
初二英语《What should I do》说课稿范文(精选2篇)初二英语《What should I do》范文篇1各位评委:我说课的内容是山东教育出版社出版的义务教育课程标准实验教科书《英语》初二下册第八单元Section A,课题是“What should I do ?”本节说课内容分四个步骤:一、说教材二、说教法三、说学生四、说教学过程。
一、说教材(一)教材分析教材的地位和作用:第8单元承接初二上册第9单元What’s the matter?中有关情态动词should 的用法,并作进一步的扩展和综合运用;本课是本单元的第一课时,集中呈现了本单元的基本词汇和语言结构,因此,本课教学有着承上启下的重要作用。

教案:八年级英语What Should I Do?第一章:教学目标1.1 知识目标能够理解并运用情态动词"should" 的基本用法。
1.2 技能目标能够听懂、说出生词和短语。
能够正确使用情态动词"should" 完成句子。
1.3 情感目标培养学生的合作意识和团队精神。
第二章:教学内容2.1 词汇situation:情况problem:问题advice:建议should:应该2.2 短语give advice:给出建议ask for help:寻求帮助solve problems:解决问题2.3 句型What should I do?:我应该怎么办?You should:你应该Can you give me some advice?:你能给我一些建议吗?第三章:教学步骤3.1 导入利用图片或情境引入主题,引导学生思考在不同情况下应该如何应对。
3.2 新课内容通过例句和练习,讲解情态动词"should" 的用法。
3.3 实践环节分组讨论,让学生根据给定的情境,用英语给出建议和解决方案。
要求学生使用情态动词"should" 和所学短语,给出建议和解决方案。
第五章:教学评价通过课堂参与、作业完成情况和小组讨论,评估学生对情态动词"should" 的理解和运用。
第六章:教学资源6.1 教材使用八年级英语教材,重点讲解情态动词"should" 的用法。
6.2 辅助工具使用多媒体教学,如PPT、视频等,增强学生的学习兴趣。

八年级下册英语《 What should I do?》教课设计八年级下册英语《whatshouldIdo?》教课设计Unit2whatshouldIdo?Teachinggoals(教课目的).words&phrases:keepout,loud,argue,what’swrong?football,either,except,themselves,include,etc.2. 神态动词 could/should的用法。
3.whydon ’ tyou ?构造表建议的运用。
教具: ataperecorder5,cards.第一课时课前准备:教师:录音机,所学物件的图片、教课挂图。
学生:英语点金教练及有关的学惯器具Teachingprocedures(教课步骤)(教课过程)Step1Leadingin(导入话题,激活背景知识).Greetingsandfreetalk.2.checktheHomework (家庭作业) .Step2Pre-task(任务前活动)T:IwanttobuyanewguitarbutIdon ’thaveenoughmoney.whatshouldIdo?Ssthinkitover,andtrytogivehis/heradvice.writetheiradviceontheBb..Borrowone.2.Buyasecond-handguitar.’ tbuyaguitar.5.waituntilnextyear.PracticereadingtheadvicebytheSs.导入 :Inthisunitwearegoingtotalkaboutproblemspeoplehav eandlearnhowtogivethesepeopleadvice–totellpeoplewhatwethinktheyshoulddo.Step3while-task(任务中活动)SBPage10,1a.theSs.3.AskSstowritetheproblemsinthe“ Serious” or “Notserious” columns.ereading.SBPage10,1b. makesuretheSsunderstandwhatshouldtheydo.Playthetapetime.checktheanswers.Step4Post-task(任务后活动)SBPage10,1c.Lookattheproblemsinactivity1aandmakeconversations.Step5while-task(任务中活动)SBPage11,2a..Readtheinstructions.makesuretheSsunderstandwha tshouldtheydo.2.Pointtothesentencesbelow.toPeter’ sfriend’ sadvice.“ could”or“ should”.5.correcttheanswers.SBPage11,2b.Readtheinstructions.PayattentiontoPeter’sanswers.Playthetapeagain.checktheanswers.Step7Post-task(任务后活动)makeconversationswithpeterandhisfriendwiththehelpof2a&2b.Step8GrammarFocusReviewthegrammarbox.Sssaythequestionsandtheresponses.Explainthedifferencesbetweencould/should.Homework(家庭作业) :.Gooverthewords.2.myclothesareoutofstyle,whatshouldIdo?Pleasegivetheadvice.教课后记 :第二课时课前准备:教师:录音机,所学物件的图片。
初中英语八级下册Unit2 What should I do说课稿【推荐下载】

书山有路勤为径;学海无涯苦作舟初中英语八级下册Unit2 What should I do 说课稿初中英语八年级下册Unit2 What should I do说课稿英语八年级下Unit2WhatshouldIdo?单元总结课的教案资料(一)本单元语言目标:1. 谈论在学校和家庭中遇到的种种麻烦和问题。

教案:八年级英语What Should I Do?一、教学目标:1. 知识目标:学生能够理解并运用情态动词should 的基本用法。
学生能够掌握并运用常用短语:What should I do? How should I get there? 等。
2. 能力目标:学生能够通过情境交际,运用情态动词should 提出建议和询问建议。
3. 情感目标:学生能够培养合作意识,学会相互倾听、理解和尊重他人的意见。
二、教学重难点:1. 教学重点:情态动词should 的基本用法。
2. 教学难点:情态动词should 在不同情境下的运用。
三、教学方法:1. 情境教学法:通过设定各种生活情境,让学生在实际语境中学习并运用情态动词should 和一般现在时的被动语态。
2. 交际法:鼓励学生进行小组讨论和角色扮演,提高学生的口语交际能力。
3. 任务型教学法:设计各种任务,让学生在完成任务的过程中,巩固所学知识。
四、教学过程:1. 导入:教师通过提问方式引导学生回顾情态动词can 的用法,为新课的学习做好铺垫。
2. 新课呈现:教师展示各种生活情境图片,引导学生用情态动词should 提出建议,如"What should I do?" "How should I get there?" 等。
3. 语法讲解:教师讲解一般现在时的被动语态的构成和用法,并通过示例进行讲解。
4. 练习:学生进行小组讨论,用情态动词should 和一般现在时的被动语态完成各种情境交际。
5. 课堂活动:学生进行角色扮演,运用所学知识进行实际操作。
五、课后作业:1. 抄写情态动词should 的不同形式。
2. 用一般现在时的被动语态描述日常生活用品的使用。
3. 结合所学知识,与同学合作完成一个生活情境的角色扮演。

八年级英语What Should I Do 教案一、教学目标1. 知识目标:(1)能够理解并运用情态动词"should" 的基本用法。
(2)能够根据情景选择恰当的建议,并用情态动词"should" 表达。
(3)能够听懂并会说日常交际用语,如"What should I do?" 和"I think you should"。
2. 能力目标:(1)能够运用情态动词"should" 提出建议和征求建议。
3. 情感目标:培养学生的合作意识和团队精神,使他们更加关心他人,乐于助人。
二、教学重难点1. 重点:情态动词"should" 的基本用法和交际用语。
2. 难点:如何根据情景选择恰当的建议,并用情态动词"should" 表达。
四、教学过程1. 导入:通过图片展示不同的情境,引导学生思考并提出问题"What should I do?"。
2. 新课内容:讲解情态动词"should" 的基本用法,如提出建议、征求建议等。
3. 实例展示:展示日常生活场景,让学生听懂并学会使用"What should I do?" 和"I think you should" 进行交流。
4. 小组讨论:学生分组讨论,根据给定的情境选择恰当的建议,并用情态动词"should" 表达。
5. 角色扮演:学生分组进行角色扮演,模拟实际场景,运用情态动词"should" 进行对话交流。

Unit 2 What should I doSection A 1a-1cHu HongxiaGood morning, everyone! Today I’ll say a sample of Section A 1a-1c Unit2 in Book 8B Go for it. I’ll prepare to talk about the lesson from for parts.•Part 1Analysis of the teaching material(1)Status and function of the materialThis unit relates to the usage of the modal verb "should" in Unit2 What's the matter in Book 8A, and develops the usage of the word. This lesson is the first period of this unit, it shows the basic vocabulary and language structure. So it is very important for linking the preceding and the following. It helps the students learn the common usage of the words "should" and "could", use them to give advice on the problems they have in life and study; accept or refuse others' suggestions. It improves the students' sense and ability of solving problems actively, and develop their ability of communication. It can teach the students how to ask for help during the communication, not only insisting on their own ideas, but also accepting others'.