

导师分别是王路、刘奋荣、Johanvan Benthem。

二、2015 年清华大学数学考博参考书
三、2015 年清华大学数学考博真题
四、2015 年清华大学数学考博报录比
五、2015 年清华大学数学研究生招生专业目录
042 数学科学系 070100 数学 01 基础数学
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①101 英语③501 综 合考试
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2015 年清华大学数学考博(数学科学系)参考书、真题、报
清华数学系本科专业齐全, 具有教育部规定的两大专业: 数学与应用数学、信息与计 算科学。数学系采取相对灵活的本科培养模式,按数理基础科学班招生,进校分流到数学系 后实行宽口径培养,在本科最初的两年重点学习数学基础课, 在学有余力的情况下可强化 物理基础。本科三年级确定专业,可以选择基科数学或基科应用的专业方向,也可分流到基 科物理,或者到其它同意接收的院系学习。数学系高年级开设基础数学、应用数学、计算数 学、运筹学、统计学等方向的专业课程,以适应不同的职业需求。清华学堂数学班项目为有 志于以数学研究为职业的成绩优异的同学提供专业指导和职业发展帮助,同时其课程对全体 同学开放。三年级开始本科生可以选修数学讨论班课程,获得数学方面科研的初步经验。

导师分别是刘国松、肖百龙、贾怡昌、鲁白、Ceciua Canessa。

清华大学博士研究生入学考试真题Part Ⅰ Listening Comprehension 20%Part Ⅱ Vocabulary 10%Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A; B; C and D. Choose the best one that completes the sentence and then mark the corresponding letter on the ANSWET SHEET with a single line through the center.21. The__________of the spring water attracts a lot of visitors from other parts of the countryA. clashB. clarifyC. clarityD. clatter22. Business in this area has been__________because prices are too high.A. prosperousB. secretiveC. slackD. shrill23. He told a story about his sister who was in a sad__________when she was ill and had no money.A. plightB. polarizationC. plagueD. pigment24. He added a__________to his letter by saying that he would arrive before 8 pm.A. presidencyB. prestigeC. postscriptD. preliminary25. Some linguists believe that the________age for children learninga foreign language is 5 to 8.A. optimisticB. optionalC. optimalD. oppressed26. It all started in 1950; when people began to build their houses on the__________of their cities.A. paradisesB. omissionsC. orchardsD. outskirts27. The meeting was__________over by the mayor of the city.A. presumedB. proposedC. presentedD. presided28. The crowd__________into the hall and some had to stand outside.A. outgrewB. overthrewC. overpassedD. overflew29. It was clear that the storm__________his arrival by two hours.A. retardedB. retiredC. refrainedD. retreated30. This problem should be discussed first; for it takes__________overall the other issues.A. precedenceB. prosperityC. presumptionD. probability31. Her sadness was obvious; but she believed that her feeling of depression was__________.A. torrentB. transientC. tensileD. textured32. Nobody knew how he came up with this__________idea about the trip.A. wearyB. twilightC. unanimousD. weird33. The flower under the sun would__________quickly without any protection.A. winkB. withholdC. witherD. widower34. The__________of gifted children into accelerated classes will start next week according to their academic performance.A. segregationB. specificationC. spectrumD. subscription35. He__________himself bitterly for his miserable behavior that evening.A. repealedB. resentedC. relayedD. reproached36. Any earthquake that takes place in any area is certainly regarded as a kind of a __________eventA. cholesterolB. charcoalC. catastrophicD. chronic37. He cut the string and held up the two__________to tie the box.A. segmentsB. sedimentsC. seizuresD. secre38. All the music instruments in the orchestra will be__________before it starts.A. civilizedB. chatteredC. chamberedD. chorded39. When the air in a certain space is squeezed to occupy a smaller space; the air is said to be__________.A. commencedB. compressedC. compromisedD. compensated40. She made two copies of this poem and posted them__________to different publishers.A. sensationallyB. simultaneouslyC. strenuouslyD. simplyPart Ⅲ Reading Comprehension 40%Directions: There are 4 reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions of unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A; B; C; and D. You should decide on the best choice and then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.Questions 41 to 45 are based on the following passage:Each year; millions of people in Bangladesh drink ground water that has been polluted by naturally high levels of arsenic poison. Finding safe drinking water in that country can be a problem. However; International Development Enterprises has a low-cost answer. This non-governmental organization has developed technology to harvest rainwater.People around the world have been harvesting rainwater for centuries. It is a safe; dependable source of drinking water. Unlike ground water; rainwater contains no minerals or salts and is free of chemical treatments. Best of all; it is free.The rainwater harvesting system created by International Development Enterprises uses pipes to collect water from the tops of buildings. The pipes stretch from the tops of buildings to a two-meter tall storage tank made of metal. At the top of the tank is a so-called“first-flush”device made of wire screen. This barrier prevents dirt and leaves in the water from falling inside the tank.A fitted cover sits over the “first-flush” device. It protects the water inside the tank from evaporating. The cover also prevents mosquito insects from laying eggs in the water.Inside the tank is a low coat plastic bag that collects the water. The bag sits inside another plastic bag similar to those used to hold grains. The two bags are supported inside the metal tank. All total; the water storage system can hold up to three-thousand-five-hundred liters of water. International Development Enterprises says the inner bags may need to be replaced every two to three years. However; if the bags are not damaged by sunlight; they could last even longer. International Development Enterprises says the water harvesting system should be built on a raised structure to prevent insects from eating into it at the bottom. The total cost to build this rainwater harvesting system is about forty dollars. However; International Development Enterprises expects the price to drop over time. The group says one tank can provide a family of five with enough rainwater to survive a five-month dry season.41. People in Bangladesh can use__________as a safe source of drinking water.A. ground waterB. rainwaterC. drinking