高二英语上学期Unit 7c



பைடு நூலகம்
半年很快过去了,我们的培训即将结束。一天,突然接到他从杭州打来的电话,他约我到杭州一游。直到那时,他还并不知道我是那次火车上相逢的一群姐妹们中的哪一位,他欣赏我的文学水平, 很想见我一面。我既惊又喜,像只快乐的小鹿跑到领导那请假,得到的却是一口拒绝。我一下子,仿佛一只泄气的皮球。终于,培训队在返湘途中于杭州逗留,我俩在杭州车站再次见面。bbin体育 ,
这时已是深秋,空中飘着丝丝细雨,我们踏着梧桐落叶,吟着"忆江南","江南好,风景旧曾谙,日出江花红胜火,春来江水绿如蓝。能不忆江南?江南忆,最忆是杭。山寺月中寻桂子,即亭枕上看 潮头。何日更重游?江南忆,其次忆吴宫。吴酒一杯春竹叶,吴娃双舞醉芙蓉。早晚复相逢?"我们漫步西子湖畔,虎跑品茶、花港观鱼、岳飞墓凭吊、灵隐寺探幽、柳浪闻莺、三潭印月、平湖秋月…… 留下我们张张倩影。我不知道也无法预料我们友谊的结局究竟是什么?我只知道列车上的相逢确使我获得了深厚的友情,我绝没有想到我们的友情竟很快夭折了。当他送我离开杭州时,他在站台上轻吟 着:秋水清清秋水清,秋月明明秋月明,秋月能送人千里,秋水难诉别离情。"我心中满怀着丝丝的愁绪和对未来的憧憬。
返厂途中,我转道回家探望半年多未曾见过面的家人,随行的挎包中装着一摞他写给我的信,全家人传看了这些信,立即如临大敌,他们轮番"审问",要我承认"早恋"的错误,我仿佛刚出壳的雏鸡 突然遇到了暴风雨,一下子吓懵了,我不停的哭,不停的解释,却无法取得家人的理解,他们"勒令"我立即停止与他的联系,否则,将与组织联系,由组织出面干涉。我终于屈服了。以后,我接连收到 他的几封信,却只字不敢回,从此,人海苍茫两无音。许多年以后我仍然沉浸在伤感的情怀里。



那是我记忆中最快活的岁月,最欢乐的时刻便是吃饭的时候,那一会儿,上百号人,端着碗,揣着馍,庭院的台阶上,门外的半截巷道,一派热闹景象。青春时期的小伙姑娘,一边吃着,一边打情 骂俏,有的还眉来眼去,暗送秋波,惹下了一辈子都没法偿还的风月债。白菜注册送38
初时年岁小,时间长了总想回自己家里去看看,一个人不敢上路,只有跟着去公社办事或者走亲戚的人去一趟,巷子里的人叫我“黑人黑户”,有个年岁大的只要看见我,就说“黑人黑户”又来了, 见到他我总是躲躲闪闪,与别的小孩玩时,一旦不高兴,人家就叫我“黑人黑户”,而南渠西的朋友在生我气时则说:和家庄的,滚回你们的村庄去!从此我就失去了村庄身份认同感,直到现在。
我又被送到了学校,那里成了我最不想去的地方,一天下午,我逃课在巷子里,远远看见老师,敢忙走进一户人家,躲在大门后边,老师又把我从那儿揪了出来,他说,“你到哪儿跑,养驴的还不 知到驴的毛病”。


所以不同时期的南泉时光,不断地插入到我这个寻蝶人的行进中,让我有点恍惚,感觉自己不是来寻找那个像蜻蜓的蝴蝶,而是一个略带的脚步惊起,从小路上飞了起来,只见它前翅黑后翅白,前翅基部还有一对精致的红斑,宛如黑衣白裙的贵妇,懒懒地盘旋在半空,似乎不屑和我这个冒失的闯入者理论,骄 傲地越飞越高。这是红基美凤蝶啊!我有点懊恼,之前,还只是在人工饲养的环境里见过一只残破的美凤蝶,这么完整漂亮的,野外还是第一次见。要是我不是这么耽于往事,可以早就远远地发现它了, 可惜!
蝴蝶才是能在不同的场景和时代来往翩飞的,江山多变,而掠过我们眼前的蝴蝶却和几千万年前一模一样,这精灵家族是地球的古老居民,早于人类,它们翩飞的时候,植物还处在进化的初级阶段, 被子植物都没有出现,在没有繁花的地球上,蝴蝶们孤独地飞着,无花可恋。
再往前走,更多的场景就不这么清楚了。有学生时代我和同学们在花溪河泛舟的情景,有我刚参加工作时和棉纺厂的文学同好在公园里围坐畅谈的情景……至于飞泉,那更是太多画面了——我父母年 轻时在那里留影,我自己童年时在那里留影,后来又带着儿子在那里留影,仿佛那里是时光的旋梯,旋转上升时围绕着的一个中心点。千赢国际开户


晚上下了晚自习,我独自一个人走在幽静的小路上,脑子里浮现出了对您之前不满的种种态度,真是万般后悔。此时的我不知如何面对您,一个人在路边徘徊,突然,一个熟悉的身影正朝我走 来:“桃儿,回家吧,外面凉。”是您,是您那温柔而又细腻的声音,您不生我的气了?脑子里满是问号,但我还是乖乖的跟在您后面。两个人静静的走在这条小路上,此时的路是那么漫长。回到家里, 您径直朝着房间走去,而我没有勇气跟您道歉,也回到了房间。深夜里,我听见了您的哭泣声,再大的事都没见您哭过,今天却为了我伤心的掉泪。那时的我很后悔,很自责,但没有后悔药。那一夜是 如此的漫长,待您睡后,我悄悄的来到您的床前,擦掉了您那残留在脸上的泪珠。而您却是那样的沧桑,脸上爬满了皱纹,乌黑亮丽的头发被染白了,原来自己已经很久没有正眼看过您了。您为了我变 老了,但我却一直在埋怨。
就这样子,我对您的埋怨一天天的加深,不管您对我说什么做什么,我总是爱搭不理,我们母女之间的关系一直都是处于僵硬中。也就这样,每一次的家长会,我从来没有跟您说过,每次都骗老师 说,您有事来不了。是在后来您听隔壁的王姨说,她去参加她儿子的家长会。当晚吃饭时,您对我说了一句:“学校开家长会,你怎么不跟我说?”我冷冷的回了您一句:“不用了,60多人的班级里少我的 一个家长,没关系的。”说完,丢下饭碗,进了自己的房间。那一次起我们之间的交流是越来越少,记得,那天下着滂沱大雨,您匆忙来学校给我送伞,可您来晚了一步,我冒着大雨冲回了家,根本就 不知道您有给我送伞。旦日,您对我说:“昨天我去你们班了……”还没等您说完,我气冲冲的对您说:“没事去我们班干嘛?昨天没有开家长会。”说完跑到了学校,留下还在原地发愣的您傻傻地站在那儿。 我来到学校,气喘吁吁的跑到自己的座位上,同桌对我说:“昨天你阿姨来找过你,你去哪儿了,她担心你淋坏身体,给你送伞来。”听完这话,我顿时愣住了,原来我一直错怪您了

