

EC Testr 11+ 盐分测试说明书(英文)

EC Testr 11+ 盐分测试说明书(英文)

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Specifications - Installation and Operating InstructionsBulletin TE-WSM-10- C or F is the unit of the liquid temperature.- is the battery low icon.KeypadOperation1. Remove the probe cover from the meter to expose the electrode.2. Press to power on the meter. The LCD will display parameters (ex: tnr, tCo, tds,rAn) in turns and then it will enter normal display.accuracy. Alternatively, you can manually select the ranges. For example, if you prefer the meter to display a reading such as .50 mS instead of 500 uS, you press for more than 2 seconds.measurement mode. When the reading is stable, the unit will stop flashing.10. Press to freeze current readings. The text “Hold” will appear on the LCD. Pressagain to release.11. Turn off the meter by pressing .12. Make sure your electrode is clean and store it carefully. Before storage, rinse itcarefully in de-ionized water and store dry with the cap. Remember the storage temperature limits. For more information, see the maintenance section.13. Air bubbles can easily adhere around the gap between the electrode and theTo disable the auto power off:Before power on, press + simultaneously until an “n” appears on the screen. Then, release the keys to return to normal mode.The advanced setup mode lets you customize your meter’s preferences and defaults. To change the parameters, you can press for more than 2 seconds. You will enter setup mode when the meter is in measurement mode.1. When the meter is in measurement mode, press f for more than 2 seconds toenter setup mode.2. Press , , or to select P1.0.3. Press momentarily again to enter unit setting.4. Press or to select C or F.5. Press momentarily to confirm the unit, or press it for more than 2 seconds toreturn to P1.0 without saving.6. While in P1.0, press for more than 2 seconds to return to measurement mode. P3.0 Reset Meter (rSt)When you decide to reset the meter, all parameters will be reset to factory default values, including the calibration information.1. In P3.0, press momentarily to enter P3.1.2. Press or to select Y or N.3. Press momentarily to confirm the state and return to P3.0, or press it for morethan 2 seconds to return to P3.0 without confirming the P3.1 value.P4.0 Review Calibration Information (CAL)In P3.0, press or to select P4.0.P4.1 Range 1 Calibration Informationpress momentarilyconcentration. If the meter is not yet calibrated, “---”will display on the LCD.In P4.1 or P4.2, press momentarily to confirm the state and return to P4.0. In P1.0, P2.0, P3.0, P4.0, you can press for more than 2 seconds to return to1. Turn off the meter and stay in normal measurement mode.2. Press or for more than 2 seconds to select the range.(Default)temperature.7. Press for more than 2 seconds to begin the calibration. The SALT value willblink on the LCD.8. Press the or to adjust the value to match the value to the calibrationstandard. You can adjust the SALT reading up to ±30% from the detected value.9. When the “CAL” stops blinking, you can press to confirm the value. The meterwill switch back to SALT measurement mode. If “CAL” always blinks, check theThe text P1.1, P1.2, P1.3, P2.1, P3.1 will not displayLCD.NOTICE。



1. 首先,将盐度测量仪连接到电源,确保设备正常工作。

2. 将盐度测量仪的电极部分放入待测液体中。


3. 等待一段时间,直到测量仪稳定下来并显示一个读数。


4. 阅读盐度测量仪上显示的盐度值。


5. 在使用后,及时清洁和保养盐度测量仪,以确保其准确度和使用寿命。


1. 需要使用盐度测量仪时,确保设备没有损坏或损坏的电极,以免影响测量结果的准确性。

2. 在使用盐度测量仪时,确保液体环境的温度稳定,并避免过高或过低的温度对测量结果产生影响。

3. 根据测量要求,选择正确的盐度测量仪和相应的电极类型,以确保适用于待测液体的范围和精度。

4. 在使用盐度测量仪时,确保设备的工作环境清洁,避免灰尘和杂质对测量结果的干扰。

5. 如果有特殊要求或需要更高的精度,可以校准盐度测量仪。





A 选择铁的表面上一小段面积来作盐份测试,要保证这一段表面干燥,并没有灰尘、未被破坏,这样贴纸才能完全贴在被测物体表面上,盐份测试样品可以随意放置,垂直,水平都可以。


B 撕掉盐份贴纸上面的保护膜,把它紧紧地贴在被测物体的表面。

C 取3或5ml经过0校正的水注入盐份贴纸上。


D 用注射器来回移动稀释测试表面的盐份。


E 完成后,用注射器吸掉所有的水份,再将水注入25ml的杯中,
F 杯子中的水应该有15ml。

G 测量杯子中的水的电导率并记录下测量值。

H 计算一下测量值(操作中G的测量值)与零校正时的值之间的误差。

可溶性盐的表面密度/污染物(S)用mg/m2 是
I 倒掉污染过的水并水蒸馏水清洗所有部件。


J 在测试以后要完全清洗掉仪器表面的盐份样品。































易高Elcometer138盐分测试套装操作指南1.1Elcometer138包装清单:●一盒25片Elcometer Bresle盐分贴片,●250ml纯水置于透明塑料瓶中,●3个5ml注射器,●3个钝针头,●30ml塑料大口杯,●Elcometer138电导率计,●2节CR2032锂电池,●14ml标准瓶校准溶液(1.41mS/cm),●14ml瓶装润湿溶液,●提箱和操作手册2.测试步骤:ISO8502-6/ISO8502-092.1使用前1.校正电导率计——详见15页4.4“单点校准”2.测试过程中需戴好手套。
