•(2)Teaching aims and demandsLanguage goals:learn to use the modal verbs "should" and "could", and other new words and phrases; learn to talk about their own problems, help people in trouble and give them advice; practice the sentences with “should” and “could”.Ability goals:be able to talk about their own problems and troubles; find out the right solutions to the other students' problems and give them advice; find out the solutions to their own problems according to others' suggestions.Emotion goals:learn to think of themselves, and care for others through discussing problems together; develop the spirit of cooperation and the optimistic attitude of the students'.•(3)The important and difficult pointsThe important point: Learn to use the modal verbs "should" and "could"The difficult point: Be able to talk about the problems and the difficulties, give or choose advice by using the language they learned freely.•(4)How to deal with the teaching materialWhile dealing with the material, we pay all attention to how to talk about problems and give advice all the time. We obey the principles of arousing the students' interests, encouraging the students to take part in, learning by themselves and learning in order to communicate•Part 2 Analysis of the teaching methods1. Use the Situational Teaching Approach to give the students a real situation of language learning, arouse the students' enthusiasm to take part in the groupwork and try to learn something by using.2. Use the Task-based language teaching to give the students tasks in order to develop the skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing and the ability of using the language.3. According to the learning regularity, we adopt the "step by step" way to teach from the easy to the difficult.4. Use the body language and multimedia to make the lesson intuitive and interesting.•Part 3 Analysis of the studentsAfter learning Go for it for half a year, the students now can use what they have learnt to express their ideas in a correct way. They are wise, active and brave enough to express themselves. When we guide the students, encourage them to get over shyness and nervousness, open mouths to speak and take an active part in the activities. Tell them we learn the language in order to use, guide them to use while learning, and use after they learn it.•Part 4 Teaching processRevisionS:What’s the matter with youT: I have a bad cold, and I have a terrible sore throat.What should I do•AdviceYou should drink lots of water.You should see a doctor.You should take some medicine.You should lie down and rest.You should drink hot tea with honey.You shouldn’t eat anything hard.You should see a dentist.•argue•argue with sb.What’s the matter with them•What should the man doThe man sh ouldn’t argue with the woman, because we always say that wise man won’t argue with women. He should say sorry to her. The woman should say sorry to the man if she is wrong. He should buy her a gift to make her happy.GroupworkChoose one to talk about: What should I doMy parents want me to stay at home every nightMy clothes are out of style.My brother plays his CDs too loud.I don’t have enough money.I argued with my best friend.Discussion serious or not:•listeningLet the students listen to the tape and finish the exercise in 1b. In this part we train the students’ listening skills and check if they have mastered what they have learnt well at the same time.•PracticeLet the students work in the same group to make up a conversation or a short play to show the class what problems they have in the real life.When one group acts, let the other students listen and watch carefully first, then give reasonable advice.•SummaryWith the help of the teacher, students recall what they have learned just now. Talk about what they have gained in patterns, abilities and emotion.•HomeworkMake a survey about problems your relatives or friends have in life. Then write a report on them and give advice using what you learned.•ReflectionSome students may have difficulties talking about some of their problems in life. Some may not know how to give others’ proper advice. If necessary, the teacher can give them some help.•Writing on the blackboardUnit2 What should I doSection A 1a-1cYou should drink lots of water.You should see a doctor. What’s wrong / What’s the matterYou should take some medicine. What should I / he / she doYou could lie down and rest. You / He / She should / could …You should drink hot tea with honey. keep out play CDs loudYou shouldn’t eat anything hard. argue with out of styleYou could see a dentist.Thanks for your attention!。
Unit 2 What should I do 英文说课稿

