考山京都剧院酒店(Khaosan Kyoto Theater)
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11 2016/09/23 (Fri) Salzburg->Hallstatt
米拉贝尔花园,Mirabell garten , 萨尔茨堡木 偶剧院,Salzburg Marionettentheater , 萨尔 茨堡城堡,Festung Hohensalzburg , 海尔布 A&O Salzburg Hauptbahnhof 伦戏水宫,Hellbrunn & Wasserspiele , 翁特 斯山,Untersberg
Penzion Landauer 克鲁姆洛夫城堡,Cesky Krumlov Castle , 克鲁姆洛夫内城,Vnitřní Město , 中世纪地 标 克鲁姆洛夫后山 , 埃贡·席勒艺术中心,Egon Schiele Centrum , 克鲁姆洛夫市政厅, Town Hall , 圣维塔教堂(克鲁姆洛夫),
A&O Salzburg Hauptbahnhof OLD TOWN , 主教宫广场,Residenzplatz , 萨尔茨堡钟楼,Salzburger Glockenspiel , 莫扎特出生地,Mozarts Geburtshaus , 戏水 园,Wasserspiele , 圣彼得修道院 , 粮食胡 同,Getreidegasse , 萨尔茨堡主教宫, Residenz
跳舞的房子,Dancing House , 布拉格新市
政厅,New Town Hall -- (Novomistska
radnice) , 瓦茨拉夫广场,Wenceslas
Square , 布拉格中央火车站,Prague main Residence Bologna
东京新宿歌舞伎町东横旅馆(Toyoko Inn Tokyo Shinjuku Kabuki-cho)

东京新宿歌舞伎町东横旅馆(Toyoko Inn Tokyo Shinjuku Kabuki-cho)东京新宿歌舞伎町东横旅馆位于东京,是家2星级酒店,是东京最受欢迎的酒店之一。
中文名称东京新宿歌舞伎町东横旅馆英文名称Toyoko Inn Tokyo Shinjuku Kabuki-cho酒店星级2星级地理位置新宿房间数量350酒店地址160-0021 , Shinjuku-ku Kabukicho 2-20-15, 日本周围景观代代木公园、明治神宫、池袋、六本木、新宿、涩谷、东京巨蛋、皇居、池袋西口公园、国会议事堂、歌舞伎町【好巧网解读】4大卖点1. 崭新的平面电视可以看出这家酒店的高档,其他电子设施也是一应俱全2. 玩了一天回来之后就盼望回酒店享受一下按摩服务,一天的疲劳也就消失了3. 这里有停车场,至少不会为没地方停车发愁了4. 酒店离便利店很近,有老人的游客可以很方便买些必备品酒店的图片酒店位置与交通信息酒店交通比较方便,以各主要景点的距离如下:新宿:步行11分钟涩谷:打车12分钟,车程约5.2公里皇居:打车19分钟,车程约8.4公里歌舞伎町:步行6分钟明治神宫:打车14分钟,车程约4.5公里六本木:打车19分钟,车程约6.1公里池袋:打车12分钟,车程约4.4公里国会议事堂:打车13分钟,车程约5.4公里东京巨蛋:打车14分钟,车程约5.2公里池袋西口公园:打车12分钟,车程约4.5公里代代木公园:打车12分钟,车程约4.4公里如果你想查询酒店到更多景点的距离和交通路线,以及周边有哪些超市按摩店等生活设施,请访问/Tokyo_c13/8754.html酒店房型房价介绍全部房型与房价:单人间- 可吸烟427元经济单人间- 禁烟400元双床间- 禁烟427元双人间- 可吸烟646元经济大床房591元经济大床房477元双人床房544元双床房492元房价信息随季节和销售程度动态变化,访问好巧网可查询实时房价,并即时预订确认生效,不用等待。

1. 京都音乐会作为京都剧场的重要演出项目之一,京都音乐会每年都会邀请国内外著名的音乐家和乐团前来演出。
2. 舞台剧演出京都剧场还经常举办各种舞台剧演出,包括话剧、音乐剧以及传统的日本歌舞伎等。
1. 舞蹈表演京都国际演艺中心定期举办各种舞蹈表演,包括现代舞、古典舞等。
2. 戏剧演出京都国际演艺中心还会定期举办各种戏剧演出,包括话剧、古装剧等。
1. 音乐会系列京都市立芸術大学剧场每年会有不同主题的音乐会系列,包括古典音乐、钢琴独奏等。

01胡志明在越南⼈长称为Sai Gon,所以在这⾥我后⾯的内容就直接⽤西贡来代替。
这种⾏为也在多个兄弟⾝上发⽣,所以在这⾥也为了避免司机们再次被坑,在这⾥也建议⼤家可以下载⼀个⼿机打车app Grab。
说到西贡,也不得不说到Queen Bee,⼥王蜂酒店。
1 shot价格⼀般在130万越南盾,100万的按摩费+30万的房费。
总体⽽⾔消费便利程度还是不错的,但是美中不⾜的是这家店位于西贡的第七郡,具体地址:Hưng Gia 5, PMH, P. T, R4-27-28Đường Số 2, Tân Phong, Quận 7, Hồ Chí Minh, 越南。
或者是在地图上直接搜索Queen Bee hotel,也是可以的。
02 Massage Tokyo Nuru这家店Tokyo massage ,也不算是⼀家新店,基本上也已经开了⼀年多左右,⾥⾯的装修带有⼀些中式风,总体还是能被⼤多数⼈接受的,⾥⾯的meizhi总体质量⼀般,相对Vien Dong 颜值可能会差,但是服务太对也会相对好⼀些。

日本名古屋酒店介绍日本名古屋酒店介绍日本Cypress Garden Hotel Nagoya 名古屋柏园酒店从金山车站南口(Kanayama-Sougou Station)步行1分钟可到饭店。
交通也十分方便可通往名古屋会议中心(Nagoya Congress Centre),市民会堂(Citizen's Auditorium )和名古屋圆顶(Nagoya Dome)。
地址:日本愛知縣名古屋市熱田區金山町1-9-8 前往路径:距金山车站(KANAYAMA station)约步行1分钟搭乘ltd. express至日本中央国际机场(CENTRAL JAPAN ITN. AIRPORT)约25分钟。
日本Kanko Hotel Nagoya 名古屋观光酒店建立于70年的传统,座落于名古屋的中心,是自动推进和航空工业的发源地。
地址:460-8608 日本名古屋市中区锦1-19-30 前往路径:从机场到酒店:从中部国际机场线(Centrair Line)往Chita-Hanto路,然后上名古屋高速公路(Nagoya Expressway)从Nishiki Bashi 出口下高速公路,往东方约3个建筑物的距离.酒店就在右手边。
从名古屋火车站到酒店:搭乘地下铁东山线( Higashiyama Line )往藤丘站(Fujigaoka),然后在名古屋站(Nagoya station)的下一站:地铁伏见(Fushimi) 站下车,出口10就是通往酒店的路。
日本Royal Park Inn Hotel Nagoya 名古屋皇家花园饭店从JR环状线名古屋站(Nagoya station)只需步行约3分钟的时间,座落于东京和大阪的正中央。
地址:日本名古屋市中村區名站 3-27-5 27-5 Meieki 3-chome, Nakamura-ku, Nagoya ciry Japan 前往路径:从中部国际机场(Centrair International Airport):搭乘火车到名古屋站(Nagoya Station)。
东京考山歌舞伎酒店(Khaosan Tokyo Kabuki)

