective rating to be supplied by user depending on the conditions.FOR INDUSTRIAL USE ONLYREVISION DATE: MAY 2021The information provided in this Safety Data Sheet is correct to the best of our knowledge, information and belief at the date of its publication. The information given is designed only as a guidance for safe handling, use, processing, storage, transportation, disposal and release and is not to be considered a warranty or quality specification. The information relates only to the specific material designated and may not be valid for such material used in combination with any other materials or in any process, unless specified in the text. Final determination of suitability of any material is the sole responsibility of the user.。
基于Foxboro EVO系统Profibus通信的应用
基于 Foxboro EVO系统 Profibus通信的应用摘要:介绍Foxboro EVO DCS系统的Profibus DP协议通讯的应用,阐述该系统与Rotork电动执行机构的通讯关键词:DCS;Profibus DP协议通讯;Foxboro EVO系统;FBM222随着城市的不断发展,城市生活垃圾越来越多;处理垃圾的方式主要为以下三种:焚烧发电综合处理、填埋、堆肥,但通过近10年的发展,焚烧发电综合处理为当前主要模式,实现了垃圾无害化、资源化、减量化;垃圾焚烧发电经过近20年的发展,由传统的垃圾焚烧发电厂往智能化垃圾焚烧发电厂方向转变,智能化电厂建设中使用总线技术来实现现场仪表和执行机构的控制和信号采集,Profibus DP通讯技术用于DCS系统与第三方控制系统、电动执行机构、电机的马达保护器通讯,可以大大减少控制电缆和信号电缆的用量,且可以通过DP技术获取更多的信息;使用常规的硬接线进行控制和信号采集;需要大量的信号采集卡件和指令输出卡件,同时还需要考虑卡件通道的富裕量,会加大系统控制器的负荷,影响系统安全运行。
深圳市深能环保东部项目建设6×850吨/天+3×60MW项目,DCS系统采用Foxboro EVO系统,部分电动执行机构使用双通道冗余Profibus通讯。
1.硬件设计及选型为了保证Profibus-DP通讯的稳定性和可靠性,Profibus-DP通讯网络采用冗余回路设计,分为主通道和辅助通道,每一条通讯链路上的电动执行机构数量一般不超过31台,选择支持冗余双通道通讯Rotork电动执行机构;DP通讯卡使用Foxboro FBM222卡件,电动执行机构通过DP电缆串接后接在FBM222卡件接线端子上;若第一个DP设备距离DCS机柜较远,可以使用光纤通讯,在就地配置一个光纤通讯柜,光纤通讯柜配备DP耦合器,从光纤通讯柜敷设DP电缆到第一个设备,减少整个链路DP通讯距离,保证通讯速率,为了更好的说明,提出设计一个网段,网段内新增一个电动执行机构。
作为第四代的DCS系统,I/A Series系统一直作为真正开放的DCS系统而被用户所推崇。
I/A SERIES系统提供多种标准的通讯方式,包括标准的以太网接口、RS-232、RS-422或是增强型的RS-485接口等,遵循TCP/IP、MODBUS或是MODBUS RTU等通讯标准, 支持FF、Profibus、HART、DECnet、FoxCom等现场总线通讯。
I/A控制系统可以提供功能强大的与第三方设备接口的接口卡,系统中提供的支持接口卡工作的主要驱动程序如下:•OPC•Modbus (串行通讯 & 以太网通讯)•Allen-Bradley Control Logix•Profibus-DP/PA•FF•TSAA (Triconex通讯协议)•DECnet在电厂生产过程控制系统中,需要与DCS系统进行通讯的系统通常有如下几类:⑴生产实时信息监控系统(SIS)。
⑶现场智能设备:如HART、FF、Profibus DP等现场智能设备。
⑷特殊的电气系统:采用IEC 61850通讯协议的电气设备。
2、通讯接口方案介绍2.1 SIS系统通过OPC接口服务器读取DCS数据方案该方案中,在DCS侧提供了OPC服务器作为与SIS系统的接口。
DATA SHEETProduct specificationSupersedes data of 1996 July 18File under Discrete Semiconductors, SC051996Sep04BFQ222NPN video transistor 查询BFQ222供应商NPN video transistorBFQ222APPLICATIONS•Primarily intended for cascode output and buffer stages in high resolution colour monitors.DESCRIPTIONNPN silicon transistor encapsulated in a 3-lead plastic SOT32 package.PINNING PIN DESCRIPTION 1emitter 2collector 3baseFig.1 Simplified outline SOT32.handbook, halfpageMBC077 - 1123Top viewQUICK REFERENCE DATA LIMITING VALUESIn accordance with the Absolute Maximum Rating System (IEC 134).SYMBOL PARAMETERCONDITIONSTYP .MAX.UNITV CBO collector-base voltage open emitter−100V I C collector current (DC)−100mA P tot total power dissipation T mb =25°C−5W f T transition frequency I C =25mA; V CE =10V 1−GHz C re feedback capacitance I C =0; V CB =10V1.7−pF T jjunction temperature−175°C SYMBOL PARAMETERCONDITIONSMIN.MAX.UNITV CBO collector-base voltage open emitter −100V V CER collector-emitter voltage R BE =100Ω−95V V EBO emitter-base voltage open collector −3V I C collector current (DC)see Fig.2−100mA I C(AV)average collector current see Fig.2−100mA P tot total power dissipation T mb =25°C; see Fig.3−5W T stg storage temperature −65+175°C T jjunction temperature−175°CNPN video transistor BFQ222Fig.2 DC SOAR.handbook, halfpageMBG4811021010210310310V CE (V)I C (mA)T mb =25°C.Fig.3 Power derating curve.handbook, halfpage64P tot (W)20100200T mb (o C)MBG482V CE ≤50V.THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS CHARACTERISTICST j =25°C unless otherwise specified.SYMBOL PARAMETERCONDITIONSVALUE UNIT R th j-mbthermal resistance from junction to mounting baseP tot =5W; T mb =25°C30K/WSYMBOL PARAMETERCONDITIONSMIN.TYP .MAX.UNIT V (BR)CBO collector-base breakdown