WM012R,AL,WM012R,BK,WM012R,GY, 规格书,Datasheet 资料




各种网络监控拓扑图,看了不后悔各种网络监控拓扑图日志百万高清小型监控系统办公宅监视器MIM 17Si MHM 2仓咋DVR MQ200«视频采集部分装卸点MFB 11超市、商场■宾馆.店铺视频监控系统拓扑图出入口闭路监控物业闭路监控系统广场闻路监控周界闭路监控停车场闭路监控通道闪路监控电擁闻路监控A红外夜视功能A摄像机防水肪尘A可选配全方位云台■可选配变馬镜头A大容星砌盘录像,影橡资料可拎贝畫■份▲大屏Ir电视坊监控▲ BEI像、云台可通过键盘切換控制A可以支拎分权限多级管理▲系统配营灵活、扩展方便防高空抛物闭路监控声光报警器电视墙视频分配器DvR帔盘录像机摄像机监控计算主机监控中心中心管理服务器监控主机换机DMA、・无线视频半球型摄橡机运料途中半球型摄像机运端迷中⅛⅛半球型摄像机运粽谨中农示視頻枚俎制絞血腹用云台扱像机2621存储肥务器客户端联通戋(12M)<U⅜⅛tt*Yft<lC■/<#展了尸Mle Λ,IV*(<flXΛ>MOS光纤监控一网段配■示意ffi■ •做∙⅛W F存储服务器管理服务器视频流服务器监控管理中心TCP/1P网络T a V ;Q ◎ V ::遢律机《11•机球机::摄偉机掇偉机球机:I __________________________________ I I ____________________________________ I连锁店连磧店光纤视频监控拓扑图设襯觀W V a≡先秆收震器—同袖电级—一破经一—光$交渎机分公SM«1«KAOSt⅛β∙w∏Mar市公安局如3中心网络存储茁&监松客户鞘^^VE∙2016电≡l«>«明:■-400512鹽 爭丑播惊机•皿惊机 -------------------- 同泌集-J - - ∙,• • - z '住户A∙∣rp ¾⅞⅜⅜at<n.办公崑A住戶B办公室BOtoV)EWR4009INHRSET局域网本地£控中心经理室云色IIllttl lInternetISrDVRαβn,s*-jw*∣ι-BJSTDYR储咖:-HJSrlΛ,R-I 匚4站耐监控方案连线图««VID D DD r D D D D ≡1>5⅛c> 云台两给点福终缩交换机数码监柠朦务器OJL 仪第台 •於・凫d ∙H≡∙.・・「婕Λntι一_ υ∙*<∙習祓电机电 WHiA U≡3SS155015≡J人斤ADSL ∖CΛBLE 视频监控拓扑图设备朗:-C …茁-—同轴电线一省略号GIOVlEW94001同紬电玺一収姣拔■ ■ >β≡SlIfiafr n电视墙视频监控服务器文持输出开拓者视频监控系统DVD-RAMLANPSTNISDX通讯報牟电力局监控中心监控工作站监技分中心 监技中心iSS 盘阵列/ 噜存储同电≡iQB□□V&2016监挖主机 认证服务器监控工作站监控工作站视频存储服务篙ADSL ∖CABLE 视频监控拓扑图幼丿L ®网络B3Γ∑fr ⅛tSdfeLOokerS#eLQol(efΛ≡Φ3JΛf ie<8Wi罂伸机d 护醫器⅛⅛⅛<τ OJOVlEWR4001I E m 刚说■ ffi≡ΛS同轴电坝—収彩ΞΛSI超市远程监控拓扑图----------- &手持式PDA系统-------------------办公空中-0——6 INTERNET 出星在外3G手机的加入让仕息更加通畅于•机监控到远端的监控设备上/呆持连续的媒体流.3GPPMOdia n IOWOr3G/GPRSPaCket SWitCh NetWOrk3GPP audio/VideO Stream通SΠG25G∕CDMA∕GPRS手机可访问*®A9»«8*^3▲▼¾<S 50 仔∙L≡∙∙—WMtB≡r.M*a∙wι∙ __R≡-M41真他监代点船片;仁报?rnwτ∙A心伉班帧吁!w∙网吧远程监控管理网络图主曽部门LAN集团用户交渙机无线网络摄像机存储段务器故字电視墻网通全数字视频监控运背系统拓扑图监左录像主机路由器机問由器机炉由器超市门店1收恨合贷架公共区 ISffiiTISl收恨台贷架公共区tfr6ΓHS2SS 由目 交砂机/、收恨台贫架公共区4gi5ΓW520生产车间交换;安装ICANSEEdI菟和回放客尸 達或者直接使用IET r交换机Internet路由器交换机 交换机交换机安装瞬、ICANSEE 主 控软件平台 (MainCOnSOle )总部超市门店1LAN(局域网)视频监控拓扑LAN 局域网LAN昱像區务器买时监控服务器监控中心LAN(局域网)视频监控拓扑图LAN 局域网LAN监控中心授机用房查看设备记明:网塔視音茨服务器B监听器同轴电玻B J B C^⅛ΛθΓ视音频服务器网烙・t三I摄傢机■监听器*报翌器同轴电缎—双绞経录徐眠务器实时Ifi控服务器光纤视频监控拓扑图≡≡⅛χ .>I严V r IMIVWfeirVM*吐r‰*1IF P _ IJrTEWtET z≥a———:TtW实时监控录像败棹中心IliXXl Vr I W亠I Ut lM彼备说明:同轴电农一収狡妊一光歼变电站监控网络拓扑图JlOyPHU8.ΛCCUKJBB∙O^»£■光H-■SUS布MXINTBRNETHUS------- 住垢E视频解码器分点1录像凰务器分A ,Λ2监控I :作站 监控1:作站Ittt 腫务EYJS74FtSAI 务 EYl$74 务EYJ$74EY-ISD700<g> 电 视荻解码器 EY-ISD700 >—∣C>Wftft视MKMIttt M务Internet或内部网fcj 客门瑞客八端 总部分点nADSL ∖CABLE 视频监控拓扑图设备悅明:ρf]⅛.視音頻服杠•俅头■监和—同轴电筑校园监控拓扑图时— 曲控中心室 校领号办公室设备说明:PIffr现音次服务好---- 同淞线双绞线——省略号ADCABLE 十路由器线徼波顿导UU实时IE 控录惊眼务蟹監控中心校园网建设拓扑图C∣S∞ 12012煤矿远程监控拓扑图InIemeIGemeI IInBmeI½tSl∞MD-ViSiOnNMS网管工作站I rtIVVυw W DPF - 6012E-^ei-认证计费网关flCiSCO 6509 0HUaWei 8512DSA-60∞S DSA-80∞BDlOK∞S-3627 (⅞SiΛiUM⅝^千拓双婭銭DHS -3626DGS-3627DRS-5000 认证计费服务器干家综合布线网!井口!⅛红夕痂! JU i烟戰If注:-------- 同轴电缆--------- 双绞统-------- 报警纯..... 省略号远程监控中心办公室EY∙,⅛⅛⅛.l⅛碱服务诂EY4S74QJEY∙IS7Z∩ —IgiLja Internet或内部网录像服务器监控匸作站监拧I:作站■I客门瑞超市远程监控拓扑图用&盘骐巌务器m*nβt苗由畐胡培观魏眼务器収狡拔n≡亠■电怨1 WW fc3Wfis≡^a保安室护士室医生设备说明;识誓茨服务尊•二音观频摄慷机曼克风同轴电纽音频疑雀路号。



AC=armor class 防御等级AB=attack bonus 攻击加值BAB=base attack bonus 基础攻击加值fort= fort save 坚韧豁免ref=reflex save 反射豁免will 这个没缩写就是will save 意志豁免sr=spell resistance 法术抵抗CL=cast level 施法等级跟施法职业级别挂钩lvl =level 等级CR=challenge rate 挑战等级mod= modifier 多用于str mod 力量修正值等属性修正上str=strength 力量dex=dexterity 敏捷con=constitution 体质wis=wisdom 智慧int=intelligence 智力cha/chr=charisma 魅力AG=alignment 阵营LG=lawfulgood 守序善良LN=lawfulneutral守序中立LE=lawfulevil 守序邪恶NG=neutralgood 中立善良TN=true neutral 绝对中立NE=neutral evil 中立邪恶CG=chaotic good 混乱善良CN=chaotic neutral 混乱中立CE=chaotic evil 混乱邪恶CLR/CLC/MS 对应cleric 牧师FTR 对应FIGHTER战士BARB BBN 对应野蛮人barbariansor 对应sorcerer 术士wiz 对应wizard 法师bard 这个一般没有缩写或者顶多缩成brd。