人教版高中英语选择性必修第一册课后习题Unit 3 FASCINATING PARKS 分层跟踪检测

人教版高中英语选择性必修第一册课后习题Unit 3 FASCINATING PARKS 分层跟踪检测

03分层跟踪检测(二)LearningAboutLanguageA级必备知识基础练Ⅰ.单句语法填空1.In the last game,Tony was seriously injured,so he was prohibited doing physical activities for three months.2.The nature park covers an area of 300 mu, (stretch) as far as the river.3.One of the (journal) asked Mr Lee,“What do you think of the device?”4.Actually,time spent laboring is (reward),for it can promote our practical skills,strong will,unity and cooperation.5. (return) to a book you have read many times can feel like drinks with an old friend.1.What made him amazed was that those houses in this areathe natural environment.2.Susan declined the job offer,for the company washer house.3.Our universe countless galaxies,with each galaxy hosting hundreds of billions of stars.4.The villagers have to go to the mountainwater because of the drought.5.This afternoon,I collected all the books,newspapers and other things scattered in the rooms and put them . Ⅲ.单句写作1.目前我市正在建的主题公园是你们市的主题公园的三倍大。


我想起一个真实的案例,并且相信很多文学青年也听说过。上世纪四十年代,有位名不见经传的日本青年三岛由纪夫来到东京,登门拜访了当时住在东京某偏僻寓所里的川端康成。经过川端的提拔 和指导,青年在川端康成主办的文学杂志上发表了第一篇短篇小说,篇幅虽不长,却为他日后成功迈进文学大门铺平了道路。从一九四九年发表第一部小说《假面的自白》开始,到一九七0年剖腹自杀, 三岛由纪夫共出版了二十部中长篇小说,十八部短篇小说集和若干的戏剧集,成为战后日本最有影响力的纯文学作家。社会似乎存在着一个简单的哲学:即使一块金子,也需要别人去挖掘;即使一匹千 里马,也需要伯乐去发现和采用。不过,社会制度存在差别,个体与个体之间存在差异,每个人所遇到的机遇和面临的命运也会千差万别。三岛由纪夫所遇见的“天赐良缘”,是每个文学青年羡慕和嫉 妒的,但这种机遇不会平分给每个人。所以,这个世界上才会存在大师和小辈的区别,才会存在有影响力的伟人和默默无闻的愤青之师面前提起这个案例,相信她也有着像很多创作者一样的野心,只是迫于现实的无奈,很多理想只能藏在心里罢了。她为什么会选择报告文学为自己的主攻方向,难道她对富于绚丽色 彩的小说没有感觉,还有另有说不清的原因?看着她面前叠着的几本杂志和图书,我感慨地只能默不作声。她没有送我任何作品,相反收下了我的一部诗集和几句恳求的话,告别前她答应帮我努力找编 辑推荐下,不过事后怎样也不得而知。我在拜访她期间的最大收获是记住了一句话:每个人都只愿意跟他同阶层的人对话。是呀,多么简单的一个道理,可是有很多人一辈子也没有领悟到。



人教版高二(上)英语知识清单:重点短语和重点句子unit7-8(人教版高二英语上册教案教学设计)一重点短语1 break down(机器)坏掉,(人)垮掉,(谈判,计划)失败,分解联想:break up分散,(关系)破裂 break through 突破break in(vi.)闯入,插嘴break into(vt.)闯入;突然大哭/大笑 break off中断,折断 break away from摆脱2 leave sb/sth alone不理会 leave sth behind遗留;留下 leave out 遗漏,漏掉leave +n.+adj/adv. 使…处于某种状态eg,He question left me speechless. Don’t leave your work half done.She left her baby crying. Leave them as they are.3 defend/protect … against(from)保护…免受…4 keep sb/sth alive让…生存,保留下来 come alive活跃起来5 cure sb of sth 治愈某人的疾病;改掉某人的恶习eg,Moving to the countryside cured her of asthma.搬到乡下他的哮喘就好了。

eg,The painful lesson cured him of the bad habit of drinking and driving.那次惨痛的教训根除了他酒后驾车的坏毛病。

6 be infected with/contract disease感染疾病 transmit/spread disease传播疾病(feelings)infect sb情绪感染某人eg,Her enthusiasm infected the whole class.7 blood transfusion输血8 because of a lack of/for lack of/in the absence of 因为缺乏9 as with/as is the case with/in common with同…一样10 the+adj.表示一类人:the young(=young people) ,the rich(富人),the poor(穷人)the dead(死者),the living,(生者),the accused(被告)表示抽象化事物:the beatuiful(=beauty)美的事物,the impossible不可能的事情11 suffer from (a disease)患有某种疾病eg, suffer from a bad cold/loss of memory/somnia患重感冒,失忆症,失眠suffer+n. 遭受,经历(痛苦,损失)eg, suffer pain/torture/defeat/damage/loss遭受痛苦,折磨,失败,破坏,损失12 be available 可获得的,可用的;有空的,不忙的eg,The library is available for the students. 图书馆对学生开放。


be made of wood木制
Ss reviewthe language points carefully and give some examples about them.

pass away亡故in my opinion在我看来...
It’s a place which I’ ve visited twice
A.if I have already got well, hadn’t you
B. whether I had already got well
C. have I already got well
D. had I already got well.
It is said that据说(known\believed\expected)be located in位于...
a journey of discovery发现之旅
vary from day to day每天都在变
be known as the best team被认为是最好的队
be worth doing值得去做…
reflect light and heat反射光和热
at table\at the table吃饭/在桌旁



Step2 Fast reading
1.How did the writer feel when he was diagnosed with cancer? 2.Who helped him overcome the pain caused by the treatment? 3.What does he think of cancer now?
Living with disease
(Integrating skills)
Step1 Lead-in
a famous actress
… died of cancer
确诊患了癌症: 那天, 我的 生命结束,然后又重新开始.
If the production of cells is isrupted cells either divide d_______, too fast or at the wrong time, making it difficult for the roperly body to function p_______. Cancer isn’t caused by njury and is not c_________. i_____ ontagious
It’s painful for people with reated with cancer to be t______ hemicals radiation and c________. Luckily, their family and friends can keep them from feeling sad and lonely and trength help them find the s_______ ecover they need to r______.