waterD. fresh water42. Which of the following contributes to the low-cost of usingrainwaterA. Rainwater is free of chemical treatments.B. People have been harvesting rainwater for centuries.C. The water harvesting system is built on a platform.D. Rainwater can be collected using pipes.43. Which of the following actually prevents dirt and leaves from falling inside the tankA. a barrierB. a wire screenC. a first-flushD. a storage tank44. The bags used to hold water are likely to be damaged by__________.A. mosquito insectsB. a fitted coverC. a first-flush deviceD. sunlight45. What should be done to prevent insects from eating into the water harvesting system at the bottomA. The two bags holding the water should be put inside the metal tank.B. The inner bags need to be replaced every two years.C. The water harvesting system should be built on a platform.D. A cover should be used to prevent insects from eating it. Questions 46 to 50 are based on the following passage:Where one stage of child development has been left out; or notsufficiently experienced; the child may have to go back and capture the experience of it. A good home makes this possible; for example by providing the opportunity for the child to play with a clockwork car or toy railway train up to any age if he still needs to do so. This principle; in fact; underlies all psychological treatment of children in difficulties with their development; and is the basis of work in child clinics.The beginnings of discipline are in the nursery. Even the youngest baby is taught by gradual stages to wait for food; to sleep and wake at regular intervals and so on. If the child feels the world around him is a warm and friendly one; he slowly accepts its rhythm and accustoms himself to conforming to its demands. Learning to wait for things; particularly for food; is a very important element in upbringing; and is achieved successfully only if too great demands are not made before the child can understand them.Every parent watches eagerly the child's acquisition of each new skill—the first spoken words; the first independent steps; or the beginning of reading and writing. It is often tempting to hurry the child beyond his natural learning rate; but this can set up dangerous feeling of failure and states of anxiety in the child. This might happen at any stage. A baby might be forced to use a toilet too early; a young child might be encouraged to learn to read before he knows the meaningof the words he reads. On the other hand; though; if a child is left alone too much; or without any learning opportunities; he loses his natural zest for life and his desire to find out new things for himself. Learning together is a fruit source of relationship between children and parents. By playing together; parents learn more about their children and children learn more from their parents. Toys and games which both parents and children can share are an important means of achieving this co-operation. Building-block toys; jigsaw puzzles and crossword are good examples.Parents vary greatly in their degree of strictness or indulgence towards their children. Some may be especially strict in money matters; others are severe over times of coming home at night; punctuality for meals or personal cleanliness. In general; the controls imposed represent the needs of the parents and the values of the community as much as the child's own happiness and well-being.46. The principle underlying all treatment of developmental difficulties in children__________.A. is to send them to clinicsB. offers recapture of earlier experiencesC. is in the provision of clockwork toys and trainsD. is to capture them before they are sufficiently experienced47. The child in the nursery__________.A. quickly learns to wait for foodB. doesn't initially sleep and wake at regular intervalsC. always accepts the rhythm of the world around themD. always feels the world around him is warm and friendly48. The encouragement of children to achieve new skills__________.A. can never be taken too farB. should be left to school teachersC. will always assist their developmentD. should be balanced between two extremes49. Jigsaw puzzles are__________.A. too difficult for childrenB. a kind of building-block toyC. not very entertaining for adultsD. suitable exercises for parent-child cooperation50. Parental controls and discipline__________.A. serve a dual purposeB. should be avoided as much as possibleC. reflect the values of the communityD. are designed to promote the child's happinessQuestions 51 to 55 are based on the following passage:More than half of all Jews married in U. S. since 1990 have wed peoplewho aren't Jewish. Nearly 480; 000 American children under the age of ten have one Jewish and one non-Jewish parent. And; if a survey compiled by researchers at the University of California at Los Angeles is any indication; it's almost certain that most of these children will not identify themselves as “Jewish” when they get older.That survey asked college freshmen; who are usually around age 18; about their own and their parents' religious identities. Ninety-three percent of those with two Jewish parents said they thought of themselves as Jewish. But when the father wasn't Jewish; the number dropped to 38 percent; and when the mother wasn't Jew; just 15 percent of the students said they were Jewish; too.