ABSTRACT Compiler Optimized Remote Method Invocation
注册登录•论坛•搜索•帮助•导航SoC Vista -- IC/FPGA设计家园» 30分钟必答 - 无限制提问专区» 设计未完成阶段进行面积评估如何防止被优化12下一页返回列表回复发帖mentor00超级通吃版主1#打印字体大小: t T发表于 2009-11-8 09:48 | 只看该作者设计未完成阶段进行面积评估如何防止被优化(本文来自anthonyyi的来信。
)为了对整个设计进行性能和面积的评估在模块尚未全部完成的阶段进入FPGA综合阶段在顶层设计中instance了所有已完成的模块但这些模块中有的由于后续模块没有完成,其输出悬空,即没有load在Synplify下使用Syn_noprune属性发现在compile阶段能保留上述模块,其RTL view显示模块存在在map之后观测Technology view发现上述模块已经被优化掉只剩下输入端口,且无drive故综合报告无实际意义和参考价值想请教在如何不改变顶层模块的输出管脚而使综合保留上述无输出的模块个人想到一种,用syn_probe将输出net probe出来,但这样会有风险因为综合工具似乎只会保留这些与该输出有关的逻辑而优化掉其他的部分而且该步骤没有进行实战确认:(本主题由 admin 于 2009-12-2 07:56 加入精华收藏分享评分回复引用订阅 TOPmentor00超级通吃版主2#发表于 2009-11-8 10:04 | 只看该作者我想可以参考一下下面的转载内容提问:我使用的是synplify pro综合verilog语言,例化了一个BUF,在综合结果里也看到了这个BUF,但是在MAP是这个BUF还是被优化掉了,请问用什么方法将这个BUF保留下来?解答:在这个BUF两端的信号线上加上下面的属性——wire bufin /* synthesis syn_keep=1 xc_props="X" */;wire bufout /* synthesis syn_keep=1 xc_props="X" */;解释下:1、syn_keep=1就是保留这个信号线,是它成为一个instance(synplify的),然后就可以对它添加XILINX的约束属性;2、xc_props=“”是synplify为XILINX保留留的约束属性,可以透传到ISE的实现中去,从而约束实现过程。
编译原理第四版课后答案1. What are the three basic phases of a compiler and what are their main functions?- The three basic phases of a compiler are lexical analysis, syntax analysis, and code generation.- The main function of lexical analysis is to read the source code and break it into individual tokens, such as keywords, identifiers, numbers, and symbols.- The main function of the syntax analysis is to parse the tokens and verify that they form valid syntax according to the grammar rules of the programming language.- The main function of code generation is to convert the parsed tokens into executable code in a target programming language or machine code.2. What is lexical analysis and what are its main tasks?- Lexical analysis is the first phase of a compiler, which reads the source code and breaks it into individual tokens.- The main tasks of lexical analysis include tokenization, where the source code is divided into meaningful units called tokens, such as keywords, identifiers, numbers, and symbols; removal of comments, where any comments in the source code are ignored; and removal of white spaces, where unnecessary spaces, tabs, and line breaks are eliminated.3. What is a parser and what is its main function?- A parser is a component of the compiler that performs syntax analysis, also known as parsing.- Its main function is to analyze the structure of the tokens generated by the lexical analysis phase and verify that they form avalid syntax according to the grammar rules of the programming language.- The parser constructs a derivation tree or a parse tree to represent the structure of the code and checks for syntax errors, such as missing or misplaced tokens.4. What is the difference between a compiler and an interpreter?- A compiler is a program that translates the entire source code of a programming language into an equivalent target code or machine code before execution.- An interpreter, on the other hand, does not translate the entire source code into machine code before execution. Instead, it reads and executes the source code line by line, translating and executing each line as it encounters it.- In terms of efficiency, a compiled program tends to run faster than an interpreted program because the compiled code is already in machine language, whereas the interpreted code needs to be translated and executed at runtime.5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using an interpreted language?- Advantages of using an interpreted language include faster development time, as there is no need to compile the entire code before execution; easier debugging, as errors can be detected and fixed immediately; and platform independence, as the interpreter can run on different operating systems without the need to compile separate binaries.- Disadvantages of using an interpreted language include slower execution speed compared to compiled languages; lower performance, as the interpreter needs to translate and execute eachline at runtime; and potential security risks, as the interpreted code can be easily accessed and modified.6. What is meant by bytecode and what is its role in interpreter-based execution?- Bytecode is a low-level representation of the source code that is generated by a compiler or an interpreter. It is a set of instructions that can be executed by a virtual machine.- In interpreter-based execution, the source code is first compiled into bytecode, which is a platform-independent representation of the code. The interpreter then reads and executes the bytecode on the virtual machine, providing a compromise between compilation and interpretation.- Bytecode allows for faster execution compared to interpreting the source code directly, as the bytecode is already in a form that can be executed by the virtual machine.7. What is code optimization and why is it important?- Code optimization is the process of improving the efficiency and performance of the generated code by the compiler.- It is important because optimized code can run faster and consume less memory, resulting in improved overall performance of the program.- Code optimization techniques include constant folding, loop unrolling, dead code elimination, and register allocation, among others.8. What is a symbol table and what is its purpose?- A symbol table is a data structure that is used by a compiler to store information about the variable and function namesencountered in the source code.- Its purpose is to keep track of the properties and attributes of each symbol, such as its data type, memory location, scope, and visibility.- The symbol table is used by various phases of the compiler, such as the lexical analyzer, parser, and code generator, to perform tasks such as name resolution, type checking, and memory management.9. What is the role of an assembler in the compilation process?- An assembler is a program that converts assembly language code into machine code.- In the compilation process, the assembler is responsible for translating the assembly language code written by the programmer into machine code that can be executed directly by the computer hardware.- The assembler performs a one-to-one mapping of assembly instructions to their corresponding machine code instructions, and also resolves symbolic addresses and labels used by the programmer.10. What is the difference between a single-pass compiler and a multi-pass compiler?- A single-pass compiler is a compiler that reads the source code of a program once and generates the corresponding executable code in a single pass or iteration.- A multi-pass compiler, on the other hand, requires multiple passes or iterations over the source code in order to generate the executable code.- Single-pass compilers are generally simpler and require less memory, but they are unable to perform certain optimizations orglobal analysis that requires information from the entire source code. Multi-pass compilers are more powerful and can perform more complex optimizations and analysis, but they are typically slower and require more memory.。
因为该固件库是通用的,并且包括了所有外设的功能,所以应用程序代码的大小和执行速度可能不是最优 的。对大多数应用程序来说,用户可以直接使用之,对于那些在代码大小和执行速度方面有严格要求的应 用程序,该固件库驱动程序可以作为如何设置外设的一份参考资料,根据实际需求对其进行调整。
1.3.1 变量 ................................................................................................................................................ 28 1.3.2 布尔型 ............................................................................................................................................ 28 1.3.3 标志位状态类型 ........................................................................................................................... 29 1.3.4 功能状态类型 .............................................................................................................
Ministry of DefenceInterim Defence Standard 00-76 Issue 1 Publication Date 14 January 2005ASAAC StandardsPart 1Proposed Standards for CommonFunctional ModulesNOTEThis standard is ProvisionalIf you have Difficulty with itsApplicationPlease Advise UK DefenceStandardizationAMENDMENT RECORDAmd No Date Text Affected Signature and DateREVISION NOTEHISTORICAL RECORDDefenceM R C. S IMS TANDARDS P ROGRAMME M ANAGER 2Procurement AgencyD/DStan/21/76/1UK Defence StandardizationRm 1138Kentigern House65 Brown StreetGlasgow G2 8EXDirect line:0141 224 2585Switchboard:0141 224 2531Facsimile:0141 224 2503e-mail:pdgsts1@14 December 2004INTERIM DEFENCE STANDARD - INVITATION TO COMMENTDefence Standard Number: 00-76 Part 1 Issue 1 INTERIMTitle: Standards for Common Functional ModulesThe above Defence Standard has been published as an INTERIM Standard and is provisional because it has not been agreed by all authorities concerned with its use. It shall be applied to obtain information and experience on its application which will then permit the submission of observations and comments from users.The purpose of this form therefore is to solicit any beneficial and constructive comment that will assist the author and/or working group to review the INTERIM Standard prior to it being converted to a normal Standard.Comments are to be entered below and any additional pertinent data which may also be of use in improving the Standard should be attached to this form and returned to writer at the above address.No acknowledgement to comments received will normally be issued.NAME: Calum Sim SIGNATURE: Calum Sim BRANCH: STAN OPS SPM 21. Does any part of the Standard create problems or require interpretation:YES NO If “yes” state under section 3:a. the clause number(s) and wording;b. the recommendation for correcting the deficiencies.2. Is the Defence Standard restrictive:YES NO If “yes” state in what way under section 3.AN EXECUTIVE AGENCY OF THE MINISTRY OF DEFENCE3. Comments, general or any requirement considered too rigid:Page Clause Comments Proposed Solution4. I/We agree that this Draft Standard, subject to my/our comments being taken into consideration, when published in final form will cover my/our requirements in full. Should you find my/our comments at variance with the majority, I/we shall be glad of the opportunity to enlarge upon them before final publication. Signature.................................................................Representing.................................................Submitted by (print or type name and address)Telephone number:Date:Our Ref:DSTAN Form 42INTERIM DEF STAN 00-76 PART 1Contents0Introduction (5)0.1Purpose (5)0.2Document structure (5)1Scope (7)1.1Relationship with other ASAAC Standards (7)2WARNING (7)3Normative references (8)4Terms, definitions and abbreviations (9)4.1Terms and definitions (9)4.2Abbreviations (9)4.3Conventions used in this Standard (11)4.3.1Special Fonts (11)4.3.2Naming Conventions (11)5CFM Definition (12)5.1Generic CFM (12)5.1.1Generic CFM – Description (12)5.1.2Generic CFM – Requirements (14)5.2Module Support Unit (15)5.2.1Module Support Unit – Description (15)5.2.2Module Support Unit – Requirements (15)5.2.3Module Support Layer (18)5.2.4Module Initialisation (19)5.3Module Processing Capability (22)5.3.1Data Processing Module (DPM) (24)5.3.2Signal Processing Module (SPM) (24)5.3.3Graphic Processing Module (GPM) (25)5.3.4Mass Memory Module (MMM) (26)5.3.5Power Conversion Module (PCM) (27)5.3.6Network Support Module (NSM) (29)5.4Network Interface Unit (NIU) and Routing Unit (RU) (30)5.4.1NIU and RU Description (30)5.4.2NIU and RU Requirements (31)5.5Module Power Supply Element (31)5.5.1Module Power Supply Element Description (31)5.5.2Module Power Supply Requirements (32)5.6Module Physical Interface (MPI) (32)5.6.1MPI Description (32)5.6.2MPI Requirements (32)6Common Functional Module Interfaces (32)6.1Module Logical Interface (MLI) (32)6.1.1MLI Description (32)6.1.2MLI Requirements (33)6.2Module Physical Interface (MPI) (33)6.2.1MPI Description (33)6.2.2MPI Requirement (33)6.3MOS Interface (33)6.3.1MOS Interface Description (33)6.3.2MOS Interface – Requirement (34)7CFM System Support and Guidelines (34)7.1Fault Management (34)7.2Fault Detection (34)7.3Fault Masking (34)7.4Fault Confinement (35)7.5Safety and Security (35)7.5.1Safety35iiiINTERIM DEF STAN 00-76 PART 17.5.2Security (35)A.1.Data Processor Module (37)A.2.Signal Processing Module (38)A.3.Graphic Processing Module (39)A.4.Mass Memory Module (40)work Support Module (40)A.6.Power Conversion Module (41)FiguresFigure 1 - ASAAC Standard Documentation Hierarchy (5)Figure 2 - Functional representation of a generic CFM (14)Figure 3 - IMA Common Functional Modules – Graphical Composition (24)Figure 4 - The Power Supply Distribution functions of the PCM (29)Figure 5 - Power Supply Element functions (32)Figure 6 - Software Architecture Model - Three Layer Stack (35)TablesTable 1 - CFM Embedded Information - Read Only (16)Table 2 - CFM Embedded Information - Read / Write (18)Table 3 - PCM output characteristics (30)Table 4 - PSE input voltage characteristics (33)Table A-1 - Performance sheet for a DPM (39)Table A-2 - Performance sheet for a SPM (40)Table A-3 - Performance sheet for a GPM (41)Table A-4 - Performance sheet for a MMM (42)Table A-5 - Performance sheet for a NSM (42)Table A-6 - Performance sheet for a PCM (43)ivINTERIM DEF STAN 00-76 PART 11Introduction 0.1 PurposeThis document is produced under contract ASAAC Phase II Contract n°97/86.028.The purpose of the ASAAC Programme is to define and validate a set of open architecture standards,concepts and guidelines for Advanced Avionics Architectures (A3) in order to meet the three main ASAAC drivers. The standards, concepts and guidelines produced by the Programme are to be applicable to both new aircraft and update programmes from 2005.The three main goals for the ASAAC Programme are:1. Reduced life cycle costs.2. Improved mission performance.3. Improved operational performance.The ASAAC standards are organised as a set of documents including:- A set of agreed standards that describe, using a top down approach, the Architecture overview to allinterfaces required to implement the core within avionics system.