



杭州高中分班考科学测试卷4(本试卷满分120分,考试时间为60分钟,答案写在答题卷上)相对原子质量; Mg: 24; O:16;C:12; H:1; N:14; Al:27: Na:23 Cl:35.5 Ag:108 K:39 Zn:65 Fe:56 Ca:40 Cu:64一、选择题(每小题3分,共45分,每小题只有一个选项符合题意)1.某温度下,向一定质量的饱和石灰水中加入少量生石灰,当溶液恢复到原温度时,下列叙述正确的是()A.溶液的碱性不变B.溶质的溶解度先变大后不变C.溶质的质量分数变大D.溶液中溶质质量不变2.下列说法正确的是( )。

(A)氯化镁溶液导电时,镁离子向电源正极移动(B)将一小块金属钠加入氯化铁溶液中有气体和红褐色沉淀生成(C)除去铜粉中少量的氧化铜可以将H2或C0通入其中(D)降低一瓶密封保存的KN03饱和溶液的温度后,仍为饱和溶液,溶质质量分数不变3.工业品盐酸中因含有Fe3+而带黄色,若某工业品盐酸中的H+和Cl-的个数比为91:94,则该盐酸中Fe3+和Cl-的个数比为( )A.1:1 B.1:3 C.91:94 D.1:944.用含杂质(杂质不与酸反应)的铁10g与50g稀硫酸充分反应,铁屑耗完,溶液的质量为55.4g,则此铁的纯度为()A.84% B.28% C.56% D.无法确定5.用下图装置测定水中氢、氧元素的质量比,其方法是分别测定通氢气前后玻璃管(包括氧化铜)的质量差和U型管(包括碱石灰)的质量差,计算得氢元素和氧元素的质量比大于1﹕8。

下列对导致这一结果的原因的分析中不合理的是( )A、I、Ⅱ装置之间缺少干燥装置B、III装置后缺乏干燥装置C、CuO没有全部被还原D、Ⅱ装置中玻璃管内有水冷凝6.在反应中 M+2N==R+2Q中,3.2gM与N恰好完全反应后,生成8.8gR,且反应生成的R和Q的质量比为11:9,则在此反应中M和N的相对分子质量之比为()A. 1:2 B.1:4 C.9:16 D.4:97.为预防禽流感,某养鸡场配置消毒液,在量筒内量取消毒液体积时仰视读数,量取稀释所用蒸馏水的体积时俯视读数(其他操作均正确),则所配的消毒液的质量分数是( ) A .无法确定 B .无影响 C .偏大 D .偏小8. 物体放在凸透镜前12cm 处,在透镜另一侧的光屏上成一个倒立放大的像.当物体距凸透镜8cm 时,所成的像( )A .一定是倒立放大的实像B .可能是倒立缩小的实像C .可能是正立放大的虚像D .可能是正立等大的虚像9.有两个导体,电阻值均为20欧,把它们串联或并联起来,其总电阻的大小分别是 (A) 40欧,10欧 (B) 40欧,80欧 (C) 80欧,40欧 (D) 10欧,40欧 10.如图钩码与装水的试管在定滑轮的两边处于静止(不计摩擦、绳重和空气阻力),用手指向上轻弹一下试管底部,试管离开手 指后到与定滑轮接触前,试管将( )A .向上加速运动B .向上减速运动C .向上匀速运动D .以上说法都不对11.有两个灯泡,1L 标有“6V ,3W ”的字样,2L 没有标记测得2L 电阻为Ω6,把它们串联在电路中,两灯均正常发光,那么该电路两端电压和2L 的电功率分别是( ) A. 12V ,3WB. 12V ,1.5WC. 9V ,3WD. 9V ,1.5W12.两根阻值比为2:1:21=R R 的电阻丝通过的电流之比1:2:21=I I ,在相同的时间内,它们所放出的热量之比21:Q Q 为( ) A. 1:1B. 2:1C. 1:2D. 1:413.如图所示,甲、乙两个物体质量相同,分别静止在水面下1米和2米深处,由此可以判定( )。







