



占系统总碳储量的9.1 7%;死地被物层为25 5 6.3

kg,hm~,占2.89%;土壤层为776 80蝇・hm~,占8 7.94%。系统中各组成 的碳储量按高低排序为土壤层>植被层>死地被物层。
贵阳市灌木林的总碳储量为5 95.1 4万t。表明在喀斯特地区的贵阳
was 3745.1 2 kg.hm~,accounting for 23.1 1%of the total biomass in the
forests.Biomass in dead floor layer was 6957.1 2 kg.hm~.It was found that non-decomposed components have been transferred to the semi—decomposed and full-decomposed components in the dead floor.
0 1 64.0
7 749.3
蚝.hm~、Ca 2421.9埏.hm~、Mg 6204.2蚝・hm~。 灌木林生态系统中养分积累总量为8 83
5 94.5 2 3.8
2埏.hm~,占总积累量的O.6 8%;死地被物层2 8 6.06蚝-hm~,占总
73 4.2 1
死地被物层碳含量为3 k.hm~。
g・k~,碳储量为2 5 5 6.3


g・kg一,碳储量为77.68 t・hm~。土壤碳



Ca b n S o a e a d S ta sr b to n Dif r ntVe e a i n r o t r g n pa i lDit i u i n i fe e g t to
Re t r to te n n K a ss Ar a.G u z H Pr v nc so a i n Pa t r s i r t e i hO o i e
r s l h we h tc r o o c n r to sv re t i e e tte r a s i h a r e s e i s a d v re t i e e t e u t s o d t a a b n c n e ta i n a i d wi d f r n r e o g n n t e s me te p c e n a i d wi d f r n s h f h f te p c e i t e a te r a a we 1 Ca b n o c n r to s r e s e i s n h s me r e o g n s l. r o c n e ta i n we e i h r n b v g o n o g n t a t a i r h g e i a o e r u d r a s h n h t n u d r r u d o g n f r a lsu i d te p c e x e t o b s o u s Ⅱ n .Va ito o f c e t fc r o o c n r to s n e g o n r a o l t d e r e s e i s e c p r u Ⅱ e ss S p ra i n c e i i n so a b n c n e ta i n
th , 均 表 现 为 土 壤 层 > 植 被 层 > 死 地 被 物 层 , 种 林 分 以 楸 树 林 乔 木 层 年 固 碳 能 力 最 高 , ・m 且 4 达 1 1 9 th . 7 ・m~a , 次 为 车 桑 子 林 , 0 6 6 th ~ 其 为 . 8 ・ m。a 柏 木 林 最 低 , 0 0 0 th ~, 为 . 8 ・ m~a 一。



中国西南喀斯特森林生物量与碳储量研究进展冉同伙;安裕伦【摘要】The ecosystem of Karst in southwest area of China, was one of ecological environment frail areas. As the first major form of terrestrial ecosystem, forest biomass has played great roles in maintaining ecosystem balance, Karst rocky desertification ecological management and reconstruction, and sustainable development in Karst region. This paper systematically analyzed studies on biomass and carbon storage of forest ecosystems in southwest Karst area of China, and summarized three methods of forest biomass and carbon storage estimation. Based on all of these studies, some problems and opinions of future study were discussed.%西南喀斯特地区是我国生态环境脆弱地带之一,森林作为陆地生态系统的主体,对维护喀斯特地区生态系统平衡、喀斯特石漠化生态治理与重建以及可持续发展意义重大.在深入分析中国西南喀斯特地区森林生物量与碳储量研究现状的基础上,对喀斯特森林生物量研究方法及其存在的问题进行了总结,并讨论了未来的研究方向.【期刊名称】《贵州师范大学学报(自然科学版)》【年(卷),期】2013(031)002【总页数】4页(P117-120)【关键词】森林生物量;碳储量;喀斯特【作者】冉同伙;安裕伦【作者单位】贵州师范大学地理与环境科学学院;贵州省山地资源与环境遥感应用重点实验室,贵州贵阳550001【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TM938.84;P642.250 引言森林生态系统是陆地生态系统的主体,其生物量约占全球陆地植被生物量的90%[1],每年的固碳量占整个陆地生态系统固定的碳量2/3[2],储存了陆地生态系统76% ~98%的有机碳[3],森林生物量和碳储量已成为全球陆地生态系统碳循环与气候变化研究的焦点之一。



赤水河下游3种林分类型土壤有机碳含量及影响因素分析作者:钟洪明高艳平母永秋等来源:《湖北农业科学》2013年第23期摘要:对贵州赤水河下游杉木[Cunninghamia Lanceolata (Lamb.) var]林、马尾松[Pinus massoniana (Lamb.) Hook]林及竹[Phyllostachys edulis(Carr.) H. Delehaie]林土壤有机碳、碳密度及其垂直分配特征进行了研究,并探讨了土壤养分对其影响。

结果表明,3种林分类型0~80 cm剖面土壤有机碳平均含量为竹林(15.46 g/kg)﹥杉木林(13.78 g/kg)﹥马尾松林(9.72 g/kg),差异显著;有机碳密度为杉木林(12.87 kg/m2)﹥竹林(11.73 kg/m2)﹥马尾松林(8.21 kg/m2),差异极显著;3种林分类型土壤有机碳含量和碳密度均随土层深度增加而逐渐降低,有机碳含量均为0~10 cm层最大,分别是剖面有机碳含量均值的1.47~2.30倍,而0~20 cm土壤碳密度分别占剖面碳密度的31.71%~47.83%,显著高于其他各层,土壤有机碳和碳密度均具较强的表聚性,应加强生态环境保护,避免人为活动和减少水土流失;杉木林和毛竹林影响土壤有机碳含量的主导因子为水解氮,而马尾松林为有效磷。

关键词:林分类型;土壤有机碳;土壤碳密度;土壤养分中图分类号:S714.2 文献标识码:A 文章编号:0439-8114(2013)23-5741-05CO2在大气层中的积累引起了全球变暖、降水格局改变和海平面上升等全球性问题的发生,威胁着全球生态环境和人类自身生存与发展,因而引起国际社会普遍关注[1]。




ma s s o f s h r u b l a y e r a n d l i t t e r s t o r a g e .T a g e o f t h r e e c o n i f e r o u s f o r e s t s i n 0— 6 0 c m l a y e r i s 5 7 . 7 9 t・h m~ .
第4 2卷 第 3期
2 0 1 4年 3月

Vo 1 . 4 2 N o . 3
Ma r .201 4
神 农 架 3种 针 叶林 土 壤 碳 储 量 比较 )
N o r t h e a s t F o r e s t r y U n i v e r s i t y . - 2 0 1 4, 4 2 ( 3 ) . - 6 9~ 7 2
Wi t h t h r e e ma i n c o n i f e r o u s f o r e s t s o f P i n u s m a s s o n i a n a f o r e s t , P i n u s a m a n d i i f o r e s t a n d A b i e s f a r g e s i i f o r e s t i n S h e n — n o n g j i a N a t u r e R e s e r v e , a n e x p e r i m e n t w a s c o n d u c t e d t o s t u d y t h e s o i l o r g a n i c c a r b o n( S O C)s t o r a g e c h a r a c t e r i s t i c o f t h r e e c o n i f e r o u s f o r e s t s , a n d t h e r e l a t i o n s h i p b e t w e e n s o i l c a r b o n s t o r a g e w i t h m e a n d i a m e t e r a t b r e a s t h e i g h t( D B H) , b i o —







































Ab s t r a c t : T h e i n v e s t i g a t i o n s o f b i o ma s s , c a r b o n s t o r a g e a n d s p a t i a l d i s t r i b u t i o n c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s o f ma i n f o r e s t s i n Gu i y a n g( a k rs a t c i t y )
第3 3卷 第 1 1 期 2 0 1 3年 1 1 月
中 南 林 业 科 技 大 学 学 报
Jo ur nal o f Ce nt r al S out h U ni ve r s i t y o f Fo r e s t r y & Te c hnol og y
c i y t wa s e s t i ma t e d b a s e d o n he t s u r v e y d a t a . T h e r e s u l t s s h o w ha t t t h e a r b o r b i o ma s s o f 7 ma i n f o r e s t s r a n g e d f r o m 5 . 4 4 t - h m。 。 t o 1 0 5 . 3 6
Bi o ma s s a nd c a r bo n s e que s t r a t i o n f un c t i o n o f ka r s t ma i n ur ba n f o r e s t
NI NG Xi a o . b o ,L I U Lo n g . d e ,LI Mi ng — g a n g 2 GU Yo n g — s h u n ,W ANG Ta i . q i n g ,XI A J i ng