老奶奶的这番看似平淡的啰嗦话,让我有点震惊,她老人家自己都七十了,还想着去照顾别人,我呢?二十来岁,回家还得父母伺候,不禁有点羞惭,低下了头,两眼直盯盯地看着手中的黄瓜。巴 厘岛平台手机版
老人家看出了我心里的疑惑,爽朗地笑笑:“城里人都兴起五更跑步,顺便就带上了我的菜,我的菜也就卖完了。卖完了菜,就得赶紧着去开门的那家早超市,买好该买的东西和物件,再跑回家做 早饭正好,一点都不误。你说,这时间赶得多好。菜卖了,东西买了,我也锻炼了,城里人也早晨起床来不了,我干爹干娘清早起来吃过饭,我得陪他们出去走走,不放心他们自己出去。顺便再去一个五保户家看看,看她缺啥,我来城里给她捎上。临到晌午, 我得帮邻居家去接接上学的孩子,邻居家的男人是部队上的,是保家卫国的,咱得关心关心他的家属对不对?吃了晌午饭,安顿好两个老人,我就下地收点菜放地窖里,地窖里的菜能放得时间长一点, 也能保新鲜。下午饭吃得早一点,嘱咐好两个老人早点睡觉,我就出来了。”


橱内,陈列着各名家为古树书写的诗文和情侣在此许下的真情心愿。三四个学生模样的女孩认真地观赏着。电子游戏新用户送彩金 院落东角,几个阿婆摆弄着木柜上的方盒。盒子里,灿若云霞的红豆,仿佛人间精灵。 阿婆看我发怔的样子,呵呵地笑,红豆吉祥如意,带回家去。我心里一暖,阿婆不说买,只说带回家。 靠墙的小柜上,放着十几条镶嵌了红豆的珍珠、玛瑙手链。一盒茶色的豆荚,状如鸡心,剥开,便是一粒心脏形的红豆。 这是偶俚(我们)顾山红豆。阿婆把偶俚两字尾音拖得好长。弯腰又从小抽屉里抓出几颗,伸到我面前。喏,这是外地红豆。扁,颜色暗个,侧面有脐。 两相比较,顾山红豆殷红似火,光鉴玲珑。多少年来,人们用尽各种方法栽种均没成功。而其稀少与优良的品质,被人们称为“海内孤木”。在美国植物博物馆内,就收藏着顾山红豆树的两粒红豆。 诗人刘大白在偶得顾山一荚双粒红豆后,激动地写下《双红豆》一诗。如此珍贵之物,诗人得之,必是有缘人。 我在树枝系上许愿带,像许多慕名而来的国内外“红豆迷”和相爱的情侣一样,虔诚地接受它的祝福,祈愿家人幸福安康。 千年古树,是顾山红豆村的图腾与标志,也是江阴市重要的文物保护单位。如今,围绕红豆文化,依托地方农业产业和江南饮食文化,红豆村已成为集旅游观光、民族风情、果摘等为一体的综合性 生态基地。勤劳的庄稼人耕耘着这块江南春闺里的福地。