4.本试卷取g=10N/kg一、选择题(每小题6分,共48分)1.(6分)如图所示,物块M在静止的传送带上以速度v匀速下滑时,传送带突然启动,方向如图中箭头所示,若传送带的速度大小也为v,则传送带启动后(CD)A. M静止在传送带上 B.M可能沿斜面向上运动C. M受到的摩擦力不变 D.M下滑的速度不变2.(6分)如图,四个完全相同的弹簧都处于水平位置,它们的右端受到大小皆为F的拉力作用,而左端的情况各不相同:①中弹簧的左端固定在墙上,②中弹簧的左端受大小也为F的拉力作用,③中弹簧的左端拴一小物块,物块在光滑的桌面上滑动,④中弹簧的左端拴一小物块,物块在有摩擦的桌面上滑动.若认为弹簧的质量都为零,以L1、L2、L3、L4依次表示四个弹簧的伸长量,则有(C)A.L1=L2<L3<L4B.L2>L1>L3>L4C.L1=L2=L3=L4D.L1=L2>L3=L43.(6分)动圈式话筒和磁带录音机都应用了电磁感应现象,图1是话筒原理图,图2是录音机的录音、放音原理图,由图可知()A.话筒工作时磁铁不动线圈振动而产生感应电流B.录音机放音时变化的磁场在静止的线圈里产生感应电流C.录音机放音时线圈中变化的电流在磁头缝隙处产生变化的磁场D.录音机录音时线圈中变化的电流在磁头缝隙处产生变化的磁场4.(6分)比热容是2.44×103焦/(千克•℃)的酒精和水(4.19×103焦/千克•℃)均匀混合后,比热容变成了2.94×103焦/(千克•℃),则混合液中酒精和水质量之比是()A.5:2 B.2:5 C.29:35 D.29:50 5.(6分)在光滑的水平桌面上,叠放甲、乙两木块,木块乙从右端匀速地抽出来,所用的拉力F=15N,则甲、乙两木块所受的摩擦力是()A.甲为零,乙受向左的15N的力B.甲和乙都受向右15N的力C.甲和乙都受向左7.5N的力D.甲和乙都是15N,甲受向右的力,乙受向左的力6.(6分)图中所示杠杆处于平衡状态()A.将A处砝码移到C,B处砝码移到D时,杠杆重新达到平衡B.将A、B两处砝码各减掉一个时,杠杆仍保持平衡C.将A处砝码移到E,B处砝码增加两个时,杠杆重新达到平衡D.将B处砝码移到F,并增加一个砝码时,杠杆重新达到平衡7.(6分)赵军同学在电学实验中连接了如图所示的电路,当他闭合开关后,发现灯不亮、电流表无示数.老师给了他一个电压表,当他将电压表分别接在ab之间和bc之间时,电压表示数均为零,而接在bd之间或cd之间时,电压表示数均不为零.这说明()A.灯泡灯丝断了或灯座接触不良B.电流表接线柱接触不良C.开关的触片或接线柱接触不良D.电源接线柱接触不良8.(6分)如图所示,当变阻器滑片P向右滑动时,两电压表示数的变化情况是()A.V1增大,V2增大B.V1减小,V2增大C.V1增大,V2减小D.V1减小,V2减小二、填空题:(第9、10、11题每题8分,第12、13题每题6分,共36分)9.(8分)一个物体同时受到二个力的作用,这二个力的作用线在同一平面内,两个力的大小分别是3牛和5牛.则它们的合力F的大小可能范围是_________.10.(8分)有一条瀑布,每分钟有60m3的水从50m高处落下,想用它建设小水电站,若水的机械能有60%转化为电能,若送电电压为10000V,则导线上的电流是_________安.11.(8分)如图是在高速公路上用超声波测速仪测量车速的示意图.测速仪发出并接收超声波脉冲信号,根据发出和接收到的信号间的时间差,测出被测物体的速度.图b中P1、P2是测速仪发出的超声波,n1、n2分别是P1、P2由汽车反射回来的信号.设测速仪匀速扫描,P1、P2之间的时间间隔△t=0.8s,超声波在空气中传播的速度是v=340m/s,若汽车是匀速行驶的,则根据图b可知,图中每小格表示的时间是_________秒,汽车在接收到P1、P2两个信号之间的时间内前进的距离是_________米.12.(6分)如图所示,电灯L1和L2均标有“220V 60W”,L3和L4均标有“220V 40W”,则4盏灯接入电路中,最亮的是_________,最暗的是_________.电路中允许通过的最大电流是_________安.13.(6分)如图所示,闭合回路的ab部分在一磁场B1中,cd部分在另一磁场B2中,当使ab水平向_________方向运动时,ab 受的安培力方向水平向左;cd由于安培力作用可能水平向_________运动;螺线管上方的检测小磁针的N极应指向_________侧.三、计算题:(每题12分,共36分)14.(12分)盼盼同学家买了一辆电动自行车,它行驶的动力是靠蓄电池提供的.当它的工作电压为35V,工作电流为6A时.试求:(1)如果蓄电池的持续放电时间为3h,则该车以5m/s的速度匀速行驶的最大行程是多少km?在这一过程中,蓄电池给电动车提供了多少电能?(2)电动车蓄电池的电功率一部分转化为无用功率,另一部分转化为车行驶的有用功率,其效率为80%.当电动车以6m/s的速度匀速行驶时,它所受到的阻力是多少?15.(12分)右图所示是一个分压电路.图中的负载电阻R1=100欧姆,电源电压是15伏特,伏特表的量程为15伏特,滑动变阻器R AB上标有“150Ω 0.15A”字样.当滑片P自左向右移动时,电源电压保持不变,但伏特表的示数会发生变化.问:(1)电阻R1和R AP、R PB中哪一个通过的电流最强(说明理由)?(2)在不损坏电路元件的前提下,伏特表示数的变化范围是多少?16.(12分)如图,木块浸没在水中,细线对木块的拉力是4牛.剪断细线,待木块静止后,将木块露出水面的部分切去,再在剩余的木块上加向下的1牛压力时,木块有20厘米3的体积露出水面.求:(1)切去部分的体积;(2)木块的密度.(g取10N/kg)17、如图所示,图甲是利用电动机提升重物的示意图,其中D是直流电动机.闭合开关S,当电动机正常工作时,电压表的示数是U=8V.图乙中图线是图甲中的电源的路端电压随电流变化的关系图象.已知电动机线圈的电阻R线=3Ω(g取10m/s2).试根据题中所给信息求:(1)电源的电动势E和内电阻r;(2)电动机消耗的电功率P电;(3)电动机正常工作时的输出功率P输出.高中新生入学分班考试科学详细答案一、选择题(每小题6分,共48分)1.(6分)如图所示,物块M在静止的传送带上以速度v匀速下滑时,传送带突然启动,方向如图中箭头所示,若传送带的速度大小也为v,则传送带启动后()A.M静止在传送带上B.M可能沿斜面向上运动C.M受到的摩擦力不变D.M下滑的速度不变考点:滑动摩擦力;力的合成与分解的运用;共点力平衡的条件及其应用.分析:对物体受力分析,由于传送带是向上运动的,对物体的受力没有影响,所以物体的运动状态不变.解答:解:由于传送带是向上转动的,在传送带启动前后,物块都只受重力、支持力、沿斜面向上的滑动摩擦力物块受力不变,所以其下滑的速度也不变.故选CD点评:物体本来就是向下运动,受到的摩擦力是向上的,当传送带在向上转动时,对物体的受力没影响,可以思考一下,如果传送带向下转动,情况又会如何呢?2.(6分)如图,四个完全相同的弹簧都处于水平位置,它们的右端受到大小皆为F的拉力作用,而左端的情况各不相同:①中弹簧的左端固定在墙上,②中弹簧的左端受大小也为F的拉力作用,③中弹簧的左端拴一小物块,物块在光滑的桌面上滑动,④中弹簧的左端拴一小物块,物块在有摩擦的桌面上滑动.若认为弹簧的质量都为零,以L1、L2、L3、L4依次表示四个弹簧的伸长量,则有()A.L1=L2<L3<L4B.L2>L1>L3>L4C.L1=L2=L3=L4D.L1=L2>L3=L4考点:胡克定律;牛顿第二定律.专题:受力分析方法专题.分析:由图得到弹簧的弹力大小,由胡克定律分析弹簧伸长量的关系.解答:解:由图看出,四个弹簧的弹力都是F,四个弹簧完全相同,劲度系数相同,则由胡克定律分析得知四个簧的伸长量相同,即有L1=L2=L3=L4.故C正确.故选C点评:本题是容易出错的是②,认为弹簧的弹力是2F或0,基本题.3.(6分)动圈式话筒和磁带录音机都应用了电磁感应现象,图1是话筒原理图,图2是录音机的录音、放音原理图,由图可知( )A . 话筒工作时磁铁不动线圈振动而产生感应电流B . 录音机放音时变化的磁场在静止的线圈里产生感应电流C . 录音机放音时线圈中变化的电流在磁头缝隙处产生变化的磁场D . 录音机录音时线圈中变化的电流在磁头缝隙处产生变化的磁场考点: 常见传感器的工作原理.分析: 本题考查对录音放音知识的了解,是电流的磁效应和电磁感应现象的具体应用.(1)录音时,声音先转变成强弱变化的电流,这样的电流通过录音磁头,产生了弱变化的磁场.磁带划磁头时,磁带上的小颗粒被强弱不同地磁化,于是记录了一连串有关磁性变化的信息;(2)放音时,磁带贴着放音磁头运动,磁性强弱变化的磁带使放音磁头中产生变化的感应电流,电流经大后使扬声器发声,这便“读”出了录音带中记录的信息.解答: 解:A 、话筒工作时,通过线圈切割磁感线,产生感应电动势,从而形成感应电流,故A 正确,B 、录音时是电生磁,即利用了电流的磁效应原理;放音时是磁生电,即利用了电磁感应现象原理.故B 正确,C 错误;故选ABD .点评: 声音的录放设备中应用了很多的磁现象知识,如:动圈式话筒将声信号转化成电信号,利用了电磁感应现象原理;扬声器将电信号转化成声信号,利用了通电导体在磁场中受力原理;录音技术是将电信号转化成磁信号,利用了电流的磁效应原理;放音技术是把磁信号转化为电信号,利用了电磁感应现象原理.请同学对比记忆.4.(6分)比热容是2.44×103焦/(千克•℃)的酒精和水(4.19×103焦/千克•℃)均匀混合后,比热容变成了2.94×103焦/(千克•℃),则混合液中酒精和水质量之比是( )A . 5:2B . 2:5C . 29:35D . 29:50考点:热平衡方程的应用;热量的计算.分析:设酒精、水的质量分别为m 1、m 2,升高温度△t ,则酒精溶液吸收的热量等于水吸收的热量加上酒精吸收的热量知道溶液的比热容,可求酒精和水的质量关系.解答: 解:混合液温度升高△t 吸收的热量:Q 总=c 液m 液△t=c 液(m 1+m 2)△t ,酒精吸收的热量:Q 酒=c 酒m 1△t ,水吸收的热量:Q 水=c 水m 2△t ,则Q 总=Q 水+Q 酒,c 液(m 1+m 2)△t=c 酒m 1△t+c 水m 2△t ,(c 液﹣c 酒)m 1=(c 水﹣c 液)m 2,∴m 1:m 2=(c 水﹣c 液):(c 液﹣c 酒)=[4.19J/(kg •℃)﹣2.94J/(kg •℃)]:[2.94J/(kg •℃)﹣2.44J/(kg •℃)]=2.故选A .点评:本题考查了学生对吸热公式的掌握和运用,知道混合液升高温度吸收的热量等于水和酒精吸收的热量之和是本题关键.5.(6分)在光滑的水平桌面上,叠放甲、乙两木块,木块乙从右端匀速地抽出来,所用的拉力F=15N ,则甲、乙两木块所受的摩擦力是( )A . 甲为零,乙受向左的15N 的力B . 甲和乙都受向右15N 的力C . 甲和乙都受向左7.5N 的力D . 甲和乙都是15N ,甲受向右的力,乙受向左的力考点: 二力平衡条件的应用;摩擦力的大小;摩擦力的方向.专题: 图析法.分析: (1)判断物体是否受力平衡的方法是先确定研究对象,其次分析受力情况,若满足二力平衡的条件,则力平衡,若不满足,则不平衡.(2)解答此题的关键是需要分别把木块甲和木块乙作为研究对象,进行受力分析.解答: 解:(1)由题意可以得知,木块乙受平衡力的作用,其中在水平方向受拉力F 和甲对其向左的摩擦力作用根据二力平衡的条件可以判断,乙木块受到的摩擦力为15牛,方向水平向左.(2)如图所示,木块甲静止,所以甲受平衡力的作用,在水平方向受细绳对其向左的拉力与乙对其向右摩擦力作用,摩擦力的大小为15N .故选D .点评: 此题主要考查了二力平衡条件及摩擦力方向的判断,解决此题的关键是分别以甲或乙为研究对象进行分析找出相互平衡的力.6.(6分)使图中所示杠杆处于平衡状态( )A . 将A 处砝码移到C ,B 处砝码移到D 时,杠杆重新达到平衡B . 将A 、B 两处砝码各减掉一个时,杠杆仍保持平衡C . 将A 处砝码移到E ,B 处砝码增加两个时,杠杆重新达到平衡D.将B处砝码移到F,并增加一个砝码时,杠杆重新达到平衡考点:杠杆的平衡条件.专题:推理法.分析:杠杆平衡时力和力臂的乘积相等,无论怎样移动砝码,只要保证杠杆两边的力和力臂的乘积相等,则杠杆平衡.根据杠杆平衡的条件对各选项进行逐一进行分析.解答:解:钩码个数×格数可代表力×力臂.A、左边:4×3,右边:2×5,左边下倾.B、左边:3×2,右边:1×4,左边下倾.C、左边:4×4,右边:4×4,杠杆平衡.D、左边:4×2,右边:3×3,右边下倾.由杠杆平衡条件可得,在C选项的操作中,杠杆可以平衡.故选C.点评:本题考查学生对杠杆平衡条件的理解并会有效解决实际问题.7.(6分)赵军同学在电学实验中连接了如图所示的电路,当他闭合开关后,发现灯不亮、电流表无示数.老师给了他一个电压表,当他将电压表分别接在ab之间和bc之间时,电压表示数均为零,而接在bd之间或cd之间时,电压表示数均不为零.这说明()A.灯泡灯丝断了或灯座接触不良B.电流表接线柱接触不良C.开关的触片或接线柱接触不良D.电源接线柱接触不良考点:电流表、电压表在判断电路故障中的应用.分析:要解决此题,需要知道电路中若无电流,则电路出现了断路现象,用电压表检测电路时,将电压表分别与各部分电路并联,若电压表的示数约等于电源电压,则该处发生了断路.解答:解:开关闭合后,电灯不亮,电流表无指示,说明电路出现断路现象;用电压表检测时,发现ab、bc间电压为零,而电压表测得bd两点间和cd两点间的电压均不为零,说明灯泡和电流表都完好,开关处出现断路.故选C.点评:本题主要考查了用电压表判断电路故障的一种方法,当电压表有示数时说明电压表之间的部分可能发生了断路.8.(6分)如图所示,当变阻器滑片P向右滑动时,两电压表示数的变化情况是()A.V1增大,V2增大B.V1减小,V2增大C.V1增大,V2减小D.V1减小,V2减小考点:电路的动态分析;串联电路的电压规律;滑动变阻器的使用;欧姆定律的应用.专题:应用题;动态预测题.分析:(1)首先判断出这三个电阻的连接方式,电压表测量谁的电压;(2)其次判断出滑片移动时,滑动变阻器接入电路的阻值变化情况,电路中总电阻和总电流的变化情况(3)结合欧姆定律和串联电路电压的特点分析电压表示数的变化情况.解答:解:(1)定值电阻R1、R2和滑动变阻器R r组成串联电路,电压表V1测量定值电阻R1两端的电压,电压表V2测量滑动变阻器R r和R2两端的电压;(2)当滑动变阻器的滑片P向右滑动时,其接入电路阻值变大,电路中总电阻变大,因此电路中电流变小(3)①定值电阻R1两端的电压为U1=IR1,I变小,R1不变,因此电阻R1两端的电压U1变小,即电压示数V1减小;②根据串联电路电压的特点,滑动变阻器和R2两端的电压U2=U﹣U1,U不变,U1都变小,所以U2变大即电压表V2的示数会增大.故选B.点评:本题主要考查电路中电压表的测量;分析时注意滑动变阻器的滑片移动引起电路中总电阻的变化情况;最后根据欧姆定律、结合串联电路中的电压关系分析电压表的变化情况.二、填空题:(第9、10、11题每题8分,第12、13题每题6分,共36分)9.(8分)一个物体同时受到二个力的作用,这二个力的作用线在同一平面内,两个力的大小分别是3牛和5牛.则它们的合力F的大小可能范围是2N~8N.考点:力的合成与应用.分析:当两力作用在同一直线上,方向相反时合力最小;当两力方向相同时合力最大.解答:解:两力的合力最小是两力方向相反时,其最小值为F=5N﹣3N=2N;最小两力合力的最大值是两力方向相同时,其最大值F最大=5N+3N=8N;合力应介于最大和最小之间,故范围为2N~8N.故答案为:2N~8N.点评:本题考查二力合力大小的范围,虽然初中阶段不要求知道合力有此范围的原因,但应明确二力的合力的最大和最小值.10.(8分)有一条瀑布,每分钟有60m3的水从50m高处落下,想用它建设小水电站,若水的机械能有60%转化为电能,若送电电压为10000V,则导线上的电流是 2.94安.考点:电功计算公式的应用;能量利用效率;功的计算;电功率的计算.专题:计算题.分析:在水下落时,水的机械能转化为电能.则可先利用公式W=Gh=mgh=ρvgh计算水下落中变化的机械能,根据效率可求得产生的电能,知道时间,则可利用公式P=可求得电功率,再由公式P=UI可求得导线上的流.解答:解:∵v=60m3,g=9.8N/kg,h=50m,∴水的机械能为:W=Gh=mgh=ρvgh=1.0×103kg/m3×60m3×9.8N/kg×50m=2.94×107J,而η=60%,∴获得的电能为:W1=Wη=2.94×107J×60%=1.764×107J,而t=1min=60s,∴电功率为:P===2.94×105W,∵U=10000V,∴由P=UI得,I===29.4A.故答案为:29.4.点评:本题考查了功、电功率及电功公式的应用,注意正确找出在导线上传输的电能即可由功率公式求得导体上的电流;同时应注意求输电功率时,一般都采用P=UI求解.11.(8分)如图是在高速公路上用超声波测速仪测量车速的示意图.测速仪发出并接收超声波脉冲信号,根据发出和接收到的信号间的时间差,测出被测物体的速度.图b中P1、P2是测速仪发出的超声波,n1、n2分别是P1、P2由汽车反射回来的信号.设测速仪匀速扫描,P1、P2之间的时间间隔△t=0.8s,超声波在空气中传播的速度是v=340m/s,若汽车是匀速行驶的,则根据图b可知,图中每小格表示的时间是0.027秒,汽车在接收到P1、P2两个信号之间的时间内前进的距离是13.6米.考点:速度与物体运动;速度的计算;超声波与次声波.专题:计算题.分析:由题意可知,P1、P2的时间间隔为0.8秒,根据图b所示P1、P2的间隔的刻度值,即可求出图中每小格表示的时间;以及P1、n1和P2、n2之间间隔的刻度值.可以求出P1、n1和P2、n2之间的时间,即超声波由发出到接收所需要的时间.从而可以求出超声波前后两次从测速仪汽车所用的时间,结合声速,进而可以求出前后两次汽车到测速仪之间的距离.解答:解:P1、P2的间隔的刻度值为30个格,时间长为0.8秒,因此图中每小格表示的时间为t==0.027s;因为P1、n1之间间隔的刻度值为12,所以对应的时间为0.32秒;P2、n2之间间隔的刻度值9,所以对应这两点之间对应的时间为0.24秒.P1、n1之间的时间为超声波第一次从测速仪发出后遇到行进的汽车又回来所用的时间,所以超声波传播到汽车所用的时间t1为0.16秒.由此可以求出汽车在接收到p1的信号时汽车与测速仪之间距离:S1=vt1=340m/s×0.16s=54.4m;同理可求出汽车在接收P2信号时汽车与测速仪之间的距离:S2=vt2=340m/s×0.12s=40.8m.由此可知,汽车在接收到P1、P2两个信号之间的时间内前进的距离:S=54.4m﹣40.8m=13.6m.故答案为0.027,13.6.点评:本题综合考查速度已经声波的计算,确定声音传播的时间是本题的难点,注意紧扣公式然后找出相关物理量才是解答本题的关键.12.(6分)如图所示,电灯L1和L2均标有“220V 60W”,L3和L4均标有“220V 40W”,则4盏灯接入电路中,最亮的是L4,最暗的是L3.电路中允许通过的最大电流是0.27安.考点:欧姆定律的应用;电功率的计算.专题:推理法.分析:由灯的铭牌可知灯的额定电压和额定功率,根据P=可以比较四灯的电阻大小;L1和L4串联,根据P=I2R,可以得出I1与I4、P1和P4的大小关系;L2和L3并联,根据P=,可以得与I3、P2和P3的大小关系;根据P=I2R判断P1和P2的大小关系;综合分析确定实际电功率最大的灯,灯的亮度取决于灯的实际电功率,据此判断那盏灯最亮;由上面分析得出,I1、I2、I3、I4的大小关系,找出最大电流的灯,它的额定电流就是电路中允许通过的最大电流.解答:解:∵P=,∴R=,∴四灯电阻:R1=R2<R3=R4,由图知,L1和L4串联,∵P=I2R,R1<R4,I1=I4,﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣①∴P1<P4;﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣②L2和L3并联,R2<R3,∵P=,∴I2>I3、P2>P3;﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣③∵P=I2R,R1=R2,I1>I2,R3=R4,I3<I4,﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣④∴P1>P2,P3<P4,﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣⑤由②③⑤可得:P3<P2<P1<P4,∴L4的电功率最大、最亮;L3的电功率最小、最暗;由①③④得出:I1=I4>I2>I3,由P=UI得:I=,∴L1的额定电流大于L4的额定电流,∴电路中允许通过的最大电流:I大=I额1==≈0.27A.故答案为:L4;L3;0.27.点评:本题考查了学生对欧姆定律、电功率公式的掌握和运用,本题关键:一是知道灯的亮度取决于灯的实际电功率,二是电功率公式的灵活选择(串联﹣P=I2R、并联﹣P=).13.(6分)如图所示,闭合回路的ab部分在一磁场B1中,cd部分在另一磁场B2中,当使ab水平向右方向运动时,ab 受的安培力方向水平向左;cd由于安培力作用可能水平向左运动;螺线管上方的检测小磁针的N极应指向左侧.考点:通电螺线管的极性和电流方向的判断;安培定则;左手定则;电磁感应.专题:图析法.分析:此题的突破口在ab 受的安培力方向水平向左,根据左手定则,可以确定导体ab中的电流方向;进而利用右手定则根据电磁感应的和磁场的方向来确定导体的运动方向.导体cd的运动方向可以通过气受力方向来判定,而其受力方向可以根据电流方向和磁场方向利用左手定来确定;利用螺线管的绕向和电流方向,结合安培定则可以确定螺线管的NS极,进而利用磁极间作用规律确定小针的N极指向.解答:解:要解决此题首先要明确两个定则:用以判定通电导体在磁场中受力的左手定则和用以判定感应电流方向的右手定则.左手定则:伸出左手,让四指与大拇指在同一平面内垂直,磁感线垂直穿过掌心,四指指向电流方向,则大拇指所指的方向就是导体受力的方向.右手定则:伸出右手,让四指与大拇指在同一平面内垂直,磁感线垂直穿过掌心,大拇指指向导体的运动方向,则四指所指的方向就是感应电流的方向.由于导体ab在磁场中受力的方向向左,结合磁场的方向根据左手定则可以确定导体中电流的方向是从a b;由于这个电流是导体ab在外力的作用下做切割磁感线运动而产生的感应电流,根据导体中电流的方向和场方向利用右手定则可以确定导体的运动方向:向右运动;导体cd中的电流方向是从c到d,结合所在的磁场方向,利用左手定则可以确定其受力方向向左,进而可以确定其运动方向向左;电流从螺线管的左端流入,右端流出,结合螺线管的绕向,利用安培定则可以确定螺线管的右端为N极左端为S极;在磁力的作用下,当小磁针静止时,小磁针的N极一定靠近螺线管的S极,即小磁针的N 指向左.故答案为:右;左;左.点评:此题涉及的内容在现行的教材中没有涉及,教材中虽然涉及了导体受力方向和感应电流的方向与哪些因素有关,但并没有涉及其方向的具体判定.在左右手定则中都是涉及三个方向,这三个方向两两垂直,使用时知二求一.三、计算题:(每题12分,共36分)14.(12分)盼盼同学家买了一辆电动自行车,它行驶的动力是靠蓄电池提供的.当它的工作电压为35V,工作电流为6A时.试求:(1)如果蓄电池的持续放电时间为3h,则该车以5m/s的速度匀速行驶的最大行程是多少km?在这一过程中,蓄电池给电动车提供了多少电能?(2)电动车蓄电池的电功率一部分转化为无用功率,另一部分转化为车行驶的有用功率,其效率为80%.当电动车以6m/s的速度匀速行驶时,它所受到的阻力是多少?。