诗人monk 同上武僧顶多缩成mnkpal/pally 对应paladin 圣武士rog/dz 对应rogue 盗贼rgr 对应ranger 巡林客dru 对应druid 德鲁伊wm 对应weapon master 武器大师cot对应champion of torm 托姆勇士sdd 对应shadow dancer 影舞者dwd 对应dwarven defender 矮人防御者sft 对应shifter 变形大师pm 对应palemaster 苍白之主rdd 对应red dragon disciple 龙脉术士asn 对应asassin 刺客aa 对应arcane archer 魔射手hs/harp 对应harper scout 竖琴斥候bg/blg 对应blackguard 黑暗卫士职业:基础Fighter (Ftr)Barbarian (Bbn)Paladin (Pal)Monk (Mnk)Ranger (Rgr)Rogue (Rog)Bard (Brd)Cleric (Clr)Druid (Drd)Wizard (Wiz)Sorcerer (Sor)Warlock(Wlk,WL)进阶Arcane Archer (AA)Arcane Trickster (AT) Assassin (Asn)Blackguard (Blk,BG)Divine Champion (Chm,DC) Duelist (Dlt)Dwarven Defender (Def,DD) Eloritch Knight (EK) Frenzied Berserker (FB) Harper Agent (Hrp) Neverwinter Nine (NN,NW9) Pale Master (PM)Red Dragon Disciple (Rdd) Shadow Thief of Amn (Sta) Shadowdancer (Shd)Warpriest (WP)Weapon Master (WM)阵营:守序善良(LG)中立善良(NG)混乱善良(CG)守序中立(LN)绝对中立(N)混乱中立(CN)守序邪恶(LE)中立邪恶(NE)混乱邪恶(CE)L:LawfulC:ChaosG:GoodE:EvilN:Neutral属性:力量,STR,Strength敏捷,DEX,Dexterity体质,CON,Constitution智力,INT,Intelligence感知,WIS,Wisdom魅力,CHA,Charisma常用:AC:Armor Class,防御等级。



使用說明書為充分發揮本機功能,在您使用前請詳細閱讀本說明書,並妥善保存,作為日後參考V1.0◎當發生異常或有燒焦味時,應立即拔除電源或電池,若在異常狀態下繼續使用, 易造成火災之發生。



機型:WM-R07 (4G) (8G) (16G)購買日期: 年 月 日1.錄音筆不能開機請檢查電池是否電量耗盡,可連接USB或充電器充電後嘗試再次 開機。















◎錄音格式:HQ(高音質)-WAV檔、SP(標準)-MP3檔◎內置電池持續播放時間 ─ 喇叭:約8小時、耳機:約12小時◎電源 ─ USB DC 5V / 內置鋰電池 3.7V ◎消耗功率 ─ 0.8W ◎播放格式-WAV、MP3●按 模式鍵 進入"音樂模式",可播放音樂檔案,支援的格式:MP3、WAV檔案。

●按 模式鍵 進入"錄音筆模式",可播放錄置的錄音檔案。


VtInternalDev 基恩士内部软元件

VtInternalDev 基恩士内部软元件

- VT STUDIO Ver.4 参考手册 -
6-6 软元件
VT1 可以使用:内部自由软元件 512 字+内部特殊软元件 256 字 VT3 可以使用:内部自由软元件 3840 字+内部特殊软元件 256 字。
■ 内部特殊软元件 (字软元件)
内 容
R/W 属性
PLC 侧通讯状态异常
发生 PLC 侧通讯状态异常
ᇋ!‫ ݞ‬用户不能使用保留区域。
● 显示器控制 (MW001E) (只读)
. . . 站号 14 连接状态 站号 15 连接状态
1(ON) 始终 ON 已和主站连接 已和主站连接
存储卡插槽已安装存储卡,存储卡插槽 盖板已关闭 显示窗口 1 显示窗口 2 显示窗口 3 通过 PLC 指定 通过 PLC 指定 通过 PLC 指定
打印机可用 -
背光灯 ON 动画 未访问存储卡 通过触摸开关切换 通过页面切换(首编号+8)进行切 换 存储卡插槽中未安装存储卡,或存储卡 插槽盖板未关闭。 不显示窗口 1 不显示窗口 2 不显示窗口 3 通过触摸开关指定 通过触摸开关指定 通过触摸开关指定
内容 打印中 保留 背光灯 OFF 状态 视频动画/静止画 存储卡访问中 页面切换设定状态