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JEMQRE]«gM2 SWEJftS*1a NEW 部限E 值冏◎ 01M一、高中英语教材人教版单元目录人教版高一上学期Unit 1 Good friendsUnit 2 English around the worldUnit 3 Going placesUnit 4 Unforgettable experiencesUnit 5 The silver screenUnit 6 Good mannersUnit 7 Cultural relicsUnit 8 SportsUnit 9 TechnologyUnit 10 The world around usUnit 11 The sounds of the worldUnit 12 Art and literature人教版高一下学期Unit 13 Healthy eatingUnit 14 FestivalsUnit 15 The necklaceUnit 16 Scientists at workUnit 17 Great womenUnit 18 New ZealandUnit 19 Modern agricultureUnit 20 HumourUnit 21 Body languageUnit 22 A world of fun人教版高二上学期Unit 1 Making a differenceUnit 2 New mediaUnit 3 Art and architectureUnit 4 A garden of poemsUnit 5 The British IslesUnit 6 Life in the futureUnit 7 Living with diseaseUnit 8 First aidUnit 9 Saving the earthUnit 10 Frightening nature人教版高二下学期Unit 11 Scientific achievementsUnit 12 Fact and fantasyUnit 13 The water planetUnit 14 Freedom fightersUnit 15 DestinationsUnit 16 The United States of America Unit 17 DisabilitiesUnit 18 InventionsUnit 19 The Merchant ofVeniceUnit 20 Archaeology人教版高三学期Unit 1 That must be a record!Unit 2 Crossing limitsUnit 3 The land down underUnit 5 Getting the messageUnit 7 A Christmas CarolUnit 8 Learning a foreign languageUnit 9 Health careUnit 10 American literatureUnit 11 Key to successUnit 12 EducationUnit 13 The mystery of the MoonstoneUnit 14 ZoologyUnit 15 Popular youth cultureUnit 16 Finding jobs二、高中英语教材新课标人教版单元目录新课标人教版高一上模块1、2模块1 Unit 1 Friendship模块1 Unit 2 English around the world模块1 Unit 3 Travel journal模块1 Unit 4 Earthquakes模块1 Unit 5 Nelson Mandel -- a modern hero模块2 Unit 1 Cultural relics模块2 Unit 2 The Olympic Games模块2 Unit 3 Computers模块2 Unit 4 Wildlife Protection模块2 Unit 5 Music新课标人教版高一下模块3、4模块3 Unit 2 Healthy eating模块3 Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note模块3 Unit 4 Astronomy: the science of the stars 模块3 Unit 5 Canada - “The True North”模块4 Unit 1 Women of achievement模块4 Unit 2 Working the land模块4 Unit 3 A taste of English humour模块4 Unit 4 Body language模块4 Unit 5 Theme parks新课标人教版高二上模块5、6模块5 Unit 1 Great Scientists模块5 Unit 2 The United Kingdom模块5 Unit 3 Life in the future模块5 Unit 4 Making the news模块5 Unit 5 First Aid模块6 Unit 1 Art模块6 Unit 2 Poems模块6 Unit 3 A healthy life模块6 Unit 4 Global warming模块6 Unit 5 The power of nature新课标人教版高二下模块7、8选修模块7 Unit 1 Living well选修模块7 Unit 2 Robots选修模块7 Unit 3 Under the sea选修模块7 Unit 4 Sharing选修模块7 Unit 5 Travelling abroad选修模块8 Unit 1 A land of diversity选修模块8 Unit 2 C loning选修模块8 Unit 3 Inventors and inventions 选修模块8 Unit 4 Pygmalion选修模块8 Unit 5 Meeting your ancestors新课标人教版高三学期模块9、10选修模块9 Unit 1 Breaking records选修模块9 Unit 2 Sailing the oceans选修模块9 Unit 3 Australia选修模块9 Unit 4 Exploring planets选修模块9 Unit 5 Inside advertising选修模块10 Unit 1 Nothing ventured选修模块10 Unit 2 King Lear选修模块10 Unit 3 Fairness for all选修模块10 Unit 4 Learning effectively选修模块10 Unit 5 Enjoying novels三、高中英语教材外研版单元目录必修1Module 1 My First Day at Senior HighModule 2 My New TeachersModule 3 My First Ride on a TrainModule 4 A Social Survey -- My Neighbourhood Module 5 A Lesson in a LabModule 6 The Internet and Telecommunications必修2Module 1 Our Body and Healthy HabitsModule 2 No DrugsModule 3 MusicModule 4 Fine Arts - Western, Chinese and Pop Arts Module 5 NewspapersModule 6 Films and TV ProgrammesModule 7 Revision必修3Module 1 EuropeModule 2 Developing and Developed CountriesModule 3 The Violence of NatureModule 4 Sandstorms in AsiaModule 5 Great people and Great InventionModule 6 Old and NewModule 7 Revision必修4Module 1 Life in the futureModule 2 Traffic JamModule 3 Body Language and Non-Verbal Communication Module 4 Great ScientistsModule 5 A Trip Along the Three GorgesModule 6 Unexplained Mysteries of the Nature World Module 7 Revision必修5Module 2 A Job Worth DoingModule 3 Adventure in Literature and the Cinema Module 4 CarnivalModule 5 The Great Sports PersonalityModule 6 Animals in DangerModule 7 Revision外研版第五册综合选修6Module 1 Small TalkModule 2 Fantasy Literature - Philip Pullman Module 3 Interpersonal Relationships -- Friendship Module 4 MusicModule 5 CloningModule 6 War and PeaceModule 7 Revision选修7Module 1 BasketballModule 2 Highlights of My Senior YearModule 3 LiteratureModule 4 Music Born in AmericaModule 5 Ethnic CultureModule 6 The World’s Cultural HeritageModule 7 Revision选修8Module 1 Deep SouthModule 3 Foreign FoodModule 4 Which English?Module 5 The Conquest of the UniverseModule 6 The Tang PoemsModule 7 Revision选修9Module 1 Bernard Shaw’’s PygmalionModule 2 DNA- the Secret of LifeModule 3 The Qin Tomb and the Terracotta Warriors Module 4 Languages of the WorldModule 5 The First AmericansModule 6 Why Do We Need DictionariesModule 7 Revision选修10Module 1 Pride and PrejudiceModule 2 Australia and New ZealandModule 3 Slavery and the American Civil War Module 4 The Magic of FilmModule 5 High-tech LivingModule 6 The Maple Leaf CountryModule 7 Revision选修11Module 1 The Boston Tea PartyModule 2 The Long Walk to FreedomModule 3 Ernest HemingwayModule 4 Sherlock HolmesModule 6 The Unitde NationsModule 7 Revision四、高中英语教材牛津译林版单元标题牛津版高一上学期School life模块1 Unit1模块1 Unit 2 Growing pains模块1 Unit 3 Looking good, feeling good模块2 Unit 1 Tales of the unexplained模块2 Unit 2 Wish you were here模块2 Unit 3 Amazing people牛津版高一下学期模块3 Unit 1 The world of our senses模块3 Unit 2 Language模块3 Unit 3 Back to the past模块4 Unit 1 Advertising模块4 Unit 2 Sporting events模块4 Unit 3 Tomorrow’s world牛津版高二上学期模块5 Unit 1 Getting along with others模块5 Unit 2 The environment模块5 Unit 3 Science versus nature模块6 Unit 1 Laughter is good for you模块6 Unit 2 What is happiness to you?模块6 Unit 3 Understanding each other模块6 Unit 4 Helping people around the world牛津版高二下学期模块7 Unit 1 Living with technology模块7 Unit 2 Fit for life模块7 Unit 3 The world online模块7 Unit 4 Public transport模块8 Unit 1 The written world模块8 Unit 2 The universal language模块8 Unit 3 The world of colours and light模块8 Unit 4 Films and film events牛津版高三上学期模块9 Unit 1 Other countries, other cultures模块9 Unit 2 Witnessing time模块9 Unit 3 The meaning of colour模块9 Unit 4 Behind beliefs模块10 unit 1 building the future模块10 unit 2 people on the move模块10 unit 3 protecting ourselves模块10 unit 4 law and order模块11 unit 1 careers and skills模块11 unit 2 getting a job模块11 unit 3 the secret of success模块11 unit 4 the next step 第一轮复习牛津版高三下学期二轮复习五、高中英语教材北师大版单元标题北师大版高一上学期模块1 Unit 1 Lifestyles模块1 Unit 2 Heroes模块1 Unit 3 Celebration模块2 Unit 4 Cyberspace模块2 Unit 5 Rhythm模块2 Unit 6 Design模块1 复习模块2 复习北师大版高一下学期模块3 Unit 7 The Sea模块3 Unit 8 Adventure模块3 Unit 9 Wheels模块3 复习模块4 Unit 10 Money模块4 Unit 11 The Media模块4 Unit 12 Culture Shock 模块4 复习北师大版高二上学期模块5 Unit 13 People模块5 Unit 14 Careers模块5 Unit 15 Learning模块5 综合或复习模块6 综合或复习模块6 Unit 16 Stories模块6 Unit 17 Laughter模块6 Unit 18 Beauty北师大版高二下学期选修模块7 Unit 19 Language选修模块7 Unit 20 New Frontiers选修模块7 Unit 21 Human Biology选修模块8 Unit 22 Environmental Protection选修模块8 Unit 23 Conflict选修模块8 Unit 24 Society北师大版高三学期选修模块9 Unit 25 Going Global选修模块9 Unit 26 Emotions选修模块9 Unit 27 Behaviour选修模块10 Unit 28 Health选修模块10 Unit 29 Education选修模块10 Unit 30 Relationships选修模块11 Unit 31 