U n i t2W h a ts h o u l d I d o英文说课稿work Information Technology Company.2020YEARUnit 2 What should I do?Section A 1a-1cHu HongxiaGood morning, everyone! Today I’ll say a sample of Section A 1a-1c Unit2 in Book 8B Go for it. I’ll prepare to talk about the lesson from for parts.•Part 1Analysis of the teaching material(1)Status and function of the materialThis unit relates to the usage of the modal verb "should" in Unit2 What's the matterin Book 8A, and develops the usage of the word. This lesson is the first period of this unit, it shows the basic vocabulary and language structure. So it is very important for linking the preceding and the following. It helps the students learn the common usage of the words "should" and "could", use them to give advice on the problems they have in life and study; accept or refuse others' suggestions. It improves the students' sense and ability of solving problems actively, and develop their ability of communication. It can teach the students how to ask for help during the communication, not only insisting on their own ideas, but also accepting others'.•(2)Teaching aims and demandsLanguage goals:learn to use the modal verbs "should" and "could", and other new words and phrases; learn to talk about their own problems, help people in trouble and give them advice; practice the sentences with “should” and “could”.Ability goals: be able to talk about their own problems and troubles; find out the right solutions to the other students' problems and give them advice; find out the solutions to their own problems according to others' suggestions.Emotion goals:learn to think of themselves, and care for others through discussing problems together; develop the spirit of cooperation and the optimistic attitude of the students'.•(3)The important and difficult pointsThe important point: Learn to use the modal verbs "should" and "could"The difficult point: Be able to talk about the problems and the difficulties, give or choose advice by using the language they learned freely.•(4)How to deal with the teaching materialWhile dealing with the material, we pay all attention to how to talk about problems and give advice all the time. We obey the principles of arousing the students' interests, encouraging the students to take part in, learning by themselves and learning in order to communicate•Part 2 Analysis of the teaching methods1. Use the Situational Teaching Approach to give the students a real situation of language learning, arouse the students' enthusiasm to take part in the groupwork and try to learn something by using.2. Use the Task-based language teaching to give the students tasks in order to develop the skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing and the ability of using the language.3. According to the learning regularity, we adopt the "step by step" way to teach from the easy to the difficult.4. Use the body language and multimedia to make the lesson intuitive and interesting.•Part 3 Analysis of the studentsAfter learning Go for it for half a year, the students now can use what they have learnt to express their ideas in a correct way. They are wise, active and brave enough to express themselves. When we guide the students, encourage them to get over shyness and nervousness, open mouths to speak and take an active part in the activities. Tell them we learn the language in order to use, guide them to use while learning, and use after they learn it.•Part 4 Teaching processRevision2S:What’s the matter with you?T: I have a bad cold, and I have a terrible sore throat.What should I do?•AdviceYou should drink lots of water.You should see a doctor.You should take some medicine.You should lie down and rest.You should drink hot tea with honey.You shouldn’t eat anything hard.You should see a dentist.•argue•argue with sb.What’s the matter with them•What should the man doThe man shouldn’t argue with the woman, because we always say that wise man won’t argue with women. He should say sorry to her. The woman should say sorry to the man if she is wrong. He should buy her a gift to make her happy.GroupworkChoose one to talk about: What should I do?My parents want me to stay at home every nightMy clothes are out of style.My brother plays his CDs too loud.I don’t have enough money.I argued with my best friend.Discussion serious or not:•listeningLet the students listen to the tape and finish the exercise in 1b. In this part we train the students’ listening skills and check if they have mastered what they have learnt well at the same time.•PracticeLet the students work in the same group to make up a conversation or a short play to show the class what problems they have in the real life.When one group acts, let the other students listen and watch carefully first, then give reasonable advice.•SummaryWith the help of the teacher, students recall what they have learned just now. Talk about what they have gained in patterns, abilities and emotion.•HomeworkMake a survey about problems your relatives or friends have in life. Then write a report on them and give advice using what you learned.•ReflectionSome students may have difficulties talking about some of their problems in life. Some may not know how to give others’ proper advice. If necessary, the teacher can give them some help.•Writing on the blackboardUnit2 What should I do?Section A 1a-1cYou should drink lots of water.You should see a doctor. What’s wrong / What’s the matter3You should take some medicine. What should I / he / she doYou could lie down and rest. You / He / She should / could … You should drink hot tea with honey. keep out play CDs loudYou shouldn’t eat anything hard. argue with out of styleYou could see a dentist.Thanks for your attention!4。