Free Chlorine Amperometric 4-20mA SensorsSECTION 1THEORY OF OPERATION1.0 FREE CHLORINE DEFINED. Free Chlorine or "freely active chlorine" is defined as the sum of molecular chlorine (Cl 2), hypochlorous acid (HOCl) and hypochlorite ions (OCl -). Molecular chlorine occurs at pH values <pH4. Hypochlorus acid and hypochlorite ions are in pH de-pendent equilibrium with one another as shown in FIG 1. The graph shows % hypochlorous acid on the left of the curve. Hypochlorous acid is a much stronger disinfecting agent (oxidizer) as compared to hypochlorite ions.1.2 SENSOR OPERATING PRINCIPLE. Only hypochlorous acid (HOCl) diffuses through the membrane between the cathode and sample solution. At the applied potential, only hyphochlorous acid is elec-trochemically reduced. HOCl is reduced to chloride ion at the gold cathode. At the same time, the silver anode is oxidized to form silver chloride (AgCl). When the concentration of HOCl at the cathode is dramatically decreased by electrochemical reduction, hypochlorite ion will be transformed into hypochlorous acid , to some extent, by proton transfer. The release of electrons at the cathode and ac-ceptance at the anode creates a current flow, which under constant conditions, is proportional to the free chlorine concentration in the medium outside the sensor. The resulting low current output is then conditioned to 4-20mA current by the sensor's onboard electronic circuitry.SECTION 2FACTORS INFLUENCING THE SENSOR2.0 pH. Free Chlorine (FCL) exists as hypochlorous acid andhypochlorite anion (FIG 1). The acid-base dissociation of FCL has a pKa of approximately 7.5. The FCL sensor responds to hypochlorous acid and hypochlorite anion with different sensitivity. In combination, an increase in pH reduces the measured FCL and decrease in pH increas-es the measured FCL. For the most accurate free chlorine measure-ment, pH compensation is required above pH 6.5. pH compensation for the sensors current (mA) reading is:Real mA = (measured mA – 4)/ compensation factor + 4compensation factor = -0.13*pH*pH + 1.6718*pH - 4.15672.1 Chemical Interferences. The sensors should not be used in water containing surfactants, organic chlorine or stabilizers such as cyanuric acid, chlorine dioxide, ozone or bromine.2.2 FLOW. To acheive reproducible measurements, the (FCL) free chlo-rine sensors require a specified constant flow rate. To avoid complica-tions (such as bubbles), it is best to operate the sensors at a flow rate of 0.2-0.6 gpm ( if using flow cell FC72 or FC70 (old version). Use of a flowmeter is recommended ( FM001- See Section 4.1)SECTION 3SENSOR PREPARATION3.0 FREE CHLORINE SENSOR ASSEMBLY. The Free Chlorine Sensor is shipped with the membrane cap pre-installed andcovered with a cap with water inside to keep the membrane wet. Make sure to keep sensor cap, anode and cathode, away oily or greasy materials. Contact with oil or grease will result in inaccurate measurements. The sensor is also supplied with a 3 oz bottle of refill solution and a syringe and needle tip.NOTE: IF SENSOR WILL BE STORED DRY OUT OF THE FLOW CELL, SHAKE BODY DOWNWARD INTO A SINK TO REMOVE THE FILL SOLUTION. TAKE THE MEMBRANE CAP AND IMMERSE IT IN A CUP OF TAP WATER UNTILL READY TO REUSE. SEE SECTION 10. REPLACE CAP AND ELECTROLYTE BEFORE INSTALLING INTO FLOW CELL (see SECTION 10 for cap and electrolyte change. See SECTION 5 for sensor installation into flow cell).SECTION 4FLOW CELL /FLOW SENSORINSTALLATION4.0 FLOW CELL. To obtain accurate Free Chlorine reading, the Sensor must be installed into the Flow Cell to prevent air bubbles formation on the membrane, proper spacing between the sensor and the installation wall, and laminar flow across the membrane. MAKE SURE SENSOR AND FLOW CELL ARE ORIENTED VERTICALLY OR NO MORE THAN 45 DEG BELOW VERTICAL (FIGURE 2B)4.01. Using two 1/4” NPT Tube fittings, connect the FC72 Flow Cell into your system, noting the inlet (bottom) and outlet (side) orientation. (see FIGURE 2)4.02. Install clamp with rubber backing as shown in FIG. 2A.4.03 Drill 3/8" diameter hole on the panel.4.04 Insert bolt as shown in FIG 2A4.05 On back of panel attach lock washer and nut to secure clamp and flow cell to panel.Ensure flow cell is mounted at 45 deg or higher above horizon-tal as shown in FIG 2b.4.1 FLOW METER. To control flow to the flow cell, a flow meter is recommended. Sensorex supplies model FM001 for this purpose. The FM001provides flow control from 0.1 to 1.0 GPM (0.5 to 4.0 LPM) with 6% accuracy.4.1.1 Install the flow meter and flow cell as shown in FIG 2c. Follow the diagram so that the incoming water is attached to the bottom of the flow meter (where flow adjustment knob is located).6.0 ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION. The sensor produces an ap-proximate output of 4 mA in air and 20mA at the top range of free chlorine output (0-2ppm, 0-5ppm, 0-10ppm).NOTE: The supply voltage to the Sensor must be 12-24 V DC withminimum of 250 mA. Maximum load is 1 Watt. The sensor has 3 wires, red (+) , black (-) and clear (shield). Twist together or solder black and clear if instrument does not have separate ground. If a separate ground is available such as for PLC’s connect clear (shield) to it.Attach the red wire to the power supply positive terminal (+)and the black wire to the PLC or DVM positive (+) terminal. Connect a wire (customer supplied) from the power suppy negative (-) and the PLC or DVM (-). See FIG 3. The Sensor will require several minutes to stabilize after power is supplied to it.7.0 SENSOR CONDITIONING The sensor requires conditioning prior to generating stable values. a. For new Sensors, connect the sensor to power and allowto run overnight (at least 12 hours) before calibration. b. If the Sensor will be un-powered for 2 hours or more, run for 2 hours prior to use. c. If the Sensor's flow will be off for 1 hour or