初三升高一新生分班考试英语试卷(带答案)1.We don't know (C) what to do next.2.You'd better (B) not go to the park today。

It is raining outside.3.It's selfish (A) not to share the cakes with others.4.Amy (A) XXX.5.Please remember (D) XXX.6.I was born (A) in the evening of March 12.1967.7.Be sure to get there on time。

(C) won't you?8.Not only she but also I (B) am XXX.XXX (A) XXX.2.Due to the rain。

it's better not to go to the park today.3.Refusing to share the XXX.4.Amy likes the blue clothes more than the yellow ones.5.Next time。

XXX.6.I was born in the evening of March 12.1967.7.Make sure to arrive on time。

won't you?8.Both she and I have an interest in Maths.9.XXX I will XXX.10.They said they would visit the Summer Palace the following week.11.Suddenly。

I XXX for help out of the window.12.XXX last night to contact us.13.The bad news made everyone in the family worried.14.I don't think he has ever been to Monkey Island。



2019年杭州重点高中新生入学分班考试科学模拟试卷杭州重点高中新生入学分班考试科学模拟试卷(含答案)一、选择题(每题3分,共30分)1.(3分)如图所示,A、B两物体叠放在水平桌面上,在两个水平力F1、F2的共同作用下以相同速度匀速向右运动,已知F1=5N,F2=3N,那么物体B受到物体A和桌面的摩擦力大小应分别为()A. 5N、3NB. 5N、8NC. 3N、8ND. 8N、8N2. 如图所示,一根细线绕过三个滑轮,两端固定在A、B两点,两动滑轮下所挂物体质量分别为、,两动滑轮上细线的夹角分别为和(),不计一切摩擦,则、的大小关系是()A. B. C. D. 无法确定3. 如图所示,甲、乙两车都沿斜面向上运动,两车内都用细线悬挂一小球,当小球都与小车相对静止时,甲车内悬线正好在竖直方向上,乙车内悬线与斜面垂直,则()A. 甲车做的是匀速运动B. 甲车做的是加速运动C. 乙车做的是匀速运动D. 乙车做的是减速运动4.(3分)甲、乙、丙三人各乘坐一架直升飞机,他们从自己所在的飞机往外看,甲看见丙的飞机匀速上升,乙看见甲的飞机匀速下降,丙看见地面上的楼房和乙的飞机都以相同速度匀速上升,则下列判断不正确的是()A.丙相对于地面匀速下降B.甲相对于地面匀速下降C.甲相对于丙在匀速下降D.乙相对于地面匀速上升5.(3分)关于运动和力,下列说法正确的是()A.要改变物体的运动状态,一定要对它施加力的作用B.如果物体没有受到外力的作用,一定处于静止状态C.静止的物体,如果受到推力的作用,它的运动状态一定发生改变D.物体如果受平衡力的作用时,一定处于静止状态6.(3分)CCTV科教频道曾报道:有一辆小车载人后停在水平放置的地磅上时,左前轮、右前轮、左后轮、右后轮对地磅的压力分别为4750N,4980N,4040N,3960N.假设该小车四个轮子的轴心围成一个长方形,O为几何中心,AB、CD为两条对称轴,如图所示.若再在车上放一重物,能使整辆车所受重力的作用通过O点,则该重物的重心应落在()A.A OC区域上B.B OC区域上C.A OD区域上D.B OD区域上7.(3分)从显象管尾部灯丝发射出来的电子,高速撞击在电视机荧光屏上,使屏幕发光,则在显象管内( )A . 电流的方向从灯丝到荧光屏B . 电流方向从荧光屏到灯丝C . 显象管内是真空,无法通过电流D . 显象管中电流的方向不断改变8.(3分)如图所示,容器重为G 1,放在水平桌面上,容器内盛有重为G 2的液体.若用N 1表示容器对桌面的压力,N 2表示液体对容器底的压力,则N 1和N 2应满足( )A . N 1=G 1+G 2,N 2=G 2B . N 1>G 1+G 2,N 2>G 2C . N 1<G 1+G 2,N 2=G 2D . N 1=G 1+G 2,N 2>G 29.(3分)如图所示,杠杆OA 的B 点挂着重物G ,A 端用细绳挂在圆弧EF 上,此时OA 恰成水平,且A 点与圆弧形架EF 的圆心重合.当绳AM 的M 端从E 点缓慢滑到F 点的过程中,绳对A 点拉力的大小将( )A . 逐渐变大B . 逐渐变小C . 先变大再变小D . 先变小再变大10.(3分)“蹦极”是一种富有刺激性的勇敢者的运动项目.如图所示,一端系住人的腰部、另一端系于跳台的是一根弹性橡皮绳.当人下落至图中Q 点时,橡皮绳刚好被拉直.那么,在人越过Q 点继续向下的过程中,人的动能变化情况是( )A . 不变B . 变大C . 变小D . 先变大后变小二、填空题(6分+6分+8分+4分+4分,共28分) 11.用弹簧测力计测定一个木块A 和木块B 间的动摩擦因数μ有如图甲、乙两种装置。



2024年杭二中高一新生实验班选拔考试英语试卷(含答案)2024年杭二中高一新生实验班选拔考试英语试卷(含答案)一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 下列哪个选项不能作为动词使用?A. `run`B. `eat`C. `stand`D. `write`答案:C解析:C选项`stand`只能作为名词或形容词使用,其他选项均可作为动词。

2. 下列哪个选项是现在进行时态?A. `I go to school every day.`B. `She is reading a book now.`C. `They have finished their homework.`D. `We will visit the museum tomorrow.`答案:B解析:B选项是现在进行时态,表示正在进行的动作。

3. 下列哪个选项是被动语态?A. `She kills the chicken.`B. `The chicken is killed by her.`C. `He breaks the glass.`D. `The glass is broken by him.`答案:B, D解析:B和D选项都是被动语态,表示动作的承受者。

4. 下列哪个选项是正确的定语从句?A. `I saw a man who is tall and thin.`B. `I saw a man who tall and thin.`C. `I saw a man that tall and thin.`D. `I saw a man which tall and thin.`答案:A解析:A选项是正确的定语从句,关系代词`who`引导,并正确使用了形容词`tall`和`thin`。

5. 下列哪个选项是正确的比较级形式?A. `She is more clever than her sister.`B. `She is cleverer than her sister.`C. `She is more clever than her sister.`D. `She is cleverest than her sister.`答案:C解析:C选项是比较级正确的形式,使用了`more`和形容词`clever`。



新高一分班考试英语测试题(带答案)ns: In Part B。

you will hear TWO short ns。

and you will be asked three XXX will be played twice。

but the ns will be spoken only once。

When you hear a n。

read the four possible answers in your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the n you have heard.II。

XXX (40%)Part Ans: Read the following passage XXX.The passage discusses the importance of sleep and how it affects our daily lives。

It emphasizes that sleep is crucial for our physical and mental health。

and that lack of sleep can lead to XXX。

XXX.Part Bns: Read the following passage XXX.XXX exercise and how it can XXX。

such as taking the stairs instead of the elevator and going for a walk during XXX breaks.III。

Writing (40%)Part Ans: XXX。

XXX him/her to your birthday party。

In your letter。

include the date。



and any special XXX。



高一入学分班考试模拟卷(浙江专用)英语(考试时间:120分钟试卷满分:120分)注意事项:1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。

2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。



3. 考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。

第一部分听力(共两节,满分30 分)做题时,请先将答案标在试卷上。






1.Where does the conversation probably take place?A.In a shop.B.In a restaurant.C.In a library.2.Why does the woman prefer magazines to books?A.They are cheaper.B.They are more interesting.C.They can be finished more quickly. 3.What’s wrong with Mary?A.She has a toothache.B.She has a headache.C.She has a stomachache.4.Where does the man want to go?A.The post office.B.The bank.C.The supermarket.5.What is the boy’s hobby?A.Watching movies.B.Listening to music.C.Playing computer games.第二节(共15小题,每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。



初三升高一新生分班考试英语试卷(带答案)一、选择题,从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑.1. We don’t know next.A. how to doB. to do howC. what to doD. to do what2. You’d better to the park today. It is raining outside.A. not to goB. not goC. to goD. don’t go3. I t’s selfish him the cakes with others.A. for; to shareB. of; not shareC. for; not sharingD. of; not to share4. Amy the blue clothes the yellow ones.A. prefer; toB. prefers; toC. prefer; thanD. prefers; than5. Please remember your lovely daughter here next time.A. to bringB. to takeC. takingD. bringing6. I was born the evening March 12, 1967.A. in; ofB. in; inC. on; ofD. on; in7. Be sure to get there on time, ?A. must n’t youB. are n’t youC. don’t youD. will you8. Not only she but also I interested in Maths.A. isB. areC. amD. be9. My mother a teacher.A. hopes me to becomeB. whishes me to becomeC. hopes that I becameD. wishes that I will become10. They said they to visit the Summer Palace the next week.A. will visitB. was goingC. had goneD. would go11. Suddenly, I heard someone for help out of the window.A. cryingB. cryC. criesD. to cry12. We are asking anyone who saw last night to contact us.A. anything unusualB. unusual anythingC. something unusualD. usual something13. The bad news made everyone in the family .A. worriedlyB. felt worriedC. feel worryD. worried14. I don’t think he’s ever been to the Monkey Island, ?A. isn’t heB. hasn’t heC. do ID. has he15. This dish smells .A. goodB. wellC. betterD. fine16. Thanks for the new chairperson.A. recommend me asB. recommending me asC. recommend me forD. recommending me for19. Lily with her parents the Greener China since two years ago.A. have joinedB. has joinedC. has been inD. have been in20. Oh, Jim, How nice to meet you! I haven’t seen you .A. long long agoB. for a long timeC. for longD. since a long time17. Tom the nice kite to fly at a low price.A. paidB. boughtC. spentD. cost18. Do you remember how long ago to China?A. have you traveledB. you have traveledC. did you travelD. you traveled23. Wei Hua is better maths than any her classmates.A. for; other ofB. at; other ofC. for; ofD. at; of24. If the Browns go to visit the Summer Palace, if it rain tomorrow.A. so we will; doesn’tB. so will we; doesn’tC. so do we; doesn’tD. so will we; won’t21. —What did the doctor tell Bob?—He mustn’t go back for work .A. during three daysB. for three daysC. until three daysD. three days ago22. Look! How many sheep there are on the small hill! I have never seen sheep.A. such littleB. so littleC. too littleD. such a little27. We soon found him .A. easily to get on withB. hard to get onC. difficult to get on withD. hardly to talk to28. This kind of books well and out in this bookshop.A. sells; are soldB. sells; sellsC. is sold; sellsD. is sold; is sold25. I think the short stories by Dickens are very popular the children.A. are written; forB. are written; amongC. written; amongD. written; between26. I am not sure he will come here. he comes here, please let me know.A. that; WhenB. that; IfC. if; WhetherD. whether; When30. I saw Kate with a new radio in her hand yesterday, but she told me she the radio for ten days.A. has boughtB. had boughtC. has hadD. had had29. I can’t say I want to visit my grandma. It’s a long time since we met last.A. how oftenB. how longC. how soonD. how much二、完形填空,先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项选出最佳选项并在答题卡将该项涂黑.( ) 1. A. died B. dieded C. dying D. dead( ) 2. A. hurried off B. stopped C. sent away D. lost( ) 3. A. finished B. stopped C. end D. over( ) 4. A. work B. works C. job D. jobs( ) 5. A. better B. good C. best D. well( ) 6. A. much B. more C. little D. less( ) 7. A. sorry B. glad C. angry D. please( ) 8. A. in surprise B. surprise C. surprised D. surprises( ) 9. A. friendly B. friend C. rich D. cold( ) 10. A. good B. better C. best D. well( ) 11. A. But B. And C. Though D. What( ) 12. A. wrong B. right C. foolish D. bright( ) 13. A. bad B. good C. well D. happy( ) 14. A. poor B. true C. bad D. well( ) 15. A. break B. answer C. find D. openMiss Carter is a beautiful girl. Her father 1 two years ago her mother made a terrible mistake and 2 her job. They began to live a hard life. When she 3 middle school ,she couldn’t go on studying. Her uncle found a 4 for her. Mr Baker, a rich shopkeeper, hired(雇)her. Her work was to clean the rooms and sweep the floor. She tried her 5 and worked hard. Mrs Baker liked her and paid her 6 than the other servants.It was Sunday, Mr Baker was reading and Mrs Baker was watching TV in the sitting room. The girl came in and said. “I’m 7 , Mrs Baker. I have to tell you I can’t work for you any longer.”It 8 Mr. and Mrs Baker. The woman asked, “What makes you say that? Aren’t we 9 to you?”“Yes, you are, Madam,”the girl said. “Have you found a piece of 10 work yet?”Mrs Baker asked.“No, I haven’t,” Miss Carter said. “11 I don’t think you trust me.”“You are 12 , Miss Carter,” said Mr Baker. “I always think you are a 13 girl. And I often leave my keys in my study.”“It was14 that you often left the keys in your study,” said the girl. “ButI could use none of them to 15 the safe(保险箱).”“Well,” said Mr. Baker. “You can go right now!”第二卷四、动词填空,用所给的动词的正确形式填空.1. She was not strong enough (move) the desk.2. The robber (catch) by the brave policeman yesterday morning.3. Look! The women (swim) in the river over there.4. The foreigner has known a lot of Chinese since he (come) to China three yearsago.5. They (not go) the market until they finish their work.6. Would you please (dress) the baby?7. So far they (send) a lot of E-mail with the computer.8. The train (leave) when we got to the station last night.9. My mother has just gone out, but she (be) back in an hour.10. Can you find the village (call)Gun Tree on the map?三、单词拼写根据下列句子所给的汉语注释及句意,写出句子空缺处各单词的正确形式.1. “My little dog has died.” the girl said (悲伤).2. Do you mind (告诉)me which one to choose?3. Teachers are usually (严格的)with their students in class.4. I enjoy reading this kind of (每周的)magazine.5. The rich man was (谋杀)last month.6. This kind of film has a bad (影响)on people.7. Those (小偷)were caught at last.8. Andy and I are (计划)to go out.9. An (精力充沛的)person has lots of energy.10. I want to know more (细节).Please tell me.五、书面表达每个人都需要朋友,你心目中的朋友是怎样的呢?请以“I want a friend like……”为题,写一篇作文.要求:1.请先将题目补充完整.2.文章字数为80—100个单词.。