东京考山歌舞伎酒店(Khaosan Tokyo Kabuki)东京考山歌舞伎酒店位于东京,是家1星级酒店,东京考山歌舞伎酒店通过提供优质贴心的服务和方便实用的设施,受到了客人的普遍好评,东京考山歌舞伎酒店是东京性价比较高的酒店之一,而且是便宜又好的酒店。
中文名称东京考山歌舞伎酒店英文名称Khaosan Tokyo Kabuki酒店星级1星级地理位置上野/浅草/秋叶原房间数量11酒店地址111-0032 , Taito-ku, Asakusa 1-17-2, 日本周围景观上野动物园、浅草寺、上野、江户东京博物馆、东京大学、皇居、两国、秋叶原、新丸之内大厦、东京巨蛋、东京天空树【好巧网解读】4大卖点1. <H>允许1名4岁以下的儿童,使用现有床铺免费。
</H>2. 胜在地点很好,去哪里都很方便,生活出行不用担心了3. 选择了酒店的禁烟房,味道香香的,终于可以摆脱讨厌的烟熏味道了4. 地点位于浅草站大约2分钟步行时间,交通便利,生活机能佳,巷口内路灯照明充足酒店的图片酒店位置与交通信息酒店交通比较方便,以各主要景点的距离如下:浅草寺:步行5分钟皇居:打车15分钟,车程约6.1公里东京天空树:步行20分钟,或打车6分钟,车程约1.8公里东京大学:打车10分钟,车程约3.5公里上野动物园:打车9分钟,车程约3.1公里东京巨蛋:打车14分钟,车程约4.7公里两国:步行23分钟,或打车7分钟,车程约2.0公里新丸之内大厦:打车11分钟,车程约4.8公里秋叶原:打车9分钟,车程约3.5公里上野:步行24分钟,或打车7分钟,车程约2.4公里江户东京博物馆:步行23分钟,或打车8分钟,车程约2.1公里如果你想查询酒店到更多景点的距离和交通路线,以及周边有哪些超市按摩店等生活设施,请访问/Tokyo_c13/9170.html酒店房型房价介绍全部房型与房价:4床混合宿舍间的1个床位 182元四人间724元4床女性宿舍间的1张床位 799元房价信息随季节和销售程度动态变化,访问好巧网可查询实时房价,并即时预订确认生效,不用等待。

600日元参观时间:8:45-17:00(入场结束时间16:00)停止开放时间:12月26日- 1月4日以及7月,8月,12月,1月的毎周二(国定假日时顺延至第二天)二条城是世界文化遗产。

常用酒店一览表成田机场ホテル日航成田成田ビューホテル成田菊水ホテル〒286-0106成田市取香500千葉県成田市小菅700千葉県成田市東町168-1TEL:0476-32-0032T:0476-32-111T:0476-23-2300F:0476-23-2302マロウド・インターナショナル成田ガーデンホテル成田市駒井野763-1千叶县成田市吉仓241-1T:0476-30-2222T:0476-23-5522F:0476-32-9112F:0476-23-5533www.toto-motors.co.jp/marroad/narita/东京パールホテル 両国パールホテル葛西パールホテル千葉東京都墨田区横網1-2-24東京都江戸川区東葛西6-1-7千葉県千葉市中央区新宿2-6-18T:03-3626-8080TEL:03-3504-8080TEL:043-247-8080www.pearlhotels.jp/ryogoku/index.html FAX:03-3804-8088FAX:043-246-6177晴海グラントホテル浅草ビューホテル東京都中央区晴海3-8-1東京都台東区西浅草3-17-1TEL:03-3533-7111TEL:03-3847-1111大田エースホテルホテルヴィンテージ新宿アーバンホテル大田市場東京都大田区北馬込2-31-1新宿区歌舞伎町2-40-3東京都大田区東海3-2-3TEL:03-3776-6001TEL:03-3205-6300TEL:03-3799-3100横滨ホテルマイステイズ横浜ホテルマロンリゾート横浜鶴見神奈川県横浜市中区末吉町4-81横浜市鶴見区鶴見中央4-20-6TEL:045-252-1311TEL:045-508-3737温泉忍野高原ホテル甲斐リゾートホテル富士山ガーデンホテル山梨県南都留郡忍野村忍草3102山梨県東八代郡石和町上平井391-2山梨県南都留郡山中湖村旭ヶ丘T:0555-84-3308T:055-263-7911T:0555-62-3488F:055-263-8138京都ホテル アルファ京都岐阜ワシントンホテルプラザ(岐阜華盛頓酒ホテルアソシア豊橋京都市中京区河原町通三条上ル西側岐阜市神田町7-7-4愛知県豊橋市花田町西宿無番地T:075-241-2000T:058-266-0111T:03-3262-8992F:03-3262-0752名古屋ホテルトラスティ名古屋サンホテル名古屋ヴィア白川チサン イン名古屋(名古屋地陽大酒店)名古屋市中区錦2-11-32名古屋市中区栄2-7-13愛知県名古屋市中村区則武1-12-8 T:052-221-5511T:052-221-7931TEL:052-452-3211大阪リーガロイヤルホテル天王寺東映ホテルアパホテル(大阪谷町)大阪市北区中之島5-3-68Tel:06-6775-2121大阪市中央区本町1-3-12T:06-6448-1121大阪府大阪市天王寺区悲田院町8-1TEL:06-6944-3300F:06-6448-4414关西机场関西ラマダホテル(关西华美达酒店)臨海ホテル石津店ホテルニューユタカ大阪府泉佐野市市場西3-3-34大阪府堺市西区浜寺石津町西2-4-10大阪府泉佐野市中庄915-1TEL:0724-69-1112TEL:072-244-0115TEL:072-461-2950www.ramada-kix.co.jpチサンホテル新大阪大阪府大阪市淀川区西中島6-2-19T:06-6302-5571F:06-6305-0083/chisun/hotel-shin-osaka北海道洞爺湖万世閣温泉ホテル北海道虻田郡洞爺湖町洞爺湖温泉21T:0142-73-3500F:0142-75-2271www.toyamanseikaku.jpホテルスカイコート成田成田市新田161T:0476-73-6211パールホテル茅場町東京都中央区新川1-2-5T: 03-3553-8080F: 03-3555-1849http://www.pearlhotels.jp/kayabacho/index.html茅場町パールスタジオ東京都中央区新川1-2-5TEL:03-3553-8088じらごんの富士の館富の湖ホテル新館山梨県南都留郡山梨県南都郡川口湖町淺川55T:0555—85—3818T:0555-72-5080F:0555-72-5081三井アーバンホテル名古屋(三井酒店)愛知県名古屋市中区東桜2-23-22T:052-931-5811F:052-931-5808www.urbannagoya.jp/パークホテル臨海 TEL:06-6444-0809大 阪 市 西 区 靭 本 町ホテルユタカ ウイング関空ホテルサンプラス大阪府泉南郡田尻町嘉祥寺352-6大阪府泉佐野市湊3-3-4 TEL:072-465-0022T:072-461-2911。