less, run the sensor for at least 1 hour prior to recalibration. c. After membrane/electrolyte replacement, allow the Sensor to run powered overnight (at least 12 hours) before calibration .SECTION 6ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONSECTION 7SENSOR CONDITIONINGSECTION 5SENSOR INSTALLATION5.0 SENSOR INSTALLATION INTO FLOW CELL. a. First install threaded fitting onto sensor body (remove fitting if pre-installed in flow cell) b. Install snap-ring into groove on sensor body c. Next, slide o-ring onto body of sensor until it reaches bottom of threaded fitting. d. Thread sensor assembly into top of flow cell as shown in FIGURE 2. d. Turn on flow and verify the flow through the Flow Cell is at least 0.2gpm (45 liters/hour and no more than 0.6gpm (135 liters/hour).10.0 ELECTROLYTE SOLUTION REPLACEMENT: Drain and refill the sensor approximately every 2 months.10.1 MEMBRANE CAP REPLACEMENT. If membrane replacement is required, a new cap with preinstalled membrane must be used. Order FCLA-4016 replacement membrane cap and FCLA-4015 refill solution. To change membrane cap (do the following over a sink or washbasin):a) turn sensor upside down with cap facing upward b) rotate cap counter-clockwise to remove (see FIG 10).c) Attached supplied needle to syringe and remove fill solution as shown in FIG 10 & FIG 11.c) fill sensor body with electrolyte using needle and syringe of refill solution (see FIG. 12)d) install a new membrane cap by threading cap onto sensor rotating cap clockwise (opposite of FIG 9)10.2 MEMBRANE CAP/SENSOR CLEANING. Rinse cap with water only. If cap does not clean, replace with new one.SECTION 10SENSOR MAINTENANCE/RECONDITIONINGSECTION 11SENSOR TROUBLESHOOTING11.0 CALIBRATION PROBLEMS a) Sensor output HIGHER than DPD test 1) Run in time too short 2) Membrane cap damaged 3) Interference from water contaminants (see Specifications, "Cross Sensitivity") 4) Cable short circuit or damage 5) pH value less than pH 5.5 b) Sensor output LOWER than DPD test 1) Run in time too short 2) Deposits on Membrane cap 3) Flow rate too low 4) Air bubbles on membrane 5) Surfactants in water 6) pH value more than pH 8.57) no electrolyte in sensor chamberc) Sensor ouput is 4mA (zero ppm) 1) Run in time too short 2) Only bound chlorine present 3) Chlorine content below detection limit 4) Sensor not wired correctly (See SECTION 6.0 of this manual) 5) Defective sensor d) Sensor output UNSTABLE 1) Air bubbles on membrane 2) Membrane damage 3) Pressure fluctuation in sample lineSymptom Possible CauseSolution/Remedy The sensor 1) Run in time too short1) See Sec 7.0 -CONDITIONINGcannot be 2) Membrane cap damaged2) Replace cap - See Sec 10.0 calibrated- 3) Interference from contaminants 3) See SPECIFICATIONS Sec 12 ouput is 4) DPD chemicals bad 4) Use new DPD kitHIGHER than 5) pH value < pH 5.5 5) Increase pH (5.5-8.5) DPD TestSee SPECIFICATIONS Sec 12 6)Temperatue increased since cal6) Match calibration temp.The sensor 1) Run in time too short 1) See Sec 7.0 -CONDITIONING cannot be 2) Deposits on membrane cap 2) Remove deposits or replace calibrated- cap if cleaning ineffective. output is 3) Flow rate too low 3) increase fl ow - See LOWER than SPECIFICATIONS DPD Test 4) Air bubbles on membrane 4) Remove and re-install s ensor to remove bubbles. 5) Surfactants in water 5) Remove surfactants and replace cap. See SEC 10.0 6) pH > pH 8.5 6) Lower pH (5.5-8.5) See SPECIFICATIONS 7) No electrolyte in cap 7) Add new electrolyte, run in sensor and re-calibrate 8) Temperature decreased since cal 8) Increase temp to match cal 9) Organic chlorination agents 9) Use chlorinating agents present in water per DIN 19643 Sensor output 1) Only bound chlorine present 1) Check for Chloramine with is 4mA (0 ppm) NO FREE CHLORINE appropriate DPD test.Replace water/ Rechlorinate. 2) Run in time too short2) See Sec 7.0 -CONDITIONING 3) Chlorine content below limit 3) Add chlorine and repeat calibration4) No electrolyte in cap4) Refi ll electrolyte 5) Sensor electrical connection 5) See SECTION 6.0wrongUnstable output 1) Air bubbles on sensor membrane 1) Tap to remove bubbles from sensor 2) Membrane damaged 2) Replace membrane, run in sensor and recalibrate.3) Non-sensor problem3) check PLC or I/O deviceTROUBLESHOOTING CHARTOperating temperature range: 0-45 degC Maximum operating pressure: 1 bar/14.7 psi/1atm Flow rate minimum: 0.2 gpm (0.75Lpm) Flow rate maximum: 0.6 ppm (2.25Lpm) pH range: 5.5-8.5 Output signal: 4.0+/- 0.2mA in air (zero) 20mA +/- 0.2mA at high range (2, 5 or 10ppm) Power Requirement: 12-24 VDC, 250 mA minimum Cross-Sensitivity: ClO2, ozone, bromine, iodine Chemical Compatibility: up to 50% ethanol/water or up to 50% glycerol/waterOPERATING SPECIFICATIONSSECTION 12SENSOR SPECIFICATION12.0 OPERATING SPECIFICATIONS. Follow all operating specifications, especially for pH and flow rate as noted in the specification tables below.SENSORDimensions: 8.2"L x 1" dia Body Material:Black PVC Membrane Material: polyethersulfone O-ring material: Viton R Cathode: Gold Anode: Silver chloride (AgCl) Cable: 2 -conductor shielded, 10ft (3mtr) tinned wire leadsFLOW CELL Dimensions: 5.58"H x 2.25"DIA Material: Acrylic Connections: 1/4" NPT inlet and outletTECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSMAINTENANCE/REPLACEMENT PARTSFC72C Flow Cell, 1/4 inch FNPT inlet and outlet, includes: 2 each 1/4" barbed tube (3/8" tube) fittings, clamp, threaded flow cell installation fitting FCLA-4015 Free Chlorine sensor fill solution, 30mL, 1 each FCLA-4016FCL Replacement premembraned cap, 1 eachFC72 FLOW CELL SENSOR AND FLOW CELL INSTALLATION DIMENSIONSACCESSORIESFM001 Flow Meter, 0.1 to 1.0 gpm (0.5 to 4.0 Lpm)1/2 inch MNPT & 1/4 inch FNPT inlet and outlet, includes: 2 each 1/4" barbed tube fittings(3/8" tube)2.25"(57mm)4.61"(117mm)10.19"(259mm)3.78"(96mm)GPM LPMFM001 - FLOW METERINSTALLATION。


