温度传感器传输器(DIN 尺寸)说明书
iiE -'%: GYJ17.1057X(�±t: Obere Wank 1, 87484 Nesselwang, Germany)� � jE!Jlt3t:�$ (�$h.��)� -'% � � TMT121/127/128 -*�tllJf.i 11 *� � Ex nA II C T4-T6 Ge00 *$ UQ -'% 141000000GB 3836.1-2010, GB 3836.8-2014� ftVi � llt iiE 0* iiE � fi $& Wh 2017 � 2 .Fl 22 f3 � 2022 � 2 .Fl 21 B� 51 1. ��f�m 51��I»im*iiE� 1l11i!fo2. iiE�t.Ifij-%J§g� "x" �a,ijf"�1t���1�m���i!f, r*.J�m*iiE�1l11i!fo3. m-%m�iJta,ijm*iiE�1l11i!fo4. It ����J&m*iiE�1l11i!fo5. *iiE�li5'Jlt1�mT.'�l�wr�wr;li�,}tf)(.* (�#I) ��lH}i'iJ (�±t: �#lI�Il!I!R�!l!Ia:p�465-%) �f"l't.Jli5'Jm-%f"�o:tt!!.il: : ..t. jfiHP' m 3i: R& 103�JIlß!.IiQ: 200233 1XX.I!.il:: www.nepsLo r Emai l:****************��: +8621 643681801{,Ji: +8621 64844580EXPLOSION PROTECTIONCERTIFICATE OF CONFORMITYCert NO.GY J17.1057XThis is to certify that the productTemperatllre transmitter (DIN raH)manufactured by Endress + Hauser Wetzer GmbH + Co. KG(Address:Obere Wank 1,87484 Nesselwang, Gerrnany)which model is TMT1211127/128 SeriesEx marking Ex nAlIC T4�T6 Geproduct standard /drawing number 14 1000000has been inspected and certified by NEPSI, end that it conformsto GB 3836.1-2010,GB 3836.8-2014This Approval shall remain in force until 2022.02.21Remarks I.Conditions for safe use are specified in the attachment(s) to this certificate.2.Symbol "X" placed after the certification number denotes specific conditions of use,which are specified in the attachment(s) to this certificate.3.Model designation is specified in the attachment(s) to this certificate.4.Safe parameters specified in the attachment(s) to this certificate.5.This certificate is also applicable for the product with the same type manufactured byEndress+Hauser Wetzer (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. (address: Su Hong Zhong Lu No.465,S u z hou-S I P, China)DirectorThis Certificate is valid for products com patible with the d ocuments and sam p ies alJproved by NEPSI.103 Cao Bao Road Shanghai 200233, China Email:**************.cnTel: +862164368180Fax: +8621 64844580Editlon05�*�tt�tt��.*�����M National Supervision and Inspection Centre forExplosion Protection and Safety of Instrumentation (GYJ17.1057X) (Attachment I )GY J17.1 057X�lIit�iiEffi"{tt I1'1'1 }ßl1i&\;ltfr+ ;;:Wri� '§'j �tz: ß'.JTMT121/127/128�3i�1Mdt5V!:1l� c ��j L:t:�) , � I� �� 1x..g�1x�Il1J��:i:%-l.'����ft�(NEPSIH:ft��, �B:ifTJ�f5Ff1t:GB3836.1-2010 ;l�HFtl:l:;f:LJ't�1:gf)7J\.: &-1.r J.ill.):g�*GB3836.8-2014 ;/;!!Ht'l"tPfm �8:gß7t: U,I "n"FJD�J5il�HF;:tEx nA II C T4�T6 Ge, �J5;tiif*hLE�GY J17.1 057Xo;;$: iLE.=p; iA PT I'('.J F���. #Ht P�I T :iTEMP pCP DIN rail TMT 121-20iTEMP RTD DIN rail TMT 127-20iTEMP TC DIN rail TMT 128-20X�: O*��.��.��� .•• ffi��, W�F��mm��o-. F 5it:tc:i:�ffl *f��{tfA#�W�T:;;$:F�10f�*�fi;J, :tIJJUh1tmn�·�N:t:�fr�B:�GB4208-2008N\lJEFI J IP54�Lt. JitittJ"J!: GB3836.1-201 o tnGB3836.8-2014!?f*ß'.Jjr:J't/!=' 0=,F5it�fflr±f!.J.}Ji1, FRn1!fmJf:Ijß�ffiU�t D�JJnBjJiJB���:�l5tmfJl J T4 T5 T6jb9=:q��11ü\.15t -40'C-+85'C -40'C -+65 'c -40'C-+50'C2. FRr,I'F11jt Ft!, Itlli15J: 8�35Vde o3. 7t� B� fm!t l}[ 5e�..g� j r :rMfr�}1±fuftltd T, IJI)h 1!f m n�' @04.m����ff�.���F�ß'.J��$$#, @��F���ft��M*�ff�� ���., ����m.tl��m���ß'.J��o5. F� 1'F1:t:�. 1!ft8tD�fu�)� @If.1J F,f�r1!f Fl-J���. GB3836.13-2013 "!it1=tt:q� lJ't �13gß7t:&�B�1Itll. fft11t. 1��tDi:&jjl[" GB3836.15-2000 ".tt:'t1/-"t#Pf l�t8� �1Jl� t1115$7t: m:;�ft:f:hfifi��:t:� ctNJrI!#;jl') " GB3836.16-2006 ".tH1�1*Pfjjt ffllt�i&1k-�16tfll5}: t:h���ß'.J��t D�tt�J� o}.lnr�#;!tr) " RGB50257-2014 "�I1�i&.�(GY J 17.1 057X)�,it!J)t rJJf iE2mU � r &, �JjJ )'L I<: *it :r5< fln NE P SI iA riJ-B� )( 1�: j9i �4 �F ; 3 � � tt Jt� rp ßY � j> {Q. J5 r JU r*J � :a) N EPS I -!A nJt;F$ (�ltIJ;lIil-*itiiE b) c )�)]-;lI il-*it iiE -'%d ) 1t J-FJ Jf jjHfm &(Attachment I )�*�{)(�{)(��1I��lI{r1f�%M National Supervision and Inspection Centre forExplosion Protection and Safety of Instrumentation(GYJ17.1057X) (Attachment I )Attachment I to GYJ17.1057X1.TMT121 /127/128 series Temperature transmitter (DIN rail), manufactured by Endress+Hauser Wetzer GmbH + CO.KG, has been certified by National Supervision and Inspection Center for Explosion Protection and Safety of Instrumentation (NEPSI). The product accords with following standards:G83836.1-2010 Explosive atmospheres-Part 1: Equipment-General requirementsG83836.8-2014 Explosive atmospheres-Part 8: Equipment protection by type of protection "n"The Ex marking is Ex nA TI C T 4-T6 Gc, its certificate number is GY J17.1 057X.Type approved in this certificate is shown as the following:iTEMP PCP DIN rail TMT121-2DiTEMP RTD DIN rail TMT127-2DiTEMP TC DIN rail TMT128-2Do indicates type of connection, sensor, meauring range and ete.Refer to instruction manual for the details.2. Special Conditions for Safe UseThe suffix "X" placed after the certificate number indicates that this product is subject to special conditions for safe use, that is:When using this head type product, it shall be installed in the enclosure which IP degree is at least IP54 according to G84208-2008, and meet the relative requirements of G83836.1-201 0 and G83836.8-2014.3. Conditions for Safe Use3.1 The relationship between ambient temperature range and the temperature class is shown as folIows:Temperature class T4 T5 T6Ambient temperature range -40"C-+85"C -40"C-+65"C -40"C-+50"C3.2 Electrical data: 8-35 Vdc.3.3 The external earth connection facility of the whole product shall be connected reliably.3.4 The user shall not change the configuration in order to maintain/ensure the explosion protection performance of the equipment. Any change may impair safety.3.5 For installation, use and maintenance of this product, the end user shall observe the instruction manual and the following standards:Page 1 of 2(GY J17.1 057X) (Attachment I )GB50257-2014 "Code for