牛津9A Unit 3 What should I do说课稿

牛津9A Unit 3 What should I do说课稿A Brief Instruction to the topic of"What should I do "Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Today I'm going to talk about the topic" What should I do "I will divide the instruction into seven parts: they are Teaching material Analysis, Teaching aims, Teaching emphasis, Teaching difficulties, Teaching methods, Teaching aids and Teaching procedures.Part 1 Teaching material analysisThis period is from Unit 3 of 9A Oxford English. First of all,I'd like to talk about my understanding about this lesson.We have learned Star sings in Unit 1 and Colours and moods in Unit 2.We have also learned how to write a formal recommendation letter and how to write a report on the moods of people in last two units.Today we are going to learn two letters to a famous youth worker about Millie's and Simon's problems.So this unit links with a special meaning of Unit 1 and Unit 2.This period is the first lesson of Reading.The main idea of the topic is how to express their problems and ask for advice.We are going to learn the ways to deal with problems and stress in following lessons.So this period isvery important in this unit.Part 2 Teaching aims1.Aims of the knowledge:(1)To know the spelling of some words and usage of some phrases.(2)To learn something about Millie's and Simon's problems.(3)To grasp the main idea of Reading and use the information to talk to others about one's problems and how to deal with them.2.Aims of the ablilities:(1)To improve the ability of getting information by reading.(2)To improve the ability of retelling the story.3.Aims of the emotion:(1)To understand how to write about problems and to express feelings.(2)To ask for advice to solve the problems.Part 3 Teaching emphasis1.To master the 'to'-infinitives and 'wh-'words+'to'-infinitives.2.To get the ability of general reading and gettinginformation.Part 4 Teaching difficulties1.To recognize and understand vocabulary about problems.2.To ask for advicePart 5 Teaching methodsIn this topic,I will use five-step Teaching Method and Task-based language Teaching.I design some tasks to help the students learn.I think if I want to improve the students' oral English,I should give them enough chances to practice and I will use pair work,group work to let the students take an active part in all kinds of activities.That is "Learning by doing,learning by using".Let the students be the masters of the class teaching,thus,student-centered teaching method is well shown.Part 6 Teaching aidsProjector,slide show,tape recorder and blackboardPart 7 Teaching procedureStep Ⅰ.Lead-inThe purpose is to arouse the students'interest of study.Let's have a free talk.T:Have you got problemsS:Yes.T:What is itS:Eating too much makes me unhealthy.T:What about youS:……Step Ⅱ.PresentationThe purpose is to develop the skills of skimming and how to gain the main idea of the articles.1.Ask students to read two letters and answer the following questions:①What is Millie's favourite hobby (Painting)②What is Millie's problem (She doesn't have enough time for hobbies and home work.)③When does Simon play football (After school until late)④How do his parents feel about it(They don't like this and ask him to go home before 6 p.m.)2.Ask students if there are words that they do not know.Explain some new words briefly.deal;choice;complete;refuse;accept;spare;doubt;whether;Step Ⅲ.PracticeThe purpose is to develop the skills of scanning and how to gain the details from the articles.1.Listen to the tape and answer some question about "True"or"False".2.Ask students to read the articles again and explain some important phrases.How to solve the problems;hand in;on time;at the moment;can't find any time for my hobbies;feel bad;give up;achieve a balance between the two;hear form;make unhappyStep Ⅳ.RetellingThe purpose is to develop the skills of retelling with the key words1.Ask students to make sentences with phrases that we have learned.2.Try to retell the outline of the articles.3.Encourage students to say something about themselves.Step Ⅴ.Summary and homeworkThe purpose is to give the students a clear idea of how to express their problems and revise the articles.1.Ask students to revise the words and phrases2.Ask students to write a letter about himself after class.During my teaching,I'll try my best to get my class alive and encourage the students to talk with each other in English.I think the general aim of English teaching is to improve the ability of using English.And I'll use this to guide my teaching.Thank you!。