“I think what was surprising was just how low the Jewishide ntification was in these mixed marriage families.” Linda Sax is a professor of education at UCLA. She directed the survey which was conducted over the course of more than a decade and wasn't actually about religious identity specifically. But Professor Sax says the answers to questions about religion were particularly striking; and deserve a more detailed study. She says it's obvious that interfaith marriage works against the development of Jewish identity among children; but says it's not clear at this point why that's the case. “This new study is necessary to get more in-depth about their feelings about their religion. That's something that the study that I completedwas not able to do. We didn't have information on how they feel about their religion; whether they have any concern about their issues of identification; how comfortable they feel about their lifelong goals.I think the new study's going to cover some of that;” she says. Jay Rubin is executive director of Hilel; a national organization that works with Jewish college students. Mr. Rubin says Judaism is more than a religion; it's an experience. And with that in mind; Hillel has commissioned a study of Jewish attitudes towards Judaism. Researchers will concentrate primarily on young adults; and those with two Jewish parents; and those with just one; those who see themselves as Jewish and those who do not. Jay Rubin says Hillel will then use this study to formulate a strategy for making Judaism more relevant to the next generation of American Jews.51. The best title of this passage is__________.A. Jewish and Non-Jewish in AmericanB. Jewish Identity in AmericaC. Judaism-a ReligionD. College Jewish Students52. Among the freshmen at UCLA__________thought themselves as Jewish.A. mostB. 93% of those whose parents were both JewishC. 62% of those only whose father were JewishD. 15% of those only whose mother were Jewish53. The phrase “interfaith marriage” in the Paragraph 3 refers to the__________.A. marriage of people based on mutual beliefB. marriage of people for the common faithC. marriage of people of different religious faithsD. marriage of people who have faith in each other54. Which of the following statements is NOT true about professor Sax's researchA. The research indicates that most students with only one Jewish parent will not think themselves as Jewish.B. The survey was carried out among Jewish Freshmen.C. The research survey didn't find out what and how these Jewish students think about their religion.D. The research presents a new perspective for the future study.55. Which of the following is true according to the last paragraphA. Mr. Rubin is the founder of Hillel.B. Mr. Rubin thinks that Judaism is not a religion and it's an experience.C. Hillel is an organization concerned with Jewish college students in the world.D. Hillel has asked certain people to carry out a study about Jewish attitudes towards Judaism.Questions 56 to 60 are based on the following passage: Governments that want their people to prosper in the burgeoning world economy should guarantee two basic rights: the right to private property and the right to enforceable contracts; says Mancur Olson in his book Power and Prosperity. Olson was an economics professor at the University of Maryland until his death in 1998.Some have argued that such rights are merely luxuries that wealthy societies bestow; but Olson turns that argument around and asserts that such rights are essential to creating wealth. “In comes are low in most of the countries of the world; in short; because the people in those countries do not have secure in dividual rights;” he says.Certain simple economic activities; such as food gathering and making handicrafts; rely mostly on individual labor; property is not necessary. But more advanced activities; such as the mass production of goods; require machines and factories and offices. This production is often called capital-intensive; but it is reallyproperty-intensive; Olson observes.“No one would normally engage in capital-intensive production if he or she did not have rights that kept the valuable capital from beingtaken by bandits; whether roving or stationary;”he argues. “There is no private property without government—individuals may have possessions; the way a dog possesses a bone; but there is private property only if the society protects and defends a private right to that possession against other private parties and against the government as well.”Would-be entrepreneurs; no matter how small; also need a government and court system that will make sure people honor their contracts. In fact; the banking systems relied on by developed nations are based on just such an enforceable contract system. “We would not deposit our money in banks...if we could not rely on the bank having to honor its contract with us; and the bank would not be able to make the profits it needs to stay in business if it could not enforce its loan contracts with borrowers;” Olson writes.Other economists have argued that the poor economies of Third World and communist countries are the result of governments setting both prices and the quantities of goods produced rather than letting a free market determine them. Olson agrees there is some merit to this point of view; but he argues that government intervention is not enough to explain the poverty of these countries. Rather; the real problem is lack of individual rights that give people incentive to generate wealth. “If a society has clear and secure individual rights; thereare strong incentives 刺激;动力to produce; invest; and engage in mutually advantageous trade; and therefore at least some economic advance;” Olson concludes.56. Which of the following is true about OlsonA. He was a fiction writer.B. He edited the book Power and Prosperity.C. He taught economics at the University of Maryland.D. He was against the ownership of private property.57. Which of the following represents Olson's point or viewA. Protecting individual property rights encourages wealth building.B. Only in wealthy societies do people have secure individual rights.C. Secure individual rights are brought about by the wealth of the society.D. In some countries; people don't have secure individual rights because they're poor.58. What does Olson think about mass productionA. It's capital intensive.B. It's property intensive.C. It relies on individual labor.D. It relies on individual skills.59. What is the basis for the banking systemA. Contract system that can be enforced.B. People's willingness to deposit money in banks.C. The possibility that the bank can make profits from its borrowers.D. The fact that some people have surplus money while some need loans.60. According to Olson; what is the reason for the poor economies of Third World countriesA. government interventionB. lack of secure individual rightsC. being short of capitalD. lack of a free marketPart Ⅳ Cloze 10%Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A; B; C and D. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.For the people who have never traveled across the Atlantic the voyage is a fantasy. But for the people who cross it frequently one crossing of the Atlantic is very much like another; and they do not make the voyage for the__61__of its interest. Most of us are quite happy whenwe feel__62__to go to bed and pleased when the journey__63__. On the first night this time I felt especially lazy and went tobed__64__earlier than usual. When I__65__my cabin; I wassurprised__66__that I was to have a companion during my trip; which made me feel a little unhappy. I had expected__67__but there was a suitcase__68__mine in the opposite corner. I wondered who he could be and what he would be like. Soon afterwards he came in. He was the sort of man you might meet__69__; except that he was wearing__70__good clothes that I made up my mind that we would not__71__whoever he was and did not say__72__. As I had expected; he did not talk to me either but went to bed immediately.I suppose I slept for several hours because when I woke up it was already the middle of the night. I felt cold but covered__73__as well as I could and tries to go back to sleep. Then I realized that a __74__was coming from the window opposite. I thought perhaps I had forgotten__75__the door; so I got up__76__the door but found it already locked from the inside. The cold air was coming from the window opposite. I crossed the room and__77__the moon shone through it on to the otherbed.__78__there. It took me a minute or two to__79__the door myself.I realized that my companion__80__through the window into the sea.61. A. reason B. motive C. cause62. A. tired enough B. enough tired C. enough tiringD. enough tiring63. A. is achieved B. finish C. is overD. is in the end64. A. quite B. rather C. fairlyD. somehow65. A. arrived in B. reached to C. arrived toD. reached at66. A. for seeing B. that I saw C. at seeingD. to see67. A. being lonely B. to be lonely C. being aloneD. to be alone68. A. like B. as C. similar thanD. the same that69. A. in each place B. for all parts C. somewhereD. anywhere70. A. a so B. so C. such aD. such71. A. treat together well B. pass together wellC. get on well togetherD. go by well72. A. him a single word B. him not one wordC. a single word to himD. not one word to him73. A. up me B. up myself C. up to myselfD. myself up74. A. draft B. voice C. airD. sound75. A. to close B. closing C. to have to closeD. for closing76. A. to shut B. for shutting C. in shuttingD. but shut77. A. while doing like that B. as I did like thatC. as I did soD. at doing so78. A. It was no one B. There was no oneC. It was anyoneD. There was anyone79. A. remind to lock B. remember to lockC. remind lockingD. remember locking80. A. had to jump B. was to have jumpedC. must have jumpedD. could be jumpedPart Ⅴ Writing 20%Directions: In this part; you are asked to write a composition on the title of “Effect of Research Event on My Later Life and Work” with no less than 200 English words. Your composition should be based on the following outline given in Chinese. Put your composition on the ANSWER SHEET.1. 在科研和学习中使我最难忘的一件事情是 ..2. 使我难忘的原因是 ..3. 它对我后来的影响是 ..试题详解Part Ⅰ Listening Comprehension略Part Ⅱ Vocabulary 10%21. C 22. C 23. A 24. C 25. C 26. D 27. D 28. B29. A 30.A31. B 32. D 33. C 34. A 35. D 36. C 37. A 38. D 39. B 40. BPart Ⅲ Reading Comprehension41. B 42. A 43. B 44. D 45. C 46. B 47. B 48. D 49. D 50. A51. B 52. B 53. C 54. B 55. D 56. C 57. A 58. B 59. A 60. BPart Ⅳ Clo ze61. D 62. A 63. C 64. B 65. A 66. D 67. D 68. A69. D 70.D71. C 72. C 73. D 74. A 75. A 76. A 77. C 78. B 79. D 80. CPart Ⅴ Writing参考范文: Effect of Research Event on My Later Life and Work The most unforgettable thing in my research career by now is a course named aspects of translation that was given in the second semester when I was a senior undergraduate student.One of the reasons for which the course has left such a deep impression on me is that it was the first time I learned to look at and study translation from a completely new perspective; the perspective of linguistics. Before taking that course; I though that translation was no more than the mechanic practice of turning texts written in one language into those in another and didn't realize that it had anything to do with linguistics; though; in retrospect; the link ought to be obvious for linguistics is the science that studies language properly. It was very fortunate for me to attend during the same semester the course Introduction to Linguistics; which helped me pave the way for the study of that critical course. Obvious as the link between the two disciplines was; it was still a giant project to actually connect the two and the course proved to be very brain-consuming. However; once the barriers collapsed; the landscape altered and became much moreopen. I could appreciate many beautiful scenes that I had never discovered before.Encouraged by the first attempt at inter-disciplinary study; in my later research and life I always try to bridge what I have learned in different courses and different aspects of life; to fill them into my jigsaw of knowledge about the world and myself and to complete it and perfect myself.。



导师分别是王路、刘奋荣、Johanvan Benthem。