喀纳斯国家自然保护区针叶林生物量分配特征白志强;刘华;方岳;张帆;叶高;韩燕梁【摘要】本试验分别采用相对生长法和全株收获法调查分析了新疆喀纳斯国家自然保护区内西伯利亚落叶松(Larix sibirica)、西伯利亚云杉(Picea obovata)和西伯利亚红松(Pinus sibirica)等3种主要针叶林生物量的分配特征.结果表明:3个树种不同器官生物量分配存在差异,西伯利亚云杉和西伯利亚红松均为树干>树根>树枝>树皮>树叶,西伯利亚落叶松为树干>树根>树皮>树枝>树叶;树干的生物量占总生物量的96%以上;3种优势针叶树种的生物量(W)与胸径(D)和树高(H)的函数表达式为W=a(D2 H)b,回归系数均在0.88以上;3种林分总生物量排序为西伯利亚落叶松-西伯利亚云杉针叶混交林>西伯利亚落叶松-西伯利亚云杉-西伯利亚红松针叶混交林>西伯利亚云杉针叶纯林;在垂直分布上,西伯利亚落叶松-西伯利亚云杉混交林和西伯利亚云杉纯林均为乔木层>凋落物层>草本层>苔藓层>灌木层;西伯利亚落叶松-西伯利亚云杉-西伯利亚红松混交林则为乔木层>凋落物层>苔藓层>草本层>灌木层;3种林分的乔木和灌木层生物量地上部分大于地下部分;草本层生物量表现为地下部分大于地上部分.【期刊名称】《河北农业大学学报》【年(卷),期】2014(037)004【总页数】7页(P14-19,24)【关键词】针叶林;生物量;喀纳斯国家自然保护区【作者】白志强;刘华;方岳;张帆;叶高;韩燕梁【作者单位】新疆林科院森林生态研究所,新疆乌鲁木齐830002;安徽农业大学林学与园林学院,安徽合肥230036;安徽农业大学林学与园林学院,安徽合肥230036;安徽农业大学林学与园林学院,安徽合肥230036;安徽农业大学林学与园林学院,安徽合肥230036;新疆林科院森林生态研究所,新疆乌鲁木齐830002【正文语种】中文【中图分类】S718.5森林生态系统作为陆地上面积最大的生态系统,在影响全球碳循环过程中起着不可替代的作用[1]。