Personal Preferences选修模块11 Unit 32 Modern Living选修模块11 Unit 33 Truth and Lies六、高中英语教材冀教版单元标题必修模块1Unit 1 Being a TeenagerUnit 2 FriendshipUnit 3 Men and Women Different Roles in Society Unit 4 Movies from the East, Views from the West Unit 5 Literature:The Dream KeeperUnit 6 Learning through TravelUnit 7 To Your Good HealthUnit 8 New ideas and Inventions必修模块2Unit 1 School LifeUnit 2 FamilyUnit 3 Keeping SafeUnit 4 Let’s Talk MusicUnit 5 Experiencing LiteratureUnit 6 Planning a TripUnit 7 Culture and Cultural Diversity Unit 8 The Story of English必修模块3Unit 1 What Kind of Learner Am IUnit 2 Food for ThoughtUnit 3 The ComputerUnit 4 Attitudes towards our Elders Unit 5 Literature for IdentityUnit 6 GeographyUnit 7 New waves of TechnologyUnit 8 Protecting the Environment必修模块4Unit 1 What shapes our Identity?Unit 2 Using the InternetUnit 3 New Discoveries in Science Unit 4 The Olympic GamesUnit 5 Literature for HappinessUnit 6 Confucius and To day’s SocietyUnit 7 Teenagers, Fashion and Advertising Unit 8 Celebrities and Role Models必修5Unit 1 Exploring Learning ResourcesUnit 2 Managing Your TimeUnit 3 The Story of SuccessUnit 4 Literature for TruthUnit 5 Words and How We Use ThemUnit 6 Teenagers and TelevisionUnit 7 Studying Abroad: What You Need to Know Unit 8 Planning Your Career选修6Unit 1 Achieving Your BestUnit 2 Relieving stress in Your LifeUnit 3 Chinese ExperiencesUnit 4 What’s Being Gifted?Unit 5 Great ScientistsUnit 6 The Great WallUnit 7 Family FestivalsUnit 8 Science Fiction选修7Unit 1 Health MattersUnit 2 Global WarmingUnit 3 Qi Baishi and chinese paintingUnit 4 Self controlUnit 5 Literature for self-under-standing Unit 6 Exploring chinatownUnit 7 Sherlock HolmesUnit 8 Rules Are Rules!选修8Unit 1 Educational ExchangeUnit 2 The Changing English LanguageUnit 3 The Rise of BioengineeringUnit 4 George WashingtonUnit 5 Literature: Poems by and for the PeopleUnit 6 Manners, Customs and CulturesUnit 7 Caring for Each OtherUnit 8 Humankind and Nature选修9Unit 1 Growing UpUnit 2 Literature For LoveUnit 3 Organtic Food and FarmingUnit 4 WeatherUnit 5 MisunderstandingsUnit 6 Ludwig Van BeethovenUnit 7 The Story of TroyUnit 8 Technology and Modern Way of Life选修10Unit 1 Martin Luther King and the Civil Rights Movement Unit 2 Travelling in ChinaUnit 3 CloningUnit 4 EarthquakesUnit 5 Chinese MedicineUnit 6 Literature of DilemmaUnit 7 Fables, Legends and MythsUnit 8 What Can We Do to Protect Our Environment?七、高中英语教材重庆大学版单元标题重庆大学版高一上学期I、Unit 1 Our SchoolsUnit 2 TeachersUnit 3 SchoolmatesUnit 4 SportsUnit 5 MusicUnit 6 FilmsUnit 7 Food and HealthUnit 8 Houses and LivingUnit 9 Clothes and FashionII、Unit 1 Learning English ReadingUnit 2 DictionaryUnit 3 The Story of Helen KellerUnit 4 ConfidenceUnit 5 HonestyUnit 6 Helping PeopleUnit 7 HolidaysUnit 8 FoodUnit 9 Travel重庆大学版高一下学期m、Unit 1 Friends and FriendshipUnit 2 Between Parents and UsUnit 4 DreamsUnit 5 Wishes and AmbitionsUnit 6 PerseveranceUnit 7 ArtUnit 8 DramaUnit 9 Poetryw、Unit 1 Project HopeUnit 2 Three GorgesUnit 3 Countries and RegionsUnit 4 PlantsUnit 5 AnimalsUnit 6 Man and PetsUnit 7 NeighborhoodUnit 8 WorkplaceUnit 9 Living Today重庆大学版高二上学期V、Unit 1 History of the Olympic Games Unit 2 Famous People in the OlympicsUnit 3 Beijing 2008Unit 4 The Planet We Live onUnit 5 History and PeopleUnit 6 Antarctica and the Environment Unit 7 The Internet and Our LifeUnit 8 Magic InternetUnit 9 Computers and the Web w、Unit 1 The Coqui in HawaiiUnit 2 Troublesome TravelersUnit 3 Seeking AdviceUnit 4 A Good Heart to Lean on Unit 5 I Have a DreamUnit 6 A Day’s Wait重庆大学版高二下学期皿、Unit 1 Getting Along with Parents Unit 2 Getting Along with Others Unit 3 HistoryUnit 4 CivilizationUnit 5 Stress and MemoryUnit 6 Dreams Reading皿Unit 1 NamesUnit 2 Non-verbal Communication Unit 3 Going HomeUnit 4 Man of VirtueUnit 5 Wonders of Our BodyUnit 6 Experiencing the Wonders重庆大学版高三学期IX、Unit 1 Chicken Soup for the Soul Unit 2 Eternal LoveUnit 3 Holidays and FestivalsUnit 4 The Delights of BooksUnit 5 Traveling WorldwideUnit 6 Entertaining UsX、Unit 1 About EnglishUnit 2 Life as a PoemUnit 3 Mass MediaUnit 4 MannersUnit 5 Speaking SkillsUnit 6 Beauty of NatureXI、Unit 1 Movie and MusicUnit 2 SpaceUnit 3 World of MysteriesUnit 4 Popular CultureUnit 5 How to Do ThingsUnit 6 Job and Interview八、高中英语教材上海新世纪版单元标题高一上册Unit 1 occupationsUnit 2 Success storiesUnit 3 English mannersUnit 4 Holidays and festivalsUnit 5 Animal friendsUnit 6 Cartoons and comic stripsUnit 7 MetropolisesUnit 8 HackingUnit 9 Personal hygieneMoudle 1综合Moudle 2综合Moudle 3综合高一下册Unit 1 travelling around China Unit 2 travelling around the world Module 1综合Unit 3 English is changingUnit 4 A cushion or a kissMoudle 2综合Unit 5 Classical and popular music Unit 6 Going to the CinemaModule 3综合Unit 7 NewspapersUnit 8 MagazineModule 4综合高二上册Unit 1 Eating Around the World Unit 2 Global DrinksUnit 3 Sports HeroesUnit 4 Sports Around the World Unit 5 AnimalsUnit 6 The EnvironmentUnit 7 Shopping ExperiencesUnit 8 AdvertisingMoudle 1综合Moudle 2综合高二下册Unit 1 Words and their stories Unit 2 Using body lauguageUnit 3 On the friendshipUnit 4 Moving storiesUnit 5 Great scientistsUnit 6 Amazing achievemtnsUnit 7 Enjoying the classics (1) Unit 8 Enjoying the classics (2) Unit 9 AdventuresUnit 10 DisastersMoudle 1综合Moudle 2综合Moudle 3综合Moudle 4综合Moudle 5综合高三上册Unit 1 Our Common HomeUnit 2 Limited OceanMoudle 1综合Unit 3 Short StoriesUnit 4 DramaMoudle 2综合Unit 5 Wonders in ArchitectureUnit 6Moudle 3综合Unit 7Unit 8高三下册Unit 1 Two GenerationsUnit 2 Growing upUnit 3 Our SpaceUnit 4 Space ExplorationUnit 5 Future EducationsUnit 6 Career PreparationMoudle 1综合Moudle 2综合Moudle 3综合九、上海牛津版高中英语教材详细目录高一上Module 1 The Human BodyUnit 1 Body LanguageUnit 2 Care for HairModule 2 Colourful LifeUnit 3 A Taste of TravelUnit 4 EntertainmentModule 3 Food for ThoughtUnit 5 Think before You EatUnit 6 Fun Food高一下Module 1 Extraordinary TalesUnit 1 A Trip to the TheatreUnit 2 Great MindsModule 2 The Natural WorldUnit 3 PlantsUnit 4 Creatures Large and Small Module 3 Ideas and ViewpointsUnit 5 Problems and AdviceUnit 6 A Variety of Viewpoints 高二上Module 1 After-school ActivitiesUnit 1 Sporting EventsUnit 2 Continuous Learning Module 2 Aspects of Modern LifeUnit 3 Contemporary StyleUnit 4 Big BusinessesModule 3 The World of ScienceUnit 5 Technology all around usUnit 6 Space Exploration高二下Module 1 HappinessUnit 1 What is Beauty?Unit 2 Laughter HealsModule 2 The Power of ImagesUnit 3 ColoursUnit 4 Painting the World Module 3 Our Fragile Environment Unit 5 Living in HarmonyUnit 6 Problems and Solutions 高三上Module 1 The people around usUnit 1 Reaching OutUnit 2 Society and Change Module 2 The Things We DoUnit 3 TravelUnit 4 Family Celebrations Module 3 A Taste of LiteratureUnit 5 A Tale with a TwistUnit 6 A Wilde Play for LoveUnit 7 The Poetry of Nature高三下Module 1 Man and AnimalsUnit 1 Endangered AnimalsUnit 2 Wonderful Sea AnimalsModule 2 Caring about Your FutureUnit 3 It's Not Just a JobUnit 4 Job SearchingModule 3 A Taste of LiteratureUnit 5 The Surprising Stories of O.Henry Unit 6 Communicating with Helen Keller Unit 7 Famous Stories Retold。