2018年北京清华大学考博英语真题及答案Part Ⅰ Listening Comprehension (20 points)Section OneDirections: In this section you will hear some people talking about how their parents met each other and got married. Each of the conversations is followed by an interview with one of their parents about his or her marriage. Listen to the recording and answer the questions below with what you hear. You should use a short sentence or a phrase for each answer. You will hear the recording only once.1.How did Craig's parents meet each other?2.What was his father's first impression of his mother?What does he think now?He still thinks so.3.How did Dave's parents meet each other?4.What was his mother's first impression of his father?5.What does she think now?6.How did Sara's parents meet each other?7.What was her father's first impression of her mother?What does he think now?He still thinks so.8.How did Lisa's parents meet each other?9.What was her mother's first impression of her father?10.What does she think now?Section TwoDirections.. In this section you will hear a short lecture. Listen to the recording and complete the notes below about the lecture. You will hear the recording only once.Lecture NotesLecture field/area:11._______________________________________Lecture Topic/Theme: MemoryThree types of memory:12._______________________________________13._______________________________________14._______________________________________Three ways of measuring memory:15._______________________________________16._______________________________________17._______________________________________Three Techniques for remembering information:18._______________________________________19._______________________________________20._______________________________________Part Ⅱ Vocabulary (10 points)Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences or sentences with underlinedwords in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C andD. Choose the best one that completes the sentence or is nearest in meaning withthe underlined word. And then mark the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEETwith a single line through the center.21.Ploughs and other agricultural implements were on display at the recent exhibition.A.equations B.playthings C.tools D.machinery22.My own inclination, if I were in your situation, would be to look for another position.A.symptom B.likeness C.habit D.tendency23.The combination of lenses in a compound microscope makes possible greater amplification than can be achieved with a single lens.A.management B.magnificence C.magnetismD.magnification24.The degree of downward slope of a beach depends on its composition of depositsas well as on the action of waves across its surface.A.sentiment B.sediment C.semester D.segment25.The rigor of the winter in Russia was often described by Mogol.A.harshness B.perturbation C.dismay D.pessimism26.Nowadays, the prescribed roles of the man as “breadwinner” and the womanas housewife are changing.A.ascribed B.prevalent C.original D.settled27.A divorcee, Tom is the sole provider in a typical “single parent” family.A.religious B.spiritual C.exclusive D.chief28.The old woman is chronically ill in bed and seldom goes out.A.seriously B.dangerously C.continually D.incurably29.The driver stopped his car so abruptly that he was hit by the cab rightbehind him.A.impolitely B.violently C.suddenly D.maladroitly30.Benin Mayer Alcott based the principal characters of her book Little Womenon her sisters and herself.A.original B.central C.subjunctive D.oriental31.Largely due to the university tradition and the current academic milieu,every college student here works ______.A.industrially B.industriously C.consciously D.purposefully32.I don't think it's sensible of you to ______ your greater knowledge in frontof the chairwoman, for it may well offend her.A.show up B.show off C.show out D.show away33.______, he did become annoyed with her at times.A.Much as he liked her B.As he liked her muchC.Although much he liked her D.Much although he liked her34.If we don't stop flirting with those deathly nuclear weapons, the whole globe will ______.A.empowered B.punished C.polluted D.annihilated 35.One of the important properties of a scientific theory is its ability to ______ further research and further thinking about a particular topic.A.invent B.stimulate C.renovate D.advocate36.When in his rebellious years, that is when he was sixteen or eighteen, Frank Anderson ______ going around with a strange set of people and staying out very late.A.took to B.took up C.took on D.took in37.In spite of the wide range of reading material specially designed or ______ for language learning purposes, there is yet no effective and systematic program for the reading skills.A.appointed B.assembled C.acknowledged D.adapted 38.In 1816, an apparently insignificant event in a remote part of Northern Europe ______ Europe into a bloody war.A.imposed B.plunged C.pitched D.inserted39.The municipal planning commission said that their financial outlook for the next year was optimistic. They expect increased tax ______.A.privileges B.efficiency C.revenues D.validity 40.The problem of pollution as well as several other issues is going to be discussed when the Congress is in ______ again next spring.A.convention B.conference C.session D.assemblyPart Ⅲ Reading Comprehension (40 points)Directions: There are 4 reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B,C and D. You should decide on the best choice and then mark the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET.Passage OneQuestions 41 to 45 are based on the following passage:On September 7, 2001, a 68-year-old woman in Strasbourg, France, had her gall bladder (胆囊)removed by surgeons operating, via computer from New York. It was the first complete telesurgery procedure performed by surgeons nearly 4,000 miles away from their patient.In New York, Marescaux teamed up with surgeon Michel Gagner to perform the historic long-distance operation. A high-speed fiber-optic service provided by France Telecom made the connection between New York and Strasbourg. The two surgeons controlled the instruments using an advanced robotic surgical system, designed by Computer Motion Inc., that enabled the procedure to be minimally invasive. The patient was released from the hospital after about 48 hours and regained normal activity the following week.The high-speed fiber-optic connection between New York and France made it possible to overcome a key obstacle to telesurgery time delay. It was crucial that a continuous time delay of less than 200 milliseconds be maintained throughout the