4.本试卷取g=10N/kg一、选择题(每题3分,共30分)1.(3分)如图所示,A、B两物体叠放在水平桌面上,在两个水平力F1、F2的共同作用下以相同速度匀速向右运动,已知F1=5N,F2=3N,那么物体B受到物体A和桌面的摩擦力大小应分别为()A. 5N、3NB. 5N、8NC. 3N、8ND. 8N、8N2. 如图所示,一根细线绕过三个滑轮,两端固定在A、B两点,两动滑轮下所挂物体质量分别为、,两动滑轮上细线的夹角分别为和(),不计一切摩擦,则、的大小关系是()A. B. C. D. 无法确定3. 如图所示,甲、乙两车都沿斜面向上运动,两车内都用细线悬挂一小球,当小球都与小车相对静止时,甲车内悬线正好在竖直方向上,乙车内悬线与斜面垂直,则()A. 甲车做的是匀速运动B. 甲车做的是加速运动C. 乙车做的是匀速运动D. 乙车做的是减速运动4.(3分)甲、乙、丙三人各乘坐一架直升飞机,他们从自己所在的飞机往外看,甲看见丙的飞机匀速上升,乙看5.(3分)关于运动和力,下列说法正确的是()A.要改变物体的运动状态,一定要对它施加力的作用B.如果物体没有受到外力的作用,一定处于静止状态C.静止的物体,如果受到推力的作用,它的运动状态一定发生改变D.物体如果受平衡力的作用时,一定处于静止状态6.(3分)CCTV科教频道曾报道:有一辆小车载人后停在水平放置的地磅上时,左前轮、右前轮、左后轮、右后轮对地磅的压力分别为4750N,4980N,4040N,3960N.假设该小车四个轮子的轴心围成一个长方形,O 为几何中心,AB 、CD 为两条对称轴,如图所示.若再在车上放一重物,能使整辆车所受重力的作用通过O 点,则该重物的重心应落在( )8.(3分)如图所示,容器重为G 1,放在水平桌面上,容器内盛有重为G 2的液体.若用N 1表示容器对桌面的压力,N 2表示液体对容器底的压力,则N 1和N 2应满足( )9.(3分)如图所示,杠杆OA 的B 点挂着重物G ,A 端用细绳挂在圆弧EF 上,此时OA 恰成水平,且A 点与圆弧形架EF 的圆心重合.当绳AM 的M 端从E 点缓慢滑到F 点的过程中,绳对A 点拉力的大小将( )10.(3分)“蹦极”是一种富有刺激性的勇敢者的运动项目.如图所示,一端系住人的腰部、另一端系于跳台的是一根弹性橡皮绳.当人下落至图中Q 点时,橡皮绳刚好被拉直.那么,在人越过Q 点继续向下的过程中,人的动能变化情况是( )二、填空题(6分+6分+8分+4分+4分,共28分) 11.用弹簧测力计测定一个木块A 和木块B 间的动摩擦因数μ有如图甲、乙两种装置。



初升高英语分班考及答案初升高英语分班考试试卷一、听力部分(共20分)A. 短对话理解(每题1分,共5分)1. What is the man going to do this weekend?A) Go to the beach.B) Visit his grandparents.C) Do his homework.2. How does the woman feel about the weather?A) She likes it.B) She doesn’t mind it.C) She hates it.3. What is the relationship between the two speakers?A) Teacher and student.B) Friends.C) Mother and son.4. Why is the man late?A) He missed the bus.B) He got up late.C) He was stuck in traffic.5. What does the woman suggest they do?A) Go to the library.B) Watch a movie.C) Stay at home.B. 长对话理解(每题2分,共10分)听下面一段对话,回答6-10题。

6. What is the main topic of the conversation?A) Planning a birthday party.B) Discussing a school project.C) Talking about a vacation trip.7. When is the event going to take place?A) Next Friday.B) This weekend.C) Next month.8. Who is going to help with the preparations?A) The man’s parents.B) The woman’s friends.C) The school staff.9. What does the woman think about the man’s idea?A) She agrees with it.B) She disagrees with it.C) She is unsure about it.10. What will the speakers do next?A) Go shopping.B) Make a list.C) Call someone.C. 短文理解(每题2.5分,共5分)听下面一段短文,回答11-15题。





(5分)( )1. A. look B.book C.cook D.took( )2. A. sweep B.sweet C.sleep D.sheep( )3. A. cloth B.clothes C.closet D.close( )4. A. horse B.house C.mouse D.mouth( )5. A. fight B.light C.might D.night二、听录音,判断所听到的内容是否符合下列各图,用“T”或“F表示。


(5分)( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )三、听录音,根据所听对话及问题,选择正确答案。


(5分) ( )1. A. No swimming. B.Don't take photos. C.No eating or drinking. ( )2. A. She could jump. B.She could run. C.She could walk.( )3. A. It was sunny. B.It was rainy. C.It was windy.( )4. A. Canada. B.The UK. C.The US.( )5. A. By bike. B.By bus. C.On foot.四、听录音,根据短文内容,判断句子正(T)误(F)。


(5分)( )1.Jiamin is going to visit his grandparents in America.( )2.Jiamin's uncle and aunt lived in New York before.( )3.Jiamin's uncle and aunt like New York.( )4.Jiamin's uncle and aunt moved to Washington st year.( )5.Washington D.C.is much quieter than New York五、听录音,根据短文内容,选择正确的答案。



