Molecular Epidemiology and Evolution in an Outbreak of Fulminant Hepatitis B Virus
鲍曼不动杆菌对氨基糖苷类药物耐药机制的研究路蓉 1 张烽 2(1 苏州卫生职业技术学院检验药学系07检三3班303707155 2 无锡三院检验科)摘要目的鲍曼不动杆菌对氨基糖苷类抗生素耐药机制关键词耐药机制鲍曼不动杆菌(Acinetobacter baumannii, Ab)广泛分布于自然界,可从环境中及人类血液、脓汁、唾液、尿液、皮肤和粘膜中分离出来。
近些年来,随着多重耐药(multidrug-resistant, MDR)甚至泛耐药(pan-resistant)鲍曼不动杆菌的不断涌现,已使这种细菌对大部分抗生素产生耐药,甚至仅对多粘菌素敏感,使其发病率和致死率日益升高。
1. 产生氨基糖苷类修饰酶研究表明,鲍氏不动杆菌对氨基糖苷类耐药的主要原因是产生了氨基糖苷修饰酶。
结果400份便标本中检测到非脊灰病毒(non-polio virus,NPV)21株,NPV分离率5.3%。
该法用RT-PCR法扩增病毒衣壳蛋白VPl区基因并测序,将所得到的病毒序列与GenBank数据库中的所有序列进行Blast搜索, 得到一组序列比较接近的EV序列,再用Mega软件计算它们之间的核苷酸和氨基酸序列的同源性, 即核苷酸和氨基酸的相似百分率。
如果病毒VP1区核苷酸同源性≥75 %(氨基酸同源性≥88%) ,同时和另一同源性最相近的血清型的同源性<70 % ,则认为所测病毒与原型株为同一血清型;如果VP1区核苷酸同源性<70 %(氨基酸同源性<88 %) ,则所测病毒与原型株不是同一血清型;如果VP1区核苷酸同源性在70%~75%之间,则也不能定型,需要进一步测序或用特异性单价血清进行微量中和试验定型。
1 材料与方法1.1 调查对象采集云南省与缅甸接壤的5个地区8个县9个口岸15岁以下健康儿童的大便标本,每个儿童采1份便,共采集400份标本。
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➢ 具有较好的特异性和稳定性 ➢ 检测方法具有较高的灵敏度,特异度高 ➢ 检测方法快速、简便
➢ 分子特性 化学结构、组成、物理特性和稳定性等 ➢ 时相特性 即生物标志在不同HDC阶段的表现和意义 ➢ 个体内变异 生物标本采集时间、部位等不同造成 ➢ 个体间变异 不同生物个体的检测结果不相同 ➢ 群体间变异 不同生物群体的检测结果不相同 ➢ 储存变异 生物标志的生物特性、储存条件、储存时
▪ 概念 ▪ 研究内容 ▪ 研究方法 ▪ 发展与应用前景
第一节 概 述
分子流行病学(molecular epidemiology)是 近十几年才迅速发展起来的一门流行病学新分 支,它是由传统流行病学学科发展的强烈需求 和分子生物学理论和技术取得的巨大成就相结 合的产物。
一 产生的背景
➢ 研究设计 采用横断面分析研究;选择煤焦油作业
工人为暴露组,当地城市居民和近郊农民分别为对照 组。排除年龄、吸烟、其他职业暴露等因素的影响; 比较3组DNA加合物水平。
➢ 结果分析 结果:当地城市居民(19例)与煤焦
油作业工人(63例)的DNA加合物水平相似,而 近郊农民(15例)的DNA加合物水平与煤焦油作 业工人相比,仅为后者的二分之一或三分之一。结 论:环境中芳香族化合物(煤焦油)暴露可导致体 内DNA加合物水平升高。
➢ 技术的创新 凝胶电泳技术,核酸体外扩增, DNA测序,蛋白质测序,分子杂交,基因克隆, 色谱技术,计算机应用。
二 分子流行病学的产生与发展
➢ 概念的演变 ➢ 定义 ➢ 分子流行病学的发展
三 与传统流行病学的关系
暴露 ---------------------- 暴露(E)与剂量(ED) ↓
流行病学英文版总结(精华版)乌衣月Email:Frnbdx@1、EpidemiologyEpidemiology is the study that is based on distribution and factors of diseases and health-related states in populations,and then makes politicies and takes measures to control heslth problems.2、ExposureExposure is a very common used term in epidemiology,it refers to the causal factors that may be associated with the disease,for example,contact with a harmful materials,or some characteristics ,such as the age which may put an individual at increased risk.3、OutcomeOutcome is the disease or other changes in health status.It is the possible result that may be associated with the causes,risk factors or preventive measures.4、Descriptive epidemiologyDescriptive epidemiology is concerned with the variations of morbidity and mortality in a community.It concentrates on the description of distribution of morbidity or mortality by person,place and time,and then we can pose the hyposthesis,such as case report,ecological study and cross-sectional study.5、Ecological studyEcological study is a type of descriptive study.It is the study of the relationship between some factors and diseases in the group level, the unit of observation and analysis is group.We describe the exposure status of disease factors and the frequency of diseases in different populations and then analyse the relationship between exposure and disease,for example, ecological comparison study and ecological trend study.6、Experimental epidemiologyExperimental epidemiology is to identify a group of subjects with the same conditions,and randomizes the subjects into intervention and control groups,follows them up for a period of time,compares the outcome between the groups,so as to evaluate the efficacy of the intervention.It is also called the interventional study,includes clinical trial,field trial and community trial.7、Observational studyObservational study is a kind of epidemiology.We observe and measure the occurrence of the disease or other health-related status in different groups with various characteristics and attempt to identy the causal association between the exposure and outcome,but we do not intervene in any way,so it is called the observational study,such as cross-sectional study,cohort study and so on.8、Three levels of preventionPrimary prevention concentrates on the cause prevention or reduction of risk factors,so as to prevent the development of disease.Secondary prevention is to diagnose and treat diseases in their early stages so as to restore or improve health,such as the screening program.Tertiary prevention is to reduce complications of disease,improve the outcome,so as to improve the quality of life of the patients.9、PYLLPYLL is measure of the socio-economic impact of the premature death of an individual.It ismeasured by deducting the age of death from the life expectancy of the individual.10、IncidenceIncidence measures the rate of occurrence of new cases of disease in a given population in a given time and can be used to describe the risk of disease in that population.(number of new cases/population)10、PrevalencePrevalence measures the rate of occurrence of both new and ongoing cases of diseases in a given population,in a given time,and can be used to describe the burden of disease in that population,includes point prevalence and period prevalence.