Teaching Plan For Lesson1,Unit 2 What should I do?I. Teaching Objectives1. Language Objectives.1(1) important words and phrases:argue ;argue with;keep out ;loud ;style;out of style; surprise;(2) Important sentence patternsWhat's wrong?What’s the matter?What should he /she do?Maybe you/he/she should/could……;Why don’t you /why not ….2. Ability Objectives(1)To help students learn how to ask people’s problems and give advice;(2) To train students' listening, speaking and reading skills.(3) To make students pay more attention to our daily life and care for peopleII. Important Points1. To help students to learn how to ask people’s problems and give advice2. To help students to learn how to use Modals could, shouldIII. Difficult Points1. How to ask people’s problems2. Hou to give people advice3. Use modals could, shouldIV. Teaching Methods1. Listening, reading, speaking, group work;2. Teaching Aids: computer, blackboard, multimedia..V. Teaching Procedures (15 mins)Step I revision and Lead-in 5mins)T: hello, boys and girls. Nice to be with you again;T:who’s on duty today?Is everyone here today?S: hello,teacher...T: summer is coming, do you like the seasonWhy?…….Yeah, maybe some would sayBecause it is sunnyBecause they can wear their beautiful dressAnd some boys would say they like swimmingThat’s right!However, some students said they feel unhappy. These daysWhy?Because they think their clothes are out of styleEn, do you know the phrase out of styleWhat’s meaning?Teacher writes the out of style and in style on board and presents the pictureS:T: Yes, it means not in fashion也就是说过时的,不时髦的T: now, please read the phrases out of style after me( Read two times)While the phrase, in style, means in fashion,即时髦的,流行的For example, these clothes are out of style, while these dresses are in style, do you think so? Teacher Presents the PPTWhat else?A boy said his neighbor plays his CDs too loud, he can’t go to sleepTeacher writes the phrase play CDs, “loud”, and presents the pictureT: The second, their neighbor plays his CDs too loud, they can’t go to sleepDid you meet these problems like that?When you meet these problems, you should hoe to solve them? What should you do?S...Teacher writes sentences pattern: what should I do?” on board(揭示本课主题)T: what should I do? This is our topic languagesOk, let’s come to unit 2 what should I do?And, this unit we will discuss some people’s problems and learn how to give them advice T: now, let us open the book and turn to page 10, this lesson we will be conducted in this way, we’ll do five things;The first part, we’ll learn activity 1a and 2aThe second part, we are going to role play a conversationThe third, we are going to discuss some people’s problemThe forth, you should do a summery about this lesson,be careful, it is you that should make s summery about what we have learnedAt last, I am going to give your some homeworkPart 1.now! Let’s come to part one, section ALook at the pictures in activity 1aThe girl looks unhappy, why?And can you guess what’s wrong with themWhat should she do for one minute?One minute laterT: Ok, time’s up,Next let us listen the tapes you will hear the girl’s problems, I’ll play the tapes two times, the first time you should only listen, know the main idea ; the second time you should circle the problems you have heardAre you clear?S: yesT: ok, let’s listen the tapesTeacher play tapes two timesT: you’ve done it, right?Check the answerT: who can show your answer? (刘亮,please)Student A shows his answerT: is he right?S: yesT: great, he is right; sit down please;Now! Look at the activity 2a, Listen Peter’s problems and Peter's friend is giving him advice. Answer the following questions:• 1 what’s wrong with peter?• 2 What His friend’s advice is?Are you clear?Now, let’s listen!Teacher plays the tapesT: have you finished it?Ok, let us check the answerTeacher check the answerWho want have a tryStudent * give his answerIs he/she right?Good job, sit down pleasePart twoT: the next, let’s come to part twoWe’ll role play the conversation between Peter and Peter’s friendT: Now, who want to act as Peter and who want be act as Peter’s friendCome here, to show your performanceStudents playYou are excellentPart threeNow, look here these people are in trouble, what should they do? Here you should give your adviceFor example, picture1Teacher presents picture 1Teacher presents these pictures one by one and students answer themNow, have you learned how to give people advice?Very good!Part fourOk, the next, do a summeryWho can do a summery about what we’ve learned this lessonSuch as, we have learned the words and phrases: argue, keep out; play CDs, style, out of style, etcAnd the Sentences patterns:Q: what should I /he /she /they do?A: maybe you should/could do …Why not …Part fiveHomework (2minutes)T: Now,Homework1. recite the word and sentences patterns⏹ 2. Here are some pictures of pool children.⏹First,Look at the pictures⏹Second,describe this picture and make up a story: what’s wrong with them? And what shouldthey do?Please turn in it, next lesson。