operation, between the surgeon's movements in New York and the return video (from Strasbourg) on his screen. The delay problem includes video coding decoding and signal transmission time.France Telecom's engineers achieved an average time delay of 150 milliseconds. “I felt as comfortable operating on my patient as if I had been in the room,”says Marescaux.The successful collaboration (合作)among medicine, advanced technology, and telecommunications is likely to have enormous implications for patient care and doctor training. Highly skilled surgeons may soon regularly perform especially difficult operations through long-distance procedures. The computer systems used to control surgical movement can also lead to a breakthrough in teaching surgical techniques to a new generation of physicians. More surgeons-in-training will have the opportunity to observe their teachers in action in telesurgery operating rooms around the world.Marescaux describes the success of the remotely performed surgical procedureas the beginning of a “third revolution” in surgery within the last decade. The first was the arrival of minimally invasive surgery, enabling procedures to be performed with guidance by a camera, meaning that the abdomen (腹部)and thorax (胸腔)do not have to be opened. The second was the introduction of computer-assisted surgery, where complicated software algorithms (计算法)enhance the safety of the surgeon's movements during a procedure, making them more accurate, while introducing the concept of distance between the surgeon and the patient. It was thus natural to imagine that this distance—currently several meters in the operating room—could potentially be up to several thousand kilometers.41.The title that best expresses the main idea is ______.A.How The Second Revolution in Surgery Comes OutB.The Telesurgery RevolutionC.A Patient Was SavedD.Dream Comes True42.The italicized word “telesurgery” (Para. 1, Sentence 2) can be best explained as ______.A.an operation done over a distanceB.an operation done on televisionC.an operation demanding special skillD.an operation demanding high technology43.How long did it take the patient to resume her normal activity after the operation?A.24 hours B.48 hoursC.about a week D.almost a month44.What is the major barrier to telesurgery?A.distance B.advanced technologyC.delay D.medical facilities45.The writer implies that ______.A.difficult operation can be successfully performed all over the world nowB.compared to the “third revolution” in surgery, the first two are less importantC.all patients can be cured by a gall bladder-removal operationD.a new breakthrough has been made in surgeryPassage TwoQuestions 46 to 50 are based on the following passage:The multi-billion-dollar western pop music industry is under fire. It is being blamed by the United Nations for the dramatic rise in drug abuse worldwide. “The most worrisome development is a culture of drug-friendliness that seems to be gaining prominence (显著) ,” said the UN's 13-member International Narcotics Control Board in a report released in late February 1998.The 74-page study says that pop music, as a global industry, is by far the most influential trend-setter for young people of most cultures. “Some lyrics advocate the smoking of marijuana (大麻) or taking other drugs, and certain pop stars make statements and set examples as if the use of drugs for non-medicinal purposes were a normal and acceptable part of a person's lifestyle,” the study says.Surprisingly, says the Board, the effect of drug-friendly pop music seems to survive despite the occasional shock of death by overdose (过量用药). “Such incidents tend to be seen as an occasion to mourn the loss of a role model, and not an opportunity to confront the deadly effect of ‘recreational’ drug use,”it notes. Since the 1970s, several internationally famous singers and movie stars —including Elvis Presley, Janice Joplin, John Belushi, Jimi Hendrix, Jonathan Melvin and Andy Gibbs—have died of either drug abuse or drug related illnesses. With the globalization of popular music, messages tolerating or promoting drug abuse are now reaching beyond their countries of origin. “In most countries, the names of certain pop stars have become familiar to the members of every household,” the study says.The UN study also blames the media for its description of certain drug issues —especially the use of marijuana and issues of liberalization and legalization—which encourages,rather than prevents, drug abuse. “Over the last years, we have seen how drug abuse is increasingly regarded as being acceptable or even attractive,” says Hamid Ghodse, president of the Board. “Powerful pressure groups run political campaigns aimed at legalizing controlled drugs,” he says. Ghodse also points out that all these developments have created an environment which is tolerant of or even favorable to drug abuse and spoils international drug prevention efforts currently underway.The present study, focuses on the issue of demand reduction and prevention within an environment that has become tolerant of drug abuse. The Board calls on governments to do their legal and moral duties, and to act against the pro-drug messages of the youth culture to which young people increasingly are being exposed.46.Which of the following statements does the author tend to agree with?A.The use of drugs for non-medicinal purposes is an acceptable part of a person's lifestyle.B.The spreading of pop music may cause the drug abuse to go beyond country boundaries.C.No efforts have been made to prevent the spreading of drug abuse.D.The governments have no ability to act against the pro-drug messages of the youth culture.47.The italicized phrase “under fire” (Para. 1, Sentence 1) means ______.A.in an urgent situationB.facing some problemsC.being criticizedD.quite popular48.Under the influence of drug-friendly pop music, what might the youth think of the death of some pop stars caused by overdose?A.They tend to mourn the pop stars as role models.B.They are shocked to know even pop stars may abuse drugs.C.They try to confront the