11.21(六)上海-大阪OSAKA航班:吉祥航空HO1335 320 13:05-16:20 浦东机场T2-关西国际机场T1 往返6904住宿:名称:天王寺站前APA酒店Apa Hotel Tennoji Ekimae / アパホテル<天王寺駅前>地址:大阪府大阪市阿倍野区阿倍野筋1-4-11(从JR各线“天王寺”站中央检票口(南口)徒步2分钟。
从地下铁御堂筋线、谷町线“天王寺”站5号出口出来,右手背后即是)电话:06-6645-9111房型:双人中床房(1.2m床、非禁烟)18,000日元*2+6,500日元(e路当地付)优惠:无免费取消时限:2015-11-19 11:00入住和离店:入住时间:15:00以后离店时间:11:00以前行程:1.关西国际机场买大阪周游卡2日券(3000日元*2)(T1航站楼1楼中间关西旅游信息服务中心)2.机场-酒店:Ltd. Express Haruka(Kansai-airport-Tennoji)(For Kyoto)16:46-17:18(no 28)、17:16-17:48(no 30)、17:46-18:18(no 32)non-Reserved seat:1,710 日元*2;Reserved seat:2,230 日元*23.天王寺-动物园前:地铁御堂筋线(240日元*2):新世界4.动物园前-天王寺:地铁御堂筋线(240日元*2):回酒店食:晚饭:づぼらや河豚料理(新世界总店)(Zuboraya)〒556-0002 大阪市浪速区惠美须东2-5-5(地铁御堂筋线“动物园前站”1号出口步行5分钟;JR大阪环状线“新今宫站”东口步行5分钟;堺筋线“惠美须町站”步行5分钟)或道顿崛、法善寺小巷11.22(日)大阪OSAKA(2日券)住宿:同上行程:1.天王寺-动物园前-日本桥(地铁御堂筋线-堺筋线):黑门市场吃早餐2.日本桥-难波(步行):难波walk(地下商业街)、戎桥筋商店街、根据时间可选(心斋桥、道顿崛(水上观光船))3.难波-梅田(地铁御堂筋线):蟹道乐本店或梅田店吃午饭、地下商店街(diamor 大阪、阪急三番街)、阪急梅田总店、阪神梅田总店、hep five 摩天轮、梅田蓝天大厦空中庭园展望台4.梅田或心斋桥或难波-天王寺(地铁御堂筋线):回酒店食:早饭:黑门市场午饭:蟹道乐晚饭:牛太本阵烤肉11.23(一)大阪OSAKA(2日券)住宿:同上行程:1.天王寺-谷町四丁目(地铁谷町线):大阪城公园、天守阁、历史博物馆2.谷町四丁目-大阪港(地铁中央线):天保山大摩天轮、帆船型游船圣玛丽亚号(11点-16点每小时一班,根据时间可选)、海游馆(优惠后2200日元*2)3.大阪港-本町-心斋桥或难波(地铁中央线-御堂筋线):心斋桥、道顿崛(水上观光船)4.心斋桥或难波-天王寺(地铁御堂筋线):回酒店食:早饭:随机午饭:浪花贪吃小巷晚饭:道顿崛11.24(二)大阪OSAKA-北海道新千岁机场new chitose airport-札幌SAPPORO航班:全日空航空NH773 738 11:10-12:55 伊丹机场-新千岁机场D 1168住宿:名称:JR Tower Hotel Nikko Sapporo(札幌日航JR Tower酒店)地址:2-5 Nishi, Kita 5 jo, Chuo-ku, Sapporo-shi, Hokkaido,札幌,北海道,日本电话:0081-11-251 2222房型:大床房(1.4m床、24平方、禁烟)777+776(携程已付)优惠:入住此房型,可免费获赠送机、半日游或首日免费wifi服务。

旅游线路及编号0527527日本大阪+京都7日6晚.2晚环球影城酒店USJ 和服体验双古都巡游HepFive摩天轮B线神户港六甲山牧场有马温泉街C线2日自由第1天上海-大阪(国际段飞行时长约2.5小时)(1)根据通知办理登机:集合于机场国际出发大厅,由领队协助办理出境手续。
(2) 航班: 由上海搭乘指定航班前往大阪(具体航班信息请在预订下一步中查看)飞行时间: 约2小时30分钟(3)(4) 抵达大阪,办理入境手续。
活动时间: 约1小时前往酒店: 大阪都喜来登酒店(Sheraton Miyako Hotel Osaka)或大阪凯悦酒店(Hyatt Regency Osaka)或大阪新大谷酒店(Hotel New Otani Osaka)行驶距离: 约30公里| 行驶时间: 约40分钟第2天环球影城整日畅玩(不含车导服务)08:30 早餐: 自理早餐,您可根据自选的酒店套餐,享用酒店早餐或者自理早餐。
09:00 前往景点: 日本环球影城游览时间: 约5小时日本环球影城日本环球影城坐落在日本大阪市内,是继好莱坞环球影城和佛罗里达环球影城之后的世界上第三座以好莱坞电影为主题的主题游乐园。
20:00 前往酒店: 大阪日本环球影城™园前酒店(The Park Front Hotel at Universal Studios Japan™Osaka)或大阪环球港酒店(Hotel Universal Port Osaka)或大阪京阪环球城酒店(Osaka Hotel Keihan Universal City)或大阪京阪环球塔酒店(Osaka Hotel KeihanUniversal Tower)或大阪湾拉根特酒店(La'Gent Hotel Osaka Bay)或森格拉尔天空SPA酒店-日本环球影城™(THE SINGULARIHOTEL &SKYSPA AT UNIVERSAL STUDIOS JAPAN™)各家酒店均有多种房型可供自选,请特别留意各房型最多可入住人数,是否含餐,取消政策等重要信息。
东京考基马奇宫殿酒店(Palace Studio Kojimachi)