学生:英语点金教练及相关的学习用具TeachingproceduresStep1LeadinginGreetingsandfreetal.chectheHoeor.Step2Pre-tasT:IanttobuyaneguitarbutIdon’thaveenoughoney.hatshouldIdo?Ssthinitover,andtrytogivehis/heradvice.ritetheiradviceontheBb.Borroone.2.Buyasecond-handguitar.Getapart-tiejob.4.Don’tbuyaguitar.aituntilnextyear.PracticereadingtheadvicebytheSs.导入:Inthisunitearegoingtotalaboutproblespeoplehavean dlearnhotogivethesepeopleadvice–totellpeoplehatethintheyshoulddo.Step3hile-tasSBPage10,1a.ReadtheinstructionstotheSs.2.ReadtheproblesbytheSs.AsSstoritetheproblesinthe“Serious”or “Notserious”coluns.Explain.5.Talabouttheansersiththeclass.Practiceread ing.SBPage10,1b.aesuretheSsunderstandhatshouldtheydo.Playthetapetic e.Sscircletheproblestheyhear.Playthetapeathirdtie.c hectheansers.Step4Post-tasSBPage10,1c.Looattheproblesinactivity1aandaeconversations.Step5hile-tasSBPage11,2a.Readtheinstructions.aesuretheSsunderstandhatshouldt heydo.Pointtothesentencesbelo.Playthetapethefirsttie.Ssonlylisten.PayattentiontoP eter’sfriend’sadvice.Playthetapeagain.Sscircle“could”or“should”.correcttheansers.SBPage11,2b.Readtheinstructions.PayattentiontoPeter’sansers.Playthetapeagain.chectheansers.Step7Post-tasaeconversationsithpeterandhisfriendiththehelpof2a&2 b.Step8GraarFocusReviethegraarbox.Sssaythequestionsandtheresponses.E xplainthedifferencesbeteencould/should.Hoeor:Goovertheords.yclothesareoutofstyle,hatshouldIdo?Pleasegivetheadv ice.教学后记:第二课时课前准备:教师:录音机,所学物品的图片。
What should Ido 说课稿

What should Ido 说课稿Good morning, teachers. I am Cai Xiu Qin. I come from Mian Yang Normal University.Today I will give you a talk about how to teach the lesson of “What should I do “.It is from the book 2 of Grade 2.I divide my talk into 7 big parts: Teaching material analyzing, Teaching aims, Teaching key point and teaching difficult points, Teaching methods and learning methods ,Teaching procedures ,Blackboard design, Summary. Now I will start my talk .一:Teaching material analyzingStatus and function : This lesson is focused on the topic of the problems and advice . Since the main types are dialogue and talking .It is helpful to improve the students’communicative ability and spoken English二:Teaching aims1.konwledge objects: to help students to master the key vocabularies and target languages .It is convenient for them to use in future.2.ability objects: to develop the ability of thinking independently , to improve the listening skill , speaking skill and communicating skill , and the cooperative skill . These abilities help them study language more easily .3. emotion objects : to enable the students to find the problems easily and also learn to give others advice in the daily life .三:Teaching key points and teaching difficult points1.teaching key points: As we all know ,the words and phrases are the basic part oflanguage , and the sentence form is important to the language too. So they should be the key points lf teaching in this lesson.2.Teaching difficult points: Speaking is one of the goals of english teaching , and languagelearning is for communicating . So in this lesson, students learning to give advice is important ,but the more important (also the difficult point) is to develop students’speaking and communicating ability through the activity which the students learn to give advice.四:Teaching methods and learning methods1.Teaching methods: students play very important roles in the whole teaching and learningprocess. It is necessary to stimulate their initiative in learning . And it is known to us , learning the language is to communicate. So in this lesson, I will mainly adopt the task-based teaching method and the communicative method is additional . In the lesson ,I will ask them to finish some tasks.2.Learning methods: In this lesson, students will be demanded to make conversations, totalk about, to give advice, so the cooperative learning method is suitable.五:Teaching procedures:1.Warm-up :(1)Free talk between students and me .I : Do you have any problems in your daily life ?S: Yes.I: Who can give me your problems?Then I ask students to say their problems, and I write them on the blackboard. Next,I:Now do you see the problems on the blackboard ? Do you have some advice aboutthem?S: Yes.I: Ok, now I will ask someone to give your advice.Then students put up their hands, and I ask some of them to speak out their ownadvice. I write them on the blackboard just next to the problems. And ask thestudents to read them together. In the end, I say:” in this lesson, we are going to talkabout problems people have and learn how to give them advice-----to tell them whatwe think they should do.Purpose: This course leads out the topic. At the same time to help to develop the students’ ability of thinking independentlly.2.Presentation:(1)I write the words could/should/shouldn’t on the board between the problems andadvice. Then I read a sample including the problem and advice using the wordscould/should/shouldn’t, ask a few students to read them like this one by one.