低电压提示 当显示屏显示黯淡且显示屏上部出现电池符号,表示电池电压已不足,请尽快更换新电池。
维护保养 请保持电极清洁,每次测量结束请用清水清洗电极,盖好保护盖。放置在阴凉通风处。
产品购买之日起,免费保修一年(不包含电池和电极) 在下列情况下不属于保修范围:
笔式盐度计使用说明 CT-3086 CT-3088
1.5 V 电池 (LR44, BAT ) x 4 PCs
188 x 38mm 包括电极.
84g (包括电极).
1. 电极更换方便快捷;2. LCD 液晶双显示(盐度和温度值 );3. 锁定功能(HOLD); 4. 全防水设计 5. 5分钟自动关机功能; 6. ℃/℉可转换; 7. 用于海水盐度、腌制类食品
特别说明:1. CT-3086 电极部分放入 4% 的 NaCL 溶液中,盐度显示值应在 3%-5%范围内,
2. CT-3088 电极部分放入 8% 的 NaCL 溶液中,盐度显示值应在 7%-9%范围内,
恢复出厂设置: 按“HOLD”键不放,等待显示屏出现 CLr 符号,放开按键即可。 重新标定后使用



产品说明书User’s Guide□CT-3030 □CT-3050 □CT-3060 □CT-3070 □CT-3080 □CT-3090目录面板介绍/产品特点/技术参数 (3)1、CT-3030 (5)2、CT-3050 (7)3、CT-3060 (9)4、CT-3070 (11)5、CT-3080 (13)6、CT-3090 (15)操作指南 (17)1、CT-3030/CT-3060/CT-3080操作指南-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------172、CT-3050/CT-3070/CT-3090操作指南----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------24感谢您选购本公司的产品,请保留此手册以备用,并按照使用手册正确操作和维护。