construction and acceptance of electric device for explosion atmospheres and fire hazard electrical equipment installation engineering".GB3836.13-2013 "Explosive atmospheres-Part 13:Equipment repair, overhaul and reclamation".G B3836.15-2000 "Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres-Part 15:Electrical installations inhazardous area (other than mines)".GB3836.16-2006 "Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres-Part 16:lnspection and maintenance of electrical installation (other than mines)".4. Manufacturer's Responsibility4.1 Conditions for safe use, as specified above, should be included in the documentation the user is provided with. 4.2 Manufacturing should be done according to the documentation approved by NEPSI.4.3 Nameplate should include these contents listed below:1) NEPSl logo @2) Ex marking3) certificate number4) ambient temperature5) electrical dataPage 2 01 2。
T5技术参数本页仅作为文档封面,使用时可以删除This document is for reference only-rar21year.March◆T5高效直管荧光灯特点:T5技术加新型反射材料的节能效果,与T8灯具相比:1、更高的发光效率:从70Lm/W提高到90Lm/W,使效率提高36%2、新型材料有更高的反射率:从85%提高到95%,使效率提高10%3、管径的缩小、光源工作环境的优化,使效率提高15%4、T5与T8总的灯具相比,整体效率提高72%T5高效直管荧光灯光电参数一、T5灯管的外形尺寸二、T5灯管的电参数三、T5灯管的光通量四、T5灯管的色参数五、T5灯管的流明维持率与寿命附——详解 T5灯管规格型号中“T”及其后面数字意义"T",代表“Tube”,表示管状的,T后面的数字表示灯管直径。
那么每一个“T”就是25.4÷8=3.175mmT12灯管的直径就是(12/8)×25.4=38.1 mmT10灯管的直径就是(10/8)×25.4=31.8mm8灯管的直径就是(8/8)×25.4=25.4mm [T8的刚好是直径一英寸的灯管] (注:统一宽度39mm、高度52mm)常用的日光灯长度与功率:(20w 长620mm; 30w 长926mm; 40w长1230mm)T5灯管的直径就是(5/8)×25.4=16 mm (注:统一宽度23.5mm、高度39mm)常用的日光灯长度与功率:(8w 长310mm; 14w 长570mm; 21w 长870.5mm; 28w 长1170.5mm; 35w 长1475mm)T4灯管的直径就是(4/8)×25.4=12.7 mm (注:统一宽度21mm、高度32mm)常用的日光灯长度与功率:(8w 长341mm; 12w 长443mm; 16w 长487mm; 20w 长534mm;22w 长734mm; 24w 长874mm; 26w 长1025mm; 28w 长1172mm)3.5灯管的直径就是(3.5/8)×25.4=11.1 mmT2灯管的直径就是(2/8)×25.4=6.4 mm根据瓦数不同而长度不同,一般家庭常用:20W长度64cm 640mm30W长度96cm 960mm40W长度128cm 1280mm◆T5节能荧光灯管特性与经济效益光效高萤光粉对于日光灯管是非常重要的。
最大扭矩:1300转/分时4631牛顿.米(3415磅.英尺) 气缸数量/排列形式:12缸v形 缸径X行程:159x159毫米(6.25x6.25英寸) 排量:37.7升(2300立方英尺) 起动:电子 最高转速,满载:2100转/分 最高转速,空载:2400转/分 怠速:750转/分 安全工作角度:30°/ 60°斜度
油容量 :16.4升(4.33美加仑) 氮气充注压力: 55巴(800磅/英寸²) 转向角(左、右):正负 39° 泵 形式:活塞泵 排量(2100转/分): 2.0升/秒(32美加仑/分) 举升系统 两个举升缸安装在车箱纵梁之间,举升缸为两级第二级为动力下降。系统卸荷压力 :190巴(2750磅/英寸 ²) 泵 形式:齿轮泵
驾驶员耳朵(1SO 6394): 83dba
(SAEJ88JUN86) :93dba上述值为根据规定的标准步骤,在最高的外音声音条件下测量操作得出的结果,所 示数值适用于标准车辆。
注:驾驶员及旁边人员所听到的噪音根据接近建筑物、石头、机器设备等的程度会有所不同。实际工作现场 噪音必须测量后制定出操作者听力保护设施的相应可行的规定。
中位转向阀,储能器和压力补偿活塞泵组成的独立的液压转向,无论发动机的转速高低,储能器均可提供均 匀的转向。一旦发动机动力丧失,储能器可以提供大约两个从左到右的转向循环的动力。
低于安全限定的数值83巴(1200磅/英寸²)转向性 能符合SAE J53标准。 系统压力:159巴(2300磅/英寸²) 卸荷压力 :207巴(3000磅/英寸²) 转向缸:双向作用,单级
前悬挂:具有自容式,可变氮/油比悬挂缸的转向主销独立式前悬挂。 后悬挂:具有可变氮/油比悬挂缸与A形架和横向稳定杆。
astm e595-2015标准中文版
ASTM E595-2015 标准是指美国材料和试验协会(ASTM International)发布的有关航空航天设备在航天应用中使用的固体物质放射成分的标准规范。
让我们来了解一下ASTM E595-2015标准的主要内容和要点。
一、标准的适用范围ASTM E595-2015标准适用于用于航天应用的固体物质,主要是用来评估这些物质放射成分对航空航天设备和系统的影响。
二、标准的测试方法ASTM E595-2015标准规定了对航空航天设备中使用的固体物质进行测试的方法和程序。
三、标准的意义ASTM E595-2015标准的发布对于航空航天行业具有重要的意义。
另外,ASTM E595-2015标准还可以为航空航天事故的调查提供数据支持。
在实际应用中,ASTM E595-2015标准也受到了国际空间站、航空航天器以及卫星等航空航天设备生产和维护单位的广泛应用和认可。
对于航天器的装配和操作人员来说,ASTM E595-2015标准是保障航空航天器航天环境安全的重要依据。
ASTM E595-2015标准在国际上也具有广泛的影响力。
2002年5月,我国发布的GBPT10682 —2002《双端荧光灯性能要求》国家标准也收纳了T5 灯管系列内容。
1、电参数及其控制T5 线性泛光灯分为高光效(HE) 和高亮度(HO) 两大系列。
IEC60081 和GBPT10682 —2002 中规定了T5 HE系列灯管的额定电流、灯端电压等电参数。
两个标准的相关参数完全一样,所不同的是IEC60081 规定测试温度为35 ℃,而GBPT10682 —2002 规定测试温度为25 ℃。
对于T5 (HE) 荧光灯,其显著特点是无论额定功率为何种规格,灯的额定电流都一样,从而使该系列各种规格灯管的阴极特性完全一样,简化了阴极设计,更便于大规模生产中的品种调整。
对于T5 HO 系列荧光灯,是在与HE 荧光灯管长相等的条件下,通过提高工作电流增加灯的功率以获得更大光输出的。
有资料介绍,T5 HE 灯管采用纯氩作填充气体,目的是防止充填氪氩混合气低温下易产生的“条纹放电”现象。
由理论计算和实际制灯试验可知,要达到IEC 标准规定的电参数额定值仍可采用氪氩混合气。
2.0L GTDi 两驱精锐型 S S S S S S S 2.0L GTDi 两驱铂锐型 S S S S S S S S 皮质座椅 S 2.0L GTDi 两驱豪锐型 S S S S S S S S 皮质座椅 S 2.0L GTDi 四驱豪锐型 S S S S S S S S 2.0L GTDi 四驱尊锐型 S S S S S S S S 2.7L GTDi 四驱运动型 S S S S S S S S 皮质座椅 S S 2.7L GTDi 四驱尊锐型 S S S S S S S S 皮质座椅 S -
S S S S S Ⅰ代 S S 1 6 S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
S S S S S Ⅱ代 S S 2 S 9 S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
皮质座椅 皮质座椅 S S 10向电动动调节座椅 10向电动动调节座椅 S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S Ⅱ代 S S S 2 S 9 S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S Ⅱ代 S S S 2 S S 12 S S S S S S S S S S S S O/A S S S S S S S S S S S S O/A O/A O/A S
2.0L GTDi 两驱精锐型 基本参数 长(mm) 宽(mm) 高(mm) 轴距(mm) 轮距 前/后(mm) 整备质量(kg) 油箱容积(L) 后备厢容积(L) 最小转弯直径(m) 卓越性能 发动机 排量(mL) 最大净功率(kW/rpm) 最大扭矩(Nm/rpm) 最大转速 压缩比 自动启停 变速箱形式 驱动方式 综合工况油耗(L/100km) * 推荐油品 排放标准 悬挂系统 制动系统 轮胎规格 铝合金轮圈 最高车速(km/h) 0-100km/h加速时间(s) 外观设计 投射式卤素前大灯 LED前大灯(带随动转向) 自动开闭前大灯 前大灯自动远光感应调节系统 Glare free防眩目LED前大灯 LED日间行车灯 前雾灯 LED组合式后尾灯 LED高位刹车灯 电动调节外后视镜(带LED转向灯) 电加热外后视镜 电动折叠外后视镜 照地灯(集成在外后视镜下方) 自动防眩外后视镜 外后视镜倒车自动下翻 Follow me home伴我回家功能 电动全景天窗 车顶行李架 前格栅镀铬 镀铬装饰外门把手 后备箱盖拉手镀铬 后排隐私玻璃 高配徽标 玻璃天线 双镀铬排气尾管 侧防护板 运动包围 无盖式加油系统 内装配置 内饰颜色 多功能4向可调方向盘 4向电动调节方向盘(带记忆功 能) 方向盘电加热 前座遮阳板附化妆镜(带化妆 灯) 太阳镜盒 220V电源接口*1+12V电源接口*3 前排双层中央扶手置物盒 后备箱隔板 迎宾踏板 后排中央扶手置物盒带杯架 七色LED可调节座舱氛围灯 带锁式手套箱 2.0L GTDi 两驱铂锐型 2.0L GTDi 两驱豪锐型 2.0L GTDi 四驱豪锐型 4878 1925 1770 2850 1648/1648 2030 2.0L GTDi 四驱尊锐型 2.7L GTDi 四驱运动型 2.7L GTDi 四驱尊锐型
� A100W规格
T50 瘦客户机
Atrust t50 是采用 Linux,特别为主从架构的运算环境而设计的瘦客户机。公司开发的 ACS (Atrust Client Setup) 软件也内含於系统中以协助用户有效管理 t50。t50 支援微软 RDP (远程桌面协议),可 以连接多种提供RDP服务的操作系统以建立虚拟的 Windows 工作环境。此外,支援 RemoteFX,迈 一步强化 RDP 远程桌面的用户体验,t50 能提供远端用户丰富的、类似近端站台的运算效能,包含高 品质多媒体内容的递送。兼容RDP with RemoteFX 协议
VESA Mount Kit (W) 114 x (H) 6 x (D) 60 mm
M302零客户机特点 总拥有成本(TCO)低 添加一台客户机就像添加其他普通I/O外设一样简单,可以显著降低TCO。 超薄和静音设计 m302采用了超薄设计,只有约112克,可以使用 VESA 悬挂套件直接悬挂在屏幕後 方;且使用的是无风扇设计,所以可以帮助用户营造一个无噪音的工作环境。 扩展USB端口 m302有两个扩展的USB端口,可以连接其他USB外设。 即插即用 m302仅需要一套鼠标、键盘、显示器,再连接到主机,就可以建立起一套完整的工 作站,可以即刻使用。 易管理维护 因为所有的运算任务都在一台服务器上运行,所以在客户端上没有任何的软硬件问 题。用户管理、软件安装、系统管理和升级都可以在单一的服务器上完成。
� T50瘦客户机特点:
� � � � � � � � � � 总拥有成本 (TCO) 低 新增站台就像新增输出输入装置一样简单,总拥有成本因此得以大幅缩减。 超薄静音设计 t50 仅重 168 公克。轻薄的造型,t50 可以使用 VESA 支架直接悬挂在屏幕後方。再加上 无风扇设计,t50 可帮助用户建立无噪音的工作环境。 点击即可进入视窗工作环境 t50使用远程桌面连线连接服务主机。只需点击远程桌面捷径就可开启视窗工作环境,使用 运算服务。 丰富的远端用户体验 支援 RemoteFX, t50 可提供远端用户丰富、高效、接近近端用户的运算体验。 维护管理轻松简易 由於运算主要在服务器端进行,客户端的软硬件问题大幅减少。所有用户管理、软件安装、 系统管理及升级都可在服务器端完成。
年产量 机组速度 电镀能力 最大小时产量 414,610 t/Y Max. 480 mpm 189 KA 80 t/h
二次冷轧机组 1420冷轧精整机组
入口 0.15-0.80*700-1050mm 带钢规格 出口 0.10-0.36*700-1050mm (二次冷扎) 0.17-0.80*700-1050mm (平整) 钢卷外径 钢卷内径 卷重 年处理量 轧制速度 最大压下率 干平整最大延伸率 湿平整最大延伸率 入口/出口 max 1750mm 入口 出口 入口/出口 max 16t 卷芯带钢套筒 卷芯带钢套筒
是从NSC引进的高速专用的镀锡原板连续退火生产线, 其作用是将清洗、退火、平整几个工序连接起来并采 用“再加热-过时效”工艺,能高效的向镀锡线提供 T2.5-T5及T2.5(DI)-T4(DI)优质镀锡原板。
调质度 带钢规格 钢卷内径 钢卷外径 T-2.5, T-3, T-4, T-5, T-2.5 (DI), T-3 (DI), T-4 (DI) 厚度 宽度 入口 出口 入口 出口 入口段 机组速度 年产量 炉子段 出口段 429,650吨 0.18-0.55毫米 730-1230毫米 508毫米 420毫米 1250-2020毫米 1200-2000毫米 1060米/分钟 880米/分钟 1070米/分钟
2015款帕萨特部分车型配置有所提升,其中尊荣版车型和蓝驱技术版车型将会在车内标配多功能方向盘、12向主/副驾驶席座椅电动调节功能,而1.8TSI DSG尊荣版车型将提供6.5英寸中控液晶屏选装。
Watts Classic Series ES-ACV-SB-LFF115_LFF1115 型号产品
Watts product specifications in U.S. customary units and metric are approximate and are provided for reference only. For precise measurements, please contact Watts Technical Service. Watts reserves the right to change or modify product design, construction, specifications, or materials with-out prior notice and without incurring any obligation to make such changes and modifications on Watts products previously or subsequently sold.ES-ACV-SB-LFF115_LFF1115LFF115 (Globe) LFF1115 (Angle)Pressure Reducing Control Valve*The wetted surface of this product contacted by consumable water contains less than 0.25% of lead by weight.Standard Components(3)(3)(3)(2)(2)(1)(1)Standard 3" & Smaller Standard 4" & Larger Optional All Sizes(3)(2)(1)Schematics• Throttles to reduce high upstream pressure to constant lower downstream pressure1 – Main Valve (Single Chamber)2 – Pressure Reducing Control3 – Fixed Orifice• Reducing setpoint is adjustableOperationsThe Watts ACV Pressure Reducing Control Valve is designed to automatically reduce a fl uctuating higher upstream pressure to a constant lower downstream pressure regardless of varying fl ow rates. It is con-trolled by a normally open, pressure reducing pilot designed to: 1) Open (allowing fl uid out of the main valve cover chamber) when downstream pressure is below the adjustable setpoint, and 2) Close (allowing fl uid to fi ll the main valve cover chamber) when downstream pressure is above the adjustable setpoint. A decrease in downstream pressure causes the valve to modulate toward an open position, raising downstream pres-sure. An increase in downstream pressure causes the valve to modulate toward a closed position, lowering downstream pressure.○X – Isolation Cocks ○FC – Flo-Clean Strainer ○Y – Y-Strainer (Replaces Flo-Clean) ○ACS – Adjustable Closing Speed(Replaces Fixed Orifi ce) ○AOS – Adjustable Opening Speed ○P – Position Indicator ○L – Limit Switch Options & Accessories2C lassiC s eriesLFF115 (Globe)LFF1115 (Angle)Body & Cover: Ductile Iron ASTM A536Coating:NSF Listed Fusion Bonded Epoxy Lined and Coated Trim:316 Stainless SteelElastomers: Buna-N (standard) EPDM (optional)Viton (optional)Stem, Nut & Stainless SteelSpring:MaterialsGlobeAngleOperating PressureOperating TemperaturePilot SystemTubing & FittingsThreaded = 400 psi Buna-N: 160°F Maximum Reducing Control Copper / Brass (Standard)150 Flanged = 250 psi EPDM: 300°F Maximum 20-175 psi (Standard)Stainless Steel (Optional)300 Flanged = 400 psiViton: 250°F Maximum0-30 psi (Optional)100-300 psi (Optional)Valve Cover Chamber CapacityValve TravelDimensionsABCDEFGHIJKLMVALVE SIZE GLOBE THRD.GLOBE 150#GLOBE 300#COVER TO CENTER ANGLE THRD.ANGLE 150#ANGLE 300#ANGLE THRD.ANGLE 150#ANGLE 300#PORT SIZE PORT SIZE PORT SIZE SHIPPING WEIGHTS*1-1/47-1/43-1/23-1/41-7/81/41/21/8151-1/27-1/48-1/293-1/23-1/441-7/841/41/21/81529-3/89-3/8104-15/16444-1/4444-1/41/21/21/4352-1/2111111-5/875-1/25-1/25-13/16444-5/161/21/23/865310-1/21213-1/475-1/45-3/46-1/85-1/45-3/46-1/81/21/23/89541515-5/88-5/86-3/47-1/86-3/47-1/81/21/23/81906202111-3/48-1/28-7/88-1/28-7/81/21/21/2320825-3/826-3/815-3/41111-1/21111-1/21/211/26501029-3/431-1/818-3/414-7/815-5/814-7/815-5/81119401234 35-1/220-5/81717-3/41717-3/411115001439 40-1/222-1/411116751641-3/843-1/226-1/41113100*Estimated in lbs.Valve Size (in)1-1/41-1/222-1/2346810121416fl.oz. 44410102270U.S. Gal1-1/42-1/246-1/29-1/2Valve Size (in)1-1/41-1/222-1/2346810121416Travel (in)3/83/81/25/83/411-1/222-1/233-1/243C lassiC s eriesSizingCAVITATION ZONEINLET PRESSURE - PSI OUTLET PRESSURE - PSI30028026024022020018016014012010080604020102040506070809013014012011010030After selecting the valve size, locate inlet and outlet pressures on this chart. If the intersection point falls in the shaded area, cavitation can occur. Operation of valves continually in the cavitation zone should be avoided. Consult Watts ACV for alternatives.Cavitation ChartSize (in)1-1/41-1/222-1/2346810Maximum Continuous (GPM)95130210300485800185031005000Maximum Intermittent (GPM)1191612653905901000230040006250Minimum Continuous (GPM)111203050115200300Maximum continuous fl ow based on velocity of 20 ft. per second. Maximum intermittent fl ow based on velocity of 25 ft. per second. Minimum continuous fl ow based on velocity of 1 ft. per second.NOTE: The above chart is a suggested guide. Inlet pressure, outlet pressure, minumum, normal and maximum fl ow rates shouldbe considered for specifi c valve sizing. Contact Watts ACV for details.LFF115 (Globe)LFF1115 (Angle)4C lassiC s eriesITEM DESCRIPTION MATERIAL1Cover ASTM A536 65-45-12 Epoxy Coated Ductile Iron 2Cover Bearing SAE 841 Bronze3Shaft / Stem ASTM A276 304 Stainless Steel 4Stud ASTM A570 Gr.33 Zinc Plated Steel 5Cover Nut ASTM A570 Gr.33 Zinc Plated Steel 6Diaphragm*Buna-N (Nitrile)7Body ASTM A536 