(2)I ask students to look at the 1a part of page 10 . Fist, I read the instructions to theclass, and explain the demands of this part. Then I read each sentence and askstudents to repeat it. Secondly, I ask students to write the answers in the suitablecolumns. Then I announce the correct answers. In this course, we will meet somenew words and phrases. I will list them out and write them on the blackboard.(3)Next, we turn to the part 1b. I point the picture in activity 1a .Ask different studentsto say what they see in each picture. Then I explain the instructions to the class.Secondly, I play the recording the first time, students only listen . I play the recordinga second time ,let student circle the problems they hear. Then I check the answers.Purpose: This step is mainly to help students to learn some new words, phrases orlanguages. And teach them to use the words could/should/shouldn’t to give advice.At the same time ,to improve students’ listening skill and to cultivate the ability offinishing the task.3.Practice:(1)Ask students to look at the1c part of page 10 . I ask two students to read the sampledialogue. And then I tell them to make conversations like this about the problems inactivity 1a . I divide them into a few groups. Ask them to talk and check their work. Iwill offer language assistance as needed. Then I ask two representatives of everygroup to present their conversations to the class.Purpose: This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language, anddevelops the students’ communicative ability and the cooperative ability.4.Production:Ask a pair of students to go to the platform, one speaks out his/her problems, and the other gives the advice.Purpose: To consolidate the knowledge and improve the ability of using the language to express their thought freely.六:Blackboard design:Problems advice(1)--------- (1)--------(2)--------- Could/should/should’t (2)----------New words ,phrases, new languages:(1)out of style(2)stay at home(3)argue(4)loud(5)what’s wrong(6)-----------------七:Summary:Teacher and students both play the important roles in the teaching and learning process. In the learning activity, students should be the main body. And listening ,speaking ,reading and writing are not only the goals of english teaching, but also its means. Learning the language is to communicate . So in this lesson, I stress the activities between the teacher and students, also the students are asked to listen,speak,and make conversations. These activities develop their abilities of learning and achieving the knowledge.Ok, that’s all my talk . Thank you!。
Unit 2 What should I do 英文说课稿

Unit 2 What should I do?Section A 1a-1cHu HongxiaGood morning, everyone! Today I’ll say a sample of Section A 1a-1c Unit2 in Book 8B Go for it. I’ll prepare to talk about the lesson from for parts.•Part 1Analysis of the teaching material(1)Status and function of the materialThis unit relates to the usage of the modal verb "should" in Unit2 What's the matter? in Book 8A, and develops the usage of the word. This lesson is the first period of this unit, it shows the basic vocabulary and language structure. So it is very important for linking the preceding and the following. It helps the students learn the common usage of the words "should" and "could", use them to give advice on the problems they have in life and study; accept or refuse others' suggestions. It improves the students' sense and ability of solving problems actively, and develop their ability of communication. It can teach the students how to ask for help during the communication, not only insisting on their own ideas, but also accepting others'.•(2)Teaching aims and demandsLanguage goals:learn to use the modal verbs "should" and "could", and other new words and phrases; learn to talk about their own problems, help people in trouble and give them advice; practice the sentences with “should” and “could”.Ability goals: be able to talk about their own problems and troubles; find out the right solutions to the other students' problems and give them advice; find out the solutions to their own problems according to others' suggestions.Emotion goals:learn to think of themselves, and care for others through discussing problems together; develop the spirit of cooperation and the optimistic attitude of the students'.•(3)The important and difficult pointsThe important point: Learn to use the modal verbs "should" and "could"The difficult point: Be able to talk about the problems and the difficulties, give or choose advice by using the language they learned freely.