-The guidelines for system implementation through application of the standards.The document hierarchy is given hereafter: (in this figure the document is highlighted)Figure 1 - ASAAC Standard Documentation HierarchyINTERIM DEF STAN 00-76 PART 120.2 Document structureThe document contains the following sections:-Section 1, scope of the document.-Section 2, normative references.-Section 4, the terms, definitions and abbreviations.-Sections 5 and 6 provide CFM concept definition, requirements and standards.-Section 7 provides guidelines for implementation of standards.- Performance sheets for each of the CFMs are attached to the end of the document. These sheetscontain a list of attributes to be defined by the system designer and used by the CFM provider.INTERIM DEF STAN 00-76 PART 131 ScopeThis standard defines the functionality and principle interfaces for the Common Functional Module (CFM) to ensure the interoperability of Common Functional Modules and provides design guidelines to assist in implementation of such a CFM. It is one of a set of standards that define an ASAAC (Allied Standard Avionics Architecture Council) Integrated Modular Avionics System.This definition of interfaces and functionality allows a CFM design that is interoperable with all other CFM to this standard, that is technology transparent, that is open to a multi-vendor market and that can make the best use of COTS technologies.Although the physical organisation and implementation of a CFM should remain the manufacturer’s choice,in accordance with the best use of the current technology, it is necessary to define a structure for each CFM in order to achieve a logical definition of the CFM with a defined functionality. This definition includes:- The Generic CFM, which defines the generic functionality applicable to the complete set of CFMs. Thegeneric functionality is defined in section 5.1.- The processing capability, which defines the unique functionality associated with each CFM type within the set. This functionality is defined in section 5.3.- The logical and physical interfaces that enable CFMs to be interoperable and interchangeable, these are defined in section 6.-The functionality required by a CFM to support the operation of the System is defined in section 7.1.1 Relationship with other ASAAC StandardsThe definition of the complete CFM is partitioned and is covered by the following ASAAC standards:-CFM Mechanical properties and physical Interfaces – ASAAC Standards for Packaging.-CFM Communication functions – ASAAC Standards for Software.-CFM Network interface – ASAAC Standards for Communications and Network.-CFM Software architecture – ASAAC Standards for Software.- CFM Functional requirements – This document.2 WARNINGThe Ministry of Defence (MOD), like its contractors, is subject to both United Kingdom and European laws regarding Health and Safety at Work, without exemption. All Defence Standards either directly or indirectly invoke the use of processes and procedures that could be injurious to health if adequate precautions are not taken. Defence Standards or their use in no way absolves users from complying with statutory and legal requirements relating to Health and Safety at Work.INTERIM DEF STAN 00-76 PART 13 Normative references3.1The publications shown below are referred to in the text of this Standard. Publications are grouped and listed in alphanumeric order.This European Standard incorporates by dated or undated reference, provisions from other publications. These normative references are cited at the appropriate places in the text and the publications are listed hereafter. For dated references, subsequent amendments to or revisions of any of these publications apply to this European Standard only when incorporated in it by amendment or revision. For updated references the latest edition of the publication referred to applies (including amendments).A) References to published standards[1] ISO/CD 1540Aerospace - Characteristics of aircraft electricalsystems - ISO/TC20/SC 1/WG 13 - Date: 20/04/1998B) References to standards in preparation[2] ASAAC2-STA-32410-001-SWG Issue 01Final Draft of Proposed Standards for Software1[3] ASAAC2-STA-32420-001-HWG Issue 01Final Draft of Proposed Standards forCommunications/Network1[4] ASAAC2-STA-32440-001-HWG Issue 01Final Draft of Proposed Standards for Packaging1[5] ASAAC2-GUI-32450-001-CPG Issue 01Final Draft of Proposed Guidelines for System Issues –Volume 2: Fault Management1[6] ASAAC2-STA-32460-001-CPG Issue 01Final Draft of Proposed Standards for Architecture1C) References to other documents[7] The Common Object Request Broker Architecture and Specification, Issue 2.3, OMG2[8] ASAAC2-GUI-32450-001-CPG Issue 01Final Draft of Proposed Guidelines for System Issues –Volume 5: Time ManagementD) References to documents from other organisations[9] IEEE Std JTAG 1149.1 Boundary Scan33.2Reference in this Standard to any related document means in any Invitation to Tender or contract the edition and all amendments current at the date of such tender or contract unless a specific edition is indicated.3.3In consideration of clause 3.2 above, users shall be fully aware of the issue and amendment status of all related documents, particularly when forming part of an Invitation to Tender or contract. Responsibility for the correct application of standards rests with users.3.4DStan can advise regarding where related documents are obtained from. Requests for such information can be made to the DStan Helpdesk. How to contact the helpdesk is shown on the outside rear cover of Def Stans.1 Published by: Allied Standard Avionics Architecture Council2 Published by: Object Management Group3 Published by: IEEE44 Terms, definitions and abbreviations4.1 Terms and definitionsUse of “shall”, “should” and “may” within the standards observe the following rules:- The word SHALL in the text expresses a mandatory requirement of the standard.- The word SHOULD in the text expresses a recommendation or advice on implementing such a requirement of the standard. It is expected that such recommendations or advice will be followed unless good reasons are stated for not doing so.- The word MAY in the text expresses a permissible practice or action. It does not express a requirement of the standard.Open System: A system with characteristics that comply with specified, publicly maintained, readily available standards and that therefore can be connected to other systems that comply withthese same standards.4.2 Abbreviations2D Two Dimensional3D Three DimensionalA3Advanced Avionics ArchitectureAGT Absolute Global TimeALT Absolute Local TimeAPOS Application to Operating System InterfaceASAAC Allied Standard Avionics Architecture CouncilBIT Built-in TestCBIT Continuous BITCFM Common Functional ModuleCORBA Common Object Request Broker ArchitectureCOTS Commercial Off The ShelfCRC Cyclic Redundancy Checkdc Direct CurrentDPM Data Processing ModuleDSP Digital Signal ProcessorEDAC Error Detection And CorrectionFFT Fast Fouriert TransformationFIR Finite Impulse response FilterFMECA Fault Mode Effect and Criticality AnalysisGPM Graphic Processing ModuleGSM Generic System ManagementHW HardwareHDD Head-Down DisplayHMD Helmet Mounted DisplayHUD Head-Up DisplayIBIT Initiated BITID IdentificationIDL Interface Definition LanguageIEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IFFT Inverse Fast Fourier TransformationIMA Integrated Modular AvionicsISO International Standards OrganisationITM Integrated Test and MaintenanceJTAG Joint Test Action GroupMC Module ControllerMIS Module Initialisation SupportMLI Module Logical InterfaceMMM Mass Memory ModuleMOS Module Support Layer to Operating System Interface MPI Module Physical InterfaceMSL Module Support LayerMSU Module Support UnitMTP Maintenance Test PortN/A Not ApplicableNIU Network Interface UnitNSM Network Support ModuleOMG Object Management GroupO/P OutputOS Operating SystemOSL Operating System LayerPBIT Power-up / power-down BITPCM Power Conversion ModulePCU Power Conversion UnitPE Processing ElementPMS Power Management SystemPSA Power Switch ArrayPSE Power Supply ElementPU Processing UnitRC Reference ClockRLT Relative Local TimeRTBP Runtime BlueprintsRU Routing UnitSPM Signal Processing ModuleTC Transfer ConnectionTLS Three Layer StackVdc Voltage dc4.3 Conventions used in this StandardThe Interface Definition Language (IDL) as defined in the Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) 2.3 is used to express the MOS services as programming language independent services in this document. Fore more details refer to [7] .The conventions used in this document are as follows:4.3.1 Special FontsWords that have a special meaning appear in specific fonts or font styles. All code listings, reserved words and the name of actual data structures, constants, and routines are shown in Courier.4.3.2 Naming ConventionsParameter and variable names contain only words with lower case letters, which are separated by underscore.Example:vc_messageNOTE: Upper and lower case letters are treated as the same letter.5 CFM DefinitionThe Common Functional Modules (CFMs) are line replaceable items and provide an ASAAC IMA system with a computational capability, network support capability and power conversion capability. The following set of modules have been defined for use within an IMA core processing system:- Signal Processing Module (SPM).- Data Processing Module (DPM).- Graphics Processing Module (GPM).- Mass Memory Module (MMM).- Network Support Module (NSM).- Power Conversion Module (PCM).This set of CFMs complies with the generic CFM format defined in this section.It is assumed that a System Design Specification will be raised for each specific project implementation in which the detailed performance requirements for each CFM will appear.5.1 Generic CFM5.1.1 Generic CFM – DescriptionThe internal architecture of each CFM consists of a set of functional elements that are applied to each CFM implementation. These are shown graphically in Figure 2 and are detailed below. All functions, with the exception of the Processing Unit, are generic to each CFM type.PowerLinks to NetworkFigure 2 - Functional representation of a generic CFM(For PCM and NSM refer to Figure 3)- The Module Support Unit (MSU) controls and monitors the module and provides common functions such as Built-in-Test (BIT) control, module initialisation, time management, status recording/reporting and support for MLI (section 6), system management and debugging.- The Processing Unit (PU) provides the specific function of a CFM, for example data processing, signal processing, mass storage. These are defined in section 5.3.- The Module Physical Interface (MPI) defines the physical characteristics of the module and implements the mechanical, optical, electrical and cooling interfaces. These are detailed in section 6 and are fully defined in the ASAAC Standards for Packaging [4] .- The Routing Unit (RU) provides the internal communications capability of the CFM and interconnects the Network Interface Unit (NIU) with the Processing Unit (PU) and the Module Support Unit (MSU). The RU also provides a direct coupling between a network input link and a network output link. The RU iscontrolled by the MSU.- The Network Interface Unit (NIU) performs the external communications capability by interfacing the off-module network with the module internal data paths implemented by the Routing Unit. The NIU supports the implementation of the communication part and the Network properties part of the Module Logical Interface (MLI). These are defined in the ASAAC Software Standard [2] and the ASAAC Standards for Communications and Network [3] respectively. It also supports network configuration in conjunction with the MSU.- The Power Supply Element (PSE) converts the external supply voltage into the appropriate internal supply voltages. Consolidation of redundant multiple power inputs shall also be provided by the PSE.The power supply architecture is defined in the ASAAC Standards for Architecture [6] .The CFM shall comprise hardware components, that implement the mechanical and electrical functionality and the physical interfaces of the CFM and software components collectively termed the “Module Support Layer” (MSL). The MSL provides, in conjunction with the hardware, the functional requirements and logical interfaces defined in the ASAAC Standards identified in section 1.1.The interfaces for the CFM are as follows and are detailed in section 6:- The Module Physical Interface (MPI), which defines the physical properties of the CFM including the mechanical, optical, electrical and cooling interfaces.- The Module Logical Interface (MLI), which defines the logical communication and command interface of the CFM.- The interface between the Module Support Layer (MSL) and the Operating System, the MOS, which provides generic, technology independent access to the low-level resources of a CFM and thecommunications interface to the other CFMs.5.1.2 Generic CFM – RequirementsAll CFMs designed to this standard shall meet the following requirements:- Have all set of functional elements as shown in Figure 2 for DPM, SPM, MMM and GPM. For PCM and NSM refer to Figure 3.- Provide open system (see for definition 4.1) compliant processing hardware,- Promote insertion and use of commercial and military standards and technologies, and the reuse of software.- Provide integrated diagnostics (built-in test) and fault isolation means to support fault tolerance, failure management, reconfiguration and maintenance.- Conform to the Module Physical Interface (MPI) definition [4] and section 5.6.- Support at least one input and one output link to the network. The number of links will be dependent on the module type and system implementation.- Comply with the MOS interface definition and provide the required supporting software in the MSL. This software must also meet the requirements defined in the ASAAC Standards for Software [2] . The NSM is exempt from this requirement.