Document Number: 28744For technical questions, contact: *************************** MCS 0402 VG01, MCT 0603 VG01, MCU 0805 VG01 andMCA 1206 VG01 thin film flat chip resistors with establishedreliability are the perfect choice for all high-reliabilityapplications typically found in military, aircraft and spacecraftelectronics. These versions supplement the families ofprofessional and precision thin film flat chip resistorsMCS 0402, MCT 0603, MCU 0805 and MCA 1206.∙Established reliability, failure rate level E6∙Advanced thin film technology ∙Pure Sn termination on Ni barrier layer ∙Single lot date code ∙Material categorization: For definitions of complianceplease see /doc?99912APPLICATIONS∙Military ∙Avionics ∙Space Notes•These resistors do not feature a limited lifetime when operated within the permissible limits. However, resistance value drift increasing over operating time may result in exceeding a limit acceptable to the specific application, thereby establishing a functional lifetime.•The failure rate level E6 (10-6/h, πQ = 0.3), corresponding to MIL Level P, is superior to level E5 (10-5/h, πQ = 1) and thus may be used as areplacement.METRIC SIZE IMPERIAL0402060308051206EN/CECC RR1005M RR1608M RR2012M RR3216M TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSDESCRIPTIONMCS 0402 VG01MCT 0603 VG01MCU 0805 VG01MCA 1206 VG01EN/CECC style (size)RR1005M RR1608M RR2012M RR3216MResistance range10 Ωto 1 M Ω; 0Ω 1 Ωto 1 M Ω; 0ΩResistance tolerance± 1 %; ± 0.1 %T emperature coefficient± 50ppm/K; ± 15 ppm/K Rated dissipation, P 700.063W 0.1W 0.125W 0.25W Operating voltage, U max. AC/DC50V 75 V 150V 200V Permissible film temperature, ϑF max.125︒C Operating temperature range- 55 °C to 125 °C Max. resistance change at P 70for resistance range, |∆R /R| max. after:10 Ωto 1 M Ω 1 Ωto 1 M Ω1000h≤ 0.25 %8000h≤ 0.5 %225000h≤ 1.5 %Permissible voltage against ambient(insulation):1 min; U ins75V 100V 200V 300V Continuous75V 75V 75V 75V Assessed failure rate levelE6 = 10-6/h Quality factor, πQ0.3Failure rate: FIT observed < 0.1 x 10-9/h For technical questions, contact: ***************************Document Number: 28744Notes•The products can be ordered using either the PART NUMBER or the PRODUCT DESCRIPTION.•Products within a packaging unit are single lot date code.TYPE/SIZEVERSION TCR RESISTANCE TOLERANCE PACKAGING MCS 0402MCT 0603MCU 0805MCA 1206H = EN 140401-801,“Version E”;failure rate level E6 C = ± 50 ppm/K E = ± 15 ppm/K Z = Jumper 3 digit value 1 digit multiplier MULTIPLIER8 = *10-29 = *10-10 = *1001 = *1012 = *1023 = *1034 = *1040000 = Jumper F = ± 1 %B = ± 0.1 %Z = JumperE1E0P1P5Product Description: MCT 0603-50 1% VG01 P5 287KProduct Description: MCT 0603 VG01 P5 0R0MCT 0603-50 1 %VG01P5287K MCT 0603--VG01P50R0TYPE/SIZETCR T OLERANCE VERSION PACKAGING RESISTANCE MCS 0402MCT 0603MCU 0805MCA 1206± 50 ppm/K ± 15 ppm/K ± 1 %± 0.1 %VG01 = EN 140401-801,“Version E”;failure rate level E6E1E0P1P549R9 = 49.9 Ω287K = 287 k Ω0R0 = JumperMC T 0603H Z 0000Z P 50006032873500Document Number: 28744For technical questions, contact: *************************** Note•The ordering information according to EN 140401-801:2007 shown above succeeds and replaces the ordering information according to earlier versions of the detail specification EN 140401-801 or its predecessor CECC 40401-801, for example:CECC 40401-801 EZ RR1608M C 287K F E6CECC 40401-801 S RR1608M C 287K F E6with EZ; S Assessment level, where EZ is successor to and superior replacement for SRR1608M Style, with suffix M for “metric”C Temperature coefficient, according to the detail specificationC = ± 50 ppm/K; E = ± 15 ppm/K Note•According to EN 140401-801, resistance values are to be selected from the E96 series for ±1% tolerance and from the E192 series for ±0.1 % tolerance.EN140401-801EZRR1608M-0R00-E6The elements used in the component number have the following meaning:EN140401-801EZRR1608MR287KF E6EN detail specification number Assessment level for the zero-defect approach Style (size)T emperature coefficient, according to EN 60062R = ± 50 ppm/K; P = ± 15 ppm/K Resistance, according to EN 60062, 4 characters T olerance on rated resistance, according to EN 60062F = ± 1 %; B = ± 0.1 %Failure rate level according to EN 60115-1, annex ZRTEMPERATURE COEFFICIENT AND RESISTANCE RANGEDESCRIPTIONRESISTANCE TCRTOLERANCE MCS 0402 VG01MCT 0603 VG01MCU 0805 VG01MCA 1206 VG01± 50 ppm/K± 1 %10 Ωto 1 M Ω 1 Ωto 1 M Ω1Ωto 1 M Ω1Ωto 1 M Ω± 15 ppm/K± 0.1 %100Ωto 33.2 k Ω100Ωto 47.5 k Ω100Ωto 100k Ω43.2Ωto 332k ΩJumper ≤ 20m Ω; I max. = 0.63 A ≤ 20m Ω; I max. = 1 A ≤ 20m Ω; I max. = 1.5 A≤ 20m Ω; I max. = 2 A PACKAGINGTYPECODE QUANTITY CARRIER TAPE WIDTH PITCH REEL DIAMETER MCS 0402 VG01E11000Paper tape acc. IEC 60286-3T ype I 8 mm 2 mm 180 mm/7"E010 000MCT 0603 VG01P110008 mm 4 mm P55000MCU 0805 VG01P11000P55000MCA 1206 VG01P11000P55000 For technical questions, contact: ***************************Document Number: 28744Note•Resistors MCA 1206 VG01 and MCU 0805 VG01 are marked using to the four-character code system of IEC 60062, 4.2.3.Resistors MCT 0603 VG01 and MCS 0402 VG01 do not show any marking on their light blue protective coating.Note•The given solder pad dimensions reflect the considerations for board design and assembly as outlined e.g. in standards IEC 61188-5-x, or in publication IPC 7351. They do not guarantee any supposed thermal properties, however, they will be found adequate for most general applications.DIMENSIONS AND MASSTYPEH (mm)L (mm)W (mm)W T (mm)T b (mm)T t (mm)MASS (mg)MCS 0402 VG010.32 ± 0.05 1.0 ± 0.050.5 ± 0.05> 75 % of W 0.2 ± 0.10.2 + 0.1/- 0.150.6MCT 0603 VG010.45 + 0.1/- 0.05 1.55 ± 0.050.85 ± 0.10.3 + 0.15/- 0.21.9MCU 0805 VG010.45 + 0.1/- 0.052.0 ± 0.11.25 ± 0.150.4 + 0.1/- 0.2 4.6MCA 1206 VG010.55 ± 0.1 3.2 + 0.1/- 0.2 1.6 ± 0.150.5 ± 0.259.2RECOMMENDED SOLDER PAD DIMENSIONSTYPE WAVE SOLDERINGREFLOW SOLDERING G(mm)Y (mm)X (mm)Z (mm)G (mm)Y (mm)X (mm)Z(mm)MCS 0402 VG01----0.350.550.55 1.45MCT 0603 VG010.551.10 1.102.750.650.700.95 2.05MCU 0805 VG010.801.25 1.50 3.300.900.90 1.402.70MCA 1206 VG011.40 1.50 1.90 4.40 1.50 1.15 1.753.80grade ceramic (Al2O3) substrate and conditioned to achieve the desired temperature coefficient. Specially designed inner contacts are deposited on both sides. A special laser is used to achieve the target value by smoothly cutting a meander groove in the resistive layer without damaging the ceramics. For the high ohmic range, optimized cermet products provide comparable properties. The resistor elements are covered by a protective coating designed for electrical, mechanical and climatic protection. The terminations receive a final pure tin on nickel plating.The result of the determined production is verified by an extensive testing procedure performed on 100 % of the individual resistors. This includes pulse load screening for the elimination of products with a potential risk of early life failures according to EN 140401-801, (feasible for R≥ 10 Ω). Only accepted products are laid directly into the paper tape in accordance with EN 60286-3 (3), Type I.Products within a packaging unit are from the same production lot and carry the same date code.ASSEMBLYThe resistors are suitable for processing on automatic SMD assembly systems. They are suitable for automatic soldering using wave, reflow or vapour phase as shown in IEC61760-1 (3). Solderability is specified for 2 years after production or requalification. The permitted storage time is 20 years.The resistors are RoHS compliant; the pure tin plating provides compatibility with lead (Pb)-free soldering processes. The immunity of the plating against tin whisker growth has been proven under extensive testing.The encapsulation is resistant to all cleaning solvents commonly used in the electronics industry, including alcohols, esters and aqueous solutions. The suitability of conformal coatings, if applied, shall be qualified by appropriate means to ensure the long-term stability of the whole system.