浙江省杭州第二中学富春学校2024-2025学年高一上学期开学摸底考试英语试题一、阅读理解Imagine having a magic purple crayon that can bring your imagination to life. That’s exactly what happens in the movie Harold and the Purple Crayon, originally a children’s book by Crockett Johnson.In the book, Harold is a kid who uses his crayon to draw a fantasy world. If he draws the moon, it shines just like the real thing. If he draws a hot- air balloon, he can float away. In the movie, Harold is a grown- up character in a book who uses the crayon to enter the real world.Joined by his friends Moose and Porcupine, Harold gets help from a kind family. He returns their kindness by drawing things that make them happy. Of course, the crayon eventually falls into the wrong hands. Harold worries about its being used for bad purposes. He loses faith in his ability to make people happy with his drawings. Luckily, friendship and imagination show him and his friends that anything is possible.Harold and the Purple Crayon is funny and exciting. Readers of the book will really enjoy seeing the characters come to life on the big screen. It’s perfect for a family movie night and for anyone who enjoys fantasy. It might inspire you to, as Harold says, “Make your life what you want it to be. Use your imagination.”1.What is the function of Harold’s purple crayon in the story?A.To write fantasy stories.B.To draw vivid pictures.C.To turn drawings to reality D.To create moon and hot- air balloon. 2.What does Harold do to thank the kind family?A.He gives them his crayon.B.He draws things that make them happy.C.He tells them funny stories.D.He helps them with their work.3.How does the story encourage the audience?A.To be willing to help others.B.To always have imagination.C.To use their imagination to shape their lives.D.To avoid making mistakes.Mark Smith and Jarryd Haines are good friends. The two boys from Sydney have known each other for most of their lives. Both of them enjoy playing Australian football.A few years ago, when Mark was nine, he developed brain cancer. The disease robbed the boy of his sight, part of his hearing and his ability to play his favorite sport. However, throughout the years, Jarryd remained his closest friend. They still share their love of Australian football. And they still enjoy talking about the Sydney Swans, their favorite team.Two weeks ago, I took my seat at Sydney Cricket Ground to watch the Swans. The old stadium was crowded with fans. Shortly into the second quarter, heard some great commentary from a boy. Play by play, Jarryd was bringing the game to life. I turned and saw him. Mark was sitting next to him.Although he cannot see anymore, Mark still loves the Swans very much. Usually, he goes to the stadium and listens to the commentary on the radio. However, in the second quarter of that match, the radio system broke down. That was when his friend Jarryd stepped in.I hardly looked at the Swans and Buddy, the team’s star player. Instead, I was focusing on Jarryd and Mark. “What’s happening now, mate?” Mark asked. “Don’t worry. Mark,” Jarryd replied. “Okay. Buddy’s got it. Will he go for it? He’s going for it! It’s his tenth goal! Buddy is on fire!” Mark listened carefully. He was lost in the magic of Australian football brought to life by his friend.Sports can be competitive. However, they can also allow us to share wonderful moments with others, may they be close friends or perfect strangers. Here, Jarryd and Mark have moved me, and perhaps some other spectators, with the best commentary.4.Why didn’t Mark play Australian football any longer?A.He took up new hobby.B.He lost his sight and hearing.C.He was unable to play it because of his disease.D.His favorite team-the Sydney Swans lost the game.5.What did Jarryd do for Mark at the stadium?A.He helped him step into the stadium.B.He made Buddy score his tenth goal.C.He was lost in the magic of Australian football.D.He provided commentary for him when the radio system failed.6.Which of following words best describe Jarryd?A.Generous and active.B.Considerate and patient.C.Diligent and ambitious.D.Competitive and smart7.What is the text mainly about?A.A lively commentary.B.The Swans and Buddy.C.An Australian football match.D.The precious friendship between two boys.Thirteen-year-old Kaylee has a lot of friends — 532, actually, if you count up her online friends. And she spends a lot of time with them.But is it possible that Kaylee’s online friendships could be making her lonely? That’s what some experts believe. Connecting online is a great way to stay in touch, they say. However, some experts worry that many kids are so busy connecting online that they might be missing out on true friendships.Could this be true? During your parents’ childhoods, connecting with friends usually meant spending time with them in the flesh. Kids played scramble around a table, not Words With Friends on their phoned. When friends missed each other, they picked up the telephone. Friends might even write letters to each other.Today, most communication takes place online. A typical then sands 2, 000 texts a month and spends more than 44 hours per week in front of a screen. Much of this time is spent on social media platforms (平台).In fact, in many ways, online communication can make friendships stronger, “There’s definitely a positive influence. Kids can stay in constant contact, which means they can share more of their feelings with each other,” says Katie David, co-author of The Ape Generation.Other experts, however, warn that too much online communication can get in the way of forming deep friendships. “If we are constantly checking in with our virtual words, way will have little time for our real-world friendships.” says Larry Rosen, a professor at California State University. Rosen also worries that today’ kids might mistake the “friends” on the social media for true friends in life. However, in tough times, you don’t need some on c to like your picture or share your blogs. You need some one who will keep your secrets and hold your hand. You would like to talk face to face.8.What is the purpose of the first paragraph?A.To summarize the text.B.To tell about true friends.C.To bring up a discussion.D.To encourage online friendship.9.What does the underlined part “in the flesh” mean in Paragraph 3?A.In person.B.In advance.C.In any case.D.In full measure.10.What is Katie’s attitude towards online communication?A.Worried.B.Positive.C.Confused.D.Unconcerned.11.What view does Rosen hold?A.It’s wise to turn to friends online.B.It’s easier to develop friendships in reality.C.Social media help people stay closely connected.D.Teenagers need focus on real-world friendships.Recycling is beneficial for the environment. It can also benefit a community in surprising ways. Mateo Lange, 15, knows this well. On weekends, he can be found sorting through glass and plastic bottles and aluminum cans in his hometown of Indian River, Michigan, where he leads a community recycling program.Mateo launched the program in 2020 when he was just 11 and in the sixth grade, playing baseball with the Northern Michigan Cyclones, a new team that needed funds for traveling to tournaments. Mateo came up with a plan to deal with this need.“There were cans and bottles always thrown around the road,” he recalled. In Michigan,these can be collected and exchanged for cash. With his dad’s help, Mateo started a bottle and can drive. It raised $7,500. “We collected so much money in just a few weeks,” he says. “So I thought, why not keep this going as long as we can?”Since then, Mateo says, his recycling effort has raised $350,000 and helped at least 50 local youth groups. It has also prevented more than 2 million bottles and cans from littering the roadside and polluting Michigan’s lakes and rivers.In 2023, Mateo was awarded a Gloria Barron Prize for Young Heroes. “It feels humbling,” Mateo says, when asked about all he’s accomplished with his cleanup effort. “I am happy knowing that all these teams and clubs and kids around the community are benefitting.”Mateo believes everyone can— and should— be of service. “Just do a little bit to help make the world a little bit of a better place,” he says. “Be creative,” he adds. “Have an idea and build on it.”12.What motivated Mateo Lange to start his recycling program?A.He wanted to clean up his community.B.His team needed money to travel to tournaments.C.He was inspired by his father’s love for the environment.D.He was competing for the Gloria Barron Prize for Young Heroes.13.How did Mateo’s recycling program benefit his community?A.It created jobs for local residents.B.It prevented pollution of Michigan’s lakes and rivers.C.It reduced the need for new beverage distributors.D.It helped build new recreational facilities.14.What’s Mateo’s attitude toward his achievements?A.Proud and excited.B.Humble and satisfied.C.Overwhelmed by the work.D.Calm and unconcerned.15.What does Mateo suggest others should do to make a positive impact?A.Start a recycling program like his.B.Donate money to local charities.C.Be creative and build on their ideas.D.V olunteer for community events.How to Improve Time Management SkillsGetting work done, meeting deadlines, and being productive 100% of the time is difficult for everyone. 16 Luckily, there are several ways you can improve your time management skills.17Write down everything you would like to finish within the week and prioritize (按优先顺序列出) each task according to their importance or urgency. Additionally, for larger goals, consider breaking them down into smaller, more achievable ones that can be more easilyfinished.Concentrate on one task at a time.As you cross things off your to-do list, it’s hard to get things done when you’re doing too many things at once. 18 For example, instead of answering emails and returning phone calls at the same time, answer all of your emails before you make your phone anize your workspace to improve productivity (生产力).If your desk is full of papers, envelopes, pens, and garbage, anyone would be a little stressed or distracted! 19 Throw away any garbage, dust off your laptop and desk, and try organizing your papers in a folder or binder.Take short breaks so you don’t burn out.20 Schedule breaks throughout your day to give yourself some time to rest. A break allows you to recharge and come back to a task with a fresh perspective (视角).A.Prioritize daily tasks by importance.B.Set clear and measurable weekly goals.C.You can’t work or be productive 24 hours a day.D.Tidy it up and say “no” to any potential distractions.E.Give yourself regular breaks to fully relax and restart.F.It’s even harder if you struggle with time management.G.It’s much more efficient to care for one responsibility at a time.二、完形填空He must have been completely lost in something he was reading because I had to tap on thewindow to get his 21 ."Is your car available? "I asked when he finally 22 me.He nodded, then said apologetically as I settled into the back 23 , "I'm sorry, but I was reading a 24 . "He sounded as if he had a cold."I am not in a hurry," I told him."Go ahead and finish it. "He shook his head." I've read it several times already.I guess I almost know it by 25 . " "Messages from home always mean a lot," I said."This isn't 26 ," he replied."Edward was my 27 friend.In fact, we used to call each other 'Old Friend'-when we'd meet.I'm not much good at writing. ""I don't think any of us keep up our correspondence very well, " I said." I know I don't, but I take it he's someone you've known quite a while? ""All my 28 .We were kids together, went to school together and all the way through college.""There are not too many people who've had such a long friendship," I said." 29 ," the driver went on, "I hadn't seen him more than once or twice a year over the past 25 or 30 years because I moved away from the old 30 and you kind of lose touch even though you never forget. ""You said 'was’.Does that mean—?"he 31 . "A couple of weeks ago. " " I'm sorry. "He didn't say anything more, and we rode on in 32 for a few minutes.But I realized that Edward was still on his mind when he spoke again, almost more to himself than to me."I should have 33 in contact with him. ""Well," I agreed, "we should all stay in touch with old friends more than we do.But things 34 and we just don't seem to find the time. "When I got to my hotel room I didn't unpack right away.First I had to write a letter — and35 it.21.A.sight B.attention C.surprise D.concern 22.A.looked up to B.watched out for C.looked up at D.looked down upon 23.A.room B.car C.corner D.seat 24.A.book B.letter C.diary D.passage 25.A.heart B.eyes C.brain D.mind 26.A.message B.family C.friend D.parent 27.A.youngest B.favorite C.great D.oldest 28.A.life B.career C.childhood D.adulthood29.A.Instead B.However C.Therefore D.Moreover 30.A.neighborhood B.building C.school D.neighbor 31.A.agreed B.answered C.nodded D.accepted 32.A.peace B.calmness C.hurry D.silence 33.A.had B.given C.kept D.taken 34.A.come out B.come up C.come across D.come in 35.A.finish B.read C.mail D.cherish三、单词拼写36.I couldn’t sleep because the bed was so u in the hotel. (根据首字母单词拼写)四、语法填空37.Some people think it is i to ask someone’s age. (根据首字母单词拼写)38.The black car drove away from them and (appear). (所给词的适当形式填空) 39.He felt (hope) because it’s a bit difficult to learn this difficult language. (所给词的适当形式填空)40.The girl is (extreme) eager to know the result of the exam. (所给词的适当形式填空)语法填空For the Paris 2024 Olympics, the China House, set up at the Hotel Salomon de Rothschild in Paris, 41 (attract) the attention of Parisians and others since 42 opening, 43 shows China’s great sporting achievements and ancient culture.It is 44 place where visitors can discover ancient sporting and cultural activities, such as Tou Hu, Qi Shan, etc. 45 (enter) the indoor exhibition at China House is like travelling through the history of Chinese sport. Here, the evolution (演化) and development of Chinese sport is on display, 46 ancient sporting artifacts to modern sporting achievements. On the other side of the exhibition, the outfits of the Chinese sports delegations (代表团) over the years, including medal outfits, 47 (be) on display, showing the style of Chinese athletes on the international stage. One of the most priceless 48 (object) is the original torch (火炬) from the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.The China House has opened a window to our country’s rich history, traditional sports culture, and modern achievements. It further allows visitors 49 (appreciate) sporting achievements and 50 (proud) tells Chinese stories to the whole world.五、书信写作51.假定你是李华,你的美国笔友Peter发邮件祝贺你步入高中,并对你刚刚开始的高中生活非常感兴,请你回复邮件告诉他你步入高中的感受,内容包括:1.感谢他的祝福;2.分享高中的见闻与你的感受;3.表达对未来的期望。

名校分班考试模拟卷英语卷( 一)答案

名校分班考试模拟卷英语卷( 一)答案

分班考模拟真题(一)答案第一题:1-5 CBCBC 6-10 CABCA11-15 ABDAC 16-20 DCCAC第二题:1-5 BDDCA 6-10 ABDAB第三题:1-8 CBDACDCB9 It means that we must go to bed early at night and get up early in the morning.10 Otherwise they will not be wise.11 They can’t do their work very well if children of young age don’t have enough sleep.12 Exercise keeps the body strong.13 Our blood takes food to all parts of our body.第四题:1 advice2 policemen3 were4 is cleaning5 does, finish第五题:1 What will happen if I drive carelessly?2 Tom doesn’t have a car in his garage. / Tom hasn’t a car in his garage.3 Does he like the Chinese people or Chinese food?4 How about going boating in the river?5 Are you going to have a fun field trip? No, I’m not.第六题:Example:My Travel to the UniverseI always dream to travel to the Universe, which has a black hole and many mysteries. I can take a spacecraft to it and spend time in enjoying the view out of the window. It must be very beautiful! First, I can see many stars in the sky. They sparkle many times in a minute. Second, a lot of unknown things exist in the universe, which will attract my attention. Third, I can see the earth from a different angle. Maybe the Great Wall is in sight.As a whole, the universe is full of beauty and stories. I really want to have a chance to go to the universe as a traveler.。