- Provide the common communication services, within the MOS interface, to allow access to the network resources [2] .- Comply with the MLI definition. Note, that the NSM shall comply to the appropriate sub-set [2] .- Be programmable in high-level languages.- Time synchronisation, for more details see reference [8] . Note that the NSM and MMM have additional time distribution capability.- Ensure internal communication bandwidth is compatible with external communication.- Comply with the Power Supply Architecture Specified in the ASAAC Standards for Architecture [6] : - Provide the second stage of the power supply architecture.- Be capable of operating in a fault tolerant configuration, i.e. it shall be possible to consolidate power supplies of a CFM (with the exception of the PCM) from two or more PCMs.5.2 Module Support UnitThis section covers the generic functionality provided by the MSU.5.2.1 Module Support Unit – DescriptionThe module support functionality is to be provided by the logical element the MSU. The MSU controls and monitors all activities for a DPM, SPM, GPM and MMM. The MSU provides all functions and services required for system management, external and internal communications and module management. Guidelines for these functions are provided in the ASAAC Standards for Software [2] . In order to achieve the flexibility to control different types of modules a general-purpose processor called a Module Controller (MC) may be used.5.2.2 Module Support Unit – RequirementsThe services and capabilities, which shall be provided by the MSU, are described in the following sections. CFM Embedded InformationEach CFM shall contain information regarding particular characteristics of the CFM itself. This information shall be located in non-volatile storage to ensure no loss of information caused by removal of power.The information to be stored shall be distinguished as follows:- Read-Only is information that, after definition and programming, cannot be altered during operational use. The original manufacturer shall be the only one who is capable of programming or modifying these data. This constitutes data such as the manufacturers identity, CFM type, production batch number etc.that reflect the identity of the CFM. The required retrievable information are listed in Table 1.- Read/Write is information that can be updated whenever the module is operational. This constitutes data such as the hours of operation, executed maintenance activities, operational log, etc. that reflect the operational history of the CFM. The required information that shall be available is listed in Table 2. Fault Logging is considered separately in section information with read-only access shall be accessible using the following methods:- By interrogation of the Maintenance Test Port, a function covered in detail in section By use of the MOS services, defined in the Software Standard, reference [2] .Table 1 - CFM Embedded Information - Read OnlyName Definition Type Lengthin BytesScope Accessed Via manufacturer_id Manufacturer's ID String30Global moduleInfo/MTPserial_id Serial ID unsignedShort Specific to a singlemanufacturermoduleInfo/MTPprod_batch_ date Date of production (week:2year: 4)String6N/A MTPcfm_type Standard type of CFM (SPM,DPM, GPM, MMM, NSM, PCM)String10Global moduleInfo/MTPhw_version Version of hardware unsignedShort Specific to a single manufacturerMTPmsl_version Version of MSL code stored on-CFM unsignedShortSpecific to a singlemanufacturerMTPName Definition Type Lengthin BytesScope Accessed Viastandard_mpi_ version_ compliance Version of the MPI standard thatthe CFM is compatible withunsignedShortGlobal MTPstandard_mos_ve rsion_ compliance Version of the MOS standardthat the CFM is compatible withunsignedShortGlobal moduleInfo/MTPstandard_mli_ version_ compliance Version of the MLI standard thatthe CFM is compatible withunsignedShortGlobal moduleInfo/MTPnum_network Number of different networkinterfaces on the CFM unsignedShortSpecific to CFM moduleInfo/MTPnum_pe Number of PEs resident on theCFM unsignedShortSpecific to CFM moduleInfo/MTPFor each Network interface resident on the CFMnetwork_if_id Network interface ID unsignedShortSpecific to CFM moduleInfo/MTPnetwork_if_type Type of network interface(variable scope shall be acrossall possible network interfacetypes)String10Global moduleInfo/MTPFor each PE resident on the CFMpe_id PE ID unsignedShortSpecific to CFM moduleInfo/MTPpe_type Type of PE (variable scope shallbe across all possible PE types)String10Global moduleInfo/MTPpe_performance Standardised performanceavailable from PE in MOPS unsignedLongSpecific to PE moduleInfo/MTPpe_nonvol_ memory Amount of available non-volatilememory within each PE inMbytesunsignedLongSpecific to PE moduleInfo/MTPpe_vol_memory Amount of available volatilememory within each PE inMbytes unsignedLongSpecific to PE moduleInfo/MTPpe_num_timer Number of Timers within the PE unsignedShortSpecific to PE moduleInfo/MTP For each Timer within each PE resident on the CFMpe_timer_id Timer ID unsignedShortSpecific to PE moduleInfo/MTPpe_timer_ resolution Resolution of the timer innanosecondsunsignedShortSpecific to PETimerModuleInfo/MTPTable 2 - CFM Embedded Information - Read / WriteName Definition Type LengthIn BytesAccessed viaoperational_hou rs Number of operational hours for the CFM(resolution = 1 minute)unsigned Long moduleStatus/MTP: read onlymaintenance_log Log describing the maintenance history of theCFM. A log entry needs to include:Up to 256bytes perentryreadLogDevice:read onlyMTP: read/write•Time-stamp (op hours)•Maintainer identity •Maintenance action identity unsigned LongStringString30222system_log Log describing the usage history of the CFM.A log entry needs to include:32 bytesper entryreadLogDevice/MTP: read onlywriteLogDevice:write only•Time-stamp (op hours)•Relevant system identity unsigned LongString28cfm_status Present status of the CFM; OK, Fail, PBIT inprogress, IBIT in progress etc.String10moduleStatus/MTP: read only5.2.2.2 Built-in Test Capability (BIT)Each CFM shall provide hardware and software resources to provide a level of fault detection within its own resources according to the following three BIT capabilities:- Power-up/Power-down BIT (PBIT) - Performs built-in test subsequent to module power-up. PBIT shall verify that the resources available on the CFM are fully operational before operational code isdownloaded. Details on the initialisation are given in section 5.2.4.- Continuous BIT (CBIT) - CBIT shall be performed as a background activity during normal operation of the CFM.- Initiated BIT (IBIT) - IBIT shall be performed when initiated by another entity. After initiation of IBIT the normal operation of the CFM shall be interrupted and IBIT performed. After IBIT has terminated the CFM shall return to normal operation.All BIT results, with the exception of a CBIT pass result, shall be reported to the Fault Log. The requirements for fault logging are given in section Fault LoggingEach CFM shall provide a Fault Log implemented in non-volatile storage. Each entry in the Fault Log shall be time stamped.The Fault Log shall be accessible for off-aircraft test and maintenance via the Maintenance Test Port (MTP), which is detailed in section on fault management are given in ASAAC guidelines for Fault Management, refer to [5] .NOTE: The fault log should be readable without the rest of the module being powered. Therefore the test connector should provide power inputs directly to the memory hardware that is used to implement the log.。
Warning: No output dependent on input pin "sign"
20 Warning: Found clock high time violation at 16625.0 ns on register "|impulcomp|gate1"
4 Error: Node instance "clk_gen1" instantiates undefined entity "clk_gen"
-------引用的例化元件未定义实体--entity "clk_gen"
5 Warning: Found 2 node(s) in clock paths which may be acting as ripple and/or gated clocks -- node(s) analyzed as buffer(s) resulting in clock skew
7 Warning: VHDL Process Statement warning at divider_10.vhd(17): signal "cnt" is read inside the Process Statement but isn't in the Process Statement's sensivitity list
16 Warning: Found clock high time violation at 1000.0 ns on register "|fcounter|lpm_counter:temp_rtl_0|dffs[4]"
Procedia Computer Science
Unlocking the promise of mobile value-added services byapplying new collaborative business models Original ResearchArticleTechnological Forecasting and Social Change , Volume 77, Issue 4, May 2010, Pages 678-693Peng-Ting Chen, Joe Z. Cheng Show preview | Related articles | Related reference work articlesPurchase $ 41.95 602 Software performance simulation strategies for high-level embedded system design Original ResearchArticlePerformance Evaluation , Volume 67, Issue 8, August2010, Pages 717-739Zhonglei Wang, Andreas Herkersdorf Close preview | Related articles |Related reference work articlesAbstract | Figures/Tables | ReferencesAbstractAs most embedded applications are realized in software, softwareperformance estimation is a very important issue in embedded system design.In the last decades, instruction set simulators (ISSs) have become anessential part of an embedded software design process. However, ISSs areeither slow or very difficult to develop. With the advent of multiprocessorsystems and their ever-increasing complexity, the software simulation strategybased on ISSs is no longer efficient enough for exploring the large designspace of multiprocessor systems in early design phases. Motivated by thelimitations of ISSs, a lot of recent research activities focused on softwaresimulation strategies based on native execution. In this article, we firstintroduce some existing software performance simulation strategies as well asour own approach for source level simulation, called SciSim , and provide adiscussion about their benefits and limitations. The main contribution of thisarticle is to introduce a new software performance simulation approach, callediSciSim (intermediate Source code instrumentation based Simulation), whichachieves high estimation accuracy, high simulation speed and lowPurchase $ 41.95implementation complexity. All these advantages make iSciSim well-suited for system level design. To show the benefits of the proposed approach, we present a quantitative comparison between iSciSim and the other discussed techniques, using a set of benchmarks.Article Outline1. Introduction2. Software performance simulation strategies2.1. Instruction set simulators2.2. Binary (Assembly) level simulation2.3. Source level simulation2.4. IR level simulation3. The SciSim approach for source level simulation3.1. Source code instrumentation3.2. Simulation3.3. Advantages and limitations of SciSim4. The iSciSim approach for performance simulation of compiler-optimized embedded software4.1. Intermediate source code generation4.2. Intermediate source code instrumentation4.2.1. Machine code extraction and mapping list construction4.2.2. Basic block list construction4.2.3. Static timing analysis4.2.4. Back-annotation of timing information4.3. Simulation4.3.1. Dynamic timing analysis4.3.2. Hardware and software co-simulation in SystemC5. Experimental results5.1. Source code vs. ISC5.2. Benchmarking SW simulation strategies 5.3. Dynamic cache simulation5.4. Simulation in SystemC6. Discussions and conclusions AcknowledgementsReferencesVitae603Computer anxiety and ICT integration in English classesamong Iranian EFL teachers Original Research ArticleProcedia Computer Science, Volume 3, 2011, Pages 203-209Mehrak Rahimi, Samaneh YadollahiClose preview | PDF (190 K) | Related articles | Related reference work articlesAbstract | ReferencesAbstractThe purpose of this study was to determine Iranian EFL teachers’ level of computeranxiety and its relationship with ICT integration into English classes and teachers’ personalcharacteristics. Data were collected from 254 Iranian EFL teachers by Computer AnxietyRating Scale, ICT integration rating scale, and a personal information questionnaire. Theresults indicated a positive relationship between computer anxiety and age; however,computer anxiety, gender, and experience of teaching were not found to be related. Aninverse correlation was found between computer anxiety and ICT integration. While ICTintegration correlated negatively with age and years of teaching experience, it was notfound to be related to gender.604An environmental decision support system for spatialassessment and selective remediation OriginalResearch ArticleEnvironmental Modelling & Software, Volume 26, Issue 6,June 2011, Pages 751-760Purchase$ 19.95Robert N. Stewart, S. Thomas Purucker Close preview | Related articles | Related reference work articles Abstract | Figures/Tables | ReferencesAbstractSpatial Analysis and Decision Assistance (SADA) is a Windows freewareprogram that incorporates spatial assessment tools for effective environmentalremediation. The software integrates modules for GIS, visualization,geospatial analysis, statistical analysis, human health and ecological riskassessment, cost/benefit analysis, sampling design, and decision support.SADA began as a simple tool for integrating risk assessment with spatialmodeling tools. It has since evolved into a freeware product primarily targetedfor spatial site investigation and soil remediation design, though itsapplications have extended into many diverse environmental disciplines thatemphasize the spatial distribution of data. Because of the variety of algorithmsincorporated, the user interface is engineered in a consistent and scalablemanner to expose additional functionality without a burdensome increase incomplexity. The scalable environment permits it to be used for both applicationand research goals, especially investigating spatial aspects important forestimating environmental exposures and designing efficient remedial designs.The result is a mature infrastructure with considerable environmental decisionsupport capabilities. We provide an overview of SADA’s central functions anddiscuss how the problem of integrating diverse models in a tractable mannerwas addressed.Article OutlineNomenclature1. Introduction2. Methods2.1. Sample design2.2. Data management and exploratory data analysis2.3. Spatial autocorrelation2.4. Spatial models3. Results 3.1. Scalable interfacing and decision support3.2. Risk assessment3.2.1. Human health risk3.2.2. Ecological risk3.3. Selective remedial design4. Discussion and ConclusionAcknowledgementsReferencesResearch highlights ► SADA is mature software for data visualization, processing, analysis, and modeling. ► User interface balances functional scalability and decision support. ► Widely used due to free availability and shallow learning curve . ► Integration of spatial estimation and risk tools allows for rich decision support. 