(number of existing cases/population at risk)11、Cross-sectional studyCross-sectional study is a type of descriptive study,is also called prevalence study.It is an investigation that systematically collects information in a given time and does not use intervention.It concentrates on description of the distribution of prevalence rate by person,place,and time,and then we can pose the hyposthesis.12、BiasBias is a systematic error ,it exsits in the design ,conduct or analysis of a study and it may result in a mistaken estimate of the association between the exposure and outcome,such as selection bias,information bias,confounding bias.13、Confounding biasConfounding variable is an extraneous factor that relates(positively or negatively)with both the outcome and the tentative factor of study ,and may result in a mistaken estimate of an exposure effect on the risk of disease.And the bias which is caused by the confounding variable is called confounding bias.14、ScreeningScreening is the early detection and presumptive identification of an unrecognized disease or deficit by application of examinations or tests which can be applied rapidly and cheaply to large populations.15、Cohort studyCohort study is a kind of observational study.The investigator selects a group of exposed individuals and a group(or groups)of non-exposed individuals,and follows up both groups for a period of time,to compare the incidence of disease or the death rate of the disease in the two groups(or more groups)and measure the association between the exposure and the outcome.It is also called a prospective study or follow-up study.16、Case-control studiesCase-control studies start with the identification of people with the disease of interst and a control group of people without this disease ,then collect some information of the exposure in both groups,and measure the association between the exposure and the disease by comparing the diseased and non-diseased group.It is a kind of observational study ,and it is also called the retrospective study.17、MatchingMatching is defined as the process of making a study group and a comparison group comparable with respect to certain characteristics,such as sex,age,race and so on.The puepose of matching is to reduce the likelihood of confounding,includes individual matching and frequency matching.18、OROR is a very useful measure for the association between exposure and outcome.It is the ratio of the odds of exposure among the cases to the odds of exposure among the controls.The more the or departs from one,the greater the association between the exposure and outcome.19、RRRR is the most common measure for the association between esposure and outcome.The meaning is how many times the risk of exposed people is that of unexposed.If RR=1 it means the risk in exposed group and unexposed group are equal ,there is no association between the exposure and the outcome.If RR>1 it means the risk in exposed group is greater than the unexposed group,there is a positive association between the exposure and the outcome.If RR<1 it means the risk in exposed group is less than the unexposed group,there is a negative association between the exposure and the outcome.20、ARAR is a very important and commom measure for the effect of the exposure.It is the difference of the risks between the exposed group an unexposed group.The AR can be interpreted as the risk caused by the exposure only,or the risk attributable to the exposure.21、CauseCause may indicate that the factors that may increase the probability of the disease and that a diminution of one or more of these factors may decrease the frequency of that disease.22.Case Control & Cohort Study DifferencesCase Control Studies Cohort StudyAdvantages They are quicker and inexpensive to conduct It can measure the incidence ofdisease,so it can tmeasure RR They are good for rare diseases It good for rare exposuresThe sample size is smaller than cohort study It is prospective and permitsmultiple outcomes to beassessed in the same studyThey are good for new serious diseases to explore the possible causes The temporal sequence is appropriate,so it good for causal association inferenceDisadvantages They are retrospective,temporal sequence maybe a problem,so it is difficult to establish theassociation between exposure and diseases It requires large sample sizes and need long follow-up periodsThere are some potential biases,such asselection bias,recall biasIt is very expensiveThey can not measure the incidence of disease,therefore can not measure RR It is inefficient for rare diseasesThey are iefficient for rare exposures Some biases:loss to follow-upbias,measurement bias23、Molecular epidemiologyMolecular epidemiology is a branch of epidemiology.It combines theories and methods in both epidemiology and molecular biology.The definition of molecular epidemiology is its use of biological and genetic markers as a measure of the prospensity of developing a disease or as an indicator of a disease or all exposure in the studies of the distribution and causes of disease. Molecular epidemiology has the same objectives as conventional epidemiology,to study the occurrence,development and prognosis of disease,to evaluate the effectiveness of interventions,and to provide evidence for clinical and healthcare decision making in a defined population.References:((1)李立明主编.流行病学.第6版.北京:人民卫生出版社.2007(2)赵仲堂主编.流行病学研究方法与应用.第2版.北京:科学出版社,2005(3)Wang Peishan.Epidemiology An Introduction for Medical Students.Tianjin:Tianjin Science and Technology Translation Publishing Company,2011(4)Rothman KJ. Epidemiology:An Introduction.New York:Oxford University Press,2002 (5)方积乾主编.卫生统计学第6版.北京:人民卫生出版社.2007(6)颜虹主编.医学统计学第2版.北京:人民卫生出版社.2010(流行病学和卫生统计学两部分,以流行病学为主,由于水平有限,时间有限,存在各种问题不可避免,还望指出纠正!)乌衣月2013年4月13日。
传染病 慢性非传染病 健康状态
免疫效应 病理性效应
基因表达和代谢异常 基因突变或染色体畸变
遗传性疾病 Huntington病应用分子流行病学方法很快确定了HD基因紧密连锁遗传位点D4S10及其DNA标志 慢性非传染病 载脂蛋白E(apoE)不同基因型在动脉粥样硬化和冠心病发病中易感性不同 传染病 不同基因特征的人群对HIV的易感性差异很大
Molecular epidemiology is a branch of epidemiology that combines theories and methods in both epidemiology and molecular biology. What defines molecular epidemiology, as opposed to conventional epidemiology, is its use of biological and in particular genetic markers as a measure of the propensity of developing a disease or as an indicator of a disease or an exposure in the study of the distribution and cause of disease.