4.本试卷取g=10N/kg一、选择题(每小题6分,共48分)1.(6分)如图所示,物块M在静止的传送带上以速度v匀速下滑时,传送带突然启动,方向如图中箭头所示,若传送带的速度大小也为v,则传送带启动后(CD)A. M静止在传送带上 B.M可能沿斜面向上运动C. M受到的摩擦力不变 D.M下滑的速度不变2.(6分)如图,四个完全相同的弹簧都处于水平位置,它们的右端受到大小皆为F的拉力作用,而左端的情况各不相同:①中弹簧的左端固定在墙上,②中弹簧的左端受大小也为F的拉力作用,③中弹簧的左端拴一小物块,物块在光滑的桌面上滑动,④中弹簧的左端拴一小物块,物块在有摩擦的桌面上滑动.若认为弹簧的质量都为零,以L1、L2、L3、L4依次表示四个弹簧的伸长量,则有(C)A.L1=L2<L3<L4B.L2>L1>L3>L4C.L1=L2=L3=L4D.L1=L2>L3=L43.(6分)动圈式话筒和磁带录音机都应用了电磁感应现象,图1是话筒原理图,图2是录音机的录音、放音原理图,由图可知()A.话筒工作时磁铁不动线圈振动而产生感应电流B.录音机放音时变化的磁场在静止的线圈里产生感应电流C.录音机放音时线圈中变化的电流在磁头缝隙处产生变化的磁场D.录音机录音时线圈中变化的电流在磁头缝隙处产生变化的磁场4.(6分)比热容是2.44×103焦/(千克•℃)的酒精和水(4.19×103焦/千克•℃)均匀混合后,比热容变成了2.94×103焦/(千克•℃),则混合液中酒精和水质量之比是()A.5:2 B.2:5 C.29:35 D.29:50 5.(6分)在光滑的水平桌面上,叠放甲、乙两木块,木块乙从右端匀速地抽出来,所用的拉力F=15N,则甲、乙两木块所受的摩擦力是()A.甲为零,乙受向左的15N的力B.甲和乙都受向右15N的力C.甲和乙都受向左7.5N的力D.甲和乙都是15N,甲受向右的力,乙受向左的力6.(6分)图中所示杠杆处于平衡状态()A.将A处砝码移到C,B处砝码移到D时,杠杆重新达到平衡B.将A、B两处砝码各减掉一个时,杠杆仍保持平衡C.将A处砝码移到E,B处砝码增加两个时,杠杆重新达到平衡D.将B处砝码移到F,并增加一个砝码时,杠杆重新达到平衡7.(6分)赵军同学在电学实验中连接了如图所示的电路,当他闭合开关后,发现灯不亮、电流表无示数.老师给了他一个电压表,当他将电压表分别接在ab之间和bc之间时,电压表示数均为零,而接在bd之间或cd之间时,电压表示数均不为零.这说明()A.灯泡灯丝断了或灯座接触不良B.电流表接线柱接触不良C.开关的触片或接线柱接触不良D.电源接线柱接触不良8.(6分)如图所示,当变阻器滑片P向右滑动时,两电压表示数的变化情况是()A.V1增大,V2增大B.V1减小,V2增大C.V1增大,V2减小D.V1减小,V2减小二、填空题:(第9、10、11题每题8分,第12、13题每题6分,共36分)9.(8分)一个物体同时受到二个力的作用,这二个力的作用线在同一平面内,两个力的大小分别是3牛和5牛.则它们的合力F的大小可能范围是_________.10.(8分)有一条瀑布,每分钟有60m3的水从50m高处落下,想用它建设小水电站,若水的机械能有60%转化为电能,若送电电压为10000V,则导线上的电流是_________安.11.(8分)如图是在高速公路上用超声波测速仪测量车速的示意图.测速仪发出并接收超声波脉冲信号,根据发出和接收到的信号间的时间差,测出被测物体的速度.图b中P1、P2是测速仪发出的超声波,n1、n2分别是P1、P2由汽车反射回来的信号.设测速仪匀速扫描,P1、P2之间的时间间隔△t=0.8s,超声波在空气中传播的速度是v=340m/s,若汽车是匀速行驶的,则根据图b可知,图中每小格表示的时间是_________秒,汽车在接收到P1、P2两个信号之间的时间内前进的距离是_________米.12.(6分)如图所示,电灯L1和L2均标有“220V 60W”,L3和L4均标有“220V 40W”,则4盏灯接入电路中,最亮的是_________,最暗的是_________.电路中允许通过的最大电流是_________安.13.(6分)如图所示,闭合回路的ab部分在一磁场B1中,cd部分在另一磁场B2中,当使ab水平向_________方向运动时,ab 受的安培力方向水平向左;cd由于安培力作用可能水平向_________运动;螺线管上方的检测小磁针的N极应指向_________侧.三、计算题:(每题12分,共36分)14.(12分)盼盼同学家买了一辆电动自行车,它行驶的动力是靠蓄电池提供的.当它的工作电压为35V,工作电流为6A时.试求:(1)如果蓄电池的持续放电时间为3h,则该车以5m/s的速度匀速行驶的最大行程是多少km?在这一过程中,蓄电池给电动车提供了多少电能?(2)电动车蓄电池的电功率一部分转化为无用功率,另一部分转化为车行驶的有用功率,其效率为80%.当电动车以6m/s的速度匀速行驶时,它所受到的阻力是多少?15.(12分)右图所示是一个分压电路.图中的负载电阻R1=100欧姆,电源电压是15伏特,伏特表的量程为15伏特,滑动变阻器R AB上标有“150Ω 0.15A”字样.当滑片P自左向右移动时,电源电压保持不变,但伏特表的示数会发生变化.问:(1)电阻R1和R AP、R PB中哪一个通过的电流最强(说明理由)?(2)在不损坏电路元件的前提下,伏特表示数的变化范围是多少?16.(12分)如图,木块浸没在水中,细线对木块的拉力是4牛.剪断细线,待木块静止后,将木块露出水面的部分切去,再在剩余的木块上加向下的1牛压力时,木块有20厘米3的体积露出水面.求:(1)切去部分的体积;(2)木块的密度.(g取10N/kg)17、如图所示,图甲是利用电动机提升重物的示意图,其中D是直流电动机.闭合开关S,当电动机正常工作时,电压表的示数是U=8V.图乙中图线是图甲中的电源的路端电压随电流变化的关系图象.已知电动机线圈的电阻R线=3Ω(g取10m/s2).试根据题中所给信息求:(1)电源的电动势E和内电阻r;(2)电动机消耗的电功率P电;(3)电动机正常工作时的输出功率P输出.高中新生入学分班考试科学详细答案一、选择题(每小题6分,共48分)1.(6分)如图所示,物块M在静止的传送带上以速度v匀速下滑时,传送带突然启动,方向如图中箭头所示,若传送带的速度大小也为v,则传送带启动后()A.M静止在传送带上B.M可能沿斜面向上运动C.M受到的摩擦力不变D.M下滑的速度不变考点:滑动摩擦力;力的合成与分解的运用;共点力平衡的条件及其应用.分析:对物体受力分析,由于传送带是向上运动的,对物体的受力没有影响,所以物体的运动状态不变.解答:解:由于传送带是向上转动的,在传送带启动前后,物块都只受重力、支持力、沿斜面向上的滑动摩擦物块受力不变,所以其下滑的速度也不变.故选CD点评:物体本来就是向下运动,受到的摩擦力是向上的,当传送带在向上转动时,对物体的受力没影响,可以考一下,如果传送带向下转动,情况又会如何呢?2.(6分)如图,四个完全相同的弹簧都处于水平位置,它们的右端受到大小皆为F的拉力作用,而左端的情况各不相同:①中弹簧的左端固定在墙上,②中弹簧的左端受大小也为F的拉力作用,③中弹簧的左端拴一小物块,物块在光滑的桌面上滑动,④中弹簧的左端拴一小物块,物块在有摩擦的桌面上滑动.若认为弹簧的质量都为零,以L1、L2、L3、L4依次表示四个弹簧的伸长量,则有()A.L1=L2<L3<L4B.L2>L1>L3>L4C.L1=L2=L3=L4D.L1=L2>L3=L4考点:胡克定律;牛顿第二定律.专题:受力分析方法专题.分析:由图得到弹簧的弹力大小,由胡克定律分析弹簧伸长量的关系.解答:解:由图看出,四个弹簧的弹力都是F,四个弹簧完全相同,劲度系数相同,则由胡克定律分析得知四个簧的伸长量相同,即有L1=L2=L3=L4.故C正确.故选C点评:本题是容易出错的是②,认为弹簧的弹力是2F或0,基本题.3.(6分)动圈式话筒和磁带录音机都应用了电磁感应现象,图1是话筒原理图,图2是录音机的录音、放音原理图,由图可知( )A . 话筒工作时磁铁不动线圈振动而产生感应电流B . 录音机放音时变化的磁场在静止的线圈里产生感应电流C . 录音机放音时线圈中变化的电流在磁头缝隙处产生变化的磁场D . 录音机录音时线圈中变化的电流在磁头缝隙处产生变化的磁场考点: 常见传感器的工作原理.分析: 本题考查对录音放音知识的了解,是电流的磁效应和电磁感应现象的具体应用.(1)录音时,声音先转变成强弱变化的电流,这样的电流通过录音磁头,产生了弱变化的磁场.磁带划磁头时,磁带上的小颗粒被强弱不同地磁化,于是记录了一连串有关磁性变化的信息;(2)放音时,磁带贴着放音磁头运动,磁性强弱变化的磁带使放音磁头中产生变化的感应电流,电流经大后使扬声器发声,这便“读”出了录音带中记录的信息.解答: 解:A 、话筒工作时,通过线圈切割磁感线,产生感应电动势,从而形成感应电流,故A 正确,B 、录音时是电生磁,即利用了电流的磁效应原理;放音时是磁生电,即利用了电磁感应现象原理.故正确,C 错误;故选ABD .点评: 声音的录放设备中应用了很多的磁现象知识,如:动圈式话筒将声信号转化成电信号,利用了电磁感应现象原理;扬声器将电信号转化成声信号,利用了通电导体在磁场中受力原理;录音技术是将电信号转化成磁信号,利用了电流的磁效应原理;放音技术是把磁信号转化为电信号,利用了电磁感应现象原理.请同学对比记忆.4.(6分)比热容是2.44×103焦/(千克•℃)的酒精和水(4.19×103焦/千克•℃)均匀混合后,比热容变成了2.94×103焦/(千克•℃),则混合液中酒精和水质量之比是( )A . 5:2B . 2:5C . 29:35D . 29:50考点:热平衡方程的应用;热量的计算.分析:设酒精、水的质量分别为m 1、m 2,升高温度△t ,则酒精溶液吸收的热量等于水吸收的热量加上酒精吸收的热量知道溶液的比热容,可求酒精和水的质量关系.解答解:混合液温度升高△t 吸收的热量:: Q 总=c 液m 液△t=c 液(m 1+m 2)△t ,酒精吸收的热量:Q 酒=c 酒m 1△t ,水吸收的热量:Q 水=c 水m 2△t ,则Q 总=Q 水+Q 酒,c 液(m 1+m 2)△t=c 酒m 1△t+c 水m 2△t ,(c 液﹣c 酒)m 1=(c 水﹣c 液)m 2,∴m 1:m 2=(c 水﹣c 液):(c 液﹣c 酒)=[4.19J/(kg •℃)﹣2.94J/(kg •℃)]:[2.94J/(kg •℃)﹣2.44J/(kg •℃)]2.故选A .点评:本题考查了学生对吸热公式的掌握和运用,知道混合液升高温度吸收的热量等于水和酒精吸收的热量之和是本题关键.5.(6分)在光滑的水平桌面上,叠放甲、乙两木块,木块乙从右端匀速地抽出来,所用的拉力F=15N ,则甲、乙两木块所受的摩擦力是( )A . 甲为零,乙受向左的15N 的力B . 甲和乙都受向右15N 的力C . 甲和乙都受向左7.5N 的力D . 甲和乙都是15N ,甲受向右的力,乙受向左的力考点: 二力平衡条件的应用;摩擦力的大小;摩擦力的方向.专题: 图析法.分析: (1)判断物体是否受力平衡的方法是先确定研究对象,其次分析受力情况,若满足二力平衡的条件,则力平衡,若不满足,则不平衡.(2)解答此题的关键是需要分别把木块甲和木块乙作为研究对象,进行受力分析.解答: 解:(1)由题意可以得知,木块乙受平衡力的作用,其中在水平方向受拉力F 和甲对其向左的摩擦力作根据二力平衡的条件可以判断,乙木块受到的摩擦力为15牛,方向水平向左.(2)如图所示,木块甲静止,所以甲受平衡力的作用,在水平方向受细绳对其向左的拉力与乙对其向右摩擦力作用,摩擦力的大小为15N .故选D .点评: 此题主要考查了二力平衡条件及摩擦力方向的判断,解决此题的关键是分别以甲或乙为研究对象进行分找出相互平衡的力.6.(6分)使图中所示杠杆处于平衡状态( )A.将A处砝码移到C,B处砝码移到D时,杠杆重新达到平衡B.将A、B两处砝码各减掉一个时,杠杆仍保持平衡C.将A处砝码移到E,B处砝码增加两个时,杠杆重新达到平衡D.将B处砝码移到F,并增加一个砝码时,杠杆重新达到平衡考点:杠杆的平衡条件.专题:推理法.分析:杠杆平衡时力和力臂的乘积相等,无论怎样移动砝码,只要保证杠杆两边的力和力臂的乘积相等,则杠平衡.根据杠杆平衡的条件对各选项进行逐一进行分析.解答:解:钩码个数×格数可代表力×力臂.A、左边:4×3,右边:2×5,左边下倾.B、左边:3×2,右边:1×4,左边下倾.C、左边:4×4,右边:4×4,杠杆平衡.D、左边:4×2,右边:3×3,右边下倾.由杠杆平衡条件可得,在C选项的操作中,杠杆可以平衡.故选C.点评:本题考查学生对杠杆平衡条件的理解并会有效解决实际问题.7.(6分)赵军同学在电学实验中连接了如图所示的电路,当他闭合开关后,发现灯不亮、电流表无示数.老师给了他一个电压表,当他将电压表分别接在ab之间和bc之间时,电压表示数均为零,而接在bd之间或cd之间时,电压表示数均不为零.这说明()A.灯泡灯丝断了或灯座接触不良B.电流表接线柱接触不良C.开关的触片或接线柱接触不良D.电源接线柱接触不良考点:电流表、电压表在判断电路故障中的应用.分析:要解决此题,需要知道电路中若无电流,则电路出现了断路现象,用电压表检测电路时,将电压表分别各部分电路并联,若电压表的示数约等于电源电压,则该处发生了断路.解答:解:开关闭合后,电灯不亮,电流表无指示,说明电路出现断路现象;用电压表检测时,发现ab、bc间电压为零,而电压表测得bd两点间和cd两点间的电压均不为零,说明灯泡和电流表都完好,开关处出断路.故选C.点评:本题主要考查了用电压表判断电路故障的一种方法,当电压表有示数时说明电压表之间的部分可能发生断路.8.(6分)如图所示,当变阻器滑片P向右滑动时,两电压表示数的变化情况是()A.V1增大,V2增大B.V1减小,V2增大C.V1增大,V2减小D.V1减小,V2减小考点:电路的动态分析;串联电路的电压规律;滑动变阻器的使用;欧姆定律的应用.专题:应用题;动态预测题.分析:(1)首先判断出这三个电阻的连接方式,电压表测量谁的电压;(2)其次判断出滑片移动时,滑动变阻器接入电路的阻值变化情况,电路中总电阻和总电流的变化情况(3)结合欧姆定律和串联电路电压的特点分析电压表示数的变化情况.解答:解:(1)定值电阻R1、R2和滑动变阻器R r组成串联电路,电压表V1测量定值电阻R1两端的电压,电表V2测量滑动变阻器R r和R2两端的电压;(2)当滑动变阻器的滑片P向右滑动时,其接入电路阻值变大,电路中总电阻变大,因此电路中电流变(3)①定值电阻R1两端的电压为U1=IR1,I变小,R1不变,因此电阻R1两端的电压U1变小,即电压示数V1减小;②根据串联电路电压的特点,滑动变阻器和R2两端的电压U2=U﹣U1,U不变,U1都变小,所以U2变即电压表V2的示数会增大.故选B.点评:本题主要考查电路中电压表的测量;分析时注意滑动变阻器的滑片移动引起电路中总电阻的变化情况;后根据欧姆定律、结合串联电路中的电压关系分析电压表的变化情况.二、填空题:(第9、10、11题每题8分,第12、13题每题6分,共36分)9.(8分)一个物体同时受到二个力的作用,这二个力的作用线在同一平面内,两个力的大小分别是3牛和5牛.则它们的合力F的大小可能范围是2N~8N.考点:力的合成与应用.分析:当两力作用在同一直线上,方向相反时合力最小;当两力方向相同时合力最大.解答:解:两力的合力最小是两力方向相反时,其最小值为F=5N﹣3N=2N;最小两力合力的最大值是两力方向相同时,其最大值F最大=5N+3N=8N;合力应介于最大和最小之间,故范围为2N~8N.故答案为:2N~8N.点评:本题考查二力合力大小的范围,虽然初中阶段不要求知道合力有此范围的原因,但应明确二力的合力的大和最小值.10.(8分)有一条瀑布,每分钟有60m3的水从50m高处落下,想用它建设小水电站,若水的机械能有60%转化为电能,若送电电压为10000V,则导线上的电流是 2.94安.考点:电功计算公式的应用;能量利用效率;功的计算;电功率的计算.专题:计算题.分析:在水下落时,水的机械能转化为电能.则可先利用公式W=Gh=mgh=ρvgh计算水下落中变化的机械能,据效率可求得产生的电能,知道时间,则可利用公式P=可求得电功率,再由公式P=UI可求得导线上的流.解答:解:∵v=60m3,g=9.8N/kg,h=50m,∴水的机械能为:W=Gh=mgh=ρvgh=1.0×103kg/m3×60m3×9.8N/kg×50m=2.94×107J,而η=60%,∴获得的电能为:W1=Wη=2.94×107J×60%=1.764×107J,而t=1min=60s,∴电功率为:P===2.94×105W,∵U=10000V,∴由P=UI得,I===29.4A.故答案为:29.4.点评:本题考查了功、电功率及电功公式的应用,注意正确找出在导线上传输的电能即可由功率公式求得导体的电流;同时应注意求输电功率时,一般都采用P=UI求解.11.(8分)如图是在高速公路上用超声波测速仪测量车速的示意图.测速仪发出并接收超声波脉冲信号,根据发出和接收到的信号间的时间差,测出被测物体的速度.图b中P1、P2是测速仪发出的超声波,n1、n2分别是P1、P2由汽车反射回来的信号.设测速仪匀速扫描,P1、P2之间的时间间隔△t=0.8s,超声波在空气中传播的速度是v=340m/s,若汽车是匀速行驶的,则根据图b可知,图中每小格表示的时间是0.027秒,汽车在接收到P1、P2两个信号之间的时间内前进的距离是13.6米.考点:速度与物体运动;速度的计算;超声波与次声波.专题:计算题.分析:由题意可知,P1、P2的时间间隔为0.8秒,根据图b所示P1、P2的间隔的刻度值,即可求出图中每小格示的时间;以及P1、n1和P2、n2之间间隔的刻度值.可以求出P1、n1和P2、n2之间的时间,即超声波发出到接收所需要的时间.从而可以求出超声波前后两次从测速仪汽车所用的时间,结合声速,进而可求出前后两次汽车到测速仪之间的距离.解答:解:P1、P2的间隔的刻度值为30个格,时间长为0.8秒,因此图中每小格表示的时间为t==0.027因为P1、n1之间间隔的刻度值为12,所以对应的时间为0.32秒;P2、n2之间间隔的刻度值9,所以对应这两点之间对应的时间为0.24秒.P1、n1之间的时间为超声波第一次从测速仪发出后遇到行进的汽车又回来所用的时间,所以超声波传播汽车所用的时间t1为0.16秒.由此可以求出汽车在接收到p1的信号时汽车与测速仪之间距离:S1=vt1=340m/s×0.16s=54.4m;同理可求出汽车在接收P2信号时汽车与测速仪之间的距离:S2=vt2=340m/s×0.12s=40.8m.由此可知,汽车在接收到P1、P2两个信号之间的时间内前进的距离:S=54.4m﹣40.8m=13.6m.故答案为0.027,13.6.点评:本题综合考查速度已经声波的计算,确定声音传播的时间是本题的难点,注意紧扣公式然后找出相关物量才是解答本题的关键.12.(6分)如图所示,电灯L1和L2均标有“220V 60W”,L3和L4均标有“220V 40W”,则4盏灯接入电路中,最亮的是L4,最暗的是L3.电路中允许通过的最大电流是0.27安.考点:欧姆定律的应用;电功率的计算.专题:推理法.分析:由灯的铭牌可知灯的额定电压和额定功率,根据P=可以比较四灯的电阻大小;L1和L4串联,根据P=I2R,可以得出I1与I4、P1和P4的大小关系;L2和L3并联,根据P=,可以得与I3、P2和P3的大小关系;根据P=I2R判断P1和P2的大小关系;综合分析确定实际电功率最大的灯,灯的亮度取决于灯的实际电功率,据此判断那盏灯最亮;由上面分析得出,I1、I2、I3、I4的大小关系,找出最大电流的灯,它的额定电流就是电路中允许通过的大电流.解答:解:∵P=,∴R=,∴四灯电阻:R1=R2<R3=R4,由图知,L1和L4串联,∵P=I2R,R1<R4,I1=I4,﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣①∴P1<P4;﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣②L2和L3并联,R2<R3,∵P=,∴I2>I3、P2>P3;﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣③∵P=I2R,R1=R2,I1>I2,R3=R4,I3<I4,﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣④∴P1>P2,P3<P4,﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣⑤由②③⑤可得:P3<P2<P1<P4,∴L4的电功率最大、最亮;L3的电功率最小、最暗;由①③④得出:I1=I4>I2>I3,由P=UI得:I=,∴L1的额定电流大于L4的额定电流,∴电路中允许通过的最大电流:I大=I额1==≈0.27A.故答案为:L4;L3;0.27.点评:本题考查了学生对欧姆定律、电功率公式的掌握和运用,本题关键:一是知道灯的亮度取决于灯的实际功率,二是电功率公式的灵活选择(串联﹣P=I2R、并联﹣P=).13.(6分)如图所示,闭合回路的ab部分在一磁场B1中,cd部分在另一磁场B2中,当使ab水平向右方向运动时,ab 受的安培力方向水平向左;cd由于安培力作用可能水平向左运动;螺线管上方的检测小磁针的N极应指向左侧.考点:通电螺线管的极性和电流方向的判断;安培定则;左手定则;电磁感应.专题:图析法.分析:此题的突破口在ab 受的安培力方向水平向左,根据左手定则,可以确定导体ab中的电流方向;进而利右手定则根据电磁感应的和磁场的方向来确定导体的运动方向.导体cd的运动方向可以通过气受力方向来判定,而其受力方向可以根据电流方向和磁场方向利用左手定来确定;利用螺线管的绕向和电流方向,结合安培定则可以确定螺线管的NS极,进而利用磁极间作用规律确定小针的N极指向.解答:解:要解决此题首先要明确两个定则:用以判定通电导体在磁场中受力的左手定则和用以判定感应电流向的右手定则.左手定则:伸出左手,让四指与大拇指在同一平面内垂直,磁感线垂直穿过掌心,四指指向电流方向,大拇指所指的方向就是导体受力的方向.右手定则:伸出右手,让四指与大拇指在同一平面内垂直,磁感线垂直穿过掌心,大拇指指向导体的运方向,则四指所指的方向就是感应电流的方向.由于导体ab在磁场中受力的方向向左,结合磁场的方向根据左手定则可以确定导体中电流的方向是从b;由于这个电流是导体ab在外力的作用下做切割磁感线运动而产生的感应电流,根据导体中电流的方向和场方向利用右手定则可以确定导体的运动方向:向右运动;导体cd中的电流方向是从c到d,结合所在的磁场方向,利用左手定则可以确定其受力方向向左,进而以确定其运动方向向左;电流从螺线管的左端流入,右端流出,结合螺线管的绕向,利用安培定则可以确定螺线管的右端为N极左端为S极;在磁力的作用下,当小磁针静止时,小磁针的N极一定靠近螺线管的S极,即小磁针的N 指向左.故答案为:右;左;左.点评:此题涉及的内容在现行的教材中没有涉及,教材中虽然涉及了导体受力方向和感应电流的方向与哪些因有关,但并没有涉及其方向的具体判定.在左右手定则中都是涉及三个方向,这三个方向两两垂直,使用时知二求一.三、计算题:(每题12分,共36分)14.(12分)盼盼同学家买了一辆电动自行车,它行驶的动力是靠蓄电池提供的.当它的工作电压为35V,工作电流为6A时.试求:(1)如果蓄电池的持续放电时间为3h,则该车以5m/s的速度匀速行驶的最大行程是多少km?在这一过程中,蓄电池给电动车提供了多少电能?(2)电动车蓄电池的电功率一部分转化为无用功率,另一部分转化为车行驶的有用功率,其效率为80%.当电动车以6m/s的速度匀速行驶时,它所受到的阻力是多少?考点:电功的计算;功率的计算.专题:计算题.分析:(1)已知电动车能持续放电的时间,则由s=vt可求得最大行程;由W=Pt可求得蓄电池提拱的电能;(2)由机械效率可求得有用功率,则当电动车匀速行驶时阻力与牵引力相等,则由P=Fv可求得阻力.解答:解:(1)电动车持续行驶的时间为3h,则电动车匀速行驶的最大行程为:s=vt=5m/s×3×3600s=54000m=54km;蓄电池提供的电能W=UIt=35V×6A×3×3600s=2.268×106J;(2)电动车的总功率P=UI=35V×6A=210W;则输出的有用功率P有=P×80%=210W×80%=168W;则根据P===Fv;可得:牵引力F===28N;因电动车做匀速运动,故摩擦力f=F=28N;答:(1)最大行程为54km;蓄电池给电动车提供的电能为2.268×106J;(2)它所受到的阻力为28N;点评:本题考查电功公式、功率公式等,要求学生能明确题目中的牵引力及阻力的关系,明确匀速运动的意义15.(12分)右图所示是一个分压电路.图中的负载电阻R1=100欧姆,电源电压是15伏特,伏特表的量程为15伏特,滑动变阻器R AB上标有“150Ω 0.15A”字样.当滑片P自左向右移动时,电源电压保持不变,但伏特表的示数会发生变化.问:(1)电阻R1和R AP、R PB中哪一个通过的电流最强(说明理由)?(2)在不损坏电路元件的前提下,伏特表示数的变化范围是多少?。