605 CoDBT: A multi-source dynamic binary translator using hardware –software collaborativetechniques Original Research ArticleJournal of Systems Architecture , Volume 56, Issue 10,October 2010, Pages 500-508Haibing Guan, Bo Liu, Zhengwei Qi, Yindong Yang,Hongbo Yang, Alei LiangShow preview | Related articles | Related reference work articles Purchase $ 31.50606 An analysis of third-party logistics performance and service provision Original Research ArticleTransportation Research Part E: Logistics andTransportation Review , Volume 47, Issue 4, July 2011, Pages 547-570Chiung-Lin Liu, Andrew C. Lyons Purchase$ 41.95Show preview | Related articles | Related reference work articles 607 Intelligent QoS management for multimedia services support in wireless mobile ad hoc networks OriginalResearch ArticleComputer Networks , Volume 54, Issue 10, 1 July 2010, Pages 1692-1706Lyes Khoukhi, Soumaya Cherkaoui Show preview | Related articles | Related reference work articlesPurchase $ 31.50 608 Limit to improvement: Myth or reality?: Empirical analysis of historical improvement on threetechnologies influential in the evolution ofcivilization Original Research ArticleTechnological Forecasting and Social Change ,Volume 77,Issue 5, June 2010, Pages 712-729 Yu Sang Chang, Seung Jin Baek Show preview| Supplementary content| Related articles | Relatedreference work articlesPurchase $ 41.95 609An enhanced concept map approach to improving children’s storytelling ability Original Research ArticleComputers & Education , Volume 56, Issue 3, April 2011, Pages 873-884Chen-Chung Liu, Holly S.L. Chen, Ju-Ling Shih, Guo-Ting Huang, Baw-Jhiune Liu Show preview | Related articles | Related reference work articlesPurchase $ 24.95610Human –computer interaction: A stable discipline, a nascent science, and the growth of the longtail Original Research ArticleInteracting with Computers , Volume 22, Issue 1, January 2010,Pages 13-27Alan Dix Show preview | Related articles | Related reference work articlesPurchase$ 31.50 611Post-agility: What follows a decade of agility? Original Research ArticleInformation and Software Technology , Volume 53, Issue 5,May 2011, Pages 543-555Richard Baskerville, Jan Pries-Heje, Sabine MadsenShow preview | Related articles | Related reference work articlesPurchase $ 19.95612Confidentiality checking an object-oriented class hierarchy Original Research ArticleNetwork Security , Volume 2010, Issue 3, March 2010, Pages 16-20S. Chandra, R.A KhanShow preview | Related articles | Related reference work articlesPurchase $ 41.95 613 European national news Computer Law & Security Review , Volume 26, Issue 5, September 2010, Pages 558-563 Mark Turner Show preview | Related articles | Related reference work articlesPurchase $ 41.95 614 System engineering approach in the EU Test Blanket Systems Design Integration Original Research ArticleFusion Engineering and Design , In Press, CorrectedProof , Available online 23 February 2011D. Panayotov, P. Sardain, L.V. Boccaccini, J.-F. Salavy, F.Cismondi, L. Jourd’Heuil Show preview | Related articles | Related reference work articlesPurchase $ 27.95 615A knowledge engineering approach to developing mindtools for context-aware ubiquitouslearning Original Research ArticleComputers & Education, Volume 54, Issue 1, January 2010, Pages 289-297Hui-Chun Chu, Gwo-Jen Hwang, Chin-Chung Tsai Show preview | Related articles |Related reference work articles Purchase $ 24.95616“Hi Father”, “Hi Mother”: A multimodal analysis of a significant, identity changing phone call mediated onTV Original Research Article Journal of Pragmatics, Volume 42, Issue 2, February 2010,Pages 426-442Pirkko Raudaskoski Show preview | Related articles | Related reference work articlesPurchase $ 19.95 617Iterative Bayesian fuzzy clustering toward flexible icon-based assistive software for the disabled OriginalResearch ArticleInformation Sciences , Volume 180, Issue 3, 1 February 2010, Pages 325-340Purchase$ 37.95Sang Wan Lee, Yong Soo Kim, Kwang-Hyun Park,Zeungnam BienShow preview | Related articles | Related reference work articles 618 A framework of composable access control features: Preserving separation of access control concerns from models to code Original Research ArticleComputers & Security , Volume 29, Issue 3, May 2010, Pages 350-379Jaime A. Pavlich-Mariscal, Steven A. Demurjian, LaurentD. MichelShow preview | Related articles | Related reference work articlesPurchase $ 31.50 619 Needs, affect, and interactive products – Facets ofuser experience Original Research ArticleInteracting with Computers , Volume 22, Issue 5, September 2010, Pages 353-362Marc Hassenzahl, Sarah Diefenbach, Anja Göritz Show preview | Related articles | Related reference work articlesPurchase $ 31.50 620 An IT perspective on integrated environmental modelling: The SIAT case Original Research ArticleEcological Modelling , Volume 221, Issue 18, 10 September 2010,Pages 2167-2176P.J.F.M. Verweij, M.J.R. Knapen, W.P. de Winter, J.J.F. Wien, J.A. te Roller, S. Sieber, J.M.L. JansenShow preview | Related articles | Related reference work articlesPurchase $ 31.50。
编译原理 英文
编译原理英文Compiler Principles。
Compiler is a program that translates a high-level programming language into machine code or an intermediate code. It plays a crucial role in the software development process, as it allows programmers to write code in a language that is easier for humans to understand, while the compiler takes care of translating it into a format that the computer can execute.The process of translating a high-level language into machine code involves several key principles, which are collectively known as compiler principles. These principles form the foundation of how compilers work and are essential for understanding the inner workings of a compiler.One of the fundamental principles of compiler design is lexical analysis. This involves breaking the source code into a sequence of tokens, which are the smallest units of meaning in a programming language. These tokens can include keywords, identifiers, operators, and punctuation symbols. The lexical analyzer, also known as a lexer, is responsible for scanning the source code and identifying these tokens.Once the source code has been broken down into tokens, the next step is syntax analysis. This involves analyzing the structure of the code to determine if it conforms to the rules of the programming language. This is typically done using a grammar, which defines the syntax rules of the language. The syntax analyzer, also known as a parser, checks the sequence of tokens against the grammar rules to ensure that the code is syntactically correct.After the syntax analysis phase, the compiler moves on to semantic analysis. This involves checking the meaning of the code to ensure that it makes sense. This can include checking for type errors, variable declarations, and other semantic rules of the language. The semantic analyzer is responsible for performing these checks and generating an abstract syntax tree, which represents the structure of the code in a more abstract form.Once the code has been analyzed for its meaning, the compiler moves on to the intermediate code generation phase. In this phase, the compiler translates the source code into an intermediate representation that is closer to the machine code but still independent of the target machine. This intermediate code can then be optimized before being translated into the target machine code.Finally, the compiler performs code optimization to improve the efficiency and performance of the generated machine code. This can include various techniques such as constant folding, loop optimization, and register allocation. The optimized machine code is then generated and can be executed on the target machine.In conclusion, the principles of compiler design are essential for understanding how compilers work and how they translate high-level programming languages into machine code. By following these principles, compilers can ensure that the generated code is correct, efficient, and optimized for the target machine. Understanding these principles is crucial for anyone involved in software development, as it provides insight into the inner workings of the tools that we use to write and execute code.。
iOS Swift语言新特性概述思维导图完整版
iOS Swift语言新特性概述思维导图完整版(正文开始)Swift语言作为苹果公司开发的一种新型编程语言,自发布以来一直备受开发者的关注和喜爱。
以下是我整理的iOS Swift语言新特性概述思维导图完整版。
1. 语言特性(Language Features)- 可选类型(Optional):Swift引入了可选类型,用于处理值的缺失情况,增强了代码的稳定性和安全性。
- 错误处理(Error Handling):Swift提供了错误处理机制,使开发者能够更好地处理和传递错误信息。
- 泛型(Generics):Swift支持泛型编程,使代码更加灵活,可复用性更高。
- 特殊数据类型(Special Data Types):Swift引入了新的特殊数据类型,如元组(Tuples)、闭包(Closures)等,丰富了语言的表达能力。
- 语言糖(Syntactic Sugar):Swift通过引入一些简单易懂的语法糖来增强开发者的编码体验和代码的可读性。
2. 性能优化(Performance Optimization)- 优化编译器(Optimized Compiler):Swift的编译器进行了多方面的优化,使得编译速度更快,可执行文件更小巧。
- 内存管理(Memory Management):Swift采用自动引用计数(ARC)机制,有效地减少了内存泄漏的风险。
- 编译时特性(Compile-time Constants):Swift支持编译时计算常量,提高了程序的性能和响应速度。
Compilation PrinciplesPlease note: This document aims to introduce the core concepts of compilation principles in a simplified manner.IntroductionCompilation principles form the foundation of modern computing. It is a field that deals with the transformation of source code into executable programs. A compiler, which is a software tool, plays a crucial role in this process. In this document, we will explore the key components and stages involved in the compilation process.Lexical AnalysisLexical analysis, also known as scanning, is the initial stage of the compilation process. It deals with the analysis of individual characters or lexical units and divides the source code into meaningful tokens. Tokens can be identifiers, keywords, constants, or operators. The lexer, a component of the compiler, is responsible for this task.For example, in the source code int x = 5;, the lexer will identify the tokens as int, x, =, and 5.Syntax AnalysisSyntax analysis, also known as parsing, follows the lexical analysis stage. This stage checks whether the arrangement of tokens adheres to the rules of the programming language’s grammar. It involves the generation o f a parse tree or an abstract syntax tree (AST) that represents the structure of the program.The parser, another component of the compiler, ensures that the source code contains the correct syntax and detects any grammar errors.For example, the parser will verify that the expression x = y + z adheres to the grammar rule for assignment statements.Semantic AnalysisSemantic analysis, a crucial stage in the compilation process, focuses on the meaning associated with the source code. It verifies rules that cannot be checked by syntax analysis alone. The semantic analyzer examines the type compatibility, variable declarations, function calls, and scoping rules within the source code.For instance, the semantic analyzer will identify if a variable is being used without prior declaration or if an integer is assigned to a string variable.Intermediate Code GenerationIntermediate code generation involves the transformation of the parsed source code into an intermediate representation. This representation is usually closer to the target machine language code and allows for easier optimization and translation into executable code.The intermediate code acts as a bridge between the source code and the target code. It simplifies the complexity of translating code for different architectures, making it easier to develop compilers for various platforms.Code OptimizationCode optimization aims to improve the efficiency of the generated target code. This stage involves analyzing and transforming the intermediate code to produce more efficient code while retaining the same functionality.Various optimization techniques, such as constant folding, loop optimization, and register allocation, can be applied to reduce execution time or improve memory usage.Code GenerationCode generation involves the translation of the optimized intermediate code into the target machine language. The target machine language can be assembly language or directly executable binary code.The code generator performs the mapping of intermediate code instructions to the target machine’s specific instructions. It ensures that the instructions are generated in the correct sequence and employ appropriate memory allocation strategies.ConclusionIn conclusion, compilation principles form the backbone of modern programming. Understanding the various stages involved in the compilation process enables programmers to write efficient and optimized code. While this document provides an overview of the key components, each stage can be explored in much greater detail. Happy coding!。
EDA技术与应用讲义 第3章 原理图输入设计方法 QUARTUS II版本
硬件设计人员 的工作过程
已经 类似与
Compiler Netlist Extractor (编译器网表提取器)
❖ The Compiler module that converts each design file in a project (or each cell of an EDIF Input File) into a separate binary CNF. The filename(s) of the CNF(s) are based on the project name. Example
❖ 人工 根据电路功能 进行 模块划分
❖ 合理的模块划分 关系到
1. 电路的性能 2. 实现的难易程度
❖ 根据模块划分和系统功能 确定: PLD芯片型号
模块划分后,就可以进行 具体设计 了
1. HDL语言 2. 电路图 3. 波形输入
件电路图设计 5. 综合调试 6. 完成
❖ 如何组织多个设计文件的系统?,项目的概 念。
❖ 时钟系统如何设计?
❖ 电路的设计功耗
❖ 高速信号的软件和硬件设计
The end.