东京考基马奇宫殿酒店(Palace Studio Kojimachi)东京考基马奇宫殿酒店位于东京,是家3星级酒店,是东京不可错过的酒店之一。
中文名称东京考基马奇宫殿酒店英文名称Palace Studio Kojimachi酒店星级3星级地理位置市中心房间数量91酒店地址102-0083 东京都, Chiyoda-ku, Kojimachi 3-30-1, 日本周围景观明治神宫、六本木、上野动物园、新宿、涩谷、东京大学、皇居、国会议事堂、筑地市场、歌舞伎町、东京塔【好巧网解读】4大卖点1. 酒店有自己的停车场,对于喜欢自驾的游客来说再方便不过了2. 酒店的位置很好,附近吃喝玩乐应有尽有,很方便3.4. 酒店位置非常优越,处于中心地带,购物吃饭非常方便,闹中取静酒店的图片酒店位置与交通信息酒店交通比较方便,以各主要景点的距离如下:新宿:打车8分钟,车程约4.1公里涩谷:打车9分钟,车程约5.7公里皇居:步行25分钟,或打车9分钟,车程约4.0公里东京塔:打车10分钟,车程约4.4公里歌舞伎町:打车11分钟,车程约4.5公里明治神宫:打车14分钟,车程约6.0公里六本木:打车9分钟,车程约3.9公里筑地市场:打车9分钟,车程约4.4公里国会议事堂:步行15分钟东京大学:打车14分钟,车程约5.6公里上野动物园:打车16分钟,车程约5.9公里如果你想查询酒店到更多景点的距离和交通路线,以及周边有哪些超市按摩店等生活设施,请访问/Tokyo_c13/8728.html酒店房型房价介绍酒店的房型有多种选择,提供了标准一室公寓、高级一室公寓、豪华一室公寓、豪华小套房(DeluxeSuite)、标准小套房(Standard Suite)、高级小套房(Superior Suite),房间布置都到位,服务员也很热情。

1.機票2.住宿3.租車今日預算(喧)今日預算(君)今日預算(君)沖縄県宜野灣市普天間1-27-10(私たちは、鍾乳洞を訪問したい)1.沖繩県中頭郡読谷村字宇座657-1 (有免費大停車場) 今日預算今日預算今日預算【Day5】8/2(二)今日預算【地圖類】Day1-美國村map【地圖類】Day3-新都心新都心要紧的購物商物有3個:最近輕軌站的Naha Main Place→在中間的Apple Town→最遠的天久樂市1.玩具反斗城,那覇市おもろまち3-3-1 アップルタウン,10am~10pm(位在Apple Towm購物中心裡): AppleTown 2F有一間部落客推薦的迴轉壽司店まぐろ問屋やざえもん,11:30am~9pm,中價位!2.Best電器ベスト電器天久店,那覇市天久1-1-1,10am~9pm3.Uniquloニクロ天久りうぼう楽市店,那覇市天久1-1-1 りうぼう施設內,10am~9pm4.無印良品天久店,那覇市天久1−1−1天久りうぼう楽市,10am~10pm5.スポーツデポ天久店10am~9pm,沖縄県那覇市天久1-2-16.西松屋,那覇市おもろまち3丁目4-26,10am~9pm*2~5都在天久樂市購物中心【地圖類】Day4國際通地圖0商店居酒屋:國人推薦的居酒屋,可是必然要訂位,我們确实是沒訂位沒吃到的苦主!驚安殿堂唐吉軻德:24小時的藥妝店、日本雜貨店,滿額還能够免稅。
國際通屋台街:這是2021最新開的,我有進去逛裡面超有氣氛的,而且生意专门好每間都很多客人【地圖類】Day5-Outlet【導航介紹】1.請務必在車子停下來並且在P檔時,才有辦法使用目的地的設定2.先按下「現在地」的按鈕,再按螢幕下方有個橘色目的地的框框,就會出現這樣的目的地設定畫面3.是要重新設定新的目的地嗎?? 按左邊的" はい"就可以開始新的目的地設定3.輸入目的地的電話,沖繩都是098開頭4.導航開始檢索地圖位置,按下右下方的ここに行く(前往這個地方)5.按右下方的案內開始(開始導航),就完成了【MAP code】【單軌電車沿線介紹】【購物】INTEGRATE 粉底型蜜粉1號*1(秀真) INTEGRATE 眉粉BR631咖啡色*1(秀真) 蛀牙糖*1(姿旻)【攜帶物品】【部落客筆記區】。

●●大酒店服务指南Service Guide of ●●Grand Hotel总经理致辞General Manager Address尊敬的宾客:Dear guests:您好!欢迎您来到长白山观光、休闲、度假、探险……下榻●●大酒店。
Hello! Welcome to Changbai Mountain for sightseeing, relaxation, vacation, exploration…..and choose to stay in ●●grand hotel.●●大酒店位于长白山腹地的●●市浑江江畔,东临长白山满族文化博物馆,北临●●公园,是集餐饮、娱乐为一体的豪华酒店,这里环境优雅、交通便捷是商务、会议、旅游、观光的理想下榻之处。
●●grand hotel is located in Hunjiang riverside of ●●City, which is the hinterland of Changbai Mountain, with Changbai Mountain Manchu Culture Museum in the east and ●●Park in the north. It is a deluxe hotel integrated catering with entertainment. The elegant environment and convenient traffic will provide you withan ideal accommodation for business, conference, traveling and sightseeing.我宾馆餐饮部由名厨主灶,各种美味佳肴任您品尝。
Famous chefs work in our food & beverage department and a variety of delicacies are cooked for your taste. Various well-designed standard rooms and deluxe suites provide you a variety of options and warm and thoughtful service make you feel at home.“宾客至上,服务第一”是我们的宗旨,让您在这里生活的舒适、愉快、满意是我们的职责,愿我们的努力带给您无穷的乐趣,真正不虚此行。