%Bovine respiratory syncytial virus is recognized as one of the crucial causes of bovine respiratory disease,which has a marked impact on the cattle industry and the dairy industry.Bovine respiratory syncy-tial virus is preliminarily diagnosed based on the clinical symptoms and pathological anatomy changes,and then through the laboratory tests.The laboratory tests of bovine respiratory syncytial virus mainly rely on etiology diagnosis and serological diagnosis.The methods for etiology diagnosis consists of cell-culture iso-lation techniques,polymerase chain reaction.And the serological methods consists of neutralization tests, immunofluorescence method,enzyme linked immunosorbent assay.For the past few years,the experimen-tal methods,such as polymerase chain reaction and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay were developed rapidly,and became the main methods for the diagnosis of bovinerespiratory syncytial virus due to their high efficiency,rapidness and high sensitivity.The bovine respiratory syncytial disease has spread world-wide and impacted production and animal welfare in the cattle industry.The article summarized the re-search progress on the laboratory test methods of bovine respiratory syncytial virus.The overview of thesis will provide some references for the diagnosis and prevention of the bovine respiratory syncytial disease.【期刊名称】《动物医学进展》【年(卷),期】2014(000)009【总页数】3页(P90-92)【关键词】牛呼吸道合胞体病毒;检测方法;研究进展【作者】杨洺扬;王炜;李真光;董鹏;胡桂学;武华;陈立志;程世鹏;冷雪【作者单位】中国农业科学院特产研究所特种经济动物分子生物学国家重点实验室,吉林吉林 130122; 吉林农业大学,吉林长春 130118;华威特北京生物科技有限公司,北京 100085;中国农业科学院特产研究所特种经济动物分子生物学国家重点实验室,吉林吉林 130122;吉林农业大学,吉林长春 130118;吉林农业大学,吉林长春 130118;华威特北京生物科技有限公司,北京 100085;中国农业科学院特产研究所特种经济动物分子生物学国家重点实验室,吉林吉林 130122;中国农业科学院特产研究所特种经济动物分子生物学国家重点实验室,吉林吉林 130122;中国农业科学院特产研究所特种经济动物分子生物学国家重点实验室,吉林吉林130122【正文语种】中文【中图分类】S852.659.5牛呼吸道合胞体病毒(Bovine respiratory syncytial virus,BRSV)属于副黏病毒科肺病毒亚科肺病毒属,为单股负链RNA病毒[1]。
IL12RB1基因也被称作CD212基因,长度约为28kb,位于19p13.1染色体上,人体内由两种异构体编码形成IL-12RB1蛋白,两种异构体分别为两个成熟的约2.1kb mRNA从其17个外显子转录成大致相等的量,通过选择性剪接外显子16的最后13bp,长度略有不同,这些转录本编码662和660个氨基酸的两种蛋白质亚型[1]。
IL-12可与活化的T细胞和NK细胞上的受体结合,诱导产生Th1型介导免疫的主要细胞因子IFN-y(干扰素-y),IFN-y受体由单核细胞和巨噬细胞组成性表达的IFN-y R1和IFN-YR2组成[2]。
对于多种疾病而言,IL12RB1是人类对多种细胞内病原体产生抵抗力所必需的基因[4]「Turner AJ等[5]报道在人外周血单个核细胞(PBMCs)和炎性肺中,大多数IL12RB1mRNA包含许多RNA-DNA差异(RDDs),这些差异集中在IL12RR1与IL12p40结合所必需的序列中,IL12p40是IL-12和IL-23共同的蛋白质亚基,免疫活性个体的PBMC和炎性肺部表达的IL12RB1mRNA含有许多影响对IL12p40敏感性的RDDs。
• 314•中华实用诊断与治疗杂志2021年3月第35卷第3期J Chin Pract Diagn Ther.Mar. 2021, Vol. 35, No. 3•综述•氯离子通道蛋白在卵巢癌发生及发展中作用的研究进展陈国通1,张颖21.广东医科大学2018级,广东湛江524000:2.广东医科大学附属医院妇产科.广东湛江524000摘要:卵巢癌早期症状不典型,多数患者明确诊断时已处于中晚期,病死率较高。
氯离子通 道蛋白过表达可促进卵巢癌的发生、发展.其可作为卵巢癌诊断的新型肿瘤标志物、治疗靶点。
关键词:卵巢癌;氣离子通道;肿瘤标志物Role of chloride ion channel in the occurrence and development of ovarian cancerCHEN Guo-tong1 . Z H ANG Ying'i.Oracle 2018^ Guangdong M edical University-, Zhunjiang-, Guan^Jong 524000 %Chi?ta; 2. De p artm ent o f Obstetricsand Gynecology ^the A f J iliatecl H ospital o f Guangdong M edical University^ Zhanj ian^ •GucuigcIo?tg 524000 *China Corresponding BUthor:Z H ANG Ying, E-mail:*********************Abstract :The early symptoms of ovarian cancer are not typical, and mosl patients are in the middle and advanced stages at diagnosis, therefore the mortality rate is high. The expressions of chloride channel-related proteins as calcium-activated chloride channel protein 1. chloride intracellular channel protein 1and other proteins play important roles in maintaining cell function, potential on both sides of the cell membrane, and cell state. It is believed that the overexpression of chloride ion channel can promote the occurrence and development of ovarian cancer, and it can be used as a new tumor marker and therapeutic target for the diagnosis of ovarian cancer. This paper reviews the research of the role of chloride ion channel in the occurrence and development of ovarian cancer.Keywords:ovarian cancer;chloride ion channel;tumor markers卵巢癌早期症状不典型,多数患者明确诊断时已 处于晚期,病死率较高L。
分子的英文单词1. 单词:molecule- 释义:分子- 用法:The molecule is the basic unit of a substance.(分子是一种物质的基本单位。
)- 近义词:particle- 短语搭配:molecular structure(分子结构)- 双语例句:Isn't it amazing how these tiny molecules work together to form everything around us?(这些微小的分子共同作用形成我们周围的一切,这难道不令人惊叹吗?)2. 单词:atom- 释义:原子- 用法:An atom consists of a nucleus and electrons.(原子由原子核和电子组成。
)- 近义词:particle- 短语搭配:atomic energy(原子能)- 双语例句:You know, the world is made up of countless atoms. What a wonder!(你知道吗,世界是由无数个原子组成的。
多神奇啊!)3. 单词:ion- 释义:离子- 用法:Ions play important roles in chemical reactions.(离子在化学反应中起着重要作用。
)- 近义词:charged particle- 短语搭配:positive ion(阳离子)- 双语例句:Can you believe that these ions can have such a big impact on various processes?(你能相信这些离子能对各种过程产生这么大的影响吗?)4. 单词pound- 释义:化合物- 用法:Water is apound of hydrogen and oxygen.(水是氢和氧的化合物。
)- 近义词:mixture- 短语搭配:organicpound(有机化合物)- 双语例句:Look at thispound. It's like a little wonder of nature!(看看这种化合物。