以下内容 为 正文的引用,
❖ EDA软件方面,大体可以分为两类:
1. PLD器件厂商提供的EDA工具。较著名的如:
❖ 第三方工具软件是对CPLD/FPGA生产厂家开发软件的补 充和优化,如通常认为Max+plus II和Quartus II对 VHDL/Verilog HDL逻辑综合能力不强,如果采用专用的 HDL工具进行逻辑综合,会有效地提高综合质量。
HCC 嵌入式文件系统系列说明书
File SystemsTruly fail-safe file systemsfor all types of storage HCC has been developing embedded file systems for more than a decade and has a highly optimized range of file systems designed to meet the performance requirements of any application. Using HCC file systems will make your application more reliable and will help to protect your customer’s data. HCC file systems can be seamlessly dropped into any environment to support any storage media, RTOS, compiler or microcontroller.File Systems⏹ File SystemsFive highly optimized file systems: Each file system is finely tuned to provide the best performance for its intended environment. With full support for traditional FAT and Flash systems, developers can choose a system optimized for flexibility, performance or resource-limited environments.Extensive targ et media drivers: HCC collaborate closely with the industry’s leading storage suppliers and can provide support for almost any flash device or storage medium. We routinely supply drivers for everything from simple USB pen drives and SD cards, to the most advanced NAND and NOR flash.No-compromise fail-safety: HCC has developed truly fail-safe file systems that guarantee the highest possible data integrity.With abstractions for more than 15 real-time operating systems, and our broad range of products, our one-size-doesn’t-fit-all approach is sure to provide an optimal solution for most applications. Why not get a file system that is designed to meet your particular needs and ensure that your data is securely, efficiently and reliably cared for?⏹ FAT File SystemsAll of HCC’s FAT-com patible file system s can be used with NAND and NOR m em ories in conjunction with our fail-safe Flash Translation Layer, SafeFTL, which acts as the driver and provides wear-leveling, bad block management and error correction.FAT: High Performance 12/16/32 FAT File System. Full featured FAT file system optimized for high-performance with FAT12/16/32-compliant media. There’s extensive support for external media, including SD/MMC and Compact flash cards, or any device arranged as an array of logical sectors.THIN: File System for Resource-Limited Applications.Full-featured FAT file system for MCUs with limited resources.THIN is compatible with media such as SD/MMC and Compactflash cards. The code has been designed to provide a balance ofspeed vs. memory, with options that allow the developer to makeperformance trade-offs using available resources. This permitsa full file system to be run on a low-cost microcontroller withlimited resources.SafeFAT: Fail-safe File System. Robust, full featured fail-safeFAT file system that provides the same features as a standardFAT file system. It implements a system of journaling/transactionoperations that provide the strongest possible assurance thatall memory operations will be performed correctly, and that thesystem can recover coherently from unexpected events such asreset or power loss.⏹ Flash File SystemsSafeFLASH: Fail-safe File System. Designed for high performance and 100% fail-safety. It can be used with all NOR and NAND flash as well as any media that can simulate a block-structured array. SafeFLASH supports dynamic and static wear-leveling and provides a highly efficient solution in which data integrity is critical.TINY: Fail-safe Limited Resource File System.A full-featured, fail-safe flash file system for use in resource-constrained applications. TINY is designed for use with NOR Flash with erasable sectors <4kB. Typical devices include Atmel DataFlash AT45, MSP430 internal flash, and many serial flash devices including ST and Microchip SST Serial Flash. It eliminates many fragmentation and flash management problems and results in a compact and reliable file system that provides a full set of features, even on a low-cost controller.⏹ Advanced Fail-safetyConventional FAT file systems are not fail-safe and often experience difficulties when common problems such as power loss or unexpected resets occur. Corrupt files can sometimes be corrected using ‘check-disk’ but this requires manual intervention and often valuable data is lost.Product quality and performance can be seriously undermined by this kind of problem, but the threat can be eliminated by using a robust fail-safe file system from HCC. When used in a correctly designed system, it will guarantee that data will always be consistent. Our file systems are transaction-based but permit single file operation without reference to the rest of the system. In order to ensure the maximum integrity, our media drivers are also designed to provide fail-safe behavior. We have some of the industry’s leading experience in this area, why not talk to us about how to implement your application in the most robust way possible?⏹ Supported Flash & Media DevicesHCC supports a huge array of storage media from the most basic USB pen-drive to the most complex Solid State Drive (SSD). The number and variety of available flash devices changes at an incredible rate. Nonetheless, HCC supports hundreds of flash devices from manufacturers including Adesto, Intel, Micron, Toshiba, Hynix, Samsung, Spansion, Macronix, Microchip, Winbond and many others. We support hundreds of flash parts as well as numerous specialty devices including Solid State Drives (SSD), MLC flash and ClearNAND. All HCC file systems conform to a standard API and are fully interchangeable.Our fail-safe Flash Translation Layer, SafeFTL, can be used in conjunction with our file systems to provide wear-leveling, bad block management and error correction for almost any known device.FAT THIN SafeFAT SafeFLASH TINYNAND Flash Y*Y*Y*Y NNOR Flash Y*Y*Y*Y Y*Small Sector NOR Y*Y*Y*Y YMMC/eMMC/SD/SDHC/SDXC Y Y Y N N Compact Flash Y Y Y N NSSD Flash Y Y Y N NUSB Mass Storage Y Y Y N NRAM Y Y Y Y Y* Requires SafeFTL flash translation layer.⏹ Broad Range of Target Processors & Tools HCC usually delivers file systems with tested drivers that are fully abstracted for a particular real-time operating system, micro-controller and compiler. In most cases there is little or no integration effort required by developers. RTOS Abstractions RTOS abstractions are available for the following systems: CMX RTX, eCOS, emBOS, EUROS, FreeRTOS, Keil RTX, Nucleus, Quadros RTXC, ThreadX, μ-velOSity, μC/OS-II, and many others. Importantly, for custom schedulers and super loops, HCC offers an abstraction for ‘No RTOS’. We also offer our own eTaskSync, a small cooperative scheduler, which is designed to handle all processing and interface requirements of HCC middleware. This means that developers can choose our robust quality and outstanding performance irrespective of their legacy software. Extensive Compiler Support Eclipse/GCC, IAR Embedded Workbench, Keil ARM Compiler, Freescale CodeWarrior, Atmel AVR Studio, Green Hills Multi, Microchip MPLAB, Renesas HEW, TI Code Composer Studio, Mentor CodeSourcery, Atollic True Studio and many more. Microcontrollers ARM Cortex-M0/M1/M3/M4/R4/A8, ARM7/9/11; Atmel AVR32, SAM3/4/7/9; Freescale ColdFire, Kinetis, PowerPC, i.MX, Vybrid, QorIQ; Infineon C164, XMC1000, XMC4000; Microchip PIC24, PIC32; NXP LPC1300/1700/1800/2000/3000/4000; Renesas SuperH, RX, RL, 78k; SiliconLabs EFM32, SIM3; Spansion FM0/FM3/FM4; STMicroelectronics STM32; Texas Instruments MSP430, Stellaris, C2000, Hercules, DaVinci, Sitara, Tiva; Toshiba TMP M0/M3; ⏹ Licensing & Purchasing All HCC reusable software components are royalty-free and distributed in source form with support and maintenance included for one year with all purchases. We deliver sample projects tailored to an environment agreed with customers to ensure the quickest possible start. Visit HCC’s website to find a sample license and to obtain the contact details of your local sales representative. Or,****************************************************************************.All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective sales office: 1999 S. Bascom Avenue Suite 700, Campbell, California 95008 • Tel: +1 408 879-2619European sales offices: 24a Melville St, Edinburgh EH3 7NS Scotland, UK • Tel.: +44 7918 787 5711133 Budapest, Váci út 76., Hungary • Tel.: +36 1 450 1302info @ • sales @ • 09022016。
目录摘要 (I)ABSTRACT (II)第一章绪论 (1)1.1课题研究背景与意义 (1)1.2国内外研究现状 (4)1.3研究内容 (6)1.3.1主要工作 (6)1.3.2创新点 (7)1.4论文结构 (7)第二章相关技术、概念和理论 (9)2.1KLEE (9)2.1.1KLEE中的编译优化选项 (9)2.1.2编译优化对KLEE影响示例 (10)2.2测试覆盖率 (11)2.2.1行覆盖率 (11)2.2.2分支覆盖率 (12)2.2.3条件覆盖率 (12)2.2.4条件/判定覆盖率 (13)2.2.5MC/DC (13)2.3支持向量机 (14)2.3.1SVM简介 (15)2.3.2libSVM简介 (17)2.4本章小结 (18)第三章编译优化对符号执行效果影响的研究 (21)3.1各程序MC/DC随时间增长的变化情况 (22)3.2各单独编译优化选项对符号执行效果的影响 (24)3.3编译优化选项的决定性分析 (25)3.4变换衡量标准 (28)3.4.1各程序覆盖率随时间增长的变化情况 (28)3.4.2各单独编译优化选项对符号执行效果的影响 (29)3.4.3编译优化选项的决定性分析 (31)3.5本章小结 (33)第四章编译优化选项自动推荐方法 (35)4.1程序特征的选择和提取 (35)4.2推荐方法的设计与实现 (37)4.3推荐方法的测试与验证 (39)4.4本章总结 (42)第五章总结与展望 (43)5.1本文总结 (43)5.2研究展望 (44)致谢 (45)参考文献 (47)作者在学期间取得的学术成果 (51)图目录图1.1示例程序1(左)及其对应的符号执行树(右) (2)图2.1KLEE示例程序(左)和相应的IR(右) (11)图2.2示例程序2 (12)图2.3示例程序3(左)及其对应的测试用例(右) (13)图2.4SVM二分类示例 (16)图2.5libSVM的执行过程 (18)图3.1实验框架 (21)图3.2各编译优化选项影响的程序个数 (24)图3.3选项IC与ALL、NO的对比 (26)图3.4各选项与ALL选项的重合率和一致率 (26)图3.5各单独编译优化选项被逐一禁用前后的对比图 (27)图3.6IC被禁用前后的对比图 (27)图3.7代数运算指令简化过程 (28)图3.8LC下主要选项影响的程序个数 (30)图3.9DC下主要选项影响的程序个数 (30)图3.11DC下各主要选项与ALL对比 (32)图3.12LC下各主要选项被禁用后与ALL对比 (32)图3.13DC下各主要选项被禁用后与ALL对比 (33)图4.1IC选项工作流程 (35)图4.2IC选项中的优化操作 (36)图4.3自动推荐方法的实现 (38)图4.4推荐方法理论极值与全局极值对比图 (39)图4.5推荐方法实际值与理论、全局极值对比图 (40)图4.6auto选项与NO、ALL选项MC/DC值对比图 (41)表目录表2.1KLEE中涉及的LLVM编译优化选项 (10)表2.2各测试覆盖率满足的性质 (14)表3.1程序及其对应的MC/DC条件个数 (22)表3.2程序MC/DC随时间增加的变化情况 (24)表3.3主要编译优化选项影响的程序个数 (25)表3.4程序LC及DC随时间增加的变化情况 (29)表4.1各编译优化选项下的MC/DC平均值 (41)摘要随着计算机行业的不断发展,软件系统规模不断增加,人类工作生活的各个方面都越来越依赖于各种软件系统。
lightdbm c++编译
而LightGBM(Light Gradient Boosting Machine)作为一个基于决策树算法的机器学习框架,因其快速、高效和高精度的特点,受到了广泛的关注和应用。
二、C++编译概述1. C++编译器C++编译器是将C++源代码转换成机器码的工具,常用的C++编译器有GNU Compiler Collection (GCC)、Microsoft Visual C++、Clang等。
2. C++编译过程C++编译过程主要包括预处理、编译、汇编和信息四个阶段。
三、LightGBM的C++编译1. 编译环境在进行LightGBM的C++编译前,需要确保安装了C++编译器和相关的依赖库,比如Boost、OpenMP等。
2. CMake编译LightGBM使用CMake作为编译工具,通过CMakeLists.txt文件来指定编译选项、源文件和依赖库等信息。
3. 评台适配在进行C++编译时,需要考虑不同评台和操作系统的适配性,比如Windows、Linux、macOS等。
四、优化和调试1. 编译优化在进行C++编译时,可以设置不同的优化选项来提高程序的性能和运行速度,比如-O2、-O3等。
vhdl设计中的常见错误一Vhdl语言中1 提示:VHDL syntax error:expected choice in case statementCase语句中没覆盖到所有的情况,要加whe n others=> null;二.在verge hdl语句中在QuartusII下进行编译和仿真的时候,会出现一堆warning,有的可以忽略,有的却需要注意,虽然按F1可以了解关于该警告的帮助,但有时候帮助解释的仍然不清楚,大家群策群力,把自己知道和了解的一些关于警告的问题都说出来讨论一下,免得后来的人走弯路?下面是我收集整理的一些,有些是自己的经验,有些是网友的,希望能给大家一点帮助,如有不对的地方,请指正,如果觉得好,请版主给点威望吧,谢谢1. Found clock-sensitive change during active clock edge at time on register ""原因:vector source file中时钟敏感信号(如:数据,允许端,清零,同步加载等)在时钟的边缘同时变化。
措施:编辑vector source file2. Verilog HDL assignment warning at : truncated value with size to match size of target (原因:在HDL设计中对目标的位数进行了设定,如:reg[4:0] a;而默认为32位,将位数裁定到合适的大小措施:如果结果正确,无须加以修正,如果不想看到这个警告,可以改变设定的位数3. AII reachable assignments to data_out(10) assign 'O', register removed by optimization原因:经过综合器优化后,输出端口已经不起作用了4. Follow ing 9 pi ns have nothing, GND, or VCC drivi ng datai n port -- cha nges to this conn ectivity may cha nge fitt ing results 原因:第9脚,空或接地或接上了电源措施:有时候定义了输出端口,但输出端直接赋’0'便会被接地,赋’1'接电源。
Code Composer Studio (Optimization)Enry Shen Texas Instruments8th Texas Instruments Developer Conference India 30 Nov - 1 Dec 2005, BangaloreAgendaOverview of Application Code Tuning Compiler Consultant Code Size Tune Tool Cache Tune Tool1CCS Optimization Tool TutorialOverview of Application Code Tuning Compiler Consultant ToolIntroduction DemonstrationCode Size Tune ToolIntroduction DemonstrationCache Tune ToolIntroduction DemonstrationCCStudio Platinum EditionOne environment for all platformsMulti-platform IDE meets evolving developers needs OEMs realize substantial development tool savingsEasy To Use IDEExponential productivity improvementsUp to 80% faster debug via connect/ disconnect Single keystroke back-step with RewindMaximize TI DSP performance entitlementCode optimization and tuning tools Updated C compilers for each platformIntegrated CodeWright editor Lock versions of compiler and DSP/BIOS per design2Compiler Build OptionsNearly one-hundred compiler options available to tune your code's performance, size, etc. Following table lists most commonly used options:Options -mv6700 -mv67p -mv6400 -mv6400+ -fr <dir> -fs <dir> Debug Optimize (release) -g -ss -o3 -kDescription Generate 'C67x code ('C62x is default) Generate 'C672x code Generate 'C64x code Generate 'C64x+ code Directory for object/output files Directory for assembly files Enables src-level symbolic debugging Interlist C statements into assembly listing Invoke optimizer (-o0, -o1, -o2/-o, -o3) Keep asm files, but don't interlistCompiler Build OptionsNearly one-hundred compiler options available to tune your code's performance, size, etc. Following table lists most commonly used options:Options -mv6700 -mv67p -mv6400 -mv6400+ -fr <dir> -fs <dir> Debug Optimize (release)Description Generate 'C67x code ('C62x is default) Generate 'C672x code Generate 'C64x code Generate 'C64x+ code Directory for object/output files Directory for assembly files-g Enables src-level Debug and Optimizesymbolic debugging options conflict -ss Interlist C statements into assembly listing with each other, therefore-o2/-o, -o3) they should -o3 Invoke optimizer (-o0, -o1, not be used asm files, but don't interlist -k Keep together3Two Default Configurations-g -fr"$(Proj_dir)\Debug" -d"_DEBUG" -mv6700 -o3 -fr"$(Proj_dir)\Release" -mv6700For new projects, CCS automatically creates two build configurations: Debug (unoptimized) Release (optimized) Use the drop-down to quickly select build config.Two Default ConfigurationsAdd/Remove build config's with Project Configurations dialog (on project menus)Edit a configuration: 1. Set it active 2. Modify build options 3. Save project4Two Default ConfigurationsNow You can build with your new configurationRecommended Development FlowStartNoEditCompile -gDebugWorks? YesNo Done Goals Met? ProfileYesCompile -oDebug first. Tune second. After making sure you program is logically correct, We can use compiler optimizer to optimize.5First, Turn on the OptimizerAs we have seen, the optimizer can work miracles, but… What else can we do with C after turning on the optimizer? Options -mv6700 -mv67p -mv6400 -mv6400+ -fr <dir> -fs <dir> Debug Optimize (release) -g -ss -o3 -k Description Generate 'C67x code ('C62x is default) Generate 'C672x code Generate 'C64x code Generate 'C64x+ code Directory for object/output files Directory for assembly files Enables src-level symbolic debugging Interlist C statements into assembly listing Invoke optimizer (-o0, -o1, -o2/-o, -o3) Keep asm files, but don't interlistProvide Compiler with More InsightWhy you program still not optimized even use –o3 option to turn on the optimizer?1. 2. 3. 4. 