3、 Sushi Ginza Onodera:提供高品质的寿司,店内的氛围优雅,服务周到,能让食客在舒适的环境中享受美食。
4、 USHIGORO S:这里的和牛料理堪称一绝,牛肉的品质上乘,烹饪方式多样,口感鲜嫩多汁。
5、 Afuri 阿夫利:以拉面闻名,其柚子盐拉面别具风味,汤底清爽,面条劲道。
6、 Tempura Kondoh:天妇罗专门店,炸制的天妇罗外酥里嫩,保留了食材的原汁原味。
7、 Sukiyabashi Jiro Honten:是另一家由寿司大师掌舵的店,寿司的口感和品质都无可挑剔。
8、 Torishiki:烧鸟店中的佼佼者,烤鸡肉串火候恰到好处,调料搭配得宜。
9、 Aragawa:一家高级牛排店,牛排品质极佳,切割和烹饪手法专业。
10、 Bunmeido:以美味的和果子而受到食客的喜爱,造型精美,口味多样。
3、 Kani Doraku 蟹道乐:以螃蟹料理为主,各种螃蟹的烹饪方式应有尽有,螃蟹新鲜肥美。
首尔考山酒店(Khaosan Seoul Palace)

首尔考山酒店(Khaosan Seoul Palace)首尔考山酒店位于首尔,是家1星级酒店,首尔考山酒店通过提供优质贴心的服务和方便实用的设施,受到了客人的普遍好评,首尔考山酒店是首尔性价比较高的酒店之一,而且是便宜又好的酒店。
中文名称首尔考山酒店英文名称Khaosan Seoul Palace酒店星级1星级地理位置仁寺洞/三清洞/北村房间数量10酒店地址3Floor, 195-10 Myeongnyun 2ga, 钟路区, 110-522 首尔, 韩国周围景观青瓦台、清溪川广场、北村韩屋村、光化门广场、景福宫、N首尔塔、首尔泰迪熊博物馆、仁寺洞、昌德宫和后苑、国立民俗博物馆、兴仁之门(东大门)【好巧网解读】4大卖点1. 酒店出门左拐就有超市和餐馆,其中一家非常不错,解决了大部分饮食问题2. 房间整洁,像家里一样,还有一间小厨房可以自己做饭吃3. 这里有停车场,至少不会为没地方停车发愁了4.酒店的图片酒店位置与交通信息酒店交通比较方便,以各主要景点的距离如下:景福宫:直线距离约2公里N首尔塔:直线距离约4公里兴仁之门(东大门):直线距离约2公里青瓦台:直线距离约3公里清溪川广场:直线距离约3公里北村韩屋村:直线距离约2公里仁寺洞:直线距离约2公里光化门广场:直线距离约3公里首尔泰迪熊博物馆:直线距离约4公里国立民俗博物馆:直线距离约2公里昌德宫和后苑:直线距离约1公里如果你想查询酒店到更多景点的距离和交通路线,以及周边有哪些超市按摩店等生活设施,请访问/Seoul_c9/11102.html酒店房型房价介绍全部房型与房价:家庭间600元双人或双床间339元单人间282元6床宿舍间的1张床位 339元房价信息随季节和销售程度动态变化,访问好巧网可查询实时房价,并即时预订确认生效,不用等待。

澳门酒店中英文名对照酒店英文名酒店中文名地址Best Western Hotel Taipa 格兰澳门氹仔嘉乐庇总督大马路822号Central 新中央酒店澳门新马路264-270号East Asia 东亚酒店澳门新步头街1号AEmperor Hotel 帝濠酒店澳门上海街51号Fortuna 财神酒店澳门新口岸广州街63号Fu Hua Guangdong Hotel Macau 澳门富华粤海酒店澳门俾利喇街98-102号Golden Crown China Hotel 金皇冠中国大酒店氹仔鸡颈马路临近澳门国际机场I地段Golden Dragon 金龙酒店澳门新填海区第三区C及F地段Grand Emperor Hotel 英皇娱乐酒店澳门商业大马路251-292号DGrande Waldo 金都酒店氹仔岛南部游艇码头邻近西堤圆形地Grandview Hotel 君怡酒店澳门氹仔柯维纳总督马路142号Guia 东望洋酒店澳门松山马路1-5号Holiday 假期酒店澳门镜湖马路36-38号一楼至五楼Holiday Inn Macau 澳门假日酒店澳门新口岸北京街82-86号Hong Thai Hotel 康泰酒店澳门十月初五街177-179号AHotel Beverly Plaza 澳门富豪酒店澳门罗理基博士大马路70-106号Hotel Casa Real 皇家金堡酒店澳门罗理基博士大马路1118号Hotel Mondial 环球酒店澳门巴士度街8-10号Hotel Mondial - Ala Nova环球酒店- Ala Nova 澳门巴士度街8-10号Hotel Rocks 莱斯酒店澳门渔人码头Hou Kong 濠江澳门道德巷1号Jai Alai 回力酒店澳门友谊大马路回力球场Kingsway金域酒店澳门新口岸高美士街230号Kou Va 高华澳门福隆新街71号Landmark Hotel 置地广场酒店澳门友谊大马路555号置地广场大厦Lisboa 葡京酒店澳门葡京路2-4号London 英京酒店澳门司打口4-6号Macau Masters Hotel 万事发酒店澳门火船头街162-178号Man Va 文华澳门福隆下街30-34号Mandarin Oriental 文华东方酒店澳门新口岸友谊大马路956-1110号Metropark Hotel 维景酒店澳门新口岸北京街199号Metrópole 京都酒店澳门南湾大马路493-501号Nam Tin 南天酒店澳门南湾巷4号New Century Hotel 新世纪酒店氹仔史伯泰将军大马路Pousada de Coloane 竹湾酒店澳门路环竹湾President Hotel 总统酒店澳门友谊大马路355号Regency Hotel 丽景湾酒店澳门氹仔史伯泰海军将军马路二号Rio Hotel 利澳酒店澳门新口岸填海区第9街区C及D地段Ritz 濠璟酒店澳门高可宁绅士街7号至13号Royal 皇都酒店澳门得胜马路2-4号Royal Infante Harbour View Hotel 皇庭海景酒店氹仔马场以南,氹仔和路环两岛之间空地西北方São Tiago da Barra 澳门圣地牙哥古堡澳门民国大马路Sands金沙澳门友谊大马路金沙娱乐场Sintra 新丽华酒店澳门约翰四世大马路StarWorld Hotel 星际酒店澳门外港新填海区第3地段(A2/I) Sun Sun Hotel 新新酒店澳门司打口14-16号Taipa Square 骏景酒店氹仔新城市中心第23地段B The Westin Resort Macau 澳门威斯汀度假酒店澳门路环黑沙马路1918号Victoria Hotel 维多利亚酒店澳门拱形马路118号Waldo Hotel 华都酒店澳门新口岸填海区6J地段Wynn 永利澳门外港填海区仙德丽街。
Thailand-Pattaya Plan