外观介绍CT-3030电导率测试笔特点技术参数CT-3050 电导率测试笔特点技术参数CT-3060 TDS测试笔特点技术参数CT-3070 TDS测试笔特点技术参数CT-3080 盐度计特点技术参数CT-3090 盐度计特点技术参数CT-3030/CT-3060/CT-3080操作指南使用前请用力拔下仪表下方的电极保护套,请勿旋动!1.锁定功能CT-3030/CT-3060/CT-3080按ON/OFF开机,在正常工作时按下“HOLD”键将锁定液晶显示屏上的当前数据,并且在显示屏上会显示HOLD符号(如下图所示),再按下“HOLD”键即解除锁定模式,HOLD符号消失。

CT-3030 CT-3060 CT-30802.自动温度补偿(ATC)在液晶显示屏左下角有ATC符号出现,表示仪表正处于自动温度补偿工作模式。



此份操作手册可在下列网站上下载所得: 或 操作手册EC/TDS/SALT 检测器大屏幕防水多范围电导率/总固体溶解物含量/盐度检测器附带温度显示简介感谢您选购内带微处理器的防水电导率/总固体溶解物含量/盐度检测器,配有超大双行显示器。

您所选购的产品为下列型号中的一款:• ECTestr11 • ECTestr11+ • TDSTestr11 • TDSTestr11+ • SALTTestr11无附带型号 (ECTestr11, TDSTestr11 & SALTTestr11) 带有用户可替换的二针型传感器,同时也带有多项简单易学的功能,诸如双重范围测量、保持功能、自动温度补偿(ATC) 以及自诊断信息等功能。

附带型号 (ECTestr11+ & TDSTestr11+) 带有用户可替换的盖帽式传感器,并带有其他附带功能,包括多范围测量、最多到3点的校正、高分辨率测定等。