5.Restrict Memory Dependencies (Aliasing) Program Level Optimization: -pm –op2 -o3 #pragma UNROLL(# of times to unroll); #pragma MUST_ITERATE(min, max, %factor); #pragma DATA_ALIGN(variable, 2n alignment); Like –pm, #pragmas are an easy way to pass more information to the compiler The compiler uses this information to create "better" code #pragmas are ignored by other C compilers if they are not supported6Memory Alias DisambiguationWhat happens if the function is called like this? fcn(*myVector, *myVector+1) void fcn(*in, *out) { LDW *in++, A0 ADD A0, 4, A1 STW A1, *out++ }in a b c d e ...in + 4Can reorder memory references only when they are not aliases Aliases access same memory location Sometimes Compiler cannot figure out two pointers point to independent addresses or not Keyword restrict says pointer gives sole access to underlying memoryMemory Alias DisambiguationWhat happens if the function is called like this? fcn(*myVector, *myVector+1)in a in + 4 b void fcn(*in, *out) c { LDW void *in++, A0 *restrict in, short *out) fcn(short d ADD A0, 4, A1 STW A1, *out++ e } ...Can reorder memory references only when they are not aliases Aliases access same memory location Sometimes Compiler cannot figure out two pointers point to independent addresses or not Keyword restrict says pointer gives sole access to underlying memory7Program Level Optimization (-pm)-pm is critical in compiling for maximum performance -pm creates a temp.c file which includes all C source files, thus giving the optimizer a program-level optimization context -opn describes a program's external referencesProgram Level Optimization (-pm)-pm requires the use -o3 -pm requires the use -o3 Cannot be used as file or function specific Cannot be used as file or function specific option option Without knowing which -opn option to use, TI Without knowing which -opn option to use, TI couldn't use couldn't use -pm in default Release config -pm in default Release config Unfortunately, -pm cannot provide optimizer Unfortunately, -pm cannot provide optimizer with visibility into object code libraries with visibility into object code libraries External References: External References: For example, ififyour program modifies aa For example, your program modifies global variable from another code module, - global variable from another code module, op2 cannot be used op2 cannot be used Similarly, ififyour code calls aafunction in an Similarly, your code calls function in an external module (who's source isn't visible to external module (who's source isn't visible to the optimizer), -op2 cannot be used (and will the optimizer), -op2 cannot be used (and will be overriden) be overriden)8UNROLL(# of times to unroll)#pragma UNROLL(2); for(i = 0; i < count ; i++) { sum += a[i] * x[i]; }Tells the compiler to unroll the for() loop twice The compiler will generate extra code to handle the case that count is odd The #pragma must come right before the for() loop UNROLL(1) tells the compiler not to unroll a loopMUST_ITERATE(min, max, %factor)#pragma UNROLL(2); #pragma MUST_ITERATE(10, 100, 2); for(i = 0; i < count ; i++) { sum += a[i] * x[i]; } Gives the compiler information about the trip (loop) count In the code above, we are promising that: count >= 10, count <= 100, and count % 2 == 0 If you break your promise, you might break your code Allows the compiler to remove unnecessary code Modulus (%) factor allows for efficient loop unrolling The #pragma must come right before the for() loop9#pragma DATA_ALIGN(variable, 2n alignment)#pragma DATA_ALIGN(a, 8); short a[256] = {1, 2, 3, … #pragma DATA_ALIGN(x, 8); short x[256] = {256, 255, 254, … #pragma UNROLL(2); #pragma MUST_ITERATE(10, 100, 2); for(i = 0; i < count ; i++) { sum += a[i] * x[i]; } Tell compiler to create variables on a 2n boundary Allows use of (double) word-wide optimized loads/storesCode Size vs. Code Speed? What compiler options are best for your code size vs. speed tradeoff? Traditionally, figuring this out required running large permutations of options10Minimizing Space OptionThe table shows the basic strategy employed by compiler and Asm-Opt when using the –ms optionsUser must use the optimizer (-o ) with –ms for the greatest effect. The optimizer provides a great deal of information for code-size reduction, as well as increasing performance Use program level optimization (-pm )Try -mh to reduce prolog/epilog codeUse –oi0to disable auto-inlining100%0-ms38020-ms24060-ms11090-ms00100%none Code Size Performance -ms level Analyze and TuneCompiler ConsultantCache TuneCode Size TuneTuning DashboardCCS Optimization Tool TutorialOverview of Application Code TuningCompiler Consultant Tool¾Introduction¾DemonstrationCode Size Tune Tool¾Introduction¾DemonstrationCache Tune Tool¾Introduction¾DemonstrationCompiler Consultant IntroductionC/C++ cannot express all the information needed to get the best optimizationCompiler Consultant …¾Recognizes these gaps¾Gives specific advice on filling the gapIt analyzes your application and makes recommendations for changes to optimize the performanceThese suggestions include compiler optimization switches and pragmas to insert into your code that give the compiler more application informationPerformance Improvement comes quicklyCompiler Consultant Introduction1.Optionally, profile CPU performance2.Build with –-consultantunch Profile Viewer to see advice inspreadsheet like format4.Sort loops to decide where to start5.See advice by double-clicking on Advice List cellof row for loop of interest6.Explore advice in web browser like interface7.Implement as much advice as desired8.Build to see improvements9.Repeat until satisfiedBenchmark Code PerformanceProfile ÆClock ÆViewBenchmark Code PerformanceWe set two breakpoints, one before and another after the dotp() Now we can benchmark clock cycles to execute this functionRun to thefirstbreakpointBenchmark Code PerformanceRun to thefirstbreakpointReset the Clock by double click the itemBenchmark Code Performance Run to the next breakpoint and getthe result of clock cycles toperforming this functionBenchmark with ProfilerProfiler SetupProfiler ViewerSetup the Profiler This is a three step process:Click “Enable Profiling”Select the code we want to profile:•Functions•LoopsSelect the “Custom”ButtonSetup the Profiler Select the items to benchmarkOpen up the ViewerCountHow many times we run into this function TotalTotal number of clock cycles to execute this functionProject ÆBuild OptionsCompiler ConsultantCompiler ConsultantClick on the checkbox Generate Compiler Consultant Advice(--consultant).Compiler ConsultantFrom the Profile menu, choose Viewer.Compiling with no ErrorOnce the Profile Viewer window appears, click on the Consultant tab.Compiler ConsultantOnce the Profile Viewer window appears, click on the Consultant tab.The Loop Name We take 64 cycles toexecute this loop Two advises to optimize this loopCompiler ConsultantCompiler ConsultantDouble click on the Advice List cell for the DoLoop row.Compiler ConsultantThe Advice Window appears, and the Consultant tabdisplays advice for the DoLoop function.Compiler ConsultantUnder the Project menu, choose Build OptionsIn the Build Options dialog, click the Compiler tab.Click on the Basic item in the Category list.From the Generate Debug Info drop down list, choose No Debug.From the Opt Level drop down list, choose File (-o3).Let’s Compiling againCompiler ConsultantLoop Duplicated.Compiler is unable to determine if one or more pointers are pointing at the same memory address as some other variable. Such pointers are called aliases.One version of the loop presumes the presence of aliases, the other version of the loop does not.The compiler generates code that checks, at runtime, whether certain aliases are present.Compiler executes the appropriate version of the loop based on the checkCompiler ConsultantWe can profile the code to see which loop versions get selected when the code is executed. From the File menu, choose Load Program to start the program load.Enable ProfilingCollect Run Time Loop Information.Select Profile ÆSetupLoad and Execute ProgramCompiler ConsultantDouble-Click Advise ListThe problem statement indicates thecompiler cannot determine if twopointers may point to the samememory location, and therefore cannotapply more aggressive optimizationsto the loop.The Consultant Tool offers severalsuggestions to solve the problem.Compiler ConsultantThe Consultant Tool offers several suggestions to solve the problemand gives a example to show you how to do it.Here the Consultant Tool tells you use “restrict”keywordCompiler ConsultantModify the source file to add restrict key word qualifier to the Output pointer parameter to solve Alias issue.Compiler ConsultantThe Advise Window will give you somesuggestions and recommendations to solvethose issuesKnow let’s take a look at more advises ÆAlignment and Trip CountCompiler ConsultantModify the source file to tell the compiler more information by using Pragmas Build, load, and execute the program and benchmark your resultDemoUsing Compiler Consultant ToolCCS Optimization Tool TutorialOverview of Application Code TuningCompiler Consultant Tool¾Introduction¾DemonstrationCode Size Tune Tool¾Introduction¾DemonstrationCache Tune Tool¾Introduction¾DemonstrationCodeSize Tune IntroductionCodeSize Tune is a tool that enables you quickly and easily optimize the trade-off between code size and cycle countUsing a variety of compiling configurations, CST will …¾Profile your application¾Collect data on individual functions¾Determine the best combinations of compiler optionsCST will produces a graph of these function-specific options You can graphically choose the configurations that best fits your needCodeSize TuneAfter Build executable and Load, Launch CodeSizeTune from theProfile→Tuning menu by choosing CodeSizeTune.CodeSize TuneOnce CodeSizeTune is launched, the CodeSizeTune window displays.Also, the advice window displays the initial CodeSizeTune advicetopic.Setting Exit PointsUsing CST, your application must self terminate.The application used here is a looping application that does notself-terminate.In order for CST to work, we must force it to stop data collection at some point by establishing an exit point.For CST, the exit point will also halt the CPU.Setting Exit PointsUsing CST, your application must self terminate.The application used here is a looping application that does notself-terminate.In order for CST to work, we must force it to stop data collection at some point by establishing an exit point.For CST, the exit point will also halt the CPU.Profile ÆSetupClick on theEnable/Disable Profilingbutton to enable profiling.Click on the Controltab of the Profile Setupwindow.Setting Exit PointsNavigate to the open modemtx.c window. Navigate to the while function loop within the main function of modemtx.c, and highlight the end brace ("}") on line 344 of the while loop .Drag-and-drop it to the Exit Point pane within the Control tab.CodeSize TuneNow that we have prepared our application by including an exit point, we are ready to build and profile.In the CodeSizeTune window tool bar, choose the RebuildAll and ReprofileAll iconThe CodeSizeTune tab shows build progress in the output window, first building, resetting the CPU, then loading, and finally profilingfor each of the preset collection options sets.CodeSize TuneWhen CodeSizeTune finishes profiling your application under each collection option, it displays the output graph.The CodeSizeTune graph plots function-specific option sets according to code size and cycle count. Code size is plotted on the x-axis and cycle count on the y-axis.CodeSize TuneWhen CodeSizeTune finishes profiling your application under each collection option, it displays the output graph.The CodeSizeTune graph plots function-specific option sets according to code size and cycle count. Code size is plotted on the x-axis and cycle count on the y-axis.Pick one of the points (in purple) with the desired cycle and code size, and click on it to make it the Selected Function-SpecificOptions Set.The Profile Viewer window automatically displays when you select a point from the graph.CodeSize TuneThe Profile Viewer window displays detailed information about the selected function-specific options set. This information includes the size, cycle, name and options for each function.CodeSize TuneNow we need to perform is saving the selected options set (the single graph point) as a Code Composer Studio project configuration. Click the Save Build Options As …button from the CodeSizeTune toolbar.Type the name, and clickSave.CodeSize TuneTo view this configuration, select this configuration from the Project Configuration dropdown menu. Or you can open the Project menu, select Configurations... and choose EnryNewConfig.From the Project menu, choose Rebuild All or click on the Rebuild All icon . This action rebuilds the project using the new projectconfiguration, which contains the function level build options defined by CodeSizeTune.Halt / Resume Collection Points If you would like to profile only certain portions of your application, you can use Halt / Resume points.When CST encounters a Halt point, it will stop collect profile information. When it subsequently encounters a Resume point, it will resume the collection of profile information.Halt / Resume Collection Points If you would like to profile only certain portions of your application, you can use Halt / Resume points.When CST encounters a Halt point, it will stop collect profile information. When it subsequently encounters a Resume point, it will resume the collection of profile information.Halt / Resume Collection Points If you would like to profile only certain portions of your application, you can use Halt / Resume points.When CST encounters a Halt point, it will stop collect profile information. When it subsequently encounters a Resume point, it will resume the collection of profile information.Halt / Resume Collection Points If you would like to profile only certain portions of your application, you can use Halt / Resume points.When CST encounters a Halt point, it will stop collect profile information. When it subsequently encounters a Resume point, it will resume the collection of profile information.Halt / Resume Collection PointsClick the Rebuild All and Profile All button on the Code Size Tune.Then we will see the visually represented code size –cycle numbers analysisDemoUsing CST ToolCCS Optimization Tool TutorialOverview of Application Code TuningCompiler Consultant Tool¾Introduction¾DemonstrationCode Size Tune Tool¾Introduction¾DemonstrationCache Tune Tool¾Introduction¾DemonstrationCacheTune Tool IntroductionThe CacheTune tool provides graphical visualization of memory reference patterns for program execution over a set amount of time.All the memory accesses are color-coded by typeThis enables quick identification of problem areas, such as areas related to conflict, capacity, or compulsory misses.The demonstration example performs the following operation on matrices A and B and stores the result in C.C = A <matrix operation> transpose (B)Setup the CacheTune ToolProfile ÆSetupEnable ProfilingThis activity measures the total cycles consumedby the entire application and calculates thetotal code size of the application.This activity tracks Program and Data Cache events, such as cache stall cycles, and thenumber of cache misses, during a profile run over functions and rangesof your choosing.Setup the CacheTune ToolFrom the Profile menu, launch Tuning→CacheTune. This selection launches the CacheTune tool in the main editor window.From the Profile Setup window, select the activityCollect Cache Information over time.This activity selects cache events to track overtime during a profile run over all memoryaddresses.Build, Load, and Execute the Program Now we areready to collectdata on cacheaccessesCacheTune Tool CacheTune graphically shows memory access patterns over time, color-coding the accesses to distinguish cache hits from cache misses.Cache hits are greenCache misses are redAccessed addresses are Y-axisAccess times are X-axis.CacheTune ToolPreparing to View Data Cache Accesses Now We will use CacheTune to visualize and analyze the memory access patterns in the cache and view the available symbolic information.In addition, we will learn to navigate within the tool and view a particular area using the zooming features.We will also see the optimization technical recommendations used to eliminate the cache misses in the data cache.When tuning, recommending start with data cache, because optimizing for data cache performance may lead you to modify your program, thus changing the memory access pattern of the program cache.CacheTune ToolClick on the Full Zoom button to view the entire traceCacheTune ToolMove the cursor across the display. The information display areaupdates with the current address range, section, symbol(if any), andcycle range.This provides the information of where (address)and when (cycle)cache events occur on which data (section and symbol)memoryaccess.CacheTune ToolYou can switch between these options to view different traceCacheTune ToolOnce CacheTune Tool identifies cache access patterns, you can op up Advise WindowClick the icon to see how each type of cache miss appears on the CacheTune Tool and how to improve it.CacheTune ToolThe advise window will also give you a example to avoid cache missCacheTune ToolBased on the help of Advise Window, most cache misses on L1D are capacity misses due to suboptimal data usage, that is, the algorithm does not reuse the data when they are still in cache. This type of miss can be reduced by restructuring the data in order to work on smaller blocks of data at a time.CacheTune ToolAfter modifying the data usage pattern in the program, we rebuild the modified program and now visualize the new data cache access pattern with the CacheTune ToolDemoUsing Cache Tune ToolTHANK YOUQ&A。