65-45-12 Epoxy Coated Ductile Iron 8Quad Seal*Buna-N (Nitrile)9Seat Ring ASTM A743 CF8M (316) Stainless Steel 10Spring ASTM A276 302 Stainless Steel 11Stem NutASTM A276 304 Stainless Steel12Diaphragm Washer ASTM A536 65-45-12 Epoxy Coated Ductile Iron 13SpacerASTM A276 304 Stainless Steel14Quad Seal Retainer ASTM A536 65-45-12 Epoxy Coated Ductile Iron 15O-Ring*Buna-N (Nitrile)16Quad Seal Plate ASTM A743 CF8M (316) Stainless Steel 17Seat Gasket*Buna-N (Nitrile)* Contained in Main Valve Repair KitLFF115 (Globe)LFF1115 (Angle)C lassiC s eries Cross Sectional DetailITEM NUMBER DESCRIPTION1Adjusting Screw DESCRIPTIONLFF115 (Globe)LFF1115 (Angle)Outlet Inlet GaugePressure Reducing PilotModel LF263AP56C lassiC s eriesLFF115 (Globe)LFF1115 (Angle)InstallationsStart-UpProper Automatic Control Valve startup requires bringing the valve into service in a controlled manner. All adjustments to control pilots and speed controls should be made slowly, allowing the valve to respond and the system to stabilize.Control Valves should be set-up in a dynamic (flowing) condition for proper start-up. Provisions for flow must be made to insure proper settings.1. Close upstream and downstream valves to isolate the valve from line pressure. Release spring ten-sion on Pressure Reducing Control by turning adjustment screw out (counterclockwise), decreas-ing setpoint. Open all Isolation Ball Valves, if so equipped. If valve is fitted with adjustable speed controls, turn needle(s) in (clockwise) until seated, and return out (counterclockwise) 11/2 to 21/2 turns. These are approximate settings, and should be fine tuned to suit system requirements after pressure adjustments have been made.2. Slowly open upstream isolation valve to allow controlled filling of the valve. Vent entrapped air bycarefully loosening control tubing or pipe plug at the highest point possible. If valve is equipped with a Position Indicator, open Air Bleed Petcock to vent air. Water will be milky in appearance and will begin to clear as air is vented. Carefully loosen enough cover screws on control pilot(s) to vent entrapped air. Retighten when water vents clearly.3. Setting Reducing Control: Slowly open downstream isolation valve. Gradually turn adjustmentscrew on the Pressure Reducing Control in (clockwise) to raise downstream pressure. Allow valve and system to stabilize. Observe inlet and outlet pressure gauges. Continue to adjust as needed, pausing approximately every 11/2 turns, allowing valve and system to stabilize. Turning adjustment screw clockwise raises outlet pressure. Turning adjustment screw counterclockwise lowers outlet pressure. When desired downstream pressure is reached, tighten locknut on adjustment screw.4. Fine tune Speed Controls to suit system requirements. Adjust Closing Speed Control (if equipped)clockwise for slower closure, and counterclockwise for faster closure. Adjust Opening Speed Control (if equipped) clockwise for slower opening, and counterclockwise for faster opening.• Prior to installation, flush line to remove debris.• Install valve horizontally “in line” (cover facing up), so flow arrow matches flow through the line. Avoid installing valves 6" and larger vertically. Consult factory prior to ordering if installation is other than described.• Install inlet and outlet isolation valves.When using butterfly valves, insure disc does not contact control valve. Damage or improper valve seating may occur.• Provide adequate clearance for valve servicing and maintenance.• Install pressure gauges to monitor valve inlet and outlet pressure.• If installation is subjected to very low flow or potentially static conditions, it is recommended a pressure relief valve (1/2" minimum) be installed downstream of the Pressure Reducing Valve for additional system protection.C lassiC s eries SpecificationsLFF115 (Globe) LFF1115 (Angle)The Lead Free* Pressure Reducing Control Valve shall be a pilot operated diaphragm valve designed to automatically reduce a fluctuating higher upstream pressure to a constant lower downstream pressure re-gardless of varying flow rates.The main valve shall be a hydraulically operated, single diaphragm actuated, globe or angle pattern valve. Y-pattern valves shall not be permitted. The valve shall contain a disc and diaphragm assembly that forms a sealed chamber below the valve cover, separating operating pressure from line pressure. The diaphragm shall be constructed of nylon reinforced Buna-N, and shall not seal directly against the valve seat and shall be fully supported by the valve body and cover. Rolling diaphragm construction will not be allowed and there shall be no pistons operating the main valve or any pilot controls.The main valve body and cover shall be Ductile Iron ASTM A536, and all internal cast components shall be Ductile Iron or CF8M (316) Stainless Steel. All Ductile Iron components, including the body and cover, shall be lined and coated with an NSF 61 Certified Epoxy Coating applied by the electrostatic heat fusion process. All main valve throttling components (valve seat and disc guide) shall be Stainless Steel. The valve body and cover must be machined with a 360-degree locating lip to assure proper alignment.The disc and diaphragm assembly shall contain a Buna-N synthetic rubber “Quad Seal” that is securely re-tained on 3-1/2 sides by a disc retainer and disc guide. Diaphragm assemblies utilizing bolts or cap screws for component retention will not be permitted.The exposed portion of the Quad Seal shall contact the valve seat and seal drip-tight. The disc and dia-phragm assembly must be guided by two separate bearings, one installed in the valve cover and one con-centrically located within the valve seat, to avoid deflection and assure positive disc-to-seat contact. Center