voltage I C =0.1mA; I E =0100−−V V (BR)CER collector-emitter breakdown voltage I C =1mA; R BE =100Ω95−−V V (BR)EBO emitter-base breakdown voltage I C =0; I E =0.1mA 3−−V I CES collector-emitter leakage current V CE =50V; V BE =0−−100µAh FE DC current gain I C =25mA; V CE =10V;see Fig.420−−f T transition frequency I C =25mA; V CE =10V;f =500MHz; see Fig.5−1−GHz C refeedback capacitanceI C =0; V CB =10V; f =1MHz;see Fig.6−1.7−pFNPN video transistor BFQ222Fig.4DC current gain as a function of collector current; typical values.V CE =10V; t p =500µs.handbook, halfpage020100h FE6020040MBG483406080I C (mA)Fig.5Transition frequency as a function of collector current; typical values.V CE =10V; f =500MHz.handbook, halfpage00.40.81.2102MBG48410I C (mA)2050f T (MHz)Fig.6Feedback capacitance as a function of collector-base voltage; typical values.f =1MHz.handbook, halfpage0210C re (pF)3124MBG485468V CB (V)NPN video transistorBFQ222PACKAGE OUTLINEFig.7 SOT32.Dimensions in mm.andbook, full pagewidth0.88 max2.291233.7511.1 max15.3 min3.2 3.07.8 max2.7 max2.54 max(1)1.24.580.5MBC07690oNPN video transistor BFQ222DEFINITIONSData Sheet StatusObjective specification This data sheet contains target or goal specifications for product development. Preliminary specification This data sheet contains preliminary data; supplementary data may be published later. Product specification This data sheet contains final product specifications.Limiting valuesLimiting values given are in accordance with the Absolute Maximum Rating System (IEC 134). Stress above one or more of the limiting values may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only and operation of the device at these or at any other conditions above those given in the Characteristics sections of the specification is not implied. Exposure to limiting values for extended periods may affect device reliability.Application informationWhere application information is given, it is advisory and does not form part of the specification.LIFE SUPPORT APPLICATIONSThese products are not designed for use in life support appliances, devices, or systems where malfunction of these products can reasonably be expected to result in personal injury. Philips customers using or selling these products for use in such applications do so at their own risk and agree to fully indemnify Philips for any damages resulting from such improper use or sale.。
美达电子 MDT222 电感说明书
Dimensions: [mm]Scale - 1,5:17687480222768748022276874802227687480222T e m p e r a t u r eT T T 7687480222Cautions and Warnings:The following conditions apply to all goods within the product series of WE-TI-HV ofWürth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG:General:•This electronic component is designed and manufactured for use in general electronic equipment.•Würth Elektronik must be asked for written approval (following the PPAP procedure) before incorporating the components into any equipment in fields such as military, aerospace, aviation, nuclear control, submarine, transportation (automotive control, train control, ship control), transportation signal, disaster prevention, medical, public information network, etc. where higher safety and reliability are especially required and/or if there is the possibility of direct damage or human injury.•Electronic components that will be used in safety-critical or high-reliability applications, should be pre-evaluated by the customer. •The component is designed and manufactured to be used within the datasheet specified values. If the usage and operation conditions specified in the datasheet are not met, the wire insulation may be damaged or dissolved.•Do not drop or impact the components, the component may be damaged.•Würth Elektronik products are qualified according to international standards, which are listed in each product reliability report. Würth Elektronik does not warrant any customer qualified product characteristics beyond Würth Elektroniks’ specifications, for its validity and sustainability over time.