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那么,你知道代理的英文怎么写吗?代理的英文释义:acting (temporarily filling a position)proxyprocurationsurrogatesubstitutionsubstitute (material)代理的英文例句:在她患病期间,她的律师一直代理她的业务。
During her illness her solicitor has been acting for her in her business affairs.我是由本地的旅游代理人预先安排的度假事宜。
I booked my holiday through my local travel agent.代理人代表他的委托人说话。
The agent spoke on behalf of his principal.在我外出期间,请代理我的职务。
Please act for me during my absence.我的代理人通知我,你还欠我100磅。
I have been instructed by my agent that you still owe me 100 pounds.要进一步了解情况,请与本地代理商联系。
For further information, contact your local agent.代理对可以区分为高代理和低代理。
A pair can be distinguished into high and low surrogates.我们先行的代理协议把全国分成几个代理区域。
Our current agent agreement breaks up the territory intoregions.用户必须具有访问某个代理帐户的权限,才能在作业步骤中使用该代理帐户。
A user must have access to a proxy to use the proxy in a job step.那笔生意将由谁来代理?Who will agent the deal?他是暂时代理她的职务。
基于编译器的瞬时故障容错技术研究与实现的开题报告1. 研究背景随着计算机技术的发展,计算机系统规模不断扩大,复杂度不断增加,出现故障的概率也越来越大。
2. 研究内容和方法本课题将研究基于编译器的瞬时故障容错技术,主要包括以下内容:2.1 软件瞬时故障的检测瞬时故障的检测是瞬时故障容错技术的关键环节。
2.2 故障恢复本文研究的瞬时故障容错技术是基于编译器的,因此故障恢复主要是通过重新编译程序来实现。
2.3 系统实现为了验证本文研究的瞬时故障容错技术的有效性,本文将在GNU编译器中实现该技术。
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Compiler Optimized Remote Method InvocationRonald Veldema Michael PhilippsenUniversity of Erlangen-NurembergComputer Science Department2Martensstrasse391058Erlangen Germanyveldema@cs.fau.de philippsen@cs.fau.deABSTRACTWe further increase the efficiency of Java RMI programs.Where other optimizing re-implementations of RMI use pre-processors to create stubs and skeletons and to create class specific serializers and deserializers,this paper demonstrates that with transformations based on compile time analysis,an additional18%performance gain can be achieved over class specific serializers alone for a sim-ple scientific application.A novel and RMI-specific version of static heap analysis is used to derive information about objects that are passed as arguments of remote method invocations.This knowledge of objects and their interrelations is used for three optimizations.First,dynamic introspection and/or(recursive)dynamic invoca-tions of object specific serializers is slow.With knowledge from our heap analysis,the marshaling of graphs of argument objects can be inlined at the call site.Hence,many method table lookups and skeleton indirections of previous approaches can be avoided and less protocol information is sent over the network. Secondly,because object graphs may be passed as RMI arg-uments,cyclic references need to be detected.With our heap analy-sis,we can detect if there is no potential for cycles and hence,cycle detection code can be left out of the serialization and marshaling codes.Finally,object arguments to remote methods cause object cre-ation and garbage collection.Heap analysis and an RMI-specific version of escape analysis allows the reuse of object graphs created in earlier remote invocations.1.INTRODUCTIONThere is growing interest to use Java for solving challenging prob-lems needing parallel computing(see for example,the JavaGrande forum at ).Java is well suited for these appli-cations from a language standpoint(ease of use)but also because Java already contains a mechanism to transparently call methods on objects allocated on remote machines,named Remote Method Invocation(RMI).While Java RMI allows for easy distributed pro-gramming,its efficiency is a problem when using a simple,naive implementation as its is optimized for W AN networks and not for tightly connected clusters.Furthermore,Java and RMI are ideal candidates for GRID computing as it already allows heterogenous communication.Because this paper requires intimate knowledge about RMI’s functionality,we start with a step-by-step walkthrough of a single RMI.For the purposes of this walkthrough we will use the example in Figure1.When executing a call to ExampleExample.foo).It calls the serializationroutinesFigure1:Simplified RMI example.for each of its arguments to convert them to a sequence of bytes.In addition to the argument objects,all the objects they are referring to are converted into a byte representation as well.The resulting array of bytes is sent over the network to be un-packed by un-marshaling routine:UnmarshalerExample.foo calls ade-serialization routine for each of the parameters to recreate copies of the argument objects.Because a to-be-serialized object may contain a reference to itself or to a previously serialized object,a hash-table is maintained to allow self-referring data-structures to be serialized.The’serializethe serialization and de-serialization implementations are slow;the network protocol is very heavyweight sending much un-needed data for many applications,mainly because too much type information is sent for each transfered object;the cycle detection hash-table is always created,even if it is obvious that the objects to be serialized will not contain cycles;the object allocation and deallocation costs are unnecessarily high due to the de-serialization process.In this paper we attack the causes of this overhead:the cost of the serialization process,the cost of cycle detection,and the object allocation and deallocation costs.Some of these problems have already been partly solved,see for example[11,14,13,9].The system presented in this paper includes these earlier optimizations and uses them for comparison against the new improvements pre-sented here.Thefirst problem is the cost of introspection in the serialization process:examining an object’s layout to locate normalfields and references to other objects.Whenever a referencefield is found inside an object,the serialization process is recursively invoked for the referred-to object.This process can be sped up by generating a serialization routine for each class,as has been implemented in the KaRMI[14]and Manta[11]projects.But still,whenever a reference is found inside an object,the serialization routine is called indirectly and type information is sent anew.By performing heap analysis,we can often detect what type of object is pointed to by a referencefield or variable at compile time and generate specialized code to serialize thefields of the pointed-to object.This has three advantages.First an indirect call is turned into a direct call reducing method invocation overhead.Secondly, it is no longer necessary to send type information over the network for the referred-to object.Andfinally,serialization code can be inlined at the RMI call site–often even for referred-to objects.To increase the precision of the analysis,(un)marshalers are gen-erated on a per call site basis instead of creating a single marshaler and unmarshaler per callee.The serializers for objects are likewise generated on a per call site basis as the size and type of the objects passed to a method can vary per call site.The second cause of RMI’s overhead is due to the need for cycle detection.Cycle detection is used in RMI to allow cyclic data-structures to be(de)serialized.Whenever a reference is encoun-tered that points to an object that has already been serialized,a handle to the previously serialized object has to be inserted instead of re-serializing the object again.The costs involved in cycle detec-tion are thus:the creation and deletion of a hash-table,adding every single object reference to that hash-table andfinally,checking if an object has already been serialized.Based on heap analysis we can often determine at compile time whether or not the object graphs to be serialized may be cyclic and only then add code to the serializers to perform cycle detection. The third problem is the cost of object allocation and garbage collection due to the objects created by de-serialization of argument and return value object graphs.We solve this problem by trying to reuse objects that have been created by earlier remote method invocations.Our testbed for experimentation with RMI is based on Java-Party[15].In JavaParty,classes can be marked with a remote key-word to allow all methods of the class to be remotely invokable by means of RMI.The underlying details of remote object place-ment,remote thread allocation,and exception management visible in normal RMI are hidden in JavaParty.This simplifies the process of compiler analysis tremendously.Because the original JavaParty compiler does not easily support the more advanced compiler analysis required for theoptimizationsclass Barclass FooBar bar;double[][][]a;public static void main(String args[])Foo foo=newfoo.bar=newfoo.a=newFigure2:Example Heap analysis.proposed here,we have re-implemented JavaParty in the Manta system.The compiler used by Manta-JavaParty is a static native compiler with a state of the art backend directly generating assem-bly code.Currently the compiler backend targets IA-64and x86 architectures.Although the Manta-JavaParty compiler is a static compiler,does the system support dynamic class loading.The new system is henceforth referred to as Manta-JavaParty.Similar to[14] and[11],Manta-JavaParty replaces Sun’s heavyweight RMI net-work protocol by a lightweight protocol.2.HEAP ANALYSISAll three of the optimizations proposed in this paper require de-tailed information on the types of objects that are passed to and returned from RMIs at runtime.Furthermore,it is not sufficient to know the types of the arguments themselves but also what types of objects they are referring to(recursively).For example,cycle detection elimination requires us to know what objects are passed to an RMI and what their relations are,specifically,does object X (indirectly)contain a reference to itself?To supply this information we employ heap analysis.Heap anal-ysis tells us if an object allocated at one object allocation site may contain a reference to an object allocated at another object alloca-tion site.Heap analysis also gives us the set of object allocation sites to which global variables,local variables,arguments,or pa-rameters may refer.The implementation described here is a variation of the heap analysis described in[7]but extended to handle the parameter se-mantics of RMI.As described in the introduction,parameters and return values are cloned during the(de)serialization process.To ar-rive at the most precise representation of the runtime heap,the heap approximation needs to reflect the cloning process by cloning those parts of the heap graph that are passed by RMIs.An example heap graph is shown in Figure2.Here an object 2(of type Foo)is shown that holds two references,a reference to an object of type Bar and a reference to a three dimensional array of doubles.The code shows the allocation site numbers.In addition, the variables are attributed with a list of allocation site numbers that construct the heap graph.The numbers refer to the code sites where the objects stored in the variables may have been created.Note that the array of arrays is not represented with six nodes(for 23double arrays of size4)in the graph as the nodes represent object allocations sites and not actual objects in the heap. Conceptually,the compiler constructs the heap graph as follows:1.convert all code to SSA form[6];2.assign to each object allocation site a unique number(allo-cation site number)and create a new node(allocation site number,type)for it in the heap graph;3.perform data-flow analysis on the allocation site numbers:for each assignment’a=b’,assign the set of allocation site numbers associated with’b’to’a’.For each assignment’a =(b,...,z)’,assign to’a’the union of the sets of allocation site numbers associated with b,...,z.For each call instruction ’a=foo(b,...,z)’,copy each argument’s set of allocation site numbers associated with the argument to the callee’s formal parameter.In addition,copy the union of all the allocation number sets of all the return statements in the callee to’a’;4.whenever encountering afield assignment:’a.b=c’,assignthe set of allocation site numbers associated with’c’to the ’b’field of all objects associated with the allocation number set belonging to’a’;5.whenever encountering afield load:’a=b.c’,perform thereverse operation of step4;6.data-flow continues until afixpoint is reached(steps3to6).However,this simple algorithm is not sufficient when applied to RMI programs as the serialization process creates deep copies of RMI arguments and this information is not yet represented in the above created heap graphs.Consider the following example:inside a remote method a parameter is modified.Without observing the RMI parameter semantics the modification would be visible in the caller as well from the point of the analysis.A naive(but wrong)solution to this problem is to create a deep copy of the heap graph passed to(or returned from)a remote call. During the cloning process of the heap graph new and unique al-location site numbers are assigned to the new heap nodes.Roots of cloned heap graphs are then associated with the RMI parameters and return value.The problem with this naive handling of remote call parameters are loops in the data-flow.This problem can best be described using the example in Figure3.An allocation number(2) is associated with object’t’.During allocation number propagation ’t’is found as an argument to foo.Because me.foo is a remote call instruction,the heap graph is cloned and t’s formal parameter’a’is assigned a new unique allocation number(3)which is passed to foo for further data-flow.In foo,’t’(now parameter’a’)is propa-gated to the return instruction.This again causes cloning and a new unique allocation site number(4)to be associated with the return value of me.foo.For the second iteration of the loop the set of allo-cation site numbers of’t’is2,4.Simply cloning the heap graph and assigning new allocation site numbers will cause the set associ-ated with’t’to grow in each iteration.Thus,the heap analysis will never reach afixpoint and it will not terminate.remote class FooObject foo(Object a)return a;static void zoo()Foo me=newObject t=newfor(int)t=me.foo(t);Figure3:Data-flow problem with remote call instructions.remote class FooObject foo(Object a)return a;static void zoo()Foo me=newObject t=newfor(int)t=me.foo(t);Figure4:Data-flow problem with remote call instructions,the solution.3To stop the data-flow after thefirst cycle,we change the imple-mentation of the allocation