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• 齐眉棍很轻,十个人的食指如果都要托着它,还要放下来 ,的确比较有难度。试想一下在目前竞争日益激烈的市场 上,企业的销售目标、财务目标、生产目标哪一个不是很 有难度呢?
In the fierce competition, is it difficult to achieve such objectives as sales target, financial target, production target and so on?
• 团队领导需要勇于承担责任,强领导力的团队才能有高 的工作效率。企业中有的部门或者班组由于领导者能力 和素质较低,导致整个团队的运作效率低下。 • The team leader shall take the initiative to shoulder responsibilities. Only the team with good leading force can produce high working efficiency.
• 鼓励远比批评更能使员工更加努力改善自己的 工作,鼓励使团队成员彼此开始信任,团队精 神更加和谐。
• The encouragement can make people improve their work and create trustworthy and harmonious spirit.
• 当企业出了问题,销售状况不好、生产压力太大 、人员流动频繁、考核流于形式,你是否感觉都 是别人的错?你自己有错吗?
• Do you think that they are other people’s faults when there are the problems with the company? Have you also made mistakes?
• 有人说:“问题的关键是我们都不要看别人怎么样,要 注意自己的手指,不要总去指责别人!” • 有人赞同,也有人怀疑,这时有人出来说:“好吧,大 家试验一下,大家都先不要急着往下放,而是先轻轻托 着这个杆子,找准每个人的感觉,看着自己的手指,只 要我们能托着它,就一定能把它放下。” • 大家异口同声:“行!快点开始吧。”
• 但是这根难以驯服的齐眉棍并没有下来,虽然所有的 人都全神贯注,但是总是一头高,一头低,这边的人 已经放下了,而另一边的人还在原地,齐眉棍倾斜的 厉害。于是有的人食指离开了齐眉棍。
• However, this ‘untamed’ stick does not come down even though everybody concentrates on the stick. The stick is slanting and someone’s forefinger has left the stick.
You will see excitement, anticipation and optimism. Team members will exhibit pride in being selected. Attachment to the team will be tentative at first. There may be fear or apprehension about the job ahead. Team members are polite, but little is achieved. 组建期
• 有人很聪明,问培训师:“可以减少几个人做吗,这样很 容易?”培训师回答:“不行,请看清规则——是所有人 都必须参加!”
Some ‘clever’ people ask whether the number of participants can be reduced or not. It is replied that the rule requires full participation of the whole team.
There is a short time of chaos in the discussions. The team leader stands up and says that ‘watchword’ shall be used. ‘Please put down the stick slowly when I shout 1,2,3.’ Everybody feels encouraged.
• 争论不休,怨气四起,场面有些失控。这时队长 站出来,大声说:“安静!安静!我认为这个游 戏是一定能够完成的,但是我们必须想办法,时 间还剩下不多了。” • 场面马上安静了不少,大家开始冷静下来。
There are arguments and complaints. The team leader stands up and says that the success can be achieved. The solution must be worked out since less time is left.

You may see resistance to using approaches outside of their comfort level. There may be sharp changes in attitude about the team’s potential success. They may question the wisdom of the project designers. There may be defensiveness, competition, and arguing.
• 当工作遇到困难,谣言四起,人心惶惶,部门 领导是否及时站出来澄清真相,坚定信心? • Will the leader stand up to clarify the truth and secure confidence when there are difficulties and rumors?

这是团队的初始阶段,个人成为团队的成员,并开始探索 各自的工作范围。 如何识别这个阶段? 你将看到兴奋、期待和乐观的表现 入选后,团队成员会表现出自豪感 起初对团队的依附是试探性的 可能存在着对未来工作的害怕和忧虑 团队成员相敬如宾,但是Байду номын сангаас就很少
Storming This is probably the most difficult time for the team. They may be realizing that their responsibilities are more complex than first imagined.They may take a protective stance or lash out at others. How do you identify this stage?
This is the initial stage for the team where individuals obtain membership status and begin to explore their boundaries.
How do you identify this stage?
• 团队的运作方法同样重要,当市场打不开、成本居高不 下、生产供应不及时、回款不利,作为企业的管理者, 您是否认真思考解决的办法是否正确? • The operating method is also very important. When facing stagnant market, late product delivery and bad payment collection, the solution is right or not?
The team start the next round of exercise. The stick goes down slowly. Someone has violated the rule again. This time he or she has been encouraged.
• 企业提倡创新,但创新并不等于破坏市场规则,如果企 业想靠破坏规则来赢得竞争,迟早要自食恶果。安然、 世通和安达信的结局就是最好的证明。
The innovation does not mean that the rule can be destroyed.
• 所有的人都议论纷纷,好像都有方法,但谁都没有站出来, 一时间场面有些混乱。 • 队长主动站出来了,大声说:“大家保持安静,听我说,咱 们要保持一致,听我口令,我喊1、2、3,所有的人就开始 慢慢往下放,好吗?” • 大家精神一震,都说:“行!快点吧。”
• Do you focus on seeking solutions or problems? Have you found that many people are fight against each other for shifting responsibilities.
• 这时团队安静了许多,所有的人都全神贯注,大家在感觉 ,每个人都各司其职,关注自己的手指,有的人看着有些 紧张,但绝对看得出,大家都想成功的完成这项工作,而 且全身心投入。队长轻轻说:“好,大家注意听我口令, 1、2、3,下!” • 所有的人都开始轻轻往下放这根齐眉棍,这一次齐眉棍虽 然摇摆了几下,但毕竟开始慢慢下降。但还是有人犯规了 ,大家先是轻松的笑了笑,这次彼此并没有埋怨,‘领导 ’鼓励那个犯规的人:“没关系,我们这次已经比上次进 步多了,下次一定更好!”
Take a look at a team from Stick Exercise
• 所有的人都跃跃欲试,但很快发现如果所有人的食指都不能 离开齐眉棍,那这根“瘦弱”的齐眉棍很容易就被抬起来, 要把它放下来还真的非常困难。看似简单的游戏,却让我们 一时束手无策。 经历了几次尝试,均以失败告终。大家开始 热烈讨论。 Everybody tries to do the stick exercise. You have found that it is difficult to fulfill this seemingly easy game. You are at a loss what to do. A warm-hearted discussion starts very soon.
• 有的人开始怀疑,抱怨道:“这种游戏是不可能玩成的,齐 眉棍太轻了!” • 有的人开始指责别人:“都是××的错,我每次都发现他那 里下不去,你以后要注意点!”那位学员也毫不客气地回敬 了他几句,所有的人都把焦点集中在别人身上,好像都是别 人犯的错。 • 于是我们又尝试了一次,这次刚刚被指责的队友毫不客气地 把犯规的学员给找了出来,令大家诧异的是这次最先犯错的 竟然是刚才那位指责别人声音最大的仁兄。 • Someone starts to doubt and complain. Someone starts to blame the other who fights back in words. In the next trial, the member being blamed has found out the violator of the rule. It is surprised that the person blaming others has also made a mistake.
Someone suggests that the focus should be put on one’s own finger instead of blaming others.
• 企业很多问题之所以越解决越麻烦,主要原因就在于没有 把焦点集中在寻求解决方法上,而是比赛谁更能发现问题 或是为了推卸责任争论不休,请问您的部门是怎么做的?