㊀Guihaia㊀Aug.2018ꎬ38(8):1062-1069http://www.guihaia-journal.comDOI:10.11931/guihaia.gxzw201802009引文格式:陶玉华ꎬ白丽蓉.喀斯特风水林和荒山生态系统碳储量的研究[J].广西植物ꎬ2018ꎬ38(8):1062-1069TAOYHꎬBAILR.Carbonstorageofecosystemsinhollyhillandbarrenhillkarstarea[J].Guihaiaꎬ2018ꎬ38(8):1062-1069CarbonstorageofecosystemsinhollyhillandbarrenhillkarstareaTAOYuhua∗ꎬBAILirong(GuangxiKeyLaboratoryofMarineDisasterinBeibuGulfꎬKeyLaboratoryofCoastalScienceandEngineeringinBeibuGulfꎬQinzhouUniversityꎬQinzhou535011ꎬGuangxiꎬChina)Abstract:Hollyhillandbarrenhillbothexistinkarstlandformꎬkarstforestisafragileandlow ̄biomassecosystemwithbarrensoilandlowresilienceandresistancecapabilitiestodisturbance.Thehollyhillistheplacewherethevegetationiswellprotectedbytheindigenouspeoplewholivenearbybasedontheirbeliefsꎬthebarrenhilliscomprisedofrockykarstformationsthatcontaintheareasofexposedbedrockduetohumandisturbance.ThestudyisaboutcomparisonofcarbonstorageofecosysteminhollyhillandbarrenhillꎬthecarbonstocksofhollyhillandbarrenhillecosystemswerestudiedthroughfieldworkꎬlaboratoryanalysisandstatisticatLuochengꎬGuangxiꎬChina.Theresultsshowedthatvegetationꎬsoilandlittercarbonstorageofhollyhillecosystemswere7.42ꎬ5.9and1.1timesthoseofbarrenhillecosystemsrespec ̄tively.Carbonstoragewere137.06ꎬ93.73t hm ̄2athollyhillandbarrenhillecosystemsrespectivelyꎬsoilcarbonstor ̄agecontributedmostinthetwoecosystemsꎬandunderstoryandlittercontributedless.Thecomparisonofcarbonstorageofhollyhillandbarrenhillreflectstheimportanceofprotectingkarstforestꎬkeepingtraditionalaboriginalculturemeansalotforprotectingecologicalenvironmentandimprovingcarbonsequestration.Keywords:carbonstorageꎬbiomassꎬhollyhillꎬbarrenhillꎬkarstCLCnumber:Q948㊀㊀Documentcode:A㊀㊀ArticleID:1000 ̄3142(2018)08 ̄1062 ̄08喀斯特风水林和荒山生态系统碳储量的研究陶玉华∗ꎬ白丽蓉(广西北部湾海洋灾害研究重点实验室ꎬ广西北部湾海岸科学与工程实验室ꎬ钦州学院ꎬ广西钦州535011)摘㊀要:所研究的风水林和荒山属于喀斯特地貌ꎮ喀斯特森林是一种脆弱的低生物量生态系统ꎬ土壤贫瘠ꎬ自我修复能力低ꎬ易受人为因素干扰ꎮ风水林指人们居住地附近的一片茂盛的森林ꎬ认为有神居住而崇拜ꎬ严禁被砍伐和破坏ꎮ荒山是喀斯特森林植被在人为干扰后出现岩石裸露产生的石漠化现象ꎮ该研究通过野外调查㊁实验室分析㊁数理统计等对广西罗城喀斯特风水林和荒山生态系统碳储量进行对比性研究ꎮ结果表明:喀斯特风水林植被㊁土壤和枯落物碳储量分别是荒山的7.42倍㊁5.9倍和1.1倍ꎬ风水林和荒山生态系统碳储收稿日期:2018-05-13基金项目:国家自然科学基金(31761143001)ꎻ钦州学院高层次人才科研启动项目(2017KYQD203)ꎻ广西北部湾海洋灾害研究重点实验室自主项目(2018TS01)[SupportedbytheNationalNaturalScienceFoundationofChina(31761143001)ꎻQinzhouUniversityHigh ̄LevelScientificResearchFoundationforTalentIntroduction(2017KYQD203)ꎻGuangxiKeyLaboratoryofMarineDisasterintheBeibuGulf(2018TS01)]ꎮ作者简介:陶玉华(1968-)ꎬ女(达斡尔族)ꎬ黑龙江齐齐哈尔人ꎬ博士ꎬ教授ꎬ从事民族生态学研究ꎬ(E ̄mail)arlenetao12@aliyun.comꎮ∗通信作者量分别为137.06㊁93.73t hm ̄2ꎬ其中土壤碳库贡献率最高ꎬ而林下植被和枯落物却较低ꎬ表明风水林森林生态系统碳储量明显高于荒山ꎮ通过风水林和荒山的碳储量比较研究ꎬ为评价风水林碳汇提供依据ꎬ为制定森林管理政策㊁保护村社水平的植被提供数据参考ꎮ此外ꎬ还探讨了少数民族朴素的生态伦理思想在保护森林和增汇方面的作用ꎬ丰富了生态伦理学内容ꎬ对传承和弘扬少数民族传统文化㊁恢复生态具有重要意义ꎮ关键词:碳储量ꎬ生物量ꎬ风水林ꎬ荒山ꎬ喀斯特㊀㊀Hollyhillꎬknownassacredgrovesordragonhillꎬisaplacewhosevegetationiswellconservedbythein ̄digenouspeoplewholivenearby.Thevillagersworshipitbecausetheybelieveagodlivesthereandthereforeꎬnooneisallowedtocutplantsordamagethehills.SuchtraditionalculturehasexistedforcenturiesinsomeethnicgroupsinChina.Itishighinspeciesrichnessandcontainscomplicatedvegetationcommunitystructure(Zhouetalꎬ2002).ZhuangandMelaominoritygroupsinGuangximaintainanimismintheirtraditionalcultureꎬbelievingthatallthingsinthehollyhillarethereincarnationofgodsthatwillblesstheirsafetyꎬhealthandprosperityifthehollysiteisprotected.Thistraditionofprotectingforestecosystemsbasedonecologicalethicsconstitutespartofthecultureoftheseindigenouspeople.Hollyhillvegetationisavitalpartoftheagriculturalandforestecosystemsforthepeoplewholiveintheareaandplaysaveryimportantroleinwaterandsoilconservationꎬsuchasregulatingthemicroclimateandmaintainingsoilstability.Previousre ̄searchshowedthatthebiodiversityoftheprotectionareawasprotectedrelativelywellꎬwhichplaysanexpandedroleintheprotectionofbiodiversityatlandscapescales(Liuetalꎬ2000).Thebarrenhilliscomprisedofrockykarstforma ̄tionsthatcontainextensiveareasofexposedbedrock.Desertificationhasoccurredinthisregionasaresultofextensivevegetationremovalꎬwhichhasledtothedegradationofthelandandreducedsoilproductivity(Yangꎬ1995).Karstforestisafragileecosystemwheresoilstakeanextremelylongperiodoftimetoformꎬsiteresourcesforplantproductivityarelowꎬextensiveareasofbarrensoilexistwheresoilerosionoccursꎬandhaslowresilienceandresistancecapabilitiestodistur ̄bance.Karstforestecosystemsusuallytakelongertore ̄coveroncethevegetationisremoved.Therestorationofthekarstforestecosystemsusuallyrequirestheestab ̄lishmentofseveraldifferentsuccessionalstagesꎬwhichcansignificantlyinfluencetheecosystemfunctionsofthesevegetativesystems(Wangetalꎬ2008).Thecarbonstorageofhollyhillandbarrenhillecosystemswerestudiedinthispaper.Thisstudyisaimedtocomparethecarbonstorageoftwoecosystemsandtheircarbonstoragespatialdistributionsꎬwhichcouldcontributetotheunderstandingoftheimportantsignificanceforprotectingcommunityforestsinkarstharshhabitatꎬanditalsoprovidesthecomparativedatatodeveloppropermanagementstrategiesfortheseeco ̄systemsandthecommunityforest.1㊀Methods1.1DescriptionofstudyareaThestudyarea(108ʎ48ᶄEꎬ24ʎ59ᶄN)islocatedinthenorthernpartofLuochengMelaoAutonomousCountyꎬGuangxiꎬChinaꎬwhichliestothesouthofJiuwanMountain.Thisregionischaracterizedbyasub ̄tropicalclimatewithhighhumidityꎬrainandfog.Theannualaveragetemperatureis18.8ħꎬwithextremehighestandlowesttemperaturesof38ħand-4ħꎬre ̄spectively.Theaverageannualrainfallis1630.6mmꎬwithanaveragerelativehumidityof78%and300frost ̄freedays.HollyhillandbarrenhillaresituatedinSibaoVil ̄lageꎬLuochengCountyꎬGuangxiꎬChinaꎬwhichisin ̄habitedbytheMelaoꎬZhuangꎬYaoꎬDongandMiaominoritygroups.TheMelaoandZhuangcomprisemorethan50%oftotalpopulationinSibaoVillage.Hollyhillandbarrenhillaredominatedbylimestonesoilwithextremelyunevensoildepthandex ̄posedrocks.Theelevationrangesfrom280mto318mwithsteepslopes(20ʎ-40ʎ)andsoildepthsof3-50cm.Thevegetationoccursinrelativelysmallpatchesor36018期陶玉华等:喀斯特风水林和荒山生态系统碳储量的研究nichesinsuchareasasstonefacingsorsurfacesꎬsoilꎬchannelscarvedintostoneovertimeꎬandcracksandcrevicesinstones.ThreehollyhillsiteswhichcontainlushvegetationꎬsurroundSibaoVillageandcalledLionHillꎬTempleHillandLaojieHillbyarborigines.Thepri ̄maryspeciesofwoodyplantswhichoccurtheremainlyincludeCinnamomumcamphoraꎬCeltissinensisꎬUlmuscastaneifoliaꎬSapiumrotundifoliumꎬTirpitziaovoideaꎬRadermacherasinicaꎬBroussonetiapapyriferaꎬAlangiumchinenseꎬCudraniatricuspidataꎬAlchorneatrewioidesꎬCrassocephalumcrepidioidesꎬTrachelospermumjasmi ̄noidesꎬMelastomaintermediumꎬMallotusphilippensisꎬKoelreuteriaintegrifoliolaꎬErvatamiadivaricataꎬOreoc ̄nidefrutescensꎬmainspeciesofherbaceousplantsareHoyacarnosaꎬPyrrosialinguaꎬRubuscorchorifoliuꎬEla ̄tostemabalansaeꎬDicranopterisdichotomaꎬEragrostispi ̄losaꎬArthraxonhispidusꎬMicrostegiumvagansꎬIshaemumindicumandArundinellahirta.Localfarmerscutfirewoodandplantedcropsforalongtimeinthebarrenhillbeforeforestconservationbecameaconcernꎬwhichhascreatedareasofexposedbedrockanddesertification.Thevegetativecommunitieshavebeenpartlyrestoredsincetheinvolvementbythegovernmentinconservationpractices.Atthepresenttimethesecommunitiesprimarilyconsistofwoodyandherbaceousplants.Accordingtoitscommunityphysiog ̄nomyꎬthedominantspeciesandhabitattypesꎬthekarstvegetationwasdividedintofivesuccessionalstages: (1)herbcommunityꎬ(2)herb ̄shrubcommunityꎬ(3)shrubcommunityꎬ(4)sub ̄climaxcommunityand(5)climaxcommunityofevergreen ̄deciduousbroad ̄leavedmixedforests(Xiaꎬ2010).Onlytheherbcommunityandherb ̄shrubcommunityexistedinbarrenhillsduringthetimethatthisstudywasimplemented.TheprimarywoodyspeciesthatoccurredinthebarrenhillsmainlyincludeAlchorneatrewioidesꎬAlangiumchinenseꎬCallicarpamacrophyllaꎬMillettianiti ̄daꎬJasminumseguiniiꎬVitexnegundoꎬBroussonetiapa ̄pyriferaꎬOreocnidefrutescensꎬStrophanthusdivaricatusꎬPlatycaryastrobilaceaꎬCudraniatricuspidataꎬRhuschinensiꎬRosalaevigataꎬSterculiaeuosmaꎬChukrasiatabularisꎬUlmusparvifoliaꎬLaplaceaindicaꎬandmainspeciesofherbsarePteridiumrevolutumꎬLitseacubebaꎬMiscanthusfloriduluꎬMicrostegiumvaganꎬBidenspilosaꎬErigeronkomaroviiꎬElatostemabalansaeꎬImperatacy ̄lindricaꎬRubuscorchorifoliuꎬEragrostispilosaandAr ̄thraxonhispidus.1.2MethodsofestimatingtreebiomassinhollyhillsLionHillꎬTempleHillandLaojieHillwerechosentorepresentthehollyhillstudyareas.Atotalof27sampleplots(20mˑ30m)wereestablishedalonganelevationalgradientof50-80mverticaldistance.Withineachplotꎬtotaltreeheightanddiameteratbreastheight(dbh)weremeasuredonalltreeswithdbh>2cm.TheabovegroundbiomassoftreeswereestimatedwithbiomassequationspublishedbyZhuetal(1995)forGuizhoukarstforests(Table1).Theundergroundbiomassoftreeswereestimatedbytheroot ̄shootratio(0.2318)reportedbyQi&Tang(2008)forXishuangbannakarstforests.Table1㊀Equations1ꎬ2usedtoestimatetheforestbiomassinhollyhillsForestcomponentModelcoefficientsabr ̄valueTreetrunk0.04140.93540.9945Branch0.03202.33990.9391Foliage0.13773.72560.8487㊀Note:1W=a(D2H)bꎬwhereW=biomass(kg)ꎬD=dbh(cm)ꎬandH=totalheight(m)ꎻ2EquationsfromZhuetalꎬ1995.1.3MethodsofestimatingbiomassofunderstoryandlitterinhollyhillsThree4.0m2andthree1.0m2subsampleplotswereestablishedineachsampleplotforthepurposeofestimatingherbaceousandwoodyunderstorybiomassꎬandlitterbiomassꎬrespectively.Ineach4.0m2sub ̄sampleplotꎬtheherbaceousandwoodyplantswereclippedandweighedtothenearest0.1gtoacquireafreshweight.Alllitterswerecollecteddowntothemineralsoilineach1.0m2subsampleplotandweighedtothenearest0.1gtoattainatotalfreshweight.Anapproximate30%subsampleofthesefreshweightfieldsampleswerebroughtbacktothelaboratoryanddriedat80ħuntilaconstantweightwasachievedtodeterminethemoisturecontent.Thedeterminedmoisturecontentpercentagewasappliedto4601广㊀西㊀植㊀物38卷thefreshweightsamplestoachieveadryweightandconvertedintounitareaovendrybiomassweightofun ̄derstoryandlitter(t hm ̄2).Thebelowgroundbiomassofwoodystemswasestimatedbyusingtheroot ̄shootratio(1ʒ1)reportedbyTu&Yang(1995)forGuizhoukarstforests.1.4MethodsofestimatingbiomassoflitterꎬwoodyandherbaceousplantsinbarrenhillsBarrenhillsarecurrentlyinvegetationrestorationstagesaspartoftheefforttoreversethekarstrockydesertificationthathasoccurredthere.Asaresultꎬtwosuccessionalstagesexistedandwereinvestigatedinthisstudyꎬwhichincludedtheherb ̄shrubandtheherbcommunities.Three4.0m2subsampleplotswereestablishedineachsampleplottoestimatewoodyꎬherbaceousandlitterbiomass.Theproceduretodeter ̄minethefreshanddryweightofwoodyandherbaceousplantsandlitterwasperformedaccordingtothesamemethodasdescribedforthehollyhills.1.5MethodsofmeasuringcarboncontentSamplesmaterialsoflitterꎬwoodyandherbaceousplantsofhollyhillandbarrenhillweredriedꎬcrushedandsieved.Forsoilsamplesꎬthreesoilsampleswereplacedineachreplicateplotsran ̄domlyꎬandsampledbythecuttingringsat0-20cmꎬ20-40cmsoildepthꎬsoilsampleswerebroughtbacktothelaboratorytodeterminethesoilbulkdensityꎬthecarboncontentofdifferentcomponentsandsoilswereanalyzedthroughthepotassiumdichromateoxi ̄dation ̄hydrationheating.1.6MethodsofestimatingcarbonstorageThecarbonstorageofhollyhillandbarrenhillecosystemsconsistsoftreeꎬunderstoryꎬlitterandsoil(notreelayerexistedinunprotectedsite).Thecarbonstoredinecosystemscanbeestimatedbymul ̄tiplyingthebiomassofdifferentforestcomponentsbytheircarboncontentꎬtypically0.5ꎬwhichwasusedinthisstudy.Theestimationofsoilcarbonstoragewasdeterminedwiththefollowingequation(Zhongetalꎬ2008):SSOD= ni=1(CiˑpiˑTt)ˑ10 ̄1.IntheequationꎬSSOD=soilcarbonstoragedensity(t hm ̄2)ꎬCi=carbonmassfractioninisoildepth(g kg ̄1)ꎬPi=soilbulkdensityinisoildepth(g cm ̄3)ꎬTi=thicknessofsoilinisoildepth(cm)ꎬandnisthenumberofsoildepthlayers.1.7DataprocessingExcelandSPSS17.0statisticalsoftwarewereuti ̄lizedinthedataanalysis.2㊀ResultsandAnalyses2.1Carboncontentsoflitterꎬwoodyandherba ̄ceousplants2.1.1Carboncontentsoflitterandunderstoryinhollyhills㊀CarboncontentsofunderstoryofLionHillꎬTempleHillandLaojieHillrangedfrom37.51%to43.05%ꎬwithnosignificantdifferencebetweeneachsite(P>0.05).Thecarboncontentoflitterrangedfrom38.9%to45.54%ꎬwithnosignificantdifferencebetweeneachsite.Thecarboncontentin0-20cmsoildepthatthethreeprotectedsitesrangedfrom2.53%to3.18%ꎬandrangedfrom1.98%to2.25%withinthe20-40cmsoildepthsoil(Table2).Table2㊀CarboncontentsofunderstoryꎬlitterandsoilinhollyhillsSampleCarboncontent(%)Understory1Litter0-20cm20-40cmLionHill43.0545.542.792.25TempleHill37.5139.753.182.22LaojieHill41.0738.902.531.98Average40.5441.402.832.15㊀Note:1Understoryincludesherbaceousandwoodyplants.Thesamebelow.2.1.2CarboncontentsoflitterꎬwoodyandherbaceousplantsinbarrenhillsCarboncontentsoflitterꎬwoodyandherbaceousplantsinherb ̄shrubcommunitywerehigherthanwhatwasfoundintheherbcommunitybutwerenotsignificantlydifferentatP=0.05(Table3).Thecarboncontentsinthesoillayersof0-20cmand20-40cmdepthswerehigherintheherb ̄shrubcommunitycomparedtotheherbcommunityꎬandinbothvegetationcommunitiesthesoilcarbondecreaseswithsoildepth.56018期陶玉华等:喀斯特风水林和荒山生态系统碳储量的研究Table3㊀CarboncontentsofunderstoryꎬlitterandsoilinbarrenhillsVegetationcommunityCarboncontent(%)Understory1Litter0-20cm20-40cmHerb ̄shrub41.1438.502.891.88Herb36.4833.661.400.91Average38.8136.082.151.402.2Carbonstorage2.2.1Carbonstorageofhollyhills㊀Thecarbonstoredinthetreesofhollyhillsrangedfrom21.76t hm ̄2to51.4t hm ̄2ꎻcarbonstorageoftheunderstoryrangedfrom1.32t hm ̄2to2.92t hm ̄2ꎻcarbonstoredinthelitterrangedfrom0.77t hm ̄2to4.86t hm ̄2ꎻandsoilcar ̄bonrangedfrom86.43t hm ̄2to112.64t hm ̄2.Thetotalcarbonstoredintheprotectedecosystemsrangedfrom113.47t hm ̄2to149.92t hm ̄2(Table4).2.2.2Carbonstorageofbarrenhills㊀Thecarbonstocksofwoodyandherbaceousplantsinherb ̄shrubcommunitywerehigherthanthoseoftheherbcommunity(Table5).Howeverꎬthecarbonstocksofthelittercomponentintheherbcommunitywerehigherthanwhatwasfoundintheherb ̄shrubcommunity.Thetotalsoilcarbonstoredinherb ̄shrubcommunityandherbcommunitieswere117.78t hm ̄2and58.63t hm ̄2ꎬrespectively.Thetotalecosystemcarbonstoredintheherb ̄shrubandherbcommunitieswere126.53t hm ̄2and60.93t hm ̄2ꎬrespectively.Becausethetreesthatoccurredintheherb ̄shrubcommunityweresmallꎬtheywerecombinedwiththewoodyandherba ̄ceousplantspecies.2.2.3Comparisonofcarbonstoragesofhollyhillandbarrenhillecosystems㊀Carbonstoredinthetreelayerofhollyhillecosystemsaccountedfor25.83%oftheto ̄talecosystemcarbon(Table4)ꎬthecarbonstoredinthewoodyandherbaceousplantswaslessthanthatofthebarrenhill.Howeverthecarbonstoredwithinthelitterlayerofhollyhillecosystemwasgreaterthanthatinthelitterlayerofthebarrenhill.Soilcarbonstoredathollyhillwithinboththe0-20cmand20-40cmlayersweregreaterthanwhatwasfoundinthesoillayersatbarrenhill.Thetotalcarbonstoredinthehollyhillecosystemwas1.46timesgreaterthanthetotalbarrenhillecosystem(Table6).3㊀Discussion3.1CarbonstorageofhollyhillsBecausehollyhillsareconsideredasacredareaꎬtheSibaoVillageCommitteedidnotallowtheauthorstoharvesttresstomeasurebiomassoutofrespectfortheworshipandtaboosofthelocalresidents.TheabovegroundbiomassoftreeswerethereforeestimatedbybiomassequationpublishedbyZhuetal(1995)ꎬandundergroundbiomassoftreeswerecalculatedbyaspecifiedroot ̄shootratio(Qi&Tangꎬ2008).Theuseofbiomassregressionmodelstoestimatethebiomassofdifferenttreespeciesusuallyintroduceserrorbythenatureoftheirestimationꎬbutduetothehighspeciesdiversityandfewnumbersofindividualswithinspeciesinkarstforestecosystemꎬitisdifficulttocreategoodregressionmodelsasmightbeperformedinplantationsettings.Yang&Cheng(1991)indicatedthatkarstforestpopulationshadsimilarbiologicalfeaturesduetothelong ̄termadaptationtotheharshkarstenvironmentꎬWhittaker&Woodwell(1968)foundthattherewasasignificantandsimilarcorrelationbe ̄tweenbiomassanddiameterofsimilarspeciesoftrees.Thereforeꎬwebelievethattheapplicationofuni ̄formbiomassregressionmodelstosimilarspeciesisreasonableforthisstudy.Karstforesttypicallyisconsideredasalow ̄biomassforestecosystem(Yuetalꎬ2010)ꎬwhosebio ̄massandcarbonwereparticularlylowerthanthoseofevergreenbroad ̄leavedforestecosysteminthesameclimaticzones(Lietalꎬ2015ꎻZhangetalꎬ2014).Thelowbiomassandcarbonstocksareduetotheharshecologicalenvironmentfoundinthekarstecosystemsꎬsuchasbarrensoilꎬwaterstressꎬandfre ̄quentnaturalandhumandisturbances.Thisharshen ̄vironmentcausesvegetationtogrowveryslowlyꎬcreatingashortecologicallifeforplants.Inadditionꎬthedevelopmenthistoryofsecondaryforestsinthesesystemsisveryshort(Zhuetalꎬ1995).6601广㊀西㊀植㊀物38卷Table4㊀CarbonstorageandpercentageofcomponentsofhollyhillecosystemSampleTree(t hm ̄2)%Understory1(t hm ̄2)%Litter(t hm ̄2)%Soil(t hm ̄2)0-20cm20-40cmTotalsoil(t hm ̄2)%Totalcarbon(t hm ̄2)LionHill51.434.282.921.954.863.2449.9640.7890.7460.53149.92TempleHill33.0622.371.320.890.770.5270.8841.76112.6476.22147.79LaojieHill21.7619.㊀CarbonstorageofecosystemcomponentandpercentageofthetotalinbarrenhillecosystemVegetationtypeVegetation(t hm ̄2)%Litter(t hm ̄2)%Soil(t hm ̄2)0-20cm20-40cmTotalsoil(t hm ̄2)%Totalcarbon(t hm ̄2)Herb ̄shrub8.436.660.320.2567.9949.79117.7893.08126.53Herb1.863.050.440.7234.6623.9758.6396.2360.93Average5.155.490.380.4151.3336.8888.2194.193.73Table6㊀CarbonstoragecomparisonofecosystemcomponentintwodifferentecosystemsEcosystemcomponentHollyhill(t hm ̄2)Barrenhill(t hm ̄2)Tree35.41Woodyandherbaceousplants2.815.15Litter2.240.38Soil0-20cmdepth55.7651.3320-40cmdepth40.8536.88Totalsoil96.6088.21Totalecosystem137.0693.73㊀㊀Tianetal(2011)studiedthecarbonstocksofdifferentvegetationcomponentsinkarstareaꎬGuizhouProvinceꎬandtheyfoundthatsoilcarbonaccountedforover94.01%ofwholeecosystemwhilevegetationcarbonstocksaccountedfor0.82%-5.64%.Thecar ̄bonstoredintreesatprotectedsitesinthisstudyac ̄countedfor25.83%ofwholeecosystemꎬwhilethecarboninthesoilꎬunderstoryvegetationꎬandlitteraccountedfor70.48%ꎬ2.05%and1.63%ꎬrespec ̄tively.Itisevidentthatthecarbonsequesteredandstoredinthesoiloftheseecosystemscontributessig ̄nificantlytotheseecosystemsꎬfollowedbythetreelayerꎬunderstoryvegetationandlitter.Carbonstoredinthesoilofhollyhillsdecreasedwiththeincreaseofsoildepth.Thisstudyfoundthatthesoilcarbonwithin0-20cmlayerinhollyhills(46.62t hm ̄2)washigherthanwhathasbeenre ̄portedforsoilcarbonofthekarstrockydesertificationcomprehensivetreatmentdemonstrationareainGuizhouProvinceandlowerthansoilcarboninthekarstnon ̄rockydesertification(Zhouetalꎬ2011).Thesoilcarbonofhollyhillswasalsolowerthanthesoilcarbonfoundindifferentecosystemresto ̄rationtreatmentsinGuizhou(Tianetalꎬ2011).Manydifferentfactorscaninfluencesoilcarbonstorageꎬsuchasplantspeciesꎬforestageꎬclimateꎬsoilconditionsꎬandanysoiltreatmentbeforeaffores ̄tation.Zhangetal(2009)studiedthefactorsthateffectsoilcarbonstorageinGuangxiꎬGuizhouandYunnanProvinceꎬandfoundthattemperatureandsoilparentmaterialwereprimaryfactorsthatinfluencetheamountofsoilcarbonwithtemperaturehavinga76018期陶玉华等:喀斯特风水林和荒山生态系统碳储量的研究greaterinfluencethanparentmaterials.3.2CarbonstorageofbarrenhillsThecarbonstorageofwoodyandherbaceousplantsofbarrenhillswashigherthanwhatwasfoundinhollyhills.Becauseꎬoncetreesbegintodominateanecosystemꎬunderstoryplantsbegintohavedifficultyinsurvivinganddecreaseintheirproductivityduetoacombinationoftheharshkarstenvironmentandthedevelopmentofforestcanopy.Ontheotherhandꎬintheherb ̄shrubcommunitystageꎬwoodyandherbaceousplantswillbothexistꎬallowingforhighernetproductivityandsubsequentlyhigheramountsofbiomass.Theaveragecarbonofwoodyandherbaceousplantsinbarrenhillsaccountedfor5.9%ofwholeecosystemꎬandcarbonstoredwithinthelittercom ̄prisedonly0.44%oftheentireecosystem.Thetotalcarbonstockwithintheherb ̄shrubcommunitywashigherthanthatintheherbcommunity(126.93t hm ̄2>60.93t hm ̄2)ꎬwhichcanbeattributedtothehighersoilcarbonwithintheherb ̄shrubcommunitycomparedtotheherbcommunity.Soilcarbonstocksinherb ̄shrubcommunityandherbcommunitywere117.78t hm ̄2and58.63t hm ̄2ꎬaccountingfor93.08%ꎬ96.23%ofeachecosystemꎬrespectively.Thecarbonstoredinsoilaccountedforthemajorityofthecarbonstoredwithinbarrenhille ̄cosystemꎬwhereasthecarbonstoredinthevegetationandlittercontributedmuchlesstothetotalcarbonstock.Soilcarbonwithin0-20cmdepthintheherbcommunityandtheherb ̄shrubcommunitywere34.66t hm ̄2and67.99t hm ̄2ꎬrespectively.Soilcarbonstocksincreasedwiththesuccessionofdifferentsuc ̄cessionalstages.Yanetal(2011)reportedthatthesoilcarbonstoredindifferentrockydesertificationgradesrangedfrom5.2t hm ̄2to169.1t hm ̄2ꎬandthatthesoilcarbonstockdecreasedasrockyde ̄sertificationbecamemoreserious.Liuetal(2006)thoughtthatsoilnotonlyaffectedvegetationcommunityoccurrenceꎬdevelopmentandrateofsuc ̄cessionꎬbutalsohadanimportantinfluenceontheprocessꎬproductivityandstructureofecosystems.Assuccessionprogressedꎬthedynamicsofthevegetationcommunityenrichedsoilresourcesꎬincreasedspatialheterogeneityꎬandmaintainedtherelationshipbetweendifferentspeciesofplantsandbiodiversity.3.3ComparisonofcarbonstoragebetweenhollyhillandbarrenhillecosystemsThetotalcarbonstocksofhollyhillandbarrenhillecosystemswere137.06t hm ̄2and93.73t hm ̄2ꎬrespectivelyꎬbothwellbelowthereportedaver ̄ageof258.83t hm ̄2forforestecosystemsinChina(Zhouetalꎬ2000).Thisispartlyduetothefactthatthesoilcarbonfoundinthisstudy(88.21-96.6t hm ̄2)ismuchlowerthantheaveragesoilcarbonre ̄portedforChinaforestecosystem(193.55t hm ̄2).Theselowsoilcarbonstocksmaybethefol ̄lowingresults:(1)Theharshkarsthabitatsaffectecosystemcarbonstorageꎬthelandusechangeafterkarstdesertificationaffectsignificantlythesoilorganiccarbonꎬaslanduseintensityincreasesꎬtheoccurrenceofherbaceousplantswillincreaseattheexpenseofwoodyplants.Oneofthehighestimpactsoflandusechangethatcausesthegreatestalterationtonaturalvegetationandecosystemprocessisthecon ̄versionofnaturalplantcommunitiestofarmland.Es ̄waranetal(1993)demonstratedthatdestroyingorconvertingforestlandtootherlandusescanreducethesoilcarbonbyasmuchas20%-50%.Landusechangesoftendamagethesoilaggregatestructureꎬandrateofcarbonsequestrationwaslowerthantherateobservedinabovegroundvegetation.(2)Therateofsoilrespirationishigherinmiddlesubtropicalclimatezoneandrainfallamountsarehigh.ThiscausesmoreCO2releaseintoatmospherefollowingdecompositionoflitterwhichmeanslesscarbonaccumulatesinthesoilꎬwhichisacommonfeatureofsoilinmiddlesub ̄tropicalclimateregionsofChina.4㊀ConclusionComparingtobarrenhillecosystemꎬthecarbonstorageofhollyhillecosystemwashigherꎬ1.46timesthatofbarrenhillꎬandthecarboncontentofundersto ̄ryꎬlitterandsoilwerehigherthanthoseofbarren8601广㊀西㊀植㊀物38卷hill.Thecarbonstorageofsoilandtreeswerethemaincarbonpoolinthehollyhillecosystemꎬsoilcar ̄bonstoragecontributedmostꎬaccountingfor70.48%ofecosystemꎬcarbonstocksofunderstoryandlittercontributedless.Soilcarbonstoragecontributedmostinthebarrenhillecosystemꎬaccountingfor94.1%ofecosystem.Soilcarbonstoragedecreasedassoildepthincreaseintwoecosystems.Asafragileecosystemꎬkarstvegetationoncedestroyedꎬitwilltakealongtimetorecoverꎬfurthermoreꎬmanpowerꎬmaterialsandfinanceneedtobeinputduringtreatingrockyde ̄sertificationꎬlocalvillagersprotectkarstforestecosys 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结果表明,(1)针叶林土壤有机碳含量为26.51 g·kg^(-1)、全氮含量为1.18 g·kg^(-1)、全磷含量为0.44 g·kg^(-1);阔叶林土壤有机碳含量为22.95 g·kg^(-1)、全氮含量为1.06 g·kg^(-1)、全磷含量为0.39 g·kg^(-1);针阔混交林土壤有机碳含量为30.02 g·kg^(-1)、全氮含量为1.17 g·kg^(-1)、全磷含量为0.40 g·kg^(-1)。