guided valves will not be permitted. All necessary repairs shall be made from the top of the valve while the body remains in line.Pilot control systems for valves 3" and smaller shall contain a Flow Clean Strainer, Fixed Orifice Closing Speed, Adjustable Opening Speed Control and Pressure Reducing Pilot. Pilot control systems for valves 4" and larger shall contain an external Y-Strainer, Fixed Orifice Closing Speed, Pressure Reducing Pilot and Isolation Ball Valves on all body connections. All pilot control systems shall utilize copper tubing and brass fittings regardless of valve size. The adjustment range of the pressure reducing pilot shall be 30-300 psi. The valve shall be Watts ACV Model LFF115 or (Globe) or LFF1115 (Angle) pattern Pressure Reducing Control Valve.Other Watts ACV Pressure Reducing Control ValvesLFF115-3 / LFF1115-3 Pressure Reducing Valve with Hydraulic Check FeatureLFF115-7 / LFF1115-7 Pressure Reducing Valve with Downstream Surge Control FeatureLFF115-74 / LFF1115-74 Pressure Reducing Valve with Low Flow By-Pass*The wetted surface of this product contacted by consumablewater contains less than 0.25% of lead by weight.7ES-ACV-SB-LFF115_LFF1115 1410 © 2014 WattsUSA: Tel: (713) 943-0688 • Fax: (713) 944-9445 •。
大众股份有限公司TL 528集团标准 2015-01发布分类编号:55121描述词:塑料部件,铬,铬电镀,金属处理,塑料镀铬塑料部件材料要求4种类别:A,B,C,D先期发布TL528:1965-01,1973-09,1979-01,1985-01,1986-06,1988-06,1993-06,2000-07,2006-04,2008-06更改与TL528:2008-06相比做出如下改动:-表1.“PA6”已删除(聚酰胺不允许作为基材)-表1. 类别“B”扩充-表1. 类别“D”批准限制废除-3.1“基材要求”:增加户外天气阻力要求-3.2.1“基材”和3.2.2外观和发白处应力”扩充-3.3.1“表面抛光”,3.3.3“电镀过程”,和3.3.4“电镀件技术要求”修正-表2完全修正-4新增”供应商生产监控要求”-5.1”电镀系统”修正-5.2”镀层厚度、微裂纹、微孔数、电位差测试点”更新-5.3修正”十字划格实验”,增加图1和图2-5.4增加”盐雾实验执行”TL 528:2015-01表1修正1.范围此技术支持说明针对各类规格的镀铬塑料部件,定义了对其表面抛光的要求(见表1)表1a)迄今塑料已在这些范围内通过了试验2.描述作为内部零件使用和镀铬处理的由ABS制成的零件成品的描述实例:ABS按TL527,镀铬按照TL528-A3.要求3.1基本要求首次供货和更改按大众标准VW01155对有害物质的避免按VW91101户外天气阻力按VW50185要求有10个零件成品完成实验(视尺寸而定)针对所有需实验的零件,供应商需附加提供以下的信息(附录A)TL 528:2015-013.2 浇铸零件3.2.1 基本材料基质生产商指定的材料,作为适用电镀的材料,按表一。
等差数列课标要求命题点五年考情命题分析预测1.理解等差数列的概念和通项公式的意义.2.探索并掌握等差数列的前n 项和公式,理解等差数列的通项公式与前n 项和公式的关系.3.能在具体的问题情境中,发现数列的等差关系,并解决相应的问题.4.体会等差数列与一元一次函数的关系.等差数列的基本运算2023新高考卷ⅠT20;2023全国卷乙T18;2023全国卷甲T5;2022新高考卷ⅡT3;2022全国卷乙T13;2021新高考卷ⅡT17;2021北京T6;2019全国卷ⅠT9;2019全国卷ⅢT14本讲的命题热点为等差数列的基本运算、等差数列的判定与证明、等差数列的性质的应用、等差数列前n 项和的最值,在客观题和主观题中都有可能出现,难度中等.考查学生的函数与方程思想和数学运算能力.预计2025年高考命题稳定,重点掌握等差数列的通项公式和前n 项和公式及其变形应用,同时也要关注等差数列与其他知识的综合运用.等差数列的判定与证明2023新高考卷ⅠT7;2022全国卷甲T17;2021全国卷乙T19;2021全国卷甲T18等差数列的性质2020全国卷ⅡT4;2020新高考卷ⅠT14等差数列前n 项和的最值2022全国卷甲T17学生用书P0931.等差数列的概念(1)等差数列的定义一般地,如果一个数列从第2项起,每一项与它的前一项的①差都等于②同一个常数,那么这个数列就叫做等差数列,这个常数叫做等差数列的公差,公差通常用字母d表示.(2)等差中项如果a ,A ,b 成等差数列,那么A 叫做a 与b 的③等差中项,且A =④+2.(3)等差数列的通项公式及其变形通项公式:⑤a n=a1+(n-1)d,其中a1是首项,d是公差.通项公式的变形:a n=a m+(n-m)d(m,n∈N*).由an=dn+(a1-d)可知,当d≠0时,a n可看作关于n的一次函数.规律总结等差数列的单调性当d>0时,数列{a n}为递增数列;当d<0时,数列{a n}为递减数列;当d=0时,数列{a n}为常数列.2.等差数列的前n项和(1)等差数列的前n项和公式:S n=(1+)2=⑥na1+(-1)2d.(2)由S n=na1+(-1)2d=2n2+(a1-2)n可知,当d≠0时,S n可看作关于n的二次函数,故可借助二次函数的图象和性质来研究S n的最值问题.3.等差数列的性质(1)等差数列项的性质设数列{a n},{b n}均为等差数列.a.若k+l=m+n(k,l,m,n∈N*),则a k+a l=a m+a n,特别地,若p+q=2m,则⑦a p+a q=2a m.反之不一定成立.b.若{a n}公差为d,则{a2n}也是等差数列,公差为⑧2d.c.{pa n+qb n}(p,q为常数)也是等差数列.d.若{a n}与{b n}有公共项,则{a n}与{b n}的公共项从小到大排成的新数列也是等差数列,首项是第一个相同的公共项,公差是{a n}与{b n}的公差的⑨最小公倍数.e.若{a n}公差为d,则a k,a k+m,a k+2m,…(k,m∈N*)组成公差为⑩md的等差数列,即下标成等差数列,则相应的项也成等差数列.f.若c是非零常数,则{}是等比数列.(2)等差数列前n项和的性质设S n为等差数列{a n}的前n项和.a.{}是等差数列,其首项等于⑪a1,公差是{a n}的公差的12.b.S m,S2m-S m,S3m-S2m,…(m∈N*)是等差数列.c.两个等差数列{a n},{b n}的前n项和S n,T n之间的关系为2-1=⑫.2-11.[教材改编]如果三角形的三个内角成等差数列,则中间角的大小为60°.解析由题意可设三个内角分别为x-d,x,x+d,则有(x-d)+x+(x+d)=180°,可得x=60°.2.若等差数列{a n}满足a7+a8+a9>0,a7+a10<0,则当n=8时,{a n}的前n项和最大.解析由a7+a8+a9>0可得a8>0,由a7+a10<0可得a8+a9<0,所以a9<0,所以当n =8时,{a n}的前n项和最大.3.[教材改编]已知{a n}为等差数列,且a20=30,a30=20,则a50=0.解析由题意可得,公差d=20-3030-20=-1,所以a50=a20+30d=30-30=0.4.[教材改编]某公司购置了一台价值220万元的设备,随着设备在使用过程中老化,每经过一年,其价值减少20万元.当设备价值低于购进价值的5%时,设备将报废,则该机器最多使用10年.解析设使用n年后,该设备的价值为a n万元,则易知{a n}是以(220-20)为首项,-20为公差的等差数列,所以a n=(220-20)+(n-1)×(-20)=220-20n.令220-20n≥220×5%,得n≤10.45,所以该设备最多使用10年.5.已知等差数列{a n}的项数为奇数,其中所有奇数项和为290,所有偶数项和为261,则该数列的项数为19.解析设等差数列{a n}的前n项和为S n,项数为2k-1,则奇偶=-1=290261,解得k=10,则项数为2×10-1=19.6.[易错题]已知数列{a n}满足a1=1,a n+a n+1=n,则a20=9.解析因为a n+a n+1=n,所以a1+a2=1,a2+a3=2,…,a19+a20=19.因为a1=1,所以可得a1=1,a3=2,a5=3,a7=4,…,和a2=0,a4=1,a6=2,a8=3,…,奇数项、偶数项分别构成等差数列,所以a2k=k-1(k∈N*),所以a20=10-1=9.学生用书P094命题点1等差数列的基本运算例1[2023全国卷甲]记S n为等差数列{a n}的前n项和.若a2+a6=10,a4a8=45,则S5=(C)A.25B.22C.20D.15解析解法一由a 2+a 6=10,可得2a 4=10,所以a 4=5,又a 4a 8=45,所以a 8=9.设等差数列{a n }的公差为d ,则d =8-48-4=9-54=1,又a 4=5,所以a 1=2,所以S 5=5a 1+5×42×d =20,故选C.解法二设等差数列{a n }的公差为d ,则由a 2+a 6=10,可得a 1+3d =5①,由a 4a 8=45,可得(a 1+3d )(a 1+7d )=45②,由①②可得a 1=2,d =1,所以S 5=5a 1+5×42×d=20,故选C.例2[2023新高考卷Ⅰ]设等差数列{a n }的公差为d ,且d >1.令b n =2+,记S n ,T n 分别为数列{a n },{b n }的前n 项和.(1)若3a 2=3a 1+a 3,S 3+T 3=21,求{a n }的通项公式;(2)若{b n }为等差数列,且S 99-T 99=99,求d .解析(1)因为3a 2=3a 1+a 3,所以3(a 2-a 1)=a 1+2d ,所以3d =a 1+2d ,所以a 1=d ,所以a n =nd .因为b n =2+,所以b n =2+B=r1,所以S 3=3(1+3)2=3(r3)2=6d ,T 3=b 1+b 2+b 3=2+3+4=9.因为S 3+T 3=21,所以6d +9=21,解得d =3或d =12,因为d >1,所以d =3.所以{a n }的通项公式为a n =3n .(2)因为b n =2+,且{b n }为等差数列,所以2b 2=b 1+b 3,即2×62=21+123,所以61+-11=61+2,所以12-3a 1d +2d 2=0,解得a 1=d 或a 1=2d .①当a 1=d 时,a n =nd ,所以b n =2+=2+B=r1,S 99=99(1+99)2=99(r99)2=99×50d ,T 99=99(1+99)2=99(2+100)2=99×51.因为S 99-T 99=99,所以99×50d -99×51=99,即50d 2-d -51=0,解得d =5150或d =-1(舍去).②当a 1=2d 时,a n =(n +1)d ,所以b n =2+=2+(r1)=,S 99=99(1+99)2=99(2r100)2=99×51d ,T 99=99(1+99)2=99(1+99)2=99×50.因为S 99-T 99=99,所以99×51d -99×50=99,即51d 2-d -50=0,解得d =-5051(舍去)或d =1(舍去).综上,d =5150.方法技巧1.等差数列基本运算中常用的数学思想方程思想等差数列中有五个量a 1,a n ,d ,n ,S n ,一般可“知三求二”,通过列方程(组)求解.整体思想将已知和所求都用a 1和d 表示,寻求两者之间的联系,整体代换求解.2.等差数列基本运算中常用的设元技巧若三个数成等差数列,可将三个数设为a -d ,a ,a +d ;若四个数成等差数列,可将四个数设为a -3d ,a -d ,a +d ,a +3d .