西安地区手足口病患儿咽拭子中EV71的检测及分离鉴定刘颖悦;张国成;许东亮;豆玉凤;黄娜;杨晓蕾【摘要】目的对2009年儿科门诊22例疑似手足口病患儿的咽拭子标本进行EV71病毒检测及分离鉴定.方法采集的咽拭子标本分别接种于人横纹肌瘤细胞(RD 细胞),盲传3代,若细胞圆缩、分散、胞浆内颗粒增加,即出现敛细胞病变效应(CPE),运用RT-PCR方法检测标本和细胞培养物上清液中的EV71,提取RNA,分离鉴定.结果标本直接用RT-PCR法扩增,阳性率为31.8%(7/22),经细胞培养后出现CPE的阳性率为45.5%(10/22),培养后经RT-PCR再检测阳性率为68.2%(15/22),所分离的病毒株基凶序列同GENEBANK中报道的EV71(序列号EU812461)序列完全一致.结论病毒分离和RT-PCR 2种检测方法联合应用可以提高肠道病毒EV71的阳性检出率,为临床诊断提供有力依据.【期刊名称】《临床儿科杂志》【年(卷),期】2010(028)011【总页数】4页(P1036-1039)【关键词】肠道病毒71型;手足口病;病毒分离;逆转录聚合酶链反应【作者】刘颖悦;张国成;许东亮;豆玉凤;黄娜;杨晓蕾【作者单位】第四军医大学两京医院儿科,陕西,西安,710032;第四军医大学两京医院儿科,陕西,西安,710032;第四军医大学两京医院儿科,陕西,西安,710032;第四军医大学两京医院儿科,陕西,西安,710032;第四军医大学两京医院儿科,陕西,西安,710032;第四军医大学两京医院儿科,陕西,西安,710032【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R725肠道病毒 71型(enterovirus 71,EV71)属小RNA病毒科(picornaviridae)肠道病毒属(enterovirus),主要引起手足口病(hand-foot-and-mouth disease,HFMD)、疱疹性咽峡炎及无菌性脑膜炎等疾病。
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J OURNAL OF C LINICAL M ICROBIOLOGY,Apr.2006,p.1288–1294Vol.44,No.4 0095-1137/06/$08.00ϩ0doi:10.1128/JCM.44.4.1288–1294.2006Copyright©2006,American Society for Microbiology.All Rights Reserved.Molecular Epidemiology and Evolution in an Outbreak of FulminantHepatitis B VirusMaria Alma Bracho,1Marı´a Jose´Gosalbes,1Francisco Gonza´lez,2Andre´s Moya,1and Fernando Gonza´lez-Candelas1*Institut Cavanilles de Biodiversitat i Biologı´a Evolutiva and Departament de Gene`tica,Universitat de Vale`ncia,46071Vale`ncia, Spain,1and Direccio´n General de Salud Pu´blica,Conselleria de Sanitat i Consum,Micer Masco´26,46010Vale`ncia,Spain2 Received27July2005/Returned for modification14October2005/Accepted31January2006In order to establish the transmission pathway for two outbreak patients affected by fulminant hepatitis B(FHB)following a shared period of hospitalization,we sequenced the complete genomes of the hepatitis Bviruses(HBV)isolated from them as well as from the suspected common source and11additional controls.Phylogenetic and statistical analyses of these sequences revealed that the two FHB patients were indeedinfected by a common source and that the fatal development of the disease did not appear to be associated withany mutation previously reported to be related to FHB.These data have also allowed us to estimate the extentand distribution of genetic variability along the genomes of HBV genotype D samples from the same sourcepopulation.As a result of these analyses,we provide an improved statistical method to individualize theassignment of each suspected patient and the source of an outbreak and information on which genome regionto analyze in the molecular epidemiological assessment of hepatitis B virus transmission cases.Hepatitis B virus(HBV),the prototype member of the He-padnaviridae family,causes acute and chronic liver disease, chronically infecting more than400million people worldwide, with an estimated risk of death of25%for chronically infected persons(15),thus representing one of the most serious public health problems.HBV is one of the smallest DNA viruses infecting humans,and its genome comprises a3.2-kb linear strand complementary to a shorter(1,700to2,800nucleotides [nt])strand.The two strands are arranged in a circular,par-tially double-stranded molecule.The genome contains four partially overlapping open reading frames(P[polymerase],C [core],S[surface],and X proteins),with no noncoding regions and about50%of its genome involved in two overlapping reading frames.This extremely compact nature of the HBV genome imposes important limits on viral evolution,a situation designated“constrained evolution”(18).HBV isolates are grouped into eight major genotypes(des-ignated A to H)with different geographic distributions.Geno-type D is the most prevalent in southern European countries, whereas genotype A has a worldwide distribution.Although there is no clear relationship between HBV genotype and clinical course,they seem to affect disease profile,with a higher chance of viral clearance and sustained remission for patients infected with genotype A than for those infected with genotype D(15).Molecular and serological characterizations of HBV have been used to infer chains and sources of infection in several settings,such as nosocomial infections(11,12,23),mother-to-infant transmission(13),or infections derived from close fa-milial contact(5,38).Different strategies have been employed in these analyses,most of them involving the sequencing of a representative portion of the HBV genome.However,there is no consensus on the best choice of region for this kind of analysis.Several authors have used the core region(11,38), others have employed the S region(13),and many have used more than one region(12).The complete genome sequences of nine isolates were used to study a nosocomial infection involving cardiac transplant patients(23).Recently,the same approach has been used to look for specific mutations associ-ated with fulminant hepatitis B(FHB)in several donor-recip-ient pairs(4,7).There have been conflicting reports on the association between specific mutations in the HBV genome and fulminant hepatitis,especially in the precore(nt1896)and core(nt1762and1764)promoter regions(2,16,22,28,31). Although nosocomial transmissions were soon identified as a risk factor for HBV(17),the frequent report of this type of infection indicates that it still represents a serious and unsolved problem.However,as this is a well-identified risk and preven-tion measures are known and easy to implement,there is also an increase in the number of plaintiffs seekingfinancial com-pensation from infected patients.Hence,establishing the ori-gin of specific HBV infections is frequently required,with implications for public health.In April2002,two