∙2000/53/EC End of Vehicle life Directive (ELV) and Annex II (ELV II)∙2011/65/EU Restriction of the use of Hazardous Substances directive (RoHS)∙2002/96/EC Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive (WEEE)APPROVALSThe resistors are approved within the IECQ-CECC Quality Assessment System for Electronic Components to the detail specification EN140401-801 which refers to EN60115-1, EN140400 and the variety of environmental test procedures of the IEC 60068 (3)series.Conformity is attested by the use of the CECC logo () as the mark of conformity on the package label.Vishay BEYS C HLAG has achieved “Approval of Manufacturer” in accordance with IEC QC001002-3, clause 2. The release certificate for “Technology Approval Schedule” in accordance with CECC240001 based on IEC QC001002-3, clause 6 is granted for the Vishay BEYSCHLAG manufacturing process.The Vishay BEYSC HLAG production facility is registered with the CAGE code D9539.RELATED PRODUCTSA wider range of TCR, tolerance and resistance values, plus the option of values from a different E series is available with products approved to EN 140401-801, Version A, without established reliability, nominal failure rate level E0 (quality factor πQ = 3). See the datasheets:∙“Professional Flat Chip Resistors”(/doc?28705)∙“Precision Flat Chip Resistors”(/doc?28700)Notes(1)Global Automotive Declarable Substance List, see .(2)CEFIC (European Chemical Industry Council), EECA (European Electronic Component Manufacturers Association), EICTA (European tradeorganisation representing the information and communications technology and consumer electronics), see /index.php?id=1053&id_article=340.(3)The quoted IEC standards are also released as EN standards with the same number and identical contents.Document Number: 28744For technical questions, contact: *************************** For technical questions, contact: ***************************Document Number: 28744Document Number: 28744For technical questions, contact: *************************** •“Precision Flat Chip Resistors”, document no. 28700EN 140400, sectional specificationEN 140401-801, detail specificationFor further information on the tests and requirements ofthese products please refer to the specifications mentionedabove, and to the following datasheets:•“Professional Flat Chip Resistors”(/doc?28705)•“Precision Flat Chip Resistors”(/doc?28700)HISTORICAL 12NC INFORMATION∙The resistors had a 12-digit code starting with 2312∙The subsequent 4 digits indicated the resistor type,specification and packaging; see the 12NC table∙The remaining 4digits indicate the resistance value:-The first 3digits indicated the resistance value-The last digit indicated the resistance decade inaccordance with the resistance decade table RESISTANCE DECADE Historical 12NC ExampleThe 12NC of a MC T 0603 VG01 resistor, value 287K andTCR 50 with ± 1 % tolerance, supplied in cardboard tape of5000units per reel was: 2312 215 02874.RESISTANCE DECADE LAST DIGIT 1Ω to 9.99Ω810Ω to 99.9Ω9100Ω to 999Ω11 k Ωto 9.99k Ω210k Ω to 99.9k Ω3100k Ω to 999k Ω41M Ω5HISTORICAL 12NC - Resistor type and packagingDESCRIPTION2312........CARDBOARD TAPE ON REEL TYPE TCRTOL.E1 1000 PIECES E0 10 000 PIECES MCS 0402 VG01± 50 ppm/K± 1 %260 0....275 0....± 15 ppm/K± 0.1 %262 0....277 0....Jumper262 90001277 90001TYPE TCRTOL.P11000 PIECES P5 5000 PIECES PW 20 000 PIECES MCT 0603 VG01± 50 ppm/K± 1 %200 0....215 0....205 0....± 15 ppm/K± 0.1 %202 0....217 0....-Jumper202 90001217 90001207 90001MCU 0805 VG01± 50 ppm/K±1 %240 0....255 0....245 0....± 15 ppm/K± 0.1 %242 0....257 0....-Jumper242 90001257 90001247 90001MCA 1206 VG01± 50 ppm/K± 1 %No 12NC assigned to MCA 1206 VG01± 15 ppm/K± 0.1 %Jumper“Vishay”), disclaim any and all liability for any errors, inaccuracies or incompleteness contained in any datasheet or in any other disclosure relating to any product.Vishay makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of the products for any particular purpose or the continuing production of any product. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, Vishay disclaims (i) any and all liability arising out of the application or use of any product, (ii) any and all liability, including without limitation special, consequential or incidental damages, and (iii) any and all implied warranties, including warranties of fitness for particular purpose, non-infringement and merchantability.Statements regarding the suitability of products for certain types of applications are based on Vishay’s knowledge of typical requirements that are often placed on Vishay products in generic applications. Such statements are not binding statements about the suitability of products for a particular application. It is the customer’s responsibility to validate that a particular product with the properties described in the product specification is suitable for use in a particular application. Parameters provided in datasheets and/or specifications may vary in different applications and performance may vary over time. All operating parameters, including typical parameters, must be validated for each customer application by the customer’s technical experts. Product specifications do not expand or otherwise modify Vishay’s terms and conditions of purchase, including but not limited to the warranty expressed therein.Except as expressly indicated in writing, Vishay products are not designed for use in medical, life-saving, or life-sustaining applications or for any other application in which the failure of the Vishay product could result in personal injury or death. Customers using or selling Vishay products not expressly indicated for use in such applications do so at their own risk. Please contact authorized Vishay personnel to obtain written terms and conditions regarding products designed for such applications. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document or by any conduct of Vishay. Product names and markings noted herein may be trademarks of their respective owners.Material Category PolicyVishay Intertechnology, Inc. hereby certifies that all its products that are identified as RoHS-Compliant fulfill the definitions and restrictions defined under Directive 2011/65/EU of The European Parliament and of the Council of June 8, 2011 on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) - recast, unless otherwise specified as non-compliant.Please note that some Vishay documentation may still make reference to RoHS Directive 2002/95/EC. We confirm that all the products identified as being compliant to Directive 2002/95/EC conform to Directive 2011/65/EU.Vishay Intertechnology, Inc. hereby certifies that all its products that are identified as Halogen-Free follow Halogen-Free requirements as per JEDEC JS709A standards. Please note that some Vishay documentation may still make reference to the IEC 61249-2-21 definition. We confirm that all the products identified as being compliant to IEC 61249-2-21 conform to JEDEC JS709A standards.Revision: 02-Oct-121Document Number: 91000。



样 品 确 认 书SAMPLE REPORT FOR APPROVAL客户名称CUSTOMER 产品名称开关电源PRODUCT NAME 型 号WMAH250T120MODEL DETAIL 规 格SPECIFICATION 料 号PART NO 供 应 商深圳市西磁科技有限公司备注:请贵公司将样品确认结果签字盖章后回传。