训练1(1)[2021北京高考]已知{a n }和{b n }是两个等差数列,且(1≤k ≤5)是常值,若a 1=288,a 5=96,b 1=192,则b 3的值为(C)A.64 B.100C.128D.132解析因为{a n }和{b n }是两个等差数列,所以2a 3=a 1+a 5=288+96=384,所以a 3=192,又当1≤k ≤5时,是常值,所以33=11,即1923=288192,从而b 3=128.故选C.(2)[2022全国卷乙]记S n 为等差数列{a n }的前n 项和.若2S 3=3S 2+6,则公差d =2.解析因为2S 3=3S 2+6,所以2(3a 1+3d )=3(2a 1+d )+6,化简得3d =6,解得d =2.命题点2等差数列的判定与证明例3[2021全国卷甲]已知数列{a n }的各项均为正数,记S n 为{a n }的前n 项和,从下面①②③中选取两个作为条件,证明另外一个成立.①数列{a n }是等差数列;②数列{}是等差数列;③a 2=3a 1.解析①③⇒②.已知数列{a n }是等差数列,a 2=3a 1.设数列{a n}的公差为d,则a2=3a1=a1+d,故d=2a1,所以S n=na1+(-1)2d=n2a1.因为数列{a n}的各项均为正数,所以=n1,所以r1-=(n+1)1-n1=1(常数),所以数列{}是等差数列.①②⇒③.已知数列{a n}是等差数列,{}是等差数列.设数列{a n}的公差为d,则S n=na1+(-1)2d=12dn2+(a1-2)n.因为数列{}是等差数列,所以数列{}的通项是关于n的一次函数,则a1-2=0,即d=2a1,所以a2=a1+d=3a1.②③⇒①.已知数列{}是等差数列,a2=3a1,所以S1=a1,S2=a1+a2=4a1.设数列{}的公差为d,则d>0,2-1=41-1=d,得a1=d2,所以=1+(n-1)d=nd,所以S n=n2d2,所以a n=S n-S n-1=n2d2-(n-1)2d2=2d2n-d2(n≥2),a1=d2也满足上式,所以a n=2d2n-d2.因为a n-a n-1=2d2n-d2-[2d2(n-1)-d2]=2d2(常数)(n≥2),所以数列{a n}是等差数列.方法技巧等差数列的判定与证明的方法定义法a n-a n-1(n≥2,n∈N*)为同一常数⇔{a n}是等差数列=a n+a n-2(n≥3,n∈N*)成立⇔{a n}是等差数列等差中项法2a n-1通项公式法a n=pn+q(p,q为常数)对任意的正整数n都成立⇔{a n}是等差数列前n项和S n=An2+Bn(A,B为常数)对任意的正整数n都成立⇔{a n}是等差数列公式法训练2(1)[2023新高考卷Ⅰ]设S n为数列{a n}的前n项和,设甲:{a n}为等差数列;乙:{}为等差数列.则(C)A.甲是乙的充分条件但不是必要条件B.甲是乙的必要条件但不是充分条件C.甲是乙的充要条件D.甲既不是乙的充分条件也不是乙的必要条件解析若{a n}为等差数列,设其公差为d,则a n=a1+(n-1)d,所以S n=na1+(-1)2d,所以=a1+(n-1)·2,所以r1r1-=a1+(n+1-1)·2-[a1+(n-1)·2]=2,为常数,所以{}为等差数列,即甲⇒乙;若{}为等差数列,设其公差为t,则=11+(n-1)t=a1+(n-1)t,所以S n=na1+n(n-1)t,所以当n≥2时,a n=S n-S n-1=na1+n(n-1)t-[(n-1)a1+(n-1)(n-2)t]=a1+2(n-1)t,当n=1时,S1=a1也满足上式,所以a n=a1+2(n-1)t(n∈N*),所以a n+1-a n=a1+2(n+1-1)t -[a1+2(n-1)t]=2t,为常数,所以{a n}为等差数列,即甲⇐乙.所以甲是乙的充要条件,故选C.(2)[多选/2023福建莆田九中质检]已知数列{a n}的前n项和为S n,则下列结论正确的是(BCD)A.若数列{S n}为等差数列,则数列{a n}为等差数列B.若数列{}为等差数列,则数列{a n}为等差数列C.若数列{a n}和{2}均为等差数列,则S3=2a3D.若数列{a n}和{2}均为等差数列,则数列{a n}是常数列解析对于A,若数列{S n}为等差数列,设公差为d,可得a n=S n-S n-1=d(n≥2),但是首项a1的值不确定,所以数列{a n}不一定为等差数列,故选项A错误;对于B,若数列{}为等差数列,设公差为d',则=S1+(n-1)d',可得S n=nS1+n(n-1)d',当n=1时,a1=S1,当n≥2时,a n=S n-S n-1=nS1+n(n-1)d'-(n-1)S1-(n-1)(n-2)d'=S1+(2n-2)d',则a n-a n-1=2d'(n≥3),由a2=S1+2d',a1=S1,得a2-a1=2d',所以a n-a n-1=2d'(n≥2),故数列{a n}为等差数列,故选项B正确;对于C,由数列{a n}为等差数列,可设a n=kn+b,k,b为常数,则2=k2n2+2kbn+b2,所以2=k2n+2kb+2,因为数列{2}为等差数列,所以n≥2时,2--12-1=k2+2-2-1=k2+b2(1-1-1)为常数,则b2=0,所以b=0,故a n=kn,所以S3=a1+a2+a3=6k,又a3=3k,所以S3=2a3,故选项C正确;对于D,由数列{a n}为等差数列,可设a n=pn+q,p,q为常数,则2=p2n2+2pqn+q2,因为{2}为等差数列,所以2--12=(2n-1)p2+2pq为常数,则p=0,所以a n=q,则数列{a n}是常数列,故选项D正确.故选BCD.命题点3等差数列的性质例4(1)[新高考卷Ⅰ]将数列{2n-1}与{3n-2}的公共项从小到大排列得到数列{a n},则{a n}的前n项和为3n2-2n.解析{2n-1}与{3n-2}的第一个公共项为1,则易知{a n}是以1为首项,2×3=6为公差的等差数列,则S n=n+(-1)2×6=3n2-2n.(2)已知S n为等差数列{a n}的前n项和,且63=3,则129=53.解析设S3=m(m≠0),则S6=3m.因为{a n}为等差数列,所以S3,S6-S3,S9-S6,S12-S9,…成等差数列,公差为m,所以可推出S9=6m,S12=10m,故129=53.训练3(1)数列{a n},{b n}均为等差数列,且a1=-5,b1=-15,a2025+b2025=100,则数列{a n+b n}的前2025项和为81000.解析易得数列{a n+b n}为等差数列,首项为a1+b1=-20,∴{a n+b n}的前2025项和为2025×-20+1002=81000.(2)等差数列{a n},{b n}的前n项和分别为S n,T n,若=23r1,则1111=2132,1011=1932.解析由题意可得1111=211211=1+211+21=(1+21)×21÷2(1+21)×21÷2=2121=2×213×21+1=2132.由=23r1=2232+及等差数列前n项和性质可设S n=A·2n2,T n=A(3n2+n)(A≠0),∴a10=S10-S9=A(2×102-2×92)=38A,b11=T11-T10=A[(3×112+11)-(3×102+10)]=64A,∴1011=3864=1932.命题点4等差数列前n项和的最值例5[2022全国卷甲]记S n为数列{a n}的前n项和.已知2+n=2a n+1.(1)证明:{a n}是等差数列.(2)若a4,a7,a9成等比数列,求S n的最小值.解析(1)由2+n=2a n+1,得2S n+n2=2a n n+n①,所以2S n+1+(n+1)2=2a n+1(n+1)+(n+1)②,+2n+1=2a n+1(n+1)-2a n n+1,②-①,得2a n+1-a n=1,所以数列{a n}是公差为1的等差数列.化简得a n+1(2)由(1)知数列{a n}的公差为1.由72=a4a9,得(1+6)2=(a1+3)(a1+8),解得a1=-12.所以S n=-12n+(-1)2=2-252=12(n-252)2-6258,所以当n=12或n=13时,S n取得最小值,最小值为-78.方法技巧求等差数列前n项和S n的最值的方法(1)通项法:①若a1>0,d<0,则S n必有最大值,n可用不等式组≥0,r1≤0来确定;②若a1<0,d>0,则S n必有最小值,n可用不等式组≤0,r1≥0来确定.(2)二次函数法:由于S n=2n2+(a1-2)n,故可用二次函数求最值的方法求S n的最值,结合n∈N*及二次函数图象的对称性来确定n的值.(3)不等式组法:一般情况下,S n最大时,有≥-1,≥r1(n≥2,n∈N*),解得n的范围,进而确定n的值和对应的S n的值(即S n的最值).训练4等差数列{a n}的前n项和为S n,若∀n∈N*,S n≤S7,则数列{a n}的通项公式可能是(B)A.a n=16-3nB.a n=15-2nC.a n=2n-14D.a n=2n-15解析因为数列{a n}是等差数列,且∀n∈N*,S n≤S7,所以该数列从第8项起为非正数,即a7≥0,a8≤0.对于A,a7=16-3×7=-5<0,故A不正确;对于B,a7=15-2×7=1>0,a8=15-2×8=-1<0,故B正确;对于C,a7=2×7-14=0,a8=2×8-14=2>0,故C不正确;对于D,a7=2×7-15=-1<0,故D不正确.故选B.1.[命题点1/2021新高考卷Ⅱ]记S n是公差不为0的等差数列{a n}的前n项和,若a3=S5,a2a4=S4.(1)求数列{a n}的通项公式;(2)求使S n>a n成立的n的最小值.解析(1)设等差数列{a n }的公差为d (d ≠0),则由题意,得1+2=51+10,(1+p(1+3)=41+6,解得1=-4,=2,所以a n =a 1+(n -1)d =2n -6.(2)解法一S n =(1+)2=(2-10)2=n 2-5n ,则由n 2-5n >2n -6,整理得n 2-7n +6>0,解得n <1或n >6.因为n ∈N *,所以使S n >a n 成立的n 的最小值为7.解法二由S n >a n 得S n -1>0(n ≥2),即(1+-1)(-1)2>0,所以a 1+a n -1=2n -12>0,解得n >6,所以n 的最小值为7.2.[命题点2/多选]两个等差数列{a n }和{b n },其公差分别为d 1和d 2,其前n 项和分别为S n 和T n ,则下列说法正确的是(AB)A.若{}为等差数列,则d 1=2a 1B.若{S n +T n }为等差数列,则d 1+d 2=0C.若{a n b n }为等差数列,则d 1=d 2=0D.若b n ∈N *,则{}也为等差数列,且公差为d 1+d 2解析由题意得S n =12n 2+(a 1-12)n ,T n =22n 2+(b 1-22)n .若数列{}为等差数列,则由等差数列通项公式的特征,可得a 1-12=0,即d 1=2a 1,所以选项A 正确;S n +T n =1+22n 2+(a 1+b 1-12-22)n ,由等差数列通项公式的特征,可得1+22=0,即d 1+d 2=0,所以选项B 正确;当d 1=0或d 2=0时,数列{a n b n }为等差数列,所以选项C 错误;因为a n =a 1+(n -1)d 1,b n =b 1+(n -1)d 2,b n ∈N *,所以=1+(-1)2=a 1+[b 1+(n -1)d 2-1]d 1=(a 1+b 1d 1-d 1)+(n -1)d 1d 2,可知数列{}是等差数列,且公差为d 1d 2,所以选项D 错误.故选AB.3.[命题点2/2021全国卷乙]记S n 为数列{a n }的前n 项和,b n 为数列{S n }的前n 项积,已知2+1=2.(1)证明:数列{b n }是等差数列.(2)求{a n }的通项公式.解析(1)因为b n 是数列{S n }的前n 项积,所以当n ≥2时,S n =-1,代入2+1=2可得,2-1+1=2,整理可得2b n-1+1=2b n,即b n-b n-1=12(n≥2).又21+11=31=2,所以b1=32,故{b n}是以32为首项,12为公差的等差数列.(2)由(1)可知,b n=r22,则2+2r2=2,所以S n=r2r1,当n=1时,a1=S1=32,当n≥2时,a n=S n-S n-1=r2r1-r1=-1(r1).当n=1时,a1=32≠-11×2=-12,故a n =1,1(r1),≥2.4.[命题点4]在等差数列{a n}中,若109<-1,且它的前n项和S n 有最大值,则使S n>0成立的正整数n的最大值是(C)A.15B.16C.17D.14解析因为等差数列{a n}的前n项和有最大值,所以等差数列{a n}为递减数列,又109<-1,所以a9>0,a10<0,所以a9+a10<0,所以S18=18(1+18)2=9(a9+a10)<0,且S17=17(1+17)2=17a9>0.故使得S n>0成立的正整数n的最大值为17.学生用书·练习帮P3031.[2024河南名校模拟]设S n是等差数列{a n}的前n项和,若a2+a5+a8=15,则S9=(C)A.15B.30C.45D.60解析由题意得a 2+a 5+a 8=3a 5=15,所以a 5=5,所以S 9=9(1+9)2=9a 5=45.故选C.2.[2024湖北武汉模拟]已知等差数列{a n }的前n 项和为S n .