fulminant hepatitis B cases associated with a public hospital in Castello´de la Plana(Spain)were detected,suggesting a possible case of nosocomial transmis-sion.Both patients had been hospitalized in the same surgery service during a few days in late December2001,at the same time as a chronic hepatitis B carrier.All three were determined to be affected by HBV genotype D,the most common geno-type in Spain(6).Here we report the molecular epidemiolog-ical study of the outbreak and several population control sam-ples through sequencing of the complete HBV genome along with a detailed analysis of the molecular evolutionary patterns throughout the different regions of this virus.Furthermore, given the fatal outcome of the disease in the two suspect recipients and the chronic status of the putative donor,this*Corresponding author.Mailing address:Institut Cavanilles de Biodiversitat i Biologia Evolutiva,Universitat de Vale`ncia,Apartado 22085,46071Vale`ncia,Spain.Phone:(34)963543653.Fax:(34)96 at Penn State Univ on February 12, 2008 Downloaded frominformation allowed us to analyze the possibility of establishing associations between specific viral mutations and FHB.MATERIALS AND METHODSFulminant hepatitis B outbreak patients.Two FHB cases were declared in the Spanish city of Castello´de la Plana in early spring2002.Thefirst case(patient 15)was a63-year-old male who had been intervened of rectum neoplasia on26 December2001at Hospital General de Castello´.He had received no blood transfusion,chemotherapy,or radiotherapy after surgery.The second case(pa-tient16)was a61-year-old male who had gone through emergency surgery at the same hospital on29December2001due to mesenteric ischemia.Prior to surgery, he had received two chemotherapy sessions due to pulmonary neoplasia,and he attended three further sessions afterwards.He also received seven blood trans-fusions in the next month after surgery.During their stay at the hospital,the two patients occupied different rooms on the samefloor and different surgery rooms were used for their interventions.Epidemiologic investigation.Upon detection of the outbreak,an epidemio-logic investigation of all patients and medical personnel who used or attended the same facilities at the hospital during the stay of the two FHB cases was undertaken.The search revealed that a52-year-old woman who was suffering from a lymphoma and was a chronic HBV carrier had stayed on the samefloor from30December to1January to get a Hickman catheter implanted.She received no transfusions during this stay at the hospital,and her chemotherapy sessions were not coincidental with the stay of the two FHB patients.She was operated on in a different surgery room than the two FHB patients.No cases positive for hepatitis B surface antigen were detected among the medical per-sonnel of this hospital.Samples.Serum samples were obtained from14patients infected with HBV from the Hospital Universitari La Fe(Vale`ncia,Spain)and Hospital General(Castello´de la Plana),including the three patients involved in the outbreak (patients07,15,and16).All outbreak patients were positive for hepatitis B surface antigen,hepatitis B e antibody,and hepatitis B core antibody and neg-ative for hepatitis B e antigen,hepatitis C virus,hepatitis delta virus,and human immunodeficiency virus.Except for the two FHB patients associated with the outbreak,all samples were obtained from chronic hepatitis B patients.DNA genome amplification and sequencing.Viral DNA was purified from sera with a high pure viral nucleic acid kit(Roche Diagnostics GmbH,Mannheim, Germany)by following the protocol as described by the manufacturer.Purified DNA was stored atϪ80°C until used.Viral DNA was amplified and sequenced essentially as described previously(34),with minor modifications of this strategy for complete genome amplification.PCR products were purified using a high pure PCR product purification kit(Roche Diagnostics GmbH,Mannheim,Ger-many).The purified DNA fragments were directly sequenced by the dideoxy method,using a BigDye Terminator v3.0cycle sequencing ready reaction kit,and analyzed with an ABI PRISM3700sequencer(Applied Biosystems,Foster City, CA).Sequence chromatogramfiles were analyzed using the Staden package(30). Nucleotides were numbered in accordance with the system of Stuyver et al.(34). Phylogenetic analysis.Based on the full nucleotide sequences,genetic analysis of the14HBV isolates was undertaken.Virus genotypes were established by comparison to existing sequences from public plete genome sequences were aligned using CLUSTAL W(36)and were refined further by visual inspection.Phylogenetic trees were constructed using the neighbor-joining algorithm(27)and maximum likelihood with heuristic search as implemented in PAUPء(35).Both analyses were based on the best-fitting model for nucleotide substitution by use of Akaike’s information criterion(1)according to the strategy implemented in Modeltest3.1(24).The tree topology was evaluated by boot-strap analysis with2,000replicates.Different tree topologies corresponding to alternative hypotheses of the rela-tionships between each outbreak sample and the controls were specified previ-ously(9),and their likelihoods were compared to the one derived without topological constraints by means of a