参见图1注释:对于ECTestr11 & ECTestr11+型号的仪器,其HOLD键上面写的是“HOLD/ENT”开机按ON/OFF键打开检测器。



选择范围根据您选择的产品,您可以把检测器的读书限定在一个特别的测量分为 (PU, LO或HI),或者满量程 (AUTO)。









卤汤盐度计使用方法-概述说明以及解释1.引言1.1 概述卤汤盐度计是一种用于测量卤汤盐度的仪器。














1.2 文章结构文章结构部分的内容:本篇文章主要分为引言、正文和结论三个部分。











安全操作规程1. 仪器防护笔式高浓度盐度计属于精密仪器,应保证防尘、防水、防震。


2. 使用环境笔式高浓度盐度计适用于室内和室外环境,但不能在高温、高湿或极端寒冷环境下使用。


3. 操作方法使用前应先阅读仪器操作说明书,按照说明书的操作方法进行使用。



4. 测量时间每次单次测量时间应控制在2分钟以内,如超时应停止测量,并等待几分钟后再重新测量。


5. 仪器保养每次使用后应将笔式高浓度盐度计清洗干净,并用干燥的纸巾擦干。



保养规程1. 清洗保养在使用时,使用人应注意保持温度恒定,如发现温度变化较大应重新校准,避免产生误差。


2. 防水保养笔式高浓度盐度计具有防水功能,但还是需要保持干燥,防止腐蚀和生锈。


3. 校准保养为保证笔式高浓度盐度计的测量精度,定期进行校准是非常必要的。






三信笔式海水盐度计安全操作及保养规程1. 引言三信笔式海水盐度计是一种用于测量海水盐度的仪器。


2. 安全操作规程以下是安全操作海水盐度计的规程:2.1 基本操作•操作前,请先阅读并理解使用手册中的相关内容。






2.2 注意事项•在操作海水盐度计时,务必小心谨慎,避免碰撞或摔落。




3. 保养规程正确的保养可以有效延长海水盐度计的使用寿命和保持准确的测量结果。

3.1 日常保养•使用后,及时将海水盐度计清洗干净,避免样品残留在仪器中。



3.2 季度保养每个季度,进行一次深度清洁和维护:•拆卸海水盐度计,清洗所有零件。




4. 故障排除以下是可能遇到的一些常见问题及解决方法:•问题:盐度计读数不准确。







LAQUAtwin-Salt-22 盐度测量仪说明书

LAQUAtwin-Salt-22 盐度测量仪说明书

Instruction Manual (Operation)COMPACT WATER QUALITY METERLAQUAtwin-Salt-22SpecificationsItems in packageConsumable parts sold separately Part NamesNotePress the switches 0.5 seconds or more unlessotherwise specified.Initial SetupAttaching/detaching the sensorNoteBe careful not to twist the waterproof gasket.Inserting/removing batteriesElectrode conditioningNote●Before using the sensor for the first time orafter several days of disuse, perform electrodeconditioning.●Perform calibration after electrode condition-ing.1.Place some drops of 5.0% standard solu-tion to the flat sensor.2.Wait a few hours before use.There is no need to switch the meter ON.3.Clean the flat sensor with running water.Model LAQUAtwin-Salt-22Target SalinityMeasurement principle ISE method Minimum sample volume More than 0.3 mL*1 Measure-ment range0.01% to 25% by weightResolution (default)Display range:Resolution0.00% to 0.99%:0.01%1.0% to 9.9%:0.1% 10% to 25%:1%Calibration Up to 2 pointsDefault: 0.5% and 5.0%Accuracy*2±10% of reading valueWaterproof IP67 (no failure when immersed inwater at a depth of 1 m for 30 min) *3 Display Custom (monochrome) digital LCDwith backlightOperating environment Temperature: 5︒C to 40︒C Humidity: 85% relative humidity or less (no condensation)Power CR2032 batteries (⨯2)Battery life Approx. 400 h continuous operation(backlight off mode)*4Material ABS epoxy (main material) Dimensions164 ⨯ 29 ⨯ 20 mm (excluding projec-tions)Mass Approx. 50 g (excluding batteries)*10.05 mL or more if sampling sheet B (sold sepa-rately) is used.*2The closeness of agreement between a mea-sured value and an actual value of standard solu-tion after two-point calibration using 0.5% and5.0% standard solutions.●The standard solution used for the later cali-bration was measured after two-point calibra-tion at 0.5% and 5.0%.●The calibration and measurement are per-formed at the same temperature.●The error of standard solutions and roundingerror (±1 digit) are not included.*3The meter cannot be used underwater.*4When the backlight is used, battery life willshorten.Items QuantitySensor S0211Meter1Storage case1Batteries CR20322Standard solution0.5%15.0%1Pipette1Sampling sheet B (5 sheet-pack)1Instruction manual (Operation)1Instruction manual (Before use)1Items Specifications Part No.Sensor S021, Salt3200459866Standardsolution514-05, NaCl 0.5%3999960112514-50, NaCl 5.0%3999960113Samplingsheet BY046, 100 sheet-pack32000538581Flat sensor2Light shield cover3Liquid junction4Response mem-brane5Lithium batteries6MEAS switch7ON/OFF switch8CAL switch9Waterproof gasket10Strap eyeletAttaching the sensor1.Power OFF the meter.2.Confirm that the waterproofing gasket isclean and undamaged.3.shown.Detaching the sensor1.Power OFF the meter.2.Lift the sensor tonguetip and slide the sensora little away from themeter.3.Pull out the sensor all the way from themeter.Inserting the batteries1.Power OFF the meter.2.Slide both batteries intothe battery case asshown.Be sure to use twoCR2032 batteries, and putthem with the plus sides(+) upwards.Removing the batteries1.Power OFF the meter.e a ball-point pen orother tool to pry the batter-ies out from the clips asshown.CODE: GZ0000460290Basic OperationCalibrationCalibration is required before measurement.Use standard solution within the measurement range in the specifications.Tip●Calibration values are saved even if the meteris switched OFF.●Calibration value is rewritten if calibration isrepeated using the same standard solution.TipFor accurate measurement, calibrate using 2 points of standard solution with a tenfold or more salinity difference encompassing the target salin-ity.When the salinity to be measured is very high or very low, accuracy may be poorer. MeasurementPower ON1.Press and hold the ON/OFF switch.The power is switched ON,and the meter modelnumber is displayed on theLCD.Power OFF1.Press and hold the ON/OFF switch.The power is switched OFF.Calibration pointsThe number of calibration points is up to 2.Multi-point calibration1.Set the salinity of standard solution for cal-ibration referring to " 1st calibrationpoint setting" (page 5) and " 2nd calibra-tion point setting" (page 5).The 1st point is set to 0.5% and the 2nd pointis set to 5.0% by the default.2.Open the light shield cover and place somedrops of the standard solution on the flatsensor taking care to cover the entire flatsensor.Rinsing the sensor with the standard solutionbeforehand will provide a more accuratecalibration as it will reduce sample crossovercontamination.3.Close the light shield cover and press theCAL switch.The meter enters the CAL mode and blinks thedisplay of the set 1st-point salinity. Pressingthe MEAS switch switches the displayed valuebetween the set salinity.4.With the set salinity of the 1st point dis-displayed.After the calibration is complete,displayed.The calibration value at 25 C is displayed for 1s and the display returns to the measurementmode automatically.5.Open the light shield cover and remove thestandard solution. Then remove moistureon the sensor by gently dabbing with a softtissue.This completes the 1st point calibration.6.To perform 2nd point calibration, repeatsteps 2. to 5.Calibration errorIf blinks and Er4 (error dis-play) appears, the calibrationhas failed.Perform electrode conditioning.Check that the correct standard solution is used,and repeat calibration after cleaning the sensor.If the calibration repeatedly fails when using thecorrect standard solution(s), the sensor mayhave deteriorated. Replace the sensor with newone.Sample setting1.Open the light shield cover and put somedrops of sample on the flat sensor to coverthe entire flat sensor.2.Close the light shield cover.Measurement modeThe auto stable (AS) mode and the auto hold(AH) mode can be selected. Refer to " Mea-surement mode change" (page 5) for the opera-tion to set the measurement mode.Auto stable (AS) mode1.Confirm that the meter is in the measure-ment mode, and place a sample on the sen-sor.locked.2.appears.Auto hold (AH) modeand will not change until the MEAS switch ispressed for the next measurement.1.Confirm that the meter is in the measure-ment mode, and place a sample on the sen-sor.2.Press the MEAS switch.The auto hold function isactivated.blinks until themeasured value hasstabilized.When the measured value is stable, stopsblinking and the displayed value is locked with3.Document the displayed value.4.Press the MEAS switch.disappears.Be sure to perform this step before starting thenext measurement. Or, you may mistake thedisplayed hold value for the next measuredvalue.