480RMBHI670m to TSPlacesTimeDurationArrivalBudget 730RMB芭提雅购物中心Central Festival Pattaya Beach Pattaya Said 1 路 1.2kM to HI 风月步行街 2.8km to HIHIPlaces TimeDurationArrivalBudgetTo Bangkok 9:00Terminal 21搭乘BTS到E4(Askok)站1号口出,或乘坐MRT到Sukhumvit站3号口出酒店C/IBTS E2(Ploen Chit)唐人街/金佛寺MRT至华南蓬Hua Lamphong站1出口,步行可到; 公交船至Tha Sapan Phut码头280河滨夜市/摩天轮搭BTS到S6(SaphanTaksin)站下跟着指示走到Sathorn Pier,在码头乘坐免费shuttle boat;600NovatelBTS E2(Ploen Chit)PlacesTime DurationArrivalBudget曼谷文化艺术中心Bangkok Art and Culture Centre 09:30-21:00(除周一)60-120minBTS到National Stadium 暹罗广场/海底世界10:00-22:00BTS至Siam站下,5号出口处Siam Paragon10:00-22:00Central World/四面佛10:00-22:00100Big C10:00-22:00Central World对面Plane/Home 15:30从酒店出发Day 5Day 4Day 3格兰岛一日游Optional朱拉隆功大学BTS到Siam站,步行前往杜莎夫人蜡像馆10:00-21:0060min-120min960暹罗水族馆10:00-21:00120min-180min BTS到Siam站,5号口出Siam Paragon B11800。

1,782 2,178 1,656 1,872 1,584 1,656 富士急行線河口湖站乘車約5分鐘
週日 週末 週日 週末 週日 週末
1,728 2,331 1,476 2,079 1,422 1,926 石和溫泉站徒步約5分鐘
2,520 2,520 箱根登山鉄道強羅站徒步2分鐘
2,394 2,574 2,088 2,205 1,935 2,025 箱根登山鉄道早雲站徒步3分鐘
熱海溫泉 (Atima)
( 每人每晚計算)
那須溫泉 (Nasu)
週日 週末 週日 週末 週日 週末
1,584 1,989 1,431 1,782 1,332 1,683 那須鹽原站乘車約30分鐘
湯本富士屋 本館(和洋室) **(貸切) 2,241 2,745 2,034 2,439 1,836 2,241 箱根湯本站徒步約5分鐘
湯本富士屋 本館(洋室)
1,836 2,439 1,737 2,340
2,205 2,385 1,638 2,178 1,521 1,971 箱根湯本站徒步約20分鐘