Shimodaira-Hasegawa test(29)as imple-mented in PAUPء(35)after1,000bootstrap pseudorreplicates.Analysis of polymorphism.Estimates of the number of synonymous(SY)and nonsynonymous(NSY)substitutions among sequences were obtained using the Nei-Gojobori method(19),as implemented in the MEGA program(14).Poly-morphic sites were evaluated using DnaSP version4.0(26)with a100-nt-wide sliding window and1-nt steps.Nucleotide sequence accession numbers.The sequences of the14new HBV complete genomes have been deposited in the EMBL database with accession numbers AJ627215to AJ627228.RESULTSMolecular epidemiology and outbreak analysis.We have obtained the complete genome sequences of14HBV isolates. Ten of these corresponded to genotype D,including those from the outbreak patients;three were assigned to genotype A; and one to genotype B.All genotype D sequences were3,182 nt long,identical in length to the reference strain HPBAYW (EMBL accession no.J02203)(8,33).The three genotype A sequences had different lengths,of3,209,3,212,and3,221nt, with variation from the reference strain HBVADW2(EMBL accession no.X02763,3,221nt long)(33,37),located around positions40to54,in the genome portion coding for P and pre-S proteins.The genotype B sequence had a total length of 3,215nt,identical to the reference sequence for this genotype, HPBADW1(EMBL accession no.D00329)(21).The general time-reversible model with a proportion of in-variable sites equal to0.4726and a gamma distribution shape parameter equal to0.7439was chosen as the best model of nucleotide substitution for the15complete genome sequences (another genotype B sequence from the database was included in the analysis)by use of Akaike’s information criterion(1,24). Based on this evolutionary model,a phylogenetic tree was constructed by maximum likelihood and neighbor joining from the corresponding pairwise distance matrix.The topology was evaluated by bootstrap,and it is shown in Fig.1.HBV se-quences grouped according to their genotype with high boot-strap support,and most groups within genotypes were also well supported.Sequences derived from the three outbreak isolates grouped in a single cluster with100%bootstrap support,afirst indication of their very close relatedness.To further determine whether the HBV sequences from the outbreak patients were related,we tested three alternative tree topologies(Fig.2)for genotype D sequences,eachrepresent-FIG.1.Phylogenetic tree constructed with the complete genome sequences of14HBV isolates.Phylogenetic robustness as estimated by a bootstrap analysis is shown at each node.The patient number and genotype for each sequence are indicated.The scale bar represents genetic distance(substitutions per nucleotide).V OL.44,2006MOLECULAR EPIDEMIOLOGY/EVOLUTION IN AN FHB OUTBREAK1289at Penn State Univ on February 12, 2008 Downloaded froming the possibility that a particular outbreak sequence actually grouped with the control samples rather than with the two other samples presumably from the outbreak (9).Table 1shows a summary of the results obtained with the Shimodaira-Hasegawa test.The three alternative topologies were signifi-cantly worse than the one shown in Fig.1,which supports the grouping of the three outbreak isolates in a cluster of closely related sequences.Hence,the molecular sequence data pro-vided further support to the epidemiological enquiry and con-firmed that the three patients were involved in a common transmission chain.Distribution of genetic variability along the HBV genome.Although using a complete genome sequence provides the max-imum possible amount of information at the sequence level,usu-ally it is not necessary to sequence the complete genomes of different isolates,especially for population and epidemiology studies.However,in these cases it is necessary to use a genome region with the adequate amount of sequence divergence for the problem being studied (10).Hence,we obtained the dis-tribution of genetic variability along the complete HBV ge-nome sequences of genotype D isolates (Fig.3).Genetic vari-ation was not uniformly distributed throughout the HBV genome,with differences larger than 10-fold between regions with the highest and lowest levels of variation.Although there was a trend for the most-variable regions to be located ingenome areas coding for only one gene product (e.g.,within the P gene),there were exceptions in both directions.The region coding for the 3Јend of the S gene,which also codes for the central portion of the polymerase,presented a variability level similar to that found in the nearby downstream region coding for the polymerase only.In contrast,the genome por-tion flanked by these two regions,which codes for the poly-merase only,was one of the most conserved stretches in the entire HBV genome,showing variability levels similar to those found in areas coding for only one gene product,such as the core protein or the amino terminal of the polymerase.The distribution of synonymous and nonsynonymous substi-tutions among outbreak and genotype D sequences along the viral genome is shown in Fig.4.Substitutions were not distrib-uted at random in overlapping and nonoverlapping coding regions for the 10genotype D sequences.Most synonymous substitutions appeared in the nonoverlapping fragments of the polymerase gene (pol ),as expected from the lower restriction for these changes,since they affect only one protein product and do not alter the encoded amino acid.Conversely,the central portion of this gene,which overlaps the S gene,har-bored substantially more nonsynonymous than synonymous substitutions.The core gene is the least overlapping with pol ,and it displayed a markedly different pattern of substitutions.In both sections of the core gene,overlapping and nonover-lapping with pol ,there were more nonsynonymous than syn-onymous substitutions:39NSY and 36SY and 7NSY and 5SY substitutions,respectively.This was also the case for the X gene,again in both overlapping (14NSY and 5SY)and non-overlapping (13NSY and 5SY)regions.Finally,the S gene,which fully overlaps with pol ,presented a different pattern,with fewer nonsynonymous than synonymous substitutions (40NSY and 54SY).Mutations associated with FHB.We have tested for the presence of mutations associated with FHB in the patients included in this study,because the two patients that prompted our analysis died shortly after nosocomial infection with HBV.Table 2presents a presence/absence analysis of mutations po-tentially associated with FHB in the sequences included in this study.The analysis shows that the majority of HBV isolates (from both the outbreak and the nonoutbreak patients)har-FIG.2.Phylogenies corresponding to testing whether each sequence related to the outbreak is significantly related to the other sequences in this group or to the general population.The patient number and genotype for each sequence are indicated.(a)Sequence from the suspected source,patient 07.(b)Sequence from patient 15.(c)Sequence from patient 16.TABLE 1.Tests for the alternative hypotheses of each isolate fromthe outbreak not belonging to it aIsolate excludedLn b⌬cPNone 7,167.342Best 077,290.979123.636Ͻ0.001157,287.886120.544Ͻ0.001167,290.979123.636Ͻ0.001aA one-tailed Shimodaira-Hasegawa test with RELL (1,000replicates)was performed on the topology represented in Fig.1for genotype D sequences and the three alternative topologies (Fig.2),where each outbreak isolate sequence was presumed to group with control samples and not with the two other outbreak isolates.bLn,log likelihood.c⌬ϭLn(H1)ϪLn(H0),where H0is the topology shown in Fig.1for genotype D sequences,and H1is an alternate topology considering each out-break-related isolate as grouping with control samples.1290BRACHO ET AL.J.C LIN .M ICROBIOL .at Penn State Univ on February 12, 2008 Downloaded frombored one or more mutations presumably linked to FHB.Nev-ertheless,only the two outbreak patients suffered a rapid,fatal development of the disease despite the fact that viruses iso-lated from these two persons had potential FHB mutations identical to those of the virus from the infection source,a chronically infected patient who did not progress to FHB.Most polymorphic sites appearing in the outbreak-related sequences were located in the pol gene (10of 11).Of these,sixFIG.3.Nucleotide diversity along the HBV genome.The number of polymorphic sites in 100-nt-wide windows among eight complete genotype D genomes sequenced in this study is represented (only one genome sequence from the outbreak was included in thisanalysis).FIG.4.Locations of SY (‚)and NSY (छ)substitutions in the complete genomes for outbreak (3sequences)and genotype D (10sequences)samples,considering the different overlapping and nonoverlapping gene regions.ء,no substitutions were found in the 25nt overlapping core and X genes.These nucleotides have been considered a nonoverlapping part of the core gene.Genome/gene regions are abbreviated as follows.NOC,nonoverlapping core gene;COP,core gene overlapping pol ;POC,pol overlapping core gene;NOP1,nonoverlapping pol ,part 1;POPS,pol overlapping pre-S;PSOP,pre-S overlapping pol ;POS,pol overlapping S,SOP,S overlapping pol ;NOP2,nonoverlapping pol ,part 2;XOP,X overlapping pol ;POX,pol overlapping X;NOX,nonoverlapping X.V OL .44,2006MOLECULAR EPIDEMIOLOGY/EVOLUTION IN AN FHB OUTBREAK 1291at Penn State Univ on February 12, 2008 Downloaded fromwere nonsynonymous (four overlapping to the S gene and two in the nonoverlapping regions of pol )and four were synony-mous (two in the nonoverlapping regions and one each over-lapping the S and X genes).A summary of some relevant features of these mutations is presented in Table 3.None has been postulated to be associated with FHB,and since none was present in both infected patients and absent in the source it is not possible to invoke any of these mutations as the only cause of the fatal development of the disease in those two persons.DISCUSSIONOur analyses have revealed substantial genetic variation in the genome sequences of HBV genotype D isolates from the same population and with different degrees of relatedness,from the very closely related isolates recently derived from a common source to the more distant,epidemiologically unre-lated isolates.This has allowed us to establish a clear link between the two outbreak case patients and the putative in-fection source,reinforcing the epidemiological analysis which,without molecular evidence,also gave a strong indication about this transmission case.The complete genome sequences derived from the source and the two infected patients present a