Unit 3 Topic 3 Section C 卖火柴的小女孩

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knock at / take a shower
1. When the cat knocked at the door the mouse _w_a_s__t_a_k_i_n_g__a__s_h_o_w_e_r__ .
come out / sleep
2. The mouse was hungry. When he _c_a_m_e__o_u_t__ of the bathroom to look for food, the cat _w__a_s_s_l_e_e_p_i_n_g__ .
_C_h_r_is_t_m_a_s__t_r_e_e and her kind __g_r_a_n_d_m_o_t_h__e_r.
4. She __w_a_s__l_y_in_g____ against the wall the next morning and was __d_e_a_d___ .
2. She __d_i_d_n_’t__s_e_l_l __ any matches , and she felt ___c_o_ld___ and ___h_u_n_g_r_y____ .
3. She lighted matches and saw a warm s_t_o_v_e__, a delicious _r_o_a_s_t__g_o_o_s_e_, a beautiful
__a f_ou_rth_m_a_tch_____
_ly_in_g a_g_ain_st_,de_a_d ___
Look at the pictures and fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the key words.
a warm stove
The girl saw:
a delicious goose a beautiful Christmas tree her kind grandmother
Feeling cold
hungry family love
1b Read 1a again and complete the table.
What were you doing at this time yesterday?
What do you know about the story The Little Match Girl?
Skim the story and find the structure(结构) .
2. What did the poor girl sell ?
3. Did the girl have a big Christmas meal ?
No, she didn’t.
Read paragraph 4-6, and find out what the girl saw and why she saw them.
It was snowy and dark _o_n__a__n_e_w__y_e__a_r_’s__E_v_e_ .
Place Weather
What the little girl did
A poor girl was walking _i_n__t_h_e__s_t_r_e_e_t_s__w_i_t_h__
A. ①,②,③,④,⑤,⑥ C. ①,②③④⑤,⑥
B.①,②③④⑤⑥ D.①,②③,④⑤,⑥
Watch the flash of 1a, then answer the following questions. 视频1a-P75
1. When did the story happen ?
On a new year’s Eve.
Hale Waihona Puke Baidu
1c Read again and the key words for each picture.
Then retell the story.
1 _sn_o_wy_,E_ve_,w_as_w_alk_in_g _
____________ a low voice, no one,didn't sell
wake up / carry
3. When the cat woke up, the mouse _w_a__s_c_a_r_r_y__in_g__ his cake.
enjoy / chat
4. The mouse and the cat __w_e_r_e__c_h_a_t_ti_n_g__ happily while they were enjoying the moon.
Do think Tom and Jerry are good friends? Please write a new story of Tom and Jerry.
The wind ___w_a_s__b_l_o_w_i_n_g_ strongly and the snow _w_a_s__f_a_ll_i_n_g__d_o_w_n__ on her long hair.
1. The little girl was selling __m__a_t_c_h_e_s___ in the streets.