•The responsibility for the applicability of the customer specific products and use in a particular customer design is always within the authority of the customer. All technical specifications for standard products also apply to customer specific products.Product specific:Soldering:•The solder profile must comply with the technical product specifications. All other profiles will void the warranty.•All other soldering methods are at the customers’ own risk.Cleaning and Washing:•Washing agents used during the production to clean the customer application might damage or change the characteristics of the wire insulation, marking or plating. Washing agents may have a negative effect on the long-term functionality of the product. Potting:•If the product is potted in the customer application, the potting material might shrink or expand during and after hardening. Shrinking could lead to an incomplete seal, allowing contaminants into the core. Expansion could damage the component. We recommend a manual inspection after potting to avoid these effects.Storage Conditions:• A storage of Würth Elektronik products for longer than 12 months is not recommended. Within other effects, the terminals may suffer degradation, resulting in bad solderability. Therefore, all products shall be used within the period of 12 months based on the day of shipment.•Do not expose the components to direct sunlight.•The storage conditions in the original packaging are defined according to DIN EN 61760-2.•The storage conditions stated in the original packaging apply to the storage time and not to the transportation time of the components. Packaging:•The packaging specifications apply only to purchase orders comprising whole packaging units. If the ordered quantity exceeds or is lower than the specified packaging unit, packaging in accordance with the packaging specifications cannot be ensured. Handling:•Violation of the technical product specifications such as exceeding the nominal rated current will void the warranty.•Applying currents with audio-frequency signals may result in audible noise due to the magnetostrictive material properties.•Due to heavy weight of the components, strong forces and high accelerations may have the effect to damage the electrical connection or to harm the circuit board and will void the warranty.•Please be aware that products provided in bulk packaging may get bent and might lead to derivations from the mechanical manufacturing tolerances mentioned in our datasheet, which is not considered to be a material defect.•The temperature rise of the component must be taken into consideration. The operating temperature is comprised of ambient temperature and temperature rise of the component.The operating temperature of the component shall not exceed the maximum temperature specified.These cautions and warnings comply with the state of the scientific and technical knowledge and are believed to be accurate and reliable.However, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies or incompleteness.Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KGEMC & Inductive SolutionsMax-Eyth-Str. 174638 WaldenburgGermanyCHECKED REVISION DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)GENERAL TOLERANCE PROJECTIONMETHODTRi002.0012022-09-05DIN ISO 2768-1mDESCRIPTIONWE-TI HV Radial Leaded WireWound Inductor (High Voltage)ORDER CODE7687480222SIZE/TYPE BUSINESS UNIT STATUS PAGEImportant NotesThe following conditions apply to all goods within the product range of Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG:1. General Customer ResponsibilitySome goods within the product range of Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG contain statements regarding general suitability for certain application areas. These statements about suitability are based on our knowledge and