prevent (v.) prevent sb. (from) doing sth. stop sb. (from) doing sth. keep sb. from doing sth.
6. persuade: 说服, 劝服, 使某人相信 persuade sb. to do sth. 说服某人去做某事 1)她终于说服她儿子上大学.
9. lack (n.) 缺乏, 没有 lack of a lack of money / a lack of care 1)I cannot buy the bike because of my lack of
money. 2)The reason for their failure was the lack of
She flew to Washington via New York. 2)他以E-mail的方式给她寄了一封情书.
He sent her a love letter via E-mail. 3)我通过玛丽的姐姐给她带去了一个口信.
I sent a message to Mary via her sister. 5. prevention (n.) 预防, 阻止, 妨碍
She finally persuaded her son to go to college. 2)She tried to persuade him to change his mind.
她试图劝他改变主意. persuade sb. into doing sth. 劝说某人做某事 persuade sb. out of doing sth. 劝说某人不要做某事 3)Can you persuade her into wearing that dress? 4)We persuaded him out of his foolish idea. persuade sb. of sth. 使某人相信某事 5)How can I persuade you of this matter ?

高二英语上学期Unit 7c

高二英语上学期Unit 7c

人教修订版高二英语上Unit 7 Living with diseaseReading教案Born DyingType of lesson: ReadingTeaching goals:1. Enable the Ss to learn more about AIDS and people’s attitudes towards AIDS.2. Develop the Ss’ ability of reading as well as listening, speaking and writing. Teaching approaches:1. Communicative Approach2. Task-based learning3. Learner-centeredness; learning-centerednessTeaching aids: 1. a tape-recorder; 2. a computerTeaching difficulties:1. The understanding of the following expressions: break down, contract, available; discourage; cheer sb. up; develop AIDS, etc.2. The understanding of the following sentences:a. I wish I could remember more about my mum. I wish she were here with me and that we weren’t sick.b. If I were to live long enough to have a job, I would choose to be a doctor.c. “My life may have to be short,” she says, “but there’s no reason why it can’t be beautiful.”Teaching focus: The understanding of the whole text.Teaching procedures:Step 1 RevisionCheck the homework.Step 2 Warming upIf you are to interview a person living with HIV, what questions will you ask? Now let’s prepare some.Student A: I would like to ask the following questions:1. When did you get infected (with HIV)?2. And how? Are you afraid?3. What treatment are you receiving now?Student B: My questions are:1. When did you know that you are infected?2. How did you feel at first?3. What is your attitude towards it now?4. What about your family? And your friends? Your classmates or your neighbors? Teacher: What good questions you’ve prepared. If you were to do such a job, you would both do it well. Thank you.Step 3 Fast readingTeacher: Today we are going to read about a 12-year-old girl named Xiaohua,who has been infected with HIV. How did she get infected? Is she afraid? What treatment is she receiving? What is her attitude towards it? What are other people’s attitudes? The text will tell you all.Now read it quickly and find out the answers to these questions.Questions and answersT: How did she get infected?Student C: Through birth.T: Right, thank you. Now the next one—Is she afraid?Student D: She might have been afraid at first, but not now.T: Right. How did you know that?Student D: From these sentences: 1. …but she does not let that knowledge discourage her. Instead, … 2. … but she will not let the disease destroy her happiness. Teacher: I agree. Thank you. Sit down, please. Now, Student E, is she receiving much treatment?Student E: Yes.T: How do you know that?Student E: er, er …Teacher: I’m afraid I don’t agree with you. Perhaps she is receiving some treatment, but not much. Do you agree with me, Student F?Student F: Yes.Teacher: Why?Student F: From these sentences: For children like Xiaohua there is little hope. The drugs that are available are much too expensive.T: Well done! Thank you two. Sit down, please. What are other people’s attitudes towards her, student G?Student G: Most people don’t know much about AIDS and are afraid of any contract with Xiaohua. This adds to her sufferings.T: You did a good job. Thank you.Step 4 Careful readingNow, you’ll have more time to read the text again. This time—slowly and carefully. You are to get the main idea of each paragraph and more details. Remember?Task 1 The main idea of each paragraphPara 1 A brief introductionPara 2 A general introduction to AIDSPara 3 How HIV spreadsPara 4 Thousands of children become infected with HIV every day.Para 5 There is little hope for Xiaohua, but she leads an active life and tries her best to help others.Para 6 Other people’s attitudes towards AIDS patientsPara 7 Xiaohua’s attitude towards her disease and life(Use the computer to present the answers to the students one by one.)Task 2 Questions and answersQuestions:1. What kind of disease is AIDS?2. How do people get AIDS?3. How many children became infected with AIDS in 2002 alone?4. Does Xiaohua know that she will die? Does that discourage her?5. What does she spend much of her time doing?6. What does Xiaohua mean by saying “I wish I could remember more about my mum. I wish she were here with me and that we weren’t sick.”7. What does she mean by “If I were to live long enough to have a job, I would choose to be a doctor.”8. What do you think makes AIDS patients suffer most?9. What advice does Xiaohua give to other people?10. What does Xiaohua mean by “My life may have to be short, but there’s no reason why it can’t be beautiful.”?Answers:1. It is a disease that breaks down the body’s immune system and leaves a person defenceless against infection and illnesses.2. People may get AIDS by having unprotected sex, by receiving infected blood transfusions or through birth.3. 3.2 million.4. Yes, but she doesn’t let that discourage her.5. She spends much of her limited time telling others about her disease and encouraging people to learn how to protect themselves. She goes to visit other AIDS patients to support them and cheer them up.6. She knows that all these facts can’t be changed. Her mother died too early to let her know more about her. What a pity it is that she has gone and that her and her father are both infected with HIV.7. She knows she can’t live that long. Otherwise, she would be a doctor to cure people of this disease—AIDS.8. Other people’s fear of the disease. Many people are afraid of any contact with AIDS patients for the fear of being infected.9. She suggests that people should not be afraid and give AIDS patients more care, even a hug. People should not let the AIDS patients feel lonely.10. This shows that Xiaohua is optimistic towards life despite her disease.Step 5 ListeningPlay the tape for the Ss to listen to.Step 6 ConsolidationRead aloud the text and prepare for retelling.Step 7 RetellingGet one student to retell the story of Xiaohua with the help of the following words: infected…mother…feeling … treatment … attitude … other people …One possible version:Xiaohua, a lovely Chinese girl, got infected with HIV through birth. Her mother contracted HIV at the age of 28 and died when Xiaohua was only 3 years old. Xiaohua felt sad about her disease and her mother’s death, but as she grows older, shedecided not to let that discourage her. Instead, she spends much of her time helping other people protect themselves and cheering up other AIDS patients. She also calls on the whole society to show more care, support and love to AIDS patients instead of being afraid of them. She says she’ll try to make her life beautiful. I believe she can and she will.Step 8 HomeworkRead the text again and mark out your difficulties in the text.。