目 录一、产品概述----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2深圳市西磁科技有限公司地址:深圳市南山区丽山路民企科技园3栋5搂TEL :6 FAX :6二、产品主要---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2三、引用标准及规范----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2四、环境条件---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2五、电气特性---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3六、保护特性--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3七、安规要求---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------47-1 绝缘强度和绝缘阻抗------------------------------------------------------------------- 47-2 漏电流------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4八、产品安装、使用说明8-2 运输----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 48-3 储存----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4九、包装、运输、储存十、外观尺寸10-1外形尺寸------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 510-3定位尺寸及外观图------------------------------------------------------------------- 510-3 端子定义----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5一、产品概述1-1.低成本和高可靠性。






关键词:主成分分析,随机模拟,综合评价AbstractThe paper is based on the principal component analysis which is a kind of the multivariate statistics analysis methods. It aims at studying and comparing with the 16 provinces ' economic development level with the seven major indicators. But for solving the uncertain problem ,we want to make sure The weight of each indicator coefficient further, so a comprehensive evaluation method based on Mon te Carlo simulatio n which is therefore prese nted, where the dot assig nment can be exte nded to the in terval assig nment. Based on the stochastic simulati on and according to the classical comprehensive evaluation process, the superiority matrix reflecti ng the relati on betwee n the superiority and in feriority of the object s being evaluated is simulated. Then, the optimal ranking of all the objects to be evaluated is give n. Fin ally, using the case an alysis, we draw a con clusi on that stochastic simulation is more efficient.Key Words : principal component analysis, stochastic simulation, comprehensive evaluationAbstract I第1节问题背景.................. . (1)第2节主成分分析................ (1)第3节综合评价的相关理论及随机模拟的实现 ...... . (2)3.1基本概念与方法原理 (2)3.2随机模拟的软件实现步骤 (4)3.3综合评价值的确定 (5)第4节实证分析与研究........... (6)4.1数据来源 (6)4.2指标选择 (6)4.3综合评价排序 (6)第5节程序输入及输出结果8参考文献附录第1节问题背景综合评价即是对被评价对象完成时态的状态进行客观、公正、合理的全面评价,其理论与方法在社会科学与自然科学的多个领域有着广泛的应用。



± 1000
19 ≦R<25 mΩ
± 700
25 ≦R<50 mΩ
± 400
50 ≦R<100 mΩ
± 200
100 ≦R<1000 mΩ
± 1500
10 ≦R<19 mΩ
± 1200
19 ≦R<25 mΩ
± 900
25 ≦R<50 mΩ
± 500
50 ≦R<100 mΩ
± 200
100 ≦R<1000 mΩ
2nd 保護層
2nd Protective coating
2 背面內部電極 Bottom inner electrode 7
3 正面內部電極 Top inner electrode 8 側面內部電極 Terminal inner electrode
Resistive layer
4 尺寸:
5 結構圖:
文件編號 版本日期 頁次
IE-SP-007 2009/06/08
Unit : mm
TYPE Size Code
L1 L2
0201 0.60± 0.03 0.30± 0.03 0.23± 0.03 0.15± 0.05 0.15AX.
備註 非 發 行 管 制 文 件
發行管制章 DATA Center.
非 經 允 許 ,禁 止 自 行 影 印 文 件 。



答:在转速相同的情况下,当 Da = la = ha = ba =…下,G ∝ C ef ∝ P
Db lb hb bb
P ' P ' P'
∝ p '3 4

p '1 4

几何形状相似的电机,每单位功率所需有效材料的重量 G、成本
Cef 及产生损耗Σp
均与计算功率的 1 次方成反比。用大功率电机
有效材料的重量 G、成本 Cef 和损耗Σp 的增加要慢,其有效材料 的利用率和电机的效率均将提高,因此用大功率电机代替总功率
(1)电机将较细长,即 lef 较大而 D 较小。绕组端部变得较短,
1. 为什么可以将电机内部比较复杂的磁场当作比较简单的磁路
理论 H d l i ,电流可找到一条磁极中心线包含全部励磁电



常见后缀文件的打开方式:.001;002;003... 超星浏览器.!!! Netants暂存文件,未下载完成.ai adobe illustrator.aiff Windows Media Player.ani 动画鼠标.ans 记事本.ape Monkey s audio;Winamp 2.81以上版本.arj 压缩文件 ARJ.asf windows media player.asp 这可能是你下载时下错了!!重新下载,不要重命名试试 .au Windows Media Player.avi Media player;金山影霸(如果不能播放请装divx插件) .bas Microsoft Visual Basic或者记事本.bc! bitcomet的未下载完成的文件.bik bink player;RAD Game Tools.bin daemon tool虚拟光驱.bmp 画图(Windows附件).box Lotus Notes.c Turbo C;记事本.cab WinRAR;INSTALL SHELD;Winzip.caj,cas,caa Cajviewer.ccd daemon tool.cdi daemon tool.cdr Corel DRAW;freehand.ceb 方正公司Apabi Reader.chm Windows帮助文件,可以直接打开.cls Microsoft Visual Basic.cmb ComicGURU.cpp C++;记事本.csf ScenicPlayer(teaching player).csv Microsoft Excel 2003.ctx CTex.cue daemon tool.cur 静态鼠标.Dat 不确定的打开方式(多种格式的数据文件都可能).db SQL数据库文件.dbf Foxbase;Dbase;Visual FoxPro.dcp DcpReader.ddb Protel 99 se.dfi 东方光驱魔术师.doc Microsoft Word.dwg;.dxf AutoCAD.emf acdsee.eml outlook.eps Mathtype.ets 非常好印.ewb Electronic Workbench.fig Matlab.fla Macromedia Flash 6.frm Microsoft Visual Basic.gb ReadBook或电子小说阅读器.gba game boy advanced的文件,游戏模拟器.gdf Max+Plus 2.gho Norton Ghost.gif Acdsee;Internet Explorer.gs GSView.hlp Windows帮助文件,可以直接打开.htm Internet Explorer.ico Windows图标,AcdSee.img daemon tool;Winimg;Erdas;ENVI.inf;.ini 记事本.iso UltraISO;WinISO.jar winrar 目标文件是java编译的.jpg;.jpeg Acdsee;Internet Explorer;其它图像浏览软件.js 记事本;DreamWeaver.kdh Cajviewer.lrc 记事本.lst 记事本.m;.mat;.mdl Matlab.m3u Winamp.mdf(mds) daemon tool;Fantom CD;Alcohol;ms sql server .mht Internet Explorer.mid Winamp;Windows Media Player及其它播放器.mkv media player classic.mmb Multimedia Builder.mov quick time;金山影霸.mp3 Winamp;Media player.mpg;.mpeg Windows Media Player;金山影霸2003.ms7 Multisim 7.msi windows installer,不用安装,如果不能打开请重新安装 .nfo 写字板;DAMN.NFO.Viewer.v2.0.njx 南极星.nlc Book Reader for NLC.nrg demon tools(ahead nero记录软件的镜像文件).ods Microsoft Outlook.opt Microsoft Developer Studio.out Turbo C;记事本.pcb protel 99 se.pcbdoc;.pcb3d Protel Dxp.pdf Adobe Reader.pdg 超星图书浏览器 ssreader.php;php3;php4 php脚本文件的扩展名.pps powerpoint.ppt Microsoft PowerPonit.pqi drive image.prc prc editor3.1.prj 3D Studio(DOS),Protel 99.prz Freelance Mobile Screen Show Player.ps GSVIEW.psd Adobe Photoshop.qt Quick time.r01,r02.... WinRAR(打开其中一个其它的会自动解压缩) .rar WinRAR.RAW media player;金山影霸.res Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0.rm;.ram;.ra RealOne Player.rmvb;.ra 最新的realone player.rpm Linux安装程序.rtf Word,写字板.sch Protel 99 se.schdot Protel Dxp.scr Windows屏幕保护,此环境下可执行文件.sfv quicksfv;sfv32w;MagicSFV.shs Microsoft Office 2003.srt Vobsub.swf Flash player;推荐使用flashview.tex Miltex;latex;CTex;fitex(linux);.tgz Winzip.tdf AHDL编辑器或者记事本.tif acdsee.tiff Windows映象文件.tmp 暂存文件,可以删除.torrent bitcomet(推荐).ttf Open Type.txt 记事本.uha UHARC GUI (一种多媒体压缩格式).url Internet Explorer.v 记事本可编辑.vbp Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0.vcd daemon tool.vhd 记事本,Virtual PC.vip 维普浏览器.vsd Visio.wav Windows Media Player.wdl DynaDoc Reader v4.25S中文版.wmv;.wma Windows Media Player 9或更高版本 .wpd Word;frontpage;Quick Viewer.wps 金山wps office.wrf WebEx Player.xls Microsoft Excel.xml Internet Explorer;记事本.zip Winzip;WinRAR各种文件后缀名与打开方式大全!各种文件后缀名与打开方式大全扩展名文件类型打开方式 ...aiff 声音文件Windows media Player ...!!! Netants 暂存文件Netants ...ani 动画鼠标 ...arj 压缩文件ARJ ...avi 电影文件Windows media Player ...awd 传真文档 ...bak 备份文件 ...bas Basic 语言Basic ...bat DOS批处理文件 ...bin MAC 二进制码文件Stuffit Expander ...bmp 图象文件画图/看图软件 ...cab 压缩文件Winzip ...cdr Corel图画文件Corel Draw ...chk Scandisk检察后制作的文件可以删掉 ...com DOS命令文件自执行 ...cpx Cryptapix加密图片文件Cryptapix ...cur 静态鼠标 ...dbf 数据库文件dBase, FoxBase, Access ...dll 应用程序扩展 ...doc 文档文件Word ...dwg AutoCAD文件AutoCAD ...eps Illustrator 图画文件Adobe Illustrator ...exe 执行文件自执行 ...fon 字体文件 ...gb 国标码文件南极星文字处理 ...get Getright 暂存文件 ...gif 256色图象文件画图/看图软件 ...gz 可供UNIX或LINUX使用的压缩文件Winzip .. .hqx Macintosh 文件Stuffit Expander ...htm 网页浏览器 ...html 网页浏览器 ...ico 图标 ...ini 配置设置笔记本或WordPad ...ipx IPX演示文件浏览器加装IPX 插件 ...jiff 图象文件画图/看图软件 ...jpeg 压缩过的图象文件画图/看图软件 ...jpg 压缩过的图象文件画图/看图软件 ...js j a v a s c r i p t ...lnk 快捷方式连接文件连接文件的相应程序 ...m3u Winamp播放列表Winamp ...mid 声音文件Windows media Player ...vod Quicktime影像文件Quick Time ...mp3 压缩音乐文件Winamp ...mpeg 影像Windows media Player ...mpg 影像Windows media Player ...njx 南极星文档南极星文字处理 ...pcb 电子电路图设计文件Protel PCB ...pdf 便携式文档格式,内含图片文字等等Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Acrobat Reader .. .pm5 PageMaker 5 排版文件Page Maker ...ppt Power Point 文件Microsoft Power Point ...ps Ghost*** ...psd Photoshop文件Adobe Photoshop ...pub Publisher排版文件Microsoft Publisher ...qt Quicktime影像文件Quick Time ...ra Real Audio声音文件Real Audio ...ram Real Audio影像文件Real Audio ...rar 压缩文件Winrar ...rsf Richwin 字体文件 ...sch 电子原理图设计文件Protel Schematic ...scr 屏保文件 ...sea Macintosh 启动文件 ...sit 压缩Stuffit Expander ...swf Flash动画文件浏览器加装Macromedia flash 插件 .. .sys 系统文件 ...tar UNIX压缩文件Winzip ...tif 高质量图象文件画图/看图软件 ...tiff 高质量图象文件画图/看图软件 ...tmp 暂存文件可以删掉 ...ttf 字体文件 ...txt 纯文本文件笔记本或全部文字处理系统 ...vbs Visual Basic 编程文件Microsoft Viasual Basic ...viv VIVO影像文件浏览器加装VIVO 插件 ...vqf 压缩声音文件Yamaha SoundVQ Player ...wav 未压缩的声音文件Windows media Player ...wk1 Lotus 123 试算软件文件Lotus 123, Excel ...wq1 Q-Pro 试算软件文件Q-Pro, Excel ...wri Write文字文档Word ...xls Excel 试算软件文件Microsoft Excel .. .Z UNIX压缩文件Winzip ...zip 压缩文件Winzip ..图像文件: ..bmp Windows or OS/2 Bitmap ..clp Windows Clipboard ..cup Dr. Halo ..dib Windows or OS/2 DIB ..emf Windows Enhanced Meta file ..eps Encapsulated Post*** ..fpx Flash Pix ..gif Compuserver ..iff Amiga ..img GEM Paint ..jpg JPEG – JFIF Compliant ..lbm Deluxe Paint ..mac Mac Paint ..msp Macrosoft Paint ..pbm Potable Bitmap ..pct Macintosh Pict ..pcx Zsoft Paintbrush ..pic PC Paint ..png Portable Network Graphics ..ppm Portable Pixelmap ..psd Photoshop ..psp Paint Shop Pro Image ..ras Sun Raster Image ..raw Eaw File format ..rle Windows or CompuServer RLE ..sct SciTex Continuous Tone ..tga Truevision Targa ..tif Tagged Image file format ..wmf Windows Meta File ..wpg WordPefect Bitmap ...ACA Microsoft的代理使用的角色文档 ...ace 一种压缩格式文档,压缩率甚至超过WinRAR,可以使用WINACE等工具打开 .. .acf 系统管理配置 ...acm 音频压缩管理驱动程序,为Windows系统提供各种声音格式的编码和解码功能 .. .acs 同.acm,但保存于本地 ...ADE Microsoft Access项目扩展 ...ADN Microsoft Access的空白项目模板 ...ADP Microsoft Access的项目 ...aif声音文件,支持压缩,可以使用Windows Media Player和QuickTime Player播放 ...AIF音频文件,使用Windows Media Player播放 ...AIFC音频文件,使用Windows Media Player播放 ...AIFF音频文件,使用Windows Media Player播放 ...ani动画光标文件扩展名,例如动画沙漏。