experience of typical requirements concerning the areas, serve as general guidance and cannot be estimated as binding statements about the suitability for a customer application. The responsibility for the applicability and use in a particular customer design is always solely within the authority of the customer. Due to this fact it is up to the customer to evaluate, where appropriate to investigate and decide whether the device with the specific product characteristics described in the product specification is valid and suitable for the respective customer application or not.2. Customer Responsibility related to Specific, in particular Safety-Relevant ApplicationsIt has to be clearly pointed out that the possibility of a malfunction of electronic components or failure before the end of the usual lifetime cannot be completely eliminated in the current state of the art, even if the products are operated within the range of the specifications.In certain customer applications requiring a very high level of safety and especially in customer applications in which the malfunction or failure of an electronic component could endanger human life or health it must be ensured by most advanced technological aid of suitable design of the customer application that no injury or damage is caused to third parties in the event of malfunction or failure of an electronic component. Therefore, customer is cautioned to verify that data sheets are current before placing orders. The current data sheets can be downloaded at .3. Best Care and AttentionAny product-specific notes, cautions and warnings must be strictly observed. Any disregard will result in the loss of warranty.4. Customer Support for Product SpecificationsSome products within the product range may contain substances which are subject to restrictions in certain jurisdictions in order to serve specific technical requirements. Necessary information is available on request. In this case the field sales engineer or the internal sales person in charge should be contacted who will be happy to support in this matter.5. Product R&DDue to constant product improvement product specifications may change from time to time. As a standard reporting procedure of the Product Change Notification (PCN) according to the JEDEC-Standard inform about minor and major changes. In case of further queries regarding the PCN, the field sales engineer or the internal sales person in charge should be contacted. The basic responsibility of the customer as per Section 1 and 2 remains unaffected.6. Product Life CycleDue to technical progress and economical evaluation we also reserve the right to discontinue production and delivery of products. As a standard reporting procedure of the Product Termination Notification (PTN) according to the JEDEC-Standard we will inform at an early stage about inevitable product discontinuance. According to this we cannot guarantee that all products within our product range will always be available. Therefore it needs to be verified with the field sales engineer or the internal sales person in charge about the current product availability expectancy before or when the product for application design-in disposal is considered. The approach named above does not apply in the case of individual agreements deviating from the foregoing for customer-specific products.7. Property RightsAll the rights for contractual products produced by Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG on the basis of ideas, development contracts as well as models or templates that are subject to copyright, patent or commercial protection supplied to the customer will remain with Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG. Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG does not warrant or represent that any license, either expressed or implied, is granted under any patent right, copyright, mask work right, or other intellectual property right relating to any combination, application, or process in which Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG components or services are used.8. General Terms and ConditionsUnless otherwise agreed in individual contracts, all orders are subject to the current version of the “General Terms and Conditions of Würth Elektronik eiSos Group”, last version available at .Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KGEMC & Inductive SolutionsMax-Eyth-Str. 174638 WaldenburgGermanyCHECKED REVISION DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)GENERAL TOLERANCE PROJECTIONMETHODTRi002.0012022-09-05DIN ISO 2768-1mDESCRIPTIONWE-TI HV Radial Leaded WireWound Inductor (High Voltage)ORDER CODE7687480222SIZE/TYPE BUSINESS UNIT STATUS PAGE。
DESCRIPTIONThe CS-222 is a portable main station with carrying handle, power supply,and a versatile intercom monitoring system. It supports two channels of intercom with up to 30 headset stations or 10 speaker stations. It features Clear-Com’s excellent speech intelligibility in both high and low noise environments.MONITORING SYSTEMThe station can monitor intercom activity on one or both channels withindividual Listen Level controls. Monitoring intercom activity is possiblethrough a headset, or external earphone or speaker. The 4-watt out-put amplifier can drive a standard Clear-Com headset to levels greater than 110 dB SPL – more than enough volume for the noisiest environment.TALK SELECTIONThe station contains a mic preamp with limiter and proprietary speech-shap-ing circuits for enhanced intelligibility. An individual electronic momentary/latching talk button is provided for each channel. These buttons light dimly when latched. The channels may be accessed separately simultaneously without being tied together. T o combine both channels in a single party line, a “Link”switch is provided on the front panel.STAGE ANNOUNCEFor paging applications, the station provides a balanced, line-level output signal to a connector on the rear panel. The front panel Stage Announce button activates the output and the Stage Announce relay.SIGNALINGVisual “call” signaling attracts the attention of operators who have removed their headsets or turned off their speakers. The station provides individual Call buttons for each channel to signal all stations on the channel(s).When a remote station operator sends a Call signal, the CS-222’s associated Talk button lights brightly. The Visual Signal circuit is also used to activate the optional remote page feature at other stations.FEATURES•Portable, heavy-duty enclosure with carry handle •Supports up to 30 beltpacks or 10 speaker stations on 2 channels •Automatic short-circuit protection and reset with LED indicators •Dual-action electronic momen-tary/latching “Talk” buttons •Mic- or line-level program with selectable “Program Interrupt” •“Remote Mic Kill” •Stage announce with relay •Individual volume controls for each channel •Front-panel headphone connector •Channel A & B “Link” switch to operate as a one-channel system •Front-panel speaker output •U.L. approvedCS-222 Back PanelCS-222 Front PanelSPECIFICATIONSMICROPHONE PRE-AMP (Dynamic Headset Input)Impedance: 1 k ΩLevel: -55 dBv *nominal, -10 dBv max.Frequency Response: 250 Hz - 12 kHz,contoured for intelligibility Limiter Range: 20 dBGain from Headset to Intercom Line: +41 dB HEADPHONE AMPLIFIER Load Impedance: 50 - 2,000 ΩOutput Level: > +20 dBv across 600 ΩDistortion: < 0.2% THD @ 1 kHzFrequency Response: 200 Hz - 18 kHz, +- 2 dB INTERCOM LINE DRIVE/RECEIVE CIRCUITSImpedance, Output Load: > 10 k Ω, 200 Hz - 10 kHz Level,Line: 200 Ωload Nominal: -9 dBvMaximum: +5 dBv before clip Sidetone Null Capability: >25 dB, 200 Hz - 10 kHzCrosstalk, Station-Induced Channel-to Channel:>60 dBNoise, S/N Ratio in Listen Channels: >60 dB SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONSIntercom Line Length: 5,000 ft. maximum