number from a single integer to a tu-ple of two integers:a logical allocation number that changes when flowing from(or to)an RMI and a physical allocation number that remainsfixed throughout the data-flow process.Whenever an allo-cation site number is now propagated over a remote call,it isfirst checked to see if the physical allocation number has already been propagated to that remote function and only if that is not the case, is the logical allocation site number cloned and the tuple is passed to the remote function.This is demonstrated in Figure4,the allocation numbers have been replaced by tuples of(logical allocation site number,physi-cal allocation site number).The cycle of Figure3is now stopped because the physical allocation number of object’t’remains to be 2,so straight after the creation of(4,2)no further tuples are created.After heap analysis the physical allocation number of the tuple is no longer used.Its only purpose was to stop the cycle in the data-flow propagation.3.OPTIMIZATIONS3.1Call Site Specific RMI Code Generation In traditional RMI programs those methods of a class that should be remotely invokable are placed in a remote interface.All calls to a certain remote method then have to be directed towards the inter-face method that hides the implementation of the marshaling code. The advantage of this implementation is the simplicity of the im-plementation;a simple translator program(rmic)can translate the methods mentioned in the remote interface simply by examining the method prototypes.One effect of this implementation strategy is that at all call sites the exact same subroutine for marshaling is called and because the actual implementation is hidden,inlining of the marshaling code is difficult.Thus with this approach,only the serialization code within the stub is optimized.At least two projects have increased RMI efficiency using spe-cialized serialization code on a per class basis[11,14].This simpli-fies an RMI implementation as the compiler needs only to iterate over thefields of a class once to generate an appropriate serial-ization function.At runtime no expensive introspection process is needed to locate and examine objectfields.There are a number of advantages to create call site specific se-rializers instead of class specific serializers.Generating serializers specific for a given call site gives the compiler more opportunities for specialization as data-flow and heap graph information is avail-able on a per call site basis.A simple example of the advantages of call site specific RMI code generation is a situation where the return value of an RMI is ignored.Without call site specific optimizations,the return value would be needlessly sent over the network.With call site specific code generation,the return value can be ignored at the sender.In-stead,only a small acknowledgment is sent to inform the caller that the calling thread can continue its execution.A further advantage of call site specific code generation is that the generated code can be further specialized to the arguments that are passed to the ly for the generated code we can,at compile time,differentiate between two different derived classes or between different array sizes that are passed as arguments.The example in Figure5shows a method’foo’that is called with two different object types as argument.Figure6shows the gener-ated code for method’go’.For each of the two call sites a seperate marshaler is created.Thefirst marshaler copies the intfield directly into the message.The second marshaler follows the referencefield ’p’in class’Derived2’and copies the intfield of the object pointed class Baseclass Derived1extends Baseint data;class Derived2extends BaseDerived1p=new;remote class Workvoid foo(Base b)void go()Base b1=new;foo(b1);Base b2=new;foo(b2);Figure5:Source code example.//NOTE:Derived1is inferred by compiler analysis!void marshalerfor value();//NOTE:Derived2is inferred by compiler analysis!void marshalerfor value();Figure6:Pseudo code generated for Figure5using call site specific code generation.to by’p’into the message.Note that although the pseudocode sug-gests that the marshalers are generated as Java source code,they are in fact generated directly in the compiler’s intermediate language. Also note that the message object is not allocated on the heap as the pseudo code suggests but rather allocated on the call stack.In constrast,the version using class specific serialization(see Figure7)causes explicit invocations of serialization methods.These need to send explicit type information(writevoid Work.go()b=new Derived1();marshalerWork.go.2(b2);//compiler inserts this method into class Derived1: void Derived1.serialize(Message m)writeint(data);//compiler inserts this method into class Derived2: void Derived2.serialize(Message m)writeWork.go.1(Derived1s)Message m=new Message();s.serialize(m);//note:method callm.send();delete m;wait returnWork.go.2(Derived2s)Message m=new Message();s.serialize(m);//note:method callm.send();delete m;wait returnremote class Foodouble sum;void foo(double a[])this.sum=a[0]+a[1];Figure10:Escape Analysis Coverage:’a’never escapes;the array object can be reused.to itself.Following and recording the references from the heap graph associated with parameter’b’from’bar’will disclose the cycle caused by the self reference.Because the heap graph does not denote whether the‘.self’field will reference the exact same object or whether it will reference an-other object allocated at the same allocation site(creating a linked list or a cyclic list),the analysis cannot distinguish between a linked list,a cyclic list,and the example in Figure9.3.3Argument/Return Value Reuse Analysis One part of the overhead incurred in RMI is the cost of object al-locations caused by the de-serialization process of arguments and return values:whenever objects are deserialized new objects need to be allocated on the garbage collected heap.However,we can often reuse the objects allocated by the previous RMI on the next RMI.This reduces the strain on the garbage collector and object allocator and has the side effect of better cache performance as the objects remain at the same location in memory whereas new objects would use fresh memory locations.Of course if both the garbage collector and the object alloca-tor are very efficient the costs of object allocation and deallocation due to deserialization are low but with sufficient de-serialization the incurred costs can add a few percent to the total execution time. Even for state-of-the-art GCs,there is still room for performance improvements.For example:on a Myrinet[4]network a single optimized RMI may cost as little as40microseconds and object al-location and deallocation costs are about0.1microseconds per ob-ject.If the creation of an argument tree consisting of a100objects can be saved by recycling the argument tree of a previous RMI,10 microseconds can be saved thus reducing the total RMI latency. However,object reuse of deserialized objects between RMI calls is only valid in the following scenario:if the argument object and recursively any of the objects the argument may refer to do not escape the remote method and if the type of the previously allocated argument object are exactly the same.If the to-be-reused object is an array,the array must also be of the same size or slightly larger. Object reuse is implemented by performing escape analysis[3, 5,17].Escape analysis tells us whether or not an object escapes from a thread,for example,by assigning a reference to the object to a global variable or to a heap location.Escape analysis for RMI is slightly different from normal escape analysis as an object also escapes if recursively any of the objects it refers to escapes.An example of an RMI that is covered by escape analysis is shown in Figure10.In this example the’a’parameter is never assigned to a global variable nor is it assigned to afield of another object.Thus, can the object be reused safely on the next invocation of’foo’.In the example in Figure11,the algorithm fails as’a’is assigned to a static variable and thus escapes the thread:object’a’cannot be reused.4.GENERATED CODE WITH ALL OPTI-MIZATIONS ENABLEDclass Dataclass BarData d;remote class Foostatic Data d;static void foo(Bar a)d=a.d;Figure11:Escape Analysis Coverage:’d’escapes therefore es-capes’a’as well.Neither the Data-object nor the Bar-object can be reused.remote class Foopublic void send(double[][]arr)public static void benchmark()double[][]arr=new double[16][16];ArrayBench f=new ArrayBench();f.send(arr);Figure12:2D array transmission,16x16doubles.To demonstrate the effectiveness of the optimizations described thus far,let us examine the generated code for the simple bench-mark application in Figure12.Its performance will be examined later in the performance section.The generated(un)marshaler for the code in Figure12is shown in Figure13.Our call site specific marshaler/serializer optimization has de-tected the remote call to’send’and generated the marshaler and unmarshaler specifically for that call.Function names of the gen-erated(un)marshalers are therefore mangled with the containing function name and a sequence number.Let’s look at the marshalerfirst.The generated marshaler is opti-mized for shipping the2dimensional double array.Regular RMI’s introspection or class specific serializers are more expensive.They would have to inspect the arrays to notice that the outer array con-tains references,follow them to get at the inner arrays which again need to be examined to determine that they contain no references.Only then can each sub array be examined to compute the size of the array’s payload.For each array type information is pushed onto the network.Conversely,the unmarshaler needs processing power to interpret the received type information and to hash a type de-scriptor(a single integer in Manta-JavaParty)to a pointer to a vir-tual function table to allow the de-serializing object to be instanti-ated.Heap analysis shows that there can be no cycles in parameters to’send’causing the omission of the cycle hash-table creation, deletion,and usages in the code of both the(de)serializers and (un)marshaler.Object reuse analysis makes sure that the parameter to’send’can safely be reused as it does not escape the RMI.The unmarshaler therefore maintains a global variable temparr is set to null after its examination;this is to guard against multiple threads trying to execute the unmarshaler ata time.In the real code the unmarshalers are all protected with alock that is acquired when the network message is accepted and re-leased just before starting the RMI’s Java code.After the Java code hasfinished,the lock is re-acquired and released after the message 6void marshaler(double[][]a)message m=new message();m.appendint(a[i].length);m.append array(a[i])m.send();delete m;wait ack();void unmarshaler(Foo self,message m)//keep the old RMI parameter between calls: static double temparr!=null)//see if the cached array is of//the right size.a=m.getarr.length==a?temparr=null;//read the sub arraysfor(int)a=m.getdoubleint();t=new double[a];for(int)int a=m.getdoublearr=t;sendTable1:LinkedList:send a100,2CPU’s. Compiler Optimization gain over’class’80.7site13.0%70.2site+reuse43.3%45.7MPI/C75.0%class LinkedListLinkedList Next;int payload;LinkedList(LinkedList Next)this.Next=Next;remote class Foopublic void send(LinkedList l)public static void benchmark()LinkedList head=null;for(int)head=new LinkedList(head);Foo f=new Foo();for(int)f.send(head);Figure14:Linked list transmission.Table2:Matrix:send16x16matrix,2CPU’s.Compiler Optimization gain over’class’65.2site15.7%48.7site+reuse21.0%45.7MPI/C70.7%may contain cycles.Object reuse,however,shows a large gain as per RMI there are100object allocations saved.Creating call site specific marshalers/serializers for the call to send the linked list in-creases efficiency much,mainly because a lot of network traffic is saved to transmit type information for each linked list node.The hand-optimized MPI/C version of the benchmark is still sig-nificantly fastest then the compiler optimized Java/MPI version. The differences are:no type information needs to be sent over the network;the linked list is encoded as a single int to encode if anotherlinked list element is next on the stream and an int containingthe linked-list node’s value;the whole linked list is drained in one MPI message where theJava version continually asks the network layer for little piecesof data.deserialization is compressed into a single while loop withoutany calls except those to the memory allocator(malloc)to cre-ate new linked-list nodes;while the receiver machine is processing the message,the sendercan already send a new linked list.Table3:LU:runtime1024x1024matrix,2CPU’s. Compiler Optimization gain over’class’79.81site13.2%66.88site+reuse15.6%64.85Table4:LU:runtime statistics1024x1024matrix,2CPU’s. Optimization new(MBytes)class348site348site+cycle348site+reuse87site+reuse+cycle87secondsclass0%373.22site+cycle19.3%375.47site+reuse+cycle19.4%These statistics were gathered on a separate run of the program with an instrumented runtime system.The remaining two cycle checks are from two RMIs from the initialization of the JavaParty runtime system.As the garbage collector and object allocator used in Manta-JavaParty are already very efficient,the gains from object reuse are small(’site+cycle’versus’site+reuse+cycle’)even though the amount of objects allocated through de-serialization is less than a quarter of what it was(from348MBytes to87MBytes). In total,18%is gained by enabling all optimizations,12%of which is due to call site specific serialization code.The rest is due to cycle detection(3%)and object reuse(3%).5.3A Parallel SuperoptimizerA superoptimizer is a program that attempts tofind the best possi-ble equivalent of a given sequence of machine instructions by per-forming exhaustive search over all possible permutations of equal or shorter length(see[12]).This version of a superoptimizer is based around a single pro-ducer thread that produces all possible valid permutations of in-structions of up to three instruction length.Each machine runs a tester thread that accepts generated sequences from the producer thread and tests them against the given sequence for equivalence. The equivalence test is performed by executing both the given se-quence and the permutation sequence with the same set of random input values in registers and memory.After the execution of both sequences the results are compared for equivalence.If both of the resulting register and memory states are the same,the sequences are deemed equal.Equal sequences are then added to a list which is presented to the user at program termination.Because the generator is able to generate test sequences faster than the tester threads can test them,queues are inserted in front of each tester thread.The producer thread blocks whenever the queue for a given tester thread is full and unblocks whenever the tester thread has made space available.The producer distributes test sequences in a round robin fashion to the test threads.RMI’s are primarily used by the generator thread towards the tester thread to push test sequences.A test sequence consists of a program object,an instruction array object,and one to three in-struction objects each containing three operand objects.The compiler is able to analyze that the program object is cycle free and is thus able to remove all dynamic cycle checks(see Ta-ble6).The programs themselves are pushed into a queue and are thus not eligible for reuse.The17cycle lookups that remain are Table7:Webserver:s per webpage retrieval,2CPU’s. Compiler Optimization gain on’class’47.7site17.8%30.9site+reuse20.3%29.7servers].get。