高二英语教案:高二英语上学期Unit 7c

高二英语教案:高二英语上学期Unit 7c

人教修订版高二英语上Unit 7 Living with diseaseReading教案Born DyingType of lesson: ReadingTeaching goals:1. Enable the Ss to learn more about AIDS and people’s attitudes towards AIDS.2. Develop the Ss’ ability of reading as well as listening, speaking and writing. Teaching approaches:1. Communicative Approach2. Task-based learning3. Learner-centeredness; learning-centerednessTeaching aids: 1. a tape-recorder; 2. a computerTeaching difficulties:1. The understanding of the following expressions: break down, contract, available; discourage; cheer sb. up; develop AIDS, etc.2. The understanding of the following sentences:a. I wish I could remember more about my mum. I wish she were here with me and that we weren’t sick.b. If I were to live long enough to have a job, I would choose to be a doctor.c. “My life may have to be short,” she says, “but there’s no reason why it can’t be beautiful.”Teaching focus: The understanding of the whole text.Teaching procedures:Step 1 RevisionCheck the homework.Step 2 Warming upIf you are to interview a person living with HIV, what questions will you ask? Now let’s prepare some.Student A: I would like to ask the following questions:1. When did you get infected (with HIV)?2. And how? Are you afraid?3. What treatment are you receiving now?Student B: My questions are:1. When did you know that you are infected?2. How did you feel at first?3. What is your attitude towards it now?4. What about your family? And your friends? Your classmates or your neighbors? Teacher: What good questions you’ve prepared. If you were to do such a job, you would both do it well. Thank you.Step 3 Fast readingTeacher: Today we are going to read about a 12-year-old girl named Xiaohua,who has been infected with HIV. How did she get infected? Is she afraid? What treatment is she receiving? What is her attitude towards it? What are other people’s attitudes? The text will tell you all.Now read it quickly and find out the answers to these questions.Questions and answersT: How did she get infected?Student C: Through birth.T: Right, thank you. Now the next one—Is she afraid?Student D: She might have been afraid at first, but not now.T: Right. How did you know that?Student D: From these sentences: 1. …but she does not let that knowledge discourage her. Instead, … 2. … but she will not let the disease destroy her happiness. Teacher: I agree. Thank you. Sit down, please. Now, Student E, is she receiving much treatment?Student E: Yes.T: How do you know that?Student E: er, er …Teacher: I’m afraid I don’t agree with you. Perhaps she is receiving some treatment, but not much. Do you agree with me, Student F?Student F: Yes.Teacher: Why?Student F: From these sentences: For children like Xiaohua there is little hope. The drugs that are available are much too expensive.T: Well done! Thank you two. Sit down, please. What are other people’s attitudes towards her, student G?Student G: Most people don’t know much about AIDS and are afraid of any contract with Xiaohua. This adds to her sufferings.T: You did a good job. Thank you.Step 4 Careful readingNow, you’ll have more time to read the text again. This time—slowly and carefully. You are to get the main idea of each paragraph and more details. Remember?Task 1 The main idea of each paragraphPara 1 A brief introductionPara 2 A general introduction to AIDSPara 3 How HIV spreadsPara 4 Thousands of children become infected with HIV every day.Para 5 There is little hope for Xiaohua, but she leads an active life and tries her best to help others.Para 6 Other people’s attitudes towards AIDS patientsPara 7 Xiaohua’s attitude towards her disease and life(Use the computer to present the answers to the students one by one.)Task 2 Questions and answersQuestions:1. What kind of disease is AIDS?2. How do people get AIDS?3. How many children became infected with AIDS in 2002 alone?4. Does Xiaohua know that she will die? Does that discourage her?5. What does she spend much of her time doing?6. What does Xiaohua mean by saying “I wish I could remember more about my mum.I wish she were here with me and that we weren’t sick.”7. What does she mean by “If I were to live long enough to have a job, I would choose to be a doctor.”8. What do you think makes AIDS patients suffer most?9. What advice does Xiaohua give to other people?10. What does Xiaohua mean by “My life may have to be short, but there’s no reason why it can’t be beautiful.”?Answers:1. It is a disease that breaks down the body’s immune system and leaves a person defenceless against infection and illnesses.2. People may get AIDS by having unprotected sex, by receiving infected blood transfusions or through birth.3. 3.2 million.4. Yes, but she doesn’t let that discourage her.5. She spends much of her limited time telling others about her disease and encouraging people to learn how to protect themselves. She goes to visit other AIDS patients to support them and cheer them up.6. She knows that all these facts can’t be changed. Her mother died too early to let her know more about her. What a pity it is that she has gone and that her and her father are both infected with HIV.7. She knows she can’t live that long. Otherwise, she would be a doctor to cure people of this disease—AIDS.8. Other peop le’s fear of the disease. Many people are afraid of any contact with AIDS patients for the fear of being infected.9. She suggests that people should not be afraid and give AIDS patients more care, even a hug. People should not let the AIDS patients feel lonely.10. This shows that Xiaohua is optimistic towards life despite her disease.Step 5 ListeningPlay the tape for the Ss to listen to.Step 6 ConsolidationRead aloud the text and prepare for retelling.Step 7 RetellingGet one student to retell the story of Xiaohua with the help of the following words: infected…mother…feeling … treatment … attitude … other people …One possible version:Xiaohua, a lovely Chinese girl, got infected with HIV through birth. Her mother contracted HIV at the age of 28 and died when Xiaohua was only 3 years old. Xiaohua felt sad about her disease and her mother’s death, but as she grows older, shedecided not to let that discourage her. Instead, she spends much of her time helping other people protect themselves and cheering up other AIDS patients. She also calls on the whole society to show more care, support and love to AIDS patients instead of being afraid of them. She says she’ll try to make her life beautiful. I believe she can and she will.Step 8 HomeworkRead the text again and mark out your difficulties in the text.。