•(4)How to deal with the teaching materialWhile dealing with the material, we pay all attention to how to talk about problems and give advice all the time. We obey the principles of arousing the students' interests, encouraging the students to take part in, learning by themselves and learning in order to communicate•Part 2 Analysis of the teaching methods1. Use the Situational Teaching Approach to give the students a real situation of language learning, arouse the students' enthusiasm to take part in the groupwork and try to learn something by using.2. Use the Task-based language teaching to give the students tasks in order to develop the skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing and the ability of using the language.3. According to the learning regularity, we adopt the "step by step" way to teach from the easy to the difficult.4. Use the body language and multimedia to make the lesson intuitive and interesting.•Part 3 Analysis of the studentsAfter learning Go for it for half a year, the students now can use what they have learnt to express their ideas in a correct way. They are wise, active and brave enough to express themselves. When we guide the students, encourage them to get over shyness and nervousness, open mouths to speak and take an active part in the activities. Tell them we learn the language in order to use, guide them to use while learning, and use after they learn it.•Part 4 Teaching processRevisionS:What’s the matter with you?T: I have a bad cold, and I have a terrible sore throat.What should I do?•AdviceYou should drink lots of water.You should see a doctor.You should take some medicine.You should lie down and rest.You should drink hot tea with honey.You shouldn’t eat anything hard.You should see a dentist.•argue•argue with sb.What’s the matter with them ?•What should the man do?The man shouldn’t argue with the woman, because we always say that wise man won’t argue with women. He should say sorry to her. The woman should say sorry to the man if she is wrong. He should buy her a gift to make her happy.GroupworkChoose one to talk about: What should I do?My parents want me to stay at home every nightMy clothes are out of style.My brother plays his CDs too loud.I don’t have enough money.I argued with my best friend.Discussion serious or not:•listeningLet the students listen to the tape and finish the exercise in 1b. In this part we train the students’ listening skills and check if they have mastered what they have learnt well at the same time.•PracticeLet the students work in the same group to make up a conversation or a short play to show the class what problems they have in the real life.When one group acts, let the other students listen and watch carefully first, then give reasonable advice.•SummaryWith the help of the teacher, students recall what they have learned just now. Talk about what they have gained in patterns, abilities and emotion.•HomeworkMake a survey about problems your relatives or friends have in life. Then write a report on them and give advice using what you learned.•ReflectionSome students may have difficulties talking about some of their problems in life. Some may not know how to give others’ proper advice. If necessary, the teacher can give them some help.•Writing on the blackboardUnit2 What should I do?Section A 1a-1cYou should drink lots of water.You should see a doctor. What’s wrong? / What’s the matter? You should take some medicine. What should I / he / she do?You could lie down and rest. You / He / S he should / could … You should drink hot tea with honey. keep out play CDs loud You shouldn’t eat anything hard. argue with out of styleYou could see a dentist.Thanks for your attention!。
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《What should I do?》说课稿
大家好!今天我说课的题目是新目标英语八年级下第二单元What should I do?中心话题是利用本节课词汇的拓展和运用来谈论如何表达以及处理生活中的麻烦事。
本单元承接八年级上册第9单元What’s the matter?中有关情态动词should 的用法,并作进一步的扩展和综合运用;本课是本单元的第一课时,集中呈现了本单元的基本词汇和语言结构,因此,本课教学有着承上启下的重要作用。
2.大部分学生已有了词汇学习的基础,具备了不少简单动词短语的词汇积累,再加上八年级上册What’s the matter?的学习,本节课在教师指导下能够完成学习任务。
学会使用情态动词could 、should,学会并能正确使用新单词keep out、play、argue、What’s the matter? out of style。
(3)能把已学过的词汇或拓展新的词汇为本节课服务 .
根据教学目标和学生特点,我确立本课的教学重点为:情态动词should、could及keep out、play、argue、Wh at’s wrong? out of style等重点词汇及句型的正确使用。
利用多媒体课件在大屏幕上展示一幅患有牙疼的照片,以此来复习句型What’s the matter with him?让学生给出答案。
利用学生善于助人为乐的本性,引导学生回答What should he do?
通过谈话自然地引入本课的主题―― What should I do ?
(利用ppt分别展示四幅图片,介绍本课重点词汇out of style, argue, play, loud, keep out ) 领读之后同时对他们进行重点讲解,把他们运用到句子当中。
3. 联系实际,巩固运用
No.1 My clothes are out of style .What should I do?
No.2 I argued with my best friend。
What should I do?
No.3 My mother argues with ma father ,my mother doesn’t let him in, What should he do?
No.4 My brother plays his CDS too loud. I can’t sleep. What should I do? 当学生们抽到自己的题目时,先大声读出来,如有错误,老师帮助纠正,以此来解决在朗读方面有障碍的同学。
之后马上展开小组讨论,运用情态动词should、 could写下本组建议,准备在班上交流。
如:That’s a good idea! I don’t think so.