small number of differences (eight and nine differences for patients 15and 16,respectively,from a total of 3,218nt),many of which correspond to polymorphic sites in the source that are resolved in the recipients (five cases).Similar or even higher numbers of differences (ranging from 0to 43)have been found by full-genome comparisons between HBV isolates from source and recipient pairs in several analyses (4,7,25,32).Our statistical analyses provide strong,additional support for a link between the three full genome sequences considered in the outbreak and additional full genome sequences obtained from HBV-infected individuals from the same population.The ep-idemiological and molecular phylogenetic analyses have led us to conclude that there was a common origin for HBV in the two outbreak patients and that this common source was patient 07,with whom both had been in contact in a public hospital during two days at the end of 2001.Our study has revealed that genetic variation is not evenly distributed along the HBV genome (Fig.3).Despite the pres-ence of extensive overlapping of coding regions,we found high levels of genetic variation within genotype D sequences ob-TABLE 2.Mutations proposed to be associated with FHB in the samples analyzed in this studyPatient a Presence/absence b of mutation by regionEnhancer I/X promoter NRE cEnhancer II/core promoter Precore C/G1249T dT1250CA/G1633dA/G1634dC1653TA1752CT1753C/A/G dC1754TA1762TG1764AG1896A07ϩϩϪϪϩϩϪϩϪϪϩ15ϩϩϪϪϩϩϪϩϪϪϩ16ϩϩ؊ϪϩϩϪϩϪϪϩ20ϪϪϪϪϪϪϪϩϪϪϪ34ϪϪϪϪϪϪϪϩϪϪϪ28ϪϩϪϪϪϪϩϩϩϩϩ25ϩϩϩϪϪϪϪϩϪϪϩ52ϪϪϪϪϩϩϪϩϪϩϩ53ϪϪϪϪϪϪϪϩϪϪϩ39ϩϪϪϪϪϩϪϩϪϪϩ08ϪϪϩϪϪϪϩϩϩϩϪ95ϪϪϩϪϩϪϪϩϩϩϪ77ϪϪϩϪϪϪϩϩϪϩϩ49ϪϪϩϩϪϪϪϩϪϪϩaPatients 15and 16correspond to the two outbreak patients affected by FHB,and patient 07was their source of infection.The remaining patients in the study were chronic HBV carriers.bϩ,presence;Ϫ,absence.cNRE,negative regulator element.dNucleotide depends on genotype.TABLE 3.Analysis of variant sites among the three outbreak-related sequencesSource or location of sequencePolymorphism a at nt:28976581412211356150016792547273830643069Patients 07Y R W R C T A A C G R 15T A A G C C A A Y A A 16C G T A T T C G C G G Genes pol NSY SYNSY NSYSYSYNSYSYNSY NSY OtherSY (S)NSY (S)NSY (S)NSY (X)SY (X)NSY (S)NSY (S)aStandard ambiguity codes for nucleotide polymorphism are used.Most sites are located in the pol gene;for those that are not,the relevant gene is reported in parentheses.The nature of the polymorphism is indicated (SY or NSY).1292BRACHO ET AL.J.C LIN .M ICROBIOL .at Penn State Univ on February 12, 2008 Downloaded fromtained from the same population,which provides ample op-portunities for the application of molecular sequence analysis to epidemiological analysis of HBV.Similar patterns of hetero-geneity in genetic variation along the viral genome have been documented previously(3,7,20).In general,the genome re-gion of choice for outbreak analyses depends on the problem in question and its associated time frame,because an adequate level of variation for discriminating among the different alter-natives under consideration must be provided(10).From the data presented here,it is recommended to analyze the most rapidly evolving HBV genomic regions,such as the nonover-lapping stretches in the core and pol genes,for the study of outbreaks or transmission chains or for studies involving se-quences recently derived from a common ancestor.This does not necessarily contradict the“constrained evolution”model for HBV(18),since different evolutionary forces act at differ-ent time scales.Among very closely related isolates,drift and hitchhiking selection,for instance,may contribute to tempo-rary polymorphism in positions that will most likely be lost from the population and will not contribute to differentiation among more distantly related isolates.Transient polymorphisms,such as those detected in the source but resolved in the outbreak patients,may also explain why some mutations have been associated with fulminant hep-atitis B even though they appear only in some fatally affected patients.We present evidence of such a lack of association in the three patients involved in the analyzed outbreak.However, other reasons may also explain the recurrent presence of this kind of mutation associated with FHB.For instance,it may be that two or more mutations in different positions of the HBV genome are required to produce the fatal effects or that these depend not only on the virus itself but also on other host factors.Another remarkable feature is the high frequency of non-synonymous mutations among the variants detected.Half of the six mutations appearing in regions where two genes overlap were nonsynonymous for both genes.However,it is possible that they have negative effects on viralfitness and will eventu-ally be removed from the population by purifying selection. Nevertheless,their low frequency prevented their identifica-tion as strongly negatively selected codons.Evidently,more studies are needed to completely understand the reasons why such different clinical outcomes should characterize patients affected by very similar viruses.ACKNOWLEDGMENTSWe thank Eddie Holmes,Mario A.Fare´s,and F.Xavier Lo´pez-Labrador for comments and suggestions to improve the manuscript. 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