若S 1=3,22+44=18,则S 5=(C)A.21B.48C.75D.83解析解法一令b n =,则数列{b n }为等差数列.b 1=11=3,22+44=b 2+b 4=18,设数列{b n }的公差为d ,则3+d +3+3d =18,解得d =3,∴b n =3n ,即=3n .∴S n =3n 2,故S 5=3×52=75.故选C.解法二设等差数列{a n }的公差为d ,则=B 1+(-1)2=a 1+-12d ,又因为a 1=S 1=3,则22+44=a 1+2+a 1+32d =2a 1+2d =6+2d =18,解得d =6,因此S 5=5a 1+5×42d =5a 1+10d =5×3+10×6=75.故选C.3.[2024吉林白城模拟]已知等差数列{a n }是递增数列,且满足a 3+a 5=14,a 2a 6=33,则a 1a 7=(C)A.33 B.16C.13D.12解析由等差数列的性质,得a 2+a 6=a 3+a 5=14,又a 2a 6=33,解得2=3,6=11或2=11,6=3,又{a n }是递增数列,∴2=3,6=11,∴d =6-26-2=2,∴a 1a 7=(a 2-d )(a 6+d )=(3-2)×(11+2)=13.故选C.4.[2023陕西宝鸡模拟]已知首项为2的等差数列{a n }的前30项中,奇数项的和为A ,偶数项的和为B ,且B -A =45,则a n =(B )A.3n -2B.3n -1C.3n +1D.3n +2解析在等差数列{a n }中,首项a 1=2,设其公差为d ,由前30项中奇数项的和为A ,偶数项的和为B ,且B -A =45,可得-a 1+a 2-…-a 29+a 30=15d =45,解得d =3,∴a n =a 1+(n -1)d =2+3(n -1),即a n =3n -1,故选B.5.[多选/2024山东模拟]已知等差数列{a n }的前n 项和为S n ,公差为d ,a 3=a 1-4,S 7=154,则(AC)A.d =-2B.a1=30C.-320是数列{a n}中的项D.S n取得最大值时,n=14解析由题意可得a3=a1+2d=a1-4,即d=-2,A正确;S7=154=7a1+7×62d⇒a1=28,B错误;a n=a1+(n-1)d=30-2n,令a n=-320,得n=175,即C正确;S n=(1+)2=n(29-n),结合二次函数图象的对称性及单调性,可知当n=14或n=15时,S n取得最大值,即D错误.故选AC.6.[2023广州市二检]在数列{a n}中,a1=2,a m+n=a m+a n(m,n∈N*),若a k a k+1=440,则正整数k=10.解析解法一令m=1,则a n+1=a n+a1,即a n+1-a n=2,所以数列{a n}是以2为首项,2为公差的等差数列,即a n=2+(n-1)×2=2n,又k为正整数,所以a k a k+1=2k×2(k+1)=440,即k(k+1)=110,解得k=10或k=-11(舍去).故填10.解法二(列举法)令m=n=1,则a2=a1+a1=4;令m=1,n=2,则a3=a1+a2=6;令m=n=2,则a4=a2+a2=8.通过观察找规律可知,数列{a n}是以2为首项,2为公差的等差数列,即a n=2+(n-1)×2=2n,又k为正整数,所以a k a k+1=2k×2(k+1)=440,即k(k+1)=110,解得k=10或k=-11(舍去).故填10.7.[2024江西抚州模拟改编]在数列{a n}中,已知a n+1-a n=a n+2-a n+1,a1013=1,则该数列前2025项的和S2025=2025.解析由a n+1-a n=a n+2-a n+1可知,数列{a n}为等差数列,所以a1+a2025=2a1013=2,所以S2025=(1+2025)×20252=2×20252=2025.8.[2024广州大学附属中学模拟]设数列{a n}和{b n}都为等差数列,记它们的前n项和分别为S n和T n,若=2-12r1,则=r2.解析由数列{a n}和{b n}都为等差数列,且=2-12r1,令a n=k(2n-1),b n=k(2n+1),k≠0,k为常数,因此等差数列{a n}的首项a1=k,等差数列{b n}的首项b1=3k,所以=1+2·1+2·=1+1+=+(2-1)3+(2r1)=r2.9.[2024浙江普陀中学模拟]已知正项数列{a n}的前n项和为S n,a1=2.(1)记c n=r1·r1,证明:数列{c n}的前n项和T n<12.(2)若S n=2a n+14-2n+3(n∈N*),证明:数列{2}为等差数列,并求{a n}的通项公式.解析(1)∵c n=r1·r1=1-1r1,∴T n=11-12+12-13+13-14+…+1-1-1+1-1r1=11-1r1=12-1r1.∵数列{a n}为正项数列,∴S n+1>0,∴12-1r1<12,即T n<12.=2a n-1+14-2n+2,(2)当n≥2且n∈N*时,S n-1∴a n=S n-S n-1=2a n+14-2n+3-2a n-1-14+2n+2=2a n-2a n-1-2n+2,整理可得a n-2a n-1=2n+2,∴2--12-1=4(n≥2),当n=1时,a1=S1=2a1+14-21+3,得a1=2,12=1,∴数列{2}是以1为首项,4为公差的等差数列,∴2=1+4(n-1)=4n-3,∴a n=(4n-3)·2n.10.[2024四川南充校考]若一个凸n(n∈N*)边形的最小内角为95°,其他内角依次增加10°,则n的值为(B)A.6或12B.6C.8D.12解析由题知该凸n边形所有内角的取值范围为(0°,180°),内角和为(n-2)·180°.因为最小内角为95°,其他内角依次增加10°,所以它的所有内角按从小到大的顺序排列构成等差数列,且最大内角为95°+(n-1)·10°=(10n+85)°,所以(n-2)·180=(95+10r85)2,即n2-18n+72=0,解得n=6或n=12,当n=12时,95°+(12-1)×10°>180°,不合题意,舍去,故n=6,故选B.11.[2024湖北孝感高中模拟]设等差数列{a n}的前n项和为S n,满足2a3-a5=7,a2+S7=12,则S n的最大值为(B)A.14B.16C.18D.20解析设{a n}的公差为d,则由题意得2a3-a5=2(a1+2d)-(a1+4d)=a1=7,a2+S7=(a1+d)+(7a1+7×62d)=56+22d=12,d=-2.因此S n=7n+(-1)2×(-2)=-(n-4)2+16≤16,故S n的最大值为16.故选B.12.[全国卷Ⅱ]北京天坛的圜丘坛为古代祭天的场所,分上、中、下三层.上层中心有一块圆形石板(称为天心石),环绕天心石砌9块扇面形石板构成第一环,向外每环依次增加9块.下一层的第一环比上一层的最后一环多9块,向外每环依次也增加9块.已知每层环数相同,且下层比中层多729块,则三层共有扇面形石板(不含天心石)(C)A.3699块B.3474块C.3402块D.3339块解析由题意知,由天心石开始向外的每环的扇面形石板块数构成一个等差数列,记为{a n},设数列{a n}的公差为d,前n项和为S n,易知其首项a1=9,d=9,所以a n=a1+(n -1)d=9n.由等差数列的性质知S n,S2n-S n,S3n-S2n也成等差数列,所以(S3n-S2n)-(S2n-S n)=S2n-2S n,即729=2(9+18)2-2×(9+9)2,解得n=9,所以三层共有扇面形石板的块数为S3n=S27=27×(9+27×9)2=3402.故选C.13.[2024江西吉安万安中学模拟]已知正项数列{a n}的前n项和为S n,若{a n}与{}均为等差数列,请写出一个满足题意的{a n}的通项公式:a n=2n-1(答案不唯一).解析令数列{a n}的公差为d,显然a1>0,由{}是等差数列,得1+3=22,即1+31+3=221+,两边平方得4a1+d=2312+31,两边平方并整理得d=2a1,则a n=a1+(n-1)d=(2n-1)a1,此时S n=1+2·n=n2a1,=n1,有r1-=1为常数,即{}是等差数列,所以数列{a n}的通项公式是a n=(2n-1)a1(a1>0),取a1=1,得a n=2n-1.14.已知正项数列{a n},其前n项和S n满足a n(2S n-a n)=1(n∈N*).(1)求证:数列{2}是等差数列,并求出S n的表达式.(2)数列{a n}中是否存在连续三项a k,+1,+2,使得1,1r1,1r2构成等差数列?请说明理由.解析(1)依题意知,正项数列{a n}中,12=1,得a1=1,当n≥2时,a n=S n-S n-1,则(S n-S n-1)[2S n-(S n-S n-1)]=1,整理得,2--12=1,又12=12=1,∴数列{2}是以1为首项,1为公差的等差数列,∴2=n(n∈N*),∴S n=.(2)数列{a n}中不存在连续三项a k,a k+1,a k+2,使得1,1r1,1r2构成等差数列.理由如下:当n≥2时,a n=S n-S n-1=--1,∵当n=1时,a1=1,符合上式,∴a n=--1(n∈N*),∴1==+-1,假设数列{a n}中存在连续三项a k,a k+1,a k+2,使得1,1r1,1r2构成等差数列,则2(+1+)=+-1++2++1,即+1+=-1++2,两边同时平方,得k+1+k+2+1·=k-1+k+2+2-1·+2,∴(k+1)k=(k-1)(k+2),整理得k2+k=k2+k-2,得0=-2,又0≠-2,∴假设错误,∴数列{a n}中不存在连续三项a k,a k+1,a k+2,使得1,1r1,1r2构成等差数列. 15.[等差数列与向量综合]已知S n,T n分别为等差数列{a n},{b n}的前n项和,=3r24r5,设点A是直线BC外一点,点P是直线BC上一点,且A =2+43A +λA ,则实数λ的值为(B)A.2825B.-925C.325D.18253×5+24×5+5解析因为P,B,C三点共线,所以2+43+λ=1,所以233+λ=1,33=1+52×51+52×5=55==1725,所以233+λ=3425+λ=1,λ=-925.故选B.16.记等差数列{a n}的前n项和为S n,若a6=18,S10=165,b n=cos(π),为奇数,sin(π),为偶数,则b1+b2+b3+…+b2025=-1013.解析设数列{a n}的公差为d,则a6=a1+5d=18,S10=10a1+45d=165,得a1=3,d=3,所以a n=3+(n-1)×3=3n,当n为奇数时,b n=cos(3nπ)=-1,当n为偶数时,b n=sin(3nπ)=0,故b1+b2+b3+…+b2025=-1013.。
TRVV是指Total Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Performance的首字母缩写。
3.Mean Time to Repair (MTTR):平均修复时间,是指系统停机后恢复正常运行所需要的平均时间。
参考 药品生产质量管理规范(2010年修订) (GMP2010版)洁净度级别要 求.各功能室的洁净级别要求为 :一次更衣室、洗衣洁具间为D级(ISO8).二次 更衣室、配制间为C级(ISO7).层流洁净工作台为B级(ISO5).详见表 2.其他功能室应作为控制区域加强管理.
2. 1 配制环境 2.1.1 配制环境及洁净度要求
(1)肠外营养液应集中调配与供应. (2)各功能室洁净度应满足配液需求并定期验证. (3)肠外营养液的配制操作应在B级(ISO5级)环 境中完成. (4)推荐采用尘埃粒子计数器测定悬浮粒子.
<静脉用药集中调配质量管理规范 >要求. 医疗机构应设置静脉用药调配中心对肠外营养液进行集中调配与供应.其总体 设施和布局应满足配液洁净度需求.保持静脉用药调配室温度18 ~26 ℃. 相对湿度35% ~75%.保持一定量新风.
工业化生产多腔袋是患者更加经济与安全的选择。市售标准配方的工业化 预混式产品适用于病情平稳的患者。但MCB微量营养素不够全面、宏量 营养素配比单一.使用时需要额外添加不同的营养组分以满足临床治疗需求.
2..3 配制方法
进行肠外营养液配制之前.肠外营养处方必须经 药师审核.推荐制定适合医疗机构的配制操作规 范.
2..3..1 人工配制
(1)肠外营养液的配制顺序 : ①将磷酸盐加入氨基酸或高浓度葡萄糖中. ②将其他电解质、微量元素加入葡萄糖液 (或氨基酸 )中.不能与磷酸盐加入到同一 稀释液中.电解质注射液也可加入0. 9%氯化钠注射液或葡萄糖氯化钠注射液中. ③用脂溶性维生素溶解水溶性维生素后加入脂肪乳剂中.如处方不含脂肪乳.可用5 %葡萄糖溶解并稀释水溶性维生素.复合维生素制剂 (同时包含 脂溶性和水溶性维生素).可用5%葡萄糖或脂肪乳溶解并稀释 (不同制剂的配制操 作需参照说明书). ④将氨基酸先加入一次性肠外营养输液袋 (后文简称 “三升袋 ”)内.后将葡萄糖、 0 .9%氯化钠、葡萄糖氯化钠等液体加入三升袋内混合. ⑤将含钙盐的溶液加入三升袋内混合. ⑥目视检查三升袋内有无浑浊、异物、变色以及沉淀生成. ⑦完成上述操作后.将脂肪乳剂加入三升袋中. ⑧应一次性不间断地完成配制操作.并不断轻摇三升袋.使其混合均匀.配制完毕后. 尽可能排净袋中空气.悬挂以观察是否出现开裂、渗漏、沉淀、异物、变色等异常 情况. ⑨推荐配制完成的营养液配方用标签表明.包括总容量、成分、建议输注时间和有 效期等.