Ⅰ. 单项选择1、---Sir, could you please wait fo r another 20 minutes and we’ll serve you very soon?---Another 20 minutes? It was only 6 o’clock ____________ I got here, but it’s 7:10 now.A.since B.when C.while D.before2、Read it aloud ________ the whole class can hear you clearly.A.so that B.if C.when D.although3、—Did you buy a large house?—No, not really, at least not as large as ______.A.yours B.your C.you4、Helen is my friend. She is in ______ at Beijing No.11Middle School.A.Y ear 3 B.3 grade C.3th Year D.grade third5、—How do you like your new school, Kate?—It is very clean and beautiful ____it is a bit small.A.if B.since C.unless D.although6、— Where is your teacher? — He ______ the library. He ______ the library for an hour.A.has gone to; has been to B.has gone to; has been inC.has been to; has been in D.has been to; has gone to7、—Shall I give you a ride as you look so tired?—Thank you. ________.A.It’s your duty. B.Don’t mention it C.Do as you like D.It couldn’t be better.8、The drama Story of Yanxi Palace____a lot of praise since its first show months ago.A.wins B.win C.will win D.has won9、People usually like the TV channels with funnier programmes but ________advertisements.A.few B.littleC.fewer D.less10、--- Y ou must be thirsty after a long walk. Would you like some ______?--- Yes, please. Thanks a lot.A.water B.bread C.food D.hamburgersⅡ. 完形填空11、One day,a teacher entered the classroom and told the students about a test. After hearing,all students were seated and waited for the test to 1 . Now, the teacher gave the test papers to all students and put the text face down at the desk. When he finished handing out the test to all students, he asked 2 to turn the test pages and begin.Students were surprised to see that there was not a 3 but just a black dot in the center of the page. The teacher noticed the students' face expression and told them, “I want you to write about 4 you see there.”The students were still 5 but got started with the test. At the end of the class, the teacher took all answer sheets and started reading each answer from each sheet in front of all students. All of them described about the black dot and tried to explain its position etc. After the teacher finished reading, the whole class was 6 .Then professor began to explain, “Don’t worry, I am not going to give you 7 for this but I just want you to think about something. Here everyone focused on the black dot and wrote about it, 8 no one wrote about the white paper, the 9 is with our lives. The white paper stands for our whole life and the black spot stands for 10 in our life.Our life is a gift given to us by God, 11 love and care, and we always have reasons to celebrate –our friends around us, the job that can 12 us our living, the miracles we see every day.Still we just 13 day to day problems like health problems, lack of money, problems in relationships etc. but we never see that these problems are very small compared to 14 we have in our lives.”So we should try to take eyes off our problems and 15 each moment that life gives us. Be happy and live life positively.1.A.start B.finish C.end D.stop2.A.him B.her C.them D.us3.A.answer B.question C.plan D.picture4.A.where B.what C.when D.which5.A.surprised B.relaxed C.excited D.interested6.A.noisy B.warm C.proud D.silent7.A.examples B.grades C.books D.presents8.A.but B.and C.so D.or9.A.different B.same C.polite D.difficult10.A.work B.money C.problems D.jobs11.A.with B.without C.for D.of12.A.choose B.provide C.share D.thank13.A.try on B.get on C.focus on D.turn on14.A.everything B.something C.nothing D.anything15.A.believe B.fear C.pass D.enjoyⅢ. 语法填空12、In one’s life, one usually has little understanding of oneself. When you succeed, you may be very proud. When you 1., you may lose heart. If you don’t get a thorough understanding of yourself, you may miss lots of 2.(chance) in life.To get a thorough understanding of yourself is to know well 3.yourself. Y ou may know your strong points and weak 4.(one). You may hope for a wonderful future, but be sure not to expect too much because not all dreams can 5.(realize). You may be confident enough to meet challenges, but first you should know what to do.To get a thorough understanding of yourself, you should have a real sense of self-appreciation. Maybe you think you are not a tall tree 6.just small grass, as long as you get full confidence, you are sure to face any trouble.To get a thorough understanding of yourself also 7.to look after yourself. When you are angry, find a quiet place so that you won’t be hurt. When you are sad, tell your friends about it to 8.the mood into a good one. When you are tired, get a good sleep. If you don’t take good care of yourself, you won’t be able to stay away from 9.(ill).So if you get a thorough understanding of yourself, you 10.(get) a full control of yourself and find your life full of color.Ⅳ. 阅读理解A13、Do you have a good sense of direction?If not, please take with you a compass. But if you forget to take a compass, you can still find your way during the trip.Suppose you are hiking with your family somewhere in the mountain in Dan Xia Mountain, you need to find the direction of south to find your way back. But none of your family members can read the map and actually knows where the family is. Never mind. The sun is shining and it’s still morning. If you don't know the exact time,you can still find out where south is, but you'll need to be patient.①Find a straight stick and put it in the ground in a place where you can mark its shadow.②Try to put the stick as vertically (垂直) as you can. You can check this by making a simple plumb line (铅锤线) with a piece of string (绳子) and weight. You haven't got any string? Ok, use a thread from your clothes with a button tied at the end to act as a weight.③After the stick is put vertically, you can see its shadow on the ground. Mark the end of the shadow.④Wait about half an hour and mark the end of the shadow again.⑤Keep doing this until you have made several marks.⑥The mark nearest the stick will show the shortest shadow when it is midday,because at that time the sun is highest in the sky and pointing to the exact south.⑦Pick a point in the distance along the line between the shortest shadow and the stick.⑧That point is south of where you are.⑨Now you can turn the map, like you did before, and find which way you should choose for traveling.1.To find the direction, we ought to be patient probably because .A.it is not easy to find a proper stickB.it is not easy to put the stick verticallyC.it takes hours to make the marksD.it takes hours to make a plumb line.2.The passage would probably be most helpful to .A.those who draw maps B.those who get lostC.those who make compasses D.those who likes making marks3.According to the passage, which of the following are needed to find the directionof south?①It is a fine day and the sun is shining brightly.②You are travelling with your family.③You have a straight stick, a piece of string and a button.④You mark the shadow every half an hour .⑤You check the marks on the stick.A.①③④B.①②③C.②③④D.③④⑤4.The author tells us how to find the direction of south by .A.telling an interesting story B.doing an experiment himselfC.testing an idea by reasoning D.introducing a useful method5.In which of the following columns(栏目)can you find the article?A.Family Life B.National GeographyC.Experience Sharing D.Science FictionB14、NJV Athens PlazaAddress 2 Vas.Georgiou A.Constitution Square,Athens,Greece Phone +302103352400Email **********************Booking number 614.233.049Booking details 9 nights,1 roomCheck-in Tuesday,1 July 4(14:00—00:00)Check-out Thursday,10 July 4(until 12:00)1 roomV AT(6.50%)included City tax(0.50%)includedTotal(总的)room price:€675Class Double Room--special conditionsGuest name:ZHANG HAN/ZHAO BEIER for max.2 people.Meal plan:Breakfast costs€18 per person per night.Hotel policies:Guest parking No parking available.Internet:WIFI is available in all areas and costs €19 per 24 hours.1.(小题1)Where does this passage probably come from?A.A textbook.B.A newspaperC.An advertisement D.A hotel-booking website2.(小题2)How many days are the guests staying at this hotel?A.6 nights B.7 nightsC.8 nights D.9 nights3.(小题3)Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A.ZHANG HAN and ZHAO BEIER are leaving the hotel off 1 July,4.B.Guests can surf the Internet for free during their stay at this hotel.C.The hotel is in Athens,Greece.D.The price of a hotel room is €675 a nightC15、Even if you shop with plastic bags, always remember to recycle them. Most families don’t realize the importance of eco-friendly living, especially children.So how can you help children start seeing green? Well, here are a few suggestions.Don’t buy toys-borrow instead. If kids are concerned, most toys start to lose their shine. Don’t let the unloved toys gather dust around the house-instead, join a local toy library, give them to the library. And if you do buy new toys, try to buy toys made from wood and other eco-friendly materials.Spend time outside. Make sure your child spends time learning to be outside. Let him/her get involved in nature by planting a tree, building a birdhouse, or taking a bike ride in a nearby park.Teach green. Even if your child doesn’t receive an environmental education in the classroom, there’s no reason that you can’t spread the word at home. Let your kid help o ut with separating your recyclables.Stick with eco-friendly entertainment. Most kids may not seem like interested in the subject on the environment, but put it in a TV show and they’ll change their minds. Give them a taste of the online cartoon show, and you’ll finally find the children learn it happily.1.The phrase “help children start seeing green” can be replaced by“__________”.A.help children see the green colorB.tell children they should like greenC.help children understand the importance of eco-friendly livingD.teach children how to recycle rubbish2.The Chinese meaning of the underlined word. “recyclables” is“_____.”A.