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人教修订版高二英语上Unit 7 Living with diseaseReading教案Born DyingType of lesson: ReadingTeaching goals:1. Enable the Ss to learn more about AIDS and people’s attitudes towards AIDS.2. Develop the Ss’ ability of reading as well as listening, speaking and writing. Teaching approaches:1. Communicative Approach2. Task-based learning3. Learner-centeredness; learning-centerednessTeaching aids: 1. a tape-recorder; 2. a computerTeaching difficulties:1. The understanding of the following expressions: break down, contract, available; discourage; cheer sb. up; develop AIDS, etc.2. The understanding of the following sentences:a. I wish I could remember more about my mum. I wish she were here with me and that we weren’t sick.b. If I were to live long enough to have a job, I would choose to be a doctor.c. “My life may have to be short,” she says, “but there’s no reason why it can’t be beautiful.”Teaching focus: The understanding of the whole text.Teaching procedures:Step 1 RevisionCheck the homework.Step 2 Warming upIf you are to interview a person living with HIV, what questions will you ask? Now let’s prepare some.Student A: I would like to ask the following questions:1. When did you get infected (with HIV)?2. And how? Are you afraid?3. What treatment are you receiving now?Student B: My questions are:1. When did you know that you are infected?2. How did you feel at first?3. What is your attitude towards it now?4. What about your family? And your friends? Your classmates or your neighbors?Teacher: What good questions you’ve prepared. If you were to do such a job, you would both do it well. Thank you.Step 3 Fast readingTeacher: Today we are going to read about a 12-year-old girl named Xiaohua, who has been infected with HIV. How did she get infected? Is she afraid? What treatment is she receiving? What is her attitude towards it? What are other people’s attitudes? The text will tell you all.Now read it quickly and find out the answers to these questions.Questions and answersT: How did she get infected?Student C: Through birth.T: Right, thank you. Now the next one—Is she afraid?Student D: She might have been afraid at first, but not now.T: Right. How did you know that?Student D: From these sentences: 1. …but she does not let that knowledge discourage her. Instead, …2. …but she will not let the disease destroy her happiness.Teacher: I agree. Thank you. Sit down, please. Now, Student E, is she receiving much treatment?Student E: Yes.T: How do you know that?Student E: er, er …Teacher: I’m afraid I don’t agree with you. Perhaps she is receiving some treatment, but not much. Do you agree with me, Student F?Student F: Yes.Teacher: Why?Student F: From these sentences: For children like Xiaohua there is little hope. The drugs that are available are much too expensive.T: Well done! Thank you two. Sit down, please. What are other people’s attitudes towards her, student G?Student G: Most people don’t know much about AIDS and are afraid of any contract with Xiaohua. This adds to her sufferings.T: You did a good job. Thank you.Step 4 Careful readingNow, you’ll have more time to read the text again. This time—slowly and carefully. You are to get the main idea of each paragraph and more details. Remember?Task 1 The main idea of each paragraphPara 1 A brief introductionPara 2 A general introduction to AIDSPara 3 How HIV spreadsPara 4 Thousands of children become infected with HIV every day.Para 5 There is little hope for Xiaohua, but she leads an active life and tries her best to help others.Para 6 Other people’s attitudes towards AIDS patientsPara 7 Xiaohua’s attitude towards her disease and life(Use the computer to present the answers to the students one by one.)Task 2 Questions and answersQuestions:1. What kind of disease is AIDS?2. How do people get AIDS?3. How many children became infected with AIDS in 2002 alone?4. Does Xiaohua know that she will die? Does that discourage her?5. What does she spend much of her time doing?6. What does Xiaohua mean by saying “I wish I could remember more about my mum. I wish she were here with me and that we weren’t sick.”7. What does she mean by “If I were to live long enough to have a job, I would choose to be a doctor.”8. What do you think makes AIDS patients suffer most?9. What advice does Xiaohua give to other people?10. What does Xiaohua mean by “My life may have to be short, but there’s no reason why it can’t be beautiful.”?Answers:1. It is a disease that breaks down the body’s immune system and leaves a person defenceless against infection and illnesses.2. People may get AIDS by having unprotected sex, by receiving infected blood transfusions or through birth.3. 3.2 million.4. Yes, but she doesn’t let that discourage her.5. She spends much of her limited time telling others about her disease and encouraging people to learn how to protect themselves. She goes to visit other AIDS patients to support them and cheer them up.6. She knows that all these facts can’t be changed. Her mother died too early to let her know more about her. What a pity it is that she has gone and that her and her father are both infected with HIV.7. She knows she can’t live that long. Otherwise, she would be a doctor to cure people of this disease—AIDS.8. Other peop le’s fear of the disease. Many people are afraid of any contact with AIDS patients for the fear of being infected.9. She suggests that people should not be afraid and give AIDS patients more care, even a hug. People should not let the AIDS patients feel lonely.10. This shows that Xiaohua is optimistic towards life despite her disease.Step 5 ListeningPlay the tape for the Ss to listen to.Step 6 ConsolidationRead aloud the text and prepare for retelling.Step 7 RetellingGet one student to retell the story of Xiaohua with the help of the following words: infected…mother…feeling … treatment … attitude … other people …One possible version:Xiaohua, a lovely Chinese girl, got infected with HIV through birth. Her mother contracted HIV at the age of 28 and died when Xiaohua was only 3 years old. Xiaohua felt sad about her disease and her mother’s death, but as she growsolder, she decided not to let that discourage her. Instead, she spends much of her time helping other people protect themselves and cheering up other AIDS patients. She also calls on the whole society to show more care, support and love to AIDS patients instead of being afraid of them. She says she’ll try to make her life beautiful. I believe she can and she will.Step 8 HomeworkRead the text again and mark out your difficulties in the text.。