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易挥发有机气体的计算 固定顶储罐 浮顶罐呼吸损耗的计算方法
易挥发有机气体的计算(固定顶储罐、浮顶罐呼吸损耗的计算方法) 诸位:这是一篇关于固定顶储罐储存有机液体时所产生的呼吸损耗的计算方法 (依据美国的研究成果),特提供给大家参考,如有做化工类的或加油站(库)项目 环评时可套用. 1、储存有机液体的基本罐型有固定顶罐、浮顶罐、可变蒸气空间罐和压力罐等 五种�而固定顶罐是一种最普通的罐型�在国内最常被使用�是储存有机液体的 普通罐型�一般认为是最低的接受水平�特别是在加油站和石油库用于储存汽油 和柴油。 典型的固定顶罐由带有永久性附加罐顶的园筒钢壳组成�其罐顶可以有锥形、园 拱顶形到平顶的不同设计。固定顶罐一般装有压力和排气口�它使储罐能在极低 或真空下操作�压力和真空阀仅在温度、压力或液面变化微小的情况下阻止蒸气 释放。固定顶罐的主要是呼吸排放和工作排放等两种排放方式。 2.排放量计算 2.1 呼吸排放 呼吸排放是由于温度和大气压力的变化引起蒸气的膨胀和收缩而产生的蒸气排 出�它出现在罐内液面无任何变化的情况�是非人为干扰的自然排放方式。 固定顶罐的呼吸排放可用下式估算其污染物的排放量� LB=0.191×M�P/�100910-P��^0.68×D^1.73×H^0.51×△T^0.45×FP×C×KC 式中�LB—固定顶罐的呼吸排放量�Kg/a�� M—储罐内蒸气的分子量� P—在大量液体状态下�真实的蒸气压力�Pa�� D—罐的直径�m�� H—平均蒸气空间高度�m�� △T—一天之内的平均温度差�℃�� FP—涂层因子�无量纲��根据油漆状况取值在 1~1.5 之间� C — 用 于 小 直 径 罐 的 调 节 因 子 � 无 量 纲 � ; 直 径 在 0~9m 之 间 的 罐 体 � C=1-0.0123(D-9)^2 ; 罐径大于 9m 的 C=1� KC—产品因子�石油原油 KC 取 0.65�其他的有机液体取 1.0� 2.2 工作排放
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2015年美国韩达摩特汽车有限公司发布的《Honda 豪华版 5P 外观表》说明书
© 2015 American Honda Motor Co., Inc - All Rights Reserved.0SR90-HL4-211B & 211CPARTS LIST(Exterior View)(Interior View)(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(15)(16)(18)(19)(22)(21)(21)(20)(17)(13)(14)No.Description Qty(1)Latch knob 2(2) 6 mm washer12(3) 6 x 20 mm pan head bolt 4(4)7/16 x 20 TPI Ball end2(5)5/16 inch lock nut2(6) 6 mm lock nut4(7) 6 x 16 mm pan head bolt4(8) 6 x 40 mm bolt1(9)8 mm flange nut1(10)Hose clamp4(11)Locking hinge4(12)Left/Right latch 1 ea.(13)Striker2(14)Striker cover2(15)Gas spring2(16)Latch plate2(17)Philips head screw2(18)Jacknut4(19)Threadlocker1(20)Strap2(21)Rear door (Left and Right)2(22)Rubber pad4(23)Installation Instruction URL (not shown)1 TOOLS AND SUPPLIES REQUIREDGlovesSafety gogglesPunchPower drillDrill bit (9.5 mm)Open-end wrench (10 mm, 13 mm)Hex wrench (4 mm, 5 mm)Philips head screwdriverFlat head screwdriverSlip joint pliersSockets (10 mm, 4 mm hex driver, 6 mm hex driver, Phillips driver)Torque wrench TORQUE CHARTTighten all screws, bolts, and nuts to their specified torque values. Refer to the service manual for the torque values of the removed parts.Item N·m kgf·m lbf·ft6 mm fasteners1017.45/16 fasteners16.9 1.712.57/16 x 20 TPI ball end30 3.122.1 Philips head screw 5.50.5 4.1 Jacknut 4.50.5 3.3Hose clamp 4.50.5 3.3USE AND CARE INFORMATION• Completely read and understand the instructions before installing this accessory.• Do not tow the vehicle on an open trailer with this accessory installed, as the accessory is not designed for use at highway speeds.• To clean, sponge with mild soap and cold water, rinse with a hose and allow it to drip-dry.• Do not machine wash or dry.• Use mild detergent to remove stubborn stains.• The window can be rolled up and stowed using the webbing straps and snaps.• Do not force the window zipper. In case of a jam, unzip and remove any obstructions. If problems persist, the zipper must be cleaned.• The window zipper should be cleaned using a toothbrush with soap and water and rinsed as needed to keep it free of dust and dirt. Once the zipper is cleaned, the teeth should be lubricatedusing beeswax.When the fabric doors are wet or muddy, the additional weight could cause the door to close unexpectedly. You could be injured if the door closes unexpectedly. Use caution when standing nearby the door while it is in the open position.INSTALLATION1. Apply threadlocker to threads of the 6 x 16 mm panhead bolts, 6 x 20 mm pan head bolts, and the 7/16 x 20 TPI ball end following the instructions on the packet.© 2015 American Honda Motor Co., Inc - All Rights Reserved.0SR90-HL4-211B & 211C2. Loosely install the latch to the latch plate with thestamped markings up, making sure the opening in the latch lines up with the opening in the latch plate as shown. Install using the 6 x 16 mm pan head bolts and 6 mm washers. Center the bolts in the slots and finger tighten them.Assemble the other latch/plate.E BE R HA R D6 x 16 mm PANHEAD BOLT6 mm WASHERLATCHLATCH PLATE3. Install the strap and latch knob to the latch usingthe Phillips head screw as shown.• Install the latch knob on the same side of the latchas the latch plate, with the strap between the screwand the latch.• Use the slip joint pliers to grip the knob and fullytighten the screw to secure the strap and the knob.LATCH KNOBPHILLIPS HEADSCREW4. Attach the latch plate assembly to the fabric reardoor using the 6 mm washers and locknuts.6 mm WASHERLOCKNUTFABRIC REAR DOORFRAME STUD INSERT5. Loosely install the locking hinges on the upper rearcab frame using the hose clamps and rubber padsas shown.• The rubber pad should be installed against thebase of the locking hinge.• The locking hinge should be installed with theopening facing down and the hinge portion to theinside of the vehicle.• The locking hinge should be able to move freelyon the cab frame.LOCKING HINGECAB FRAMEHOSE CLAMPRUBBER PADLOCKING HINGECAB FRAMEAB FR R ASTRAPOPENING© 2015 American Honda Motor Co., Inc - All Rights Reserved.0SR90-HL4-211B & 211C© 2015 American Honda Motor Co., Inc - All Rights Reserved.0SR90-HL4-211B & 211C 6. Install the rear fabric door to the locking hinges sothat the forward hinge is between the two plastic buttons on the door frame as shown.Adjust the hinges so that the door frame is centered inside of the cab frame and the fabric door bottom seal fully contacts the lower door.Tighten the hose clamps once the door is correctly aligned.• Be sure that the rubber pads are positioned between the hinges and the cab frame.• Do not over tighten the hose clamps.Install and adjust the other door.CAB FRAMEHOSE CLAMP RUBBER PADPLASTIC BUTTONLOCKING HINGEOS7. Remove the original equipment ball end from thebody end of the gas spring as shown.Install the 7/16 x 20 TPI ball end (from parts kit) intothe the seat belt anchor as shown. Attach the long strap (hanging off the door) onto theball end by pushing the hole in the end of the strap over the ball as shown. Install the threaded end of the gas spring to the doorbracket with a 5/16 inch locknut.Snap the body end end of the gas spring over theball end. Repeat the above steps on the other door.GAS SPRINGTHREADED ENDSEAT BELT ANCHOR7/16 x 20 TPI BALL END (From parts kit.)5/16 inch LOCKNUTDOOR BRACKETFABRIC DOOR FRAMEBALL END(Remove and discard.)LONG STRAP 7/16x 20Move spring clip only enoughto release the ball end.© 2015 American Honda Motor Co., Inc - All Rights Reserved.0SR90-HL4-211B & 211C8. Temporarily place the striker on top of the closedlower door. Center the latch and latch plate in both sets of slots; swing the fabric door into place and align the striker with the door latch.Close the latch onto the striker. Hold the striker brackets in place while unlatching and opening the fabric door.Mark the top edge of the lower door through the centers of the striker slots as shown.Drill 9.5 mm holes at the marked points on the lower door.Repeat the above steps on the other door.TOP EDGE OF LOWER DOORDOOR LATCHSTRIKERMark drill holes.9. Install a jacknut into each drilled hole on the lowerdoor:Apply a tapping/cutting or general use oil to thethreads of the jacknut. Press the jacknut into the 9.5 mm hole on the top ofthe door.Align the 8 mm flange nut over the jacknut with theflange down.Thread the 6 x 40 mm bolt into the jacknut, throughthe flange nut until it is finger tight. Tighten the bolt to the jacknut torque value specifiedin the Torque Chart.• Use a wrench to keep the flange nut from spinning and ensure that the jacknut is seated against the plastic.Remove the bolt. Repeat for each 9.5 mm hole in both doors (twojacknuts total per door).10. Loosely install the striker and cover with two 6 x 20mm pan head bolts and washers as shown.Remove the striker cover from the striker loop and then close the door and fully tighten the striker hardware.Install the striker and cover on the other door.STRIKERWASHERSTRIKER COVER6 x 20 mm PAN HEAD BOLTINSTALLED JACKNUTTOP EDGE OF LOWER DOOR11. Close the door and adjust the door latch and strikeruntil the fabric door closes and latches consistently.Fully tighten all hardware at this time.Adjust the door latch and striker on the other door.DOOR LATCHSTRIKERSTRIK K0SR90-HL4-211B & 211C© 2015 American Honda Motor Co., Inc - All Rights Reserved.。
等於Σ(Xi-X)*(Yi-Y)/ Σ(Xi-X)2b:常數(單位:%)等於Y-[Σ(Xi-X)*(Yi-Y)/ Σ(Xi-X)2]*X=Y-Ax註:計算時,若b>100%以100%計算X:=各測試時間點之平均值=(2000+3000+5000+10000+18000)/5=7600小時Y:各測試時間點油脂殘餘量平均值,假設有三個樣品S1、S2、S3經過i時間其油脂殘餘量如下:(1) S1樣品X=7600,Y=(99.9+99.8+99.6+99.1+98)/5=99.28%a=[(2000-7600)(99.9-99.28)+(3000-7600)(99.8-99.28)+(5000-7600)(99.6-99.28)+(10000-7600)(9931-99.28)+(18000-7600)(98-99.28)]/[(2000-7600)2+(3000-7600)2+(5000-7600)2 +(10000-7600)2+(18000-7600)2]=[(-3472)+(-2392)+(-832)+(-432)+(-13312)]/[(31360000) +(21160000)+(6760000)+(108160000)]=-20440/167440000=-0.000122b=Y-aX=99.28-(-0.000122*7600)=99.28+0.927=100.2(%),以100(%)計算依據油耗公式Y=aX+b,得知S1風扇在潤滑油量(Y)剩50%之時間X;X=(Y-b)/a=(50-100)/(-0.000122)=-50/(-0.000122)=409836小時(2) S2樣品X=7600,Y=(99.5+99.2+97+93+87)/5=95.14%a=[(2000-7600)(99.5-95.14)+(3000-7600)(99.2-95.14)+(5000-7600)(97-95.14)+(10000-7 600)(9.-95.14)+(18000-7600)(87-95.14)]/[(2000-7600)2+(3000-7600)2+(5000-7600)2+(10000-7600)2+(18000-7600)2]=[(-24420)+ (-18680)+(-4840)+(-5140)+(-84660)]/[(31360000)+(21160000)+(6760000)+(108160000)] =-137740/167440000=-0.0008226b=Y-aX=95.14-(-0.0008226*7600)=95.14+6.25=101.39(%),以100%計算依據油耗公式Y=aX+b,得知S2風扇在潤滑油量(Y)剩50%之時間X:X=(Y-b)/a=(50-100)/(-0.0008226)=-50/(-0.0008226)=60782小時(3) S3樣品X=7600,Y=(99.5+99.3+98+96+93)/5=97.16%a=[(2000-7600)(99.5-97.16)+(3000-7600)(99.3-97.16)+(5000-7600)(98-97.16)+(10000-7 600)(96-97.16)+(18000-7600)(93-97.16)]/[(2000-7600)2+(3000-7600)2+(5000-7600)2+(10000-7600)2+(18000-7600)2]=[(-13104)+ (-9844)+(-2184)+(-2784)+(-43264)]/[(31360000)+(21160000)+(6760000)+(108160000)]=-71180/167440000=-0.0004251b=Y-aX=0.90-(-0.0004251*7600)=97.14+3.23=100.37(%),以100%計算依據油耗公式Y=aX+b,得知S3風扇在潤滑油量(Y)剩50%之時間X:X=(Y-b)/a=(50-100)/(-0.0004251)=-50/(-0.0004251)=117619小時6.由以上三樣品得知:油料最先消耗50%的風扇為S2,時間為60782小時最慢者為S1,時間409836小時所以得知t1=60782小時,t2=409836小時7.MTTF=t1+(t2-t1)*0.632=60782+(409836-60782)*0.632=60782+220602=281 384小時L10=t1+(t2-t1)*0.1=60782+(409836-60782)*0.1=60782+34905=95687小時平均故障间隔期(MTBF)MTBF分析法是指可以修理的设备从故障起到下一次故障为止,若干次的时间平均值。