deadly effect of “recreational” drug use.D.They may stop abusing the drugs.49.Which of the following is not mentioned in the passage as a factor that has contributed to creating an environment tolerant of or even favorable to drug abuse?A.The spreading of pop music.B.The media.C.Political campaigns run by powerful pressure groups.D.The low price of some drugs.50.The pop music ______.A.has a great influence on young people of most culturesB.only appeals to a small number of young peopleC.is not a profitable industryD.is the only culprit (罪魁祸首) responsible for drug amusePassage ThreeQuestions 51 to 55 are based on the following passage:The Alaska pipeline starts at the frozen edge of the Arctic Ocean. It stretches southward across the largest and northern most state in the United States, ending at a remote ice-free seaport village nearly 800 miles from where it begins. It is massive in size and extremely operate.The steel pipe cresses windswept plains and endless miles of delicate tundra that tops the frozen ground. It weaves through crooked canyons, climbs sheer mountains, plunges over rocky crags, makes its way through thick forests, and passes over or under hundreds of rivers and streams. The pipe is 4 feet in diameter, and up to 2 million barrels of crude oil can be pumped through it daily.Resting on H-shaped steel racks called “bents”, long sections of the pipeline follow a zigzag course high above the frozen earth. Other long sections drop out of sight beneath spongy or rocky ground and return to the surface later on. The pattern of the pipeline's up-and-down route is determined by the often harsh demands of the arctic and subarctic climate, the tortuous lay of the land, and the variedcompositions of soil, rock, or permanently frozen ground. A little more than half of the pipeline is elevated above the ground. The remainder is buried anywhere from 3 to 12 feet, depending largely upon the type of terrain and the properties of the soil.One of the largest in the world, the pipeline cost approximately $ 8 billion and is by far the biggest and most expensive construction project ever undertaken by private industry.In fact, no single business could raise that much money, so 8 major oil companies formed a consortium in order to share the costs. Each company controlled oil rights to particular shares of land in the oil fields and paid into the pipeline-construction fund according to the size of its holdings. Today, despite enormous problems of climate, supply shortages,equipment breakdowns, labor disagreements, treacherous terrain, a certain amount of mismanagements, and even theft, the Alaska pipeline has been completed and is operating.51.The passage primarily discusses the pipeline's ______.A.operating costs B.employeesC.consumers D.construction52.The word “it” (Para. 1, Sentence 3) refers to ______.A.pipeline B.oceanC.state D.village53.The author mentions all of the following as important in determining the pipeline's route EXCEPT the ______.A.climateB.lay of the land itselfC.local vegetationD.kind of soil and rock54.How many companies shared the costs of constructing the pipeline?A.3. B.4. C.8. D.12.55.Which of the following determined what percentage of the construction costs each member of the consortium would pay?A.How much oil field land each company owned.B.How long each company had owned land in the oil fields.C.How many people worked for each company.D.How many oil wells were located on the company's land.Passage FourQuestions 56 to 60 are based on the following passage:Margherita is a London girl and arriving at Capital was like coming home. “I grew up listening to Capital Radio,” she says, “People say, ‘Wasn't it frightening, joining such well-known presenters?' But everyone here is so down to earth. It would be off-putting if the others had people doing their make-up, or star sings on their office doors. But there's none of that—Mick Brown, for instance, finishes his show and wanders off to get the bus home with everyone else.”Margherita says that her own musical tastes varied. But she doesn't pick her own music for her shows. The Capital computer selects the records in advance from a list approved by the station managers. “The station has a certain sound, and if we all picked our own music, it wouldn't sound like Capital,” she says, “But for someone who likes music, this is a dream job. I get to go to concerts and meet the bands you can hear on my show. It's great to hear the ‘behind the scenes' gossip.”Most people would expect that a presenter's most important qualities are a nice voice and huge amounts of confidence, but Margherita say that basic maths is handy as well.“You have to make sure that you've got an eye on everything that's going on in the studio,but you've got to be able to add and subtract and think in minutes and seconds,” she says,“You're dealing with timed records, and with announcements and commercials that are also timed precisely, and you have to be ready to switch to the news at exactly the right second. If you're going over to a live event, you need to be ready, for that on time, not a second earlier or later.”This isn't the sort of girl to let the rock ‘n' roll lifestyle go to her head. Even if she did her family would bring her down to earth. “When I started at Capital the only thing my brothers asked was whether they'd get free records,” she remembers,“And my mum couldn't even find the station on her radio.”Margherita Taylor is very nice and very easy-going, but very much in control. She is so much a “Capital Radio girl” that you might think she is just doing a good job for the station's publicity, department, although you know what she's saying really comes from the heart. She smiles a lot, laughs a lot and is generally a great advert for Capital.56.What does “that” (Para. 1, Sentence 5) refer to?A.The fame of the other presenters.B.Margherita's fear of the other staff.C.Self-important behaviour by the other presenters.D.Bad treatment of Margherita by the other staff.57.One point Margherita makes about her job is that ______.A.she has