CC 0805 K K X7R 9 B N 104
Code 1~2 Series Name CC = Multi-layer
chip cap. CA = Cap. Array CL=Low. Inductance
Code 3~6
Size Code
inches (mm)
0402 (1005)
Tanδ≤ 5% or ≤ 7%, 25V/50V depending on capacitance value
Tan δ ≤ 4%, 50V Tan δ ≤ 6%, 25V
Tanδ≤ 9% or ≤12.5%, Tan δ ≤ 9%, 16V 16V depending on capacitance value
Operation temperature range Temperature characteristic/coefficient (TC) Capacitance tolerance
C ≥ 10pF Tan δ ≤ 10 x 10-4
±10%, ±20%
Tan δ ≤ 2.5%, 50V Tan δ ≤ 2.5%, 25V Tan δ ≤ 3.5%, 16V Tan δ ≤ 5%, 10V
+30% to –80%
+22% to –56%
±20%, -20%~+80% ±20%, -20%~+80%
Tan δ ≤ 12.5%, 10V
Insulation resistance(IR)



新代盘式主轴电机选型手册匯出日期:2023-05-10修改日期:2023-04-25••••••••推广文件(Promotional Document)盘式电机规格(Disc Motor Specifications)简称定义(Abbreviation Definition)料号定义(Material Definition)盘式电机线材(Disc Motor Wires)尺寸图(Dimensions):支援的机械主轴(Supported Mechanical Spindle):支援的回转油缸(Supported Rotary Cylinder)电机规格(Motor Specifications)更新履历(Edited History)1 推广文件(Promotional Document)简体( CHS)繁体(CHT)盘式电机推广文件2022V1.pdf盤式電機推廣文件2021V7.pptx 盘式电机使用维护手册.pdf盘式电机安装流程.mp4盤式電機安裝視頻.mp41.2.3.2 盘式电机规格(Disc Motor Specifications)2.1 简称定义(Abbreviation Definition)DA5-52(盤式電機+主軸規格-扭力 Disc motor+spindle specification-torque )D 代表 盘式电机-D represents disc motor20/A4/A5/A6/A8"代表主轴规格-represent the spindle specifications 52 代表扭矩 52N-represents t orque2.2 料号定义(Material Definition)新简称new abbr eviat ion原简称orig in abb revi atio n 料号materi al no.额定功率rate d pow er (kw)S2功率S2 pow er (kw)额定扭力rated torqu e(nm)額定转速rated speed (rpm)最高转速maxim um speed (rpm)内径inner diam eter (mm)标配编码器型号standard encoder model搭配驱动器matc hed drive r 主轴s pi n dl eDA4-17DSP 11A 2S08-D8-084060CF1 5.37.95173000800060S08-GSKMY2-R-242-S SPD32C1-075SMH-25/25-75MA 2-4S08-D8-084062CF15.37.951730008000 62S08-GSKMY2-R-242-S DA4-20DSP 11BS08-D7-064060BF14.2 6.3202000600060S08-GSKMY2-R-242-SS08-D7-0640 62BF14.2 6.3202000600062S08-GSKMY2-R-242-SDA4-25DSP11CS08-D12-064060CF17.911.85253000600060S08-GSKMY2-R-242-SS08-D12-064062CF17.911.85253000600062S08-GSKMY2-R-242-SDA5-35DSP16AS08-D17-064065CF11116.5353000600065S08-GSKMY2-R-242-SSPD32D1-110SMH-35/35-100-MA2-5S08-D17-064070CF11116.5353000600070S08-GSKMY2-R-242-SS08-D17-064072CF11116.5353000600072S08-GSKMY2-R-242-SDA5-52DSP16BS08-D17-044065BF11116.5522000450065S08-GSKMY2-R-242-SS08-D17-044070BF11116.5522000450070S08-GSKMY2-R-242-SS08-D17-044072BF11116.5522000450072S08-GSKMY2-R-242-SDA6-57DSP21A1S08-D18-044085BF111.917.85572000400085S08-GSKMY2-326-SSPD32C1-110SMH-35/35-100-MA2-6S08-D18-044090BF111.917.85572000400090S08-GSKMY2-326-SDA6-72DSP21A2S08-D23-044085BF11522.5722000400085S08-GSKMY2-326-SSPD32C1-185SMH-35/35/35-100-XL S08-D23-044090BF11522.5722000400090S08-GSKMY2-326-SDA6-90DSP21A3S08-D22-044085AF114.121.15901500400085S08-GSKMY2-326-SSPD32C1-185S08-D22-044090AF114.121.15901500400090S08-GSKMY2-326-S3 盘式电机线材(Disc Motor Wires)新简称new abbreviation 料号material no.单独动力线接头single power cordconnector包套动力线线材(含接头)包套编码器线材(含接头)DA4-17S08-D8-084060CF1P03-CMS3108A22-4W01-S4-ML-PW-4MW01-S4-ML-PW-5MW01-S4-ML-PW-6MW01-PGSF-EN-*MS08-D8-084062CF1 DA4-20S08-D7-064060BF1S08-D7-064062BF1 DA4-25S08-D12-064060CF1S08-D12-064062CF1 DA5-35S08-D17-064065CF1S08-D17-064070CF1S08-D17-064072CF1 DA5-52S08-D17-044065BF1S08-D17-044070BF1S08-D17-064072CF11.2. a.i.ii.iii.iv.v.b.i.ii.iii.iv.v.DA6-57S08-D18-044085BF1W01-S6-ML-PW-4M W01-S6-ML-PW-5M W01-S6-ML-PW-6MS08-D18-044090BF1DA6-72S08-D23-044085BF1S08-D23-044090BF1DA6-90S08-D22-044085AF1S08-D22-044090AF1注:盘式电机出货默认不含线材和接头(note: Disc motors are shipped without wires and connectors by default)若客户自制动力线材,可以参考以下建议W01-S4-ML-PW-5M原材料线:W07-SP-PW-12AWG ((約4mm^2)针型压线端子:Z02-PTD5-13O 型压线端子:Z02-RDL5-4-O 线标:棕U 、黑V 、蓝W 、黄绿FG连接器:P03-CMS3108A22-4(L 型_大军规)W01-S6-ML-PW-5M原材料线:W07-SP-PW-10AWG (約6mm^2)针型压线端子:Z02-PTD5-13 O 型压线端子:Z02-RDL5-4-O 线标:棕U 、黑V 、蓝W 、黄绿FG连接器:P03-CMS3108A22-4(L 型_大军规)4 尺寸图(Dimensions):DA4内径60 DA4 inner diameter 60S08-D8-084060CF1S08-D7-064060BF1【2D外形图】DA4系列60内径.pdf【2D外形图】DA4系列60内径.dwg【3D外形图】DA4内径60.STEPS08-D12-064060CF1【3D外形图】DA4-25内径60.STEP系列+内径series+inner diameter 料号material no.PDF2D3D备注noteDA4内径62 DA4 inner diameter 62S08-D8-084062CF1S08-D7-064062BF1【2D外形图】DA4系列62内径.pdf【2D外形图】DA4系列62内径.dwg【3D外形图】DA4内径62.STEPS08-D12-064062CF1【3D外形图】DA4-25内径62.STEPDA5内径65 DA5 inner diameter 65S08-D17-064065CF1S08-D17-044065BF1【2D外形图】DA5系列65内径.pdf【2D外形图】DA5系列65内径.dwg【3D外形图】DA5系列65内径.STEPDA5内径70 DA5 inner diameter 70S08-D17-064070CF1S08-D17-044070BF1【2D外形图】DA5系列70内径.pdf【2D外形图】DA5系列70内径.dwg【3D外形图】DA5系列70内径.stepDA5内径72 DA5 inner diameter 72S08-D17-064072CF1S08-D17-044072BF1【2D外形图】DA5系列72内径.pdf【2D外形图】DA5系列72内径.dwg【3D外形图】DA5系列72内径.STEPDA4内径60 DA4 inner diameter 60S08-D8-084060CF1S08-D7-064060BF1【2D外形图】DA4系列60内径.pdf【2D外形图】DA4系列60内径.dwg【3D外形图】DA4内径60.STEPS08-D12-064060CF1【3D外形图】DA4-25内径60.STEP系列+内径series+inner diameter 料号material no.PDF2D3D备注noteDA6内径85 DA6 inner diameter 85S08-D18-044085BF1S08-D23-044085BF1S08-D22-044085AF1【2D外形图】DA6系列85内径.pdf【2D外形图】DA6系列85内径.dwg【3D外形图】DA6系列85内径.STEPDA6内径90 DA6 inner diameter 90S08-D18-044090BF1S08-D23-044090BF1S08-D22-044090AF1【2D外形图】DA6系列90内径.pdf【2D外形图】DA6系列90内径.dwg【3D外形图】DA6系列90内径.STEP5 支援的机械主轴(Supported Mechanical Spindle):兼容型号compatiblemodelDA4DA5DA6主轴内径(spindle innerdiameter)60626570728590罗翌(Royal)RA4007002-----------------------罗翌某型號 (acertain model ofRoyal)------昊志(Haozhi)DGZC-15006------A2-5-170---------普森(Posa)TAC-10------SJ-20------御成(Vyu Cheng)VA24150------------------------海纳(Haina)CK150A2-4------------------------健椿(Kenturn)------KT7006G KT1605NKT2004E6 支援的回转油缸(Supported Rotary Cylinder)油缸品牌cylinder brand 型号model回转油缸止口piston diameter回转油缸安装螺丝孔节径threaded holediameter是否与盘式电机兼容CompatibilityA2-4常州科普特Kepute(Changzhou)TK536100125compatible台湾千岛Chandox(Taiwan)F1036S100125compatibleA2-5台湾千岛Chandox(Taiwan)F1246S100147compatible常州科普特Kepute(Changzhou)TK646S100147compatible台湾三川Swachuaw(Taiwan)BK1246100147compatible台湾佳贺Autogrip(Taiwan)TK-B646100147compatible沈阳TGTTGT(Shenyang)TF-646100147compatibleA2-6常州科普特Kepute(Changzhou)TK852130165compatible台湾三川Swachuaw(Taiwan)BK1552130165compatible1. 2. 3. 4.油缸品牌cylinder brand型号model回转油缸止口piston diameter回转油缸安装螺丝孔节径threaded holediameter是否与盘式电机兼容Compatibility台湾佳贺Autogrip(Taiwan)TK-B853130165compatible沈阳TGTTGT(Shenyang)TF-852130165compatible项次修改记录日期撰写版本1编写初版20191120郭浩V1.0 2增加DSP11机型20200518郭浩V1.0 3仅保留富田机型20210601郭浩V2.0 4 改为上线之规格20211006郭浩V3.05DA5系列新增72内径,适配键椿主轴推广手册更新新增电机安装视频新增电机维护手册20210408郭浩V4.0电机规格(Motor Specifications)更新履历(Edited History)。

192R,AL,192R,BK,192R,GY, 规格书,Datasheet 资料

192R,AL,192R,BK,192R,GY, 规格书,Datasheet 资料
-Click on image to show toolbar. Use to Play/Pause Animation. -Left click and drag on image to move 3D model.
192R (3D exploded)
6.35 W
9.50 L
Threaded inserts only have to be assembled the first time.
Notes: Enclosure weight .69 lbs / 315 gm 1) Enclosure meets or exceeds IP40 and NEMA 1 2) When used with PS19 the enclosure meets or exceeds IP 66 and NEMA 4X, 12 and 13 MIL-STD-810G 506.5 3) Circuit Board drawings can be download at: ALL DIMENSIONS ARE ± .010" 7/29/10 (1 of 2) /Accessories/CircuitBoard/drawings/19X-CB.pdf 2009 Wright Ave. La Verne, CA 91750 4) All components are RoHS Compliant. Ph. (626) 331-0517 Fx. (626) 331-8584
Notes: Enclosure weight .69 lbs / 315 gm .32 1) Enclosure meets or exceeds IP40 and NEMA 1 6 plc's SECTION A-A 2) When used with PS19 the enclosure meets or exceeds SCALE 1 : 2.75 IP 67 and NEMA 4X, 12 and 13 MIL-STD-810G 506.5 3) Circuit Board drawings can be download at: ALL DIMENSIONS ARE ± .010" 7/29/10 (2 of 2) /Accessories/CircuitBoard/drawings/19X_CB.pdf 2009 Wright Ave. La Verne, CA 91750 4) All components are RoHS Compliant. Ph. (626) 331-0517 Fx. (626) 331-8584



1、制冷剂管内沸腾参照凯特里卡通用关联式1031011452)()25()(f C C C TPF B C Fr C C +=αα i i D D x g 14.018.011Pr )1(023.0λμα⋅⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡-= 5.08.001⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛-=lg x x C ρρ grq B =0 il D g Fr 2218.9ρ= 式中:TP α——管内沸腾的两相表面传热系数,单位为W/(m 2·K)1α——液相单独流过管内的表面传热系数,单位为W/(m 2·K)0C ——对应特征数 0B ——沸腾特征数 1Fr ——液相弗劳德数g ——质量流率,单位为kg/(m 2·s)X ——质量含气率(干度)i D ——管内径,单位为mm1μ——液相动力粘度,单位为Pa ·s 1λ——液相热导率,单位为W/(m ·K )1Pr ——液相普朗特数g ρ——气相密度,单位为kg/m 3l ρ——液相密度,单位为kg/m 3q ——热流密度,单位为W/m 2r ——气化潜热,单位为J/kg1f F 取决于制冷剂性质的无量纲系数,按下表取值F值各制冷剂的1fF的值在0.5~5.0之间。

大量试验数据表明,1f式中,C1、C2、C3、C4和C5为常数,他们的值取决于C0的大小当C0<0.65C1=1.1360 C2=-0.9 C3=667.2 C4=0.7 C5=0.3当C0>0.65C1=0.6683 C2=-0.2 C3=1058.0 C4=0.7 C5=0.3。