针叶林土壤有机碳储量为48.62 t·hm^(-2)、全氮储量为2.16 t·hm^(-2)、全磷储量为0.81 t·hm^(-2);阔叶林土壤有机碳储量为48.13 t·hm^(-2)、全氮储量为2.21 t·hm^(-2)、全磷储量为0.84 t·hm^(-2);针阔混交林土壤有机碳储量为60.43 t·hm^(-2)、全氮储量为2.37 t·hm^(-2)、全磷储量为0.80 t·hm^(-2)。

































二、研究内容和计划1. 已有研究综述和评估通过文献综述和现有研究的评估,概述川西亚高山森林植被生物量和碳储量的研究现状和进展情况,分析遥感技术在该领域的应用趋势和优势。

2. 遥感数据处理与生物量估算利用多源遥感数据(包括Landsat 8 OLI和HJ-1A/B CCD),进行数据预处理、特征提取和分类,获取川西亚高山森林植被覆盖信息和NDVI 值。


3. 生物量和碳储量遥感估算基于模型和遥感数据,对川西亚高山森林植被的生物量和碳储量进行遥感估算,制作植被生物量和碳储量分布图。

4. 结果解释和讨论对遥感估算结果进行科学解释和讨论,探讨川西亚高山森林植被生物量和碳储量的空间变化特征及其与环境因素的关系,为该地区生态系统的保护和管理提供科学依据。

5. 结论和展望总结遥感估算结果和分析结论,展望川西亚高山森林植被生物量和碳储量遥感估算的应用前景和发展趋势,并提出下一步研究的建议和方向。

三、预期研究成果本研究旨在利用遥感技术对川西亚高山森林植被生物量和碳储量进行估算,预期产生以下成果:1. 探讨川西亚高山森林植被生物量和碳储量的空间变化特征及其与环境因素的关系。