可以回收利用物B.再生能源C.化学药剂D.电缆线3.Which of the following is NOT true?.A.We can buy toys made from wood.B.Parents shouldn’t teach children environmental subjects at home.C.Most kids don’t like to learn subjects on the environmentD.Parents should teach their children to build a birdhouse.4.The writer doesn’t think that_________.A.parents should buy lots of toys for their children.B.parents should give unloved toys to the library.C.parents can teach children environmental subjects on TV.D.parents should spend time in nature with their children.D16、The American company Otherlab has built a new drone (无人机) which the compa ny calls “Sky Machine”. Compared with other unmanned aircraft (无人机), the drone is very different. It is made almost completely out of cardboard. It can be packed with materials and sealed (密封) up with tape.The drone looks like a big paper airplane that we used to make as kids. But this light flyer is not a toy, it was designed to be dropped from airplanes. Hundreds of drones could be launched at once and then they are guided to where they are supposed to go to complete deliveries (递送) to different places over an area covering hundreds of kilometers.The company says it can travel about 150 kilometers at speeds up to 88 kilometers an hour. Now it can carry materials weighing up to one kilogram, but future ones are expected to carry heavier loads (负荷).One of the drone’s main advantages is that it does not have a heavy motor or large battery. This provides more room for materials and makes the drone cost less to build and work.The technology that guides the drone can make it land within 10 meters of its target, according to Otherlab. And once the drone completes its delivery, ▲ and the cardboard material will decompose (分解) within a few months. Otherlab says the drones can also be reused. Otherlab has received money from the U.S. Department of Defense to carry out research on the drones. The U.S. military has a need for delivery drones. But the delivery drones they usually use can be stolen and studied by others if found after use. Before they can truly disappear, the electronic materials inside the drones mu st also somehow disappear. Otherlab’s Sky Machine is an attempt to fill that need. Researchers are still working on ways to get the technology itself to selfdestruct (自毁).1.What makes the new drone very different from other unmanned airplanes?A.It will drop things while flying.B.It can be played as a toy.C.Its main material is cardboard.D.It was made by Otherlab.2.Having no heavy motor or large battery can _______.A.make the drone fly fasterB.make it difficult for the drone to landC.make the drone cost more to buildD.provide more space for carrying materials3.Which of the following can be put in ▲ ?A.it can be thrown awayB.it will go to the next placeC.it can fly back where it landsD.it will land within 10 meters of its target4.From the last paragraph, we can learn that _______.A.the U.S. military is using Otherlab’s Sky MachinesB.the delivery drones the U.S. military uses are always stolenC.the U.S. Department of Defense supports Otherlab’s researchD.the electronic materials inside a military drone can disappear easilyE17、Teenagers can’t afford to buy expensive gifts. So what do you do if you want to give gifts to the important people in your life? In fact, you don’t have to spend much money on holiday gifts. There are many cheap wa ys to do that. Here are some make-it-yourself gift ideas to try:To your mom and dad:You can clean the room, sing a song or write a letter to your mom and dad. You could also draw a picture if you like.To your teacher:Sometimes students put their pocket money together and buy a teacher a holiday gift. Some kids would like to give their own gifts. You can send a nice card with the words of thanks inside. You might even write down the favorite things you’ve learned in the teacher’s class this year. It will make the teacher feel happy.To the kids who need a friend:The holidays are a good time to think about people who are lonely. Maybe there is someone in your class who doesn’t seem to have any friends. Try to do something for this person. It could be giving a Christmas card or just chatting with him or her. It’s a small thing, but it could mean a lot to him or her.1.According to the passage, teenagers don’t have to __________ their parents as a gift.A.sing a song to B.draw a picture for C.buy an expensive gift for2.If you want to send your teacher a card, what will you write in it?A.Ways to improve your grades.B.The names of the students you don’t like.C.Something you’ve learned in the teacher’s class.3.Which of the following is Not True?A.Y ou should spend much money buying gifts for your teacher.B.Chatting with a classmate who has few friends is also a good holiday gift.C.A small gift during holidays may mean a lot to someone who feels lonely.4.You might see this passage in a ______.A.Notice B.science book C.school newspaper5.What’s the best title for the passage?A.Making Friends by Giving GiftsB.Making Holiday Gifts by YourselfC.How to Save Money during HolidaysF18、Buying clothes in a busy shop can be a bad thing. But shopping online can be a bit hit-and-miss. Sometimes you can’t find what you like. So shopping online is not an easy thing. This has led to a number of companies’ owners to come up with a new idea--interactive mirrors(互动试衣镜)in shops that let you try on different clothes with different colors and patterns(样式)without putting on or taking off by yourself.Now the scientists have made the latest interactive mirrors in the USA.The interactive mirror uses a new kind of technique(技术) to show how clothes will fit. It was founded by a person named Salvador Nissi Vilcovsky who was from California. There is a little device(装置) like a computer behind the mirror. First, we should store kinds of clothes including colors and patterns in the mirror. Then, when the customers stand in front of the mirror, the shop assistant only uses hand gestures. Through the gestures, there will be different kinds of pictures in the mirror. The pictures show the right customer in different clothes without any changing. The shop assistant can change different colors, patterns and sizes, and the smart mirror will remember top two best choices, so the customer can compare and contrast. It also lets people see clothes from different angles(角度) without straining(用力拉)their neck or using a wall of mirrors. In 2014, the technology was introduced into Neiman Marcus stores in San Francisco, and later, Texas. It was widely welcomed by the shopowners and the customers. Maybe, we can see one of these interactive mirrors in a shop in China in the near future.根据短文所提供的信息选择最佳答案1.If we stand in front of an interactive mirror, we should to see which sweater fits us best.A.put on different clothes B.use hand gestures C.strain our neck2.The underlined word hit-and-miss in the passage means “” in Chinese.A.合适的B.错过的C.碰巧的3.According to the passage, Picture can show the picture in the interactive mirror.A.B.C.4.Which of the following is TRUE?A.The interactive mirrors are the same as mirrors at both the usage(使用)and the structure(结构).B.We don’t have to try on the clothes to decide which on is the most suitable because of the interactive mirrors. C.The interactive mirrors have been put into use all around the world.5.From the passage, can be the best title.A.The Development of the ShopsB.Strange Invention Changed the USAC.the Interactive Mirrors Go into Our LifeⅤ.书面表达19、书面表达遵守交通规则随着路面上车辆越来越多,交通安全成为了人们日益关心的问题。
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考山京都剧院酒店(Khaosan Kyoto Theater)
英文名称Khaosan Kyoto Theater
房间数量 6
酒店地址604-8066 京都府, 京都, Nakagyo-ku Gokomachi-dori Rokkaku-sagaru Iseyacho 346, 日本
1. 工作人员十分热心,出入也都会热情招呼,旅馆及房间内部的设施非常舒适,旅馆位址所在的,河原町,很热闹,且邻近锦市场,不管是交通、用餐、购物都十分便利
2. 位置不错,出门即可逛街,各种地方应有尽有
3. 作为青旅私密性做的很好,厕所也很干净地点也很好
4. 酒吧非常不错,氛围不错,好多年轻人,喜欢热闹的朋友千万不要错过
双层床- 位于10床豪华混合宿舍间 172元
8床女性宿舍间的1张床位 142元
8床位豪华女性宿舍间的双层床 172元
家庭间(12名成人)- 共用浴室170元
家庭间(10名成人)- 带私人浴室1419元
家庭间- 带私人浴室(6位成人)207元
酒店的房型有多种选择,提供了双层床- 位于10床豪华混合宿舍间、10床位女用宿舍间的双层床、10床男女混住宿舍的1张床位、14床位混合宿舍间里的一张双层床位、8床女性宿舍间的1张床位、8床位豪华女性宿舍间的双层床、家庭间(12名成人)- 共用浴室、家庭间- 带私人浴室(5位成人)、家庭间(10名成人)- 带私人浴室、家庭间(8名成人)- 带私人浴室、家庭间- 带私人浴室(6位成人)、家庭间- 带双层床和共用浴室、家庭客房(10 beds)、家庭客房(8 beds)、家庭客房(12 beds)、标准宿舍,
男女混合宿舍, 公共浴室(10 Beds)、宿舍, 女士专用房, 公共浴室(8 Beds)、宿舍, 男女混合宿舍, 公共浴室(14 Beds)、豪华宿舍, 男女混合宿舍, 公共浴室(10 Beds)、家庭客房(14 beds)、豪华宿舍, 女士专用房(8 beds)、家庭客房(6 beds)、家庭客房(5 beds)、宿舍, 女士专用房(10 Beds)、家庭客房(7 beds),房间布置都到位,服务员也很热情。