杭州初升高英语试题及答案根据杭州初升高英语试题及答案的要求,以下是一份模拟试题及答案:杭州初升高英语模拟试题一、听力部分(共20分)A. 对话理解(每题1分,共5分)1. What is the weather like today?A. SunnyB. RainyC. CloudyD. WindyAnswer: A2. Where does the conversation most likely take place?A. At a restaurantB. At a schoolC. In a libraryD. At a bookstoreAnswer: B3. What does the man suggest doing?A. Going to the cinemaB. Going swimmingC. Going shoppingD. Going hikingAnswer: C4. When will the woman probably go to the party?A. At 7:00 pmB. At 8:00 pmC. At 9:00 pmD. At 10:00 pmAnswer: B5. Why is the man unhappy?A. He lost his job.B. He failed the exam.C. He missed the bus.D. He broke his phone.Answer: BB. 短文理解(每题2分,共15分)听短文,回答下列问题。

6. What is the main topic of the passage?A. Traveling abroadB. Learning a new languageC. Making friendsD. Studying at schoolAnswer: B7. How many languages does the speaker want to learn?A. OneB. TwoC. ThreeD. FourAnswer: C8. What does the speaker think about learning languages?A. It's easy.B. It's difficult.C. It's boring.D. It's interesting.Answer: D9. What is the best way to learn a language according to the speaker?A. By watching TV.B. By listening to music.C. By practicing speaking.D. By reading books.Answer: C10. What does the speaker plan to do next year?A. Visit a foreign country.B. Join a language club.C. Take a language course.D. Write a book.Answer: A11. Why does the speaker want to learn a new language?A. To find a job.B. To communicate with friends.C. To travel.D. To watch foreign films.Answer: C二、阅读理解(共30分)A. 阅读理解选择题(每题2分,共10分)根据下列短文,选择最佳答案。







AWe were driving on the right road when,all of a sudden,a black car pulled out of a parking space right in front of us.My taxi driver stepped on his brake,skidded(打滑),and missed the black car’s back end by just inches!The driver of the black car,who almost caused a major accident,turned his head angrily and started shouting bad words at us.My taxi driver just smiled and waved at the guy.I mean,my taxi driver was friendly.So,I said,“Why did you just do that?This guy almost ruined your car and sent us to hospital!”And the following is what my taxi driver told me,which I now call“the law of the Garbage Truck”.“Many people are like garbage(垃圾)trucks.They run around full of garbage,full of anger,and full of disappointment.As their garbage piles up,they need a place to dump(倾卸)it.And if you let them,they dump it on you.When someone wants to dump on you,don’t take it personally.Just smile,wave,wish him well,and move on. Believe me.You’ll be happier.”So this is“The Law of the Garbage Truck”.I started thinking:How often do I let“Garbage Trucks”run right over me?And how often do I take their garbage and spread it to other people at work,at home,or on the streets?It was then that I said,“I’m not going to do it any more.”I began to see“Garbage Trucks”.I see the load they’re carrying.I see them coming to drop it off.And like my taxi driver,I don’t make it a personal thing;I just smile,wave,and move on.Good leaders know they have to be ready for their next meeting.Good parents know that they have to welcome their children home from school with hugs and kisses.What about you?The mark of a successful person is how quickly he can get back his focus on what’s important.1.Why did the taxi driver just smile and wave?A.Because the taxi driver didn’t want his mood ruined.B.Because the taxi driver realized the black car was full of garbage.C.Because the driver of the black car didn’t cause any damage to the taxi.D.Because the driver of the black car was so angry that the taxi driver felt a little frightened.2.The underlined part“the load”in Paragraph5refers to“_______”.eless garbageB.heavy goodsC.new productsD.bad mood3.What does the writer mainly want to tell us in the last paragraph?A.Always be kind and hardworking.B.Try to be good leaders as well as good parents.C.Finish tasks quickly so as to be ready for the next.D.Ignore unpleasant experience and stick to your goals.【答案】1.A 2.D 3.D【解析】【导语】本文是一篇夹叙夹议文,主要讲述了作者在乘坐出租车时,遇到了一个几乎引发事故的情况,但出租车司机却以微笑和挥手的方式应对,出租车司机的“垃圾车定律”让作者深思,并从中得到了人生的启示。





第Ⅰ卷第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题:每小题1. 5分,满分7. 5分)听下面5段对话。




1. What will the woman do first?A. Discuss a project.B. Finish a report.C. Attend a meeting.2. Where did the woman intend to go?A. To a cinema.B. To a restaurant.C. To Maggie's house.3. How does the man feel about the speech?A. Confident.B. Excited.C. Nervous.4. Why didn't the woman have breakfast?A. She is busy with her paper.B. She gets used to skipping it.C. She doesn't think it's important.5. What are the speakers mainly talking about?A. Why the cheese factory is closing.B. When the cheese factory is closing.C. Whether the cheese factory is closing.第二节(共15小题;每小题1. 5分,满分22. 5分)听下面5段对话或独白。