2. 构建川西亚高山森林植被生物量和碳储量遥感估算的方法,为遥感技术在该领域的应用提供科学依据。



喀斯特风水林和荒山生态系统碳储量的研究陶玉华;白丽蓉【摘要】所研究的风水林和荒山属于喀斯特地貌.喀斯特森林是一种脆弱的低生物量生态系统,土壤贫瘠,自我修复能力低,易受人为因素干扰.风水林指人们居住地附近的一片茂盛的森林,认为有神居住而崇拜,严禁被砍伐和破坏.荒山是喀斯特森林植被在人为干扰后出现岩石裸露产生的石漠化现象.该研究通过野外调查、实验室分析、数理统计等对广西罗城喀斯特风水林和荒山生态系统碳储量进行对比性研究.结果表明:喀斯特风水林植被、土壤和枯落物碳储量分别是荒山的7.42倍、5.9倍和1.1倍,风水林和荒山生态系统碳储量分别为137.06、93.73 t·hm-2,其中土壤碳库贡献率最高,而林下植被和枯落物却较低,表明风水林森林生态系统碳储量明显高于荒山.通过风水林和荒山的碳储量比较研究,为评价风水林碳汇提供依据,为制定森林管理政策、保护村社水平的植被提供数据参考.此外,还探讨了少数民族朴素的生态伦理思想在保护森林和增汇方面的作用,丰富了生态伦理学内容,对传承和弘扬少数民族传统文化、恢复生态具有重要意义.【期刊名称】《广西植物》【年(卷),期】2018(038)008【总页数】8页(P1062-1069)【关键词】碳储量;生物量;风水林;荒山;喀斯特【作者】陶玉华;白丽蓉【作者单位】广西北部湾海洋灾害研究重点实验室, 广西北部湾海岸科学与工程实验室, 钦州学院, 广西钦州 535011;广西北部湾海洋灾害研究重点实验室, 广西北部湾海岸科学与工程实验室, 钦州学院, 广西钦州 535011【正文语种】中文【中图分类】Q948Holly hill,known as sacred groves or dragon hill,is a place whose vegetation is well conserved by the indigenous people who live nearby.The villagers worship it because they believe a god lives there and therefore,no one is allowed to cut plants or damage the hills.Such traditional culture has existed for centuries in some ethnic groups in China.It is high in species richness and contains complicated vegetation community structure (Zhou et al,2002).Zhuang and Melao minority groups in Guangxi maintain animism in their traditional culture,believing that all things in the holly hill are the reincarnation of gods that will bless their safety,health and prosperity if the holly site is protected.This tradition of protecting forest ecosystems based on ecological ethics constitutes part of the culture of these indigenous people.Holly hill vegetation is a vital part of the agricultural and forest ecosystems for the people who live in the area and plays a very important role in water and soil conservation,such as regulating the microclimate and maintaining soil stability.Previous research showed that the biodiversity of the protection area was protected relatively well,which plays an expanded rolein the protection of biodiversity at landscape scales (Liu et al,2000).The barren hill is comprised of rocky karst formations that contain extensive areas of exposed bedrock.Desertification has occurred in this region as a result of extensive vegetation removal,which has led to the degradation of the land and reduced soil productivity (Yang,1995).Karst forest is a fragile ecosystem where soils take an extremely long period of time to form,site resources for plant productivity are low,extensive areas of barren soil exist where soil erosion occurs,and has low resilience and resistance capabilities to distur-bance.Karst forest ecosystems usually take longer to recover once the vegetation is removed.The restoration of the karst forest ecosystems usually requires the establishment of several different successional stages,which can significantly influence the ecosystem functions of these vegetative systems (Wang et al,2008).The carbon storage of holly hill and barren hill ecosystems were studied in this paper.This study is aimed to compare the carbon storage of two ecosystems and their carbon storage spatial distributions,which could contribute to the understanding of the important significance for protecting community forests in karst harsh habitat,and it also provides the comparative data to develop proper management strategies for these ecosystems and the community forest.1 Methods1.1 Description of study areaThe study area (108°48′E,24°59′ N) is located in the northern part of Luocheng Melao Autonomous County,Guangxi,China,which lies to thesouth of Jiuwan Mountain.This region is characterized by a subtropical climate with high humidity,rain and fog.The annual average temperature is 18.8 ℃,with extreme highest and lowest temperatures of 38 ℃ and -4 ℃,respectively.The average annual rainfall is 1 630.6 mm,with an average relative humidity of 78% and 300 frost-free days.Holly hill and barren hill are situated in Sibao Village,LuochengCounty,Guangxi,China,which is inhabited by the Melao,Zhuang,Yao,Dong and Miao minority groups.The Melao and Zhuang comprise more than 50% of total population in Sibao Village.Holly hill and barren hill are dominated by limestone soil with extremely uneven soil depth and exposed rocks.The elevation ranges from 280 m to 318 m with steep slopes (20°-40°) and soil depths of 3-50 cm.The vegetation occurs in relatively small patches or niches in such areas as stone facings or surfaces,soil,channels carved into stone over time,and cracks and crevices in stones.Three holly hill sites which contain lush vegetation,surround Sibao Village and called Lion Hill,Temple Hill and Laojie Hill by arborigines.The primary species of woody plants which occur there mainly include Cinnamomum camphora,Celtis sinensis,Ulmus castaneifolia,Sapium rotundifolium,Tirpitzia ovoidea,Radermachera sinica,Broussonetia papyrifera,Alangium chinense,Cudrania tricuspidata,Alchornea trewioides,Crassocephalumcrepidioides,Trachelospermum jasminoides,Melastomaintermedium,Mallotus philippensis,Koelreuteria integrifoliola,Ervatamia divaricata,Oreocnide frutescens,main species of herbaceous plants areHoya carnosa,Pyrrosia lingua,Rubus corchorifoliu,Elatostema balansae,Dicranopteris dichotoma,Eragrostis pilosa,Arthraxon hispidus,Microstegium vagans,Ishaemum indicum and Arundinella hirta. Local farmers cut firewood and planted crops for a long time in the barren hill before forest conservation became a concern,which has created areas of exposed bedrock and desertification.The vegetative communities have been partly restored since the involvement by the government in conservation practices.At the present time these communities primarily consist of woody and herbaceous plants.According to its community physiognomy,the dominant species and habitat types,the karst vegetation was divided into five successional stages:(1) herb community,(2) herb-shrub community,(3) shrub community,(4) sub-climax community and (5) climax community of evergreen-deciduous broad-leaved mixedforests(Xia,2010).Only the herb community and herb-shrub community existed in barren hills during the time that this study was implemented. The primary woody species that occurred in the barren hills mainly include Alchornea trewioides,Alangium chinense,Callicarpa macrophylla,Millettia nitida,Jasminum seguinii,Vitex negundo,Broussonetia papyrifera,Oreocnide frutescens,Strophanthus divaricatus,Platycarya strobilacea,Cudrania tricuspidata,Rhus chinensi,Rosa laevigata,Sterculia euosma,Chukrasia tabularis,Ulmus parvifolia,Laplacea indica,and main species of herbs are Pteridium revolutum,Litsea cubeba,Miscanthus floridulu,Microstegium vagan,Bidens pilosa,Erigeron komarovii,Elatostema balansae,Imperata cylindrica,Rubus corchorifoliu,Eragrostis pilosa and Arthraxon hispidus.1.2 Methods of estimating tree biomass in holly hillsLion Hill,Temple Hill and Laojie Hill were chosen to represent the holly hill study areas.A total of 27 sample plots (20 m × 30 m) were established along an elevational gradient of 50-80 m vertical distance.Within each plot,total tree height and diameter at breast height (dbh) were measured on all trees with dbh>2 cm.The aboveground biomass of trees were estimated with biomass equations published by Zhu et al (1995) for Guizhou karst forests (Table 1).The underground biomass of trees were estimated by the root-shoot ratio (0.231 8) reported by Qi &Tang (2008) for Xishuangbanna karst forests.Table 1 Equations1,2 used to estimate the forest biomass in holly hillsForest componentModel coefficientsabr-valueTree trunk0.041 40.935 40.994 5Branch0.032 02.339 90.939 1Foliage0.137 73.725 60.848 7 Note:1 W=a(D2H)b,where W=biomass (kg),D=dbh (cm),and H=total height (m);2 Equations from Zhu et al,1995.1.3 Methods of estimating biomass of understory and litter in holly hills Three 4.0 m2 and three 1.0 m2 subsample plots were established in each sample plot for the purpose of estimating herbaceous and woody understory biomass,and litter biomass,respectively.In each 4.0 m2 subsample plot,the herbaceous and woody plants were clipped and weighed to the nearest 0.1 g to acquire a fresh weight.All litters were collected down to the mineral soil in each 1.0 m2 subsample plot and weighed to the nearest 0.1 g to attain a total fresh weight.An approximate 30% subsample of these fresh weight field samples were brought back tothe laboratory and dried at 80 ℃ until a constant weight was achieved to determine the moisture content.The determined moisture content percentage was applied to the fresh weight samples to achieve a dry weight and converted into unit area ovendry biomass weight of understory and litter (t·hm-2).The belowground biomass of woody stems was estimated by using the root-shoot ratio (1∶1) reported by Tu &Yang (1995) for Guizhou karst forests.1.4 Methods of estimating biomass of litter,woody and herbaceous plants in barren hillsBarren hills are currently in vegetation restoration stages as part of the effort to reverse the karst rocky desertification that has occurred there.As a result,two successional stages existed and were investigated in this study,which included the herb-shrub and the herb communities.Three 4.0 m2 subsample plots were established in each sample plot to estimate woody,herbaceous and litter biomass.The procedure to determine the fresh and dry weight of woody and herbaceous plants and litter was performed according to the same method as described for the holly hills. 1.5 Methods of measuring carbon contentSamples materials of litter,woody and herbaceous plants of holly hill and barren hill were dried,crushed and sieved.For soil samples,three soil samples were placed in each replicate plots randomly,and sampled by the cutting rings at 0-20 cm,20-40 cm soil depth,soil samples were brought back to the laboratory to determine the soil bulk density,the carbon content of different components and soils were analyzed through thepotassium dichromate oxidation-hydration heating.1.6 Methods of estimating carbon storageThe carbon storage of holly hill and barren hill ecosystems consists of tree,understory,litter and soil (no tree layer existed in unprotected site).The carbon stored in ecosystems can be estimated by multiplying the biomass of different forest components by their carbon content,typically 0.5,which was used in this study.The estimation of soil carbon storage was determined with the following equation (Zhong et al,2008):In the equation,SSOD = soil carbon storage density (t·hm-2),Ci=carbon mass fraction in i soil depth (g·kg-1),Pi = soil bulk density in i soil depth (g·cm-3),Ti = thickness of soil in i soil depth (cm),and n is the number of soil depth layers.1.7 Data processingExcel and SPSS 17.0 statistical software were utilized in the data analysis.2 Results and Analyses2.1 Carbon contents of litter,woody and herbaceous plants2.1.1 Carbon contents of litter and understory in holly hills Carbon contents of understory of Lion Hill,Temple Hill and Laojie Hill ranged from 37.51% to 43.05% ,with no significant difference between each site(P>0.05).The carbon content of litter ranged from 38.9% to 45.54%,with no significant difference between each site.The carbon content in 0-20 cm soil depth at the three protected sites ranged from 2.53% to 3.18%,and ranged from 1.98% to 2.25% within the 20-40 cm soil depth soil (Table 2).Table 2 Carbon contents of understory,litter and soil in hollyhillsSampleCarbon content (%)Understory1Litter0-20 cm20-40 cmLionHill43.0545.542.792.25Temple Hill37.5139.753.182.22LaojieHill41.0738.902.531.98Average40.5441.402.832.15Note:1 Understory includes herbaceous and woody plants.The same below.2.1.2 Carbon contents of litter,woody and herbaceous plants inbarren hills Carbon contents of litter,woody and herbaceous plants in herb-shrub community were higher than what was found in the herb community but were not significantly different at P=0.05 (Table 3).The carbon contents in the soil layers of 0-20 cm and 20-40 cm depths were higher in the herb-shrub community compared to the herb community,and in both vegetation communities the soil carbon decreases with soil depth.Table 3 Carbon contents of understory,litter and soil in barren hillsVegetation communityCarbon content (%)Understory1Litter0-20cm20-40 cmHerb-shrub41.1438.502.891.88Herb36.4833.661.400.91Average38.8136.082.151.4 02.2 Carbon storage2.2.1 Carbon storage of holly hills The carbon stored in the trees of holly hills ranged from 21.76 t·hm-2 to 51.4 t·hm-2;carbon storage of the understory ranged from 1.32 t·hm-2 to 2.92 t·hm-2;carbon stored in the litter ranged from 0.77 t·hm-2 to 4.86 t·hm-2;and soil carbon ranged from 86.43 t·hm-2 to 112.64 t·hm-2.The total carbon stored in the protected ecosystems ranged from 113.47 t·hm-2 to 149.92 t·hm-2 (Table 4).2.2.2 Carbon storage of barren hills The carbon stocks of woody andherbaceous plants in herb-shrub community were higher than those of the herb community (Table 5).However,the carbon stocks of the litter component in the herb community were higher than what was found in the herb-shrub community.The total soil carbon stored in herb-shrub commu nity and herb communities were 117.78 t·hm-2 and 58.63 t·hm-2,respectively.The total ecosystem carbon stored in the herb-shrub and herb communities were 126.53 t·hm-2 and 60.93 t·hm-2,respectively.Because the trees that occurred in the herb-shrub community were small,they were combined with the woody and herbaceous plant species.2.2.3 Comparison of carbon storages of holly hill and barren hill ecosystems Carbon stored in the tree layer of holly hill ecosystems accounted for 25.83% of the total ecosystem carbon (Table 4),the carbon stored in the woody and herbaceous plants was less than that of the barren hill.However the carbon stored within the litter layer of holly hill ecosystem was greater than that in the litter layer of the barren hill.Soil carbon stored at holly hill within both the 0-20 cm and 20-40 cm layers were greater than what was found in the soil layers at barren hill.The total carbon stored in the holly hill ecosystem was 1.46 times greater than the total barren hill ecosystem (Table 6).3 Discussion3.1 Carbon storage of holly hillsBecause holly hills are considered a sacred area,the Sibao Village Committee did not allow the authors to harvest tress to measure biomassout of respect for the worship and taboos of the local residents.The aboveground biomass of trees were therefore estimated by biomass equation published by Zhu et al(1995),and underground biomass of trees were calculated by a specified root-shoot ratio (Qi &Tang,2008).The use of biomass regression models to estimate the biomass of different tree species usually introduces error by the nature of their estimation,but due to the high species diversity and few numbers of individuals within species in karst forest ecosystem,it is difficult to create good regression models as might be performed in plantation settings.Yang &Cheng (1991) indicated that karst forest populations had similar biological features due to the long-term adaptation to the harsh karst environment,Whittaker&Woodwell (1968) found that there was a significant and similar correlation between biomass and diameter of similar species oftrees.Therefore,we believe that the application of uniform biomass regression models to similar species is reasonable for this study.Karst forest typically is considered as a low-biomass forest ecosystem (Yu et al,2010),whose biomass and carbon were particularly lower than those of evergreen broad-leaved forest ecosystem in the same climatic zones (Li et al,2015;Zhang et al,2014).The low biomass and carbon stocks are due to the harsh ecological environment found in the karst ecosystems,such as barren soil,water stress,and frequent natural and human disturbances.This harsh environment causes vegetation to grow very slowly,creating a short ecological life for plants.In addition,the development history of secondary forests in these systems is very short (Zhu et al,1995).Table 4 Carbon storage and percentage of components of holly hill ecosystemSampleTree(t·hm-2)%Understory1(t·hm-2)%Litter(t·hm-2)%Soil(t·hm-2)0-20 cm20-40 cmTotal soil(t·hm-2)%T otalcarbon(t·hm-2)Lion Hill51.434.282.921.954.863.2449.9640.7890.7460.53149.92Temple Hill33.0622.371.320.890.770.5270.8841.76112.6476.22147.79LaojieHill21.7619. 812.052.241.6355.7640.8596.670.48137.06Table 5 Carbon storage of ecosystem component and percentage of the total in barren hill ecosystemVegetationtypeVegetation(t·hm-2)%Litter(t·hm-2)%Soil (t·hm-2)0-20cm20-40 cmTotal soil(t·hm-2)%Total carbon(t·hm-2)Herb-shrub8.436.660.320.2567.9949.79117.7893.08126.53Herb1.863.050.440.723 4.6623.9758.6396.2360.93Average5.155.490.380.4151.3336.8888.2194.193.73Table 6 Carbon storage comparison of ecosystem component in two different ecosystemsEcosystem componentHolly hill(t·hm-2 )Barrenhill(t·hm-2 )Tree 35.41—Woody and herbaceousplants2.815.15Litter2.240.38Soil0-20 cm depth55.7651.3320-40 cm depth 40.8536.88Total soil 96.6088.21Total ecosystem137.0693.73Tian et al(2011) studied the carbon stocks of different vegetation components in karst area,Guizhou Province,and they found that soil carbon accounted for over 94.01% of whole ecosystem while vegetation carbon stocks accounted for 0.82%-5.64%.The carbon stored in trees at protected sites in this study accounted for 25.83% of wholeecosystem,while the carbon in the soil,understory vegetation,and litter accounted for 70.48%,2.05% and 1.63%,respectively.It is evident that the carbon sequestered and stored in the soil of these ecosystems contributes significantly to these ecosystems,followed by the tree layer,understory vegetation and litter.Carbon stored in the soil of holly hills decreased with the increase of soil depth.This study found that the soil carbon within 0-20 cm layer in holly hills (46.62 t·hm-2) was higher than what has been reported for soil carbon of the karst rocky desertification comprehensive treatment demonstration area in Guizhou Province and lower than soil carbon in the karst non-rocky desertification (Zhou et al,2011).The soil carbon of holly hills was also lower than the soil carbon found in different ecosystem restoration treatments in Guizhou (Tian et al,2011).Many different factors can influence soil carbon storage,such as plant species,forest age,climate,soil conditions,and any soil treatment before affores-tation.Zhang et al (2009) studied the factors that effect soil carbon storage in Guangxi,Guizhou and Yunnan Province,and found that temperature and soil parent material were primary factors that influence the amount of soil carbon with temperature having a greater influence than parent materials.3.2 Carbon storage of barren hillsThe carbon storage of woody and herbaceous plants of barren hills was higher than what was found in holly hills.Because,once trees begin to dominate an ecosystem,understory plants begin to have difficulty in surviving and decrease in their productivity due to a combination of theharsh karst environment and the development of forest canopy.On the other hand,in the herb-shrub community stage,woody and herbaceous plants will both exist,allowing for higher net productivity and subsequently higher amounts of biomass.The average carbon of woody and herbaceous plants in barren hills accounted for 5.9% of whole ecosystem,and carbon stored within the litter comprised only 0.44% of the entire ecosystem.The total carbon stock within the herb-shrub community was higher than that in the herb community (126.93 t·hm-2>60.93 t·hm-2),which can be attributed to the higher soil carbon within the herb-shrub community compared to the herb community.Soil carbon stocks in herb-shrub community and herb community were 117.78 t·hm-2 and 58.63 t·hm-2,accounting for93.08%,96.23% of each ecosystem,respectively.The carbon stored in soil accounted for the majority of the carbon stored within barren hill ecosystem,whereas the carbon stored in the vegetation and litter contributed much less to the total carbon stock.Soil carbon within 0-20 cm depth in the herb community and the herb-shrub community were 34.66 t·hm-2 and 67.99 t·hm-2,respectively.Soil carbon stocks increased with the succession of different successional stages.Yan et al (2011) reported that the soil carbon stored in different rocky desertification grades ranged from 5.2 t·hm-2 to 169.1 t·hm-2,and that the soil carbon stock decreased as rocky desertification became more serious.Liu et al (2006) thought that soil not only affected vegetation community occurrence,development and rate of succession,but also hadan important influence on the process,productivity and structure of ecosystems.As succession progressed,the dynamics of the vegetation community enriched soil resources,increased spatial heterogeneity,and maintained the relationship between different species of plants and biodiversity.3.3 Comparison of carbon storage between holly hill and barren hill ecosystemsThe total carbon stocks of holly hill and barren hill ecosystems were 137.06 t·hm-2 and 93.73 t·hm-2,respectively,both well below the reported average of 258.83 t·hm-2 for forest ecosystems in China (Zhou et al,2000).This is partly due to the fact that the soil carbon found in this study (88.21-96.6 t·hm-2) is much lower than the average soil carbon reported for China forest ecosystem (193.55 t·hm-2).These low soil carbon stocks may be the following results:(1) The harsh karst habitats affect ecosystem carbon storage,the land use change after karst desertification affect significantly the soil organic carbon,as land use intensity increases,the occurrence of herbaceous plants will increase at the expense of woody plants.One of the highest impacts of land use change that causes the greatest alteration to natural vegetation and ecosystem process is the conversion of natural plant communities to farmland.Eswaran et al(1993) demonstrated that destroying or converting forest land to other land uses can reduce the soil carbon by as much as 20%-50%.Land use changes often damage the soil aggregate structure,and rate of carbon sequestration was lower than the rate observed in aboveground vegetation.(2) The rate of soil respiration ishigher in middle subtropical climate zone and rainfall amounts are high.This causes more CO2 release into atmosphere following decomposition of litter which means less carbon accumulates in the soil,which is a common feature of soil in middle subtropical climate regions of China.4 ConclusionComparing to barren hill ecosystem,the carbon storage of holly hill ecosystem was higher,1.46 times that of barren hill,and the carbon content of understory,litter and soil were higher than those of barren hill.The carbon storage of soil and trees were the main carbon pool in the holly hill ecosystem,soil carbon storage contributed most,accounting for 70.48% of ecosystem,carbon stocks of understory and litter contributed less.Soil carbon storage contributed most in the barren hill ecosystem,accounting for 94.1% of ecosystem.Soil carbon storage decreased as soil depth increase in two ecosystems.As a fragile ecosystem,karst vegetation once destroyed,it will take a long time torecover,furthermore,manpower,materials and finance need to be input during treating rocky desertification,local villagers protect karst forest ecosystems well by their simple ecological ethics,which has important significance for protecting community forests at communitylevel,especially in karst harsh habitat,the function of these traditional aboriginal knowledge cannot be ignored.Qualifying carbon storage of these two ecosystems can offer the reference for managing community forest,making policies and carbon sequestration improvement.Reference:【相关文献】ESWARAN H,BERG EVD,RRICH P,anic carbon in soils of the world [J].Soil Sci Soc Am J,57(1):192-194.HU F,DU H,ZENG FP,et al,2017.Carbon storage and its allocation in karst forest at different stand ages in Guangxi,China [J].Chin J Appl Ecol,28(3):721-729.LI WB,HU YQ,XU MF,et al,2015.Stand structure and biomass 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1. 土壤碳、氮、磷的含量及比值的季节变化喀斯特地区的土壤普遍贫瘠,土壤碳、氮、磷等养分含量较低。