1SVR730700R22002C D C 251 009 V 0014Thermistor motor protection relays CM-MSS.22 and CM-MSS.23The thermistor motor protection relaysCM-MSS.22 and CM-MSS.23 monitor the winding temperature of motors and protect them from overheating, overload and insufficient cooling.The devices are available with two different terminal versions. You can choose between the proven screw connection technology(double-chamber cage connection terminals) and the completely tool-free Easy Connect Technology (push-in terminals).Characteristics– 1 measuring circuit –Reset button–Auto, manual or remote reset configurable–Overvoltage protected supply and measuring inputs –According to the product standard IEC 60947-8–Screw connection technology or Easy Connect Technology available –Housing material for highest fire protection classification UL 94 V-0 –Tool-free mounting on DIN rail as well as demounting –22.5 mm (0.89 in) width–Various certifications and approvals (see overview, document no. 2CDC112248D0201)Order dataTypeRated control supply voltage Output contacts Connection technology Order code CM-MSS.22P 24 V AC/DC *2 c/o (SPDT) contactsPush-in terminals 1SVR740700R0200CM-MSS.22S Screw terminals 1SVR730700R0200CM-MSS.23P 110-130 V AC, 220-240 V AC Push-in terminals 1SVR740700R2200CM-MSS.23SScrew terminals1SVR730700R2200* Supply and measuring circuits not electrically isolated2 - Thermistor motor protection relays CM-MSS.22 and CM-MSS.23 | Data sheetConnection technologyMaintenance free Easy Connect Technology with push-in terminalsType designation CM-xxS.yyPApproved screw connection technology with double-chamber cage connection terminals Type designation CM-xxS.yySPush-in terminals–Tool-free connection of rigid and flexible wires withwire end ferrule–Easy connection of flexible wires without wire endferrule by opening the terminals –No retightening necessary–One operation lever for opening both connectionterminals–For triggering the lever and disconnecting of wiresyou can use the same tool (Screwdriver according to DIN ISO 2380-1 Form A 0.8 x 4 mm (0.0315 x 0.157 in), DIN ISO 8764-1 PZ1 ø 4.5 mm (0.177 in))–Constant spring force on terminal point independentof the applied wire type, wire size or ambientconditions (e. g. vibrations or temperature changes) –Opening for testing the electrical contacting –Gas-tightDouble-chamber cage connection terminals–Terminal spaces for different wire sizes–One screw for opening and closing of both cages –Pozidrive screws for pan- or crosshead screwdriversaccording to DIN ISO 2380-1 Form A 0.8 x 4 mm (0.0315 x 0.157 in), DIN ISO 8764-1 PZ1 ø 4.5 mm (0.177 in)Both the Easy Connect Technology with push-in terminals and screw connection technology with double-chamber cageconnection terminals have the same connection geometry as well as terminal position.2C D C 253 025 F 00112C D C 253 026 F 0011Data sheet | Thermistor motor protection relays CM-MSS.22 and CM-MSS.23 - 3Functions Operating controls2C D C 251 009 V 00141 Test / Reset buttonReset - only possible if measured value < switch-on resistance 2 Indication of operational states with LEDsU: green LED - Status indication of control supply voltageV Control supply voltage appliedF: red LED - Fault messageApplication / Monitoring functionThe thermistor motor protection relay CM-MSS monitors the winding temperature and thus protects the motor fromoverheating, overload and insufficient cooling in accordance to the product standard IEC 60947-8, control units for built-in thermal protection (PTC) for rotating electrical machines.Operating modeThe thermistor motor protection relays CM-MSS.22 and CM-MSS.23 are used to monitor the temperature of motors or generators equipped with PTC resistor sensors type A. The sensors are built-in into the motor windings, measuring the motor heating. In case of an increase of the temperature in the motor, the resistance of the PTC sensors will increase as well. If the motor heats-up excessively (>2.7 k h ) the output relays de-energize and the corresponding LED displays the overtemperature. A reset is only possible after cooling down of the motor (<1.2 k h ).ResetAfter rectification of a fault, the device has to be reset. This reset can be made manually by the Reset button, automatically by jumpering S1-T2 or externally by a remote reset between S1-T2.Electrical connection4 - Thermistor motor protection relays CM-MSS.22 and CM-MSS.23 | Data sheetFunction diagramsCM-MSS.22, CM-MSS.23 Manual resetCM-MSS.22. CM-MSS.23 Auto resetData sheet| Thermistor motor protection relays CM-MSS.22 and CM-MSS.23 - 5Example of applicationCircuit diagrams6 - Thermistor motor protection relays CM-MSS.22 and CM-MSS.23 | Data sheetTechnical dataData at T a = 25 °C and rated values, unless otherwise indicatedInput circuitSupply circuit CM-MSS.22CM-MSS.23Rated control supply voltage U s A1-A224V AC/DC220-240 V ACA2-A3-110-130 V ACRated control supply voltage U s tolerance-15...+10 %Rated frequency50-60 HzTypical current / power consumption24 V AC/DC38 mA / 0.65 VA-110-130 V AC-24 mA / 3 VA220-240 V AC-10 mA / 2.2 VAElectrical insulation between supply circuit and measuring circuit no yesPower failure buffering time20 msMeasuring circuit / Sensor circuit T1-T2Number of sensor circuits1Sensor type PTC type A (DIN/EN 44081, DIN/EN 44082)Max. total resistance of sensors connected in series, cold state< 750 hOvertemperature monitoring switch-off resistance (relays de-energize) 2.7 k h w 5 %switch-on resistance (relays energize) 1.2 k h w 5 %Maximum voltage in sensor circuit 1.33 kOhm 2.5 V4 kOhm 3.7 Vy kOhm 5.5 VMaximum current in sensor circuit 3.7 mAMaximum sensor cable length 2 x 100 m at 0.75 mm², 2 x 400 m at 2.5 mm²Accuracy within the rated control supply voltage tolerance 5 %Accuracy within the temperature range0.5 %/KRepeat accuracy (constant parameters)on requestReaction time of the safety function<100 msHardware fault tolerance (HFT)-Control circuit S1-T2Control function manual reset yesauto reset adjustableremote reset adjustableMaximum no-load voltage (S1-T2 open) 5.5 VMax. current (S1-T2 jumpered) 1.2 mAMaximum cable length 2 x 100 m at 0.75 mm², 2 x 400 m at 2.5 mm²User interfaceIndication of operational statesControl supply voltage U: green LED V: control supply voltage appliedFault message F: red LED V: overtemperatureOperating controlsReset front-face buttonData sheet| Thermistor motor protection relays CM-MSS.22 and CM-MSS.23 - 7Output circuitKind of output11-12/14relay, 1st c/o (SPDT) contact21-22/24relay, 2nd c/o (SPDT) contact Operating principle closed-circuit principleContact material AgNi alloy, Cd freeMinimum switching voltage / Minimum switching current24 V / 10 mAMaximum switching voltage / Maximum switching current see "Load limit curves" on page 11 Rated operational voltage U e and rated operational current I e AC-12 (resistive) at 230 V 4 AAC-15 (inductive) at 230 V 3 ADC-12 (resistive) at 24 V 4 ADC-13 (inductive) at 24 V 2 AAC Rating (UL 508)utilization category (Control Circuit Rating Code) B 300maximum rated operational voltage300 V ACmaximum continuous thermal current at B 300 5 Amaximum making/breaking apparent power at B 3003600/360 VAgeneral purpose rating250 V AC - 4 AMechanical lifetime30 x 106 switching cycles Electrical lifetime at AC-12, 230 V AC, 4 A0.1 x 106 switching cycles Maximum fuse rating to achieve short-circuit protection n/c contact10 A fast-actingn/o contact10 A fast-actingGeneral dataMTBF on requestDuty cycle100 %Dimensions see "Dimensional drawing"Weight, net Screw connectiontechnology Easy Connect Technology (push-in)CM-MSS.220.132 kg0.121 kgCM-MSS.230.174 kg0.163 kg Mounting DIN rail (IEC/EN 60715), snap-on mountingwithout any tool Mounting position anyMinimum distance to other units10 mm (0.34 in) if switching current > 2 A10 mm (0.39 in) if switching current > 2 AMaterial of housing UL 94 V-0Degree of protection housing IP50terminals IP20Electrical connection8 - Thermistor motor protection relays CM-MSS.22 and CM-MSS.23 | Data sheetEnvironmental dataAmbient temperature ranges operation-25...+60 °C (-13...+140 °F)storage-40...+85 °C (-40...+185 °F)Damp heat, cyclic (IEC/EN 60068-2-30) 6 x 24 h cycle, 55 °C, 95 % RH Climatic class (IEC/EN 60721-3-3)3K5 (no condensation, no ice formation) Vibration, sinusoidal5-13.2 Hz: w1 mm; 13.2-100 Hz: 0.7 g Shock10 g / 11 msIsolation dataCM-MSS.22CM-MSS.23 Rated insulation voltage U i Supply circuit / Measuring circuit1)n/a300 V ACSupply circuit / Output circuits300 V ACMeasuring circuit1) / Output circuits300 V ACOutput circuit 1 / Output circuit 2300 V ACRated impulse withstand voltage U imp Supply circuit / Measuring circuit1)n/a 4 kVSupply circuit / Output circuits 4 kVMeasuring circuit1) / Output circuits 4 kVOutput circuit 1 / Output circuit 2 4 kVBasic insulation Supply circuit / Measuring circuit1)n/a600 V ACSupply circuit / Output circuits600 V ACMeasuring circuit1) / Output circuits600 V ACOutput circuit 1 / Output circuit 2300 V ACProtective separation (IEC/EN 61140, EN 50178)Supply circuit / Measuring circuit1)no yes, up to 300 V Supply circuit / Output circuits yesMeasuring circuit1) / Output circuits yesOutput circuit 1 / Output circuit 2noPollution degree3Overvoltage category III1) Potential of measuring circuit = potential of control circuitStandards / DirectivesStandards IEC/EN 60947-5-1, IEC/EN 60947-8Low Voltage Directive2014/35/EUEMC Directive2014/30/EURoHS Directive2011/65/EUData sheet| Thermistor motor protection relays CM-MSS.22 and CM-MSS.23 - 9Electromagnetic compatibilityInterference immunity to IEC/EN 61000-6-2, IEC/EN 60947-8 electrostatic discharge IEC/EN 61000-4-2Level 3, 6 kV contact discharge, 8 kV airdischargeradiated, radio-frequency, electromagnetic field IEC/EN 61000-4-3Level 3, 10 V/m (1 GHz), 3 V/m (2 GHz), 1 V/m(2.7 GHz)electrical fast transient / burst IEC/EN 61000-4-4Level 3, 2 kV / 5 kHzsurge IEC/EN 61000-4-5Level 3, Installation class 3, supply circuit andmeasuring circuit 1 kV L-L, 2 kV L-NIEC/EN 61000-4-6Level 3, 0.15-80 MHz, 10 V, 80 % AM (1kHz) conducted disturbances, induced by radio-frequencyfieldsvoltage dips, short interruptions and voltage variations IEC/EN 61000-4-11Class 3harmonics and interharmonics IEC/EN 61000-4-13Class 3Additional interference immunity according to product standard EN 60255-1(reference on EN 60255-26)radiated, radio-frequency, electromagnetic field IEC/EN 61000-4-310 V/m (80 MHz - 3 GHz)IEC/EN 61000-4-610 V at stated frequencies conducted disturbances, induced by radio-frequencyfieldsdamped oscillatory waves IEC/EN 61000-4-18Signal lines, symmetric coupling:1 kV peak voltagePower supply, asymmetric coupling:2.5 kV peak voltage,Interference emissions IEC/EN 61000-6-3high-frequency radiated IEC/CISPR 22, EN 55022Class Bhigh-frequency conducted IEC/CISPR 22, EN 55022Class Bhigh-frequency radiated Germanischer Lloyd increased requirements in the emergency callfrequency band10 - Thermistor motor protection relays CM-MSS.22 and CM-MSS.23 | Data sheetData sheet | Thermistor motor protection relays CM-MSS.22 and CM-MSS.23 - 11Technical diagrams Load limit curvesAC load (resistive)Reduction factor F for inductive AC loadDC load (resistive)Contact life time / number of operations N 220 V 50 Hz 1 AC, 360 operations/hDimensionsin mm and inchesAccessoriesin mm and incheswithout DIP switchesFurther documentationDocument title Document type Document number Electronic relays and controls Catalog2CDC 110 004 C02xx Operating and installation instructions CM-MSS.12,Instruction manual1SVC 730 630 M0000 CM-MSS.13, CM-MSS.22, CM-MSS.23You can find the documentation on the internet at /lowvoltage-> Automation, control and protection -> Electronic relays and controls -> Measuring and monitoring relaysCAD system filesYou can find the CAD files for CAD systems at -> Low Voltage Products & Systems -> Control Products -> Electronic Relays and Controls12 - Thermistor motor protection relays CM-MSS.22 and CM-MSS.23 | Data sheetABB STOTZ-KONTAKT GmbHP. O. Box 10 16 8069006 Heidelberg, Germany Phone: +49 (0) 6221 7 01-0Fax: +49 (0) 6221 7 01-13 25E-mail:*****************.comYou can find the address of your local sales organisation on theABB home page/contacts-> Low Voltage Products and Systems Contact usNote:We reserve the right to make technical changes or modify the contents of this document without prior notice. With regard to purchase orders, the agreed particulars shall prevail. ABB AG does not accept any responsibility whatsoever for potential errors or possible lack of information in this document.We reserve all rights in this document and in the subject matter and illustrations contained therein. Any reproduction, disclosure to third parties or utilization of its contents – in wholeor in parts – is forbidden without prior written consent of ABB AG.Copyright© 2018 ABBAll rights reserved D o c u m e n t n u m b e r 2 C D C 1 1 2 2 2 0 D 0 2 0 1 R e v . F ( 0 1 / 2 0 1 8 )1SVR730700R2200。