●If a measured value is out of the specifiedmeasurement range, "Or" is displayed for upper range and "Ur" is displayed for under range.●When you have a problem with the calibrationor measurement, refer to frequently asked questions.Sampling sheetFor a minute sample●Note that reaction between sample and sam-pling sheet B may affect the measured value.●Handle sampling sheet B with tweezers tominimize possible contamination.●Be sure to close the light shield cover duringmeasurement to minimize possible sample evaporation.For a sample containing tiny particles If tiny particles are contained in a sample, such as an extract from soil, the particles influence measurement results. Use the sampling sheet holder cover and sampling sheet B sold sepa-rately to counteract the influence.The sampling sheet holder cover does not shield the sensor from light, which affects the sensor. When using the sampling sheet holder cover, shield the flat sensor from light with an alterna-tive.1.Replace the light shield cover with the sam-pling sheet holder cover.2.Put a piece of sampling sheet B on the flatsensor and close the sampling sheet holder cover.3.Put 4 or 5 drops of sample on the samplingsheet B.The display mode switches among salinity, tem-perature, and voltage by pressing the MEASswitch in the AS mode.MaintenanceAppendixInterfering ionsSelectivity coefficient is a concentration ratio ofthe interfering ion against the target ion, whichaffects the target ion measurement value. Forexample, selectivity coefficient of interfering ionagainst target ion is 1 ⨯ 10-2, which means for thesame concentration of interfering ion and targetion coexisting in a sample, the target measure-ment shows approximately 1 ⨯ 10-2 (1%) higherresult.minute sample.covered with only 50to 100 μL sample.Storage1.Clean the sensor with tap water.2.Dab gently with soft tissue or cloth toremove moisture on the sensor and meter.NoteEspecially be sure to treat the flat sensor gentlyto prevent damaging it.3.Close the light shield cover and the slidecap before storing the meter.Temperature sensor adjustmentTo perform accurate measurement with correc-tion for temperature effects, follow the stepsbelow. Normally this is not necessary.1.Ready a reference thermometer, and allowthe meter and reference thermometer toreach to room temperature.2.Set the display mode to temperature refer-ring to " Measurement display change"(page 3).3.Press the CAL switch.The meter displays the setting screen fortarget temperature.4.Press the MEAS switch to adjust the dis-played temperature on the meter to matchthe temperature indicated by the referencethermometer.Pressing the MEAS switch increases thedisplayed temperature. After the displayedtemperature reaches 40°C, it returns to 5°C.5.Press the CAL switch again to apply thedisplayed value to the adjustment.The adjustment starts. The adjusted valueblinks with and displayed.After the adjustment is complete, the adjustedvalue stops blinking with MEAS anddisplayed.If Er4 (error display) appears, the adjustmenthas failed. Retry the above steps increasingthe time spent on the step 1.If the adjustment repeatedly fails, the sensormay have deteriorated. Replace the sensorwith new one.Initializing calibration dataInitialize calibration in the following cases.●To delete the calibration data●If the number of points for the last calibration isuncertain.●After the sensor is replaced.1.Press and hold the CAL and ON/OFFswitches for over 3 seconds when themeter is switched OFF to Initialize calibra-tion.After a moment of all segment indication, thesoftware version is displayed.And then, the displaychanges as shown right.2.Press the CAL switch.All calibration data is reset.When the initialization ofcalibration data is complete,End appears.The meter automatically switches OFF.Initializing the settingsAll setup choices are erased. The meter is resetto the factory default values.1.Press and hold the MEAS, CAL and ON/OFFswitches for over 3 seconds when themeter is switched OFF to enter the initial-ization.After a moment of all segment indication, thesoftware version is displayed.And then, the displaychanges as shown right.2.Press the CAL switch.All calibration data is reset.When the initialization ofsettings is complete, Endappears.The meter automatically switches OFF.Target SalinityInterfering ions andselectivity coefficientsK+, Rb+: 1 ⨯ 10-2(at 10-3 mol/L Na+)pH range 3 pH to 9 pH(at 10-3 mol/L Na+)Frequently asked questionsEr4 is dis-played during the calibra-tion Please note that if you press the CAL switch in mV or temperature display mode, Er4 is displayed. This is because there is no calibration facility available for these modes.Er1 is dis-played soon power ON.The internal IC in the meter may be defective. Perform meter initializa-tion.If Er1 is still displayed after the initial-ization, the internal IC in the meter is defective. Replace the meter with a new one (the meter cannot be repaired).Er2 is dis-played right after power ON.The internal IC in the meter is defec-tive. Replace the meter with a new one (the meter cannot be repaired).Er3 is dis-played right after power ON.The internal IC in the meter is defec-tive. Replace the meter with a new one (the meter cannot be repaired).What factors interfere measure-ment?Acids influence measurement results. Measure within the range from 3 pH to 9 pH. Also, high-level monovalent cations, such as K+, may cause measurement errors. Refer to " Interfering ions" (page 3) for details.Are there any helpful tips or precautions to be aware for measure-ment?When the sample amount is enough, washing the sensor twice or so with the sample allows more accurate measurement.Residue between the light shield cover and flat sensor prevents accu-rate measurement. Before measure-ment of the next sample, wash the sensor with tap water and remove moisture.Question AnswerSetup ModeThe setup mode allows the user to customize the meter to his specific needs.To enter the setup mode, press and hold the MEAS and ON/OFF switches for over 3 seconds when the meter is switched OFF. All the LCD segments appear and then the meter enters the setup mode.Tip●To have the changes apply, you need to go through the entire steps from “Setup mode entry” to “Setup completion” shown below. To leave a setting as it is, just press CAL switch in the setting.●To exit the setup mode with no change of settings, press the ON/OFF switch earlier than pressing CAL switch in the last step but one, or the “Backlight setting” step.Setup mode entry1st calibration point settingThe salinity of the 1st calibration point can be set.NoteIf you changed either of the calibration salinity settings, calibrate again at the both set salinity before measurement.When either calibration salinity is changed, the calibration data are initial-ized.2nd calibration point settingThe salinity of the 2nd calibration point can be set.*In calibration point setting, pressing the MEAS switch increases the displayed value. After the displayed value reaches 24, it returns to 0.10.Measurement mode changeThe measurement mode can be switched.* Measurement display change is available in the AS mode. Refer to " Measurement display change" (page 3).Backlight settingThe backlight can be switched to ON or OFF.Setup completion31, Miyanonishi-cho, Kisshoin Minami-ku, Kyoto,。