根据野外调查数据,喀斯特次生林土壤的碳、氮、磷含量分别为15.2±2.4 g/kg、1.21±0.16 g/kg、0.42±0.07 g/kg。




2. 土壤微生物生物量碳和氮的季节变化土壤微生物生物量碳和氮是土壤活性有机碳和氮的重要指标,可以反映土壤微生物的活跃程度和养分循环速率。

研究发现,喀斯特次生林土壤微生物生物量碳和氮含量分别为308.9±47.2 mg/kg和32.6±5.8 mg/kg。




研究表明,马尾松叶片的碳、氮、磷含量分别为462±29 mg/g、11.2±1.3 mg/g、0.95±0.12 mg/g;油茶叶片的碳、氮、磷含量分别为435±34 mg/g、12.5±1.4 mg/g、1.02±0.14 mg/g;黄连木叶片的碳、氮、磷含量分别为419±27 mg/g、13.6±1.2 mg/g、1.08±0.11 mg/g。

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喀斯特地 区 3 种针 叶林林分生物量及碳储 量研究
刘之 洲 , 宁 晨“ , 闫文德 , 倪 晓薇 , 陈 毅“ , 宁晓波
( i . 中南林业科技 大学,湖南 长 沙 4 1 0 0 0 4 ;2 . 南方林业生态应用技 术 国家工程 实验 室 ,湖南 长 沙 4 1 0 0 0 4 : 3 . 贵州省林业厅 ,贵 州 贵阳 5 5 0 0 0 1 )
Thr e e ki nds o f pi ne f or e s t bi o m as s a nd c a r bon s t or a ge r e s e a r c h i n kar s l a ndf o r m
LI U Zh i z h o u , N1 NG Ch e n , YAN We n d e , NI Xi a o we i , CHEN Yi , NI NG Xi a o o b
V_ 0 1 . 3 7 No . 1 0
0c t .2 0 1 7
D o i : 1 0 . 1 4 0 6 7  ̄ . c n k i . 1 6 7 3 - 9 2 3 x . 2 0 1 7 . 1 0 . 0 1 7
h t t p : / / q k s . c s u f t . e d u . c n
贵 州 喀 斯特 地 区 针 叶 林 管 理 及 运 营 提 供 基 础 数 据 。
关键词 :针 叶林生态系统 ;碳含量 ;生物量 :碳储量 ;马尾松 ;湿地松 ; 中图分 类号:¥ 7 1 8 . 5 5 6 文献标志码:A 文章编号 :1 6 7 3 . 9 2 3 X( 2 0 1 7 ) 1 0 . 0 1 0 5 . 0 7
摘 要 以贵州喀斯特地 区 3 种针叶林为研究对象 , 采用标准样地调 查和 生物 量实测数据 , 对各生态系统的生物量、 碳 含量 以及 碳储量进 行研究 分析 。结果表 明:马尾松天然 林、马尾松人 工林和湿地松 人工林生态 系统乔木生物 量 分别 为 1 0 3 . 4 6 、1 4 0 . 5 5 、1 6 4 . 1 5 t f h l T l 2 ;林下植被 及死地被物 层生物量分 别为 7 . 7 6 2 、6 . 9 9 4 、8 . 6 2 2 t / h n - l 2 。林木 各 器官含碳量:马尾松天然林 0 . 4 2 7 ~O . 5 3 0 g C / g 、马尾松人 工林 0 . 4 4 3 ~0 . 5 7 4 g C / g 、 湿地松人 工林 0 . 4 4 4 ~0 . 4 6 6 g C / g 。3种森 林生态 系统碳储 量分别 为:马尾松天 然林 6 7 8 . 0 2 5 t / h l T l 2 、马尾松 人工林 7 7 7 . 1 1 t h u n 。 、湿地松 人工 林 8 3 4 . 1 3 5 t / h n . 1 2 。其 中植被层分 别为 4 8 . 1 9 9 、7 0 . 7 8 8 、7 6 . 4 3 8 t / h m ;死 地被物 层为 0 . 6 6 7 、0 . 6 5 9 、O . 7 4 2 t / h l T l 2 : 土 壤层为 6 2 9 . 1 5 9 、7 0 5 . 6 6 4 、7 5 6 . 9 5 5 t / h l n 2 。碳储量分布格 局为土壤层 >植被 层>死地被物层 。研 究结果可 以为
2 . Na io t n a l En g i n e e r i n g La b. f o r Ap pl i e d Te c no h l o y g o fF o r e s t r y nd a Ec o l o y g i n So u t h Ch i n a , Ch ng a s h a 41 0 0 0 4 , Hu n n, a Ch i n a ;
第3 7卷 第 1 O期 2 0 1 7年 l 0月
中 南 林 业 科 技 大 学 学 报
J o u r n a l o f Ce n t r a l S o u t h Un i v e r s i t y o f Fo r e s t r y& T e c h n o l o g y
3 . F o r e s t r y B u r e a u o f Gu i z h o u P r o v i n c e , Gu i y a n g 5 5 0 0 0 1 , G u i z h o u , Ch i n a )
Abs t r a c t :Af f o r e s t a io t n nd a r e s t o r a t i o n a e r v i t a l c o n t r i b u t o r s f o r o fs e t t i n g g r e e n h o u s e g a s e mi s s i o n s . Ho we v e r , wh e n c o mp a r e d t o n a i t v e s p e c i e s , h o w f a s t - g r o wi n g e x o ic t t r e e s p e c i e s wi l l i n lu f e n c e he t l o c a l e c o s y s t e m p r o c e s s em a r i n s p o o r l y u n d e st r o o d. I n hi t s s t u d y , he t c a r b o n
( 1 . Ce n t r a l S o u t hUn i v e r s i t y o f F o r e s t r y a n d T e c h n o l o g y , C h ng a s h a 4 1 0 0 0 4 , Hu n n, a C h i n a ;