传输线:物理温度通常也是 Tp ,信号损耗
Pin 因子L Pout
接收机: 现实接收机=无噪声接收机+等效热噪声源
bo.qian@, Dept. of Atmos. Sounding, Nanjing Univ. of Info. Sci.& Tech. (NUIST)
Dicke开关交替地接通1、2两端, 在已知参考负载温度TR的情况下, (2)解决接收机内部噪声Tr和增益不稳定性 的影响。 VOA=kGs (TA+Tr) 利用两个输出VOA和VOB来 VOB=kGs (TR+Tr) (1)解决增益不稳定性的影响。 假设在一个开关周期内稳定,则 两信号之差 VOA=kGsTA, VOB=kGsTR, 与增益是否稳定有关! D= k(TA-TR) 假设在一个开关周期内稳定,则 与噪声 Tr无关,可以从中获得被测TA。若能 调整TR的值,使得两信号之差D=0,则得 TA = TR* VOA /VOB, TA =TR ,则与增益是否稳定无关! 则与增益是否稳定无关! 称此为平衡式Dicke辐射计。
bo.qian@, Dept. of Atmos. Sounding, Nanjing Univ. of Info. Sci.& Tech. (NUIST)
• 天线方向性函数
1 F ( , ) 0 , 当在很小的主瓣立体角 M内
不在 M内
主瓣内,TB ( , ) 与方向无关,可用 TB ( 0 ,0 ) 表示。
Ar r R

bo.qian@, Dept. of Atmos. Sounding, Nanjing Univ. of Info. Sci.& Tech. (NUIST)


{范例11.9} 长直圆柱体和介质中的磁感应 强度和磁场强度
一根无限长的直圆柱形铜导体,外包一层相对磁导率为μr的圆 筒形磁介质,磁介质外面是真空。导体半径为R0,磁介质外半 径为R1,导体内有电流I通过,电流均匀分布在截面上。求: 磁介质内、外的磁场强度H和磁感应强度B的分布规律以及磁 能密度w的分布规律。
在介质之中和介质之外同样做一半径 为r的环路L2和L3,周长都为l = 2πr, 包围的电流为I,可得磁场强度为
H I I l 2πr
(r > R0)
导体内外磁场强度与距离成反比。Leabharlann L3R1L2
O R0 I
H r P ds
{范例11.9} 长直圆柱体和介质中的磁感应 强度和磁场强度
H I l
磁比介减质小和,真 但空比中例按系距数离不反同。同理,在r = R1处B - r线也发生跃 变。
磁能密度wm在导体内是按距离的 平方规律增加的,在导体外的磁 介质和真空中则按距离平方反比 减小,只是比例系数不同。
在r = R0处,磁能密度wm- r线发生跃 变, 在介质的内表面,磁能密度最大;
在r = R1处wm- r线也发生跃 变。
在r = R0处,磁场强度H的左 的,在导体外按距离反比减小。
极限和右极限都是H = I/2πR0, 所以H - r线在导体与磁介质 的分界面上是连续的。
在r = R1处,也就是在磁介质与外界 的分界面上,H - r线是光滑连续的。
在r = R0处,磁感应强度B的左极限 为BL = μ0I/2πR1,右极限为BR = μrμ0I/2πR1,由于μr > 1,所以BL < BR,因此B - r线在该处发生跃变。
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.09 typ. for #4 screw
.10 typ.
.26 typ. 4 plc's
.26 typ. 4 plc's .31 typ. 4 plc's
PART NO. 1-2-R WM01 6018 6102
WM012-R (user print)
1.60 1.50 .30 .02
.12 6 plc's .25 4 plc's
5° typ. .14 6 plc's for #4 screws
WM012-R (exploded isometric)
1.60 Height
4.61 2.32 3.60
PN 6102 (4) Threaded inserts
.14 typ. 6 plc's
PN 6018 (4) Stainless steel screws
.30 2.27
Water proofing gasket PS-11 optional. see note #2
Notes: 1) Enclosure meets or exceeds IP40 and NEMA 1 2) When used with PS-11 the enclosure meets or exceeds IP 67 and NEMA 4X, 12 and 13 MIL-STD-810G 506.5 3) Circuit Board drawings can be download at: ALL DIMENSIONS ARE ± .010" 5/7/09 (1 of 2) /Accessories/CircuitBoard/drawings/310-410.pdf 619 Commercial Ave. Covina, CA 91723 4) All components are RoHS Compliant. Ph. (626) 331-0517 Fx. (626) 331-8584
ACCSESSORIES (Optional) PART NO. 50 PS-11 310 410 DESCRIPTION Non-skid Feet Perimeter Seal Prototype grid board (Horiz) Prototype clad board (Horiz)
Notes: 1) Enclosure meets or exceeds IP40 and NEMA 1 SECTION A-A .23 typ. .32 tp. 2) When used with PS-11 the enclosure meets or exceeds SCALE 1 : 1.5 4 plc's 4 plc's IP 67 and NEMA 4X, 12 and 13 MIL-STD-810G 506.5 3) Circuit Board drawings can be download at: ALL DIMENSIONS ARE ± .010" 5/7/09 (2 of 2) /Accessories/CircuitBoard/drawings/310-410.pdf 619 Commercial Ave. Covina, CA 91723 4) All components are RoHS Compliant. Ph. (626) 331-0517 Fx. (626) 331-8584
PART NO. 1-2-R WM01 6018 6102
ACCSESSORIES (Optional) PART NO. 50 PS-11 310 410 DESCRIPTION Non-skid Feet Perimeter Seal Prototype grid board Prototype clad board