changed her attitude to musicB.she is unhappy that records she plays are chosen for herC.she likes most of the music that she plays on her showD.she enjoys talking to the people whose records she plays58.What does Margherita say about presenting a show?A.It is essential to keep in mind what is going to happen next.B.It is more complicated than she had previously thought.C.The ability to add and subtract is the most important requirement.D.The contend of a show is sometimes changed suddenly.59.How have Margherita's family reacted to her success?A.with cautionB.without interestC.with surpriseD.without excitement60.In the final paragraph, what does the author say about Margherita?A.She was different from what she had expected.B.She genuinely believes that Capital is a good radio station.C.She feels it necessary to talk about Capital Radio all the time.D.She has already changed her job at Capital radio.Part Ⅳ Cloze (10 points)Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET.The most exciting kind of education is also the most personal. Nothing can 61 the joy of discovering for yourself something that is important to you. It may be an idea or a bit of information you 62 across accidentally—or a sudden 63 , fitting together pieces of information or working through a problem. Such personal 64 are the “pay off” in education. A teacher may 65 you to learning and even encourage you in it—but no teacher can make the excitement or the joy happen. That's 66 to you.A research paper, 67 in a course and perhaps checked at various stages by an instructor, 68 you beyond classrooms, beyond the texts for classes and intoa 69 where the joy of discover and learning can come to you many times. 70 the research paper is an active and individual process, and ideal learning process.It provides a structure 71 which you can make exciting discoveries, of knowledge and of self, that are basic to education. But the research paper also gives youa chance to individualize a school assignment, to 72 a piece of work to your own interests and abilities, to show others 73 you can do. Waiting a research paperis more than just a classroom exercise. It is an experience in 74 out, understanding and synthesizing, which forms the basis of many skills 75 to both academic and nonacademic tasks. It is, in the fullest sense, a discovering education. So, to produce a good research paper is both a useful and a thoroughly 76 experience!To some, the thought of having to write an assigned number of pages often more than ever produced 77 , is disconcerting. To others, the very idea of having to work 78 is threatening. But there is no need to approach the research paperassignment with anxiety, and nobody should view the research paper as an obstacleto 79 . Instead, consider it a goal to 80 , a goal within reach if you usethe help this book can give you.61.A.exterminate B.impulse C.intervene D.exceed62.A.conform B.confront C.come D.console63.A.insight B.relaxation C.relay D.ingredient64.A.serials B.separations C.encounters D.segregations65.A.help B.salute C.scrub D.direct66.A.here B.off C.up D.with67.A.assigning B.assigned C.lounged D.lounging68.A.litters B.intervenes C.jots D.leads69.A.process B.interface C.interpretation D.prosecution70.A.Designing B.Designed C.Preparing D.Prepared71.A.outside B.within C.without D.upon72.A.grease B.glare C.suffix D.suit73.A.which B.what C.how D.because74.A.searching B.supplementing C.popularizing D.polarizing75.A.arrogant B.concise C.chronic D.applicable76.A.segmenting B.satisfying C.characterizing D.chartering77.A.later B.beforehand C.afterwards D.before78.A.accordingly B.acceptably C.independently D.infinitely79.A.overwork B.overcome C.lumber D.lull80.A.accelerate B.caution C.accomplish D.boycottPart Ⅴ Writing (20 points)Directions: In this part, you are asked to write a composition on the title of “My Aim for Doctoral Study” with no less than 200 English words. Your composition should be based on the following outline given in Chinese. Put your composition on the ANSWER SHEET.1.你攻读博士学位的目标是______。

2、有限责任此处考查的知识点似乎是:法人的责任法人人格否认法人成员的有限责任3、善意取得推荐阅读孙鹏著《物权公示论》第六章第三节江帆孙鹏主编《交易安全与中国民商法》第三章 ( 江帆执笔 )4、实用新型专利 ( 试卷上印的是“实用新颖专利”——如果我没记错的话 )一些教材并未给此定义,不过吴汉东主编的《知识产权法》( 北京大学出版社2002年第二版 ) 及陈美章主编的《知识产权法》( 专利文献出版社1993年版 )引用了国务院利法实施细则中的表述具体可查阅现行国务院专利法实施细则5、邻接权注意:(1)触及邻接权的性质或权源(可参见刘春田主编《知识产权法》,中国人民大学出版社2002年第二版相关章的章末复习提要部分)(2)顺便简洁提及所谓图书专有出版权的性质二、简答题1、结合我国民事法律及司法解释的规定,谈谈我国民事法律在时间上的适用范围此题考查的是中国民事法律效力期间问题,而非民事实体法上的时限体系2、民事法律行为和事实行为的区别可参见《民法原论》(上)或《民法总论比较研究》、卡尔.拉伦茨《德国民法通论》( ? 梅迪库斯《德国民法总论》? )《民法原论》(上)的相关表述,重新整合,似较宜3、形成权在我国法律上的规定关于形成权的定义,我以为答申卫星老师所认可的王泽鉴的界定为佳,具体可参见王泽鉴:《民法总则》及申卫星:《形成权基本理论研究》,载《民商法论丛(第30卷)》,法律社2004年)此外,亦可参见郑云瑞《民法总论》北大社2004年关于形成诉权,我不赞成答,而且我在考试时也没答4、法人被吊销营业执照后的法律后果王利明教授的专著《民法总则研究》,对此仅寥寥数语注意:(1)法人被吊销营业执照与法人终止不尽一致(2)法人被吊销营业执照后法人的行为能力限缩(受王洪亮老师《身份权限缩之研究》文题启发二草创此语,望民法研习者原谅)5、代理权的滥用及其法律后果《民法原论》(上)有明确的相关表述不过a.代理人滥用复任权(即擅自复代理)是否亦应属代理权的滥用b.代理权的滥用的法律后果是否涉及表见代理我对此尚存疑问,望斑竹指点6、法人有无人格权可参考《民法原论》(上)及马俊驹教授的论文《法人制度的基本理论和立法问题探讨》、与民法典编纂有关的讲座、论坛上的发言,以及其弟子梅夏英的主张,这些可参见马俊驹教授最近主编的有关民法典制定的一本书或有关法学网站除此之外,有必要注意:(1)尹田的三篇论文:《论一般人格权》《论人格权的本质——兼评我国民法草案关于人格权的规定》《论法人人格权》(2)薛军的两篇论文《法人人格权的基本理论问题探析》《人格权的两种基本理论模式与国的人格权立法》(3)马俊驹、张翔《人格权的理论基础及其立法体例》(4)马俊驹、张骏(?)的发表在《法学研究》2004年第6期上的那篇关于人格权立问题的论文(5)法人有无人格权与侵害法人人格权的法律效果(如得否精神损害赔偿)不是一个题(6)法人有无人格权与法人有无人格不是一个问题易言之, a.人格权人格权利能力的关系需厘清b.本题作答无法回避法人的本质人格权的本质(7)本题作答似乎与法人人格否认制度无涉,糟糕的是,23号我却写到答题纸上了很遗憾——我与马教授、梅夏英副教授的观点不一致7、代位继承与转继承的区别注意题干与 " 代位继承与转继承的联系与区别 " (清华大学1999年民商法学专业硕士入学考试民法学试题二、简答第4题)稍有不同8、同时履行抗辩权的法律效力崔建远韩世远著《债权保障法律制度研究》的阐述很散三、试述未成年人实施的行为的法律后果a . 试卷上将"未成年人’’’’印为"未年人"b . 我个人觉得这道题是整张试卷中出的最好的一道c . 此题与未成年人的智力状况等未成年人纯受利益法定代理转承责任等亦有涉四、设计未来的我国用益物权的体系此题曾在2002年(?)考过,只是措辞有丁点差异,不再多言五、有关合同解除的案例分析这道题是整张试卷中我答得最差劲儿的一道 :( 实在不敢置喙注意: 崔建远《无产权证房屋买卖合同的法律后果》 ( 载《法学研究》2004年第三期 )二、简答题4、法人被吊销营业执照后的法律后果注意:(2)法人被吊销营业执照后法人的行为能力限缩(受王洪亮老师《身份权限缩之研究》文题启发,草创此语,望民法研习者宽谅)6、法人有无人格权(5)法人有无人格权与侵害法人人格权的法律效果(如得否请求精神损害赔偿)不是一个问题2011年一、民法方向(一)专业基础课民法总论(任选二题作答,共100分,两题各占50分)1、试论中国民法的法源2、在中国区分负担行为和处分行为、有因行为和无因行为有意义吗?谈谈你的看法3、试析合同无效与诉讼时效(二)专业课民法分论(此题为六选三)1、结合中国物权法,谈谈物权法定主义的含义及与私法自治的关系。



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