浙江省杭州市余杭区杭州二中树兰高级中学2021-2022学年高一上学期入学考试英语试题一、阅读理解Many social study books and articles have graphs to go with the text.A graph is a kind of picture that shows amounts or numbers at a glance.A graph can show the same information that is in the text,but it helps you “picture” the information and makes it easier to understand and quicker to read.A circle graph,also called a pie graph,is divided into “slices”. It shows how the parts fit into the whole.Here are some suggestions on how to read it.Step 1: Read the title to find out what the graph is about. The circle graph below shows the population of Washington,D.C.Step 2: Look at the slices. This graph has seven “slices”. Each shows one group of people.You can see how each part compares to the whole—how each group compares to the total population.Step 3: Use the label (标签) to find out what is being compared. The labels on the graph name the groups of people who live in Washington,D.C.A line connects the corresponding(相应的)part of the graph.Step 4: Read the introduction to the graph. The passage beside the graph may offer some more detailed information of the topic.1.Where is a graph most probably used according to the writer?A.An invitation letter to a birthday party.B.An introduction of the steps to plant trees.C.A fairy tale of an old man moving the hill.D.A study on different ways to spend holidays.2.Which group of people makes up more than half of the population of Washington,D.C.? A.Caucasian.B.Mixed races.C.Latino.D.African American.3.What does the writer suggest doing with the slices?A.Joining the different slices.B.Mixing the slices and informationC.Comparing the slices to the whole.D.Matching the slices and numbers.4.The writer organizes this writing by ________.A.giving an example B.asking a questionC.listing reasons D.telling a storyIf you have only three minutes to get something that you can take from your home, and the other thing are lost forever, what will you take? The following information will help you.B.O.B.B.O.B.is short for Bug of Bag (求生背包). It’s a bag with a collection of things that are needed for life in it.Reasons to use a B.O.B.When disasters (灾难) like earthquakes and heavy rainstorms happen, many people will have to run away from their homes and they may not return for a long time. They need to continue to live without food, water or a shelter in some unexpected situations.Things in a B.O.B.1. A sleeping bag, or at least a thin quilt.2. Drinking water.3. High-calorie foods, such as chocolate and biscuits.4. Necessary medicines.5. Something for making a fire, and a small pot to boil water or cook.6. A few basic tools like a knife and some ropes.7. A flashlight.8. Money.9. A copy of all your important papers.(Be sure to make a B.O.B.as light as possible.)Places to keep a B.O.B.You should put a B.O.B.at a place where you can get it conveniently when disasters happen. Your home, your car, or your office can be a good place to put it.A B.O.B.is very helpful to the people in need. You’d better prepare more than one B.O.B.if possible. Then think of the difference a B.O.B.will make if those disasters happen. So prepare one now.5.Many people run away from their homes with a B.O.B.because ________.A.they have to same many people’s livesB.they have no other useful things to takeC.they will be able to return in a short timeD.they need to continue to live after disasters happen6.People should make a B.O.B.as ________ as they can.A.huge B.light C.common D.heavy7.According to the passage, “________” is right.A.Expensive things should be put in a B.O.B.safely.B.People should take a B.O.B.with them everywhere.C.It’s better to prepare more than one B.O.B.if possible.D.People are advised to put some more clothes in a B.O.B.3D printing is becoming more and more popular. We are now able to print things such as clothing, musical instruments and model cars. People and businesses are able to create the things they need very quickly and easily using 3D printers.But can you imagine printing food? Some scientists are trying to create a new dining experience by doing this. They hope that having a 3D printer in the kitchen will become as common as the microwave or the fridge. Scientists say that they are easy to use: you simply have to choose what you want to eat and put the uncooked food ‘inks’ into the printer. You can also change the instructions to make the food exactly how you want it. This means that it would be very quick and easy to create tasty and healthy meals.Using 3D printers to create your meals would also be saving the environment. There would be less need for traditional growing and transporting as food production would be much simpler. Printing food could also help people who are experiencing the swallowing disorder. They could make the printer to print softer foods so that they would not have trouble swallowing them.However, some people think that a future of 3D--printed food would cause many problems. It could take awaymany jobs, including those for growing and transporting food. Likewise, traditional cafés and restaurants might lose business. Also, people are worrying about whether the printed food is nutritious: Is it really possible to get the nutrients we need from food-based inks? What’s more, cooking and eating together with family and friends has long been a traditional and enjoyable activity. It is hard to imagine a world where the pastime of cooking is dead and meals can be created at the touch of a button.8.Which of the following best describes 3D food printing?A.Quick and easy.B.Impossible and failed.C.Nutritious and tasty.D.Unhealthy and difficult.9.Paragraph 3 mainly tells us about ________.A.the advantages of the 3D food printing B.the problems caused by the 3D food printingC.the future development of the 3D food printing D.the introduction of the 3D food printing10.Which of the following is the problem caused by food printing?A.Traditional food will disappear.B.Many people will lose their jobs.C.Cooking meals will take more time.D.People have to pay more for the printed food.11.Which of the following can be the best title of the text?A.3D Food Printing Is Coming B.Can 3D Printing Create Everything?C.3D- printing Food Will Be in Fashion!D.The Disadvantages of 3D Food PrintingBelieve it or not, humans have been in debt to Earth Overshoot Day this month. Earth Overshoot Day fell on August 8th. As of that day, we had used as much from nature in 2016 as our planet can provide in a whole year. In other words, we have run out of this year's “ecological budget”, and for the rest of the year we'll be eating into our “savings”.Global Footprint Network has been watching Earth Overshoot Day since 1971. This year, the day came five days earlier than it did last year (Aug.13th), 11 days earlier than the year before last year(Aug.19th) and is the earliest date yet.Global Footprint Network said that humans now use 1.6 Earths' worth of crops, forest, livestock, energy and other resources every year. By the 2030s we will be using more than two Earths' worth of resources every year. The situation is more and more serious and the world needs to find a better balance in how to use the Earth's resources.Overshoot Day is a red light warning of trouble ahead. “That is, we're using up what our planet does for us, so year after year, there is less for us to use, ” Stuart Pimm, an American professor of ecology, explained. “Less forest,fewer fish in the ocean, and less productive land.” Two of the main causes are over-population and pollution.Small actions make a big difference and all of us play an important role in creating a better world where we live. Even a few simple changes around our home can reduce waste, from taking a shower instead of a bath to using our own reusable bags at a store instead of ones that are made of plastics. In this way we can reduce waste and pollution. Let's start today to live greener in no time.12.What can we learn from the first two paragraphs?A.Earth Overshoot Day is coming earlier and earlier.B.Earth Overshoot Day falls on Aug.19th.C.Humans will have to spend more money for the rest of the year.D.Humans have used as many resources this year as we did last year.13.According to Global Footprint Network, which of the following is TRUE?A.By the 2030s there will be no resources left on Earth.B.Humans need to find better ways to use resources properly.C.Humans use more than 1.6 Earths' worth of resources every year.D.Aug. 13th is the earliest date of Earth Overshoot Day since 1971.14.Which one can't help us reduce waste?A.Taking a shower.B.Taking a bath.C.Using reusable bags.D.Recycling waste water.15.Which can be the best title for the passage?A.Living a Saving Life B.Aug.8th—an Important DayC.Small Actions Make a Big Difference D.Eating up Our Planet二、七选五50 things to do before you're 18!If you haven't turned eighteen yet, My World magazine wants to hear from you! We want your suggestions for a “50 things to do before you're 18” list. Begin your idea with the question “Have you ever…?”, and note that we only want ideas you've already tried out yourself!Your replies____16____I've been amazed how quickly I've improved! It's really satisfying. I've been in my own band for a year now, and we've even won a few competitions! I've made loads of friends that way, too. Everyone you meet likes music, so you've already got lots to talk about.—Kitty, Hull____17____Well, why not? Bad weather makes us sad, but this is a way to feel happy again. Yes, you do need to feel confident to try this! Some people have laughed at me—it's true—but many more have joined in! —Ben, Penrith ____18____I can't believe there are people out there who've never seen the sun come up! You don't need to be a poet or an artist to find that beautiful. Oh, and this is an extra idea, but go swimming with dolphins! I did it last summer and now I can't stop telling everyone how amazing it was.—Lucy, Aberdeen____19____Yesterday I helped to look for a man's dog. The day before that, I stood up when an old lady got on the bus, and I gave her my seat. These people weren't friends or family. They were simply people who needed help. And helping them made me feel great. Try it! It's quite surprising.—Prash, Nottingham____20____I've tried red gothic hairstyle! I did it in school holidays, so teachers didn't complain.(Warning: make sure that your parents are cool with this first! You don't want them to go crazy.) Your can even experiment with different clothes. It's great fun.—Faith, PrestonA.Have you ever danced in the rain?B.Have you ever changed the color of your hair?C.Have you ever learned how to play a musical instrument?D.Have you ever been to a foreign country?E.Have you ever done something nice for someone you don't know?F.Have you ever felt the beauty of nature?三、完形填空Maddie and her father took their seats in the subway,tired.They'd been sightseeing nonstop in Washington,D.C.All the ___21___ and waiting in line made them tired.“It sure feels good to ___22___!” her dad spoke loudly.“I think I'll just close my eyes and relax ___23___ weget to our stop.”While he was resting,Maddie looked on her father's phone ___24___ the pictures he'd taken.She smiled,___25___ how much fun they'd had.As she was ___26___ the pictures,she heard the little boy behind her whimpering(啜泣) annoyingly. Although the subway was ___27___,she wished the boy and his mother would sit somewhere else.She tried not to notice ___28___,but a moment later he let out a scream that made her father ___29___.Maddie turned around and stared at the boy.The boy's mother held the boy onto her lap and rocked him ____30____.She smiled wearily(疲惫地)and said,“He's crying because we just came from the zoo,and he didn't see his favorite elephant today.”Upon hearing these ____31____,the boy cried again.“I wanted to see Kandula!”“I know,dear,” his mother said.“But the zookeeper took him inside for a bath.We'll see him next time.”“____32____ I want to see Kandula right now!” the boy sobbed.Suddenly Maddie felt ____33____ for the boy: she knew how awful it felt when things didn't go your way.She searched the ____34____ and found one her father had taken of Kandula when they were at the zoo the day before.“Look,here's a picture of him!” said Maddie.The little boy looked at the picture and then yelled(大喊)with ____35____,“Look,Mama!Kandula!”“Thank you so much,” the woman whispered to Maddie.21.A.shopping B.walking C.sitting D.watching22.A.get up B.walk around C.sit down D.run away23.A.when B.after C.until D.if24.A.of B.at C.on D.in25.A.imagining B.expecting C.wondering D.remembering26.A.looking through B.finding out C.picking up D.handing out 27.A.dirty B.clean C.empty D.crowded28.A.her B.us C.you D.him29.A.alone B.awake C.afraid D.asleep30.A.heavily B.angrily C.loudly D.patiently31.A.stories B.words C.suggestions D.promises32.A.So B.But C.And D.Because33.A.sorry B.mad C.surprised D.excited34.A.seats B.animals C.photos D.phones35.A.anger B.happiness C.sadness D.care四、用单词的适当形式完成短文阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

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杭州重点高中新生入学分班考试科学模拟试卷英语WTD standardization office【WTD 5AB- WTDK 08- WTD 2C】杭州重点高中新生入学分班考试科学模拟试卷(英语)注意:1. 考生务必将自己的姓名,所在初中学校等填写在指定位置。

2. 请将第I卷的答案填涂在答题卡上指定的位置,第II卷的答案写在答题卷上。

3. 考试时间:50分钟,满分100分。

第I卷(共65分)I. 单项选择(20分,每题1分)1. There are many trees on_____ side of the road. They were planted several years ago.A. anyB. bothC. eitherD. every2. This room is big enough for all of us ______.A. liveB. living inC. to live inD. to live3. My MP4 player doesn’t work. It needs ____________ and I’ll get it _______.A. to repair, repairedB. repairing, repairedC. repair, repairD. repaired, repaired4. The old man _______ Bajin was a famous writer.A. was calledB. is calledC. calledD. calls5. ___________ loudly so that everyone can hear you.A. SpeakingB. SpeakC. To speakD. Speak6. The beaches in Hainan are better than _______ in Qingdao.A. onesB. thoseC. thatD. which one7. The teacher got angry _____ what we had done in class yesterday.A. becauseB. because ofC. asD. but8. You ________- worry about her. She will be all right soon.A. needn’t toB. don’t needC. don’t need toD. not need9. You should try your best to catch up with your classmates. Don’t ________ your parents ________.A. make, upB. let, highC. let, downD. let, low10. I went to the food streets in Xi’an. It’s ________ great ________ to taste different snacks.A. so, funB. such, funC. such a, funD. too, funny11. It’s cold outside. Please keep all the windows ___________.A. closedB. to closeC. closeD. closing12. This is __________ I wanted.A. thatB. whichC. one whichD. the one13. –Do you know Jim quarreled with his brother? –I don’t know, ________.A. nor do I careB. nor don’t I careC. I don’t care, neitherD. I don’t care, also14. There is ____________ bridge in the old town.A. a 800-meters-longB. an 800-meters-longC. a 800-meter-longD. an 800-meter-long15. I love eating ice cream _______ a hot day. There’s nothing _________.A. on, betterB. in, goodC. at, wellD. to, best16. The money _____________ the people who are disabled.A. used to helpB. is used to helpC. is used to helpingD. is used to17. Please tell me something that Jimmy did ________ his problems.A. solvingB. to solveC. solveD. solved18. ___________ ill, I can’t go to school today.A. Because ofB. AsC. BeingD. With19. He has ________ for three years. Three years ________ a long time.A. left hometown, areB. been away from hometown, isC. left hometown, isD. been away from hometown , are20. --- Don’t you mind his smoking here?--- ______. The children are all studying in the living room.A. Better notB. No, go ahead, pleaseC. Yes, I doD. I’m sorry to hear thatII. 完形填空(15分,每题1分)阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从A,B,C,D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

Three days had passed since the head teacher scolded (批评) her at the 21 , but Cao Jinning, 14, still felt unhappy.The head teacher scolded her for wearing tight (紧身的) clothes instead of the 22 . He said that Cao thought “ 23 about being pretty”. But actually the Hangzhou 24 wore those clothes to run faster and was going to 25 the school uniform after the race.“I was wronged,” Cao said. “I felt angry and sad.”Many 26 come across similar things with Cao. Sometimes, as teachers don’t fully know the situation. It easily leads to misunderstandings. Such things are not 27 bad for the relationship between students and teachers, but also the healthy development of students.Zhang Xiaoyu, 14, from Anhui thought the best way was to 28 teachers. “Refuting (反驳) teachers at once is impolite and will make teachers 29 ,” she said.Lu Chunzi, a teacher from Heilongjiang, 30 Zhang. She said many teachers hurt students’ feelings 31 meaning for it. “After all, teachers cannot know 32 ,” she said. “So I hope students can come to teachers to clear up the misunderstandings.”For those who 33 too shy to do that, Cao offered 34 choice. She wrote a letter to her teacher. “He 35 me later on and now we’re good,” she said happily.21. A. sports meeting B. party C. talent show D. School Day22. A. loose clothes B. school uniform C. sports shoes D. dress23. A. too many B. many too C. too much D. much too24. A. teacher B. man C. boy D. girl25. A. put on B. take off C. throw away D. pick up26. A. teachers B. students C. boys D. girls27. A. always B. / C. only D. even28. A. refute B. argue with C. say sorry to D. talk to29. A. angrier B. happier C. calm down D. sad30. A. talked with B. agreed with C. disagreed with D. asked for31. A. by B. with C. without D. of32. A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything33. A. feel B. feels C. felt D. is34. A. an B. another C. the other D. other35. A. talks with B. talks about C. talked to D. talked aboutIII. 阅读理解(30分,每题2分)根据材料内容选择最佳答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内。