目录一、依据标准 (3)二、术语解释 (3)三、仪器介绍 (3)四、性能指标 (4)五、产品特点 (4)六、操作方法详解 (5)6.1主菜单 (5)6.2查看记录 (7)6.3删除记录 (8)6.4参量设置 (8)七、现场测试方法及步骤 (9)八、保养维护 (10)九、随机附件 (11)十:附录 (13)一、依据标准GB /T 4585-2004 / IEC 60507 :1 991《交流系统用高压绝缘子的人工污秽试验》GB/T 16434—1996《高压架空线路和发电厂、变电所环境污区分级及外绝缘选择标准》GB 311.1—83 《高压输变电设备的绝缘配合》GB/T 5582—93 《高压电力设备外绝缘污秽等级》二、术语解释m表示。

等值盐密度:指污秽液等效为相同电导氯化钠溶液的溶质密度,通常以Kg/3绝缘子的爬电比距: 绝缘子的总爬电距离L除以试验电压与3的积;它通常以mm/kV来表示。

















1、将笔杆下方陶土头浸入水中 1 小时。 2、拔出橡皮塞(带玻璃毛细管)。往玻璃毛细管内注
水,使毛细管顶端至 0 刻度处为空气,0 刻度以下充 满水。方法是:
(1)拔下毛细管上塑料小盖帽 。 (2)将注水用滴头上的塑料丝末端插入毛细 管的 0—10Kpa 刻度中间处。 (3)用手指挤出橡皮滴头内部分空气。 (4)将毛细玻璃管开口端没入冷开水中。 (5)缓缓松开捏住橡皮滴头的手指,水即进入 到 0 刻度处(能否使水正好进到 0 刻度处,关键 在于塑料丝放置的位置。 (6)拉出塑料丝(此时毛细管开口处仍没在水 中),水就会充满 0 刻度以下毛细管腔。若水中杂 有气泡,则需重新调节)。 (7)往盖帽内充满水。将.玻.璃.管.插.入.盖.帽.二.分. 之.一.处.。.玻.管.勿.堵.塞.盖.帽.边.上.小.圆.孔.。此时,毛细 管及盖帽中充水部分不应有气泡。 (8)将加水后的毛细玻璃管泡在水中备用。 3、往塑料笔杆内注入冷开水。 4、将已准备好的玻璃毛细管插入笔杆,将橡皮塞塞.紧.。 5、将测水笔插入土中根系主要活动层。若土质紧实, 用棍子打一孔,将测水笔插入土中,填实周边土壤。 使陶土头与周边土壤接触好。 6、土壤湿度状况观察: 笔杆插入土中一段时间后(湿润土壤约半小时,干燥 土壤需 2 小时以上),即可观察。看毛细管内空气柱 下缘所示的刻度数(Kpa 数)即可判断土壤的干燥度: 0—10Kpa 范围为潮湿;对多数植物而言,湿度过高。 10—30Kpa 范围为湿润;适宜多数植物生长的水分条件。
表 2:植物需灌时土壤水吸力范围(供参考)
湿生花卉类:热带 紫薇;玉兰;八仙 牡丹;桂花;月季;
兰类;凤梨科花 花;杜鹃;金莲花; 蔷薇;樱花;西府海
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(安全部翻译 2009年)。