Intercom Line Length for Crosstalk <-52 dB:500 ft. maximumMaximum No. of Stations Per Intercom Line: 100Frequency Response: 150 Hz - 18 kHz, +- 2 dB POWER SUPPLYOutput Power: +30 volts DC, +- 1 V Output Current: 1 Amp Reset Current: 1 AmpHum & Noise: < -1 mV AC RMSStation Capacity: 30 headset stations or 10 speaker stationsREAR-PANEL CONNECTORS Intercom: (6) XLR-3M (3 per channel)Program: (1) XLR-3FStage Announce: (1) XLR-3MAnnounce Out: SPST terminal block REAR-PANEL SWITCHES Power On/Off: 1Termination On/Off: 2Mic/Line Select For Program Input: 1AC POWER REQUIREMENTS105 - 125/210 - 250 Volts, 50 - 60 Hz, 60 VA DIMENSIONS3" H x 8.125" W x 10" D (76 x 206 x 254 mm)WEIGHT 5.2 lbs (2.3 kg)All specifications are subject to change without notice.*0 dBv is referenced to 0.775 volts RMSClear-Com Intercom Systems: 945 Camelia Street, Berkeley, CA 94710(510) 527-6666, Fax (510) 527-6699, International Sales: PO Box 302, Walnut Creek, CA 94597, (510) 932-8134, Fax (510) 932-2171© 1997 Clear-Com Intercom Systems. PL-Pro is a Registered Trademark of Clear-Com. #CS222/797REMOTE MIC KILL (RMK)Pressing the RMK button will turn off the microphone talk circuits of all Clear-Com beltpacks eliminating annoying noise from the open headset microphones.SIDETONESidetone control allows the operator to vary the level of his or her own voice as heard in the headset. The CS-222 provides individual sidetone adjustment for each channel.PROGRAM INPUTThe station accepts a balanced, mic- or line-level program signal for monitoring in the headset and/or mixing the intercom audio on either or both channels. The front panel provides a local Program Monitor volume control and individual Program Send level controls. It also provides a Program Send on/off/interrupt switch for each channel. When interrupt is selected, program is interrupted when the Talk button is pressed.POWER SUPPLY AND SUPPLY SYSTEM PROTECTIONThe CS-222 provides visual indication of power supply conditions. In the event of a DC short circuit or current overload, the station’s electronic overload protection circuit will shut down the DC output to avoid damage. As soon as the fault condi-tion is removed, the auto-reset circuitry will automatically restore system power –even under full load conditions. There is no need to disconnect stations to allow the power supply to reset.T o increase system capacity, one or more power supplies can be connected in parallel with the CS-222. In such configurations, the main station’s “intelligent”power-sensing capability lets the system automatically reset all power supplies after a DC short or AC power loss in the system, no matter how large the system is.SIMPLE SET-UPThe CS-222 connects to remote stations with standard, two-conductor shielded mic cable. With the optional rackmount kit, the main station can mount in a standard 19" equipment rack, requiring only two rack spaces. The CS-222 con-forms to the highest standards of reliability and performance, providing trouble-free service over a wide-range of environmental conditions.CS-222 BLOCK DIAGRAM。
目录第一章用户手册简介 (2)第二章产品概述 (2)2.1产品简介 (2)2.2 产品型号说明 (2)2.3主要功能及特点 (2)2.3.1基本功能 (3)2.3.2 压缩处理功能 (3)2.4 主要应用 (3)第三章硬件安装 (3)2.1注意事项 (3)3.2 面板说明 (4)3.2.1 主机前面板 (4)3.2.2 主机底面板 (4)3.2.3 主机上面板 (5)3.2.4 指示灯 (5)3.3.2 充电 (5)附录 1 (6)附录 2 (8)附录 3 (8)第一章用户手册简介感谢您购买RH-222系列视频服务器!在您准备使用本产品之前,请先仔细阅读本手册,以便能更好的使用本产品的所有功能。
2.2 产品型号说明2.3主要功能及特点1路视频,音频输入,视频分辨率最高支持D1(704*576)分辨率编码,支持GPS定位,支持3G无线传输,支持SD卡存储。
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打开config>profibusport,点FILE-SELECT PORT,
3在弹出来的窗口输入卡件的COMPBLOCK名,点ok 点EDIT>propeties>port1里设置
Bus Parameters中设置通讯的波特率Baudrate,主从必须一致。
卡件上线的话先GO ON-LINE在让port1和port2 DISABLE后才能点DB DOWNLOAD,好
接着打开onfig-profibussalve,点file new,选new device。
打开config-profibussalve,在打开之前保存好的phoenix DP通讯的文件,选择Edit >properties
选择configurtion Data项。
在User Parameters选项中,选择FLN TENP 4 RTD M12.根据现场传感器类型更改4个通道的参数(Sensor Type Chamnel 1\2\3\4)。